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M2 W3 Readings and Discussions English 10

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Now that you have knew already and been familiar with the different social issues in the

society, prepare yourself for the next subtopic about persuasion. Persuasion was already been
discussed in the previous quarter. All we have to do now is to recall and apply what we have
learned before.

The Art of Persuasion: Techniques in Writing a Persuasive Speech and Advocacy

Campaign Speech

A. Readings/Discussions  Persuasion is a skill that is being used in our day to day communication. With the
proper use of persuasive techniques, it might open the way to express and resolve
 A Persuasive Speech is a specific type of speech in which the speaker has a goal of
Aside from the previous text being presented “The Hands of the Blacks” do you know convincing the audience to accept his or her point of view. The speech is arranged in
other literatures which highlight social issues and conflicts? If so, what certain story or such a way as to hopefully cause the audience to accept all or part of the expressed
literature is it? view. Though the overarching goal of a persuasive speech is to convince the audience
to accept a perspective, not all audiences can be convinced by a single speech and not
SPEECH: AN EFFECTIVE INSTRUMENT TO RESOLVE SOCIAL CONFLICT all perspectives can persuade the audience. The success of a persuasive speech is
often measured by the audience’s willingness to consider the speaker’s argument.
The Voice Within in “I Have a Dream”
Racial discrimination has been a major issue in the United States since the colonial era and  Delivering a speech in front of an audience is not easy. But, public speaking matters a
the slavery period. The Speech “I Have a Dream” delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. at the lot in expressing thoughts and ideas, and in persuading others.
Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC on August 28, 1963 represents the voice of the victims
of racial injustice in the whole world. Since we already discussed this one, you may open  I Have a Dream is one of the great persuasive speeches because of the techniques
your saved files for you to recall what has been presented and mentioned in the speech. You used by the writer in persuading the audience. This is also the reason why the speech
may also click the link for another source. at some point is an effective means to resolve social conflicts.
Now, after reading/recalling and listening the said speech, what social/societal issue had been
mentioned? Did you fully grasp the information presented? For you to fully grasp and Aristotle's "modes for persuasion" - otherwise known as rhetorical appeals - are known by the
understand the given information, you may use the paraphrasing strategy below: names of ethos, logos and pathos. They are means of persuading others to believe a particular
point of view. They are often used in speech writing and advertising to sway the audience.
Try to paraphrase the given speech using the following strategy: RAP STRATEGY
R – Read the paragraph. 1. ETHOS
A – Ask yourself about the following question: What were the main ideas and details in this  Ethos (sometimes called an appeal to ethics), then, is used as a means of convincing
paragraph? an audience via the authority or credibility of the persuader, be it a notable or
P - Put the main idea and details of your own words. experienced figure in the field or even a popular celebrity.
 Ethos appeals to the audience by asking them to trust the person making the
Based from the speech of Martin Luther king Jr ., do you think speech is an effective argument.
instrument to resolve social conflict? Why? Examples of Ethos can be shown in your speech or writing by sounding fair and
demonstrating your expertise or pedigree:
 "As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will likely
generate the best results." You had learned from your Grade 9 English Class that drama/play can be an instrument to
 "My three decades of experience in public service, my tireless commitment to the show the realities that are happening in our society – social conflict. At this point, you are
people of this community, and my willingness to reach across the aisle and cooperate going to read another literature: play written by a Filipino writer “ALBERTO S.
with the opposition, make me the ideal candidate for your mayor." FLORENTINO”. Upon reading the summary of the play, find out how this play reveals the
 "If my years as a Marine taught me anything, it's that caution is the best policy in this social conflict in the Philippines. To know more about the playwright, click the link
sort of situation."

2. PATHOS Another Selection

 Pathos (appeal to emotion) is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by
creating an emotional response to an impassioned plea or a convincing story. OLI IMPAN (Summary)
 Pathos appeals to the audience’s emotions asking them to believe they care.
Examples of Pathos can be seen in language that draws out feelings such as pity or anger in By Alberto S. Florentino
an audience:
The story started in a place where they called it “Casbah”
 "If we don't move soon, we're all going to die! Can't you see how dangerous it would where squatters live. It was 5 days before the Christmas of
be to stay?" 1958 when the squatters was forced to live the area. There was
 "I'm not just invested in this community - I love every building, every business, and a stone wall, above the stone wall sits a five year-old girl. A
every hard-working member of this town." six-year old boy appeared walking backward, away from his
 "There's no price that can be placed on peace of mind. Our advanced security systems mother. Then the boy started playing with his toy, empty milk
will protect the well-being of your family so that you can sleep soundly at night." can with a string attached to it. The girl asked if there is a fire because she can see the others
putting their household materials out. But, there was no fire. The government wanted them to
get out of their property. But, the girl said, it’s their property, because they’ve always been
there. The boy said that, they have always been there, but it doesn’t mean it belongs to them.
The girl has nowhere to stay, but the boy said that they have some place to stay because of his
 Logos (appeal to logic) is a way of persuading an audience with reason, using facts
mother have a job. His mother’s job is reading the hands, but only men. Later, the girl sees
and figures.
something is happening, but can’t determine what it is. The boy stood up the stone wall and
Using Logos as an appeal means reasoning with your audience, providing them with facts and
can see what’s happening. The men with hammer are destroying the area. There are
statistics, or making historical and literal analogies:
policemen everywhere. There was a man who tried to stop the men with hammers, but failed
and stopped by the police, and put him inside the police car. The man who tried to stop the
 "The data is perfectly clear: this investment has consistently turned a profit year- men with hammers is the girl’s father. The girl cried. The boy made him stop by inviting her
over-year, even in spite of market declines in other areas." to sing a son.
 "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury: we have not only the fingerprints, the lack of an
alibi, a clear motive, and an expressed desire to commit the robbery… We also have Saylenay…
video of the suspect breaking in. The case could not be more open and shut." Olinay…
Go back to the speech of Martin Luther King Jr., “I Have a Dream.” With his speech, Ranyonberginmaderenchayle…
he masterfully uses Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in his rhetoric to provide proof to all Oli impansotenderenmayle…
Americans that racism and segregation is not the intended foundation of America. Slipinebenlipis…
The girl was amazed and asked where he learned it, and what’s the meaning of it. He learned
it from his mother. The meaning is about God. But the girl doesn’t know the word God. The
boy explained that God was born in a place for horse. The girl was curios why he lived there.
The boy said that it’s because he had nowhere to stay. The girl wanted the boy to repeat the
song. Then, the girl sing after him.

The characters in the play “Oli Impan” or any other story are very important. They
give life to the story or to the play.
Based from the play “Oli Impan by Alberto S. Florentino ., do you think play is an effective
instrument to resolve social conflict? Why?

After knowing some of the literatures which highlight the societal issues, now let us use your
knowledge in creating an Advocacy Campaign.


Advocacy is a process of supporting and enabling people to: express one’s views and
concerns assess and information and services, defends and promotes one’s rights and
responsibilities. Advocacy campaign is needed to persuade other to do make an action for.

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