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LO8 2: To explore various approaches to create an effective hook in preparation for our discursive writing. ’.

Linking Time (5 – 10 minutes)

Need to Meta Think? Starter: ( Notebook)
1. How does the speaker get their
You need to be able to do this for the lesson! audience attention?
2. How many techniques can you list that a
speaker would use to hook the
Why is it important to
have a strong opening in
a speech ? 3. What methods do you think would be
the best to hook the audience? Why?
Challenge: Can you create a strong hook for the play
‘ Macbeth’ or ‘Frankenstein’?
Super challenge: Can you add any two language devices in your sentences.

Success Criteria: To analyse what a 'hook' is and why is it used in discursive writing.
To evaluate a speech using the writer’s methods.
To formulate and justify my own informed, personal response using appropriate terminology.
Here are some topic examples for you to consider.
Today we are going to look at a speech focusing on prejudice and
‘AnimalTesting is justified.’ To
what extent do you
‘Recycling should be agree/disagree?
compulsory.’ To what extent do
you agree/disagree? ‘Money motivates people more than any
other factor in the workplace.’ To what
extent do you agree/disagree?

‘Socialmedia is putting too much pressure on

‘Humansare too dependent on computers.’ young people.’ To what extent do you
To what extent do you agree/disagree? agree/disagree?

Are fairy tales detrimental to

Prejudice and Education children’s ideology?

Task: Notebook Literacy toolkit:

Think of your own topic. What would you like the Prejudice-Idea or opinion formed before having
audience to remember/ take away from your speech? the evidence for its truth or usefulness.
The overall message...
Risky LearningClassroom
Listen to the key speech:
Let me tell you what the finest cocktail in the world is, fresh ambition blended with sweet, raw talent and a hint of opportunity.
Task- Pair work When childhood dreams are for-filled it feels like every moment of early life was worth it. The journey up to this point is one
with countless successes and failures: the journey called education.
Now, when I heard I was going to Africa, I was ecstatic. I imagined the holiday of a life time. Then I heard we were focusing on
1. Label the children’s rights. I was gutted.
And then, when we arrived in Africa, I’d never seen anything like it. The air was literally thinner over there. There was such
rhetorical devices purity and beauty, such a love of life.
One hundred children. You’ve got one hundred aims, one hundred ambitions and currently in Malawi only eight out of every
used by Duncan one hundred children makes the transition from primary to secondary education. That’s only eight doctors. It’s only eight
Harrison in his lawyers. It’s only eight careers.
Now I found a friend in Lilongwe called Lamson. He was sixteen years old, just two years older than me. In 2004, Lamson
speech on dropped out of school for two terms. He was barely ten years old and this was soon after his dad died. He was both grieving
Prejudice and and missing out on an education. So when he told me that he wanted to be a doctor when he was older, I mean I put on a front
of enthusiasm, but in the back of my mind I doubted that dream ever coming true because of the state of his education.
Education (you will And then I was invited to read his science exercise book. It was at this point when I confirmed what my attitude was towards
the whole situation. When I saw such vast knowledge on paper, I realised I was annoyed, I was angry. I was infuriated at the
find the transcript fact that such intellect, such talent, was being halted so early on. And at that point I realised what Lamson had done for me,
in the Word he’d educated me. He, like so many others in Malawi had taught me that in the deepest midst of hardship hope can be found.
But at this point it seems right to question, what is a right? What is a privilege? Where do we slice the line of luxury? And who
Document slices it?
With ninety-three million children denied the right to primary education globally, we can’t put this one aside. America, the land
attached). of the free. The UK or Great Britain. Malawi, the warm heart of Africa. But in the future whose job will it be to keep the land
free? Whose job will it be to keep Britain great? Whose job will it be to keep the heart warm? The children.
So, come on, let’s educate our own futures. Thank you.
Literacy toolkit:
Challenge: Comment on how effective is the use of ‘rhetorical Futuristic- having or involving very modern
device’. technology or design.
Super challenge: How does the quotation challenge certain Compelling- evoking interest, attention.
Risky Learning
1.How does he open his speech?
Analysing Speeches – Prejudice and Education
2. Describe what you notice in
his body language?

3. How does his use of

rhetorical devices reflect his
thoughts/feelings towards his

4. Do you think this is an

effective speech? Explain your

Challenge: consider the opening to a speech and the very first thing that you say to your audience. This is one of the most
important sections of your speech. Choose a topic and write an opening sentence to captivate your audience interest.
Realise what you have done previously (10-15 minutes)

Think back to the last lesson where you created a power point
presentation about a topic chosen by your GFS teachers.
Research Task :

Explore in detail about the topic you chose.

You can use your devices to explore the speech topic.
There is a research help sheet to guide you on the next slide.

2. Write a summary on this speech.

You must include:

1. Who is the speaker?
2. What is the main topic of the speech?
3. How does the speaker use language to persuade the audience to
think in a certain way?
4. What does the speakers facial expressions/body language tell
5. How is the speech structured effectively?
Research Tips
Sites to avoid:
➢ Read the sources carefully.
★ Wikipedia ➢ Take the ideas and use them to form your own
Unless you click on the citations at
opinion - how can you use this to support your
the bottom to find the bottom of the understanding and explore the topic in more detail?
page to find genuine sources. ➢ What ideas / points can you “steal” from your

Useful Sources

★ Online newspapers (Google ‘The

Guardian’/ ‘The Independent’)
★ Normal newspapers/ magazines
★ Essays
★ YouTube
Meta moment (5-10 minutes)

Based on the two speeches you have looked at so far and the one you researched ACP
yourselves, which speech did you find the most effective and why?


Self-regulation: The ability to monitor, evaluate and self-correct

Creative time - Independent research (Infographic)
Creative an INFOGRAPHIC all about Check

You may consider:

• A guide on how to creative an effective
• FIVE things you MUST include in a
• What makes Martin Luther King’s Check
speech effective?

You must take a full page from your book

to create the infographic. Priorities the
content/information first, then you can
add images, fonts, icons and colors!

Evolutionary and revolutionary thinking: The ability to create new ideas through building on existing ideas or diverting
from them

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