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The Pull and Push Marketing Strategy for Sustainable Ecotourism: The Study of

Ecotourism of Kabalong, Pekalongan Regency, Indonesia

MG Westri Kekalih Susilowati 1, Retno Yustini Wahyuningdyah,2
and Widuri Kurniasari 3
,Faculty of Economics and Business, Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang Indonesia
2,Faculty of Economics and Business, Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang Indonesia
,Faculty of Economics and Business, Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang Indonesia
Abstract— The tourism sector has a significant contribution to destinations around the world had implemented restrictions
the economy. It contributes to global Gross Domestic Product (Covid-19 Related Travel Restriction UNWTO, 2020).
(GDP), foreign exchange, and employment. Directly and Likewise, in Indonesia. The Covid-19 pandemic spawned
indirectly, it has an effect on the food industries, the Indonesian tourism industry experiencing a crisis. In
accommodation, and hospitality. According to The World
early 2020, the number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia
Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the tourism sector was
noted as the 9th highest growth sector in the world, or 3rd in decreased to 30.42 percent in February. Such conditions
Asia, and first in the Southeast Asia region in 2018. have an impact on foreign exchange earnings, tourism
Unfortunately, it is experiencing a decline because of COVID- supporting sectors, loss of livelihoods for residents around
19. The Covid-19 also spawned the Indonesian tourism tourist attractions, and job layoffs.
industry. Therefore, it needs to build a strategy to rise of Pekalongan Regency is one of the regencies in
tourism sector aftermath of the COVID-19. Pull and push Central Java Province that has tourist attractions in both
marketing strategy seems to be the best choice. Conducted the natural, cultural, and artificial tourism. From year to year, the
field research, this study explored the external and internal tourism sector has a contribution that tends to increase. Its
factors to travel to Kabalong. The result showed, there are
artificial, religion, natural, and historical tourism. The
growth rate is high relatively (7.40% in 2019). Therefore, the
internal factors that match consist recreation/relaxing, sports, tourism sector is expected to be one of the main engines of
culture/historical/Pilgrimage, and Summit. However, there economic growth. Revenue from the tourism sector reaches
are problems related to the development of the area, namely IDR 6 billion in 2019 (Dinporapar). The tourism potential
spirit and vision changes following changes in local leaders, and attractions spread over various villages, among others in
sectoral-ego in terms of concern with their village, and the Karanggondang, Limbangan, and Lolong (Kabalong)
weaknesses of tourism management, especially in promoting. villages in Karanganyar District. Those are Lolong
Adventure, Lolong Camping ground, La 'Ranch in
Limbangan village, and Ciblon in Karangangondang.
Keywords— Tourism sustainability; Community based Therefore, Kabalong is designated as a Regional Tourism
Tourism; marketing strategy; pull and push strategy; nature- Strategic Area. This area is expected to become a medium
based tourism; Conservation for community empowerment to advance the quality of life,
independence, and welfare of the community.
It is necessary to design an appropriate strategy so
I. INTRODUCTION that the tourism sector can immediately rise from its
The tourism sector has a significant contribution to the downturn aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowing
economy. It contributed 10.3 percent to global Gross what the company can offer and consumer motivation to
Domestic Product (GDP in 2019 and absorbed about 330 travel are very crucial in formulating a strategy. Things
million jobs worldwide. The foreign exchange from owned and sold are external factors in making behavioral
tourism tends to increase year to year, namely IDR11,206 decisions. Meanwhile, the consumer's motif is an internal
billion in 2016, IDR13,139 billion in 2017, and factor. Information about external factors as well as internal
IDR16,624 billion in 2018. The proportion of workers in factors is crucial in formulating an appropriate strategy. A
the tourism sector to the total workforce during the 2016 marketing strategy that utilizes external factors is called a
- 2019 period increased from 10.53 percent in 2017 to push marketing strategy. The policy that brings products to
11.83 percent in 2019. According to The World Travel & consumers is called a push marketing strategy. The uses
Tourism Council (WTTC), the tourism sector was noted information on consumer needs by creating conditions that
as the 9th highest growth sector in the world, or 3rd in satisfy known as a pull marketing strategy. This strategy tries
Asia, and first in the Southeast Asia region in 2018. The to attract consumers to come. Companies can apply the Push
ranking of Indonesia's tourism competitiveness index in marketing strategy only, the pull marketing strategy only, or
the world rose from 42 in 2017 to 40 in 2019 from 140 simultaneously.
countries in 2019 (, 2020).
Therefore, the Ministry of Tourism launched various II. LITERATURE REVIEW
programs to accelerate Indonesia's tourism sector A. Sustainable Ecotourism
The tourism sector is experiencing a declining Sustainability development consists of 4 principles.
trend because of pandemic covid 19. Critical issues that Those are economically feasible, environmentally viable,
arise, such as how to adjust destinations and identifying the socially acceptable, and technologically
most effective ways to recover. Unprecedented global travel appropriate. Economically, sustainability development can
restrictions and stay-at-home orders are causing the most ensure the production of goods and services of a business.
severe disruption of the global economy since World War Environmentally, the environment is a resource that must be
II (Stefan Gössling, Daniel Scott & C. Michael Hall, 2021). maintained. Reduce non-renewable sources usage, protect
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused restrictions on the environmental ecosystem used to maintain a sustainable
travel/tourism activities globally. UNWTO stated that by supply of resources to produce products and services useful
April 2020, an estimated 96 percent of 209 tourist for humans. Socially, sustainability development strives for
fairness in existing resource usage, social security such as well as your market, a marketer can develop the right
health, education, accountability, and participation that strategies.
supports community welfare. The definition of appropriate Two forms of marketing strategy that integrate the
technology refers to the kind of technology designed for a inside and outside elements are push marketing and pull
particular community that is in accordance with the marketing. A Push marketing strategy is a type of marketing
environmental, ethnic, cultural, social, political, and that pushes the company out to the world, the product to the
economic aspects of the local community. Appropriate consumers. It tries to sell directly to the consumer, bypassing
technology is also defined as simple technology but can be other distribution channels (Grundström, 2015; Chadee &
used to achieve determined goals effectively in a particular Mattsson ,1996; Cavusgil & Zou, 2013). The promotional
place. Ecotourism is tourism that utilized natural resources mix of push strategies consists of sales promotions to
to provides benefits to the community, both economically encourage consumers to purchase, direct selling to
and non-economically. It doesn't abandon efforts to keep customers in showrooms or face to face, billboard, radio/TV
and manage resources, culture, and society. The commercial, brochures, packaging design to encourage
development of an integrated tourism sector is very crucial. purchase, and product displays. A pull strategy is a
Therefore, there needs a tourism development roadmap that marketing strategy that involves motivating customers to
matches the general policy direction of regional find out product in an active process. Its' also known as
development (Joelyartini, Siti Tri, 2016). It is because the inbound marketing, concerning making the product or
development of the tourism sector has proven to support the service visible to prospects, so consumers realize they have
regional-economy (Haryanto, Joko T, 2014, Hapsari, an interest or need for a product or service and search for it.
Pradnya Paramita, et al, 2014, Puspitaningrum, Merynda, The promotional mix tools to implement a pull strategy are
2015). advertising and mass media promotion, Word of mouth
communication, customer relationship management, sales
B. Management Tourism promotions, and discounts.
According to Ismayanti in Pranata (2012), there are
many types of tourism like Culinary, Sports, Commercial, III. METHOD
Maritime, Industrial Tourism, Honeymoon, and Nature Based on interviews and observation, case studies can
Reserve. Meanwhile, Salah Wahab (1992) classifies the provide detailed information on specific factors. To achieve
types of tourism according to categories, namely the research objectives, descriptive qualitative, using research
number of people traveling (Individual Tourism, Group), qualitative inductive were used. The sample determined by
the purpose of traveling (Recreation/Leisure), Cultural, purposive sampling by selecting were persons who
Healthy Recovery, Sports, Talk to Talk, transportation considered competent and know very well the conditions of
(land, water, air transport), geographic (Regional, tourism destinations. The primary used as the core data, it's
Domestic, International) and by age (Youth, Adults), collected through focus group discussions, interviews, and
gender, price, and social status. The tourism industry is an observations. A total of 30 key stakeholders interviewed
industry that is different from others. This industry involves using semi-structured interviews. External and internal
complex and unique elements that are related to others factors to visit Kabalaong ecotourism are the main object of
(Holden, 2000). A tourism destination has to be supported this study. External factors refer to extrinsic factors that
by four components of tourism known as 4As. It used to appear by the destinations' attractiveness (Kassean and
meet the needs of travelers. It's called 4As since those have Gassita, 2013). There are three groups of pull factors:
the 'A' initials, namely attraction, accessibility, amenities, facilities, core attractions, and landscape features. This study
and ancillary. Attractions are unique that attracts tourists to used a descriptive analysis approach to describe the
visit. Attractions in tourism destinations can be in the form destinations' attractiveness that becomes external factors in
of natural resources, cultural and artificial tourism. deciding to travel. Meanwhile, internal factors refer to
Amenities are related to various facilities and infrastructure intrinsic or socio-psychological factors that drive people to
such as lodging, restaurants, places of worship, and travel travel. There are four classifications: physical, cultural,
agents. Accessibility is transferability or the ease of moving interpersonal, status, and prestige. Hartley and Harrison
from one area to another. Meanwhile, Ancillary is other (2009) stated that there are six crucial push factors. Those
supporting matters, such as management agencies, Tourist six factors are self-esteem, relaxation, social interaction,
Information, Travel Agents, and stakeholders who have a self-actualization, excitement, and entertainment. Seebaluck
direct role in tourism. et al. (2015) found that exotic and tropical geographic
locations are the push factors in choosing destinations,
C. Pull and Push Strategy especially for a wedding occasion.
A marketer must be creative in formulating a
marketing strategy to influence the consumer to purchase
their products. The marketing strategy aims to create value-
added for their product compared to the competitors (Mihalj IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Bakator, June 2016). The business communication must be A. Socio-demographic
precise and intentional with their approach. Xavier Font & In the 2005-2025 Long-Term Regional
Scott McCabe (2017), sustainability marketing can use Development Plan stipulated according to Pekalongan
marketing skills and techniques to meet the needs by Regency Regional Regulation Number 20 of 2010, the
understanding market needs, designing more sustainable Regional Development Vision for Pekalongan Regency
products, and identifying more persuasive communication 2005-2025 is Pekalongan Regency that developed, Just and
methods to bring behavioral change. For realizing Prosperous. A developed society is a society that meets the
sustainable indigenous development, the capacity of conditions of high human resource capacity, adequate
tourism is the right tool (Anna Carr, Lisa Ruhanen & economic capacity, professional regional governance, as
Michelle Whitford ,2016). By considering customers, as
well as public participation, and regional independence. Just object usually have a pilgrimage purpose and "grab
means a society with justice, in where people have the right blessings" by praying at the grave. They also have a
to both implement and enjoy the results of development. historical attractiveness, the spread of Islam in the
They have the same right to get a job and improve living Pekalongan Regency/district, Sheikh Abu Bakar Bin Toha
standards, public services, education, and health, exercise Bin Yahya preached to various regions from India, Malaysia,
their political rights, protection, equality in law, and no Pasai, and South Kalimantan after receiving religious
discrimination. Meanwhile, a prosperous society means knowledge from his father. Then, he stayed in Mataram
people who have purchasing power. They can meet their (around Jogjakarta) before finally settled in Pekalongan,
daily needs, both economic and non-economic needs. There Karanganyar sub-district, Kayugeritan Village. While
are eight missions to realize the Regional Development staying in Mataram, Sheikh Abu Bakar Bin Toha Yahya was
Vision for Pekalongan Regency for 2005-2025. Currently, instrumentally overcoming conflicts during the Sultanate of
Pekalongan Regency is already in the Fifth Year of the long- Amangkurat I period. For his dedication, he received the
Term Regional Development Plan (2020 - 2025). peerage Panembahan Tejo Jati Kusumo. Among of his
There are factors having a significant influence on the services was determining the boundary between the
success of a regional development or development plan. Jogjakarta Palace and the Kertosuro Palace.
Some of them referred to include physical, socio-historical, Kulu Asri and Tirta Alam Swimming Pool. Kulu Asri
infrastructure conditions. The results of this analysis are the Swimming Pool provides a unique swimming-pool, for
boundaries of the economic development area. Regarding children or adults. The fresh-fishes and fish-based culinary
the physical character, socio-historical, infrastructure, and are part of its attractiveness. Located in Kulu, it has a very
several other related matters in the Pekalongan Regency spacious parking area for cars and motorbikes. There are
area, the whole is relatively the same. Pekalongan Regency fantastic huts where visitors can enjoy culinarily. The Tirta
can be said to be relatively homogeneous in its community Alam Swimming Pool offers the appeal of swimming pools,
activities. As an area located in Pekalongan Regency, the freshwater fishing, and culinary tours. This destination also
Karangannyar sub-district has the same social and has natural beauty along the trip to the area, namely a river
economic problems as other sub-districts in Pekalongan with a rushing stream, but clean. The Tirta Alam Swimming
Regency. According to the Law of territory no. 26 of 2007 Pool is in Karanggondang village.
is a space that is a geographical unit and all related elements La ranch. La Ranch is an artificial tourism object with
whose boundaries and systems are determined based on a horse racetrack and archery as the main attractions.
administrative and or functional aspects. Several factors that Because this is the only ranch in Pemalang, Batang, and
influence the homogeneity of an area include natural factors Pekalongan, this destination potentially developed b.
and social factors. Natural-factors consist of land capability Besides horse racetrack and archery, there're culinary,
class, climate, and topography. Social factors include Gallery, and many photos spot too. La Ranch is also known
education level, economic, and culture. Starting from this, as Cowboy Village. This object developed as an educational
Karangannyar District can be said to be homogeneous, both tour, and so it's also suitable for early childhood to develop
physically, based on economic and socio-cultural criteria. their soft and hard motoric skill. The soft-motoric
Physically, in all Karangannyar Subdistricts, there are no development media are rabbits, touchable fur, and sheep.
differences in climate, rainfall, topography, and land use, Meanwhile, for hard motoric skills, there are horses, archery,
most of which are non-agricultural land. The people of the and dexterity games. This object launched on 18 October
Karangannyar sub-district mostly work in the 2019.
manufacturing sector. The activities that homogenous also
reflected on the social aspect such as language (Javanese b) Nature Tourism (Lolong Adventure) and Arch Bridge.
and Bahasa), religion, and most of the population is Sengkarang River. Sengkarang River Nature Tourism
Javanese and is in urban areas with the same culture. Area (Lolong Adventure) offers several natural attractions
such as beautiful natural landscapes and fresh air. The main
B. External and Internal factors to Travel to Kabalong strength of Lolong Adventure is the Sengkarang River that
B.1. External Factors. has quite a heavy water flow that challenges visitors for
a) Artificial Tourism. rafting. The flat riverbank is suitable for camping and soft
According to a 2005 Gallup survey, around three out outbound activities. The beautiful scenery surrounding the
of four Americans believe in paranormal phenomena, which river with its shady trees makes the atmosphere fresh and
are closely aligned to New Age beliefs, and indicates a natural, photo spots around the edges of the river that's
unique and potentially untapped market segment (Poulston Instagram able. The durian forest in the Sengkarang river
& Pernecky, 2017). The Religious Tourism of Habib area, besides providing beautiful scenery, also soothes the
Abdurrahman's and Syekh Abu Bakar Bin Toha BinYahya's eyes with its green color. For those who are afraid of rafting,
Tomb. According to the Tourism Master Plan of the there is Wisnu River that may develop for tubing.
Pekalongan Regency, there are two types of religious Ciblon. Karanggondang Village has nature tourism
tourism in Karangannyar, namely Habib Abdurrahman's that already developed as water tourism named "Ciblon"
Tomb located in Lolong, Syekh Abu Bakar Bin Toha Bin (ciblon means bathing). "Ciblon" was built by utilizing a
Yahya's Tomb located in Kayugeritan Village. Meanwhile, clear river water flow that never dries all year round. Tourists
the artificial tourism/recreation consists of the Kulu Asri (mostly children around the area) play games along the river.
Swimming Pool, Tirta Alam Swimming Pool, and Horse Ciblon is the favorite destination for residents of Pekalongan
Race of Limbangan. The religious-tourism of Habib regency and its surroundings. It is managed by the local
Abdurrahman's grave has a historical attraction, namely the community using village and BUMDes funds.
spread of Islam in the Pekalongan Regency/district. As
religious-tourism, the main attraction of the object is its c) Historical Tourism
strong spiritual nuances of Islam. Visitors to this tourism Lengkung (Arch) Bridge. One of the historical tourism
objects in the Kabalong area is a heritage conservation
building dating back to the Dutch era, namely the Lengkung accessibility, infrastructure conditions, and strategic
(Arch) bridge. This bridge is integrated with the Singkarang locations, types of distribution and transportation channels is
River tour. In addition to its historical appeal, the Arch in quadrant IV (low interest and high performance). Tourism
bridge is a very Instagram able photo spot. supporting facilities such as toilets, prayer rooms, ATMs,
communications, guides, souvenirs, parking lots and
d) Others culinary arteries are in quadrant III (low importance and
In the area of Kabalong, there is a very famous event performance).
that is always eagerly awaited by lovers of durian, namely
the Durian Festival. This event held regularly every year,
adjusting to the durian harvest season. The venue for the
durian festival is alternating between Karanggondang,
Limbangan, and Lolong.

B.2. Internal Factors

Based on its purpose, there are several motives or
internal drives for traveling. Those are recreation or
relaxing, cultural, healing, sports, pilgrimage, and summit.
Recreation traveling means that the purpose of traveling is
to refresh their physical and mental, overcome the
boredom/fatigue of their routine activities purpose. Cultural Figure 1. The Cartesian Diagram of Marketing Mix
traveling is when the traveling's objective is to enrich
information or knowledge about other regions/countries that Source: Primary data.
Notes: 1. Product; 2. Price; 3. Place; 4 Promotion; 5. Other Facilities
may have different from hers/his. Healing, which is when
someone is to meet medical care. Sports is when the purpose Unlike the SWOT analysis, SOAR analysis uses the
of the tour is a sports hobby. Pilgrimage is traveling that approach of appreciative inquiry (AI) (Deveau, 2015;
relate to the history, customs, and beliefs of the local Khavarian-Garmsir et al., 2017; Zarestky & Cole, 2017).
community. Mostly, pilgrimage-traveling does by groups The aim is to achieve the targets set by the company by
rather than individuals. People travel to the holy places, focusing on positive things that can be developed rather than
graves of people who are considered powerful or holy, thinking about internal weaknesses or perceived threats that
burials of famous figures, sacred hills and mountains full of might not occur. Thus, a company can optimally utilize its
legends, and so on. The last is the summit. The summit potential. Internal factors focus on strengths, and external
means which includes a scientific meeting, profession, and factors focus on opportunities to grow and develop. In the
politics. Considering the character of tourism objects in SOAR analysis approach, a set of actions that use strengths
such a way, it seems that various tourism objects of and opportunities is designed, exploring the aspirations of
Kabalong can fulfill many motives. The river of how to achieve the company's goals using existing potential
Sengkarang, by its heavy waterflood, meets the needs of (utilizing the available strengths and opportunities), and
sports tourism with rafting activities. The beautiful scenery describes the results that may be achieved and measured
and cool-air surrounding fulfill the need for relaxation. The From the SOAR identification, it is known that they
availability of graves of Habib Abdurrahman Bin Toha and have strength in the aspect of production because the goods
Sheikh Abu Bakar Bin Yahya satisfy cultural tours and produced by the MSMEs tend to be based on the local
pilgrimages. potential. Durian fruit which is the main product of the
agricultural has been famous for its delicious taste.
C. The Important Performance and SOAR Analysis Pekalongan Regency is the only Regency in Central Java that
The Important Performance Analysis of the marketing has a durian forest. Durian-based food development is also
mix was used to determine policy priorities. The Cartesian supported by annually “Durian festival”. The Focus Group
diagram in figure 1 shows that basically all elements of the Discussions also identified the presence of various products
marketing mix and facilities are considered important. This around the Kabalong such as coffee, palm sugar, rambutan,
is shown by the position of all elements in the diagram whith bananas, and wedang juruh (drinks with coconut milk and
a level of importance over 4 of the maximum score of 5. coconut/palm sugar). The development of processed foods
However, the promotional marketing mix is the most can be a step that utilizes the power of this aspect of
important marketing mix element, followed by products, production. They also have strength in the human resources
prices, places/distribution, and other supporting facilities aspect, namely strong motivation to become entrepreneurs
relatively. Concerning the performance, all marketing mix and the basis of management knowledge. The training held
is considered to have a good performance, but relatively it by the Cooperative and MSMEs institutions of Pekalongan
can be ranged from the best to the worst: Place, Product, Regency gave to them. Some previous researches show that
promotion, price and other supporting facilities strong motivation and management knowledge have a
Marketing mix and price promotion are in quadrant II positive impact to the business success (Susilowati,
(high importance and low performance). Price mix Rahutami, & Winarno, 2015; Syarifah & Fauziyah, 2017).
including the indicators of price affordability, price The opportunities for MSME development are
compatibility with quality, price conformity with indirect. It is derived from the opportunity of tourism
competitiveness services, discounts and payment methods activities. The development of tourism activities led to the
is in quadrant 2. Promotion mix includes publications, emergence of new economic activities. In other words,
exhibitions, advertisements, Web design, social media MSME will grow along with the development of tourist
networks, signposts, billboards, sales force, and direct destinations. However, the existence of MSMEs around the
marketing. Place mix (accessibility) including the area also have a positive impact on the development of
tourist destinations and adds the attraction. There is a and direct marketing perceived not importance and less
positive causal relationship between the development of performance. The internet has drastically changed the way
tourism and MSMEs in the vicinity. businesses build and promote their brands as more and more
Aspiration is an initial stage of innovation. In consumers are engaging with brands online before making a
exploring aspirations, participants who joined the purchase. However, it also has some weaknesses. The
discussion were invited to imagine an ideal tourism presence of a signboard seems a very simple thing. However,
destination and find ideas to realize that ideal by it is considered very important, but precisely this thing has a
considering their strengths and opportunities. Considering poor performance. Talking about how to reach consumers, it
the details of these aspirations, there are two important is crucial to understand the product. The company must
things that can be formulated to enhance the ecotourism of develop and offer something that matches the needs of
in Kabalong i.e. strengthening MSMEs institution and consumers. It becomes the base of a marketing strategy. The
optimizing the use of local potential. pull and push marketing strategy seem to be an option. It
The results are tangible and measurable ones that means a company may apply whether a pull or push strategy
reflect the level of achievement of goals and aspirations. solely, even though it has no mutually exclusive relation.
The ultimate target desired is progressing and developing Push strategies focus on promoting the product relevant to
tourism destination. The results shows ecotourism of the consumers using many channels such as WhatsApp,
Kabalong tourism will develop and have a positive impact Instagram, Facebook, Google AdWords, and other media.
on social-economy of the society if there is an icon that The Pull strategy is a strategy that creates a demand for
makes it easy to recognize Kabalong; product products or services. Which strategy the firm chooses will
specializations and uniqueness. The increasing number of have to be in line with their goals. Pull and push marketing
tourists will increase the employment and MSMEs' assets strategies differ in the way of approaching the consumers.
(Khavarian-Garmsir & Zare, 2015). The pull strategy is the most efficient to promote the
Furthermore, based on the results of the IPA, the products. A pull strategy is about creating a need and get the
promotion and price mixes must be prioritized to improve. consumers to come. That’s why it is called ‘’pull’’. Pull
Overall, the marketing mix performance of the MSMEs strategy creates consumer loyalty in the long term, while
supporting tourism in Kabalong area has had a good push marketing is more short-term.
performance. However, if it is not accompanied by good Experts say that the internal motivation to behave
promotion, MSMEs will not reach optimal results. The or not behave is related to social capital in the community or
promotional mix which was identified as important but group reference. The character of the group reference in the
having low performance is a signpost. Field observations network influence individuals to work in collaboration.
show that the signposts for the Kabalong tourism area are Social capital is the connection between individuals - social
very limited, both in terms of number and information networks and the norms of reciprocity and trust that arise
destinations. The existence of a signpost is very simple, but from them (Putnam, 2000), which is form by habits in
it plays a very important role as a part of the promotion mix. expected social relationships (Lin, 1999). Individuals tend to
Therefore, the addition of signposts with an "eye-catching" build relationships with others based on the expected-
design needs to be prioritized. The promotion mix of outcomes of the behaviors (Rose & Kim, 2011). Social
publications, exhibitions and use of social media networks capital becomes a strength to improve the community's
tends to be perceived as important and has good social-economy (Falk & Kilpatrick, 2000; Knack & Keefer,
performance, so the promotion mix is sufficiently 1997). The close social-network is more likely to drive the
maintained and optimizes the utilization of IT (Aryanto et individual to help each other and increases one's internal
al., 2018; Hermana, 2006; Subiyanto, 2015). motivation. The observations show that the community of
the area of Kabalong has characteristics that indicate a
vigorous social capital. In rural communities, people have a
D. Discussion well-built kinship and highly caring between them. Local
This research identified that the ecotourism of wisdom in the form of obedience and admiration to
Kabalong is the potential to develop because it has much community leaders who become role models (religious
attractiveness. It has strength in endowment factors such as leaders and leaders) is a social capital that can ease the
landscape, fresh air, a river for rafting, human resources, implementation of local government policies, including
and externally supported by government support. There are conditioning the area according to its designation. Perceived
various kinds of attractive tourist objects to visit, such as benefits that have a more significant effect on tourism
Lolong adventure (rafting activity), camping ground, soft sustainability than on residents' support also crucial to be
outbound places, religious and historical tourism, and recognized that p (López et al., 2018).
artificial tourism. Durian, an agricultural product that has Considering its potentials, internal and external
been famous for its delicious taste. Pekalongan Regency is factors, and the problems that still exist, the ecotourism of
the only Regency in Central Java that has durian forests. Kabalog needs to be intensively-promoted. Thus, Kabalong
Still, regarding the strength, the results of the discussion will be more widely known. The push marketing strategies
group focus also identified the presence of various products that appropriate to be applied are setting up signboards,
around the Kabalong tourist area, such as coffee, palm optimizing social-media usage, and billboards. The tourism
sugar, rambutans, banana, and wedang juruh (a unique service providers could implement those promotional-mixed
Central Javanese drink with coconut milk and palm sugar). in introducing destinations. The push strategy is needed to
However, the eco-tourism of Kabalong also has overcome problems in the short run. In the long run, pull
some weaknesses. One of them that fundamental is marketing strategies like building connectivity among
promotion. Promotion is the aspect that is considered the locations and activities are crucial. In maintaining the
most important, but it has the worst performance. The data endowment factors and uniqueness, stakeholders should pay
shows that publication, social media usage, and exhibition attention to ecological aspects, local wisdom, and
have high conduct. Billboard, personal sales, advertisement, environmental conservation. It also supports cultural
protection because the cultural-protection and traditional
culture of nature positively affected most dimensions of This research is a part of the research entitle
conservation education, scientific knowledge, person- 'Pengembangan Strategi Memajukan UMKM Bidang Pariwisata
valuing, and high culture. (Wei et al., 2020). They need to Berbasis Masyarakat dan Potensi Wilayah Kawasan Kabalong
Pekalongan’ was funded by the Directorate of Research and
build synergy among people surrounding, location, and Community Service (DRPM), Directorate General of Research and
goals. The government, public figures, and leaders are the Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology
role models, also become group references. Therefore, they and Higher Education by the addendum Contract for the Fiscal Year
might educate tourism actors to behave towards achieving 2020 Number: 010 / LL6 / AMD / SP2H.1 / PENELITIAN /
the same objectives. However, maintaining commitment is 2020. We would like to thanks to Directorate of Research and
the most important thing. As stated by the positive and Community Service (DRPM), Directorate General of Research and
convergent role of empowerment of local stakeholders in Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology
perceived environmental impacts, the proper application of and Higher Education, the Government of Pekalongan Regency.
the dimensions of empowering of local tourism
stakeholders provides the grounds for the participation of REFERENCES
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