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2022-ICON UCE-Income Analysis of Merchants at Istano Basa Pagaruyung Tourism Object Tanah Datar Regency During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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Siska Mandalia1, Taufik Hidayat2, Revi Candra3, Ferzi Hartawan4, Atika Amor5
Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar
Institut Seni Indonesia Padang Panjang2

Keywords: Merchant's Income, Covid-19 Pandemic, Istano Basa Pagaruyung

Abstract: "Analysis of Merchant's Income at the Istano Basa Pagaruyung Tourism Object, Tanah Datar Regency during
the Covid-19 Pandemic Period in 2021" Sharia Tourism Study Program Faculty of Islamic Economics and
Business, UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar. The main problem in this article is to identify how the income
of merchants in the tourism object at the Istano Basa Pagaruyung during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021. The
purpose of this study is to find out how the merchants’ income at the Istano Basa Pagaruyung during the
pandemic. The type of research used is Field Research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection
techniques that researchers used are observation, interviews, and documentation. To test the validity of the
data obtained in the field, the source triangulation technique was used. Based on the research of the researcher
and the informants, it can be concluded that before the Covid-19 pandemic merchants got a large profit and
were also stable in meeting their needs. However, at the time of the pandemic especially in 2021, it was very
difficult for merchants to meet their needs, some of them used savings, borrowed and used initial capital which
was used for trading needs but was used as a necessity to meet their daily needs. Based on the results of the
research, during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, merchants at the Istano Basa Pagaruyung tourism object
experienced a decrease in income and the loss of welfare of merchants in meeting their daily needs. From
some informants that researchers have met at the Istano Basa Pagaruyung tourist attraction, on average, they
experienced a 90% decrease in income during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021, inversely proportional to their
income before the COVID-19 pandemic.

1 INTRODUCTION able to develop to overcome unemployment, and

preserve the existing culture. How the community
Tourism is one of the important sectors in manages and utilizes, aborbs the existing resources
economic development in Indonesia and in general in the environment. Humans are social creatures
tourism is seen as having potential in the who have a dependency or instinct to interact with
development process. In UUD RI. No. 10 of 2009 one another. This symbiotic mutualism relationship
concerning tourism states that tourism destinations aims to meet each other's necessary needs, so that
include: Improving economic growth, improving everyone has the effort or willingness to achieve
people's welfare, eradicating poverty, overcoming these goals.
unemployment, conserving nature, environment, Tanah Datar Regency is one of the regencies
and resources, advancing culture, elevating the located in the province of West Sumatra with the
nation's image, fostering a sense of love for the tourism sector as one of the contributors to regional
homeland, strengthening national identity and income (Mandalia, 2021). According to Bastian
unity. Strengthen the unity between nations. (2006), income is including revenue and gains, and
Based on the above tourism objectives, it is become a leading sector. It can be seen from the
hoped that tourism throughout Indonesia will be many tourist objects that have been developed in the
Tanah Datar regency where the Istano Basa Tourism is an activity carried out by tourists
Pagaruyung is a familiar tourist icon. From this to a tourist destination outside of their daily life and
tourist attraction, it has a positive impact and has an residential environment to make a temporary
impact on the environment around the object where stopover from their place of residence, which is
the absorption of labour and wide-open business driven by several needs without the intention of
opportunities for the surrounding community, this earning a living and but based on the need to get
can be seen from the number of merchants who are pleasure, and accompanied by to enjoy a variety of
in the tourist attraction of the Istano Basa entertainment that can relieve fatigue and produce a
Pagaruyung. Merchants are one positive example of travel experience and hospitality service. (Zakaria
a tourist attraction that affects the surrounding and Dewi, 2014).
environment. According to Zamzam and Aravik, Tourism is one of the industries with a new
(2020) Merchants are people who trade, buy and sell style that is capable of balancing security which is
goods that are not produced themselves, to obtain a able to provide employment opportunities, income,
profit. standard of living and activate other production
Merchants who are around tourist sectors in tourist receiving countries. Tourism is
attractions, especially the Istano Basa Pagaruyung also a complex sector including the handicraft
usually peddle their wares in strategic places such industry and souvenir industry, lodging, and
as on the roadside, and stalls that have been transportation which is economically part of the
provided and usually have a long and irregular work industry (Mandalia, 2022).
time, this is usually done by merchants to earn In UUD no. 10 of 2009 (Indonesian law),
income. more in order to meet their daily needs. By Tourism is all tourism activities that are
sub-sector, the merchants around the multidimensional and multidisciplinary which
neighbourhood have various backgrounds, some grows as a manifestation of the needs of each person
have large enough capital, some have small capital. and country as well as the interaction between
However, in 2019 the outbreak of the tourists and local communities, fellow tourists, the
COVID-19 pandemic that affected the economy Government, Regional Governments, and
around the Istano Basa Pagaruyung. Coronavirus is entrepreneurs.
one of the new virus types discovered by humans In line with the dynamics, the movement of
since it appeared in Wuhan, China in December tourism development penetrates into various
2019, and was named Severe Acute Respiratory terminology such as sustainable tourism
Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS). -CoV 2) Thus, development, rural tourism, ecotourism, is a tourism
this disease is called Coronavirus Disease-2019 development approach that seeks to guarantee urban
(COVID-19) (World Health Organization/WHO, tourism. One of the alternative tourism development
2020. The COVID-19 outbreak is a threat to the approaches is tourism village for sustainable rural
economy of the surrounding community who development in tourism. (Zakaria and Dewi, 2014).
depend on the large number of tourist visits to make But, actually, tourism as a symptom,
their living. Besides that, the COVID-19 pandemic manifests in several forms which include:
has also made it difficult for people to meet their a. Local Tourism namely the type of tourism
daily needs because they have been very dependent whose scope is narrower and limited in certain
on sales and also on tourism objects. From the places only. For example, Denpasar city
results of the researcher's observations on April 13, tourism, Bandung city tourism
2022 at the Basa Pagaruyung Palace, souvenir b. Regional tourism, namely tourism activities that
merchants and Sanjai (chips) are very dependent on are developed in a certain area, can be regional
with tourists visiting, one of them is Mrs Sridayanti in a national environment and can also be
who owns an Ambaru souvenir shop. Before the regional in an international scope. For example,
occurrence of covid-19, the income or turnover tourism in Bali, Yogyakarta, and others.
obtained by Mrs. Sridayanti was very large, but c. National tourism is a type of tourism that is
during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in 2021, developed in the territory of a country, where the
Mrs. Sridayanti's income as a souvenir merchant participants are not only nationals but also
decreased to 90%. foreigners living in the country. For example,
tourism in areas within one region of Indonesia.
d. Regional-international tourism is a tourism
2 MATERIAL AND METHOD activity that develops in a limited international
area but crosses the boundaries of more than two

or three countries within the region. For 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
example, ASEAN tourism.
e. International tourism is a tourism activity that The first what the researcher did at the time
exists or is developed in many countries in the of the study where the researcher was looking for
world. (Suwena and Widyatmaja, 2017). people to become informants. Researchers
interviewed informants who do trade and have been
So, the researchers can conclude that tourism trading for a long time to be used as informants, so
is a movement of people, and groups from one place that researchers can be held accountable data for
to another to seek entertainment, as well as people this research. The next stage, the researcher
who are engaged in economic business related to approached the informant before conducting the
tourism. interview so that the interview could run well and as
expected. Based on the observations of the
2.1 Factors Affecting Income researchers, the researchers saw that many
merchants around the Istano Basa Pagaruyung were
According to Fatmawati (2014) in (Manita, 2021) closed.
In general, there are many factors that affect Many merchants were peddling merchandise
income, but in this case, there are several main and many of their wares were not selling well.
factors that influence, including: Situation changes to the surrounding merchants
a. Working Hours where usually there were merchants who traded
Working hours is the time when workers or from early in the morning. until the evening, but
merchants carry out activities to peddle their since the Covid-19 pandemic there are many
wares. According to Priyandika in Teriyanpati merchants closed but there are still one or two
(2019), working hours are the amount or length merchants who sell and even then, only briefly from
of time used by street vendors to trade or open 10 AM, so the researchers found several important
their businesses to serve their customers every things related to the analysis of the level of income
day. of merchants at the Istano Basa Pagaruyung tourist
b. Capital attraction on the Covid-19 period in 2021. The
Capital according to Riyanto in Teriyanpati Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the
(2019) is the result of production that is used for income/turnover of merchants, causing merchants
further production. Capital is a collection of to close. After the researchers conducted interviews
money which is used to do work. in the field, the researchers asked the daily income
of merchants before and during the Covid-19
Method period.
a. Working Hours
In this study, the researchers used a In the previous research, in Laitupa, Azis,
qualitative method research technique. This and Hermy Oppier (2021) "Analysis of merchants'
research belongs to the type of field research income at tourist attractions on Ambon Island" it
because it sees directly the relationship of the object was explained that there was a positive and
under study, namely between merchants at the significant influence between working hours on
Istano Basa Pagaruyung tourist destination, Tanah merchants' income because if working hours
Datar Regency. This research includes qualitative increased, income would increase. Almost the same
research because it is descriptive which is a as the researchers’ research where it was found that
problem-solving procedure with analysis and if working time is cut, there will be a decrease in
describes the situation based on the facts that appear income significantly, but the merchants at the Istano
as they are in which qualitative research is able to Basa Pagaruyung area are indeed forced to reduce
understand and explore data based on what is said, working hours due to the lack of visitors who come
felt, and done by the participants according to what to Istano Basa Pagaruyung in 2021. as has been
happened in the field. field. In addition, the described in the research findings above.
theoretical basis is used as a guide so that the b. Capital
research focus is in accordance with the facts found In the previous research, in Laitupa, Azis
in the field. Sutrisno, 1987 in Ningsi (2020). and Hermy Oppier (2021) "Analysis of merchants'
income at tourism objects on the island of Ambon"
which explained that based on the results of
statistical tests, there was a positive influence

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