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ARTS MELCs Grade 4

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textures, and hard and stick, which 6. utilizes masks in simple role play or skit Week 6 / 3rd Q
emphasis by can be manipulated
variation of shapes A3PR-IVf
and texture and
contrast of colors
through sculpture
7. performs as puppeteer together with others, Week 7 / 3rd Q
and crafts
in a puppet show, to tell a story using the puppet
he/she created

Grade Level: Grade 4

Subject: Arts

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K-12 CG Code
1st The learner… The learner… 1. discusses the rich variety of cultural Week 1 / 1st Q
communities in the Philippines and their
demonstrates practices variety of uniqueness
understanding of culture in the (1.1 LUZON- Ivatan, Ifugao, Kalkminga,
lines, texture, and community by way of Bontok, Gaddang, Agta
shapes; and balance attire, body 1.2 VISAYAS – Ati
of size and repetition accessories, religious 1.3 MINDANAO-Badjao, Mangyan,Samal,
of motifs/patterns practices and lifestyle. Yakan, Ubanon, Manobo, Higaonon, Talaandig,
through drawing Matigsalog, Bilaan, T’boli, Tiruray, Mansaka,
Tausug) and the distinctive characteristics of
these cultural communities in terms of attire,
creates a unique body accessories, religious practices, and
design of houses, and lifestyles.
other household 2. Draws specific clothing, objects, and designs Weeks 2-4/1st Q A4EL-Ib
objects used by the of at least one the cultural communities by
cultural groups. applying an indigenous cultural motiff into a A4EL-Ic

contemporary design through crayon etching A4EL-Id

writes a comparative
description of houses
and utensils used by 3. role plays ideas about the practices of the Weeks 4/1st Q A4PR-Ie
selected cultural different cultural communities.
groups from different 4. creates a drawing after close study and Week 5-6/1st Q A4PR-Ig
provinces. observation of one of the cultural communities’
way of dressing and accessories.

5. produces a crayon resist on any of the topics: Week 7/1st Q

the unique design of the houses, household A4PR-Ih
objects, practices, or rituals of one of the
cultural groups
6. uses crayon resist technique in showing Week 8/1st Q
different ethnic designs or patterns. A4PR-Ii

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K-12 CG Code
2nd The learner… The learner… 1. discusses pictures of localities where Week 1/ 2nd Q
different cultural communities live where each
demonstrates sketches and paints a group has distinct houses and practices.
understanding of landscape or mural 2. explains the attire and accessories of Week 2/ 2nd Q
lines, color, shapes, using shapes and selected cultural communities in the country in
space, and colors appropriate to terms of colors and shapes.
proportion through the way of life of the 3. depicts in a role play the importance of Week 3/ 2nd Q
drawing. cultural community. communities and their culture.
4. compares the geographical location, Week 4/ 2nd Q
realizes that the A4EL-IId
practices, and festivals of the different cultural
choice of colors to use groups in the country.
in a landscape gives 5. paints the sketched landscape using colors Week 5/ 2nd Q A4EL-IIe
the mood or feeling of appropriate to the cultural community’s ways
a painting. of life. A4EL-IIf

6. tells a story or relates experiences about Week6/ 2nd Q A4EL-IIh

cultural communities seen in the landscape.
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K-12 CG Code
3rd The learner... The learner... 1. discusses the texture and characteristics of Week 1 / 3rd Q
each material.
demonstrates exhibits basic skills in A4EL-IIIa
understanding of making a design for a
shapes, colors and print and producing
principle repetition several clean copies of 2. analyzes how existing ethnic motif designs Week 1 / 3rd Q
and emphasis the prints are repeated and alternated.
through printmaking 3. demonstrates the process of creating relief Week 2 / 3rd Q
(stencils) manipulates a stencil prints and how these relief prints make the
with an adequate skill work more interesting and harmonious in
to produce a clean terms of the elements involved.
print for a message, 4. designs ethnic motifs by repeating, Week 2 / 3rd Q A4PR-IIId
slogan or logo for a T- alternating, or by radial arrangement.
shirt, poster bag 5. creates a relief master or mold using additive Week 3 / 3rd Q A4PR-IIIe
and subtractive processes.
produces at least 3 6. creates simple, interesting, and Week 4 / 3rd Q
good copies of print harmoniously arranged relief prints from a clay A4PR-IIIf
using complementary design.
colors and contrasting 7. prints reliefs with adequate skill to produce Week 5 / 3rd Q
shapes clean prints with a particular design motif A4PR-IIIg
(repeated or alternated).
8. creates the relief mold using found material: Weeks 6-7 / 3rd Q
hard foam; cardboard shapes glued on wood; A4PR-IIIi
strings and buttons, old screws, and metal parts
glued on wood or cardboard.
9. participates in a school/district exhibit and Weeks 8/ 3rd Q
culminating activity in celebration of the A4PR-IIIj-2
National Arts Month (February).
4th The learner... The learner... 1. differentiates textile traditions in other Asian Week 1 / 4th Q
Countries like China, India, Japan, Indonesia, A4EL-Iva

demonstrates creates a single and in the Philippines in the olden times and
understanding of puppet based on presently.
shapes, colors, character in legends, 2. discusses pictures or actual samples of Week 1 /4th Q
textures, and myths or stories using different kinds of mat weaving traditions in the A4EL-Ivb
emphasis by recycled and hard Philippines.
variation of shapes material 3. discusses the intricate designs of mats Week 2 / 4th Q A4EL-IVc
and texture and woven in the Philippines:
contrast of colors creates a mask or 3.1 Basey, Samar buri mats
through sculpture headdress that is 3.2 Iloilo bamban mats
and crafts imaginary in design 3.3 Badjao&Samal mats
using found and 3.4 Tawi-tawilaminusa mats
recycled materials 3.5 Romblon buri mats
demonstrates 4. explains the steps to produce good tie-dye Week 3 / 4th Q
understanding of demonstrates basic A4PL-Ivd
shapes, colors, skills in constructing a 5. explains the meaning of designs, colors, and Week 4 / 4th Q A4PL-Ive
textures, and puppet made from a patterns used in the artworks.
emphasis by hard and stick, which 6. creates a small mat using colored buri strips Week 5 & 6 / 4th Q
variation of shapes can be manipulated or any material that can be woven, showing A4PR-IVf
and texture and different designs: squares, checks zigzags, and th
Week 7 / 4 Q
contrast of colors stripes.
through sculpture A4PR-IVg
and crafts 7. weaves own design similar to the style made
by a local ethnic group.
8. creates original tie-dyed textile design by Week 8 / 4th Q
following the traditional steps in tie-dyeing
using one or two colors.

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