Theme Pandemic Ka Lang, Filipino Ako!
Theme Pandemic Ka Lang, Filipino Ako!
Theme Pandemic Ka Lang, Filipino Ako!
P.E a nd He a lth
Co o ke ry
Anima l Pro d uc tio n
Ko munika syo ng a t Pa na na liksik
Ge nMa th
Ea rth a nd Life Sc ie nc e
Ora l Co mm unic a tio n
Pe rso na l De ve lo p m e nt
Em p o we rm e nt Te c hno lo g ie s
This Assessment Guide highlights the importance of individual responsibility among
Filipino learners. The activity in this Assessment Guide will allow the student to channel their
ethical behavior applying their knowledge in motion as an element used in everyday activity
in this time of pandemic.
Prepare vegetables dishes. (TLE_HECK9-12VVD-IIa-9)
Maintain the poultry and facilities. (TVL-AFAAPPc9-12MPE-IIIC-ea27)
Naiuugnay ang mga konseptong pang wika sa mga napakinggan/napanood na sitwasyon
pang komunikasyon sa radio,talumpati, mga panayam at telebisyon. (F11PN-Ia-86)
Represents real-life situations using functions, including piece-wise. (MIIGM-la-1)
Describe the various hazards that may happen in the event of earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions and landslides. (J11/12ES-lf-30)
7. DRR
Explain one impact of various hazards on people & the environment; (DRR11/12-le-16)
Distinguishes types of speeches and speech style. (EN11/12OC-lfj-17).
Demonstrate personal ways to cope with stress and maintain mental health. (Esp-
1. Cellphone
2. Laptop
3. Art Materials
4. Scoring rubric
The following procedures below are your guides in creating a creative scrapbook.
1. Prepare art materials such as bond paper, neon paper, scissors, pencil, coloring pen, glue,
2. Use any type of paper to make your own creative scrapbook.
3. On your scrapbook the following parts must be present.
Title page( part 1)
Acknowledgement( part2)
Table of contents(page3)
4. Come up with an artistic and creative output by applying the elements of arts such as
colors, design, etc.
5. Put/attach your outputs in all learning areas in the scrapbook.
a. Photo Collage
b. Dialogue
c. Script of informative speech
6. Submit your output to your teacher on the scheduled date.
The following rubrics below will serve as your reference in making your output.
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Variety of pictures limited variety of adequate variety of good variety of pictures excellent variety of pictures used to
used to develop main idea pictures used to develop pictures used to develop used to develop the main develop the main idea
the main idea the main idea idea
Ideas few original ideas in some original ideas in several original ideas in many original ideas in material
originality material or display are material or display are material or display are and display are evident and
evident to stimulate evident to stimulated evident to stimulate stimulate a great deal of interest
interest some interest much interest
Relevance of material little material selected is some material selected material selected is mostly material selected is all relevant and
connected to main idea relevant and rarely is relevant and relevant and connected to clearly connected to the main idea
connected to the main somewhat connected to the main idea
idea the main idea
Visual Impact overall visual impact is overall visual impact overall visual impact is overall visual impact is very
effectiveness of overall limited is somewhat effective effective
presentation effective
Subject Area: Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik
Learning Competency:
Naiuugnay ang mga konseptong pang wika sa mga napakinggan/napanood na sitwasyon pang komunikasyon sa radio,talumpati, mga panayam at
telebisyon. (F11PN-Ia-86)
Explain one impact of various hazards on people & the environment; (DRR11/12-le-16)
Demonstrate personal ways to cope with stress and maintain mental health. ( Esp-PD11/12CS-lg-5.3)
Learning Experience:
Describe and explain the impact of various hazards on people and the environment and how these affects to their mental health.
Content – 4 3 2 1
STANDARDS Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Works on approaching Not meeting/ barely
Standard meeting Standard
INTRODUCTION Attention-getter grabs the Attention-getter gets Attention-getter is present Attention getter isn’t
ATTENTION reader creates information reader involved but limited. The present. Topic statement
GETTER hunger. A clear explanation (mentally or physically). explanation of topic is late, isn’t present.
PURPOSE of topic leads audience Explanation of topic weak or makes it harder
smoothly into the speech leads us into the speech. for us to follow you into
the speech
ORGANIZATION Organization of complex ideas Used logical order to The speech lacked a There is no discernible
TRANSITIONS is logical, coherent and deliver information. logical order, utilized order, no transitions, and the
RELATIONSHIPS relevant which helps convey Utilized basic transitions minimal transitions, and ideas, concepts and
message clearly. Smooth and organized ideas, only hints at organized information are unorganized
transitions were made so that concepts and information ideas, concepts,
each new element builds on information.
the preceding to create unified
DEVELOPMENT OF Developed topic thoroughly Developed topic by Topic needs more Very few, if any, relevant
TOPIC by selecting most significant selecting significant and development. Included facts, definitions, details, etc.
and relevant facts, definitions, relevant facts, minimal significant and included in speech
details, quotations, appropriate definitions, details, etc. relevant facts, definitions,
to purpose. appropriate to the details, etc.
purpose of the speech
CONTENT You made your topic You used appropriate You used some Very few appropriate word
LANGUAGE interesting to specified reader, word choices, appropriate word choices, choices, vocabulary,
using appropriate word vocabulary, and vocabulary, examples. examples. Details and word
choices, vocabulary, figurative examples. Detail and Need help to make detail choices not appropriate to
language and level of word choice were and word choice reader.
complexity. Detail and word appropriate to reader. appropriate to reader.
choice and examples were
appropriate to reader.
CONCLUSION You provided a concluding You concluded the Development of each main Little development of main
statement that summarized the speech by adequately point is spotty. points.
main points, referred back to summarizing the main
the introduction or supplied a points, mentioning a
looking forward statement to previous anecdote, or
bring speech full circle and mentioning future
left reader with lasting research.
1. The score of the student in the analytic rubric for every subject area is equivalent to three (3) Performance Tasks in the whole quarter.
2. The score of the student in the holistic rubric is equivalent to the fourth Performance Task in the entire quarter.
1. Ang iskor ng bawat mag-aaral sa tatlong Pamantayan sa Pagmamarka sa bawat asignatura ay katumbas sa tatlong Gawaing Pagganap
(Performance Task) sa buong markahan/kwarter.
2. Ang iskor ng bawat mag-aaral sa Kabuuang Pamantayan Para sa Gawaing Pagganap ay katumas sa ikaapat na Gawaing Pagganap
(Performance Task) sa buong markahan/kwarter