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Performance Rubric

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Results to be filled out by judge(s): Circle performance levels demonstrated.

4 (Distinguished) 3 (Advanced) 2 (Proficient) 1 (Honorable Mention)

Originality Presentation involves Presentation involves Presentation involves Presentation involves

(Creative Flair) impressive originality obvious originality little originality and/or no originality and/or
and/or creativity. and/or creativity. creativity. creativity.

Memorization, Participants Participants Participants are able to Participants do not

Preparedness demonstrate thorough demonstrate complete the have the presentation
memorization of both memorization of both presentation, though memorized and require
script and staging. script and staging, they may hesitate multiple line prompts
They are able to though they may frequently in either and/or noticeably skip
perform in a natural, hesitate occasionally speech or movement. portions of the script.
comfortable manner in either speech or Hesitations distract
with no hesitations. movement. from the content.

Stage Presence Participants Participants Participants are Participants are unable

(Poise, Confidence) demonstrate excellent, demonstrate adequate confident and poised to maintain confidence
professional-like confidence and poise for some of the and poise during the
confidence and poise throughout most of presentation, but may presentation. Irrelevant
throughout the entire the presentation. also demonstrate behaviors become the
presentation. doubt or difficulty. focus instead of the
Irrelevant behaviors intended content.
briefly distract
attention from the

VOICE Participants project Good most of the time Good some of the time Not clear and loud
clear voice, loud enough
enough with
appropriate volume.

Audience Appeal / Presentation is both Presentation is both Presentation is Presentation is not

Comprehensibility highly entertaining entertaining and entertaining. Most entertaining. Most
and popular with the popular with the content can be content cannot be
audience. All content audience. All content understood by some understood by
can be understood by can be understood by audience members, audience members, not
all audience members, most audience but not by those even by those
even those members, and unaccustomed to non- accustomed to non-
unaccustomed to non- somewhat by those native speakers of the native speakers of the
native speakers of the unaccustomed to non- target language. target language.
target language. native speakers of the
target language.

Content Presentation had an Presentation had a Presentation had Presentation contained

exceptional amount of good amount of moments where little to no valuable
valuable material and material and benefit valuable material was material.
was extremely the class. present but as a whole
beneficial to the class. content was lacking.
4 Originality Memorization, Stage Presence VOICE Audience Appeal / Content TOTAL
Preparedness (Poise,Confidence Comprehensibilit
) y





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