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Exam Physics

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Name: __________________________________Date: __________________________________

Second Semester- Second Quarter Examination

Test 1. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct however change the underlined word/s
if the statement is wrong.

_________________________1. In terrestrial realm, all motion is perfect and circular.

________________________ 2. The natural motion according to Aristotle was either upward or downward.
________________________ 3. Annual motion is the reflection of the Earth's orbital motion
_________________________ 4. Aristotle explained retrograde motion through epicycles and deferents.
_________________________ 5. The sun appears to move eastward with respect to the star.
_________________________6. Copernicus solved the problem of retrograde motion in his discoveries.
_________________________7. Tycho Brahe believed that the planets orbit the sun while sun orbit the earth.
_________________________8. Copernicus proposed Heliocentric Universe.
_________________________9. Galileo was credited as the inventor of telescope.
_________________________10. The surface of the moon is smooth and even according to Galileo.
_________________________11. Planets move in spherical orbits with the sun at one of the foci.
_________________________12. Law of Equal Areas is the 3rd Law of Planetary Motion.
_________________________13.According to Aristotle, heavier objects fall slower than lighter ones.
_________________________14.Constant acceleration means that the speed is changing in a varying amount in every time
_________________________15. Weight is the earth’s gravitational force on an object.
_________________________16. The velocity of an object may change even if the speed remains the same.
_________________________17. If an object is travelling in a circular orbit it is therefore travelling at a constant velocity.
_________________________18. There is no acceleration if velocity is constant.
_________________________19. Law of Inertia states that an object in motion remains in uniform motion unless a net external force
acts upon it.
_________________________20. If the momentum lost by one object is gained by another object, then the total amount is
Test 11. Multiple Choice . Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.

_________1. The Earth rotates once from ______________on its axis.

a. west-to-east b. east to west c. north to south d. south to north
_________2. Which of the following happens when a planet experiences retrograde motion?
a. A planet moving from west to east in the night sky suddenly goes back as if moving from east to west.
b. A planet as observed in the in the night sky moves from east to west with respect to the sun.
c. A planet as observed in the night sky appears like moving in elliptical orbit.
d. None of the above.
________3. Galileo named the bodies or satellites he found around Jupiter as________, Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa.
a. Io b. Charon c. Luna d. Sirius
________4. Which is not included in the idea of Kepler below?
a. Planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one of the foci.
b. A planet will move through equal area of space in an equal amount of time.
c. The farther a planet is from the focus, the longer the period of revolution.
d. Planets move in a perfectly circular orbit in clockwise direction.
________5. Which is true about the discovery of Galileo about the sizes of the stars?
a. “Fixed stars” did not change in size when observed with the naked eye and observed through a telescope.
b. “Fixed stars“appear apparently near in the naked eyes but when observed through a telescope they increase in size.
c. Sizes of fixed stars matter in their distance from the earth.
d. None of the above.
________6. Which of the following are discoveries of Galileo?
I. Phases of Venus II. Lunar Craters III. Rings of Saturn IV. Moons of Jupiter
a. I, II, & IV only b. I and III only c. I,II, III AND IV d. II only
________7.Who among the following believed the Earth is motionless at the center of the universe and all the stars and planets
revolved around it?
a. Copernicus b. Kepler c.Aristarchus d. Aristotle
_______8. “ A green mango ripens and changes its color to yellow.” What type of terrestrial motion is this?
a. Motion with respect to quantity. C. Motion with respect to place
b. Motion with respect to quality d. none of a, b and c
________9. Which of the following statements is true?
a. When a planet is in perihelion its orbital velocity increases.
b. When a planet is in aphelion its orbital velocity is constant.
c. When a planet is in aphelion its orbital velocity increases.
d. When a planet is in perihelion its orbital velocity decreases.

________10. Which of the following is true about the 3rd law of Planetary Motion?
a. The square of the semi- major axis of the planet is proportional to the cube of its orbital period.
b. The square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi major axis of its orbit.
c. The semi-major axis of the planet is halved the orbital period of the another planet.
d. None of the above
_______11. A book is at rest on top of a table. Which of the following is correct?
a. . There is no force acting on the book.
b. The normal force of the table is equal to the force of gravity acted on the book.
c. There is no force acting on the table.
d. The inertia of the book is equal to the inertia of the table.
_______12. Which of the following objects have the greatest inertia?
a. Ping-pong ball b. basketball c. Bowling ball d. Tennis Ball
_______13. Which of the following correctly states the relationship of force and acceleration?
a. . directly proportional b. no relationship at all. c. inversely proportional d. none of the A, B and C
_______14. What is the possible state of an object in the absence of a net force?
a. At rest b. Constant speed c. Zero acceleration d. All of the preceding
_______15. For every action force, there is which of the following?
a. A net force c. an equal and opposite force
b. A friction force d. an unbalanced force
_______16. Which of the following figures demonstrates how a passenger responds when a train suddenly starts?

a. b. c.

________17. What is true about the constant G?

a. It is very small quantity b. It is a force c. It is the same as g d. It decreases with
________18. Which has the greatest momentum if all travelled at 155 km/h?
a. Motorcycle b. L-300 Van c. 10-wheeler truck d. None of the preceding

________19. Which of the following is a unit of momentum?

a. Newton b. kg m/s c. N.m2/kg2 d. None of the preceding

________20. Which of the following is true about Newton’s Law of Gravitation?

a. Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force proportional to product of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them.
b. Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force proportional to the square of the distance between
them and inversely proportional to the product of their masses.
c. Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force equal to 6.67 X 1011 N. m2/kg2
d. None of the above.

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