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Module 01

Diagnostic Test for PHYSICS

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
Tipanoy, Iligan City


TRUE of FALSE. Write “T” if the statement is true and “F” if the statement is
_______ 1. The Ancient Greeks considered Earth to be enclosed in a hollow sphere
called the celestial sphere, where the stars, the sun, and other heavenly bodies are
_______ 2. It takes 24 hours for Earth to revolve about its axis from west to east.
_______ 3. Earth’s revolution about its axis is called diurnal motion.
_______ 4. Eudoxus was the first to “save the appearances” that Plato referred to, using
a series of 27 concentric spheres on which the sun, the moon, and the planets moved
in perfect circular motion.
_______ 5. Aristotle used 29 “buffering” spheres between the celestial spheres of
Eudoxus and an outermost sphere that was the domain of what he called the Prime
_______ 6. The Roman Catholic Church adopted this idea in Medieval times: the Prime
Mover was considered as Goddess, and the sphere of the firmament as heaven.
_______ 7. Aristotle divided the universe into two realms – the terrestrial and the
celestial – with the orbit of the moon as the boundary.
_______ 8. The Greek mathematician Apollonius, known in his time as “The Great
Geometer,” introduced the idea of an epicycle to explain planetary motion.
_______ 9. The center of this small circle in turn moves around Earth along a bigger
circular path called the afferent.
_______ 10. Tycho Brahe accurately measured and recorded the positions of the sun,
the moon, and the planets for 20 years.
_______ 11. Kepler was able to formulate his three laws of planetary motion: law of
eclipse, law of equal areas and law of harmonies.
_______ 12. Model of the universe by Tycho Brahe: the sun orbited Earth, while the
other planets rotated the sun.
_______ 13. Jupiter has ten moons revolving around it. This showed that not all
heavenly bodies revolve around Earth. There are other centers of revolution that are
themselves revolving.
_______ 14. Galileo observed that the Milky Way was simply made of individual stars
and galaxies.
_______ 15. According to Galileo, the moon has mountains, valleys, and craters.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Those that can be described completely by their magnitude and appropriate
a. Scalar Quantities
b. Vector Quantities
c. Frame of Reference
d. Kinematics
2. It is travelled by a body is the length of the path taken by the body in moving
from its initial to final position.
a. Vector Quantities
b. Displacement
c. Distance
d. Translation

3. It is completely described by their magnitude, appropriate unit, and direction.

a. Scalar Quantities
b. Kinematics
c. Distance
d. Vector Quantities
4. It is a measure of how fast a body moves.
a. Speed
b. Average Speed
c. instantaneous Speed
d. Instantaneous Velocity
5. Acceleration (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)
a. The change in velocity with respect to time
b. It is a vector quantity
c. Change in speed, which may be either an increase or a decrease
d. Change in direction
e. Change in both speed and direction
a. The change in velocity with respect to time
b. It is a vector quantity
c. Change in speed, which may be either an increase or a decrease
d. Change in direction
e. Change in both speed and direction
7. A body at rest will remain at rest or a body in motion will continue to move with
constant velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
a. Law of Acceleration
b. Law of Inertia
c. Law of Interaction
8. A body requires an unbalanced force to change its state or rest or motion.
a. Law of Acceleration
b. Law of Inertia
c. Law of Interaction
9. The bigger the mass, the greater the inertia of the body, and the greater the force
required to change the body’s state of motion.
a. True
b. False
c. Either True or False
d. None of the above
10. The unbalanced force acting in a body produces acceleration.
a. Law of Acceleration
b. Law of Inertia
c. Law of Interaction
11. The acceleration is directly proportional to the unbalanced force and
inversely proportional to the mass of the body.
a. True
b. False
c. Either True or False
d. None of the above
12. When Body A exerts a force in Body B, Body B will exert an equal but
oppositely directed force in a Body A.
a. Law of Acceleration
b. Law of Inertia
c. Law of Interaction
13. The slope of the line tangent to a point on a displacement-versus-time
graph for a uniformly accelerated motion gives
a. Acceleration
b. Average velocity
c. Initial velocity
d. instantaneous velocity

14. The greater the mass of the object, _________________.

a. The more balanced it is
b. The greater the inertia
c. The more space it takes up
d. The more easily the object starts moving
15. If the net force acting on a stationary object is zero, then the object will
a. Remain at rest
b. Begin moving backward
c. Decelerate at a steady rate of speed
d. Accelerate in the direction of the strongest force
16. Which of Newton’s laws best explain why motorists should buckle up?
a. Law of Inertia
b. Law of Interaction
c. Law of Acceleration
d. Law of Universal Gravitation
17. The product of mass and velocity is called _____________.
a. Acceleration
b. Force
c. Impulse
d. momentum
18. The turning back of light to the original medium from where it has been
traveling after hitting a surface.
a. Incident Ray
b. Normal
c. Reflection
d. Refraction
19. The ray that strikes the surface is _______.
a. Incident Ray
b. Normal
c. Reflection
d. Reflected Ray
20. The ray that rebound from the surface is _____.
a. Incident Ray
b. Normal
c. Reflection
d. Reflected Ray
21. The angle of incidence is proportional to the angle of reflection.
a. True
b. False
c. Either True or False
d. None of the above
22. Reflection of light is governed by the following laws. (SELECT ALL THAT
a. The incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal lie on the same plane
b. The angle of incident is equal to the angle of reflection
c. None of the above
23. It converges reflected light and may produce an inverted or upright image
depending on the distance of the object from it.
a. Concave Mirror
b. Convex Mirror
c. Reflection
d. Refraction
24. It diverges reflected light and always forms an image that is upright and
smaller than the object.
a. Concave Mirror
b. Convex Mirror
c. Reflection
d. Refraction
25. Red light + Blue Light + Green Light = ______.
a. White Light
b. Yellow Light
c. Magenta Light
d. Blue Light
26. The Law of Magnetic Poles states that like pole attract and unlike poles
a. True
b. False
c. Either True or False
d. None of the above
27. It is a type of reference frame where the observed object is at rest or in a
uniform motion relative to the observer.
a. Galilean-Newtonian Relativity
b. Special Relativity
c. Inertial Frame of Reference
d. General Relativity


1. Leo travelled 25.0 km from their house to a shopping mall to meet a friend.
Upon reaching the mall, his friends texted that he cannot come. Sadly, Leo went
back home following the same path. If the entire trip tool Leo 0.75 hr, what is
his total distance travel?
2. Starting from rest, a 3.5 kg object is acted upon by an unbalanced force and
acquires a speed of 14.0 m/s after moving a distance of 35 m. Find (a) the
acceleration of the object, (b) the unbalanced force acting on the object, and (c)
the time it takes for the object to attain a speed of 14.0 m/s.
3. A 25 kg crate initially rested on a smooth surface is acted upon by two opposing
forces: 70N to the right and 40N to the left. Find (a) Acceleration of the block (b)
its velocity after 10.0 seconds starting from rest and (c) distance its moves in
10.o seconds
4. While on vacation, Lisa travelled a total of distance of 440 miles. Her trip took 8
hrs. what was her average speed?
5. Suppose that a sled is accelerating at a rate of 10m/s2. If the net force is
doubled and the mass is halved, then what is the new acceleration of the sled?
6. An empty truck with a mass of 3750 kg has an engine that will accelerate at a
rate of acceleration when the truck has an additional of 500 kg?

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