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2nd SUMMATIVE TEST Physical Science 12

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Name: _________________________________ Yr.& Sec. _____________________ Score: ____________
Direction: Write your answer to the space provided for.STRICTLY NO ERASURES.

_____1. Which of the following types of terrestrial motion prevents the attainment of natural progression of motion:
either frustrates or goes against natural motion?
a. Alteration — simply chemical or physical changes
b. natural local motion
c. horizontal or violent motion
d. celestial motion.
_____2. Select the best definition about diurnal motion.
a. Diurnal motion is the revolution of the Earth around the sun annually.
b. Diurnal motion is the rotation of Earth about its axis from west to east.
c. Diurnal motion refers to the movement of Earth relative to its orbital plane.
d. None of the above
_____3. When an element was removed from its natural place, it would return to its natural place following a straight
line motion. This is an example of what kind of motion?
a. natural motion c. violent motion
b. diurnal motion d. celestial motion
_____4. ____________ is an astronomical term referring to the apparent daily motion of stars around Earth, or more
precisely around the two celestial poles.
a. diurnal motion b. annual motion
c. precession of the equinoxes d. natural motion
_____5. He believed that mathematics is the best way to express truth about the Universe; Sun, moon and Earth are
spherical; placed Earth as the center of the Universe?
a. Pythagoras b. Ptolemy c. Plato d. Aristotle
_____6. What facts would you select to show what proofs were believed by ancient Greeks that Earth was round?
a. An observer watching a ship sailing at sea notes that the ship seems to disappear over the horizon.
b. The earth’s shadow on the moon during an eclipse
c. Variations in the height of the sun and stars according to latitude
d. All of the above
_____7. What is meant by “saving the appearances”?
a. to explain the motion of the Earth.
b. to explain the motion of the moon
c. to explain apparently irregular motions detected by the senses as a combination of uniform circular
d. to explain apparently regular motions detected by the senses as a combination of uniform circular motions.
_____8. Who followed previous models of the universe but added auxiliary spheres to provide appropriate tilt to the
planets’ path?
a. Copernicus b. Ptolemy c. Eudoxus d. Aristotle
_____9. Why was Nicolaus Copernicus hesitant to publish his work when he revived the heliocentric model of
a. He had no money to do s
b. He was afraid of condemnation.
c. He lacked preparation.
d. None of the above
_____10. What facts would you select to show how Neil Armstrong’s achievement contributed to the progress in science
and technology?
a. wireless communication b. genetic engineering
c. space explorations d. all of the above
_____11. In early times, most people were convinced that the Earth was motionless and that the Sun, Moon, planets,
and stars revolved around the Earth, which was considered the center of the universe. What do you call this model of
the universe?
a. Tychonic Model b. Heliocentric Model
c. Geocentric Model d. Phytagorean Model
_____12. Claudius Ptolemaeus’s model was considered more refined than the other models of the universe. Can you
design a model similar to Ptolemy’s _____________________ model of the universe?
a. heliocentric c. geocentric
b. geoheliocentric d. none of the above
_____13. Based on item number 10, why was that model considered more refined than the previous geocentric models?
a. His model could explain the motion of the celestial bodies accurately
b. His model showed that the sun and the fixed stars were at rest, while Earth revolved around the sun in a
circular path.
c. His model showed that the universe was spherical and finite.
d. According to his model, the universe was composed of Earth, five other planets and motionless stars that
were enclosed in spheres.
_____14. How did Galileo’s astronomical discoveries and observations helped weaken the support for the Ptolemaic
a. He observed the movement of Jovian planets.
b. He discovered the moons of Saturn and Uranus.
c. He discovered four of Jupiter’s moons, thus proving that the Earth
is not the center of motion for all objects in the universe.
d. His discovery that the planet Mercury went through a change of
phase similar to that our moon.
_____15. Listed below are some of Galileo’s discoveries with the aid of his telescope. Which should not be on the list?
a. Lunar craters b. Moons of Jupiter
c. Phases of the Moon d. Phases of Venus
_____16. How did Brahe’s innovations and extensive collection of data in observational astronomy paved the way for
Kepler’s discovery of his laws of planetary motion?
a. He provide elegant mathematical proofs that could be used to predict future positions of stars.
b. He established physical laws determining the magnitude and
direction of the forces that cause the planets to move in elliptical orbits.
c. He pioneered the heliocentric model of the universe.
d. He used unaided eye in his measurements of the planets and stars and his data were edited by Kepler as
his colleague.
_____17. What is the period of Mars, whose orbit has a semi major axis of 1.52 AU?
a. 2.12 y b. 1.87 y c. 2.64 y d. 1.58 y
_____18. ___________ is the motion arising from the nature of an object. This motion does not require an external
cause in order to occur. For example: The movement of planets around the sun.
a. vertical motion b. horizontal motion
c. natural motion d. violent motion
_____19. How Galileo inferred that objects in vacuum fall with uniform acceleration, and that force is not necessary to
sustain horizontal motion? Can you design an experiment using exactly his ideas below.
a. He used a small cart and inclined plane with a smooth surface.
b. He throw a ball and measured its speed.
c. He used a ball rolling down an inclined plane onto a level surface.
d. He used a crumpled paper rolling down an inclined plane.
_____20. A diagonal with a positive slope represents__________.
a. the object standing still
b. moving at constant velocity in the positive direction
c. moving at constant velocity in the negative direction
d. the object is moving fast
_____21. Which of the following is defined as the time rate of the change of velocity?
a. motion b. speed c. average speed d. acceleration
_____22. Which law explains how rockets are launched into space?
a. Law of Inertia
b. Law of Acceleration
c. Law of Action and Reaction
d. Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum
_____23. Which law states that “An object will remain at rest or in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an
external, unbalanced force.”?
a. Law of Inertia
b. Law of Acceleration
c. Law of Action and Reaction
d. Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum
_____24. Which of Kepler’s laws gives an indication of the semi major axis?
a. law of elliptical orbits b. law of equal areas
c. harmonic law d. law of inertia
_____25. Sir Isaac Newton devise the laws of motion and explain the phenomena of moving objects on Earth and the
motions of planets and other celestial bodies. What was the title of his book which is considered by many to be the most
important publication in the history of physics?
a. Dioptrics b. Origin of Species c. Momentum d. Principia
_____26. What happens when light is refracted?
a. the speed of light increases b. the speed of light doesn’t change
c. the speed of light decreases d. the angle of refraction is greater
_____27. Who is the scientist who is famous in his “Dioptrics” and offers a detailed theory of rainbow with the colors
that occur when light travels through a prism where his ideas were utilized by Newton, who explained the breakdown of
sunlight into a succession of colors?
a. Michael Faraday b. Rene Descartes
c. Andre Marie Ampere d. Hans Christian Oersted
_____28. A wave with particle oscillation parallel to the direction of propagation is a(n)________.
. transverse wave b. longitudinal wave c. light wave d. sound wave
_____29. Which of the following laws states “The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.”?
a. Law of Inertia b. Law of Refraction
c. Law of Reflection d. Total internal reflection
_____30. The photon concept explains that the shorter _________ will vibrate more electrons as they pass through a
given thickness of material and the longer ______ will vibrate fewer electrons as they pass through.
a. ray b. beam c. crest d. wavelength
_____31. The more times light gets slowed down the longer it takes to get through a given thickness of material.
Therefore, the more times it gets slowed down, how does it travels?
a. the faster it travels b. the slower it travels
c. it will travel at constant speed d. all the preceding are true.
_____32. Who is the scientist who was observing Jupiter's moon Io which lead him to the calculation of the speed of
a. Galileo Galilei b. Michael Faraday
c. Ole Roemer d. James Clerk Maxwell
_____33. ___________________ showed in 1927 that electrons scatter from a crystal the way x rays do, proving that
particles of matter can act like waves.
a. Louis de Broglie
b. Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer
c. Louis de Broglie and Lester Germer
d. Louis de Broglie and Clinton Davisson
_____34. It is the change in the direction of motion of a particle because of a collision with another particle.
a. refraction b. scattering c. Interference d. convex
_____35. What color was the best filter for transmission of red light?
a. Blue, because it transmits bright light.
b. Red, because it transmits red light.
c. Green, because it transmits green light.
d. Blue and red because they transmits bright light
_____36. Which is not an example of mirage?
a. pools of water seen over hot desert sand.
b. At sea, an inverted image of a ship seen in the heavens or at sea.
c. a boy looking at his face in a clear water.
d. pools of water seen when someone is traveling.
_____37. It is relatively a common halo and atmospheric phenomenon mostly
associated with the refraction of sunlight by small ice crystals making up
cirrus or cirrostratus clouds.

a. sunset b. sundogs c. sunrise d. rainbow

_____38. It is brighter than a secondary rainbow and its colors changing from red
on the outside to violet on the inside.
a. supernumerary bow b. sundogs c. halo d. primary rainbow
_____39. Why are rain clouds dark?
a. Because of their thickness height and evaporation.
b. Because of smoke and thickness.
c. Because of droplets and height.
d. Because of ice crystals.

_____40. Who published a proposal for an experiment to prove that lightning is electricity by flying a kite in a storm that
appeared capable of becoming a lightning storm?
a. Charles Augustus Coulomb b. Michael Faraday
c. Benjamin Franklin d. James Clerk Maxwell
_____41. Which statement is relevant to Benjamin Franklin’s work?
a. He invented the torsion balance.
b. He was most noted for his kite experiment.
c. He was credited for establishing the basis for electrodynamics.
d. none of these
_____42. In November 1886 Hertz put together his spark-gap transmitter, which he hoped would transmit
electromagnetic waves. For his receiver he used a length of copper wire in the shape of a rectangle whose dimensions
were 120 cm by 80 cm. The wire had its own spark-gap. How did he produced radio pulses?
a. Hertz applied high voltage A.C. electricity across the central spark-gap
of the transmitter, creating sparks.
b. Hertz applied high voltage D.C. electricity across the central spark-gap
of the transmitter, creating sparks.
c. Hertz applied low voltage A.C. electricity across the central spark-gap of
the transmitter, creating sparks.
d. Hertz applied low voltage D.C. electricity across the central spark-gap of
the transmitter, creating sparks.

_____43. "It is well known that Maxwell's electrodynamics - as usually understood at present - when applied to moving
bodies, leads to asymmetries that do not seem to be inherent in the phenomena. Take, for example, the electrodynamic
interaction between a magnet and a conductor. The observable phenomenon here depends only on the relative motion
of conductor and magnet, whereas the customary view draws a sharp distinction between the two cases, in which either
the one or the other of the two bodies is in motion.” This was the famous lines of Einstein in his famous article which
was published in what year?
a. 1902 b. 1903 c. 1904 d. 1905
_____44. Let's say you measure the length of your car. Then, you have a friend drive your car past you. You measure its
length again as it is moving by (with a high-tech laser gizmo). You will find that the measured length of your car when it
is moving is less than the measured length when it is standing still with respect to you. Which of the following explains
this phenomena?
a. relativity of simultaneity b. time dilation
c. length contraction d. mass energy equivalence
_____45. Which of the following are considered so dense that not even light can escape from their gravitational field?
a. singularity d. vent horizon c. black hole d. nebula

_____46. If you cover one eye and note the position of a nearby object, compared with more distant objects, the nearby
object "moves" when you view it with the other eye. Which of the following explains this phenomena?
a. Doppler Effect b. Astronomical Unit c. Parallax d.Light years
_____47. Which law states that “ The greater the recessional velocity of a galaxy, the farther away the galaxy?
a. Law of Universal Gravitation b. Hubble’s Law
c. Low of Inertia d. Law of Action and Reaction

_____48. . Most astronomers think that the universe began in a small, hot, dense state, the rapid expansion of which is
called the Big Bang. The hypothesis called Big Bang was first proposed in 1972 by _________.
a. Edwin Hubble b. Albert Einstein c. Georges Lemaitre d. Max Planck

_____49. The Doppler Effect is the apparent change in sound frequency of a moving source and a stationary observer.
What will happen to the frequency when a stellar light source is moving away?
a. The frequency will be shifted toward the red end of the spectrum and a
Doppler redshift occurs.
b. The frequency will be shifted toward the blue end of the spectrum and
a Doppler blueshift occurs.
c. The frequency will be shifted toward the green end of the spectrum
and a Doppler green shift occurs.
d. The frequency will be shifted toward the yellow end of the spectrum and
a Doppler yellow shift occurs.
_____ 50. Which statement is relevant for a solar system body to be a planet disqualifies Pluto from the planet cub?
a. It is in orbit around the Sun
b. It must have sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body
forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape.
c. Has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.
d. none of the preceding.

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