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SCIENCE 9 4th Quarter

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Name: ____________________________________ Score: _________

Grade & Section: ___________________________


Instructions: Read each question carefully and write the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.

____1. Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by an object or particle projected

into the air. Which of the following solely affects the motion of the object for it be
called a projectile?
A. mass
B. gravity
C. contact force
D. air resistance

____2. An object moves along a straight line and its velocity increases by an equal amount
in an equal interval of time. Which of the following correctly describes the motion of
the object?
A. Uniform Motion
B. Accelerated Motion
C. Uniform Velocity Motion
D. Uniformly Accelerated Motion

____3. If a free-falling ball is equipped with a speedometer, by how much would its speed
reading increase for every second?
A. 0 m/s
B. 8.9 m/s
C. 9.8 m/s
D. 10.8 m/s

____4. A sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player. What is its acceleration after
1 second?
A. 0 m/s²
B. 1 m/s²
C. 9.8 m/s²
D. -9.8 m/s²

____5. Zed is playing a ball on top of a building but the ball falls and hits the ground after 2.6
seconds. What is the final velocity of the ball just before it hits the ground and how
high is the building?
A. -23 m/s, 30 m
B. -24 m/s, 31 m
C. -25 m/s, 32 m
D. -26 m/s, 33 m

____6. If the gravitational acceleration on the moon is 1/6th that of earth, how does the time
of fall on the moon differ from that of the Earth?
A. The object will fall for a longer time on the moon.
B. The object will fall for a shorter time on the moon.
C. The time of fall of an object in the moon cannot be determined.
D. The object will fall at the same time both on Earth and on the moon.
____7. A horizontally-launched projectile glides through the air and gains speed. In what
direction does it accelerate?
A. Vertically only
B. Horizontally only
C. Both vertically and horizontally
D. Neither vertically nor horizontally

____8. A projectile is released at an angle above the horizontal. In the absence of air
resistance, at what angle of projection the maximum range of a projectile is greatest?
A. 250
B. 35
C. 450
D. 650

____9. A projectile is an object upon which the only force acting is gravity. Which of the
following is an example of a projectile?
A. A spinning top
B. A descending airplane
C. A javelin being thrown from the level ground
D. A man riding in a basket under a hot air balloon

____10. Gravity is the downward force upon a projectile that influences its vertical motion.
How does gravity affect the trajectory of a projectile?
A. It decreases its horizontal acceleration.
B. It increases the height the projectile can obtain.
C. It influences its vertical motion and causes a parabolic path.
D. It creates a force that keeps the projectile at constant horizontal velocity.

____11. Which of the following describes the Law of Conservation of Momentum?

A. The total momentum of a system changes if net external forces are acting on it.
B. The total momentum of a system changes if no net external forces are acting on it.
C. The total momentum of a system does not change if net external forces are acting
on it.
D. The total momentum of a system does not change if no net external forces are
acting on it.

____12. In the absence of external forces, which of the following cases is momentum
A. In an elastic collision
B. In an inelastic collision
C. Either in an elastic or an inelastic collision
D. Neither in an elastic nor an inelastic collision

____13. In Newtonian mechanics, linear momentum, translational momentum, or simply

momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object. How can you
increase the linear momentum of something?
A. Increase its mass and velocity.
B. Decrease its mass and velocity.
C. Increase its mass, decrease its velocity.
D. Decrease its mass, increase its velocity.

____14. In certain martial arts, people practice breaking a piece of wood with the side of
their bare hands. Given the same change in momentum, which of the following
statements below explain how this can be done without injury to the hand?
A. When the time interval is bigger, the impact force is bigger.
B. When the time interval is bigger, the impact force is smaller.
C. When the time interval is smaller, the impact force is bigger.
D. When the time interval is smaller, the impact force is smaller.

____15. Airbags inflate upon impact and provide a barrier between the driver and the
steering wheel. Which of the following explains why airbags can reduce injuries in a
vehicle collision?
A. They will catch your body as the vehicle moves forward, reducing your inertia.
B. When a vehicle is in motion, all of its passengers are moving at the same velocity
as the vehicle.
C. They increase the amount of time it takes for the second collision to occur, which
decreases the force and severity of injuries.
D. They decrease the amount of time it takes for the second collision to occur, which
decreases the force and severity of injuries.

____16. Two billiard balls approach each other at equal speeds. If they collide in a perfectly
elastic collision, what would happen to their velocities after collision?
A. Zero
B. Same in magnitude and direction
C. Same in magnitude but opposite in direction
D. Different in magnitude and opposite in direction

____17. To apply the concept of momentum, you were challenged to drop a raw egg from a
10-m high building to the ground without breaking. Which of the following is the BEST
tactic for this egg-drop activity?
A. Wrap the egg with a handkerchief or with wet paper towels.
B. Look for a grassy area where the egg be possible dropped without breaking.
C. Before dropping, position the egg so that it lands with the strongest part of its
D. Construct a landing craft to cushion it against the impact of landing and to slow
down its descent speed.

____18. Two skaters are in a position to push away from each other. If they are initially at
rest before pushing, what can be said of their momentum?
A. Zero
B. Equal to the sum of their masses
C. Equal to the sum of their weights
D. Equal to the sum of their masses and velocities

____19. You were ice skating in one of the coolest ice-skating rinks in your locality when
suddenly you came across an area where there is no friction between your feet and
the ice. Which of the following must you do to get off on this frictionless spot?
A. Walk very slowly on tiptoe.
B. Grab your ice rescue spikes and slowly crawl out from that spot.
C. Take a deep breath and with all your strength and energy continue ice skating.
D. Remove some of your heavy and thick clothing so that you can glide easily on the
ice away from the spot.

____20. When energy changes from one form to another, the amount of energy stays the
same. This principle is held by which of the following laws?
A. Law of Energy
B. Law of Conservation of Mass
C. Law of Conservation of Energy
D. Law of Chemical Combination
____21. It refers to the change in internal energy of a system equals the difference between
the heat taken in by the system and the work done by the system.
A. 1st Law of Thermodynamics
B. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
C. 3rd Law of Thermodynamics
D. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

____22. The internal energy of a body increases when its temperature increases and it
changes from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas. What is the unit that expresses
internal energy?
A. Joule
B. Pascal
C. Newton
D. Ampere

____23. Heat engine is a device for producing motive power from heat, such as gasoline or
steam engine. What is the function of a heat engine?
A. It converts thermal energy into chemical energy.
B. It converts thermal energy to mechanical energy.
C. It converts mechanical energy to chemical energy.
D. It converts chemical energy to mechanical energy.

____24. Heat engines often operate at around 30% to 50% efficiency, due to practical
limitations. Why is a heat engine not 100% efficient?
A. Because an engine needs to be cooled down.
B. Because some of the gases are taken up in the piston.
C. Because all of the gases are used up by the engine.
D. Because all mixtures of gases are converted into work.

____25. An ideal gas is compressed without allowing any heat to flow into or out of the gas.
What will happen to the temperature of the gas in this process?
A. The temperature decreases since heat flows during the process.
B. The temperature increases since no heat flows during the process.
C. The temperature remains the same since heat flows in and out on the process.
D. The temperature could not be determined since heat is absorbed during the

____26. The internal energy of a system is initially 35 J. The system does 34 J of work.
What is the system’s final internal energy when a total of 46 J of energy is added to
the system by heat?
A. 26 J
B. 36 J
C. 37 J
D. 47 J

____27. If 500 calories of heat are added to gas, and the gas expands doing 500 J of work
on its surroundings, what is the change in the internal energy of the gas?
A. 1559 J
B. 1595 J
C. 5159 J
D. 5915 J

____28. Mang Fermin, a carpenter, is planning a piece of wood in his planar. After a few
minutes, he observed that it is hot. Is there evidence of heat transfer?
A. No, hotness is not related to the change in temperature.
B. Yes, hotness means there is a decrease in the temperature.
C. Yes, hotness means there is an increase in the temperature.
D. No, there is no evidence of either the increase or decrease of temperature in its

____29. Is it possible to change the temperature of a glass of water by stirring the water,
even though the glass is insulated from its surroundings?
A. No, stirring will not affect the temperature of the water.
B. No, insulation prevents the change of temperature of the water.
C. Yes, stirring the water increases its internal energy causing the increase of the
D. Yes, stirring the water increases its internal energy causing the decrease of the

____30. Air conditioning is a system for controlling the humidity, ventilation, and temperature
in a building or vehicle, typically to maintain a cool atmosphere in warm conditions.
How can air conditioning function as a heater during cold days and cooler during hot
i. It takes heat from the air outside to warm the inside.
ii. It cools the inside of the house and heats the outside.
A. i only
B. ii only
C. Both i and ii
D. Neither i nor ii

____31. Who among the following scientists discovered the relationship between electricity
and magnetism?
A. Michael Faraday
B. Alessandro Volta
C. Andrei Marie Ampere
D. Hans Christian Oersted

____32. Transformers are used to raise the voltage along with substations and lower for its
residential consumption. What kind of transformers are used to raise voltage?
A. Step-up
B. Step-down
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither of the two

____33. In which of the following units is electrical consumption measured by electric

companies for our household consumption in our homes?
A. Volt
B. Kilowatt
C. Megawatt
D. Kilowatt-hour

____34. A generator is a machine that converts energy for transmission and distribution over
power lines to domestic, commercial, and industrial customers. What energy
transformation takes place in a generator?
A. Heat to mechanical
B. Mechanical to electrical
C. Chemical to mechanical
D. Electrical to mechanical
____35. When a magnet and the conductor move relative to each other, what is being
A. Voltage
B. Current
C. Resistance
D. Magnetic field

____36. When power reaches the distribution lines, the step-down transformer reduced
the voltage to 220 to 230 volts for household consumption. What will happen to an
appliance labeled with 110-volt if it is plugged directly into our sockets?
A. It will burn or explode due to excess voltage or emf
B. It will function but will not last long because the voltage is not compatible.
C. Its voltage will automatically change according to the voltage in the power supply.
D. It will work properly since the voltage indicated in an appliance is not associated
with the voltage in the power supply

____37. Energy Efficiency Ratio (EEF) tells you how efficiently a refrigerator uses its power
cool its rated storage volume. How is EEF related to operating costs?
A. The lower the EEF, the lower the operating cost.
B. The lower the EEF, the higher the operating cost.
C. The higher the EEF, the lower the operating cost.
D. The higher the EEF, the higher the operating cost.

____38. Which of the following describes a changing magnetic field for a generator to
electric current?
A. Both the magnet and the electric conductor should be steady.
B. Either the magnet or the electric conductor should be moving.
C. Both the magnet and the electric conductor should be moving.
D. Current is induced whether the magnet and the electric conductor are steady or

____39. Which of the following distinguishes a distribution from a transmission circuit?

A. Voltage level
B. The size of the transformer
C. Amount of the current induced
D. The kind of distribution wires used

____40. You made an electric motor in school. When you tested it by using 4 dry cells, the
armature turned very fast. What should you do to make it turn slower?
A. Use a bigger magnet.
B. Remove one of the dry cells.
C. Increase the number of turns in the coil of wire.
D. Decrease the distance between the magnetic poles.

____41. If a 100 W light bulb is lit for 8 hours each day for 20 days in a month, how many
kilowatt-hours will the bulb consume?
A. 16
B. 160
C. 1600
D. 16000

____42. In electric power plants, turbines are connected to generators to convert mechanical
energy to electricity. How do turbines produce electricity?
A. Turbines propel magnets to create a magnetic field and produce voltage
B. Turbines rotate and produce a force that moves both magnets and coils of wire
C. Turbines are attached to coils of wires and stationary magnets to create steady
magnetic field
D. Turbines either powered by steam or water spin huge magnets inside coils of
wire to induce current

____43. How would you explain why electrical power is transmitted over long transmission
lines at very high voltages and low current?
A. To make energy content constant
B. To maximize the energy loss
C. To minimize the energy loss
D. To preserve energy

____44. Hydroelectric power plant is a major source of electric current in some places in our
country. It is considered almost 100% efficient because it produces little waste heat.
Which of the following could be the reason why our country cannot depend on this
of power plant?
A. Our country has no adequate source of funds
B. Bodies of water in the country are not sufficient
C. There is not enough ideal locations for dams to store large quantities of water
D. It produces a large number of pollutants that could contaminate our environment

____45. In typical power transmission, alternating current (AC) is used instead of direct
(DC) in transmitting electricity through long distances. Which of the following explains
A. Only alternating current can flow through the cables.
B. Most of the electrical appliances work only with alternating current.
C. Alternating current voltage can be stepped up or stepped down by using
D. Generating direct current is more complicated than generating alternating current.

____46. The illustration below shows some parts of an electrical power grid. Which of the
following is NOT true about the generation, transmission, and distribution of

Figure 1. Electric Power Grid


A. Power plants are generating stations of electricity

B. Generating stations could be hydropower, geothermal, nuclear, or fossil fuels
C. From power plants, electricity is transmitted through wires to a step-down
transformer to increase the voltage
D. In substations, voltage is reduced before it is transmitted to distribution lines and
finally to consumers.

____47. A certain ancestral village is situated in a spot where it could be an ideal location for
building a dam to generate hydropower. The owners are against it because they
would like to preserve the cultural and historical heritage of their ancestors and
elders. As a CEO of a multimillionaire company, how will you convince them that
constructing this power plant is a big help to the community?
A. Offer them a huge amount of money and lifetime comfort and convenience
B. Persuade them that the tradition they kept is not as vital as living a luxurious life
C. Tell them that they will be hailed heroes for helping augment the economic
condition of the community.
D. Present the project and explain to them that many would benefit from it and that
the village will still be protected and well-maintained

____48. Ms. Jamero would like to study the feasibility of energy resources that do not
produce a lot of pollutants that could destroy the environment. Which of the following
should he NOT visit?
A. In a place where it is abundant with coal, oil, and natural gas
B. In a site where geysers and hot springs are located
C. In a mountainous area probable for hydropower
D. In a town where the wind is significantly abundant

____49. Gemma wanted to improve the lighting condition of her room by buying a lamp.
Which of the following suggestion is best for her?
A. Buy an incandescent bulb because it is cheaper.
B. Buy an incandescent bulb because it gives off more light.
C. Buy a fluorescent lamp because it is brighter than an incandescent bulb.
D. Buy a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) or LED lamp because it is more energy

____50. Energy resources like water, coal, and natural gas will become scarce when they
are expended faster than they can recover. Human activities such as deforestation,
over mining, and destruction of the ecosystems are just some of the causes of this
dilemma. To help address this problem, which of the following activities will you
exercise to help preserve and conserve these energy resources?
A. Utilize more products from fossil fuels.
B. Refrain from joining activities such as reforestation.
C. Practice reducing, reusing, and recycling materials.
D. Support mining industries in restricted areas to boost the economy of our locality.

“Good luck and God bless you all…”

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