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Curriculum Map in Introduction To The World Religion

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Servite Catholic School

Poblacion 5, Laurel, Batangas

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person Grade 12
Prepared by : Checked and Approved by :


Academic Coordinator Principal


Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person
Module 4 The learners The learners The learner 4.1. The school The learners should Ppt
demonstrate should be able will be able to: engages in At the end of this be able to… Week 1
Final Grading understanding to… sustainable lesson, you YouTube: web Feb. 20-Mar. 7,
of… The learner is programs that should be able to 5.1. Realize that “all links 2022
Period: Human able to show an uplift the quality do the following: actions have
Living The learner The learner understanding of of life and The learner is consequences.” Quipper
understands the shows situations philosophy respect the able to PPT11/12-IIa-5.1
human person’s that demonstrate within the dignity of the understand that 5.2. Evaluate and
freedom freedom of context of the poor, deprived doing exercise prudence in
Freedom of the choice and the and philosophy choices PPT11/12-
human person as
human person consequences of marginalized IIa-5.2 5.3. Realize
free, within the
choices. sectors of that:
intersubjective, context of the
immersed in human person as a. Choices have
4.2. The school
society and free, consequences
allocates human
oriented towards intersubjective, b. Some things are
and financial
death. resources to immersed in given up while
make education society, and others are obtained
equitably oriented towards in making choices
accessible to the their impending
poor. death will lead to
4.3. The school a deeper
provides understanding of
programs and the human
activities that person.
enable the poor

Module 4 The learners The learners The learner will At the end of the The learners should be Ppt
6. demonstrate should be able be able to: 7.1. The school course, the able to… Week 2
Intersubjectivity understanding to… implements student should be YouTube: web Mar. 14-21,
of… The learner effective spiritual able to: 6.1. Realize that links 2022
performs The learner is formation, 1. Reflect on intersubjectivity
The learner activities that able to show an character their daily requires accepting Quipper
understands demonstrate an understanding of development, experiences from differences and not to
intersubjective appreciation for philosophy professional a holistic point of imposing on others
human relations the talents of within the growth and view PPT11/12-IIc-6.1
persons with context of the community- 2. Aquire Critical 6.2. Appreciate the
disabilities and human person as building and Analytical talents of persons with
those from the free, programs for its disabilities and those
Thinking skills
underprivileged intersubjective, personnel. from the
3. Apply their
sectors of immersed in 7.2. The school underprivileged sectors
society society and personnel critical and of society and their
oriented towards manifest a strong analytical contributions to society
death. sense of thinking skills to PPT11/12-IId-6.1
The learner is ownership and the affairs of 6.3. Explain that
able to responsibility daily life authentic dialogue
understand that over the school, 4. Become means accepting others
doing philosophy its direction, truthful, even if they are
within the programs and environment- different from
context of the activities; and friendly and themselves PPT11/12-
human person as exercise service-oriented IId-6.3
free, accountability at 5. Actively 6.4. Perform activities
intersubjective, their level of committed to the that demonstrate the
immersed in responsibility. development of a talents of persons with
society, and more humane disabilities and those
oriented towards PCSS-S7.1 from the
their impending PCSS-S7.2 underprivileged sectors
6. Articulate their
death will lead to of society.
own philosophy
a deeper
of life
understanding of
the human
Module 4 The learners The learners The learners will The learners will The learners Ppt
demonstrate should be able be able to: 5.2. School be able to: should be able
7. The Human understanding to… leaders possess to… YouTube: web Week 3-4
Person in Society of… the personal At the end of the links Mar. 28-Apr. 4,
The learner is qualities and course, the 7.1. Recognize 2022
The learner able to show an professional student should be how individuals Quipper
understands the The learner understanding of qualifications able to: form societies
interplay between writes a philosophy required by their 1. Reflect on and how
the individuality philosophical within the positions. individuals are
their daily
of human beings reflection on the context of the 5.3. School transformed by
experiences from
and their social meaning of human person as leaders are societies
his/her own life a holistic point of
contexts free, witnessing PPT11/12-IIf-7.1
intersubjective, Catholics – 7.2. Compare
immersed in 2. Aquire Critical
faithful to the different forms of
society and values of the and Analytical societies and
oriented towards Gospel and Thinking skills individualities
death. teachings of the 3. Apply their (eg. Agrarian,
Catholic Church. critical and industrial and
analytical virtual)
PCSS-S5.2 thinking skills to PPT11/12-IIg-7.2
PCSS-S5.3 the affairs of 7.3. Explain how
daily life human relations
are transformed
by social systems
7.4. Evaluate the
transformation of
relationships by
social systems
and how societies
individual human
Module 4 The learners The learners The learners will The learners Ppt
demonstrate should be able be able to: should be able
8. Human understanding to… 2.1. Faith to… YouTube: web Week 5-6
persons as of… formation is links Apr. 11-18, 2022
oriented towards central to the
their impending The learner In this lesson, school’s 8.1. Recognize the Quipper
death understands The learner you should be curriculum, meaning of his/her
human beings as evaluates the able to do the governance, own life
oriented towards Eightfold Path in following: environment and PPT11/12-IIh-8.1
their impending terms of how it ● Describe partnership with 8.2. Enumerate the
death achieves the Buddha’s life and stakeholders. objectives he/she
Middle Way. teachings. 2.2. A really wants to
● Enumerate the distinctive achieve and to
The learner Four Noble Catholic define the projects
draws the insight Truths and environment he/she really
from the acts of Eightfold Path. provides varied wants to do in
generosity of ● Identify the opportunities his/her life
Tzu Chi major elements where Jesus can PPT11/12-IIi-8.2
Foundation that and be encountered 8.3. Explain the
reflect characteristics of and experienced meaning of life
the core teaching Theravada by persons and (where will all
of Mahayana Buddhism. communities. these lead to)
Buddhism. ● Explain the PPT11/12-IIi-8.3
growth and PCSS-S2.1 8.4. Reflect on the
spread of PCSS-S2.2 meaning of his/her
Theravada own life
Buddhism in

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