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Curriculum Map Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Grade 11

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Servite Catholic School

Poblacion 5, Laurel, Batangas

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Grade 11
Prepared by : Checked and Approved by :


Academic Coordinator Principal

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction


Module 1 The learners The learners The learner 4.1. The school The learners should Ppt
demonstrate should be able will be able to: engages in This course be able to… Week 1
Other related understanding to… sustainable focuses on the YouTube: web Feb. 20-Mar. 7,
geological of… programs that application of 1. Discuss the links 2022
hazards In this unit, you uplift the quality scientific different geological
The learners The learners should be able of life and knowledge and hazards; Quipper
demonstrate develop a to: respect the the solution of 2. Analyze the
understanding family ● discuss dignity of the practical causes of geological
of… emergency different poor, deprived problems in a hazards;
Related preparedness geological and physical 3. Recognize signs
geological plan to hazards; marginalized of impending
environment. It
hazards guide them on sectors of geological
● analyze the is designed to
1. Rainfall- what to society.
causes of bridge the gap hazards;
induced do before, PCSS-S4.1
geological between DRR11/12-IIa-b-27
landslide during, and hazards; theoretical DRR11/12-IIa-b-28
2. Sinkhole after the ● recognize science and daily 4. Interpret
occurrence of signs of living. geological maps;
events that cause impending and
geological geological 5. Apply mitigation
hazards. hazards; strategies to prevent
● interpret loss of lives and
geological maps; properties.
and DRR11/12-IIa-b-29
● apply
strategies to
prevent loss of
lives and
Module 2 The learners The learners should The learner will be This course The learners should Ppt
7. demonstrate be able to… able to: 4.2. The focuses on the be able to… Week 2
Hydrometeorologi understanding of… school application of YouTube: Mar. 14-
cal hazards The learners allocates scientific 7.1. Identify the web links 21, 2022
The learners develop a ● distinguish and human and knowledge and uniqueness and
demonstrate family emergency differentiate among financial similarities of Quipper
the solution of
understanding of… preparedness plan to and between different resources to practical Judaism, Christianity
Potential guide them on what hydrometeorological make and Islam
problems in a
hydrometeorologica to do before, during, hazards; education HUMSS_WRB12-
l and after the ● recognize signs of equitably I/IIIi-7.1
occurrence of accessible to environment. It 7.2. Provide evidence
hazards: an impending
events that cause hydrometeorological the poor. is designed to that Judaism,
1. Typhoon bridge the gap
hydrometeorological hazard; 4.3. The Christianity and Islam
2. Thunderstorm between
hazards. ● apply appropriate school share common roots
3. Flashflood theoretical
The learners measures/intervention provides from Patriarch
4. Flood develop proficiency programs and science and Abraham
s before, during, and
5. Stormsurge in executing activities that daily living. HUMSS_WRB12-
6. El niño emergency response hydrometeorological enable the I/IIIi-7.2
7. La niña plans through safety hazards; poor 7.3. Justify that
drills. ● interpret PCSS-S4.2 Judaism, Christianity
hydrometeorological PCSS-S4.3 and
maps; and Islam, as
● use available tools monotheistic
in monitoring religions, have largely
hydrometeorological influenced the world
hazards. today.
7.4. Conduct a group
research on the
doctrines of each of
the three religions and
compare them in the
aspects of origin,
morality, purpose,
destiny, and views on
Module 3 The learners The learners The learners will The learners will The learners Ppt
demonstrate should be able be able to: 5.2. School be able to: should be able
Fire hazard understanding to… leaders possess to… YouTube: web Week 3-4
of… the personal links Mar. 28-Apr. 4,
qualities and This course 1. Recognize 2022
The learners professional focuses on the elements of the Quipper
demonstrate The learners 1. Apply basic qualifications application of fire triangle in
understanding of develop a family response required by their scientific different
Fire hazards and emergency procedures positions. knowledge and situations;
related preparedness during a 5.3. School the solution of 2. Analyze the
concepts: plan to guide fire incident; and leaders are practical different causes
1. Fire triangle them on what to 2. Follow fire witnessing problems in a of fires;
2. Causes of fires do before, emergency and Catholics – physical 3. Observe
3. Phases of a fire during, and evacuation faithful to the environment. It is precautionary
emergency after a fire plans; values of the designed to measures and
incident. Gospel and bridge the gap proper
teachings of the between procedures in
Catholic Church. theoretical addressing a fire
science and daily incident.
PCSS-S5.2 living.
Module 4 The learners The learners should The learners will The learners Ppt
demonstrate be able to… be able to: should be able
Concept of understanding 2.1. Faith to… YouTube: web Week 5-6
Disaster Risk of… formation is links Apr. 11-18,
Reduction central to the 2022
(DRR) The learners are able ● develop a school’s 1. Discuss the key Quipper
and Disaster Disaster risk to develop a community curriculum, concepts,
Risk reduction: community preparedness governance, principles, and
Reduction and 1. Concept of emergency plan; and environment and elements of DRR;
Management DRR preparedness plan ● prepare partnership with 2. Recognize the
(DRRM) 2. Importance of and community survival kits and stakeholders. importance of
DRR disaster materials for 2.2. A DRR on one’s
3. Key principles preparedness plan to one's family, distinctive Life.
Community- minimize public Catholic 3. Discuss
based disaster vulnerability information and environment different
risk reduction and disaster risk in advocacy. provides varied community-based
and the community and opportunities practices
management for avoid or limit where Jesus can for managing
preparedness adverse impacts of be encountered disaster risk to
1. Emergency hazards. and experienced specific
plan by persons and hazards;
2. Monitoring The learners practice communities. 4. Develop a
and and develop community
Evaluation proficiency PCSS-S2.1 preparedness
3. Early Warning in executing PCSS-S2.2 plan; and
Systems emergency 5. Prepare
4. Survival kits response survival kits and
and materials. protocols/procedures materials for
through safety drills. one’s family and
for public
information and
Module 5 The learners The learners The learners will The learners Ppt
demonstrate should be able be able to: 15.1. The school should be able
What to expect understanding to… actively to… YouTube: web Week 7-8
between the State of… promotes the links Apr. 25-May 2,
and the citizens organization and 1. Explain DRR- 2022
The learners are ● avail of formation of its related laws and Quipper
1. Policies of able to existing DRR- stakeholders in policies;
DRRM -The develop a related services support of the 2. Avail of
Philippine community and projects; school’s vision existing DRR-
DRRM Law disaster ● abide by public and mission. related services
RA 10121 and its preparedness policies on 15.2. The school programs and
Implementing plan to minimize DRRM; collaborates with projects; and
Rules vulnerability and ● explain the individuals, 3. Abide by public
and Regulations disaster risk in targets and the associations, policies on
2. Information the community priority levels of networks and DRRM.
and and avoid or the Sendai other
resources from limit adverse Framework; and organizations
the impacts of ● discuss that promote the
Government hazards. priorities for sustainability of
(Projects action to build Catholic
and Programs) resilience on a education and its
national and local goals of total
level. human
development and

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