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Answer To Exercise 01

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MABS 68 I Reading in Buddhist

Sanskrit Texts I: Grammatical

Lesson 01: Exercise
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1. saṃsāraḥ duḥkhaḥ |
(nom,m,sg) (nom,m,sg)

= The cycle of births and deaths is unsatisfactory/suffering.

saṃsāraḥ (m) !"﹐#$ cycle of births and deaths

duḥkha (adj) % painful, sorrowful, unsatisfactory
2. skandhāḥ svabhāva-śūnyāḥ |
(nom,m,pl) ( nom,m,pl )

= Aggregates are intrinsically empty (/empty of self-nature).

skandhaḥ (m) &,' aggregate, heap

svabhāvaḥ (m) 自性 self-nature, intrinsic nature
śūnya (adj) 空 empty
svabhāva-śūnya (adj) intrinsically empty
3. anityāḥ vata saṃskārāḥ |
(nom,m,pl)(indec) (nom,m,pl)

= The conditioning forces are indeed impermanent.

anitya (adj) () impermanent

vata (= bata) (ind) indeed, verily
saṃskārāḥ (m; pl) * the conditionings, conditioning forces
4. śabdaḥ anityaḥ | ghaṭavat |
(nom,m,sg)(nom,m,sg) (indec)

= Sound is impermanent like a pot/vase.

śabdaḥ (m) + sound

anitya (adj) () impermanent
ghaṭaḥ (m) , vase, pot
-vat (ind) like (X-vat ‘like X’)
5. buddhānām utpādaḥ sukhaḥ |
(gen,m,pl) (nom,m,sg) (nom,m,sg)

= Arising of Buddhas is happy.

buddhaḥ (m) -,./ Enlightened One

utpādaḥ (m) 生,起,出世,出現 arising, coming up/out
sukha (adj) 樂 happy
6. buddhasya gambhīraḥ dharmaḥ |
(gen,m,sg) (nom,m,sg) (nom,m,sg)

= The Buddha's profound doctrine (/The profound doctrine of the Buddha).

buddhaḥ (m) 佛,覺者 Enlightened One

gambhīra (adj) 深,甚深 profound
dharmaḥ (m) 法 (numerous meanings) doctrine, factors of existence, truth, virtue, etc.
7. buddhānām āveṇikāḥ guṇāḥ |
(gen,m,pl) (nom,m,pl) (nom,m,pl)

= The unique qualities of the Buddhas.

buddhaḥ (m) 佛,覺者 Enlightened One

āveṇika (adj) 不共 unique, unshared
guṇaḥ (m) 德 virtue, quality
8. loke manuṣyāḥ |
(loc,m,sg) (nom,m,pl)

= People in the world.

lokaḥ (m) 世間 world

manuṣyaḥ (m) 人 human being
9. buddhaḥ saṅghe |
(nom,m,sg) (loc,m,sg)

= The Buddha/Enlightened One is in the Saṅgha/assembly.

buddhaḥ (m) 佛,覺者 Enlightened One

saṅghaḥ (/saṃghaḥ) (m) 僧伽,僧,(和合)眾 the saṅgha, assembly, multitude
10. tathāgatānām dharme prasādaḥ |
( gen,m,pl ) (loc,m,sg) (nom,m,sg)

= Deep conviction with regard to the doctrine of the Tathāgatas.

tathāgataḥ (m) 如來 ‘Thus Gone/Come One.’ An epithet for the Buddha

dharmaḥ (m) 法 (numerous meanings) doctrine, factors of existence, truth, virtue, etc.
prasādaḥ (m) 淨信 deep conviction
11. buddhaḥ anāthapiṇḍadasya ārāme |
(nom,m,sg) ( gen,m,sg ) (loc,m,sg)

= The Buddha/Enlightened One is in the monastery (/pleasure park) of Anātha-


buddhaḥ (m) 佛,覺者 Enlightened One

anātha-piṇḍadaḥ (m) 給孤獨(長者) name of a wealthy merchant who became a close devotee of the Buddha
ārāmaḥ (m) 園,園林 pleasure park, monastery
12. ekasmin loke na dvau buddhau |
(loc,sg;adv)(loc,m,sg)(indec) (nom,m,du) (nom,m,du)

= There are no two Buddhas in a world.

eka (adj) one, single (in loc: ekasmin)

lokaḥ (m) 世間 world
na (ind) negative particle (‘not’)
dva (original stem of dvi) (adj) two, both; dvau (du,m,nom) two
buddhaḥ (m) 佛,覺者 Enlightened One
13. śāriputra-maudgalyāyanau buddhasya agrau śrāvakau |
( nom,m,du ) ( gen,m,sg ) (nom,m,du) (nom,m,du)

= Śāriputra and Maudgalyāyana are the two chief

(/foremost/highest/best/supreme) disciples of the Buddha.

Śāriputraḥ (m) 舍利子, 舍利弗 name of a chief disciple of the Buddha, foremost in wisdom
Maudgalyāyanaḥ (m) 目楗連 name of a chief disciple of the Buddha, foremost in psychic powers
buddhaḥ (m) 佛,覺者 Enlightened One
agra (adj) 勝,頂,第 foremost, highest, best, chief, supreme
śrāvakaḥ (m) 聲聞,弟子 ‘listener,’ disciple
14. dvayoḥ pakṣayoḥ saṅghaḥ |
(gen,m,dul) (gen,m,dul) (nom,m,sg)

= The saṅgha is of two parts.

dva (original stem of dvi) (adj) two, both; dvayoḥ (du,m,gen) of the two
pakṣaḥ (m) a side, party, faction, etc.
saṅghaḥ (/saṃghaḥ) (m) 僧伽,僧,(和合)眾 the saṅgha, assembly, multitude

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