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Medha Suktam Study Notes

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The hymn praises the power of intelligence and asks for blessings of wisdom, strength and good progeny

The hymn invokes the power of intelligence (Medha) for blessings of wisdom and understanding

The hymn asks for blessings of a strong body, sweet speech, ability to learn from scriptures, and protection from the scriptures

me| sUm\

Medh Sktam
Medh - Intellection: understanding, retaining and assimilating what is heard/read.
Sktam - A vedic hymn (lit: well said) that invokes either a devat or Bhagavn
We start with a mantra from the Taittiriya Upaniad (I.iv.1) which is a prayer for one who wants
intelligence. The second verse of the mantra goes on to ask for wealth, but as this is sounded with the
Medh sktam, which is concerned with wisdom, we do not include the second verse.

- yZNds|mwo ivp:
Om yachandasm abho vivarupah
Om (pratka) sound symbol that stands for the Lord (i.e. a (pratka symbol, one that has no
human features like the Siva lingam, unlike Ganesha who has a hands and legs, called a pratma symbol)
ya that which (i.e. that Om)

chandasm of the Vedic mantras

abha is exalted (lit. like a bull, i.e. that which is the bull among Vedic mantras)
viva-rupah in the form of the universe
That Om, the symbol for the Lord in the form of the universe, which is the most exalted
of the Veda mantras

chandobhya from the Vedas
adhi essence (lit. pertaining to, here to be read with sambabva to carry sense of essence)
amtt from the timeless
sam-babhva emerged from (with adhi adhi sam-babhva means emerged as the essence)
(That Om) which has emerged from the Vedas as their essence

s meNd/o mey| Sp~otu

sa mendro medhay spnotu
sa that
me me
indra Indra, Lord, Om
medhay with intelligence/wisdom
spnotu may (he) bless
May that Om, the Lord Indra, bless me with intelligence.
My that Om, sound symbol for the Lord Indra in the form of the universe, most exalted
of Veda mantras, which has emerged from the Vedas as their essence, bless me with the
power of intelligence.

amtSy dev|r~o Uy|sm\

amtasya devadhrano bhysam
amtasya of immortality (here to be read in the context of a prayer for wisdom, so means nectar of
knowledge that frees me from mortality)
deva O effulgent Lord (i.e. Om)

dhrana possessor, holder

bhysam may I become
O Lord, may I become endowed with the nectar of wisdom that frees me from mortality.

zrIr, me ivcwR~m\
aram me vicaraam
aram body
me my
vicaraam fit, healthy, strong
(bhyt) may become (understood, implied)
May my body become strong, healthy and fit

ij|me mum.m|
jivh me madhumattam
jivh tongue
me my
madhu-mat-tam that which is sweetest (madhu = sweet + mat = that which is sweet + tama =
that which is sweetest)

(bhyt) may become (understood, implied)

May my tongue become the sweetest, i.e. always speak what is sweet, not-hurtful, true.

k~|Ry|, Uirivuvm\
karbhym bhriviruvam
karbhym with my ears
bhri abundantly, much
viruvam may I hear
May I listen to the stras as often as possible with my ears.

b/~: kozois mey| ipiht:

brahmaa koosi medhay pihita
brahmaa of Brahman
koa the sheath
asi you are
medhay worldly intelligence (i.e. limited)
pihita covered
O Omkra, you cover Brahman like a sheath*; and you are covered by worldly intelligence
(* sheath: i.e. By dwelling on you we can arrive at the nature of Reality, which cannot be accessed directly.)

ut, me gop|y
rutam me gopya
rutam what has been heard (i.e. stra)
me for me
gopya for protection (i.e. 4th case)
(bhyt) may become (understood, implied)
May the stra that has been heard by me be for my protection.

- z|iNt: z|iNt: z|iNt:

Om nti nti nti

- me|deevI juwm|~| n a|g|d\ iv|cI d/| sumnSym|n|

Om Medh Dev - O goddess (dev) of intellection (Medh)
juam** - blessing
na - us (na)
gd - let her come
vivc - all-knowing (i.e. by which alone one becomes all-knowing)
bhadr auspicious (i.e. through clarity of thinking, perception, purpose)
sumanasyamn - pleased-minded* (i.e. our actions, being dharmic, do not disturb the order)

May Medh Dev, the power of intellection, who bestows all-knowingness, who brings
auspiciousness through clarity, whose mind is pleased undisturbed by our actions
which are righteous come, blessing us.
(*Implied Prayer: Please bless me with the knowledge and strength to live a life of dharma.)
(**m|n| mn. creates present participles eg. tmanepada verbs, jushate - blesses, jushamn - is blessing;
bhshate - he speaks, bhshamn - he is speaking; ucchate - is spoken, ucchamn - is being spoken)

Tvy| ju| nudm|n| du|n\ bhdem ivde suvIr|:

tvay - by you
ju - (we who are) blessed
nudamn - giving up (pushing aside)
duruktn - unwanted, vile speech (that distracts from living dharma)
bhad - of Brahman
vadema - may we speak
vidathe - having understood*
suvr - good children (i.e. who understand the value of dharma and are committed to a life of dharma)

Being blessed by you, may we, having understood* and having given up all harsh words,
speak about Brahman and have children that appreciate the value of a life of dharma.
* understood = having purushartha nishchaya, knowing the value of knowledge (i.e. connected with
moksha), knowing the importance of pramaana, knowing the shastra as pramaana, learning with a right
teacher, having shraddha, thereby understanding what Brahman is and remaining in contemplation.

Tvy| ju AiwRvit deiv Tvy| b/|gtIt Tvy|

tvay - by you
jua - (one who is) blessed
ir - a rishi (a seer of reality, a knower of Brahman) (i)
bhavati - becomes
dev O goddess
tvay - by you
brahm Brahman (the word bhavati- becomes, is understood)
gatarr wealthy (lit. one to whom wealth has come) (gatar) (bhavati is understood)
uta - and
tvay - by you (rhythmic filler)

O Goddess, blessed by you one becomes a knower of Brahman, one becomes Brahman,
one becomes wealthy.

Tvy| jui], ivNdte vsu s|no juwSv d/iv~on mee

tvay - by you
jua - (one who is) blessed
citram - different forms of
vindate - attains
vasu - wealth
s - such a one (Medh Dev)
no - us (na)
juasva - may you bless
draviona - with wealth (= draviena)
Medhe - O power of intellection (voc. of Medh)

May such a One as you, O Medh Dev, blessed by whom one attains all varieties of
wealth, bless us with prosperity (both material and subtle, up to moksha).

me|, m Nd/o dd|tu me|, devI srSvtI

medhm - intellection
ma - me
indro - by Indra
dadtu - may he give (bless)
medhm - intellection
dev - goddess
sarasvat - Sarasvat (goddess/power of knowledge, intellect, music and wisdom)

May Indra (akti of the physical body) grant me good stamina and health (for
unhindered functioning of the intellect) and may Goddess Sarasvat grant me the power
of intellection.

me|, me ain|vu|v|.|, puWkrj|

medhm - intellection
me - to me
Avinv (=Avinau) - the twin Ashvins, deities of the nostrils, the divine physicians
ubhav (=ubhau) - both
dhattm - infuse/place
pukarasraj - lotus (pukara) garlanded (sraj)

May the twin Ashvins, garlanded with lotuses, bless me with the power of intellection
(by giving me good health, on which it depends).

aPsr|su c y| me| gNveRwu c yNmn:

apsarsu - heavenly damsels
ca - and
y - that which (yad f.) (co-relative of s in following statement)
medh - intellection
gandharveu - celestial musicians
ca - and
yan - that which (yad n.) (co-relative of s in the following statement)
mana - intellect (the mind manas regarded here, generically, as the intellect)
That which is enjoyed as the subtle intelligence of heavenly damsels and the intelligence of celestial

dEvI, me| srSvtI s| m|, me| surijuRwt|m\

daivm - divine
medh - intellection
Sarasvat - Sarasvat (goddess/power of knowledge, intellect, music and wisdom)
s - that (co-relative of y in previous statement)
mm - me
Medh - power of intellection
Surabhir - celestial wish-fulfilling cow (symbolizing wisdom and self-knowledge)
juatm - may bless
may Sarasvat, manifest as Surabhi, bless me with the intellection which is that Divine intelligence

May Sarasvat, fulfiller of all wishes*, bless me with the power of intellection which is
that subtle Divine intelligence enjoyed by heavenly damsels and celestial musicians.
(* When, through the power of intellection, all is known, no more desires remain to be attained, i.e. all
wishes are fulfilled as it were.)


a|m|, me| suiivRp| ihryv~|R jgtI jgMy|

adjectives describing
Medha Devi (praise)


adjectives describing
Medha Devi (prayer)

- coming mm - (to) me
medh - intellection
surabhir - lit. wish-fulfilling cow (i.e. Surabhir Medh = that Medh Devi by which one gets self

jRSvtI pys| ipNvm|n| s| m|, me| sup/tIk| juwNt|m\

vivarp - lit. one who is in the form of the universe (i.e. vivarp Medh = that Medh Devi
in the form of all disciplines of knowledge that are known to the mind)
hirayavar lit. one of golden complexion (i.e. hirayavar Medh = that Medh Devi in
the form of brilliance of intellect which flashes as presence of mind.)
jagat - lit. the universe (i.e. jagat Medh = that Medh Devi in the form of the intelligence backing
the order behind the functions in all life forms)
jagamy - lit. accessible (i.e. jagamy Medh = that Medh Devi in the form of the intelligence which
is worth gaining)
Coming to me, (may She) by whom one gains self-knowledge, who manifests as all forms of knowledge,
who flashes as presence of mind, who manifests as the intelligence behind the order involved in the
functions in all life forms, who is worth possessing,

rjasvat lit. powerful (i.e. gain strength in me)

payas lit. with milk of boons (i.e. with knowledge)
pinvamn - showering
s - she
mm - me
Medh - intellection
supratk - auspicious beginning (to study of scripture)
juantm - may (he/she/it) bless
gain strength in me, shower me with knowledge, may that Medh Dev bless me with an auspicious
beginning to the study of scriptures.

May that Medh Dev,

by whom one gains self-knowledge,
who is the intelligence behind all disciplines known to the mind,
who flashes as presence of mind in any situation,
who manifests as the intelligent order behind the functions in all life forms,
who is worth possessing
come to me,
grow in me,
shower me with knowledge,
bless me with an auspicious beginning to my study of scripture.

miy me|, miy p/j|, mYyiGnStejo d|tu

mayi - in me
medhm - intellection
mayi - in me
prajm - progeny
mayi - in me
agnistejo - the Lord in the form of fire (agni devat) and strength (tejas)
dadhtu - place, infuse

May Agni, deity of speech, infuse me with strength and intelligence and bless me with
good progeny.

miy me|, miy p/j|, myINd/ iNd/y, d|tu

mayi - in me
medhm - intellection
mayi - in me
prajm - progeny
mayi - in me
indra - Indra
indriyam - virility
dadhtu - place, infuse

May Indra, deity of the power of action, infuse me with virility and intelligence and
bless me with good progeny.

miy me|, miy p/j|, miy sUyoR /|jo d|tu

mayi - in me
medhm - intellection
mayi - in me
prajm - progeny
mayi - in me
sryo - the sun
bhrjo - brilliance
dadhtu - place, infuse

May Srya, deity of seeing, who inspires our thoughts, infuse me with brilliance and
intelligence and bless me with good progeny.

- z|iNt: z|iNt: z|iNt:

Om nti nti nti

Om peace, peace, peace

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