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Subject Code: KAU061

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Note: Attempt all Sections. If you require any missing data, then choose suitably.
1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2*10 = 20
(a) State the Kirchhoff’s law and Ohm’s law 1
(b) List merits and demerits of insulated return system. 1
(c) Tell the factors considered while selecting the starter motor. 2
(d) Enlist the function of cut-out relay in charging circuit. 2
(e) State the function of ballast resistor in ignition system. 3
(f) Describe the significance of Condenser in ignition system. 3
(g) Discuss the need of automotive in-vehicle network. 4
(h) Explain automotive network protocols. 4
(i) Differentiate between sensors and actuators. 5
(j) Explain the uses of LIDAR sensors in automobiles. 5
2. Attempt any three of the following: 10*3 = 30
(a) Outline the principle and construction of Nickel Cadmium battery with help of neat 1
(b) Compare pre-engaged starters and permanent magnet starters. justify which starter 2
is preferred for light vehicles.
(c) Describe the construction of spark plug with the help of diagram. Also enlist the 3
materials used for making spark plugs
(d) Explain the key features of CAN Bus and Flex-ray in modern day vehicles 4
(e) Discuss the functioning of immobilizer system in modern day vehicles 5
3. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10
(a) Describe in detail the principle and construction of lead acid battery with help of 1
neat sketch
(b) Explain the different testing methods and characteristics of battery. 1
4. Attempt any one part of the following: 10 *1 = 10
(a) Describe the working of different types of starting methods of starter motor. 2
(b) Discuss the action of voltage regulator in generator with the help of neat diagram. 2
5. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 1
(a) Justify the use of Magneto Ignition System in single cylinder motorcycle with the 3
help of line diagram.
(b) Explain the construction and working of Battery coil ignition system in an 3
automobile with the help of diagram.
6. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10
(a) Discuss the function of SRS Control Unit and ABS control unit in an automotive 4
with the help of line diagram
(b) Describe the role of LIN, Ethernet, PSI5 and MOST in automotive networking. 4
7. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10
(a) Explain the salient features of Manifold absolute pressure sensor and crankshaft 5
position sensor
(b) Describe in detail about the working principle of stepper motor 5

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