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Question Paper Manuscript

B037311 (037)
B. Tech. (Third Semester) Examination,
Nov.-Dec. 2021
(Mechanical Engg. Branch)
Time Allowed: Three hours
Maximum Marks: 100 Minimum Pass Marks: 35

Note: Attempt a questions. Each question carries equal marks. Part (a) is compulsory and
answer any two from (b), (c) and (d).

1. (a) What do you mean calibration? Why is it so essential for any measuring
instrument? 4

(b) Explain the stages and functioning components of Generalized measurement

system (GMS) with block diagrams. 8

(c) For given observations:- 8

Temperature 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
in oC (x)
Frequency (f) 2 4 10 24 36 14 5 3 2
Calculate –
(i) Range
(ii) Arithmetic mean
(iii) Mean deviation
(iv) Standard deviation
(v) Variance

(d) Explain any five static characteristics of measuring instrument with examples.

2. (a) Explain absolute pressure and gauge pressure. Give a relation between them.

(b) Explain the construction and working of Mc Leod Gauge with neat
sketch.Also enlist the advantages and disadvantages of Mc Leod Gauge.

(c) Explain the working principle of Total Radiation Pyrometer and Optical
Pyrometer with suitable diagrams. 8

(d) Write short notes on –(Any two) 8

(i) Semiconductor Strain Gauge
(ii) Strain Rosettes
(iii) Bonded type Strain Gauge

3. (a) What do you mean by flow rate? 4

(b) Write short notes on – (Any Two) 8

(i) Venturimeter
(ii) Magnetic Flow meter
(iii) Orifice meter

(c) Explain the construction and working principle of Hot wire anemometer
with neat sketch.Also enlist the advantages and limitations of Hot wire
anemometer. 8

(d) How is vibration measured in industries? Explain any one seismic instrument
in brief. 8

4. (a) What do you mean by a limit gauge. Write down the grades of limit gauges. 4

(b) Write short notes on – (Any Two) 8

(i) Profile Projector
(ii) Tool Maker’s Microscope
(iii) Autocollimator

(c) Explain the construction and working of Talyrond with a suitable diagram.
How does its performance differ from dial indicator and v block? 8

(d) What are the various methods to measure flatness of a surface? Explain any
three methods in brief. 8

5. (a) Differentiate between surface roughness and surface waviness. 4

(b) Explain the construction and working of Parkinson’s gear tester machine with
a suitable diagram. Write its advantages. 8

(c) What are the various methods to measure effective diameter of a screw
thread? Explain the two wire method in brief. 8

(d) Explain the 6 basic configuration of Coordinate measuring machine (CMM)

with suitable diagrams.


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