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A Thesis Presented To The Faculty of The Senior High School Department Benigno S. Aquino National High School Concepcion, Tarlac

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A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Benigno S. Aquino National High School
Concepcion, Tarlac


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Senior High School




March 2020
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Concepcion, Tarlac

This thesis proposal entitled “CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED IN
BENIGNO S. AQUINO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL”, prepared and submitted by
Princes T. Turla , Angelyn Puno, Leann Joy Tolentino, Eric Jhon Sto. Domingo,
Novy Galang, John Mark Dantes, Jonnell Compra and Joriz Lacson in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Senior High School, has been duly edited
and scrutinized by English critic whose signature are affixed below.

English Critic

March 16, 2020

Date Signed
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Concepcion, Tarlac


This thesis proposal entitled “CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED IN PRACTICAL

AQUINO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL”, prepared and submitted by Princes T.
Turla , Angelyn Puno, Leann Joy Tolentino, Eric Jhon Sto. Domingo, Novy Galang,
John Mark Dantes, Jonnell Compra and Joriz Lacson in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the degree in Senior High School, has been examined and is
recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination.

Practical Research 1 Teacher

Approved by the Committee on oral examination with a grade of ___ on March __. 2020.



_____________________________ _____________________________

Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Senior High School.


Head Teacher VI – SHS Principal III
Chapter 1

The Problem and It’s Background


A challenge refers to something that needs a great mental or physical effort in

order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person’s ability. It can also be refers to

testing someone ability or determination.

Research is conducted to address a particular issue. This is to be done in a precise

and systematic manner to look for new knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values.

Researcher’s task is to make use of the existing data to investigate, find results and

analyze whether these newly gathered facts are also true to another environment.

According to Logan (n. d.), any time personal problems could occupy some of the

cognitive capacity and interfere academic pursuits. The best solution to a problem

depends on what causes it, in which case, one has to discover why the problem arises.

But in most cases, the best approach is simply to deal with the problem.

Most of the time research work is found to be a tedious and very tiring work to

do; however, teachers and students cannot get away from this work because most often

this is an academic requirement.

Research work requires time. It is rewarding when the goal to finish it is attained

on the target date. A researcher needs to manage time properly. Other people observes

that undiagnosed and untreated major emotional issues such as loss, depression and

anxiety may cause students to feel inadequate or results in serious academic difficulties

and failure.
In conducting a research, one must have the interest of doing it. It is a very

laborious task. A research study cannot be completed when there are no respondents.

Respondents are the ones to give their perception and answers on the issues in the study.

At this point the researcher must have built a friendly relationship with the respondents

for the success of the study.

This study determined and analyzed the problem and difficulties encountered by

Grade 11 HUMSS students at BSANHS.

According to Wilder, 2010, in our everyday life the problem of quantitative

numeracy, reasoning or the ability to understand the problem and used the numbers and

the data is nothing new. Senior High School student at BSANHS are currently having

their Practical Research 1. This study is conducted to investigate the difficulties of

student researchers that they encounter when they are conducting their research study

during the second semester of this school year. The problem and difficulties that

encounter of Grade 11 students at BSANHS are categorized into personal problem and

emotional problem because of lack of scientific training in the methodology of research

and the other problems encountered in research is unavailability of permission to do

research specific centers.

Plenty of people have asked why research was so important. They say that it just

stresses out a lot of students. But, these were all wrong. Research is not a waste of time

and money; research is about testing your capabilities in learning. It tests how much you

are willing to get information, bit by bit about a particular topic. It’s the main reason why

the human knowledge, throughout the centuries has expanded.

Research is done anywhere and anytime, with proper equipment and resources.

Almost every day our mentors are giving us homework and activities to practice our

skills and develop it and it is one of the best way of nurturing us.

Senior high school serves as the preparatory level for students before step into

college. This programs develop students through the method of using higher level of

teaching, broader lessons and actual application of learning in real life. It is important to

remember that no strand is above the other and one should not look down on a certain

strand because it seems easy. Students of each strand face different challenges.

In conclusion to this, life of a student is beautiful but not easy. It has lots of

challenges too, and the opportunity lies in facing the challenges with the courage and

determination because there is no other way to success but to sacrifice.

At present the researchers are the Senior High School students who personally

experienced the said challenges. The researchers thoroughly and deeply study the

challenges of Senior High School students and determine its challenges and opportunities

for learning.

This will help the student identify the common research difficulties that occur

during the research. They will be able to establish proper ways to survive and provide

certain solution.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to examine and give knowledge concerning the challenges

encountered on PR1 subject by Grade 11 HUMSS Student at BSANHS and how they are

able to deal with it.

1. What are the challenges of the students that they experience in Practical Research 1?

2. What are the strategies or techniques to overcome the challenges encountered in

Practical Research 1?

3. What are the factors affecting the progress of the research?

3.1 Time Management

3.2 Financial Problem

4. Why we need to come up with regard to these challenges especially for the Grade 11

HUMSS students?

Significance of the Study

The study is addressed to the school administrator, teachers, students and future


To the school administrator, the result of this study can help them to understand

the students that are having a hard time in dealing with Practical Research 1 subject. The

findings of this study can help the students deal with challenges encountered in PR1.

To the teachers, using proper strategies and techniques on teaching every detail on

a certain topic would be a great move to make. Progressive acts performed by a teacher

and students to achieve the objective of the lesson.

To the students, the results of the study can be used to identify the ways on how to

deal with the challenges. It can also be an aid to further help the aspiring young

researchers to be more determined in writing a research.

To the future researchers, the results of this study aims to give information and

prepare them for the challenges that they may encounter in dealing with this kind of task.

This study will be their aid and support for their future studies that are related to this

study. Future researchers will benefit in obtaining more information about the challenges

encountered in Practical Research 1 subjects by Grade 11 HUMSS Students at BSANHS.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the challenges encountered by the grade 11 HUMSS

students of Benigno S. Aquino National High School in PR 1 on the academic year 2019-

2020. The study aimed to determine the significance of research in our daily living.

The study limits its coverage on selected fifteen (15) students under the strand of

HUMSS. The researcher will give a set of questionnaires to their respondents.

Definition of Terms

BSANHS – is a National High School founded and operated by the national government

through the DepED Schools Division of Tarlac Province and it is located at San Nicolas

Concepcion Tarlac. In this study, the researchers pertain to the locale of the study.

Laborious – involving or characterized by hard or toilsome effort.

Pseudonym – In this study, the researchers pertains to the data gathering procedures that

the researcher use to the interviewees.

Research – careful study that is done to find and report new knowledge about something

or it is the systemic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to

establish facts and reach new conclusions

Students – they will be able to know these difficulties and be able to establish steps on

how to overcome these difficulties.

Tedious – tiresome because of length or dullness.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Related Studies

This chapter includes the studies and literature that have relation to the main

endeavor of research which is to spread knowledge about what are the particular

challenges that the students encounter in the subject of Practical Research 1 and also they

will cope up to that challenges.

Related Literature

In this section, from the previous studies existing in the literature, we introduce

the significant challenges/difficulties facing by the students in the subject of Practical

Research 1. Manchishi, Ndhlovu, & Mwanza (2015) investigated the mistakes and

challenges based by the students in the school of education. The study explored that

student’s mistakes in writing proposals include broad and unclear topics, failure in

methodology, terminologies of research, problems in reporting the literature review. Most

importantly, the challenges faced by the students in writing research proposal were

absence of standard format, lack of knowledge in identifying clearly relevant literature

review, lack of good, adequate and regular feedback from supervisors, lack of materials

related to selected topics, and finally the time arranged for writing proposals was not


Proposing of consisting of many ways to understand the difficulties in the

literature learning and development such as recognizing of past knowledge it was inserted

for the learners to engage at reality to used moreover to its knowledge through learning’s,

students improve difficulties (Perkirt and David 2007).

According to research student by Enago Academy, the particular challenges faced

by the students in the subject of Practical Research 1 are time management, starting their

research, lack of communication with advisor, micromanaging, lack of knowledge and

colleague friction.

Mostly, their difficulties focus on conflicts in the time management. They cannot

proceed if most of the time their minds are pre-occupied. When doing a research paper,

you must have an enough time to work on. Additionally, having not enough background

knowledge is also a factor that affects the students since choosing a research topic will be

easy if you have observed well and been listening to the discussions. Lastly, not all of the

students are having their own media devices that can help them to improve their output.

For their difficulties, students were also asked open minded question concerning

the most difficult aspect of research (Murtanen and Lantinen 2010). The students have

their difficulties experienced by universities students as they were rate to different topics

on their basic difficulties. It was found out that statistics and quantitative methods is more

difficult compare to other subject. Many students have their difficulties on quantitative

research because researchers have very little or fewer knowledge to find more details

(Jacob and Nielsen 2004). They have found out that students hardest part is their

understanding and explaining the quantitative research, students have strong beliefs that

this research (Lederlarman 20017).

A plan of action is designed to install the importance of research among the

students and motivate them to pursue research despite the difficulties that they may

encountered while doing this. Further studies should be conducted to determine other

problems which may be encountered by students when they undertake research.

Related Studies

A. Local Studies

Students are losing already limited access to core academic research – research

essential to a complete education. As a students, it’s no secret that academic journals are

crucial to our research and our understanding of both fine details and the larger, overall

picture of everything we study. Yet, students often run into access barriers while to trying

to do research, forcing us to settle for what we can get access to, rather than what we

need most. A research study cannot be completed when there are no respondents.

Respondents are the one who give their perception. At this point the researcher must have

built a friendly relationship with the respondents for the success of the study. But there

might be a problem in relating with others.

In the words of Horowitz, Rosenberg, & Bartholomew (as cited in Locke, 2005),

interpersonal problems are recurring difficulties in relating to others. Interpersonal

problems may be related to expectations for the self. Research works requires time.

That’s why researchers needs to manage time properly. In an online article, time

management is defined as the process of deciding what needs to be done and developing

a plan and/or timeframe for getting it done. Time management is about establishing

routines, setting goals, and understanding priorities (“Time Management, 2008).

Dombeck and Wells-Moran (2006) claim that time management skills boil down to

awareness, organization and commitment. One needs to become aware of and record

everything he/she is doing so that important things will be done on time. One also needs

to commit to keep a schedule, and not wandering off when something more momentarily
interesting occurs. They emphasized that time management and organization skills are

applicable to a wide range of life tasks one might decide to take on. Unfortunately, not

many students know adequate time management. The University of Cincinnati (2001)

observes that undiagnosed and untreated major emotional issues such as loss, depression

and anxiety may cause students to feel inadequate or results in serious The University of

Cincinnati (2001) observes that undiagnosed and untreated major emotional issues such

as loss, depression and anxiety may cause students to feel inadequate or results in serious

academic difficulties and failure.

Research has become an integral part of learning. Thus, students capabilities of doing

research need to be strengthened. Among the factors identified which hinder them from

doing research are heavy teaching loads, lack of motivation and commitment, and

financial constraints. There are inventions that are proposed to enhance the students

capabilities in conducting quality researchers.

In accordance with the study of Lucille D. Evangelista entitled “Struggle and Survive:

Difficulties Encountered by Students Undertaking Research” the study aimed to find out

the perception of the respondents on the importance of undertaking research and the

difficulties that they encounter. The respondents agreed that they encountered difficulties

in writing the proposal, conducting the research, and writing the research paper.

B. Foreign Studies

According to the study of the University in Pakistan, research is principally a way to

majority of them tend to avoid it as research methodology has been found a complicated

subject to grip over. In such a situation the research seems to be the most difficult
subject which cannot be qualified easily. The fact is that research is not something next to

impossible rather it is easy and motivating but the need of the hour is to highlight the

difficulties which are stumbling block in the way to re-search.

In the study of “Difficulties Encountered by Academicians in Academic Research

Processes in Universities” that aimed to determine the occasions, which the academicians

encountered during the academic research process and how these affect the research

process. According to the results gathered from the research, during the research process,

it was determined that the academicians has difficulties in the data analysis process,

problems in publishing their researches, problems in collaborative works with their

colleagues and difficulties in reaching international resources.

Dwihandini (2013) conducted a study to investigate the factors influencing

undergraduate students in writing research at the University of Mahasaraswati in

Indonesia. The result of the study revealed that students faced some difficulties including

time, looking for resources and creative procedures. Another problem was a lack of

experience and knowledge about research. Concerning the students’ knowledge and

experience about research, teachers pointed out that the majority of students had no idea

of how to search for information on their own.

From the students’ point of view, this paper attempts to explore the challenges that

are faced by the students when they are writing research projects at the early stages. The

study target group comprised undergraduates in the final year in the College of Science

and Arts, Al-Namas, University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia. The study explored various and

common challenges during writing the research proposals such as: difficulty in deciding

the topic for research, lack of good knowledge of the methodology, inability of finding
modern, lack of interest in research, lack of understanding of the subject matter, lack of

time and research guiding.

Conceptual Framework

Variables Research Design

1.1 Students Profile Descriptive Qualitative

a. Age
b. Gender

Questionnaires and Interview

Interpreting the Data

A Study on the Challenges Solutions that could be proposed

Encountered in Practical to the Challenges that the
Research 1 subject by Grade 11 students encounter in the subject
HUMSS students at BSANHS. of Practical Research 1.
Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

The concept of this research was best shown and understood through using the

conceptual framework in figure 1. This diagram of the study made an investigation on

how students of BSANHS will overcome those challenges.

As presented in the figure, the students profile were the key on pursuing the

possible findings on how students of BSANHS will cope up to these challenges that they

encounter in the subject of Practical Research 1.

The instrument that were used to gather information were also presented in the

figure. Questionnaires and Interviews were used towards the variables and it was

recorded through audio recordings that later on interpreted by the researchers.

The personal information that the respondents have shared were replaced by

pseudonyms to maintain their privacy and keep it confidential.

Chapter 3

Methods of Study and Sources of Data

This chapter includes discussion on research design, the research locale or the

respondents of the study, research instrument, procedures of data gathering and the

statistical treatment of the data that will gather in this study.

Research Design

In order to find out the challenges encountered in Practical Research 1 subject by

Grade 11 HUMSS students in Benigno S. Aquino National High School, the descriptive

qualitative was method used by the researchers. A descriptive research involves the

observing and describing the behavior of the subject without influencing it.

Furthermore, qualitative research according to Hennik, Hutter and Bailey (2011),

is useful for exploring new topics or understanding new complex issues and explaining

peoples belief and behavior. In this study, the descriptive qualitative method was to

achieve our goal which is to gather more in descriptive qualitative method was to achieve

our goal which is to gather more in depth information and determine what challenges

encountered in Practical Research 1 by the students. In addition, it also seeks answer

questions to real facts relating to existing condition.

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study consist of thirty (15) Grade 11 HUMSS students of

BSANHS enrolled during second semester of the school year 2019-2020. The
respondents were chosen based on their experience in this subject, particularly the

students who are struggling in doing this.

The respondents will be all volunteers and will be informed of the purpose of this

study. The information to be gathered will be kept confidential and will be gathered for

the purpose of this study only.

Research Instruments

The researchers used survey and interview as the instrument in data gathering. It

solicited the challenges encountered in practical research 1 by grade 11 HUMSS students

at BSANHS. The questions that were used for this questionnaires were based on the

researchers readings and the statement of the problem of this study.

The gathered data will be tabulated and the answers of the respondents from the

interview were taken.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers will ask permission through consent forms to the school

administrator, teachers, and students to conduct the survey. The researcher will provide

the questionnaires to Grade 11 HUMSS students who were enrolled in BSANHS. The

handling of questionnaire will be done personally by the researchers and facilitated by the

retrieval of responses. The students were asked to answer all the questions consc22iently

and ask for help if needed. After collecting the questionnaires, the information were

analyzed and tabulated to show a detailed presentation of the data. Pseudonyms were

used for the interviewees who are the students to give them a sense of animosity and to

protect their privacy.

Statistical Treatment

After collecting the data needed, the researchers tabulated and analyzed the

gathered data with the help of statistical tools. By means of descriptive qualitative

analysis it is easy to analyze because we have only 15 respondents to know the

perspective of every respondents about the subject of Practical Research 1.


Ahmed, F. & Mahboob, U. (2016). Analysis of Research Proposals faced by Postgraduate


Baron, M.A. (2008). Guidelines for research proposal dissertations.

Bell, J. (2014). Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first-time researchers.

Cornell University Library (2009). “Introduction to Research”

Cumming, A., Lai, C., & Cho, H. (2016). Students’ writing sources for academic


Kamil, M.L., Mosenthal, P.B., & Barr, R. (2000). Handbook of Reading Research. Vol.


Walizer, M. & Wienir, P.L. (1978). Research methods and analysis for relationships.

Vogrinc, J. & Zuljan, M. V. (2009). Action research in schools – an important factor in

teachers’ professional development. Educational Studies, 35 (1),53-63.

Wilder, (2010). Challenges encountered in Research by the students. International

Journal of Humanities and Social Science 3(5),245-252.

This questionnaire is for the study “Challenges Encountered in Practical Research

1 subject by Grade 11 HUMSS Students at BSANHS”. The answers for these question

will be used for the completion of this study. It will be treated with utmost confidentiality

and will be used for academic purpose only. The questions are expected to be answered


Name: _______________________ Gender: Female Male

Age: ____

1. What is your 1st quarter grade in Practical Research 1?


2. What are the common challenges that you encounter in the subject Practical

Research 1?



3. What factors you should consider when taking up Practical Research 1?



4. As a HUMSS student, why do you think Practical Research 1 is integral to SHS



5. Does Practical Research 1 give benefits to the students? Why?



“Your pain has a purpose” -Philippians 1:19


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