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The Academic success of America and the Philippines Youths 1 are the priorities of the

Nation Citizens. One purpose of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 are to ensure that all

student learn basic skills and perform at above mandated proficiency levels. The government

expect of all students to succeed academically; thus underachievement is a visible sign that

education is not working for all students. These students need for assistance than they are

receiving to reach their potential.

Our country’s educational system is in crisis and very alarming according to the write-up

of Tagupa (2021)2, that is just a few of their uncovered numbers among junior high students,

only 1 percent in English and 1 percent in science. Among fifth grades, only 2 percent met

standards in writing, 10 percent in reading, and 17 percent in Mathematics and on top of these,

1.1 million of our students did not attend classes for this School Year. World Bank report in

Philippines education disturbing and very alarming.

UNESCO3 reports enrollment in higher education in the Arab and Guly Cooperation

Council region doubled from 5.1 million in 2000 to 10.7 million in 2015. Despite significant

budgets and the world’s lowest teacher-to-student rating high education in the region is plagued

by students underachievement.

The problem of underachievement should be a matter of great concern to those who are

engaged in the field of education since underachievement prevents the individual from fully

realizing his potentials. If an effective solution to this problem found, both the underachieving

individual and society will mutually benefit. In order to be able to solve this problem, one has to

identify the cause of it.

DepEd’s National Achievement Test (NAT)4 shows that Filipino student fall bellow the

minimum proficiency score of 75 percent Grade 6 student clocked in average score of only 37.43

percent across all subjects in critical thinking, information literacy and problem solving, that’s

about 50 percent of the minimum passing score. Meanwhile Grade 10 students posted an average

score of 40.33 percent. The result are both appalling and alarming.

When this many learners are falling way behind the 1.1 million who had to take a gap

year, plus the millions more who are not learning enough in school, we can no longer blame the

learners themselves. It not just one or two lazy students in class. Majority of our students are

underachieving because they are caught in a structure that does not adequately support them.

The Academic is just one facet of this, an area where even the most basic requisites like

books, computers, and qualified motivated teachers run short, Outside school, our group learners

are hindered by factions like poverty, malnutrition lack of learning tools like accessible internet

and lack of social encouragement.

Many studies have been made, both in the Philippines and abroad, about relationship of

some intellective factors to the students achievement. Many researchers have found out that

study habits and attitudes, personality and self-concept are positively related to academic

achievement. Despite the considerable research devoted to this topic there has been little advance

in isolating the real causes of underachievement. This is the research gap that this study hopes to


Statement of the Problem

This study assessed the causes of academic underachievement among identified students

of the Barangay Nursery Junior and Senior High School Students.

Specifically, this sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of students respondents in terms of:

1.1. gender;

1.2. age;

1.3. present monthly income ; and

1.4. educational attainment of parents?

2. What are the causes of academic underachievement in terms of:

2.1. academic ; and

2.2. personal?

3. What are the interventions made by the students to help the underachievements.

4. Is there a significant agreement in the perceptions of the respondents?


The following are the assumptions of the study:

1. The student respondent gender, age and monthly income and educational attainment


2. There are factors that caused the underachievement among identified students in the

junior and senior students of the school under study.

3. The interventions made by the students will help the underachievers perform better.

4. There may be agreement between and among the perceptions of the respondents.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will be conducted in Nursery High School, academic year 2022-2023. The

topic focused on the demographic profile of the students, causes of academic underachievement

both academic and personal and the interventions made by the students as perceived by


Locale of the Study

This study is conducted at Nursery High School, Nursery, Masbate City.

The island of Masbate lies at the center of the Philippine archipelago between latitudes

11o43’ north and 123o09’ east and 124o5’ east. It is bounded on the north by Burias and Ticao

Pass, east by San Bernardino Strait, south by the Visayan Sea, and west by the Sibuyan Sea.

Relative to mainland Bicol, the province faces the southwestern coasts of Camarines Sur, Albay,

and Sorsogon.

The Province of Masbate has a population of 768,939 in the 2007 Census of Population

with 397,524 registered voters (as of 2004). It consists of 20 municipalities, 1 component city

and 550 barangays.

Masbate is subdivided into 20 municipalities and 1 city. It is also divided into 3

congressional districts.

Like an Indian arrowhead, Masbate lies almost at the center of the Philippine archipelago

with its tip pointing towards the north of Asia Gulf extending towards the China Sea. The island

province sprawls with verdant rolling hills and green landscape and rich aquatic reserve.

Masbate is a flourishing island-province. Its three islands (Ticao, Burias and Masbate) are

bounded with clean and fine beaches. Its sea waters abound with exotic fish, corals and many

other marine life.

On June 4, 2012, the first day of classes started at Nursery High School offering Junior

High School and eventually offering Senior High School four years after. The school site is a

reclamation area owned by the barangay and was donated to the City DepEd by virtue of

Barangay Resolution No. 008-2011. The City Local Government Unit of Masbate promised to

fill the remaining portion of the proposed 10, 000 sq. meter site. Its student clientele are mostly

indigent students who graduated from nearby Nursery Elementary School and Tugbo Elementary

School. Situated in an Urban Poor area, some of the families are transients in search for menial

work. Their socio-economic status and proved to be a challenge for the community to embrace

the establishment of a school site. Indeed, Nursery High School’s inception was full of birth

pains considering its limited resources. However, with the active support of the barangay, the

first school year was a success with positive feedback from the community.

Figure 1


Legend: Research Site

Figure 2


Significance of the Study

This study is important to the following:

DepEd. The Department of Education will gain first hand information on the socio-

demographic profile of student, causes of underachievement including the interventions made by

the students. As an agency of change poor academic achievements of students and factors

affecting will be addressed since these problems are their concerns.

Principal. The principal manned the operation of the school. From this study they are

familiar of the situation. Positive approaches including proper motivation will be enhanced.

Teachers. They are held accountable for the school goals especially in the output of

teaching. Through this study they have the responsibilities to the students with learning

disabilities and create orderly atmosphere to improve the achievements of the students.

Students. Underachievers students are those that lack guidance. In this study, they will

be aware and motivated to improve their study habits through personalize learning.

Researchers herself. Familiarity of the causes underachieving and interventions are their

concern. This study is one way to motivate than to implement desirable task-oriented classroom

management and physical environment conducive to learning. Other researchers can utilize the

findings of the study for their chosen topics in relation to this study.

Parents. They have duties and responsibilities in the education of their children. They

should assist their children on the members of their family the tasks that need to be improved.

Community. Educated community leads to the improvement in the life of constituents.

They are also involve in the under forming students. From this study they have duty to support,

underperforming students. This problem should be treated in the Parents Teachers Association


Contribution to knowledge. Our country ‘s educational system is in crisis in terms of

non-readers poor achievement, different abilities to be enhanced. The result of this study is one

of our realizations by student and educators of our country.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined according to the contents of the study.

Causes. These are the indicators on the factors on the underachievement’s of students.

These are reasons for an action or condition, something that brings about an effect or result.

Academic. It’s the curriculum in every school within the Enhanced Basic Education

Curriculum of 2001.

Underachievement is define as the failure of a student to meet the academic standards or

requirements of a given educational setting.

Identified Students. These student are underperforming of Nursery Senior High School.

Senior High School. It’s the level which refers to the graduating students who are

participant of the study.

Interventions. Are the acts or facts about something in order to have an effect on it’s

outcome. It also refers to actions or strategy that can be taken to address the causes of academic

underachievement among identified students in the locale of the study

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The Academic success of America and the Philippines
Youth. .
Tagupa, H. (2021).What About the Underperforming? Philippine Inquirer.
UNESCO. Causes of Undergraduate Students’ Underachievement in a Gulf Cooperation
Council Country (GCC) University. .
DepEd’s National Achievement Test (NAT). Our education crisis. Why and what next?



This chapter presents the review of the related literature and studies together with the

synthesis of the state-of-the-Art, gap bridged by the study, theoretical framework, conceptual

framework and the Statement of the hypothesis.

Related Literature


Baylon University (2002)1, stressed that besides knowledge and skills and behavioral

attributes, there may also be psychological or culture reasons leading to student

underperformance. Poor mental health has a strong influence on inter or intrapersonal resilience

as well as academic performance (Hartley, 2011). Student athletes, ethnic minorities and women

in STEM fields may experience anxiety from stereotype threats that affect their academic

performance (Dee,2014); Levine,

Davidson Academy (2021)2 emphasized that underachievement is an issue that can be

especially impactful among gifted students, particularly those who are profoundly gifted.

Profoundly gifted individuals score in the 99.9 percentile on IQ test and have an exceptionally

high level of intellectual process. Those student store at least three standards above the norm on

the bell curve, so they are at the extreme end of the intelligence or IQ continuum.

Strategies that can help reverse underachievement according to Dr. Jimlisle (2021) 3

compare where a child is succeeding in School and where she/he is not. The best way to address

underachievement is through positive practice approach. Thus, if you can determine the

conditions in which a child succeeds, and with which teachers a child performs as expected, try

to “lease out” the elements of why this success has been achieved, as much as possible, try to

replicate these strategies, attributes in situation where the child has not been successful.

According to Lucas (2021)4, discusses the high rate of underachievement among gifted

students and the detrimental effects of teacher misconceptions and the myth that they will

succeed regardless. Here are four Key Interventions shows to be highly effective in addressing

underachievement and catering to the needs of the gifted children, such as knowing the students

and their needs; providing daily challenge. Creating safe environment and a sense of belonging

and supporting socio-effective needs.

Anonymous (2022)5 emphasized that a successful teacher is known for the progress of the

students. Although to have a complete A-class ensure that every student is far from being dotard

These tips are just a few out of numerous tips out there. Therefore, do not be limited by

them. Understand you class and identify other strategies for improving their performance.

Hershner and Chervin (2014)6 College students frequently experience daily sleepiness’,

sleep derivate and irregular sleep cycles 50% of students say they experience daytime sleepliness

and to says they get little sleep. College students are particularly affected by the negative effects

of sleep deprivation and daytime sleepiness which can lower grade point averages and increase

the risk of car accidents.

Needham R, (2014)7, self-related health and mental distress are both link to a higher

risk of failing one or more classes the following year, according to a series of logistics

regressions and absenteeism, homework difficulties and the bond between students and teachers

account for the majority of associations. The correlations between poor academic performance

and physical and mental health however are largely consistent across schools.

Odeokon and Opoko (2015)8 further support the idea that students do better academically

when they are more certain of their motivation for choosing a certain degree and whether or not

that course levels directly to their ideal vocation.

According to Ogbo (2015)9 , Career aspiration is the profess ; and path that a person

aspires to take and maintain it is a continuous process that necessitates appropriate judgements

of aptitudes, potential and accomplishment.

According to Bennet(2019)10, that divorce between parents on the joining of two families

are example of changes in family connections. A student may become confused or irritated by

either situation which may cause them to act out or withdraw from class. In order to make ends

meet, single parents frequently have work longer hours which leaves them with less time at home

with their children. This can make a youngster feel abandoned or unwanted which can lead to

misbehavior or withdrawal at school.

According to Deng, (2022)11, that it has been proven that the student depression is

caused by academic and familial stress which has a poor impact on their academic performance

and learning outcomes. Parents and teachers and other stakeholders interested about the

education performance of their children can benefit from the information provided by the study.

According to Writer (2020)12 that poor grades worsen issues like low-self-esteem and

create social difficulties for students who achieve below peer norms. Academic failure can harm

work prospect as well as future academic pursuits like college applications. While some children

resolve issues on their own . Many schools offer helpful initiatives to promote learning.

In response to requirements in the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLA), state policymakers

have made concerted efforts to align State Standards with state accountability assessment. When

strongly aligned and articulated state standards and assessment can provide a clearer and

coherent set of expectations of students (Case of Zucker, 2005,

Webb. (2009), said that if the core elements of an educational structure are

inappropriately process is blurred assessment will be affected or causes underachievement.

Nothman and Winterfield (2013) is discerning a lack of opportunity for students to

demonstrate their learning of instructional content by assessment and identifying where

authorities have been slow in responding to issues of instructional quality.


Tagupa (2021)13 explained that many learners are failing away behind , that 1.1 million

who had to take a gap year plus the millions more who are not learning enough in school we can

no longer blame the learners themselves. Its not just one or too lazy students in class. Majority of

our students are underachieving because they are caught in a structure that does not adequately

support them.

Carlos(2021)14 in her Article that Malacanang on Tuesday express alarm our World Bank

report that our 80 percent of Filipino student fall below the minimum proficiency levels. That is

very disturbing and very alarming. The World Bank Report that it is more than 80% in the

Philippines do not know what they should know.

According to Abenir (2009) that it is a common knowledge that teachers are the primary

agents in the transmission of knowledge inside the classroom. The knowledge and skills of the

teachers will depend on how this, will update themselves in new trends and development that

emerged in the pursuit of quality education and excellence in their functions. Students need to be

motivated by the teachers to solve once in for all the causes of academic underachievement.

Dr. Valles (2016), emphasized that education is not only ensuring everyone can attend

school for life by giving them the right competencies to be skillfull and be both locally and

globally competitive. It is their vital that educators adopts holistic education by exposing learners

to be varied learning environments using problem -based methodologies and contextualized

learning materials where mind, body and spirit are involved in the learning processes and


Pangilinan (1997) explained that , schools are made for children and learning. This

simple premises underlines what we believe should be true about every good effective school

program. It is the concentration therefore, that all students must experience success in the school

be it academic, vocational, atheletic or artistic success. Whether the students become successful

it is, in all probability, less dependent from student academic and physical characteristics than

from the students social and emotional skills developed.

Related Studies


The study of Koottiyaniyil (2005)15 is a case studies of fifteen high school

underachievers, These studies have been made both in the Philippines and abroad, about the

relationship of some intellective factors to the students achievement. Many researchers have

found out that study habits and attitudes, personality and self concept are positively related to

academic achievement. Despite the considerable research devoted to this topic, there have been

little advance in isolating the real causes of underachievement.

Vogeli (2008)16 was a study combined on academic underachievement its understanding

and implications for educators. The study found out that those students who choose to participate

in their educational activities may have these needs fulfilled and those who do not may be

affected academically and motivationally. Implications and future research offers techniques and

strategies for educator when trying to motivate those students who just do not seem to care

techniques are suggested to enable not only the student but the educator as well

Johnson (2022)17focused their study on the causes of undergraduate students

underachievement in a Guly Cooperation Council Country University: Based on the 5040

students responses that indicated their academic underachievement causes findings reported that

student perceived academic factors as the most recurrent reason for academic underachievement

in contrast, social adjustment abuses were found to be least recurrent. Specific causes are

reported under each category and discussion is provided against gender, nationality, major in


Okoyoe (2020)18 focused her study to an interpretive descriptive study of factors affecting

Academic achievement of underachieving student teachers in Nigeria The researchers used

thematic content analysis, researchers reported factors such as lectures, pedagogical

incompetence, noisy and inadequate classrooms, libraries, negative influences from friends,

students lack of motivation and interest, procrastination, poor study habits, laziness and

distraction,poor socio-economic background and parental pressures contributed students

underachievement. These factors were categorized as school, peer, personal and home related.

Study result indicated that the interplay of forces outside the mental abilities of the students may

have impeded their academic success, deepening our understanding that underachievement may

not necessarily exult from low mental ability.

Balduf (2009)19 study was focused on the underachievement among college students.

Findings revealed that these students, need more assistance than they are receiving to reach their

potential. Because their insight is essential to reversing the situation that has caused this lack of

success, individuals conversations with students are the most effective way to determine the

specific of underachievement.

Sara Normaam (2016)20focused their study on the factors underlying the academic

underachievement among Pakistani secondary school students. The study revealed that there are

significant differences on motivating learning strategies, teachers reporting of social behavior

and school social behavior between high and low achievers. The findings also revealed that

social behaviors and academic behaviors and aggression were significant predictions of

achievement level, whereas all other behaviors were significant predictions of achievement level,

whereas all other behaviors had a non-significant effect.

Diab,, (2021)21 focused their study on the factors contributing to student academic

underachievement in war and conflict. This is a qualitative study. Findings revealed that all

students exhibited symptoms of traumatic stress had considerable weakening their natural social

support system through lack of care, safety or stability at home and additional burden in school

contributing to profound sense of inadequacy and failure.

Donche (2029)22 study was academic under achievement of intellectually gifted student in

the transition between primary and secondary education. This is an individual learner

perspective. The students were selected in purposive sampling of six gifted students. The

researcher get more insight in the complex processes that relate to students’ disengagement and

underachievement in school. The three are well performing and the three underperforming. The

findings underline the value of the Achievement Orientation Model (AOM) and stress the

importance of taking learner perceptions on account.

Emerick (2012)23 study was on academic underachievement among gifted students’

perceptions of factors that reverse the pattern. Findings indicated that there was evidence that

some gifted underachievers may respond well to interventions incorporating educational

modifications which focus on individual strength and interest.


Libed (20220)24 focused her study on factors that Contribute to failure causes of

academically low performing students. Findings on the study stated that respondents are mostly

middle and firstborn, have the below average mental ability , extroverted, have low study habits

and mostly prefer studying alone. The topmost reason for low academic performance “ I did not

study”. The respondents personalities also did not significantly differ regardless of birth order

and mental ability, and did not significantly differ in study habits regardless of mental ability

level. Being mostly extroverts and regardless of mental ability level, did not study at all which

highly explains poor academic performance.

The study of Suan (2018)25 were on the factors affecting underachievement in

Mathematics. Based on the findings of this study, student factors such as study habits, time

management, and attitude towards mathematics are the factors that affect underachievement in


Dacquiaclo (2009)26 was a study of academic underachievement among high students at

Central Philippine University and its correlates. Study revealed that the higher the self esteem of

our underachiever the better the student perception of teacher-student relationship. The

underachievers level of self esteem however has no significant influence on peer pressure, IQ

and actual GPA and their level of motivation was not significantly related to their perception of

teacher- student relationship. No significant relationship was also found between self esteem and

peer pressure.

The study of Alinsunurin (2021)27 was focused on unpacking of underperformance

learning mindsets and the challenge of academic achievement among Filipino Students. results

of the study indicate that (1) inequalities are highly persistent among regions, between public

and private high schools, (2)significant gains in academic achievement are contingent on the

interaction between students’ socio-economic backgrounds and the possession of a growth

mindset. However, the associated positive effect of growth mindset on test scores interact only

among higher-SES students and not among students with lower- SES, Further, (3) reading

difficulties are prevalent among Filipinos students which are combined with science and

mathematics Achievement, Lastly (4) students with a history of repetition are severely

disadvantaged ,particularly males from public schools.

Synthesis of the State -of—the-Art

The review of related literature is dealt on the underachievement of students These

literature gave more insights and information in the development of this study.

Reviewed studies (2005) dealt on case studies on different high school underachievers

while the study of Vogel (2008) focused on academic underachievement its understanding and

implicators for education. On the other hand the study of Johnson was on causes of

undergraduate students’ underachievement in a Guly Cooperation Council Country University.

Okoyoe (2020) focused on interpretive descriptive study of factors affecting academic

achievement of underachieving student teachers in Nigeria. Balduf (20090 dealt on

Underachievement Among College Students Sara Nomaam (2016) on the factors undelying

academic Underachievemtn Among Pakistani secondaru school students.As to the study of

Diab, (2021) dealt on the factors contributing to student Academic Underachievement in

war and conflict, a multi level qualitative study. Donche (2029) was emoted on academic

(under) achievement of intellectually gifted students in the transition between primary and

secondary education, an individual learner perspective. Emerick (2012) focused on academic

underachievement among gifted children perceptions of factors that reverse the pattern.

However, the study of Libed (2022) dealt on the factors that contribute to failure causes of

academically low performing sfudents. Based on the study of Suam (2018) were on the factors

affecting underachievement in Mathematics, Whilethe study of Daquiado (2009) focused on the

extent of academic underachievement among highschool students at Central Philippine

University and its Correlates and lastly, Alinsunurin(20210) was on the unpacking

underperformance learning mindset and the challenge of Academic Achievement Among

Filipino students.

Gap Bridged by the Study

The previous studies dealt on the different Causes and factors of Underachievement or

underperforming students and their correlates. Hence similarities were identified. They differ

levels of study. The present study was on the causes of academic underachievement among

identified students in Nursery Senior High School. Hence this is the research gap that this study

hopes to bridges.

Theoretical Framework

This study hinges Tolman’s purposive behaviorism supported by Gestalt and Watson the


Purposive behaviorism has also been referred to as Sign Learning Theory. They believed

that learning is a Cognitive process. Learning involves forming beliefs and obtaining knowledge

about the environment and then revealing that knowledge through purposeful and goal-directed


This Sign theory that an organism learn by pursuing signs to goal, i.e., learning is

acquired through meaningful behavior. He stressed the organized aspect of learning. The stimuli

which are allowed responses, rather than the incoming usually worked over and elaborated in the

Contral Control re own into a tentative. Cognitive like map of the environment.

Tolman’s form of behaviorism stressed the relationships between stimuli rather than

stimulus responses. Tolman said that a new stimulus (the sign) becomes associated with already

meaningful stimulus through a series of pairings. There is a need for reinforcement in order to

establish learning.

Learning is always purposive and goal-directed Tolman held the nation that an organism

acted or responded for some adopted . He believed individual do more than merely respond to

stimuli, they act on beliefs, attitudes, changing conditions and they strive towards goals. Tolman

saw behavior as holistic purposive and cognitive.

Tolman Purposive Behaviorism

Theory Learning is always

purposive and goal directed


The researchers theorized that to

Gestalt and Watson theory on
make students do what teachers
link between behaviorism and
require, the goal should be stated
Cognitive theory

Combined Theory of

Pyschologists Learning is

influenced by expectations

perceptions represent actions

needs level other interval


Figure 3
Conceptual Framework

The study utilized the system Approach Management which are input, process and out

including the feedback.

The input of the study are the socio-demographic profile of the students’ respondents,

causes of academic underachievement and the interventions made by the students.

The process are survey questionnaire, rating scale, unstructured interview, observation,

Analysis and interpretation of the gathered.

Output of the study assessed the Causes and interventions by the students basis for

educational planning.

Socio- Demographic Survey Questionnaire Assessed the
demographic profile of
Profile of Students’ Scale students respondents
Causes of
Respondents Unstructured Interview
Causes of Academic and observation Interventions
• Made by the
Underachievement Analysis and interpretation students
• Basis for
Interventions made by the of the Data Gathered educational


Figure 4

Statement of the Hypothesis
The following are the alternative and null hypothesis
1. Ha There is significant difference in the perceptions of the Respondents.
2. Ho There is no significant difference in the perceptions of the respondents.

Baylon University (2022). Underperforming and at Risk Students. Academy for Teaching and
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Davidson Academy (2021). Underachievement in Gifted Students, Davidson Academy

Dr.Jimlisle(2021).Strategies that Can Help Reverse Underachievement. Teacher Pedia
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Lucas M (2021). Underachievement of Gifted Children. Effective Interventions. Teacher
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Ogbo B. (2015) Issuess in Development.
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Vogeli; Shelly (2008). Academic Underachievement: Underachievement: Understanding and
Implicator Educations.american Psychological Association. https://www.pd/.
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Okoyoe, Apithia (2020) An Interpretive Descriptive Study of Factors Affecting Academic
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Balduf M. (2009). Underachievement Among College Students. Journal of Advanced
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Normaam, Sara , (2016). Factors Underlying Academic Underachievement Among
Pakistani Secondary School Students. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research.
Diob, (2021). Factors Contributing to Student Academic Underachievement in War and
Conflicts: A Multilevel Qualitative Study. Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 97,
Donche, Vincent (2019). Academic ( Under) achievement of Intellectually Gifted Students in
the Transition Between Primary and Secondary Education: an Individual Learning
Emerick L. (20120. Academic Underachievement Among the Gifted Students Perceptions of
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Libed G. (2022). Factors that Contribute to Failure Causes of Academically Low Performing
Students. The international Journal of the Social Sciences. https://journal.
Suan J. (2018). Affecting Underachievement in Mathematics, Proceeding of the 5 th
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Daquiado, C.P.L. (2009). Extent of academic Under Achievement among High school Student
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Alinsunurin, Jason (2021). Unpacking underperformance Learning Mindsets and the Challenge
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This chapter presents the research design , population, sampling technique, respondents,

instrument used, procedure and Statistical measures.

Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive-analytic method of research. The data gathered were

described hence descriptive analysis was used. Analytic in the sense that the research constructed

a survey questionnaire-rating scale.


The population were taken from the Senior High School student enrolled this academic

school year 2022-2023.

Sampling Technique

No sampling technique will be used because all of the High School Senior student are

included. Hence purposive sampling will be utilized.


The respondents are 15 Junior Students and 25 Senior High Students. A total of 40


The researcher Conducted an intensive reading on the topic pertaining to this study.

Researches coming from other sources help a lot in the formulation of the title and Statement of

the problem. The advisor assisted the researcher in the construction of the questionnaire and

presented the proposal to the Thesis Committee of the Graduate school.

After the proposal was approved the questionnaire were reviewed by set of juniors. All

the suggestions were incorporated in the final instrument. The researcher wrote a letter to the

Schools Division Superintendent that her Study will be Conducted in Nursery High School and

the students will be utilized as respondents of the study. After the letter was approved the

questionnaire rating scale were distributed to the respondents. The respondents were given

enough time to accomplish the questionnaire.

The questionnaire were retrieved, computed, tabulated, presented in tables , analyze and

interpreted in Chapter 4 of the Manuscript. The Chapter 5 were prepared and all the

preliminaries, submitted to the Thesis Committee for Oral Examination.

Statistical Measures

The frequency Count was utilized in Order to get the weighted mean using the following:


Xw - Weighted mean
x - Sign of Multiplication
w – weight
N - Number of Respondents

In Order to determine the Significant difference of perceptions, the Kruskall Wallis one-

way Analysis Variance was used using the following formula:

[∑ ]
= R j Rj 2 − 3(N +1)
( N )( N +1) j−1




This chapter presents the data collected from the questionnaire-rating scale together with

contextual discussions, analysis and interpretation.

1. Socio- Demographic Profile of the Identified

Senior High School Students

1.1 Sex Profile

Table 1.1 shows the indicators together with the frequency and percentage.

Make students had 34 or 60% and female, 6 or 40%. These are the identified Senior High

School students were identified underachievers

The data implied that Majority of the respondents were male, dominated, female

respondents. By these numbers which are identified as underachievers, male has more numbers,

This means that male and female students are distracted with so many activities nowadays.

Table 1.1

Socio- Demographic Profile of the Identified Senior High School Students in terms of

Indicators Percentage

Male 60%

Female 40%

Total 100%

1.2 Age Profile

Table 1.2 Shows the age profile in terms of age bracket, frequency and percentage.

Age bracket 16-17 had 24 or 60%; age bracket 18-19 , 20% and 20-21 age bracket, 8 or

20%. A total of 40% or 100%.

As shown on the table majority were on bracket 16-17 while other data were on age

bracket 18-19 and20-21.

The data implied that majority of these students were on the right to enter grade one or

others undergone kindergarten or preschool, that covers the k-12 education. As gleaned on the

table they entered high school more than prescribed age of the Department of Education.

However these adult age, majority are living in the depressed area of the barangay,so students

had other priorities than education.

Table 1.2

Age Profile of the Identified Senior High School Students

Indicators Frequency Percentage

16-17 24 60%

18-19 8 20%

20-21 8 20%

Total 40 100%

1.3. Students Respondents on

Their parents Monthly Income

Table 3 shows the indicators, frequency and percentage.

As shown on the table, parents monthly income or less than 9000 were 34or 85%;

between 9000- 15.5 or .125 and 1 or .025% with a total of 100%

Majority of the parents had an income of 9000 and the remaining income between 10-15

to 16,000-20,000. These data are the parents income. Their income is very inepter considering

the monthly expeneses of the education of the children, food , electricity and other expenses.

They are living on a hand to mouth expenses.Other expenses like medical/dental,parents depend

on Rural Health Care. These parents are living below povertyline. These parents are working as

government employee, private employee, laborers and others.

Table 1.3

Parents Monthly Income of the Senior High School Students

Indicators Frequency Percentage

Less than 9000 34 85%

Between 9000-15,000 5 12.50%

Between 16, 000-2000 1 2.50%

Total 40 100%

2.1 Causes of Academic Underachievement

Table 2.1 shows the indicators of the causes of Academic Underachievement, Weighted

Mean rank and Verbal interpretation of the data.

As perceived by the respondents, one indicator had a weighted mean of 3.8 rank 1. The

remaining twelve indicator had a verbal interpretation of Agree on ability levels 3.20, ranks 2;

Unattended homework, 3.12, rank 3; compared for examination, 3.11 rank 4; lack of study skills

and absenteeism 3.1 rank5.5; teacher’s effectiveness in teaching, 3.08, rank 7; do not participate

in class recitation 3. 05, rank 8; did not attend or skip classes, 3.02, rank 9; un able to understand

the lesson 2.95, rank 10; poor elementary academic preparation, 2.9, rank 11; underdeveloped

time management skills, 2.82 rank 12; learning disabilities, 2.75, rank13, and access to

educational resources, 2.67, rank 14. The total weighted mean was 42.35 and the average

weighted mean was 3.02 and the verbal interpretation was agree.

The first five highest ratings on weighted mean wereon lack of motivation 3.48; ability

levels3.20; unattended homework 3.12unprepared for examination 3.11 and lack of study skills

and absenteeism. The five highest rank has an average weighted mean of 3.18. the respondents

all agreed on the indicators as causes of their underachievement

The data implied that students lack of motivation not only from parents but for teachers

and members of the family. No amount of motivation will prosper if their needs are not meet or

solved their daily problems. Students ability levels are hampered because of basic foundation in

their elementary levels or due to poor reading comprehension, some student do not attend their

homework because they are busy with other activities or no one will guide them to accomplish

their assignment. Some of these students underachievers do not study their lesson in preparation

of their test, and lack of study skills and absenteeism. Poor thinking skills will surely hampered

their understanding of their lessons and they have no study habits. These students are always

absent because of house chores or even help the family to raise income for their daily


There are many causes in the academic of these underachievers. As you can gleaned on

the table other causes like teacher’s in effectiveness in teaching on may be teachers donot teach

their major subject. student do not participate in the recitation because they are not prepared or

did not study their lessons, some student do not attend or skip classes of some reasons. These

causes may be due poor elementary academic preparation. this is real because student do not

understand their lessons. Their basic foundations are also poor. They have no time to study

because they are busy of different activities in school and at home. Other causes are learning

disabilities of students.

These causes should be attended by teachers and parents. The government or agency

should help to strengthen these problems

Table 2.1

Causes of Academic Underachievement of the Identified Senior High School Student

Indicators Weighted Rank Verbal

Mean, Interpretation
1. Lack of motivation 3.48 1 Strongly Agree

2. Lack od study skills 3.1 5.5 Agree

3. Absenteeism 3.1 5.5 Agree

4. Ability levels 3.20 2 Agree

5. Teacher’s Ineffectiveness in teaching 3.08 7 Agree

6. Did not attend or skip classes 3.02 9 Agree

7. Unprepared for examination 3.11 4 Agree

8. Unattended Homework 3.12 3 Agree

9. Access to educational resources 2.67 14 Agree

10. Do not participate in class recitation 3.05 8 Agree

11. Poor elementary academic preparation 2.9 11 Agree

12. Under developed time management skills 2.8 12 Agree

13. Unable to understand the lesson 2.95 10 Agree

14. Learning disabilities 2.75 3.02 Agree

Total XW 42.35

Average XW 3.02 Agree

2.2 Personal Causes of Underachievement

of students’ Respondents

Table 2.2 shows the indicators together with the weighted mean, rank and interpretation

of the data gathered.

As shown on the table the two indicators were perceived by the respondents as Strongly

Agree; the eleven indicators, agree and one indicator disagree on the following to wit: socio-

economic status 3.8, rank 1; family financial support 3.35, rank2; unsure of interests, skills and

abilities 3.25, rank3; separation from family, friends andhome,3.12, rank4; learning

difficulty,3.1, rank 5; lack of sleep, 3.07, rank 6; pressure, stress, anxiety or tension 3.0 rank 7;

unprepared in coming to school, rank 8; playing inline games,2.8, rank 9; family cultural

background, 2.77; rank 10; hard to make friends /loneliness,2.65 and parents educational

background 2.5, rank 12h. The total weighted mean was 36.31 and the average weighted mean of

3.02 and the verbal interpretation was agree.

As perceived by the respondents, the first five highest ratings on weighted mean were on

socio-economic status, 3.8 rank 1; family financial support, 3.5, rank 2; unsure of interests skills,

and abilities, 3.25, rank3; separation from family, friends and home, 3.12, rank 4 and learning

difficulty. The average weighted mean was 3.32, agree was the verbal interpretation.

The data implied on the personal causes of underachievement of the identified Senior

High School Students are alarming because these are domino effects on the education of the

students. Their problems are concentrated on the socio-economic status and family financial

support. These causes serve as the unsure interests, skills and abilities. In addition, separation

from family, friends and home and learning difficulty. Other indicators were all contributory

factors of underachievement of students.

The data also implied that underachievement cannot be solved unless these causes

students will exert their efforts in minimizing these causes with the support of parents, the

government and other stakeholders of the community. Students must study well by forming a

study habits in spite of their poor performance in school. These causes needs interventions.

Table 2.2

Personal Causes of Underachievement of the Identified Senior High School Students

Indicators Weighted Mean Rank Verbal

1. Socio-economic status 3.8 1 Strongly Agree

2. Family Financial Support 3.35 2 Strongly Agree

3. Pressure, stress, anxiety or tension 3.0 7 Agree

4. Learning difficulty 3.1 5 Agree

5. Lack of sleep 3.07 6 Agree

6. Family cultural background 2.77 10 Agree

7. Parents Educational background 2.5 12 Disagree

8. Separation from family friends and home 3.12 4 Agree

9. Hard to make friends/loneliness 2.65 11 Agree

10. Unsure of interests, skills and abilities 3.25 3 Agree

11. Playing online games 2.8 9 Agree

12. Unprepared in coming to school 2.9 8 Agree

Total XW 36.31

Average XW 3.02 Agree

Option Range Verbal Interpretation
3.26-4.0 Strongly Agree
2.51-3.25 Agree
1.76-2.50 Disagree
1.0-1.75 Strongly Disagree
3. Interventions Made by the Senior
High School Students
Table 3 shows the indicators weighted mean, rank and interpretation.

As gleaned on the table out of the ten indicators, six had a verbal interpretation of

strongly agree based on set achievable goals by setting specific deadlines and milestones to track

the progress and developed good study habits, both had a weighted mean of 3.5, rank 1.5;

parental involvement in the study of students, 3.42, rank 3; manage time effectively by

prioritizing tasked based on importance of deadlines, 3.40, rank 4; be a reading student and

engage in activities that promote well-being, both had a weighted ,mean of 3.35, rank 5.5; take

steps to maintain physical, emotional and mental healyh, 3.20 rank 7; seek support from others to

help with different concepts or assignment 3.15 rank 8; be aware of absenteeism and the teacher

should utilize or use differentiated instruction or strategies, 3.07, both had a weighted mean of

3.07, both had a rank of 9.5. The total weighted mean of 33.01 and the average weighted mean of

3.30, strongly agree was the verbal interpretation.

The data implied that the six highest weighted mean of interventions made by the

students were interpreted by the students as strongly agree on set achievable goals by setting

specific cleanliness and milestones to track the progress and develop good study habits both had

a weighted mean of 3.5; rank 1.5; parental involvement in the study of students, 3.42, rank 3;

Manage time effectively by prioritizing tasked based on importance of deadlines, 3.40, rank 4;

be a reading students and engage in activities that promote well-being both had a weighted mean

of 3.35. The total weighted mean was 20.52 and the average weighted mean 3.42, strongly agree

was the verbal interpretations of the six indicators.

Out of the ten indicators six had a verbal interpretation of strongly agree while the four

indicators agree was the interpretation. Interventions were very effective and effective so these

indicators should be known by the students not only in the research site of the study but other

students who are underachievers so that their performance will improve. Since these are

recommended by the students they are the ones to strengthened, solve and minimize causes of


Table 3

Interventions Made by the Senior High School Students

Indicators Weighted Rank Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1.Parental involvement in the study of the students 3.42 3 Strongly Agree

2. Be aware of absenteeism 3.07 9.5 Agree

3. Be a reading student 3.35 5.5 Strongly Agree

4. Take steps to maintain physical, emotional and 3.20 7 Agree

mental health

5. The teacher should utilize or use differentiated 3.07 9.5 Agree

instruction or strategies

6. Engage in activities that promote well being 3.35 5.5 Strongly Agree

7. Set achievable goals by setting specific deadlines 3.5 1.5 Strongly Agree

and milestones to track the progress

8. Develop good study habits, 3.5 1.5 Strongly agree

9. Manage time effectively by prioritizing tasked 3.40 4 Strongly Agree

based on the Importance and deadlines

10. Seek support from others to help with different 3.15 8 Agree

concepts or assignment

TOTAL XW 33.01

AVERAGE XW 3.30 Strongly Agree

4. Significant Agreement in the Perceptions of the respondents

Table 4 shows the indicators and the data.

As shown on the table, the Completed Concordance W was 0.45, N=5; level of

significance .05 and the tabular values was .5845. If you compare the computer W to the tabular

value was lesser. The interpretation of the data was not significant and the decision of the null

hypothesis was accepted.

Based on the results of the Computation the research can now conclude that there is no

significant agreement in the perceptions of the respondents.

Table 4

Significant Agreement in the Perception of the Respondents

Indicators Data Completed

W 0.45

N 5

Level of Significance .05

Tabular Value .5845

Interpretation of the Data Not Significant

Decision on Null-Hypothesis Accepted



This Chapter presents the summary of the study together with the findings, conclusions

and recommendations of the study.


This study assess the causes of academic underachievement among identified Senior

High School Students of Barangay HS, of Nursery, School Year 2022-2023. The problem on the

causes of underachievement are the concern of teachers and school administrators nowadays,

since this will prevents the individual from fully realizing his potential. If an effective solution to

this problem found both the underachieving individual and society will mutually benefit.

The following specific questions were answered:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of students’ respondents in terms of:

1.1. gender ; sex

1.2. age; and

1.3. parents monthly income?

2. What are the causes of underachievement in terms of:

2.1. academic ; and

2.2. personal?

3. What are the interventions made by the students to help underachievers?

The study utilized the descriptive-analytic methods of research. Descriptive because the

data gathered were described. The instrument used was a questionnaire rating scale. Hence

Analytic Methods of Survey was used.

There were 40 students who accomplished the questionnaires. The study also utilized the

frequency count in order to get the weighted mean. To determine the significant agreement of

perceptions, the Rendall’s Coefficient was used in the Study.


The following findings are presented;

1.1. The gender of students’ respondents were male or 60% and female 40%

1.2. Age profile students according to bracket 16-17 was 24 or 60% and 18-19 to

20-21 had 8 or 20% each.

1.3. Parents monthly income of less than 9,000 was 34 or 85% between 9,000 to

15,000, 5 or 12.50% and between 16,000-20,000, 1 or .025%.

2.1 The Causes of Academic Underachievement based on the first six highest ratings or

weighted mean were on lack of motivation, 3.48 rank; ability levels, 3.20 rank 2; unattended

homework, 3.12, rank 3; unprepared for examination for exam, 3.11, rank 4 and lack of study

skills, and absenteeism both had a weighted mean of 3.1, rank 5.5.

2.2 Personal Causes of Underachievement were on the first five highest ratings on

indicator socio-economic status, 3.8, rank 1. Family financial support, 3.35, rank 2; unsure of

interest, skills and abilities, 3.25, rank 3; separation from family, friends and home, 3.12, rank 4,

and learning difficulty, 3.1, rank 5.

3. Interventions made by the students based on the six highest ratings or weighted mean

were on set achievable goals by setting specific deadlines and milestones to track the progress

and develop good study habits, both got a weighted mean of 3.5, rank 1.5 each. Parental

involvement in the study of the students, 3.42, rank 3, manage time effectively by prioritizing

tasked based on importance and deadlines, 3.40 rank 4; be a reading student and engage in

activities that promote well-being, both had weighted mean of 3.35, rank 5.5.

4.Based on the significant Agreement on the perceptions of the students, the Computed

W was 0.45; N=5; level of significance, .05 and the tabular value awas .5845. The interpretation

of the data was not significant and the decision of the null-hypothesis was accepted.


The following Conclusions were deduced:

1. The profile of gender, age and parents monthly income varies.

2.1 The Causes of Underachievement in terms of academic according to the perceptions

of respondents were all agree.

2.2 Perceptions on causes under personal underachievement also agree.

3. Students strongly agree on their perceptions of the interventions made by them

4. There is no significant agreement in the perceptions of the respondents.


The following recommendations are herby proposed:

1. Result of this study should be disseminated to all concerns.

2. Conduct of parallel study to validate the results of this study

3. Implement interventions made by this study to improve the achievement of students.

4. Students should minimize the use of cellphones and social media platforms so that

they can concentrate on their studies.

5. For research utilization, the final theses books should be submitted to the school


6. Teachers should use a variety of pedagogical strategies in the classroom to guarantee

students acquire the targeted skills and knowledge.


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Dear Respondent,
I am a student taking up Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) Major in Administration and
Supervision at Osmeña Colleges, Masbate City, currently enrolled in Thesis Writing. My study is
and 12 students.

On this regard, I would like to request for your valuable time and effort to answer the survey
questions as part of my data-gathering for the above-mentioned research.

I hereby promise to keep the confidentiality of the data, the non-disclosure of your identity and
the non-identifiability of your answers in the research report. I also warrant to abide by pertinent
laws such as the Data Privacy Act in the handling of sensitive information.

Please answer the questions thoroughly and honestly. The survey is short and should take only
few minutes to complete.

Thank you very much.

Truly yours,

MAED Student


You are invited to participate in a research study “CAUSES OF ACADEMIC

STUDENTS: AN ASSESSMENT” The information you share with us if you participate in this
study will be kept completely confidential to the full extent of the law.



Name of Respondents:_______________________________________________________
Part I Demographic Profile of the respondents
Directions: Please check the bracket that describe your personal profile.

[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] 16-17 years old

[ ]18-19 years old
[ ]20-21 years old
Others, please specify:______________
Parents Monthly Income:
[ ] Less than 9,000
[ ] Between 9,000 to 15, 000
[ ] Between 16,000 to 20,000
Othes, please specify:________________

Part II Causes of Academic Underachievement

Directions: The following are the causes of the academic underachievement of students. Please
check the indicators that corresponds to the rating scale and the verbal interpretations.
Scale Option Range Adjectival Description
4 3.26 - 4.0 Strongly Agree (SA)
3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree (A)
2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree (D)
1 1.0 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree (SDA)
A. Academic
Indicators 4(SA) 3(A) 2(D 1(SDA)
1. Lack of motivation
2. Lack of study skills
3. Absenteeism
4. Ability levels
5. Teacher’s ineffectiveness in teaching
6. Did not attend or skip classes
7. Unprepared for examination
8. Unattended homework
9. Aces to educational resources
10. Do not participate in class recitation

11. Poor elementary academic preparation
12. Under developed time management skills
13. Unable to understand the lesson
14. Learning disabilities
15. Others, please write___________

A. Personal
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. Socio- economic status
2. Family financial support
3. Pressure, stress, anxiety or tension
4. Learning difficulty
5. Lack of sleep
6. Family cultural background
7. Parents educational background
8. Separation from family, friends and home
9. Hard to make friends/loneliness
10. Unsure of interests, skills and abilities
11. Playing online games
12. Unprepared in coming to school
13. Others, please write _____

III. Interventions Made by the Students

Directions: The following are the indicators for the interventions made by the students. Please
check if the rating scale that correspondents to the verbal interpretation.

Students Intervention
Indicators 4(SA) 3(A) 2(D) 1(SDA)
1. Parental involvement in the study of the students.
2. Be aware of absenteeism.
3. Be a reading student.
4. Take steps to maintain physical, emotional and mental health
5. The teacher should utilize or use differentiated instruction or
6. Engage in activities that promote well-being
7. Set achievable goals by setting specific deadlines and milestones
to track the progress.
8. Develop good study habits

9. Manage time effectively by prioritizing task based on
importance and deadlines
10. Seek support from others to help with different concepts or
11. Others, please

Computations of the Significant Agreement in the
Perceptions of the Students’ Respondents
Group 1 Group 2
Indicators Ranks Sum D D2
XW Ranks XW of

1 3.42 1 3.07 5 6 0 0

2 . 3.07 5 3.35 4 9 3 9
3 3.35 2.5 3.5 1.5 4 -2 4

4 3.35 2.5 3.5 1.5 4 -2 4

5 3.20 4 3.40 3 7 1 1

Total = 30 ∑ D =¿ 18

12(∑ D )
Formula: W= 2
m ( N ) (N 2 −1)

2 ( 5 ) (5 2−1)

4 ( 5 ) (25−1)


W = 0.45 .05 = .5845
Place of Birth : Masbate, Masbate Insert 2x2 Formal Picture
Date of Birth : December 24, 1998 here
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Cell No. : 09108921294


Elementary: Amancio Aguilar Elementary School 2010-2011
Secondary: Masbate Nacional Comprehensive High School 2014-2015
Tertiary: BSED- History 2018-2019
Osmena Colleges
Post Graduate:

Licensed Professional Teacher


Teacher II August 22, 2022- up to present


Division Training for the Restoration of Filipino Values October 21, 2022
Girl Scout Basic Course February 4-5, 2023
In-Service Training for Teachers for the School Year 2022-2023 February 8-10,2023
Capacity Building of Teaching and Reading Strategies for March 17,2023
Academically Challenged Learners
BSP basic Training Course for Unit Leaders June 9-11,2023
Capacity Building on The National Learning Camp July 20-22, 2023
Training Workshop on School Disaster Risk September 15, 2023
Reduction Management: Fire Safety Lecture and Drill
Workshop on the Preparation of the 3rd and 4th Quarter January 12, 2024
SY. 2023-2024 Budget of Work in All Subject areas
In-Service Training for the Teachers fir the SY. 2023-2024 January 28-30, 2024
Coach of the 3rd Place in Sabayang Pagbigkas YES-O Camp. April 24-26, 2024


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