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Extra-Curricular Activities

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Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

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A Research Presented to
TimoteoPaez Integrated School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for theSubject
Practical Research 2

Submitted to:

Ricky E. Belarjang Jr.
Jessica D.Ganiban
Ronaldo I. Pestanio Jr.
JeffyortS. Rayco
Jayperson E. Sulla

October, 2019
Balut, Tondo, Manila
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department


This research is whole-heartedly offered

To the researcher’s parent namely:

Mr. and Mrs. Mary Ann & Gerry Ganiban,

Mr. and Mrs. Marivic& Troy Rayco,

Mr. and Mrs. Jonna & Leu Inao,

Mr. and Mr. Roberto &Raciel Sulla,


Mr. and Mrs. Delia &IsaiahsToring.

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department


This research entitled: “Survey on the Effects of Extra-Curricular Activities in

Academic Performance of ABM Senior High School Students of TimoteoPaez Integrated
School: An Analysis” is hereby accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements in
Practical Research 2 Subject(Research in Daily Life) in the Senior High School
Department present and submitted by:

Ricky E. Belarjang Jr Jessica D. Ganiban

Ronaldo I.Pestanio Jr Jeffyort S. Rayco

JaypersonE. Sulla

was approved by following panelist:

Panelist 1

Panelist 2



(Research Adviser)

and given a grade of ______this______ day of October ,2019 at TimoteoPaez

Integrated School at Balut, Tondo Manila.

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department


This is to certify that the research entitled: “Survey on the Effects of Extra

Curricular Activities in Academic Performance of ABM Senior High School

Students of TimoteoPaez Integrated School:An Analysis” of ABM-B group 3 has


Format Editing

Grammar Editing




Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Chapter 1



Extracurricular activities have been offered as part of the education system in the

United States since the early 1900’s. These activities, currently referred to as co-

curricular activities such as band, drama, student council, vocational clubs, and

interscholastic athletics, did not acquire legitimate status in the education system until

after the release of the Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education (Gholson, 1985).

Extra-Curricular Activities gives the higher grades of students; improve

theirskills, and capabilities to learn fast in a practical way. Thisactivity gives a lot of

opportunity to gain knowledge about on how we understand the lesson that we face off.

Andalso this is theway of teaching that all of students should cooperate well.

Mosha said that: “students’ performance was affected by shortage of English

teachers and absence of teaching and learning materials.”(2014) However, her

findings showed that the presence of untrained, under-qualified and trained teachers

who are incompetent resulted to skip teaching some difficult topics in the syllabus and

students’ infrequent use of English language at school and home, large class size,

teachers’ responsibilities, poor conducive teaching and learning environment in the

classrooms, limited home support environment and poverty are among the factors that
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

affecting students’ academic performance in English Language. Students’ effort,

previous schooling (Siegfried &Fels, 1976; Anderson

& Benjamin, 1994), parents’ education, family income (Devadoss& Foltz, 1996), self-

motivation, age of student, learning preferences (Aripin, Mahmood, Rohaizad, Yeop,

&Anuar, 2008), class attendance (Romer, 1993), and entry qualifications as factors that

have a significant effect on the students’ academic performance in various settings.

Ali Shoukatsaid in his study that among the factors that affect academic

performance of the students are gender, age, schooling; father/guardian social

economic status, residential area, medium of schooling; tuition trend, daily study hours

and accommodation trend are the factors affecting academic performance.

According to Gardner et al. (2008), theory and research on positive youth

development emphasizes the transition of human development, and suggest that

cultivating positive, supportive relationships with people and social institutions

encourages healthy development. Considering this perspective, organized activities, such

as extra-curricular activities, can encourage healthy development because of the support

and opportunities that are present compared to less positive after school options for teens.

Students who participate in structured activities are more likely to respect diversity, play

by the rules, and contribute as a member of a team whether it is sports, scouting or clubs.

According to Eccles (2003), children and adolescents in the United States spend

more than half of their waking hours in leisure activities. Along with interest in how
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

leisure time is being spent, researchers are wondering why there are high levels of

disinterest, underachievement, disengagement, and increased amount of time teens spend

unsupervised by adults. Participation in activities has been linked to social and academic

success, yet over-participation may be too stressful for young adults as it

may consume too much of their free time. There are pros and cons to both sides of the

activity participation discussion.

Educators who believe in the developmental perspective see activities as an

extension of the educational program. Activities allow students to develop skills such as

leadership, sportsmanship, self-discipline, self-confidence, and the ability to handle

competitive situations. Extracurricular activities offer an opportunity to interact in ways

that allow the previously mentioned skills to blossom. The developmental minded believe

that many of these skills would be impossible or very difficult to develop in a classroom


Student’s must be encouraging to participate and ensure that they are cooperate

well. Giving the extracurricular activities in students are needed to observe in the activity.

Many students want a full of attention in the activity.

Statement of the Research Objectives

This study aims to determine the effect of extra-curricular activity to the academic

performance of the Senior High School students.

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Specifically, this study aims to achieve the particular objectives:

1. To know the different extracurricular activities that affects the academic

performance Senior High School students;

2. To determine the effects of different extracurricular activities to the academic

performance of the Senior High School students; and

3. To help the Senior High School students of TimoteoPaez School to balance

their extra-curricular activities to improve their academic performance at


Statement of the problem

This research sought to study the effects of extracurricular activities to the

academic performance of the Senior High School students of TimoteoPaez Integrated


Specifically, this study will answer the following questions:

1. What are the different extracurricular activities to the academic performance

of the Senior High School students?

2. What are the effects extracurricular activities to the performance of the Senior

High School students of TimoteoPaez Integrated School?

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

3. How do extra-curricular activities affect the academic performance of the

Senior High School students?

4. How can this study will helpstudents to balance their extracurricular activities

to improve their academic performance at school?

Theoretical Framework

In a study made by Namuco (2015), he contradicted the idea that active

participation exists not only for their physically present but also by living the ideals and

advocacy of an extra-curricular organization. Moreover, she points out that inactive

participation is unhealthy because a person is hindering their selves from doing

something they are passionate about. In addition, he also mentioned that in this current

generation, there is a need for more doers rather than thosedwell waiting for something to

take place

In 2008, Thompsonstated that the “The level of commitment is much more

important than the specific activity. This means that “Over-scheduling” also affects

students physically and emotionally. Emotional impacts include stress and fatigue while

physical impacts include injuries and burn-out.

The main reason of these problems may be parent if they force their children to be

involved in activities which students do not want to participate in at all. Students are

afraid to quit the activitywith the fear of disappointing their parent, while on the other
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

hand some students may quit everything. Thus, student should be allowed to be involved

in activities of their own choice.

In addition to positive impacts of extracurricular activities, there may be many

potential negativeimpacts which should also be mentioned. Reeves (2008) conducted a

study with the conclusion that guardians and teachers does not allow students to

participate in out-of-school activities with this concept in mind that student may become

too much involved with these extracurricular activities and lose their focus on studies.

Students may not be left with enough time for home work if they are attending excessive

training class, or gathering. Over-scheduling may cause students to become irritable and

lazy; they may not be much attentive in class and spend less time preparing for tasks


Those who are economically stronger may have an unjustifiably preferred stand

point over those who are poor. Student competitors are lopsidedly of a higher financial

status (Smith, 2008). Athletic participation in not free of cost, one requires gear,

transportation and pay-to-play charges. This may become a barrier for those who are not

financially strong. The socioeconomic status hinders most students, who are good

athletes, from going to top level as they be lacking private training, and clubs play. An

average-income student can never compete with an athlete who is equipped with top gear,

and enjoy the facility to train in clubs. This economic disadvantage causes dissatisfaction
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

and frustration to students and can even disallow some of them from attempting

sports/athletics at first hand. Allare (2008) also determined that funds may be an issue for

most of the students. “I have to work to help make money for my family” by a student

clearly shows that how financial status can be a barrier between interest and participation

in extracurricular activities.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers decided to analyze the effects of extracurricular activities in the

Academic Performance of ABM Senior High School Student of TimoteoPaez Integrated

School because they themselves are experiencing the workload of duties and

responsibilities that they have to face in order to comply both for their academic

requirements which usually affected by the different extracurricular activities held in

their school.

According to Brown, the one who totally participate to the school’s activities can

improve their skills and enhance their knowledge than those who are not. The students

who actively participate can prevent the rate of drop-out student. Participating in

extracurricular activities may increase the capability to be friendly for student, and it

improve to being a leadership because of the experience that he gained.

With this idea, the researchers believe that with this study can help them to

motivate themselves how to enjoy their school days by joining different extracurricular
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

activities that will boost their passion to love doing their academic requirements by

applying what they had learned from the different activities held at school whether it is

extracurricular or co-curricular.


•Survey on the Effects

of Extra-Curricular
Process • This research aims to know
the effect of extracurricular
Activities in activities to the academic
Academic performance of ABM
Senior High School
Performance of ABM •The effect of Student. It is good to have
Senior High School extracurricular activities an idea on how
Students of is very important to know extracurricular deal with
TimoteoPaez specially in students who the skills of students. It is
Integrated School: An experience this. And also to improve the average
of knowledge as doing that
Analysis specially the some kind of activity to the
factors which is students.
contribute to improving

Input thier skill as a student.

This illustration above show aims the effect of extracurricular activities to the academic

performance of ABM Senior High School students and have an idea to the extracurricular

activities deal with the skills of a student.


The study assumed the following:

1. The collected data are reliable and valid;

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

2. The descriptions of the respondents are varied as to gender, age, civil status, highest

educational attainment and their reaction towards the effects of extracurricular

activities in academic performance as a student of ABM at TimoteoPaez Senior

High School;

3. The planning on how can this study will help students to balance their

extracurricular activities of ABM that may inform and give students effective tips

how to improve their academic performance at school

Scope and Delimitations

This research was conducted to the ABM Senior High School Student in Timoteo

Paez Integrated School. The main purpose of this is to identify the effect of

extracurricular activities to the academic performance of ABM. And it also took into

consideration of the respondent age and gender and rating of those who were engaged in

extracurricular activities and those who were not engaged in extracurricular activities.

The respondents were taken from ABM Senior High School Students.


In conducting this study, the researcher used population of Grade 12 ABM-A

male and female from age 16-21 at Timoteo Paez Integrated School

The discussion focused on the effects of extracurricular activities in academic

performance of Grade 12 Accountancy Business and Management.
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

The study did not get a depth discussion about the effect of extracurricular
activities in academic performance. In short, anything that would go beyond the
selected topic was not discussed any further.

In this study, the researcher used modified questionnaire from different survey
questions. And to illustrate the result of this study in statistical data. The researcher used
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Chapter 2


The primary purpose of this study is to analyzethe effects of extracurricular

activities in the academic performance of the students where the researchers are also

studying. This chapter will provide an overview of the related literature andstudies that

the student can earn a lot of benefits whenone is involved in extracurricular activities, the

benefits of extracurricular activities, factors threatening extracurricular activities, and

criteria for measuring success in public schools.

Related Literature

Based from the different books read by the researchers, the following information

has been sought regarding the student involvement and participation at school.

Local Literature

Base from a local literature, there are different extra-curricular activities for every

university in the world. The Philippines is no exception, the researcher observes that

universities such as De La Salle University (DLSU), Ateneo de Manila University

(ADMU), and University of the Philippines (UP) have their own extra-curricular

activities that students actively take part in. In the University of Asia and the Pacific

(UA&P) there exist multiple extra-curricular activities a student can take part in such as,
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

the Media Management Committee (MMC), Dulaang Roc, Viare, Communitas, Bosun

(the school publication), and many more to mention. The researcher has observed that

despite the myriad of extra-curricular activities a student can take part in; there are

students who become active and eventually become inactive in participating.

Public education has been transformed over the past ten years. With the

introduction of No Child Left Behind in 2001 (U.S. Department of Education, 2002), an

entire new wave of accountability has been placed on school districts and individual

schools. The No Child Left Behind Act was designed to improve student academic

achievement, increase national test scores, raise the performance of students, and attract

highly qualified professionals to the field of education (Ryan, 2004). The NCLB act has

created a different educational environment in the school systems across the country. It

holds every school system accountable for setting expectations and measurements for

determining student achievement, providing support for struggling students, and creating

accountability standards and assessments within the states and school districts for

academic success (U.S. Department of Education, 2002).

Since extra-curricular activities have different benefits (Holloway,

2000), the researcher observes that being active is good because students can

take advantage of the benefits offered. Moreover, because of these benefits

the researcher finds it questionable to investigate further if simply having

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

fun is the most influencing factor for active participation. Therefore, it has

led to the researcher to further probe what other factors influence active

participation in extra-curricular activities of select university students in


Extra-curricular activities (ECAs) are very important in a student’s life.

Unfortunately, since they are not graded and don’t form part of the QPI (Qualitative Point

Index) or GPA (General Point Average) which determines whether a student can continue

studying in his school, they are not the priority in a student’s survival in school.(Philstar,


Most of the time issues on extra-curricular activities are a staple in parent-child

arguments, “Your grades are not good enough! I think you should quit your org.” “But

Ma! That’s what I want to do, it’s the thing that makes me want to go to school!” For a

family that’s barely making ends meet, it’s also the first to go as most extra-curricular

activities require additional expenses.

Extracurricular activities do not just help in college admissions. In fact,

extracurricular activities help a student succeed in academics. Research shows that

participating in performance arts/clubs, for instance, in middle school is correlated with

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

better grades in ninth grade. On the other hand, playing sports correlates with self-esteem

and valuing education. (Philippines basic education, 2016)

"Without those (extracurriculars), we don't create an environment that really

keeps them in school because things become test based," he said. The option of

extracurricular activities, he added, would also give students a support system and

avenues for interest beyond the classroom.(Rappler, 2018)

Foreign Literature

Based from a foreign literature, Austin said that students should be not only be

involvement on their activities held on the four corners of their room. He defined

involvement as a means to cause "someone t1qo be included in different activities within

the school and other places where they can enhance their skills and abilities.” In this

definition, studentinvolvement is defined as to the amount of sensible and active

efficiency that the student uses for one’s academic experience.” (1999)

Egypt and Saudi Arabia are two countries with similar attributes, which may lead

policy makers in these countries to apply similar solutions to problems in educational

institutions. Yet, several educational and cultural differences do exist between them.

Students in Egypt exhibit noticeable diversity of gender and nationality; classes in dental

schools include male and female students of various nationalities. In Saudi Arabia, dental
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

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education is fully sponsored by the government and is available only for Saudi nationals.

In addition, classes are gender segregated according to cultural norms. Many middle-

class Egyptian families share values related to engaging their children in ECAs at an

early age, as social capital to improve their employability (Bathmaker, 2013) In Saudi

Arabia, sports club memberships, team practices, and outdoor activities in general are

restricted to males, while females are encouraged to engage in other social activities.

Unfortunately, this work still gets little financial support, and the underpaid

teachers are not very eager to undertake it for free, although the new system of salary

rates for teachers employed since 2008 by the Russian Ministry of Education is supposed

to solve the problem (on-line resource, 2010). In addition, the teaching materials and

methods, accumulated in the Soviet Union times need to be modernized and updated

according to the present-day academic needs and technical opportunities. This creates

some difficulties in the implementation of ECA in modern Russia.

Very little research is available on the learner attitudes to ECAs and their direct

impact on language learning. One study conducted in Russia showed that language

related extra-curricular work in university environment increased communicative skills of

students and had a positive effect on their self-confidence (Druzhinina, 2009). Another

study claimed that extra-curricular activities do not guarantee high level of language

proficiency for their participants, but, conversely, many 18 students notice that
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

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experiences obtained in out-of-class language environments were being more meaningful

and educative than those obtained in the classroom (Boehm, 1972)

In Russian and Canadian schools, foreign film and book clubs, theatre (Drama)

and musical clubs are widely used (Campbell, 1973; Andreeva 1958). In Russia,

however, the most popular language-related clubs are more general in their mandate, i.e.,

the most common types are Culture Clubs or Language Clubs focusing on cultural and

communicational aspects of foreign language learning. Celebration of traditional holidays

of the country of the target language is common in Russia and Canada. A difference in

clubs and celebration themes across the countries can be deduced from the available

literature that involves the scope of target cultures. In Russian ESL, for example, the

cultural aspect of ECAs is often limited only to British traditions, sometimes including

the USA; but addressing other English-speaking countries is rare. In Canada, by contrast,

Spanish, French and German clubs often address the use of these languages world-wide,

not only in the historic home country of origin.

Related Studies

From the different studies using the effects of extracurricular activities and

academic performance of the students in and out of the school, the following study has

been reviewed by the researchers:

Local Studies
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Asian Institute for Teacher Educators at Quezon City (2014) in Philippines

discovered current practices in assessing students in training and to determine their

suitability for teaching. A questionnaire was prepared to cover four main areas: course

subjects, practical teaching, co-curricular activities and extra-curricular activities. The

findings say that the profiles of the students who are assessed as good candidates show

that they are very much interested in extra-curricular activities and were sincere

participants in these activities during school time.

According to the study and findings of Steinberg et al.,

students who focus on participating in interscholastic athletics as anextracurricular activit

y are more enhanced than involved with the student’s academic aspirations or

achievements. (Steinberg) According to Ernesto B. Neri, former CSG Vice President of

Xavier University (Ateneo de Cagayan), there are three points on why students decide to

be a Student Volunteer Growth, Friendship and Purpose. Through the different

organizations the student can enhance their skills, earn camaraderie and the student can

be drawn to the noble idea of service (Rafols &Creayla, 2008).

Foreign Studies

From the research done by Brown Evans (2010), he stated that participating in

extracurricular activities gives a student a greater sense of one’s school connection. In

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

another fact, Involvement in extracurricular activities gives a positive effect on a student,

in terms of their academic and social life.

According to Fredricks and Eccles(2005), students who are involved inextracurric

ular activities help the students to determine or to know how they usetheir time, choose

their preferred peers or friends and guide in building their character. Without a doubt,

extracurricular activities helps a student (who is part or involved in it) in determining and

choosing one’s peers to help the student in his or her growth and development especially

in the stage of adolescence.

One study stated that extracurricular activities lessen the intake of substances like

drugs, alcohol and etc. even if the student’s peers influence one. (Borden,

2001).Another study stated that, it is an advantage of the student with higher

socioeconomic standing and greater academic ability

whenone participates in extracurricular activities (McNea, 2010).Moreover,

adolescents or teenagers are reported to have higher school fulfillment or satisfaction whe

n a particular student participates in greater numbers of structured extracurricular

activities. (Gilman 2001) Extracurricular or after schoolactivities gives a student positive

benefits in his or her performance especially in balancing academic and extra-curricular

activities. (Moriana, 2006) furthermore, these are positive effects that student receives

when one participates or is involed in extr-curricular activities namely: the right attitude,
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

good scores in one’s academics, school works achievement, becoming mature with

having the right values and morals, and lastly, knowing how to interact or socialize

(Massoni 2011)

The school’s system is an important element on a student’s participation

inextracurricular activities in which helps a student in accessing the sources of human,

cultural and social capital. (Macniel, 1999).

According Mauriel (1989) stressed that assestment is important to improve the

management skills and performance of an oraganization. This is neede to make sure that

program respond to the needs of the constituents and facilitate the accomplishment of the

organizational goals and mission. It represents an opportunity for the school to identify its

strengths and weaknesses. The assessment has a big role in examine the impact of the

program and service to the service development.

This study is anchored on the theory cited by Curtis and bidwel stated in the study

conducted by Alamo (1988) on the eight principles of Organizing Sound Co-curricular

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Chapter 3


This chapter describe the research method used, population, description of the

respondents, the instrumentation, data gathering procedure and the statistical tools to

apply to answer the definite problems of the study:

Method of Research

To carry out the study of Grade 12 Accountancy Business and Management at

Timoteo PaezIntegrated School's Effects of Extra-Curricular Activities in Academic

Performance tothe timetable, the used the quantitative research designs. The quantitative

research design chosenbecause it required in measuring the variables and it makes

generalization of the collected data easier for the researcher. The questionnaire was

distribution to each grade 12 ABM Strand. Itcomposed of four questions including the

respondent's profile;the different extracurricular activities to the academic performance,

the effects extracurricular activities to the performance, do extra-curricular activities

affect the academic performance, and can this study will help students to balance their

extracurricular activities to improve their academic performance at school. In the first

part of the second set of the questionnaire, the students choose from the four choices

given. Whileon the second part, they graded how they give statements really showstheir

real situation by choosing the numberof 1 to 4 which is 4 means.

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Description of the Respondents

The respondents of this study were the Grade 12 Accountancy Business and

Management. It consists of girls and boys with the age which ranges from 16 to 21 years

old that helped the researchers to answerthe questions in the study.

The Venue: History of Timoteo Paez Integrated School

Paez Integrated School was established in 1945 as annex of Lakandula

Elementary School consisting of only two classes in thefirst grade. Soon, Lakandula

Elementary School-Balut, Annex was called T. Paez Elementary, a philanthropist and a

former councillor of Manila.

The growing population in Balut Clamored for more rooms and buildings,

therefore, Mr. Isidro Yanson and Mrs. Valentin initiated to study the situation

in 1972. With that, the contruction of Y. Paez Elementary and Secondary level was led by

Mrs. Constancia D. Oanes. Hence, it was called Timoteo Paez Integrated Pilot School.

TPIS was headed by Mrs. Oanes as the Principal, Mrs. Remedios Tizon and Mrs.

Virginia Reyes, Assistant Principal of the Elementary Level and Mrs. Priscilla Sera

Joseph, Department.
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Head of Filipino and officer in charge in secondary level. In December of 1972,

T. Paez Integrated Pilot School had its official Tagalog and English Newspaper "Ang

Pahatid" and "T. Paez Echo".

Meanwhile, Vocational and HE department heads continued where one

department head supervised both elementary and secondary high school teachers of the

said subject. The same arrangement began in 1977-1978 for MAPEH classes from grades

I-IV. Because of the favorable feedbacks, the proposal aimed to work out on the

following areas: Social Studies, Filipino, English, Vocational, Home Economics,

Guidance and Counselling Services, Adult and Community Education, Music, Arts,

Physical Education and Library Services.

The other principals who gave devotion for the enhancement of our beloved school

were Dr. Lourdes Timario, 1976-1979; Mr. Nestor Galang, 1979-1980; Mrs. Virginia

Reyes, 1980-1984; Dr. Rosario Saludades, 1984- 1988; Mr. Leon San Miguel, 1988-

1989; Dr. Eloisa Carbon, 1989- 1990; Mr.Discoro Vasquez, 1992- 1993 ; and Mr. Pablo

D. Aseoche Jr., 1993- 1994.

Under the administration of Dr. Cristina C. Reyes, T. Paez received the trophy of

being the Cleanest High School in the Division of Manila. It was also during her time

when the T. Paez Multi-purpose Cooperative was established.

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Mrs. Wenifrida Lagman, continued to enhance T. Paez Integrated School. The school

covered court was constructed under her leadership through the support of Sen. Genaro


The Junior–Graft watch unit was launched under Dr. Priscilla H. Rillo’s reign

from 1991-2001 which was the project of the Office of the Ombudsman. The first

Alumni Homecoming of T. Paez was also held during her time.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Carmencita Macatangay, 200–2003, envisioned the mural painting in

front of the school. She also started the renovation of the school buildings.

The Assumption to the office of Mrs. Aurora T. Reoma gave much progress to T.

Paez. The wide renovation of school campus and grotto happened in her tutelage. The

installation of fiber glass basketball board which was funded by Congressman Ernesto

“Banzai” Nieva was made possible under her term. Not only that, the main event of the

year is when Anthony de Leon, school valedictorian was chosen as boy Mayor of Manila.

In year 2006, Mrs. Flora A. Valdez presumed the office. She led the improvement of

the auditorium and renovation of the male and female comfort rooms of the Science

Building. Her major accomplishments were; widening of the stage and the relocation of

the central stairs of the Administration Building. The school fence was elevated and the

grotto was improved once more. She also inaugurated the first Internet Café in the school.
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

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2008 became a new beginning of T. Paez when Mr. Gene T. Pangilinan took over the

leadership in T. Paez. He was known as “The Builder” for he spearheaded the

constructions of Phase I, II and Admin Buildings.

In year 2009, building II was declared condemned, followed by the administration

building. With the two buildings obsolete, classes were held at the covered court.

Meanwhile, MAPEH building was constructed through the help of Sen. Manny Villar.

Months after, the construction of Building II started. Also, with the help of the Alumni of

T. Paez, the restroom in the Science Building was renovated and a shed in front of the

said building was erected.

Mr. Pangilinan’s departure was least expected but all endings mark new

beginnings. Dr. Imelda M. Mendez, the new principal was welcomed with all hopes high.

The school’s hope never ended in vain. It is in her third month in December 2011, when a

Paezian became the acting mayor of Manila in the Annual Celebration of the Boys and

Girls Week. Danielle Mae Lao became the girl-mayor of Manila ruled alongside with

Hon. Alfredo S. Lim. It was also during Dr. Mendez’ time when she signed a two-year

agreement with the US government through the US Embassy regarding the English

Access Micro Scholarship Program to 60 student- recipients.

These sixty (60) scholars received monthly assistance for books and instructional

materials, transportation, snacks and enhancement activities. Likewise, the five (5)
Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

English teachers who taught English Language also receive monthly allowance. The US

government budget an amount of $19, 364.82 for two years. It was still during Dr.

Mendez’s time when four-storey buildings such as; Phase I and Phase II were turned over

by the city government of Manila thru Mayor Alfredo S. Lim to DepEd Manila.

On July 2013 duringDr. Felizardo’s reign, the four-storey building of Phase III

was finished. Computer rooms were reconstructed and 50 units of computers were bought

through local funds. It was the followed by the first regional demonstration teaching of a

Master Teacher in Filipino. Dr. Felizardo’s reign ended with flying colors when TPIS

ranked 6th place in the National Achievement Test out of 33 Secondary Schools in the

Division of City Schools in Manila.

On August 4, 2014, TPIS, again, welcomed a new principal- Mr. Rodrigo G.

Natividad who came from T. Alonzo High School. He is known for the mantra” Do good

and be good!”

During his term, major transformation happened. He was the first principal of

both Junior and Senior High School of T. Paez. The constructions of Senior High School

Buildings, TLE Building and THE Building were made possible. It was also under his

term that the school was able to purchase the school van with the help of 2017-2018

GPTA Officers and Faculty Club Officers

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Maps: Location and Vicinity Map of Timoteo Paez Integrated School

Map No.1

The Location Map of TimoteoPaez Integrated School

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Map No.2

The Vicinity Map of Timoteo Paez Integrated School

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Research Instrument

In obtaining the requirement of the study, the instrument that the researchers used

was a modified questionnaire that determined the Effects of Extra-Curricular Activities in

Academic Performance in the respondents' study that gathered the needed data for the

study: It include the profile of the respondents as well as the research questions that was

in Liker Scale form, which was based on the researchers' previous reading of these or

papers that were relevant to study.

The instrument used by the researchers was a modified questionnaire to obtain the

requirement of the study, the Effects of Extra-Curricular Activities in Academic

Performance in the respondents' study.

The test questionnaire consisted only of two part as follows:

Part 1: Include 4 questions the name, section, gender, and age of the respondents.

Part 2: was divided into 3 sets. The First set on respondents' habit in studying. The

second set focused on respondent’s attitude towards on their study and the last set was

focused on respondents' interest.

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data that the researchers gathered from the respondents were tabulated,

analyzed, and interpreted using the appropriate statistical measures and procedures. The

following statistical tools were used to analyze the data collected:

1. Frequency Count and Percentages. This statistical tool was used to present

the ratio of the number of responses to the number of the respondents in

profiling using the following formula:

𝑃= (100)

𝑃– Percentage
𝑓– Number of Responses

𝑛– Total Number of Respondents

2. Weighted mean. This statistical tool helped the researchers to measure the

average of the answers of the respondents about the effect of extracurricular

activities in academic performance using the following formula:

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department


𝑥– Weighted mean
𝑓– Summation of frequency of answers

– Total Number of Respondents

The ranges for the means of effects of extracurricular activities in academic

performance that had an interpretation of Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, or Strongly

Value Verbal Interpretation of Mean Score

2.52 – 3.51 Strongly Disagree

1.52 – 2.51 Disagree

1.01 – 1.51 Agree

0.00 – 1.00 Strongly Agree

3. Independent Sample T-test. This method was used to find out the significant

difference in the effects of extracurricular activities to academic performance

when respondents were group according to age.

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

4. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). This method was used to determine the

significant difference in the extracurricular activities to academic performance

respondents are grouped according to age.

To summarize the results for the one-way analysis of variance, Table 1

represents it.

Table 1

Summary for the One-Way Analysis of Variance

Source of Sum of Degree of Mean square F Ratio

Variation squares (SS) freedom (df) (MS)

Between SSB 𝑑𝑓 B MSB

samples (B)
Within SSW 𝑑𝑓 W MSW MSW
sample (W)

Total (T) SST = SSB + 𝑑𝑓 T = 𝑑𝑓B +

Younger Street. BalutTondo Manila

Senior High Department

SSW 𝑑𝑓 W

SSB - ∑= 𝑁

SSW - ∑= 𝑁

𝑑𝑓 B - n–1
𝑑𝑓 W - N–n
n - Number of Age
N - Total number of age in all groups
k - Group sample Size
g - Group Mean
G - Grand Mean
V - Standard Deviation (SD)

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