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Research Study

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Republic of the Philippines

Saint Joseph School Of Kiangan Inc.

Pindongan, Kiangan, Ifugao



​Arris Gian Gawe
Angelina Jadraque
Anjela Dulnuan
Carla Inuguidan

​Subject Teacher
​Ma'am Ranzee Pearl D. Telva
The researchers would like to acknowldge those people who helped in making
this research study most especially the following:

● The Grade 11 students of HumSS, ABM, and STEM for their active
participation during the conduct of the interview and for their honest
answers on the given questions.

● To all the supportive classmates who gave their time and efforts.

● Ma'am Ranzee Pearl Dugninon Telva for always being there to guide us in
every research process. The researchers would like to express their heartfelt
gratitude to the very wise Research teacher.

● To all our loved ones, boyfriends, girlfriends, crushes and bestfriends for
inspiring us to do this research study. Without them, this research study
won't be successful.

● And to Almighty God for always keeping the researchers safe throughout the
research study.
This research paper is dedicated to all people who would like to learn more on
the struggles of the Grade 11 students. Also, this is very much dedicated to all the
students of the Senior High School since they are the one who mostly contributed
to this research study. Without them, this research study will be nothing. In
addition, this is dedicated to all the Grade 11 teachers of Saint Joseph School of
Kiangan Incorporated.
This research study aimed to know and discover the struggles being faced by the
Grade 11 students from ABM, STEM, and HumSS. This study is beneficial to the
National Government, parents, teachers, educational institutions, Senior High School
students, upcoming Senior High students, and the researchers because this will give them
an idea what is it really like to be a Senior High School Student. The main respondents of
this study are the Grade 11 students from the different academic strands. After
conducting the research study, the researchers found out that Senior High School is really
important since it will help them gain more knowledge and skills. It will make them more
competitive and more knowledgeable. However, the reseachers found out that the
subjects are really challenging. Some are easy and some are hard. They requires higher
level of intelligence. From the data gathered, subjects like Physical Science,
Pananaliksik, and Research are the top subjects that made the students feel so
problematic. In the end of our research study, we gave some recommendations to the
Senior High School students on how they can lessen those struggles they are
encountering. The researchers recommended to always listeni to the teacher attentively
when she is explaining, study the lessons, ask for tutorials to the teachers or classmates in
case they did not understand the lesson, advanced reading, and always pray to God for He
will always bless everybody every single day.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Background of The Study…………………………………………….
Statement of The Problem……………………………………………...
Significance of The Study……………………………………………...
Scope And Delimitation………………………………………………..
Definition of Terms…………………………………………………….
Chapter II: Research Methodology
Review of Related Literature………………………………………….
Research Design……………………………………………………….
Research Locale And Population……………………………………..
Research Instrumentation & Data Collection………………………..
Theoretical & Conceptual Framework……………………………….
Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………...
Chapter III: Findings And Discussions…………………………………..
Triangulation of Data………………………………………………..
Visual Representation……………………………………………….
Chapter IV: Conclusion And Recommendations
​Chapter I

Background Of The Study

​Filipinos know that there has been a recent change in Philippines’ educational system.

Many students are confused about the subjects and strands of the K to 12. The new curriculum of
recent educational system has been a controversial topic in the society. People are still debating
and arguing if the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum is helpful for Filipino students.
Some students and parents continue to disagree in the curriculum due to poverty. There
are still many students who are not able to graduate before when the 2002 Basic Education
Curriculum (BEC) was implemented.
The Department of Education pronounces the addition of two more years in the basic
Filipino in the Philippines (Luistro, 2010). The former president, Benigno Aquino III asserts that
the additional two more years is needed to our basic education because it increases the students’
chance at succeeding.
The Aquino administration asserts that with the implementation of such program, the
problem of unemployment in the country will be resolved. Despite numerous awareness
campaign efforts, opposition still exists. In as much as employment in the Philippines is
concerned, the K12 education also responds to the fact that most countries in the world already
have the same plan in their educational institutions. With this, the standards of these countries go
a notch higher than what the country has, thus, creating an expansion in the global competency
(Luistro, 2010).
The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of
primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School
[SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners,
and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skill development, employment, and
If we pursue our research study on the struggles of the Senior High students on their
chosen academic strand, we believe that then after, everyone especially the students will also
benefit from the research study in a way that they will be highly educated regarding their strand.
​Hypothesis 1: ​Subjects in the Senior High School are fun and interesting since the lessons
are really educational and breathtaking.

​Hypothesis 2: ​Subjects in the different strands are fascinating but not all. Some are cliche
subjects. They are not beneficial in the future.

​Hypothesis 3: Not all subjects are easy. Some are okay and some are really hard. Not all
students are fast learners. Many students are having problems on their own subjects. Some are
suffering from stress, migraine, headache, and a lot more.

​Hypothesis 4: For some students who struggle so much, they study hard to better
understand the lessons. Some will spend more time reading their own books or ask for tutorials
from the teacher or a classmate.

​Hypothesis 5: Thee subjects which the students find difficult the most are Research and
Physical Science. We presume that the factors that make these subjects difficult are the lessons
and subject itself. We assume that the coping mechanisms of the students are self-studying and
advanced reading.
​Hypothesis 6: ​Senior High School is important since it prepares the students to be more
competitive when they will go to College. However, it can be a burden to those students most
especially those who came from poor families.
Statement of the Problem
​This study aims to determine the struggles of the Senior High School students on the K
to 12 Curriculum at the Saint Joseph School of Kiangan Incorporated. Specifically, this study
answers the following questions:

1).What are the perceptions of the Grade 11 Students on the subjects in the Senior High School?

2).How do Grade 11 students look at the subjects in their own chosen strand?

3).What struggles do the students encounter in dealing with these subjects?

4).How do students face these struggles?

5).What are the subjects that makes the students feel stressed and problematic?

6 Do you think Senior High School important? Defend your answer..

Significance of the Study
​This study will probe the students struggles on their own chosen strand at the

Saint Joseph School of Kiangan Incorporated. It will be helpful and beneficial to the
following entities:
To the National Government, this study will act as a guide in knowing what the
Senior High school students views and opinions concerning the subjects they are taking
at Saint Joseph School of Kiangan Incorporated and to let them know the condition of the
Senior High students.

To the Educational Institution, this study can help the learning institution to build
a moderate and placid relationship with the academy’s students and faculty by giving the
best possible way of teaching to help the students in adapting to the new curriculum.

To the Saint Joseph School of Kiangan Incorporated, this study will help them
know the insights of the Senior High School students regarding the teachers’ teaching
strategies, the school’s facilities and accommodation. This will also help them know what
are the student's problems or stuggles on their strand.

To the teachers of the Senior High School, this study will help them to anticipate
the students’ views regarding their subjects. It is important for them to know what
teaching style and strategies they should use to the students, because they will be the one
providing the knowledge to the children.

To the Parents of the students, this study would be able to help the parents of the
students who are affected by the K-12 program, this will give them an idea of what the
students’ subjects and if it will help their children grow from the academic nature.
To the Senior High School Students, this study can help the students by letting
them know how they are going to come up with the new curriculum and fulfill the
subjects’ requirements. It can also help them to develop strategies they can use in coping
and adapting to the new curriculum and subjects.

To the upcoming Senior high school students, this study will help them in anticipating
themselves. The recent perceptions of the students can serve as a guide in regards to choosing
their strand. They can use the recent insights of the senior high school student as a tool that can
help them realize what their strengths and weaknesses are.

To the researchers, this study can help them to know what their perception and mind-set
should be in order to pass their subjects. This study will also be significant to the researchers
because they will gain additional insights and will deepen their knowledge about the different
subject on each strand.
Scope and Delimitation
This study focuses on the struggles of the Senior High School students of the K-12
program since it has been implemented. The study will focus on what the students think and how
it will affect them. It will also focus on the subjects the students are taking in regards to their
chosen strand.

The researchers will gather data by providing their respondents a self-constructed

questions that they will use to know the students’ views regarding this topic. The result will be
based on the study conducted by the researchers that will be answered by the senior high school
students of the Saint Joseph School of Kiangan Incorporated.
Definition of Terms
The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally for better understanding.
Perception - According to the Crescent Moon Blogspot, it refers to a process of attaining
awareness or understanding of the environment by organizing and interpreting sensory
information. In this study, perception refers on how an individual look at certain things.
K to 12 Curriculum (K-12) - According to DepEd, The K to 12 Curriculum is a education
program that covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic to provide sufficient time for mastery of
concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education,
middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. In this study, K to 12
curriculums refers to the new curriculum the government implemented.
Students -According to the Oxford Dictionary, Students refers to a person who is studying at an
educational institution, university or other place of higher education. In this study, the students
refer as the respondents that will be the key to determine the perception on the subjects of the K
to 12.
Subjects -According to the Wikipedia, subjects are the parts into which learning can be divided.
In this study, the subjects will refer as the base of all knowledge that will take and imply by the
ABM -This strand is designed as an introductory course in accounting and business and
management where students are trained to think logically and scientifically and are acquainted
with the rudiments of accounting, business and management concepts and principles in order to
prepare them to pursue college degrees that focus on business and industry where their
contribution as future accountants, entrepreneurs, and business leaders are vital to the progress
and development of the economy and critical to the promotion of a sustainable green business.
STEM- This strand will develop the students’ ability to evaluate simple to complex societal
problems and be responsive and active in the formulation of its solution through the application
and integration of scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical concepts as it prepares
them to pursue college degrees that focuses on the enigma of the natural world.
HumSS- This strand covers a wide range of disciplines that delve into the investigation and
inquiry of the human conditions that uses empirical, analytical, and critical methods of studying
human behavior and societal changes. Students pursuing college degrees on this strand will have
a deeper understanding of arts, culture, literature, politics, and society and how the complex
interplay of these facets help them appreciate individual behavior and social group and the
pressing issues corresponding them.
DepED -The Department of Education is the executive department of the Philippine government
responsible for ensuring access to, promoting equity in, and improving the quality of basic
education. It is the main agency tasked to manage and govern the Philippine system of basic
education. It is the chief formulator of Philippine education policy and responsible for the
Philippine primary and secondary school systems.
Struggle- to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes
​Chapter II
Research Methodology

Review of Related Literature

K to 12 is a designed curriculum for the sum of primary and secondary education. It is
used in the United States, Canada, Turkey, Philippines, and Australia. K for 4- to 6-year-olds
through twelfth grade for 7- to 19-year-olds, It is a free education from Kindergarten to Senior
High School in the countries mentioned respectively.
Republic Act K to 12 which is known as “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”or “K
to 12 Basic Education Program Law” states that the graduate of basic education shall be an
empowered individual who has learned, through a program that is rooted on sound educational
principles and geared towards excellence, the foundations for learning throughout life, the
competence to engage in work and be productive, the ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with
local and global communities, the capability to engage in autonomous, creative, and critical
thinking, and the capacity and willingness to transform others and one’s self.
K to 12 has been met with criticism from youth and student groups, teachers, parents and
the academic community. The Department of Education, for its part, appears determined to enact
the program with its proposed budget catering mostly to preparing the grounds for its eventual
implementation. DepEd also stressed that it is arguably one of the most drastic and controversial
programs of the Aquino administration. The Department of Education argues that the K-12
program will be the solution to yearly basic education woes and the deteriorating quality of
education. Critics, however, counteract that the education crisis needs to be addressed more
fundamentally and adding more school years would only exacerbate the situation.
The Department of Education stated that only the Philippines, Angola, and Djibouti have
a 10-year basis schooling cycle. The Philippines is the only remaining country in Asia that is still
implementing a 10-year basic education. The program aims to make Philippine education at par
with the rest of the world, with 12 years of basic education already a global standard. Some
countries does not accept the 10 years of basic education.
Further, the following counter-arguments were presented: First, K to 12 will solve the
annual growing number of out-of-school youth. Students and parents, however complain that it
would be an added burden to poor families. While public education is free, a political youth
group estimates that a student would still need an average of P20,000 per school year to cover
transportation, food, school supplies and other schooling expenses. Also, based on the latest
Family Income and Expenditure Survey, families prioritize spending for food and other basic
needs over their children’s school needs. Two more years for basic education would inevitably
translate to higher dropout rate.
In relevance to the article, Marston (2011) conducted a related study about the
Perceptions of Students and Parents involved in Primary to Secondary School Transition
Programs. Transition programs of different formats and complexities have been introduced in
some schools to facilitate transition. The aims of this search were to investigate and compare the
perceptions of students, parents and teachers involved in several of these programs and to
examine the extent to which transition programs can alleviate issues associated with transition
between primary and secondary schools.
According to Villenes (2012), K to 12 was crafted to plug the shortcomings of the 10
year basic education cycle in which students had less time to understand their lessons, had to
compete with better prepared gradually from other countries. Competing with the international
standards challenges the Philippine government to innovate the former curriculum.
Furthermore, Carrington (2003) supported and suggested that the needs of students in the
middle years of schooling are not always met by the traditional primary and secondary school
which were often “designed a long time ago, for a different social and economic world” It is also
claimed by Carrington that students of the 21st century too are perceived to be very different to
the students for whom these structures were designed. They bring different skills, backgrounds,
experiences and knowledge of technology that may not have been considered when the present
school structure was designed.
After K to 12’s implementation, critics continue to arise. They asserted that the newly
implemented curriculum will just be a burden to the families who belong to the lowest class or
standard of living, especially to the broken families that barely supports the education of their
offspring. They claimed the undergraduates rate will increase due to the government’s unhelpful
Regarding the critics’ claim, Nartates (2011) conducted a study about the Effects of
Broken Homes among Early Teenagers to their Academic Performance this study cited by the
researchers have also shown that the country’s education program is equivalent to the 12- year
education cycle followed abroad except that it is being completed in only 10 years. These
researchers analyze and study what will be the effects of the K to 12 educational systems to the
country, parents, and students.
Manalo (2012) conducted a study about the Enhanced K- 12 program as Perceived by
the Parents of Grade Six Pupils at Baao District, Baao Camarines Sur, School Year 2011- 2012.
This study is about the perception of the parents and the perceived problem regarding the new
program of the Department of Education.

Research Design
​This reasearch study used the grounded theory method of research to determine and
understand the struggles of the Grade 11 students on their own chosen strand.
According to Charmaz (2003), grounded theory refers to a set of systematic inductive
methods for conducting qualitative research aimed toward theory development.
It also provides explicit sequential guidelines for conducting qualitative research, offers
specific strategies for handling the analytic phases of inquiry and legitimizes qualitative research
as a scientific inquiry.
In addition, methodological strategies of grounded theory are aimed to construct middle
level theories directly from data analysis.
Research Locale And Population
​This research study is exclusively conducted at Saint Joseph School of Kiangan
Incorporated among the Senior High student from the different strands. The research happens
during the finals of second semester, School Year 2018-2019. The population of this research
study was composed of twenty-five students who were struggling on their chosen academic
strand. This is in support of purposive sampling. Ashley Crossman (2018), describes purposive
sampling as a non-probability sample that is selected based on characteristics of a population and
the objective of the study.

Research Instrumentation And Data Collection

​To gather the necessary information, the researchers of Grade 11 Humanities and Social
Sciences made use of a structured interview.
To gather the information on the factors that contribute to the struggles of the students
which leads to failure of a subjects, the reseachers made use of a structured interview and
observation method. The researchers formulated questions to comply with the necessary
requirements. The questions look into the reasons why students are having struggles on the
subjects on their own strand.

Validity of The Interview Questions

​To ensure the validity of the interview questions, it was presented first to the members of
the groups and was studied and analyzed carefully to ensure that all the questions are correct and
Theoretical And Conceptual Framework
This study seeks to know the students’ struggles on their own strand at the Saint Joseph
School of Kiangan Incorporated. This part of study shows the research paradigm of the research
study using the input-process (IPO) model. This paradigm will give a clearer understanding on
the development of this research.

The foregoing paradigm presents the title of the study. It was conducted using the systems
approach with the input, process and output.
The input frame houses the topic of the study. It also gives an idea of what the study is all
The process frame indicates the steps by which the study was conducted. These steps are as
follow: analysis and interpretation of data through the use of structured interview and
The output frame indicates the aim of the study which is to have a better and clear solutions
on how can students lessen their own struggles in those different subjects. The researchers also
aim to know what the Senior High School students of Saint Joseph School of Kiangan
Incorporated think and how they adapt to the newly implemented curriculum.
Data Gathering Procedure

After the approval of the present research topic, the researchers gathered data to identify
the whole content of the topic. The interview questions made by the researchers relies the topic
of the study and gathered from different reading materials, such as books, articles and related
In making final draft, it is necessary to composed different ideas that are based from the
research study. Every question refers to the topic and must be identify properly by the
respondents. The research teacher also considered the validation of this context.
The researchers asked permission to the teachers of the Senior High School students of
the school to conduct an interview among the Senior High School students. Upon granting the
permission, the researchers distributed the questions to their fellow Senior High School students
who are the respondents of the study. After the retrieval of the accomplished questionnaire, the
researchers tabulated, analyzed and interpreted the gathered data.
​Chapter III
Findings And Discussions

This chapter presents the evaluation and the graph on what the senior high school students’
responses on the questionnaire that the researchers made. The graph has been evaluated in
percentage presentation to easily identify the differentiation of answer based on the question.

1. Students Perceptions On The Subjects In The Senior High School

​Figure 1

​Based on the graph below, many students think that subjects in the Senior High School
are difficult, stressful, and boring. However, some said that the subjects in the Senior High
School are enjoyable.
The result of the study was supported by Vergara (2013) delved with the implementation
of K to 12 and its subjects. This study is related to the present study as it focused on the
relevance of the subjects of the K to 12 curriculum. He also concluded that the subjects of the K
to 12 Curriculum are appropriate and applicable for the students’ chosen strand.
​2. Students’ perceptions on the subjects on their own strands
​It’s like a roller coaster sometimes hard, easy, boring, interesting ,stressful,and complicated.
The graph below presents how the students perceive the subjects in their chosen strand.

​ ​Figure 2

Based on the study, the Senior High School students find the subjects of their chosen
strand fit and applicable for their chosen strand. Most of the surveyed Senior High School
students said that their subjects are somehow difficult, and some are stressful. However, there are
some students who said that the subjects are easy.Meanwhile, one STEM Student, and one
HumSS Student responded that their subjects are not not appropriate or adequate for their own
chosen strand.
The result of the study was supported by Vergara (2013) delved with the implementation
of K to 12 and its subjects. This study is related to the present study as it focused on the
relevance of the subjects of the K to 12 curriculum. He also concluded that the subjects of the K
to 12 Curriculum are appropriate and applicable for the students’ chosen strand.
3.Struggles Faced By Students On Their Own Strand
​Figure 3

​From the data we gathered, the respondents said they are having problems in dealing with
the subjects. Some said that sometimes the lessons are hard to understand, and some problem
solving Activities are hard to solve. Some also said that they suffered from headache, body pain,
stress, and anxiety because of those difficult subjects.
The result of the study was supported by Tan (2011). He conducted a study on the Most
Perceived Problems on K – 12 Implementation of the Students Luzon Elementary
School,Tagkawayan Quezon. This study is related to the present study as it also focused on the
problems perceived about the K – 12 program which affects the students’ performance and
parents perception. His study concluded that the most perceived struggle is the additional
expenses and fees due to the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum. It is relevant to the
present findings by means of adding further insight and basis to the study.
4. How Students Face Their Own Struggles In Their Own Respective Strand
The graph below presents how students face the struggles they are encountering in dealing
with their subjects.
​Figure 4

Based on the study and interview that the researchers conducted, most of the surveyed
students from the STEM strand responded that they ask further briefing and examples from their
teachers when they didn't understand the lesson very well.. While, paying enough attention to the
lessons gathered came next. On the interview conducted, two out of five interviewee also
responded that they pay enough attention to the lessons in order for them to better understand the
lesson the teacher is explaining
The same questionnaire and interview was conducted to the HUMMS strand. The
respondents shared that their way of facing their own struggles is by having a group or
self-study. One respondent answered that she faces her struggles by advanced studying. One
respondent answered that her way of facing the struggles in her subjects is by paying enough
attention to their lessons. And the last respondent from the HUMMS strand said that asking
further briefing and examples from his teachers is his way of facing his struggles.
In connection with this findings, Waithe (2012) stated in his study that the students’
strategies in dealing with their struggle is time management. He also included in his study that
the students must also use advance studying as a strategy in coping with their struggle.
5. Subjects That Makes Students Feel Stressed And Problematic

​Figure 5

From the data we gathered from the different students from different strands, Physical
Science, Research, and Pananaliksik are the subjects that makes the HumSS students feel so
stressed and problematic. According to our Respondents, they are the top subjects that really
makes them feel so bad.
For STEM students, they said that Research, Chemistry, and Pananaliksik are the subjects
that really makes them feel stressed. Meanwhile, for ABM students, Research, and Pananaliksik
are the subjects that makes them feel problematic. However, one of the student said that Business
and Finance is one of the most difficult subject.
Overall, Research, Pananaliksik and Physical Science are the top subjects that makes the
students feel so stressed and problematic.
6. Students’ Perception on the Senior High School
The graph below presents the students’ perception on the Senior High School.
​Figure 6

From the data we gathered, most of the respondents said that Senior High School is an
effective program that can help the students to attain higher skills and knowledge. On the other
hand, few students answered that Senior High School will just be a burden for the students most
especially when it comes to tuition fee. One student also said that Senior High School is not
important since the subjects or lessons will be taught when they will go to college. As we can see
on the graph above, it shows that many students said that Senior High School is important. On
the other hand, only few students said the opposite.
This findings was supported by Cruz (2012). He stated in his Mini Critique that K to 12 is
an effective program that can help the students to attain higher skills and knowledge. He also
explained that implementation of K to 12 enables students to get sufficient instructional time to
do subject- related tasks which makes them more prepared and well- trained on that subject area.
With the new curriculum, senior high school students can choose a field that they are good at and
that they are interested in.
Triangulation of Data

Throughout the research study, researchers were able to observe their respondents
regarding how serious and honest they were in answering the questions.


The reseachers made use of structured The reseachers gathered different data
interview towards their 25 respondents from from different students to aid their need of
the different strands. All the interview information regarding their research study.
questions were validated and analyzed by
the Research teacher.
Visual Representation

​Profile of The Respondents

Strand Boys Girls Total

HumSS 7 8 15

ABM 0 5 5

STEM 3 2 5

Total 10 15 25

​This table above shows the profile of the research respondents. In HumSS strand, there are
seven boys and eight girls with a total of fifteen students. For the ABM strand, we had
respondents of five girls only. Lastly, we had three girls and two boys for the STEM strand with
a total of five students. Overall, there are ten boys and fifteen girls that became our respondents.
It means, we had twenty-five respondents on our research study.
​Chapter IV
Conclusion And Recommendations

This chapter presents the conclusions drawn from the gathered data and recommendations
based on the data revealed in the study.

In the light of the important findings revealed in this study, the following conclusions are
1. The study determined that the students’ perception on the K to 12 curriculum. It revealed
that the K to 12 curriculum is an effective program that can help them to attain higher skills and
2. The study also determined that the students’ perceptions on the subjects of their chosen
strand were fitted and applicable to their strand. Some said that the subjects are hard, and
difficult, easy, and enjoyable.
3. The study determined that the struggles faced by the students regarding their strands is
having problem in managing their time, and some lessons are hard to understand. Some said that
they suffered from headache, and migraine because of complicated lessons.
4. The study identified how the students face the struggles in their subjects. It revealed that
paying enough attention to the lessons is their way or strategy of facing their struggles.
5. Physical Science, Pananaliksik, and Research are the top subjects that made the students
feel stressed and problematic.
6. Most of the students said that Senior High School is important since it helps them to gain more
knowledge and in order for them to be prepared for College.
Considering the conclusions drawn in this study, the researchers suggested to following
1. The students must give more attention to their subjects. The teachers may also encourage
the students to improve their skills. The teachers may do some exciting projects, activities and
interesting skill lecture.
2. The K to 12 program may improve to enhance and develop the skills of the students and
for the knowledge to be applicable for the courses the students will take after Grade 12. This
program may identify the subjects that can enrich the students’ knowledge and credentials to
improve the skills needed for the course that they may choose.
3. The students must be able to evaluate the skills and knowledge that is applicable for their
strand and courses. Also, they may identify their needed strategies to cope with their chosen
4. All of the students must how know to manage their time appropriately. The teachers may
give consideration in assigning projects. Also, the teachers may provide sufficient time to submit
the requirements of the students to accomplish the tasks given to them​.
5. ​Some subjects are easy and some are hard. The researchers would like to recommend all the
students to study hard and always listen to the teachers everytime she's explaining because it is
actually a good help and it can lessen those problems that may be encountered.
6. The researchers would like to say to all the Grade 11 students that Senior High School is
actually a very big help to every student because it prepares a student to be more competent
when they will enter other schools whether public or private. It is not a but Dena and it is
actually a good help.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Retrieved from

Humanities and Social Sciences Strand. Retrieved from

Department of Education Philippines. Retrieved from

Struggle [Def. 1]. (n.d.). Merriam-Webster Online. In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved, from
​Republic of The Philippines

Saint Joseph School of Kiangan Incorporated

Pindongan, Kiangan, Ifugao

Dear Respondents,
We, the Grade 11 students of Humanities and Social Sciences (HumSS) strand, are
conducting a research study on the ​Struggles of The Grade 11 Students In Their Own Chosen
Strand​. In this regard, we are humbly asking for your cooperation to answer the questions
prepared for the purpose of research. Rest assured that all the information will be treated with
utmost confidentiality. We are hoping for your full support regarding this request. Thank you and
God bless.

Truly Yours,
Researchers of Grade 11 HumSS

​Arris Gian Gawe​ ​Anjela Dulnuan

​Angelina Jadraque​ ​Carla Inuguidan

​Ma'am Ranzee Pearl D. Telva

Subject Teacher
Name: (optional) ________________
Strand: ____________

Please answer the following questions honestly.

1.What are your perceptions on the subjects in the Senior High School?

2.What are your perceptions on the subjects in your own chosen strand?

3.What struggles are you encountering in your different subjects?

4.How do you face those struggles that you encounter?

5.What subjects makes you feel stressed and problematic?

6.For you, Is Senior High School important? Defend your answer​.

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