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Assessment Task2: Project: BSBMGT517

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Assessment task2: Project

Task1-Operational plan;

Activity Summary

To increase the customers target and profit for the business
 To achieve and maintain such distinction in food and drinks, service, atmosphere and
setting that the cafe gains a first class reputation for gastronomy, gracious and
informed hospitality, comfort and beauty which draws new and repeat customers year
after year.
 To achieve the above whilst upholding staff policies and practices, which promote a
fair and positive working environment.
 To be aware of and act on our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen to: *
provide a safe, clean and attractive place for guests to enjoy and for employees to
work in; * ensure ecologically sound management practices at the restaurant and in
our surrounding gardens and woods; * undertake meaningful involvement of cafe in
selected charitable activities in our community and region.
 Successful cafes endure by building reputations and loyal clienteles. If a cafe is
profitable, makes its customers happy and holds a long-term lease or owns the
building where it operates, then it can continue operating indefinitely.

SWOT Analysis of Proposed Activity


Consider strengths  We have a Introducing more As a result of their

from both an internal small staff, products and analysis, the consultancy
perspective, with a shallow better items in the may decide to specialize
and from the point of skills base in menu – cafe is in rapid response, good
view of customers many areas. being loved value services to local
and people in because it has businesses and local
market. several benefits government.
 We are over Cafe coffee
Identifying strengths vulnerable to day. Marketing would be in
is where I pinpoint vital staff being One of the selected local
my niche within the sick or leaving. benefits is a publications to get the
market such as better menu of greatest possible market
having distinctive  Our cash flow things to eat presence for a set
ambiance. will be along with the advertising budget, and
unreliable in coffee. the consultancy should
the early keep up-to-date with
stages. changes in technology
where possible.
Service delivery plan
International creative food, and a style of service that will make everyone feel welcome and
special. Our food products will be of the finest quality and prepared with sensitivity and care.
We will 'go all the way' to satisfy our guests. We will change our menu every 3-4 months, but
we'll keep 'your favorite.' Portions will be modestly sized with an attractive presentation.

Our wine list will be modest in size and primarily focused on wines from California, France,
New Zealand and Argentina. Approximately 25% will be exclusively available by the glass
and the remaining labels will be available by the bottle. We will also feature a moderate
international beer selection on tap and in bottles. The comfortable softly-lit bar features a
comprehensive selection of the finest Vodkas, homemade Aquavits and single malt

During the busy summer times customers can also sit outside on our patio and we will offer
a special summer menu, featuring lighter fare, exotic drinks, as well as non-alcoholic
offerings. The patio and garden setting will be a fun and casual atmosphere for the summer
The kitchen staff will have the best in culinary education and work experience. Our creative
talents will compliment one another. The lounge and restaurant staff will offer the finest
service in a cozy atmosphere and offer customers an extraordinarily successful evening.

Financial Plan
Can include:
 Annual budget
 Cash flow projection
 Cash management plan
Human Resources Plan
Can include:
 Any proposed staff/volunteer changes
 Professional development plan (including management committee , staff, volunteers)
Physical Resources Plan
This is often included in the financial plan, but in larger organisations can be recorded
separately. Can include:
 Asset replacement/purchase
 Purchase or lease of building/vehicles
 Capital works
Information technology Plan
Can be include in physical resources plan or as part of financial plan but as IT often plays a
significant role in administration and services offered, it might be worth considering it

Time Plan
This might be as simple as a calendar on the wall which details all major events and
deadlines but allows all staff, management committee and volunteers a sense of what will be
happening and when.

The attached examples demonstrate a variety of styles for documenting operational plans,
but it is often useful to organize workplans under the strategies and goals set out in the
strategic plan.
Task 2 – Plan and manage resource acquisition

The objectives for each of the key areas are:

 Goal 1 To establish new espresso café area

 Try to breakthrough espresso café business in this area.
 The quality of service also enhances or ruins a cafe experience. Servers should be
respectful and prompt; they should be attentive without hovering as well as
knowledgeable about ingredients and preparation methods.

 Goal 2 To increase the customers target and profit for the business
 To achieve and maintain such distinction in food and drinks, service, atmosphere and
setting that the cafe gains a first class reputation for gastronomy, gracious and
informed hospitality, comfort and beauty which draws new and repeat customers year
after year.
 To achieve the above whilst upholding staff policies and practices, which promote a
fair and positive working environment.
 To be aware of and act on our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen to: *
provide a safe, clean and attractive place for guests to enjoy and for employees to
work in; * ensure ecologically sound management practices at the restaurant and in
our surrounding gardens and woods; * undertake meaningful involvement of cafe in
selected charitable activities in our community and region.
 Successful cafes endure by building reputations and loyal clienteles. If a cafe is
profitable, makes its customers happy and holds a long-term lease or owns the
building where it operates, then it can continue operating indefinitely.
Operations of the company are most likely affected by the changes in As a member of the Marketing Department in Cafe, one has to
the laws within which the business operates. understand the effects of the many economic variables that are
likely to affect the business operations of the company. These
The relationship between the countries the company operates in and factors are almost out of the company’s control, therefore, the
its supplier is also determinant of the possible future business deals company must prepare to change with those changes in order to
and activities between two. survive and grow in the future.

As long as the company has no active control over political factors,

they have to change with the regulations.

Social Technological

Internet- Start Taking Online Orders Today-

Presence on social networks like Facebook, Twitter , Google, If I have a food delivery service online ordering will definitely
Pinterest or Instagram is a very important. Use these channels to increase traffic. Some people like me, prefer to see and choose the
inform my regular and future clients about everything what happening dish from my online menu and order it directly from the web site.
in my restaurant
Loyalty Programs-
Partnering up with online food apps should definitely be a
consideration as part of your restaurant marketing plan. Partnering
with online apps encourages visitors to check out your restaurant
through gamification and customer loyalty programs, which offer
visitors a free purchase or discount for visiting a certain number of
Task 3 – Monitor and review organizational performance

Monitoring the plan

Strategy Actions/Activities Resources required Completio
plan no. No. days n date
First phase To write my objectives, consider figuring 01 Presence on social networks like 7 07/01/2019
promotion will deal how much revenue I would need each Facebook, Twitter , Google, Pinterest or
with advertising month to achieve this goal. Also consider if Instagram is a very important. Use these
before, and during there are months or weeks busier than channels to inform my regular and future
three months others. clients about everything what happening
following the in my restaurant
opening; the
second phase will
deal with all long-
term promotion and
occasion promote
Planning of café Partnering up with online food apps should 02 Partnering with online apps encourages 7 14/01/2019
marketing is very definitely be a consideration as part of your visitors to check out your restaurant
important and it is restaurant marketing plan. through gamification and customer
the key for booming loyalty programs, which offer visitors a
business. free purchase or discount for visiting a
Successful owners certain number of times.
and restaurant
managers create a
marketing plan in
advance for the
whole year and in
line with it forming
its annual budge
PLANNING GRID FOR To increase the customers target and profit for the business

Objective: To achieve and maintain such distinction in food and drinks, service, atmosphere and setting

Strategies Actions Priority Time Resources Responsibility Performance Indicators


Increase sales by 10% 1. Improve customer 15/22/18 To achieve the Customer Service 1. Obtain at least 90%
in 12 months. service levels. above whilst Manager positive feedback from
upholding staff existing clients
2. Obtain at least one 20/12/18 policies and Marketing
new large supply practices, Manager 2. New contract should be in
contract. which promote place
a fair and
3. Hire more forklift 14 days positive
drivers, and truck working Human 3. If the new contract is in
drivers for new environment. Resources place by the deadline, hire
contract. Manager new staff within 14 days
signing the new contract.
4. Provide more Ongoing
training to customer 4. Commence fortnightly
service and kitchen HR Manager 1hour training session for
staff. each department.
Assessment task3: Practical Assessment and Competency Conversation

Task1- Consult with stakeholders to Gain Approval for Operational Plan

Undertake planning and research

 Analysis and review of pre-existing strategic, business and operational plans.

The primary objectives of the business plan for Restaurant are below:
o To be the premier home-style restaurant
o To provide quality meals at reasonable prices with exemplary service
o Achieve Cover ratios of 1.00X at each lunch and dinner serving

 Processes used to review market requirements and to profile customer needs and
pricing structures, where appropriate to the business.
o Clean Environment
Places in which people dine need to be kept immaculately clean for their
comfort and health. Pay careful attention daily to the cleaning of tables,
chairs, floors, the kitchen and the restrooms

o Properly Prepared Food

Food is what business is about, so make it good. Properly prepared tasty
food is the reason customers will keep coming back to restaurant.
Take care to buy quality ingredients, hire superior cooks, and serve
your meals at the right temperature for each dish.

o Menu Choices
Customers will react positively to a variety of menu choices. Even though
own restaurant probably serves a particular style of food, peoplwant many
selections to choose from. Establish a confection menu to cater to those
who enjoy finishing off a meal with something sweet, and those who drop in
for dessert and coffee.

 Processes used to identify resource requirements.

Proper labelling and rotation techniques, accompanied by ample storage
facilities will ensure that high quality prepared product will be sufficiently
available to meet the demands during peak business hours. Replenishment
and ongoing preparation will continue during off peak business hours.

 Development of budgets and other financial documents or plans

The restaurant will practice sound management procedures in order to
control costs, insure quality of product and provide friendly customer

Management will use the following systems:

o Order Guide: The restaurant will use an item specific order guide to track
order history and maintain designated levels of product in inventory.
o Weekly Inventory: Management will conduct a weekly inventory to determine
valuation for use in the preparation of weekly profit and loss reports.
o Daily Inventory Tracking: Daily inventory will be taken on specific
items. Movement will be compared to sales data to ensure designated
products have been properly accounted for.
 Consultation processes with stakeholders.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing food
services to patrons who order and are served while seated (i.e., waiter/waitress
services) and pay after eating. These establishments may provide food services
to patrons in combination with selling alcoholic beverages, providing carry out
services, or presenting live nontheatrical entertainment.

 Processes used to develop performance objectives and measures.

o Repeat business. Every customer who comes in once should want to return,
and recommend us. Word–of–mouth marketing is a powerful ally.
o Hire top-notch chefs and offer training to keep the chef on top of his/her
game, and pay top wages to ensure they stay with us.
o Location. Convenience is essential to us; we need to be close to our market
because we are not trying to get people to travel to reach us.
o A variety of menu offerings with a “down home” theme, reasonably priced
to establish credibility, but not so high as to limit customers.

Keys to Success
 The creation of a unique and innovative fine dining atmosphere will differentiate us
from the competition. The restaurant will stand out from the other restaurants in the
area because of the unique design and decor. We will offer a fine dining experience
in a cozy atmosphere.
 Product quality. Not only great food but great service and atmosphere.
 The menu will appeal to a wide and varied clientele. It is International with an
interesting twist.
 Leave it to Linda Catering already has an established clientele in the area.
 Controlling costs at all times without exception.

Due to intense competition, restaurateurs must look for ways to differentiate their place of
business in order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. It needs a place that will
fit into the 'new look' of the community that is sophisticated and entertaining. The fact that no
other restaurant in the area has this concept and atmosphere presents us with a window of
opportunity and an entrance into a profitable niche in the market.

The Team Performance Plan, which identifies the desired performance of the team and the
method for achieving this level of performance must be aligned with the Operational Plan.
By aligning the two plans improvements in the team's performance can be directed to
ensuring that the team develops the skills necessary to achieve the goals identified in the
Operational Plan.

The Operational Plan should align with the organisation's overall objectives as detailed in the
Strategic Plan. This alignment can be achieved by ensuring that the team, section or
department purpose aligns with the objectives of the Strategic Plan. In turn, the Operating
Plan of the team, section or department should align with the purpose.

Operational plans are used to identify:

 The goals of the team, section or department

 How the goals will be achieved

 What resources are required to meet the goals

Task 2- Gain Approval for Resource Acquisition from Senior Management

Target Market Segment Strategy

Restaurant will focus on attracting a wide and diverse clientele ages 25-60 with an annual
income of at least $30,000.

We want the businessman, happy couples, high-end singles, families, tourists with money,
wealthy image seekers and compulsive spenders. We focus on these specific groups
because these are the types of people who frequent other restaurants and bars in the area.
They are the ones that are willing to spend their money on good dining and service at
a value price. We generally know the characteristics of our clientele with the available

Our geographic include people from the local area, restaurant patrons from neighboring
cities, and tourists from other cities and states. The characteristics of our clientele will be
people who are creative, entertaining and sophisticated diners.

Financial Plan
$385,000 of funding is needed over the next year for renovations, furniture, kitchen
equipment, liquor license, food & restaurant supplies, legal fees, working capital, marketing
and personnel.

Important Assumptions
The financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are shown in the
following table as annual figures. The key underlying assumptions are:
 We assume a slow-growth economy, without major recession.
 We assume that there are no unforseen changes in the expectancy in the popularity
of our restaurant.
 We assume access to investments and financing are sufficient to maintain and fulfill
our financial plan as shown in the tables.

Implement and monitor your plan

Projected Profit and Loss

The most important assumption in the Projected Profit and Loss statement is the gross
margin. Although it doesn't jump drastically in the first year, over time the restaurant will
develop it's customer base and reputation and the growth will pick up more rapidly towards
the fourth and fifth years of business.

Month-by-month assumptions for profit and loss are included in the appendix.

/Chart: Profit Monthly

Task 3 – Communicate Operational Performance Review Processes with Senior

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Interests Expectations Potential

What is their What do they expect What contribution
interest in the from their relationship could they make to
organization? with the organization? the organization?
Head chef Receive wage on Ensure employees Be able to provide
time. receive their wages as customers with
Increment of salary set for example direct high quality food.
debit. Respect at work Employees are
given the
resources and
training required to
meet the
customer’s needs
FAB manager Receive wage on Providing food to the Maintain health
time. public that is met by the hygiene and
Increment of salary food agency standards. certified
Ensure the food authorization
provided to the public is
met by the food agency
standards and
Business partner Expand the Ensure business is Regular reviews
business and running will be made on
make further smoothly/adequately the business
developments income
Customers Be able to relax Prices for each food Provide in house
and enjoy good items to be reviewed comfortable
quality food at a annually. seating area.
reasonable price. Offer fresh cooked
by trained chefs.
Supplier Receive payments . Product specifications, Updated
on time. requirements and/or information about
Increment in the statements of work will products, services,
business be developed by cafe and/or the supply
and the Supplier as chain network
needed prior to the must be
issuance of any communicated to
commitment to buy. cafe well in
advance of the
change occurring


Impacts of Political Factors on café
The main political factor is about sourcing the raw materials. This has gathered a lot of the
attention from politicians in the West and from the source countries. For this reason, the
company wants to adhere to social and environmental norms. It is willing to follow the
sourcing strategies. It gives importance to fair trade practices.

Impacts of Economic Factors on cafe

The ongoing global economic recession is the prime external economic driver for cafe. As
I already mentioned, this factor dented the profitability of cafe. This has convinced buyers
to shift to cheaper alternatives. As they did not quit buying coffee, cafe should seek an
opportunity here.
The company has to deal with rising labour and operational costs. The inflationary
environment and falling profitability is causing a lot of stress.

Impacts of Socio-Cultural Factors on cafe

As already stated, cafe can offer cheaper products but it might have to sacrifice the
quality. This is the main socio-cultural challenge that the start-up faces. It will expand
consumer base to include the buyers from the lower and the middle-income tiers.
The “green” and “ethical chic” consumers are also concerning. They fret about social and
environmental costs of the brands. Cafe has to be aware of this trend.

Impacts of Technological Factors on cafe

Cafe is in a good position to enjoy benefits of the emerging mobile wave. Its partnership
with Apple to bring app based discount coupons is helping it ride the mobile wave easily.
The company introduced Wi-Fi capabilities in its outlets already. Internet is important to
the consumers. They can now surf the web and do work while sipping cafe coffee. This is
an added value to the brand. It enhances the overall consumer experience.

PEST Analysis
The company must monitor political stability within the country as well.
Some other factors to consider are:
 Tax policy
 Employment laws

Some other economic factors which can affect cafe is:

 Local currency exchange rates
 Local economic environment in different markets
 Taxation level

Other socio-cultural factors to focus on are:

 Consumer preferences
 Changing work patterns
 Changes in lifestyles of population
 The level of education of the population in local markets

Some other technological factors to keep in mind are:

 Emergence of innovative technology
 Biotechnological developments
 Developments in agriculture

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