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GRR5505e Threat Report PDF Preview Starbreed

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MEMBERS: Erebus, Ironmonger, the Sisters-in-Scarlet, Some men would have chosen this moment to seek
Skulk redemption for a misspent life… but not Pandemonium.
BASE: Mobile Instead, the Professor railed against his fate and took
MOTIVATION: Power steps to leave behind a legacy every bit as dangerous as
he himself had been. He used genetic material he covertly
Once upon a time, there was world very much like Earth-
collected from dozens of superhumans and alien species
Prime, an alternate timeline with only incremental differ-
over the years. The result was the Starbreed, his “offspring,”
ences from the world of Emerald City and Freedom City.
whose birth and first few days of accelerated growth he
There were some different cities and states, different
barely lived long enough to see.
superhuman heroes and villains, but all recognizable to the
people of Earth-Prime. Among the most dangerous threats Raised from “birth” by computers and robots that survived
on this other Earth was a callous and depraved genius the their creator, Erebus and his “siblings” were taught they
public labeled “Professor Pandemonium.” For decades, this were the true masters of mankind and the Earth and her
warped, brilliant mind brought destruction and terror to a people existed only for their use. Reaching physical and
cowed public, barely kept in check by the planet’s mental maturity only a couple of years into their existence,
colorfully clad champions. Then he discovered the Starbreed left their crèche and began their own reign
he was dying, victim of a disease of terror. Only their fractious arrogance, their inexperi-
beyond even his power to cure. ence, and the courage of their Earth’s defenders stopped
them time and again from achieving their “father’s” goals
of conquest. But their defeats came at a cost—Earth’s
defenders were distracted and already spent in
their efforts to contain the Starbreed
when Omega moved against them.
Thanks to Ironmonger’s technical
genius and technology stolen from
their enemies, the Starbreed


managed to survive the destruction of their homeworld, Their current goals are to rebuild their resources while
transiting through the Terminus to another Earth. acting like heroes and learning about their future
enemies. This deception was Warwitch’s idea and it
They arrived on Earth-Prime with no resources except constantly grates on the Starbreed to act against their
their powers, but undiminished in their arrogance and natural impulses, but they maintain the charade, for now.
ambition. The end of their own Earth taught the Starbreed
nothing apart from a change in slight strategy. Instead of The Starbreed were created as a “family” unit and designed
attacking outright, they plan to learn the strengths and for a degree of loyalty, but such qualities tend not to stack
weaknesses of their new home’s defenders, and once up in comparison to their selfish and egotistical natures.
they built a new power base to operate from, they have The simple truth is that the Starbreed cooperate because
every intention to once again embark on their plans of it is in their best interests to do so, and because they
conquest. It’s only a matter of time. are used to working together, and know what they can
accomplish if they do. However, if the right opportunity
MOTIVATION AND GOALS came along, any one of them would betray the others
and—deep down—all of them know it.
The members of the Starbreed were engineered to
be conquerors. To a certain extent, these motivations
are hardwired: They exult in their abilities, take what
can be taken and destroy what can’t. It isn’t in them to The Starbreed trust in their powers, their own and their
consider changing their behavior. Their basic goal is teammates, when they grudgingly use teamwork. With
world conquest, but they’ve never mastered the details. the exception of the “Warwitch” aspect of Sisters-in-Scarlet,
Patience and restraint do not come easily for any of them. the group simply isn’t capable of coming up with carefully-
If they were to succeed in their ambitions, they would considered tactics. They’ve never seen the need, even
grow bored, leaving behind them cinders and ruins while with their defeats suggesting otherwise. Their traditional
they went on to pursue new vistas to tear down and claim method of operation is to find powerful technology and
as their own. In many ways, the Starbreed are spoiled chil- steal it to use against mankind, or take advantage of an
dren—superhumanly powerful and sociopathic children. ongoing crisis or disaster to move in and try to seize control.

In battle, Erebus takes point, grounding flyers or targeting
an opposing group’s “big guns” with his telekinetic attacks. EREbUS
At the same time, Sisters-in-Scarlet and Drakko move to
engage available targets individually, while Ironmonger REAL NAME: Erebus
counteracts enemy tech or constructs his own to act on OCCUPATION: Conqueror
what he observes as the opposition’s vulnerabilities. Skulk BASE: Mobile
hides… until he is forced to use his nullifying field to
Erebus was designed to be a
weaken nearby opponents’ abilities.
leader and it informs his behavior.
He is highly charismatic, extremely
HEADqUARTERS AND RESOURCES likable, and radiates almost over-
whelming confidence. Unfortu-
The Starbreed used to have extensive resources, an nately, he is also deeply megalo-
inheritance built up over many years by a world- maniacal and views himself as a
conquering genius. They had headquarters hidden in walking divinity. On a deep and
many parts of the world and in orbit, advanced vehi- unshakeable level, he views the world and all its people
cles and arsenals of deadly weapons. All of those were as his to do with is as he wills. It would be tasteless and
destroyed when Omega consumed their homeworld inappropriate to constantly have to state this or shove
within the burning power of the Doom Coil. On Earth- it into others faces, but his aggravation slowly boils
Prime, they have only each other and what they’ve over into violence when his superiority isn’t recognized
managed to take or steal without Earth-Prime’s heroes by those around him and he has the tendency to treat
(or villains) noticing. people as slow-witted children even before his temper

In addition to incredible superhuman durability, Erebus

EREbUS PL15 337 POINTS possesses monstrously powerful telekinetic abilities.
His favorite power is to mentally crush an opponent’s
STR 14 STA 14 AGL 5 DEX 4 FGT 10 INT 4 AWE 4 PRE 6 internal organs slowly, as he believes it demonstrates
Powers: Mind Over Matter (Immortality 6, Immunity his superiority, but he can also unleash staggering tele-
15 (Life Support, Telekinetic Effects), Impervious Will 16, kinetic blows and lift astonishing amounts with his will
Regeneration 5); Telekinetic Mastery (Array: Titan’s Grip alone. His mastery of telekinesis is such that he even
(Concentration Perception Range Affliction 10, Resisted reflexively disrupts the “frequency” of such powers used
by Fortitude (Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated; Dynamic,
Subtle), Linked to Concentration Perception Range against him.
Weaken Fortitude 6 (Dynamic, Subtle)), AE: Crushing Will
(Damaging Move Object 20 (Dynamic, Indirect 3, Precise,
Subtle)), AE: Force of Will (Selective Burst Area Move Object
15 (Dynamic, Precise, Subtle)), AE: Godlike Will (Selective
Perception Area Move Object 15 (Distracting, Tiring; Subtle;
Noticeable (cosmetic telekinetic side-effects through-out REAL NAME: Drakko (DRAY-koh)
the surrounding area, such as small objects lifting into OCCUPATION: Conqueror and
the air and moving around on non-existent breezes, lights engine of destruction
flickering on and off, static electrical charges, and so on) BASE: Mobile
Linked to Environment 9 (1 mile radius; Impede Movement
2, Light 1, Visibility 1, Quirk—Maximum of area limited A consummate deceiver, Drakko
by ability to perceive); Telekinetic Shield (Impervious
Toughness 20, Protection 6), Telekinetic Levitation (Flight likes to play head games, turning
12 (8,000 mph; Platform)) opponents against each other or
Advantages: Attractive, Close Attack 3, Extraordinary Effort,
generally making them question
Fascinate (Persuasion), Fearless, Improved Defense, Improved their beliefs and decisions. He
Smash, Power Attack, Seize Initiative, Skill Mastery (Persuasion), plays the part of the dumb brute
Takedown 2 so long as it works to his advan-
Skills: Deception 4 (+10), Expertise: Philosophy 8 (+12), Insight tage, but drops the pretense and
8 (+12), Intimidation 8 (+14), Perception 8 (+12), Persuasion shows his true colors when the act fails its purpose.
9 (+15), Ranged Combat: Crushing Will Power 5 (+10), Essentially, he’s a complete sadist who enjoys inflicting
Technology 4 (+8)
pain—he prefers mental and emotional pain, but settles
Offense: Initiative +5, Crushing Will +10 (Ranged, Damage 20), for physical when it’s all he can get from his targets.
Titan’s Grip (Perception, Weaken Fortitude 6 and Affliction 10,
DC 16/20 Fortitude), Unarmed +13 (Close, Damage 14) Drakko is a hulking reptilian powerhouse, massively
Defense: Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 14, Toughness 20/14*, strong and practically indestructible. He’s aquatic and
Will 16 *Without Telekinetic Shield bonus. possesses a powerful tail and vicious claws. His senses
Totals: Abilities 122 + Powers 157 + Advantages 14 + Skills 27 are savagely sharp and he can spew a neurotoxin from
+ Defenses 17 = Total 337 his mouth; a cybernetic implant in his throat cavity can
Complications: Motivation - Megalomaniac. Quirk: Timeline also ignite this spray whereupon it acts like napalm. While
Unfamiliarity – This isn’t Erebus’ home timeline and he is he likes to act like he’s a dumb brute in order to make his
missing occasional basic knowledge. Quirk: Arrogant and opponents underestimate him, Drakko is actually quite
Overconfident – Considers himself as a “god made flesh”. intelligent.


IRONMONGER He wears a suit of sophisticated powered-armor with a
cosmetically archaic motif that he never removes when
outside his tightly controlled artificial environment (all
REAL NAME: Ironmonger of his creations have this distinctive motif ). His armor has
OCCUPATION: Inventor and numerous offensive systems already integrated, but he
conqueror can modify any part of it on-the-fly as needed.
BASE: Mobile

Ironmonger doesn’t like people,

even his “siblings.” He would be
much happier left alone to create REAL NAME: Crimson Queen, Reaper Red, Warwitch,
and play in a self-created “Tim or Widowmaker, depending on which personality is
Burton meets H.R. Giger” wonder- in control
land inhabited only by him, his OCCUPATION: Conqueror
animated creations, and his art. BASE: Mobile
Unfortunately, he knows the world
will never leave him to do that, The Sisters-in-Scarlet are a complex multiple-person-
which makes him frustrated and angry. Aside from his ality case. Four distinct personalities, each aware of the
“father’s” inborn designs, he only really helps the other others, co-habit the same body. As Warwitch, she is a
Starbreed because of his hope that one day everyone and haughty valkyrie, reveling in battle and in search of a
everything will be forced to leave him alone. worthy opponent. Reaper Red is a bubbly and unstable
coquette, equally happy to flirt with an opponent as she
He is never without his metal shell, and can’t stand for
is to kill one. Widowmaker is a cold-blooded killer with a
anything else to touch his bare skin
sniper’s ethos and a gunslinger mentality in regards to
Ironmonger can psionically mold metals and processed other ranged combatants, while Crimson Queen is impe-
materials into any form he wishes, though he prefers rious, displaying a megalomania to match Erebus at his
working with metal. Brilliant beyond human measure with most arrogant.
regards to technology, his constructions are usually quite
She can switch between personalities apparently at will,
complex. He can even create semi-autonomous robots,
either on a whim or in response to external stimuli. While
A.I.s and other animated mechanical extensions of his
one personality is dominant, the others are still aware,


STR 18 STA 14 AGL 1 DEX -1 FGT 8 INT 3 AWE 5 PRE 3 STR 6 STA 6 AGL 3 DEX 4 FGT 6 INT 10 AWE 3 PRE 1
Powers: Venom Spray (Cone Area Dazzle 8, Linked to Cone Powers: Armor (Enhanced Fortitude 4, Enhanced Parry 4,
Area Weaken Stamina 8; AE: Napalm Breath (Cone Area Enhanced Strength 6, Enhanced Will 6 (Impervious), Flight 6
Contagious Continuous Damage 8)); Claws (Penetrating 6 (120 MPH), Immunity 10 (Life Support), Impervious Protection
on Strength Damage); Reptilian (Extra Limbs (Tail), Feature 10, Ranged Damage 16 (Accurate 3), Senses 4 (Direction
(Internal Storage Sac), Growth 2 (Permanent), Immunity 5 Sense, Distance Sense, Infravision, Time Sense); Removable);
(Breath Underwater, Cold, Disease, Poison, Pressure; Poison Technomorphic Mastery (Senses 4 (Analytical Detect
and Disease are limited to half-strength), Senses 3 (Infravision, Technology (Ranged, Extended)); Transform Tech (Perception
Olfactory Tracking, Ultra-Hearing), Speed 4 (30 MPH), Range Transform 13 (Any metal or processed material into
Swimming 6 (30 MPH)); Scales (Impervious Toughness 18, tech); Continuous); AE: Summon Tech Constructs (Summon
Protection 4) 8 (as Robot or Giant Robot from Hero’s Handbook, page 181,
or any of the animal archetypes from Hero’s Handbook, page
Advantages: All-out Attack, Assessment, Chokehold, Daze
218 with Immunity 30 (Fortitude) added; Controlled, Horde,
(Deception), Diehard, Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved
Multiple Minions 3 (8 minions))))
Hold, Improved Initiative 2, Power Attack, Startle, Takedown 2,
Taunt, Weapon Break Advantages: Eidetic Memory, Inventor, Skill Mastery (Technology)
Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+5), Athletics 4 (+22), Deception 10 (+13), Skills Expertise: Science 10 (+20), Expertise: Sculptor 4 (+14),
Insight 10 (+15), Intimidation 14 (+18), Perception 10 (+15), Investigation 4 (+14), Perception 4 (+7), Technology 10 (+20),
Stealth 4 (+3), Technology 6 (+9) Vehicles 6 (+10)
Offense: Initiative +9, Claws +8 (Close, Damage 18, Offense: Initiative +3, Blaster +10 (Ranged, Damage 16),
Penetrating 6), Napalm Breath (Close Cone Area, Continuous Unarmed +6 (Close, Damage 6)
and Contagious Damage 8), Unarmed +8 (Close, Damage 18),
Venom Spray (Close Cone Area, Weaken Stamina 8, Linked Defense: Dodge 6, Parry 10, Fortitude 13, Toughness 16, Will 13
Dazzle 8) Totals: Abilities 66 + Powers 186 + Advantages 3 + Skills 19 +
Defense: Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 16, Toughness 18, Will 10 Defenses 10 = Total 284

Totals: Abilities 94 + Powers 100 + Advantages 15 + Skills 31 + Complications: Motivation – Control of his environment
Defenses 16 = Total 256 and “family” loyalty. Quirk – Pathological aversion to
anything touching his bare skin other than his mentally-
Complications Motivation – Power-hungry, sadistic brute. controlled metal. Quirk: Timeline Unfamiliarity – This isn’t
Prejudice – Strange Appearance. Quirk: Timeline Unfamiliarity Ironmonger’s home timeline and he is missing occasional
– This isn’t Drakko’s home timeline and he is missing occasional basic knowledge. Quirk – Views his animated constructs as
basic knowledge. alive and his friends.


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