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Monster Freak: A Ready-To-Go Module For Henshin!: A Sentai RPG

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: A Sentai RPG

A Ready-To-Go Module for
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Written by Tim Batiuk & Sam Kusek
Illustrated by Emmett Helen
Find more at
©2020 Cave of Monsters Games

Bell Hill, a town renowned for ghastly folktales and

classic monster movies filmed on location, is home to
a scary secret discovered by a group of young citizens.
When they find out that the long-gone monsters were
real and were protecting the town from a far greater
evil, these teens are bestowed with the monsters’ pow-
ers and a duty: Protect the people of Bell Hill!

Designer Notes
This module borrows from classic movie
monsters, especially those featured in Universal
Studios films from the 1920s to 1950s. The
aesthetic is distinct and anchored in popular
imagination, which helps get “Monster Freak” to
the table. Also, sentai heavily features monsters
as the antagonists, much like in these classic
films, except we often sympathize with these hor-
rific creatures when we see the transformations
they underwent to become that scarier self.
What if when the teens in “Monster
Squad” transformed into masked heroes, they
also took on these monstrous forms, and the
civilians then had to reconsider who the true
monsters really are?
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG

Color Aesthetics Community & Cast First Session Hooks

An opening scene to draw the Colors into the
Dracula Setting: Bell Hill, a sleepy town that was once the action could include:
Mysterious, elegant, and cunning, the vampire lurks filming location of old monster movies
• An out-of-town amateur film crew arrives in
in the shadows… Base: The abandoned Bela Theatre, a once- Bell Hill to dig up local legends for their docu-
Suit detail: Shadow cloak ornate movie house that is home to the Phantom mentary.
Weapon: Dual daggers Community locations: Movie memorabilia tourist • A mass haunting erupts in the dead of night,
Mech: Mega bat trap, cobblestone streets of Old Town district, causing citizens to take refuge in the aban-
Named attack: “Brooding Wings!” historic cemetery, crumbling castle on the edge doned theater.
of town, labyrinthine underground caverns
Frankenstein’s Monster • A pirate broadcast of Hostess of the Dark
Enormous, hideous, and sensitive, the monster takes over Bell Hill airwaves from an unknown
knows it has no place in society… Squad obligation: A promise to carry on the source.
classic monsters’ legacy
Suit detail: Patchwork stitching
Weapon: Electric bolt Squad principle: Duty to protect the civilians of Further Scene Ideas
Mech: Colossal monster Bell Hill When appropriate, a scene to progress the
Named attack: “I Am...Alive!” continuing action could include:
Custodian of power: The Phantom, a classic • Civilians are terrified by the monstrous Squad
Mummy monster who lost their powers and now lives and hold a town hall meeting in response.
Decaying, estranged, and forlorn, the corpse seeks alone in the abandoned theater
to act out an ancient curse… • The Hostess discovers that the local tourist
Big bad: Hostess of the Dark, a glamorous trap is home to a powerful relic hidden among
Suit detail: Loose wrappings as fringe monster (who appears as a human) who is bent the memorabilia.
Weapon: Flaming ankh on terrorizing citizens and hosts her own late-
Mech: Nile crocodile • Monstrous transformations (fangs, fur, gills)
night horror show on cable access television start mysteriously appearing on the Colors
Named attack: “Scroll of Thoth!”
General: Tomb Warden, the acerbic ghoul who even in their normal civilian form.
Werewolf reanimates monsters from their resting places
Primal, unstable, and yet human, the beast roams and dallies in dreadful puns Ongoing Season Arcs
the moonlit lands… Foot soldiers: Ygors, loyal hunched-over minions Finally, future episodes that advance the season
Suit detail: Fur stole that arise and return from the dirt arc could feature:
Weapon: Lupus bite • The Phantom rediscovers their lost powers,
Mech: Dire wolf Power source: Ancient rings, gaudy accessories causing the Hostess to extend an ‘invite’ to
Named attack: “Full Moon Howl!” that could be confused for stage jewelry her show that cannot be refused.
Gill Person Signature hand motion: Fingers curled like claws, • The Tomb Warden reanimates monsters spe-
Strange, amphibious, and somehow familiar, the hands reach forward then arms cross cifically based off each Color’s deepest fears.
missing link rises from the water… • The Hostess reveals Bell Hill to be the portal
Suit detail: Gills on helmet Weapons combine into something piercing and to the Underworld, the realm of ghouls, which
Weapon: Neptune’s trident antique can be opened only when its citizens produce
Mech: Sea horse Mechs combine into an Ultimate Form that is enough fear.
Named attack: “Missing Link!” gigantic, terrifying, and winged
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG

A Ready-To-Go Module for
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Written by Tim Batiuk & Sam Kusek
Illustrated by Wook-Jin Clark
Find more at
©2020 Cave of Monsters Games

Song Kang, ruthless leader of an intergalactic crime

syndicate, has traveled to this solar system to steal the
Five Agents, mighty powers of
balance and natural cycles. As a last measure, the
Geomancer, protector of the Agents, gathered them
from their resting places on nearby planets and gave
these powers to college students on Earth. These young
heroes will have to pull an all-nighter to preserve the
fight for order in our solar system!

Designer Notes
This module is a nod to classic sentai tropes, borrowing
elements of constellations, planets, and the Chinese
five-element theory Wu Xing. While the heroes are very
much rooted to their home base with shared college
and extracurricular commitments, this action propels
them into the larger solar system with the promise of
space travel.
Think of “Star Phase” as the beginning of a
sentai space opera, where home is all too familiar but
the stars beckon toward a much larger
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Color Aesthetics Community & Cast
First Session Hooks
Wood Setting: Sylvan Beach, a bustling city and home to An opening scene to draw the Colors into the
Strong and flexible like bamboo, Wood looks to grow Kepler University action could include:
and make their surroundings flourish… Base: The Observatory, a lookout for the stars above • A natural disturbance from the forest rocks the
Suit detail: Constellation Sagittarius Earth’s atmosphere and strangely community and unleashes monsters, causing the
Weapon: Yew longbow accessible through a dusty classroom closet Geomancer to call forth the Colors.
Mech: Komodo dragon Community locations: The campus coffee shop, lively • A campus tour group is besieged by Mogwai,
Named attack: “Determination of Jupiter!” co-ed university housing, ancient nearby woods, the resulting in panic across the college.
Astronomy Department offices, a reflexology clinic • Textbooks speak of a mysterious figure known as
Fire downtown
Dynamic and restless like a flame, Fire looks to prosper the Geomancer, providing clues for the
and spread their warmth… heroes to stumble into the hidden Observatory.
Squad obligation: An elite order passed down from the
Suit detail: Constellation Aries
Weapon: Blazing gloves
Geomancer to protect the Five Agents Further Scene Ideas
Mech: Rising phoenix Squad principle: Balance in preserving the When appropriate, a scene to progress the
natural order from the Five Agents continuing action could include:
Named attack: “Intensity of Mars!”
• Natural elements refuse to behave as they should
Earth Custodian of power: The Geomancer, a venerable and when the Colors lose sense of order in their own
Stable and rooted like soil, Earth looks to bring once-impressive sage who crash-landed on Earth lives while balancing obligations.
people together and plan for tomorrow… centuries ago, now on the lookout for the approaching • Oxhead captures his hard-won bounty, the Geo-
Suit detail: Constellation Virgo Song Kang… mancer, and makes a dire demand upon the Colors
Weapon: Lapis lance Big bad: Song Kang, ruthless Leader of the Song Out- during college midterms.
Mech: Terracotta warrior laws who seeks vast power at the expense of the worlds • As school and work obligations interfere with
Named attack: “Honesty of Saturn!” that depend on them fending off the Song Outlaws, each Color takes
General: Oxhead, stalwart taskmaster who is du- on exaggerated traits of their Agent as they start
Rigid and persistent like ore, Metal looks to take care of ty-bound to capture any who oppose using a pitchfork clashing against each other.
their own issues and organize others… and chains
Suit detail: Constellation Taurus Foot soldiers: Mogwai, unruly gremlins who arrive in Ongoing Season Arcs
Weapon: Silver sword the form of falling rain and cause havoc Finally, future episodes that advance the season arc
Mech: Nine-tail fox could feature:
Named attack: “Bravery of Venus!” Power source: Star-shaped amulets, glowing bright with • Lacking the power of the Five Agents, Song Kang
millennia-old stardust begins to create monsters from other planets’
Water moons, proving to be a new cosmic threat to the
Still yet fluid like a droplet, Water looks to calmly ad- Signature hand motion: Fingers tracing the five points Colors.
dress problems until it builds up great force… of a star
• A new Color that represents Void arrives on Earth,
Suit detail: Constellation Pisces bringing up questions of others who live beyond
Weapon: Dowsing pendulum Weapons combine into something slashing and mysti- the stars.
Mech: Giant tortoise cal
• The Colors leave their home planet to storm the
Named attack: “Ingenuity of Mercury!” Mechs combine into an Ultimate Form that is multi- syndicate headquarters of Song Kang on a faraway
armed, limber, and blaser-shooting starship.
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG

A Ready-To-Go Module for
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Written by Tim Batiuk & Sam Kusek
Illustrated by Zachary Sterling
Find more at
©2020 Cave of Monsters Games

In the crumbling borough of Midtown, after-school

programs are cut and the restless teens take to some-
thing strange: organized combat! The mysterious Vile
Vise starts taking over gyms across the city, and ordinary
citizens who emerge the victor from fights hosted there
begin gaining startling new alien powers.
However, ancient powers laid to rest in the
dinosaurs await victors who can turn this tide of combat.
One group of youths turn down the promise of glory
and instead gain supernatural abilities from their newly-
won title belts to take on Vise’s league of combatants—
by transforming into the masked Dino Brawlers!

Designer Notes
At face value, Dino Brawl is influenced by the best and
worst of 1990s Saturday morning cartoons. Masked
anthropomorphic fighters scouring the city for justice,
gyms that evoke both Wrestlemania and Pokémon, and
even a pizza place!
But beyond that, the Module aimed to chal-
lenge this concept—if the greatest power bestowed
to heroes is combat prowess, and the Big Bad’s plan is
to organize ultimate combat, can the path to justice be
paved with more fighting? What costs are acceptable in
this battlefield, and is there another way to foil the most
powerful fighter? Hopefully these questions come up,
and if not, these dino warriors will still look awesome
brawling on the streets.
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Color Aesthetics Community & Cast
First Session Hooks
Dreadnoughtus Setting: Midtown, an urban borough that’s seen better An opening scene to draw the Colors into the
days action could include:
The largest terrestrial creature to have ever walked the plan-
et, its immense force can turn the sway of nearly any battle... Base: Greasy Cut, a divey pizza parlor that doubles as a • A gang of fighters from the nearby Facebusters gym
rock venue at night attempt to ‘take over’ Silver’s, prompting the heroes
Suit detail: Elongated helmet spoiler
into defending home turf and becoming Dino Brawl-
Weapon: Retractable whip Community locations: The crumbling Midtown Youth
Mech: Gargantuan Dreadnoughtus Center, the once-famous Silver’s Gym, the dinosaur
Named attack: “Towering Impact!” exhibit in the Central Museum of Natural History, the • A group of Jobbers instigate a brawl in the parking
vast Fir Park that becomes dangerous after sunset, the lot behind Greasy Cut between two other youths, and
Ankylosaurus familiar brownstone neighborhoods of Erstwood the heroes must either be onlookers or take action.
With an armored back, spiked head and side, plus a swing- • Fliers across town for a mysterious Doomsday Throw-
ing club of a tail, this tank can weather the worst combat... down event at a local gym are the only clue in a series
Squad obligation: Defend those who can’t fight
Suit detail: Spiked shoulderpads of youths going missing.
Weapon: Morning star Squad principle: Strength
Mech: Indestructible Ankylosaurus Further Scene Ideas
Named attack: “Piercing blow!” When appropriate, a scene to progress the
Custodian of power: Manic Trixie, washed-up punk star
and former wrestling coach, often found watching am- continuing action could include:
Tiny, scrappy, and just-so-slightly feathered, this mini-raptor ateur boxing at Silver’s Gym and sometimes performing • A former friend of the heroes appears transformed
can deliver a lithe roundhouse kick to unsuspecting oppo- the midnight set at the Greasy Cut by their heavyweight belt, only caring about aggres-
nents... Big Bad: Vile Vise, a behemoth always wearing their sion and competition.

Suit detail: Feathered helmet cap signature mask and oversized ‘vise grip’ gloves. Seem- • Trixie takes the Brawlers on a ferry ride to a nearby
Weapon: Foot-mounted blaster ingly familiar with Earth’s traditions, Vile seeks to train a island for intense training, only to find it has already
Mech: Bantam Compsognathus stable of fighting juggernauts to take on the planet… fallen to the Moonsault stable of combatants.
Named attack: “Stealth strike!” and beyond • In the search to advance the title belts to more
General: The Agent, a mysterious reptilian creature powerful championship belts, the heroes unlock the
Therizinosaurus responsible for establishing the bloodthirsty Galactic millennia-old powers drawn by the spirit of combat.
Strange and stealthy, this theropod produces freakishly long Wrestling League
claws that can send opponents flying with a single swipe...
Foot soldiers: Jobbers, comically proportioned amateur Ongoing Season Arcs
Suit detail: Pointed glove fingertips fighters that make up for talent with sheer energy Finally, future episodes that advance the season arc
Weapon: Tekko-kagi (claws of death) could feature:
Mech: Deadly Therizinosaurus
Named attack: “Critical Swipe!” Power source: Title belts • With local gyms falling to the Dino Brawlers, the
Agent calls on the GWL to send its most gruesome
Signature hand motion: Bring fists together to ‘clasp’ alien fighters to duke it out over Midtown.
Yi Qi
belt, then rotate hands and fan out fingers to show
A feathered, long-fingered creature with batlike • In a promotion that pits Vile against the Dino Brawl-
buckle engaged
wings, this aerial combatant will launch from great ers, the nemesis is unmasked and revealed to be
heights and glide into dangerous fray... Trixie’s former star wrestler that she once managed.
Suit detail: Collapsible wings Weapons combine into something clawed, spiked, and • When the stakes are raised for an all-out death-
Weapon: Double claw sickles toothed match for the fate of Midtown, the heroes must
Mech: Soaring Yi Qi Mechs combine into an Ultimate Form that is hulking, question if continued combat is just playing Vile’s
Named attack: “Swift Descent!” tailed, and ferocious game.
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG

A Ready-To-Go Module for
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Written by Tim Batiuk & Sam Kusek
Illustrated by Casey Novak
Find more at
©2020 Cave of Monsters Games

A Cryptid is described by the Oxford English

Dictionary as “an animal whose existence or survival to
the present day is disputed or unsubstantiated,” but you
know them better as your nextdoor neighbor!
You and fellow campers have been
trusted with an extra activity this year at Camp White
Pine: Protect the Cryptids from the corrupt
Gentleman Germ and his nasty cohorts as they plow
down the forest to uncover Cryptid secrets!

Designer Notes
Bug Camp’s aesthetic is a simultaneous love letter to
the ‘monster of the week’ structure found in supernatu-
ral mystery TV shows and the preservation messages of
early 90s environmentalist TV shows. The camp setting
with insects felt like the right balance for those two
inspirations, providing a controlled natural space for
young heroes to grow and change through the course
of their adventure.
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Color Aesthetics Community & Cast
First Session Hooks
Bullet Ant Setting: Camp White Pine, a bucolic summer camp in An opening scene to draw the Colors into the
Small with a powerful punch, their extremely the lush forests of Cascadia action could include:
potent sting is known around the world… Base: The Bungalow, a tree house high above camp and • Lanterns, flashlights, candles—any illumination is
Suit detail: Two protruding pincers home to Sasquatch stolen! While counselors struggle with the genera-
Weapon: Gauntlet glove tor, frightened campmates turn to you to shed light
Community locations: The raucous camp mess hall,
Mech: Savage Ant on this mystery.
mysterious Cryptid Village, old-growth
Named attack: “Stinging Shot!” conifer forest, placid swimming hole, town’s dingy kara- • When a bunkmate goes missing, campers suspect
oke bar called “My Shot” that the strange mess hall cook, Sassy, is hiding a
Whirligig Beetle secret.
Gliding on the surface of water, they dive under the
surface and spring into action when threatened… Squad obligation: Safeguard the Cryptid’s secret way of • On the edge of camp bordering a GERMx
life factory, a rare giant beetle is in the crosshairs of a
Suit detail: Multisegmented eyes on helmet strange scaly hunter named Camo Léon.
Weapon: Pair of tonfa Squad principle: Preservation
Mech: Gregarious Beetle
Named attack: “Rapid Flurry!”
Further Scene Ideas
Custodian of power: Sasquatch, the disguised, hirsute When appropriate, a scene to progress the
Walking Stick-Bug cook at the mess hall with a lust for life and a mean continuing action could include:
Expertly camoflauged in nature, this long insect will baked ziti who is known as ‘Sassy’ • When Cryptids hitch a ride to the city for a night
take predators by surprise… Big bad: Gentleman Germ, wealthy CEO of of fun, can the Squad get them safely back home
Suit detail: Sharp antennae & faceplate spines GERMx bound to a life-sustaining suit after a toxic before the sun rises?
Weapon: Wooden rifle accident and in ruthless search of Cryptids for their • GERMx sponsors an extravagant talent show, so
Mech: Expeditious Ghost Insect supposed curative properties campers and cryptids alike compete for a chance at
Named attack: “Agile Barrage!” General: Camo Léon, slippery half-Cryptid the grand prize.
espionage expert who will stop at nothing to catch • A lovestruck camp counselor, charmed by a Cryp-
Acorn Weevil their prey tid’s aphrodisiac powers, pursues Sasquatch who
Small and hardy, this pest grows as a larvae hidden in
trees before revealing its true form… Foot soldiers: Goop Troopers, gaseous humanoids needs help with her first date.
bursting from thrown cannisters
Suit detail: Elongated snout above visor
Weapon: Piercing harpoon
Ongoing Season Arcs
Mech: Burrowing Weevil Power source: Handheld compass, clamshell device Finally, future episodes that advance the season arc
Named attack: “Piercing Jab!” with more than mere magnetic power could feature:
Signature hand motion: Flip open compass, then place • A Cryptid speaks of their lost half-human child
Robber Fly over eyes like glasses in an upward motion Léon, giving the Squad leverage to possibly re-
Powerful and bristly assassin of the air, they wait in deem a vile nemesis.
ambush for their next meal…
Weapons combine into something poisonous and • Amid training for the tri-camp competition, an
Suit detail: Triple-segmented crest enigmatic camper exhibits bug powers to their
Weapon: Expandable baton advantage, drawing Squad suspicion.
Mech: Pouncing Assassin Fly Mechs combine into an Ultimate Form that is bright-
ly-colored, spiny, and autonomous. • Unfamiliar cryptids emerge from the GermX factory
Named attack: “Paralyzing Pummel!”
and wreck havoc on the campsite, prompting the
Squad to take on these strange experiments and
the Gentleman himself.
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG

A Ready-To-Go Module for
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Written by Tim Batiuk & Sam Kusek
Illustrated by Diigii Daguna
Find more at
©2020 Cave of Monsters Games

Across Earth, food started biting back! The United Nations

responded by creating the Paranomal Culinary Disaster
division, tasking a Food Squad of masked heroes to
quell this combative cuisine. Citizens across the world
know these color-coded champions, though their true
identities remain secret, as the Squad deploys from their
space station base to address the latest edible emergency.
But what is the true source of Paranormal
Culinary Disasters? Why do they keep linking back to
the disgraced United Nations ambassador Frau Dijon?
And what is revealed to be the UN’s true motives once
the Squad starts cooking up their own plans rather than
merely following orders?

Designer Notes
This Module was an exciting collaboration with Henshin!
fan Jack Rippy to try out new setting concepts. We carved
out the first Module with the Squad as a task force created
by an organization, went global with the scope of inspi-
ration and locales, and finally included our favorite topic:
food! Jack’s notes include the following:
“Menu Mayhem” is a Module that puts common
tokusatsu tropes of the 80s in a blender with some tasty
colors (and shades of gray) to make a story fit for con-
sumption by all. If there is one thing that food does, it is
that it transcends boundaries and helps bring friends,
family, and even total strangers closer together regardless
of outside factors. This Module captures that feeling while
also reflecting moral ambiguity found outside the kitchen.
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Color Aesthetics Community & Cast
First Session Hooks
Pickle Setting: Countries across Earth, 20XX An opening scene to draw the Colors into the
action could include:
Acerbic and biting, this Squad member’s sharp tongue hides Base: S.T.E.W (Sustainable Terminal for Ecological
the more bubbly nature that is actually bottled up... Wellbeing), a space station orbiting the planet • When sandwiches start biting back simultaneously
across NYC, Philadelphia, and San Francisco, the Squad
Suit detail: Mason jar lid shoulder pad Community locations: The Master Kitchen, Pop’s
finds themselves in a pickle to handle these multiple
Weapon: Hatchet with a crinkle-cut edge Chocklit Shoppe, German beer festival, United
Mech: Sweet & Sour Firetruck Nations Briefing Room, any local farmer’s market
Named attack: “Sour Striker!” • SRVR organizes a homespun cooking competition for
the Colors in the STEW kitchen, spoiled only by the in-
Dumpling Squad obligation: Fight off and investigate Para- gredients taking on the aggressive nature of their chefs.
Agreeable and wholesome, this Squad member’s well-round- normal Culinary Disasters
• An international institute conserving heritage seeds is
ed nature invites others to bask in their warmth... Squad principle: Balanced meals bombarded by Devilish Food Cakes who seek to obliter-
Suit detail: Press mold shoulder pad ate this garden diversity.
Weapon: Steam cannon
Custodian of power: S.R.V.R, an affable android who
Mech: Succulent Scout Car
lives on S.T.E.W and reports to its maker, the United
Further Scene Ideas
Named attack: “Savory Skirmish!” When appropriate, a scene to progress the
continuing action could include:
Kabob Big Bad: Frau Dijon, the purported founder of the
With a down-to-earth attitude and coarse language, this Paranormal Culinary Disaster division of the UN • The Squad rescues a former colleague of Frau Dijon
Squad member’s brackish personality is a necessary addition who retreated to the shadows after a covered-up who reveals the questionable formation of the UN’s
to any gathering... international disgrace Paranormal Culinary Disasters division.

Suit detail: Skewker shoulder pad General: Patrick Melt, a mild-mannered scientist • SRVR is compromised by revealing too much informa-
Weapon: Heat-generating charcoal shield who developed a sadistic streak after being trans- tion about the UN’s true intentions, resulting in a newly
Mech: Grilled Flame Tank formed into part-human, part-hamburger rebooted SRVR replacement.
Named attack: “Salty Slam!” • A sentient food monster shows less-than-hateful mo-
Foot soldiers: Skater Tots, golden-brown cylindrical
menances that coast around on cooking oil rality by only providing for its own food family, and yet
Pastry is considered a threat by those in power.
Utterly delightful (though sometimes flaky), this Squad mem-
ber’s rich and delectable traits are best enjoyed sparingly.... Power source: Spice Jars Ongoing Season Arcs
Suit detail: Rolling pin shoulder pad Signature hand motion: Shake out some spice into Finally, future episodes that advance the season arc
Weapon: Claw-like dough cutters a hand and throw it over the shoulder could feature:
Mech: Delectable Ambulance
Named attack: “Sweet Smash!” • A new Color not affiliated with anyone arrives on the
scene with a hidden identity, noble intentions, and a
Weapons combine into something robust, crispy,
Soup mysterious familiar connection to Frau Dijon.
and seared
Soul-satisfying and nourishing, this Squad member • When the Squad proves less than reliable to support
humbly offers a sharp dose of medicine should others Mechs combine into an Ultimate Form that is
the UN’s aims, Dr. Melt synthesizes the mindlessly obe-
care to stomach the taste... full-bodied, succulent, and charred
dient Junk Food Crew to take their place.
Suit detail: Enameled cast-iron shoulder pad • After quelling a culinary disaster in East Asia, the Squad
Weapon: Ladle-shaped lance discovers that the foreign intervention directly bene-
Mech: Nourishing Hovercraft fits shadowy figures in the UN…could they have been
Named attack: “Bitter Breaker!” behind the debacle in the first place?
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG

A Ready-To-Go Module for
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Written by Tim Batiuk & Sam Kusek
Illustrated by Nicole Goux
Find more at
©2020 Cave of Monsters Games

The world as you knew it no longer exists.

Your once-home, Copa Bay, along with most of
the world, has been destroyed by an ancient race known
as Hedorah and pollution now runs rampant. Skies are
grayed over with soot and waters are contaminated
beyond treatment; your previously vibrant, fertile city is
now just a playground for these slimy cretins.
You never gave up hope, though, and
something out there recognized it! Selected by ancient
animal spirits, you and your compatriots now defend the
world from within your new home: the floating animal
sanctuary known as Eu-Kar.

Designer Notes
This Module throws at the Squad an unpredictable envi-
ronment: this nontraditional terrain that is a product of
conflict. Rather than the Colors being everyday charac-
ters thrown into a supernatural situation, the setting itself
is at times alarming and bleak, and it is our heroes who
have to ignite hope despite devastation. When humanity
has nearly been lost, can the Squad use their powers to
create something people can call home?
Feral Arms was inspired by Wild Force, the Pow-
er Ranger series that pitted nature against mutations and
machines, and Dorohedoro, a manga series about find-
ing memories and surviving in a weird, brutal world.
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Color Aesthetics Community & Cast
First Session Hooks
Giraffe Setting: Copa Bay, a small seaside community An opening scene to draw the Colors into the
once known for its calm waters and boat building action could include:
This long-necked ruminant has subsisted on only the high-
est growing foliage that is less corrupted by noxious gasses Base: Eu-Kar, the mystical sanctuary that is ruled • When a surprise Hedorah raid arrives from the seas,
below... by animal spirits and appeared floating far above humanity looks to the faraway sanctuary of Eu-Kar with
the world’s inhabitants in their greatest hour of more questions than answers.
Suit detail: Two little protuberances on the helmet
need • A mile-long sludge creeps over the waters of Copa Bay,
Weapon: Three-section staff
Mech: Noble Giraffe Community locations: Eu-Kar’s Temple of Beasts, causing ordinary citizens to take up arms and seek direct
Named attack: “Towering Blow!” an abandoned shopping mall, an oasis where solutions.
the animal spirits convene, heavily polluted and • Seemingly overnight, an ominous factory appears on
Kangaroo trashed docks, ominous factories that appear the edge of town, causing unease among Copa Bay’s
This brawling marsupial has knocked out any on land that overnight inhabitants.
threaten their way of life at any cost...
Suit detail: Pointed ears on the helmet
Squad obligation: Protect the last surviving group Further Scene Ideas
Weapon: Boxing gloves When appropriate, a scene to progress the
of humans
Mech: Fierce Kangaroo continuing action could include:
Named attack: “One-Two Punch!” Squad principle: Natural order
• Sir Shantui sets his sights on a rogue guerilla garden
Peacock that can nearly feed the town, believing its power
Some deemed this peafowl the only beauty remaining in the Custodian of power: The Caretaker, a mustachioed, linked to Eu-Kar.
wastelands, making effort to ensure its survival... elderly turtle-man who waits out the contamina- • The surrounding creatures begin a mass exodus from
tion by buying time through combat and decep- the landscape, drawing the Caretaker away and leading
Suit detail: Feathered fan on the backside of the helment tion
Weapon: Twin metallic fans the Squad into a dirty trap.
Mech: Graceful Peacock Big Bad: Xillen, “Lord of Chaos, Garbage, and • The mechs are infected by an oozing gunk cooked up
Named attack: “Shimmering Smash-Up!” Muck”, who seeks to spoil every green and thriving by Xillen, sending their animal spirits back to Eu-Kar
corner of the planet
and forcing the Squad to find solutions.
Stingray General: Sir Shantui, a living bulldozer and demo-
One of the few remaining sealife, it has escaped hunting by litions expert with knowledge of military warfare
staying camoflauged along the ocean floor...
Ongoing Season Arcs
from a forgotten past
Finally, future episodes that advance the season arc
Suit detail: Protruding fins and small rear tail on the Foot soldiers: Pig-Pens, dusty devils that appear could feature:
helmet out of whirlwind in order to irritate, confuse, and
Weapon: Hand crossbow • A new Color appears formed out of grime and dirt,
soil their surroundings causing the Squad to question whether humanity can
Mech: Swift Stingray
Named attack: “Barbed Blast!” truly adapt to the world of Hedorah.
Power source: Ceremonial knives • Mindless, diesel-spewing automatons appear from Xil-
Armadillo lien’s factories, revealed to be born from the captured
Signature hand motion: Left arm performs an
Burrowed in the earth when poisons first seeped spirits of living creatures.
uppercut while the right hand passes over it
through soil, it survives now through careful defense
• Rot and blight takes over the island of Eu-Kar, causing
and claws...
the Squad to lead an all-out assault on Xillen’s secret
Suit detail: Protective casing on the top of the helmet Weapons combine into something barraging and base beneath Copa Bay.
Weapon: Giant yoyo natural
Mech: Vigorous Armadillo Mechs combine into an Ultimate Form that is
Named attack: “Armored Wallop!” colorful, hulking and sword-wielding
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG

A Ready-To-Go Module for
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Written by Tim Batiuk & Sam Kusek
Illustrated by Jorge Corona & Sarah Stern
Concept by Ivan Saffold
Find more at
©2020 Cave of Monsters Games

Chosen for their musical passion and prowess, five

youngsters are chosen to defend the music of Earth…if
only this was on the final exam!
Jamminger is an original concept created by Ivan
Saffold that caught fire online in the spring of 2018. Since
Jamminger is a completely original idea, we highlighted
the unique sound-based team (not something you
see in sentai often) with a Henshin! exclusive Module
to celebrate creativity within the American Tokusatsu
community. Because the Jamminger series is ongoing,
liberties were taken with the story elements, so no prior
knowledge is needed to play this Module and that play
will surely go in its own unique direction!

Designer Notes
One design challenge taking on this Module was the fact
that the Jamminger characters canonically have super-
natural abilities tied to their powers. When these abilities
stated under Color Aesthetics come into play, consider
these a normal Regular Turn such as the “Display ____
fighting technique” turn that is done for mostly fiction-
al impact to set the scene for future impactful decisions.
Describe what it looks like (it should look real cool!) and
while these won’t dramatically turn the tide of the story,
they distinguish the characters like they are portrayed in
the Jamminger series.
Henshin!: A Sentai RPG
Color Aesthetics Community & Cast
First Session Hooks
Luis (Red) Setting: San Antonio Bay An opening scene to draw the Colors into the
action could include:
A hot headed, talented young musician who’s trying to find Base: Bojangles, the local music shop
some direction in his life • Rivalry between Colors distracts the group from a
Community locations: A cafe in the town center
threat during high school graduation.
Civilian power: Create force fields and extend them by called The Beat, Stephen Tyler Memorial High
holding his breath School, San Antonio Riverbanks, Center for the Per- • The colors all independently end up at the weekly
Weapon: Guitar axe forming Arts, Texas University Music Conservatory open mic night at Bojangles, when suddenly all
Mech: Rock & Roll Alligator instruments disappear.
Named attack: “Thunderous Riff!” • Everyone is talking about new pirate radio station
Squad obligation: Save the music of Earth from
with two suspicious DJs, Synestra and Symphona.
Paul (Blue) those that threaten it
A perfectionist who is a bit vain and may push others away if
they are deemed to be less driven
Squad principle: Finding your way Further Scene Ideas
When appropriate, a scene to progress the
Civilian power: Temporarily heal himself and others continuing action could include:
Custodian of power: Maestro, an enigmatic music
Weapon: Trumpet cannon
shop owner who seems to more than he lets on • During the Battle of the Bands, the Jamminger
Mech: Honky-Tonk Goose
Big Bad: Master Decibel, whose grand plan is to needs to set aside differences to take on the hot
Named attack: “Bass Blast!”
wipe out all music throughout the universe new band, Collider & The Boyz.
Lindsey (Green) General: The Master’s daughters, Synestra and • Synestra and Symphona start a hot exclusive music
The self-described mother of the group who tries to keep streaming platform that everyone wants to be part
everyone together, even at the cost of her own happiness of…despite the zombie like consequences it can
Foot soldiers: Deadnotes, impish creatures who cast cause.
Civilian power: Enhanced strength
a wave of silence wherever they go
Weapon: Harp arrow • Maestro reveals his sibling relationship with Mas-
Mech: Harmonious Koala ter Decibel and their shared history that led to the
Named attack: “Symphonic Arrow!” Power source: Jamminizers tone-deaf Big Bad’s descent into resenting musical
Signature hand motion: Air play their chosen in- prowess.
Freddie (Yellow)
A former football star who got injured, he remains the fun one strument to a favorite song
and is always cracking a joke
Ongoing Season Arcs
Finally, future episodes that advance the season arc
Civilian power: Super speed Weapons combine into something technological, could feature:
Weapon: Drumstick tonfa chilling and loud
Mech: Crashin’ Ape • The group finally identifies a harmony amongst their
Mechs combine into an Ultimate Form that is stur- distinct musical talents, only to be interrupted by
Named attack: “Cosmic Beat!”
dy, squat and destructive another capable Special Color who is out to disrupt
Katy (Pink) their band.
The multitalented musician who is looking for direc- • One of Maestro’s daughters develops feelings for a
tion to apply her many skills Color, prompting a very unexpected proposal for a
Civilian power: Scream at high decibels date.
Weapon: Flute saber • A scholarship to the Conversatory calls into question
Mech: Jazzy Dragonfly how the band can stay together as each member
Named attack: “Harmonic Slash!” finds their way.

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