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DCAHeroesAndVillainsVol2 PowerGirlPreview PDF

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Power Girl

Kara Zor-L is the last survivor of a Krypton from an alternate

reality no longer in existence. When her reality ceased to exist Real Name: Karen Starr (aka Kara Zor-L)
in the terrible Crisis on Infinite Earths, she, Psycho-Pirate, her
cousin Kal-L (the Superman of that reality’s Earth), and Kal-L’s Occupation: Chief Executive of
wife Lois were the only survivors. Kara assimilated as best she Starr Enterprises
could to the new reality, but the fluctuating nature of her ex- Base: JSA All-Stars’ headquarters
istence and her inability to remember her true origins made
that difficult. More than once she hoped she had discovered at the Tyler Ranch
her ancestry—another survivor of New Earth’s Krypton, or an
Atlantean from pre-cataclysmic times—and was devastated
to learn she was wrong. She joined the JSA during one of its
reformations, instinctively feeling a sense of belonging with-
out realizing it was an echo of her membership in the same
team and personal connections with many of its members
in her original reality.

Eventually, thanks to the cruel intervention of Psycho-

Pirate, Kara discovered her true origins. Dur-
ing recent events she finally reconnected
with Kal-L, who was freed from the pocket
dimension that had isolated him and others
since the end of the original Crisis. She re-
gained her memories of a family life with
him and Lois, only to lose him soon after
when he died helping his counterpart
bring down the rampaging Superboy-

Kara continued to soldier on with the

JSA until a philosophical disagreement
in the group led her and others to
splinter off into the JSA All-Stars.
After the group had a violent part-
ing of the ways with Magog, Kara
accepted the mantle of leadership
for the All-Stars.

Kara compensates for her loneliness
and the confusion she feels in her
unique circumstances by hiding her
emotional vulnerabilities behind an aggressive
“in-your-face” exterior. She has a no-nonsense attitude
tempered with enough charm that her teammates like
her, and she keeps an open mind about most things. De-
spite her ability to see situations from others’ points
of view, she is still far more likely to choose a direct,
violent solution to a problem than many of her
former and current teammates.

Powers & Abilities

Under the rays of Earth’s yellow sun,
Power Girl manifests the same pow-
ers as other Kryptonians: super-
human strength, invulnerabil-
ity, super-speed, greatly
enhanced senses (in-
cluding “X-ray vi-
sion” able to see

Heroes & Villains, Vol. 2 113

Power Girl PL13

17 13 3 2 6 2 2 2 Initiative +3

Powers Heat Vision +9 Ranged, Damage 15

Unarmed +9 Close, Damage 17
Flight: Array (30 points)
• Flight 15 (64,000 MPH) • 30 points Defense
• Speed 15 (64,000 MPH) • 1 point
• Movement 1 (Space Travel 1) • 1 point Dodge 9 Fortitude 16
Heat Vision: Ranged Damage 15 (heat) • 30 points Parry 9 Toughness 17
Invulnerability: Protection 4; Impervious Toughness 17;
Will 10
Immunity 5 (Cold, Heat, Pressure, Radiation, Vacuum)
• 26 points Power Points
Super-Senses: Senses 15 (Acute and Extended Hearing,
Extended Vision 3, Infravision, Microscopic Vision 4, Ultra- Abilities 94 Skills 24
Hearing, Vision Penetrates Concealment (except lead)) Powers 115 Defenses 20
• 15 points
Advantages 9 Total 262
Super-Speed: Quickness 8 • 8 points
Super-Strength: Enhanced Strength 4, Limited to Lifting Complications
(Lifting Str 21; 50,000 tons) • 4 points
Demeaning Perception: Power Girl is not afraid to flaunt
Advantages her female attributes, which sometimes causes unwanted
distraction and allows others to make ill-informed judgments
Attractive, Close Attack 3, Connected, Fascinate 2 (Deception
of her character.
and Persuasion), Interpose, Power Attack,
Power Loss: Power Girl loses her powers and her Str and Sta
Skills are reduced to 1 and 2 respectively under a red sun, like that
Athletics 2 (+19), Deception 4 (+6), Expertise: Business 6 (+8), of Krypton, and other effects that drain or interfere with the
Insight 6 (+8), Intimidation 6 (+8), Perception 6 (+8), Persuasion energies of the yellow sun can deprive her of her powers.
4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Heat Vision 7 (+9), Technology 7 (+9) Secret Identity: Karen Starr
Stranger in a Strange Land: Power Girl is the last survivor of
through solid objects) and powerful heat vision able to heat her home planet and of her universe. She truly has no one else
up, ignite, or melt objects. She is similarly vulnerable to the from either home, only counterparts of those with whom she
same things as other Kryptonians, including different variet- was once connected.
ies of kryptonite, magic, and the loss of the solar energy that
provides her powers. Power Girl’s powers have developed Temper: Power Girl is notorious for her temper.
during her time on Earth, going from being able to leap great Vulnerability: Power Girl is vulnerable to magic. Her Toughness
distances to truly able to fly, for example. is not Impervious against magical attacks.

In her secret identity as Karen Starr, Power Girl is both a ca- Weakness: Kryptonite (see sidebar). As the survivor of an
pable businesswoman and a skilled computer programmer alternate Earth’s Krypton, standard (New Earth) kryptonite
and technician, something many—seeing only her aggres- doesn’t affect Power Girl, only the remnants of her original
universe’s kryptonite.
sive public persona—do not know about her.

Allies Enemies
Superman and the JSA prominent are prominent allies, Kara identifies strongly with multiple incarnations of the JSA
though her experiences have won her the confidence of a (and now the JSA All-Stars) to the point that most of her en-
number of other heroes such as Oracle and Wonder Woman. emies are actually team enemies. Ultra-Humanite has caused
For reasons assumed to involve his relationship with a person her personal grief, as has Psycho-Pirate. She harbors intensely
he claims was her mother, the Atlantean sorcerer Arion also violent feelings toward Superboy-Prime because her cousin
holds Kara in fond regard. died by his hand.

Every surviving Kryptonian’s greatest weakness is the radioactive remains of their home planet of Krypton, known as
“kryptonite.” It comes in a number of forms. Green kryptonite is by far the most common. Its radiation saps the Strength
and powers of Kryptonians, leaving them impaired, disabled, and eventually debilitated in Strength and power effects.
Long-term exposure (usually a matter of minutes, less for a large-enough amount) imposes the dying condition and
may led to death. Kryptonite radiation has little effect on humans unless they are exposed to it over a long period of
time, in which case radiation sickness or cancer can result. As has been shown with Power Girl and Superboy-Prime,
this vulnerability is also dependent on the origin of the kryptonite, as only remnants from that person’s own planet
Krypton will negatively affect them.

114 Heroes & Villains, Vol. 2

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