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Crisis On Christmas

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The adventure involves the heroes rescuing Santa Claus from a mysterious woman called the Desparia after a girl's wish causes the world to forget about Christmas. Mr. Infamy is a sinister character who grants selfish or harmful wishes and manipulated the girl, while Earth's Master Mage Adrian Eldrich seeks the heroes' help.

The adventure is about the heroes rescuing Santa Claus from the clutches of a mysterious woman called the Desparia after a girl's wish caused the world to forget about Christmas.

Mr. Infamy is a mysterious granter of wishes who manipulated a grieving girl into wishing the world would forget about Christmas by granting her power over the holiday. He plays an instigating role in the adventure.


Mr. Infamy does not discriminate; he seeks out despair and anger wher-
CREDITS ever they may be. In this particular case, they’re found in the heart of
A Mutants & Masterminds Holiday Adventure Heather Combs, an eleven year-old girl who lost her family the previ-
Design: Steve “Santa” Kenson ous Christmas. Alone in an orphanage, she fervently wishes the holiday
Development: Steve Kenson would never come at all, and finds her wish granted when Mr. Infamy
Graphic Design: Marc Schmalz gives her the power to hold Christmas hostage, making the whole world
Executive Producer: Chris “Kringle” Pramas forget it even exists!
Green Ronin Staff: Steve Kenson, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Fortunately for the world, Earth’s Master Mage, Adrian Eldrich is safe-
Pramas, Evan Sass, Robert J Schwalb & Marc Schmalz guarded from such manipulation. He seeks out the heroes and asks for
Special Thanks: To all the players and fans of Mutants & Masterminds, their aid in overcoming this threat, by sending them into the realm of
who have helped to make the game a success and provide hours of fun dreams and myth to rescue Christmas from the clutches of the mysterious
and enjoyment for themselves and their friends. woman called the Desparia. But if they fail, they may be trapped forever
in her cold clutches.
Crisis on Christmas is ©2005 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights
reserved. Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes
a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Crisis
As noted on page 211 of Mutants & Masterminds, it’s often easier to treat
on Christmas!, Mutants & Masterminds, Freedom City, Green Ronin, and some characters as plot-devices rather than defining (or limiting) them
their associated logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. with game stats. Mr. Infamy is one such character; he’s an instigator,
The following is designated Product Identity, in accordance with rather than a foe the heroes confront directly. Although Eldrich has game
Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, Version 1.0a: all character and stats in Freedom City, they’re not relevant in this adventure and he can
place names and descriptions, hero points, and power points. also be treated as a plot-device character.
The following text is Open Gaming Content: all character stats and


game rules.
Green Ronin Publishing

P.O. Box 1723
Renton, WA 98057-1723
Web Site: Read or paraphrase the following to the heroes:
Late December and winter have settled upon Freedom City like
a dark, grey shroud. The leaden sky sprinkles a layer of grimy

snow onto the streets and creates a chill that settles into your
bones and spirit. It’s clear the people of the city feel it, too,
as they huddle into coats and scarves, scuttling about their
What the heroes hope to be a peaceful holiday season turns decidedly business, scarcely even looking up to the grey sky above. Night
strange when Mr. Infamy threatens the beliefs and hopes of children is coming, and there seems little to look forward to except
across the world, by holding Santa Claus hostage! If something isn’t done, another evening of patrolling the streets for signs of trouble,
the world may be denied the hope and joy of the Christmas season. which have become increasingly common, but really, what else
Crisis on Christmas is a light-hearted holiday adventure for the Mutants can you do?
& Masterminds Superhero RPG. It is intended for a group of four to six
power level 10 heroes, although the Gamemaster can scale the adven- If any of the players ask exactly when in December it is, mention it’s
ture to make it suitable for higher or lower level heroes by increasing or the early evening of December the 24th. If any of them note that it’s
decreasing the power levels of the challenges as appropriate. Christmas Eve, or ask about the holiday season or Christmas in any fash-
The adventure is set in Freedom City (described in the second edition ion, just give them a blank look and say, “Christmas? What’s that?” Indeed,
of the Freedom City campaign sourcebook available from Green Ronin make it clear the heroes, at least, have no recollection of any such holiday
Publishing). Although Freedom City is recommended for running this or time of the year, nothing that breaks up the endless monotony and
adventure, it is not required. All the necessary material is included here bleakness at the start of the long, dark winter months.
and in the Mutants & Masterminds core rulebook. Before the players have too much time to wonder about this oddity,
read the following to them:

Mr. Infamy is a mysterious granter of wishes and dark desires, provided
Sure enough, you haven’t long to wait for trouble to arise. An
alarm sounds from the Eastern Seaboard Bank at the corner of
those wishes are selfish or have the potential to cause harm or mischief Nelson & Bridwell downtown and police sirens whine in the dis-
in the world. While the sinister salesman’s victims are usually adults, tance. There’s trouble!


“I have expended my energies,” the master mage says. “I must

A group of six thugs (thug archetype, M&M, page 229) are robbing return to my physical body at once, in hopes of navigating the
the downtown branch of the E-Sea Bank. They’re armed with pistols and netherworlds. The forces that have upset the natural order are
wearing stocking masks and their getaway car is running outside the close at hand. It is now up to you, my friends. You must put
building. Needless to say, the robbers are not prepared to deal with an things right once more!”
entire team of superheroes; treat them as minions, meaning one hit is Before you can respond, Eldrich’s astral form fades and is
enough to take them down. The encounter isn’t really meant to chal- gone. A cold wind swirls through the pass, whipping up the
lenge the heroes, just give them a little warm-up and the opportunity to snow, and thunder rumbles somewhere in the distance.
show off their powers.
If you want to make things a bit more of a challenge, you can have the Although he hasn’t time to explain to the heroes, Eldrich has in fact
thugs assisting a super-villain or two. Possibilities include Rant & Rave transported them to another plane of reality, a kind of deep “dream
(from the M&M demo adventure The Heist on page 236), Downtime, realm” where the archetypes of human myth and consciousness are
Fear-Master, or one or more of the members of Larceny, Inc., from Foes real. In particular, they are near a mythic representation of the North
of Freedom, or any of the lower power level villains from Freedom City Pole, the home of Santa Claus! Initially, the world appears quite nor-
Second Edition. The Kung-fu Killer or Sinister Simian from Chapter 11 of mal, but things quickly make it clear the heroes are not in Freedom City
M&M are also good options. any longer.
One particular thing the heroes discover immediately is their movement

SCENE TWO: THE SPIRIT OF powers don’t work: they can’t fly, teleport, run at super-speed, and so
forth. This is because of the unique nature of the realm. The same is true

of any unusual sensory powers like ESP or Telescopic Vision, which allow
the heroes to sense beyond their immediate area. There’s no immediate
explanation why these powers don’t work, they just don’t. So, for the time
Once the heroes have mopped up the bank robbers, read the following being, the heroes have to make their way through the pass on foot.

There is a shimmer in the air in front of you, and you brace your-
selves for more trouble. What could it be now? SCENE THREE: ELF-HELP
The shimmer takes the form of a man in a long, flowing cloak
of dark blue, clasped at the throat with a circular silver amulet
with a triangle inscribed inside it. You recognize him immedi-
As the heroes make their way through the pass, they’re affected by
ately: Eldrich, the Master Mage! His image remains translucent, Desparia’s increasing influence over the realm and set upon by her
as he spreads his cloak and holds out a hand towards you. hobgoblin minions. Fortunately, they get some aid from an unexpected
“My friends,” he says in a hollow and spectral voice, “I have quarter.
paused this moment in time to reach out to you.” Indeed, as Read the following aloud to the players:
you glance around, you see everything and everyone else frozen,
motionless. Even scatterings of snowflakes hang still in the air. The air is freezing cold in the mountain pass and you’re wishing
“There is a great disturbance in the natural order,” the master Eldrich provided you with some winter gear before he disap-
mage says. “Some force has disrupted reality and things are not peared. The snow reaches up to your knees and it’s slow going
as they should be. I have been barred from returning to Earth’s trudging through it to who knows where. It’s rapidly growing
dimension, flung into the nether realms, but I have managed darker as night begins to set in and you have the disturbing feel-
to send my astral form to you. I need your aid to right this dis- ing that you’re being watched.
turbance and restore the cosmic balance. If you help me, then As the rough stone sides of the pass loom up overhead, the
quickly take hold of my cloak.” wind whistles and moans through the narrow gap. Suddenly,
burning red eyes gleam from the shadows and a pack of grey-
If the heroes refuse Eldrich’s call for aid, the master mage’s astral image furred wolves with eyes like burning coals rushes to attack!
fades away, and time returns to normal. Feel free to add some scenes
where the heroes deal with increasing levels of crime, violence, and The winter-wolves are Desparia’s minions, ordered to keep intruders
neglect in the city on what should be Christmas Eve. Make it clear that away from the North Pole and the Workshop. Use the wolf archetype
any spirit of joy, charity, or kindness seems to be bleeding away, leaving on page 232 of M&M as a basis, with Immunity 10 (cold effects) and
Freedom City grey and lifeless. Then you can have Eldrich’s astral form Protection 5 (for a total Toughness of +7). There are at least twice as
reappear to make a last, desperate plea for help. many of them as there are heroes, at least. What’s worse is the wolves’
When the heroes touch Eldrich’s cloak, it feels only faintly substan- attacks appear to ignore mundane defenses. Powers like Force Field and
tial. The world swirls around them like a blizzard and they are instantly Protection are useless against them, providing no reduction to their dam-
whisked... elsewhere. Read the following aloud to the players: age. The heroes should discover this the first time they are scratched by a
wolf’s claws or teeth. The creatures are not immune to counterattack, but
A chill wind swirls around you and the world fades as if behind they are supernaturally tough. The heroes should put up a good fight, but
a wall of snow and mist. When it clears, you find yourselves they should also feel outnumbered and out of their depth.
standing outside on snow-covered ground in a mountain pass If the fight against the wolves begins turning against the heroes, or if
of some sort. Eldrich’s phantasmal form hovers above, a look of the heroes gain a significant edge over their opponents, read the follow-
strain on his face. ing aloud:


Suddenly, from the rocky crags up above, comes a volley of mis- EXTENDING THE ADVENTURE
sile fire! One wolf is struck by a half dozen darts tipped with If you want to make Crisis on Christmas more of an extended adventure,
suction cups and falls over in the snow. Another is pelted by you can give the heroes additional things they need to do before they’re
water balloons, which begin instantly freezing its fur, while others capable of taking on Desparia and her minions and freeing Santa and
are bombarded by snowballs, foam-darts, wiffle-balls, footballs, Mrs. Claus. Rather than the elves having magic corn on-hand to restore
soccer balls, and a variety of other things. Howling and shying
the heroes’ powers, perhaps they need to seek out other places in and
away from the rain of attacks, the wolves quickly withdraw.
around the North Pole. They might also need special items or magic to
“That’s got ‘em,” a high-pitched voice says from above you,
take on Desparia and win. The elves can tell them where to go, and can
“but they’ll be back soon enough.”
You glance up to see a small figure, about three feet tall, perhaps even loan them some flying reindeer to get them there, but it’s
standing on an outcropping of rock, hands on his hips. He’s up to the heroes to get the job done.
dressed in a bright green coat with brass buttons, red and white Possible additional scenes include:
stripped stockings, and curly-toed green shoes. A jaunty green • Finding and freeing Santa’s flying reindeer, perhaps so they can
hat rests on his shock of red hair, supported by a flaring pair of carry the heroes to their other destinations.
pointed ears. Similarly dressed little figures emerge from cover • A visit to the Island of Misfit Toys to recruit allies against
behind the rocks. Desparia or even find the one special misfit toy in need of a
“What’s the matter?” the little fellow asks with a broad smile. friend who can melt the ice-maiden’s heart and help her reject
“You look like you’ve never seen an elf before.” Mr. Infamy’s “gift.”
• Seeking out the snow-witch or winter-wizard of the North who
The heroes’ rescuers are indeed Santa’s elves, or at least those elves can cast a spell to restore the heroes’ powers. Such aid may
that escaped Desparia’s takeover of the Workshop. They’ve been hiding come with a price tag attached (sending the heroes off on yet
out in the wilderness and organizing resistance, but haven’t been able to another quest).
do much more than evade the sorceress’ minions. With outside aid, how- • Finding the Abominable Snowman (a yeti-like monster) and
ever, they may be able to do more. getting a bit of its fur (perhaps for the aforementioned spell).
The red headed elf and leader of the small band of rebels introduces Alternately, the heroes might need one of the Snowman’s teeth
himself as Herbie, although the other elves all call him “Doc.” (If any of (in which case Herbie’s dentistry skills may come in handy). The
the heroes happen to ask Herbie what he’s a doctor of, he curtly answers Snowman could be a terrible monster or actually just misunder-
“dentistry.”) The elves are holed-up in a nearby cave in the mountains, stood and in need of some friends.
where they’ve stockpiled various toys they use as weapons against • Rescuing a little girl who represents Desparia’s lost childhood
Desparia’s minions. innocence. When she’s brought into the presence of the ice-
More importantly, the elves have a small amount of Santa’s magic corn, maiden, then her cold heart melts and she regains some of the
which Herbie correctly suspects will restore the heroes’ powers, at least hope she has lost.
temporarily. It tastes like candy-corn and allows normal use of any move- Feel free to include other scenes to extend the adventure and customize
ment or sensory powers and makes the heroes’ protective powers fully it to suit your group and your Mutants & Masterminds campaign.
effective against Desparia’s minions and magic.


and their own plans. They can investigate or attempt some reconnais-
sance, if they’d like.
When the heroes want to create a distraction, all they need to do is offer

Once the heroes are ready for action (either due to the elves’ magic corn
a show of power, or even just appear within sight of Santa’s Workshop, to
draw the attention of Desparia and her minions. The sorceress confronts the
heroes, proclaiming loudly how they cannot defeat her and Christmas will
or by completing their quests), Herbie tells them the situation. Read or never come. Her not-inconsiderable Toughness and Magic power rank make
paraphrase the following to the players: Desparia a formidable foe. Feel free to use GM Fiat to provide Desparia with
enough successful saving throws to weather the heroes’ initial attacks, and
“It all happened just a few days ago, but it seems like forever. to allow her to overcome some of the heroes with her powers.
We were getting things ready for the big Christmas run when Keep in mind Desparia’s minions will also be acting to trap the heroes
she showed up. Came right out of a swirling blizzard, she did, and protect their mistress. While they are just minions (unlike the winter-
with those wolves and her hobgoblin soldiers. We tried to pro- wolves in the first encounter of the adventure) the sorceress effectively
tect the Workshop, of course, but she’s a sorceress and her has as many of them as she needs.
power...” Desparia: Use the Corrupt Sorcerer archetype on page 214 of M&M
Herbie sighs deeply. “She calls herself Desparia. She captured with the following spells as Magic power feats: Blast 18 (icy cold), Cold
Santa, and Mrs. Claus. He told us to run, to save ourselves. We Control 18, Emotion Control 18 (despair and fear), Fatigue 12 (ranged),
went out into the storm, and all you could hear was her laughter Obscure 18 (visual, swirling snow), Paralyze 12 (ranged), Snare 18 (icy
on the wind, mocking us. We need to free Santa and the Missus, bonds), Suffocate 12 (ranged), Summon (her hobgoblin and winter-wolf
but we need your help.” minions), and Weather Control 18 (winter weather only).
Hobgoblins: Use the Gargoyle monster archetype on page 233 of M&M,
Herbie explains the basic plan: the heroes create a distraction, drawing without the Flight or Immunity powers. The hobgoblins are vaguely ape-like
out Desparia and her minions, while an elite group of elves slip into the creatures, with thin limbs, distended bellies, and heavy green fur. Their faces
Workshop to free Santa and Mrs. Claus. Let the players offer suggestions are distorted with rage and their eyes burn with an unholy yellow glow.


fatherly advice. The old fellow certainly won’t condone the heroes using

SCENE FIVE: IN THE (SAINT) violence against a confused young girl, and you can be certain that Mrs.
Claus will soundly scold anyone who even contemplates it! It’s best to

allow the heroes to do the convincing rather than having Santa step in
to save the day, but it’s an option, if you want a quick and easy ending
the scenario.
Let the fight against Desparia and her minions play out for as long as it’s


interesting, or until one side clearly gains the upper hand, then read the
following aloud to the players:

Suddenly, the howling wind dies down, the growls and grunts of Ideally, the heroes manage to convince Heather to reject Mr. Infamy. He
Desparia’s minions are silenced, and a single voice booms out. vanishes in a puff of smoke, telling the heroes they haven’t heard the last
“Ho, ho, HO!” laughs the jolly old elf in the red suit trimmed of him. Santa and Mrs. Claus invite the heroes and Heather into their
in white fur. “What have we here? You’ve been a very, very bad, home while the elves quickly get to work preparing Santa’s sleigh. After
sad girl Heather. Do you want to ruin Christmas for all the boys all, it’s still Christmas Eve, and there’s a lot to be done!
and girls out there?” You can find ways for the heroes to help out, perhaps using their
“Why not?” Desparia cries out, face twisted with anger. “It was powers to get things ready for Santa’s late-night run. For an additional
ruined for me! Why did my mommy and daddy have to die? Why?” twist, perhaps Mr. Claus needs some assistance this Christmas Eve, or is
Desparia’s tall, pale form seems to shrink in on itself, becom- even unable to make the trip himself and in need of a “pinch-hitter” in
ing more like a thin little girl with a tear-streaked face. In a burst the form of the heroes! You can describe the superheroes circling the
of black smoke smelling of brimstone, a dapper man dressed in a globe to deliver toys and good cheer to people around the world, all in a
dark suit appears, one eyebrow raised in a sardonic expression. single night.
“Because life isn’t fair, my dear,” he says. “Not for you, any- When it’s all said and done, Santa, Mrs. Claus, and the elves all thank
way, so why should it be for anyone?” the heroes for their help. A swirl of snow seems to rise all around them,
and the characters suddenly find themselves in their own headquarters
This is primarily a roleplaying scene. Once Mr. Infamy appears, the play- (wherever it might be). It’s Christmas morning, and the sun is shining
ers should have some idea of what’s going on. If they don’t, play out the brightly over a pure white blanket of new-fallen snow as the world seemed
conversation between Heather, Santa, and Mr. Infamy a little longer, until filled with holiday good cheer. The heroes friends and loved ones are on-
they understand “Desparia’s” motives better. hand to welcome them and wish them a happy holiday, and they catch a
The two main openings for this scene are the heroes losing and the glimpse of the ghostly astral form of Eldrich, offering them a wink and a
heroes winning. If the heroes are losing to Desparia when Santa Claus nod of congratulations before fading from sight.
makes his appearance, then the sudden arrival is enough to disrupt her Industrious heroes may follow up on the question of what become of
concentration on any spells and free the heroes from any snares or other Heather Combs. Checking with the Danvers Orphanage in the city reveals
malign magical effects. It also halts the attacks of Desparia’s minions for Heather has been placed with a foster family intent on adopting her. If
the time being. If the heroes are winning, having struck Desparia with an the heroes don’t follow up on the matter, they get a hand-written note
attack powerful enough to stagger her, for example, then the appearance from Heather not long thereafter, thanking them for their help in over-
of Father Christmas (and then Mr. Infamy) puts a stop to further hostilities coming her sadness and moving on with her life.
for the moment. The revelation that the “evil sorceress” is just a sad little If you want, you can even offer one or more of the heroes the oppor-
girl should restrain the heroes’ desire to simply beat her into submission. tunity to adopt Heather as a ward or foster child. If Mr. Infamy merely
The ideal way of handling the problem is, of course, to encourage awakened some latent psychic or mystical powers in her, then Heather
Heather to deal with her pain and reject Mr. Infamy’s gift of power of could even become an apprentice or kid sidekick to a hero!
her own free will. While interaction checks are entirely appropriate, you Wrap things up with the heroes sharing some holiday cheer with their
don’t have to make it all about which character has the higher Diplomacy loved ones, and perhaps offering to do the same with the children of the
or Charisma bonus. Let the players offer heartfelt speeches on the true Danvers Orphanage, extending the joy of the season, and wishing every-
meaning of the holidays, family, and forgiveness. one a happy holiday!
Mr. Infamy, naturally, plays devil’s advocate (literally), countering the
heroes’ arguments and encouraging Heather to take up the power at her
command and wipe out Christmas once and for all. Still, the terrible tempt-
er’s words ring hollow sooner or later. All he really has to offer Heather is Hopefully, you’ll share Crisis on Christmas with friends in celebration
vengeance and power over her monstrous minions. He can’t give her real of the holiday season. You may want to liven up the adventure by running
happiness or a family to replace the one she lost. it in conjunction with a holiday party, by serving seasonal snacks and
In game system terms, Desparia has an initial attitude of hostile treats (cookies, candy canes, mulled cider, and hot cocoa, for example),
(toward everyone). The heroes need to get her to a helpful attitude, a DC or even having a “secret Santa” gift exchange among the members of
45 interaction skill check. You can allow them to do things in stages, if your gaming group! You and your friends can also celebrate by offering a
you want. For example, a check result of 25 gets her to indifferent, where small donation to the charity or good cause of your choice, whatever you
it only takes another DC 25 check to reach helpful. But, as mentioned would have paid for an evening of roleplaying entertainment.
previously, it shouldn’t all be about die rolls and skill bonuses. Encourage All of us at Green Ronin Publishing are glad to bring you this special
players to use the hero points they earned during their battle earlier to
holiday adventure and the fun and excitement of the World’s Greatest
help persuade Heather to help them.
Superhero RPG year ‘round. From all of us, to all of you, a very happy
If the players falter, or seem intent on using brute force to solve the
problem, you can have Santa Claus step in to offer a word or two of holiday season and a joyous New Year!



The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or con- 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
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