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River Cities' Reader - Issue 779 - May 26, 2011

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River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

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Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
by John W. Whitehead

The Changing Face of the Police and

Something new is the Death of the Fourth Amendment
growing in Davenport T
he Fourth Amendment, which assures doors at will and ... forcibly enter?”
that “the right of the people to be secure In the second case, the Indiana Supreme
in their persons, houses, papers, and Court actually stepped beyond the consti-
effects, against unreasonable searches and tutional parameters of the case before it to
seizures, shall not be violated,” was included in broadly rule in Barnes V. State that people don’t
the Bill of Rights in response to the oppressive have the right to resist police officers who enter
way British soldiers treated American colonists their homes illegally. The court rationalized
through their use of “Writs of Assistance.” its 3-2 ruling legitimizing any unlawful police
These were court orders that authorized entry into a home as a “public policy” decision.
British agents to conduct general searches of Insisting that it would be safer for all concerned
premises for contraband. The exact nature of to let police proceed even with an illegal action
the materials being sought did not have to be and sort it out later in court with a civil lawsuit,
detailed, nor did their locations. The powerful the court held that residents can’t resist police
new court orders enabled government officials who enter their home – whatever the reason.
to inspect not only shops and warehouses, but The problem, of course, is that anything short
also private homes. These searches resulted in of complete and utter acquiescence and compli-
the violation of many of the colonists’ rights ance constitutes resistance. Thus, even the sup-
and the destruction of much of the colonists’ posedly protected act of free speech – a simple
personal property. It quickly became apparent “Wait, this is my home. What’s this about?”
to many colonists that their homes were no – constitutes resistance.
longer their castles. Many are understandably up in arms about
Fast-forward 250 years and we seem to be these decisions, but the courts are not really
right back where we started, living in an era of introducing anything new into our lives; they
oppressive government policies and a mili- are merely reflecting and reinforcing the reality
tarized police whose unauthorized, forceful of the age in which we live, and that is one in
intrusions into our homes and our lives have which the citizen is subordinate to government
been increasingly condoned by the courts. and what the “state” says goes – be it the police,
Indeed, two recent court decisions – one from the schools, or local or federal agents.
the U.S. Supreme Court and the other from the Indeed, the average citizen really is helpless
Indiana Supreme Court, both handed down in in the face of police equipped with an array
the same week – sound the death knell for our of weapons, including Tasers. The increasing
Fourth Amendment rights. militarization of the police, the use of sophis-
In an 8-1 ruling in Kentucky V. King, the ticated weaponry against Americans, and the
U.S. Supreme Court effectively decimated the government’s increasing tendency to employ
Fourth Amendment by giving police more lee- military personnel domestically have taken a
way to break into homes or apartments without toll on more than just our freedoms. They have
a warrant when in search of illegal drugs that seeped into our subconscious awareness of life
they suspect might be destroyed if notice were as we know it and colored our very under-
given. In this particular case, police officers standing of freedom, justice, and liberty.
in pursuit of a suspect they had seen engage American society has changed. And with
in a parking-lot drug deal followed him into that change, the way the government views
an apartment complex. Once there, the police us, the way we view one another, and the way
followed the smell of burning marijuana to an we view and are viewed by law enforcement
apartment where, after knocking and announc- have undergone dramatic transformations.
ing themselves, they promptly kicked the door We have succeeded in forfeiting one of the
in – allegedly on the pretext that evidence of principles that has been a hallmark of the
drugs might be destroyed. Despite the fact that American republic – the idea that every person
it turned out to be the wrong suspect, the wrong is innocent until proven guilty. This is such a
simple concept, yet it undergirds some of our

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

apartment, and a violation of every tenet that
stands between us and a police state, the court Constitution’s greatest protections, such as the
sanctioned the warrantless raid, saying that right to an attorney and a fair hearing, protec-
police had acted lawfully and that was all that tion from unreasonable searches and seizures,
mattered. Yet as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the right to privacy.
the lone voice of dissent among the justices, We have also witnessed a sea change in the
remarked: “How ‘secure’ do our homes remain way law enforcement views its role, from one
if police, armed with no warrant, can pound on Continued On Page 39

Coming soon to 4711 North Brady Street Correction In the article “Where We Were, incorrect. It was actually funded
309. 764. 1068 Where We Are” in River Cities’ Read- by Davenport’s Riverboat Devel-
er Issue 779, the funding source opment Authority. The Reader
for the play Under the Radar was apologizes for the error.

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

by Rich Miller

39th Annual Democrats Enjoy Their

Grant Wood Map-Making Spoils
Art Festival
tatehouse paranoia and angst always with almost 200,000 new faces or move or
Sunday, June 12, 2011 peak every 10 years in Springfield. retire.
Why? The new state legislative- The Republican pairings are quite nu-
Anamosa, Iowa district maps are drawn, and that highly merous. Senators Tim Bivins and Chris-
• Original Grant Wood Artwork Exhibit political process always involves generous tine Johnson are in the same district. The
• Juried Art Competition amounts of partisan mischief-making and Democrats even paired Senate Republican
• Art Vendors • Kids Activities revenge. Leader Christine Radogno with Senator
Lectures • Music • Food This year is no different. The Democrats Ron Sandack. Sandack will likely run for a
Rain or Shine at the control both legislative chambers and the House seat.
Lawrence Community Center governor’s office, so they can pretty much Over in the House, southern-Illinois
Main and Scott Streets draw any map they want as long as they Republican state Representatives Ron
For More Information: follow federal and state voting-rights laws Stephens and John Cavaletto are in the
319-521-4486 that protect minorities and other “commu- same district, as are central-Illinois Repre- nities of interest.” sentatives Dan Brady and Keith Sommer.
CELEBRATING ART IN THE HEARTLAND! The Republicans, Eastern-Illinois
locked out of power Representatives
and influence, just Clearly, some of these Chapin Rose and
knew they were Bill Mitchell have
in for a beating, GOP elected officials had been put together.
and they got one. The mischief
In many respects, better hope the housing goes beyond pitting
it probably wasn’t two Republicans
as bad as it was 10 market improves soon. against each other.
years ago, when the Northwest-suburban
Democrats drew Republican Repre-
a map so solidly partisan that the House sentative Sid Mathias has been placed in
and Senate Democratic majorities easily the same district as Democratic Repre-
survived one of the biggest Republican sentative Carol Sente. The district clearly
landslides in history. favors Sente, so Mathias will either have to
Partisanship aside, though, imagine be- move or take a big risk.
ing told that the only way to keep your job Clearly, some of these folks had better
was to sell your house and move your fam- hope the housing market improves soon.
ily a few miles, or even a few blocks. That’s And it’s not just the pairings that grate
what some legislators have to go through on the minority party’s nerves every
every 10 years during remap season, and decade. Much of Senator Dave Syverson’s
it’s what quite a few Republicans are facing Rockford-area district was taken from
– again – this time around. Several have him so the Democrats could create a very
been mapped into districts with fellow Re- favorable district for Marla Wilson, whom
publicans. One of those legislators in each the Dems backed against Syverson last
of those districts will have to retire, move, year.
or suck it up and run in a primary against I could go on, but I’m pretty sure you get
a fellow GOP legislator. the idea. Keep something in mind here if
So when Republicans such as state Sena- this makes you angry. Two constitutional
tors Kyle McCarter and Dave Luechtefeld amendments were proposed a while back
are put in the same district, reporters heard to change the way districts were drawn.
some very angry complaints. Luechtefeld’s Backers of both proposals fell far short of
house has essentially been pulled out of his the required petition signatures. Some of
old, deep-southern-Illinois district and put the same Republicans who are griping now
into a new district farther north that is (for about the way the maps are drawn prob-

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

the most part) currently represented by ably should’ve put a whole lot more effort
Republican Senator John O. Jones. Jones’ into one or both of those amendment peti-
house has been put in what is now Luech- tion drives.
tefeld’s district. A big chunk of McCarter’s Many of those Republicans might not
current district has been shoved at fellow have worked on those constitutional
Republican Senator Sam McCann. amendments because they figured they’d
Confused? That’s the whole idea, man. win the governor’s race and that would
A new map usually means representing be enough to block the Democrats from
new territory, and that means legislators drawing the map without a fight. After
must get to know thousands – even tens all, how could they possibly lose after Rod
of thousands – of voters who have no idea Blagojevich’s impeachment and during an
who they are. That can be a dangerous inept Pat Quinn administration? Oops.
thing in these politically volatile times.
But in the case of Luechtefeld and Jones, Rich Miller also publishes Capitol Fax (a daily
they have to either familiarize themselves political newsletter) and

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

by Kathleen McCarthy

Disabling the Disabled

rom the beginning of the Social According to Living with Independence ditional $30-million funding infusion, the options for care and survival. Legislators
Security system in America, there Fairness & Equality Coalition’s “FAQ on lion’s share of which is allocated to wages are sending the message that our disabled
was a clear mandate from taxpay- Proposed Fiscal Year 2012 Budget,” “com- and pensions for employees of these facili- are disposable – a message that should be
ers: Take care of our disabled, whether munity-based disability services support ties. Meanwhile, cutting the budget by $76 met with statewide resistance, including by
because of birth defect, illness, accident, or people with significant disabilities in the million for community-based services will AFSCME members, who are 90 percent of
warfare. Americans have insisted, and been communities of their choice with family, result in the loss of federal matching funds Illinois’ public-sector workforce.
more than willing to fund, the care of our on their own, or in residential settings in of $31million. Because of a deal Governor Pat Quinn
developmentally and intellectually disabled traditional neighborhoods, offering the op- To better illustrate, the average annual made with AFSCME last year – which does
people. portunity to live full and vibrant lives that cost of caring for an individual in state not allow for any layoffs of state employees
Once again, however, Illinois’ develop- maximize independence and full inclusion.” institutions is $192,000. The average annual – hands are tied within many agencies be-
mentally disabled community is taking an ( cost of caring for an individual via com- cause they have no control over their labor
undeserved hit with $76 million in cuts in The FAQ reminds us that community- munity services, including residential care, costs. With contractual raises to account
the governor’s proposed Fiscal Year 2012 based services help with everyday living is $50,000. Nearly four individuals can be for, operational cuts loom large. A major
budget that translates into $540,000 in cuts tasks, such as bathing, dressing, and groom- served with community-based services for concern is that the proposed budget cuts
for Rock Island County, alone. The $76 mil- ing; with medications and therapies; with every one person in an institution. will cause community-based-services pro-
lion represents approximately 6 percent of developing skills for overcoming com- With the cost/benefit analysis so clearly grams to shut down, creating a network of
a $1.2-billion budget for services for 40,000 munication or behavioral challenges; with weighted in favor of community-based employees with nothing to do because the
developmentally disabled individuals in improving social skills; and with creating services, what is keeping legislators from programs they were hired for will be gone.
Illinois, leaving a waiting list of 21,000 that work opportunities. Another vital service is making the conversion away from state By closing or downsizing the number of
includes adults, children, and infants. offering support and respite to caregivers of institutions? The answer lies in jobs, and state institutions, their funding – including
Other sources of funding, such as grants children and adults with disabilities, both the reluctance of the American Federation for labor and facilities – could be absorbed
from United Way and other not-for-profit in-home and in the community. Finally, of State, County, & Municipal Employees into community services, creating enor-
organizations, work to fill some of the long-term residential care is provided for (AFSCME) to allow those jobs to migrate mous savings. The savings could then be
funding gaps, but these organizations are the more severely disabled individuals, for away. State institutions pay significantly reallocated to far more efficient, successful
also struggling, resulting in less available whom around-the-clock care is required. higher wages than community-based ser- programming that would keep services for
resources each year. The Arc of Rock Island County has vices for the same jobs – on average $53,000 the current 40,000 individuals, cover the
Kyle Rick, executive director of the Arc approximately 250 employees caring for to $28,000. 21,000 on waiting lists (Rock Island County
of Rock Island County, explains: “This disabled individuals through programs Community-based-service organizations has an active waiting list of 155 individuals),
community of individuals, including the administered by Arc Industries, Heritage are mostly private-sector groups that con-
and perhaps begin to address the 180,000
severely developmentally and intellectually Fifty-Three, Respite Center, Opportunity tract with the state to provide care for the
additional developmentally disabled indi-
disabled, through no fault of their own, Center, Arc Business Supply, and Moments developmentally and intellectually disabled;
viduals in Illinois who receive no services
needs the most support, but is least able Remembered, to name a few of the vital therefore only half of their employees are
to ask for it, or defend itself against any organizations that serve developmentally AFSCME members.
“The State of the States’ Developmentally
decrease in resources.” disabled individuals in the Quad Cities. AFSCME is in a difficult situation in this
Disabled,” a 2008 report by the University
Across the state, calls are being made and Evaluations of the Illinois developmental- particular case because, while it’s fighting to
of Colorado that was released to providers
letters and petitions are being sent to lobby disability system have consistently revealed keep public-sector wage and benefit pack-
in 2010, rated Illinois 51st among states and
Illinois legislators to recalculate the cuts to that individuals being served through com- ages at current levels that include annual
the District of Columbia relative to its care.
the developmentally disabled community, munity-based services (including long-term raises, some of its members’ jobs in the
More cuts will only aggravate this dismal
because cuts will mean job reductions and residential care) have demonstrably better community-based-services sector will be
rating. Implementing a planned reduc-
the loss of critical services that are often the outcomes in safety and health. State institu- sacrificed for AFSCME’s greater good.
tion of half of the state institutions would
only lifeline these individuals possess. tions tend to be archaic, less accountable,
As Rick wrote in a letter to State Repre- inefficient, in need of repair, and techno- be a start. Freezing any new hires for the
sentative Patrick Verschoore: “From Fiscal logically deficient. Eleven states have closed Disposable Disabled facilities beginning in 2012, and other cost-
Year 2002 through the proposed Fiscal Year such facilities in favor of the more cost-ef- Illinois’ proposed budget is calling for saving measures that focus on this goal of
2012 [budget], an 11-year period, we will fective community-based-services model. 950 new jobs throughout state government transferring services, could alleviate some
have had only three increases to keep up “There is nothing magic about the state – averaging $50,000 in salary and benefits of the pressure on the community-services
with inflation, four years with nothing, and institutions,” says Tony Paulauski, execu- and costing approximately $47.5 million budgets.
four years of cuts. ... The cuts in Fiscal Year tive director of the Arc of Illinois. “More overall – as well as an 8.25-percent raise for Frustrating the 2012 budget process
2012 will be the most severe yet.” and more counties, including Rock Island the current state workforce staggered over this time around is the sizable discrep-
County, have already closed their state 18 months, according to Paulauski. ancy between House and Senate revenue

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

institutions and transferred the severely Meanwhile, 3,052 jobs in the community- projections – $33.2 billion and $34.3 billion,
Community Alternatives disabled individuals traditionally cared for services sector are in jeopardy, as are critical respectively. They are more than $1 billion
services for our disabled community that apart, causing cuts to be deeper for the
to State Institutions in state institutions to community-based
residential-care facilities, where they are those jobs provide. “Last year’s cut of $16 House’s budget because its revenue projec-
The hopeful news is that the develop- million negatively impacted services for tion is lower.
more than equipped to cope with the level
mentally disabled services budget actually approximately15,000 individuals because The Commission on Government Fore-
of care required.”
has viable alternatives to the proposed of loss of services due to program shut- casting & Accountability, a bipartisan body
In Illinois, seven out of eight institutions
cuts if legislators would have the courage downs,” Paulauski says. established specifically for the purpose of
were cited with violations – most of which
to act. Of the $1.2-billion budget, $300 Clearly, the Illinois legislature needs to revenue projection, estimates revenues for
dealt with a lack of proper record-keeping
million goes to eight state institutions that better sort out its priorities. It is one thing Illinois in 2012 at $34.9 billion, which in-
and documentation – during the Auditor
serve only 1,900 developmentally disabled to have to make necessary cuts because cludes a portion of the new income-tax in-
General’s last report digest (covering 2007
individuals. The remaining $900 million is there are no alternatives. It is entirely an-
through 2009), which is a limited-scope re- crease (from 3 to 5 percent), as well as $720
allocated for the other 38,100 individuals other thing when those cuts greatly benefit
view of their operations and books. (Auditor. million from two plans not yet approved by
cared for by community-based services. one segment of society at the hugely dis- legislators – one that would cut state corpo-
This is a highly disproportionate distribu- proportionate expense of another segment,
In the case of Illinois’ 2012 proposed
tion of resources. especially a segment that has zero other Continued On Page 38
budget, state institutions will require an ad- 
Vol. 18 · No. 779
MUSIC by Jeff Ignatius May 26 - June 8, 2011

All-Stars on All-Stars

River Cities’ Reader

The Baseball Project, June 9 at RIBCO 532 W. 3rd St.
Davenport IA 52801

o get a sense of the challenge, Koufax, Jackie Robinson, and Willie
Mays get their own songs, as does Curt (563)324-0049 (phone)
charm, and skill of the Baseball
(563)323-3101 (fax)
Project super-group – playing Flood, a key figure in players’ quest for
RIBCO on June 9 – start with Scott free agency. And Volume 2 features tracks Publishing since 1993
McCaughey’s “Buckner’s Bolero,” a about more-modern legends Reggie Jack- The River Cities’ Reader is an independent newspaper
litany of all that conspired to make son, Roger Clemens, and Pete Rose. published every other Thursday, and available free
Bill Buckner one of the sport’s great Yet the songs don’t settle for easy throughout the Quad Cities and surrounding areas.
scapegoats. recitations of historical highlights. Some
are pure celebrations – such as the punky © 2011 River Cities’ Reader
“If Bobby Ojeda hadn’t raged at
Sullivan and Yawkey / And hadn’t been “Ichiro Goes to the Moon” – that exude a
traded to the Mets for Calvin Schiral- love of the game through their under- DEADLINES
di,” it begins. “If Oil Can Boyd hadn’t standing of it. • To purchase a display ad,
been such a nutcase / And Jim Rice had But most of the songs are more ( 5 p.m. Wednesday
twice taken an easy extra base.” complicated. “Ted Fucking Williams” • To purchase a classified ad,
Here it’s evident that McCaughey busy schedules. Third, in support of that de- and “The Straw That Stirs the Drink” ( 10 a.m. Monday
knows the game in general, knows Game Six but album, the Baseball Project did precisely (about Jackson) are primarily concerned
of the 1986 World Series in particular, and is one gig: The Late Show with David Letter- with mammoth egos. “Pete Rose Way” uses
fearless in attempting rhythms and rhymes man. “We played one song,” McCaughey said. a street name to lionize the player’s reckless PUBLISHER
with proper names and baseball lingo in “That was our live output the year the record style (“The perfect chaos when he slid / The Todd McGreevy
song. Of Red Sox Manager John McNamara, came out ... .” way he made you pay”), and it doesn’t need
he sings: “If he’d hit Baylor for Buckner and But the record came with a promise in to address the hit king’s betting on baseball; EDITOR
yanked the first baseman / For his by-the- its title (Volume 1: Frozen Ropes & Dy- that’s present by implication and through Kathleen McCarthy
book late-inning defensive replacement / ing Quails), and when the Baseball Project collective memory. Similarly, “Twilight of
That ball would’ve been snagged if it’d ever toured in 2009, “we kind of felt like we were My Career” articulates Clemens’ determina- EDITORIAL
been hit / And Mookie’s last name would a band then,” McCaughey said. Last year the tion and longevity while skirting the issue of Managing Editor: Jeff Ignatius •
now be ‘’86.’” all-star group wrote and recorded a song per performance-enhancing drugs; ultimately, by Arts Editor, Calendar Editor: Mike Schulz •
But that amounts to little more than clever month for ESPN during (and about) the 2010 not mentioning those substances, the song
becomes about the pitcher’s self-delusion. Contributing Writers: Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsny, Lynn Campbell,
wordplay. Where McCaughey really shines Major League Baseball season. Then came Michelle Garrison, Rich Miller, Bruce Walters, Thom White
is in taking the long view, approaching Volume 2: High & Inside on March 1. As wrote in its review of
existential issues of baseball immortality: “If McCaughey and Wynn hatched the idea Volume 1: “This isn’t a set based on nostalgia,
even one man doesn’t do one thing he does / for the Baseball Project at a party before exactly, but is instead a full-blown piece of Account Executives:
We’d all know Bill Buckner for what he was: / R.E.M.’s 2007 induction into the Rock & Roll jangly modern folk-pop, and each song plays Jason Farrell •
A pretty tough out for the Dodgers, Red Sox, Hall of Fame, and “Steve actually remem- like it’s an individual piece cut from the same Chris Walljasper •
and Cubs.” But he finally concludes that the quilt. The songs are witty, varied, and full of Advertising Coordinator: Nathan Klaus
bered” the conversation, McCaughey said.
ground ball hit by Mookie Wilson that went “So the next day we started putting it in more authentic baseball detail than a month
Advertising rates, publishing schedule, demographics,
through his legs might be the best thing that motion.” of Sunday sports sections, and McCaughey and more are available at
happened to his song’s subject: “And your and Wynn are also keenly aware of the
He said he’d tried to write baseball songs
22 years playing ball might be forgotten / with Young Fresh Fellows, but “I never really broader sociological impact baseball has on
Maybe Bill Buckner was lucky his luck was was satisfied with them. ... When Steve and I the American psyche.” PRODUCTION
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

so rotten.” started throwing them back and forth, it sort There’s also a healthy does of tragedy and Art Director, Production Manager: Shawn Eldridge •
“Buckner’s Bolero” appears on the Baseball melancholy. “Here Lies Carl Mays” concerns
of raised the bar, and we were able to start Graphic Artist - Nathan Klaus
Project’s new album, whose existence is the pitch that killed Ray Chapman in 1920.
coming up with some good ones. ... It was Production/Design Interns - Kyle Beals , Kevin Smith
a pleasant surprise given that the group’s “The deeper I looked into it, the more I real-
just kind of like ‘Anything goes.’ You could do
2008 debut had the whiff of a one-off lark. ized what a crazy, messed-up story it was,”
any kind of music, any kind of song. It could ADMINISTRATION
“It might be a little surprising to us, too,” McCaughey said. And “I found out that Carl
be serious, it could be funny, it could be sad. Business Manager: Kathleen McCarthy
McCaughey said in a phone interview last Mays was buried in Portland, where I live. Office Administrator, Classifieds Manager, Circulation Manager:
It just opened up a bigger world somehow.”
month. “We didn’t really know it was going So I went to his grave. I said, ‘I’m not going Rick Martin •
And they didn’t want to stop after the first Distribution: William Cook, Cheri DeLay, Greg FitzPatrick, Tyler
to be a band necessarily.” to finish this song until I go sit around at his
batch of songs. “We had so much fun, and we Gibson, Daniel Levsen, J.K. Martin, Jay Strickland
First, all the songs were (of course) ex- grave for a little while.’”
had so many more ideas, we just figured: Let’s
clusively about baseball. Second, the players McCaughey admits that the band has oc-
keep going,” McCaughey said. “It felt to us
– songwriters McCaughey (the Young Fresh casionally frustrated him, but not because of
like we still had a lot of things we wanted to
Fellows and the Minus 5) and Steve Wynn boredom with its subject: “For a while, I was
write about.”
(Dream Syndicate and Gutterball), guitarist
Many of Volume 1’s subjects are expected;
Peter Buck (R.E.M.), and drummer Linda
greats Ted Williams, Satchel Paige, Sandy
Pitmon – all have impressive résumés and Continued On Page 39

available; free with museum admission; for information, call 563-

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://, 1:30pm Sun Jun 5 thru Sun Jun 26.
Figge Art Museum Gala, RSVP by June 6 for June 10 event; a
Openings/Gallery Events gala event benefitting the Figge Art Museum and celebrating the
Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities, discussions, opening of “The Art of Seating: 200 Years of American Chair Design”;
tours, refreshments, and more every Thursday; for information, with heavy hors d’oeuvres, live music by the Candymakers, and
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, Jim Victor acting as emcee; $75/person; for information and to
IA,, 5pm, Thu, May 26 thru Thu reserve, contact Susan Horan at 563-326-7804, ext. 2007 or shoran@
Dec 29., Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport,
Closing Reception: Venus Envy, works by female artists; for IA,, 6:30pm Mon Jun 6.
information, call 309-230-1594, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 Paint-Out in the Garden, a day of painting in the Pleasant
E. 2nd St., Davenport, IA,, 6pm Fri Hill Garden at the Coe College Mansion; paint two-10” x 12”
May 27. Impressionistic-style works using acrylics; a French-inspired lunch
Doodlebugs Preschool Program:“Ta Dah! It’s a Dada!”, after a will be provided; $275-$300; for information and to reserve, 319-
hilarious story about Dadaiam featuring Mimi the Cat, preschoolers 366-7503 ext. 207, Coe College, 1220 First Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA,
and their adult companions create some non-art of their own; free;, 10am Thu Jun 9.
for information, call 319-366-7503, Hiawatha Public Library, 150 Opening Reception: Renaissance Man, E.M. Catich, n evening
West Willman, Hiawatha, IA,, 10:30am Fri May celebration of the gallery’s namesake, the late Rev. Edward Catich; the
27. annual Rev. Catich exhibition will focus on how the internationally
Junior Docent Training, register by May 27 for June 4 event recognized artist’s interests informed his art, transcending the level
in the Grant Wood Studio; students are trained to give tours at of mere “hobby”; free; for information, contact Heather Lovewell at
the historic site of Wood’s art studio/apartment; for information, 563-209-1287 or, Catich Gallery - St.
call 319-366-7503 ext. 203 or, Cedar Rapids Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA, http://www.sau.
Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA, http://www.crma. edu, 5pm Fri Jun 10.
org, 1pm Fri May 27. Paint-Out Artist Reception & Auction, evening includes a
Opening Reception: Re-visioning the Journey - Jay Stratton, wine and cheese reception, and and art auction with pieces from
Corrine Smith, & Deb Stewart, wood sculptures by Stratton, and the Paint-Out artists and Tara Moorman, plus photography of the
paintings by Smith and Stewart; for information, call 309-793-1213, Monet Gardens & more; $20; for information and to reserve, 319-
Quad City Arts Center, 1715 2nd Ave, Rock Island, IL, http://www. 366-7503 ext. 207, Coe College, 1220 First Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA,, 7pm Fri May 27., 5:30pm Fri Jun 10.
Final Friday at Bucktown, for information, call 309-230-1594, smART Second Saturday Event, children along with an adult
Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http:// companion are invited to learn more about art through a variety of, 6pm Fri May 27. cool activities in the museum; free; for information, call 515-271-0328
Nxt Gen Arts Expo, a fun and high-energy pastel competition or e-mail, Des Moines Art Center,
for local high schools hosted by Midcoast Fine Arts; cash prizes to 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.desmoinesartcenter.
the winners; with a portfolio review for students and the potential org, 10:15am Sat Jun 11, 10:15am Sat Jul 9, 10:15am Sat Aug 13.
to land an internship at with Midcoast at Bucktown; for information, smART Second Sunday Event: Tie-Dyeing Together, a family
contact Sarah Mullins at, Bucktown Center workshop designed for parents and children ages 5 and older;
for the Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.bucktownarts. learn how to bind fabric and apply dye to create a hip pattern;
com, 10am Sat May 28. each participant must bring a 100% cotton white t-shirt that has
Free Admission to the Grant Wood Studio, Saturdays & been pre-washed without fabric softener; led by Kari Heath; $8; for
Sundays, noon-4pm; free admission during the year, thanks to a information, call 515-271-0306, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand
grant from the Esther and Robert Armstrong Charitable Trust; for Ave., Des Moines, IA,, 1pm Sun
information, call 319-366-7503, Grant Wood Studio, 810 2nd Ave Jun 12.
SE, Cedar Rapids, IA,, 12pm Sat May 28 thru Art Education Celebration, with an awards presentation to the
Sun Aug 28. winners of May’s Nxt Gen Arts Expo; for information, contact Sarah
Arts Expo High School Pastel Competition, for information, Mullins at, Bucktown Center for the Arts,
call 309-230-1594, Midcoast at Bucktown Gallery, Bucktown Center 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport, IA,, 6pm
for the Arts, Davenport, IA,, Sun May 29. Fri Jun 24.
Weekly Figge Exhibition Tour: Ponds, Lakes, Streams, Doodlebugs Preschool Program: Frida & Friends, bring your
and Rivers, a docent-led tour providing an introduction to each own pillow for a Frida Kahlo art project; free; for information, call 319-
exhibition, plus highlights of works; water views from the Figge’s 366-7503, Hiawatha Public Library, 150 West Willman, Hiawatha, IA,
American and European collections are the topic of this tour; hot, 10:30am Fri Jun 24.
chocolate available; free with museum admission; for information, Final Friday at Bucktown, for information, call 309-230-1594,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http://, 1:30pm Sun May 29., 6pm Fri Jun 24.
Art Bites: Tour the Treasures - A Curator-led Tour of the Party at Grant Wood’s: Free Family Fun Day, tour the studio
Treasures of the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library, join and participate in fun-filled activities for the entire family; for
NCSML Curator, Stefanie Kohn for a guided tour of the Museum’s information, call 319-366-7503, Grant Wood Studio, 810 2nd Ave SE,
collection of Czech and Slovak folk and fine art; free; for information, Cedar Rapids, IA,, 12pm Sat Jun 25. Diamond engagement
call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Pictures and People: A Search for Visual Truth and Social
Cedar Rapids, IA,, 12:15pm Wed Jun 1. Justice, join Iowa City photographer Joan Liffring-Zug Bourret rings for any budget
Collectors’ Circle Tour of a Private Collection, for information, for a PowerPoint presentation of her career in photography, to be
call 319-366-7503 or e-mail, Cedar Rapids followed by a book-signing of her recently released autobiography; starting at $299
Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA, http://www.crma. free; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of
org, 7pm Wed Jun 1. Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, 7pm Thu
Arts Fest, an event in the Summer of the Arts series; free, Jun 30.
Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the Sheraton Hotel, 210 Doodlebugs Preschool Program: Extreme Makeover,
S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA,, Sistine Chapel Edition, take Michelangelo’s lead and try painting
6:30pm Fri Jun 3. upside-down; free; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids
Doodlebugs Preschool Program: Bloom ‘n’ Zoom In,

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Public Library, 500 1st St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA,,
pretend you’re a bumblebee and paint flowers from the inside, 10:30am Fri Jul 1.
just like Georgia O’Keeffe; use magnifiers to zoom in close; free; for Flamingo Follies Grand Opening, celebrating the opening
information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Public Library, 500 1st of the “Flamingo Follies” art exhibit; play games, create art of your
St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA,, 10:30am Fri Jun 3. own, enjoy the summer day in the gardens, and more; free with
Creative Connections: Artists in Action - Painting with admission; for information, call 309-794-0991, Quad City Botanical
Fire, find out about the art and science of designing a fireworks
display, and learn the secrets of using fireworks as an art medium;
Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL,,
1pm Sun Jul 3.
- Financing Available
a program in the SmArt Saturdays’ Get Smart About Art series; free;
for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art,
Weekly Figge Exhibition Tour: Please Be Seated, on Sundays;
a docent-led tour providing an introduction to each exhibition, plus
- Layaway
410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, 10:30am Sat highlights of works; from Victorian parlor chairs to postmodern
Jun 4. designs, this tour introduces major stylistic periods and America’s
SmArties - Flameless Fireworks, for ages 3 & up; make a simple eminent chair designers, this tour introduces major stylistic periods
art project that looks like fireworks without actual fire; free; for and America’s eminent chair designers; hot chocolate available;
information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 free with museum admission; for information, call 563-326-7804,
Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, 1pm Sat Jun 4.
1611 W Locust St. Davenport 1735 JFK Rd. Dubuque
Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,,
Weekly Figge Exhibition Tour: Fashionable Women in Art, 1:30pm Sun Jul 3 thru Sun Jul 31. 563-326-1847 563-583-7936
on Sundays; a docent-led tour providing an introduction to each
exhibition, plus highlights of works; exploring paintings in the
Art Bites: Learning to Break the Rules, CRMA Executive
Director Terry Pitts will discuss the ways that the Photo League
American and European collections, this tour highlights clothing, helped reshape the art of photography; free; for information, call Custom Design Jewelry - On-Site Jewelry & Watch Repair - Appraisals - Pandora Dealer
jewelry and accessories worn by fashionable women; hot chocolate 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar, 10:30am Fri Jul 29.
Wonderland Tea, make Mad Hatter hats, have tea, play flamingo
and hedgehog croquette, and more; free with general admission;
the e.
Fun for ily!
for information and to RSVP, contact Megan at
at t
Rapids, IA,, 12:15pm Wed Jul 6. or 309-794-0991 x 25, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave.,
whole g re
smART Second Saturday Event, children along with an adult
companion are invited to learn
Rock Island, IL,, 1pm Sun Jul 31.
Doodlebugs Preschool
a more about art through a variety Program: Funny Faces, create a
v e of cool activities in the museum;
Events funny self-portrait like Giuseppe
ha free; for information, call 515-
Outdoor Festivals and Events
Arcimboldo would, using fruits,

271-0328 or e-mail jcooley@ Cedar Rapids Public Library,

to, Des Rock Island 500 1st St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA,
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand, 10:30am

May through August
W Carry out available! Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. Fri Aug 5.
he e

w, 10:15am Quad City Phoenix
you b eJ Cultu
re Sat Jul 9.
C ycling through city streets at speeds of over 35 Festival, live music, vendors,

ave to
Art Talk and Walking miles per hour. Setting off thousands of dollars art, food, women’s self defense
don’t h Celebrating our 75th Anniversary
Botanical Tour: Monet’s Garden
worth of fireworks that can be seen for miles. Playing
demonstrations, information
Art, presented by Carol Ehlers,
booths, activities for kids and

Gam who will take you on pictorial dodgeball. All things I families and more, in an event
$2 wouldn’t do in a million years.
Tickets: oor)
journey with the art of Claude designed to bring awareness to
th e d Carnival Games & a Mah Jongg Marathon Monet, focusing on the Monet’s But I’m more than happy domestic violence, themed “We

( a t
nd er FREE progression as a painter with to have others do them, and are not victims, we are survivors”,
12 & u a focus on his love of painting Schwiebert Riverfront Park,
these enjoyable(-to-watch)
landscapes and garden; after the between 17th & 20th Streets,
Featuring dance and music by Kol Shira & Shir Delight lecture, take a walking tour of the
happenings are just a few Rock Island, IL, 12pm Sun Aug
center, where you will see many among Rock Island’s lineup 7.
of the plants Monet used for his of summertime festivals and Weekly Figge Exhibition
… and the debut of Oy Vey. Cooking the Jewish Way Cookbook inspiration; free with admission; outdoor events. The fun Tour, on Sundays; a docent-led
for information, call 309-794-0991, on the Illinois side of the tour providing an introduction to
Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 Quad Cities each exhibition, plus highlights
11 a.m. to 7 p.m. 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://
Mississippi River starts with
Criterium of works; hot chocolate available;
the Memorial Day weekend

Sunday, June 26, 1pm Sun free with museum admission; for
Jul 10. concerts headlined by disco greats The Travoltas information, call 563-326-7804,
smART Second Sunday (performing in the District alongside openers Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd
Event: Contemporary Baskets, Funktastic Five on May 28 and Standard Deviation on St, Davenport, IA, http://figgeart.
Tri City Jewish Center 2715 30th Street Rock Island a family workshop designed for May 29), followed by May 30’s 46th Annual Modern org, 1:30pm Sun Aug 7 thru parents and children ages 5 and Woodmen Bank Quad Cities Criterium, in which Sun Aug 28.
older; construct an enchanting Flamingo Fling Art Auction
basket from paper, wood, plastic,
hundreds of professional, amateur, and child bicyclists and Party, with live music by
and wire; experiment with weaving compete for a combined $12,000 in prizes. Things the Fray Daddies; $10-$15; for
techniques when creating a unique then get a little spicy with the annual Gumbo Ya Ya information, call 309-794-0991,
container; led by Kari Heath; $8; for festival on June 10 and 11 – that celebration of Cajun Quad City Botanical Center,
information, call 515-271-0306, culture boasting vendors, outdoor art, and musical 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL,
Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand performances by the likes of Gumbohead, Davina,
Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. 7pm Fri Aug 12., 1pm Sun
& the Vagabonds, and the Funky Butt Brass Band. smART Second Saturday
Jul 10. The District’s Daiquiri Factory hosts its seven-year Event, children along with an
Artist Gallery Talk; Part I, with anniversary party on June 17 with outdoor sets by adult companion are invited to
“Surface Value” artist James Gobel, Hairbanger’s Ball, 4th and 20, and Sleepin’ on the learn more about art through
in the Anna K. Meredith Gallery; Couch, and gets ballsy the following Saturday with a variety of cool activities in the
free; for information, call 515- June 25’s annual Dodgeball Showdown, featuring museum; free; for information,
277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, call 515-271-0328 or e-mail
KIA 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,
live music by Trash Martini. The Fourth of July is jcooley@desmoinesartcenter.
celebrated with the happy sound and fury of July 3’s

http://www.desmoinesartcenter. org, Des Moines Art Center, 4700
org, 6:30pm Thu Jul 14. Red, White, & Boom! fireworks event, held in Rock Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://
Metro Arts Summer Youth Island’s Schwiebert Park, while the rockers of Tesla,
Employment Artist Showcase, make a July 16 appearance in the Daquiri Factory’s 10:15am Sat Aug 13.
for information, call 309-793-1213, annual Rock the District concert. July 21 through 24 smART Second Sunday
Quad City Arts Center, 1715 2nd Event: Art on a Stick, a family

CBCJ9F)$B9K?=5GH<5H;9HCJ9F'$AD;G Ave, Rock Island, IL, http://www., 5pm Thu Jul
brings with it Schwiebert Park’s eagerly awaited 2011
Train Festival, with demonstrations, displays, vendors,
and train rides for young and less-young alike.
workshop designed for parents
and children ages 5 and older;

Artist Gallery Talk; Part II,
with “Surface Value” artist Alison
Caribbean food, culture, and music will be celebrated
choose an everyday object,
paint it and then pay homage
to the State Fair by putting
in the District’s annual Ya Maka My Weekend festival,
Elizabeth Taylor, in the Anna held this year on August 12 and 13. Finally, for your painting on a stick; $8; for

($ '(
K. Meredith Gallery; free; for information, call 515-271-0306,
information, call 515-277-4405,
outdoor entertainment in extremis, be sure to check Des Moines Art Center, 4700
BE< Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand out the annual Rock Island County Fair, which will Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://
BE< Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. house six days of activities and events between July,
Ç%%?=5CDH=A5 Ç%%?=5GCF9BHC Ç%%?=5GCI@, 6:30pm 19 and 24. All told, it’s a sensational season of Rock 1pm Sun Aug 14.

%-- &'- %)-

Thu Jul 21. Island-based entertainment, wouldn’t you say? (And Final Friday at Bucktown,
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

HI@@&(+(% HI@@&(+(%

HI@@&(+%) Children’s Art in Garden yes, I know – the Rock Island County Fairgrounds for information, call 309-230-

Activity Day, innovative art 1594, Bucktown Center for the
activities for kids; $5 for ages 3-12,
are actually located in East Moline. But we’re so Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport,
close to the end of the piece, why spoil the motif by
D9F D9F D9F adults pay general admission; for
mentioning it now?) For more information on Rock
IA, http://www.bucktownarts.
ACBH< ACBH< ACBH< information and to RSVP, contact
Megan at Island’s summertime events, visit; for
com, 6pm Fri Aug 26.
Doodlebugs Preschool
6C9H6K:DCDJG6B6O>C<H:A:8I>DCD;EG:DLC:9@>6H or 309-794-0991 x 25, Quad info on the county fair, visit RockIslandCountyFair. Program: Make a Post-
City Botanical Center, 2525 4th com. – Mike Schulz Impression, meet Vincent Van
'%%,@>6GDC9D@&(*-)6#################################################################################### &%!).( Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www. Gogh and his most famous
'%&%@>6DEI>B6GE&&)%&################################################################################## &)!).(, 1pm Sun Jul 24. works of art, from stars to
'%%,@>6HEDGI6<:@&(+''6######################################################################### &*!..& Bucktown Birthday Bash, for information, call 309-230-1594, sunflowers; free; for information, call 319-366-7503, Hiawatha Public
'%&&@>6HDGG:CID6L9IE&&)''####################################################### ''!..& 9dlcadVYi]Z[gZZiV\hXVccZgVi Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http:// Library, 150 West Willman, Hiawatha, IA,,
6C9B6CNBDG: lll#ZmZXiV\#Xdb
lZWh^iZdcndjghbVgie]dcZcdl, Fri Jul 29.
Final Friday at Bucktown, for information, call 309-230-1594,
10:30am Fri Aug 26.
Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http:// Lil Picard and Counterculture New York, exhibit contains
?JHIHDJI=D;CDGI=E6G@B6AA, 6pm Fri Jul 29. more than 70 original works and recreates Picard’s audio and video
AJ?68@#8DB Doodlebugs Preschool Program: Posin’ with Rodin, take a installations on the world of the 1960s and 1970s underground New

KIA -,,"'&,"'.*' look at the “Thinker” sculpture that made Rodin famous, strike a
pose, and become a sculptor yourself; free; for information, call 319-
York art scene; 10am-5pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday; 10am-9pm
Thursday; noon-5pm Saturday and Sunday; for information, call
10 @&(+(%')%%!@&(+)%&')*!@&(+%)'&+*9DLC#EAJHI6M!I>IA:!A>8:CH:9D8;::6C9&HIBDCI=HE6NB:CI#L>I=6EEGDK:98G:9>I#(+BD!(+@B>A:HA:6H: 366-7503, Hiawatha Public Library, 150 West Willman, Hiawatha, IA, 319-335-1727, Iowa Memorial Union, 125 N. Madison St., Iowa City,
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
Movie Reviews by Mike Schulz •

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: heavy eyeliner was enough to get the the crowd
giggling.) On Stranger Tides, though, heavily
ON STRANGER TIDES suggests that the linchpin was actually Verbinski.
During the first hour of Pirates of the Carib- Though the surprise is gone from his perfor-
bean: On Stranger Tides, the third sequel in mance and he looks vaguely bored throughout,
Disney’s hugely successful franchise, characters Depp doesn’t embarrass himself, and actually
are routinely told to manages a laugh here
beware of the mermaids and there; he scores
– half-woman/half-fish a particularly great
beings who use their one with Sparrow’s
comely looks and tran- crestfallen realiza-
quil siren songs to drag tion that the wooden
seafaring men to their leg belonging to the
deaths. Our adventurers nefarious Captain Bar-
take note of the warn- bossa (Geoffrey Rush)
ings but pay them little is secretly a flask. Yet
mind, and really, why Depp’s occasionally
should they? Disney, witty contributions are
Johnny Depp and Penélope Cruz in
after all, is the studio continually impeded
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
that gave us the benign by Marshall’s slack
cutie-pies of The Little Mermaid and (through its pacing and unimaginative staging. Watch-
Touchstone Pictures label) Splash. Just how nasty ing Sparrow and Barbossa trying to carefully
can these things be? negotiate their steps aboard Ponce de León’s ship
We eventually find out, and as a result, I’ll – which is teetering precariously on the edge
likely never look at Ariel or Daryl Hannah the of a cliff – you can’t help imagining the giddy,
same way again. acrobatic fun that Verbinski, with his whirling-
In order to activate a magical elixir at the dervish camera, would’ve brought to the scene.
Fountain of Youth, the film’s pirates must first With Marshall in charge, there’s neither peril nor
secure a mermaid’s teardrop (don’t ask), and plan playfulness on hand; it’s just one more initially
to obtain one by luring the sea creatures to their clever, banally executed set piece in a tired sequel
rowboat. Big mistake. The mermaids show up, all all too rife with them.
right – only one to start with, then a few more, To take some heat off On Stranger Tides’ direc-
then a few dozen more. But after bewitching tor, though, screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry
the sailors with their beauty, these fishy females Rossio hardly give Marshall ample opportunities
eventually show their teeth – literally. Gnashing for invention. I do thank them for providing a
their fangs and shrieking, they bound through the more straightforward narrative this time around.
air and knock their unprepared victims into the Unfortunately, though, that narrative – which ba-
water, and those who attempt to swim away are sically involves teams of scalawags in a Cannon-
no better off; like vicious, aquatic Spider-Men, the ball Run-esque race to the Fountain of Youth – is
mermaids shoot seaweed from their wrists and so straightforward that a number of subplots and
ensnare the hapless pirates from afar. It’s a sharply debuting supporting characters are required to
edited sequence featuring superior visuals, and fill its 135-minute running length, and absolutely
for the few minutes that it lasts, On Stranger none of them is interesting.
Tides is everything – scary, funny, exciting – you Penélope Cruz, appearing uncharacteristically
want a Pirates of the Caribbean outing to be. The glum, banters and acts mildly untrustworthy
mermaids kick ass. The rest of the movie just as Sparrow’s former flame, and Ian McShane
kind of bites it. bellows and “Arrr!”s as Blackbeard, and Astrid
There’s something hugely depressing about Bergès-Frisbey and Sam Claflin enact a chaste
the large-scale mediocrity of On Stranger Tides; romance between a mermaid and a missionary,
enormous amounts of time, energy, and talent yet everything they do is cheerless and heavy-
have been employed in the service of a produc- spirited. (The expressionless Clafin seems almost

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

tion that just freakin’ sits there. For all of the designed to make you re-evaluate the limited
series’ flaws – and narrative incoherence, in the charms of Orlando Bloom.) Even Keith Richards’
last two films, has to be at the top of the list – you token cameo is a drag, and the less said about
could hardly accuse director Gore Verbinski’s pre- Richard Griffiths’ King George, a caricature as
vious Pirates offerings of being dull. But with Rob insufferably gross as his Vernon Dursley in the
Marshall taking over the directorial reins, this Harry Potter films, the better. On Stranger Tides
new film has almost none of the slapstick zing is really the worst kind of Hollywood blockbuster
or wildly orchestrated flights of fancy that made – a completely joyless one – and the movie feels
Verbinski’s efforts engaging, despite their frequent especially pointless in a year that’s already given
senselessness. us a hilarious, energetic, grotesquerie-laden
Most everyone assumes that Johnny Depp’s entertainment in the Pirates vein, and a Gore
Captain Jack Sparrow is the heart of the franchise, Verbinski-Johnny Depp collaboration, to boot. It’s
and the sloshed, slurring privateer may very well called Rango.
be the reason that audiences will happily line up
for yet another Pirates fix. (At the screening I Follow Mike on Twitter at
attended, the first closeup of Sparrow’s eyes and MikeSchulzNow.
Listen to Mike every Friday at 9am on ROCK 104-9 FM with Dave & Darren
A Show of Hands: Ceramics from the Collection, featuring
photographer Joan Liffring-Zug Bourret’s donations of a series of
important studio ceramics from the 1970s and’80s; the museum’s
first collective exhibit or its ceramic works; for information, call
IA,, Thu May 26 and Fri May 27. 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar
Venus Envy 2011, annual exhibit of visual arts and installations Rapids, IA,, Thu May 26 thru Sun Oct 9.
by female artists, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Art in Roman Life, over 50 works, including coins, glass vessels,
Davenport, IA,, Thu May 26 and Fri ceramic lamps, marble sculptures, and more; for information, call
May 27. 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar
Celebrating Ideas: Bridging Communities with Augustana’s Rapids, IA,, Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec 31.
Liberal Arts through the AGES, in celebration of the 150th Grant Wood: In Focus, culled from the museum’s extensive
anniversary of the college, a fine art historical overview from the collection of works, this single-gallery installation serves as a brief
Augustana College Art Collection, especially works pertinent to overview of the artistic achievements of this important American
Augustana General Education Studies; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm; free painter; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum
with $4-$7 museum admission; for information, call 309-794-7231, of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, Thu
Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. May 26 thru Sat Dec 31., Thu May 26 thru Sun May 29. Mauricio Lasansky, new takes on the important Iowa City
Allison Collins-Elfline - Pamela Kay Kohl, photography by artist; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of
Collins-Elfline, jewelry by Kohl; for information, call 309-786-2430, Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, Thu May
MidCoast at the i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr., Moline, IL, http:// 26 thru Sat Dec 31., Thu May 26 thru Tue Our Sisters’ Many Hats, exhibit features the trials and triumphs
May 31. of more than 20, Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, off I-80 at
Corrine Smith, mixed media; for information, call 309-786- exit 254, West Branch, IA,, Thu May 26
2430, MidCoast Centre Station Gallery, 1200 River Dr, Moline, IL, thru Wed Sep 7., Thu May 26 Shout Freedom! Photo League Selections from the
thru Tue May 31. Columbus Museum of Art, featuring 55 black-and-white vintage
Sally Gierke - Doug Stoker, ceramics by Gierke, wood works photographs from the non-profit organization of photographers
by Stoker, MidCoast Fine Arts Gallery, Mississippi Valley Welcome based in New York City and committed to the transformative
Center, I-80 and US Highway 67, LeClaire, IA, http://www.midcoast. power of photography to effect social change; for information, call
org/galleries/leclaire.htm, Thu May 26 thru Tue May 31. 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar
Teresa Colwell & Terry Herbig, paintings of Colwell and nature Rapids, IA,, Thu May 26 thru Sun Sep 4
photographs by Herbig; free with paid admission; for information, Surface Value, features the works, in fabric, wood, and
call 309-794-0991, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock rhinestones, of James Gobel, Alison Elizabeth Taylor, and Mickalene
Island, IL,, Thu May 26 thru Tue May Thomas, presenting unique visions of American life and lifestyle; for
31. information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand
Media Before Print, approximately two-dozen objects and Ave., Des Moines, IA,, Thu May
documents from the Knox College Archives and Special Collections, 26 thru Sun Sep 4.
selected as examples of different modes of communication, from The American Century, highlighting the many movements of
ancient coins and cuneiform tablets used in business transactions 20th Century art; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids
to medieval religious manuscripts and music scores; for information, Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA, http://www.crma.
call 309-341-7715, Seymour Library, Knox College, Galesburg, IL, org, Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec 31., Thu May 26 thru Fri Jun 3. Treasures from the National Czech & Slovak Museum &
A Wheen o’ Timmer, an exhibition of etchings, digital prints, Library Collection, examples of fine, folk, and decorative art, textiles
artist’s books, and more by Amanda Thomson; Tue-Sat 7-9pm; embellished with beads and embroidery, costumes, fine Royal Dux
for information, e-mail, The porcelain pieces, glass and crystal, and more; for information, call
Bakery Gallery, 1330 East 12th St., Davenport, IA, http://www. 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar, Thu May 26 thru Fri Jun 10. Rapids, IA,, Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec 31.
Grape Street Studio Artists, artists from Morrison, Illinois Re-visioning the Journey: Jay Stratton, Corrine Smith, & Deb
exhibiting mixed-media paintings;Wed.-Sun. 1-4pm; for information, Stewart, wood sculptures by Stratton and paintings by Smith and
call 563-243-3300, River Arts Center, 229 5th Ave S, Clinton, IA, Thu Stewart; for information, call 309-793-1213, Quad City Arts Center,
May 26 thru Sun Jun 12. 1715 2nd Ave, Rock Island, IL,, Fri
Sally Mavor: Pocketful of Posies - A Treasury of Nursery May 27 thru Fri Jul 8.
Rhymes, for information, call 563-263-8282, Muscatine Art Center, Artworks Expo, for information, call 309-786-2430, Midcoast
1314 Mulberry Ave., Muscatine, IA, Thu May 26 thru Sun Jun 19. at Bucktown Gallery, Bucktown Center for the Arts, Davenport, IA,
Cathy Patterson: Colorful Abstractions, abstract mixed-media, Wed Jun 1 thru
pieces by Nebraska artist; Mon-Fri 11am-6pm, Sat 10am-5pm, Sun Thu Jun 30.
by chance or appointment; for information, call 319-338-4442, The Renaissance Man, artworks by the gallery’s namesake, Fr.
Chait Galleries Downtown, 218 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA, http:// Edward Catich; noon-5pm, Tue-Fri; for information, call 563-333-, Thu May 26 thru Tue Jun 21. 6444, Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St.,
Heidi Casto & Carla Markwart, sculptures by Iowa City Davenport, IA,, Wed Jun 1 thru Fri Jul
artist Casto and paintings by Galesburg resident Markwart; for 22.
information, call 309-793-1213, ext. 108, Quad City Arts at the Carol Graham, jewelry; for information, call 309-786-2430,
Airport, Quad City International Airport, Airport Rd, Moline, IL, MidCoast at the i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr., Moline, IL, http://, Thu May 26 thru Wed Jun 29., Wed Jun 1 thru Sun
Ralph Iaccarino, watercolors; for information, call 309-786- Jul 31.
2430, MidCoast Gallery West, 2nd Ave & 16 1/2 St, Rock Island, IL, Catherine Jones Davies, oils, MidCoast Fine Arts Gallery,, Thu May 26 Mississippi Valley Welcome Center, I-80 and US Highway 67, LeClaire,
thru Thu Jun 30. IA,, Wed Jun 1 thru
Timothy Kiss & Diane Bruce, free with paid admission; for Sun Jul 31.
information, call 309-794-0991, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 Donna Lee - Eric Wolever, mixed media; for information, call
4th Ave., Rock Island, IL,, Thu May 26 309-786-2430, MidCoast Centre Station Gallery, 1200 River Dr,
thru Thu Jun 30. Moline, IL,,
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

William Hannan, mixed media; for information, call 309-786- Wed Jun 1 thru Sun Jul 31.
2430, MidCoast at the RiverCenter, 136 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, The Art of Seating: 200 Years of American Chair Design,, Thu May 26 includes more than 40 distinctive chairs selected from the Jacobsen
thru Thu Jun 30. American Chair Collection; for information, call 563-326-7804,
Like Mother, Like Son: The Photography of Joan Liffring-Zug Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
Bourret and David B. Heusinkveld, thru Aug. 21; a photographic, Sat Jun 11 thru Sun Sep 4.
exploration of nature, in an exhibit by mother-and-son artists; Metro Arts Summer Youth Employment Exhibit, for
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday noon-4pm; Thursday information, call 309-793-1213, Quad City Arts Center, 1715 2nd
noon-8pm; Saturday 10am-4pm; for information, call 319-366-7503, Ave, Rock Island, IL,, Mon Jun 13
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA, http:// thru Fri Jul 15., Thu May 26 thru Sun Aug 21. B. Thomas Lytle - Trent Foltz, metal sculpture by Lytle,
Water Views from the Figge Collection, exhibit explores and photography by Foltz; for information, call 309-786-2430, MidCoast
celebrates in a variety of media the beauty and diversity of water; Gallery West, 2nd Ave & 16 1/2 St, Rock Island, IL, http://www.
free with museum admission; for information, call 563-326-7804,, Fri Jul 1 thru Wed Aug 31.
Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Dawn Wohlford-Metallo - Lisa Mahar, mixed media; for, Thu May 26 thru Sun Aug 21. information, call 309-786-2430, Midcoast at Bucktown Gallery,
Series 63, drawings by Roger Bartlett, inspired along his travels Bucktown Center for the Arts, Davenport, IA, http://www.midcoast.
along the Highway 63 corridor; for information, call 319-291-4490, org/galleries/bucktown.htm, Fri Jul 1 thru Wed Aug 31.
Waterloo Center for the Arts, 225 Commercial St., Waterloo, IA, http:// Pam Ohnemus - Helen Moseman, acrylic, oil, and watercolors
12 www.waterloocenterforthearts, Thu May 26 thru Wed Aug 31. by Ohnemus, watercolors by Moseman; for information, call 309-
786-2430, MidCoast at the RiverCenter, 136 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •, Fri Jul 1 thru, 9am Sat Jun 4.
Wed Aug 31. Printmaking Workshop, led by Joseph Lappie; $55-$65; for
14th Annual Mississippi Valley Blues Festival Photo Exhibit, information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
for information, call 563-322-5837 or e-mail, Davenport, IA,, 10am Sat Jun 4.
LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley St, Davenport, IA, http://www.mvbs. Beginners Ceramics, on Mondays; $4-$6; for information, call
org, 12pm Sat Jul 2 and Sun Jul 3. 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly
Flamingo Follies: The Wacky - Tacky Art Exhibit, view Road, Davenport, IA,, 9:30am Mon Jun
artistically altered plastic pink lawn flamingos that area artists have 6 thru Mon Jul 25.
transformed into works of art; open during regular Botanical Center One-Stroke Painting, on Mondays; $4-$6; for information, call
hours; art-related programming every Sunday in July; free with 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly
admission; for information, call 309-794-0991, Quad City Botanical Road, Davenport, IA,, 12:30pm Mon
Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL,, Jun 6 thru Mon Jul 25.
Sun Jul 3 thru Thu Aug 11. Ye Olde Art, Tuesdays thru July 12; art projects and instruction
Allen Holloway, acrylics, pastels, MidCoast Fine Arts Gallery, by Gloria Burlingame, for grades 3-7;, Rock Island Public Library -
Mississippi Valley Welcome Center, I-80 and US Highway 67, LeClaire, Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary.
IA,, Mon Aug 1 thru org, 2pm Tue Jun 7.
Fri Sep 30. Ceramics – Advanced/Beginners, on Tuesdays at 9:30am &
Haley Ellerbach - Erika Reed, mixed media by Ellerbach, 1pm; $5-$10; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
photography by Reed; for information, call 309-786-2430, MidCoast Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www.
Centre Station Gallery, 1200 River Dr, Moline, IL, http://www., Tue Jun 7 thru Tue Jul 26., Mon Aug 1 thru Fri Sep Mae’s Gathering Basket, make a basket in which the sides are
30. women in a three-row repeat pattern using natural and dyed reed,
Janelle Doubet - Margery Schroeder, acrylics by Doubet, finished off with a round 6” oak swing handle; in classroom 3; $15,
jewelry by Schroeder; for information, call 309-786-2430, MidCoast Rock Island Fitness and Activity Center, 4303 24th St., Rock Island, IL,
at the i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr., Moline, IL, http://www., 5:30pm Wed Jun 8., Mon Aug 1 thru Fri Sep 30. Digital Decorating 101, led by Dee Oberle; bring a digital
Allisa Rindels - Ashley Razo, acrylics & watercolors by Rindels, camera, camera manual, and 3-4 sample prints of your photos; $30-
photography by Razo; for information, call 309-786-2430, Midcoast $35; for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W
at Bucktown Gallery, Bucktown Center for the Arts, Davenport, IA, 2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 10:30am Sat Jun 11., Fri Sep 30. Mosaic Stepping Stone Class, make your own garden art; $40
David Genac, photography; for information, call 309-786-2430, includes materials and lunch; for information and to register, e-mail
MidCoast at the RiverCenter, 136 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http://, Habitat ReStore, 3629 Mississippi Avenue,, Thu Sep 1 thru Mon Davenport, IA,, 10am Sat Jun 11.
Oct 31. All-State Art Camp: Studying the Human Figure, for
Group Show, mediums to be announced; for information, call grades 10-12; $365; learn to draw the figure from nude models;
309-786-2430, MidCoast Gallery West, 2nd Ave & 16 1/2 St, Rock reinforce your understanding of the human form by creating, Des
Island, IL,, Thu Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.
Sep 1 thru Mon Oct 31., 9am Mon Jun 13 thru Fri Jun 17.
Classes & Workshops Anatomy of Figure Drawing, Mondays thru July 25 (no class
Make-and-Take Blowing Class, on Thursdays & Saturdays; July 4); study the figure’s internal components and structure to
intensive introduction to glass blowing; perfect for those with no see how they relate to design elements; every level of student is
experience who just want to try it and take a keepsake home with invited to come to a better understanding of the figure to enhance
them; $30; for information, call 563-470-4952 or e-mail classes@ expressive drawing; a continuum is provided for the returning, Lizzard Glass, 314 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http:// student including different techniques and color; led by Jack Wilkes;, 6pm Thu May 26 thru Thu Sep 1. $94 tuition, $30 model fee; for information and to reserve, call 515-
Make Two Pairs of Earrings: Basic Stringing, learn about two 277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,
different stringing materials and when you might use each, plus how, 6:30pm Mon Jun 13.
to professionally add a clasp; with Mallory Zapf or Nikki Frese; $55; Basic Jewelry Techniques, Mondays thru July 25 (no class
for information and to register, call 319-338 -1566, Beadology Iowa, July 4); learn the basic techniques of cutting, filing, shaping,
220 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA, http://www.beadologyiowa. soldering, and casting to create jewelry in the individual student’s
com, 10am Sat May 28. style and area of interest; led by Carrie Herndon; $94 tuition, $15
Make Three Pairs of Earrings: Basic Wirework, explore wire materials fee; for information and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des
techniques incorporating attractive beading components; with Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.
Mallory Zapf or Nikki Frese; $55; for information and to register, call, 6:30pm Mon Jun 13.
319-338 -1566, Beadology Iowa, 220 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA, Oil Painting for All Levels, Mondays thru July 25 (no class July, 1pm Sat May 28. 4); explore the foundations of oil painting by working from still life;
Beaded Netting Techniques, learn the netting techniques learn a variety of techniques and study color theory as it applies to
of flat, tubular, and circular; with instructor Karen Kubby; $55; for oil painting; led by Tracy Duran; $94; for information and to reserve,
information and to register, call 319-338 -1566, Beadology Iowa, 220 call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des
E Washington St, Iowa City, IA,, Moines, IA,, 7pm Mon Jun
6pm Tue May 31. 13.
Bob Ross Oil Painting Class: Home in the Valley, bring one Safety-First Printmaking with Solar Plates and More,
roll Viva paper towels and one plastic grocery bag to class; all other Mondays thru July 25 (no class July 4); learn new techniques
supplies are furnished; $20-$30; for information, call 563-386-7477, as alternatives to traditional printmaking that are greener and
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, safer, while also encountering exciting and expanded creative
IA,, 9:30am Tue May 31. possibilities; engaging all levels of printmaking experience, students
Figure Drawing, on Tuesdays; practice figure drawing skills with focus on non-toxic ways to etch intaglio plates, print, and clean-up;
a live model; $20 / 3 session punch card students; $30 / 3 sessions led by Mary Jones; $94 tuition fee, $25 materials fee; for information
adult; $12 single session; for information and to register, call 563- and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700
326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http:// Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,,

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011, 6pm Tue May 31 thru Tue Jun 21. 6:30pm Mon Jun 13.
Stamped Cards and Card Box, register by June 1 for June 9 Advanced Painting and Drawing, Tuesdays thru July 19; work
class; use acrylic stamps to create four all-occasion cards; bring closely with the visiting artist to create works that speak to issues
scissors and an adhesive tape runner; in classroom 3; $20, Rock pertinent to you; led by Tracy Duran; $94; for information and to
Island Fitness and Activity Center, 4303 24th St., Rock Island, IL, reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand, 6:30pm Wed Jun 1. Ave., Des Moines, IA,, 9:30am
Half-Price Studio Wednesdays, 1/2-price studio fee all day; for Tue Jun 14.
information, call 309-762-2224, Fireworks Coffeehouse, 2139 16th Figure Painting, Tuesdays thru July 19; course is focused on
St., Moline, IL,, 6:30am Wed Jun figure painting from the nude model and how to paint flesh tones;
1 thru Wed Dec 28. work on mastering the skills of traditional figure painting in oils; led
CASI Art Class, on Thursdays; $5-$10; for information, call 563- by Tracy Duran; $94 tuition, $30 model fee; for information and to
386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave.,
Davenport, IA,, 12:30pm Thu Jun 2 thru Des Moines, IA,, 7pm Tue Jun
Thu Jul 28. 14.
Intensive Figure Drawing Workshop, June 4 (9am-noon) and Introduction to Ceramics, Tuesdays thru July 19; designed
5 (1-3:45pm); immerse yourself in figure drawing male and female to help you learn the fundamental techniques of hand building,
models in an energized environment under the guidance of two wheel throwing, and raku ware; an opportunity to expand your
artists; challenge yourself to capture the expressive qualities of the knowledge of clay, slip, and glaze solutions; led by Nancy Briggs;
nude through the foundations of figure drawing and structural $144 plus $46 materials fee; for information and to reserve, call 515-
anatomy; ; led by Jack Wilkes and Tracy Duran; $60 tuition, $30 277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,
model fee; for information and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des, 12:30pm Tue Jun 14. 13
a small project; free; for information, call 563-344-4191, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www., 6:30pm Thu Jun 16.
Drawing for Beginners II, Thursdays thru July 21; draw from
Lampwork Bead Making, Tuesdays thru July 19; this is the observation using pencil or charcoal, learn basic techniques and
process of shaping glass rods in the molten state over a torch to elements of composition, value contrasts, and line variations;
create amazing, distinctive, wearable glass beads; studio setup, this class is a recommended prerequisite for students who want
safety equipment, and multiple bead making, Des Moines Art Center, to study painting, watercolor, or figure drawing; led by Stan
4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.desmoinesartcenter. Miller; $94; for information and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des
org, 6:30pm Tue Jun 14. Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.
Painting with Acrylics for All Levels, Tuesdays thru July 19;, 9:30am Thu Jun 16.
explore ways to start a painting by working from ideas, sketches, or Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Plein Air Painting, thru
still life; experiment with techniques and materials, and paint with June 18; join the instructor for an evening in the museum studying
acrylics; led by Stan Miller; $94; for information and to reserve, call and discussing the compositions of landscape paintings; take what
515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, you learned from these giants in art history to a vineyard outside
IA,, 6:30pm Tue Jun 14. Des Moines for two days of plein air painting; bring your painting
Basic Jewelry Techniques II, Wednesdays thru July 20; learn the supplies and a sense of adventure; directions to the vineyard are
basic techniques of cutting, filing, shaping, soldering, and casting to given following registration; led by Teresa Heger Onoda; $94 tuition;
create jewelry in the individual student’s style and area of interest; for information and to reserve, call -277-4405, Des Moines Art Center,
led by Larry Niday; $94 tuition, $15 materials fee; for information 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.desmoinesartcenter.
and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 org, 6:30pm Thu Jun 16.
Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,, The Human Form in Art, study a variety of depictions of the
6:30pm Wed Jun 15. male and female figures in art history; class combines lecture and
Beginning Figure Drawing, Wednesdays thru July 20; focus discussion of paintings, drawings, and sculpture representing
on mastering your drawing skills of the nude figure working in the human form; led by Michael Lane; $38; for information and to
charcoal, conte, and pencil; work with a range of long and short reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave.,
poses throughout the term; led by Tracy Duran; $94 tuition, $30 Des Moines, IA,, 7pm Thu Jun
model fee; for information and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des 16 and Thu Jun 23.
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. Portrait Drawing, Fridays thru July 22; using either charcoal, 7pm Wed Jun 15. or pastel, learn the fundamentals of portraiture by combining
Cartooning and Drawing for Teens Ages 13-17, Wednesdays proportion, perspective, contour, and shading; when working
thru July 20; work on character development and story lines for your with pastels,learn how to use color to achieve realistic skin tones;
cartoon character; learn the skills needed to develop your cartoon led by Deb Ames; $94 tuition, $20 model fee; for information and
character and story line as you create storyboards; led by Sean Eike; to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand
$94 tuition, $10 materials fee; for information, call 515-277-4405, Ave., Des Moines, IA,, 9:30am
Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http:// Fri Jun 17., 3pm Wed Jun 15. Fridays at the Figge: Drawing & Mixed Media, art activities
Ceramics Ages 13-17, Wednesdays thru July 20; explore the for grades K-5, using crayons, pastel, colored pencils, and other
sculptural medium of clay, learn how to use the potter’s wheel, and materials; bring a sack lunch and snacks; $45-$55; for information
learn about glazes; study ceramic works and sculpture by artists and to register, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
from many cultures and time periods; led by Stephanie Nelson; Davenport, IA,, 9am Fri Jun 17.
$121 tuition, $18 materials fee; for information, call 515-277-4405, Drawing and Painting Ages 13-17, learn to draw and paint
Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http:// from observation using a variety of media by studying exemplary, 4pm Wed Jun 15. works in the museum; subject matter is still life and landscape
Drawing for Beginners, Wednesdays thru July 20; draw (weather permitting) with an emphasis on realistic observation and
from observation using pencil or charcoal, basic techniques and perspective; $94 tuition, $10 materials fee; for information, call 515-
elements of composition, value contrasts, and line variations. 277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,
This class is a recommended prerequisite for students who want, 12:30pm Mon Jun 20 thru Fri
to study painting, watercolor, or figure drawing; led by Michael Jun 24.
Lane; $94; for information and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des Recycled Runway Ages 13-17, transform the old clothes in
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. your closet into works of fashionable art; use stencils, screenprinting,, 7pm Wed Jun 15. dyeing, sewing, and other creative techniques to alter your out-of-
Fundamentals of SLR Digital Photography, Wednesdays date clothing; bring 6-10 pieces of clothing to remake into items
thru July 13; from shutter speeds to apertures and histograms to of couture; led by Kari Heath; $94 tuition, $15 materials fee; for
white balance, this class is designed to help you master the single- information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand
lens reflex (SLR) digital camera; bring your SLR digital camera, Des Ave., Des Moines, IA,, 9:30am
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. Mon Jun 20 thru Fri Jun 24., 7pm Wed Jun 15. Intermediate Lampwork Bead-making: Open Studio,
Raku, Wednesdays thru July 20; experience the excitement and Tuesdays thru July 19; for students who have completed a bead
surprise of the raku surface on wheel thrown or hand built forms; making class; learn to use specialty items like gold foil, luster
the raku glaze firing is very fast and dramatic, and produces metallic powders/mica, dichroic glass, etc; led by Karin Smith; $78; for
and crackle finishes; the work produced is fragile and not for food information and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center,
use, but evokes a mysterious, ancient quality with surprising 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.desmoinesartcenter.
colors and smoked surfaces; led by Nancy Briggs; $144 plus $46 org, 7pm Tue Jun 21.
materials fee; for information and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des Fridays at the Figge: Painting, art activities for grades K-5, using
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. acrylic and tempera; bring a sack lunch and snacks; $45-$55; for, 6:30pm Wed Jun 15. information and to register, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum,
Sculpting the Head in Clay, Wednesdays thru July 20; explore 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 9am Fri Jun 24.
figurative sculpture using hand building techniques. Focus on Drawing in Lindsay Park, led by Gloria Burlingame; following
creating a bust with special emphasis on form, facial features, and an interactive discussion on observational drawing, mediums,
expression; surface decorations include a painterly approach, Des techniques, how to visually frame an image, and more, students will
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. draw the park’s natural scenery using the observational techniques
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011, 9:30am Wed Jun 15. discussed; portable drawing boards will be provided; $25-$30; for
Watercolor, Wednesdays thru July 20; learn the steps to making information, call 563-326-7804, Lindsay Park, River Drive and Mound
successful watercolor paintings: color mixing, paper, and brush Street, Davenport, IA,, 10am Sat Jun 25.
selection; explore a variety of watercolor techniques and ‘new’ Mosaics Ages 13-17, using broken tile, ceramics, and/or found
materials to add interest and excitement to your work; led by Kathy objects, design, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des
Glenn; $94 tuition; for information and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Moines, IA,, 12:30pm Mon Jun
Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http:// 27 thru Fri Jul 1., 9:30am Wed Jun 15. Art in the Middle: Drawing, for middle schoolers; featuring
Clay on the Potter’s Wheel, Thursdays thru July 21, for ages still-life and observational exercises using pen, pencil, pastel, oil
8-14; learn basic wheel-throwing techniques, work on the potter’s pastel, and mixed media; with guided tours, discussions, and shared
A traveling exhibit appearing at the Family Museum wheel, and create hand-built projects using low-fire clay and techniques; $50-$60; for information and to register, call 563-326-
stoneware clay; projects will be finished with acrylic paints and a
May 21 - September 4, 2011 glaze; $46; for information, call 309-796-5000, Black Hawk College -
7804, ext 2045, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 9am Wed Jun 29.
Sponsored locally by Quad City Campus, 6600 34th Ave., Moline, IL,, Screen Printing on Fabrics Ages 13-17, learn to make simple
5:30pm Thu Jun 16. stencils from paper or screen filler to print clothing and yardage;
Creation Studio: Sashiko, a traditional Japanese method of led by Kari Heath; $78 tuition, $30 materials fee; for information, call
embroidery, using a running stitch, usually of white cotton on 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines,
©2011 Scholastic Entertainment Inc. SCHOLASTIC and logo are trademarks of Scholastic Inc. blue fabric; members of the Mississippi River Valley Chapter of IA,, 9:30am Tue Jul 5 thru Fri
CLIFFORD, CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG, BE BIG! and logos are trademarks of Norman Bridwell. All rights reserved. the Embroiderers’ Guild of America will show you how to do this Jul 8.
14 2900 Learning Campus Drive Bettendorf, IA (563) 344-4106 beginner-friendly style of embroidery and let you try it yourself with Sculpture Ages 13-17, work on additive and subtractive
methods of sculpting using a variety of found objects and

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

traditional sculpture materials; study works in the museum to see by Mike Schulz
how artists use different sculptural techniques to convey ideas; led

Stage Fraught
by Mary Pat LaMair; $77 tuition, $10 materials fee; for information,
call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des
Moines, IA,, 12:30pm Tue Jul
5 thru Fri Jul 8.
Art in the Middle: Painting, for middle schoolers; explore
painting and brush techniques in acrylic and tempera paints,
Summer Theatre in the Quad Cities and Surrounding Areas

ink, and watercolor; with guided tours, discussions, and shared
techniques; $50-$60; for information and to register, call 563-326- dulterous lovers. Women and men addition to hosting Ballet Quad Cities and
7804, ext 2045, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, in drag. Mistreated orphans. Nuns the professional dance company’s annual, 9am Wed Jul 6.
sniffing glue. Grandmas peddling presentation of Ballet Under the Stars (June
Creation Studio: Woodcarving, Rick Frels of the Mississippi
Valley Woodcarvers Association will give an introduction to the racy underwear. 10 through 12), the locale will find Genesius
fine art of woodcarving; we supply a rough cut and pattern, Rick But enough about my upcoming birthday Guild staging Shakespearean laughs in The
will bring his expertise, and all you need to bring is a knife; free; party. Taming of the Shrew (June 18 through 26),
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
These are just a few of the stage sights that and Aristophanes-ian farce – by way of
com, 6:30pm Thu Jul 7. audiences will be privy to over the next three adapter Don Wooten – in The Wasps (July
Soft Sculpture: Mixed Media, led by Bonnie Grebner; $60-$75; months, as our area’s theatre venues and 30 through August 7). As for outdoor theatre
for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, companies open, at last count, an intimidat- on the other side of the Mississippi, there
Davenport, IA,, 6pm Thu Jul 7 and Thu Jul 14.
Fridays at the Figge: Sculpture, art activities for grades K-5, ing 62 productions are two productions
inspired by the metal, wood, and ceramic works in the gallery; bring between June 2 and running in reper-
a sack lunch and snacks; $45-$55; for information and to register, August 26. As usual, tory as part of the
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 9am Fri Jul 8.
the summer season annual Riverside
Teen Screen Printing, for ages 13 & older, with instructor Cindy will be filled with Theatre Shakespeare
Bergthold; explore the color, excitement, and unlimited design musicals, comedies, Festival in Iowa City’s
possibilities in this made-for-teens silk screen workshop; create and blends of the two. Lower City Park: the
personalized t-shirts from the initial stencil cuts to the finished
printed image; $35-$40; for information and to register, call 563- But we theatre-going early Bard comedy
326-7804, ext 2045, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, masses will also be The Two Gentlemen, 12pm Sat Jul 9. treated to a num- of Verona (June 24
Drawing and Painting Ages 13-17, learn to draw and paint
ber of classical and through July 9), and
from observation using a variety of media by studying exemplary
works in the museum; subject matter is still life and landscape Shakespearean titles, the whimsical Ah,
(weather permitting) with an emphasis on realistic observation and challenging Tony Wilderness! (June 17
perspective; led by Kelly Kentner; $94 tuition, $10 materials fee; for Award- and Pulitzer through 10), written
information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand
Ave., Des Moines, IA,, 9:30am
Prize-winners, and by ... Eugene O’Neill.
Mon Jul 11 thruC Fri Jul 15. even – gasp! – the An unusual choice for
Recycled Runway Ages 13-17, transform the old clothes in occasional intense a Shakespeare festival,
your closet into works of fashionable art; use stencils, screenprinting,

drama, for those who perhaps, but hey,

dyeing, sewing, and other creative techniques to alter your out-of-

date clothing; bring 6-10 pieces of clothing to remake into items aren’t afraid to spend any excuse to stage
of couture; CMled by Kari Heath; $94 tuition, $15 materials fee; for a couple hours of O’Neill is a good one.
information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand their summer, you Like Genesius
Ave., Des , IA,, 12:30pm Mon

Jul 11 thru Fri

know, thinking. Guild and River-
CY Jul 15.

Art in the Middle: Sculpture, for middle schoolers; create 3D One of the side, the Clinton
art using clay,
CMY wood, wire, cardboard, foam, and other materials; millennium’s more Area Showboat
with guided tours, discussions, and shared techniques; $50-$60; thoughtful dramas, in Theatre and Mt.
for information and to register, call 563-326-7804, ext 2045, Figge
Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 9am fact, will be staged by Carroll’s Timber
Wed Jul 13. Moline’s Playcrafters Lake Playhouse are
Monster Tote, an assortment of dyed and natural reeds will be Barn Theatre this about to jump-start
available for you to personalize your monster; in classroom 3; $15
summer, when Shellie their annual seasons,
plus $36 materials fee, Rock Island Fitness and Activity Center, 4303
24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 5pm Thu Jul 14. Moore Guy directs and combined, the
Fridays at the Figge: Drawing & Mixed Media, art activities the capital-punish- two venues will be
for grades K-5, using crayons, pastel, colored pencils, and other ment piece A Lesson responsible for a
materials; bring a sack lunch and snacks; $45-$55; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Before Dying (July 15 whopping 15 of this
Davenport, IA,, 9am Fri Jul 15. through 24), based on summer’s theatrical
Organic Silk Scarves Class, join Jean Johnson, local artist and Ernest J. Gaines’ Pu- titles. After his Clin-
silk painter, for a fun session of dyeing silk scarves with natural litzer Prize-nominat- ton success last year,
and unusual materials like flowers, leaves, fruits, vegetables, wood
shavings, bad wine, and nails; take home three scarves; $60/person; ed book. Iowa City’s Jim Post will return
for information and to register, call Beth at 309-794-0991 x 30 or Dreamwell Theatre to the Showboat with
gets dramatic with his one-man effort

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

email, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th
Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 1pm Sun Jul 17.
Introduction to Figure Drawing Ages 13-17, increase
William Shakespeare’s Mark Twain & the
your understanding of drawing the human form; learn to draw historical classic Laughing River (June
from observation using a variety of media, including pencil and Henry V (June 3 19 and July 17); the
charcoal; value, line, and form are stressed; led by Sara Burrier; $94 through 11) and the company’s interns
tuition, $10 materials fee; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. anti-war vignettes of will command the, 12:30pm Mon Jul 18 thru Fri Jul 22. Soldier’s Daughter (July 15). And in addition stage with Artistic Director Patrick Stinson’s
Fridays at the Figge: Painting, art activities for grades K-5, using to presenting its annual tragedy in masks original comedy High School Reunion (July 9
acrylic and tempera; bring a sack lunch and snacks; $45-$55; for
with Sophocles’ Ajax (July 2 through 10), and 10); Broadway musicals will be repre-
information and to register, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum,
225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 9am Fri Jul 22. Rock Island’s Genesius Guild will stage sented with the adaptation of the movie High
Drawing and Watercolor Ages 13-17, explore self-expression the mack daddy of all dramatic works with Fidelity (June 16 through 26) and Tony-win-
while mastering various watercolor painting techniques with a dual Shakespeare’s King Lear (July 16 through ners The Drowsy Chaperone (July 14 through
emphasis on realistic observation and imaginative painting; led by
Sara Burrier; $94 tuition, $10 materials fee; for information, call 515-
24), featuring the consistently marvelous Pat 24), Annie (July 28 through August 7), and
277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, Flaherty in the title role. Evita (August 11 through 21); and non-secu-, 12:30pm Mon Jul 25 thru Fri Ah, but Lincoln Park won’t be a completely lar fun is in store with the repertory produc-
Jul 29. downbeat place to visit this summer; in
Acrylic Painting for Beginners, led by Allen Holloway; learn Continued On Page 38 15
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Quad City Arts Center, 1715 2nd Ave, Rock Island, IL, http://www.

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •, Thu May 26 thru Tue Jun 21.

the basics of color, composition, value, form, and more; Holloway

will help students apply concepts learned in the studio to paint
atmospheric, textural-looking landscapes using the images they Concerts
bring to class; $30-$35; for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Cracker Unplugged featuring David Lowery & Johnny
Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 10am Sat Hickman, alternative, rock, and Americana; $15; for information
Jul 30. and tickets, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Portrait Drawing Ages 13-17, learn to draw and render one Davenport, IA,, 8pm Thu May 26.
of the most popular subjects throughout art history; use charcoal From Broadway with Love, show-tune favorites in a cabaret
to create a realistic portrait by combining proportion, perspective, performance with “Happy Days” cast members Andrew J. Smith
contour, and shading; led by Deb Ames; $94 tuition, $10 materials and Maeve Martin; $10-$12; for information and tickets, call 309-
fee; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 786-7733, extension 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock
Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,, Island, IL,, 6pm Thu May 26.
9:30am Mon Aug 1 thru Fri Aug 5. ZZ Top & Lynyrd Skinner, legendary rockers in concert; $28-
Stained Glass Ages 13-17, acquire the skills to make anything $62.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW
you want, including a window or stepping stone; both lead and foil Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL,, 7pm
techniques are explored; led by Jerry Goodrich; $94 tuition, $65 Thu May 26.
materials fee; for information and to reserve, call 515-277-4405, Des David Zollo & The Body Electric, a concert in the Summer
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. of the Arts series; free, Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the, 12:30pm Mon Aug 1 thru Fri Aug 5. Sheraton Hotel, 210 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.
Fridays at the Figge: Sculpture, art activities for grades K-5,, 6:30pm Fri May 27.
inspired by the metal, wood, and ceramic works in the gallery; bring Kansas, legendary pop rockers of “Carry On Wayward Son” and

Thank You, Quad Cities!

a sack lunch and snacks; $45-$55; for information and to register, “Dust In The Wind” fame; $30-$40; for tickets and information, call
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, 800-724-5825, Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center, 1777 Isle, 9am Fri Aug 5. Parkway, Bettendorf, IA,
‘My So Called Drawing and Painting Class’ Ages 13-17, index.aspx, 7:30pm Fri May 27. Celebrating 5 Years in June

309-764-YOGA (9642)
class focuses on exploring techniques, color/composition, and
expression; work closely with the instructor to develop your ideas,
T-Model Ford & Gravelroad, Mississippi blues legend; $15; for with a NEW LOOK
information, call 309-793-4060, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock Island,
Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. IL,, 9pm Fri May 27.
and GREAT SPECIALS!, 12:30pm Mon Aug 8 thru Fri Aug 12.
ARTrageous, for ages 7-11; learn the basics behind drawing with
Summer Camp 2011 Music Festival, annual music festival, with Please stop by the studio to SEE
performances by Umphrey’s McGree, Huey Lewis & The rUMors,
pencils and color theory, and experiment with scratchboard; $38; Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers, STS9, SOJA and dozens more; what’s NEW and to SAVE $$$
for information, call 309-796-5000, Black Hawk College Outreach tickets start at $165/3-day pass with camping; for tickets, call 800-
Center, 301 Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, IL, http://www.bhc. 514-ETIX, Three Sisters Park, 17189 N. Rt. 29, Chillicothe, IL, http://
edu, 12pm Mon Aug 8 thru Fri Aug 12., Fri May 27 thru Sun May 29.
Artists Workshop, for ages 12-14; learn to draw realistically Josh Groban, multi-platinum-selling recording artist in concert;
and create 3D images by shading and recreating an image to scale; $49.50-$69.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201
draw with grey pencils and with white and black charcoal; $51; River Dr, Moline, IL,, 8pm Sat May
for information, call 309-796-5000, Black Hawk College Outreach 28. Learn more by visiting the Special Events
Center, 301 Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, IL, http://www.bhc. British Invasion: Satisfaction & American English, tributes page at UI"WFOVFt%PXOUPXO.PMJOF *-
edu, 2pm Mon Aug 8 thru Fri Aug 12. to the Rolling Stones and the Beatles; gates open at 6pm; $20,
Introduction to Illustration Ages 13-17, learn how to visualize Schwiebert Riverfront Park, between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock
and translate words through drawing, inking, and the addition of Island, IL,, 7pm Thu Jun 2.
color; led by Candance Trew Camling; $94 tuition, $10 materials Bettendorf Park Band Summer Concert, official opening of the
fee; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Summer Series; rain location - Herbert Goettsch Community Center,
Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,, 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf; free admission; for information, call
9:30am Mon Aug 8 thru Fri Aug 12. 563-332-5190 or e-mail, Bill Bowe Memorial

Make ART a part of your summer!

Brush Calligraphy, led by Amy Nielsen; learn calligraphy Bandshell, Middle Park, Bettendorf, IA, 7:30pm Fri Jun 3.
basics and let your creativity flow as you explore a variety of brush Hairball, a concert in the Nitefall on the River series; $18-$23,
lettering styles, color washes and decorative flourishes; beautify Simon Estes Amphitheater, 75 E. Locust St., Des Moines, IA, http://
your cards, create art for your home, and add flair and elegance to

Visit the Figge, 7pm Fri Jun 3.
your everyday correspondence; $30-$35; for information, call 563- Choral Dynamics: Destination U.S.A., a musical celebration of
326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http:// our nation’s freedom; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; $7-$15, ages 12 &, 10:30am Sat Aug 13. under free; for information and tickets, call 309-342-2299, Orpheum

Art Museum
Manga Ages 13-17, learn some of the history behind the art Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL, http://www.theorpheum.
form of Japanese comics and print cartoons and learn to draw a self- org, Fri Jun 3 thru Sun Jun 5.
portrait in the style of manga and create stories using your character; 26th Annual Concert on the Lawn, featuring the Knox-
led by Sara Burrier; $94; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des Galesburg Symphony under the direction of conductor Bruce
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. Polay, with Midwest Young Artists Junior Competition winner, 9:30am Mon Aug 15 thru Fri Aug 19. Allison Milligan performing Stamitz’ss “Flute Concerto in D Major”;
Surface Design on Fabric Ages 13-17, using a variety of program includes music from “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Harry
surface-design techniques, create yardage to make original scarves, Potter” movies, Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever,” Tchaikovsky’s
tote bags, and simple clothing; learn direct painting techniques, “1812 Overture,” and Rodgers’ “Victory at Sea”; on the south lawn
relief printing, dyeing and discharging,, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 of Old Main; free; for information, call 309-341-7268, Knox College,
Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,, Galesburg, IL,, 5pm Sat Jun 4.
12:30pm Mon Aug 15 thru Fri Aug 19. Spring Pops, annual concert with the Quad City Symphony
Drawing in the Galleries, led by Lynn Gingras-Taylor; $25-$30; Orchestra, featuring Michael Cavanaugh, star of the Broadway
for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, smash “Movin’ Out,” performing the music of Billy Joel, Elton John,
Davenport, IA,, 10am Sat Aug 20.

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

and others; for information, call 563-322-0931, Adler Theatre, 136 E.
Watercolor in Vander Veer Park, led by Cindy Bergthold, who 3rd St., Davenport, IA,, 7:30pm Sat
will focus on tips for plein air painting and techniques in color, shape, Jun 4.
value, texture and more will serve watercolorists at every level; Plies, American rapper performing for the Summer Kick-Off
One-day art classes for kids
class will meet at the stone building, 215 W. Central Park, located
north of and across the street from the conservatory; $30-$35; for
Jam; $30-$43; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Davenport RiverCenter, •
and adults Tours every Sunday
information, call 563-326-7804, Vander Veer Park, 215 W Central
Park, Davenport, IA,, 9am Sat Aug 27.
136 E. 3rd St, Davenport,
Jun 4.
proof is approved
GAHC Davenport Zither Ensemble, annual early-summer

Moline Dispatch
at 1:30

Co. will
FREE Family
July 16•
❑ OK as is ❑ OK after changes ❑S
Calls For Entry Special Summer Exhibition The Art of Seating:
concert under the direction of Don Ockermann; for information,for incorrect copy or layout.
40th Annual Custer’s Last Stand, accepting arts & crafts call 563-322-8844 or e-mail, West Family YMCA 200 Years of American Chair Design
applications for 2011 Festival of the Arts in Evanston, featuring - Davenport, 606 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,,
370 nationally acclaimed artists, craftspeople, and antique 2pm Sun Jun 5. The Art of Seating is developed by the Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville and the
dealers annually; for an application, call 847-328-2204 or e-mail Starlight Revue Concert: River City 6, with a 6pm ice-cream Jacobsen Collection of American Art; tour organized by International Arts & Artists, Washington, D.C., Downtown Dubuque, Dubuque, IA, social and 7pm concert; free fans for the first 200 guests; free; call, Thu May 26 thru Fri Jun 17. 309-732-7246 for weather updates, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave & 38th St,
The Artist in You, for all emerging and accomplished artists Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Tue Jun 7.
living within a 250-mile radius of the Quad Cities; exhibition is Big Head Todd & the Monsters and Toots & Maytals, a concert 563.326.7804
designed to give artists the opportunity to be part of a group exhibit
at Quad City Arts gallery and receive a written constructive critique
in the Nitefall on the River series; $20-$25, Simon Estes Amphitheater,
75 E. Locust St., Des Moines, IA,, 7pm
of each submission to assist with artists’ development; $5-$10/piece Thu Jun 9. Davenport, Iowa
registration; for information, call Dawn at 309-793-1213, ext. 108, The Baseball Project, concert with R.E.M. members Mike Mills 17
Sat Jun 18. Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the Sheraton Hotel, 210, 7pm Thu Jul 21.
John Prine, legendary singer-songwriter in concert, with special S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA,, Bettendorf Park Band Summer Concert, with guests the Big
guest Iris DeMent; $39.50-$59.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, 6:30pm Fri Jul 1. Top Circus Band; rain location - Herbert Goettsch Community Center,
Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.adlertheatre. Lee Greenwood & Louise Mandrell, country-music superstars 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf; free admission; for information, call
and Scott McCaughey, and Steve Wynn & Linda Pitmon; with special com, 8pm Sat Jun 18. in concert; $25-$35; for tickets and information, call 800-724-5825, 563-332-5190 or e-mail, Bill Bowe Memorial
guest Kerry Tucker; $10 - $15; for information, call 309-793-4060, Concert on the Lawn: uneXpected, music from the ‘70s-’90s; Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center, 1777 Isle Parkway, Bandshell, Middle Park, Bettendorf, IA, 7:30pm Fri Jul 22.
RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 8pm refreshments available for a freewill donation; free; for information, Bettendorf, IA,, Shame Train - Gglitch’d, a concert in the Summer of the
Thu Jun 9. call 309-786-2631, Broadway Presbyterian Church, 710 23rd St., Rock 7:30pm Fri Jul 1. Arts series; free, Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the
Beaker Brothers, a concert in the Summer of the Arts series; Island, IL,, 4pm Sun Jun 19. Umphrey’s McGee, a concert in the Nitefall on the River series; Sheraton Hotel, 210 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.
free, Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the Sheraton Hotel, Natasha Bedingfield, a concert in the Nitefall on the River $20-$25, Simon Estes Amphitheater, 75 E. Locust St., Des Moines, IA,, 6:30pm Fri Jul 22.
210 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA,, series; $20, Simon Estes Amphitheater, 75 E. Locust St., Des Moines,, 7pm Fri Jul 1. Max & Roxi: Live at the Temple Theater, an original blend of
6:30pm Fri Jun 10. IA,, 7pm Mon Jun 20. David Allan Coe - Fifth of Country, acclaimed country musician jazz and pop with Max Wellman and Roxi Copland; $27-$44.50; for
Bettendorf Park Band Summer Concert, featuring musical Quad City Singers Chorus Performance, free; for information, in concert, with local C & W openers; $20-$25; for information, call information, call 800-745-3000, Civic Center of Greater Des Moines,
guests the CASI New Horizons Band; rain location - Herbert call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, 309-793-4060, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www. 221 Walnut St., Des Moines, IA,, 8pm Fri
Goettsch Community Center, 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf; free, 7pm Tue Jun 21., 8:30pm Fri Jul 1. Jul 22 thru Sat Jul 23, 8pm Fri Jul 29 thru Sun Jul 31.
admission; for information, call 563-332-5190 or e-mail patannww@ Starlight Revue Concert: An Evening of Barbershop Music, North Mississippi Allstars Duo, concert with two-time Grammy Karaoke Night @ Fairmount, annual event hosted by Bee All, Bill Bowe Memorial Bandshell, Middle Park, Bettendorf, with a 6pm ice-cream social and 7pm concert; with the Win-It-in-a- Nominees Brothers Luther and Cody Dickinso; $20; for tickets and U Can Bee Karaoke for all ages; featuring a 4pm warm-up session,
IA, 7:30pm Fri Jun 10. Minute Contest; free; call 309-732-7246 for weather updates, Lincoln information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, 4:30pm teen karaoke, 6pm children’s karaoke, and 7pm adult
Jason Petty: Hank and My Honky Tonk Heroes, musical Park, 11th Ave & 38th St, Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Davenport, IA,, 9pm Fri Jul 1. karaoke; free refreshments and door prizes; for information, call
tribute to Williams, the musicians who influenced him, and stars Tue Jun 21. 2011 Iowa City Jazz Festival, three days of musical artists 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
who Williams influenced; noon lunch, 1pm performance; 6pm Yo La Tengo, experimental rock musicians in concert; $25; for performing on three stages, vendors, children’s activities, and more, Davenport, IA,, 4pm Tue Jul 26.
buffet, 7:15 performance; $41.18-$47.43; for information and tickets, tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East along Clinton St. and Iowa Ave.; for information, call 319-337-7944, Starlight Revue Concert: Main Ave. Jazz Band, with a 6pm
call 309-786-7733, extension 2, Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Washington St., Iowa City, IA,, 8pm Tue Jun Downtown Iowa City, Iowa City, IA, http://www.summerofthearts. ice-cream social and 7pm concert; with a QCSoDa dance lesson;
Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 1pm Fri Jun 10. 21. org, Fri Jul 1 thru Sun Jul 3. free; call 309-732-7246 for weather updates, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave
Gumbo Ya Ya 2011, two nights of New Orleans zydeco, jazz, Adobanga - Dr. Z’s Experiment, a concert in the Summer of 27th Annual Mississippi Valley Blues Festival, annual music & 38th St, Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Tue Jul 26.
and blues on two stages, a variety of foods including Cajun and the Arts series; free, Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the festival on the banks of the Mississippi, with concerts, workshops, Bettendorf Library/Trinity Bettendorf Family Concert &
Southern cuisine, street vendors and French Quarter culture; for Sheraton Hotel, 210 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA, http://www. children’s activities, and more; for information, call 563-322-5837 Ice Cream Social, for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
information, call 309-788-6311, The District of Rock Island, 16 1/2, 6:30pm Fri Jun 24. or e-mail, LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley St, Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.
St., Rock Island, IL,, Fri Jun 10 Bettendorf Park Band Summer Concert, with guests the Davenport, IA,, Fri Jul 1 thru Sun Jul 3., 6:30pm Thu Jul 28.
and Sat Jun 11. Iowa National Guard Band; rain location - Herbert Goettsch 80/35 Music Festival, two-day music festival featuring nearly 50 Keller Williams, a concert in the Nitefall on the River series;
Zac Brown’s Southern Ground Music & Food Festival, Community Center, 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf; free admission; national acts, budding regional performers, and local Iowa favorites $20-$25, Simon Estes Amphitheater, 75 E. Locust St., Des Moines, IA,
Southern-flavored rock with the Grammy winners and guests for information, call 563-332-5190 or e-mail, on three stages; lineup includes: Girl Talk, Galactic, Edward Sharpe, 7pm Thu Jul 28.
Blackberry Smoke and Sonia Leigh; gates open at 4pm; $45.50- Bill Bowe Memorial Bandshell, Middle Park, Bettendorf, IA, 7:30pm and the Magnetic Zeros, Titus Andronicus, The Reverend Peyton’s Big Branson on the Road, touring performance featuring old
$59.50; for tickets, call 800-514-ETIX, Three Sisters Park, 17189 N. Rt. Fri Jun 24. Damn Band, Of Montreal, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, Okkervil country favorites, amazing instrumentals, and comedy; 11:45am
29, Chillicothe, IL,, 4pm Fri Jun 10. Brown Bag Lunch: Michael and Angela Reese, family-friendly River, and Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe; $125 VIP Pass, $45 Two-Day doors, noon plated lunch, 1pm show - $41.18; 5:45pm doors, 6-7pm
The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13 piece big band musical celebration with the Reeses and their daughter Peyton; free; Ticket, $25 One-Day Ticket, Western Gateway Park, Des Moines, IA, buffet, 7:15pm show - $47.43; for tickets and information, call 309-
will be playing all your favorites from the Big Band era; featuring hits for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950, Sat Jul 2 and Sun Jul 3. 786-7733, extension 2, Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave.,
from Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Henry Mancini, and Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. Bettendorf Park Band 4th of July Concert, rain location Rock Island, IL,, Thu Jul 28 and Fri Jul 29.
Stan Kenton; $10-$12; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733, com, 12pm Fri Jun 24. - July 9, Herbert Goettsch Community Center, 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf Park Band Favorites Concert, rain location - Herbert
extension 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, Michael Bublé, concert with the international pop superstar; Bettendorf; free admission; for information, call 563-332-5190 or e- Goettsch Community Center, 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf; free, 6pm Fri Jun 10. $52-$87.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 mail, Bill Bowe Memorial Bandshell, Middle admission; for information, call 563-332-5190 or e-mail patannww@
John McCutcheon, folk singer & multi-instrumentalist in River Dr, Moline, IL,, 8pm Fri Jun Park, Bettendorf, IA, 7:30pm Mon Jul 4., Bill Bowe Memorial Bandshell, Middle Park, Bettendorf,
concert; $20; for information and tickets, call 319-688-2653, Englert 24. Starlight Revue Concert: Ellis Kell Band, with a 6pm ice-cream IA, 7:30pm Fri Jul 29.
Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.englert. The Nadas, a concert in the Nitefall on the River series; $15-$20, social and 7pm concert; with glow sticks for the kids; free; call 309- Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, Grammy-nominated gospel
org, 8pm Sat Jun 11. Simon Estes Amphitheater, 75 E. Locust St., Des Moines, IA, http:// 732-7246 for weather updates, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave & 38th St, quartet in their Cathedrals-Influenced Tour; $22-$27; for tickets, call
Starlight Revue Concert: The Ambassadors, with a 6pm ice-, 7pm Fri Jun 24. Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Tue Jul 5. 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http://
cream social and 7pm concert; with a sidewalk chalk contest for kids; Music IC: Where Literature and Music Meet, chamber-music Matisyahu with The Wailers, a concert in the Nitefall on the, 7:30pm Fri Jul 29.
free; call 309-732-7246 for weather updates, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave festival; concerts will take place in Trinity Episcopal Church in River series; $20-$25, Simon Estes Amphitheater, 75 E. Locust St., Des Kevin BF Burt & the Instigators, a concert in the Summer of
& 38th St, Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Tue Jun 14. downtown Iowa City at 7:30pm on June 24 & 25, and at 3pm on Moines, IA,, 7pm Wed Jul 6. the Arts series; free, Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the
Crystal Gayle, Grammy-winning country singer in concert; June 26; guest violinist and UI professor of music Katie Wolfe will Gin Blossoms, a concert in the Nitefall on the River series; $20- Sheraton Hotel, 210 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.
$15-$20; for tickets and information, call 800-724-5825, Quad-Cities join the Maia Quartet members; guest artists participating in the $25, Simon Estes Amphitheater, 75 E. Locust St., Des Moines, IA,, 6:30pm Fri Jul 29.
Waterfront Convention Center, 1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf, IA, festival include pianist Conor Hanick, cellist Jay Campbell, clarinetist, 7pm Thu Jul 7. Corrosion of Conformity, featuring the original, “Animosity”-, 7:30pm Thu Sean Rice, and violist Nathalie Cruden;, Trinity Episcopal Church - Bambu, a concert in the Summer of the Arts series; free, era lineup of Mike Dean, Reed Mullin, and Woody Weatherman; for
Jun 16. Iowa City, 320 E College St, Iowa City, IA, http://news-releases.uiowa. Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the Sheraton Hotel, 210 information, call 309-793-4060, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock Island,
Divapalooza: Rippin’ the Roof Off!, rhythm & blues, jazz, edu/2011/april/040111MusicIC.html, Fri Jun 24 thru Sun Jun 26. S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA,, IL,, 8pm Fri Jul 29.
musical theatre, rock & roll, folk, and country with three powerful A Very Open Rehearsal, the event will be led by a facilitator, 6:30pm Fri Jul 8. Big & Rich - Gretchen Wilson - Cowboy Troy - Two Foot Fred,
chanteuses and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame guitarist Ron DeWitte; who will encourage participants to interrupt the rehearsal with The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13 piece big band performing in the Xtreme Muzik Tour; $35-$65; for information and
$10-$20; for tickets and information, call 563-652-9815, Ohnward questions and comments; an event in the chamber-music festival will be playing all your favorites from the Big Band era; featuring hits tickets, call 877-677-3456., Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, 3184
Fine Arts Center, 1215 E Platt St., Maquoketa, IA, http://www. “Music IC: Where Literature and Music Meet”; free, University Capitol from Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Henry Mancini, and Highway 22, Riverside, IA, http://www.riversidecasinoandresort., 7pm Fri Jun 17. Centre, Downtown Mall Main Floor, Iowa City, IA, http://news- Stan Kenton; $10-$12; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733, com, 8pm Sat Jul 30.
Funkma$ter ft. - Katharine Ruestow - Big Funk Guarantee,, 10am Sat Jun extension 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, Joe Nichols, country star performing on the grandstand stage;
a concert in the Summer of the Arts series; free, Weatherdance 25., 6pm Fri Jul 8. for information, call 563-326-5338, Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds,
Fountain Stage, outside the Sheraton Hotel, 210 S. Dubuque St., Quad City Singers Chorus Performance, free; for information, Bettendorf Park Band Summer Concert, with guests the 2815 W. Locust St, Davenport, IA,, 8pm Tue
Iowa City, IA,, 6:30pm Fri Jun 17. call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, Tri-County Community Band; rain location - Herbert Goettsch Aug 2.
John Prine, legendary singer-songwriter in concert, with special, 10am Sat Jun 25. Community Center, 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf; free admission; Blake Shelton, country star performing on the grandstand
guest Iris DeMent; $39.50-$59.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Civic Senior Music Series: Senior Citizen Prom, on the second for information, call 563-332-5190 or e-mail, stage; for information, call 563-326-5338, Mississippi Valley
Center of Greater Des Moines, 221 Walnut St., Des Moines, IA, http:// floor; $5-$7; for information, call Ellis Kell at 563-326-1333, ext. 113, Bill Bowe Memorial Bandshell, Middle Park, Bettendorf, IA, 7:30pm Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, Davenport, IA, http://www.mvfair., 8pm Fri Jun 17. River Music Experience, 129 Main St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Fri Jul 8. com, 8pm Wed Aug 3.
Tracy Lawrence, country star playing for the 2011 Mississippi, 5pm Tue Jun 28. Starlight Revue Concert: Backwater Bayou Band, with a 6pm Darius Rucker, country star performing on the grandstand
River Motorcycle Rally, with openers Justin Morrissey & Friends; for Starlight Revue Concert: Five Bridges Jazz Band, with a 6pm ice-cream social and 7pm concert; with the Mardi Gras bead toss; stage; for information, call 563-326-5338, Mississippi Valley
information, call 800-563-5263, Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, 2815 ice-cream social and 7pm concert; with American-flag pins for all free; call 309-732-7246 for weather updates, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, Davenport, IA, http://www.mvfair.
who attend; free; call 309-732-7246 for weather updates, Lincoln & 38th St, Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Tue Jul 12. com, 8pm Thu Aug 4.
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

W. Locust St, Davenport, IA,, Fri

Jun 17. Park, 11th Ave & 38th St, Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Burlington Street Bluegrass Band, a concert in the Summer Music on the River: Smooth Groove, 6pm food, a 6:30pm
Burlesque Le’ Moustache: Cabaret Le’ Freak, a humorous Tue Jun 28. of the Arts series; free, Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the Hustle lesson with A. Rhythmic Time, and a 7pm concert, Schwiebert
and provocative stage show featuring slapstick humor, comic skits, Keith Urban, multi-platinum-selling country star in his “Get Sheraton Hotel, 210 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA, http://www. Riverfront Park, between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock Island, IL, http://
bawdy songs, striptease acts, and a scantily clad female chorus; Fri Closer” 2011 World Tour, with opener Jake Owen; $25-$55; for, 6:30pm Fri Jul 15., 7pm Thu Aug 4.
& Sat 8pm, Sun 6pm; $15; for information and tickets, call 309-786- tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline, IL, Bettendorf Park Band Summer Concert, rain location - Herbert Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz Festival, the 40th anniversary
7733, ext. 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 7:30pm Thu Jun 30. Goettsch Community Center, 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf; free of the annual jazz festival and the 80th anniversary of Bix’s death,, Fri Jun 17 thru Sun Jun 19. Toad the Wet Sprocket, a concert in the Nitefall on the River admission; for information, call 563-332-5190 or e-mail patannww@ which occurred on August 6, 1931; jazz musicians playing in
Bettendorf Park Band Summer Concert, rain location - Herbert series; $15-$20, Simon Estes Amphitheater, 75 E. Locust St., Des, Bill Bowe Memorial Bandshell, Middle Park, Bettendorf, numerous downtown venues, with performances by the Jimmy
Goettsch Community Center, 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf; free Moines, IA,, 7pm Thu Jun 30. IA, 7:30pm Fri Jul 15. Valentine Quintet, the River City 6, the Hot Club of Davenport, the
admission; for information, call 563-332-5190 or e-mail patannww@ Bettendorf Park Band Summer Concert, with guests the Big Rock the District: Tesla, all-ages show sponsored by RIBCO Manny Lopez Quartet, the Manny Lopez Big Band, the Davenport, Bill Bowe Memorial Bandshell, Middle Park, Bettendorf, River Brass Band; rain location - Herbert Goettsch Community Center, and the Daiquiri Factory, The District of Rock Island, 16 1/2 St., Rock Jazz Band, and the Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Youth Jazz Band; for
IA, 7:30pm Fri Jun 17. 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf; free admission; for information, call Island, IL,, 7pm Sat information, call 309-912-0820, Downtown Davenport, Davenport,
Blue Oyster Cult, rockers playing for the 2011 Mississippi River 563-332-5190 or e-mail, Bill Bowe Memorial Jul 16. IA,, Thu Aug 4 thru Sun Aug 7.
Motorcycle Rally, with openers King’s Kiss; for information, call Bandshell, Middle Park, Bettendorf, IA, 7:30pm Fri Jul 1. Starlight Revue Concert: Josh Duffee Orchestra, with a 6pm Hexbreakers - Clean Livin’, a concert in the Summer of
800-563-5263, Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, Intimate at the Englert: Haley Bonar & Holcombe Waller, ice-cream social and 7pm concert; with an Arthur Murray dance the Arts series; free, Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the
Davenport, IA,, Sat Jun 18. Minneapolis- and San Fancisco-based singer-songwriters in concert; lesson; free; call 309-732-7246 for weather updates, Lincoln Park, Sheraton Hotel, 210 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.
Huey Lewis & the News, concert with Grammy-winning, chart- $12; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 11th Ave & 38th St, Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Tue, 6:30pm Fri Aug 5.
topping pop-rock musicians; $35-$65; for tickets and information, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA,, 8pm Jul 19. The Steve Miller Band, famed blues rockers performing on the
call 877-677-3456, Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway Fri Jul 1. Lee DeWyze, a concert in the Nitefall on the River series; $12, grandstand stage; for information, call 563-326-5338, Mississippi
18 22, Riverside, IA,, 8pm Jazz Fest, a concert in the Summer of the Arts series; free, Simon Estes Amphitheater, 75 E. Locust St., Des Moines, IA, http:// Valley Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, Davenport, IA, http://www., 8pm Fri Aug 5., 8pm Sat Aug 20.

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Motley Crue & Poison, hard-rock legends in concert, with Janet Jackson, pop, R & B, soul, dance, jazz, rock and rap artist
openers New York Dolls; $29.50-$65; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, i on the grandstand stage; $55-$65, Iowa State Fairgrounds, East
wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline, IL, http://www.iwirelesscenter. 30th Street & East University Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.
com, 7pm Sat Aug 6., 8pm Sun Aug 21.
The Charlie Daniels Band, country artists performing on the Music on the River: Coupe de Ville, 6pm food, a 6:30pm line-
grandstand stage; for information, call 563-326-5338, Mississippi dance lesson with Cindy Baker, and a 7pm concert, Schwiebert
Valley Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Riverfront Park, between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock Island, IL, http://, 8pm Sat Aug 6., 7pm Thu Aug 25.
Miranda Lambert, country star performing on the grandstand Bermuda Report - OSG, a concert in the Summer of the
stage; for information, call 563-326-5338, Mississippi Valley Arts series; free, Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the
Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, Davenport, IA, http://www.mvfair. Sheraton Hotel, 210 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.
com, 8pm Sun Aug 7., 6:30pm Fri Aug 26.
Casting Crowns, Grammy-winning Christian rockers on the Peter Frampton, Grammy winning pop superstar in concert;
grandstand stage, performing with special guests Sanctus Real; $30, $30-$50; for information and tickets, call 877-677-3456, Riverside
Iowa State Fairgrounds, East 30th Street & East University Ave., Des Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside, IA, http://www.
Moines, IA,, 8pm Thu Aug 11., 7pm Sat Aug 27.
Music on the River: Crusin’, 6pm food, a 6:30pm line-dance Music on the River: Dani Lynn Howe Band, 6pm food, a
lesson with Cindy Baker, and a 7pm concert, Schwiebert Riverfront 6:30pm cha-cha lesson with A. Rhythmic Time, and a 7pm concert,
Park, between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rigov. Schwiebert Riverfront Park, between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock
org, 7pm Thu Aug 11. Island, IL,, 7pm Thu Sep 1.
The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13 piece big band Classes & Calls For Entry
will be playing all your favorites from the Big Band era; featuring hits Rock Camp USA, accepting applications for summer sessions
from Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Henry Mancini, and from June 13-24, July 5-15, and July 18-29; students rehearse for
Stan Kenton; $10-$12; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733, two weeks, record their dress rehearsal, and then perform live
extension 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, to a full house in the Redstone Room for family, friends, and fans;, 6pm Fri Aug 12. $395; for information, contact Ellis Kell at 563-326-1333, ext. 113,
Jason Aldean, country star on the grandstand stage, performing River Music Experience, 129 Main St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
with special guests Chris Young and Thompson Square; $45, Iowa, 4pm Thu May 26 thru Sun Jul 17.
State Fairgrounds, East 30th Street & East University Ave., Des Curtainbox Theatre Company: Private Voice Lessons,
Moines, IA,, 8pm Fri Aug 12. private voice lessons for a wide variety of musical genres; lessons
Sand in the City, a concert in the Summer of the Arts series; are available to students of any age or experience level; be sure to
free, Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the Sheraton Hotel, ask about rates, availability, and instructors; for information, contact
210 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA,, Kimberly Furness at 563-322-8504 or,
6:30pm Fri Aug 12. Curtainbox Theatre & Conservatory, 2850 Eastern Ave., Suite #200,
Ya Maka My Weekend 2011, annual celebration of Caribbean Davenport, IA,, Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec
music, food, culture, and island atmosphere; for information, call 31.
309-788-6311, The District of Rock Island, 16 1/2 St., Rock Island, IL, RME “On Tour” Program, multi-media presentation available, Fri Aug 12 and Sat Aug 13. for schools in the Quad-City area; program includes: Introduction
Def Leppard, legendary rockers on the grandstand stage, to River Music Experience; Multi-media presentation on history of
performing with special guests Heart; $49, Iowa State Fairgrounds, American roots music; Live music performance by 2-3 RME staff
East 30th Street & East University Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. or music instructors; Optional drum circle; and Conclusion with, 8pm Sat Aug 13. student participation, sing-a-long/play-a-long; for information
The Annual Big Band Show, presented by the Stearman Fly- and to arrange for the tour to visit your school, call Ellis kell at
In Foundation; for information, call 309-342-2299, The Orpheum 563-326-1333, ext. 113 or email,
Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL, http://www.theorpheum. River Music Experience, 129 Main St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
org, 7:30pm Sat Aug 13., Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec 31.
The Incredible Machine Tour featuring Sugarland & Sara Call for Entry: 6th Annual Teen Battle of Bands, call for entry
Bareilles, on the grandstand stage; $46, Iowa State Fairgrounds, for July 9 competition featuring young musicians playing rock, blues,
East 30th Street & East University Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www., 8pm Sun Aug 14.
Lynyrd Skinner & The Doobie Brothers, legendary rockers on
jazz, classical, or country; prize money and additional gigs awarded
to the top three bands; $25 registration fee; for information, call
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
Now Accepting Registrations
the grandstand stage; $46, Iowa State Fairgrounds, East 30th Street
& East University Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.iowastatefair.
com, 8pm Tue Aug 16.
Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,, Wed
Jun 1 thru Thu Jun 30.
Lipbone Redding & the Lipbone Orchestra Workshop,
David R. Collins
Ronnie Dunn, country-music icon on the grandstand stage,
with special guest Steel Magnolia; $35, Iowa State Fairgrounds,
East 30th Street & East University Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.
Lipbone and his two-man orchestra in a workshop greased with
uncanny riffs of vocal trumpeting, booming mouth percussion,
hilarious side moments, and esoteric lyrics; donations encouraged;
Writers’ Conference, 8pm Thu Aug 18.
Music on the River: The Candymakers, 6pm food, a 6:30pm
for information, call 563-326-1333, Mojo’s (River Music Experience),
130 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,,
June 23-25 at St. Ambrose University
West Coast swing lesson with QCSoDa, and a 7pm concert, 5:30pm Tue Jun 14.
Schwiebert Riverfront Park, between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock The Speech of Music, the Music of Writing, facilitated by
Island, IL,, 7pm Thu Aug 18.
Orquesta Alto Maiz, a concert in the Summer of the Arts series;
poet-librettist Michael Dennis Brown; held in conjunction with the
chamber-music festival“Music IC: Where Literature and Music Meet”; Enroll by June 16 for special prices
free, Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside the Sheraton Hotel, Tue 7:30pm, Wed 11am; free, University Capitol Centre, Downtown
210 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA,,
6:30pm Fri Aug 19.
Mall Main Floor, Iowa City, IA,
april/040111MusicIC.html, Tue Jun 21 and Wed Jun 22.
Three-day Workshops: Novel Writing,
The Heartland Jazz Orchestra, for information, call 309-342-
2299, The Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL, http://
Community Drum Circle, led by local musician Terry Hansen;
all attendees will participate with percussion instruments; Terry will
Publishing, Poetry and Creative Nonfiction, 6:30pm Fri Aug 19. lead participants through some history of the drum circle and then
Train & Maroon 5, noted blues rockers in concert on the through different rhythms; free; for information, call 563-344-4178,
Saturday Only Workshops: Writing One-Act

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

grandstand stage, with special guest Gavin DeGraw; $47, Iowa State Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
Fairgrounds, East 30th Street & East University Ave., Des Moines, IA,, 10am Thu Jun 30., 8pm Fri Aug 19.
Burlesque Le’ Moustache, a humorous and provocative
Koko Taylor Tribute Workshop, free workshop in conjunction
with the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival; for information, call 563-
Plays, Blogging for Bucks, Writing for Young
stage show featuring slapstick humor, comic skits, bawdy songs,
striptease acts, and a scantily clad female chorus; Fri & Sat 8pm, Sun
322-5837 or e-mail, LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley
St, Davenport, IA,, 5:30pm Sat Jul 2. Adults and E-publishing
6pm; $15; for information and tickets, call 309-786-7733, ext. 2, The Lionel Young Band Workshop, free workshop in conjunction
Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://circa21.
com/speakeasy.asp, 8pm Fri Aug 19 thru Sun Aug 21.
with the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival; for information, call 563-
322-5837 or e-mail, LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley
Luncheon with Kim Ostrom,
River Roots Live, annual musical festival featuring performances
by nationally and regionally acclaimed bands, plus vendors serving
St, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Sat Jul 2.
Paul Rishell and Annie Raines Workshop, free workshop
FREE evening events,
the finest ribs in the annual Ribfest celebration, LeClaire Park, River in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival; for & limited critique & pitch
Dr & Ripley St, Davenport, IA,, 11am information, call 563-322-5837 or e-mail, LeClaire
Fri Aug 19 and Sat Aug 20. Park, River Dr & Ripley St, Davenport, IA,, 4pm sessions available
Freddy Cole Quartet, Grammy Award-nominated jazz Sat Jul 2.
musicians in concert; $20-$35; for tickets and information, call 309-
342-2299, The Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL,
The “Way of Blues” Revue Workshop, free workshop in For more details visit Sponsors:
Modern Woodmen
conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival; for information,, 7:30pm Sat Aug 20. call 563-322-5837 or e-mail, LeClaire Park, River Dr of America
Reba McEntire, country-music legend on the grandstand stage, & Ripley St, Davenport, IA,, 2:30pm Sat Jul 2. Illinois Arts Council
with special guest Jerrod Niemann; $45, Iowa State Fairgrounds, BlueSKool: David Berntson, with free harmonicas and lessons or call 563.324.1410 St. Ambrose English Dept.
East 30th Street & East University Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www. for the kids; held in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Blues 19
stories, memoirs, poems, and articles less than 50 pages in length - Hustedde; free; for information, call 563-344-5705, Bettendorf and inviting the unconscious to surprise and to teach and to reveal
while eating scrumptious snacks; free; for information and to register, Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www. the unexpected to us in poems; for information and to register, call
call 563-888-3371, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,, 7pm Tue Jul 12. 563-324-1410, St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA,
6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportlibrary. The Bonfire: the Siege and Burning of Atlanta, discussion of, 3:15pm Thu Jun 23 thru
Festival; for information, call 563-322-5837 or e-mail mvbs@mvbs. com, 7pm Mon Jun 6. Marc Wortman’s book with the Civil War Book Discussion Group; Sat Jun 25.
org, LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Shadow Baby, a discussion of Alison McGhee’s book with free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 Using Poetic Form Without Being a Formalist, a course in the, 2:30pm Sat Jul 2 and Sun Jul 3. the Pageturners Book Club; free; for information, call 309-524- 41st St, Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Jul Midwest Writing Center’s David R. Collins 2011 Writers’ Conference,
BlueSKool: Winter Blues Kids, moderated by Ellis Kell and Hal 2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www. 14. led by Stephen Frech; workshop will provide a set of exercises
Reed; held in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival;, 7pm Tue Jun 7. 2011 Iowa City Book Festival, at more than 20 Iowa City locales; designed to give your poems a more purposeful arrangement
at 3:45 & 5pm; for information, call 563-322-5837 or e-mail mvbs@ Storytelling with Susan Pagnucci, Pagnucci will be sharing featuring author events and signings, book-related crafts/projects/ and more meaningful order; $65, with a discount for taking more, LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley St, Davenport, IA, http:// folk and fairy tales from around the world as part of the One World, materials highlighted in local businesses, open studios hosted by than one course; for information and to register, call 563-324-1410,, Sat Jul 2 and Sun Jul 3. Many Stories summer; free; for information, call 563-344-4178, book artists, a walking tour of bookstores, activities for all ages at the St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www.
David Horwitz Workshop, free blues-photography workshop Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, Iowa City Public Library, appearances by food writers in restaurants,, 10:15am Thu Jun 23 thru Sat Jun 25.
in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival; for, 1:30pm Tue Jun 7. and book festival specials in local shops and restaurants, Downtown Writing Creative Nonfiction: Artful Memoirs, Histories,
information, call 563-322-5837 or e-mail, LeClaire Sing Them Home, discussion of Stephanie Kallos’ book, the Iowa City, IA,, Fri Essays and More, a course in the Midwest Writing Center’s David
Park, River Dr & Ripley St, Davenport, IA,, 2011 All-Iowa Reads selection; free; for information, call 563-326- Jul 15 thru Sun Jul 17. R. Collins 2011 Writers’ Conference, led by Barbara Lounsberry;
2:30pm Sun Jul 3. 7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Persuasion, discussion of Jane Austen’s book with the Classics course on the current excitement of literary nonfiction, “techniques”
Harper Workshop, free workshop in conjunction with the Ave., Davenport, IA,, 7pm Wed Book Club; free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public used by the best nonfiction writers, and ethical and legal issues
Mississippi Valley Blues Festival; for information, call 563-322-5837 Jun 8. Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,, 7pm that confront those who write about real people, places, and
or e-mail, LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley St, The H.L. Hunley: the Secret Hope of the Confederacy, a Mon Jul 18. events; for information and to register, call 563-324-1410, St.
Davenport, IA,, 1pm Sun Jul 3. discussion of Tom Chaffin’s book with the Civil War Book Group; free; blue//green Reading Series, original readings of concept Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www.
Rich DelGrosso and Jonn Richardson Workshop, free for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st literature by j.branden and s.gath; free; for information, call 319-, 3:15pm Thu Jun 23 thru Sat Jun 25.
workshop in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival; St, Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Jun 9. 351-9529 or e-mail, The Mill, 120 E Writing for Publication in the 21st Century, a course in the
for information, call 563-322-5837 or e-mail, Writers’ Workshop 75th Reunion Reading, alumni from the Burlington, Iowa City, IA,, 8pm Wed Jul 20. Midwest Writing Center’s David R. Collins 2011 Writers’ Conference,
LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley St, Davenport, IA, http://www.mvbs. Iowa Writers’ Workshop will stage a marathon poetry and fiction Author Zachary Jack’s ZigZag Tour, launch for Jack’s latest led by Robert Brown and Sharene Martin-Brown; three-part
org, 5:30pm Sun Jul 3. reading; free; for information, call 319-351-9529, The Mill, 120 E nonfiction book after the release of last summer’s successful novel workshop series about writing, agents, and getting published; $65,
Richii Valentino and Chris Beard Workshop, free workshop Burlington, Iowa City, IA,, 9pm Fri “What Cheer”; free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf with a discount for taking more than one course; for information and
in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival; for Jun 10. Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www. to register, call 563-324-1410, St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust,
information, call 563-322-5837 or e-mail, LeClaire The Conductor, desserts and a discussion of Aleksander, 7pm Thu Jul 21. Davenport, IA,, 10:15am Thu
Park, River Dr & Ripley St, Davenport, IA,, 4pm Hemon’s short story with the Shorts & Sweets @ Fairmount Keeper of the Wild, a discussion of Joe Paddock’s book with the Jun 23 thru Sat Jun 25.
Sun Jul 3. Discussion Group; free; registration required; for information, call Environmental Book Club; free; for information, call 563-322-2969, David R. Collins Writers Conference, sponsored by the
Fun with Sound, for ages 15-18; learn some basics of studio 563-328-6833, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., River Action, 822 E. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www.riveraction. Midwest Writing Center; annual conference featuring workshops
equipment and the recording studio; record your talent and produce Davenport, IA,, 10am Mon Jun org, 7pm Tue Jul 26. with Julie McDonald, Sally John, Stephen Frech, Connie Wilson,
some of your songs on a CD to take home; $60; for information, call 13. Short & Sweets @ Eastern, discuss short literature - including Jon Ripslinger, Barbara Lounsberry, Steve Semken, Robert Brown,
309-796-5000, Attica Recording Studio, 3117 31st Ave., Rock Island, DAGOBAH, on the second Monday of the month; the stories, memoirs, poems, and articles less than 50 pages in length - and Sharene Martin-Brown; $30-$225, depending on course load;
IL,, 11am Mon Jul 11 thru Fri Jul 15. Davenport Area Gathering of Books and Humanoids Sci-Fi/Fantasy while eating scrumptious snacks; free; for information and to register, for information, call 563-324-1410, St. Ambrose University, 518 W.
Jim Cullum Jazz Band Clinic, a clinic in conjunction with the Book Discussion Group; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, call 563-888-3371, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, Locust, Davenport, IA,, Thu
Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz Festival, River Music Experience, 129 Davenport Public Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportlibrary. Jun 23 thru Sat Jun 25.
Main St, Davenport, IA,, 4:30pm Sat Aug, 6pm Mon Jun 13 thru Mon com, 7pm Mon Aug 1. Blogging for Bucks, a course in the Midwest Writing Center’s
6. Dec 12. Cracker Chidlings, desserts and a discussion of Marjorie David R. Collins 2011 Writers’ Conference, led by Connie Wilson;
blue//green Reading Series, original readings of concept Kinnan Rawlings’ short story with the Shorts & Sweets @ Fairmount Wilson will lead you, step-by-step, through the process of posting
literature by j.branden and s.gath; free; for information, call 319- Discussion Group; free; registration required; for information, call articles on Associated Content; $25; for information and to register,
351-9529 or e-mail, The Mill, 120 E 563-328-6833, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., call 563-324-1410, St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport,
Burlington, Iowa City, IA,, 8pm Wed Jun 15. Davenport, IA,, 10am Mon Aug IA,, 1:30pm Sat Jun 25.
Readings & Discussions Wise Blood, discussion of Flannery O’Connor’s book with the 8. The World of E, a course in the Midwest Writing Center’s David
PBS Kids Go Writing Contest Winners, 16 winning stories from Classics Book Club; free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Middlemarch, discussion of George Eliot’s book with the R. Collins 2011 Writers’ Conference, led by Robert Brown and
the recent contest on display; for information, call 309-764-2400, Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.molinelibrary. Classics Book Club; free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Sharene Martin-Brown; workshop will define what e-books and e-
Butterworth Center, 1105 8th Street, Moline, IL,, com, 7pm Mon Jun 20. Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.molinelibrary. publishing are, explain how they differ from the traditional print and
Thu May 26 thru Sun Jun 5. Sing Them Home, discussion of Stephanie Kallos’ book, the com, 7pm Mon Aug 15. self-publishing paradigms, and offer insights on what e-publishing
Out Loud Open Prose & Poetry Readings, free; for information, 2011 All-Iowa Reads selection; free; for information, call 563-326- Eaarth, a discussion of Bill McKibben’s book with the opportunities can mean for one’s writing career; $25; for information
call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, 7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, Environmental Book Club; free; for information, call 563-322-2969, and to register, call 563-324-1410, St. Ambrose University, 518
Davenport, IA,, 7pm Thu, 7pm Tue Jun 21. River Action, 822 E. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www.riveraction. W. Locust, Davenport, IA,,
May 26. PBS Kids Go Writing Contest Winners, 16 winning stories from org, 7pm Tue Aug 23. 3:45pm Sat Jun 25.
Bettendorf Library Summer Reading Program, a Read-To- the recent contest on display; for information, call 309-764-2400, Out Loud Open Prose & Poetry Readings, free; for information, Writing for Young Adults: The Ultimate Challenge, a course
Me Program is provided for children not yet reading on their own Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, in the Midwest Writing Center’s David R. Collins 2011 Writers’
and a Readers program is also provided for independent readers;, Wed Jun 22 thru Tue Jul 5. Davenport, IA,, 7pm Thu Conference, led by John Ripslinger; presentation will include a
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Out Loud Open Prose & Poetry Readings, free; for information, Aug 25. discussion of such topics as Finding Teen Markets and Agents,
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Workshops & Classes Researching the Teen Scene, Getting Your Novel Started, Finding
com, Tue May 31 thru Sat Jul 30. Davenport, IA,, 7pm Thu Writers’ Studio, critique group meets on the 1st and 3rd Your Teen Voice, and Answering Questions You Always Wanted to
Scott County Library Systems’ “One World, Many Stories” Jun 23. Saturdays of the month; free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Ask a Published Author; $25; for information and to register, call
2011 Summer Reading Program, for all ages; visit one of the The Greatest Journey Begins with the First Step, author Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA, 563-324-1410, St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA,
Scott County Library System branches in Eldridge, Princeton, Blue luncheon with David R. Collins 2011 Writers’ Conference keynote, 11am Sat Jun 4 thru Sat, 9:30am Sat Jun 25.
Grass, Buffalo, Walcott, Durant or at the Scott County Bookmobile to speaker Kimberly Ostrom, who has written both historical and Aug 20 Young Emerging Writers Summer Camp for Middle School
receive a reading log and count the minutes you read; participants contemporary romances; $15; for information, call 563-324- Jump “Write” In, for ages 8-12; invent your own story and Students, for ages 10-14; learn about various forms of writing,
will get awards for reaching reading goals; for information, call 563- 1410, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., characters, and illustrate and design your pages for your book; $71; participate in writing exercises, learn how to critique each others’
285-4794,, Wed Jun 1 thru Sun Davenport, IA,, 11:45am Fri for information, call 309-796-5000, Black Hawk College Outreach work, and meet local writing professionals; $50; for information and
Jul 31. Jun 24. Center, 301 Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, IL, http://www.bhc. to register, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd
CASI Book Club Meeting, on the first Friday of the month; $2-$4; Beat Poet’s Night @ Mojo’s, on the last Monday of the month; edu, 10am Mon Jun 13 thru Fri Jun 17. St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA,,
for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), co-sponsored by the Midwest Writing Center, led by intern Broc A Novel Journey, a course in the Midwest Writing Center’s David 10am Mon Jul 18 thru Fri Jul 22.
1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, Nelson; poets and musicians welcome, no profanity allowed; R. Collins 2011 Writers’ Conference, led by Sally John; participants Calls For Entry
10am Fri Jun 3 thru Fri Dec 2. donations encouraged; for information, call 563-324-1410 or e-mail will explore the process of writing a novel, with topics including Iowa Summer Writing Festival, weeklong and weekend
PBS Kids Go Writing Contest Winners, 16 winning stories from, Mojo’s (River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

prep work, what every hero needs, the essence of conflict, wooing workshops including fiction, poetry, nonfiction and playwriting
the recent contest on display; for information, call 309-764-2400, St, Davenport, IA,, 6pm Mon the reader, and publishing; $65, with a discount for taking more will run from June 12 through July 29; in small groups, adult writers
Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.pbs. Jun 27 thru Mon Dec 26. than one course; for information and to register, call 563-324-1410, of all ages from throughout the country share, read and discuss
org, Mon Jun 6 thru Tue Jun 21. The Lost Art of Walking, a discussion of Geoff Nicholson’s book St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www. their work under the leadership of accomplished writer/educators;
A Midsummer Knights’ Read, reading promotions and events with the Environmental Book Club; free; for information, call 563-, 8:30am Thu Jun 23 thru Sat Jun 25. $560/week, $280/weekend; for information, contact 319-335-4160
for children and adults at all three Rock Island library branches; for 322-2969, River Action, 822 E. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www. So You Want to Be an Author, Now What?—How to Get from or, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, http://
information, call 309-732-7323,,, 7pm Tue Jun 28. Good Idea to Published Book, a course in the Midwest Writing, Thu May 26 thru
Mon Jun 6 thru Fri Jul 29. The Girls from Ames, discussion of Jeffrey Zaslow’s book with Center’s David R. Collins 2011 Writers’ Conference, led by Steve Sun Jun 12.
Bury Yourself in Treasure, reading promotions and events for the Pageturners Book Discussion Group; free; for information, call Semken; workshop will cover writing exercises, how to decide if your Mississippi Valley Poetry Chapbook Contest, submissions
teens; enter every time you read five hours or attend a teen library 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http:// writing has an audience, figuring out what you write best, writing must be 16 to 24 pages of poetry; manuscripts must be paginated
program; special prize drawing and party at completion of the, 7pm Tue Jul 5. styles and techniques, editing practices, writing queries, making and secured with a binder clip (no staples); no name or identifying
challenge; entry forms available at all Rock Island libraries; free; for PBS Kids Go Writing Contest Winners, 16 winning stories from submissions, finding readers, picking a publisher, what it means to information should appear on poems; cover page should include:
information, call 309-732-7323,, the recent contest on display; for information, call 309-764-2400, have a book tour, generating publicity, and marketing ideas; $65, chapbook title, author name, address, phone, email and please
Mon Jun 6 thru Fri Jul 29. Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf, IA, http:// with a discount for taking more than one course; for information indicate whether you are submitting to the Regional or National
A Midsummer Knight’s Read Summer Reading Program,, Wed Jul 6 thru Wed Jul 20. and to register, call 563-324-1410, St. Ambrose University, 518 contest; regional contest submissions must be accompanied
win prizes for reading; featuring programs and activities for all ages, The Damned Thing, desserts and a discussion of Ambrose W. Locust, Davenport, IA,, by utility bill or driver’s license as proof of residency; author Ann
including a weeklong Medieval Faire featuring jousting, crafts, and Bierce’s short story with the Shorts & Sweets @ Fairmount Discussion 1:30pm Thu Jun 23 thru Sat Jun 25. Hudson will serve as the judge for the national contest; $15
more; for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library, Group; free; registration required; for information, call 563-328- Sounds: Letting the Ear Write Poems, a course in the Midwest contest reading fee; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest
3210 41st St, Moline, IL,, Mon Jun 6 6833, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, Writing Center’s David R. Collins 2011 Writers’ Conference, led by Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA, http://www.
thru Sat Jul 30., 10am Mon Jul 11. Stephen Frech; practice different habits of listening and using, Thu May 26 thru Sun Jul 31.
20 Short & Sweets @ Eastern, discuss short literature - including What Cheer, a discussion of Zachary Jack’s book, led by Hedy sound to guide the writing; learn exercises of sound for letting go The 2012 Collins Poetry Residency, applications are currently
being accepted for the month-long residency that will take place Society, 10 S Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA,, The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, tickets and information, call 309-762-6610, Quad City Music Guild

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

in April 2012; the resident poet will facilitate at least one public 7:30pm Fri Jun 3 thru Sat Jun 11. 1971 Pulitzer prize-winning family drama directed by Mary Beth - Prospect Park Auditorium, 1584 34th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www.
reading, workshop, online poetry forum, and launch a limited Altar Boyz, the non-secular boy-band musical comedy, Easley; a presentation in the 2011 Summer Rep series, themed, Fri Jul 8 thru Sun Jul 17.
edition broadside publication; the resident poet will be selected performed in repertory with “Nunsense”; $16-$20; for tickets and “About My Family...”; $13-$26; for tickets and information, call 319- Guys & Dolls, Frank Loesser’s musical-comedy classic; Thu-Sat
based on their writing resume, five representative poems, and information, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat Theatre, 311 335-1160, David Thayer Theatre, University Theaters, Iowa City, IA, 7:30pm, Sun 2:30pm; $12-$25; for tickets and information, call 319-
their purpose statement; applicants must be residents in one of the Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA,, Fri Jun, Tue Jun 366-8591, Theatre Cedar Rapids, 102 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA,
following counties: Illinois’ Henry, Mercer, or Rock Island counties, 3 thru Sun Jun 12. 21 thru Thu Jul 7., Fri Jul 8 thru Sat Jul 30.
or Iowa’s Clinton, Muscatine, or Scott counties; the chosen poet will G.I. Jukebox: CASI Seniors’ Old Creamery Theatre Company Reasons to Be Pretty, Neil LaBute’s comedic drama on the The Music Man, Meredith Willson’s musical classic; a
work under the guidance of poet Dr. Ellen Tsagaris; for information, Day Trip, take a musical journey back to the 1940’s and enjoy an importance of physical beauty in relationships; in the Stoner Studio presentation in the 2011 Heartland Festival season; for tickets,
call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, evening of entertainment with such songs as “I’ll Be Seeing You,” Theatre; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 3pm; $23.50-$26.50; for tickets, call call 608-342-1298; 1 University Plaza, Platteville, WI, http://www2.
Davenport, IA,, Thu May 26 “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree,” and “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy”; 800-745-3000, Civic Center of Greater Des Moines, 221 Walnut St.,, Fri Jul 8 thru Sun Aug 7.
thru Wed Aug 31. visit the Amana shops prior to lunch; paid reservations required; Des Moines, IA,, Thu Jun 23 thru Sat High School Reunion, original musical performed by the
Voices of Disability Writing Contest, second-annual $65-$70; for information, call 563-386-7477, Old Creamery Theatre, Jul 9. Showboat’s intern staff, written by Patrick Stinson; for tickets and
writing contest to encourage creative writing that explores and 39 38th Ave., Amana, IA,, 9am Thu Jun Songs for a New World, chamber musical by Jason Robert information, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat Theatre, 311
illuminates topics around the word “disability”; UI faculty, staff, 9. Brown; in the Grace Theatre; a presentation in the Festival 56 season; Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA,, Sat Jul
and students, plus residents of the Johnson County area and Same Time, Next Year, Tony-winning romantic-comedy by $13-$26; for information and tickets, call 815-879-5656, Grace 9 and Sun Jul 10.
surrounding counties, are encouraged to submit writings of 1,500 Bernard Slade; Thu-Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm; $16-$18; for tickets and Performing Arts Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL, http://www. Lost in Yonkers, Neil Simon’s Pulitzer prize-winning dramatic
or fewer words; one entry per person; one winner will be selected information, call 563-499-6371, Harrison Hilltop Theatre, 1601, Fri Jun 24 thru Sat Jul 2. comedy, directed by Eric Forsythe ; a presentation in the 2011
in four categories: adult prose, adult poetry, youth prose and youth Harrison St, Davenport, IA,, Thu Two Gentlemen of Verona, Shakespeare’s comedy classic, Summer Rep series, themed “About My Family...”; $13-$26; for tickets
poetry; first-place awards will bring a prize of $50 and publication; Jun 9 thru Sat Jun 25. directed by Ron Clark; a presentation in the Riverside Theatre’s 2011 and information, call 319-335-1160, E. C. Mabie Theatre, University
second and third places will also earn publication; no entry fee; for 711 Theatre Project, fifth-annual presentations of eight new Shakespeare Festival, performed in repertory with “Ah, Wilderness”; of Iowa Theatre Building - 200 N. Riverside Dr., Iowa City, IA, http://
information, contact Carly Armour at 319-335-1462 or cda@uiowa. 11-minute plays, producved by participants who have seven days $17-$39; for tickets and information, call 319-338-7672, Riverside, Thu Jul 14
edu, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, to write, rehearse, costume, and perform their original play; Fri & Sat Theatre Festival Stage, Lower City Park, Iowa City, IA, http://www. thru Sat Jul 23.
announcements.html, Thu May 26 thru Sun Mar 1. 8pm, Sun 3pm; $12; for information, e-mail,, Fri Jun 24 thru Sat Jul 9. Red Herring, farcical comedy set in the ‘50s; Tue-Sat 7:30pm,
Grand View University Viking Theatre, 2811 E 14th St, Des Moines, IA, Grease, the rock ‘n’ roll musical classic; a presentation in the 2011 Sun 2pm, July 17 – 6:30pm; $15-$23; for tickets and information,, Fri Jun 10 thru Sun Jun 12. Heartland Festival season; for tickets, call 608-342-1298; 1 University call 815-244-2035, Timber Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Road, Mt.
Cinderella, Rodgers’ & Hammerstein’s fairytale musical; Thu-Sat Plaza, Platteville, WI,, Fri Jun Carroll, IL,, Thu Jul 14 thru
7:30pm, Sun 2pm; $10-$15; for tickets and information, call 309-762- 24 thru Sat Aug 6. Sat Jul 23.
Performances 6610, Quad City Music Guild - Prospect Park Auditorium, 1584 34th Sweet Charity, Bob Fosse musical with a book by Neil Simon; The Drowsy Chaperone, Tony Award-winning musical-comedy
Icaria, Merrill Sparks’ musical production that tells of a group Ave., Moline, IL,, Fri Jun 10 thru Sun Tue-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm, July 3 – 6:30pm; $15-$23; for tickets and within a musical-comedy; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun & Wed 3pm; $16-
of communists from France who settled in Corning, Iowa to create Jun 19. information, call 815-244-2035, Timber Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black $20; for tickets and information, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area
their own colony; Thu & Fri 7:30pm, Sat 2pm; $10-$15; for tickets Murder Rides Again, a Wild West-themed dinner theatre Oak Road, Mt. Carroll, IL,, Thu Showboat Theatre, 311 Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA, http://www.
and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East production; a presentation in the 2011 Heartland Festival season; for Jun 30 thru Sun Jul 10., Thu Jul 14 thru Sun Jul 24.
Washington St., Iowa City, IA,, Thu May 26 tickets, call 608-342-1298; 1 University Plaza, Platteville, WI, http:// I Do! I Do!, two-person musical romance, directed by Nathan Jesus Christ Superstar, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s rock-opera
thru Sat May 28., Fri Jun 10 thru Sat Aug 6. Halvorson; a presentation in the 2011 Summer Rep series, themed classic; Thu-Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm; $18-$20; for tickets, call 563-449-
The Lion, The Witch, & the Wardrobe, stage adaptation of the Hairspray, Tony-winning, 50’s-era Broadway smash; Wed, Fri, “About My Family...”; $13-$26; for tickets and information, call 319- 6371 or e-mail, Harrison Hilltop Theatre,
C.S. Lewis classic; $12-$25; for tickets and information, call 319-366- Sat, & June 16 - 5:45pm doors, 6pm buffet, 7:15pm Bootlegger 335-1160, Theatre B - University of Iowa, Theatre Building, 200 N. 1601 Harrison St, Davenport, IA,,
8591, Theatre Cedar Rapids, 102 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, http:// pre-show, 7:45pm performance; Sun - 3:45pm doors, 4pm buffet, Riverside Dr., Iowa City, IA, Thu Jul 14 thru Sat Aug 6., 7:30pm Thu May 26 thru Sat May 28. 5:15pm Bootlegger pre-show, 5:45pm performance; Wed. matinee summer-rep.htm, Fri Jul 1 thru Sun Jul 24. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare’s comedy
The Dixie Swim Club, Southern-belle comedy by Jessie Jones, - 11:30am doors, 11:45am plated lunch, 1pm Bootlegger pre-show, Ajax, Genesius Guild’s production of Sophocles’ Greek drama, presented by the student actors of the Summer Players Drama
Nicholas Hope, and Jamie Wooten; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun & Wed 1:30pm performance; $41.28-$47.55; for tickets and information, performed in period masks; Sat & Sun 8pm; donations accepted; Troupe, directed by Angela Rathman; free; for information, call 309-
3pm; $17.50-$27; for tickets and information, call 800-35-AMANA, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd for information, e-mail, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock
Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th Ave., Amana, IA, http://www. Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 7:45pm Wed Jun 15 & 38th St, Rock Island, IL,, Sat Jul 2 thru Island, IL,, 2pm Fri Jul 15., 3pm Thu May 26 thru Sun May 29. thru Sat Aug 13. Sun Jul 10. Late Night Cabaret: 80’s Night, an after-hours party where
Under the Radar, a New Ground Theatre presentation of an Flight of the Lawnchair Man, new musical comedy about The Taming of the Shrew, on Sundays and Wednesdays; the Festival 56 Company of Artists perform cabaret songs, scenes,
original script by Chris Jansen, about the Quad Cities’ gay & lesbian a man and his flying chair; Tue-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm, June 19 William Shakespeare’s farcical romance; a free presentation in the and dances in a relaxed, social atmosphere; in the Grace Theatre;
scene in the 1960’s; written in conjunction with QCAD; Thu-Sat – 6:30pm; $15-$23; for tickets and information, call 815-244-2035, Festival 56 series; on Sundays & Wednesdays; for information, call $7 at the door; for information and tickets, call 815-879-5656, Grace
7:30pm, Sun 2pm; $12-$15; for tickets and information, call 563-326- Timber Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Road, Mt. Carroll, IL, http:// 815-879-5656, Soldiers and Sailors Park, Princeton, IL, http://www. Performing Arts Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL, http://www.
7529, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Village of East Davenport, IA,, 7:30pm Thu Jun 16 hru Sat Jun, Sun Jul 3 thru Sun Jul 31., 10pm Fri Jul 15., Thu May 26 thru Sun May 29. 25. Annie Get Your Gun, Irving Berlin’s classic Wild West Show All Shook Up, Broadway’s Presley-via-Shakespeare musical
Heroes, award-winning Tom Stoppard comedy presented by High Fidelity, musical adaptation of the 2000 John Cusack musical; in the Council Auditorium; a presentation in the Festival comedy, directed by Richard Hall; Fri & Sat 7pm, Sun 2pm; $10-$18;
Dairy-aire Theatrics of Minneapolis; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 1:30pm; film; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun & Wed 3pm; $16-$20; for tickets and 56 season; $13-$26; for information and tickets, call 815-879-5656, for tickets, call 563-652-9815, Ohnward Fine Arts Center, 1215 E Platt
$10-$22; for information and tickets, call 319-622-3222, Iowa information, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat Theatre, 311 Grace Performing Arts Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL, http:// St., Maquoketa, IA,, Fri Jul
Theatre Artists Company, 4709 220th Trail, Amana, IA, http://www. Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA,, Thu, Tue Jul 5 thru Tue Jul 12. 15 thru Sun Jul 17., Fri May 27 thru Sun May 29. Jun 16 thru Sun Jun 26. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, family musical adaptation of Soldier’s Daughter, short playlets by Dreamwell Theatre, with
Happy Days - A New Musical, stage version of the classic Gypsy, Countryside Community Theatre’s presentation of Laura Joffe Numeroff’s children’s book; Tue, Thu., and Sat at 10am an overarching storyline about a soldier returning from war to tell
‘50s sit-com; Wedm Fri, & Sat - 5:45pm doors, 6pm buffet, 7:15pm the behind-the-scenes show-biz classic, with music by Jule Styne, and/or 1pm; $8.50; for tickets, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, Circa his daughter stories; the show is performed promenade style, as
Bootlegger pre-show, 7:45pm performance; Sun - 3:45pm doors, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, and a book by Arthur Laurent; Thu-Sat ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www. audience members follow the action to different sites on the farm,
4pm buffet, 5:15pm Bootlegger pre-show, 5:45pm performance; 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; for information, call 563-285-6228, North Scott, Tue Jul 5 thru Sat Jul 30. Fri & Sat 7:30pm; Country Camp LLC, 603 B Avenue, Kalona, IA,
Wed matinee - 11:30am doors, 11:45am plated lunch, 1pm High School Fine Arts Auditorium, 200 S. 1st St., Eldridge, IA, http:// The Shape of Things, Neil LaBute’s comedic drama about a man, Fri Jul 15 thru Sat Jul 23.
Bootlegger pre-show, 1:30pm performance; $41.28-$47.55; for, 7:30pm Fri Jun 17 thru Sun Jun 26. transforming himself for love; in the Stoner Studio Theatre; $23.50- A Lesson Before Dying, Romulus Linney’s drama based on the
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, Circa ‘21 None of the Above, romantic comedy by Jenny Lyn Bader; Fri $26.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Civic Center of Greater Des Pulitzer prize-nominated book, directed by Shellie Moore Guy; Fri &
Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www.circa21. & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; $12-$13; for information and tickets, call Moines, 221 Walnut St., Des Moines, IA,, Sat 7:30pm, Sun 3pm; $10; for tickets and information, call 309-762-
com, Fri May 27 thru thru Sat Jun 4. 319-462-4793, Starlighters II Theatre, 136 E. Main St., Anamosa, IA, Wed Jul 6 thru Sun Jul 17. 0330, Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline, IL, http://
Chicago, national tour of Kander & Ebb’s Broadway musical, Fri Jun 17 thru Sun Jun 26. The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde’s classic comedy, Fri Jul 15 thru Sun Jul 24.
sensation; Thu-Sun 7:30pm, Sat 2pm, Sun 1pm; $20-$63.50; for The Lady With All The Answers, comedy about renowned of manners, directed by Joe DePauw; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 4pm; All Shook Up, Elvis meets Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” in a
tickets, call 800-745-8000, Civic Center of Greater Des Moines, 221 advice columnist Ann Landers, by David Rambo; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, $10; for tickets and information, call 309-944-2244, Barn Theatre in presentation by the Prairie Players Civic Theatre; Fri & Sat 7:30pm,
Walnut St., Des Moines, IA,, Thu Jun 2 Fri & Sun 1:30pm; $10-$25; for information and tickets, call 319-622- Richmond Hill Park, 600 Hk Robinson Dr., Geneseo, IL, http://www. Sun 2pm; $13-$17; for tickets and information, call 309-342-2299,
thru Sun Jun 5. 3222 or e-mail, Iowa Theatre Artists Company,, Thu Jul 7 thru Sun Jul 17. The Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL, http://www.
Don’t Talk to the Actors, backstage comedy by Tom Dudzick, 4709 220th Trail, Amana, IA,, Fri The Queen of Bingo, popular comedy by Jeanne Michels, Fri Jul 15 thru Sun Jul 17.
directed by Susan Simosky; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 4pm; $10; Jun 17 thru Sun Jun 26. and Phyllis Murphy; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun & Thu 3pm; $17.50-$27; Disney’s Camp Rock, new stage musical based on the hit

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

for tickets and information, call 309-944-2244, Barn Theatre in Ah, Wilderness!, Eugene O’Neill’s dramatic classic, directed for tickets and information, call 800-35-AMANA, Old Creamery Disney Channel Original Movies “Camp Rock” and “Camp Rock 2:
Richmond Hill Park, 600 Hk Robinson Dr., Geneseo, IL, http://www. by Theodore Swetz; a presentation in the Riverside Theatre’s 2011 Studio Theatre, 3023 220th Trail, Middle Amana, IA, http://www. The Final Jam,” performed by summer-camp students in grades 3-, Thu Jun 2 thru Sun Jun 12. Shakespeare Festival, performed in repertory with “Two Gentlemen, Thu Jul 7 thru Sun Jul 24. 12; for information, call 309-788-5433 or email Dino Hayz at dino@
Nunsense, Dan Goggin’s habit-forming musical-comedy smash, of Verona”; $17-$39; for tickets and information, call 319-338-7672, Late Night Cabaret: Opening Cabaret, an after-hours party, The Center for Living Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock
performed in repertory with “Altar Boyz”; $16-$20; for tickets and Riverside Theatre Festival Stage, Lower City Park, Iowa City, IA, http:// where the Festival 56 Company of Artists perform cabaret songs, Island, IL,, Sat Jul 16 and Sun Jul 17.
information, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat Theatre, 311, Fri Jun 17 thru Sun Jul 10. scenes, and dances in a relaxed, social atmosphere; in the Grace King Lear, Genesius Guild’s production of Shakespeare’s
Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA,, Thu The Taming of the Shrew, Genesius Guild’s production of Theatre; $7 at the door; for information and tickets, call 815-879- tragedy; donations accepted; Sat & Sun 8pm; for information, e-mail
Jun 2 thru Sun Jun 12. Shakespeare’s comedy; Sat & Sun 8pm; donations accepted; for 5656, Grace Performing Arts Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL,, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave & 38th St, Rock Island, IL,
Sunset Boulevard, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Tony-winning information, e-mail, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave &, 10pm Fri Jul 8., Sat Jul 16 thru Sun Jul 24.
musical, based on the classic film; Tue-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm, June 38th St, Rock Island, IL,, Sat Jun 18 thru Proof, David Auburn’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama; in the Mark Twain & the Laughing River, one-man show with Jim
5 – 6:30pm; $15-$23; for tickets and information, call 815-244-2035, Sun Jun 26. Grace Theatre; a presentation in the Festival 56 season; $13-$26; for Post delivering Twainian wit and wisdom; $16-$20; for tickets and
Timber Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Road, Mt. Carroll, IL, http:// If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, on Saturdays; a Theatre for Young information and tickets, call 815-879-5656, Grace Performing Arts information, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat Theatre, 311, 7:30pm Thu Jun 2 thru Sun Jun Audiences presentation, based on the book by Laura Joffe Numeroff; Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL,, Fri Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA,, 7:30pm Sun Jul
12. $8; for tickets, call 319-622-6194 or 800-35AMANA, Old Creamery Jul 8 thru Fri Jul 15. 17.
G.I. Jukebox, ‘40s-era musical revue by Rick Lewis; Fri & Theatre, 39 38th Ave., Amana, IA,, Fat Pig, Neil LaBute’s comedic drama on differing notions of Twelve Angry People, mixed-gender version of the jury-room
Sat 7:30pm, Sun, Wed, & Thu 3pm; $17.50-$27; for tickets and 1pm Sat Jun 18 thru Sat Jul 2. beauty; in the Stoner Studio Theatre; $23.50-$26.50; for tickets, call classic; in the Grace Theatre; a presentation in the Festival 56 season;
information, call 800-35-AMANA, Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th Mark Twain & the Laughing River, one-man show with Jim 800-745-3000, Civic Center of Greater Des Moines, 221 Walnut St., $13-$26; for information and tickets, call 815-879-5656, Grace
Ave., Amana, IA,, Thu Jun 2 thru Sun Post delivering Twainian wit and wisdom; $16-$20; for tickets and Des Moines, IA,, Fri Jul 8 thru Sat Jul Performing Arts Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL, http://www.
Jul 3. information, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat Theatre, 311 16., Tue Jul 19 thru Sat Jul 23.
Henry V, a Dreamwell Theatre production of Shakespeare’s Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA,, 7:30pm Sun Jun The Drowsy Chaperone, Tony Award-winning musical-comedy Nunsense, musical-comedy featuring the Little Sisters of
famed history play; Fri & Sat 7:30pm; $8-$10, Unitarian Universalist 19. within a musical-comedy; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; $10-$15; for Hoboken; in the Council Auditorium; a presentation in the Festival 21
legendary folk singer; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Fri & Sun 1:30pm; $10- concludes with a public showcase; $195; for information and to IA,, Wed Jun 15.
$25; for information and tickets, call 319-622-3222 or e-mail itac@ register, call 563-650-8121, Curtainbox Theatre & Conservatory, Acting for Ages 7-9, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17; class emphasizes, Iowa Theatre Artists Company, 4709 220th Trail, 2850 Eastern Ave., Suite #200, Davenport, IA, http://thecurtainbox. concentration, group interaction, and basic reading skills with little
Amana, IA,, Fri Aug 12 thru Sun com, 7pm Wed Jun 8. take-home memorization; culminates in a small performance on
56 season; $13-$26; for information and tickets, call 815-879-5656, Aug 28. Acting for the Camera: Adults, Thursdays thru Aug. 11, for ages stage; at 4:15 & 6:15pm; $90; for information and to register, call 563-
Grace Performing Arts Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL, http:// Clinton Area Showboat Theatre 2012 Preview: Follies, songs 18 & up, with instructors Jessica Denney & Kim Furness; learn how to 326-7812, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport,, Fri Jul 22 thru Fri Jul 29. and comedy with the Showboat ensemble, previewing what’s in tailor acting skills and techniques toward acting on film; all will be IA,, Wed Jun 15.
The Wizard of Oz, Countryside Community Theatre’s stage store for the summer of 2012; for tickets, call 563-242-6760, Clinton filmed in order to see themselves on camera; focus on terminology Beginning Broadway, Ages 10-12, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17;
version of the beloved storybook classic; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; Area Showboat Theatre, 311 Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA, http:// and how to tackle a film audition; at the end of the term, students learn what it takes to become a “triple threat” - to dance, sing, and
for information, call 563-285-6228, North Scott High School Fine, 7:30pm Tue Aug 16. receive a DVD of their work; $255; for information and to register, act all at the same time; $90; for information and to register, call 563-
Arts Auditorium, 200 S. 1st St., Eldridge, IA, http://www.cctonstage. Nana’s Naughty Knickers, farcical comedy; Wed, Fri, Sat, & call 563-650-8121, Curtainbox Theatre & Conservatory, 2850 Eastern 326-7812, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport,
org, Fri Jul 22 thru Sun Jul 31. August 18 - 5:45pm doors, 6pm buffet, 7:15pm Bootlegger pre- Ave., Suite #200, Davenport, IA,, 6:30pm IA,, 6:45pm Wed Jun 15.
Late Night Cabaret, an after-hours party where the Festival 56 show, 7:45pm performance; Sun - 3:45pm doors, 4pm buffet, Thu Jun 9. Beginning Broadway, Ages 7-9, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17;
Company of Artists perform cabaret songs, scenes, and dances in 5:15pm Bootlegger pre-show, 5:45pm performance; Wed matinee Acting for the Camera: Youth, Thursdays thru Aug. 11, for learn what it takes to become a “triple threat” - to dance, sing, and
a relaxed, social atmosphere; in the Grace Theatre; $7 at the door; - 11:30am doors, 11:45am plated lunch, 1pm Bootlegger pre-show, ages 10-17, with instructors Jessica Denney & Kim Furness; learn act all at the same time; $90; for information and to register, call 563-
for information and tickets, call 815-879-5656, Grace Performing 1:30pm performance; $41.28-$47.55; for tickets and information, how to tailor acting skills and techniques toward acting on film; all 326-7812, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport,
Arts Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL,, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd students will be filmed in order to see themselves on camera; focus IA,, 4:45pm Wed Jun 15.
10pm Fri Jul 22. Ave., Rock Island, IL,, Wed Aug 17 thru Sat on terminology and how to tackle a film audition; at the end of the Creative Theatre Fun, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17, for ages
The Mikado, Gilbert & Suillivan’s classic operetta, presented by Sep 24. term, students receive a DVD of their work; $215; for information and 3-4; class uses creative role-play, mime, imaginary play, basic
the University of Iowa Department of Performing Arts & Martha- ‘Til Death Do Us Part: Late Nite Catechism 3, new comedy to register, call 563-650-8121, Curtainbox Theatre & Conservatory, improvisational exercises, movement, crafts, and games to develop
Ellen Tye Opera Theatre; Thu-Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm; $10-$20, $5 for UI with audience participation; Tue-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm, August 28 – 2850 Eastern Ave., Suite #200, Davenport, IA, http://thecurtainbox. a healthy and physical imagination; class culminates in a small
students with valid ID; for tickets, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 6:30pm; $20; for tickets and information, call 815-244-2035, Timber com, 5pm Thu Jun 9. performance on stage; $80; for information and to register, call 563-
221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA,, Thu Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Road, Mt. Carroll, IL, http://www. Contemporary Dramatic Literature, Sundays thru Aug. 14, 326-7812, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport,
Jul 28 thru Sun Jul 31., 7:30pm Thu Aug 25 thru Sun Sep 4. with instructor Tyson Danner; study and discuss a contemporary IA,, 5:15pm Wed Jun 15.
Annie, Tony Award-winning musical-comedy smash; Thu-Sat The Guys, 9/11-themed drama by Anne Nelson; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, play in a relaxed setting; the guided discussion and analysis will cover Davenport Junior Theatre Performing Arts Camp I: Ancient
7:30pm, Sun & Wed 3pm; $16-$20; for tickets and information, call Sun, Wed, & Thu 3pm; $17.50-$27; for tickets and information, call everything from our personal opinions of the play, playwright’s style, Greece, for ages 6-12; students collaborate on the creation of their
563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat Theatre, 311 Riverview Dr., 800-35-AMANA, Old Creamery Studio Theatre, 3023 220th Trail, the play’s commercial success, practical aspects of production, and own script, while learning about props, costumes, lights, and a place
Clinton, IA,, Thu Jul 28 thru Sun Middle Amana, IA,, Thu Aug 25 thru more; $150, plus $80 materials fee for those not bringing their own rich with culture and theatrical heritage; explore improvisation,
Aug 7. Sun Sep 11. copies of the scripts; for information and to register, call 563-650- musical theatre, make-up, and the life of a professional actor; ends
Children of Eden, Biblical musical by Stephen Schwartz; Tue- The Last Five Years, Jason Robert Brown’s two-character musical 8121, Curtainbox Theatre & Conservatory, 2850 Eastern Ave., Suite with a performance for family and friends on Friday from 4-5:30pm;
Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm, July 31 – 6:30pm; $15-$23; for tickets and romance; Thu-Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm; $18-$20; for tickets, call 563-449- #200, Davenport, IA,, 5pm Sun Jun 12. $150; for information and to register, call 563-326-7812, Davenport
information, call 815-244-2035, Timber Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black 6371 or e-mail, Harrison Hilltop Theatre, Acting for Ages 10-12, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16; covers basic Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.
Oak Road, Mt. Carroll, IL,, Thu 1601 Harrison St, Davenport, IA,, theatre terminology, stage directions, improvisation, and vocal, 8:30am Mon Jun 20 thru Fri Jun 24.
Jul 28 thru Sun Aug 7. Thu Aug 25 thru Sat Sep 10. & physical skill development; students will be challenged to look Acting, for grades 2-5; use your body, voice, and imagination to
Kiss Me, Kate, Cole Porter musical-comedy based on more in-depth at scripts, develop memorization technique, and gain basic acting skills as you create characters and scenes; taught
Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew”; in the Grace Theatre; a Classes & Workshops learn about theatre history; culminates with a small performance by theatre artist John Kaufmann; $100, with some tuition assistance
presentation in the Festival 56 season; $13-$26; for information and Curtainbox Theatre Company: Private Acting Coaching, we on the stage; $90; for information and to register, call 563-326-7812, available; for information and to register, call 319-338-7672, Riverside
tickets, call 815-879-5656, Grace Performing Arts Center, 316 Main offer private coaching for Stage, Musical Theatre, and Film Acting, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http:// Theatre, 213 N. Gilbert St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.riversidetheatre.
St., Princeton, IL,, Thu Jul 28 thru Sun College Audition Prep, and Professional Audition Prep; one-on-one, 4:15pm Tue Jun 14. org, 10am Mon Jun 20 thru Fri Jun 24.
Aug 7. coaching is available to students starting at age five; be sure to ask Acting for Ages 5-6, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16; class emphasizes Improvise!, for grades 2-5; learn improvisational techniques
Late Night Cabaret: Battle of the Sexes, an after-hours party about rates, availability, and instructors; for information, contact concentration, group interaction, and basic reading skills with through playful interactive games, and then create scenes ourselves;
where the Festival 56 Company of Artists perform cabaret songs, Kimberly Furness at 563-322-8504 or, little take-home memorization; culminates in a small performance taught by drama educator Kizzy Marco; $100, with some tuition
scenes, and dances in a relaxed, social atmosphere; in the Grace Curtainbox Theatre & Conservatory, 2850 Eastern Ave., Suite #200, on stage; $90; for information and to register, call 563-326-7812, assistance available; for information and to register, call 319-338-
Theatre; $7 at the door; for information and tickets, call 815-879- Davenport, IA,, Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http:// 7672, Riverside Theatre, 213 N. Gilbert St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.
5656, Grace Performing Arts Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL, 31., 5pm Tue Jun 14., 12:30pm Mon Jun 20 thru Fri Jun 24., 10pm Fri Jul 29. High School Workshop, theatre workshop by Nathan Acting for Ages 7-9, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16; class emphasizes Creative Dramatics Workshop, for ages 5-7; a course in the
The Wasps, Genesius Guild’s production of Aristophanes’ Porteshawver, Artistic Director of the Internet Players; the workshop concentration, group interaction, and basic reading skills with little Englert School for the Performing Arts series; for information, call
comedy, adapted by Don Wooten; Sat & Sun 8pm; donations will help students explore their physical abilities; the similarities take-home memorization; culminates in a small performance on 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City,
accepted; for information, e-mail, Lincoln Park, humans share across, gender, race, and economic lines; and develop stage; at 5:30 & 6:15pm; $90; for information and to register, call 563- IA,, 9am Tue Jun 21 thru Thu Jun 23.
11th Ave & 38th St, Rock Island, IL,, 8pm better understanding of themselves and what makes each person 326-7812, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, Storytelling, for ages 13+; a course in the Englert School for the
Sat Jul 30 thru Sun Aug 7. a unique performer; ends with a June 4 showcase at 4pm; $75; for IA,, Tue Jun 14. Performing Arts series; for information, call 319-688-2653, Englert
Childplay, workshop performance of John Ficca’s play; in the information and to register, e-mail, Advanced Acting for Students, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16, for ages Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.englert.
Grace Theatre; $7 at the door; for information and tickets, call 815- Internet Players Gallery Theatre & Studio, 421 Brady St., Hibernian 8 & up; focus is on character development, in which new skills will org, 10am Tue Jun 21 thru Thu Jun 23.
879-5656, Grace Performing Arts Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL, Hall, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Wed be developed in creating the physical life of a character; study will Theatre of the Oppressed Workshop, for ages 12+; a course, 2pm Thu Aug 4. Jun 1 thru Sat Jun 4. be done on how actors research and prepare for a role; culminates in the Englert School for the Performing Arts series; for information,
Suds, musical soap opera set in a laundromat; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Story Telling In Action, theatre workshop by Nathan in a performance on the stage; $90; for information and to register, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa
Sun, Wed, & Thu 3pm; $17.50-$27; for tickets and information, call Porteshawver, Artistic Director of the Internet Players; students call 563-326-7812, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., City, IA,, 12:30pm Sat Jun 25 and Sun Jun
800-35-AMANA, Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th Ave., Amana, IA, ages 8-12 explore how play can help them better comprehend the Davenport, IA,, 7:15pm 26., Thu Aug 4 thru Sun Sep 11. challenges they will face as adults, and develop a better awareness Tue Jun 14. Curtain Up, a course in the Midwest Writing Center’s David R.
Late Night Cabaret, an after-hours party where the Festival 56 of their physical abilities, vocal range, and confidence; students will Creative Theatre Fun, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16, for ages 3-4; class Collins 2011 Writers’ Conference, led by Julie Jensen McDonald;
Company of Artists perform cabaret songs, scenes, and dances in perform at the end of each class; $75; for information and to register, uses creative role-play, mime, imaginary play, basic improvisational workshop deals with writing one-act plays, characters, and
a relaxed, social atmosphere; in the Grace Theatre; $7 at the door; e-mail, Internet Players Gallery exercises, movement, crafts, and games to develop a healthy and plots; $25; for information and to register, call 563-324-1410, St.
for information and tickets, call 815-879-5656, Grace Performing Theatre & Studio, 421 Brady St., Hibernian Hall, Davenport, IA, http:// physical imagination; class culminates in a small performance Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www.
Arts Center, 316 Main St., Princeton, IL,,, 9am Wed Jun 1 thru Sat Jun 4. on stage; $80; for information and to register, call 563-326-7812,, 9:30am Sat Jun 25.
10pm Fri Aug 5. Theatre Class for Children with Autism, Mondays thru Aug. 8, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http:// Fast Thoughts & Fist Fights, for grades 5-8; learn basic stage
The Music Man, Meredith Willson’s legendary musical with instructors Kim Furness, Julia Jergens, and Tyson Danner; class, 4pm Tue Jun 14. combat techniques - safely executed slaps, hair-pulls, and round-
comedy romance; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; $10-$15; for tickets will focus on social skills and interpreting others’ communication Teen Acting, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16; a great way to socialize house punches; taught by Shakespeare Festival actor Cristina
and information, call 309-762-6610, Quad City Music Guild - based on body language, intonation, movement, and situational and meet other teens in the theatrical circuit around town, while Panfilio; $100, with some tuition assistance available; for information
Prospect Park Auditorium, 1584 34th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. context; with a performance showcase at the end of the term; continuing to develop imagination, performance skills, and and to register, call 319-338-7672, Riverside Theatre Festival Stage,, Fri Aug 5 thru Sun Aug 14. $115; for information and to register, call 563-650-8121, Curtainbox theatrical technique; culminates in a performance on the stage; Lower City Park, Iowa City, IA,,
Festival 56 Cabaret: Final Cabaret, the Festival 56 Company of Theatre & Conservatory, 2850 Eastern Ave., Suite #200, Davenport, $90; for information and to register, call 563-326-7812, Davenport 10am Mon Jun 27 thru Fri Jul 1.
Artists perform cabaret songs, scenes, and dances in a relaxed, social Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www. Improvise! II, for grades 5-8; learn how to “say yes” to
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

IA,, 5:30pm Mon Jun 6.

atmosphere; in the Grace Theatre; $7 at the door; for information Youth Acting Master Class, Mondays thru Aug. 8, with, 7pm Tue Jun 14. spontaneous offers, and building scenes and stories through group
and tickets, call 815-879-5656, Grace Performing Arts Center, 316 instructor Kim Furness; class for teens who are serious about acting, Theatre Improv, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16, for ages 9-12; a agreement; taught by Shakespeare Festival actor Kelly Gibson;
Main St., Princeton, IL,, 7:30pm Sun Aug and who have prior theatre experience; work on challenging collection of theatre games and exercises that provide students the $100, with some tuition assistance available; for information and to
7. monologues and scenes with material that is only suitable for truly tools to think quickly and creatively; culminates in a performance register, call 319-338-7672, Riverside Theatre Festival Stage, Lower
The Spitfire Grill, musical set in a small-town cafe, directed dedicated students; concludes with a public showcase; $180; for on the stage; $90; for information and to register, call 563-326-7812, City Park, Iowa City, IA,, 1pm Mon
by Jennifer Kingry; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 4pm; $10; for tickets and information and to register, call 563-650-8121, Curtainbox Theatre Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http:// Jun 27 thru Fri Jul 1.
information, call 309-944-2244, Barn Theatre in Richmond Hill Park, & Conservatory, 2850 Eastern Ave., Suite #200, Davenport, IA, http://, 5:45pm Tue Jun 14. Stageright Broadway Camp, for ages 14-19; an intensive
600 Hk Robinson Dr., Geneseo, IL,, Thu, 6:45pm Mon Jun 6. Acting for Ages 10-12, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17; covers basic musical theater camp led by Broadway professionals; receive
Aug 11 thru Sun Aug 21. Adult Acting Master Class, Tuesdays thru Aug. 9, with instructor theatre terminology, stage directions, improvisation, and vocal master classes on the triple threat skills of musical theater; sing,
Evita, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s & Tim Rice’s Tony winner on the Kim Furness; designed for professional or highly experienced actors & physical skill development; students will be challenged to look dance, and act your way through a week which also features
rise and fall of Eva Peron; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun & Wed 3pm; $16- looking to stay in practice or develop new audition material, this more in-depth at scripts, develop memorization technique, and audition techniques, professional headshots, and once-in-a-lifetime
$20; for tickets and information, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area class will focus on expanding an actor’s arsenal of material; $150; for learn about theatre history; culminates with a small performance networking; Mon-Thu 9am-4pm, Friday 11am showcase finale;
Showboat Theatre, 311 Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA, http://www. information and to register, call 563-650-8121, Curtainbox Theatre & on the stage; $90; for information and to register, call 563-326-7812, training/experience necessary, though auditions not required; each, Thu Aug 11 thru Sun Aug 21. Conservatory, 2850 Eastern Ave., Suite #200, Davenport, IA, http:// Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http:// participants is expected to prepare a short monologue and one
The Spitfire Grill, new musical set in a small-town diner; Tue-, 7pm Tue Jun 7., 6:30pm Wed Jun 15. or two songs for the week; $350-$375, Civic Center of Greater Des
Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm, August 14 – 6:30pm; $15-$23; for tickets and Beginning Adult Acting, Wednesdays thru Aug. 10, with Acting for Ages 5-6, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17; class emphasizes Moines, 221 Walnut St., Des Moines, IA,,
information, call 815-244-2035, Timber Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black instructors Kim Furness and Tyson Danner; class will focus on acting concentration, group interaction, and basic reading skills with little 9am Mon Jun 27 thru Fri Jul 1.
Oak Road, Mt. Carroll, IL,, Thu basics such as physical presence, vocal production, and character take-home memorization; culminates in a small performance on Acting/Improvisation, thru June 30, for ages 14-18; a course in
Aug 11 thru Sun Aug 21. development; learn to develop audition techniques, explore acting stage; at 4 & 5:30pm; $90; for information and to register, call 563- the Englert School for the Performing Arts series; for information,
Woody Guthrie’s American Song, musical celebration of the
22 as a career path, and discuss how to get involved with local theatre; 326-7812, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa
City, IA,, 10am Tue Jun 28 thru Thu Jun 30. characters to include in their 11-minute plays, and the set and light, 7pm Mon May 30. 797-7700, Gold’s Gym, 4885 Utica Ridge Rd, Davenport, IA, http://

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Creative Dramatics Workshop, for ages 7-10; a course in the plots will be revealed to them for the first time; they will each have West Coast Dancing w/ Doug, $8; for information, call 309-798-, 8am Sat May 28.
Englert School for the Performing Arts series; for information, call seven days to write, rehearse, costume, and perform their original 0279, QC SoDa Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. Colona Memorial Day Parade, downtown Colona, IL, 2pm Sun
319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, play; during the weekend of June 10, troupes will perform their, 7pm Mon May 30. May 29.
IA,, 9am Tue Jun 28. short plays on the Viking Theatre stage for the public; cash prizes Beginning Swing Dancing w/ Korah, $8; for information, call Lin Mar High School Graduation, free; for information, call
Myth, Movement & Music, for ages 7-13; a course in the Englert for Best in Show, Audience Choice, Best Playwright, Best Ensemble, 309-798-0279, QC SoDa Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, 319-365-7275, U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA,
School for the Performing Arts series; for information, call 319-688- and more; for information, e-mail, Grand View, 6:30pm Tue May 31., 1pm Sun May 29.
2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http:// University Viking Theatre, 2811 E 14th St, Des Moines, IA, http:// Swing Dance, free; for information, call 309-798-0279, QC SoDa Marion High School Graduation, free; for information, call, Sat Jul 2., Thu May 26 thru Tue May 31. Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL,, 319-365-7275, U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA,
Creative Dramatics Workshop, for ages 5-7 a course in the Genesius Guild 2011 Season, seeking volunteers for summer 7:15pm Tue May 31., 6pm Sun May 29.
Englert School for the Performing Arts series; for information, call productions of “The Taming of the Shrew,”“Ajax,”“King Lear,” and “The Swing Dancing w/ Gunter, $8; for information, call 309-798- Backwater Gamblers Home Ski Show, water-ski performances
319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, Wasps,” in the fields of set construction, costume design, marketing, 0279, QC SoDa Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. on the Rock River, with the team featuring approximately 130
IA,, 9am Tue Jul 5 thru Thu Jul 7. concessions, and more; for information, e-mail guild@genesius., 6:30pm Tue May 31. members ranging in age from 2 to 58; free, Backwater Gamblers
Young People’s Intensive, July 5-8, and 11-15, for grades 8-12, org, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave & 38th St, Rock Island, IL, http://www. Dance Party, on Tuesdays; $2 cocktails, Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 Home Show Site, 5000 44th St., Rock Island, IL, http://www.
plus July 7 for Shakespeare Festival performance and July 15 for, Thu May 26 thru Sun Aug 7. S Linn St, Iowa City, IA,, 8pm Tue, 6:30pm Sun May 29 and Mon May 30.
public showcase; build relationships with peers who are as serious Rage Theatrics Showcase, the Iowa City-based action-theatre May 31 thru Tue Dec 27. Modern Woodmen Bank Quad Cities Criterium, annual
about theatre as you are; taught by professional actor/director company is accepting submissions for their October showcase Line Dancing, Tuesdays thru June 28, in classroom 4; high- Memorial Day race featuring competitive men and women riders
Saffron Henke; focus on contemporary and classic scene work, of action-theatre scenes; scenes should be no longer than 20 energy class employing a variety of up-tempo tunes; $34; for from novice to professional; with Big Wheel and Tricycle races
Viewpoints movement technique, improvisation, and audition minutes in length, and feature stage combat/action; submissions information, call 309-732-7432, Rock Island Fitness and Activity for ages 2 to 5, bicycle races for ages 6 to 10, the “Bike Rodeo” for
technique; there will also be specialty workshops with Festival should be e-mailed (preferred) to, or mailed Center, 4303 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 7pm kids safety, food, family activities, memorabilia, and more; free; for
actors in voice, classical text, and weaponry; for information and to to Submissions, 1310 Yewell Street, Iowa City, IA, 52240; for Tue Jun 7. information, call 309-788-6311, The District of Rock Island, 16 1/2
register, call 319-338-7672, Riverside Theatre Festival Stage, Lower information, contact producer Josh Beadle at 319-621-0024, http:// Line Dancing, $2-$4; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI St., Rock Island, IL,, 8am Mon
City Park, Iowa City, IA,, 12:30pm, Wed Jun 1 thru Fri Jul 15. (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, May 30.
Tue Jul 5. Make Me a Cowboy, auditions for debuting musical-comedy, 9am Tue Jun 7. Mocha Mondays, $2 mochas every Monday; for information,
Acting/Improvisation, for ages 11-13; a course in the Englert running Sept. 9-18, directed by co-author Don Bryant Bailey; be Gay Prom, sponsored by Quad Citians Affirming Diversity; all call 309-762-2224, Fireworks Coffeehouse, 2139 16th St., Moline, IL,
School for the Performing Arts series; for information, call 319-688- prepared to sing and read from the script; for information, call youths welcome; free; for information, call 309-269-9037, River, 6:30am Mon May 30 thru Mon
2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http:// 309-762-0330, Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline, IL, Music Experience, 129 Main St, Davenport, IA, http://www.qcad- Dec 26., 10pm Tue Jul 5 thru Thu Jul 7., 7pm Sun Jul 17 thru, 7pm Fri Jun 10. Elizabeth Tate High School Graduation, free; for information,
Theater Camp: Pinocchio, Mon-Thu 9am-4pm, Fri 9am-7pm; Tue Jul 19. Line Dancing, Tuesdays thru July 26, in classroom 4; high-energy call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa
for ages 6-18; explore your talents and skills as musical-theater class employing a variety of up-tempo tunes; $34; for information, City, IA,, 7:30pm Tue May 31.
actors in a full-scale, professionally supported production; morning call 309-732-7432, Rock Island Fitness and Activity Center, 4303 24th Bar Wars: Live. Team. Trivia., on Tuesdays; for information,
workshops are devoted to development of acting skills, building St., Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Tue Jul 5. call 563-359-1015, Uptown Neighborhood Bar and Grill, 2340
understanding of theater, and participating in related artistic Line Dancing, Tuesdays thru Aug. 30, in classroom 4; high- Spruce Hills Dr., Bettendorf, IA,
experiences; afternoon sessions are dedicated to rehearsals of Performances energy class employing a variety of up-tempo tunes; $34; for uptownneighborhoodbar, Tue May 31 thru Tue Dec 27.
“Pinocchio” with Missoula Children’s Theatre directors; each Dance Studio’s 12th Annual Dance Concert, $14-$16 adults, information, call 309-732-7432, Rock Island Fitness and Activity The 2011 Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, themed
participant is guaranteed a role, and the week culminates with $10 ages 3-12, free for under 3; for tickets and information, call 309- Center, 4303 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Tue “Intentional Faith Development: Growing into the Full Measure of
the performance on the Civic Center’s Main Stage; no previous 342-2299, The Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL, Aug 2. Jesus Christ”, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL,
experience necessary; $225-$250 includes all camp activities, lunch,, 6:30pm Fri May 27., 12pm Wed Jun 1 thru Sat Jun 4.
and snack each day, Civic Center of Greater Des Moines, 221 Walnut Debby’s School of Dance presents “Dancing Through All 2nd Annual Homegrown Farmer’s Market on the Square, on
St., Des Moines, IA,, 9am Mon Jul 11 Kinds of Weather”, $6-$18; all proceeds benefit the St. Jude Wednesdays; features local growers selling home grown produce,
thru Fri Jul 15. Midwest Affiliate; for tickets and information, call 309-699-1112, hand-made crafts, information, and entertainment; weekly cooking
Timber Lake Playhouse Workshop for Teens, for ages Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL, http://www. Cedar Rapids Washington High School Graduation, free; for demonstrations and free recipes using seasonal produce; Master
12 & up; includes professional classes in acting, dance, music,, 7pm Fri May 27. information, call 319-365-7275, U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Gardeners on site to answer your gardening questions; booths by
improvisation, creative writing and theatrical crafts; all participants Kim’s Academy of Dance presents “Playin’ in Peoria!”, $9-$13; Cedar Rapids, IA,, 7:30pm Thu non-profit Organizations; weekly market themes; gardening classes;
are given the opportunity to experience the work that, Timber for tickets and information, call 309-682-8277, Peoria Civic Center, May 26. for information and to register, call 309-756-9978, ext. 19, Rock Island
Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Road, Mt. Carroll, IL, http://www. 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL,, The Green Bus Quad Cities Kickoff Event, celebration of the County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, http://www.extension., 2pm Mon Jul 11 thru Fri Jul 15. 6:30pm Sat Jun 4. arrival of the bus that runs entirely on vegetable oil, driven by two, 2pm Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Oct 2
Creative Dramatics Workshop, for ages 7-10; a course in the Ballet Under the Stars, performance with the professional yoga masters traveling from Florida to Wisconsin to raise awareness Backwater Gamblers Home Ski Show, on Sundays &
Englert School for the Performing Arts series; for information, call dancers of Ballet Quad Cities; for information, call 309-786-3779, of personal empowerment, healthy lifestyles, sustainable living; Wednesdays, plus Labor Day; water-ski performances on the Rock
319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave & 38th St, Rock Island, IL, http://www. meet Moses and Zeina, hear about their eco-friendly, Davenport River, with the team featuring approximately 130 members ranging
IA,, 9am Tue Jul 12 thru Thu Jul 14., 8pm Fri Jun 10 thru Sun Jun 12. RiverCenter, 136 E. 3rd St, Davenport, IA, 6:30pm Thu May 26. in age from 2 to 58; free, Backwater Gamblers Home Show Site,
Playwriting Workshop, for ages 13-18; a course in the Englert Olde English Set Dancing, a performance of this historic dance Remain True: Stories of Old Amana, tours featuring an 5000 44th St., Rock Island, IL,,
School for the Performing Arts series; for information, call 319-688- with members of Quad City Social Dance; audience members will original telling of Amana’s history; bus groups can take a privately 6:30pm Wed Jun 1 thru Mon Sep 5.
2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http:// have a chance to participate; free; for information, call 309-524- guided tour of historic sites following the show; $10/show only, Scotch & Cigar Night, on Wednesdays; for information, call 309-, 10am Tue Jul 12 thru Thu Jul 14. 2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www. $15/show & tour; for information, call 319-622-3567, Iowa Theatre 762-4700, Bass Street Chop House, 1601 River Dr, Moline, IL, http://
Camp Creamery: The Legend of Blackbeard’s Gold, thru, 7pm Wed Jul 20. Artists Company, 4709 220th Trail, Amana, IA, http://www., 5pm Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Dec 28.
July 22, for children ages 7 & up; week-long workshop for children Classes, Thu May 26 thru Sat Jul 2. Two 4 One Wednesdays, for information, call 563-359-1015,
interested in exploring the world of theatre by working and Beginning Salsa w/ Lisa, $7; for information, call 309-798- CR Jefferson High School Graduation, free; for information, Uptown Neighborhood Bar and Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr., Bettendorf,
performing with three professional actors from the Old Creamery 0279, QC SoDa Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. call 319-365-7275, U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA,, Wed Jun
while they rehearse and present a play; $65; for information,, 6:30pm Thu May 26. IA,, 7:30pm Fri May 27. 1 thru Wed Dec 28.
contact Jackie McCall at 319- 622-6034 or jmccall@oldcreamery. Salsa Dancing w/ Gunter, $7; for information, call 309-798- Friday Martini Madness, a featured martini for $6.95 and a Green Fashion Show, presented by University of Iowa alumnae
com, Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th Ave., Amana, IA, http://www. 0279, QC SoDa Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. choice appetizer for $6.95; today - Tataki Tuna with a White Cosmo; from Iowa City, IA, Brooklyn, N.Y. and Perugia, Italy; featuring models, 10am Mon Jul 18 thru Fri Jul 22., 6:30pm Thu May 26. for information, call 309-762-4700, Bass Street Chop House, 1601 walking the aisles in garments made from environmentally-friendly
Theater Camp: The Tortoise Versus the Hare, Mon-Thu 9am- A. Rhythmic Time Dance Lessons, private and group lessons River Dr, Moline, IL,, Fri May 27. techniques; free; for information, e-mail,
4pm, Fri 9am-7pm; for ages 6-18; your talents and skills as musical- available in swing, ballroom, hip-hop, Latin, tango, and more; for Wine Tasting, samplings of 8-10 wines with complimentary Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.
theater actors in a full-scale, professionally supported production; information, call 309-786-4800, A. Rhythmic Time Dance Studio, hors d’oeuvres; set for the front outdoor patio; $15; for information,, 8pm Thu Jun 2.
morning workshops are devoted to development of acting skills, 5447 3rd Ave. Unit B, Moline, IL,, call 309-762-4700, Bass Street Chop House, 1601 River Dr, Moline, IL, Trivia Fundraiser for Parks Music Programs, with live
building understanding of theater, and participating in related Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec 31., 6pm Fri May 27. entertainment and the chance to win cash prizes; $80/team of 8; for
artistic experiences; afternoon sessions are dedicated to rehearsals A. Rhythmic Time Social Dance, on Thursdays; with the dance Grand Opening of The Internet Players’ Gallery Theatre & information and to register, call 309-732-PARK, ext. 8828, Schwiebert
of “The Tortoise Versus the Hare” with Missoula Children’s Theatre studio students; for information, call 309-786-4800, A. Rhythmic Studio, hors d’oeuvres, tours of the space, revolving presentations Riverfront Park, between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock Island, IL, 6pm Fri
directors; each participant is guaranteed a role, and the week Time Dance Studio, 5447 3rd Ave. Unit B, Moline, IL, http://www. of the original performance art: “A Scenic Place,” on-site art creation, Jun 3.

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

culminates with the performance on the Civic Center’s Main Stage;, 8pm Thu May 26 thru Thu Dec 29. display of artwork by local artists for sale, opportunities to meet and Trivia Night in the Park, with cash prizes, beverages for sale,
no previous experience necessary; $225-$250 includes all camp Learn to Dance the Arthur Murray Way, teaching dance to the speak with the artists involved, and more; $5, ages 12 & under free; live entertainment, and more; $80/team of 8, Schwiebert Riverfront
activities, lunch, and snack each day, Center of Greater Des Moines, world for 97 years; first lesson free; mention this notification and save for information, call 563-940-4785 or e-mail theinternetplayers@ Park, between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rigov.
221 Walnut St., Des Moines, IA,, 9am up to 25%; for information, call 563-326-4321, Arthur Murray Dance, Internet Players Gallery Theatre & Studio, 421 Brady St., org, 6pm Fri Jun 3.
Mon Jul 25 thru Fri Jul 29. Studios, 221 1/2 Brady St, Davenport, IA, http://www.arthurmurray. Hibernian Hall, Davenport, IA,, 5K Run for the Son, by Christian Care and the Fellowship of
Davenport Junior Theatre Performing Arts Camp II: Ireland, com, Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec 31. 7pm Fri May 27 and Sat May 28. Christian Athletes, sponsored by sponsored by Max Muscle; the
for ages 6--12, thru Aug. 5; students collaborate on the creation of Salsa Dancing w/ Luz, $7; for information, call 309-798-0279, Columbus Junction Farmers Market, for information, contact chipped run/walk will begin at, Christian Care, 2209 3rd Ave., Rock
their own script, while learning about props, costumes, lights, and a QC SoDa Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. Mallory Smith or Nitza Castillo at 319-728-7971 or by email at CDC@ Island, IL,, 8am Sat
place rich with culture and theatrical heritage; explore improvisation,, 7pm Fri May 27., American Legion - Columbus Junction, Jun 4.
musical theatre, make-up, and the life of a professional actor; ends Swing Dancing w/ Gunter, $7; for information, call 309-798- 99 2nd St., Columbus Junction, IA, 4:30pm Fri May 27 thru Fri Oct 2011 QC Pride Street Festival, in Davenport’s “Rainbow
with a performance for family and friends on Friday from 4-5:30pm; 0279, QC SoDa Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. 14. District” on Second Street Downtown; themed “QC PrideFest, a
$150; for information and to register, call 563-326-7812, Davenport, 7pm Fri May 27. CR Kennedy High School Graduation, free; for information, Celebration of Everyone!”; activities, bands, vocalists, living art
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www. Line Dancing w/ Cindy, $7; for information, call 309-798-0279, call 319-365-7275, U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, displays, food, vendors, children’s activities; expressions of support, 8:30am Mon Aug 1. QC SoDa Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. IA,, 7:30pm Sat May 28. from area elected officials, and more; $5, with $1 going to the non-
Audition/College Prep, thru Aug. 5, for grades 11-12; a course, 11am Sat May 28. CR Prairie High School Graduation, free; for information, call profit vendor of the attendee’s choice; free; for information, call
in the Englert School for the Performing Arts series; for information, Sunday Dance Lessons with Fred Astaire Dance Studios, free 319-365-7275, U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA, 563-940-9630, Davenport Rainbow District, 2nd St., Davenport, IA,
call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa with reservation at 563-328-8127, Rhythm City Casino, 101 W. River, 12:30pm Sat May 28., 12pm Sat Jun 4.
City, IA,, 10am Tue Aug 2 thru Fri Aug 5. Dr., Davenport, IA,, 7pm Wild 5: 5K Run/Walk, presented by Running Wild, with proceeds The American Pickers Festival, two-day celebration of the
Auditions & Calls For Entry Sun May 29 thru Sun Dec 18. benefiting Bethany for Children & Families; awards go to the overall “American Pickers” TV series, with a classic car show, flea market,
711 Theatre Project, on June 3 at 8 pm, performing troupes Salsa Dancing w/ Luz, $7; for information, call 309-798-0279, winners in the male and female categories and the first three places city-wide garage sales, food, a petting zoo, live music, Picker Trivia,
will be assigned required genres, lines of dialogue, props, and QC SoDa Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. in various age groups; $22-$27 registration; for information, call 309- contests, appraisals, the chance to meet the series’ stars, and more; 23
presentations, vendors, refreshments, and feats of aerial amazement; throughout the festival, Downtown Cedar Rapids, Cedar Rapids, IA, bargains on used books and more; proceeds benefit the library; for
$6-$20; two-day passes available; for tickets and information, call, Thu Jun 23 thru Sun Jun 26. information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31
563-322-7469, Davenport Municipal Airport, 9010 North Harrison 2nd Annual Jewish Feast-ival, in celebration of the center’s Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary.
Street, Davenport, IA, http:// 75th anniversary; Jewish food, org, 9am Thu Jul 7.
free; for information, call 563-289-4242 ext. 1135 or e-mail info@ ., Downtown LeClaire, LeClaire, IA, http://www., Sat
Jun 18 and Sun Jun 19. Events entertainment including Kol Shira,
Shir Delight, Israeli dancing, and
Eastern Avenue Library Branch One-Year Birthday
Celebration, featuring the 6th Annual Teen Battle of the Bands, with, 10am Sat Jun 4 thru Sun Jun 5. Night Sky Observing, with Krav-maga martial arts, children’s an opening set by Coupe DeVille; free; for information, call 563-326-
the Popular Astronomy Club, in
Outdoor Festivals and Events activities, cultural exploration, 7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern
Chick-fil-A All Pro Dad’s Day, monthly breakfast where fathers
and their kids, grades one and up, meet with other dads and kids the parking area; look for different Davenport the history of the synagogue, a Ave., Davenport, IA,, 11am Sat
and discuss a wide range of family topics, and are equipped with planets and objects with the June through August mah jongg marathon, and more; Jul 9.
resources to strengthen relationships; prize giveaways, Chick-fil-A Club’s Mobile Observatory and $2, ages 12 & under free; for Eldridge Summerfest Parade, downtown Eldridge, IA, 3pm

at Davenport, 2945 E 53rd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.allprodad. telescopes; free; for information, information, call 309-788-3426, Sat Jul 9.
call 309-797-, Niabi Zoo, Niabi lthough I spend most of my days, and many Tri-City Jewish Center, 2715 30th St. Ambrose University Star Party, on-site 12- and 14-inch
com/dd/1860, 9am Sat Jun 4.
Blue Grass Homecoming Days Parade, downtown Blue Grass, Zoo Rd., Coal Valley, IL, http:// of my evenings, in Davenport, I actually St., Rock Island, IL, 11am Sun Jun telescopes will be available, and visitors are welcome to bring smaller
IA, 1pm Sun Jun 5. www.pacastronomy.50megs. reside in Rock Island. But given the exciting 26. telescopes as well; for information, contact Dr. Robert Mitchell at
The Peoria Notre Dame Graduation, in the Ballroom, com, 7pm Sat Jun 18. schedule of festivals and outdoor events that Carl Sandburg College Open 563-333-6141, St. Ambrose Menke Observatory, (WREEC), Dixon, IL,
Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL, http://www. Butterfly Day and Grand Davenport has lined up over the next few months, House, for community education, 7pm Sat Jul 9., 2pm Sun Jun 5. Opening of the Butterfly I’m not sure there’s any reason, for the rest of patrons, at Building G on the Main CASI BBQ Lunch, $6-$10; for information, call 563-386-7477,
All You Can Eat Breakfast, serving pancakes, eggs, breakfast Habitat, view the newly stocked the summer, to ever bother going home. (Of Campus; for information, call 309- CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport,
meats, potatoes, biscuits & gravy, pastries, coffee, juice, and milk; $6, butterfly habitat located in the course, my bed is in Rock Island. And I’d have to 341-5392, Carl Sandburg College, IA,, 11:15am Tue Jul 12.
Davenport American Legion, 702 W. 35th St., Davenport, IA, http:// Education Greenhouse; children 2232 S Lake Storey Rd, Galesburg, Captain’s Table Poker Run for Make-A-Wish, for Make-A-
get my driver’s license updated, which is a pain, 7am Sun Jun 5. can participate in a mock IL,, Wish Foundations of Iowa and Illinois; features multiple stops
monarch migration, make their in the ass. So maybe 11am Wed Jun 29. on the Mississippi River, most accessible via land for alternate
Trivia Night @ Mojo’s, for teams of two to five people; five to
six rounds with five questions in each round; the winner gets two own butterfly, enjoy a butterfly there are a few reasons Chick-fil-A All Pro Dad’s Day, transportation (bicycle, etc.); live music (bands TBA) and fun; free
free Redstone Room tickets for a show $15 or less; proceeds benefit scavenger hunt, make edible ... .) Davenport’s fun in monthly breakfast where fathers admission; poker hands $25 in advance, $20 day of; for information,
the River Music Experience’s educational programming; $5/person; caterpillars, and more; $5; for the sun commences on and their kids, grades one and contact Stephanie Goettsch at 563-528-9170 or sgettch@aol.
for information and to register, contact Siri Lorece at 563-326-1333 information, call 309-794-0991, June 4, when Second up, meet with other dads and com, The Captain’s Table, 4801 River Dr., Moline, IL, http://www.
ext. 105 or email, Mojo’s Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 Street’s Rainbow District kids and discuss a wide range of, 11am Sat Jul 16.
(River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http:// plays host to the annual family topics, and are equipped Night Sky Observing, with the Popular Astronomy Club, in, 7pm Mon Jun 6., 1pm Sun GLBT celebration the with resources to strengthen the parking area; look for different planets and objects with the
Ice Cream Social, build a free sundae; for information, call 563- Jun 19. relationships; prize giveaways, Club’s Mobile Observatory and telescopes; free; for information,
QC Pride Street Fest,
322-8601, Rhythm City Casino, 101 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA, 2pm Mississippi River Trail Ride Chick-fil-A at Davenport, 2945 call 309-797-, Niabi Zoo, Niabi Zoo Rd., Coal Valley, IL, http://www.
for Experienced Riders, will featuring food and craft E 53rd St, Davenport, IA, http://, 7pm Sat Jul 16.
Tue Jun 7.
Walking for Spirit, led by Lisa Martin and Joan Sheil, CHM; after follow Highway 67 to Clinton vendors, live music, and, Muscatine Great River Days Parade, downtown Muscatine, IA,
a short warm-up, explore the prairie trails, enjoy a healthy lunch and return through Low Moor outdoor entertainment 9am Sat Jul 2. 11am Sat Jul 16.
break and a personal journey walking the labyrinth, or simply relax and McCausland; open to riders Bix 7 Road Race galore. Bikes of all styles, All You Can Eat Breakfast, Walcott Days Parade, downtown Walcott, IA, Sat Jul 16.
as you like; $15; for information and to reserve, call 563=336-8414 or 18 years of age, and capable of speeds, and personalities serving pancakes, eggs, breakfast Harrison Hilltop’s Second-Annual Arts Revolution Block
e-mail, Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 2664 riding 13-18 mph; $10 includes a will be on hand when the Mississippi Valley meats, potatoes, biscuits & gravy, Party, for information, call 563-449-6371, outside the Harrison
145th Ave, Near Wheatland, IA,, 9:30am T-shirt; with a pancake breakfast Fairgrounds hosts the 2011 Mississippi River pastries, coffee, juice, and milk; $6, Hilltop Theatre, 1601 Harrison St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
Tue Jun 7. at the Princeton fire station from Motorcycle Rally June 15 through 18, while the Davenport American Legion, 702, Sat Jul 16.
June Cooking Show, at 2 & 4pm; watch the Rhythm City chef 6:30-7:30am for an additional $6; W. 35th St., Davenport, IA, http:// 2011 Rock Island County Fair, rides, games, 4-H events,
last day of that outdoor happening marks the
create delectable dishes and taste samples; for information, call 563- riders will leave the, Downtown, 7am Sun children’s activities, live music, truck & tractor pulls, stock car
Princeton, IA, Princeton, IA, http:// first day of the 25th Annual Quad City Air Show, Jul 3. races, a demolition derby, and more; free gate admission; for
322-8601, Rhythm City Casino, 101 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA, 2pm
Wed Jun 8., the June 18 and 19 event featuring presentations, Red, White & Boom!, annual information, call 309-796-1599, Rock Island County Fairgrounds,
Summer Seafood Grilling and Wine Tasting, experience a 7:30am Sun Jun 19. vendors, and feats of aerial amazement above the celebration of our country’s Archer Drive & Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, IL, http://www.
selection of summer wines and grilled seafood prepared online by Ride the River’s Jr. High Davenport Municipal Airport. As with its Rock independence; the bi-state, Tue Jul 19 thru Sun Jul 24.
wine instructor Dmitri Papageorgiou and Chris from Dmitri Wine & School Duathlon, participants Island neighbors across the river, Davenport will fireworks show will launch from Train Festival 2011, featuring displays of steam and diesel
Spirits; $40, Ganson’s Neighborhood Bakery & Cafe, 3055 38th St., will run 2 miles through the park, pay tribute to our country’s birthday in colorfully the river with primary viewing locomotives from around the country, demonstrations, children’s
Rock Island, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Jun 9. bike 2.75 miles, and finish with explosive fashion, with the annual Red, White, & areas and family activities located activities, huge model train layouts, railroad vendors, and more; take
Miss Iowa & Miss Teen Scholarship Pageant, $30 for Thursday another 2-mile run; trophies will Boom! celebration on July 3 at Centennial Park in Rock Island and Davenport.; an all-day excursion or a two-hour train rides behind various vintage
and Friday events, $40 for Saturday; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, be given to winners of each grade free; LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley locomotives; scaled-down miniature trains will take passengers
and Modern Woodmen Park. There’ll be dancing
Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.adlertheatre. level, boys and girls separately, for St, Davenport, IA, and Schwiebert around the grounds; portions of the ticket sales will go to the Susan
1st, 2nd and 3rd place, and the in the streets when downtown Davenport hosts Riverfront Park, between 17th G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer research; for information,
com, 7pm Thu Jun 9 thru Sat Jun 11.
Weave Out Hunger, basket weaving demonstrations and school with the most participants the 30th Annual Wells Fargo Street Fest on July & 20th Streets, Rock Island, IL, call 309-788-6311, Schwiebert Riverfront Park, between 17th & 20th
instruction with the Quad Cities Basketry Guild, with baskets for sale, will be awarded the Traveling 29 and 30, while thousands of others will no, Streets, Rock Island, IL,, 9am Thu Jul 21
and proceeds benefiting the 25 food pantries of Churches United, Trophy; for information, contact doubt dance with joy upon their completion of 4pm Sun Jul 3. thru Sun Jul 24.
Davenport Farmers’ Market, 421 West River Drive, Davenport, IA, Race Director Larry Davis at 563- that yearly endurance test the Quad-City Times 4th Annual Recycled Float 15-Year Class Reunion: Moline High School Class of 1996,, 9am Sat Jun 11. 210-4991 or email ladavis58@ Bix 7 Road Race, taking place on July 30. The Race, watch floats made of advance tickets -- $25/person, $40/couple; at the door -- $35/person,
2011 Young Women of Achievement Awards, featuring the, Downtown Davenport air will be filled with jazz during the recyclable household items $60/couple, The Moline Club, 513 16th St., Moline, IL, https://sites.
announcement of the winners of this year’s scholarships sponsored Princeton, IA, Princeton, IA, http:// August 4 through 7 concerts scheduled for the such as plastic jugs and paper, 6pm Sat Jul 23.
by the Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa & Western Illinois and The, 9am Sun cartons try to make it to the finish Specifically for Seniors: Tutti Fruitti Ice Cream Social with
Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz Festival, while
Women’s Connection; Dr. Jennifer Caudle, former Miss Iowa, will Jun 19. line before sinking; free; forn the Harminators, listen to lively music while eating your ice cream
River Action’s 27th Ride the rock, roots, and the enticing smell of smoked information, call 309-732-7275, or dancing; learn the Tutti Fruitti dance steps as you enjoy the
provide a “Women in Leadership” keynote presentation; $25; for
information and to reserve, call 309-631-0167, Radisson Quad City River Riverfront Bicycle Ride, ribs will waft through LeClaire Park during the Sunset Park, 18th Ave & Sunset Harminators performance; free; for information, call 563-421-2198,
Plaza Hotel, 421 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www.AskTWC. annual Father’s Day event for August 19 and 20 River Roots Live concerts. Rd, Rock Island, IL, http://www. Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,
com, 12pm Tue Jun 14. adult riders; with drinks, food, and And wrapping things up with a country/rock, 9am Mon Jul 4., 1pm Wed Jul 27.
2011 Mississippi River Motorcycle Rally, featuring a rod & a junior dualthlon; $10-$15; for bow, the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds hosts Bettendorf Old Fashioned Summer Reading Game Show, a hilarious interactive game
custom show, the Scooter Girls contest, live music, vendors, food information and to register, call the annual Great Mississippi Valley Fair from 4th of July Parade, downtown show with loads of audience participation, presented by local
& drinks, and bikes galore; $10 daily; for information, call 800-563- 563-322-RIDE (7433), River Action, August 2 through 6, with this year’s grandstand Bettendorf, IA, 12pm Mon Jul 4. Clown-A-Round entertainer Laura Anderson; free; for information,
5263, Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, Davenport, 822 E. River Dr., Davenport, IA, acts including Joe Nichols, Blake Shelton, Darius East Moline AMVETS 4th call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
IA,, Wed Jun 15 thru Jun 18., Sun of July Parade, downtown East 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportlibrary.
Rucker, the Steve Miller Band, the Charlie Daniels
Jun 19. Moline, IL, 1pm Mon Jul 4. com, 6pm Wed Jul 27.
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

The Thomas Jefferson Educational Foundation’s 34th

Butterfly Habitat, a 12 x 12 Band, and Miranda Lambert. So let’s hear it Muscatine 4th of July 40th Annual Street Fest, located on 2nd Street between Brady
Annual Banquet, in meeting rooms 220-222; with guest speaker
Senator Dave Koehler; 6pm cocktails, 7pm dinner & presentation; screened enclosure that will house for Davenport’ s 2011 summertime events! All Parade, downtown Eldridge, IA, & Ripley; live music, arts & crafts, family activities, vendors, and
for tickets and information, call 309-671-4900, Peoria Civic Center, hundreds of regional butterflies together now: “Yee-haw!” Okay, you didn’t see 5pm Mon Jul 4. more; for information, call 563-823-2667, Downtown Davenport, IA,
201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL,, throughout the summer months; that coming. Let’s try that again. One ... two ... Trivia Night @ Mojo’s, for, Fri
6pm Fri Jun 17. open during regular center hours; three: “Yee-haw!” Tha-a-a-at’s better. For more on teams of two to five people; five Jul 29 and Sat Jul 30.
Daiquiri Factory 7th Anniversary Party, concert with for information, call 309-794- Davenport’s summertime-entertainment options, to six rounds with five questions Quad-City Times Bix 7, 37th annual event with the greatest
Hairbangers Ball and Sleepin’ on the Couch on Friday, and Sleepin’ 0991, Quad City Botanical Center, visit – Mike Schulz in each round; the winner gets long distance runners in the world, Downtown Davenport, IA,
on the Couch and 4th & 20 on Saturday; the first 200 people 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL, two free Redstone Room tickets, Sat Jul 30.
through the gate receive a Daiquiri Factory 7th anniversary coozie;, Sun for a show $15 or less; proceeds Knox County Fair Queen Pageant, presented by the Knox
for information, call 309-283-1809, Daiquiri Factory, 1809 2nd Ave., Jun 19 thru Thu Sep 1. benefit the River Music Experience’s educational programming; County Fair Board; $13.50; for tickets and information, call 309-342-
Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Fri Jun 17 and The Garden Party, annual fundraiser features sample dishes $5/person; for information and to register, contact Siri Lorece at 563- 2299, The Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL, http://
Sat Jun 18. from the area’s leading chefs, music, a silent auction, and more 326-1333 ext. 105 or email adminassistant@rivermusicexperience., 6:30pm Sun Jul 31.
10th Annual Great Galena Balloon Race, 20 hot air balloons, under the stars in the events canopy and gardens; paid reservations org, Mojo’s (River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, Trivia Night @ Mojo’s, for teams of two to five people; five to
two big races, two balloon night glows, tethered balloon rides, an before June 11 - $45/person; reservations made after June 11 - $50/, 7pm Mon Jul 4. six rounds with five questions in each round; the winner gets two
antique collector car show, food and beverages, family activities, person; for information and to reserve, call 309-794-0991 or email Imported Wine Tasting with Dinner, taste a selection of free Redstone Room tickets for a show $15 or less; proceeds benefit
the Friday night Ale Fest, live music with the Wundos and Taste, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock whites and reds with wine instructor Dmitri Papageorgiou; wines the River Music Experience’s educational programming; $5/person;
Like Chicken, and more; for information, call 800-892-2269, Eagle Island, IL,, 6pm Thu Jun 23. will be apired with dinner prepared by Ganson’s; $40, Ganson’s for information and to register, contact Siri Lorece at 563-326-1333
Ridge Resort & Spa, 444 Eagle Ridge Dr, Galena, IL, http://www. 24th Annual Cedar Rapids BBQ Roundup, presented by the Neighborhood Bakery & Cafe, 3055 38th St., Rock Island, IL, http:// ext. 105 or email, Mojo’s, Fri Jun 17 thru Sun Jun 19. University of Iowa Community Credit Union; festival-goers will be, 6:30pm Thu Jul 7. (River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
24 Quad City Air Show: 25th Edition, annual air show with admitted free on Thu. & Fri. from 11am-4pm; featuring live music Friends of the Rock Island Public Library Big Book Sale, big, 7pm Mon Aug 1.
2011 Mississippi Valley Fair, annual fair featuring rides, games, improvisation with the comedians of ComedySportz; $16-$20; for

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

vendors, children’s activities, and grandstand acts Joe Nichols, information and tickets, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat
Blake Shelton, Darius Rucker, The Steve Miller Band, the Charlie
Daniels Band, Miranda Lambert; for information, call 563-326-5338,
Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, Davenport, IA,, Tue Aug 2 thru Sun Aug 7.
24th Annual Bix Porch Party, with popcorn, lemonade,
Theatre, 311 Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA, http://www.clintonshowboat.
org, 7:30pm Tue Jun 7.
The Blacklist, local stand-up comedians perform at 9pm, and
the sketch & improv comedy troupe takes the stage at 10pm; $10;
for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, The Circa
Cupcake Classes
stilt walkers, jugglers, magicians, and plenty of jazz; music from ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, Decorate your own cupcake & devour it!
11:30am-1pm; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport speakeasy.asp, 9pm Sat Jun 11.
Public Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www. Gabriel Iglesias, standup comedian in his “Fluffy Shop Tour”;
Wednesdays in June at 6:00pm. Call 563-328-8127, 11am Thu Aug 4. $34; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW to reserve your FREE seat.
CASI Bix BBQ Lunch, $6-$10; for information, call 563-386-7477, Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL,, 8pm
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, Sat Jun 11. Hosted by
IA,, 11:15am Fri Aug 5. Carlos Mencia, standup with the star of TV’s “Mind of Mencia”;
Iowa River Water Trail Dedication and Float Trip, for 7 & 9:30pm; $32; for tickets and information, call 319-362-8133,
information, call 319-523-8381, Louisa County Conservation Office, Clarion Hotel and Convention Center / Penguin’s Comedy Club, 525
12635 County Rd G56, Wapello, IA, http://www.IowaRiverWaterTrail. 33rd Ave SW, Cedar Rapids, IA, http://www.penguinscomedyclub.
com, Sat Aug 6. com, Thu Jun 16. FOLLOW US ON

Chick-fil-A All Pro Dad’s Day, monthly breakfast where fathers Comedy Relief, family-friendly improv with the Center’s own 101 West River Drive, Davenport, IA 52801 | 563-328-8000 |
and their kids, grades one and up, meet with other dads and kids team; free; for information, call 563-468-1423, ALive! Children’s © 2011 Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Must be 21. Gambling a problem? There is help. And hope. Call 1-800-BETS-OFF.

and discuss a wide range of family topics, and are equipped with Theater at The Center, 1411 Brady St., Davenport, IA, http://www.
resources to strengthen relationships; prize giveaways, Chick-fil-A, 7pm Sat Jun 18.
at Davenport, 2945 E 53rd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.allprodad. LOL Tuesday Night Comedy w/ Guys in Ties, well-dressed
com/dd/1860, 9am Sat Aug 6. improvisation with the comedians of ComedySportz; $16-$20; for
All You Can Eat Breakfast, serving pancakes, eggs, breakfast information and tickets, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat
meats, potatoes, biscuits & gravy, pastries, coffee, juice, and milk; $6, Theatre, 311 Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA, http://www.clintonshowboat.
Davenport American Legion, 702 W. 35th St., Davenport, IA, http:// org, 7:30pm Tue Jun 21., 7am Sun Aug 7. Ron White, Blue Collar comedian in his Behavioral Problems Tour;
2011 Great River Tug Fest, annual tug-of-war between Port $39.75-$49.75; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, U.S. Cellular Center,
Byron, IL & LeClaire, IA on Sunday at noon; with carnivals, games, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA,,
arts & crafts, activities, live music, pageants, fireworks, and more, 7:30pm Fri Jun 24., Thu Aug 11 thru Sat Aug 13. Comic Open Mic, for inspiring comedians, professionals who
2011 Iowa State Fair, games, rides, races, pageants, want to work on new material, and those who enjoys telling jokes
vendors, children’s activities, musical entertainment, and more; to co-workers; $3; for information and tickets, call 309-786-7733,
for information, call 800-545-FAIR, Iowa State Fairgrounds, East extension 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,
30th Street & East University Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www., 8pm Fri Aug 12., Thu Aug 11 thru Sun Aug 21. Ron White, Blue Collar Comedian in his standup tour; $41.75-
Night Sky Observing, with the Popular Astronomy Club, in $51.75; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Civic Center of Greater Des
the parking area; look for different planets and objects with the Moines, 221 Walnut St., Des Moines, IA,,
Club’s Mobile Observatory and telescopes; free; for information, call 7pm Sat Jun 25.
309-797-3120, Niabi Zoo, Niabi Zoo Rd., Coal Valley, IL, http://www. The Blacklist, local stand-up comedians perform at 9pm, and, 7pm Sat Aug 20. the sketch & improv comedy troupe takes the stage at 10pm; $10;
St. Ambrose University Star Party, on-site 12- and 14-inch for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, The Circa
telescopes will be available, and visitors are welcome to bring smaller ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,
telescopes as well; for information, contact Dr. Robert Mitchell at speakeasy.asp, 9pm Sat Jun 25.
563-333-6141, St. Ambrose Menke Observatory, (WREEC), Dixon, IL, Open Mic Night, featuring 12 performance slots; with a set, 7pm Sat Aug 20 bv local comedian Chris Schlichting, and the show emceed by
Friends of the Rock Island Public Library Big Book Sale, big ComedySportz veteran John Hannon; 7pm doors, 8pm show; $3
bargains on used books and more; proceeds benefit the library; for admission; for information, e-mail OpenMic@EstablishmentTheatre.
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 com or call 309-786-1111, The Establishment Theatre, 220 19th St.,
Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary. Rock Island, IL,, 8pm Wed
org, 9am Thu Sep 1. Jun 29.
Bye Bye Liver: The Chicago Drinking Play, sketch comedy and
drinking games with Chicago-based comedians; 7 & 10pm; $15; for
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, The Circa ‘21
Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,,
Call for Comedians: The Establishment Theatre’s Open Mic Thu Jun 30.
Night, seeking applications for open-mic night on the last Wed. of Comic Open Mic, for inspiring comedians, professionals who
the month, with 12 performance slots per show; for information, want to work on new material, and those who enjoys telling jokes
e-mail or call 309-786-1111, to co-workers; $3; for information and tickets, call 309-786-7733,
The Establishment Theatre, 220 19th St., Rock Island, IL, http://www. extension 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,, Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec 31., 8pm Fri Jul 15.
ComedySportz, interactive comedy with the area’s long- Comedy Relief, family-friendly improv with the Center’s own
running improv troupe; Fri & Sat 7pm; $10-$12; for tickets and team; free; for information, call 563-468-1423, ALive! Children’s
information, call 309-786-1111 or e-mail Info@ComedySportzQC. Theater at The Center, 1411 Brady St., Davenport, IA, http://www.
com, The Establishment Theatre, 220 19th St., Rock Island, IL, http://, 7pm Sat Jul 16., Fri May 27 thru Sat Dec 31. LOL Tuesday Night Comedy w/ Guys in Ties, well-dressed
Improv Comedy Night, improv comedy with audience improvisation with the comedians of ComedySportz; $16-$20; for
participation; good clean fun and lots of laughter; for information, information and tickets, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat
call 563-468-1423, ALive! Children’s Theater at The Center, 1411 Theatre, 311 Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA, http://www.clintonshowboat.
Brady St., Davenport, IA,, 7pm Sat May org, 7:30pm Tue Jul 19.

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

28. Open Mic Night, featuring 12 performance slots; with a set
The Blacklist, local stand-up comedians perform at 9pm, and bv local comedian Chris Schlichting, and the show emceed by
the sketch & improv comedy troupe takes the stage at 10pm; $10; ComedySportz veteran John Hannon; 7pm doors, 8pm show; $3
for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, The Circa admission; for information, e-mail OpenMic@EstablishmentTheatre.
‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, com or call 309-786-1111, The Establishment Theatre, 220 19th St.,
speakeasy.asp, 9pm Sat May 28. Rock Island, IL,, 8pm Wed
Standup Comedy Showcase, on Mondays; also an open- Jul 27.
mic night for singers; sign up at iwannarock@iowacityyachtclub. Taylor Mason, family-friendly production with the comedian,
org, Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City, IA, http://www. ventriloquist, musician, entertainer, and actor; $15-$25; for tickets, 9pm Mon May 30 thru Mon Dec 26. and information, call 309-342-2299, The Orpheum Theatre, 57 S.
Comedy Xperiment Improv Workshop, on the first Thursday Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL,, 7:30pm Sat
of the month; all ages and skill levels are welcome; no previous Jul 30.
improv experience necessary; $5, Des Moines Social Club, Kirkwood LOL Tuesday Night Comedy w/ Guys in Ties, well-dressed
Building on 4th and Walnut, Des Moines, IA, http://www.facebook. improvisation with the comedians of ComedySportz; $16-$20; for
com/ComedyXPeriment, 6pm Thu Jun 2 thru Thu Dec 1. information and tickets, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat
Tammy Pescatelli, winner of Comedy Central’s Standup Theatre, 311 Riverview Dr., Clinton, IA, http://www.clintonshowboat.
Showdown in concert; $10-$15; for tickets and information, call org, 7:30pm Tue Aug 2.
800-724-5825, Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center, 1777 Isle Comic Open Mic, for inspiring comedians, professionals who
Parkway, Bettendorf, IA, want to work on new material, and those who enjoys telling jokes
index.aspx, 7:30pm Fri Jun 3. to co-workers; $3; for information and tickets, call 309-786-7733,
LOL Tuesday Night Comedy w/ Guys in Ties, well-dressed extension 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, 25
Ten Things I Hate About You, a screening in the Modern
Shakespeare Film Fest; free; for information, call 309-524-2480,
Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www., 6:30pm Thu Jun 9., 8pm Fri Aug 12. Surprise Family Flicks, free; for information, call 563-285-
Comedy Relief, family-friendly improv with the Center’s own 4794, Buffalo Library, 329 Dodge St., Buffalo, IA, http://www.
team; free; for information, call 563-468-1423, ALive! Children’s, 2pm Thu Jun 9.
Theater at The Center, 1411 Brady St., Davenport, IA, http://www. Movie Musical Fridays, a great musical plus free popcorn and, 7pm Sat Aug 20. lemonade on Fridays at 2pm; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Open Mic Night, featuring 12 performance slots; with a set Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
bv local comedian Chris Schlichting, and the show emceed by Davenport, IA,, Fri Jun 10 thru
ComedySportz veteran John Hannon; 7pm doors, 8pm show; $3 Fri Jul 22.
admission; for information, e-mail OpenMic@EstablishmentTheatre. You Are Here: Young Adult Movie Matinee, free; for
com or call 309-786-1111, The Establishment Theatre, 220 19th St., information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Rock Island, IL,, 8pm Wed Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Aug 31. com, 2pm Fri Jun 10.
Inception, Christopher Nolan’s mind-bending 2010 smash;
a free screening in the 2011 Summer of the Arts series; program
begins at sunset, University of Iowa Pentacrest, University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA,, 8pm Sat Jun 11.
Screenings Madagascar, a screening in the“One World, Many Stories”Movie
Ghosts of the Abyss, James Cameron’s exploration of the Matinee series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Titanic wreckage; for information and showtimes, call 563-324- Public Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.
1933, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport,, 1pm Mon Jun 13.
IA,, Thu May 26 thru Thu Jun 24. Madagascar, a screening in the “Animation Celebration at
Ultimate Wave Tahiti 3D, cultural history and huge waves, Eastern” series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
featuring nine-time world surfing champion Kelly Slater and Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport,
Tahitian surfer Raimana Van Bastolaer; $8.50/adults; $7.50/seniors/ IA,, 2pm Tue Jun 14.
student/military; $6.50/ages 3-12; for showtimes and information, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Extended
call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th Edition Event, Peter Jackson’s Oscar-winning fantasy with 49
St, Davenport, IA,, Thu May 26 thru Thu minutes of additional footage, plus introductions by Jackson; $12.50;
Jul 7. for information, call 563-359-1314, Rave Motion Pictures Davenport
Born to Be Wild 3D, IMAX nature documentary narrated by 53, 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA,,
Morgan Freeman; $6.50-$8.50; for tickets and showtimes, call 7pm Tue Jun 14.
563-324-1054, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th St, CASI Movie Matinee, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month; $2-$4;
Davenport, IA,, Thu May 26 for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
thru Thu Aug 18. 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,,
The Other Woman, 2011 suspense drama starring Natalie 1pm Tue Jun 14.
Portman; a screening in the Backdoor Independent Film Cafe series; The Met Summer Encore: Madama Butterfly, big-screen
$8; for information, call 563-271-6173, Figge Art Museum, 225 W presentation of the late Anthony Minghella’s stunning production
2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 6:30pm Sun of Puccini’s tragedy; for information, call 563-359-1314, Rave Motion
May 29. Pictures Davenport 53, 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.
A Cadaver Christmas, locally-filmed horror comedy by Joe, 6:30pm Wed Jun 15.
Zerull and Daniel Rairdin-Hale, preceded by short films at 5 & 6pm, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, a family movie in
and followed by outtakes and filmmaker Q & A; $10 at the door, The the Thursday Theater series; free; for information, call 563-344-4178,
Establishment Theatre, 220 19th Street, Rock Island, IL, http://www. Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,, 7pm, Sun May 29., 1pm Thu Jun 16.
Travelearning: Exploring the Globe on Screen - Jamaica, Stephen Sondheim’s Company, presentation of limited-
travel wordwide from the comfort of the library; free; for information, engagement New York revival, starring Neill Patrick Harris; $18; for
call 563-888-3371, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, information, call 563-359-1314, Rave Motion Pictures Davenport
6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportlibrary. 53, 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA,,
com, 2pm Wed Jun 1. 7:30pm Thu Jun 16.
Alamar, A screening in the Independent Movie Night series. Yogi Bear, an outdoor screening of the family-film hit; $1
Plot: Jorge has only a few weeks with his five-year-old son Natan donation/person; concessions available, Schwiebert Riverfront Park,
before the boy leaves to live with his mother in Rome. Intent on between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock Island, IL,,
teaching him about his Mayan heritage, Jorge takes him to the 8:30pm Fri Jun 17.
pristine Chinchorro reef for a lesson in the rhythms of a fisherman’s Dirty Dancing, 1987’s romantic hit with Patrick Swayze and
life. For information, call 309-732-7323., Rock Island Public Library - Jennifer Grey; a free screening in the 2011 Summer of the Arts
Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary. series; program begins at sunset; with a pre-movie performance
org, 6pm Thu Jun 2. by the Iowa City Community Band, University of Iowa Pentacrest,
In a Dream, a First Thursday Film, directed by Jeremiah Zagar; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,,
Philadelphia-set portrait of love and betrayal, family bonds, and 8pm Sat Jun 18.
the intimacy of dysfunction; $3.50-$5; for information, call 563-326- This Above All, 1942 film about a patriotic young woman
7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. who shocks her wealthy family when she enlists in the military; a, 7pm Thu Jun 2. screening in the Classic Film Society’s “Homefront Films of World
LA Phil Live: Dudamel Conducts Brahms, full concert War II” series; for information, call 563-391-3502, Marycrest Senior
performance with the Los Angeles Philharmonic led by its dynamic Campus, 1607 W. 12th St., Davenport, IA, 7pm Sat Jun 18.
music director Gustavo Dudamel, broadcast live from Walt Disney Stephen Sondheim’s Company, presentation of limited-
Concert Hall in Los Angeles; for information, call 563-359-1314, engagement New York revival, starring Neill Patrick Harris; $18; for
Rave Motion Pictures Davenport 53, 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA, information, call 563-359-1314, Rave Motion Pictures Davenport 53,, 4pm Sun Jun 5. 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA,, 2pm
Sun Jun 19.
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Ratatouille, a screening in the “One World, Many Stories” Movie

Matinee series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Aladdin, a screening in the “One World, Many Stories” Movie
Public Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www. Matinee series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport, 1pm Mon Jun 6. Public Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.
The Goonies, 1985 family adventure; free; for information, call, 1pm Mon Jun 20.
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, The Tale of Despereaux, animated adventure based on the
Rock Island, IL,, 5:45pm Mon Jun children’s book; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
6. Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.
Ratatouille, a screening in the “Animation Celebration at, 3:30pm Mon Jun 20.
Eastern” series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Aladdin, a screening in the “Animation Celebration at Eastern”
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public
IA,, 2pm Tue Jun 7. Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,
Movie Musical Tuesdays, a great musical plus free popcorn and, 2pm Tue Jun 21.
lemonade on Tuesdays at 2pm; for information, call 563-326-7832, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Extended Edition
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Event, Peter Jackson’s Oscar-winning fantasy with 56 minutes
Davenport, IA,, Tue Jun 7 thru of additional footage, plus introductions by Jackson; $12.50; for
Tue Jul 26. information, call 563-359-1314, Rave Motion Pictures Davenport 53,
Ratatouille, a screening in the Animation Celebration @ 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA,, 7pm
Fairmount series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Tue Jun 21.
Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www. Aladdin, a screening in the Animation Celebration @ Fairmount
26, 2pm Wed Jun 8. series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street
Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www. screening in the 2011 Summer of the Arts series; program begins at

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •, 2pm Wed Jun 22. sunset, University of Iowa Pentacrest, University of Iowa, Iowa City,
The Met Summer Encore: Don Pasquale, big-screen IA,, 8pm Sat Jul 9.
presentation of Otto Schenk’s operatic production; for information, Jews and Baseball - An American Love Story, documentary
call 563-359-1314, Rave Motion Pictures Davenport 53, 3601 E. 53rd about immigrations assimilation, bigotry, heroism, the passing on
St., Davenport, IA,, 6:30pm Wed Jun of traditions, and the shattering of stereotypes; $5; for information,
22. call 309-793-1300, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,
Country School: One Room – One Nation, a Senior Day, 4pm Sun Jul 10.
program; documentary on Midwestern schools, by area filmmakers Killer of Sheep, 1977 drama by Charles Burnett; “Surface
Kelly and Tammy Rundle; free; for information, call 563-344-4187, Value” artist Mickalene Thomas’ pick in the Artists’ Choice Film
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, Series - a film that informs the artist’s work; with an introduction, 1:30pm Thu Jun 23. by Laura Burkhalter; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des
Surprise Family Flicks, free; for information, call 563-285- Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.
4794, Buffalo Library, 329 Dodge St., Buffalo, IA, http://www., 1:30pm Sun Jul 10., 2pm Thu Jun 23. Surf’s Up, a screening in the “One World, Many Stories” Movie
King Arthur, PG-13 rated adventure film; free; for information, Matinee series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 Public Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.
19th, Rock Island, IL,, 5:30pm Thu, 1pm Mon Jul 11.
Jun 23. CASI Movie Matinee, $2-$4; for information, call 563-386-7477,
She’s the Man, a screening in the Modern Shakespeare Film CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport,
Fest; free; for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, IA,, 1pm Thu Jul 14.
3210 41st St, Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Surf’s Up, a screening in the “Animation Celebration at Eastern”
Jun 23. series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public
Stephen Sondheim’s Company, presentation of limited- Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,
engagement New York revival, starring Neill Patrick Harris; $18; for, 2pm Tue Jul 12.
information, call 563-359-1314, Rave Motion Pictures Davenport Surf’s Up, a screening in the Animation Celebration @
53, 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA,, Fairmount series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
7:30pm Thu Jun 23. Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.
Goldfinger, 1964 James Bond smash with Sean Connery; a free, 2pm Wed Jul 13.
screening in the 2011 Summer of the Arts series; program begins at The Met Summer Encore: La Fille du Regiment, big-screen
sunset, University of Iowa Pentacrest, University of Iowa, Iowa City, presentation of Laurent Pelly’s hilarious operatic production; for
IA,, 8pm Sat Jun 25. information, call 563-359-1314, Rave Motion Pictures Davenport
You Are Here: Young Adult Movie Matinee, free; for 53, 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA,,
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 6:30pm Wed Jul 13.
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. Journey to the Center of the Earth, a family movie in the
com, 1pm Sat Jun 25. Thursday Theater series; free; for information, call 563-344-4178,
Despicable Me, bring your friends, family, blankets and snacks Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
for a screening of the animated hit; free popcorn provided; free; for, 1pm Thu Jul 14.
information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave., Open Season 3, an outdoor screening of the animated film; $1
Eldridge, IA,, 1pm Mon Jun 27. donation/person; concessions available, Schwiebert Riverfront Park,
Kung Fu Panda, a screening in the “One World, Many Stories” between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock Island, IL,,
Movie Matinee series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, 8:30pm Fri Jul 15.
Davenport Public Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, Claudia, 1943 film about the sad and wonderful transformation, 1pm Mon Jun 27. of a girlish bride into a mature woman; a screening in the Classic Film
Kung Fu Panda, a screening in the “Animation Celebration at Society’s “Homefront Films of World War II” series; for information,
Eastern” series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport call 563-391-3502, Marycrest Senior Campus, 1607 W. 12th St.,
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, Davenport, IA, 7pm Sat Jul 16.
IA,, 2pm Tue Jun 28. Little Shop of Horrors, 1986 musical comedy based on the
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - Extended Edition stage hit; a free screening in the 2011 Summer of the Arts series;
Event, Peter Jackson’s Oscar-winning fantasy with 62 minutes
of additional footage, plus introductions by Jackson; $12.50; for
program begins at sunset, University of Iowa Pentacrest, University
of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,, 8pm Sat
information, call 563-359-1314, Rave Motion Pictures Davenport 53,
3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA,, 7pm
Jul 16.
Almost Angels, 1962 drama by Steve Previn; “Surface Value”
is power...
Tue Jun 28.
Kung Fu Panda, a screening in the Animation Celebration @
artist James Gobel’s pick in the Artists’ Choice Film Series - a film that
informs the artist’s work; with an introduction by Laura Burkhalter; Reach your goals, build a new
Fairmount series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.
for information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700
Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,, future, recharge your dreams, 2pm Wed Jun 29. 1:30pm Sun Jul 17.
The Met Summer Encore: Simon Boccanegra, big-screen The Emperor’s New Groove, a screening in the “One World,
presentation of Verdi’s operatic thriller, starring Placido Domingo;
for information, call 563-359-1314, Rave Motion Pictures Davenport
Many Stories” Movie Matinee series; free; for information, call
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library (Main), 321 Main Street, TUrn YoUr power on!
53, 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA,, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Mon Jul 18.
6:30pm Wed Jun 29. The Emperor’s New Groove, a screening in the “Animation
Up, a family movie in the Thursday Theater series; free; for
information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Celebration at Eastern” series; free; for information, call 563-326-
7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. Ave., Davenport, IA,, 2pm Tue Jul
com, 1pm Thu Jun 30.
Finding Nemo, a screening in the “Animation Celebration at
The Emperor’s New Groove, a screening in the Animation t$PODFOUSBUFEFJHIUXFFLGPSNBU
Eastern” series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Celebration @ Fairmount series; free; for information, call 563-326-
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, 7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,
IA,, 2pm Tue Jul 5., 2pm Wed Jul 20. t#BDIFMPSPG4DJFODFNBKPST

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Finding Nemo, a screening in the Animation Celebration @ The Met Summer Encore: Tosca, big-screen presentation of

Fairmount series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Puccini’s operatic thriller; for information, call 563-359-1314, Rave
Real education for real change.

Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www. Motion Pictures Davenport 53, 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA,, 2pm Wed Jul 6., 6:30pm Wed Jul 20.
Travelearning: Exploring the Globe on Screen - National Hamlet, a screening in the Modern Shakespeare Film Fest; free;
Parks of the United States, travel wordwide from the comfort
of the library; free; for information, call 563-888-3371, Davenport
for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st
St, Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Jul 21. t5SBOTGFSVQUP
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, The Sting, 1973’s Best Picture-winning smash with Paul Newman
IA,, 2pm Wed Jul 6. and Robert Redford; a free screening in the 2011 Summer of the
O, a screening in the Modern Shakespeare Film Fest; free; for Arts series; program begins at sunset, University of Iowa Pentacrest,
information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,,
Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Jul 7. 8pm Sat Jul 23.
Independent Movie Night, free movie and popcorn, with Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, 1974 drama by Martin
discussion afterward; free; for information, call 309-793-7323, Rock Scorsese; “Surface Value” artist Alison Elizabeth Taylor’s pick in the Upper Iowa University – Quad Cities Center
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http:// Artists’ Choice Film Series - a film that informs the artist’s work;, 6pm Thu Jul 7. with an introduction by Laura Burkhalter; for information, call 515- .JEEMF3PBE 4VJUFt#FUUFOEPSG *PXB
You Are Here: Young Adult Movie Matinee, free; for 277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA,
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950, 1:30pm Sun Jul 24. tXXXVJVFEVRVBEDJUJFT
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
com, 2pm Fri Jul 8.
The Waterboy, 1998 comedy hit with Adam Sandler; a free 27
What’s Happenin’
Comedy Theatre
Showdown. And charming, hilarious Paz
her comedic talents ily trilogy to life in three
have even extended summertime production
Tammy Pescatelli to the big screen, Don’t Talk to the Actors Tavern in 2005, King o’ t
Quad-Cities Waterfront with Pescatelli fea- Richmond Hill Barn Theatre 2007, and The Last Mass
Convention Center tured prominently Thursday, June 2, through Sunday, June 12 mir’s in 2009. And like t
in the independent to Capistrano, this summ
Friday, June 3, 7:30 p.m. comedies Made Simosky returning to Ri

I n all honesty, the

process of writing bi-
in Brooklyn and
Everybody Wants
to Be Italian (plus,
T hroughout the history of
American theatre, there
have been a number of directors
for another of the autho
Becky McCorkle and Don Hazen Don’t Talk to the Actors,
2 through 12.
though she might famed for their presentations of numerous works
weekly What’s Happenin’
prefer I didn’t men-
A behind-the-scenes comedy that ex
pieces that aim to be not by one particular author: Mike Nichols directing difficult and sometimes terrifying proc
only informative but funny tion it, a locally Neil Simon plays, Elia Kazan directing Tennes-
made 1991 release ducing a new theatre piece, Dudzick’s 2
is oftentimes a challeng- see Williams plays, Lloyd Richards directing concerns Jerry Przpezniak, a fledgling
titled Beauty Queen
ing one. These pieces, August Wilson plays, Susan Simosky directing set to enjoy the first Broadway staging
Butcher, which is
though, are much easier to
hysterical in its
Tom Dudzick plays ... . works. “Enjoy,” though, isn’t really an a
compose when I’m writing If you’re not familiar with those last two names, term when it comes to the show’s rehea
about someone who’s al- own right).
But nothing will Simosky is the area helmer who, for the Richmond which finds Jerry and his fiancée strug
ready pretty darned funny, Hill Barn Theatre, brought playwright Dudzick’s
so allow me to offer a huge give you a better

sense of Pescatelli’s
“Thank you!” to the folks Danielle Colby-Cushman –
at the Quad-Cities Wa- buoyant sense of
enormous outdoor festival.
terfront Convention Center for the venue’s humor than Pescatelli herself. It is, there-
fest promises to be even big
June 3 booking of comedienne Tammy fore, a pleasure to let the comedienne speak American Pickers Weekend than last year’s, with live mu
Pescatelli. Let the hilarity commence! for herself: Click here for a YouTube clip
Downtown LeClaire sic-car show, a petting zoo,
To be sure, this star of TV and the tour- from a 2008 standup set, here for Pescatelli’s
performance on the comedy showcase Just Saturday, June 4, and Sunday, June 5 karaoke, food vendors, and
ing circuit – and a former Quad Citian who held throughout the city!”
for Laughs, and here for a sampling from

spent two years as a morning-show co-host ey, Jeff!” “Yes, I’m aware of that.”
for former radio station 98.9FM – has had her reality series A Standup Mother, featur-
ing shots of her playing before a crowd “Hi, Mi – . I don’t believe “Frank, unfortunately, is u
plenty of opportunities to make people there. But both Mike and D
at the Quad Cities’ own Circa ’21 Dinner it. What have you done to yourself
roar. With her appearances on such talk
Playhouse! this time?” be around for question-and
shows as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,
Hmm. Guess I should’ve mentioned that “I’m getting prepped for the June 4 and 5 Ameri- autograph sessions, and you can even en
Last Call with Carson Daly, and The Bonnie
this What’s Happenin’ piece is a lot funnier can Pickers Festival in downtown LeClaire! How do I the chance to win lunch with the Picker
Hunt Show, Pescatelli has wowed both hosts
and audiences with her unique and pointed online. look?! Could I pass as a Picker?” in town! Doesn’t that sound great?”
observations on fame, motherhood, and her Tammy Pescatelli plays the Quad-Cities “I hate to ask what you were thinking.” “Yes, it does.”
Italian-American heritage. She was a finalist Waterfront Convention Center at 7:30 p.m., “I’m thinking the weekend is gonna be a blast! For “Twilight Cruises is going to be offeri
for the second and third seasons of NBC’s and tickets are available by calling (800)724- the second year in a row, LeClaire is taking two days along the Mississippi River on Saturday
Last Comic Standing, plus the grand-prize 5825 or visiting Bettendorf.IsleOfCapriCasinos. to celebrate the success of that great History Channel will find Roy ‘Mushroom’ Flachs – who
winner of Comedy Central’s 2010 Standup com. reality series – and stars Mike Wolfe, Frank Fritz, and appeared on the American Pickers show
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
e excellent
with a persnickety stage manager, a pair of has-been
stars from an early-’80s sitcom, and a director who Music What Else
ns: Over the
the Moon in
ss at St. Casi-
offers the author the titular – and, sadly for Jerry,
ignored – piece of advice.
Described by the Orange County Register as an
Summer Camp
Music Festival
Is Happenin’
the swallows “irresistible” comedy that “hits all the right notes,” Three Sisters Park MUSIC
mer finds and by the Buffalo News as “drop-dead, scream- Friday, May 27, through Thursday, May 26 – From Broadway
ichmond Hill out-loud, tear-wrenchingly funny,” Richmond Hill’s with Love. Show-tune favorites in a cabaret
Sunday, May 29 performance with Happy Days: A New Musical
or’s works: production looks to be another biannual treat from STS9 performers Maeve Martin and Andrew J. Smith.
, running June Simosky and Dudzick. And while there’s no word

Circa ’21 Speakeasy (1818 Third Avenue, Rock
on whether Don’t Talk to the Actors will lead to f it’s Memorial Day weekend, it must be time for the annual
Island). 6 p.m. $10-12. For tickets and informa-
xplores the its own theatrical trilogy, I, for one, would totally Summer Camp Music Festival, the three-day outdoor fiesta tak-
tion, call (309)786-7733 extension 2 or visit
cess of pro- welcome titles boasting equally fine advice for audi- ing place May 27 through 29 at Chillicothe, Illinois’ Three Sisters
2007 offering ences, and can only hope that Dudzick gets cracking Park. With this eagerly anticipated campground event featuring
Thursday, May 26 – David Lowery
playwright on Don’t Slowly Open Cellophane-Wrapped Candy workshops, art shows, vendors, family activities, and some of the
& Johnny Hickman. Cracker and Camper
of one of his and Leave Your Freakin’ Cell Phone in the Car. country’s finest jam and indie bands performing on six separate
Van Beethoven leader Lowery in concert with
appropriate For more information on, and tickets to, Don’t stages, there are hardly words enough to describe Summer Camp.
Cracker bandmate Hickman. The Redstone
arsal process, Talk to the Actors, call (309)944-2244 or visit RH- Unfortunately, my What’s Happenin’ pieces have gotten kinda
Room (129 Main Street, Davenport). 8 p.m. $15.
ggling to deal lengthy lately, and I’ve been told I only have 100 words with which
For tickets and information, call (563)326-1333
to suggest the Summer Camp experience. So, without further ado or visit For an interview
... . with Lowery, visit
– through an ing people’s antiques. Oh, and I forgot to mention “Umphrey’s McGee, moe., Widespread Panic, Huey Lewis & the Friday, May 27 – T-Model Ford &
And this year’s the contest! There’s going to be a Picker Lookalike rUMors, Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers, Bassnectar, STS9, Gravelroad. Mississippi blues legends in
gger and better Contest, with prizes going to festival visitors who The Avett Brothers, The Pimps of Joytime, Euforquestra, Reverend concert. Rock Island Brewing Company (1815
usic, a clas- most resemble one of the series’ stars! Hence, the new Peyton’s Big Damn Band, Chicago Farmer, Lubriphonic, Henhouse Second Avenue, Rock Island). 9 p.m. $15. For
a flea market, look!” Prowlers, Ernie Hendrickson, Girl Talk, Yonder Mountain String information, call (309)793-4060 or visit RIBCO.
garage sales “Yes, but you don’t look anything like Mike or Band, De La Soul, Bela Fleck & the Flecktones, Keller Williams, com.
Frank.” Slightly Stoopid, Lotus, Wiz Khalifa, EOTO, Cornmeal, The New Friday, May 27 – Kansas. Legendary
“I know! But check out the tats! I’ve got that contest Mastersounds, Big Gigantic, SOJA, Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe, pop rockers of “Carry On, Wayward Son” and
unable to be prize in the bag!” The Wood Brothers, Tea Leaf Green, Mimosa, BoomBox, Papa- “Dust in the Wind” fame. Quad-Cities Water-
Danielle will “I hate to break it to you, Mike, but you don’t look dosio, Deadelus, Family Groove Company, Future Rock, Gaelic front Convention Center (1777 Isle Parkway,
d-answer and like Danielle, either. So for your sake, I hope those Storm, Greensky Bluegrass, and Brainchild.” Bettendorf). 7:30 p.m. $30-40. For tickets and
nter a raffle for press-on tattoos weren’t expensive.” I actually could’ve squeezed a few more musicians in there, but information, call (800)724-5825 or visit
my boss considers “STS9,” “EOTO,” and “SOJA” to be four words
rs while they’re “Um ... press-on tattoos ... ?”
each. Damned acronyms. Saturday, May 28 – Josh Groban.
Three Sisters Park is located at 17189 North Route 29 in Chilli- Multi-platinum-selling recording artist in con-
For a full schedule of American Pickers Festival events,
cothe, and tickets to the festival are available by visiting Summer- cert. i wireless Center (1201 River Drive, Moline).
ing boat trips go to For a 2010 feature article on
y, and both days American Pickers, visit 8 p.m. $49.50-69.50. For tickets, call (800)745-
3000 or visit
o previously
w – apprais- Continued On Page 38

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Continued From Page 27 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportlibrary. categories - educational, inspirational, and Just 4 Fun; winners will of the Civil War Exhibit, exhibit featuring a typical campsite of
com, 2pm Wed Aug 3. be screened at the Iowa State Festival in Des Moines, Scott County a LeClaire soldier while on the battlefront; free with museum
Independent Movie Night, free movie and popcorn, with Extension, 875 Tanglefoot Lane, Suite B, Bettendorf, IA, http://www. admission; for information, call 563-289-5580, Buffalo Bill Museum,
discussion afterward; free; for information, call 309-793-7323, Rock, Thu May 26 199 N Front St, LeClaire, IA, Thu May 26 thru Wed Aug 31.
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http:// thru Wed Jun 1. Adventures with Clifford the Big Red Dog, exhibit featuring, 6pm Thu Aug 4 Modern Shakespeare Video Contest, for ages 12-18; create a numerous “paws-on” adventures that reinforce “Clifford’s Big Ideas”
Inkheart, PG-rated family adventure; free; for information, call The Goonies, 1985 adventure smash, co-produced by Steven short film based on the works of Shakespeare and enter it to win - 10 simple life lessons children master as they grow; free with
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Spielberg; a free screening in the 2011 Summer of the Arts series; up to $50; free; for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public museum admission; for information, call 563-344-4106, Family
Rock Island, IL,, 1pm Mon Jul 25. program begins at sunset, University of Iowa Pentacrest, University Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,, Wed Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.
Megamind, bring your friends, family, blankets and snacks for of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,, 7:30pm Sat Jun 1 thru Thu Jun 30., Thu May 26 thru Sun Sep 4.
a screening of the animated hit; free popcorn provided; free; for Aug 6. Movie Making Fun, thru June 24, for ages 8-13; be in the School House to White House: The Education of the
information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave., CASI Movie Matinee, $2-$4; for information, call 563-386-7477, spotlight or work behind the scenes on your own short film; $71; Presidents, exhibition focusing on the early education of American
Eldridge, IA,, 1pm Mon Jul 25. CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, for information, call 309-796-5000, Black Hawk College Outreach Presidents from Herbert Hoover through George W. Bush; includes
The Princess and the Frog, a screening in the “One World, Many IA,, 1pm Sun Aug 14. Center, 301 Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, IL, http://www.bhc. more than 150 items from the holdings of the Presidential Libraries,
Stories” Movie Matinee series; free; for information, call 563-326- Lilo & Stitch, 2002 animated Disney hit set in Hawaii; a free edu, 10am Mon Jun 20. including large photomurals of class photos and graduations;
7832, Davenport Public Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, screening in the 2011 Summer of the Arts series; program begins at Make a Movie Camp, for ages 15-19; rehearse, film, and edit for information, call 319-643-5301, Herbert Hoover Presidential
IA,, 1pm Mon Jul 25. sunset, University of Iowa Pentacrest, University of Iowa, Iowa City, a short using a professional video camera and computer editing Museum, Off I-80 at exit 254, West Branch, IA, http://www.hoover.
The Princess and the Frog, a screening in the “Animation IA,, 7:30pm Sat Aug 13. system; students will participate in a number of tasks including, 9am Thu May 26 thru Sun Oct 30.
Celebration at Eastern” series; free; for information, call 563-326- Winged Victory, 1944 time capsule of World War II draftees and Camera Operator, Sound Recorder, Lighting Technician, and Spirit of the Land: A Tribute to Native American Plains
7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern their families; a screening in the Classic Film Society’s “Homefront actor; After taping, work on editing the movie, adding sound and Culture, exhibit featuring artwork by Warren Ostrom, in the Lower
Ave., Davenport, IA,, 2pm Tue Jul Films of World War II” series; for information, call 563-391-3502, effects, for the premiere showing on the last day of class; $90; for Gallery; featuring authentic Native American artisan demonstrations
26. Marycrest Senior Campus, 1607 W. 12th St., Davenport, IA, 7pm Sat information, call 309-796-5000, Attica Recording Studio, 3117 31st on select weekends; for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam
The Met Summer Encore: Don Carlo, big-screen presentation Aug 13. Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 10am Mon Jul 11 thru Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport, IA, http://
of Verdi’s classic opera; for information, call 563-359-1314, Rave Up, an outdoor screening of the Oscar-winning Pixar movie; $1 July 15., Thu May 26 thru Wed Oct 23.
Motion Pictures Davenport 53, 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport, IA, donation/person; concessions available, Schwiebert Riverfront Park, The German Immigrant Experience, 4,000 square feet of, 6:30pm Wed Jul 27. between 17th & 20th Streets, Rock Island, IL,, state-of-the-art interactive exhibits including a new trivia video
The Princess and the Frog, a screening in the Animation 8:30pm Fri Aug 19. game, wired antique party line phones, period clothing that can be
Celebration @ Fairmount series; free; for information, call 563-326- Independent Movie Night, free movie and popcorn, with tried on, and the audio-visual experience “Step into my Shoes”; free
7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, discussion afterward; free; for information, call 309-793-7323, Rock Cigar Exhibit, take in over 200 artifacts relating to the with $3-$5 museum admission, for information, call 563-322-8844,, 2pm Wed Jul 27. Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http:// manufacture and consumption of, German American Heritage German American Heritage Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA,
Madagascar, a family movie in the Thursday Theater series; free;, 6pm Thu Sep 1. Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA,, Thu, Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec 31.
for information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 May 26 thru Tue May 31. The Spark! Learning Lab, lab utilizing technology as the focus
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Classes & Calls for Entry Fifty-Plus Years of the Fashion Dolls Barbie & Lili, exhibit of the space to engage visitors and encourage career exploration in
com, 1pm Thu Jul 28. features miniatures, accessories, variations, cases, and books for the the area of Allied Healthcare; contains SMARTboards, touchscreen
Call for Entry: 5th Annual Iowa Independent Film
You Are Here: Young Adult Movie Matinee, free; for iconic dolls; free with museum admission; for information, call 563- computers, QR codes, and discovery microscopes as well as
Festival, call for professional and amateur moviemakers open for
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 322-8844 e-mail, German American Heritage authentic medical equipment; touch, try and experience materials
submissions to theJuly 15-17 festival in Clear Lake; five categories
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA,, Thu and equipment, and discover many opportunities available in allied
for recently completed productions: full-length feature, full-length
com, 2pm Fri Jul 29. May 26 thru Tue May 31. healthcare fields; free with museum admission; for information, call
documentary, documentary short, short subjects (art films/music
The Blind Side, inspirational drama with Oscar-winning Sandra Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition, traveling exhibit featuring 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th St,
videos/experimental), and student projects; the selectees will
Bullock; a free screening in the 2011 Summer of the Arts series; more than 125 legendary artifacts conserved from the ship’s debris Davenport, IA,, Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec
receive multiple screenings in the Clear Lake Arts Center and other
program begins at sunset; featuring a pre-movie performance by field, re-created cabins, an iceberg replica, a memorial gallery, and 31.
venues; for information, e-mail, http://www.
area cheerleaders, University of Iowa Pentacrest, University of Iowa, much more; $7-$11 in addition to museum admission, ages three German Influences in the Civil War Exhibit, free with museum, Thu May 26 thru Tue May 31.
Iowa City, IA,, 8pm Sat Jul 30. & under free; for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & admission; for information, call 563-322-8844 e-mail director@gahc.
Call for Entry: Iowa 4-H Film Festival, for grades 5-12; youth
Travelearning: Exploring the Globe on Screen - Australia, IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport, IA, http://www.putnam. org, German American Heritage Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport,
production teams may include one to 10 members, and at least
travel wordwide from the comfort of the library; free; for information, org, Thu May 26 thru Sun Jun 26. IA,, Wed Jun 1 thru Sun Jul 31.
one team member must be a 4-H member; participating teams
call 563-888-3371, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Beginning Pez Dispenser Exhibit, on the 3rd & 4th floors, featuring the
must create and submit a one to five-minute film in one of three
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

May 12 Crossword Answers

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011
featuring Michael Cavanaugh performing the

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River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

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Clinton LumberKings Vs. Dayton Dragons, minor-league, 7pm Clinton LumberKings Vs. Burlington Bees, minor-league

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, Sat Jun 11. baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. UFC 131: Dos Santos vs Carwin, with live music; for information, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Tue Jun 7. call 563-359-1015, Uptown Neighborhood Bar and Grill, 2340 com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Fri Jun 24.
dispenser collection of Emily Jackson; free with museum admission; Peoria Chiefs Vs. West Michigan Whitecaps, minor league Spruce Hills Dr., Bettendorf, IA,, Sat Peoria Chiefs Vs. Kane County Cougars, minor league baseball;
for information, call 563-322-8844 e-mail, baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jun 11. for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,
German American Heritage Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, Jefferson, Peoria, IL, Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Great Lakes Loons, minor- IL,,, Wed Jun 1 thru Sun Jul 31. jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Tue Jun 7. league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324- 6:30pm Fri Jun 24.
How Sweet It Is, Emily Jackson, PEZ collector and enthusiast, will Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Lansing Lugnuts, minor-league 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, 4th Annual Jim Bohnsack 4-H Golf Classic, benefit for the
give a presentation on the origin and history of PEZ candy toppers, baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000,, 2pm Rock Island County 4-H, with contests, Mulligans, and more; fee
German American Heritage Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Sun Jun 12. includes a 4-person preferred ball golf game, cart, lunch, and player, 2pm Sun Jun 26., 7pm Tue Jun 7. Peoria Chiefs Vs. South Bend Silver Hawks, minor league awards reception, Indian Bluff Golf Course, 6200 78th Ave, Milan, IL,
Professional Lumberjack Festival & Contest, also with a a Clinton LumberKings Vs. Dayton Dragons, minor-league baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW,
beer tent sponsored by the Jaycees and a street dance sponsored baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, Jefferson, Peoria, IL, 1pm Sat Jun 25.
by the Lyons Business and Professional Association; for information, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. jsp?sid=t443, 1pm Sun Jun 12. Dodgeball Showdown, featuring an outdoor Trash Martini
call 563-242-0343, Clinton Sawmill Museum, 2231 Grant St., Clinton, com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Wed Jun 8. Clinton LumberKings Vs. Bowling Green Hot Rods, minor- concert on the Great River Plaza stage, fun in the sun, and a whole
IA, Sat Jul 16. Peoria Chiefs Vs. West league baseball; $5-$8; for lotta balls; tournament starts at noon, with cash prizes to the
Clinton Sawmill Museum Fundraising Dinner and Auction,
Michigan Whitecaps, minor tickets, call 563-242-0727, winners, Daiquiri Factory, 1809 2nd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www.
for information, call 563-242-4552, Wild Rose Casino & Resort, 311 league baseball; for tickets, call Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark, 11am Sat Jun 25.
Riverview Dr, Clinton, IA, 6pm Fri Aug 26. 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www. Clinton LumberKings Vs. Burlington Bees, minor-league
SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://
Adler Theatre baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, June and July index.jsp?sid=t500, 2pm Sun 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
index.jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Wed Jun 12. com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6pm Sat Jun 25.

Jun 8. Clinton LumberKings Vs. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Kane County Cougars, minor league baseball;
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Kane County Cougars, minor- Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. mong the high-profile guests taking the Quad Cities River Bandits, for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,
league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324- Lansing Lugnuts, minor-league stage at Davenport’s Adler Theatre this minor-league baseball; $5-$8; IL,,
3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and for tickets, call 563-242-0727, 6:30pm Sat Jun 25., 7pm summer, one of the
information, call 563-324-3000, Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark Peoria Chiefs Vs. Kane County Cougars, minor league baseball;
Thu May 26. Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S
highest has to be Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www. for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,
Peoria Chiefs Vs. Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, minor league Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http:// country/folk singer/ IL,, 1pm
baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW songwriter John Prine, index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Tue Sun Jun 26.
Jefferson, Peoria, IL, index.jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Wed Jun 14. Clinton LumberKings Vs. Burlington Bees, minor-league
jsp?sid=t443, 6:30pm Thu May 26. the multiple Grammy
Jun 8. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Wisconsin baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,
Drop-In Public Hockey, on Tuesdays; $10; for information, Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Award winner who was Timber Rattlers, minor league 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
call 563-322-5220, River’s Edge, 700 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA, Lansing Lugnuts, minor-league a 2003 inductee into the baseball; for tickets, call 309- com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 2pm Sun Jun 26. baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and 680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels, minor-
php?fDD=21-438, 11am Thu May 26 thru Tue Dec 27.
Nashville Songwriters
information, call 563-324-3000, Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-
Drop-In Public Soccer, on Thursdays; $10; for information, Iris DeMent Hall of Fame, and 2005’ s
Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA,
call 563-322-5220, River’s Edge, 700 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA, Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://
and John Prine Artist of the Year at the index.jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Tue, 7pm Americana Music Awards. Yet just how gifted is Jun 14. Mon Jun 27.
php?fDD=21-438, 6am Thu May 26 thru Thu Dec 29. index.jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Thu Peoria Chiefs Vs. Wisconsin Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league
Public Ice Skating, on Saturdays; $5 admission & $2 skate rental; Prine, whose Adler concert takes place on June
Jun 9. Timber Rattlers, minor league baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,
for information, call 563-322-5220, River’s Edge, 700 W. River Dr., Peoria Chiefs Vs. West 18? Well, Bob Dylan is quoted as saying that baseball; for tickets, call 309- 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
Davenport, IA, Michigan Whitecaps, minor the musician “writes beautiful songs,” and that 680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Mon Jun 27.
division.php?fDD=21-438, 11am Fri May 27, 4:45pm Sat May 28
thru Sat Dec 31.
league baseball; for tickets, call “Prine’s stuff is pure Proustian existentialism Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league
309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league – Midwestern mind-trips to the nth degree.” In a
SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http:// index.jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Wed 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, slightly more down-to-earth analysis, Pink Floyd’s Jun 15. com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Tue Jun 28.
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. index.jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Thu Roger Waters stated, “His is just extraordinarily Clinton LumberKings Vs. Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels, minor-
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Fri May 27. Jun 9. Quad Cities River Bandits, league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league eloquent music – he lives on that plane with Neil
Clinton LumberKings Vs. minor-league baseball; $5-$8; 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA,
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, Dayton Dragons, minor-league
Young and Lennon.” And offering an even more for tickets, call 563-242-0727,, 7pm
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call down-to-earth compliment, Kris Kristofferson Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark Tue Jun 28.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6pm Sat May 28. 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, reportedly told a friend that Prine was such a Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www. Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels, minor-
UFC 130: Edgar Vs. Maynard III & Post Fight Party, with live 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-
music; for information, call 563-359-1015, Uptown Neighborhood fine guitarist and songwriter that “we’ll have to
http://www.minorleaguebaseball. index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Wed 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA,
Bar and Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr., Bettendorf, IA, http://www. com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm break his thumbs.” At least I presume that was Jun 15., 7pm, Sat May 28. Thu Jun 9. a compliment. John Prine’s June 18 appearance Clinton LumberKings Vs. Wed Jun 29.
Drop-In Public Soccer, on Sundays; $6; for information, call 563- Clinton LumberKings Vs. Quad Cities River Bandits, Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league
322-5220, River’s Edge, 700 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www.
finds him sharing the stage with the similarly
Bowling Green Hot Rods, minor-league baseball; $5-$8; baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,, minor-league baseball; $5-$8;
acclaimed country musician Iris DeMent, and for tickets, call 563-242-0727, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
6am Sun May 29 thru Sun Dec 18. for tickets, call 563-242-0727, several other big-ticket events will provide further Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Wed Jun 29
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark Adler entertainment this summer: the Quad City Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www. Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor-
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www. league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. Symphony Orchestra’s Spring Pops concert, with index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Thu 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA,
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 2pm Sun May 29. jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Fri Jun 10. vocals provided by Movin’ Out’ s Tony Award Jun 16., 7pm
Public Ice Skating, Sundays at 3pm, Mondays at 10am, & Peoria Chiefs Vs. South Bend nominee Michael Cavanaugh (June 4); the Peoria Chiefs Vs. Wisconsin Thu Jun 30.
Wednesdays at 11am; $5 admission, $2 skate rental; for information,
call 563-322-5220, River’s Edge, 700 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA,
Silver Hawks, minor league adored, Grammy-nominated gospel quartet Ernie Timber Rattlers, minor league Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor-
baseball; for tickets, call 309- baseball; for tickets, call 309- league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324- Haase & Signature Sound (July 29); and a host
680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW 680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA,
php?fDD=21-438, Sun May 29 thru Wed Dec 28. Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. of lovely young talents participating in the Miss Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www., 7pm
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league Iowa and Miss Teen scholarship pageants (June

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011 Fri Jul 1.
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Fri Jun 10. index.jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Thu Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor-
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. 9 through 11). Tickets for all Adler events are
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Jun 16. league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 2pm Mon May 30. Great Lakes Loons, minor-league
available by calling (800)745-3000, and for more Quad Cities River Bandits 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA,
Drop-In Baseball, on Mondays & Wednesdays; $6; for baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, visit – Mike Vs. Peoria Chiefs, minor-league, 7pm
information, call 563-322-5220, River’s Edge, 700 W. River Dr., information, call 563-324-3000, Schulz baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and Sat Jul 2.
Davenport, IA, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S information, call 563-324-3000, UFC 132: Cruz vs Faber 2, for information, call 563-359-
division.php?fDD=21-438, 6am Mon May 30 thru Wed Dec 28. Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http:// Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S 1015, Uptown Neighborhood Bar and Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr.,
Fighting Bee Golf Classic, hosted by athletics director and, 7pm Fri Jun Gaines St, Davenport, IA, Bettendorf, IA, Sat Jul 2.
men’s basketball coach Ray Shovlain, tournament proceeds will 10. index.jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Fri Jun 17. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor league baseball;
benefit more than 700 SAU student athletes participating in 23 Clinton LumberKings Vs. Bowling Green Hot Rods, Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Peoria Chiefs, minor-league for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,
varsity athletic programs; $150/person includes greens fees, cart minor-league baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, IL,,
for 18 holes, box lunch, beverages, take-away bag, dinner and Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www. Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. 6:30pm Sun Jul 3.
awards presentation with prizes; $5 mulligans, dinner-only $25; for, 6pm Sat Jun 11., 7pm Sat Jun 18. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor league baseball;
information and to reserve, call 563-333-6293, TPC at Deere Run, Peoria Chiefs Vs. South Bend Silver Hawks, minor league Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Peoria Chiefs, minor-league for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,
3100 Heather Knoll, Silvis, IL,, 11:30am baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, IL,, 6pm
Fri Jun 3. Jefferson, Peoria, IL, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Mon Jul 4.
Cedar Rapids RoughRiders Green & White Game, ice hockey jsp?sid=t443, 6:30pm Sat Jun 11., 2pm Sun Jun 19. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor league baseball;
match; for tickets, call 319-261-GOAL, Cedar Rapids Ice Arena, 1100 Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Great Lakes Loons, minor- MWL All-Star Game, for tickets and information, call 563-324- for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,
Rockford Rd. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA, league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324- 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http:// IL,, 7pm
schedule/, 7:05pm Sat Jun 4. 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA,, Tue Jun 21. Tue Jul 5. 33
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Lansing Lugnuts, minor-league Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Kane County Cougars, minor- Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Burlington Bees, minor-league
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324- baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000,
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 2pm Sun Jul 17., 2pm, 7pm Thu Aug 11.
Peoria Chiefs Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor league baseball; for Peoria Chiefs Vs. Fort Wayne Tincaps, minor league Sun Jul 31. Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Burlington Bees, minor-league
tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria, baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Clinton LumberKings Vs. Peoria Chiefs, minor-league baseball; baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000,
IL,, 7pm Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242- Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
Wed Jul 6.
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels, minor-league
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,
jsp?sid=t443, 1pm Sun Jul 17. Music 0727, Alliant Energy Field, 537
Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://, 7pm Fri Aug 12.
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels, minor-league
Quad Cities River Bandits www.minorleaguebaseball. baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. Vs. Bowling Green Hot Rods,
Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz Festival com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 2pm 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Wed Jul 6. minor-league baseball; $7-$12; Downtown Davenport Sun Jul 31 com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Fri Aug 12.
Peoria Chiefs Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor league baseball; for for tickets and information, Thursday, August 4, through Sunday, August 7 Clinton LumberKings Vs. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor league baseball;
tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria, call 563-324-3000, Modern Peoria Chiefs, minor-league for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,

IL,, 7pm Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, IL,,
Thu Jul 7. St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
his year’s Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz call 563-242-0727, Alliant 6:30pm Sat Aug 13.
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels, minor-league Festival – the annual, four-day salute to Energy Field, 537 Ballpark Peoria Chiefs Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor league baseball;
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, jsp?sid=t565, 2pm Sun Jul 17. Davenport’s legendary jazz Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www. for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. Quad Cities River Bandits IL,, 1pm
coronet player – will take
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Thu Jul 7. Vs. Bowling Green Hot Rods, jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Mon Aug 1. Sun Aug 14.
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels, minor-league place August 4 through 7,
minor-league baseball; $7-$12; Quad Cities River Bandits Peoria Chiefs Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor league baseball;
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, for tickets and information, and it’s a most appropriate Vs. Kane County Cougars, for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. call 563-324-3000, Modern (long) weekend for the fest, minor-league baseball; $7-$12; IL,, 7pm
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Fri Jul 8. Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines as August 6 marks not only for tickets and information, Mon Aug 15.
Peoria Chiefs Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor league baseball; for St, Davenport, IA, http://www. call 563-324-3000, Modern Clinton LumberKings Vs. Quad Cities River Bandits,
tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL,
the 80th anniversary of Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines minor-league baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727,, 6:30pm jsp?sid=t565, 1pm Mon Jul 18.
Beiderbecke’ s death, but the St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.
Fri Jul 8. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Fort 40th anniversary of the Quad, 6:30pm Wed Aug
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, Wayne Tincaps, minor league Cities’ first Bix festival. Yet jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Mon Aug 1. 17.
minor-league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563- baseball; for tickets, call 309- Dick Hyman with this year’s celebration Peoria Chiefs Vs. Burlington Peoria Chiefs Vs. Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, minor league
324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, 680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Bees, minor league baseball; baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW, 7pm featuring a whopping 19 musical acts performing
Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. for tickets, call 309-680- Jefferson, Peoria, IL,
Sat Jul 9. at four Davenport locales, I found myself asking: 4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Wed Aug 17.
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, jsp?sid=t443, 11am Mon Jul 18. Is it humanly possible to catch all of them? Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. Clinton LumberKings Vs. Quad Cities River Bandits,
minor-league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563- Clinton LumberKings Vs. Believe it or not: Yes! Here’s how you do it. Spend minor-league baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727,
324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, Lansing Lugnuts, minor-league jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Tue Aug 2. Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www., 2pm
Thursday night at the Col Ballroom, where, from
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563- Peoria Chiefs Vs. Burlington, 6:30pm Thu Aug
Sun Jul 10. 242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, 537
6 to 11 p.m., you’ll enjoy one-hour sets with the Bees, minor league baseball; 18.
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http:// Bix Youth Band, the Jimmy Valentine Quartet, for tickets, call 309-680- Peoria Chiefs Vs. Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, minor league
minor-league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563- the Josh Duffee Corchestra, the New Wolverines, 4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW
324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, index.jsp?sid=t500, 10am Mon Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. Jefferson, Peoria, IL,
and Bill Allred. On Friday, hit LeClaire Park for 1, 7pm Jul 18. jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Thu Aug 18.
Mon Jul 11. and 2 p.m. gigs with the River City 6 and the Bix
Clinton LumberKings Vs. jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Wed Aug 3. Clinton LumberKings Vs. Quad Cities River Bandits,
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Great Lakes Loons, minor-league Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, Memorial Jazz Band, then pop over to the Hotel Peoria Chiefs Vs. Burlington minor-league baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727,
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, minor-league baseball; $5-$8; Blackhawk’s Gold Room for a 4 p.m. concert with Bees, minor league baseball; Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Vince Giordano & the Nighthawks. Return to for tickets, call 309-680-, 6:30pm Fri Aug 19.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Wed Jul 13. Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark 4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Peoria Chiefs Vs. Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, minor league
Peoria Chiefs Vs. Lake County Captains, minor league baseball;
the Col for 6-to-10-p.m. sets with the West End
Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www. Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW
for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,
Jazz Band, Jim Cullum Jazz, the Andy Schumm Jefferson, Peoria, IL,
IL,, 7pm jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Wed Jul 27. Gang, and the Manny Lopez Big Band, and then jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Thu Aug 4. jsp?sid=t443, 6:30pm Fri Aug 19.
Wed Jul 13. Clinton LumberKings Vs. zip back to the Hotel Blackhawk for the 11 p.m. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Burlington Clinton LumberKings Vs. Kane County Cougars, minor-league
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Dayton Dragons, minor-league Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, Bees, minor league baseball; baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,
gig with the Davenport Jazz Band. On Saturday,
baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, minor-league baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 309-680- 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. enjoy LeClaire Park’s noon concert with Dave
for tickets, call 563-242-0727, 4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6pm Sat Aug 20., 7pm Wed Jul 13. Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark Greer’s Classic Jazz, then hit the River Music Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Great Lakes Loons, minor-league Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www. Experience for a 1:30 p.m. Statesmen of Jazz event. baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000,
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, Then it’s off to the Hotel Blackhawk for a 4 p.m. jsp?sid=t443, 7pm Fri Aug 5. Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Thu Jul 28. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Cedar, 7pm Sat Aug 20.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Thu Jul 14.
piano concert with Dick Hyman, and a 9 p.m.
Quad Cities River Bandits Rapids Kernels, minor league Clinton LumberKings Vs. Kane County Cougars, minor-league
Peoria Chiefs Vs. Lake County Captains, minor league baseball; Vs. Peoria Chiefs, minor-league
collaboration between Vince Giordano and our baseball; for tickets, call 309- baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,
for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria, baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and area’s Josh Duffee. Finally, you can finish your 680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
IL,, 7pm information, call 563-324-3000, weekend at LeClaire Park, with Sunday’s 1 p.m. set Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 2pm Sun Aug 21.
Thu Jul 14. Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league
by Hot Club Davenport, and the 3 p.m. gig with
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Dayton Dragons, minor-league Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http:// jsp?sid=t443, 6:30pm Sat Aug 6. baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000,
baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, the Manny Lopez Quartet. And there you have it Peoria Chiefs Vs. Cedar Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. index.jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Thu Jul – 19 jazz sets in four days! Don’t worry, though, Rapids Kernels, minor league, 2pm Sun Aug 21., 7pm Thu Jul 14. 28. if your schedule doesn’t quite mesh with the one baseball; for tickets, call 309- Clinton LumberKings Vs. Kane County Cougars, minor-league
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Dayton Dragons, minor-league Clinton LumberKings Vs. I’ve outlined; there are still about a million other 680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,
baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
variants to choose from. For a complete schedule
minor-league baseball; $5-$8; com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Mon Aug 22., 7pm Fri Jul 15. for tickets, call 563-242-0727,
of jazz-festival events, visit – Mike jsp?sid=t443, 1pm Sun Aug 7. Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league
Peoria Chiefs Vs. Lake County Captains, minor league baseball; Alliant Energy Field, 537 Ballpark Schulz Peoria Chiefs Vs. Cedar baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000,
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria, Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www. Rapids Kernels, minor league Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
IL,, 7pm baseball; for tickets, call 309-, 7pm Mon Aug 22.
Fri Jul 15. jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Fri Jul 29. 680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL, http://www. Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Great Lakes Loons, minor-league Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Peoria Chiefs, minor-league, 7pm Mon Aug 8. baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000,
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, Peoria Chiefs Vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels, minor league baseball; Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria,, 7pm Tue Aug 23.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Fri Jul 15., 7pm Fri Jul 29. IL,, 7pm Clinton LumberKings Vs. Kane County Cougars, minor-league
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Lansing Lugnuts, minor-league Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Peoria Chiefs, minor-league Tue Aug 9. baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field,
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Burlington Bees, minor-league 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball.
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Tue Aug 23.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6pm Sat Jul 16., 7pm Fri Jul 29. Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Quad Cities River Bandits, minor league
Peoria Chiefs Vs. Fort Wayne Tincaps, minor league baseball; Clinton LumberKings Vs. Peoria Chiefs, minor-league, 7pm Wed Aug 10. baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW
for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jefferson, Peoria, baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, Clinton LumberKings Vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels, minor-league Jefferson, Peoria, IL,
IL,, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, jsp?sid=t443, 6:30pm Wed Aug 24.
6:30pm Sat Jul 16. com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6pm Sat Jul 30. 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Quad Cities River Bandits, minor league
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Bowling Green Hot Rods, Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Kane County Cougars, minor- com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Wed Aug 10. baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW
minor-league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563- league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324- Clinton LumberKings Vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels, minor-league Jefferson, Peoria, IL,
324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, 3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, jsp?sid=t443, 6:30pm Thu Aug 25., 7pm, 7pm 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. Peoria Chiefs Vs. Quad Cities River Bandits, minor league
Sat Jul 16.
34 Sat Jul 30. com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 7pm Thu Aug 11. baseball; for tickets, call 309-680-4008, O’Brien Field, 730 SW
Jefferson, Peoria, IL, Gardeners; free; for information, call 309-756-9978, Rock Island

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

jsp?sid=t443, 6:30pm Fri Aug 26. County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, https://webs.extension. by Jeff Ignatius
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league, 5:30pm Tue May 31.

Maturity in a Funny Facade

baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, How to Look 10 Years Younger, learn the latest beauty and
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. makeup techniques, hairstyles, and wardrobe trends that are
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6pm Sat Aug 27. youthful and flattering to everyone; learn to exude youthful body
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league language and feel beautiful in your body; $24, Hauberg Civic Center
baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Danielle Ate the Sandwich, June 2 at Rozz-Tox

Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Tue May 31., 7pm Sat Aug 27. Get Cooking with Rachel: Low-Card Cauliflower Leek Soup,
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league enjoy a balanced lunch in the company of other aspiring chefs, and
baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, take home a booklet of new recipes; $15, Hauberg Civic Center with the
Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 12pm stage name, 2pm Sun Aug 28. Wed Jun 1. Danielle Ate the
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league ACCEL Program Info Session, the session will offer participants
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, an overview of the program’s unique, discussion-driven learning
Sandwich and
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. environment, and the opportunity to ask questions of program staff; extending to her
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 2pm Sun Aug 28. free; for information or to register, call 563-441-9500, St. Ambrose unabashedly
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league ACCEL Campus, 1950 E. 54th St., Davenport, IA, http://www.sau. silly intros to
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, edu/accel, 5:30pm Wed Jun 1.
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. Cupcake Class, on Wednesdays; learn to make delicious YouTube videos,
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Mon Aug 29. cupcakes; hosted by Cupcakes, Muffins, & More; free; for information, her press photos,
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league call 563-328-8127, Rhythm City Casino, 101 W. River Dr., Davenport, her jokey stage
baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, IA, 6pm Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Jun 29.
Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Cribbage, on Wednesdays; $2-$4; for information and to
banter, and her, 7pm Mon Aug 29. register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 ukulele, Danielle
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Anderson proj-
baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-3000, Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Jul 27. ects a whimsical
Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Pinochle, on weekdays; $2-$4; for information and to register,, 7pm Tue Aug 30. call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly image that’s a
Clinton LumberKings Vs. Beloit Snappers, minor-league Road, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Wed Jun 1 marked contrast
baseball; $5-$8; for tickets, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, thru Fri Jul 29. to her voice and
537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://www.minorleaguebaseball. Walk-in Internet Workshops, walk-in course for those seeking
her songs.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Tue Aug 30. basic computer skills; for information, call 309-732-7303, Rock Island
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor- Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www. And while she And although this was Anderson’s first
league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324-, 9am Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Dec 28. made that bed to sleep in, she’s not hesitant album with a band, the accompaniment to
3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, Walk-in Workshop: Creating a Resume in Word, no to say that it irritates her when people don’t, 7pm appointment needed; in the Computer Lab, ground-floor level; for
her voice, guitar, and ukulele is restrained. “I
Wed Aug 31. information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main
take her music seriously. “I hate when people didn’t want to be: ‘Danielle now has a band,
Quad Cities River Bandits Vs. Clinton LumberKings, minor- Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,, laugh or call my songs ‘cute’ and ‘little’ and so she’s playing acoustic guitar and there’s
league baseball; $7-$12; for tickets and information, call 563-324- 11am Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Dec 28. ‘funny,’” the Colorado-based singer/song- a drumbeat behind every song. And she’s
3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, ACCEL Program Information Webinar, the webinar will offer writer said in a phone interview last week,, 7pm participants an overview of the program’s unique, discussion-driven called Danielle & the Sandwiches,’” she said.
Thu Sep 1. learning environment, and the opportunity to ask questions of promoting her June 2 show at Rozz-Tox in “I loved getting to play with talented people
program staff.; free; for information or to register, call 563-441-9500, Rock Island. and work with them, but I didn’t want it to
St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www. Despite the gimmickry that suggests a overtake what I was. ... It is about the songs, 9am Thu Jun 2.
Euchre, on Thursdays and Fridays; $2-$4; for information and to
novelty act, the 25-year-old Anderson is and the writing. So I want above all [for] the
ACCEL Program Information Webinar, adult learners desiring register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. worth watching. Her third album, last year’s words to be heard, and only complemented
to complete their bachelor’s degree in a flexible evening and Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Thu Two Bedroom Apartment, is mature and even and painted in better with the instruments.”
weekend format are invited to learn more about the St. Ambrose Jun 2 thru Fri Jul 29. startling in its writing and performance.
University ACCEL program; the session will offer participants an Accepting Registration: 10th Annual Cyber Camp 2011 for In the mixing process, she said, “we were
overview of the program’s unique, discussion-driven learning K-12 Teachers, register by June 3 for June 16-17 teachers’ camp: The title track and “Where the Good pulling everything back and cutting out. ...
environment, and the opportunity to ask questions of program staff; themed “Innovation through Collaboration,” an opportunity for Ones Go” are sweetly longing, and Anderson I wanted it to be more of a landscape than a
free; for information or to register, call 563-441-9500, St. Ambrose area teachers to gain hands-on training using technology that doesn’t shy away from humor in some songs: big, scary spray painting.”
ACCEL Campus, 1950 E. 54th St., Davenport, IA, http://www.sau. will enhance classroom instruction and learning; $75-$99; for
“Oh, El Paso / I have ridden on your highway Anderson was featured on YouTube’s home
edu/accel, 5pm Thu May 26. information and to register, call 309-341-5286, Carl Sandburg
The Master of Organizational Leadership Degree (St. College, 2232 S Lake Storey Rd, Galesburg, IL, http://www.sandburg. curves / And I have spoken to the governor / page in 2008, and she’s amassed more than
Ambrose University), the MOL is delivered in an accelerated edu, Fri Jun 3. About the use of your U-turns.” The waltzy, 30,000 subscribers to her channel (YouTube.
format in which classes are offered one night a week in eight- Bingo, on Fridays; $2-$4; for information and to register, call 563- saccharine album-closer “American Dream”
week sessions; deferred tuition payment options are available, and 386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, com/user/daniellesmagic) and nearly 4.7 mil-
some students also receive tuition assistance from their employers; Davenport, IA,, 12:30pm Fri Jun 3 thru
is cleverly biting, with its played-straight lion views overall. Her videos look (and are)
free; for information, contact Megan Gisi at 563-322-1051, SAU Fri Jul 29. brightness and good cheer providing the homemade, and she’s a hands-on artist, still
Downtown Education Center, 331 W. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http:// Bridge, on Fridays and Mondays; $2-$4; for information and to sarcastic commentary instead of the words. booking her own shows. When we talked,, 12:15pm Thu May 26. register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. This lightness creates variety and perhaps
Agricultural Medicine, register by May 27 for June 13-17 course; Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, 12:30pm she’d just completed a milestone in the transi-
a training program for health care professionals who treat and help Fri Jun 3 thru Fri Jul 29. leaves the listener open and vulnerable to tion from individual to entity. “Yesterday I
prevent occupational illnesses and injuries on the farm; the course Pesticide ApplicatorTesting, for information, call 563-359-7577, some devastating lyrical weapons. opened a business account at Chase bank, be-
will address diagnosis, treatment and prevention of agricultural Scott County Extension, 875 Tanglefoot Lane, Suite B, Bettendorf, IA, Addressing Anderson’s mother and based cause someone wrote a check to Danielle Ate
health conditions through a multidisciplinary approach; topics to, 10am Fri Jun 3
be discussed include agricultural health care delivery, respiratory Pruning and Care of Lilacs & Spring Flowering Shrubs, learn
on her recollections, “17 & 53” is in many the Sandwich instead of Danielle Anderson,
ways a model song, building to wisdom and and up until this point I hadn’t had a business

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

diseases, acute agricultural injuries, behavioral health issues, and how to call for lilacs and shrubs once they’ve bloomed; Sat 1pm
more; for information, contact Kay Mohling at 319-335-4219 or and Sun 2pm; $5; for information, call 309-724-2424, Riverside epiphany through layers of specific memo- account yet,” she said. “So I figured: Why, University Capitol Centre, Downtown Park Garden Center, 34th St. & 4th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. ries. “You were 17 the year your father died
Mall Main Floor, Iowa City, IA,, Sat Jun 4 and Sun Jun 5. not? Make it happen. Small steps.”
ICASH, Fri May 27. Shuffleboard, on Mondays; $2-$4; for information and to / And he was 53 and you were 17,” it begins. She’s also graduated, she thinks, from
Photo Safari, a professional photographer will take you around register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. “In the museum where you laid your head getting sweet deals as an emerging artist,
to different locations, while giving you tips on composition, lighting Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, 2:15pm to sleep / The artifacts were cold to comfort such as the fixed-price arrangement she had
and exposure; aimed at both novice and experienced amateur Mon Jun 6 thru Mon Jul 25.
you.” But it’s not merely a remembrance; it recording Two Bedroom Apartment. “You can
photographers who want to learn to take better pictures; point and Ugly Quilt Making, on Mondays; free; for information and to
shoot and advanced SLRs welcome; for information and to register, register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 mines a family story for a universal theme only get special favors for being the underdog
call 309-344-1512, Park Plaza, Main Street, Galesburg, IA, http:// W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, 8am of children failing to recognize their parents’ for so long,” she said. “And I’m feeling maybe Mon Jun 6 thru Mon Jul 25. mortality: “And while you are growing older /
CommunityServices/Inside%20Content%20Spring%202011%20fi Home Vegetable Gardening: Veggies, geared to the new I’m transcending out of that ‘She’s just a little
nal.pdf, 10am Fri May 27. or beginner gardener; learn some basics for planting, care, and
I am busy growing older, too.” girl gettin’ started. Won’t you cut her a break,
Get Cooking with Rachel: Healthy Kid Snacks, make great harvesting of fresh produce; led by Rock Island County Master “Soldiers” and “The Doctors” are similarly mister?’”
summer meals, snacks, and desserts, and home recipes; $24, Gardeners; free; for information, call 309-756-9978, Rock Island serious, and Anderson deftly, gracefully She admits that her relatively quick success
Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL, http:// County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, https://webs.extension. avoids the pitfalls inherent in songs about, 6pm Tue May 31., 5:30pm Tue Jun 7. has posed challenges. “I’ve had the luxury of
Home Vegetable Gardening: Herbs, geared to the new Managing Healthcare IT Projects & Programs, thru June 9; military recruitment and illness, writing with not being well-known as I was writing my
or beginner gardener; learn some basics for planting, care, and workshop will review and reinforce fundamental practices and elliptical economy and singing with an artful
harvesting of fresh produce; led by Rock Island County Master principals of project management through small-group exercises but natural confidence. Continued On Page 39 35, 12pm Wed Jun 15. call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,, 1pm
More Use of the Mouse & Keyboard, at 10am & 1pm; $7.50- Road, Davenport, IA,, Fri Jun 24. Wed Jul 13.
$12; for information and to register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center Get Cooking with Rachel: Rotisserie Chicken Meals, make ACCEL Program Information Webinar, for adult learners
for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http:// great summer meals, snacks, and desserts, and take home recipes; desiring to complete their bachelor’s degree in a flexible evening
based on a real-life healthcare IT enterprise program; participants, Wed Jun 15. $24, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL, and weekend format; the session will offer participants an overview
will be engaged throughout the workshop and will leave with Keyboard Skills, at 10am & 1pm; $7.50-$12; for information, 6pm Tue Jun 28. of the program’s unique, discussion-driven learning environment,
practical “take-aways” for immediate use in each participant’s and to register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Home Vegetable Gardening: Crop Rotation & Composting, and the opportunity to ask questions of program staff; free;
organization; for information, call 563-441-9950, St. Ambrose 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, geared to the new or beginner gardener; learn some basics for for information and to register, call 563-441-9500, St. Ambrose
University Professional Development Center, 1950 E. 54th St., Thu Jun 16. planting, care, and harvesting of fresh produce; led by Rock Island University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA,,
Davenport, IA,, 8:30am Tue Jun 7. ACCEL Program Information Webinar, the webinar will offer County Master Gardeners; free; for information, call 309-756-9978, 6pm Thu Jul 14.
Canasta, on Tuesdays; $2-$4; for information and to register, call participants an overview of the program’s unique, discussion-driven Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, https:// ACCEL Program Info Session, for adult learners desiring to
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly learning environment, and the opportunity to ask questions of, complete their bachelor’s degree in a flexible evening and weekend
Road, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Tue Jun 7 program staff.; free; for information or to register, call 563-441-9500, 5:30pm Tue Jun 28. format; the session will offer participants an overview of the
thru Tue Jul 26. St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www. Get Cooking with Rachel: Moroccan Salmon Cakes with program’s unique, discussion-driven learning environment, and the
Knitting/Crocheting, on Tuesdays; free; for information and to, 12pm Thu Jun 16. Garlic Mayo, enjoy a balanced lunch in the company of other opportunity to ask questions of program staff; free; for information
register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Computer Basics for Writing a Letter, at 10am & 1pm; $7.50- aspiring chefs, and take home a booklet of new recipes; $15, and to register, call 563-441-9500, St. Ambrose ACCEL Campus, 1950
Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, 12:30pm $12; for information and to register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL, http:// E. 54th St., Davenport, IA,, 8:30am Fri Jul
Tue Jun 7 thru Tue Jul 26. for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://, 12pm Wed Jun 29. 15.
Beginning Modeling, for ages 8 & up; learn posture, catwalk, Fri Jun 17. ACCEL Program Information Webinar, the webinar will offer Get Cooking with Rachel: Crispy Chipotle Lime Tilapia with
choreography, and how to walk, pose, and have the confidence of ACCEL Program Info Session, the session will offer participants participants an overview of the program’s unique, discussion-driven Cool Avocado Sauce, enjoy a balanced lunch in the company of
a model; $24, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock an overview of the program’s unique, discussion-driven learning learning environment, and the opportunity to ask questions of other aspiring chefs, and take home a booklet of new recipes; $15,
Island, IL,, 6pm Tue Jun 7. environment, and the opportunity to ask questions of program staff; program staff.; free; for information or to register, call 563-441-9500, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL, http://
Conversational Spanish II, Wednesdays thru July 27; $16-$24; free; for information or to register, call 563-441-9500, St. Ambrose St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www., 12pm Wed Jul 20.
for information and to register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for ACCEL Campus, 1950 E. 54th St., Davenport, IA, http://www.sau., 12pm Thu Jun 30. ACCEL Program Information Webinar, for adult learners
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www. edu/accel, 8:30am Fri Jun 17. Pesticide ApplicatorTesting, for information, call 563-359-7577, desiring to complete their bachelor’s degree in a flexible evening, 9:30am Wed Jun 8. Planting an Herb Garden, master gardener Sugandhi Scott County Extension, 875 Tanglefoot Lane, Suite B, Bettendorf, IA, and weekend format; the session will offer participants an overview
Conversational Spanish II, Wednesdays thru July 27; with Sivakumar will present a program about the basics of container herb, 10am Fri Jul 1. of the program’s unique, discussion-driven learning environment,
instructor Diane Rios; for people who took the class last year or gardening; bring in you own mid-size container (approximately 10- How to Look 10 Years Younger, learn the latest beauty and and the opportunity to ask questions of program staff; free;
who complete the Conversational Spanish I class; $16-$24; for 12” diameter) and leave with a own one-of-a-kind creation; free; for makeup techniques, hairstyles, and wardrobe trends that are for information and to register, call 563-441-9500, St. Ambrose
information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, youthful and flattering to everyone; learn to exude youthful body University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA,,
1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, Moline, IL,, 2pm Sat Jun 18. language and feel beautiful in your body; $24, Hauberg Civic Center 12pm Thu Jul 21.
9:30am Wed Jun 8. Cloth Diapering 101, learn about the benefits, the different Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Get Cooking with Rachel: 300 Calorie-or-Less Chicken
Get Cooking with Rachel: Fondue Party, enjoy a balanced choices available with modern cloth diapers, and how to care for Tue Jul 5. Meals, make great summer meals, snacks, and desserts, and take
lunch in the company of other aspiring chefs, and take home a them; $10, Rock Island Fitness and Activity Center, 4303 24th St., Get Cooking with Rachel: Low-Carb Bleu Cheese, Port, & home recipes; $24, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St.,
booklet of new recipes; $15, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 Rock Island, IL,, 6:30pm Mon Jun 20. Walnut Spread, enjoy a balanced lunch in the company of other Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Tue Jul 26.
24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 12pm Wed Jun 8. Childcare Seminar, free; for information, call 563-344-4175, aspiring chefs, and take home a booklet of new recipes; $15, Get Cooking with Rachel: Havarti Chicken, enjoy a balanced
Summer Computer Tutor Session, bring your computer Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL, http:// lunch in the company of other aspiring chefs, and take home a
questions to the library and a staff person will provide one-on-one, 6:30pm Tue Jun 21., 12pm Wed Jul 6. booklet of new recipes; $15, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300
help; learn about Internet searching, emailing, library databases, Home Vegetable Gardening: Garden Pests, geared to the ACCEL Program Info Session, for adult learners desiring to 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 12pm Wed Jul 27.
the library catalog, and Microsoft Word; free; for information, call new or beginner gardener; learn some basics for planting, care, complete their bachelor’s degree in a flexible evening and weekend Summer Computer Tutor Session, bring your computer
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 and harvesting of fresh produce; led by Rock Island County Master format; the session will offer participants an overview of the questions to the library and a staff person will provide one-on-one
Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,, 1pm Gardeners; free; for information, call 309-756-9978, Rock Island program’s unique, discussion-driven learning environment, and the help; learn about Internet searching, emailing, library databases,
Wed Jun 8. County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, https://webs.extension. opportunity to ask questions of program staff; free; for information the library catalog, and Microsoft Word; free; for information, call
ACCEL Program Information Webinar, the webinar will offer, 5:30pm Tue Jun 21. and to register, call 563-441-9500, St. Ambrose ACCEL Campus, 1950 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
participants an overview of the program’s unique, discussion-driven Learn More About the St. Ambrose MBA, working E. 54th St., Davenport, IA,, 5:30pm Wed Davenport, IA,, 1pm Thu Jul 28.
learning environment, and the opportunity to ask questions of professionals interested in earning their MBA in an accelerated Jul 6. ACCEL Program Information Webinar, for adult learners
program staff.; free; for information or to register, call 563-441-9500, class format are invited to learn more about the internationally ACCEL Program Information Webinar, for adult learners desiring to complete their bachelor’s degree in a flexible evening
St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www. recognized and St. Ambrose University program; free, St. Ambrose desiring to complete their bachelor’s degree in a flexible evening and weekend format; the session will offer participants an overview, 6pm Thu Jun 9. University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA,, and weekend format; the session will offer participants an overview of the program’s unique, discussion-driven learning environment,
Floral Design & Creative Containers, for ages 11 & up; learn to 12:30pm Tue Jun 21. of the program’s unique, discussion-driven learning environment, and the opportunity to ask questions of program staff; free;
design floral arrangements and create unique containers in which St. Ambrose Master of Education in Teaching Info Session, and the opportunity to ask questions of program staff; free; for information and to register, call 563-441-9500, St. Ambrose
to place your designs; lessons on displaying fresh and silk flowers for licensed teachers; learn more about the affordable, two-year for information and to register, call 563-441-9500, St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA,,
will be given; students will leave with a container and a silk or freshly master’s program that guides you through the National Board University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA,, 5pm Thu Jul 28.
cut floral arrangement; an event in the 4-H Super Saturday Project Certification process; free; for information, contact Susan Jameson 9am Thu Jul 7. How to Look 10 Years Younger, learn the latest beauty and
Days; $10; for information and to register, call 309-756-9978, ext 10, at 563-388-7660, Rock Island Regional Education Office, 3430 Ricky Tims’ Super Quilt Seminar, register by July 8 for seminar makeup techniques, hairstyles, and wardrobe trends that are
Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, http://www. Avenue of the Cities, Moline, IL,, 4pm held July 21-23; with Ricky Tims, Alex Anderson, and Libby Lehman; youthful and flattering to everyone; learn to exude youthful body, 9am Sat Jun 11. Tue Jun 21. learn simple, efficient techniques and explore the principles for language and feel beautiful in your body; $24, Hauberg Civic Center
Mini Finishing School, for ages 7 & up; learn modern etiquette, Word Processing, at 10am & 1pm; $7.50-$12; for information successful original designs; $219 single registration; large group Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 6pm
how to set a formal table, how to pose and walk like a model, and and to register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), registration (10 or more) $179 each; small group registration (2-9 Tue Aug 2.
more; $45, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, individuals) $194 each; for information and to register, contact Get Cooking with Rachel: Low-Card and Sugar-Free Key
IL,, 11am Sat Jun 11. Tue Jun 21. Kristi Fortner at, Quad-Cities Waterfront Lime Pie, enjoy a balanced lunch in the company of other aspiring
Gardening with Lilies, learn about daylilies and other lilies, how Whole-Brain Project Management, this dynamic program will Convention Center, 1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf, IA, http://www. chefs, and take home a booklet of new recipes; $15, Hauberg Civic
they differ, and what they offer your garden; $5; for information, call show how to reduce or eliminate these problems within a project, Fri Jul 8. Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL,,
309-724-2424, Riverside Park Garden Center, 34th St. & 4th Ave., team; for information or to register, call 563-441-9500, St. Ambrose Mini Finishing School, for ages 7 & up; learn modern etiquette, 12pm Wed Aug 3.
Moline, IL,, 6pm Tue Jun 14. University Continuing Studies & Conference Center, 1950 E. 54th St., how to set a formal table, how to pose and walk like a model, and St. Ambrose Master of Education in Teaching Info Session,
Get Cooking with Rachel: Fresh Fruit Pies, make great Davenport, IA,, 8:30pm Tue Jun 21 thru more; $45, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, for licensed teachers; learn more about the affordable, two-year
summer meals, snacks, and desserts, and take home recipes; $24, Thu Jun 23. IL,, 11am Sat Jul 9. master’s program that guides you through the National Board
Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL, http:// Computer Folders, Documents, & Files, at 10am & 1pm; $7.50- Get Cooking with Rachel: Muffins - Strawberry, Lemon, Certification process; free; for information, contact Susan Jameson, 6pm Tue Jun 14. $12; for information and to register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center Cappuccino, & More, make great summer meals, snacks, and at 563-388-7660, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W.
Home Vegetable Gardening: Irrigation Tips; Garden for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http:// desserts, and take home recipes; $24, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, Locust St., Davenport, IA,, 4pm Wed Aug
Maintenance, geared to the new or beginner gardener; learn, Wed Jun 22. 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Tue Jul 12. 3.
Get Cooking with Rachel: Zippy Burgers, enjoy a balanced Organic & Environmentally Friendly Weed Control, learn how Pesticide ApplicatorTesting, for information, call 563-359-7577,
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

some basics for planting, care, and harvesting of fresh produce;

led by Rock Island County Master Gardeners; free; for information, lunch in the company of other aspiring chefs, and take home a to control weeds without using harsh chemicals; $5; for information, Scott County Extension, 875 Tanglefoot Lane, Suite B, Bettendorf, IA,
call 309-756-9978, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd booklet of new recipes; $15, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 call 309-724-2424, Riverside Park Garden Center, 34th St. & 4th Ave.,, 10am Fri Aug 5.
Ave, Milan, IL, 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 12pm Wed Jun 22. Moline, IL,, 6pm Tue Jul 12. Mini Finishing School, for ages 7 & up; learn modern etiquette,
?RegistrationID=5675, 5:30pm Tue Jun 14. Surfing the Internet, at 10am & 1pm; $7.50-$12; for information Secrets of a Johnny’s Chef: Everyday Italian with Local how to set a formal table, how to pose and walk like a model, and
Secrets of a Johnny’s Chef: Casual Summer Party, culinary and to register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Produce, culinary class with chef Steve Hall; on today’s menu more; $45, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island,
class with chef Steve Hall; on today’s menu - Grilled Shrimp and 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, - Baby Spinach Salad, Chilean Seabass Caprese, Limoncello Cake IL,, 11am Sat Aug 6.
Vegetable Spiedini, Insalata Spinaca with Feta and Balsamic Thu Jun 23. with Berries; $40 includes two glasses of wine, generous samples of Get Cooking with Rachel: Goat Cheese & Spinach Turkey
Vinaigrette, Classic Chicken Picatta with Italian Style Green Beans; ACCEL Program Information Webinar, the webinar will offer each course, and recipe cards; for information and to register, call Burgers, make great summer meals, snacks, and desserts, and take
$40 includes two glasses of wine, generous samples of each course, participants an overview of the program’s unique, discussion-driven 309-736-0100, Johnny’s Italian Steak House, 1300 River Dr, Moline, home recipes; $24, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St.,
and recipe cards; for information and to register, call 309-736-0100, learning environment, and the opportunity to ask questions of IL, 6:30pm Tue Jul 12. Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Tue Aug 9.
Johnny’s Italian Steak House, 1300 River Dr, Moline, IL, 6:30pm Tue program staff.; free; for information or to register, call 563-441-9500, Get Cooking with Rachel: French Tourtiere (Pork Pie), enjoy Secrets of a Johnny’s Chef: A Trip through Italy, culinary class
Jun 14. St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www. a balanced lunch in the company of other aspiring chefs, and take with chef Steve Hall; on today’s menu - Tuscany: Ribollita - Bread
Starting & Stopping Your Computer, at 10am & 1pm; $7.50-, 5pm Thu Jun 23. home a booklet of new recipes; $15, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, thickened vegetable soup, Rome: Vittelo Saltimbocca (Veal with
$12; for information and to register, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center Summer Computer Tutor Session, bring your computer 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 12pm Wed Jul prosciutto, lemon and sage), Pomodori Ripieni (Tomatoes stuffed
for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http:// questions to the library and a staff person will provide one-on-one 13. with rice), Umbria: Crostini Umbriachi (Drunken Bread or Toast);, Tue Jun 14. help; learn about Internet searching, emailing, library databases, Summer Computer Tutor Session, bring your computer $40 includes two glasses of wine, generous samples of each course,
Get Cooking with Rachel: Potluck Show Stoppers, the library catalog, and Microsoft Word; free; for information, call questions to the library and a staff person will provide one-on-one and recipe cards; for information and to register, call 309-736-0100,
enjoy a balanced lunch in the company of other aspiring 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., help; learn about Internet searching, emailing, library databases, Johnny’s Italian Steak House, 1300 River Dr, Moline, IL, 6:30pm Tue
chefs, and take home a booklet of new recipes; $15, Hauberg Davenport, IA,, 1pm Thu Jun 23. the library catalog, and Microsoft Word; free; for information, call Aug 9.
36 Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th ., Rock Island, IL, http://www. E-mail, at 10am & 1pm; $7.50-$12; for information and to register, 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Beginning Modeling, for ages 8 & up; learn posture, catwalk
choreography, and how to walk, pose, and have the confidence of Port Byron, IL,, 8am Sat May 28

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

a model; $24, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock thru Sat Dec 31. by Mike Schulz
Island, IL,, 6pm Tue Aug 9. Tabata Class, on Saturdays; a supra-aerobic cardio workout,
Summer Computer Tutor Session, bring your computer
questions to the library and a staff person will provide one-on-one
help; learn about Internet searching, emailing, library databases,
featuring a short burst of intense exercise to achieve maximum
fitness results; bring a towel and water bottle, and be prepared
to sweat; $8/class; for information, call 309-523-3440, River Valley
O Holy Nightmare
the library catalog, and Microsoft Word; free; for information, call Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://www.rivervalleylibrary.
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 org, 7am Sat May 28 thru Sat Dec 31. A Cadaver Christmas , May 29 at the Establishment Theatre

Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,, 1pm Yoga Mindfulness, on Saturdays; for information, call 563-359-
Wed Aug 10. 0816, Unitarian Church of Davenport, 3707 Eastern Ave, Davenport, ast month, the locally produced zombie Harvey as the cop’s arrested perp with rather repel-
Get Cooking with Rachel: Easy Baked Fish, enjoy a balanced IA,, 8am Sat May 28 thru Sat Dec 31. comedy A Cadaver Christmas was named lent sexual proclivities. Eviscerating their attackers
lunch in the company of other aspiring chefs, and take home a Yoga w/ Meg, $12; for information, call 309-798-0279, QC SoDa
booklet of new recipes; $15, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL,,
Best Professional Feature at the Cedar Rap- with mops, plungers, snow shovels, and whatever
24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 12pm Wed Aug 10. 6pm Mon May 30. ids Independent Film Festival, and given its title, random holiday decorations they land upon, the
Get Cooking with Rachel: Bleus Burgers, enjoy a balanced Zumba Fitness Class, on Mondays; an exhilarating, effective, you’d rightly expect the movie to have its tongue performers deliver their (intentionally, I presume)
lunch in the company of other aspiring , and take home a booklet of easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness party stuck firmly in stoic procla-
new recipes; $15, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health; $36/6
Island, IL,, 12pm Wed Aug 17. weeks, or $7/class; for information and to register, call 563-742-
its cheek. Most mations and
Get Cooking with Rachel: Grilled Hawaiian Sandwiches, 5800., Trinity Enrichment Center, 4622 Progress Dr. # A, Davenport, likely, after being cornball yuks
make great summer meals, snacks, and desserts, and take home IA,, 6pm Mon May 30 thru Mon Jun 27. gnawed off and with ace comic
recipes; $24, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Yoga, on Mondays at 9am & 5pm; for information, call 563-359- spit out by the timing, and the
Island, IL,, 6pm Tue Aug 23. 0816, Unitarian Church of Davenport, 3707 Eastern Ave, Davenport,
Get Cooking with Rachel: Brunch Time - Bacon Quiche Tartes, IA,, 9am Mon May 30 thru Mon Dec 26.
groaning, lum- amusement
Pastries, and More, enjoy a lunch in the company of other aspiring Yoga, on Mondays; with certified instructor Becky Licandro; bering undead. they provide is
chefs, and take home a booklet of new recipes; $15, Hauberg Civic $8/session; for information, call 309-788-5433 or e-mail info@ Yet what you matched by the
Center Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL,,, The Center for Living Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock might not expect deliriously icky
12pm Wed Aug 24. Island, IL,, 6pm Mon May 30 thru
Summer Computer Tutor Session, bring your computer Mon Dec 30.
is that this campy, effects. Seven
questions to the library and a staff person will provide one-on-one Meditation Class, on Tuesdays; offered by the Lamrim Buddhist gory outing grand may not
help; learn about Internet searching, emailing, library databases, Center; each class provides explanations about how to meditate – reportedly Ben Hopkins, Hanlon Smith-Dorsey, Daniel Rairdin- buy much, but
the library catalog, and Microsoft Word; free; for information, call and a guided breathing meditation, then a topic is discussed such as made for a paltry Hale, Yosh Hayashi, Andrew Harvey, and Jessica Denney happily for the
563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., compassion, love, wisdom, followed by another meditation; $10/$5;
Davenport, IA,, 1pm Thu Aug for information, call 319-351-9893 or email info@meditateiniowacity.
$7,000 – would zombie fans
25. org, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http:// emerge as a true genre rarity: an ultra-low-budget among us, it buys a hell of a lot of squibs, entrails,
Fall Care of Iris and Other Perennials, learn to prepare iris and, 6:45pm Tue May 31 thru Tue Dec 27. horror comedy that, as it progresses, actually gets and exploding noggins.
other perennials for winter; $5; for information, call 309-724-2424, Tae Kwon Do, on Tuesdays; $60/month, first week free; $10 funnier and funnier. Director/editor Joseph Zerull Though the movie has obviously been fashioned
Riverside Park Garden Center, 34th St. & 4th Ave., Moline, IL, http:// individual classes by appointment; for information, contact, 2pm Sat Aug 27. instructor Dan Arriola at 773-317-8480 or daniel-arriola@augustana. and producer/star Daniel Rairdin-Hale – both as a schlocky, Grindhouse-style drive-in feature,
Get Cooking with Rachel: White Chocolate Fruit Tarte, enjoy edu, The Healing Heart Center, 3481 Utica Ridge Rd., Bettendorf, IA, St. Ambrose University graduates – are clearly complete with scratches on the film reels, there are
a balanced lunch in the company of other aspiring chefs, and take 6:30pm Tue May 31 thru Tue Dec 27 talented; the film’s low-angle tracking shots and times when you can’t quite tell whether A Cadaver
home a booklet of new recipes; $15, Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, Tae Kwon Do for Kids, on Tuesdays; $60/month, first week free; compositions, especially, are playful as all get-out. Christmas is satirizing filmmaking amateurish-
1300 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, 12pm Wed Aug $10 individual classes by appointment; for information, contact
31. instructor Dan Arriola at 773-317-8480 or daniel-arriola@augustana. (Danny Boyle would likely applaud the shots in ness or is, in actuality, genuinely amateurish. (In a
edu, The Healing Heart Center, 3481 Utica Ridge Rd., Bettendorf, IA, which the camera stares up from the bottoms of a voice-over that I’m surprised made it through the
5pm Tue May 31 thru Tue Dec 27. beer mug and toilet.) But in the end, what makes final editing process, Rairdin-Hale’s janitor makes
Yoga, on Tuesdays; increase flexibility and energy with instructor A Cadaver Christmas such a hoot is the filmmak- the grammatically senseless declaration, “They can
Rebecca Licandro; all skill levels welcome; $8; for in formation, call
Classes, Lectures & Events 309-523-3440, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, ers’ obvious appreciation for the absurd, and their all go to hell, for I care”; I think he meant to say,
Pilates, Thursdays thru June 30; use Pilates for general fitness, 5:30pm Tue May 31 thru Tue skill in setting up gags that continue to pay off, “They can go to hell, for all I care.”) And while the
or as cross training with other sports, dance and exercise regimes Dec 27. incrementally, over the course of 90 minutes. current version of the movie has been trimmed
to greatly improve your performance; the rhythmic exercises Zumba Fitness Class, on Tuesdays; Latin rhythms and easy- It’s a safe bet that local audiences will probably from the debut presentation I saw locally this
will promote a strong and flexible body core; an exercise mat is to-follow moves that create a one-of-a-kind fitness program; $8
required; $42; for information and to register, call 563-742-5800, for ages 16-adult; for information, call 309-523-3440, River Valley laugh harder than others; when a film’s first scene past autumn, it still boasts several sequences that
Trinity Enrichment Center, 4622 Progress Dr. # A, Davenport, IA, Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://www.rivervalleylibrary. finds ComedySportz veterans Jeff Adamson play- I wish had found their way to the editing-room, 5:30pm Thu May 26. org, 6:45pm Tue May 31 thru Tue Dec 27. ing a TV newscaster and Ben Hopkins playing a floor. Much as I like him as an actor and a person,
Zumba w/ Julie, $6; for information, call 309-798-0279, QC SoDa Gentle Exercise, on Wednesdays; $2-$4; for information, call
gruff bartender, you can pretty much rest assured I could’ve easily lived without the scene of Harvey
Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL,, 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly
5:30pm Thu May 26. Road, Davenport, IA,, 9am Wed Jun 1 that something funny’s going on. (A Cadaver getting busy with the charred remains of a corpse,
Asana, Pranayama, & Mantra, on Thursdays; explore a variety thru Wed Jul 27. Christmas will be screened at ComedySportz’s accompanied by really unpleasant (and, given the
of postures including hip-openers, postures for strength, heart- TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly, on Wednesdays; $1-$2; for Rock Island venue, the Establishment Theatre, on crispy object of his affections, impossible) squishing
openers, and inversions; includes breath-work and traditional information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
May 29.) And with the arrival of Rairdin-Hale – an sounds.
Sanskrit chants at the end of each class; $12/class; for information 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,,
and to register, call 309-764-YOGA, Indigo, A Creative Approach 11am Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Jul 27. assistant professor of theatre at St. Ambrose – as a Still, the film is a low-rent blast – with familiar
to Fitness & Wellness, LLC, 1621 5th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. Tai Chi Ch’un, on Wednesdays; $3-$4.50; for information, call surly, blood-soaked janitor, the film’s satirical-B- St. Ambrose faces William Campbell providing a, 6pm Thu May 26 thru Thu Jun 16. 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly movie aspirations are made terrifically apparent. divinely tacky score and Michael Kennedy ham-
Aqua Combo, on Tuesdays; a moderate- to high-intensity class; Road, Davenport, IA,, 10:30am Wed Jun
1 thru Wed Jul 27.
Describing his on-the-job encounter with a horde ming it up to high heaven – and worth catching for
$6 per visit; for information, call 309-796-5601, Black Hawk College -
Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th Avenue, Moline, IL, 6pm Thu Zumba Gold, on Wednesdays; $2 member fee; for information, of cadavers – the results of a university medical the jokes alone; the escalating gag about whether
May 26 thru Tue Dec 27. call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly experiment gone horribly wrong – the actor’s the mutants should be referred to as “zombies”
Tae Kwon Do, on Thursdays; $60/month, first week free; Road, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Wed Jun 1 tough-guy pronouncements and bad-ass posturing or “cadavers” culminates in a priceless payoff.
$10 individual classes by appointment; for information, contact thru Wed Jul 27.
are so incongruous with his boyish looks and pale, (Actually, the payoff’s entire scene, in which

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

instructor Dan Arriola at 773-317-8480 or daniel-arriola@augustana. Stay on Top of Medicare Coverage, on the first and third
edu, The Healing Heart Center, 3481 Utica Ridge Rd., Bettendorf, IA, Wednesdays of the month; information and answers to your slender frame that everything Rairdin-Hale says Smith-Dorsey converses with an unconscious
6:30pm Thu May 26 thru Thu Dec 29. Medicare questions from a counselor with SHIIP (Senior Health comes with an added wink of parody. (“I don’t Rairdin-Hale, is priceless.) All this, plus a climactic
Tae Kwon Do for Kids, on Thursdays; $60/month, first week Insurance Information Program); free; for information, call 563-344- know what they’re teaching kids in Science these decimation underscored by “O Holy Night.” There
free; $10 individual classes by appointment; for information, contact 4187, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf,
IA,, 9am Wed Jun 1 thru Wed
days,” growls the janitor with perfect, Eastwood- are warped minds behind A Cadaver Christmas.
instructor Dan Arriola at 773-317-8480 or daniel-arriola@augustana.
edu, The Healing Heart Center, 3481 Utica Ridge Rd., Bettendorf, IA, Dec 21. ian self-seriousness. “And I don’t wanna know.”) God bless them, every one.
5pm Thu May 26 thru Thu Dec 29. Gentle Exercise, on Fridays; $2-$4; for information, call 563- As with all zombie flicks worth their salt, A
Zumba w/ Julie, on Mondays; $12; for information, call 309-798- 386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Cadaver Christmas assembles a motley crew of A Cadaver Christmas plays at Rock Island’s
0279, QC SoDa Dance Studio, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. Davenport, IA,, 9am Fri Jun 3 thru Fri
Jul 29.
eccentrics to wage war against the deceased. Those Establishment Theatre (220 19th Street) at 7 p.m., 6pm Fri May 27.
Aqua Motion, on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays; a moderate- T’ai Chi Chu’an: Beginner, Mondays thru July 25; rounded, joining Rairdin-Hale and Hopkins on their Christ- on Sunday, May 29. The screening will be preceded
intensity class; $6 per visit; for information, call 309-796-5601, Black fluid, balanced movements based on ancient Chinese teachings; mas Eve splatter-fest, though, are particularly by short films at 5 and 6 p.m., and followed by out-
Hawk College - Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th Avenue, with instructor Scott Caulpetzer, in classroom 7; $40; for information, nutso: Hanlon Smith-Dorsey (credited, alongside takes and a question-and-answer session with the
Moline, IL, 11am Fri May 27 thru Fri Dec 30. call 309-732-7432, Rock Island Fitness and Activity Center, 4303 24th
St., Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Mon Jun 6.
Zerull and Rairdin-Hale, as a co-writer) as an filmmakers.
Very Gentle Yoga, Fridays at 9 & 10:30am, Wednesdays at 9 &
10:45am; for information, call 563-359-0816, Unitarian Church of T’ai Chi Chu’an: Intermediate, Mondays thru July 25; rounded, agreeably sloshed barfly; Jessica Denney as a pert
Davenport, 3707 Eastern Ave, Davenport, IA,, fluid, balanced movements based on ancient Chinese teachings; criminal-justice major and campus-security of- Tickets are $10 at the door, and more information
9am Fri May 27 thru Fri Dec 30. with instructor Scott Caulpetzer, in classroom 7; $40; for information, ficial (“CPR trained and certified!”); Yosh Hayashi is available by visiting
Saturday Morning Yoga, all skill levels welcome; $8; for in call 309-732-7432, Rock Island Fitness and Activity Center, 4303 24th
as a disgraced, hyper-tense sheriff; and Andrew
formation, call 309-523-3440, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., St., Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Mon Jun 6. 37
Continued From Page 28 WORDS FROM THE EDITOR Continued From Page 7 by Kathleen McCarthy

What Else

Is Happenin’ Disabling the Disabled rate-income-tax refunds and another that argument for greatly diminishing the qual- We are supposed to take care of these people
Saturday, May 28 – Birth Control
Productions Fifth-Anniversary Party. splits state tax practices from a federal tax ity of life for our disabled individuals. first. Everything else is secondary.”
Featuring a 2 p.m. outdoor concert with Mija, plan. As such, only the governor’s budget Paulauski has been working tirelessly for Visit for more informa-
Reelfoot Rift, Emplyfi, Plagued by Saints, Six to is using that figure. Because the House and months to convince legislators to reconsider tion, including examples of letters and fact
the Chest, X+X, Sinjo Thraw Mash, Unbecoming, the Senate have derived their own projec- the community-based-services budget before sheets for distribution to family, friends,
T.B.P.O.P.R.R.I.O.F., and Lethal by Default, and a 10 tions, negotiations are more convoluted. the May 31 deadline to pass a state budget and neighbors, to support and help Arc
p.m. indoor concert with Human Aftertaste and Regardless, the community-based-ser- with a mere majority of both chambers. convince legislators to reverse the proposed
The Pimps. Racer’s Edge (936 15th Avenue, East vices budget cuts have a remedy – one that “This is an upside-down budget,” he admon- cuts and restore the vital funding to Illinois’
Moline). $10. For information, call (309)755-8131. requires moral as well as fiscal determina- ishes. “It kicks families in the shins; it’s dev- 2012 community-based-services budget.
Saturday, June 4 – Plies. American rap tion to accommodate the most vulnerable astating to the children and adults who are Let’s enable – not disable – the disabled,
artist performing in the Summer Kick-Off Jam. segment of our society. There is no worthy intellectually and developmentally disabled. who are counting on us to protect them.
Davenport RiverCenter (136 East Third Street,
Davenport). 9:15 p.m. $30-43. For tickets, call
(800)745-3000 or visit THEATRE Continued From Page 15 by Mike Schulz
Thursday, May 26, through Saturday,
Stage Fraught
May 28 – Icaria. Merrill Sparks’ historical tions of Nunsense (June 2 through 12) and I Do! I Do! (July 1 through 24) and a pair goes both large- and small-scale this sum-
musical, telling of French communists who Altar Boyz (June 3 through 12). of Pulitzer Prize-winners in Paul Zindel’s mer, the former represented in Andrew
settled in Corning, Iowa. Englert Theatre (221 Meanwhile, Timber Lake closes its 50th dysfunctional-family drama The Effect of Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice’s rock opera Jesus
East Washington Street, Iowa City). Thursday season of summertime entertainment with Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Mari- Christ Superstar (July 14 through August 6),
and Friday 7:30 p.m.; Saturday 2 p.m. $10-15. For some non-secular (and audience-partici- golds (June 21 through July 7) and Neil’s and the latter in the two-character musical
tickets and information, call (319)688-2653 or patory) wackiness of its own in ’Til Death Simon’s dysfunctional-family comedy/drama romance The Last Five Years (August 25
visit Do Us Part: Late Nite Catechism 3 (August Lost in Yonkers (July 14 through 23). Iowa through September 10) and the two-char-
Thursday, June 2, through Sunday, 25 through September 4). Prior to that, City’s neighboring Amana will find the Iowa acter non-musical romance Same Time,
June 12 – Sunset Boulevard. Andrew Lloyd the theatre will celebrate its golden an- Theatre Artists Company celebrating two Next Year (June 9 through 25). Anamosa’s
Webber’s Tony Award-winning musical, based on niversary with the farcical comedy of Red American icons – Ann Landers and Woody Starlighters Theatre has a two-person
the classic film noir. Timber Lake Playhouse (8215 Herring (July 14 through 23), plus a quintet Guthrie – in The Lady with All the Answers show of its own in the comedy None of the
Black Oak Road, Mt. Carroll). Tuesdays-Saturdays of musicals that embrace the comedic, the (June 17 through 26) and Woody Guthrie’s Above (July 17 through 26), while wa-a-ay
7:30 p.m.; Wednesdays and Sundays 2 p.m.; June dramatic, and the downright eccentric: American Song (August 12 through 28). And more characters are on hand in Theatre
5 at 6:30 p.m. $15-23. For tickets and information, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s film-noir adapta- not to be outdone, Amana’s Old Creamery Cedar Rapids’ staging of Frank Loesser’s
call (815)244-2035 or visit TimberLakePlayhouse. tion Sunset Boulevard (June 2 through 12); Theatre has five shows on tap for the sum- magical Guys & Dolls (July 8 through 30),
org. the I-believe-I-can-fly charmer Flight of the mer months: the 1940s war-tune revue G.I. and in Eldridge’s Countryside Community
Thursday, June 2, through Sunday, Lawnchair Man (June 16 through 25); the Jukebox (June 2 through July 3); the return Theatre presentations of two much-loved
July 3 – G.I. Jukebox. Rick Lewis’ musical Bob Fosse and Neil Simon collaboration of the farcical The Queen of Bingo (July musicals: the Tony-lauded show-biz classic
revue of beloved 1940s standards. Old Creamery Sweet Charity (June 30 through July 10); 7 through July 24); a musical soap opera Gypsy (June 17 through 26), and the L.
Theatre (39 38th Avenue, Amana). Fridays and Stephen Schwartz’s popular Biblical outing fittingly titled Suds (August 4 through Sep- Frank Baum wonderland of The Wizard of
Saturdays 7:30 p.m.; Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Children of Eden (July 28 through August 7); tember 11); the two-character 9/11 drama Oz (July 22 through 31).
Sundays 3 p.m. $17.50-27. For tickets and infor- and the indie-film hit turned off-Broadway The Guys (August 25 through September Wrapping summer 2011 up with a seven-
mation, call (800)352-6262 or visit OldCreamery. musical smash The Spitfire Grill (August 11 11); and the children’s book adaptation If show bow, Princeton, Illinois’ Festival 56
com. through 21). You Give a Mouse a Cookie (June 18 through delivers an incredibly eclectic septet in
Thursday, June 2, through Sunday, If, however, you’re wanting to catch that July 2). its annual repertory season: comedy with
June 12 – Nunsense and Altar Boyz. Off- last title but don’t necessarily want to make Closer to home – and really close to my Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew (July
Broadway’s musical-comedy smashes performed the (actually quite breezy) trek to Mt. Car- home – Rock Island’s Circa ’21 Dinner 3 through 31); dramas with the Pulitzer
in repertory, Wednesdays through Sundays. Clin- roll, the Richmond Hill Barn Theatre is Playhouse will also treat young audiences Prize-winning Proof (July 8 through 15) and
ton Area Showboat Theatre (311 Riverview Drive, to the theatrical sweetness of If You Give a the gender-inclusive jury room of Twelve
giving you the opportunity, as The Spitfire
Clinton). $16-$20. For tickets and information, Mouse a Cookie (July 5 through 30), while Angry People (July 19 through 23); and
Grill will also be presented in Geneseo’s
call (563)242-6760 or visit more grown-up fare can be found in the ef- musicals with Jason Robert Brown’s Songs
converted barn August 11 through 21. (Over
EVENTS the company’s many decades, it’s the first
musical that Richmond Hill has produced
fervescent Broadway smash Hairspray (June
15 through August 13) and the “Grandma’s
for a New World (June 24 through July 2),
Irving Berlin’s Annie Get Your Gun (July 5
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Monday, May 30 – Modern Wood- through 12), Dan Goggin’s Nunsense (July
since ... . Oh, wow ... . Has Richmond Hill doing what in her spare time?” farce of
men Bank Quad Cities Criterium. Annual
produced a musical before?) The theatre Nana’s Naughty Knickers (August 17 through 22 through 29), and Cole Porter’s Kiss Me
Memorial Day event featuring competitive Kate (July 28 through August 7). And for
will fill out its summer season with the Tom September 24). A couple of blocks away
bicycle riders from novice to professional, races
Dudzick comedy Don’t Talk to the Actors from Circa ’21, Rock Island’s Center for Liv- those thinking it’s just not summer without
for children, food and product vendors, memo-
(June 2 through 12) and the timeless Oscar ing Arts will stage a high-spirited, student- the Elvis-meets-Shakespeare antics of All
rabilia, and more. The District of Rock Island. 8
Wilde farce The Importance of Being Earnest actor musical in Disney’s Camp Rock (July 16 Shook Up, you’re in luck: Productions of
a.m.-6 p.m. Free admission. For information, call
(July 7 through 17), while another 19th Cen- and 17), while neighboring Moline finds the this joyous musical comedy will be staged
(309)788-6311 or visit
tury classic is brought to life in Iowa City’s Quad City Music Guild delivering a trio of at both Galesburg’s Orpheum Theatre and
Saturday, June 4 – 2011 QC Pride
Englert Theatre staging of The Mikado beloved titles featuring incredibly musical Maquoketa’s Ohnward Performing Arts
Street Festival. Annual celebration of gay,
(July 28 through 31), the Gilbert & Sullivan title characters: Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Center ... and on the very same days (July 15
lesbian, bisexual, and transgender pride, featur-
operetta being presented by the Martha-El- Cinderella (June 10 through 19), the show- through 17), to boot! Guess there will be a
ing performances by local bands, vendor booths,
len Tye Opera Theatre and the University of within-a-show The Drowsy Chaperone whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on, huh?
door prizes, and more. Second Street in the
Rainbow District of Downtown Davenport. Noon- Iowa’s performing-arts department. (July 8 through 17), and Meredith Willson’s
The University of Iowa itself will host eternally jovial The Music Man (August 5 For more information on the area’s summer-
midnight. Free admission. For information, call
three shows in its annual summer-repertory through 14). theatre offerings, visit
(563)940-9630 or visit
38 season: the two-person musical romance Davenport’s Harrison Hilltop Theatre dars/reader-theatre-calendar.
donations accepted; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Continued From Page 3 by John W. Whitehead (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, 11am Mon Jun 13 thru Mon Dec 12.

The Changing Face of the Police and

Stroke Support Group, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month;
Chair Yoga, on Mondays; $2-$4; for information, call 563-386- for information, contact Alicia Owens at 563-421-3460, Genesis @
7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Maplecrest, 2535 Maplecrest Rd., Suite 14, Bettendorf, IA, http://
Davenport, IA,, 1:30pm Mon Jun 6 thru

the Death of the Fourth Amendment, 2pm Wed Jun 15 thru Wed Dec 21.
Mon Jul 25. Parkinson’s Support Group, on the 3rd Saturday of the month;
Gentle Exercise, on Mondays; $2-$4; for information, call 563- donations accepted; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI
386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,
that considered itself a servant to the people that the American police force is not a branch Davenport, IA,, 9am Mon Jun 6 thru, 10am Sat Jun 18 thru Sat Dec 17.
to one that sees itself as the long arm of an of the military, nor is it a private security force Mon Jul 25. General MDA Support Group, on the fourth Wednesday of the
Tae Kwon Do, Tuesdays & Thursdays thru July 28; techniques month; for individuals and families affected by muscular dystrophy;
increasingly authoritarian government. Where for the reigning political faction. It is an aggre- learned include various stretching skills, correct kicking, punching, for information, call 319-393-8905, Trinity 7th Street Campus, 500
law-enforcement officials once looked to us as gation of the countless local units that exist for and blocking skills, balance, form patterns, and more; in classroom John Deere Rd, Moline, IL, Wed Jun 22 thru Wed Dec 28.
their employers, we now too often look to them a sole purpose: to serve and protect the citizens 7; $70; for information, call 309-732-7432, Rock Island Fitness and Services
as our wardens and jailers, as something to fear of each and every American community. Activity Center, 4303 24th St., Rock Island, IL,, Carl Sandburg College Massage Clinic, Mondays at 12:30pm,
7pm Tue Jun 7. Wednesdays & Thursdays at noon; one-hour full-body massage
– a notion they encourage. You Are Here: Meditation, watch some online videos $25, half-hour massage $15, or $1/minute for a chair massage; for
Thus, where once there was a decided differ- Constitutional attorney and author John W. introducing meditation, discuss what we think about meditating, information, call 309-344-2595, Carl Sandburg College, 2232 S Lake
ence between the police and the military and Whitehead is founder and president of The Ruth- and take a short time to sit and relax privately; free; for information, Storey Rd, Galesburg, IL,, 12pm Thu May
call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, 26 thru Thu Jul 28.
their uses domestically, that line continues to be erford Institute ( His new book Bettendorf, IA,, 3pm Tue Jun 7. Shamanic Healing, power animal discovery, soul retrieval,
not only blurred but, when crossed, is actually The Freedom Wars is available at, QC Eating Disorders Consortium Event, information on spiritual counseling, and ceremonies and rights of passage; services
sanctioned by the courts. But the fact remains and he can be reached at assessment and treating of eating disorders, for physicians and free to veterans of war; for information, call Kathleen Collins at 563-
a guets; with guest speaker James E. Mitchell, M.D., UND School 332-4361 or e-mail, Thu May 26 thru Sat Dec
of Medicine and Health Sciences and Neuropsychiatric Research 31.
MUSIC Continued From Page 8 by Jeff Ignatius Institute; 6pm buffet, 6:30pm lecture; free; for information and to
register, call 563-421-1284 or e-mail johnstonmohrj@genesishealth.

All-Stars on All-Stars
com, Stoney Creek Inn Convention Center, 101 18th St., Moline, IL,
6pm Tue Jun 14.
3rd Annual QC Hearts & Minds Symposium, for physicians, “Around The World” Family Night: Mexico, an evening of
PAs, nurse practitioners, nurses, psychologists, social workers, crafts and activities for children to learn about different countries
getting mad at myself because I couldn’t write ries. ... Because it’s a lazier game in a way – or and other allied health professionals; information on coordinated around the world; for information, call 563-355-1742, Chick-fil-A at
treatment and an update on eating disorders and bariatric surgery; Davenport, 2945 E 53rd St, Davenport, IA, 5:30pm Thu May 26.
a song about anything but baseball. ... You a slower game, I should say – than basketball with guest speaker James E. Mitchell, M.D., UND School of Medicine Family Story Time, bring your favorite pillow and blanket, wear
don’t want that to be your complete life... .” or football or hockey or anything like that, it and Health Sciences and Neuropsychiatric Research Institute; your comfy p.j.’s, and relax while you listen to your favorite stories,
But while the songs might not directly allows you a little more time for rumination. free; for information and to register, call 563-421-1284 or e-mail followed by a short video; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,, Genesis Heart Institute, 1236
be about their authors, “they still feel like And it allows the characters, the players, to Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,
East Rusholme Street, Davenport, IA, 7:30am Wed Jun 15., 6pm Thu May 26.
personal songs in a way,” McCaughey said. become a little more familiar to you, I think.” You Are Here: Meditation, watch some online videos KidTV, weekly program that lets kids create and produce their
“Steve and I write a lot of songs from the introducing meditation, discuss what we think about meditating, own television show; kids will learn how to write, film, design sets,
The Baseball Project will perform on Thurs- and take a short time to sit and relax privately; free; for information, and have fun creating the news; shows will appear on the library’s
perspective of characters.” call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,
day, June 9, at RIBCO (1815 Second Avenue YouTube channel, the city’s cable channel, and other social media
The Baseball Project works, in large part, Bettendorf, IA,, 3pm Tue Jun 21. sites; appropriate for elementary-aged kids and tweens; free; for
because it mines the human aspects of the in Rock Island). The show starts at 8 p.m. and Nutrition Before, During, and After Cancer Therapy, a Trinity information, call 563-888-3371, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N.
sport. It’s not the games so much as the also features a set by Kerry Tucker. Advanced dietitian will discuss nutrient needs before, during, and after cancer; Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,,
tickets are $10 and available from RIBCO. information on common herbal and vitamin supplements and 4pm Thu May 26.
people playing the games and their idiosyn- antioxidants; free; for information, call 309-779-2000 or 877-242- Preschool Story Time, stories, finger plays and hands-
com. 8899, Trinity Regional Health System, 5pm Thu Jun 30.
crasies and their lives beyond and because of on activities for children ages 3-5 not yet in kindergarten; for
You Are Here: Meditation, watch some online videos information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
For more information on The Baseball Project, introductng meditation, discuss what we think about meditating, Moline, IL,, 10am Thu May 26.
The sport lends itself to song, McCaughey and take a short time to sit and relax privately; free; for information, Preschool Story Time at Main, stories, songs, and fingerplays;
said, because of “the characters. And the sto- call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Bettendorf, IA,, 3pm Tue Jul 5. (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportlibrary.
Cardio Kickboxing for Ages 12 & Up, Mondays & Wednesdays com, 10am Thu May 26.
thru Aug. 17; for ages 12 & up; learn the techniques of personal self- Storytime with Clifford, for information, call 563-344-4194,
MUSIC Continued From Page 35 by Jeff Ignatius
defense, boxing, and kickboxing, all set to today’s hottest music;
$40; for information, call 309-796-5000, Jai Johnson’s Karate Center,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,, 10am Thu May 26. Moline, IL,, 7pm Mon Jul 11.

Maturity in a Funny Facade

Toddler Story Time, with a social time for kids and parents
You Are Here: Meditation, watch some online videos following the program; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
introducing meditation, discuss what we think about meditating, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
and take a short time to sit and relax privately; free; for information, Davenport, IA,, 10am Thu May
first couple of albums, so I didn’t know what A no-song, all-comedy set, she said, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, 26.
Bettendorf, IA,, 3pm Tue Jul 19.
it was like to juggle playing lots of shows and remains a fantasy. “I’ve thought about it in Homework Help Desk, staff will help you find answers to your
Intro to Karate, Tuesdays & Thursdays thru Aug. 25; designed questions and give you instruction on, an online resource
being a performer and a songwriter,” she my little-girl dream head ... but I’ve never to acquaint individuals with basic skills and elements of traditional that hooks you up with a free professional tutor; for information, call
said. “So now I’m trying to be both and stay seriously considered it. ... I’m not far enough Karate in a non-intimidating, yet disciplined atmosphere; warm-up, 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
dedicated to both. ... For a while I wasn’t even along in my career and standing to do what- stretch, and learn practice drills, techniques, simple strikes, kicks, Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,, 3pm
and falls; understanding of proper etiquette, terminology, and Thu May 26 and Fri May 27.
thinking about songwriting, and it’s caught ever the hell I want.” Plus, she said, “I think related concepts will be assessed; $40; for information, call 309-796- Homework Help Desk, staff will help you find answers to your
up with me now, to the point where I’m really stand-up is the hardest job in the world. I 5000, Jai Johnson’s Karate Center, Moline, IL,,

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

questions and give you instruction on, an online resource
disappointed that I haven’t been doing it this don’t think it’s something that should be 7pm Tue Aug 2. that hooks you up with a free professional tutor; for information,
whole time. It hit me that ‘Oh wow, the rea- taken lightly.” Groups call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
QC Eating Disorders Support Group, on Wednesdays; for Davenport, IA,, 3pm Thu May 26
son I’m here is because I write songs. I need A no-jokes show, however, is something information, call 563-742-5800, Trinity Enrichment Center, 4622 and Fri May 27.
to keep doing that so I can keep doing all this she genuinely wants to do. “For some of the Progress Dr. # A, Davenport, IA,, Rock Island Arsenal Child, Youth & School Services
other junk.’” grandmothers out there who like my songs Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Dec 28. Instructional Classes, educational and summer specialty camps
Low-Vision Support Group, on the 1st Thursday of the month; available to Quad City children ages 6 weeks through 18 years; class
Fear could also be holding her back. “It’s but don’t like my dick jokes,” she said, “it donations accepted; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI offerings will include: gymnastics, swimming, & summer specialty
scarier, too, once there are people actually could come.” (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, camps; for information, call 309-782-5969, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock
listening ... ,” she said., 10am Thu Jun 2 thru Thu Dec 1. Island, IL,, Thu May 26 thru Tue May
And while she rues that her funny bits of- Danielle Ate the Sandwich will perform on Fibromyalgia Support Group, on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of 31.
the month; for information, contact Alicia Owens at 563-421-3460, Rhyme Time Story Time, on Thursdays; stories, songs, and crafts
ten detract from her music – virtually every Thursday, June 2, at Rozz-Tox (2108 Third Av- Genesis @ Maplecrest, 2535 Maplecrest Rd., Suite 14, Bettendorf, IA, for ages 2-5; free; for information, call 309-523-3440, River Valley
blurb about her notes that she’s been called enue in Rock Island). The all-ages show starts, 1pm Mon Jun 6 thru Mon Dec 19. Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://www.rivervalleylibrary.
“Joni Mitchell meets Sarah Silverman” – she at 8 p.m. and also includes Teenage. Cover is Grief Support Group, on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the org, 10am Thu May 26 thru Thu Dec 29.
month; donations accepted; for information, call 563-386-7477, Video Game Free Play, on the first and fourth Thursday of the
said she thinks a show without humor would $8. CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, month; play on the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360; free; for information,
be too difficult: “I think what it comes down IA,, 9:30am Wed Jun 8 thru Wed Dec call 563-344-4188, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,
to is I’m naturally funny, so it’s hard for me to For more information on Danielle Ate the 28. Bettendorf, IA,, 3:30pm Thu May
turn it off.” Sandwich, visit Caregivers Support Group, on the 2nd Monday of the month; 26 thru Thu Dec 29. 39
Hip Hop Dance,Thursdays thru June 23; with instructor LaDerrick, 2pm Tue Jun 7. Preschool Storytimes, on Wednesdays; stories, songs,
Gamble from Pro Drama Entertainment; $20; for information and to Teen Craft Tuesday: DIY Travel Journals, recycle old books fingerplays, and action rhymes for ages 3-5; free; for information, call
register, call 309-732-PARK, Rock Island Fitness and Activity Center, and turn them into a brand new one-of-a-kind journal; free; for 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,
4303 24th St., Rock Island, IL, 6:30pm Thu Jun 2. information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Bettendorf, IA,, 10am Wed Jun
6th Annual Technology Camp for Girls: Digital Divas Go TAG (Teen Advisory Group), all teens and tweens welcome; Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, 8 thru Wed Jul 27.
Green, register by May 27 for camp held June 8-10; for young help plan teen events, recommend books, and have fun; free; for 3pm Tue Jun 7. Tummy Time, on the second & fourth Wednesdays of the
women in grades 8-12; discover career possibilities in science, information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Terrible Todd’s Pirate Show, enjoy the sounds, smells and month; simple stories and activities geared toward ages 0-3; free;
engineering, and information technology through career Moline, IL,, 3:30pm Thu Jun 2. authentic pirate lore in this fun and exciting program; free; for for information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
exploration and hands-on activities; $50 includes a T-shirt, supplies, Toddler Story Time @ Eastern, on Thursdays; featuring books information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
and lunch; for information, call 309-796-5133 or e-mail holldorfj@ and fun activities that will inspire learning; free; for information, call Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, com, 6:30pm Wed Jun 8 thru Wed Jul 27., Black Hawk College - Quad City Campus, 6600 34th Ave., 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 6pm Tue Jun 7. Clowning 101, on Tuesdays & Thursdays thru July 19, for ages
Moline, IL, 9am Fri May 27. Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,, Toddler Time, on Tuesdays; storytelling, activities, music, and 10-18; learn the basics to becoming a clown, the various types of
Baby Story Time, a fun program of singing, bouncing, playing, 10am Thu Jun 2 thru Thu Jul 28. a giant indoor playground; for information, call 563-355-1749, clowns, history of clowning, make-up application, and character
and reading, with social time offered for babies and their parents Toddler & Preschool Story Time, on Fridays; free; for Chick-fil-A at Davenport, 2945 E 53rd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. development; learn to perform balloon sculpture, balancing,
immediately following story time; free; for information, call 563-326- information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave.,, 9:30am Tue Jun 7 thru Tue magic, walk a-rounds, and other skills that clowns perform; $146;
7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Eldridge, IA,, 10am Fri Jun 3 Jun 28. for information, call 309-796-5000, Black Hawk College Outreach
Ave., Davenport, IA,, 10am Fri thru Fri Jul 29. Art with Gloria Burlingame, on Tuesdays, for grades 3 & up; a Center, 301 Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, IL, http://www.bhc.
May 27. Teen Advisory Board, on the first and third Friday of the weekly program using all forms of medum to create beautiful art; edu, 9:30am Thu Jun 9.
Toddler Story Time, with a social time for kids and parents month; teens help the library choose events, activities, and clubs; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Craft-ernoon @ Eastern: Castle, for kids who love crafts; free;
following the program; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, for information, call 563-344-4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary. for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library -
Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. org, 2pm Tue Jun 7 thru Tue Jul 12. Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www., 10am Fri May 27. com, 3:30pm Fri Jun 3 thru Fri Aug 5. Roundtable Storytime, on Tuesdays; for ages 0-5 and 6-9;, 2pm Thu Jun 9.
Family Game Day, play Apples to Apples, Monopoly, Candy Make a Piñata, prepare to get a little messy as we build our own stories will focus upon Medieval-themed books, followed by a Down by the Creek Animal Visit, Debbie with Down By the
Land, and more; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount piñ; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Princeton Library, 328 relevant craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Creek Animal Companion Programs introduces some of her rescued
Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www. River Dr., Princeton, IA,, 10am Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island, IL, http:// animals and tell stories of their rescues; free; for information, call, 1pm Sat May 28. Sat Jun 4., 9:30am Tue Jun 7 thru Tue Jul 12. 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA, http://
Game-a-palooza, a board-gaming afternoon for families; free; Summer Reading Kickoff - Carnival!, sign up for the summer Games Unplugged, on Tuesdays; board-game fun for all ages;, 1pm Thu Jun 9.
for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 reading program “One World, Many Stories!” then stick around to free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Buffalo Library, 329 Dodge Teen Scavenger Hunt, explore the library for hidden treasures;
N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, play carnival games, win prizes, jump on the inflatables, and try St., Buffalo, IA,, 2:30pm Tue Jun free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library -
2pm Sat May 28. to win at the dunk tank; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, 7 thru Tue Jul 26. Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary.
Role Playing Group, on Saturdays; group comprised mostly Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, Preschool Storytime @ Eastern, on Tuesdays; stories, songs, org, 5:45pm Thu Jun 9.
of teens plays games such as Dungeons & Dragons or BattleTech;, 12pm Sat Jun 4. rhymes, and crafts for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563-326- The Magic Storyteller Chris Mc Brien Presents: “Going
participants are invited to join a game already in progress, or bring Visit from Cinderella, actors Melissa Flowers as “Cinderella” 7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Medieval on Reading”, for ages 4-10; a comedy, ventriloquism,
your own group to join; free; for information, call 563-344-4188, and Dan Peppers as the “Prince” from the Quad City Music Guild Ave., Davenport, IA,, 10am Tue and magic show that promotes reading and self-esteem; for
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, Production of “Cinderella” will sing and read a story; free; for Jun 7 thru Jul 26. information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,, 1pm Sat May 28 thru Sat Dec information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Preschool Storytimes, on Tuesdays; stories, songs, fingerplays, Moline, IL,, 2pm Thu Jun 9.
17. Moline, IL,, 10am Sat Jun 4. and action rhymes for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563-344- YogaKids, Thursdays thru July 28, for ages 5-10; learn the Sun
Pre-school Story Hour, enjoy the telling of the story “The Snow Make & Take Craft Time, on Saturdays; fun crafting sessions 4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, Salutation and play games with yoga poses; $36; for information
Tree,” cookies and juice, and a tour the Sun Garden atrium, and for students, with no experience necessary; free; for information, IA,, 10am Tue Jun 7 thru Tue Jul and to register, call 309-732-PARK, Rock Island Fitness and Activity
decorate a tot-sized tree with an assortment of natural ornaments; call 563-285-4794, Buffalo Library, 329 Dodge St., Buffalo, IA, http:// 26. Center, 4303 24th St., Rock Island, IL, 10:30am Thu Jun 9.
free with botanical center admission; for information, call Megan, 9am Sat Jun 4 thru Sat Jul 30. Stories in the Park!, on Tuesdays; families hear stories, songs, Preschool Storytimes, on Thursdays; stories, songs, fingerplays,
at 309-794-0991 x25 or e-mail, Quad City Craft-ernoon @ Fairmount: Castle, free; for information, call and rhymes; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Vander Veer and action rhymes for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563-344-
Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www. 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Botanical Center, 215 Central Park, Davenport, IA, http://www. 4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf,, 1pm Sun May 29 thru Sun Aug 28. Davenport, IA,, 2pm Mon Jun 6., 11am Tue Jun 7 thru Tue Jul 26. IA,, 10am Thu Jun 9 thru Thu
Rhyme Time Story Time, on Mondays; stories, songs, and crafts Disney’s Camp Rock, thru June 18; musical-theatre summer Toddler & Preschool Story Time, on Tuesdays; free; for Jul 28.
for ages 2-5; free; for information, call 309-523-3440, River Valley camp for grades 3-12; participants rehearse for a new stage musical information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave., Nerdposium, on the second Thursday of the month; talk about
Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://www.rivervalleylibrary. based on the hit Disney Channel Original Movies “Camp Rock” and Eldridge, IA,, 10am Tue Jun 7 everything from “Star Wars” to YouTube to “Twilight” to LEGO’s; free;
org, 11am Mon May 30 thru Mon Dec 26. “Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam,” being performed July 18 & 19; to thru Tue Jul 26. for information, call 563-344-4188, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Book Bunch Club, club with activities for children ages 7-9; free; reserve, call 309-788-5433 or email Dino Hayz at dino@center4living. Preschool Storytime, on Tuesdays; stories, finger plays, and Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st com, The Center for Living Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock Island, IL, http:// hands-on activities for children ages 3-5 not yet in kindergarten; com, 3:30pm Thu Jun 9 thru Thu Dec 8.
St, Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Tue May 31., 9am Mon Jun 6. free; for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 KidTV, on Thursdays, for elementary-aged kids and tweens;
Preschool Story Time, for ages 2-5; free; for information, call Gospel Light’s SonSurf Beach Bash VBS, for grades 1-6; an 41st St, Moline, IL,, 10am Tue Jun 7 kids learn how to write, film, design sets, and have fun creating the
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 outdoor beach bash with high-energy songs, Bible stories, games, thru Thu Jul 28. news; shows will appear on the library’s YouTube channel, the city’s
Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,, crafts, prizes, snacks, and more; free; for information, call 309-764- Crime Scene Investigation 101, Mondays & Wednesdays thru cable channel, and other social media sites; free; for information,
10am Tue May 31. 3041, Stephens Park, 7th St. & 15th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. July 18 (no class on July 4), for ages 11-15; gain an understanding of call 563-326-6833, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
Reaching Your Potential, Tuesdays thru Aug. 2, for ages 8-12;, 6pm Mon Jun 6 thru Fri Jun 10. the history of fingerprinting, knowledge in how to read fingerprints, Davenport, IA,, 3pm Thu Jun 9
join Miss Illinois Outstanding Teen K. Wehr as she leads you on an Swim School for Youths, for ages 4-15 on Mondays - Thursdays, steps in collecting fingerprints, being aware of surroundings, and thru Thu Dec 29.
expedition to discover your dreams, talents, hobbies and things with times slots including 9:15-10am, 10:15-11am, 11:15am-noon, other techniques used in solving crimes; $134; for information, call Growing in the Garden: How Much Space Do Plants Need?,
that can make you happy; learn how to make good decisions, reach 4:15-5pm, and 5:15-6pm; $48; to register, call 309-796-5601, Black 309-796-5000, Black Hawk College Outreach Center, 301 Avenue of grades K-5 learn about gardening through hands-on activities; free;
your goals, and find good role models; $38; for information, call 309- Hawk College - Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th Avenue, the Cities, East Moline, IL,, 9am Wed Jun 8. for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000
796-5000, Black Hawk College - Quad City Campus, 6600 34th Ave., Moline, IL,, Mon Jun 6. Cultures Around the World: China, learn about the country N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,,
Moline, IL,, 12:30pm Tue May 31. Wee Wiggler Toddler Time, Mondays at 9:30 & 10:45am; stories with books, games, and artwork; ind out how to write Chinese 1pm Fri Jun 10.
Toddler Time: Sun Catcher, storytelling, activities, music, and and hands-on activities for ages 18-36 months with an adult; for characters, make kente or Siapo cloth, and the significance of Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, a little bit of craziness and a lot of fun;
a giant indoor playground; for information, call 563-355-1749, information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Faberge Eggs and mosaic tiles; free; for information, call 563-326- free; for information, call 563-285-, Princeton Library, 328 River Dr.,
Chick-fil-A at Davenport, 2945 E 53rd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Moline, IL,, Mon Jun 6 thru Mon Jun 7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, Princeton, IA,, 4pm Fri Jun 10., 9:30am Tue May 31. 27., 1pm Wed Jun 8. Roundtable Storytime, on Fridays, for ages 0-5 and 6-9; stories
Zumbatastic, Tuesdays thru July 26, for ages 8-12; shake, wiggle, Preschool Storytime @ Fairmount, on Mondays; ages 3-5 Family Fun Night at Eastern: Terrible Todd’s Pirate Show, will focus upon Medieval-themed books, followed by a relevant craft;
and get physically fit; $16.50-$25.50; for information and to register, hear stories, songs, rhymes and make crafts; free; for information, enjoy the sounds, smells and authentic pirate lore in this fun free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library -
call 309-732-PARK, Rock Island Fitness and Activity Center, 4303 call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., and exciting program; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary.
24th St., Rock Island, IL, 4:45pm Tue May 31. Davenport, IA,, 10am Mon Jun 6 Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., org, 9:30am Fri Jun 10 thru Fri Jul 15.
Create a Castle Contest, create a castle to be displayed in thru Mon Jul 25. Davenport, IA,, 6pm Wed Jun 8. Book Babies @ Eastern, on Fridays; parents and caregivers
Preschool Storytimes, on Mondays (not July 4); stories, songs, Niabi Zoo Program, zoo employees bring animals for a visit; learn songs and Mother Goose rhymes that are appropriate for
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

the Children’s Department; prizes awarded for winners; free; for

information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, fingerplays, and action rhymes for ages 3-5; free; for information, call free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library babies age 0 to 18 months; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Moline, IL,, Wed Jun 1 thru Thu Jun 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL, http:// Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
30. Bettendorf, IA,, 6:30pm Mon, 10am Wed Jun 8. Davenport, IA,, 10am Fri Jun 10
Baby Story Time @ Fairmount, on Wednesdays; featuring books Jun 6 thru Mon Jul 25. Reader’s Theater, folk tales, fairy tales, and other stories in script thru Fri Jul 29.
and fun activities that will inspire learning; free; for information, call Anime Club, on Mondays (not July 4); hang out and watch form read by young readers; free; registration required at 309-524- Toddler Storytime @ Fairmount, on Fridays; songs, action
563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., the first few episodes of each month’s selected Anime DVD; free; 2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www. rhymes, fingerplays and dancing for ages 18 months to 3 years; free;
Davenport, IA,, 10am Wed Jun for information, call 563-344-4188, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950, 7pm Wed Jun 8. for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000
1 thru Wed Jul 27. Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. King’s Feast Book Talk, for grades 2 & up; free; for information, N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,,
Toddler & Preschool Story Time, on Wednesdays; free; for com, 3:30pm Mon Jun 6 thru Mon Dec 26. call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 10am Fri Jun 10 thru Fri Jul 29.
information, call 563-285-4794, Buffalo Library, 329 Dodge St., Belegarth Medieval Combat, for ages 10 & up; the Belegarth 19th, Rock Island, IL,, 3:30pm Wed Princess Party, for ages 4-10; meet Miss Illinois Outstanding
Buffalo, IA,, 10am Wed Jun 1 Medieval Combat Society will demonstrate their fighting skills, Jun 8. Teen 2010, Kaitlyn Wehr, and learn the basics about being a princess;
thru Wed Jul 27. talk about what it would be like to be a fighter in Medieval times, Lego Knight’s Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art to free; for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210
Toddler & Preschool Story Time, on Wednesdays; free; for and how they make their weapons; free; for information, call 309- be displayed at the library; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, 41st St, Moline, IL,, 1:30pm Fri Jun
information, call 563-285-4794, Princeton Library, 328 River Dr., 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, 10.
Princeton, IA,, 10am Wed Jun 1 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL,,, 4pm Wed Jun 8. Sir Randall: Medieval Knight, for ages 5 & up; meet a knight in
thru Wed Jul 27. 5:30pm Tue Jun 7. Get Your Game On, on Wednesdays; systems like the Wii and shining armor, learn about a knight’s training, and try on the armor
Mommy & Me Story Time, on Wednesdays; music and Down by the Creek Animal Visit, Debbie with Down By the PS2 are available for teen challenges; also with a wide selection of yourself; free; for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public
movement for ages 0 thru pre-K; free; for information, call 309-523- Creek Animal Companion Programs introduces some of her rescued board games; free; for information, call 563-326-7893, Fairmount Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,, 2pm
3440, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://www. animals and tell stories of their rescues; free; for information, call Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www. Sat Jun 11.
40, 9:15am Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Aug 31. 563-285-4794, Walcott Library, 207 S. Main St., Walcott, IA, http://, 3pm Wed Jun 8 thru Wed Jul 27. Parent-Tot Saturday, on Saturdays; for ages 3 & under; parents
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simple stories and activities geared toward ages 0-3; free; for
information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
com, 10am Mon Jun 13 thru Mon Jul 25.
join their kids in the pool for songs, games, introductory water skills, You Are Here: Artful Journaling, take blank journals and
and more; for information, call 309-732-7432, Rock Island Fitness making them our own by decorating them; try some cool
and Activity Center, 4303 24th St., Rock Island, IL, http://www.rigov. techniques to give your journals entries more pizazz; free; for
org, 9am Sat Jun 11 thru Sat Jul 30. information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Black Hawk College Softball Camp, for girls ages 8-14; learn Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
the fundamentals of softball from award-winning Black Hawk com, 3pm Mon Jun 13.
College coach Carrie Calderon and Family Fun Night with

her players; the camp will emphasize the Putnam: At Sea with

fundamentals and understanding Me, kids discover amazing
strategies of the game; $75 includes adventures in their trek
a T-shit, addition family members i wireless Center around the world; free; for

$15 each; for information, contact May through August information, call 563-326-
Coach Calderon at 309-796-5606 7832, Fairmount Street

or, Black Hawk Library, 3000 N. Fairmount
College - Quad City Campus, 6600 n May 28, multi-platinum-selling St., Davenport, IA, http://
34th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www.bhc. recording sensation Josh Groban takes www.davenportlibrary.
edu, 10am Mon Jun 13 thru Thu Jun the stage at Moline’s i wireless Center, and com, 6pm Tue Jun 14.
16. Fiction Fan Club,
Craft-ernoon @ Fairmount: Spirit theoretically, it should be easy to hold your book discussion group for
Mask, free; for information, call 563- attention in this tweens, ages 10-12; read
FRIDAY, JUNE 3 AT 7:30PM 326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, space by listing the the book, share ideas, and
3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, enjoy refreshments; free; for
SM, information, call 309-524-

2pm Mon Jun 13. accomplishments 2480, Moline Public Library,
See the winner of Comedy Central’s Standup Showdown, Last Comic Standing finalist
and former Quad City radio personality in a hilarious night of comedy! Create-A-Card, thru June 17, for since the release 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,
ages 8-13; create unique greeting of his self-titled http://www.molinelibrary.
Tickets: $10 in advance; $15 at the door. cards designed by you; write, illustrate, com, 6:30pm Tue Jun 14.
and decorate cards to give for Mother’s
debut CD less than Rustic Residents,
To purchase tickets, visit Day, Fathers Day, birthdays, and 10 years ago. I can for grades 3-6; join Amy
Plus, win FREE slot play or other great prizes at our
special occasions; $71; for information, talk about how that from the Wapsi River
encore drawings on the casino floor after the show. call 309-796-5000, Black Hawk College Josh Groban album and Groban’s Environmental Center
Outreach Center, 301 Avenue of the and learn how twigs,
Cities, East Moline, IL, http://www.bhc. four follow-ups – Closer, Awake, Noël, and bark, seeds, and leaves
ConneCt with us
edu, 12:15pm Mon Jun 13. Illuminations – have collectively sold more can be used to create
Flag Day Celebration, all ages than 24 million copies worldwide, and how the miniature figurines; free; for
are invited to create their favorite information, call 563-284-
country’s flag on this special Make-it &
Grammy winner has delivered acclaimed solo 6612, Walcott Library, 207 S.
© 2011 Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Must be 21 to enter casino. Management reserves the right to cancel or change
this event at any time without prior notification. Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center is a service mark Take-It Craft Day; free; for information, performances at the Kennedy Center Honors, Main St., Walcott, IA, http://
of the City of Bettendorf. Gambling a problem? There is help. And hope. Call 1-800-BETS-OFF.
call 563-285-4794, Princeton Library, at the Primetime Emmy Awards, and for the www.scottcountylibrary.
328 River Dr., Princeton, IA, http:// 2004 Super Bowl and 2005 Worlds Series. I org, 3pm Tue Jun 14., 2pm Skippyjon Jones and
Mon Jun 13. can discuss how his light-comic charm on a Activities, a visit with
Royal Bling #1, for ages 12-18; 2001 episode of Ally McBeal eventually led to the popular children’s-
get decked out with crown and appearances on Saturday Night Live and Glee, book character; free; for
scepter, goblet and coat of arms; free; information, call 309-524-
plus this summer’s forthcoming Steve Carell/
for information, call 309-524-2480, 2480, Moline Public Library,
MAZDA Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Emma Stone comedy Crazy, Stupid, Love. I can 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,
Moline, IL, http://www.molinelibrary. mention how Barnes & Noble ranked him the http://www.molinelibrary.
com, 6:30pm Mon Jun 13. “Number-One Best-Selling Artist of All Time” com, 10am Tue Jun 14.

Teen Duct Tape Crafts, make Teen Craft Tuesday:
in 2007 – with more than 20 million CDs sold
H6K:6I fun stuff out of duct tape; free; for
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock in less than seven years – and how, in 2008, he
Extreme Mask Making,
invent a new character
L>I=JEIDBE Island Public Library - Main Library, was named one of People magazine’s “100 Most based on the varied tales of
401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www., 6pm Mon Jun
Beautiful People.” But if you’re anything like
my mother, you’re not paying any attention to
traditional African folklore
by creating an original mask
6<G:6IH:A:8I>DCD;;J:A:;;>8>:CIB6O96H 13. recycled materials; free; for
Traveling Science Camp, for that. You’re just staring at that photo of Groban information, call 563-326-
ages 8 & up; includes a visit to the and sighing. If, however, you are one of the few 7832, Fairmount Street
Putnam Museum for natural science Library, 3000 N. Fairmount
exhibits and an IMAX movie; Niabi
actually reading this, know that Groban’s May St., Davenport, IA, http://

% Veg
Zoo for animal explorations, Quad
City Botanical Center for rainforest
adventures; the Quad City International
28 gig is just one of many exciting concerts
scheduled for the i wireless Center this summer com, 3pm Tue Jun 14.

Teen KnightlyTourney,
[dg+%bdh – with others including Michael Bublé’s on
Airport to explore aviation; and a an evening of archery,
June 24, Keith Urban’s on June 30, and Mötley
'%&&BVoYV' '%&&BVoYV( '%&&BVoYV8M",
journey on the Mississippi River
aboard the Celebration Belle; bring Crüe’s and Poison’s combined gig on August
horse-less jousting, sword-
fighting, and other combat
K>C?B&9:&=N,7%&%.*+' K>C?B&7A&J;%7&)'..), K>C?B(:G'7*-7%(*+,&% sack lunches; an event in the 2011 6 – and tickets to all of the Moline venue’s skills; prizes awarded;
Wjn[dgdcan aZVhZ[dgdcan aZVhZ[dgdcan Summer Youth Camp series; $45-
events are available by calling (800)745-3000 or free; for information, call
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

 &)!..& &,.  '..

$50; for information and to register, 309-732-7323, Rock Island
visiting – Mike Schulz
eZg eZg call 309-756-9978 Ext 10, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest
bdci] bdci] County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Branch, 9010 Ridgewood
Milan, IL, http://www.extension.illinois. Rd., Rock Island, IL, http://
6C9H6K:DCDJG6B6O>C<H:A:8I>DCD;EG:DLC:9@>6H edu/rockisland, 10am Mon Jun 13 thru Fri Jun 17., 5:30pm Tue Jun 14.
Yah…Yeah…Team: Cheerleading Camp for Ages 6-8, Three Sisters’ Garden: An American Indian Tale, for grades
&...B6O96EGDIw<w@&(+%'6###################################################################### (!..( memorize cheers and master the art of performing them; jump 1-6; join American Indian expert Dianna Blake as she tells tales
'%%'B6O96EGDIw<w:MB&()&&6########################################################### *!).' into action with techniques, proper posture, jumps and kicks and from long ago and helps create a very special garden to take
'%%)B6O96B>6I6O+()-6############################################################################ &%!..' basic tumbling; group performance on the last day of class; $34; home; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library,
'%&%B6O968M,B&((,'6################################################################################# '%!..' 9dlcadVYi]Z[gZZiV\hXVccZgVi for information, call 309-796-5000, Jai Johnson’s Karate Center, 200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA,,
6C9B6CNBDG: lll#ZmZXiV\#Xdb
Moline, IL,, 1pm Mon Jun 13 thru Fri Jun
1pm Tue Jun 14.
Medieval Math, on Tuesdays; solve the mysteries of math
Yah…Yeah…Team: Cheerleading Camp for Ages 9-12, with an enjoyable and exciting approach, with tutor Elizabeth
JUST SOUTH OF NORTHPARK MALL memorize cheers and master the art of performing them; jump Russell; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public

-,,"'&-")&(* into action with techniques, proper posture, jumps and kicks and
basic tumbling; group performance on the last day of class; $34;
for information, call 309-796-5000, Jai Johnson’s Karate Center,
Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www., 3:15pm Tue Jun 14 thru Tue Jul 12.
B’Tweens, for ages 10-12; make travel journals; wear crafting Moline, IL,, 2:15pm Mon Jun 13 thru Fri Jun clothes for possible messes; free; for information, call 563-344-4178,
HJ7?:8IIDA:C9:G6EEGDK6A#6AAEAJHI6M!I>IA:!A>8:CH:6C99D8;::#6BDJCI9J:6IA:6H:>C8:EI>DC"...DCB6O96(!'%%% 17. Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
42 DC8M,!A:6H:I:GB>H(+BDCI=H6C9(%@B>A:H#%L>I=6EEGDK:98G:9>I# Tummy Time, on the second & fourth Mondays of the month;, 4pm Wed Jun 15.
Charlie’s Heroes Puppet Show, a fun puppet presentation Lego Knight’s Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

from our friends at the Mississippi Valley Blood Center; free; for to be displayed at the library; free; for information, call 309-732-
information, call 563-285-4794, Buffalo Library, 329 Dodge St., 7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock
Buffalo, IA,, 10am Wed Jun 15. Island, IL,, 4pm Wed Jun 15.
Cultures Around the World: Sri Lanka, learn about the Lego @ the Library, for grades 1-6; build something that
country with books, games, and artwork; free; for information, supports the month’s theme with the Library’s Legos or bring your
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount own; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200
St., Davenport, IA,, 1pm Wed N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA,, 2pm
Jun 15. Wed Jun 15.
Dan Wardell’s Reading Road Trip, at 1 & 2pm; PBS TV show Craft-ernoon @ Eastern: Spirit Mask, for kids who love crafts;
host Dan will read stories and meet kids; free; for information, call free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library -
563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.
Davenport, IA,, 1pm Wed Jun, 2pm Thu Jun 16.
15. Father’s Day Craft, for ages 5-9; free; for information, call 309-
Family Fun Night with Iowa State: Reptiles and Amphibians, 524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://
learn about plants, animals, and nature through hands’-on, 10am Thu Jun 16.
activities and experiences; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Dan Wardell’s Reading Road Trip, at 10 & 11am; visits with the
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., host of the IPTV Kids’ Club; free; for information, call 563-344-4194,
Davenport, IA,, 6pm Wed Jun Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
15., 10am Thu Jun 16.
Language at Lunch: Spanish, for grades 1-6; a guest teacher Niabi Zoo Program, zoo employees bring animals for a
teaches a different language each week; free; for information, call visit; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
563-344-4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.
Bettendorf, IA,, 11:30am Wed, 10am Thu Jun 16.
Jun 15. Rustic Residents, for grades 3-6; join Amy from the Wapsi River
Max’s Birthday Bash, celebrate the mouse’s first birthday with Environmental Center and learn how twigs, bark, seeds, and leaves
stories, crafts, songs, and fingerplays; free; for information, call can be used to create miniature figurines; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 563-381-1797, Buffalo Library, 329 Dodge St., Buffalo, IA, http://
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL,,, 3pm Thu Jun 16.
9:30am Wed Jun 15. Building With Books Lego Club, for ages 6-12; build with
Charlie’s Heroes Puppet Show, a fun puppet presentation Lego blocks while listening to stories; blocks are supplied; free; for
from our friends at the Mississippi Valley Blood Center; free; for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
information, call 563-285-4794, Durant Library, 402 6th St., Durant, Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Jun 16.
IA,, 3pm Wed Jun 15. Let’s Go Duplo, for grades preK-K; young builders hear a
Father’s Day Craft, for ages 5-9, at 2 & 6:30pm; free; for story and then are challenged to build a special creation with
information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, the popular Duplo blocks; free; for information, call 563-285-
Moline, IL,, Wed Jun 15. 4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA, http://www.
You Are Here: Digital Storytelling, learn basic techniques, 10am Thu Jun 16.
of iMovie and how to save your work and publish it on YouTube Gamer’s Afternoon, play favorite board and card games,
and Facebook; bring 20 - 30 of your favorite photos; free; for such as Monopoly, Munchkin, Magic, and Pokemon; if you have
information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 a Nintendo DS and want to battle with Pokemon Pearl, Diamond,
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. or Platinum, feel free; free; for information, call 563-344-4188,
com, 2pm Wed Jun 15. Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
King’s Feast Book Talk, for grades 2 & up; free; for information,, 3:30pm Thu Jun 16.
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 A Fiesta With Skippyjon Jones, for ages 3-8; a variety of
30th St., Rock Island, IL,, 3:30pm activities based on the Skippyjon Jones books by Judith Byron
Wed Jun 15. Schachner; bring your cameras; free; for information, call 563-

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

I Survived the Rock Island Public Library Game Show, for from our friends at the Mississippi Valley Blood Center; free; for information, call 563-344-4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
ages 12-18; pit your wits and skills against other contestants to be information, call 563-285-4794, Princeton Library, 328 River Dr., Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
the RIPL Game Show winner; prizes awarded; free; for information, Princeton, IA,, 3:30pm Tue Jun com, 11:30am Wed Jun 22.
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 21. Merlin’s Mad Science, science wizardry and hands-on
344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary. Discover Your Talent, thru July 1, for ages 8-14; interactive experiments by the masters of wacky science; free; for information,
Bettendorf, IA,, 10:30am Fri org, 5:45pm Mon Jun 20. class for young writers, artists, singers, and dancers; create a call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401
Jun 17. Juggler Jason Huneke Program, performance with Carnival presentation to showcase your talents for family and friends on 19th, Rock Island, IL,, 10:30am
Growing in the Garden: People Need/Plants Need, grades Cruise Lines headliner, G-rated comedic juggler Huneke; free; for the last day of class; $71; for information, call 309-796-5000, Black Wed Jun 22.
K-5 learn about gardening through hands-on activities; free; for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Hawk College Outreach Center, 301 Avenue of the Cities, East Merlin’s Mad Science, science wizardry and hands-on
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Mon Jun 20. Moline, IL,, 12:15pm Tue Jun 21. experiments by the masters of wacky science; free; for information,
Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, Robotics Camp, for ages 9-12; at the Seamans Center for the Duct Tape Purse Creation, Tuesdays & Thursdays thru July 7, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch,
1pm Fri Jun 17. Engineering Arts and Sciences; a week of science, technology, for ages 15-18; learn how to design and create a beautiful purse 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary.
You Are Here: Digital Storytelling, learn basic techniques engineering and math activities; for information and to register, by cutting and folding duct tape; $46; for information, call 309- org, 1pm Wed Jun 22.
of iMovie and how to save your work and publish it on YouTube call 319-335-5706, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, http://k- 796-5000, Black Hawk College Outreach Center, 301 Avenue of the Midsummer Knight’s Read Medieval Faire, featuring
and Facebook; bring 20 - 30 of your favorite photos; free; for, Mon Jun 20 thru Fri Jun 24. Cities, East Moline, IL,, 3pm Tue Jun 21. storytelling, music, a Medieval tournament, and crafts; free; for
information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Scrap Camp, for ages 9 & up; learn how to make great page Eulenspiegel Puppets Presents: Educating Donkey, information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. layouts, craft your own paper and utilize embellishments, and puppet show for ages 5 & up; free; for information, call 309-524- Moline, IL,, 6pm Wed Jun 22.
com, 2pm Fri Jun 17. make your own summertime 2011 memory book; an event in the 2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www. Niabi Zoo Visit, meet a Niabi zookeeper and seven different
Father’s Day Fun, make something special for Dad; free; for 2011 Summer Youth Camp series; $35-$40; for information and to, 1pm Tue Jun 21. animals when the zoo comes to the library; free; for information,
information, call 563-285-4794, Durant Library, 402 6th St., Durant, register, call 309-756-9978 Ext 10, Rock Island County Extension, Family Fun Night with the Putnam: Egyptology, kids call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA,
IA,, 10am Sat Jun 18. 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, discover amazing adventures in their trek around the world; free;, 1pm Wed Jun 22.
Rustic Residents, for grades 3-6; join Amy from the Wapsi River rockisland, 9am Mon Jun 20 thru Fri Jun 24. for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 King’s Feast Book Talk, for grades 2 & up; free; for information,
Environmental Center and learn how twigs, bark, seeds, and leaves Storyteller Reid Miller, songs, poems, and puppetry; free; for N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportlibrary. call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch,
can be used to create miniature figurines; free; for information, call information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main com, 6pm Tue Jun 21. 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary.
563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA, http:// Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,, Mural of the World, have your artwork displayed all summer org, 3:30pm Wed Jun 22., 1pm Sat Jun 18. 10am Mon Jun 20. when you stop in to help create a piece to add to our global mural; Lego Knight’s Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego
Disney’s Camp Rock, new stage musical based on the hit Storyteller Reid Miller, songs, poems, and puppetry; free; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Walcott Library, 207 S. art to be displayed at the library; free; for information, call 309-
Disney Channel Original Movies “Camp Rock” and “Camp Rock 2: for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Main St., Walcott, IA,, 1pm Tue 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
The Final Jam,” performed by summer-camp students in grades 3- - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL, http:// Jun 21. Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL,,
12; for information, call 309-788-5433 or email Dino Hayz at dino@, 1pm Mon Jun 20. Teen Craft Tuesday: Bangles & Jangles Pop Tab Jewelry, 4pm Wed Jun 22., The Center for Living Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock Swim School for Youths, thru June 30; for ages 4-15 on recycle pop tabs into stylish new bangled bracelets, belts, and Roundtable Storytime, on Wednesdays, for ages 0-5 and 6-
Island, IL,, Sat Jun 18. Mondays - Thursdays, with times slots including 9:15-10am, more; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street 9; stories will focus upon Medievally-theme books, followed by a
Kidz Days at RME, an educational program geared for children 10:15-11am, 11:15am-noon, 4:15-5pm, and 5:15-6pm; $48; to Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www. relevant craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
pre-school to 12 years of age that is centered on live music and register, call 309-796-5601, Black Hawk College - Community, 3pm Tue Jun 21. Public - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL,
other performances just for kids; $5 for parents, kids free; for Aquatic Center, 6600 34th Avenue, Moline, IL, http://www.bhc. Fun in the Kitchen, for ages 3-8 and an adult guardian; Rock, 9:30am Wed Jun 22 thru Wed
information, call 563-326-1333, River Music Experience, 129 Main edu/aquatic, Mon Jun 20. Island Hy-Vee dietitian Chrissy Mitzel will show you how to prepare Jul 13.
St, Davenport, IA,, 10:30am USA Girls Camp, for ages 6-11; explore American history a tasty and nutritious meal your kids will love; $10/child & adult ‘Tweens in the Kitchen, for ages 9-13; Rock Island Hy-Vee
Sat Jun 18. through stories, games, foods, and crafts inspired by American Girl team; for information and to register, call 309-732-PARK, Hy-Vee dietitian Chrissy Mitzel will help your tween prepare two to four
Craft-ernoon @ Fairmount: Paper Plate Peacock, free; for Doll books; an event in the 2011 Summer Youth Camp series; $35- Rock Island Club Room, 2930 18th Ave, Rock Island, IL, 6pm Tue nutritious recipes for dinner; your child will also learn about basic
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. $40; for information and to register, call 309-756-9978 Ext 10, Rock Jun 21. cooking skills and healthy eating; $10; for information and to
Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, http://www. Cultures Around the World: Russia, learn about the country register, call 309-732-PARK, Hy-Vee Rock Island Club Room, 2930
2pm Mon Jun 20., 1pm Mon Jun 20 thru Fri Jun with books, games, and artwork; free; for information, call 563-326- 18th Ave, Rock Island, IL, 6pm Wed Jun 22.
Future Engineers Camp, for ages 8 & up; make your own 24. 7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, Craft-ernoon @ Eastern: Paper Plate Peacock, for kids who
inventions using a variety of mediums including Legos, Tinkertoys, Zany Janie, the Paper Bag Princess, free; for information, call IA,, 1pm Wed Jun 22. love crafts; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
scrap wood, duct tape, PVC pipe, and more; build an item based 309-523-3440, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, Family Fun Night with Iowa State: Insectaganza, learn Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport,
on a sample each day, from recycled windchimes to birdhouses,, 6pm Mon Jun 20. about plants, animals, and nature through hands’-on activities and IA,, 2pm Thu Jun 23.
rockets, and more; an event in the 2011 Summer Youth Camp Family Storytime, stories for the family to enjoy with family- experiences; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Down by the Creek Animal Visit, Debbie with Down By
series; $35-$40; for information and to register, call 309-756-9978 related themes; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, the Creek Animal Companion Programs introduces some of
Ext 10, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http:// IA,, 6pm Wed Jun 22. her rescued animals and tell stories of their rescues; free; for, 1pm Mon Jun 20, 5pm Mon Jun 20. Language at Lunch: Sign Language, for grades 1-6; a information, call 563-285-4794, Durant Library, 402 6th St., Durant,
thru Fri Jun 24. Charlie’s Heroes Puppet Show, a fun puppet presentation guest teacher teaches a different language each week; free; for IA,, 10am Thu Jun 23.
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

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OF QUAD CITIES Northpark Mall

Summer Reading Kickoff Carnival

June 4, 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Fairmount

Terrible Todd’s Pirate Show

June 7 (Tues), 6:00 p.m. Fairmount
Family Fun Night with the Putnam
June 8 (Wed), 6:00 p.m. Eastern Avenue

Family Fun Night with Iowa State Dan’s Reading Road Trip, with Dan Wardell of IPTV’s
“Kid’s Clubhouse”

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

June 15, 1:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. Fairmount
Cultures Around the World Growing in the Garden
DPL Summer Jam 2011
Animation Celebration Craft-ernoons July 9, 11:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern Avenue

Teen Craft Tuesdays Movie Musicals Karaoke Night

Bee All U Can Bee Karaoke will DJ Fairmount
Get Your Game On Monday Matinee @ Main July 26, Warm up at 4:00 p.m.,
Teens at 4:30 p.m., Kids at 6:00 p.m.,
While supplies last Baby - Toddler - Preschool Story Times Adults will follow.

Summer Reading Game Show


24th Annual Bix Porch Party

Aug 4, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Main Library

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making them your own by decorating them; try some cool Davenport, IA,, 6pm Wed Jun

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

techniques to give our journals entries more pizazz; free; for 29.
information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 You Are Here: Live Action Role Play, view videos about LARP,
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. create family crests, and forge your own foam weapons; free; for
WQPT Cat in the Hat & Activities, cat appearances at 10:30 com, 3pm Mon Jun 27. information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
& 11:15am; free; for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Family Fun Night with the Putnam: Asian Adventure, kids Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,, discover amazing adventures in their trek around the world; free; com, 2pm Wed Jun 29.
10am Thu Jun 23. for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 Make & Take Craft Time, fun crafting session for students,
Growing in the Garden: Rocks to Ice Cream, grades K-5 learn N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, with no experience necessary; free; for information, call 563-285-
about gardening through hands- 6pm Tue Jun 28. 4794, Walcott Library, 207 S. Main St., Walcott, IA, http://www.

on activities; free; for information, Meet the Reptiles from, 2:30pm Wed Jun 29.
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount the Grout Museum of Language at Lunch, for grades 1-6; a guest teacher teaches
Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount Waterloo, Iowa, at 11am & a different language each week; free; for information, call 563-
St., Davenport, IA, http://www. Mississippi Valley Blues Festival 1pm, for ages 5 & up; learn 344-4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,, 1pm Fri Jun LeClaire Park about and see a bearded Bettendorf, IA,, 11:30am Wed
24. Friday, July 1, through Sunday, July 3 dragon, lizard, skink, and Jun 29.
Jewelry Workshop, create great snake; free; for information, Let’s Go Duplo, for grades 1-6; build something that supports

jewelry; free; for information, call call 309-524-2480, Moline the month’s theme with the Library’s Legos or bring your own;
563-285-4794, Princeton Library, 328 resented by Public Library, 3210 41st free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N.
River Dr., Princeton, IA, http://www. the Mississippi St, Moline, IL, http://www. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA,, 2pm, 4pm Fri Jun Valley Blues Society,, 11am Wed Jun 29.
24. Tue Jun 28. Craft-ernoon @ Eastern: Origami, for kids who love crafts;
2011’s Mississippi
Basic Tumbling, thru July 1, Teen Craft Tuesday: Thai free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library -
for ages 7-10; learn basic tumbling Valley Blues Festival String Creature Keychains, Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.
techniques that are safe and fun, will be held July 1 keychains will be made, 2pm Thu Jun 30.
kick off with somersaults, and work through 3, and if almost entirely of string, but Down by the Creek Animal Visit, Debbie with Down By
your way up to handstands and you visit the society’s with a few various accessories the Creek Animal Companion Programs introduces some of
cartwheels; $34; for information, call for added personality; free; her rescued animals and tell stories of their rescues; free; for
309-796-5000, Black Hawk College
Web page for the
for information, call 563- information, call 563-285-4794, Buffalo Library, 329 Dodge St.,
- Quad City Campus, 6600 34th Ave., event, you’ll find this 326-7832, Fairmount Street Buffalo, IA,, 2:30pm Thu Jun
Moline, IL,, quote by legendary Library, 3000 N. Fairmount 30.
2:15pm Mon Jun 27. singer/songwriter St., Davenport, IA, http:// Teen Game Night, a night of board and video games; free; for
Catapults, for ages 12-18; create, information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main
John Lee Hooker: Otis Clay
a working catapult out of the parts 3pm Tue Jun 28. Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,,
provided and storm the castle for “The one thing Teen Wacky Scientist 5:30pm Thu Jun 30.
fame and glory; free; for information, the blues don’t get is the backing and pushing Lab, ages 12-18 participate Charlie’s Heroes Puppet Show, a fun puppet presentation
call 309-524-2480, Moline Public of TV and radio like a lot of this garbage you in crazy science experiments; from our friends at the Mississippi Valley Blood Center; free; for
Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, hears.” Thanks goodness, then, for bi-weekly free; for information, call information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave.,, 309-732-7323, Rock Island Eldridge, IA,, 10am Fri Jul 1.
6:30pm Mon Jun 27.
independent Midwestern newspapers, huh?
Public Library - Southwest Growing in the Garden: Wonderful Worms, grades K-5 learn
Craft-ernoon @ Fairmount: As always, this year’s LeClaire Park event will Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., about gardening through hands-on activities; free; for information,
Origami, free; for information, feature numerous vendors, music workshops, Rock Island, IL, http://www. call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount and children’s activities via the annual BlueSKool, 5:45pm Davenport, IA,, 1pm Fri Jul 1.
Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount Tue Jun 28. Book Bunch Club, Tuesdays thru July 26; book club with
program. But the true claim to the festival’s
St., Davenport, IA, http://www. Cultures Around the activities for children ages 7-9; free; for information, call 309-524-, 2pm Mon fame is the outstanding lineup of blues artists World: Malawi, learn about 2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.
Jun 27. performing on two separate stages, with no fewer the country with books,, 6:30pm Tue Jul 5.
Dean of Juggling, free; for than 27 separate acts sharing the 2011 spotlight. games, and artwork; free; Cooking Camp, thru July 8, for ages 9-14; learn techniques to
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock LeClaire Park’s Bandshell stage will host thrilling for information, call 563- prepare fun, tasty new recipes, from a full meal to healthy snacks
Island Public Library - Main Library, 326-7832, Fairmount Street to desserts; prepare and sample different foods that you will eat for
401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.
blues sets by (in order of appearance) Linsey
Library, 3000 N. Fairmount lunch, and learn about kitchen and food safety, table setting, and, 10am Mon Jun Alexander, Eric Gales, Dwayne Dopsie & the St., Davenport, IA, http:// etiquette; an event in the 2011 Summer Youth Camp series; $25-
27. Zydeco Hellraisers, Smokin’ Joe Kubek with, $30; for information and to register, call 309-756-9978 Ext 10, Rock
Native American Explorations B’Nois King, Chocolate Thunder, the Lionel 1pm Wed Jun 29. Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, http://www.
& Outdoor Adventures, for ages King’s Feast Book Talk,, 9am Tue Jul 5.
Young Band, Ryan McGarvey, Mississippi Heat,
8 & up; meet at the Quad City for grades 2 & up; free; for Disney’s Camp Rock, thru July 16; musical-theatre summer
Conservation Club on Big Island in Joe Louis Walker, the Candymakers, Studebaker information, call 309-732- camp for grades 3-12; participants rehearse for a new stage
Milan to explore the history, legends, John & the Hawks, Chris Beard, Sherman 7323, Rock Island Public musical based on the hit Disney Channel Original Movies “Camp
and lifestyle of Native Americans Robertson, and Mitch Woods & His Rocket 88s. Library - Main Library, 401 Rock” and “Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam,” being performed July 16
like the Sauk, Meskwaki and others And on the Tent Stage, crowds will be treated to 19th, Rock Island, IL, http:// & 17; to reserve, call 309-788-5433 or email Dino Hayz at dino@
who lived in our region; investigate,, The Center for Living Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock
nature, go fishing, hike, learn way-
the incendiary blues stylings of Jimmy Burns,
3:30pm Wed Jun 29. Island, IL,, 9am Tue Jul 5.
finding, play outdoor games, cook Paul Rishell & Anne Raines, R.J. Mischo with Earl Down by the Creek Family Fun Night with the Putnam: Polarpalooza, kids
over a campfire, make nature- Cate & Them, the Way of the Blues Revue, Kevin Animal Visit, Debbie with discover amazing adventures in their trek around the world; free;
inspired crafts, and more; an event Burt, Johnny Nicholas, Peaches Staten, the Koko Down By the Creek Animal for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000
in the 2011 Summer Youth Camp Companion Programs N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportlibrary.
Taylor Tribute, the Winter Blues Academy Kids,
series; $35-$40; for information and introduces some of her com, 6pm Tue Jul 5.
to register, call 309-756-9978 Ext 10, Harper, the Paul Smoker Notet, Rich DelGrosso rescued animals and tell Swim School for Youths, thru July 14; for ages 4-15 on
Rock Island County Extension, 321 & John Richardson, and Otis Clay. All told, it’s stories of their rescues; Mondays - Thursdays, with times slots including 9:15-10am,
W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, http://www. three days of musical nirvana for blues fans. But free; for information, call 10:15-11am, 11:15am-noon, 4:15-5pm, and 5:15-6pm; $42; to, even newbies to the genre might find themselves 563-285-4794, Blue Grass register, call 309-796-5601, Black Hawk College - Community
9am Mon Jun 27 thru Fri Jul 1.

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Library, 114 N. Mississippi St., Aquatic Center, 6600 34th Avenue, Moline, IL, http://www.bhc.
Pajama Story Time, for ages
so inspired by the fest that they’ll want to
Blue Grass, IA, http://www. edu/aquatic, Tue Jul 5.
4-8; wear your p.j.s and bring your purchase a few artist CDs to keep the fiesta alive;, 10am Teen Craft Tuesday: Build Your Own Boomerang, make your
favorite stuffed animal to hear new to again quote the late, great Mr. Hooker: “There Wed Jun 29. own boomerang out of simple materials in this easy, do-it-yourself
stories; free; for information, call is no stop and go for the blues – the blues go, but Lego @ the Library, for boomerang workshop; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, grades 1-6; build something Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,
it don’t stop.” For a full schedule of Mississippi
3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www. that supports the month’s, 3pm Tue Jul 5., 7pm Mon Jun Valley Blues Festival concerts and events, visit theme with the Library’s Youtube/Computer Design, for ages 10 & up; create your
27. – Mike Schulz Legos or bring your own; own skits and work in groups to make fun and entertaining
Teen Craft Night: Junk Art, a free; for information, call 563- Youtube videos; learn how to write, design, edit and upload your
variety of supplies will be available; 285-4794, Eldridge Library, work, and spend time learning how to design a web site; an event
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public 200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA,, in the 2011 Summer Youth Camp series; $25-$30; for information
Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www. 2pm Wed Jun 29. and to register, call 309-756-9978 Ext 10, Rock Island County, 6pm Mon Jun 27. Lego Knight’s Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, http://www.extension.illinois.
Tumble Fun, thru July 1, for ages 3-6; learn basic tumbling to be displayed at the library; free; for information, call 309-732- edu/rockisland, 1pm Tue Jul 5 thru Fri Jul 8.
techniques that are safe and fun, kick off with somersaults, 7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Teen Game Night, a night of board and video games; free; for
and work your way up to handstands and cartwheels; $34; for Island, IL,, 4pm Wed Jun 29. information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main
information, call 309-796-5000, Black Hawk College - Quad City Family Fun Night with Iowa State: How Much Space Does It Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,,
Campus, 6600 34th Ave., Moline, IL,, 1pm Need, learn about plants, animals, and nature through hands’-on 5:30pm Tue Jul 5.
Mon Jun 27. activities and experiences; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Junior Theatre @ Eastern, two plays & interactive songs with
You Are Here: Artful Journaling, take blank journals and Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., the Quad Cities student troupe; free; for information, call 563-326- 47
Lego Knight’s Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary. the library’s 1st-anniversary party; free; for information, call 563-
to be displayed at the library; free; for information, call 309-732- org, 5:30pm Thu Jul 7. 326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Down by the Creek Animal Visit, Debbie with Down By Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,,
Island, IL,, 4pm Wed Jul 6. the Creek Animal Companion Programs introduces some of 11am Sat Jul 9.
7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Cultures Around the World: Ghana, learn about the country her rescued animals and tell stories of their rescues; free; for Fire Chief Frenzy, meet Blue Grass’ Firefighters and see the
Ave., Davenport, IA,, 10am Tue with books, games, and artwork; free; for information, call 563-326- information, call 563-285-4794, Princeton Library, 328 River Dr., Fire Engine up close; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Blue
Jul 5. 7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, Princeton, IA,, 3pm Fri Jul 8. Grass Library, 114 N. Mississippi St., Blue Grass, IA, http://www.
Make & Take Craft Time, fun crafting session for students, IA,, 1pm Wed Jul 6. Growing in the Garden: Life in the Garden (Insects), grades, 10am Sat Jul 9.
with no experience necessary; free; for information, call 563-285- Family Fun Night with Iowa State: Plant Parts We Eat, learn K-5 learn about gardening through hands-on activities; free; for Craft-ernoon @ Fairmount: Plastic Penguin, free; for
4794, Walcott Library, 207 S. Main St., Walcott, IA, http://www. about plants, animals, and nature through hands’-on activities and information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N., 2pm Tue Jul 5. experiences; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,,
Language at Lunch, for grades 1-6; a guest teacher teaches Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, 1pm Fri Jul 8. 2pm Mon Jul 11.
a different language each week; free; for information, call 563- IA,, 6pm Wed Jul 6. One World, Many Stories, listen to a special storyteller’s Madeline Is in Town!, for ages 3-8; lots of activities based
344-4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Craft-ernoon @ Eastern: Paper Boomerang, for kids who unique tales, and then create craft projects from the stories to take on the French children’s-book character; bring cameras; free; for
Bettendorf, IA,, 11:30am Wed love crafts; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport home; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Jul 6. Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, 200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA,, Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Charlie’s Heroes Puppet Show, a fun puppet presentation IA,, 2pm Thu Jul 7. 10am Fri Jul 8. com, 10:30am Mon Jul 11.
from our friends at the Mississippi Valley Blood Center; free; Hip Hop Dance, Thursdays thru July 28; with instructor Junior Theatre @ Fairmount, two plays & interactive songs Quidditch Games, Muggle Quidditch for ages 8-18; register as
for information, call 563-285-4794, Blue Grass Library, 114 N. LaDerrick Gamble from Pro Drama Entertainment; $20; for with the Quad Cities student troupe; free; for information, call one person or as a team; free; for information, call 309-732-7360,
Mississippi St., Blue Grass, IA,, information and to register, call 309-732-PARK, Rock Island Fitness 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood
10am Wed Jul 6. and Activity Center, 4303 24th St., Rock Island, IL, 6:30pm Thu Jul Davenport, IA,, 10am Fri Jul 8. Rd., Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Mon
King’s Feast Book Talk, for grades 2 & up; free; for information, 7. 6th Annual Teen Battle of Bands, competition featuring Jul 11.
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 Teen Tie-Dye, bring a t-shirt or two to tie up and dye; free; for young musicians playing rock, blues, jazz, classical, or country; Robotics Camp, thru July 15, for ages 9-12; at the Seamans
30th St., Rock Island, IL,, 3:30pm information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 with an opening set by Coupe DeVille; held in conjunction with Center for the Engineering Arts and Sciences; a week of science,
Wed Jul 6. technology, engineering and math activities; for information and
to register, call 319-335-5706, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,, Mon Jul 11.
Royal Bling #2, for ages 12-18; create a duct tape sword and
shield or set of fairy wings; free; for information, call 309-524-
2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www., 6:30pm Mon Jul 11.
The World of Origami, learn to create some great creations
simply with folding paper; no experience is required as local
origami enthusiast Teresa Kraft teaches you how to make fun ocean
creatures; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Buffalo Library,
329 Dodge St., Buffalo, IA,, 3pm
Mon Jul 11.
You Are Here: Photo Scavenger Hunt, between July 11 & 18
two QR codes will be posted to our website and or Facebook page;
using a smart phone or clicking on the links provided will give you
a location within the Quad City area; travel to that location and
take a photo of your team; there will be 16 locations total but you
only need photos of 10; after photos are taken, teams will need to
create a movie; movies are due by 9pm July 27; the winning team
will win an iPod Shuffle or a $50 gift certificate; for information
and to register, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
com, Mon Jul 11.
B’Tweens, travel trivia for ages 10-12; prizes awarded to those
who know the most about globe-trotting; free; for information, call
563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,
Bettendorf, IA,, 4pm Tue Jul 12.
Family Fun Night with the Putnam: Ocean Objects, kids
discover amazing adventures in their trek around the world; free;
for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000
N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,,
6pm Tue Jul 12.
Junior Theatre @ Eastern, two plays & interactive songs with
the Quad Cities student troupe; free; for information, call 563-326-
7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern
Ave., Davenport, IA,, 10am Tue
Jul 12.
Mime, Masks, & Magic with Fax Gilbert, a fairytale magic
show for all ages; free; for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.molinelibrary.
com, 1pm Tue Jul 12.
Teen Craft Tuesday: Clear Ice Marble Magnets, make simple,
cool, ice marble magnets; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, 3pm Tue Jul 12.
The World of Origami, learn to create some great creations
simply with folding paper; no experience is required as local
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

origami enthusiast Teresa Kraft teaches you how to make fun ocean
creatures; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Walcott Library,
207 S. Main St., Walcott, IA,, 3pm
Tue Jul 12.
Theatre Spotlight: The Wizard of Oz, meet cast members &
see a sneak peek of Countryside Community Theatre’s summer
musical; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library,
200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA,,
2pm Tue Jul 12.
“A Midsummer Knights’ Read” Puppet Show, program with
by Robert Erdman; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://, 1:30pm Wed Jul 13.
Let’s Go Duplo, for grades 1-6; build something that supports
the month’s theme with the Library’s Legos or bring your own; free;
for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave.,
Eldridge, IA,, 2pm Wed Jul 13.
Cultures Around the World: Samoa, learn about the country
with books, games, and artwork; free; for information, call 563-326-
48 7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport,
IA,, 1pm Wed Jul 13. 18. Building With Books Lego Club, for ages 6-12; build with Lego @ the Library, for grades 1-6; build something that

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

King’s Feast Book Talk, for grades 2 & up; free; for information, Modeling & Etiquette Camp, for ages 9-18; polish and fine- Lego blocks while listening to stories; blocks are supplied; free; for supports the month’s theme with the Library’s Legos or bring your
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, tune your make-up, smile, walk, clothes, and posture as you learn information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, own; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200
9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary. how to model in an interactive class led by a professional model; Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Jul 21. N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA,, 2pm
org, 3:30pm Wed Jul 13. $102; for information, call 309-796-5000, Black Hawk College Let’s Go Duplo, for grades preK-K; young builders hear a story Wed Jul 27.
Lego Knight’s Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art to Outreach Center, 301 Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, IL, http:// and then are challenged to build a special creation with the popular Language at Lunch: Mandarin Chinese, for grades 1-6; a
be displayed at the library; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,, 9am Mon Jul 18 thru Fri Jul 22. Duplo blocks; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge guest teacher teaches a different language each week; free; for
Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood PharmCamp, for girls having completed grades 4-6; at the Library, 200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA, http://www.scottcountylibrary. information, call 563-344-4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Rd., Rock Island, IL,, 4pm Wed Seamans Center for the Engineering Arts and Sciences; a week org, 10am Thu Jul 21. Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Jul 13. of science, technology, engineering and math activities; for Gamer’s Afternoon, play favorite board and card games, com, 11:30am Wed Jul 27.
Lego @ the Library, for grades 1-6; build something that information and to register, call 319-335-5706, University of Iowa, such as Monopoly, Munchkin, Magic, and Pokemon; if you have a You Are Here: Live Action Role Play, view videos about LARP,
supports the month’s theme with the Library’s Legos or bring your Iowa City, IA,, Mon Jul 18 thru Nintendo DS and want to battle with Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, create family crests, and forge your own foam weapons; free; for
own; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 Fri Jul 22. or Platinum, feel free; free; for information, call 563-344-4188, information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA,, 2pm RESP:ECT (Renewable Energy Science Program: Enriching Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Wed Jul 13. the Community for Tomorrow), for students having completed, 3:30pm Thu Jul 21. com, 2pm Wed Jul 27.
Family Fun Night with Iowa State: Worms at Work, learn grades 5, 6, or 7; at the Seamans Center for the Engineering Arts Craft-ernoon @ Eastern: Worry Doll, for kids who love crafts; Craft-ernoon @ Eastern: Totem Pole, for kids who love crafts;
about plants, animals, and nature through hands’-on activities and and Sciences; a week of science, technology, engineering and free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library -
experiences; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport math activities; for information and to register, call 319-335-5706, Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www. Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,,, 2pm Thu Jul 21., 2pm Thu Jul 28.
IA,, 6pm Wed Jul 13. Mon Jul 18 thru Fri Jul 22. Teen Game Night, a night of board and video games for Funky Mama Music Reading Celebration Rain Location,
Language at Lunch: French, for grades 1-6; a guest teacher Superhero/Supervillain Costume Party, come dressed up ages 12-18; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island in case of inclement weather, the celebration will be held at the
teaches a different language each week; free; for information, call as your favorite superhero or supervillain to enjoy music, food, Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www. library instead of at Trinity; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
563-344-4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, and games; free; for information, contact Natalie at 309-732-7330, 5:30pm Thu Jul 21. Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
Bettendorf, IA,, 11:30am Wed or, Rock Island Public Library - Main Fiesta Friday, family party with a Spanish theme; free; for, 6:30pm Thu Jul 28.
Jul 13. Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,, information, call 563-285-4794, Princeton Library, 328 River Dr., Growing in the Garden: Plant Parts We Eat, grades K-5 learn
The World of Origami, learn to create some great creations 5:30pm Mon Jul 18. Princeton, IA,, 4pm Fri Jul 22. about gardening through hands-on activities; free; for information,
simply with folding paper; no experience is required as local Family Storytime, stories for the family to enjoy with family- Growing in the Garden: Butterflies, grades K-5 learn about call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
origami enthusiast Teresa Kraft teaches you how to make fun related themes; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island gardening through hands-on activities; free; for information, call Davenport, IA,, 1pm Fri Jul 29.
ocean creatures; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Durant Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www. 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Ragbrai Rides through Durant, celebrate the Ragbrai bikers
Library, 402 6th St., Durant, IA,,, 5pm Mon Jul 18. Davenport, IA,, 1pm Fri Jul 22. riding through town with a bike-related craft; free; for information,
3pm Wed Jul 13. Swim School for Youths, thru July 28; for ages 4-15 on Mondays You Are Here: Photo Scavenger Hunt iMovie Demo, if you call 563-285-4794, Durant Library, 402 6th St., Durant, IA, http://
You Are Here: Live Action Role Play, view videos about LARP, - Thursdays, with times slots including 9:15-10am, 10:15-11am, need help creating your movie for the photo scavenger hunt,, 9am Sat Jul 30.
create family crests, and forge your own foam weapons; free; for 11:15am-noon, 4:15-5pm, and 5:15-6pm; $48; to register, call 309- stop by for our iMovie demo in the Quad; we will go over movie- You Are Here: Photo Scavenger Hunt Premiere Party,
information and to register, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public 796-5601, Black Hawk College - Community Aquatic Center, 6600 making techniques and how to export and upload files; free; for watch the entries from all the teams; winners will be announced
Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www. 34th Avenue, Moline, IL,, Mon Jul 18. information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 and prizes will be awarded; pizza and pop provided; free; for, 2pm Wed Jul 13. Family Fun Night with the Putnam: Frontier Science, kids Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Craft-ernoon @ Eastern: Plastic Penguin, for kids who love discover amazing adventures in their trek around the world; free; com, 2pm Fri Jul 22. Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
crafts; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 Craft-ernoon @ Fairmount: Totem Pole, free; for information, com, 11am Sat Jul 30.
Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Kids on Campus Summer Session, Mon-Fri thru Aug. 12,, 2pm Thu Jul 14. 6pm Tue Jul 19. Davenport, IA,, 2pm Mon Jul for grades K-6; sessions from 9am-noon and 12:30-3pm; for
Harry Potter Night, with a screening of one of Harry’s movies, SCA Combat Demonstration, for ages 10 & up; watch some 25. information, contact Krisa Creech at 309-344-1512 or kcreech@
food, crafts, and more; free; for information, call 309-732-7360, Rock Medieval sparring, learn how to make replica weapons, and learn Magical Muggles Camp, for ages 8 & up; enroll in “wizard”, Carl Sandburg College, 2232 S Lake Storey Rd,
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http:// how they were used; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock school where you’ll take classes in Potions (science), Care of Magical Galesburg, IL,, 9am Mon Aug 1., 4:30pm Thu Jul 14. Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Creatures (animals and insects), Arithmagic (math), and Herbology Robotics Camp, thru Aug. 5, for ages 9-12; at the Seamans
The World of Origami, learn to create some great creations Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Tue Jul 19. (nature); play Quidditch, make fantastical creations, and dress for Center for the Engineering Arts and Sciences; a week of science,
simply with folding paper; no experience is required as local Teen Craft Tuesday: Guatemalan Worry Dolls & Charms, a “Transfiguration Ball; an event in the 2011 Summer Youth Camp technology, engineering and math activities; for information and
origami enthusiast Teresa Kraft teaches you how to make fun craft your fears and worries away with our unique Guatemalan series; $35-$40; for information and to register, call 309-756-9978 to register, call 319-335-5706, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,
ocean creatures; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Blue Worry Dolls workshop; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Ext 10, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL,, Mon Aug 1.
Grass Library, 114 N. Mississippi St., Blue Grass, IA, http://www. Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, 9am Mon Jul 25 Royal Costume Party, for ages 12-18; anyone who turns in, 3:30pm Thu Jul 14., 3pm Tue Jul 19. thru Fri Jul 29. their fifth card is invited to the end-of-summer pizza & game party;
Growing in the Garden: Life in the Garden (Bees and Bats), The World of Origami, learn to create some great creations Medieval Murder Mystery, for ages 12-18; enjoy a night of wear a medieval costume or come as you are; free; for information,
grades K-5 learn about gardening through hands-on activities; free; simply with folding paper; no experience is required as local mystery that is part play, part game, and all fun; free; for information, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,
for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 origami enthusiast Teresa Kraft teaches you how to make fun ocean call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Aug 4.
N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, creatures; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library,, 6:30pm Mon Jul 25. B’Tweens, for ages 10-12; volunteer to help a local agency with
1pm Fri Jul 15. 200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA,, RESP:ECT (Renewable Energy Science Program: Enriching a service project, which will be completed at the library; free; for
The World of Origami, learn to create some great creations 2pm Tue Jul 19. the Community for Tomorrow), thru July 29, for students information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
simply with folding paper; no experience is required as local Fun in the Kitchen, for ages 3-8 and an adult guardian; Rock having completed grades 5, 6, or 7; at the Seamans Center for Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
origami enthusiast Teresa Kraft teaches you how to make fun Island Hy-Vee dietitian Chrissy Mitzel will show you how to prepare the Engineering Arts and Sciences; a week of science, technology, com, 4pm Tue Aug 9.
ocean creatures; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Princeton a tasty and nutritious meal your kids will love; $10/child & adult engineering and math activities; for information and to register, Children’s Bullyproof, assertiveness training for elementary
Library, 328 River Dr., Princeton, IA, http://www.scottcountylibrary. team; for information and to register, call 309-732-PARK, Hy-Vee call 319-335-5706, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, http://k- and Jr. High school kids, designed to teach kids how to walk, talk,
org, 3pm Fri Jul 15. Rock Island Club Room, 2930 18th Ave, Rock Island, IL, 6pm Tue, Mon Jul 25. act, and prepare a plan for dealing with bullies; no prior martial arts
Junior Theatre @ Fairmount, two plays & interactive songs Jul 19. Tae Kwon Do Demonstration, free; for information, call experience necessary; $25; for information, call 309-796-5000, Jai
with the Quad Cities student troupe; free; for information, call ‘Tweens in the Kitchen, for ages 9-13; Rock Island Hy-Vee 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Johnson’s Karate Center, Moline, IL,, 12pm Sat
563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., dietitian Chrissy Mitzel will help your tween prepare two to four Bettendorf, IA,, 1pm Mon Jul Aug 13.
Davenport, IA,, 10am Fri Jul 15. nutritious recipes for dinner; your child will also learn about basic 25. Family Storytime, stories for the family to enjoy with family-
You Are Here: Photo Scavenger Hunt iMovie Demo, if you cooking skills and healthy eating; $10; for information and to Teen Craft Night: Knitting/Crochet, learn how to crochet related themes; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
need help creating your movie for the photo scavenger hunt, stop register, call 309-732-PARK, Hy-Vee Rock Island Club Room, 2930 or knit in this very beginning level of class; free; for information, Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.
by for our iMovie demo in the Quad; we will go over movie-making 18th Ave, Rock Island, IL, 6pm Wed Jul 20. contact Natalie at 309-732-7330 or,, 5pm Mon Aug 15.
techniques and how to export and upload files; free; for information Language at Lunch, for grades 1-6; a guest teacher teaches a Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, Hug-A-Book featuring Jim Gill, for ages 2-5; author and singer
and to register, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 different language each week; free; for information, call 563-344-, 6pm Mon Jul 25. Gill will perform, and lead a ‘read-along/sing-along’ of his book,
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. 4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, Charlie’s Heroes Puppet Show, a fun puppet presentation “A Soup Opera”; each child receives a free book to keep; free; for

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

com, 2pm Fri Jul 15. IA,, 11:30am Wed Jul 20. from our friends at the Mississippi Valley Blood Center; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main
Guatemala Day, with Sorayma Reyna; hear a story in both Around the World Party, family party with an international information, call 563-285-4794, Walcott Library, 207 S. Main St., Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,,
Spanish and English, then make special Guatemalan crafts and theme; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, Walcott Library, 207 Walcott, IA,, 3pm Tue Jul 26. 6pm Thu Aug 18.
have some party fun; participants are invited to wear blue and S. Main St., Walcott, IA,, 2:30pm I Want to Be an Iron Chef, for ages 12-18; prepare three Gamer’s Afternoon, play favorite board and card games,
white in celebration of Guatemala; free; for information, call 563- Wed Jul 20. dishes for a panel of judges using the secret ingredient; free; for such as Monopoly, Munchkin, Magic, and Pokemon; if you have a
285-4794, Durant Library, 402 6th St., Durant, IA, http://www. Cultures Around the World: Mexico, learn about the country information, contact Natalie at 309-732-7330 or struecker.natalie@ Nintendo DS and want to battle with Pokemon Pearl, Diamond,, 10am Sat Jul 16. with books, games, and artwork; free; for information, call 563-326-, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 or Platinum, feel free; free; for information, call 563-344-4188,
Kidz Days at RME, an educational program geared for children 7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL,, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
pre-school to 12 years of age that is centered on live music and IA,, 1pm Wed Jul 20. 5:30pm Tue Jul 26., 3:30pm Thu Aug 18.
other performances just for kids; $5 for parents, kids free; for Family Fun Night with Iowa State: Birds of Prey, learn about Teen Craft Tuesday: All-American Tie-Dye Party, all supplies Kids Experience, free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
information, call 563-326-1333, River Music Experience, 129 Main plants, animals, and nature through hands’-on activities and provided; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
St, Davenport, IA,, 10:30am experiences; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www., 9am Sat Aug 20.
Sat Jul 16. Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport,, 3pm Tue Jul 26. Kidz Days at RME, an educational program geared for children
Twisted Teen Tournament, for ages 12-18; be named Master IA,, 6pm Wed Jul 20. Cultures Around the World: Iraq, learn about the country pre-school to 12 years of age that is centered on live music and
of the Games through courage, strength, skill, and smarts, and A World of Science from Many Countries, Mad Science of with books, games, and artwork; free; for information, call 563-326- other performances just for kids; $5 for parents, kids free; for
compete in teams of up to five; free; for information, call 309-524- Des Moines will bring science to life as they connect each of the 7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, information, call 563-326-1333, River Music Experience, 129 Main
2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www. experiments chosen to a famous scientist from a different country; IA,, 1pm Wed Jul 27. St, Davenport, IA,, 10:30am, 2pm Sat Jul 16. with a short story about the scientists and their work, and the Let’s Go Duplo, for grades 1-6; build something that supports Sat Aug 20.
Craft-ernoon @ Fairmount: Worry Doll, free; for information, countries they were/are from; free; for information, call 563-344- the month’s theme with the Library’s Legos or bring your own; free;
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., 4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave.,
Davenport, IA,, 2pm Mon Jul IA,, 1pm Thu Jul 21. Eldridge, IA,, 2pm Wed Jul 27. 49
effective birding strategies and how to identify different species; a

Riverine Walk hosted by River Action; Wed 6:30pm, Sat 9am; $5; for
information, call 563-322-2969, Credit Island, Davenport, IA, http://, Wed Jun 22 and Sat Jun 25.
Paying for College Without Going Broke, presentation by TRIAD (Reducing Crime Against Seniors), for information, call
Jacob Yochum of College Planning Associates; free; for information, 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly
call 563-556-3730, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, Road, Davenport, IA,, 9:30am Wed Jun
6:30pm Thu May 26.

Advice Goddess

the Prospects for Peace: Is There Any Hope?, free; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401
19th, Rock Island, IL,, 6:30pm Thu
Calligrapher Cheryl Jacobsen, program on medieval
manuscripts, illuminated letters, and the art of, Moline Public
Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,,
2:30pm Sat Jun 25.
2012 Presidential Candidate Series: Mitt Romney, Lynn Investigating Arsenal island History, led by Sam Heilig, Corps

Under the Cover of Nightclub

Campbell of Iowa will serve as the moderator; free; of Engineers; arsenal history from past to present, including river
for information, contact Lauren Burt at 515-286-4947 or lburt@ views of Colonel Davenport House, Quarters One, & a backwater, Des Moines State Historical Building, 600 tour of Upper Sylvan Slough; a Channel Cat Talk hosted by River
I met an amazing guy – the kind I reiterate that he doesn’t want you – just in E. Locust St., Des Moines, IA, Action; $12; for information, call 563-322-2969, Celebration Belle,
swore didn’t exist: thoughtful, caring, and case you missed that when he was teach- events, 12pm Fri May 27. 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA,, 9am Tue
incredibly secure. He seemed to love me. ing you his cool new dance move: twirl the Brown Bag Lunch and Learn: Grandparents Raising Jun 28 and Thu Jun 30.
Grandchildren, learn about the resources available; free; for Specifically for Seniors: Bill Wundram - Does Anybody
We were together exactly nine months girlfriend around and kick her to the curb.
information, call Ellen Berberich at 309-277-0167, Alternatives for the Care?, columnist Wundram shares his ideas and viewpoints
when he called and suggested we go danc- Ask yourself whether it’s actually out Older Adult, 1518 5th Avenue, Moline, IL, http://www.4olderadults. concerning issues in Davenport that have not been resolved; free;
ing. Ten minutes after I arrived at the of character for Mr. Wonderful to rather org, 12pm Fri May 27. for information, call 563-421-2198, Fairmount Street Library, 3000
club, he broke up with me. He claimed he cruelly and abruptly transform into Mr. I’ll- Birds of the Mississippi River, led by members of the Quad N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,,
didn’t know what had happened, but he Be-Wandering-Off-Now. Getting impatient City Audobon Society; visit birding spots on the river, and learn 1pm Wed Jun 29.
just couldn’t be with me anymore. I left, in your search for a great guy can lead you effective birding strategies and how to identify different species; Hennepin Canal - Historical Landmark & Recreational Gem,
a Channel Cat Talk hosted by River Action; $12; for information,
heartbroken – a complete wreck. Two to stick a bag over the head of a sorta-great led by Gary Wegel of Friends of Hennepin Canal; learn about the
call 563-322-2969, Celebration Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA, canal’s history, current restoration projects, and recreation efforts;
weeks later, he called to see how I was guy or even a not-so-great guy and insist, 9am Tue May 31 and Thu Jun 2. meeting place TBD; a Riverine Walk hosted by River Action; Wed
and said, “Everything about you is what you’ve got your man. Your therapeutic Canoe/Kayak Nahant Marsh, led by Mik Holgersson, River 6:30pm, Sat 9am; $5; for information, call 563-322-2969, River
I want, but for some reason, I just don’t professional would call this “confirmation Action Environmental Specialist; explore the wetlands of Nahant Action, 822 E. River Dr., Davenport, IA,,
want you.” I’ve had a history of going bias” – favoring information that confirms Marsh by canoe or kayak; a Riverine Walk hosted by River Action; Wed Jun 29 and Sat Jul 2.
for men who treated me like crap, but he some belief you hold and shoving away any Wed 6:30pm, Sat 9am; $5; for information, call 563-322-2969, Mississippi River Photography, led by Ange Glade, the A.K.
Nahant Marsh, 4220 Wapello Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.
treated me incredibly well. The lesson information that doesn’t. So, maybe you tell Glade Collection; photo opportunities with one of the QC’s finest, Wed Jun 1 and Sat Jun 4. photographers and Mississippi River advocates; materials to bring:
I’ve gleaned? Even if a guy’s really good yourself that a man’s treated you really well Creating Happiness: The Art of Peaceful Living, lecture with camera (film or digital), optional items are zoom, wide-angel,
to you, you can’t trust him. Help! I don’t when he just treated you to some romantic American Buddhist Monk Gen Kelsang Jampa, who will explain telephoto lenses, & tri-pod; a Channel Cat Talk hosted by River
want to become some bitter, jaded old dinners and did some of those nice boy- how in meditation we learn to let go of the agitated states of mind, Action; $12; for information, call 563-322-2969, Celebration Belle,
woman. friend things, like bringing you flowers and such as anger, that produce unhappiness, and instead to cultivate 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA,, 9am Tue
– Devastated repairing your garden hose. peaceful, powerful minds such as love, acceptance, wisdom and Jul 5 and Thu Jul 7.
joy; reception following; free; for information, call 309-794-0991, Golden Age of Passenger Rail, an image-filled look back at
Any guy can learn to do that sort of stuff
Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http:// the heyday of passenger rail in the Quad Cities and the Midwest
Sometimes, treating a woman like crap by reading “10 Ways to Make a Woman, 6:45pm Tue Jun 7. by Professor Curt Roseman, who will cover passenger services from
comes with a substantial grace period. Sure, Cross-Eyed with Lust for You” in any River Navigation, led by Capt. John Deluhery, RiverStone 1900 to 1979; free; for information, call 309-793-7323, Rock Island
break-ups happen, but a truly “thoughtful, number of men’s magazines. To figure out Group; discuss the efficient transportation role of Mississippi River Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.
caring” guy prepares you for what’s to come whether a man is more than the sum of barging and its positive impact on fuel savings and traffic, and, 6pm Wed Jul 6.
with “We’ve gotta talk” – not “Hey, Babe, his smooth moves, look at whether he’s view a typical barge unloading facility, and learn about its process The Turtles of Nahant Marsh, led by Mik Holgersson, River
and how to read the new Corps navigation chart; a Channel Cat Action Environmental Specialist; visit turtle trapping sites at Nahant
put on your strappiest dress and meet me compassionate, whether he shows empa-
Talk hosted by River Action; $12; for information, call 563-322- Marsh and learn about the different species living there, including
under the disco balls.” (Considerate guy thy – for you and others – and especially 2969, Celebration Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA, http://www. the endangered Blanding’s Turtle; a Riverine Walk hosted by River
that he is, surely he told you how beauti- when he doesn’t think anybody’s looking., 9am Tue Jun 7 and Thu Jun 9. Action; Wed 6:30pm, Sat 9am; $5; for information, call 563-322-
ful you looked when the colored lights Of course, getting to the truth takes being Mississippi River Photography, led by Ange Glade, the A.K. 2969, Nahant Marsh, 4220 Wapello Ave., Davenport, IA, http://
reflected off the mascara streaking down okay with the truth – even if it ends up set- Glade Collection; photo opportunities with one of the QC’s finest, Wed Jul 6 and Sat Jul 9.
your cheeks.) ting you a lot freer than you wanted to be. photographers and Mississippi River advocates; materials to bring - CASI Travelogue, free for CASI members; for information, call
camera, optional - special lenses and tri-pod; a Riverine Walk hosted 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly
What changed for him? Without drilling Since it’s always possible the candles and
by River Action; $5; for information, call 563-322-2969, Credit Island, Road, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Mon Jul 11.
a hole into his brain and watching all the moonlight are a prelude to the track shoes, Davenport, IA,, 6:30pm Wed Jun 8. How Do Locks and Dams Work?, led by Bill Gretten, Corps
worker ants running around the factory, it’s it’s best to live with the hope that love will Mississippi River Photography, led by Ange Glade, the A.K. of Engineers; experience locking through Lock & Dam 15, a brief
hard to say. Maybe his feelings just fizzled, last but without the expectation that it will. Glade Collection; photo opportunities with one of the QC’s finest history of navigation on the Mississippi, and discuss water-level
or maybe he was only up for romancing That’s probably the single best way to avoid photographers and Mississippi River advocates; materials to bring - control and dam operation; a Channel Cat Talk hosted by River
you into a relationship and not the relation- becoming that “bitter, jaded old woman.” camera, optional - special lenses and tri-pod; a Riverine Walk hosted Action; $12; for information, call 563-322-2969, Celebration Belle,
by River Action; $5; for information, call 563-322-2969, Sylvan Island, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA,, 9am Tue
ship itself. Whatever his reason for leaving, Then again, somebody’s got to take care of
Moline, IL,, 9am Sat Jun 11. Jul 12 and Thu Jul 14.
he sure didn’t need to pop up again to all the neighborhood’s stray cats. CASI Travelogue, free for CASI members; for information, call Credit Island & War of 1812, led by historian Karen Anderson;

Bus Case Scenario

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly learn about Credit Island Harbor, Grand Isle/Suburban Island
Road, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Mon Jun Amusement Parks, and Mississippi River migratory flyway; a
13. Riverine Walk hosted by River Action; Wed 6:30pm, Sat 9am; $5; for
River Landscape Mosaic, led by Dr. Reuben Heine & Dr. Norm information, call 563-322-2969, Credit Island, Davenport, IA, http://
My best friend is a man for whom my – like, if I had a TV show, I’d have a cook Moline, Augustana College; study the channel characteristics,, Wed Jul 13 and Sat Jul 16.
feelings continue to grow. He’s been stuck and a driver and a monkey to massage my riverfront uses, and environmental issues from Arsenal Island to Quad Cities Railroad & RR Bridge History, discover the history
chasing his ex-girlfriend who lives four feet under my desk. But I don’t have a TV Campbell’s Island; a Channel Cat Talk hosted by River Action; $12; of rail in the Quad Cities including the famed Rock Island Lines and
hours away. She sees him once a month show, and monkeys throw feces. And this for information, call 563-322-2969, Celebration Belle, 2501 River Dr, the first railroad bridge to cross the Mississippi River; a Channel
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

for a booty call. I fall asleep thinking guy doesn’t want to explore a relationship Davenport, IA,, 9am Tue Jun 14 and Cat Talk hosted by River Action; $12; for information, call 563-322-
about him and daydream about him while with you or he’d be doing it instead of driv- Thu Jun 16. 2969, Celebration Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA, http://www.
Explore Sylvan Island & Sylvan Slough Natural Area, led, 9am Tue Jul 19 and Thu Jul 21.
on dates with other men. He’s acknowl- ing eight hours in hopes of servicing his by Dr. Norm Moline, Augustana College; learn the history of these Talk of the Town Presentation, free for CASI members; for
edged that if his ex weren’t in the picture, ex back into a relationship with him. You interpretive sites, including turning brownfields into recreational information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
he’d explore a relationship with me. can either live your life or sit around if-ing areas; a Riverine Walk hosted by River Action; Wed 6:30pm, Sat 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,,
Please help. about what could be... his truck gets repos- 9am; $5; for information, call 563-322-2969, Sylvan Island, Moline, 11am Tue Jul 19.
– Longing sessed, and no bus lines go to ex-girlfriend- IL,, Wed Jun 15 and Sat Jun 18. Quad Cities Railroad History, discover the history of rail in the
ville, so he looks deep into your general Campbell’s Island, led by historian Gena Schantz; learn about Quad Cities, including the famed Rock Island Lines, and how the
the War of 1812, Black Hawk’s attack on Campbell, and the factors rail industry currently impacts our daily lives; a Riverine Walk hosted
“If his ex weren’t in the picture... !” You direction and says the words you’ve been that contributed to Campbell’s defeat; a Channel Cat Talk hosted by River Action; Wed 6:30pm, Sat 9am; $5; for information, call 563-
can always find your way to an “if.” It’s fun waiting so long to hear: “Can I borrow your by River Action; $12; for information, call 563-322-2969, Celebration 322-2969, Centennial Bridge Visitors Center, 201 15th St., Rock
to vacation in if-land for a moment or two car for a coupla days?” Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA,, 9am Island, IL,, Wed Jul 20 and Sat Jul 23.
Tue Jun 21 and Thu Jun 23. History of Flooding in the Quad Cities, led by Eric Schallert,
Got A Problem? Ask Amy Alkon. Talk of the Town Presentation, free for CASI members; for
information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
Senior Engineer for the City of Davenport; featuring historic stories
and pictures of Davenport floods; learn how those floods affected
171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,, city development and how we currently manage floodplains; a
11am Tue Jun 21. Channel Cat Talk hosted by River Action; $12; for information, call
or e-mail ( Birds of the Mississippi River, led by members of the Quad 563-322-2969, Celebration Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA,
City Audubon Society; visit birding spots on the river, and learn
50 ©2009, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved., 9am Tue Jul 26 and Thu Jul 28.
Pre-Civil War Village of East Davenport, led by historian Karen Road, Davenport, IA,, 9:30am Wed Aug Utica Ridge Rd, Davenport, IA, http://www.quadcitieschamber. Rock Island Public Library Board of Trustees Board Meeting,

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Anderson; explore Camp McClellan and the Sioux Indian graveyard 24. com, 5:30pm Thu Jun 2. on the third Tuesday of the month; time is provided at the beginning
in the “Big Woods”; a Riverine Walk hosted by River Action; $5; for Specifically for Seniors: Your Family Tree-Finding Your Quad-Cities Computer Society Meeting, featuring Dr. Chris of each agenda for public comment; free; for information, call 309-
information, call 563-322-2969, Prospect Terrace Park, Mississippi Roots, with Special Collections Staffer Karen O’Connor; learn how Beckwith and Michelle Beckwith speaking on Peak Performance, 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock
St. & River Dr., Davenport, IA,, 6:30pm to conduct family research utilizing resources at your Davenport and learning to understand winning techniques that help Island, IL,, 11:30am Tue Jun 21
Wed Jul 27. libraries; free; for information, call 563-421-2198, Fairmount eliminate fatigue and minimize strain and stress; open to the thru Tue Dec 20.
TRIAD (Reducing Crime Against Seniors), for information, call Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www. public, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th Street, Moline, IL, http://www. CASI Golden Wedding Club, on the third Tuesday of the
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly, 1pm Wed Aug 31., 7pm Mon Jun 6. month; $4.75-$6.75; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI
Road, Davenport, IA,, 9:30am Wed Jul Friends of the Bettendorf Public Library Meeting, for (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,
27. information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950, 11am Tue Jun 21 thru Tue Dec 20.
Senior Day: Companion Animals, presentation with Down Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. KeyStone neighborhood Association Annual Picnic and
By the Creek Companion Animals and their stories; free; for com, 7pm Tue Jun 7. General Neighborhood Meeting, for all keyStone residents; 6pm
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 “Walking the 12 Steps with Jesus Christ” - Hablamos Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild Meeting, on the first cookout, brief meeting at 7;45pm; hot dogs, hamburgers, brats,
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. Espanol, on Thursdays; weekly open meeting on Thursdays; for Tuesday of the month, at 1 & 7pm; meetings consist of a business beverages, and place settings provided; bring a side dish to share;
com, 1:30pm Thu Jul 28. information, call 309-786-4769, GROW Ministries Inc., 3900 18th meeting, local, regional or national teachers, and a show-and-tell of for information, call 309-786-6917, Lincoln Park, 11th Ave & 38th
Pre-Civil War Village of East Davenport, led by historian Karen Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 6:30pm Thu projects completed by our members; the quilt guild participates in St, Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Sun
Anderson; explore Camp McClellan and the Sioux Indian graveyard May 26 thru Thu Dec 29. many community charity activities by donating time and quilts to Jun 26.
in the “Big Woods”; a Riverine Walk hosted by River Action; $5; for Independent Scholars’ Evening, on Thursdays; the evenings organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Family Resources, Crisis Kiwanis Board Meeting, on the last Monday of the month;
information, call 563-322-2969, Dillon Fountain, Main St. & River Dr., are for the presentation of area Independent Scholars’ ongoing Pregnancy, and Lutheran Social Services, and provides community for information, call 563-344-4191, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Davenport, IA,, 9am Sat Jul 30. work; snacks and a cash bar available; free; for information, call 309- educational demonstrations at local venues; for information, call Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Jazzing It Up on the Mississippi River - Bix Beiderbecke, led 762-9202 or e-mail, Moline Commercial 309-912-3493, First Congregational Church - Moline, 2201 7th com, 5pm Mon Jun 27 thru Mon Dec 26.
by Josh Duffee; experience Bix’s history through the band he played Club, 513b 16th St, Moline, IL,, 7pm Thu Avenue, Moline, IL,, 1pm Tue Jun 7 thru Tue Card/Games Luncheon, on the fourth Tuesday of the month;
with, his music, and stories about his life; a Channel Cat Talk hosted May 26 thru Thu Dec 29. Dec 6. $6-$10; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active
by River Action; $12; for information, call 563-322-2969, Celebration Marijuana Anonymous, for information on times and Bettendorf Library Board of Trustees Meeting, for Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www.casise-
Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA,, 9am locations, call 309-502-9766 or e-mail, Thu information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950, 12pm Tue Jun 28 thru Tue Dec 27.
Tue Aug 2 and Thu Aug 4. May 26 thru Sat Dec 31. Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. Scott County Extension Council Meeting, on the fourth Tues-
Bix’s Life on the Mississippi River, led by the Bix Historical QCAD Youth Drop-in, for ages 13-19, on Sundays, Tuesdays, com, 4:30pm Thu Jun 9. day of the month; for information, call 563-359-7577, Scott County
Society’s Gerri Bowers; experience Bix’s history on Davenport’s and Fridays; a fun, safe place to hang out and meet new LGBTQ IONS-QC: Quad Cities Institute of Noetic Sciences Extension, 875 Tanglefoot Lane, Suite B, Bettendorf, IA, http://dbs.
Mississippi River through pictures and stories about his life; a people; watch movies, play games, or just talk and hang out with Community Group Meeting, with the presentation “Remote, 7pm Tue Jun 28 thru Tue Dec 27.
Riverine Walk hosted by River Action; $5; for information, call supportive peers; the center features a library and Internet access; Viewing” by Skip Atwater; free; for information, contact Christine at Quad-Cities Computer Society Meeting, on the first Monday
563-322-2969, Dillon Fountain, Main St. & River Dr., Davenport, IA, for information, call 309-786-2580, Quad Citians Affirming Diversity or 563-332-7259, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 of the month; with free presentations and special guests; open to, 6:30pm Wed Aug 3. Center, 1705 2nd Ave., Suite 308, Rock Island, IL, http://www.qcad- Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,, 6:30pm the public, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th Street, Moline, IL, http://
Urban Legends, Minda Powers-Douglas will share some spooky, 6:30pm Fri May 27 thru Fri Dec 30. Thu Jun 9., 7pm Mon Jul 4 thru Mon Dec 5.
urban legends, designed for ages 13-18; free; for information, call Stronghold’s Addiction Class, weekly open meeting on Knit/Crochet for Peace, bring your needles or crochet hooks IONS-QC: Quad Cities Institute of Noetic Sciences Commu-
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Mondays; for information, call 309-786-4769, GROW Ministries and make projects for charity; free; for information, call 309-732- nity Group Meeting, with a presentation by Dr. Vicki Sommer; free;
Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Fri Aug 5. Inc., 3900 18th Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock for information, contact Christine at or 563-332-
River Vision 2011, led by Steve Ahrens of the Levee 6:30pm Mon May 30 thru Mon Dec 26 Island, IL,, 6pm Tue Jun 14. 7259, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf,
Improvement Commission; experience Davenport’s latest riverfront Neighborhood Partners Spring Quarterly Meeting, agenda Gay & Gray, on the 3rd Monday of the month; join with other IA,, 6:30pm Thu Jul 14.
projects from Centennial Park to the new Founders Park, and learn items include task-force reports from the general membership; for LGBTQ seniors in a fun and supportive environment; a place to Bettendorf Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting, for
how you can be involved in the planning; a Riverine Walk hosted information, contact Jill Doak at 309-732-2900, Martin Luther King meet other people like you, learn answers to your questions about information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
by River Action; $5; for information, call 563-322-2969, Marquette Center, 7th Ave.& 9th St., Rock Island, IL, 6:30pm Tue May 31. end-of-life issues, and connect you to senior services in the area; Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Street Landing, Davenport, IA,, 9am Sat Fireside Knitters, on Tuesdays; knit and crochet items for for information, call 309-786-2580, Quad Citians Affirming Diversity com, 4:30pm Thu Aug 11.
Aug 6. various social organizations throughout the Quad Cities; supplies Center, 1705 2nd Ave., Suite 308, Rock Island, IL, http://www.qcad- Circ Meeting , free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Betten-
CASI Travelogue, free for CASI members; for information, call provided; for information, call 563-888-3371, Fairmount Street, 7pm Mon Jun 20 thru Mon Dec 19. dorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www. Network @ Noon: Community Leaders Roundtable, engage, 1:30pm Tue Aug 23.
Road, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Mon Aug 8., 6:30pm Tue May 31 thru Tue Dec 27. in dynamic conversations with over 15 Quad-Cities community
Historic Bridges of the Quad Cities, led by geographer Dr. QCAD Young Adults Group, on Wednesdays; meet other leaders at this event. Each table will feature a different community
Curt Roseman; examine the history of the first railroad bridge to LGBTQ people from your area in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; leader, allowing you to have an insightful discussion with some
cross the Mississippi, plus the Government, Centennial, I-74, and for information, call 309-786-2580, Quad Citians Affirming Diversity of the QC top leader; $10-$15 for members, $15-$20 for non-
Moline Arsenal bridges; a Channel Cat Talk hosted by River Action; Center, 1705 2nd Ave., Suite 308, Rock Island, IL, http://www.qcad- members; for information, call 309-757-5416 or 563-322-1706, St.
$12; for information, call 563-322-2969, Celebration Belle, 2501, 7pm Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Dec 28. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www.
River Dr, Davenport, IA,, 9am Tue Aug Stitching & More, every Wednesday except the 2nd Wed. of, 11:45am Tue Jun 21.
9 and Thu Aug 11. the month; put your knitting, crocheting, and stitching creativity Quad Cities Macintosh Users Group Meeting, on the
Bike Tour - Iowa MRT & Nahant Marsh, led by the QC Bicycle to work and share your favorite tips and tricks; for information, call third Tuesday of the month; in the 2nd floor Norm Kelinson
Club’s Dean & Deb Mathias; ride the new Credit Island Bridge to Bev Skelton at 309-523-2516, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Room; featuring a special program/presentation on Macintosh
Nahant Marsh; explore the IA MRT and learn about planned trail Port Byron, IL,, 5pm Wed Jun 1 Applications or hardware, and an “Open Forum” question and
developments; BYO bike and helmet (required); a Riverine Walk thru Wed Dec 28. answer period where members help other Macintosh users solve
hosted by River Action; Wed 6:30pm, Sat 9am; $5; for information, Network @ Night: Granite City Food & Brewery, light problems and improve their computer skills; $24/year family
call 563-322-2969, Marquette Street Landing, Davenport, IA, http:// appetizers and the chance to network with over 100 young memberships, guests welcome, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950, Wed Aug 10 and Sat Aug 13. professionals; free for members, $10 for non-members; for Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://,
River Folk Tales & Music, led by folk musician Joe Nobiling, information, call 309-757-5416 or 563-322-1706, Granite City, 5270 6:30pm Tue Jun 21 thru Tue Dec 20
who will talk, sing, and play music of the times relating to life on the
river, a potpourri of lore and custom from the early days; a Channel
Cat Talk hosted by River Action; $12; for information, call 563-322-
2969, Celebration Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA, http://www., 9am Tue Aug 16 and Thu Aug 18.
Talk of the Town Presentation, free for CASI members; for
information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,,
11am Tue Aug 16.
View of the River - Max. 15 Passengers, led by Dr. Reuben

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Heine, Augustana College; local history and pre-history of the
river and QC area, river navigation, and past and present river
development; a Riverine Walk hosted by River Action; Wed 6:30pm,
Sat 9am; $5; for information, call 563-322-2969, Sunset Park, 18th
Ave & Sunset Rd, Rock Island, IL,, Wed
Aug 17 and Sat Aug 20.
Rafting Logs to QC Mills, led by historian Gayle Rein; explore
the history of the QC’s lumber industry, and listen to stories about
mill owners, lumber camps, and the rafting crews; a Channel Cat
Talk hosted by River Action; $12; for information, call 563-322-
2969, Celebration Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA, http://www., 9am Tue Aug 23 and Thu Aug 25.
Rock Island Hydropower Plant, led by Timothy Ridder, City
of Rock Island; learn how the city successfully restored the hydro-
electric plant on the rock river; conditions may be hot, so bringing
water is recommended; a Riverine Walk hosted by River Action;
Wed 6:30pm, Sat 9am; $5; for information, call 563-322-2969, Rock
Island Hydroelectric Plant, 5200 11th St., Rock Island, IL, http://, Wed Aug 24 and Sat Aug 27.
TRIAD (Reducing Crime Against Seniors), for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly 51
be seated May 26, 2011
May 12 Answers: Page 30

ACROSS 83. Charged particle 36. Make expiation

1. Spongy 84. Weaknesses 37. Time-honored
5. Top heavyweight 85. Flavoring for gin 38. Online confabs
10. Beauty or body 86. Auto dealers 39. Bonds and junk bonds, e.g.
14. Hilltop 88. Looks 40. “The _- Mutiny”
18. Amos and Spelling 89. Go-ahead 41. Hidden, in a way
19. Source of down 91. Be without 42. Make new
20. Cascade 92. Injured, as a muscle 43. Carved pillar
21. Ottava _ 93. Field 45. Priest’s vestment
22. Start of a quip by Henny Youngman: 94. Raise in relief 46. Band
3 wds. 97. Heartache 49. Run off
24. Voice type 98. _ to mention 50. Did a farm job
25. Jewish month 101. Quiver’s contents 51. Bottommost point
26. Civil 105. Where Callao is 52. Leave behind
27. Abbr. in an itinerary 106. Perceive 59. Rawboned animal
28. Shout 108. End of the quip: 3 wds. 60. Panna _
29. Building for cultivation 110. Place near Wash. 61. Something of value
31. Retired plane 111. Leak 63. New Age artist
32. Place near Minn. 112. Part of AARP: abbr. 64. Anglo-_
34. Tie 113. LaBelle or LuPone 65. Quantities of wine
35. Laves 114. OT name 66. Cagney or Coburn
38. Honored formally 115. Beach feature 67. Margaret Mitchell heroine
40. Outlines 116. Davis or Midler 68. Spike for mountaineering
44. French 101 verb 117. Baseball’s Slaughter 69. Domesticates
45. Sandbank DOWN 71. Loons anagram
46. Chef’s creation 1. Manhattan area 72. Trapshooting
47. Trammel 2. City in Russia 74. Snooped
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

48. Part 2 of quip: 6 wds. 3. Coup de grace 75. At _ and call

53. Remnant 4. Biting fly 78. Noble and natural
54. Takes unlawfully 5. One of 26 79. Tangled
55. Cautions 6. Engage 80. Kind of waltz
56. Kind of surgeon 7. Mine part 81. Ancient Mesopotamian
57. Fragrant necklace 8. Top celebrity 87. Plenty
58. Nocturnal creatures 9. Nunc _ tunc 88. Early mystery writer
59. _ Hawkins Day 10. Set in motion 89. There ought to be _ _!
60. Hard fruit 11. Sacrosanct 90. Shawl
62. Tent 12. Unconscious 92. Cake
64. Money substitute 13. Area of activity 94. Epic poem
65. Trig func. 14. “Godfather” star 95. No more than
66. Grafted 15. Pony-ranch event 96. Writer Francis _ Harte
68. Kitchen tool 16. Actor _ Epps 97. Farm wagon
69. Makes lace 17. Untrusting 99. Oven
70. Curve’s path 18. Suburban area: abbr. 100. Equine’s gait
73. Hailing cry 23. VFW members 102. Palindromic name
74. Noted animation studio 28. Bounder 103. Moistens
75. Sew 30. Big chipmaker 104. _ Lanka
76. Hunky-dory: hyph. 33. N.J.-Pa. boundary: 2 wds. 107. Hefty bird
77. Part 3 of quip: 6 wds. 34. Matches 108. Collar
52 82. Period 35. Pepper plant 109. Top-notch
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2011/05/26 (Thu)
26 Unknown Component - Exposed Fiction
- Amanda Miller & Jon Eric -The Mill,
Birth Control Productions 5th Anni-
versary Party: Mija - Reelfoot Rift
Karaoke Night -Paddlewheel Sports Bar &
Grill, 221 15th St Bettendorf, IA
Cracker Unplugged featuring David Low- 120 E Burlington Iowa City, IA - Emplyfi - Plagued By Saints - Six to Karaoke Night -Salute, 1814 7th St
the Chest - X+X - Sinjo Thraw Mash Moline, IL
ery & Johnny Hickman -The Redstone
Room, 129 Main St Davenport, IA FRIday
2011/05/27 (Fri) 27 - Unbecoming - T.B.P.O.P.R.R.I.O.F.
- Lethal By Default - Catastrophic
Kilborn Alley Blues Band -The Muddy Wa-
ters, 1708 State St. Bettendorf, IA
DJ Jeff -Greenbriar Restaurant and Lounge,
4506 27th St Moline, IL “Blues Plate Special” Lunch with Ren Es- Solutions (2pm) -outside Racer’s Edge, Night People -11th Street Precinct, 2108
Euforquestra - Holding Space -Iowa City trand (noon) -Mojo’s (River Music Experi- 936 15th Ave. East Moline, IL E 11th St Davenport, IA
Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St Iowa City, IA ence), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA Birth Control Productions 5th Anniver- RI Rhythm -Mojo’s (River Music Experience),
Face Candy - Old Man’s War - Kristoff Buddy Olson (6pm) -Toucan’s Cantina sary Party: Human Aftertaste - The 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA
Krane - Sadistik -Gabe’s, 330 E. Wash- / Skinny Legs BBQ, 2020 1st Street Pimps (10pm) -Racer’s Edge, 936 15th Richie Lee -Riverside Casino and Golf Re-
ington St. Iowa City, IA Milan, IL Ave East Moline, IL sort, 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA
Gong Show Karaoke w/ Rock ‘N the House Crossroads -11th Street Precinct, 2108 E Bluegrass @ The Beanz -Cool Beanz Cof- Rude Punch -Mound Street Landing, 1029
Karaoke -Uptown Neighborhood Bar and 11th St Davenport, IA feehouse, 1325 30th St. Rock Island, IL Mound St. Davenport, IA
Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr. Bettendorf, IA David Killinger & Friends -G’s Riverfront Buddy Olson -Applebee’s - Moline, 3805 Smooth Groove -River House, 1510 River
Jam Session w/ Alan Sweet & the Candy Cafe, 102 S Main St Port Byron, IL 41st Ave. Moline, IL Dr. Moline, IL
Makers -The Muddy Waters, 1708 State David Zollo & The Body Electric (6:30pm) Community Drum Circle (10:30am) -Mojo’s Southern Thunder Karaoke & DJ -Hollar’s
St. Bettendorf, IA -Weatherdance Fountain Stage, outside (River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St Bar and Grill, 4050 27th St Moline, IL
the Sheraton Hotel, 210 S. Dubuque St. Davenport, IA Summer Camp 2011 Music Festival
John L. Sullivan -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave.
Iowa City, IA Crossroads -Purgatory’s Pub, 2104 State -Three Sisters Park, 17189 N. Rt. 29
Rock Island, IL
Funktastic Five -Martini’s on the Rock, St Bettendorf, IA Chillicothe, IL
Karaoke Night -Applebee’s Neighborhood
Grill - Davenport, 3005 W. Kimberly Rd.
4619 34th St Rock Island, IL Joy Kills Sorrow @ The Mill – June 1 Danika Holmes -The Grape Life Wine The Fry Daddies (6pm) -Toucan’s Can-
Davenport, IA
Jason Carl Band -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W Meet the Press -Uptown Neighborhood Chillicothe, IL Emporium, 3402 Elmore Ave., Dav- tina / Skinny Legs BBQ, 2020 1st Street
Locust Davenport, IA Bar and Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr. Bet- The Post Mortems - Danger Ronnie & enport, IA Milan, IL
Karaoke Night -The Gallery Lounge, 3727
Kansas -Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention tendorf, IA the Spins - Satellite Heart - Nebula David Killinger & Friends -G’s Riverfront The Hooks -Rascals Live, 1418 15th St.
Esplanade Ave. Davenport, IA
Center, 1777 Isle Parkway Bettendorf, IA Night People -Cabana’s, 2120 4th Ave. Was -Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St. Cafe, 102 S Main St Port Byron, IL Moline, IL
Karaoke Night -The Lucky Frog Bar and
Karaoke Night (members only) -Moose Rock Island, IL Iowa City, IA Deja Vu Rendezvous featuring The Slough The Karry Outz -The Pour House, 1502 W.
Grill, 313 N Salina St McCausland, IA
Lodge - Davenport, 2333 Rockingham Ochos Locos Rock Show -Rascals Live, Buoys -The Redstone Room, 129 Main St Locust St. Davenport, IA
Karaoke Night -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W Tina Haase Blues Band -The Muddy Waters,
Rd Davenport, IA 1418 15th St. Moline, IL Davenport, IA The Knockoffs -The Office, 305 3rd St
Locust Davenport, IA 1708 State St. Bettendorf, IA DJ Scott -Greenbriar Restaurant and
Live Lunch w/ Dave Maxwell (noon) -Mojo’s Karaoke Night -Circle Tap, 1345 Locust St. Ragaman - Maylane - White Zephyr -Rozz- T-Model Ford & Gravelroad -RIBCO, 1815 Sherrard, IL
Davenport, IA Tox, 2108 3rd Ave. Rock Island, IL Lounge, 4506 27th St Moline, IL Vodkaseven -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W Locust
(River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St 2nd Ave. Rock Island, IL Funktastic Five (8pm) - The Travoltas
Davenport, IA Karaoke Night -Creekside Bar and Grill, RetroRon -Mojo’s (River Music Experience), Wild Oatz -Purgatory’s Pub, 2104 State St Davenport, IA
3303 Brady St. Davenport, IA (10pm) -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock Widetrack -The Avenue Tap, 712 1st Ave
Lynne Hart Jazz Quartet -Cabana’s, 2120 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA Bettendorf, IA Island, IL
4th Ave. Rock Island, IL Karaoke Night -Paddlewheel Sports Bar & Richie Lee -Riverside Casino and Golf Re- Silvis, IL
Josh Groban -i wireless Center, 1201 River
Open Mic Night w/ Kung Fu Tofu -
Stickman’s, 1510 N. Harrison St. Dav-
Grill, 221 15th St Bettendorf, IA
Karaoke Night -Stickman’s, 1510 N. Har-
sort, 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA
Songbird Bethann - Ryan Persinger Proj- Saturday
2011/05/28 (Sat) Dr Moline, IL
J-Trey - Skool’d -Iowa City Yacht Club, 13
Wylde Nept -The Mill, 120 E Burlington
Iowa City, IA
enport, IA rison St. Davenport, IA ect - Atom Smasher & the Charged Aces -Tommy’s, 1302 4th Ave Moline, IL Zither Ensemble (10am) -German Ameri-
Led by Last Reunion Show - To Whom It May S Linn St Iowa City, IA can Heritage Center, 712 W. 2nd St.
To Whom It May Concern (6pm) -Hen- Particles -The Mill, 120 E Burlington Aktar Aktar - Dastardly -Gabe’s, 330 E.
Concern - Makeshift - Brains! Brains! Justin Morrissey & Friends -Martini’s on Davenport, IA
nepin Canal Parkway, Illinois 84 Colona, Iowa City, IA Washington St. Iowa City, IA
Brains! -The Redstone Room, 129 Main the Rock, 4619 34th St Rock Island, IL
IL Southern Thunder Karaoke & DJ -Hollar’s
St Davenport, IA Karaoke Night -Creekside Bar and Grill,
Troy Harris, Pianist (6pm) -Red Crow Bar and Grill, 4050 27th St Moline, IL
Lee Blackmon (6:30pm) -Cool Beanz Cof- 3303 Brady St. Davenport, IA
Grille, 2504 53rd St. Bettendorf, IA Summer Camp 2011 Music Festival
feehouse, 1325 30th St. Rock Island, IL Karaoke Night -Moe’s Pizza, 1312 Caman-
-Three Sisters Park, 17189 N. Rt. 29
Mad Monks - Brutus & the Psychedelic che Ave Clinton, IA
Explosions -Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Linn St Iowa City, IA Continued On Page 54



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River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011



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Live Music Live Music Live
Email all listings to • Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication
Continued From Page 53 Open Mic w/ J. Knight -The Mill, 120 E Live Lunch w/ Rose ‘n’ Thorns (noon) -Mojo’s Friday Live at 5: Patio (5pm) -RME (River Mu-
Burlington Iowa City, IA (River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St sic Experience) Courtyard, Davenport, IA
2011/05/29 (Sun) 29 “True Blue Mondays” Lunch w/ Ellis Kell
-Mojo’s (River Music Experience), 130 W
Davenport, IA
Lynne Hart Jazz Quartet -Cabana’s, 2120
Gray Wolf Band -Edje Nightclub at Jumer’s
Casino and Hotel, I-280 & Hwy 92 Rock
2nd St Davenport, IA 4th Ave. Rock Island, IL Island, IL
Anthony Catalfano Quartet (10am) -
Brady Street Chop House, Radisson QC Mustard Plug - Brains! Brains! Barins! John Resch & Detroit Blues -The Muddy
Plaza Hotel Davenport, IA
Glenn Hickson (5:30pm) -O’Melia’s Sup-
2011/05/31 (Tue)
31 -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock Island, IL
Open Mic Night w/ Kung Fu Tofu -
Waters, 1708 State St. Bettendorf, IA
Jordan Danielsen (6pm) -Rhythm City Ca-
per Club, 2900 Blackhawk Rd. Rock Glenn Hickson (5:30pm) -O’Melia’s Sup- Stickman’s, 1510 N. Harrison St. Dav- sino, 101 W. River Dr. Davenport, IA
Island, IL per Club, 2900 Blackhawk Rd. Rock enport, IA Karaoke Night (members only) -Moose
Karaoke Night -11th Street Precinct, 2108 Island, IL Ralphed -Mojo’s (River Music Experience), Lodge - Davenport, 2333 Rockingham
E 11th St Davenport, IA Karaoke Contest Night -The Rusty Nail, 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA Rd Davenport, IA
Karaoke Night -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W 2606 W Locust Davenport, IA Troy Harris, Pianist (6pm) -Red Crow Karaoke Night -Circle Tap, 1345 Locust St.
Locust Davenport, IA Karaoke Night -Creekside Bar and Grill, Grille, 2504 53rd St. Bettendorf, IA Davenport, IA

3303 Brady St. Davenport, IA
Lizard Skynard - Drama Major - The Pear Karaoke Night -Creekside Bar and Grill,
Device -Uptown Neighborhood Bar and Karaoke Night -Sharky’s Bar & Grill, 2902 2011/06/03 (Fri) 3303 Brady St. Davenport, IA
Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr. Bettendorf, IA E. Kimberly Rd. Davenport, IA Karaoke Night -Paddlewheel Sports Bar &
Morning After -Riverside Casino and Golf Live Lunch w/ Shyla (noon) -Mojo’s (River 4th Annual Block Party w/ Funktastic 5 - Grill, 221 15th St Bettendorf, IA
Resort, 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St Dav- Uptown Neighborhood Bar and Grill, 2340 Karaoke Night -Stickman’s, 1510 N. Har-
Oh! What A Night 70’s Disco Party -The enport, IA Spruce Hills Dr. Bettendorf, IA rison St. Davenport, IA
Muddy Waters, 1708 State St. Betten- Open Mic w/ Jordan Danielsen -Bier Arts Fest (6:30pm) -Weatherdance Foun- Levi Lowrey -Bent River Brewing Company,
dorf, IA Stube Davenpor t, 2228 E 11th St Mustard Plug @ RIBCO – June 2 tain Stage, outside the Sheraton Hotel,
210 S. Dubuque St. Iowa City, IA
1413 5th Ave. Moline, IL
Standard Deviation (8pm) - The Travoltas Davenport, IA Open Mic Night w/ Alan Sweet and Siri Island, IL Mustang Sally (8 & 10pm) -Riverside
(10pm) -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock The Chris & Wes Show -Circle Tap, 1345 Austin Vallejo -Cool Beanz Coffeehouse, Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway
Mason -Mojo’s (River Music Experience), Danielle Ate the Sandwich - Teenage -
Island, IL Locust St. Davenport, IA 1325 30th St. Rock Island, IL 22 Riverside, IA
130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave. Rock Island, IL
Summer Camp 2011 Music Festival Bettendorf Park Band Summer Concert Night People -Cabana’s, 2120 4th Ave.
Open Mic Night w/ Karl, Mike, & Doug DJ Jonny O -Greenbriar Restaurant and
-Three Sisters Park, 17189 N. Rt. 29
Chillicothe, IL
2011/06/01 (Wed)
1 -Boozie’s Bar & Grill, 114 1/2 W. 3rd St.
Davenport, IA
Lounge, 4506 27th St Moline, IL
Everyday/Everynight -The Mill, 120 E
-Bill Bowe Memorial Bandshell, Middle
Park Bettendorf, IA
Rock Island, IL
Orangadang -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock
Tapped Out (4pm) -Chopper’s Bar & Grill, Buddy Olson (6pm) -Ducky’s Lagoon, Big Funk Guarantee -Iowa City Yacht Club, Island, IL
Open Mic Night w/ Luis Ochoa -Uptown Burlington Iowa City, IA
17228 Rt. 5 & 92 East Moline, IL 13515 78th Ave Andalusia, IL 13 S Linn St Iowa City, IA Simon Joyner & the Parachutes - Mir-
Neighborhood Bar and Grill, 2340 Spruce Gong Show Karaoke w/ Rock ‘N the House
The Please and Thank Yous - Le Roy Jeff Miller (6pm) -G’s Riverfront Cafe, 102 “Blues Plate Special” Lunch w/ Tony acles Of God - The Lonelyhearts
Hills Dr. Bettendorf, IA Karaoke -Uptown Neighborhood Bar and
- ieatmyfriends - Carver - Justin S Main St Port Byron, IL Hoeppner (noon) -Mojo’s (River Music - Doug Nye -The Mill, 120 E Burlington
Open Mic Night w/ Steve McFate -Salute, Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr. Bettendorf, IA
Means (6pm) -Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave. Joy Kills Sorrow -The Mill, 120 E Burlington Experience), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA Iowa City, IA
1814 7th St Moline, IL Great American Taxi - Evergreen Grass
Rock Island, IL Iowa City, IA Buddy Olson -Applebee’s - Muscatine, 306 Smooth Groove -Gil’s Bar & Grille, 2750 S.
Southern Thunder Karaoke -Hollar’s Bar Band -Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn
Karaoke Night -Applebee’s Neighborhood Cleveland St. Muscatine, IA 27th St. Clinton, IA
and Grill, 4050 27th St Moline, IL St Iowa City, IA
2011/05/30 (Mon) 30 Grill - Davenport, 3005 W. Kimberly Rd.
Davenport, IA
The Jam -Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn
St Iowa City, IA
Karaoke Night -Applebee’s Neighborhood
Grill - Davenport, 3005 W. Kimberly Rd.
Caught in the Act -Martini’s on the Rock,
4619 34th St Rock Island, IL
Southern Thunder Karaoke & DJ -Hollar’s
Bar and Grill, 4050 27th St Moline, IL
Acoustic Showcase -Iowa City Yacht Club, Karaoke Night -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock Choral Dynamics: Destination U.S.A. Superfly Samurai -Purgatory’s Pub, 2104
Davenport, IA
13 S Linn St Iowa City, IA
Dennis Albee (2pm) -Riverside Casino
Island, IL
Karaoke Night -Sharky’s Bar & Grill, 2902 thursday
2011/06/02 (Thu)
2 Karaoke Night -The Gallery Lounge, 3727
Esplanade Ave. Davenport, IA
-Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St.
Galesburg, IL
State St Bettendorf, IA
The Candymakers -The Redstone Room, 129
and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22 E. Kimberly Rd. Davenport, IA David Killinger & Friends -G’s Riverfront
British Invasion: Satisfaction & American Karaoke Night -The Lucky Frog Bar and Main St Davenport, IA
Riverside, IA Live Lunch w/ Brent Feuerbach (noon) Cafe, 102 S Main St Port Byron, IL
English -Schwiebert Riverfront Park, Grill, 313 N Salina St McCausland, IA Tripolar Xxxpress -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W
Glenn Hickson (5:30pm) -Phoenix, 111 -Mojo’s (River Music Experience), 130 W between 17th & 20th Streets Rock Karaoke Night -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W Firesale -Mojo’s (River Music Experience), Locust Davenport, IA
West 2nd St. Davenport, IA 2nd St Davenport, IA Locust Davenport, IA 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA

Friday May 27th 9pm

Meet THE Press

Hard Drivin’ 80’s Vocal Rock

Saturday May 28th 7pm

UFC 130:Rampage v Hamill

Post Fight Party w/ LIVE Music

Sunday May 29th @ 8pm

Memorial Day Weekend

featuring The Lizard Man
w/ Drama Major
& The Pear Device

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

Friday June 3rd OUTDOORS - 8pm

The Champagne of Bands

Saturday June 4th OUTDOORS - 8pm


w/ Tri-Polar XXXpress

54 2340 Spruce Hills Drive Bettendorf, IA
e Music Live Music
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Lynn Allen -Davenport Rainbow District, Karaoke Contest Night -The Rusty Nail, Paelo Record Release Party - Laura
2011/06/04 (Sat) 4 2nd St. Davenport, IA
Mommy’s Little Monster -Purgatory’s Pub,
2606 W Locust Davenport, IA
Karaoke Night -Creekside Bar and Grill,
Goldhamer - Princesses -The Mill, 120
E Burlington Iowa City, IA
4th Annual Block Party w/ The King’s KISS 2104 State St Bettendorf, IA 3303 Brady St. Davenport, IA Southern Thunder Karaoke -Hollar’s Bar
& Tri-Polar XXXpress -Uptown Neighbor- One Night Standards-The Krank Daddies Karaoke Night -Sharky’s Bar & Grill, 2902 and Grill, 4050 27th St Moline, IL
hood Bar and Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr. -Hellwater- Bier Stube Moline, 415 15th E. Kimberly Rd. Davenport, IA Texas Hippie Coalition -Uptown Neighbor-
Bettendorf, IA St Moline, IL Live Lunch w/ Mo (noon) -Mojo’s (River hood Bar and Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr.
Barlowe & James (6pm) -Rhythm City Ca- Plies -Davenport RiverCenter, 136 E. 3rd St Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St Dav- Bettendorf, IA
sino, 101 W. River Dr. Davenport, IA Davenport, IA enport, IA The Jam -Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn
Betty Z -Fireworks Coffeehouse, 2139 16th QC Pride Street Festival: D’Allan Rice Open Mic w/ Jordan Danielsen -Bier St Iowa City, IA
St. Moline, IL (noon) - Luna Bonita (1pm) - Dames of Stube Davenpor t, 2228 E 11th St
Boothill Ridge -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W
Locust Davenport, IA
Denmark (1:45pm) - Pro Drama Hip-
Hop (2:30pm) - Hersong (3:30pm)
Davenport, IA
Parenthetical Girls - Advance Base -The
2011/06/09 (Thu) 9
Cash’d Out: A Tribute to Johnny Cash - Kevin Carton (4pm) - Nicki Lunden Mill, 120 E Burlington Iowa City, IA Bebop Night at the Rozz-Tox -Rozz-Tox,
- Nena Anderson -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. & the Paper Hearts (5pm) - Rose ‘N’ Starlight Revue Concert: River City 6 2108 3rd Ave. Rock Island, IL
Rock Island, IL Thorns (7pm) - House Arrest (8:30pm) -Lincoln Park, 11th Ave & 38th St Rock DJ Jeff -Greenbriar Restaurant and Lounge,
Choral Dynamics: Destination U.S.A. -Davenport Rainbow District, 2nd St. Island, IL 4506 27th St Moline, IL
-Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St. Davenport, IA Steve Poltz -Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave. Rock Gong Show Karaoke w/ Rock ‘N the House
Galesburg, IL River Prairie Minstrels (6pm) -Mojo’s Island, IL Karaoke -Uptown Neighborhood Bar and
David Killinger & Friends -G’s Riverfront (River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St The Chris & Wes Show -Circle Tap, 1345 Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr. Bettendorf, IA
Cafe, 102 S Main St Port Byron, IL Davenport, IA Locust St. Davenport, IA Karaoke Night -Applebee’s Neighborhood
Smooth Groove -River House, 1510 River
The Candymakers @ The Redstone Room – June 3 Grill - Davenport, 3005 W. Kimberly Rd.
Dennis McMurrin & the Demolition
Band -Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn Dr. Moline, IL wednesday
2011/06/08 (Wed) 8 Davenport, IA
St Iowa City, IA
Eleven Fifty Two - The Lion in Rome -The
Southern Thunder Karaoke & DJ -Hollar’s
Bar and Grill, 4050 27th St Moline, IL
GAHC Davenport Zither Ensemble -West
Family YMCA - Davenport, 606 W 2nd St
Davenport, IA
2011/06/06 (Mon)
Acoustic Showcase -Iowa City Yacht Club,
Buddy Olson (6pm) -Ducky’s Lagoon,
Karaoke Night -The Gallery Lounge, 3727
Esplanade Ave. Davenport, IA
Redstone Room, 129 Main St Daven- The Dodos - Gauntlet Hair -The Mill, 120 13515 78th Ave Andalusia, IL Karaoke Night -The Lucky Frog Bar and
E Burlington Iowa City, IA Glenn Hickson (5:30pm) -O’Melia’s Sup- 13 S Linn St Iowa City, IA Jeff Miller (6pm) -G’s Riverfront Cafe, 102 Grill, 313 N Salina St McCausland, IA
port, IA
The Muddy Waters 1-Year Anniversary: Big per Club, 2900 Blackhawk Rd. Rock Glenn Hickson (5:30pm) -Phoenix, 111 S Main St Port Byron, IL Karaoke Night -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W
Gray Wolf Band -Edje Nightclub at Jumer’s
Funk Guarantee (5pm), Eddie Shaw & the Island, IL West 2nd St. Davenport, IA Karaoke Night -Applebee’s Neighborhood Locust Davenport, IA
Casino and Hotel, I-280 & Hwy 92 Rock
Wolfgang (6:30pm), The Kinsey Report Jim Ryan (2:30pm) -Len Brown’s North Live Lunch w/ Angela Meyer (noon) -Mojo’s Grill - Davenport, 3005 W. Kimberly Rd. Lynne Hart Jazz Quartet -Cabana’s, 2120
Island, IL
(9pm), -The Muddy Waters, 1708 State Shore Inn, 7th Street and the Rock (River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA 4th Ave. Rock Island, IL
Karaoke Night -Creekside Bar and Grill,
St. Bettendorf, IA River Moline, IL Davenport, IA Karaoke Night -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock Omega Dog - Attic Party -Iowa City Yacht
3303 Brady St. Davenport, IA
The Old 57’s (11am) -115 1/2 Davenport Karaoke Night -11th Street Precinct, 2108 Open Mic w/ J. Knight -The Mill, 120 E Club, 13 S Linn St Iowa City, IA
Karaoke Night -Generations Bar & Grill, Island, IL
St., Downtown LeClaire, LeClaire, IA E 11th St Davenport, IA Burlington Iowa City, IA Open Mic Night w/ Kung Fu Tofu -
4100 4th Ave. Moline, IL Karaoke Night -Sharky’s Bar & Grill, 2902
Karaoke Night -Moe’s Pizza, 1312 Caman- uneXpected -Mound Street Landing, 1029 Karaoke Night -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W “True Blue Mondays” Lunch w/ Ellis Kell
E. Kimberly Rd. Davenport, IA Stickman’s, 1510 N. Harrison St. Dav-
Mound St. Davenport, IA Locust Davenport, IA -Mojo’s (River Music Experience), 130 W enport, IA
che Ave Clinton, IA Live Lunch w/ Siri Lorece & Alan Sweet
Zither Ensemble (10am) -German Ameri- Lisa Webb (5pm) -Riverside Casino and 2nd St Davenport, IA The Baseball Project - Kerry Tucker -RIBCO,
Karaoke Night -Paddlewheel Sports Bar & (noon) -Mojo’s (River Music Experience),
can Heritage Center, 712 W. 2nd St. Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22 River-
Grill, 221 15th St Bettendorf, IA
Karaoke Night -Salute, 1814 7th St Davenport, IA side, IA
Manny Lopez Trio (10am) -Brady Street
2011/06/07 (Tue)
7 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA
Open Mic Night w/ Alan Sweet and Siri
Mason -Mojo’s (River Music Experience),
1815 2nd Ave. Rock Island, IL
Troy Harris, Pianist (6pm) -Red Crow

Moline, IL Grille, 2504 53rd St. Bettendorf, IA
Lisa Webb (7:30pm) - Jake Movey (9pm)
-Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, 3184
2011/06/05 (Sun) Chop House, Radisson QC Plaza Hotel
Davenport, IA
Chatham County Line -The Redstone Room,
129 Main St Davenport, IA
130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA
Open Mic Night w/ Karl, Mike, & Doug
Highway 22 Riverside, IA Choral Dynamics: Destination U.S.A. Maritime - Wildlife -Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Glenn Hickson (5:30pm) -O’Melia’s Sup- -Boozie’s Bar & Grill, 114 1/2 W. 3rd St.
-Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St. Ave. Rock Island, IL per Club, 2900 Blackhawk Rd. Rock Davenport, IA
Galesburg, IL Island, IL

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 18 No. 779 • May 26 - June 8, 2011


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