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River Cities Reader Issue #759 - August 19, 2010

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River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

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by Mark W. Hendrickson

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Rethinking the Corporate-Income Tax
t is hard to find anything positive to say Another thorny ethical problem involves the ethically dubious, and a cynical disguise for corporate income here would be even more
about the corporate-income (i.e., profits) tax. tax-free status of not-for-profit organizations. taxing real people, most of whom are not rich, enticing, making the United States the favored
Economists across the ideological spectrum Some of them engage in political lobbying where the corporate-profits tax stunts economic growth. destination of multinational corporations.
agree that the corporate-profits tax is woefully they enjoy a cost advantage vis-à-vis for-profit In a recent study, the Organization for Economic Job opportunities would mushroom, and the
inefficient: organizations that lobby on the same issue (though Cooperation & Development affirmed, resulting expansion of the tax base would lower
1) It warps corporate decision-making, perhaps on the other side). Other not-for-profits “Corporate taxes are found to be most harmful the federal deficit.
inducing expenditures made only to reduce a compete directly with for-profits for personnel, for growth, followed by personal-income taxes The benefits of jettisoning the whole
company’s tax liability. supplies, etc. The newest ethical abuse is that and then consumption taxes.” corporate-income-tax/corporate-welfare mess
2) The compliance costs are astronomical, often formerly for-profit companies can convert to not- Currently, the United States has the second- would be many: more jobs, more production,
exceeding 60 cents for every dollar of revenue for-profit status as a loophole to make themselves highest corporate-income-tax rate in the more wealth, more fairness, and lower
that the government raises from taxing corporate eligible for additional federal earmarks. developed world, 35 percent. Should we trim this government deficits. Who could object?
profits. How would you like to spend $6,000 per Despite the glaring economic and ethical rate? No. We should scrap the tax entirely. Unfortunately, many people. Start with
year calculating that you owe Uncle Sam $10,000? shortcomings of the corporate-profits tax, such The biggest problem with eliminating the the strange bedfellows of corporate lobbyists
3) It fosters over-reliance on debt. Corporations taxation enjoys widespread popular support. A corporate-profits tax, which raised $138.2 billion and anti-capitalist ideologues. Then add the
often need to borrow money to replace funds that large percentage of citizens like the idea of taxing in Fiscal Year 2009, is that it would aggravate politicians who traffic in political favors and
government taxed. In fact, the tax code encourages “rich” corporations. However, the economic reality our budget deficit. To offset this sudden loss of moral posturing. Finally, add the millions of
debt, making corporate debt tax-deductible. is different from the common perception. revenue, Congress should terminate all federal American citizens who fail to perceive that,
The corporate-profits tax is also ethically It’s a cliché, but true: Corporations don’t subsidies to businesses. Although precise instead of soaking the rich, the corporate-
problematic. pay taxes; people do. Corporations are simply definitions of corporate welfare and exact dollar profits tax is a scorched-earth policy inflicting
Every year we read about some corporations fictitious legal persons serving as unpaid tax figures for such government favors are hard to widespread economic damage on middle
that earned profits paying zero taxes, while other collectors for governments. The actual economic tabulate, they surely exceed $138 billion per America.
firms are ensnared in the tax net. This is patently burden of taxation is borne by real people, i.e., year. Let’s do away with the myriad privileges for Abolishing the corporate profits tax isn’t
unfair. consumers, who pay higher prices; workers, special business interests and make them earn politically feasible today, but we can hope for a
The unfairness is compounded by the periodic who are left with lower compensation packages their income by serving consumers instead of day when economic reason prevails and we get
tax breaks that Congress writes. The timing and diminished employment opportunities; and milking the taxpayers. this albatross off our backs.
of such tax breaks is arbitrary. Why should investors, particularly the millions of middle-class American workers would benefit greatly from
some firms receive an accelerated depreciation Americans who own stocks in their retirement ditching the corporate-profits tax. Business Mark W. Hendrickson is an adjunct faculty
allowance for helpful upgrades paid for this year and investment accounts, because the corporate- flooded into Ireland when it undercut the other member, economist, and contributing scholar with
when their competitors upgraded last year and income tax makes their investments worth less. EU countries by lowering its corporate-income- The Center for Vision & Values (
received no comparable break? In addition to being economically irrational, tax rate to 12.5 percent. A zero-percent rate on at Grove City College.

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

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by Lynn Campbell, by Rich Miller

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Vander Plaats Launches Group to Could Quinn Sink the Entire
Target Supreme-Court Justices Democratic Party?
tanding on the been formed to tout Iowa’s
here is no doubt whatsoever that preparations than they did in ’94.
steps in front of current system for selecting
Republicans in this state have every reason Then there’s Barack Obama. The president
the Iowa Judicial judges and to advocate
to cheer, and Democrats have all the is from Illinois, so the state gives him a higher
Building, former Republican against politicizing the
reasons in the world to grumble. approval rating than just about anywhere else,
gubernatorial candidate process. News of the and tends to support his policies in larger
Republicans have a fired-up, angry base
Bob Vander Plaats of Sioux group came one day after numbers.
that can’t wait to vote. The Democratic base is
City last week announced formation of the Iowa for Back in early August of 1994, a Chicago
morose, embarrassed at its party’s failures, and in
the launch of Iowa for Freedom campaign aimed Tribune poll had Republican Jim Edgar beating
no mood to even think about voting.
Freedom, a campaign aimed at unseating three Iowa Dawn Clark Netsch by a mind-blowing 35
Numerous pollsters and prognosticators have
at unseating three Iowa Supreme Court justices points. Netsch ended up losing by almost 30
pointed to the eerie similarities between the
Supreme Court justices who who are up for a retention points, taking the House Democratic majority
public’s mood now and at the same point in the
were part of the unanimous vote in the November 2 down with her.
huge Republican year of 1994 – the last time
Varnum V. Brien decision general election. The latest statewide
we had a Democratic
that legalized same-sex “We are interested in poll conducted by
Bob Vander Plaats president facing his first
marriage in Iowa. educating people about
On “April 3, 2009, they clearly legislated the Iowa court system and the selection
midterm election.
The latest national
I’ve seen some recent Rasmussen Reports
has Republican state
from the bench by saying Iowa will be and retention of judges – why the system
a same-sex-marriage state,” said Vander is a good system,” said Norbert Kaut, a Des
Research poll found
private polling on voter Senator Bill Brady
leading Democratic
Plaats. He added that the campaign is not Moines attorney who’s director and treasurer Governor Pat Quinn
only about marriage but about many issues, of Iowans for Fair & Impartial Courts.
that the “generic”
congressional ballot intensity that ought to by 13 points – 48-35.
including gun rights, private-property Kaut said the effort was first discussed I’ve seen another
rights, tax policy, educational choice, a year ago and did not come in response
was pretty much
the same as it was frighten the Democrats internal candidate
immigration laws, and business climate. to Vander Plaats’ formation of Iowa for in August of 1994. poll taken very
“If we allow them to make law in this case, Freedom. “We had been talking about Voters favor unnamed right down to their bones. recently that had
every one of our freedoms is up for grabs,” doing this long before he ever started his Republican candidates Brady’s lead slightly
he said. campaign,” Kaut said. “Other states have over Democrats 48-45, Their party’s biggest lead higher. A Democratic
Vander Plaats, who will serve as the judicial elections. There’s a strong perception compared to 46-44 in poll reportedly has
campaign’s state chair, described the [that] the quality of justice depends 1994. Public Policy is among people who say Quinn trailing by
new effort as a grassroots campaign that on whether you’re a contributor. That’s Polling’s latest survey 7 points. Let’s say
would be organized either as a political- something that we’ve never had to deal with had the national they aren’t interested in it’s somewhere in
action committee or as an independent- in Iowa.” generic ballot favoring the middle, but that
expenditure committee. The Reverend Brad The new educational campaign is a Republicans at 45-42. voting. means there’s no good
Sherman of Solid Rock Christian Center 501(c)(3) and is mostly a volunteer effort Half of all voters news here for the
spoke about how churches would support led by former Iowa Democratic Party Chair told CNN’s pollster governor.
the effort, and how 800 church leaders Scott Brennan and former Republican that they are likely to vote for a candidate who So could Quinn take everybody else down
previously signed a petition in support of National Committee member Steve Roberts. would oppose President Barack Obama. Back with him?
traditional marriage between a man and Former state Representative Bob Rafferty in ’94, 51 percent said they wanted candidates If you figure that Netsch’s 30-point loss helped
woman. of Davenport (a former chief of staff to who opposed President Bill Clinton. Obama’s intensify the 1994 GOP landslide, then maybe
But Vander Plaats provided few other Governor Terry Branstad) is also in the approval rating is also just three points higher Quinn’s bad numbers aren’t enough. But I’ve seen
details about how much money the group group. Kaut said fundraising will be modest, than Bill Clinton’s was back then. some recent private polling on voter intensity
would need to raise and which groups are and activities will be focused on forums or In 1994, the Illinois House Republicans rode that ought to frighten the Democrats right down
supporting the effort, although he said it has speaking engagements, although TV ads are their party’s national tidal wave to a 13-seat to their bones. Their party’s biggest lead is among
enough cash to provide office and staff, and being considered. pickup, and a long-sought majority. The House people who say they aren’t interested in voting.
engage volunteers. The American Family Vander Plaats described the opposition Republicans need 12 seats to take the majority Plus Downstate and collar-county voters
Association helped the campaign launch its group as “the legal community lashing away from the Democrats this time. So there’s a appear the angriest these days, and that
Web site ( Vander out”: “The way in which a bipartisan group lot of hope out there that they can pull it off. could really hurt a lot of the state’s freshman
Plaats said the National Organization for of political elites has organized to keep Some real differences exist between now and Democratic members of Congress and several
Marriage is supportive, but “that has not legislators in tough fights. Any Democrat

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

average Iowans from voicing their opinion 1994, particularly here in Illinois. For instance,
materialized into finances as of yet.” is remarkable, but not overly surprising. back then Illinois had straight-party voting. involved in a race that looks even a little close
He added that “we don’t have a set The fact that these lawyers, who have held It was pretty easy to just walk into the voting should be worried sick right now.
budget in mind,” and “we are prepared to be high office in both political parties, would booth, punch the Republican number, and walk Quinn isn’t helping matters much with
significantly outspent.” so quickly come together to defend the out. The Republicans got rid of that just after the the campaign that he and his allies have been
Vander Plaats said: “I believe when we unconstitutional actions of the Supreme Democrats took back the House two years later. running. The Democratic Governors Association
do this in Iowa, it will send a ripple effect Court just serves to illustrate that the power Also, the state legislative-district map 16 has spent almost $2 million on TV ads whacking
across the country, and it will give hope brokers and ruling class within the two years ago was drawn by the Republicans. The Bill Brady as an extremist, but Rasmussen’s poll
to the people in California, and it will give political parties have more in common with current map was drawn by the Democrats and of 750 likely voters taken August 9 showed that
hope to the people in Arizona and across the each other than with average Iowans.” is way more sophisticated because computer more voters thought Quinn was an extremist
country that you can hold courts in check.” technology advanced so much in the intervening than Brady.
For an expanded version of this article, visit decade. According to the poll, 32 percent thought
Brady’s views were “extreme,” while 38 percent
Bipartisan Group Forms The national Republican landslide of 1994
took the Democrats completely by surprise; thought Quinn’s views were extreme.
to Defend Judicial This weekly summary comes from they had simply never seen anything like it. He’d better do something quick before he pulls, an online government
System and politics news service. Reporter Andrew
Even during the Ronald Reagan sweep of 1984, a Netsch and tanks his entire party.
the Illinois Democrats beat a Republican U.S.
A bipartisan not-for-profit group called Duffelmeyer and other correspondents Senator. Now that they’ve seen what can happen, Rich Miller also publishes Capitol Fax (a daily
Iowans for Fair & Impartial Courts has contributed to this report. the Democrats claim they’ve made far more political newsletter) and 
Vol. 17, No. 759
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

August 19 - September 1, 2010

by Mike Schulz

Travelin’ Band 532 W. 3rd St.

Davenport IA 52801
Creedence Clearwater Revisited, August 21 at River Roots Live (563)324-0049 (phone)

(563)323-3101 (fax)
he idea, says former Clearwater Revival’s music has
Creedence Clearwater now endured for more than Publishing since 1993
Revival bassist Stu Cook, four decades: “They’re good The River Cities’ Reader is an independent newspaper
began simply enough. songs,” he says with a laugh. published every other Thursday, and available free
“Back in the mid-’90s, I “Honestly, you have to throughout the Quad Cities and surrounding areas.
relocated from southern California start with the song,” Cook
up to Lake Tahoe in northern continues, “the way you start © 2010 River Cities’ Reader
Nevada, and Doug [Clifford, with a screenplay, or start
Creedence’s former percussionist] with any good idea. And DEADLINES
had been living there with his these songs were well-crafted, • To purchase a display ad,
family for 15, 20 years. We hadn’t and the recordings were ( 5 p.m. Wednesday
lived in the same area for decades, honest, direct, accessible. You • To purchase a classified ad,
and we started hanging out every know, that’s why the music ( 10 a.m. Monday
day, and playing music, and just has survived all the different
talking about how much fun changes of taste, and fads, and
it was, and how it felt to play directions. It’s sort of in a class PUBLISHER
together again. by itself.” Todd McGreevy
“So we were bound to get Creedence Clearwater
into trouble,” says Cook with a Revisited made its first public EDITOR
laugh. “And goodness, look what you some work.’ And we took the challenge.” appearance in Richland, Kathleen McCarthy
happened.” Their first phone call was to CCR’s original Washington, in 1995, at a concert arranged
Indeed. Twenty-plus years after the break- lead guitarist, vocalist, and chief songwriter, by a friend of guitarist and harmonica player EDITORIAL
up of the band commonly known as CCR John Fogerty. (CCR’s fourth original member, Tristao. “It went great,” says Cook. “A great Managing Editor: Jeff Ignatius •
John’s brother Tom Fogerty, passed away in Arts Editor, Calendar Editor: Mike Schulz •
– the Rock & Roll Hall of Famers responsible response. But honestly, the idea was just to go
for such indelible hits as “Bad Moon Rising,” 1990.) “We did ask John if he wanted to join out and have some fun. We just wanted to play Contributing Writers: Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsny, Lynn Campbell,
“Down on the Corner,” “Travelin’ Band,” us,” says Cook, “and he declined. Which was the music.” Luke Hamilton, Rich Miller, Thom White
and “Lookin’ Out My Back Door” – Cook fine. I mean, we were just guys lookin’ to have And as that one concert turned into many,
and Clifford joined forces in 1994 to form some fun, you know? To this day, that’s why many more – with Tal Morris replacing ADVERTISING
Creedence Clearwater Revisited, a group we do it.” (Fogerty, however, may have seen Easton on lead guitar in 2004 – Cook says Account Executive:
things differently; in 1996, he was granted Chris Walljasper •
dedicated to performing songs from the that he’s developed a better of sense of, and
an injunction to have Creedence Clearwater Advertising Coordinator: Nathan Klaus
original CCR catalog. deeper appreciation for, Creedence Clearwater
And 16 years after that, the members Revisited’s band name changed, which the Revival’s place in music history. Advertising rates, publishing schedule, demographics,
of Creedence Clearwater Revisited find Ninth Court of Appeals lifted in 1997.) “Once you record it, it’s up to the fans. It’s and more are available at
themselves, as they have for years, headlining Cook says that he and Clifford had no their music then. So we’re thrilled to be able to
tours and music festivals in North and South trouble finding additional bandmates in Steve play concerts for people who still have a love
America, Europe, and Asia – including this Gunner, John Tristao, and Elliot Easton. and interest in the music. Our [band] name PRODUCTION
year’s River Root Live in Davenport’s LeClaire “Gunner was recommended by a friend of is totally appropriate, I think, because we’re Art Director, Production Manager: Shawn Eldridge •
Park. (The band plays the Main Stage at 9 p.m. mine. Tristao was recommended by a friend. revisiting our legacy with our fans. And now
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

All these guys were recommended. We didn’t Graphic Artist - Nathan Klaus
on Saturday, August 21.) Not bad for a couple we have three generations of them. We see Production/Design Interns - Nathan Kuhn , Julie McDermott
of musicians who hoped merely to perform have to do auditioning. I mean, we auditioned, the original fans, folks my age,” says the 65-
CCR hits at a few private parties. but we didn’t have to advertise and beat the year-old musician, “we see their kids, and we ADMINISTRATION
“We thought if we could find some guys to bush. I would just call friends and say, ‘Here’s see their kids, all together and all enjoying the Business Manager: Kathleen McCarthy
play with,” says Cook of his and Clifford’s initial what we’re trying to do, and Doug and I need music.” Office Administrator, Classifieds Manager, Circulation Manager:
plan to reunite professionally, “we could get winners. If you can think of anybody that’ll Creedence Clearwater Revisited’s Rick Martin •
really get the job done ... .’” Distribution: William Cook, Cheri DeLay, Greg FitzPatrick, Tyler
away with being able to play a couple times a demographic-defying audience base, continues Gibson, Daniel Levsen, J.K. Martin, Jay Strickland
month. But it wasn’t gonna work out that way. From the start, Cook and Clifford decided Cook, “definitely adds to the amazement. To
In 1996 we played over 100 concerts. And none that Creedence Clearwater Revisited wouldn’t our amazement at how Creedence music has
of them at private parties.” devote its time and energies to original impacted people. I mean, you never really
It was in early 1995 that Cook and Clifford, compositions. “By the time we got the band know, even after talking to people, what it
after jamming together for several months, together, and we saw how well we played as a really means to them. But when we see so
realized that their musings about a CCR team, we thought, ‘Well, yeah, we can do just many young faces in the audience, it’s inspiring.
revival might turn into a reality. “We wound about anything we want,’” says Cook. “But To be able to know we’re not just appealing to
up talking to a fellow who was a prominent doing songs of the original quartet was always a narrow age group who are reminiscing. We’re
music-business professional,” says Cook during the premise, and we felt that to add to the playing to kids who can listen to whatever they
our recent phone interview, “and he said, ‘Why catalog would be to dilute it.” And Cook has a
don’t you guys put a band together? I’ll find simple, three-word answer for why Creedence Continued On Page 27

Reception for “Push Ups”, featuring the works on paper participating artists include D. Y. Begay, Navajo weaver; Modernism” presented by Dr. Ellen G. Landau, and Michael
of Chicago artist B. Ingrid Olson; for information, contact Robert Tenorio, Santo Domingo potter; Kathleen Wall, Jemez Zakian’s presentation “Mercedes Matter and the Modernist

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Joseph Lappie at, The figurative potter; Richard Zane Smith, Wyandot potter; and Still Life”; free with museum admission; for information, call
Bakery Gallery, 1330 East 12th St., Davenport, IA, http://www. Sally Black, Navajo basketmaker; for information, call 309- 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport,, 6pm Fri Aug 27. 794-7231, Larson Hall-Augustana College, Bergendoff Hall IA,, 2pm Sat Oct 2
Openings & Gallery Events Unwind Upstairs, fundraiser for the Cedar Rapids Muse- of Fine Arts, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL, http://www. Art Bites: “Goya’s Disasters of War”, with the museum’s
Free Summer at the CRMA, free admission; for informa- um of Art; with food, drink specials, live acoustic music, and, 7:30pm Wed Sep 15. curator, Sean Ulmer; free; for information, call 319-366-7503,
tion, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 outdoor seating; for information and tickets, contact Beth First Connections: A Celebration with Artists Repre- Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,
Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, thru Sun Roof at 319-366-7503 ext. 213 or, Daniel sented in the Olson-Brandelle North American Indian Art, 12:15pm Wed Oct 6.
Sep 19. Arthur’s, 821 erd Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, http://www.crma. Collection, interactive event featuring artists demonstrating Fall Metro Gallery Tour, galleries on the tour include
Weekly Figge Exhibition Tour, on Sundays at 1:30pm; org, 5pm Fri Aug 27. and speaking about their artwork in Centennial Hall, Larson the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, ARA Gallery & Interiors,
a docent-led tour providing an introduction to each exhibi- Teen Docent Program, register by Aug. 30 for program Hall, Potter Hall and two tents in front of Bergendoff and Cen- CornerHouse Gallery & Frame, Campbell Steele Gallery, and
tion, plus highlights of works; free with museum admission; running Sundays Sept. 5 - Oct. 24; led by Kara Fedje; appli- tennial Halls; participating artists include D. Y. Begay, Navajo Wiederspan Gallery; free; for information, call 319-366-7503,
for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W cants should enjoy art and feel comfortable about interact- weaver; Robert Tenorio, Santo Domingo potter; Kathleen Downtown Cedar Rapids, Cedar Rapids, IA, http://www.crma.
2nd St, Davenport, IA,, thru ing with people of all ages in a public setting; for informa- Wall, Jemez figurative potter; Richard Zane Smith, Wyandot org, 5pm Thu Oct 7.
Sun Dec 26. tion, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, potter; Sally Black and Agnes Gray, Navajo basket makers; the Closing Reception: Chicago Street Photography, ex-
Thursdays at the Figge, art talks, music, activities and Davenport, IA,, 1pm Mon Brown Otter Singers Song and Dance Group, Meskwaki, will hibit of Edward Sturr photographs from the 1960’s; for in-
food specials; for information, contact Heather at 563-326- Aug 30. provide a finale for this event in Centennial Hall; for informa- formation, call 563-333-6444, Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose
7804 or, Figge Art Museum, Art Bites: “The Malvina Hoffman Bacchanale Frieze”, tion, call 309-794-7231, Centennial Hall Gallery, Augustana University, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA, http://web.sau.
225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.figgeartmuseum. with the museum’s executive director, Terry Pitts; free; for College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www.augus- edu/catich/, 5pm Fri Oct 8.
org, 5pm thru Thu Dec 30. information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of, 10:30am Thu Sep 16. MAE Fall Landscape Workshop: Terri Ford, Land-
French Impressionism in Painting and Music, concert Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, Art of Percussion Family Workshop, a fun-filled after- scapes in Pastel, work with Terri Ford and experience the
pianist Stephen Swedish will perform, taking listeners on a 12:15pm Wed Sep 1. noon of art activities and music inspired by “Global Currents: orderly rows of pristine farmlands and hills that inspired
musical tour of French Impressionism; for information, call Opening Reception for Quad City-Based Art Instructor The John Deere Art Collection”; free; for information, call 563- Grant Wood’s landscapes and the birthplace of Regionalist
319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Exhibit, in the Art Salon @ The Museum Store; watercolors by 326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, art; $295; for information and to register, call 563-652-9925,
Cedar Rapids, IA,, 6pm Thu Aug 19. Don Heggen, and works from numerous other art educators;, 1am Sat Sep 18. Maquoketa Art Experience Studio & Gallery, 124 S. Main St.,
Reception for Roots / Who’s Your Momma?, reception for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W Riverssance Art Fair, annual festival featuring visual art- Maquoketa, IA,,
for shared exhibit with the Quad City Arts Center; 49 pieces of 2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 5pm ists showcasing and selling their works, Lindsay Park, River Fri Oct 8 thru Sun Oct 10.
artwork created by 29 regional artists, divided and arranged Thu Sep 2. Drive and Mound Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.down- Opening Reception for “Blockism”, featuring the Screen
in the two venues, and designed to call attention to the im- Sound & Vision “End Of Summer” Celebration, featur-, Sat Sep 18. Prints of Texas-based artist Jonathan Stewart; refreshments
migration experience and the artist’s interpretation of how ing art by Tony Cavallo, Rose Noble, Adam Beadel, Jon Burns, Curator Talk, associate curator Dr. Rima Girnius high- provided, The Bakery Gallery, 1330 East 12th St., Davenport,
his or her “roots” shaped who they became; for information, Dennis Hockaday, Jamie Warren, and others, and music by lights selected works in the “Dancing Towards Death” exhibi- IA,, 6pm Fri Oct
call 309-793-1213, ext. 109, German American Heritage Cen- Gryphyns, Trashgods, and Id Noir; refreshments served; free tion; for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 8.
ter, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.quadcityarts. admission, Sound and Vision Art Gallery, 1316 4th Ave Suite 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.figgeartmuseum. Homecoming Weekend Tour: Augustana College Art
com, 6pm Fri Aug 20. #1, Moline, IL, org, 7pm Thu Sep 23. Museum Exhibition, Sherry Maurer, director of the art mu-
Reception for Roots / Who’s Your Momma?, recep- productions, 6pm Sat Sep 4. Bucktown’s Final Friday, featuring Scarecrows Gone seum, will introduce the exhibition; tour will be followed by
tion for shared exhibit with the German American Heritage Curator Talk, senior curator Gregory Gilbert, PhD intro- Wild, and the opening of the “Living Proof” exhibit, featuring a book signing with those in attendance who contributed to
Center; 49 pieces of artwork created by 29 regional artists, duces the “Mercedes Matter” exhibition and highlights se- artworks by breast-cancer survivors; for information, call 309- the exhibition catalog; free; for information and to register,
divided and arranged in the two venues, and designed to lected works; for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art 737-2066, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Dav- call 309-794-7231, Augustana College Art Museum, Centen-
call attention to the immigration experience and the artist’s Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.figgeart- enport, IA,, 5pm Fri Sep 24. nial Hall Building, Rock Island, IL,,
interpretation of how his or her “roots” shaped who they be-, 7pm Thu Sep 9. Reception: Linda Kelty, Alumni Show, art exhibition; for 10:15am Sat Oct 9.
came; for information, call 309-793-1213, ext. 109, Quad City Family Weekend Tour: Augustana College Art Museum information, call 563-333-6254, Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Fine Opening Reception for Hunt Harris, in the Art Salon @
Arts Center, 1715 2nd Ave, Rock Island, IL, http://www.quad- Exhibition, Sherry Maurer, director of the art museum, will Arts Center - St. Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St., Daven- The Museum Store; digital photography; for information, call, 7pm Fri Aug 20. introduce the current exhibition; free; for information and to port, IA,, 5:30pm 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport,
Yard Sale Art Sale, on Fridays and Saturdays at noon; register, call 309-794-7231, Augustana College Art Museum, Sat Sep 25. IA,, 5pm Thu Oct 14.
artworks, sketches, supplies, unique objects, and more, with Centennial Hall Building, Rock Island, IL, http://www.augus- Hieronymous Bosch, Original Sin, and Death, with All is Vanity - Or Is It? Death and Still Life in the 17th-
30% of all sales benefiting Living Lands & Waters; for infor-, 10:15am Sat Sep 11. Larry Silver, PhD, and focusing on Bosch’s work and its con- Century Netherlands, with Julie Berger Hochstrasser, PhD;
mation, call 309-558-1926 or e-mail sevenlydesignstudio@ Beaux Arts Fair, located on the plaza and in the street in sideration of how sin conditions the fear of damnation and unlock the secrets of the visual language of “vanitas” and dis-, 7ly Design Studio, 2044 3rd Ave. - Unit A, Rock front of the Figge Art Museum on 2nd Street between Harri- the need to be mindful of death in the midst of life; free cover a curious paradox that dwells within; free with museum
Island, IL,, 12pm Fri Aug 20 thru Sat son Street and Main Street; featuring works by artisans from 7 with museum admission; for information, call 563-326-7804, admission; for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Mu-
Aug 28. states, musical entertainment, children’s activities, food ven- Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. seum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.figgeartmu-
Bucktown’s Final Friday, featuring the Artist Labour Day; dors, and more; for information, e-mail BeauxArtsFair@gmail., 7pm Thu Sep 30., 7pm Thu Oct 21.
for information, call 309-737-2066, Bucktown Center for the com, Downtown Davenport, Davenport, IA, http://www. Mercedes Matter Symposium, two lectures and a discus- Reception: Bill Miller Exhibit, art exhibition; for informa-
Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.bucktownarts., 10am Sat Sep 11 and Sun Sep 12. sion in conjunction with “Mercedes Matter: A Retrospective tion, call 563-333-6254, Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Fine Arts
com, 5pm Fri Aug 27. Panel Discussion with Artists Represented in the Ol- Exhibition,” including “What a Picture Should Mean: Hans Center - St. Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport,
son-Brandelle North American Indian Art Collection, Hofmann, Mercedes Matter and the Role of Drawing in IA,, 5:30pm Fri Oct

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Project Exhibit, featuring 15 contemporary photographs ac-
by Jeff Ignatius companied by texts from African American spirituals, by Ann
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
Hailey, and St. Ambrose University students with expressive

Doing It Again
portraits of such civil rights leaders as Rosa Parks, Malcolm
X, Stokely Carmichael, Abraham Lincoln, and more; for infor-
22. mation, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Reception: Hatch Show Prints, works from the working Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorfli-
letterpress print shop, tourist attraction, museum, and histor-, thru Tue Aug 31.
Nick Curran & the Lowlifes, August 30 at RIBCO ical archive in Nashville; for information, call 563-333-6444,
Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St., Dav-
Lorene Evans Watts Exhibit, artworks by the late library

board president, teacher, artist, and children’s advocate; for
enport, IA,, 5pm Fri Oct 22. information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library
ick Curran’s and put on a 110- Bucktown’s Final Friday, featuring the Dark Art Party; for - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockis-
information, call 309-737-2066, Bucktown Center for the Arts,
Reform percent show every 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport, IA,,, thru Tue Aug 31.
The Green Show, noon-5pm, Wed. - Sat.; for information,
School Girl night. That was 5pm Fri Oct 29. call 309-558-1926, 7ly Design Studio, 2044 3rd Ave. - Unit A,
Art Bites: “China: Insights - New Documentary Pho- Rock Island, IL,, thru Tue Aug 31.
starts with Etta good for me to tography from the People’s Republic”, with the museum’s Single-channel 1: Elements of Displacement - Jason
James’ “Tough learn right out of executive director, Terry Pitts; free; for information, call 319-
366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar
Lazarus, videos by world-renowned American artist who
approaches the subject of displacement from geographic,
Lover,” in which the the box.” Rapids, IA,, 12:15pm Wed Nov 3. cultural, and linguistic points of view; free with museum ad-
Grant Wood: A Life, with R. Tripp Evans, PhD, who will
Austin, Texas-based His discuss some of the sources for Wood’s powerful imagery,
mission; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art
Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.des-
singer, songwriter, Thunderbirds including a number of examples from the Figge’s collec-, thru Sun Sep 5.
tion, and examine Wood’s public image as an uncomplicated
and guitarist breaks years, though, “farmer-painter,” a persona that has often obscured the far
Together Again: Grant Wood & John Vincent Bloom,
dozens of pieces by Iowa artists Wood and his protege; for
out his best Little helped him expand more interesting dimensions of Wood’s life; Evans will au- information, call 563-872-3388 or e-mail offthewallartgal-
tograph copies of his book following the lecture; free with
Richard impression his songwriting museum admission; for information, call 563-326-7804,, The Great River Gallery, 116 N. Riverview,
Bellevue, IA, thru Wed Sep 15.
while staying true to beyond blues Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. From Monet to Picasso: The Riley Collection, European, 7pm Thu Nov 4.
James’ performance, and rockabilly. Reception: Rev. Edward Catich, art exhibition; for infor-
masterworks gathered by local collectors Tom and Nan Riley;
featuring significant but little-known works by Monet, Renoir,
from the opening “I look at songs mation, call 563-333-6254, Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Fine Arts Degas, Pissaro, Chagall, Cassatt, Dufy, Matisse, Leger, Mondri-
Center - St. Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport,
growl forward. The differently than I IA,, 1:30pm Sun
an, Miro, Dali, Braque, and Picasso; for information, call 319-
366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar
album ends with did then,” Curran Nov 14. Rapids, IA,, thru Sun Sep 19.
The Queen of Sins and ‘La mort qui danse’: Late 19th
AC/DC’s “Rocker.” said, comparing Century Femme Fatale Imagery, with Terri Switzer, PhD; this
Greg Steele, oil paintings by Morrison, Illinois artist; Wed-
Sun 1-4pm; for information, call 563-243-3300, River Arts
In between are 12 Reform School talk will explore the late 19th-century femme fatale imagery Center, 229 5th Ave S, Clinton, IA, thru Sun Sep 19.
that resulted from the era’s mindset, extending through the Iowa Artists 2010, group show organized by the curato-
Curran originals that Girl to Player!. deadly embrace and bewitching beauty of vampiric man- rial staff; free with museum admission; for information, call
make the compelling He said he’s more eating females, syphilis-ridden prostitutes, and the many
Salomes and Judiths carrying severed male heads; free with
515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des
Moines, IA,, thru Sun
case that the essence interested now museum admission; for information, call 563-326-7804, Fig- Sep 19.
ge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
of rock and roll in a good hook,, 7pm Thu Nov 18.
Quad City-Based Art Instructor Exhibit, in the Art Salon
@ The Museum Store; watercolors by curator Don Heggen,
didn’t change much and progressions Bucktown’s Final Friday, featuring the Festivus for the and works from numerous other area art educators; for in-
Rest of Us; for information, call 309-737-2066, Bucktown
from 1956 (when outside those Center for the Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.
formation, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd
St, Davenport, IA,, thru Sat
“Tough Lover” was standard in the, 5pm Fri Nov 26. Sep 25.
released) to 1975 blues, “to keep my In the Garden with Eric Carle, display inspired by local
Exhibits & Shows woodcarver Thom Gleich’s donation of a five foot caterpil-
(“Rocker”) to 2010 (Reform School Girl). interest and the audience’s.” The Sky’s The Limit: Marvin Cone’s Clouds, 30 works lar and large wooden ladybug to the park last fall, featuring
Curran, who will perform with his band That branching out is most evident on from the 1910s to the 1940s traces the many ways and styles four of Gleich’s carvings; local storyteller Jessica Sheridan will
Cone used to capture the ethereal and transitory qualities of read the Eric Carle books aloud for the preschool summer
the Lowlifes at RIBCO on August 30, the newest album’s title track, which plays clouds, as well as their majesty and power; for information, programming on Wednesdays at 10am; open to the public
brings punk ferocity and grit to decidedly by girl-group rules but reverses the gender call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third
Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, thru Sun Aug
10am-4pm Tuesday through Sunday; $1 for anyone over 16
years old; Tuesdays free; for information, call 563-326-7818
old-school rock, rockabilly, and blues. roles; Curran said he was aiming for a 22. or 563-323-3298, Vander Veer Conservatory, 215 W. Central
Helen Boyd & Jacki Olson, works including ecaustics and
His music is undoubtedly retro, but his Ronettes/Phil Spector sound. There’s also monoprints; held during the Bucktown Bash 5th Anniversary
Park, Davenport, IA, thru Sun Sep 26.
Cathmar Prange: New Oil Paintings, still-life oil paint-
treatment of classic styles is so earnest, the slowed-down blues of “Dream Girl,” party; for information, call 563-370-4219 or 309-721-7649, ings; for information, e-mail or call 319-
boyd & olson fine art - Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E. 339-0410, Textiles, 109 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA, thru Thu
dirty, and fiery that it’s impossible to fault distinguished by a haunted howl. 2nd St., Davenport, IA,, thru Sep 30.
him. But for the most part, Reform School Girl Wed Aug 25. Inspired by Color, acrylic paintings by Julie Fitzpatrick;
Cole Butler, multi-media works; for information, call 309- for information, call 319-341-4562, Bella Joli, 125 S Dubuque
Reform School Girl was released in rocks hard through its authentically dusty 737-8910 or 309-786-2430, MidCoast Gallery West, 2nd Ave St, Iowa City, IA, thru Thu Sep 30.
February, as the 33-year-old Curran was sound, with Curran’s vocals sometimes & 16 1/2 St, Rock Island, IL, Diane Bruce - Kathleen Tandy, pastels by Bruce, mixed
ies/gallerywest.htm, thru Sat Aug 28. media by Tandy; for information, call 309-737-8910 or 309-
undergoing radiation therapy for tongue blown out. It’s often hard to believe that Robert & Linda Scarth, photography; for information, 786-2430, MidCoast at the i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr.,
cancer. He’s now cancer-free, and he played the album wasn’t recorded five decades call 309-737-8910 or 309-786-2430, MidCoast at the River- Moline, IL,,
Center, 136 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.midcoast. thru Sat Oct 2.
his first post-treatment show in late May ago, yet Curran’s fervid voice provides the org/galleries/rivercenter.htm, thru Sat Aug 28. Mark Mess - Jamie Atkinson, photography by Mess,
in Spain. In an interview last week, Curran immediacy that makes it current. Steve Banks - Terry Rathje, mixed media; for informa- drawings by Atkinson; for information, call 309-737-8910 or
tion, call 309-737-8910 or 309-786-2430, Midcoast at Buck- 309-786-2430, MidCoast Centre Station Gallery, 1200 River
said he didn’t worry about how things It took some time after his cancer town Gallery, Bucktown Center for the Arts, Davenport, IA, Dr, Moline, IL,
would turn out.“Since the beginning, I kind treatments for Curran’s voice to get, thru Sat tion.htm, thru Sat Oct 2.
Aug 28. Mindy Diaz - Ken Urban, jewelry by Diaz, photography
of took it [cancer] as a boot in the ass to stretched out, as he couldn’t talk because Andrew Casto - Julia Kottal, ceramic sculptures by Casto, by Urban; for information, call 309-737-8910 or 309-786-
get things together, kind of like a wake-up of the pain of therapy. “At first it was a little abstract paintings by Kottal; for information, call 309-793-
1213, ext. 109 or e-mail, Quad
2430, MidCoast Fine Arts Gallery, Mississippi Valley Welcome
Center, I-80 and US Highway 67, LeClaire, IA, http://www.mid-
call instead of something bad happening. tough to hit certain notes, because I hadn’t City Arts at the Airport, Quad City International Airport, Air-, thru Sat Oct 2.
port Rd, Moline, IL,, thru Sun
... I always kind of knew I was going to get used it in six months ... ,” he said. Aug 29.
Push Ups, featuring the works on paper of Chicago art-
ist B. Ingrid Olson; for information, contact Joseph Lappie
through it fine.” But he never doubted that he’d be back.
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Danny Lyon: Selections from the Bikeriders, black and at, The Bakery Gallery,
white images epitomizing the counterculture spirit of the 1330 East 12th St., Davenport, IA, http://www.thebakerygal-
Confidence appears to have long been He said that at his first show – at the 1960’s; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art, thru Sat Oct 2.
Curran’s strong suit, and he’s balanced his Screamin Festival, playing at 2:30 a.m. in Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.des- Kill Them Before They Multiply, print exhibition; for in-, thru Sun Aug 29. formation, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700
time as a bandleader with sideman gigs in front of 3,000 people – his primary emotion Scale: Ceramic Forms and Photographic Landscapes, Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.desmoinesartcenter.
a variety of genres. He began his touring was relief that the wait was over: “Okay. ceramic and photographic media by Gerry Eskin, with all the org, thru Sun Oct 3.
pieces sharing an artistic theme of monumental scale; for in- Celebrity Doodles, a showcase of doodles that will be
career at age 19 with Ronnie Dawson, and Good. Finally. I can do it again.” formation, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd available for purchase at the Foundation’s Doodle Day event
followed that up by touring with another St, Davenport, IA,, thru Sun on October 14; for information, call 563-344-4175, Betten-
Aug 29. dorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
rockabilly artist, Kim Lenz. He won the Nick Curran & the Lowlifes will perform on Are You a Voyeur?, featuring a demonstration of metal-, thru Thu Oct 14.
W.C. Handy Blues Award for “best new Monday, August 30, at RIBCO (1815 Second smithing & jewelry fabrication techniques; for information, Global Currents: The John Deere Art Collection, an
call 319-351-1700 or e-mail, M.C. exhibition of key pieces from artworks loaned from Deere &
artist debut” in 2004 (for Doctor Velvet), Avenue in Rock Island). The show starts at 8 Ginsberg Objects of Art, 110 East Washington, Iowa City, IA, Company’s corporate art collection, including oil paintings,
and after that year’s Player!, he joined the p.m., and the bill also includes the One Night thru Tue Aug 31. works on paper, photography, textiles, and sculpture; for in-
Circle of Friends Quilt Group Exhibit, nine local quilters formation, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd
Fabulous Thunderbirds and toured with Standards. Tickets for the general public are present a variety of traditional to contemporary quilts; for in- St, Davenport, IA,, thru Sun
blues drummer Doyle Bramhall. He also $10 (available at the door or from RIBCO. formation, call 319-337-8615 or e-mail kesummerwill@msn.
com, MidWestOne Bank - Iowa City, 102 S. Clinton St., Iowa
Oct 24.
City of Literature: Literary Life in Iowa City, books,
formed the punk group Degüello with com); tickets for Mississippi Valley Blues City, IA, thru Tue Aug 31. manuscripts, letters, photographs and other items featur-
Grant Wood Summer Showcase in Iowa, featuring rare
bassist Ronnie James Weber. Society members are $8. Grant paintings and lithographs, unseen since their original
ing the writers from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Interna-
tional Writing Program, and many other writing programs
Curran said he learned the most from creation, including “Churning”, “Fertility,” and “In the Spring”; connected with the UI; with some 100 authors represented,
for information, call 563.872.3388 or e-mail offthewallartgal- including Kurt Vonnegut, Jane Smiley, Flannery O’Connor,
Dawson, in part because that was his first For more information on Curran, visit, The Great River Gallery, 116 N. Riverview, Orhan Pamuk, and Rita Dove; for information, call 319-335-
experience as a touring musician: “Ronnie Bellevue, IA, thru Tue Aug 31. 5960, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, http://news-releases.
Journey: A Meditation on Slavery and Civil Rights, thru
 wanted to go out there no matter what
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

786-2430, Midcoast at Bucktown Gallery, Bucktown Center Dancing Towards Death, exhibit examines the origins of 786-2430, MidCoast at the i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr.,
for the Arts, Davenport, IA, the Dance of Death and its subsequent permutations, includ- Moline, IL,,
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
ies/bucktown.htm, Wed Sep 1 thru Sun Oct 31. ing examples from artists as diverse as Hans Holbein, Albrecht Fri Oct 1 thru Tue Nov 30.
Shelby Kube, pastels; for information, call 309-786-2430, Durer, Rembrandt, Max Klinger, Kathe Kollwitz, Georg Grosz, Pamela Ohnemus - Chuck Vitello, acrylics by Ohnemus,
MidCoast at the RiverCenter, 136 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, James Ensor and Sue Coe; for information, call 563-326-7804, photography by Vitello; for information, call 309-786-2430,, Wed Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. MidCoast Centre Station Gallery, 1200 River Dr, Moline, IL,
Sun Oct 31. Sep 1 thru Sun Oct 31., Sat Sep 18 thru Sun Jan 9., Fri
The Grant Wood Window: Drawings for the Veterans Goya’s “Disasters of War”, thru Dec. 12; exhibit of 47 Living Proof, art exhibit featuring works created by breast Oct 1 thru Tue Nov 30.
Memorial Stained Glass Window Commission, the com- prints constituting what many have called “the earliest form cancer survivors; for information, e-mail livingproofexhibit@ Hunt Harris, in the Art Salon @ The Museum Store; digital
plete set of original drawings used for the fabrication of the of war reporting”; for information, call 319-366-7503, Ce-, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Dav- photography for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art
restored historic window designed by Grant Wood for the dar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA, enport, IA,, Fri Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.figgeart-
Veterans Memorial Building on May’s Island; for information,, Sat Sep 4 thru Tue Nov 30. Sep 24 thru Fri Nov 26., Sun Oct 3 thru Sun Nov 28.
call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Mercedes Matter: A Retrospective Exhibition, exhibi- Linda Kelty, Alumni Show, art exhibition; for informa- Bad Dreams, exhibit presents the imagery of nightmares,
Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, thru Sun Nov tion of works by artist who studied with the prominent art tion, call 563-333-6254, Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Fine Arts from literal depictions of our worst fears to surrealistic visions
14. teacher and Abstract Expressionist master Hans Hofmann; Center - St. Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, that inexplicably conjure up anxiety and unease; works range
Ange Glade of the A.K. Glade Collection, on Saturdays for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W IA,, Sat Sep 25 thru Sat Oct 16. from 16th-century engraving to contemporary photography;
& Tuesdays; nostalgic black-and-white photographs; vibrant 2nd St, Davenport, IA,, Sat Libraries and the First Amendment Exhibit from the free with museum admission; for information, call 515-277-
color photographic illustrations of the Quad Cities’ riverfront Sep 4 thru Sun Jan 2. McCormick Freedom Center, for information, call 309-524- 4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines,
parks and other areas of interest; for information, call 563- Single-channel 1: Elements of Displacement - Ragnar 2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http:// IA,, Fri Oct 8 thru Tue
499-6570, Freight House, 421 W River Dr, Davenport, IA, thru Kjartansson, videos by world-renowned Icelandic artist who, Mon Sep 27 thru Sat Oct 30. Nov 30.
Tue Dec 28. approaches the subject of displacement from geographic, Karen Blomme, for information, call 309-786-2430, Mid- Blockism, featuring the Screen Prints of Texas-based art-
A Legacy for Iowa: Pollock’s Mural and Modern Mas- cultural, and linguistic points of view; free with museum ad- Coast Fine Arts Gallery, Mississippi Valley Welcome Center, ist Jonathan Stewart, The Bakery Gallery, 1330 East 12th St.,
terworks, Works from the University of Iowa Museum of mission; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art I-80 and US Highway 67, LeClaire, IA, http://www.midcoast. Davenport, IA,,
Art; for more information visit, Figge Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, http://www.des- org/galleries/leclaire.htm, Fri Oct 1 thru Tue Nov 30. Fri Oct 8 thru Tue Nov 30.
Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.uiowa., Fri Sep 10 thru Sun Oct 24. Kim McCool, oil on porcelain; for information, call 309-
edu/uima, thru Fri Dec 31.
Amana Colonies: The Move to City Life, new exhibit in
partnership with the Amana Heritage Society; artifacts and

What if you could look younger?

personal stories on trades including blacksmithing, baking,
butchering, weaving and more; programs and demonstra-
tions scheduled throughout the course of the exhibit; fo-
cuses on the time during the Great Depression when some
members of the Amana communal society made the deci-
sion to come to Davenport; free for members and free with
museum admission for nonmembers; for information, call
563-322-8844 or e-mail, German American L A S E R T R E AT M E N T S N O W AVA I L A B L E I N D AV E N P O R T!
Heritage Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http://www., thru Fri Dec 31.
Ange Glade of the A.K. Glade Collection, by appoint-
ment at the inside gallery at 3rd & Brady; nostalgic black-and-
white photographs; vibrant color photographic illustrations Wrinkles
of the Quad Cities’ riverfront parks and other areas of interest; %URZQ6SRWV
for information, call 563-499-6570, Union Arcade Building,
200 Block Brady Street, Davenport, IA, thru Fri Dec 31. Tightening
Art in Roman Life, over 50 works, including coins, glass
vessels, ceramic lamps, marble sculptures, and more; for in-
formation, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art,
Face Veins
410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, thru
Fri Dec 31. Rosacea
Makes The Real Difference.
Grant Wood: In Focus, culled from the museum’s exten-
sive collection of works, this single-gallery installation serves Soderstrom^ŬŝŶ/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞǁĂƐŽŶĞŽĨ
as a brief overview of the artistic achievements of this im- $FQH6FDUV
portant American painter; for information, call 319-366-7503,
Unwanted Hair
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,
‡$UPV ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐŝŶĞŶƚƌĂů/ůůŝŶŽŝƐϮϬLJĞĂƌƐ, thru Fri Dec 31.
Malvina Hoffman: Rodin’s Last Student, works from ‡/HJV ĂŐŽĂŶĚƚŽĚĂLJƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƐŽŶĞŽĨƚŚĞ
famed sculptor; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar
Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,
Mauricio Lasansky, new takes on the important Iowa
City artist; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids
Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA, http://www.
^ƉĞĐŝĂůůLJƚƌĂŝŶĞĚĚĞƌŵĂƚŽůŽŐŝƐƚƐ͕, thru Fri Dec 31.
The American Century, highlighting the many move-
ments of 20th Century art; for information, call 319-366-7503, ƚŚĞͲĂƌƚůĂƐĞƌ;ŶŽƚůŝŐŚƚͿƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJƚŽ
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, thru Fri Dec 31. Psoriasis ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĂǀĂƌŝĞƚLJŽĨůĂƐĞƌƚƌĞĂƚŵĞŶƚƐ͘
Treasures from the National Czech & Slovak Museum &
Library Collection, examples of fine, folk, and decorative art,
textiles embellished with beads and embroidery, costumes,
fine Royal Dux porcelain pieces, glass and crystal, and more; Warts Your face is our specialty...
for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of
Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, and so is the rest of you!
thru Fri Dec 31.
Roots / Who’s Your Momma?, shared exhibit with the 6XQ6SRWV
German American Heritage Museum; 49 pieces of artwork
created by 29 regional artists, divided and arranged in the
two venues, and designed to call attention to the immigra-
tion experience and the artist’s interpretation of how his or
her “roots” shaped who they became; for information, call 6WUHWFK0DUNV
309-793-1213, ext. 109, Quad City Arts Center, 1715 2nd Ave,
Rock Island, IL,, Fri Aug 20
thru Fri Oct 1.
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Summer Drawing Program Exhibit, drawings created by

high school students who participated in the Figge’s Summer
Drawing Program with Western Illinois University; for infor-
mation, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, MODEL DEPICTED
Davenport, IA,, Sat Aug 21
thru Sun Oct 10.
The Grant Wood Scenic Byway Landscape Show, exhib-

FREE Consultations
it of paintings and drawings of scenes along the byway; for
information, call 563-652-9925, Maquoketa Art Experience
Studio & Gallery, 124 S. Main St., Maquoketa, IA, http://www., Mon Aug 23 thru Sun Sep 19.
Chicago Street Photography, exhibit of Edward Sturr
photographs from the 1960’s; noon-5pm, Tue-Fri; for in-
formation, call 563-333-6444, Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose For All Laser Services! 99$
University, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA, http://web.sau.
edu/catich, Tue Aug 24 thru Fri Oct 8.
Expires 10/31/10 Value
Olson-Brandelle North American Indian Art Collection,

Call (563) 344-7546

318-piece collection of Southwest Pueblo ceramics donated
to Augustana by Kent Olson ‘61 and his wife Elaine, on display ĞůĞďƌĂƟŶŐϯϱzĞĂƌƐŽĨĞĂƵƚLJ
for the first time; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm; for information, call
309-794-7231for information, call 309-794-7231, Augustana
College Art Museum, Centennial Hall Building, Rock Island, IL,
1800 E 54th Street, Davenport To Schedule Your Appointment!, Tue Aug 24 thru Sat Oct 30. (One block north of 53rd and Eastern)
Barbara Bianchi, mixed media; for information, call 309-

S O D E R S T R O M S K I N I N S T I T U T E . C O M
786-2430, MidCoast Gallery West, 2nd Ave & 16 1/2 St, Rock
Island, IL,
htm, Wed Sep 1 thru Sun Oct 31.
Melanie DeKeyrel Bell - Kathleen Van Hyfte, mixed me-
10 dia by Bell, acrylics by Van Hyfte; for information, call 309-
Movie Reviews

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

by Mike Schulz •

Ex Men (and a Woman) United

SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE accompanies his every intentionally lame gag and
insinuation with the cackles and whooping gasps of a
WORLD “live studio audience.”
Is there any working film director who adores Scene for scene, there are perhaps more jokes in
actors more than Edgar Wright? I ask this after Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World – visual, verbal, cerebral
recently viewing (for – than in the rest of the
maybe the sixth time) the year’s comedies combined;
British helmer’s action you leave the film with the
spoof Hot Fuzz and (for distinct impression that, as
maybe the millionth) with Shaun and Hot Fuzz,
the untouchable zombie repeat viewings will be
satire Shaun of the Dead, mandatory. (Scott plays bass
comedies with the rare for a rock outfit called Sex
distinction of being Bob-omb, and during one
populated entirely with battle-of-the-bands segment,
sharp, funny performers;
Michael Cera and Mary Elizabeth Win-
I’m pretty sure I missed a
even the walk-ons – or, in stead in Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World bunch of outstanding gags,
Shaun’s case, the lurch- as I was already laughing
and stumble-ons – are charismatic. And after seeing so hard at a rival group’s set – not one song from
the director’s latest, Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World, I which lasts longer than 30 seconds – and its scowling,
think a wholly reasonable case can be made for prepubescent, Asian girl drummer.) Yet I’m more
Wright being the best friend that anyone with a SAG excited to revisit Wright’s outing for the chance to
card and a dream could ever hope for. You could fill again spend time with its delirious collection of
110 movies with the joyous onslaught of personality second bananas. Cera is outrageously confident in
on display in this movie’s 110 minutes. his nelly gaucheness, and Winstead reveals the sort of
To be sure, a generous amount of that personality bewitching gaze and offhanded comic panache that
is visual, as this adaptation (co-written by Wright have made stars of far lesser talents, but Scott Pilgrim’s
and Michael Bacall) of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s graphic supporting ensemble features a true embarrassment
novels blends the clean, swift brushstrokes of a great of riches. If pressed, you may possibly be able to
comic book with the kinetically outré flair of a great narrow your list of favorites down to a dozen.
video game. Scott Pilgrim’s fairly simple tale tells of an We get Mark Webber as Sex Bob-omb’s tortured
anxious, milquetoast, borderline effeminate 22-year- lead vocalist and the continually sublime Alison
old (played, inevitably and spectacularly, by Michael Pill as its brash, deadpan drummer, and Johnny
Cera) who falls in love with Ramona Flowers (Mary Simmons as the band’s sweetly dense, moon-faced
Elizabeth Winstead), a down-to-earth hottie with an groupie. There’s the deliciously tart Anna Kendrick as
ever-shifting dye job; in order to win her affections, Scott’s sister, and Ellen Wong as the high-schooler he
Scott must first vanquish the young woman’s mistakenly romances, and Aubrey Plaza as the tough-
previous lovers, an egomaniacal and pissed-off lot talking barista unfazed by Scott’s woe-is-me act. (A
known as “the seven evil exes.” Story-wise, there’s black box pops onscreen and covers her lips during
really nothing more to the film than that, but that the girl’s every bleeped-out dropping of the F-bomb,
description doesn’t hint at the jaw-dropping verve leading Scott to ask, “How are you doing that with
and inventiveness with which Wright pulls it off. your mouth?”) Brie Larson shows up as Scott’s angry
From the movie’s opening seconds – in which we’re ex and Mae Whitman (Arrested Development’s Ann
treated to a brilliant re-imagining of the traditional Veal!) appears as Ramona’s angry ex, and Whitman
Universal Pictures intro, designed and scored as an is just one member of the jilted-lover septet that

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

’80s arcade game – Scott Pilgrim fizzes over with includes the hysterical Nelson Franklin, Chris Evans,
geek-chic wit: Doorbells are rung with the words Brandon Routh, and a peerlessly slimy/silly Jason
“Ding Dong!” emblazoned on the screen; upon their Schwartzman.
annihilation, enemies explode into coins while points Culkin may earn best-in-show honors, but all of
are tallied. For long stretches, the film is like a video these others – and several more besides – definitely
game that’s playing you. Wright stages Scott’s one-on- give him a run for his money. Your money,
one (and, towards the end, one-on-two) battles with meanwhile, proves intensely well-spent at Scott
feverish comic momentum and ingenuity – even the Pilgrim Vs. the World, an exuberant and wonderfully
special effects are truly, surprisingly special – yet he’s smart comedy that doesn’t look, sound, or feel quite
also a playful enough director to know exactly when like anything you’ve ever experienced before. It’s like
the movie’s style should extend beyond its comic- a revved-up Robert Altman movie on helium, and,
book and video-game inspirations; one sequence fittingly, delivers a high that you don’t want to come
between Scott and his out-and-proud roommate (a down from.
blisteringly entertaining Kieran Culkin) opens with
a riff on the recognizable Seinfeld theme, finds Scott For reviews of The Expendables and other current
bursting though his front door à la Kramer, and releases, visit

Listen to Mike every Friday at 9am on ROCK 104-9 FM with Dave & Darren 11
a series of important studio ceramics from the 1970s and’80s;
for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,,
Sat Nov 27 thru Fri Dec 31.
Senior Honors Exhibition, featuring the work of SAU
China: Insights. New Documentary Photography from students graduating with degrees in fine arts, graphic de-
the People’s Republic, seven photographers presents works sign, and book arts; noon-5pm, Tue-Fri; for information, call
with themes including rural Catholicism, the population shift 563-333-6444, Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose University, 2101
from country to city, and the emergence of a thriving pop/ Gaines St., Davenport, IA,, Tue
club scene as an index of internationalization; for informa- Nov 30 thru Fri Dec 17.
tion, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410
Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA,, Sat Oct 9 Classes
thru Fri Dec 31. Open Studio, Thursdays at 4pm & Sundays at noon; par-
Hatch Show Prints, works from the working letterpress ticipants are welcome to bring their own materials, projects,
print shop, tourist attrac- and ideas; trained staff is available
tion, museum, and historical to help with design and technical
archive in Nashville; noon- assistance; the torch studio is avail-
5pm, Tue-Fri; for information, able to those with experience; for
call 563-333-6444, Catich information, call 319-338-1566,
Gallery - St. Ambrose Uni- Beadology Iowa, 220 E Washing-
versity, 2101 Gaines St., Dav- ton St, Iowa City, IA, http://www.
enport, IA, http://web.sau., thru Thu Dec
edu/catich, Tue Oct 12 thru 30.
Fri Nov 19. Creation Studio: Wirework-
Bill Miller, art exhibition; ing, Fran from Your Design, Ltd.,
for information, call 563- teaches you how to create beauti-
333-6254, Morrissey Gallery, ful jewelry using just wire; free; for
Galvin Fine Arts Center - St. information, call 563-344-4191,
Ambrose University, 2101 Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Gaines St., Davenport, IA, Learning Campus, Bettendorf,, Taj Mahal & the Trio IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Fri Oct 22 thru Tue Nov 9. com, 6:30pm Thu Aug 19.
3rd Annual College Invi-
tational, student work from
Music MAE Summer Landscape
Workshop: Ellen Wagener,
Augustana College, Black Hancher Auditorium Presentations Cloudscapes in Pastel, geared to
Hawk College, Knox College, both beginning artists and “sea-
Monmouth College, St. Am- September through November soned masters,” the workshop will
brose University, Scott Com- cover working processes includ-

munity College, and Western ing photography, sketching, idea-
Illinois University; for infor- n October 14, Iowa City’ s Englert Theatre generation, compositions, and
mation, call 563-326-7804, will host a performance by the high- color palettes; special emphasis
Figge Art Museum, 225 W will be given to pastel technique
2nd St, Davenport, IA, http:// energy Philippine folk dancers of the Bayanihan in the creation of cloudscapes;, Philippine National Dance Company, a $295; for information and to regis-
Sat Oct 23 thru Sun Jan 9. ter, call 563-652-9925, Maquoketa
Single-channel 1: Ele-
presentation in Hancher Auditorium’ s 2010-11 Art Experience Studio & Gallery,
ments of Displacement guest-artist series. For those who don’t know, 124 S. Main St., Maquoketa, IA,
- Anri Sala, videos by world- “Bayanihan” is a Filipino term referring to “a spirit
renowned Albanian artist index.html, Fri Aug 20 thru Sun
who approaches the subject of communal unity or effort to achieve a particular Aug 22.
of displacement from geo- objective,” and it’s clear that several of Hancher’s Beyond Basic Drawing, on
graphic, cultural, and linguis- Thursdays; with Gloria Burlin-
tic points of view; free with neighbors are also downright Bayanihan-ian game; projects will involve imag-
museum admission; for in- this fall, based on how many of them will be ery drawn from personal objects
formation, call 515-277-4405, and photographs using new tech-
Des Moines Art Center, 4700 hosting events for the Iowa City venue, still niques and drawing materials,
Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, under reconstruction following 2008 flooding. including aquarelle graphite and
http://www.desmoinesart- color pencils; $60-$65; for infor-, Fri Oct 29 thru
Four locales, in fact, will present showcases by mation and to register, call 563-
Sun Dec 12. the gifted hoofers of Ballet West II, when the 326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
Group Show, for infor- touring show makes Iowa stops at Fairfield’s W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://
mation, call 309-786-2430,, 6pm
MidCoast Gallery West, 2nd Central Park Square on September 17, Iowa City’s Thu Sep 9 thru Thu Sep 30.
Ave & 16 1/2 St, Rock Island, Hancher Green on September 18, Kalona’s Sliloh Faux Stained Glass Windows
IL, Workshop, learn how to turn an
galleries/gallerywest.htm, Amphitheater on September 19, and Muscatine’ s old window into a personalized
Mon Nov 1 thru Fri Dec 31. Riverfront Park on September 22. The Englert piece of art; $40/window; for in-
Judy Gray, pastels; for in- formation, call 563-391-4949 or e-
formation, call 309-786-2430,
follows its Philippine dance performance with mail, Habitat
MidCoast at the RiverCenter, the hot jazz of the Kenny Barron Trio and guest ReStore, 3629 Mississippi Avenue,
136 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, David Sánchez on November 13, while Iowa City’s Davenport, IA,, Sat Sep 11.
galleries/rivercenter.htm, neighboring West High School offers “certified Figure Drawing, facilitated
Mon Nov 1 thru Fri Dec 31. lunatic and master of the impossible” Tomáš sessions on Tuesdays; students
Shopping Festivus, will draw from an unclothed mod-
works in a variety of media Kubínek on November 5, conducting Orchestra el in a professional setting; $20/3-
for display and purchase; for Iowa in the debuting Professor Kubínek Meets the session punch card/high school &
information, call 309-786- college students; $30/3-session
2430, Midcoast at Bucktown Symphony. The city’s St. Mary’ s Catholic Church punch card/adult; $12/single
Gallery, Bucktown Center celebrates no less than eight seasons (well, four of session; for information, call 563-
for the Arts, Davenport, IA, 326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225

e m twice over) in October 19’ s Venice Baroque W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://
g a l l e r i e s / b u c k tow n . ht m , Orchestra presentations of Vivaldi’ s The Four, 6pm
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Mon Nov 1 thru Fri Dec 31. Seasons and composer Philip Glass’ The American Tue Sep 21 thru Tue Nov 16.
Rev. Edward Catich, art Creation Studio: Altered
exhibition; for information, Four Seasons. Riverside, Iowa, will showcase Books, Cheryl Lennox shows you
call 563-333-6254, Morrissey soulful blues and roots music when the Riverside how to make art out of the book
Gallery, Galvin Fine Arts Cen- itself, with techniques, tips, and
ter - St. Ambrose University, Casino & Golf Resort hosts an evening with the inspiration for altering books into
2101 Gaines St., Davenport, legendary Taj Mahal & the Trio on September 24. works of art; free; for information,
IA, call 563-344-4191, Bettendorf
ich, Sun Nov 14 thru Sat And kicking off Hancher’s guest-artist schedule Public Library, 2950 Learning
Jan 15. will be a welcome-back-to-school dance party at Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://
Liberal Arts through the w w w. b e t te n d o r f l i b ra r y. co m ,
AGES: A Sesquicentennial
the University of Iowa, when the school’ s Iowa 6:30pm Thu Sep 23.
Celebration, an introduction Memorial Union, on September 9, delivers the Digital Photography Work-
to western visual art history smokin’ New Orleans jazz of Papa Grows Funk. shop, with Cindy Bergthold; learn
and its multicultural links, how to frame your shots, control
examining both written and Given autumn’s outstanding offerings, it looks like your angles, and get the most
visual primary documents Hancher does, too. For more information on its out of every click of the button;
across the history of civiliza- weather permitting, the workshop
tion, including many works 2010-11 season, visit http://www.Hancher.UIowa. will travel outside the museum
of art from the college col- edu. – Mike Schulz taking real-time pictures which
lection; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm; will be the subjects of an inter-
closed during winter break active critique back in the Figge
Dec. 17 – Jan. 10; for information, call 309-794-7231, Augus- auditorium; $30-$35; for information and to register, call 563-
tana College Art Museum, Centennial Hall Building, Rock 326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,
Island, IL,, Tue Nov 16 thru Sat, 1pm Sat Sep 25.
Feb 12. Watercolor Workshop – Intermediate to Advaced, with
Earth Transformed: Ceramics from the Collection, fea- Don Heggen; $60-$65; for information and to register, call
12 turing photographer Joan Liffring-Zug Bourret’s donations os 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport,
IA,, 9:30am Sat Oct 2. Golden Tones, with an ice cream social; $2-$3; for in- damona with Carnage, Mary McAdams, a singer-songwriter tickets and information, call 563-333-6251, Galvin Fine Arts
Acrylic Painting – Beginner to Intermediate, Tuesdays formation, call 563-386-7477, ext. 0, CASI (Center for Active round-robin with Rae, Emily Louise and Jenny Kohls, and Center, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA,

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

thru Oct. 26; with Allen Holloway; course takes you from the Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www. emcee Kim-Char Meredith; food and merchandise vendors, a galvin/index.php, 7:30pm Sat Sep 25.
basics of color theory, brush types, and painting surfaces to, 6:30pm Fri Aug 20. silent auction; bring blankets or chairs for grass seating; free; El Ten Eleven - Dosh - Baths, $10, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave.,
the application of different mediums and glazing techniques; Scorpions, legendary German rockers performing on for information, call 319-335-1486 or e-mail festival@prairie- Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Mon Sep 27.
learn special tips to aid them in creating a beautiful finished their “Get Your Sting and Blackout” world tour, performing, Upper City Park, Dubuque Rd & Park St, Iowa City, Drive-By Truckers, alternative country-rock musicians in
landscape painting; $60-$65; for information and to register, with openers Dokken; $39.50-$58.50; for tickets, call 800- IA,, 12pm Sat Sep 18. concert; $24; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Daven- 745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline, IL, http:// Faculty Recital: Angela Hand, Voice, for information, call Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http://
port, IA,, 6pm Tue Oct 5., 7:30pm Fri Aug 20. 309-794-7233, Denkmann Memorial Hall, Augustana College,, 8pm Wed Sep 29.
Pastel Portrait Workshop, with Marj Hier; explore pro- River Roots Live, annual concert performances and rib Rock Island, IL, Los Mocambos, bolero, salsa, mariachi, meringue, tejano,
portion, form, shape, value, and contrast in this all-inclusive festival in the park, with performers including the Marshall sic/department/?id=25, 8pm Sat Sep 18. and more; free; for information, contact Michael Dixon at
workshop; drawings will be done from a clothed model; Tucker Band, Creedence Clearwater Revisited, Cory Chisel Piano Extraordinaire!, an evening with St. Ambrose 563-333-6264 or, Rogalski Center
$60-$65; for information and to register, call 563-326-7804, & the Wandering Sons, Grace Potter & the Nocturnals, and University’s new 21st-century piano classical works, brought - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA,
Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. more; free admission; for information, call 563-322-1706, to life by Shana Kirk and George F. Litterest; free; for infor-, 11:45am Fri Oct 1., 10am Sat Oct 9. LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley St, Davenport, IA, http://www. mation, contact Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001, Galvin Fine Arts Quad City Symphony Orchestra: Masterworks I, with
Paper Making, with Dawn Wohlford-Metallo; learn how, 11am Fri Aug 20 and Sat Aug 21. Center, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA,, conductor Mark Russell Smith and pianist Gustavo Romero;
to prepare paper pulp from natural fibers and explore the Toby Keith - Trace Adkins, country superstars in concert; 7:30pm Sat Sep 18. program includes Beethoven’s “Egmont Overture” and “Sym-
basics of hand-forming sheets of paper using a mould and $47.25-$62.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Cen- Sammy Kershaw, country star in concert; $15-$30; for phony No. 7,” and Chopin’s “Piano Concerto No. 1”; for infor-
deckle in the European method; techniques will cover inclu- ter, 1201 River Dr, Moline, IL,, tickets, call 800-THE-ISLE, Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention mation, call 563-322-QCSO (7276), Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd
sion of decorative accents and students are encouraged to 7:17pm Thu Aug 26. Center, 1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf, IA, http://bettendorf. St., Davenport, IA,, 8pm Sat
bring items such as fresh leaves and flowers to imbed in the Vander Veer Park Concert, for information, call 563-326-, 7:30pm Sat Sep 18. Oct 2.
papers they create; $60-$65; for information and to register, 7818 or 563-323-3298, Vander Veer Park, 215 W Central Park, South of Southern Breeze, South Indian (Carnatic) in- Quad City Symphony Orchestra: Masterworks I, with
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Daven- Davenport, IA, 6:30pm Thu Aug 26. strumental ensemble; Arun Ramamurthy, Shrinidhi Hemmi- conductor Mark Russell Smith and pianist Gustavo Rome-
port, IA,, 10:30am Sat Oct Daytrotter Presents: William Elliott Whitmore - Old ge, Akshay Anantapadmanabhan, and Ravi Balasubramanian ro; program includes Beethoven’s “Egmont Overture” and
16. Scratch Revival Singers - Nathaniel Rateliff, all-ages acous- play South Indian and Western instruments in both tradition- “Symphony No. 7,” and Chopin’s “Piano Concerto No. 1”; for
Silk Screen T-Shirt Workshop, for teens ages 13 & older; tic folk concert with indie musicians; $10-$12; for informa- al and fusion style; $10-$15; for tickets and information, call information, call 563-322-QCSO (7276), Centennial Hall, Au-
with Cindy Bergthold; create personalized t-shirts from the tion, e-mail, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa gustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www.
initial stencil designs to the final pull of ink; $25-$30; for in- Rock Island, IL,, 9pm Fri Aug 27. City, IA,, 7pm Sat Sep 18., 2pm Sun Oct 3.
formation and to register, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Mu- Kool & The Gang, Grammy-winning R&B/jazz performers St. Ambrose University Music Faculty Recital, free; for The Glenn Miller Orchestra, big-band classics including
seum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.figgeartmu- in concert; $20-$65; for tickets and information, call 877-677- information, contact Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001, Galvin Fine “In the Mood,” “Chattanooga Choo Choo,” “A String of Pearls,”, 12pm Sat Oct 16. 3456, Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Arts Center, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA, http://www.sau. “Moonlight Serenade,” and “Tuxedo Junction”; $20 & up; for
Organic Watercolor, on Tuesdays; with Corinne Moron; Riverside, IA,, 8pm edu, 7:30pm Tue Sep 21. tickets and information, call 309-342-2299, Orpheum Theatre,
learn how color, shape, and pattern can be used to paint nat- Sat Aug 28. Michelle Shocked, east Texan singer-songwriter; $20; for 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL,,
ural and organic textures in watercolor; layering and blend- Nick Curran & the Lowlifes - The One Night Standards, tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 4pm Sun Oct 3.
ing techniques learned in this class will help students create funk, blues, and soul musicians in concert; $10; for informa- 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.englert. Clutch - 2Cents, $20-$25, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock Is-
flowing, beautiful watercolor studies; $60-$65; for informa- tion, call 309-793-1999, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock Island, IL, org, 8pm Wed Sep 22. land, IL,, 8pm Mon Oct 4.
tion and to register, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum,, 8pm Mon Aug 30. A Night of Sunshine, concert with performer and Circa Chanticleer, choral performance; $10-$30; for tickets, call
225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.figgeartmuseum. 38th Annual Barnes Family Bluegrass Festival, featur- ‘21 Bootlegger Sunshine Ramsey, backed by a live band, and 309-342-2299, Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg,
org, 6pm Tue Nov 2 thru Tue Nov 23. ing performances by the Bankester Family, Art Stevenson & featuring the winner of August’s Circa ‘21-presented karaoke IL,, 7:30pm Wed Oct 6.
Fiber Art Workshop, with Bonnie Grebner; create a beau- Highwater, Redwine, Rarely Herd, and Jerry Butler & the Blu- contest; 6pm doors, 7pm show; $10-$12; for tickets and infor- Joan Baez, legendary folk musician in concert; $40-$50;
tiful fiber art bowl using natural wool roving and felting tech- J’s; Fri 7pm, Sat noon, Sun 11am; $17, or $37 for a weekend mation, call 309-786-7733, ext. 2, Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert The-
niques, adding decorative touches using items such as glass pass; for information, call 309-737-7706, Mercer County Fair- 1828 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 7pm atre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.en-
beads and colorful fibers and threads; $60-$65; for informa- grounds, Aledo, IL,, 7pm Thu Sep 23., 8pm Wed Oct 6.
tion and to register, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, Fri Sep 3 thru Sun Sep 5. Taj Mahal & the Trio, blues and roots artists in concert; Guitar Masters: Eric Johnson, Andy McKee, & Peppino
225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.figgeartmuseum. The Travoltas, all-ages outdoor show; $10, RIBCO, 1815 a Hancher Auditorium presentation; for tickets, call 319-335- D’Agostino, an interactive acoustic guitar summit featuring
org, 10:30am Sat Nov 13. 2nd Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 8pm Sat Sep 1160, Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, the talents of three of the world’s top selling and best known
4, 8pm Sun Sep 5. Riverside, IA,, 7:30pm Fri guitar virtuosos; $30-$33; for tickets and information, call
Calls For Entry Battle of the Praise Bands for Hunger Relief, music, Sep 24. 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa
The Green Show, for information, call 309-558-1926 or food, and praise bands from around the Quad Cities; for in- Doo-Wop ‘n’ Rock, concert featuring Jay & The Ameri- City, IA,, 8pm Thu Oct 7.
e-mail, 7ly Design Studio, formation, call Pam Saturnia at 563-320-6246 or e-mail ne- cans, Johnny Tillotson, and Shirley Allston Reeves of the Brown Bag Lunch at Noon: Just for Fun, attendees are
2044 3rd Ave. - Unit A, Rock Island, IL, http://www.7ly-art., New Hope Presbyterian Church, Shirelles; fundraiser for Bethany for Children & Families; $27- encouraged to bring a sack lunch to enjoy during the perfor-
com, thru Mon Aug 30. 4209 W Locust St, Davenport, IA, 2pm Sun Sep 5. $67; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd mance; for information, call 563-344-4187, Bettendorf Public
CSPS/Legion Arts Photographs, seeking photographs Glen Campbell, legendary, Grammy-winning county and St., Davenport, IA,, 7:30pm Sat Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.
taken at CSPS in Cedar Rapids to help celebrate the historic pop performer in concert; $42-$52; for tickets, call 877-677- Sep 25., 12pm Fri Oct 8.
building’s re-opening in 2011; original photographs, photo 3456, Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Synergy Brass Quintet, nationally-renowned music en- Jason Reeves, 23-year old singer-songwriter in concert;
negatives, postcards or other pictures will be used to make Riverside, IA,, 4pm semble here as Quad City Arts Visiting Artists; $7-$11; for
digital scans suitable for reproduction; digital images also Sun Sep 5.
accepted; those who participate will also be given compli- New Orleans Dance Party with Papa Grows Funk, New
mentary digital copies of submitted images; for information, Orleans-based hot funk band in concert; a Hancher Audito-
contact Barb Shubinski at 319-364-1580 or barb@legion- rium presentation; for tickets, call 319-335-1160, Iowa Me-, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, morial Union, Iowa City, IA,,, thru Tue Aug 31. 10pm Thu Sep 9.
Quad City Botanical Center 2010/2011 Artists’ Call The Four Freshmen, presented by the Cedar Rapids Com-
for Entries, the center hosts about nine art exhibits a year, munity Concert Association; vocalist/instrumentalists in con-
viewed by over 60,000 visitors; the call is open to area artists cert; $5-$10; for tickets and information, call 319-540-2301,
living within a 250 mile radius of the Quad City area; entries U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA, http://
will be judged by the Quad City Botanical Center’s Art Com-, 7:30pm Fri Sep 10.
mittee; to request a call for entries form, call Beth Peters at Cowboy Mouth - Bakelight Army, $12-$15, RIBCO, 1815
309-794-0991 x 30, or e-mail, Quad City 2nd Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 9pm Fri Sep
Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www. 10., thru Wed Sep 1. Riverfront Pops, annual outdoor concert with the Quad
The Art of Burlesque, seeking submissions for Sept. 3 & City Symphony Orchestra, featuring Broadway favorites pre-
4 show; for information, call 309-558-1926 or e-mail seven- sented by the orchestra, the talents of Bravo! Broadway, and, 7ly Design Studio, 2044 3rd Ave. conductor Mark Russell Smith; $18-$20; for information, call
- Unit A, Rock Island, IL,, thru Wed 563-322-0931, LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley St, Davenport,
Sep 1. IA,, 6:30pm Sat Sep 11.
The Art of Tattoo Artists, for information, call 309-558- Justin Roberts & The Not Ready For Naptime Play-
1926 or e-mail, 7ly Design ers, songs and comedy with popular children’s entertainer;
Studio, 2044 3rd Ave. - Unit A, Rock Island, IL, http://www.7ly- $12; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert, thru Fri Oct 1. Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.
7ly Design Studio Holiday Art Sale, for information,, 2pm Sun Sep 12.
call 309-558-1926 or e-mail sevenlydesignstudio@yahoo. The Water Coolers, the underpinnings of workplace life
com, 7ly Design Studio, 2044 3rd Ave. - Unit A, Rock Island, IL, in hilarious and insightful songs and sketches performed by

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010, thru Mon Nov 1. Broadway veterans; $22-$27; for information and tickets, call
35th Annual Rock Island Fine Arts Exhibition, annual 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa
juried competition, co-sponsored with the Rock Island Art City, IA,, 7pm Sun Sep 12.
Guild, open to artists working in any media except video who Guest Artist Master Class & Recital: Kathy Karr, Flute,
reside within a 150-mile radius of the Quad Cities; entry spec- for information, call 309-794-7233, Denkmann Memorial Hall,
ifications are on the Call for Entries to be mailed in Novem- Augustana College, Rock Island, IL, http://www.augustana.
ber and online at; the slide edu, 7pm Tue Sep 14.
or digital image entry deadline is Jan. 20; more than $3,000 San-Trapp Piano Duo, duo presents Schubert’s “Fantasy
in awards may be presented, including the Sally MacMillan in F minor” and other four-hand masterworks; free; for infor-
Watercolor Award given in recognition of the founder of the mation, contact Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001, Galvin Fine Arts
Rock Island Art Guild; for information, call 309-794-7231, Au- Center, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA,,
gustana College Art Museum, Centennial Hall Building, Rock 7:30pm Tue Sep 14.
Island, IL,, thru Tue Nov 30. Iowa Women’s Music Festival Kick-Off Concert, featur-
ing Leslie & the LY’s, Bitch, and Caroline Smith & the Good-
night Sleeps; $16; for tickets and information, call 319-688-
2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA,, 8pm Thu Sep 16.
Brown Bag Lunch at Noon: Redeemed Voices Gospel
Choir, attendees are encouraged to bring a sack lunch to
Concerts enjoy during the performance; for information, call 563-
Zither Ensemble Performance, Saturdays at 3pm; for 344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,
information, call 563-322-8844, German American Heritage Bettendorf, IA,, 12pm Fri
Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.gahc, thru Sep 17.
Sat Dec 18. Nappy Roots - Mac Lethal - DJ Carlo Rossi, $15, RIBCO,
French Impressionism in Painting and Music, concert 1815 2nd Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 9pm
pianist Stephen Swedish will perform, taking listeners on a Fri Sep 17.
musical tour of French Impressionism; for information, call 17th Annual Iowa Women’s Music Festival, featuring
319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., headliner Janis Ian, the Chris Pureka Band, Ruth King, Des-
Cedar Rapids, IA,, 6pm Thu Aug 19. 13
By Thom White
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •


Dancing with Death

Time Is Running
Out To Subscribe!

At The Adler Theatre In Davenport

Wit, at the Village Theatre through August 29

t is with great apprehension that I write actress would surely crack. Johnson, though,
this review of the Curtainbox Theatre does not, attacking the deep emotion of her
Company’s production of Wit, fearing I character with abandon, and projecting a
will not do it justice. The script’s themes are clearly condescending air as she pontificates
so distressing about Donne’s
and touching, poetry. Her
the show’s guttural
direction so screams of pain,
meticulously however, are
wrought, and what chilled OCT. 9, 2010 NOV. 21, 2010
the lead actress’ me to the bone,
portrayal so driving home
rivetingly the anguish that
intense that I is cancer and its
don’t have the treatment. And
words to convey somewhere in
the depth to the midst of all
which Friday’s this, Johnson
production manages
pierced the Jessica Sheridan and Corinne Johnson to exude Farewell
theatre space... the defiant,
and my heart. I left humbled, and will likely FEB. 1, 2011 FEB. 25, 2011 MAR. 18, 2011
triumphant self-assurance I’ve noted in
re-evaluate my priorities in life for days to many cancer patients, but increasingly Subscribing Is Easy! • Call 563-326-8522
come, certain that the production will result shades it with a growing human need for visit the adler theatre box office or
in a permanent change in my perspectives. companionship, for love.
That’s how profoundly moving Wit is. Eddie Staver III and Jessica Sheridan OR FOLLOW US ON
Playwright Margaret Edson’s work personify Vivian’s thinker/feeler duality as
concerns Vivian Bearing (Corinne Johnson), the cold, clinical researcher, Dr. Jason Posner, a
a professor of 17th Century poetry with a and the warmhearted nurse, Susie. Staver
particular fondness for John Donne’s Holy maintains a systematic emotional disconnect
Sonnets. It begins with her diagnosis of stage with Johnson’s character, offering just enough
IV metastatic ovarian cancer and follows vocal pauses to hint at a heart that could
Vivian’s story to its inevitable end – which connect with his patient, and allowing us the
I don’t mind telling you here, since Vivian, hope that Jason eventually will see Vivian
in one of many monologues, reveals her as more than mere research. And Sheridan
fate at the start of the play. With her bent reveals Susie’s sympathetic quality in her
toward the academic at the expense of the speech, speaking in the lighter upper register
emotional, Vivian is a woman who would of her voice, but with no absence of sincerity.
be hard to like in real life, and initially – and It is her task to give Wit its heart, which she
superficially – gets the audience’s sympathy does with a warmth that plays very much as
solely for being a cancer patient. Yet Vivian real; instead of just acting the part, Sheridan
earns that sympathy as the play progresses, seemingly manages to be her character.
detailing her battle with cancer and her love (Also realistic is lighting designer Adam
of metaphysical wit, all the while offering Parboosingh’s concept for the x-rays taken
glimpses of a vulnerability she protects during Vivian’s treatment. His quick flashes
behind her superior intellect. This woman of bright light in a clearly defined rectangular
with the solid exterior is softer inside than shape over Johnson’s torso are striking,
she’d like you to know, but our knowing it especially when accompanied by Joseph
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

makes her beautiful, lovable, and, perhaps Janz’s effective sound design.)
most importantly for the audience, relatable. The Curtainbox Theatre Company’s Wit is
Director Philip William McKinley’s work so well-conceived and deeply emotional that
here is abundantly clear, with the show’s it rises above the average theatre experience,
fastidious detail well-executed by his cast. pulling you into its heartfelt core, rather than
The movement throughout the piece plays leaving you simply sitting on the sidelines.
out like a well-choreographed dance, from This company consistently raises the bar for
the ensemble’s rolling of Vivian’s wheelchair local theatre. (I still rave about 2008’s Danny
through the set’s partition curtains & the Deep Blue Sea and 2009’s Glengarry
(resembling those of a hospital room), to the Glen Ross.) With Wit, I think the Curtainbox
moving of set pieces on and off the stage, to has significantly raised the bar for itself.
the timing of exactly when Johnson simply
sits down in a chair. It’s stunning in its detail, For more information and tickets, call
and made even more so by not coming across (563)322-8504 or visit The
as overly calculated.
If Wit is a dance, then Johnson is its prima Thom White covers entertainment news for
ballerina. She bears almost the entire weight WQAD Quad Cities News 8.
of the play’s poignancy, under which a lesser
Watoto Children’s Choir: A Concert of HOPE, a cross- Iowa City, IA,, 8pm Thu Nov 11. ence, 129 Main St, Davenport, IA, http://www.looking4les-
cultural performance with an uplifting message; free; for The Kenny Barron Trio and David Sanchez, jazz masters, thru Fri Dec 31.

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

information, contact Michael Dixon at 563-333-6264 or inter- in concert; a Hancher Auditorium presentation; for tickets, Music Therapy Services for Special-Needs Children,, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 Gaines St., call 319-335-1160, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., participants will play drums, shakers and other instruments
Davenport, IA,, 7pm Sat Oct 30. Iowa City, IA,, 7:30pm Sat in order to enhance social skills and communication, and
$12-$15; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, En- SAU-Community Symphony Orchestra Concert, col- Nov 13. will work toward their daily living skills by participating in
glert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http:// laboration between St. Ambrose University students and Todd Green, multi-instrumentalist here as Quad City Arts a number of musical activities that encourage sharing, im-, 8pm Fri Oct 8. community members; free; for information, call 563/333- Visiting Artist; donations accepted; for information, call 309- pulse control, appropriate social communication, motor con-
Here Come the Mummies, all-ages outdoor show; $10- 6001, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA, 793-1213 or e-mail, Redeem- trol and following directions; followed by a lunch break and
$15, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www.ribco., 7:30pm Wed Nov 3. er Lutheran Church, Utica Ridge and Tanglefoot Lane, Betten- RME tour and program; $160 for groups 12-15 maximum, not
com, 8pm Sat Oct 9. Bettendorf Park Band Pre-Veteran’s Day Concert, free; dorf, IA,, 7pm Sat Nov 13. including chaperones; for information, call Ellis Kell at 563-
Straight No Chaser, renowned a cappella group in con- for information, call Pat at 563-332-5190, Herbert Goettsch Beethoven’s Mass in C Major, Opus 86, with the St. Am- 326-1333, ext. 113 or e-mail,
cert; $29-$42.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Community Center, 2204 Grant St., Bettendorf, IA, http:// brose University Chorale performing the work in Latin; for River Music Experience, 129 Main St, Davenport, IA, http://
Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL, http://www.peoriac-, 7:30pm Fri Nov 5. information, call 563-333-6251, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101, 11am thru Fri Dec 31., 7:30pm Wed Oct 13. Gaither Homecoming Gaines St., Davenport, IA, http:// African Drum Circle, all drummers, at any level, welcome;

Carrie Underwood, Grammy-winning superstar, with Tour 2010, gospel concert, donations accepted; on Wednesdays – Aug. 25, Sep. 8 & 22,
openers Sons of Sylvia and Billy Currington; for tickets, call with Grammy winner Bill 3pm Sun Nov 14. Oct. 6 & 20, and Nov, 3 & 17; for information, call Linda at
800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline, IL, Gaither, and featuring Wes St. Ambrose University Fall 309-762-4469, Tammy at 309-269-7260, or Sonya at 309-788-, 7pm Fri Oct 15. Hampton, David Phelps, Musicals Choir Concert, “Mass in C Major, 0801, Teranga: House of Africa, 1706 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,
Augustana Symphony Orchestra Concert, for informa- Michael English, and Mark Opus 86”, the choir performs the 6pm Wed Aug 25 thru Wed Nov 17.
tion, call 309-794-7233, Centennial Hall, Augustana College, Lowry; $33-$43; for tickets,
September through November choral masterwork by Ludwig van The Knox-Galesburg Symphony, conducting auditions
3703 7th Ave., Rock Island, IL,, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Beethoven in Latin; free; for infor- for Bass-Trombone and Trumpet III positions for the upcom-

8pm Sat Oct 16. Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline, mation, contact Terri Flynn at 563- ing 2010-2011 subscription season; qualified candidates
Chamber Choral Festival Choral Sampler, for informa- IL, http://www.iwirelesscen- ard to 333-6001, Galvin Fine Arts Center, should contact Artistic Director/Conductor Dr. Bruce Polay at
tion, call 309-794-7233, Denkmann Memorial Hall, Augus-, 7pm Fri Nov 5. believe it’s 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA, 309-341-7208, Kresge Recital Hall, Knox College, Galesburg,
tana College, Rock Island, IL,, St. Ambrose University, 3pm Sun IL, 10am Sat Aug 28.
8:30pm Sun Oct 17. Symphonic Band Concert, almost fall. Hard Nov 14. Quad City Symphony Orchestra Open Auditions, open
Augustana Chamber Choral Festival Finale Concert, music ranging from patri- to Believe will also Brown Bag Lunch at Noon: positions for the 2010-11 season include section viola, sec-
for information, call 309-794-7233, Denkmann Memorial Hall, otic marches to symphonic “Tennessee” Tony Cavitt - The tion violin, section cello, and utility clarinet; interested musi-
Augustana College, Rock Island, IL, http://www.augustana. works; free; for information, be seen this fall, Music of John Prine, attendees are cians should send a current, one-page resume to Rich Stodd,
edu, 4:30pm Mon Oct 18. call 563-333-6001, Galvin when Moline’s encouraged to bring a sack lunch Director of Operations, at; for
Dennis Stroughmatt & Creole Spirit, musical perfor- Fine Arts Center, 2101 Gaines to enjoy during the performance; audition information and required excerpts, e-mail Stodd or
mance of “Real Deal Louisiana Creole Zydeco, Cajun, Blues,, St., Davenport, IA, http:// Playcrafters Barn for information, call 563-344-4187, call 563-322-0931, Bergendoff Hall - Augustana College, 3701
Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www., 7:30pm Theatre presents Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 7th Ave., Rock Island, IL,, Sun, 6:30pm Tue Oct 19. Fri Nov 5. Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, Aug 29.
Robert McDuffie and the Venice Baroque Orchestra, Tomas Kubinek and the world http://www.bettendor flibrar y. Muscatine Symphony Orchestra Auditions, positions
performing Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” and Glass’ “The American Orchestra Iowa: Professor premiere of a new com, 12pm Fri Nov 19. needed include bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, percus-
Four Seasons”; a Hancher Auditorium presentation; for tick- Kubinek Meets the Sym- Paula Cole, Grammy-winning sion, and strings; adults can audition by playing in the July
phony, a bombastic, beauti- Biblical musical singer-songwriter; $25-$35; for 4th concert or the Holiday concert on December 4; for infor-
ets, call 319-335-1160, St. Mary’s Catholic Church - Iowa City,
220 E Jefferson St, Iowa City, IA, http://www.hancher.uiowa. ful, heartfelt, and hilarious by local authors Monty Python’s tickets and information, call 319- mation, e-mail or call 563-288-6195,
edu, 7:30pm Tue Oct 19. concert premiere; a Hancher Spamalot 688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 ext. 1608, Sun Aug 29.
Augustana Jazz Ensemble Concert, for information, call Auditorium presentation; for Timothy Stoller East Washington St., Iowa City, IA,
309-794-7233, Centennial Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th tickets, call 319-335-1160, and Jonathan Turner, running September, 8pm Fri
Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 8pm Fri Oct Iowa City West High School, Nov 19.
22. 2901 Melrose Ave, Iowa City, 9 through 18. Joining this debuting work The Little Thieves at Beth-
Bill Miller, Grammy Award-winning Native American mu- IA, http://www.hancher.uio- on autumn’s area-theatre lineup will be lehem, an Opera @ Augustana
sician; $7-$11; for tickets and information, call 563-333-6251,, 7:30pm Fri Nov 5. presentation of Paul O. Stuart op- Readings & Discussions
Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA, http:// Quad City Symphony something for everyone who enjoys a little eretta, with a libretto by Sally Gall; Tammy Ruffin, reception and book-signing for local au-
Orchestra: Masterworks for information, call 309-794-7233,, 7:30pm Fri Oct 22.
II, Mark Russell Smith con-
music with their comedy and their drama Denkmann Memorial Hall, Augus-
thor of “The Black Dress”; short talk, Q&A, light refreshments;
Smooth Jazz Fall Festival: 80 East and Marcus An- for information, call 563-888-3371, Davenport Public Library -
derson, annual presentation by Great Sound promotions; ducts a concert of magic and ... and even with their horror, as evidenced tana College, Rock Island, IL, http:// Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://
fantasy; program includes
$48.50-$53.50 ($82.50-$87.50 for both Friday and Satur-
Mussorgsky’s “Night on Bald
by the revival of the Harrison Hilltop music/department/?id=25, 8pm, 6pm Mon Aug 23.
day performances); for information, call 563-324-4208, The Krakatoa: The Day the Earth Exploded: August 27,
Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport, IA, http://www. Mountain,” Gounod’s “Funeral Theatre’s 2009 smash The Rocky Horror Show Fri Nov 19 thru Sun Nov 21. 1883, an Environmental Book Club discussion of Simon Win-
March of a Marionette,” Du- Holiday Pops, annual concert, 8pm Fri Oct 22.
Augustana Four Choirs Concert, for information, call kas’ “Sorcerer’s Apprentice,”
(October 1 through 30), and Ballet Quad with the Quad City Symphony Or-
chester’s book; for information, call 563-322-2969, River Ac-
tion, 822 E. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www.riveraction.
309-794-7233, Centennial Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th and Berlioz’s “Symphonie Cities’ staging of I, Vampire (October 22 and chestra, featuring guest conductor org, 7pm Tue Aug 24.
Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 4pm Sat fantastique”; for information, Timothy Russell, Ballet Quad Cities,
Oct 23. call 563-322-QCSO (7276),
23), an original ballet by Deanna Carter, the Holiday Pops Children’s Cho-
Driftless, discussion of David Rhodes’ novel and this
year’s “All Iowa Reads” selection; for information, call 563-
J.S. Bach, B Minor Mass, concert with the vocal ensem- Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd St., based on a Michael Romkey novel. A pair of rus, the Sanctuary Choir of First 344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,
ble the Nova Singers; for tickets, call 309-341-7038 or e-mail Davenport, IA, http://www. Presbyterian Church, and Quad, First Presbyterian Church - Galesburg, 101 N, 8pm Sat boffo Broadway entertainments make their City Arts Visiting Artists Destino;
Bettendorf, IA,, 7pm Wed
Aug 25.
Prairie St, Galesburg, IL, Nov 6. area debuts when the Adler Theatre hosts for information, call 563-322-0931, Out Loud Open Mic Night, read your works and listen
ers/, 7:30pm Sat Oct 23. St. Ambrose University i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
All-Star Honor Band Fes- one-night-only presentations of the girl-
to others; free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest
Lage Lund Guitar Trio, jazz ensemble here as Quad City Moline, IL, http://www.qcsympho- Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA, http://
Arts Visiting Artists; donations accepted; for information, call tival Concert, junior high power comedy Legally Blonde: The Musical, 7:30pm Sat Nov 20., 7pm Thu Aug 26.
309-793-1213 or e-mail, St. instrumentalists chosen from Destino, male classical/cross- Beat Poetry Night, co-sponsored by the Midwest Writ-
John’s Lutheran Church, 4501 7th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http:// more than 60 area schools (October 9) and the flying cows and taunting over vocal trio here as Quad City ing Center, led by intern Broc Nelson; poets and musicians, Sat Oct 23. will finish their daylong Frenchmen of Monty Python’s Spamalot Arts Visiting Artists; $8-$12; for welcome, no profanity allowed; for information, call 563-324-
Smooth Jazz Fall Festival: Paul Taylor, jazz saxophonist workshop with a public per- information, call 309-793-1213 or 1410 or e-mail, Mojo’s (River Music
in annual presentation by Great Sound promotions; $48.50- formance; $2-$5; for infor- (November 21). St. Ambrose University gets e-mail swahlmann@quadcityarts. Experience), 130 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.mid-
$53.50 ($82.50-$87.50 for both Friday and Saturday perfor- mation, contact Terri Flynn into the Great White Way game, when the com, First Presbyterian Church of, 6pm Mon Aug 30.
mances); for information, call 563-324-4208, The Redstone at 563-333-6001, Galvin Fine Davenport, 1702 Iowa St., Daven- Mystery Book Club, for information, call 309-755-9614,
Room, 129 Main St, Davenport, IA, http://www.smoothjazz- Arts Center, 2101 Gaines St., school presents the farcical, show-within- port, IA, http://www.quadcityarts. East Moline Public Library, 740 16th Ave., East Moline, IL,, 8pm Sat Oct 23. Davenport, IA, http://www. a-show, Tony Award-winning zaniness of com, 4pm Sun Nov 21., 6:30pm Wed Sep 1.
Ksenia Nosikova, recital with Russian-American piano, 4pm Sat Nov 6. The Judds: The Last Encore, The Book of Air and Shadows, a discussion of Michael
artist; free; for information, contact Terri Flynn at 563-333- Todd Green, concert with The Drowsy Chaperone (October 7 through final tour with the legendary Gruber’s novel with the Pageturners Book Discussion group;
6001, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA, multi-instrumentalist and 9). Meanwhile, following the return of its country artists in concert; for tick- free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Li-, 3pm Sun Oct 24. Quad City Arts Visiting Art- ets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless brary, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,,
Steven Curtis Chapman, award-winning contemporary ist; free; for information, call ever-popular, country-fueled bio-musical A Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline, IL, 7pm Tue Sep 7.
Christian artist; $27-$47; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler 309-524-2470, Moline Public Closer Walk with Patsy Cline (September 1, The Art of Racing in the Sun, a discussion of Garth Stein’s
Theatre, 136 E. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.adlerthe- Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, Sun Nov 28. novel with the Between the Lines Book Discussion Group;, 6pm Sun Oct 24. IL, http://www.molinelibrary. through November 6), Rock Island’s Circa ’21 free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Li-

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Make a Difference Tour 2010: TobyMac, Michael W. com, 2:30pm Sat Nov 6. Dinner Playhouse will house a pair of titles Calls For Entry brary - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,
Smith, & Third Day, concert to benefit children and fami- Quad City Symphony Mojo’s Looking for Live, 7pm Wed Sep 8.
lies through World Vision and other ministries of faith-based Orchestra: Masterworks new to the area: the long-awaited, holiday- Lunch Artists, Mojo’s is currently Mystery Book Discussion, for information, call 563-344-
II, Mark Russell Smith con-
compassion; $26.75-$51.75; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
ducts a concert of magic and
themed Forever Plaid follow-up Plaid Tidings looking for artists to perform on 4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bet-
U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA, http:// the 2nd and 3rd Thursdays each tendorf, IA,, 8:30am Sat, 7pm Wed Oct 27. fantasy; program includes (November 10 through December 31), and month for our Live Lunch series. Sep 11.
Mussorgsky’s “Night on Bald
Augustana Choir Fall Concert, for information, call 309-
Mountain,” Gounod’s “Funeral
the children’s-musical magic and comedy Slot times would be from Noon - Big Me, discuss the short story while eating delicious
794-7233, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL, http://www. 1pm on these opening Thursdays. sweets; free; registration required; for information, call 563-, 8pm Fri Oct 29. March of a Marionette,” Du- of Jack Frost Saves Christmas (November 26 This is a great opportunity to have 328-6833, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
kas’ “Sorcerer’s Apprentice,”
SAU Jazz Ensemble and STAMVOJA Concert, hot jazz
and cool harmonies with St. Ambrose University’s instru- and Berlioz’s “Symphonie
through December 26). Wow. Hard to believe a recurring gig in front of a live Davenport, IA,, 10am Mon
audience with lots of walk-in traf- Sep 13.
mental and vocal jazz ensembles; free; for information, call fantastique”; for information, it’s almost fall, but harder to believe it’s almost fic. To inquire, contact Anne Helms The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, an Alpha Book
call 563-322-QCSO (7276),
563-333-6001, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 Gaines St., Dav-
enport, IA,, 7:30pm Fri Oct 29. Centennial Hall, Augustana
Christmas, huh? – Mike Schulz at ahelms@rivermusicexperience. Club discussion of Allen Bradley’s work; for information, call
org or by phone at (563) 326-1333 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401
Augustana Concert Band Concert & Flute Choir, for College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock ext.104., Mojo’s (River Music Expe- 19th, Rock Island, IL,, 3pm
information, call 309-794-7233, Centennial Hall, Augustana Island, IL, http://www.qcsym- rience), 130 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.rivermusic- Mon Sep 13.
College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www.augus-, 2pm Sun Nov 7., thru Fri Dec 31. DAGOBAH, the Davenport Area Gathering of Books and, 2pm Sat Oct 30. St. Ambrose University Clavinova Festival Concert, Music Lessons for All Ages & Levels, Friendly, profes- Humanoids Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Discussion Group; free; for
Augustana Symphonic Band Concert, for information, division winners will compete and perform; free; for infor- sional teachers who are degreed instructors and/or experi- information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
call 309-794-7233, Centennial Hall, Augustana College, 3703 mation, contact Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001, Galvin Fine Arts enced performing professionals offer lessons six days a week (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-
7th Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 8pm Sat Center, 2101 Gaines St., Davenport, IA,, on everything from flutes, violins, piano, guitar, drums and, 6pm Mon Sep 13.
Oct 30. 2pm Sun Nov 7. voice to group guitar lessons for beginning students. Lim- Romance Book Club, for information, call 309-755-9614,
Carl Palmer: An Evening of Emerson, Lake, & Palmer, The Reverend Horton Heat - Split Lip Rayfield - Th’ Leg- ited financial assistance is also available for those in need, East Moline Public Library, 740 16th Ave., East Moline, IL,
progressive-rock drummer and his band in concert; meet- endary Shack Shakers, $20-$25, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock through the generous support of the HAVlife Foundation,, 12:30pm Tue Sep 14.
and-greet with Palmer after the show; $22-$25; for tickets Island, IL,, 8pm Wed Nov 10. The Moline Foundation and the Karli Rose Kell Music Scholar- Black Hawk: The Battle for the Heart of America, dis-
and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Paul Barrere & Fred Tackett, guitarists performing songs ship Fund at RME. For information, contact Ellis Kell, Director cussion of Kerry A. Trask’s work with the Contemporary Books
Washington St., Iowa City, IA,, 8pm from their Little Feat catalog; $22; for tickets and information, of Programming & Education, at 563-326-1333, ext. 113, or Discussion Group; for information, call 563-344-4179, Betten-
call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St.,
Sat Oct 30. email, River Music Experi- dorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bet-
tendorf, IA,, 1:30pm Sat
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
Oct 9.
Mystery Book Discussion, for information, call 563-344-
4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bet-
tendorf, IA,, 8:30am Sat, 1pm Wed Sep 15.
Sep 11, 8:30am Sat Oct 9, 8:30am Sat Nov 13.
Medicine River, discussion of Thomas King’s work with
Short & Sweets Book Club, on the 2nd Mon of the
the Contemporary Books Discussion Group; for information,
month; discuss a short story while eating delicious sweets;
call 563-344-4179, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
free; registration required; for information, call 563-328-6833,
Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport,
7pm Wed Sep 15.
IA,, 10am Mon Oct 11.
Chancellorsville, a discussion of Stephen W. Sears’ book
DAGOBAH, the Davenport Area Gathering of Books and
with the Civil War Book Discussion group; free; for informa-
Humanoids Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Discussion Group; free; for
tion, call 309-762-6883, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Moline, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Sep
(Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-
16., 6pm Mon Oct 11.
The Way We Live Now, discussion of Anthony Trollope’s
Fahrenheit 451, a discussion of Ray Bradbury’s novel,
book with the Classics Book Club; free; for information, call
this year’s The Big Read selection; for information, call 563-
309-524-2473, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,
344-4179, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,, 7pm Mon Sep 20.
Bettendorf, IA,, 7pm Tue
Loving Frank, discussion of Nancy Horan’s book with the
Oct 12.
West End Book Discussion Group; for information, call 563-
Large Type Book Discussion of Fahrenheit 451, discus-
888-3371, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
sion of Ray Bradbury’s novel, this year’s “The Big Read” selec-
Davenport, IA,, 7pm Tue
tion; free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public
Sep 21.
Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.molinelibrary.
River Readings at Augustana: Simon Ortiz, Native
com, 2pm Tue Oct 12.
American writer reads from his poetry, short fiction, and
A Saint on Death Row, a discussion of Thomas Cahill’s
prose; reception following; free; for information, call 309-
8IBUEPZPVHFU 794-7231, Centennial Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave.,
nonfiction with the Between the Lines Book Discussion
Group; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
XIFOZPVDPNCJOF Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Thu Sep 23.
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Dav-
The Big Read: Fahrenheit 451 Keynote Program, with
enport, IA,, 7pm Wed Oct
Sam Weller, author of “The Bradbury Chronicles: The Life of
Ray Bradbury”; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline
Fahrenheit 451, discussion of Ray Bradbury’s novel, this
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.molineli-
year’s “The Big Read” selection; free; for information, call 309-, 6:30pm Mon Sep 27.
793-1300, Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities, 1705 2nd
Beat Poetry Night, co-sponsored by the Midwest Writ-
Ave, Rock Island, IL,, 10am
ing Center, led by intern Broc Nelson; poets and musicians
Thu Oct 14.
welcome, no profanity allowed; for information, call 563-324-
5IJTGBMM KPJOUIFGVOXJUI 1410 or e-mail, Mojo’s (River Music
Fahrenheit 451, discussion of Ray Bradbury’s novel, this
year’s “The Big Read” selection; free; for information, call
Experience), 130 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.mid-
563-333-6246, St. Ambrose University Library, Davenport, IA,, 6pm Mon Sep 27., 7pm Thu Oct 14.
You Are Here: Exposing the Vital Link Between What
Nathan Bedford Forrest: A Biography, a discussion of
We Do and What That Does to the Planet, discussion of
Jack Hurst’s book with the Civil War Book Discussion Group;
Thomas Kostigen’s book with the Environmental Book Club;
'JOEPVUXIBUIBQQFOT for information, call 563-322-2969, River Action, 822 E. River
free; for information, call 309-762-6883, Moline Public Li-
brary, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,,
XIFOIJTUPSZBOETDJFODF Dr., Davenport, IA,, 7pm Tue Sep
6:30pm Thu Oct 14.
DPNFUPMJGF The Big Read Fahrenheit 451 Kick Off Intellectual Free-
River Readings at Augustana: Peggy Anderson, nonfic-
tion author of “Nurse,” the basis for the ‘70s TV series, reads
dom Discussion Panel, for information, call 309-524-2470,
from her works; reception following; free; for information, call
Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.
309-794-7231, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th, 6:30pm Wed Sep 29.
Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Thu
Fahrenheit 451, a discussion of Ray Bradbury’s novel, the
Oct 14.
chosen title in the year’s “The Big Read” program; to regis-
Brown Bag Lunch Book Discussion, free; for informa-
ter, call 563-888-3371 or 309-736-5741, Davenport Public Li-
tion, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
brary - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA,
Moline, IL,, 12pm Fri Oct 15., 7pm Wed Sep 29.
In Cold Blood, a discussion of Truman Capote’s famed
Fahrenheit 451, book discussion and panel-discussion
“nonfiction novel” with the Classics Book Club; free; for infor-
event concerning First Amendment rights and their connec-
mation, call 309-524-2473, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st
tion to Ray Bradbury’s novel, this year’s “The Big Read” selec-
St, Moline, IL,, 7pm Mon Oct
tion; free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public
Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.molinelibrary.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, discussion of Steig
com, 7pm Wed Sep 29.
Larsson’s book with the West End Book Discussion Group;
Fahrenheit 451, discussion of Ray Bradbury’s novel, this
for information, call 563-888-3371, Fairmount Street Library,
year’s “The Big Read” selection; free; for information, call 309-
3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-
755-9614, East Moline Public Library, 740 16th Ave., East Mo-, 7pm Tue Oct 19.
line, IL,, 7pm Wed Sep 29.
Black Hawk: The Battle for the Heart of America, dis-
Fahrenheit 451 - An Evening Book Discussion @ BHC,
cussion of Kerry A. Trask’s work with the Contemporary Books
discussion of Ray Bradbury’s novel, this year’s “The Big Read”
Discussion Group; for information, call 563-344-4179, Betten-
selection; free; for information, call 309-796-5147, Black
dorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
Hawk College - Quad City Campus, 6600 34th Ave., Moline, IL,, 7pm Wed Oct 20., 7pm Wed Sep 29.
Medicine River, discussion of Thomas King’s work with
Fahrenheit 451, a discussion of Ray Bradbury’s The Big
the Contemporary Books Discussion Group; for information,
Read selection; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Is-
call 563-344-4179, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
land Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,
Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,, 5:30pm Thu Sep 30.
1pm Wed Oct 20.
Out Loud Open Mic Night, read your works and listen
Silvis Public Library Book Discussion, free; for informa-
to others; free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest
tion, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 1st Ave and 8th
Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA, http://
St, Silvis, IL,, 7pm Mon Oct, 7pm Thu Sep 30.
Fahrenheit 451, discussion of Ray Bradbury’s novel, this
Spanish-Language Book Discussion, free; for informa-
year’s “The Big Read” selection; free; for information, call 309-
tion, call 309-524-2470, Silvis Public Library, 1st Ave and 8th
762-9481, Western Illinois University Quad Cities, 3561 60th
St, Silvis, IL,, 7pm Mon Oct
St, Moline, IL,, 6pm Mon Oct
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Beat Poetry Night, co-sponsored by the Midwest Writ-
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, an Alpha Book Club
ing Center, led by intern Broc Nelson; poets and musicians
discussion of Steig Larsson’s work; for information, call 309-
welcome, no profanity allowed; for information, call 563-324-
732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th,
1410 or e-mail, Mojo’s (River Music
Rock Island, IL,, 3pm Mon
Experience), 130 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.mid-
Oct 4., 6pm Mon Oct 25.
Short & Sweets Discussion Group, discuss short litera-
Fahrenheit 451, discussion of Ray Bradbury’s novel, this
ture - including stories, memoirs, poems, and articles less
year’s “The Big Read” selection; free; for information, call 309-
than 50 pages in length - while eating scrumptious snacks;
524-2470, Silvis Public Library, 1st Ave and 8th St, Silvis, IL,
free; for information and to register, call 563-888-3371, Dav-, 7pm Tue Oct 26.
enport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern
The Land Remembers, discussion of Ben Logan’s book
Ave., Davenport, IA,, 7pm
with the Environmental Book Club; for information, call 563-
Mon Oct 4, 7pm Mon Nov 1.
322-2969, River Action, 822 E. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://
The ha-ha, a discussion of Dave King’s book with the, 7pm Tue Oct 26.
Pageturners Discussion Group; for information, call 309-524-
Grant Wood: A Life, discussion of R. Tripp Evans’ biogra-
2473, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://
phy, the first of the artist to appear in almost 70 years; free;, 7pm Tue Oct 5.
for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W
Sci-Fi Book Club, for information, call 309-755-9614, East
2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 7pm
Moline Public Library, 740 16th Ave., East Moline, IL, http://
Thu Oct 28., 6:30pm Wed Oct 6.
Out Loud Open Mic Night, read your works and listen
Fahrenheit 451 Graphic Novel Book Discussion, discus-
to others; free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest
sion of adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s novel, this year’s “The
Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA, http://
Big Read” selection; free; for information, call 309-524-2470,, 7pm Thu Oct 28.
Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.
Short & Sweets Discussion Group, discuss short litera-, 7pm Thu Oct 7.
ture - including stories, memoirs, poems, and articles less
Book Club Blowout Featuring Paul Ingram of Prairie
than 50 pages in length - while eating scrumptious snacks;
Lights, numerous book talks on obscure authors, publishers,
free; for information and to register, call 563-888-3371, Dav-
16 and great ideas for gift-giving; for information, call 563-344-
enport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Village of East Davenport, IA, http://
Ave., Davenport, IA,, 7pm, 5pm Thu Sep 9.

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Mon Nov 1. Pen-in-Hand Mini Conference, for information, call 563-
Olive Kitteridge, a discussion of Elizabeth Strout’s book 324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303,
with the Pageturners Book Club; free; for information, call Davenport, IA,, Sat
309-524-2473, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, Oct 9., 7pm Tue Nov 2. Publishing & Marketing Your 1st Book (or 7th), led by
Mystery Book Club, for information, call 309-755-9614, Bobbie Christensen; learn a proven-to-succeed 6-step mar-
East Moline Public Library, 740 16th Ave., East Moline, IL, keting plan, with tips on how to make a profit before your, 6:30pm Wed Nov 3. book is even printed, setting up book signings for maximum
Black Swan Green, an Alpha Book Club discussion of Da- sales, setting up and presenting seminars that will get rave
vid Mitchell’s work; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock reviews, writing news releases, and more; $35-$40; for infor-
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, mation, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E., 3pm Mon Nov 8. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA, http://www.midwestwrit-
DAGOBAH, the Davenport Area Gathering of Books and, 5pm Fri Oct 29.
Humanoids Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Discussion Group; free; for Genre Writing Workshop Series, for information, call
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite
(Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.daven- 303, Davenport, IA,,, 6pm Mon Nov 8. Thu Nov 18.
Romance Book Club, for information, call 309-755-9614,
East Moline Public Library, 740 16th Ave., East Moline, IL, Calls For Entry, 12:30pm Tue Nov 9. 2010 Collins Poetry Residency, The Midwest Writing
The Thirteenth Tale, a discussion of Diane Setterfield’s Center is offering a regional poetry residency during Octo-
novel with the Between the Lines Book Discussion Group; ber 2010. Eligibility requires residency in one of the following
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Li- counties: Illinois’ Henry, Mercer, or Rock Island counties, or
brary - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, Iowa’s Clinton, Muscatine, or Scott counties. The chosen poet, 7pm Wed Nov 10. will work under the guidance of poet Dr. Robin Throne, and
Civil War Book Discussion Group, for information, call will facilitate at least one public reading, workshop, online
309-762-6883, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, poetry forum, and launch a limited edition broadside publi-, 6:30pm Thu Nov 11. cation. For information, call 563-324-1410., Midwest Writing
Mystery Book Discussion, for information, call 563-344- Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA, http://www.
4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bet-, thru Tue Aug 31.
tendorf, IA,, 8:30am Sat
Nov 13.
To Kill a Mockingbird, a discussion of Harper Lee’s novel
with the Classics Book Club; free; for information, call 309-
524-2473, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,, 7pm Mon Nov 15.
Unaccustomed Earth, discussion of Jhumpa Lahiri’s book Performances
with the West End Book Discussion Group; for information, Big River, Way Off-Broadway’s production of the Tony-
call 563-888-3371, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fair- winning Huck Finn/Tom Sawyer musical; Thu-Sat 7:30pm,
mount St., Davenport, IA,, Sun 2pm; for tickets and information, call 641-472-2787, Ste-
7pm Tue Nov 16. phen Sondheim Center for the Performing Arts, Fairfield Arts
Contemporary Books Group Discussion, for informa- & Convention Center, Fairfield, IA, thru Sun Aug 22.
tion, call 563-344-4179, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Sunday in the Park with George, Stephen Sondheim’s
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorfli- Pulitzer Prize-winning musical homage to George Seurat;, 7pm Wed Nov 17. $18; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 3pm; for tickets and information,
The Case for Israel, discussion of Alan Dershowitz’s work call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area Showboat Theatre, Clinton,
with the Contemporary Books Discussion Group; for infor- IA,, thru Sun Aug 22.
mation, call 563-344-4179, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Tony-
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorfli- winning musical comedy about an elementary-school bee;, 1pm Wed Nov 17. $20-$11; Thu 7:30pm, Fri & Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm; for tickets, call
Tales of an Empty Cabin, an Environmental Book Club 815-244-2035, Timber Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Road,
discussion of Grey Owl’s book; for information, call 563-322- Mt. Carroll, IL,, thru
2969, River Action, 822 E. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http:// Sun Aug 22., 7pm Tue Nov 23. 8-Track: The Sounds of the ‘70s, full-length musical re-
Out Loud Open Mic Night, read your works and listen vue featuring the theatre’s performing wait staff, the Boot-
to others; free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest leggers; on Thursdays; 5:45pm doors, 6-7pm buffet dinner,
Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA, http:// 7:15pm show; $46.28; for tickets, call 309-786-7733, exten-, 7pm Thu Nov 25. sion 2, Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave., Rock Island,
Beat Poetry Night, co-sponsored by the Midwest Writ- IL,, thru Thu Aug 26.
ing Center, led by intern Broc Nelson; poets and musicians Squabbles, comedy about a pair of warring in-laws; Wed,
welcome, no profanity allowed; for information, call 563-324- Fri, & Sat 5:45pm doors, 6-7pm buffet, 7:15pm Bootlegger
1410 or e-mail, Mojo’s (River Music pre-show, 7:45pm curtain; Sun 3:45pm doors, 4-5 buffet, 5:15
Experience), 130 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.mid- Bootlegger pre-show, 5:45pm curtain; Wed 11:30am doors,, 6pm Mon Nov 29. 11:45am-12:45pm plated lunch, 1pm Bootlegger pre-show,
1:30pm curtain; for information, call 309-786-7733, ext. 2,
Workshops & Classes Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,
Midwest Writing Center Writer’s Studio, on the 1st &, thru Sat Aug 28.
3rd Saturday of the month (in November on the 18th); for 9 Parts of Desire, Heather Raffo’s theatrical documentary
information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 about the lives of contemporary Iraqi women, co-produced
E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA, http://www.midwestwrit- by Dreamwell Theatre and Iowa City Community Theatre; $8-, 11am thru Sat Dec 18. $12; Thu-Sat 8pm; for information, contact director Rachel
Genre Writing Workshop Series, on the 2nd & 4th Thurs- Howell at, Riverside Theatre Fes-
day of the month; for information, call 563-324-1410, Mid- tival Stage, Lower City Park, Iowa City, IA, http://www.dream-
west Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport, IA,, thru Sat Aug 28., thru Thu Dec 23. Remain True, a newly-adapted historical depiction of the
Writing Your Memoirs: We All Have an Interesting Life early life in the Amana Colonies, adapted by Thomas P. John-
Story to Tell, led by Ellen Tsagaris; topics include defining son & Meg Merckens; Wed, Thu, & Sat 1:30pm; $10; for tickets
a memoir, comparing and contrasting biography and auto- and information, call 319-622-3222 or email itac@southslope.
biography, epiphanies, using treasured objects as catalysts, net, Iowa Theatre Artists Company, 4709 220th Trail, Amana,
writing around a photo, using favorite recipes or patterns IA,, thru Sat Aug 28.
to tell stories, and more; $20-$25; for information, call 563- The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Tony-

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, winning musical comedy by composer William Finn, co-di-
Davenport, IA,, 1pm rected by Jason Platt and Tristan Tapscott; $18-$20; Thu-Sat
Sat Aug 28. 8pm, Sun 2pm; for information, call 563-449-6371, Harrison
A Novel Journey: From Concept to Editor’s Desk, reg- Hilltop Theatre, 1601 Harrison St, Davenport, IA, http://www.
ister by Aug. 31 for six-session workshop covering synopsis,, thru Sat Aug 28.
plot, dialogue, characters, conflict, and self-editing, with Wit, the Curtainbox Theatre Company’s production of
internationally-published authors Susan Coppula and Kim Margaret Edson’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama, directed by
Ostrom; at the close of the workshop, each participant will Philip William McKinley; $12-$20; Tue & Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun
have completed at least three chapters and an outline to 3pm; for tickets and information, call 563-322-8504 or e-mail
get them on track to complete their novel; course will meet, Village Theatre, 2113 E
on September 9 and 23, October 14 and 28, and November 11th St, Village of East Davenport, IA, http://thecurtainbox.
4 and 18; $150-$210; for information and to register, call com, thru Sun Aug 29.
563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Suite Red, White, & Tuna, comedy sequel to “Greater Tuna,” in
303, Davenport, IA,, the studio theatre; $15.50-$22.50; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Thu &
6:30pm Tue Aug 31. Sun 3pm; for tickets, call 319-622-6194 or 800-35AMANA,
Playwriting for Grown-Ups, 10-week course on Thurs- Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th Ave., Amana, IA, http://www.
days; presented by New Ground Theatre, led by Chris Jansen;, thru Sun Sep 5.
an introduction to playwriting, with exercises and class feed- Monty Python: We’re Not Done Yet, sketch-comedy she-
back on your work; $80; for information and to register, call nanigans with the Pearl City Players; Fri 7pm, Sat 6pm, Sun
563-326-7529 or e-mail Chris Jansen at cljansen@hotmail. brunch show 11:30am; $12-$22; to reserve, call Cindy at 263-
com, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Village of East Daven- 2271, The Rendezvous, 3127 Lucas St, Muscatine, IA, 7pm Fri
port, IA,, 5pm Thu Sep 9. Aug 20 thru Sun Aug 22.
Telling Your Story, 10-week course on Thursdays; pre- The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Tony-
sented by New Ground Theatre, led by Chris Jansen; learn to winning musical-comedy smash; $7.50-$15 & up; Fri & Sat
make your story accessible to everyone in the styles of fic- 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; for tickets and information, call 309-342-
tion, playwriting, and memoir; learn to self-publish on the 2299, Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL,
Internet; $80; for information and to register, call 563-326-, Fri Aug 20 thru Sun Aug 22.
The Bee’s Knees and Then Some!, a brand-new 1920’s-
7529 or e-mail Chris Jansen at, Village
com, Nighswander Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport, IA,
By Thom White, Thu Sep 16 thru Sun
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
Sep 26.

Mark Twain & the Laughing River, music, drama, com-
edy, and Taiwanian wit and wisdom, with Jim Post; $16-$20;
era music and comedy revue by the Iowa Theatre Artists Com- for tickets and information, call 563-242-6760, Clinton Area
pany; $10-$25; Fri 1:30 & 7:30pm, Sat 7:30pm, Sun 1:30pm; Showboat Theatre, Clinton, IA, http://www.clintonshowboat.
org, 7:30pm Fri Sep 17.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, at the Harrison Hilltop
for information and tickets, call 319-622-3222 or e-mail itac@, 4709 220th Trail, Amana, IA, Souvenir, New Ground Theatre production’s of Stephen, Fri Aug 20 thru Sun Aug 29. Temperley’s Florence Foster Jenkins biography, directed by
Theatre through August 28 A Night of Parodies!, featuring the one-act comedies Lora Adams; $12-$15; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; for tickets

“Star Tracks: The Exposition Menace” by David J. LeMaster, and information, call 563-326-7529, Village Theatre, 2113
and “Somewhere” by Adam J. Kuta; $7 at the door; Fri & Sat E 11th St, Village of East Davenport, IA,
he Harrison Hilltop Theatre’s The 25th is topped only by that of Marcy Park, sensibly 7pm; for information, call 309-788-5433, The Center for Liv-, Fri Sep 17 thru Sun Sep 26.
Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee played by Sara King, fresh off of her admirably ing Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock The Cemetery Club, Ivan
Island, IL, Menchall’s look at friendship, ro-
is both outrageously hilarious and disturbing turn as Van’s Sister in Harrison
poignantly touching. I laughed harder than Hilltop’s Dog Sees God. King effortlessly brags, Fri Aug 20 thru
Sat Aug 28. Theatre mance, and laughter among se-
niors; $10-$25; Fri & Sat 7:30pm,
Goldie & Little Red, fam- Comedies and Dramas Fri & Sun 1:30pm; for tickets and
I’ve laughed her way through ily comedy with the Show- information, call 319-622-3222 or
in a long time Park’s knowledge boat’s intern staff; $5; for August through November email, Iowa
tickets and information, call Theatre Artists Company, 4709
during Thursday’s and talents, and

563-242-6760, Clinton Area 220th Trail, Amana, IA, http://www.
opening-night earns extra points Showboat Theatre, Clinton, he area-theatre, Fri Sep 17
IA, http://www.clintonshow- thru Sun Oct 17.
performance, and for using a Skip-It, 12pm Sat Aug 21.
season of Strange Like Me: Racism,
I wasn’t alone while singing and Love Comes Softly, musi- autumnal comedies Sexism, and Homophobia, dra-
cal drama by Toby Waldows- and dramas opens ma lays bare the ugliness of hate
in offering up karate-chopping a ki; $8-$20; for tickets and in- by following six students as they
hearty guffaws, board. formation, call 563-652-9815, with Muscatine’s attempt to navigate the difficult
Ohnward Fine Arts Center, Pearl City Players terrain of multicultural campus
with the capacity James 1215 E Platt St., Maquoketa, relationships; free; for information,
crowd cackling Bleecker and IA, http://www.ohnward- delivering riotous contact Michael Dixon at 563-, 3pm Sun sketch-comedy antics 333-6264 or interculturallife@sau.
with delight Kelly Lohrenz Aug 22. edu, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101
in Monty Python:
throughout fall somewhere A Closer Walk with Pat- Gaines St., Davenport, IA, http://
sy Cline, musical revue on We’re Not Done Yet, 7pm Wed Sep 22.
the evening’s in-between the the famed country-western (running August White Pines Inn Dinner
entertainment. show’s character singer; Wed, Fri, & Sat 5:45pm Theater Day Trip: “Best Little
doors, 6-7pm buffet, 7:15pm 20 through 22), Stuart Little Chicken Ranch”, bus trip to Or-
Directors extremes as Chip Bootlegger pre-show, and closes with the egon, IL, to see musical comedy
(Clockwise from top left) Bryan Tank, Sara King, Kelly
Jason Platt and Tolentino and 7:45pm curtain; Sun 3:45pm
Curtainbox Theatre Company staging intense
about “the best pleasure palace
Lohrenz, David Turley, Liz Millea, and James Bleecker doors, 4-5 buffet, 5:15 Boot- around”; $65-$75; for informa-
Tristan Tapscott Olive Ostrovsky. legger pre-show, 5:45pm psychological warfare in Henrik Ibsen’s Hedda tion, call 563.386.7477 ext. 0, CASI
(Center for Active Seniors), 1035
keep the musical story of a fictional spelling bee It’s immediately apparent that Bleecker is in the curtain; Wed 11:30am doors,
11:45am-12:45pm plated Gabler (November 18 through December 5). W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA,
(and the oddball kids participating in it) flowing right role when he enters the stage in a Scout lunch, 1pm Bootlegger pre- Really, do you need any more evidence of this, 9am
show, 1:30pm curtain; for Thu Sep 23.
at a comfortable pace; it’s never slow, but never uniform – costume designer Michael Tallon’s information, call 309-786-
fall’s theatrical variety than that? Maybe not, Hansel and Gretel, a Theatre
so fast that the jokes fly by, forcing you to try to wardrobe for Chip perfectly suits Bleecker’s 7733, ext. 2, Circa ‘21 Dinner but I’m still happy to provide. There will be for Young Audiences presentation;
Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave., laughs in store – albeit really dark, Neil LaBute-y $7.50; for tickets, call 319-622-6194
catch up with them. And there are wisecracking boyish good looks – and the actor doesn’t fail Rock Island, IL, http://www. or 800-35AMANA, Old Creamery
one-liners aplenty, most of them delivered by Pat to live up to his introduction, managing to, Wed Sep 1 thru laughs – when the Richmond Hill Barn theatre Theatre, 39 38th Ave., Amana, IA,
Flaherty, who has a real gift for dry humor. His balance a child-like innocence while singing Sat Nov 6. presents the playwright’s acidic romance The, Sat
A Green River, staged Sep 25 thru Sat Oct 9.
Vice Principal Douglas Panch has, inarguably, the about a problematic effect of adolescence in “My reading of a new play by Aar- Shape of Things (October 7 through 17), and The Rocky Horror Show, let’s
on Randolph III; for informa- more of them when the Harrison Hilltop do the Time Warp again!; directed
show’s funniest lines, and Flaherty elicits raucous Unfortunate Erection (Chip’s Lament).” The tion, e-mail aaronthethird@ by Dave Mahl; $18-$20; Fri & Sat
laughter every time he helps define words for most innocent portrayal, however, is Lohrenz’s,, Studio Theatre
Theatre takes a comedic look at 600 years of 8pm & midnight; for informa-
- Galvin Fine Arts Center, St. national events in The Complete History of tion, call 563-449-6371, Harrison
the contestants by using them in sentences. who out-cutes everyone on stage. With a sunny Ambrose University, 2101 America (November 11 through 27). The area’s Hilltop Theatre, 1601 Harrison St,
While a lot of the credit goes to Rachel Sheinkin disposition, bright smile, and look of constant Gaines St., Davenport, IA, Davenport, IA, http://www.harri-
Thu Sep 9. newest theatrical organization, the Internet, Fri Oct 1 thru Sat
for writing those side-splitters – “atheist,” for hope in her eyes, Lohrenz won over the hearts of Church Basement La- Players, delivers an adventurous world premiere Oct 30.
example, is used in the sentence “Because she was many an audience member (including myself), dies, musical comedy about The Shape of Things, roman-
love, laughter, and Lutefisk; in The Tragedy of Sarah Klein (September tic drama by Neil LaBute, directed
an atheist, Suzy was not bothered by the other judging by the “aw-w-w-w”s that followed any $17.590-$26.50; Fri & Sat 16 through 26), while our classical-theatre by Chris White; $8-$10; Thu-Sat
kids chanting, ‘Go to Hell, Suzy’” – Flaherty’s affliction tossed her character’s way. While 7:30pm, Sun, Wed, & Thu
troupe the Prenzie Players offers its spin on
7:30pm, Sun 4pm; for tickets, call
3pm; for tickets, call 800-35- 309-944-2244, Barn Theatre in
deadpan delivery punctuates the lines with Lohrenz could project more on portions of her AMANA, Old Creamery The- an infrequently produced Shakespeare title in Richmond Hill Park, Geneseo, IL,
seriously gut-busting subtlety. songs, she shines whenever she belts, and also atre, 39 38th Ave., Amana,
Pericles (November 12 through 21). There will, Thu
IA, http://www.oldcreamery. Oct 7 thru Sun Oct 17.
Bryan Tank and David Turley are equally employs this adorably annoying little laugh a com, Thu Sep 9 thru Sun be presentations for both the young and the The Drowsy Chaperone, Tony-
funny as, respectively, the home-schooled, couple of times, letting you know this child may Oct 17. young-at-heart when Davenport Junior Theatre winning, show-within-a-show mu-
Hard to Believe, musical sical comedy, directed by Corinne
ADHD-suffering Leaf Coneybear and the be sweet, but she’s also weird. re-telling of the story of Job, tackles the family-friendly fun of The Adventures Johnson; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun
arrogant, germ-obsessed, grotesque William Tracy Pelzer-Timm presides over the Bee as by area playwrights Jonathan of Stuart Little (October 16 through 24), and 3pm; for tickets, call 563-333-
Turner and Tim Stoller; $10; 6251, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101
Barfee. (“It’s pronounced Bar-fay.”) Tank Rona Lisa Peretti – the number-one realtor in Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 3pm; when Moline’s Playcrafters Barn Theatre brings Gaines St., Davenport, IA, http://
maintains a wide-mouthed smile, with his tongue Putnam County and a former spelling-bee champ for information and tickets, a famed Robert Louis Stevenson title to life in, Fri
call 309-762-0330, Playcraft- Oct 8 thru Sun Oct 10.
often stuck out when he’s especially happy, – and is never better than when singing, with ers Barn Theatre, 4950 35th another adventure, Treasure Island (November A View from the Bridge,
and creates a lovable yet freakish child with an her sultry tones and impressive volume. She also Ave., Moline, IL, http://www. 12 through 21). And Davenport’s New Ground Dreamwell Theatre’s production
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010, Fri Sep 10 of Arthur Miller’s classic drama;

intense, absurdly amusing spelling technique has the honor of delivering the little biographical thru Sun Sep 19.
Theatre will stage two dramatic works over less $8-$12; Fri & Sat 7:30pm; for
involving a cape. Turley is just as lovable, despite tidbits on each of the contestants, including four The 25th Annual Put- than seven weeks, when the Village Theatre houses tickets and information, call 319-
nam County Spelling Bee, Tracy Letts’ Pulitzer Prize- and Tony Award- 541-0140, Unitarian Universalist
his character’s unlikable nature. (William randomly pulled from the audience, and gets Tony Award-winning musi- Society, 10 S Gilbert St, Iowa City,
cal comedy; $12-$25; Thu- winning hit August: Osage County (October 15 IA,, Fri
frequently wipes down his seat, his shoes, and laughs through her no-nonsense delivery. Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2:30pm; for through 24), and the musically themed two- Oct 8 thru Sat Oct 16.
the microphone with a tissue, but also picks his While I’ve observed groups of theatergoers tickets and information, call
character chamber drama Souvenir (September 16
Legally Blonde: The Musi-
319-366-8591, Theatre Cedar cal, the Tony-nominated musical
nose without the use of said tissue.) In portraying enjoy many shows over the summer, I haven’t Rapids, 102 3rd St SE, Cedar through 26). Be sure to save your program after based on the Reese Witherspoon
Barfee’s social ineptitude, Turley consistently seen one that enjoyed a production so thoroughly Rapids, IA, http://www.the-
the show, as it makes a really nice ... . Well, you comedy; for tickets, call 800-745-, Fri Sep 10 thru 3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd St.,
hunches his shoulders forward, maintaining and so thunderously as the audience for The 25th Sat Oct 2. know. – Mike Schulz Davenport, IA, http://www.adler-
an uncomfortably tense posture, and speaks Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Harrison [title of show], Tony-, 7:30pm Sat Oct 9.
nominated meta-musical 9 to 5: The Musical, Tony
in a deep but nasally voice that’s ingratiatingly Hilltop’s offering certainly split my sides, raising about two guys writing a musical; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; Award-nominated musical comedy, based on the 1980 mov-
entertaining. my expectations for the rest of the theatre’s season for tickets, call 319-338-7672, Riverside Theatre, 213 N. Gil- ie; Tue-Sat 7:30pm, Sat 2pm, Sun 1 & 6:30pm; for tickets, call
bert St., Iowa City, IA,, Fri 800-745-3000, Civic Center of Greater Des Moines, 221 Wal-
On the less weird end of the Spelling Bee scale, of plays and musicals. Sep 10 thru Sun Oct 3. nut St., Des Moines, IA,, Tue Oct
Liz Millea, as the politically aware Logainne ‘Til Death Do Us Part: Late Nite Catechism 3, one- 12 thru Sun Oct 17.
woman comedy that’s second-to-nun; $25-$30; for tickets August: Osage County, a New Ground Theatre produc-
SchwartzandGrubenierre, scrunches up the For tickets and information, call (563) 449-6371 or and information, call 563-652-9815, Ohnward Fine Arts Cen- tion of Tracy Letts’ Tony- and Pulitzer Prize-winning dramatic
bottom of her skirt while smiling charmingly and visit ter, 1215 E Platt St., Maquoketa, IA, http://www.ohnward- comedy, directed by Derek Bertelsen; $12-$15; Fri & Sat, 7pm Sat Sep 11. 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; for tickets and information, call 563-326-
speaking with a lisp. It’s all so endearing, as she The Tragedy of Sarah Klein, world-premiere drama by 7529, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Village of East Daven-
gaily spells and beautifully sings her way through Thom White covers entertainment news for Nathan Porteshawver, about a CEO candidate at a moral port, IA,, Fri Oct 15 thru
crossroads; $10-$15; Thu-Sat 7pm, Sun 2pm; for informa- Sun Oct 24.
the piece. And Logainne’s go-get-’em attitude WQAD Quad Cities News 8. tion, call 563-383-6089 or e-mail theinternetplayers@gmail. Nuts, mental-health courtroom drama, written by Tom
Topor; $12-$13; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; for tickets and Center of Greater Des Moines, 221 Walnut St., Des Moines, IA, days; presented by New Ground Theatre, led by Chris Jansen; sons available in swing, ballroom, hip-hop, Latin, tango, and
information, call 319-462-4793, Starlighters Theatre, 136 E., Tue Nov 23 thru Sun Jan 9. an introduction to playwriting, with exercises and class feed- more; for information, call 309-786-4800, A. Rhythmic Time

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Main St., Anamosa, Iowa,, Fri Oct Jack Frost Saves Christmas, holiday-themed family mu- back on your work; $80; for information and to register, call Dance Studio, 5447 3rd Ave. Unit B, Moline, IL, http://www.
15 thru Sun Oct 24. sical comedy; days and times vary; $18-$20; for tickets, call 563-326-7529 or e-mail Chris Jansen at cljansen@hotmail., thru Fri Dec 31.
Six Characters In Search of an Author, Luigi Pirandello’s 309-786-7733, extension 2, Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 com, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Village of East Daven- Learn to Dance the Arthur Murray Way, teaching dance
surreal comedy drama; $12-$25; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2:30pm; 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 12pm Fri port, IA,, 5pm Thu Sep 9. to the world for 97 years; first lesson free; mention this no-
for tickets and information, call 319-366-8591, Theatre Cedar Nov 26 thru Sun Dec 26. Acting for Film, 10-week course on Saturdays, for ages 8 tification and save up to 25%; for information, call 563-326-
Rapids, 102 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, http://www.theatrecr. The Tag Sale Project, Maggie Conroy comedy about five & up; presented by New Ground Theatre, led by Jessica Den- 4321, Arthur Murray Dance Studios, 221 1/2 Brady St, Daven-
org, Fri Oct 15 thru Sat Oct 30. Iowa City area friends; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; for tickets, ney; topics include acting, writing, and vocal technique for port, IA,, thru Fri Dec 31.
Spring Awakening, Tony-winning rock musical; $25-$59; call 319-338-7672, Riverside Theatre, 213 N. Gilbert St., Iowa film, commercials, and radio; $110; for information and to Zumba with Instructor Cindy Franks, on Tuesdays &
for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW City, IA,, Fri Nov 26 thru register, call 563-326-7529 or e-mail Chris Jansen at cljan- Thursdays; $6; for information, call 309-798-0279 or e-mail
Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL,, Sun Nov 28., Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Village, QC SoDa, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL,
8pm Sat Oct 16. White Christmas, stage musical based on the Irving Ber- of East Davenport, IA,,, 5:30pm thru Thu Dec 16.
The Adventures of Stuart Little, stage adventure with lin classic; $12-$25; Thu-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2:30pm; for tickets 11am Sat Sep 11. Ballroom Booster Class for Beginners, on the 1st and
E.B. White’s famed mouse; $5 for ages 3 & up; Sat 1 & 4pm, and information, call 319-366-8591, Theatre Cedar Rapids, Creative Drama, 10-week course on Saturdays, for ages 3rd Saturdays of the month; $5; for information, call 309-798-
Sun 2pm; for information, call 563-326-7862, Davenport Ju- 102 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA,, Fri 5-7; presented by New Ground Theatre, led by DeBor Bowers; 0279 or e-mail, QC SoDa, 1502 6th Ave.,
nior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www. Nov 26 thru Sat Dec 18. students create and perform a short original piece through Moline, IL,, 4pm thru Sat Dec 18., Sat Oct 16 thru Sun Oct 24. Mary Poppins, Tony Award-winning family musical, learning about drama, storytelling, and mime; $100; for in- Ballroom Dance, on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the
Fiddler on the Roof, beloved stage musical of Russian based on the beloved movie; Tue-Sat 7:30pm, Sat 2pm, Sun formation and to register, call 563-326-7529 or e-mail Chris month; with music provided by DJ Army; for information, call
traditions; $39-$61; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic 1 & 6:30pm; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Civic Center of Jansen at, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th 309-798-0279 or e-mail, QC SoDa, 1502
Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL, http://www.peoriac- Greater Des Moines, 221 Walnut St., Des Moines, IA, http:// St, Village of East Davenport, IA, http://www.newgroundthe- 6th Ave., Moline, IL,, 7pm thru Sat, 7:30pm Mon Oct 18 and Tue Oct 19., Fri Nov 26 thru Sun Dec 12., 10am Sat Sep 11. Dec 18.
Blithe Spirit, Noel Coward’s classic comedy; $17.50- Legally Blonde: The Musical, Tony-nominated musical Musical Theatre, 10-week course on Saturdays; pre- Ballroom Lessons, on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the
$26.50; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun, Wed, & Thu 3pm; for tickets, comedy based on the Reese Witherspoon movie; $39-$61; sented by New Ground Theatre, led by Bryan Tank; learn all month; for information, call 309-798-0279 or e-mail qcsoda@
call 319-622-6194 or 800-35AMANA, Old Creamery Theatre, for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW aspects of the genre, including vocal technique, creating a, QC SoDa, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www.
39 38th Ave., Amana, IA,, Thu Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL,, character, and movement; $100; for information and to reg-, 6:30pm thru Sat Dec 18.
Oct 21 thru Sun Nov 14. 7:30pm Tue Nov 30. ister, call 563-326-7529 or e-mail Chris Jansen at cljansen@ Salsa Dance, on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month;
I, Vampire, new performances with the professional, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Village of East with music provided by DJ Gunter; for information, call 309-
dancers of Ballet Quad Cities; Deanna Carter’s original bal- Auditions, Classes, & Calls For Entry Davenport, IA,, 1pm Sat 798-0279 or e-mail, QC SoDa, 1502 6th
let inspired by area author Michael Romkey’s novel about Curtainbox Theatre Company: Private Instruction, in- Sep 11. Ave., Moline, IL,, 10pm thru Sat Dec
the death and undead life of Chicago lawyer David Parker; dividual lessons and sessions available for student and adult Treasure Island, auditions for Ken Ludwig’s family adven- 18.
Fri & Sat 8pm, Sat 2pm; for information, call 309-786-3779, actors; for information, contact Kimberly Furness at 563- ture running Nov. 12-21, directed by Jennifer Kingry; for in- Variety Line Dancing Class, on Saturdays; with instructor
Capitol Theatre, 330 W. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http://www. 322-8504 or, Curtainbox Theatre & formation, call 309-762-0330, Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 Cindy Baker; for information, call 309-798-0279 or e-mail qc-, Fri Oct 22 and Sat Oct 23. Conservatory, 2850 Eastern Ave., Suite #200, Davenport, IA, 35th Ave., Moline, IL,, 7pm Sun, QC SoDa, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL, http://
A Walk in the Woods, Lee Blessing’s Tony-nominated, thru Fri Dec 31. Sep 12 thru Tue Sep 14., 11:30pm thru Sat Dec 18.
dramatic comedy about U.S. & Soviet arms relations in the Prenzie Players’ Verse/Audition Workshop, held in Performance Ensemble: From Empty Space to Script Swing Dance Lessons, on Tuesdays; for information, call
1980’s; $10-$25; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Fri & Sun 1:30pm; for tickets conjunction with auditions for the November production of to Performance, 10-week course on Mondays, for ages 9-12; 309-798-0279 or e-mail, QC SoDa, 1502
and information, call 319-622-3222 or email itac@southslope. “Pericles” by William Shakespeare; the workshop will examine presented by New Ground Theatre, led by Dan Haughey; par- 6th Ave., Moline, IL,, thru Tue Dec
net, Iowa Theatre Artists Company, 4709 220th Trail, Amana, selected text from “Pericles” and introduce a few tidbits on ticipants invent, write, and perform their own script, based 14.
IA,, Fri Oct 22 thru Sun how to successfully prepare for auditions; free; for informa- on the imaginations and personalities of those in class; de- Swing Dance with DJ Korah, $6; for information, call 309-
Oct 31. tion, e-mail, Harrison Hilltop velop and demonstrate imagination, stage discipline, empa- 798-0279 or e-mail, QC SoDa, 1502 6th
Boom, blind-date comedy by Peter Sinn Nachtrieb; Thu- Theatre, 1601 Harrison St, Davenport, IA, http://www.pren- thy, problem-solving, teamwork, creativity and a handful of Ave., Moline, IL,, 7:15pm thru Tue
Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; for tickets, call 319-338-7672, Riverside, 7pm Tue Aug 24. acting skills; $110; for information and to register, call 563- Dec 14.
Theatre, 213 N. Gilbert St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.riverside- “The Drowsy Chaperone” Audition Workshop, prepara- 326-7529 or e-mail Chris Jansen at Ballroom Dance Lessons, on Wednesdays; for informa-, Fri Oct 29 thru Sun Nov 21. tion for the Oct. 8-10 production of the Tony Award-winning or Haughey at, Village Theatre, tion, call 309-798-0279 or e-mail, QC
Plaid Tidings, holiday-themed sequel to beloved boy- musical comedy; free; for information, call Johnson at 563- 2113 E 11th St, Village of East Davenport, IA, http://www. SoDa, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL,,
band musical “Forever Plaid”; Wed, Fri, & Sat 5:45pm doors, 333-6427, Keith Haan at 563-333-6146, or Tyler Reinert at, 4pm Mon Sep 13. 6:30pm thru Wed Dec 15.
6-7pm buffet, 7:15pm Bootlegger pre-show, 7:45pm curtain; 712-299-2983, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 Gaines St., Dav- Theatre Talk, hosted by University of Iowa professor Miri- Ballroom Dance with DJ Gunter, on Wednesdays; $6; for
Sun 3:45pm doors, 4-5 buffet, 5:15 Bootlegger pre-show, enport, IA,, 6pm Thu Aug 26. am Gilbert, with invited guests; a discussion of the themes in information, call 309-798-0279 or e-mail,
5:45pm curtain; Wed 11:30am doors, 11:45am-12:45pm The Drowsy Chaperone, auditions for the Tony Award- the theatre’s forthcoming production of “Boom”; for informa- QC SoDa, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL,,
plated lunch, 1pm Bootlegger pre-show, 1:30pm curtain; ; for winning musical comedy, directed by Corinne Johnson, tion, call 319-338-7672, Riverside Theatre, 213 N. Gilbert St., 7:15pm thru Wed Dec 15.
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, Circa running Oct. 8 - 10; prepare to sing 16 bars from a song of Iowa City, IA,, Thu Oct 21. Swedish Folk Dance and Hambo Workshop/Crayfish
‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http:// your choosing, and bring sheet music; dress to move, with Party/Barn Dance, reserve by Aug. 21 for Aug. 28 event; a, 7:45pm Wed Nov 10 thru Fri Dec 31. dance shoes or sneakers recommended; theatre majors are day of Swedish history, dance, food, and music; 11am guided
The Complete History of America [abridged], featuring expected to perform a one-minute monologue, others are tour of historic Bishop Hill; 2-5:30pm with Roo Lester and
600 years of American history in 6,000 seconds; $16-$18; Thu- encouraged to do so; Fri 3pm, Sat 10am; for information, call Larry Harding presenting a Hambo and Swedish Folk Dance
Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm; for information, call 563-449-6371, Har- Johnson at 563-333-6427, Keith Haan at 563-333-6146, or workshop; 6pm Swedish Crayfish Party, a summertime Swed-
rison Hilltop Theatre, 1601 Harrison St, Davenport, IA, http:// Tyler Reinert at 712-299-2983, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 Performances ish smorgasbord, and coffee and Scandinavian dessert; 8pm, Thu Nov 11 thru Sat Nov 27. Gaines St., Davenport, IA,, Fri Ballet West II, residency featuring outdoor dance perfor- Barn Dance featuring live music by Mike Terry and Wild
Divergence, staged reading of Janet Schlapkohl’s play, Aug 27 and Sat Aug 28. mances; a Hancher Auditorium presentation; for tickets and Senna; $20-$25; to register, contact Patti at 309-375-6844
a winner in Dreamwell Theatre’s Writer’s Joust Original Play Pericles, auditions for Nov. 12-21 production of Shake- information, call 319-335-1160, Central Park Square, Main St. or, Vasa Order of America
Festival; for information, call 319-541-0140, Unitarian Uni- speare’s tale of romance, betrayal, and redemption, pro- & Burlington Ave., Fairfield, IA, http://www.hancher.uiowa. Archives, 109 S. Bishop Hill St., Bishop Hill, IL, 11am Sat Aug
versalist Society, 10 S Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA, http://www. duced by the Prenzie Players; be prepared to read from the edu, 6pm Fri Sep 17. 21., 7:30pm Fri Nov 12. script; monologues accepted, but not necessary; roles for Ballet West II, residency featuring outdoor dance perfor- Sunday Afternoon Social Dance w/ the Ken Paulsen
Pericles, a Prenzie Players production of Shakespeare’s men and women of all ages; Sat noon, Sun 6:30pm, Mon mances; a Hancher Auditorium presentation; for tickets and Quartet, $10; membership is not required; no smoking,
classic drama; 7:30pm doors, 8pm curtain; venue to be de- 6:30 callbacks; for information, e-mail director@prenzieplay- information, call 319-335-1160, Hancher Green, Riverside Dr. plenty of free parking, handicap accessible; for information,
termined; Fri & Sat 7:30pm doors, 8pm show; Nov. 14 1:30pm, Harrison Hilltop Theatre, 1601 Harrison St, Daven- & Park Rd., Iowa City, IA,, 6pm call 563-359-7177, Viking Club of Moline, 1450 41st Street,
doors, 2pm show; Nov. 21 7:30pm doors, 8pm show; for port, IA,, 12pm Sat Aug 28, Sat Sep 18. Moline, IL, 3pm Sun Aug 22.
information, e-mail, http://www. 6:30pm Sun Aug 29. Ballet West II, residency featuring outdoor dance perfor- Social Dancing, Listening, & Fellowship, with live music, 8pm Fri Nov 12 thru Sun Nov 21. Musical Theatre: Ages 11 & Up, 10-week course on mances; a Hancher Auditorium presentation; for tickets and by the John & Kay Retzl; $5 donation includes beverages and
Treasure Island, family adventure based on Robert Louis Tuesdays; presented by New Ground Theatre, led by Bryan information, call 319-335-1160, Shiloh Amphitheater, 100 treats; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Stevenson’s book, directed by Jennifer Kingry; $10; Fri & Sat Tank; work on solos, ensemble numbers, and all aspects of Shiloh Dr., Kalona, IA,, 6pm Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, 1pm
7:30pm, Sun 3pm; for information and tickets, call 309-762- the genre; $100; for information and to register, call 563-326- Sun Sep 19. Wed Aug 25.
0330, Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline, IL, 7529 or e-mail Chris Jansen at, Village Ballet West II, residency featuring outdoor dance perfor- Fall Dance Classes, register for 6-week classes for all, Fri Nov 12 thru Sun Nov 21. Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Village of East Davenport, IA, http:// mances; a Hancher Auditorium presentation; for tickets and ages; $52.50; for information, call 309-794-1410, Sunshine’s
Harrison VFD, musical comedy about a volunteer fire, 4pm Tue Sep 7. information, call 319-335-1160, Riverfront Park - Downtown Performing Arts Studio and Resale Store, 1303 30th St., Rock
department; $10-$25; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Fri & Sun 1:30pm; Musical Theatre: Ages 7 - 10, 10-week course on Tues- Muscatine, Muscatine, IA,, Island, IL, Mon Aug 30.
for tickets and information, call 319-622-3222 or email itac@ days; presented by New Ground Theatre, led by Bryan Tank; 6pm Wed Sep 22. Social Dancing, Listening & Fellowship, with music by, Iowa Theatre Artists Company, 4709 220th for beginners who wish to learn the basics; $100; for informa- Bayanihan Philippine National Dance Company, lively the Freddie Steenbock Duo; $3-$5 includes beverage and
Trail, Amana, IA,, Fri Nov tion and to register, call 563-326-7529 or e-mail Chris Jansen dancing and astounding feats are accented by an extrava- treats; for information, call 386-7477, CASI (Center for Active
12 thru Sun Nov 28. at, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Vil- gant array of fabrics, headdresses, and ornaments; a Hancher Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www.
The Night I Kissed Osama Bin Laden: A 9/11 Comedy, lage of East Davenport, IA, http://www.newgroundtheatre. Auditorium presentation; for tickets and information, call, 1pm Wed Sep 1.
staged reading of Joe Jennison’s play, a winner in Dreamwell org, 5pm Tue Sep 7. 319-335-1160, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa Social Dancing, Listening & Fellowship, with music by

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Theatre’s Writer’s Joust Original Play Festival; for information, Acting Ensemble, 10-week course on Wednesdays, for City, IA,, 7:30pm Thu Oct 14. John & Kay Retzl; $3-$5 includes beverage and treats; for
call 319-541-0140, Unitarian Universalist Society, 10 S Gilbert ages 9 & up; presented by New Ground Theatre, led by DeBor I, Vampire, new performances with the professional information, call 386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
St, Iowa City, IA,, 7:30pm Sat Nov Bowers; class involves age-related mime and acting & improv dancers of Ballet Quad Cities; Deanna Carter’s original bal- 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www.casise-
13. activities, with exposure to some theatre intro and history; let inspired by area author Michael Romkey’s novel about, 1pm Wed Sep 8.
Plaid Tidings, holiday sequel with the boys from “Forever $100; for information and to register, call 563-326-7529 or e- the death and undead life of Chicago lawyer David Parker; Dancing with the Stars, come dressed as your favorite
Plaid”; $17.50-$26.50; Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun, Wed, & Thu 3pm; mail Chris Jansen at, Village Theatre, Fri & Sat 8pm, Sat 2pm; for information, call 309-786-3779, movie or TV star and dance the night away; featuring perfor-
for tickets, call 319-622-6194 or 800-35AMANA, Old Cream- 2113 E 11th St, Village of East Davenport, IA, http://www. Capitol Theatre, 330 W. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http://www. mances by the A. Rhythmic Time dance studio, music produc-
ery Theatre, 39 38th Ave., Amana, IA, http://www.oldcream-, 5pm Wed Sep 8., Fri Oct 22 and Sat Oct 23. tion by DJ Rick Thames, prizes awarded for best cotume and, Thu Nov 18 thru Sun Dec 19. Stage Combat & Juggling, 10-week course on Wednes- Radio City Christmas Spectacular Starring the Rock- dance performance, dinner menu items available at 6pm,
Hedda Gabler, the Curtainbox Theatre Company’s pro- days, for ages 9-12; led by Dan Haughey, presented by New ettes, lavish holiday production starring the legendary danc- a full-service cash bar, and more; for information, call 309-
duction of Henrik Ibsen’s classic drama; $10-$15; Thu-Sat & Ground Theatre; develop discipline, teamwork, timing, trust, ers; $47.25-$92.75; at 4 & 7pm; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, 949-2565 or e-mail, Lavender Crest
Tue 7:30pm, Sun 3pm; for tickets and information, call 563- stage safety, acting skills, focus, creativity, and creative con- U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA, http:// Winery, 5401 US Highway 6, Colona, IL, http://www.lavender-
322-8504 or e-mail, Village trols; $110; for information and to register, call 563-326-7529, Thu Nov 18., 7pm Fri Sep 10.
Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Village of East Davenport, IA, http:// or e-mail Chris Jansen at or Haughey Social Dancing, Listening & Fellowship, with music by, 7:30pm Thu Nov 18 thru Sun Dec 5. the Freddie Steenbock Duo; $3-$5 includes beverage and
Innocence, staged reading of Tom Deiker’s play, a winner
at, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th Classes, & Ongoing Events treats; for information, call 386-7477, CASI (Center for Active
St, Village of East Davenport, IA, http://www.newgroundthe- A. Rhythmic Time Social Dance, Thursdays at 8pm; with
in Dreamwell Theatre’s Writer’s Joust Original Play Festival;, 4pm Wed Sep 8. Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www.
for information, call 319-541-0140, Unitarian Universalist the dance studio students; for information, call 309-786-4800,, 1pm Wed Sep 15.
Improv for the Young Actor, 10-week course on Thurs- A. Rhythmic Time Dance Studio, 5447 3rd Ave. Unit B, Moline,
Society, 10 S Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA, http://www.dreamwell. days, for ages 9-12; presented by New Ground Theatre, led by Up with Families Dance, fundraising dance featuring
com, 7:30pm Fri Nov 19 and Sat Nov 20. IL,, thru Thu Dec 30. music by Pulse-Ox, food, children’s games, raffles, a silent
Dan Haughey; develop imagination, teamwork, and empa- Salsa Dance Lessons, Thursdays at 6:30pm; for informa-
Monty Python’s Spamalot, Tony-winning musical com- thy, as they exercise their “acting muscles” of mind and spirit, auction, and more; $2-$5; for information, call 563-322-8571,
edy; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd tion, call 309-798-0279 or e-mail, QC Starlite Ballroom, Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, 2815 W.
to build confidence, concentration, relaxation and poise; SoDa, 1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL,,
St., Davenport, IA,, 7pm Sun $100; for information and to register, call 563-326-7529 or Locust St., Davenport, IA, http://www.upwithfamiliesdaven-
Nov 21. thru Thu Dec 16., 6pm Sat Sep 18.
e-mail Chris Jansen at or Haughey at Salsa Dance with DJ Gunter, $6; for information, call
Triple Espresso: A Highly Caffeinated Comedy, the re-, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Polka Club of Iowa, Inc. - Eastern Chapter Dance, with
turn of Iowa’s longest-running show, a vaudevillian comedy 309-798-0279 or e-mail, QC SoDa, 1502 music by the Mike McIntyre Band; $8; for information, call
Village of East Davenport, IA, http://www.newgroundtheatre. 6th Ave., Moline, IL,, 7:15pm thru
with music, illusion, and monkey business; times and ticket org, 4pm Thu Sep 9. 563-285-5989, Walcott Coliseum, 116 E Bryant St, Walcott, IA,
prices to be announced; for tickets, call 800-743-8000, Civic Thu Dec 16. 1:30pm Sun Sep 19.
Playwriting for Grown-Ups, 10-week course on Thurs- A. Rhythmic Time Dance Lessons, private and group les- 19
by Jeff Ignatius
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Sean O’Harrow’s Exit Interview

Figge Executive Director Accepts University of Iowa Museum Position

n Sean O’Harrow’s telling, the Figge Art “As a museum director, you get phone calls It is probably the most famous building in Plus: “We needed to wait for this
Museum is gaining an ally as much as it’s all the time,” he said. “I wasn’t tempted at all.” the Quad Cities now, perhaps.” [recession] to subside ... . Wealthy people had
losing an executive director. O’Harrow was vague about why he • “I’m proud to have steered this lost so much of their wealth that really no one
It was announced last week that O’Harrow was tempted this time, but he gives the institution through the recession which has was in any position to give significantly.”
has accepted the directorship of the impression that he’s the type of person who totally battered and in some cases destroyed He said that in 2008, the plan was to start
University of Iowa Museum of Art (UIMA), needs new challenges. (The University of other art museums in the country,” O’Harrow a quiet fundraising campaign that year. Now,
at which he’ll start on November 15. A Iowa job will reportedly pay O’Harrow said. “We have not only remained stable but he said, the Figge is again preparing for that
national search for O’Harrow’s replacement $190,000 a year. He admits he’ll be getting a walked out in as good a [financial] shape “silent” phase.
is expected to take at least four months. pay boost but said it will likely be eaten up if not better than when it started. We now “The case is much stronger now than it was
“It is my faith in this region that is keeping by a higher cost of living. He declined to say offer significantly more.” He said the Figge then,” he said. “Before, it was a museum that
me here,” O’Harrow said in an interview how much he makes at the Figge.) trimmed its operational budget to make ends wasn’t firing on all cylinders. The ask would
Friday. “I think there’s a lot that eastern Iowa O’Harrow didn’t accomplish all his meet but has had a balanced budget each have been, ‘Look what this could become.’”
can achieve. There are a lot of great museums articulated goals at the Figge – especially year. “We managed to weather the recession Now the Figge can point to what it is.
and great cultural offerings which I think building the museum’s endowment – and smelling like roses,” he said. “Every one of Koupal said O’Harrow has been successful
need to be better promoted, to a certain he said that he would have liked more time my colleague institutions has suffered.” at making the Figge “an art museum for the
extent organized, maybe coordinated.” at the museum: “Perhaps if this came a little whole community and the whole region.”
And he said that after three years as later, it would have made a little more sense, O’Harrow said that the Figge has had to
executive director, he’s leaving the Figge in but the timing is what it is.”
Making a Stronger Case create a “new model which is not necessarily
good shape. “It’s a very stable institution Overall, though, he talks like somebody That’s undoubtedly a significant seen in other cities. ... The model that we’re
right now, and it’s offering some very high- satisfied with what he checked off his accomplishment, but it’s also important pursuing is entirely new. ... It wasn’t like I
quality programs,” O’Harrow said. “And if I to-do list. When I asked him to list five to note that O’Harrow fell short of his was going to be able to learn from other
can help the UIMA, I think that would be a accomplishments that define his tenure, he goals related to the Figge’s reserves and places how to do it.” He described the model
very powerful pairing ... . It was important offered them with barely a pause. Critically, endowment. This is particularly crucial as “using partnerships to not only broaden
for me to offer my services.” they’re interrelated, all working toward the because O’Harrow has from the outset cast your capability but strengthen your offerings,
O’Harrow has already proved that he long-term health of the institution. an endowment as a way for the Figge to offer deepen your offerings.”
believes in partnerships, especially between O’Harrow listed the accomplishments in more to the community without having to He agreed with the assertion that the
the University of Iowa and the Figge. As he no particular order, he stressed. charge for it. Included in this was the goal of Figge’s collection by itself isn’t enough to
put it in an understated way: “It is obvious to • “The art in the building is a much higher free admission. sustain the museum: “In the sense that the
a lot of people that the University of Iowa’s order,” he said. The permanent galleries “With a $50-million endowment, the collection perhaps was less appropriate
art is in this building.” have been reorganized so that visitors enter institution would be able to do things for the for what the institution needs to do in the
After the flood of 2008 in Iowa City in the 20th Century and explore in a more community that it wouldn’t have to worry community. That’s because the collection is
– which forced the University of Iowa organized fashion. about paying for,” he told me in early 2008. very old.”
to remove the artwork from its museum • “We’ve built some pretty important “I would see an endowment of between $20 Beyond expanding the collection through
– O’Harrow offered the Figge for storage of partnerships,” he said, citing those with both [million] and $50 million as a way of buying partnerships and collaborations, the Figge
its 12,000 works of art. That facilitated the the University of Iowa and Western Illinois freedom for the institution to serve the has also become more education-oriented,
2009 Figge exhibit A Legacy for Iowa, which University, some of whose works will be on community.” O’Harrow said. That includes changing the
included many of the UIMA’s most-famous display soon. The Figge also hosted the first He also said: “We have to get the way the museum approaches schools. In
works – including Jackson Pollock’s seminal public exhibit of works from the Deere & endowment to $20 million in the next three the past, he said, the Davenport Museum of
Mural. Company corporate collection. “It covers years.” Art and the Figge “were sending out people
As the next UIMA director, O’Harrow will areas that we’ve never completely covered, In an interview in early 2009, he reiterated teaching art. [Now] we’re sending out people
be charged with building a new art museum like South America and eastern Europe the importance of a $20-million endowment, teaching other subjects using art. Art is not
to replace the flooded one. O’Harrow in that and Japan,” O’Harrow said of Deere. “That and said that was still feasible by 2011. an end; it’s a means to an end.”
process will have an impact on the Figge, as relationship can develop further as well.” But as he prepares to leave, the endowment For example, a visiting instructor might
the UIMA size and structure will determine • O’Harrow said he’s helped raise the and reserves stand at roughly the same $5 teach about the Holocaust (or social studies
whether the Figge’s housing of University local, national, and international profile of million that they were when he started. or science) through art. This is necessary, he
of Iowa art is a short- or longer-term the museum, through its assistance with O’Harrow joked that the Figge was said, because schools today prioritize core
arrangement. the University of Iowa flood recovery and fortunate not to have had a large endowment, subjects, often at the expense of secondary
But given his record at the Figge, it’s a the Deere collection. He also cited a 2008 given what the recession did to investments. areas such as art. “Teaching art in a school
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

good bet that O’Harrow will continue to exhibit that represented the U.S. premiere But he added that the recession made system that doesn’t value art as much is
strengthen the relationship between the two of tapestries by Henry Moore. Figge board significant fundraising impossible, and not a great program,” O’Harrow said. “But
museums. member and U.S. Bank Regional President that the museum needed to lay operational teaching subjects that they do value using
“We’ve been discussing things with the Ken Koupal said O’Harrow helped “put the and mission groundwork prior to a capital art is to me what art is all about. It’s a way of
University of Iowa since 2008,” O’Harrow Figge on the map.” campaign. communicating with people.”
said. “And so I’ve had discussions with • “We’ve done very well in integrating “When I started the job, I thought that And that reflects his philosophy on the
them about all sorts of ways we can help the mission of the museum into the larger raising money would be the most important role of the Figge overall: “It isn’t an art
and combine efforts and save money ... .” development plan of the Quad Cities,” aspect of the position,” he explained. “And museum and it isn’t art for art’s sake, or
Later in our interview, he summarized: “I’m O’Harrow said. This was done, in part, by it was and still is. But what occurred to me an art museum’s sake. It is an art museum
offended at duplication and redundancy and convincing economic-development leaders fairly quickly was that the institution needed as a way of developing our community, a
overspending in certain areas.” in the Quad Cities that arts and culture are to be accepted in the community better, the way of educating our community, ... a way
essential to attracting visitors and residents mission had to be better integrated in the of communicating ideas. When people see
culture in that way, they appreciate it.”
Interrelated to an area. “You can’t build an institution like
this and walk away from it,” he said. “It exists
needs of the Quad Cities ... , and the role that
it played in the development of the Quad
Accomplishments for a reason that is greater than just showing Cities had to be better defined. ... I realized For a 2008 profile of O’Harrow, visit
O’Harrow said he wasn’t looking for a art.” Specifically, he said, the Figge is “an that in order to raise ... sufficient amounts of For a 2009
new job when the University of Iowa search essential part of RiverVision. ... It [the five- money, I would need to sort those things out interview, visit
20 committee approached him. year-old Figge building] has become iconic. first.”
Volunteers Sought for Floatzilla, Want to help support a 1pm; local vendors with a variety of items in the circle drive Lynne Carver at 563-355-4640, Heritage Wesleyan Church,
Guinness World Record breaking attempt? Floatzilla is a kay- and parking lot; free; if you are interested in becoming a ven- 4801 44th St., Rock Island, IL, Thu Aug 19 thru Sat Aug 21.

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

ak & canoe festival that caps off with a large interconnected dor, call Megan at 309-794-0991 x 25 or email edu@qcgar- Friday Martini Madness, a featured martini and appe-
flotilla on Rock Island’s Lake Potter. You can be a part of QC, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock tizer for $6.95 each; today - the Bartender’s Choice with Es-
history by volunteering!, River Action, 822 E. River Dr., Daven- Island, IL,, thru Sun Oct 31. cargot; for information, call 309-762-4700, Bass Street Chop
Social Dancing, Listening, & Fellowship, with live music port, IA,, thru Sat Aug 21. Bible Prophecy, weekly fellowship on Saturdays at 2pm; House, 1601 River Dr, Moline, IL, Fri Aug 20.
by the John & Kay Retzl; $5 donation includes beverages and Volunteers Sought for Upper Mississippi River Confer- for information, e-mail, One Library, Golden Tones Concert & Ice Cream Social, $2-$3; for in-
treats; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for ence, The 3rd Annual Upper Mississippi River Conference will 230 W. 3rd Street, Davenport, IA, thru Sat Dec 25. formation, call 563-386-7477, ext. 0, CASI (Center for Active
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, 1pm feature speakers from throughout the U.S. giving presenta- Women’s Bible Study, weekly fellowship on Mondays at Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www.
Wed Sep 22. tions on issues related to natural resources, riverfront devel- 7pm; for information, e-mail, One, 6:30pm Fri Aug 20.
QC SoDa Autumn Dance, for information, call 309-798- opment, and river recreation. Be a part of the excitement as Library, 230 W. 3rd Street, Davenport, IA, thru Mon Dec 27. Habitat ReStore Volunteer Orientation, get a tour of
0279 or e-mail, QC SoDa, 1502 6th Ave., professionals from the region discuss the future of the Upper Zoroasterian Praises, weekly fellowship on Mondays at the building and an orientation to see how everything works;
Moline, IL,, 7pm Fri Sep 24. Mississippi River., River Action, 822 E. River Dr., Davenport, IA, 2pm; for information, e-mail, One for information, e-mail or call 563-391-
Social Dancing, Listening & Fellowship, with music by, thru Fri Aug 27. Library, 230 W. 3rd Street, Davenport, IA, thru Mon Dec 27. 4949, Habitat ReStore, 3629 Mississippi Avenue, Davenport,
the Freddie Steenbock Duo; $3-$5 includes beverage and School-Supply Donations Sought for Anne’s Helping Quran Recital, weekly fellowship on Tuesdays at 2pm; for IA,, 9am Fri Aug 20.
treats; for information, call 386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Hands, All supplies must be new and unused. Drop off dona- information, e-mail, One Library, Wine Tasting, sample 8-10 wines with complimentary
Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www. tions at the library during normal business hours. For more 230 W. 3rd Street, Davenport, IA, thru Tue Dec 28. hors d’ouerves; $15; for information and to reserve, call 309-, 1pm Wed Sep 29. information, please call the library at 309-523-3440, River Torah Recital, weekly fellowship on Tuesdays at 10am; for 762-4700, Bass Street Chop House, 1601 River Dr, Moline, IL,
Social Dancing, Listening & Fellowship, with music by Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://www. information, e-mail, One Library, 6pm Fri Aug 20.
the Freddie Steenbock Duo; $3-$5 includes beverage and, thru Tue Aug 31. 230 W. 3rd Street, Davenport, IA, thru Tue Dec 28. Rummage and Bake Sale for Haiti Mission Support,
treats; for information, call, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Lock & Dam #15 Tours, Saturdays & Sundays at 11am & Davenport Farmers’ Market, opens Saturdays at 8am & Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 415 W 53rd St, Davenport,
1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www.casise- 2pm; a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers park ranger leads you Tuesdays at 3pm; open all year, indoors and out, Davenport IA,, 9am Fri Aug 20 and, 1pm Wed Oct 6. back into history and teaches you about the present; free; Farmers’ Market, 421 West River Drive, Davenport, IA, http:// Sat Aug 21.
Polka Club of Iowa, Inc. - Eastern Chapter Dance, with for information and to register, call 309-794-5338, Mississippi, thru Tue Dec 28. RiverWay 2010, activities and events along and in the
music by Barefoot Becky and the Ivanhoe Dutchmen; $8; for River Visitor Center, Arsenal Island, Davenport, IA, thru Sun Buddha Meditation, weekly fellowship on Wednesdays Mississippi; for information, call 563-322-2969, River Action,
information, call 563-285-5989, Walcott Coliseum, 116 E Bry- Sep 5. at 3pm; for information, e-mail, One 822 E. River Dr., Davenport, IA,,
ant St, Walcott, IA, 1:30pm Sun Oct 17. Ranger-Guided Walks, offered at 11am and 2pm; for Library, 230 W. 3rd Street, Davenport, IA, thru Wed Dec 29. Fri Aug 20 thru Sun Aug 22.
Social Dancing, Listening & Fellowship, with music by information, call 563-873-3491, Effigy Mounds National Tao Application, weekly fellowship on Wednesdays at Discover the Pinta and the Nina, replicas’ of Columbus
the Freddie Steenbock Duo; $3-$5 includes beverage and Monument, 151 Hwy 76, Harpers Ferry, IA, http://www.nps. 7pm; for information, e-mail, One famed ships will be docked until the morning of Aug. 30; the
treats; for information, call 386-7477, CASI (Center for Active gov/efmo, thru Mon Sep 6. Library, 230 W. 3rd Street, Davenport, IA, thru Wed Dec 29. Pinta is available for private parties while in port; $5-$7 for
Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, http://www. Farmer’s Market at Palmer College, opens Thursdays at Krsna Adoration, weekly fellowship on Fridays at 8pm; self-guided tours, no reservations necessary; for information,, 1pm Wed Oct 20. 3pm; locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables each Thursday for information, e-mail, One Library, call 787-672-2152, Oneida Landing, River Dr, Davenport, IA,
Costumed Dance Party with QC SoDa, for information, at the top of Brady St.; for information, call 563-884-5726 or 230 W. 3rd Street, Davenport, IA, thru Fri Dec 31., 9am Fri Aug 20 thru Sun Aug 29.
call 309-798-0279 or e-mail, QC SoDa, e-mail, Palmer College, 1000 Brady Shiva Meditation, weekly fellowship on Fridays at 7pm; 3rd Friday Dinner, $7; featuring Grilled Ham Steak; for
1502 6th Ave., Moline, IL,, 7pm Sat St., Davenport, IA,, thru Thu Sep 30. for information, e-mail, One Library, information, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, 2902 State
Oct 30. Main Street Farmers Market, open Thursdays at 2pm; 230 W. 3rd Street, Davenport, IA, thru Fri Dec 31. St, Bettendorf, IA,,
Sunday Afternoon Halloween Dance w/ the Ken located in the 700 block of 15th Avenue; vendors selling VFW Post 9128 Friday Night Dinner, Fridays at 5:30pm; 5:30pm Fri Aug 20.
Paulsen Quartet, $10; membership not required; no smok- produce, plants, art, and more; for information, contact Kara steaks, fish, burgers, and other dinners served, starting at Floatzilla, an attempt to break the Guinness World Record
ing, plenty of free parking, handicap accessible; costumes Fedje at, Downtown East Moline, East Mo- $5.99 & up; whole catfish $6 on the 2nd Fr. of the month; for the largest canoe and kayak raft; participants will have to
optional; for information, call 563-359-7177; for information, line, IL, thru Thu Sep 30. ham steak $7 on the 3rd Fri. of the month; for information, link hands, paddles, or hold on to adjacent boats to create
e-mail, Viking Club of Moline, 1450 Trinity Farmers’ Market, opens Mondays at 3pm; fresh call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, 2902 State St, Bettendorf, and maintain a single interconnected raft for 30 seconds; the
41st Street, Moline, IL, 3pm Sun Oct 31. produce, plants, homemade pies, meats, jellies, and jams, IA, thru Fri Dec 31. current record of 1,104 boats was set on Fourth Lake, Inlet,
Polka Club of Iowa, Inc. - Eastern Chapter Dance, with Trinity Bettendorf, 4500 Utica Ridge Road, Bettendorf, IA, Senior Day: Vintage Voices, local actors’ group performs New York on September 13, 2008; hosted by River Action
music by the Goodtime Dutchmen; $8; for information, call, thru Mon Oct 25. two radio scripts from the 30s - 50s; refreshments provided; Inc.; $10-$20 registration; for information, call 563-322-2969,
563-285-5989, Walcott Coliseum, 116 E Bryant St, Walcott, IA, Milan’s Homegrown Farmer’s Market on the Square, for information, call 563-344-4187, Bettendorf Public Library, Sunset Marina, Rock Island, IL,, 2pm
1:30pm Sun Nov 14. opens Wednesdays at 2:30pm; dozens of local producers sell- 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.betten- Sat Aug 21.
Sunday Afternoon Holiday Dance w/ the Ken Paulsen ing homegrown fruits, vegetables, plants, and baked goods,, 1:30pm Thu Aug 19. German-Wends Cultural Festival, a full day of Wendish
Quartet, $10; membership not required; for information, e- and local artisans with a wide variety of handmade crafts; for Antique Automobile Club of America Central Fall Di- cultural demonstrations, music, dancing, and more, and ex-
mail, Viking Club of Moline, 1450 41st information, call 309-756-9978, Rock Island County Exten- vision Meet, on the commons, in celebration of the Missis- plore the museum’s 4,000 square feet of exhibits; $3-$5; for
Street, Moline, IL, 3pm Sun Nov 28. sion, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, http://www.extension.uiuc. sippi Valley Region of the Antique Car Automobile Club of information, call 563-322-8844, German American Heritage
edu/rockisland, thru Wed Oct 27. America’s 50th anniversary; with hundreds of antique auto- Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA,,
Trinity Farmers’ Market, opens Saturdays at 8am; fresh mobiles on display for judging; free; for information, contact 10am Sat Aug 21.
produce, plants, homemade pies, meats, jellies, and jams, Jack Kirik at 309-791-1320 or, Downtown River Roots Live “River Ride”, 2nd-annual fundraiser for
Trinity Moline, 500 John Deere Road, Moline, IL, http://www. Moline, Moline, IL,, 8am Thu Aug, thru Sat Oct 30. 19 thru Sat Aug 21.
Quad City Botanical Center Market, opens Sundays at Conference of Human Trafficking, for information, call Continued On Page 25

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

What’s Happenin’
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Movie Event
Answers: 1 – D, 2 – E, 3 – C, 4 – F, 5 – B, 6 – A. If Smith:
you answered
A Day at the anything
Park with thebut forbelov
“A”” the
Wizard, tha
record-breaking former shortstop for the St. Louis C
will deliver a 5 p.m. presentation on his personal and
The River Is Life Ozzie Smith: A Day at the Park with the Wizard professional accomplishments, borrowing on (as fits
Veterans Memorial Park Modern Woodmen Park nickname) themes of intelligence, heart, and courag
Sunday, August 22 attributes that Smith has embodied on the field and
Saturday, August 28, 8 p.m. was not only inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fam
also 1992’s St. Louis Man of the Year, the 1995 recip

I n describing his documentary

adventure The River Is Life – in which
two intrepid buddies kayak 2,300 miles
A bona fide living legend
kicks off the Eastern
Iowa Community College
humanitarian prize the Roberto Clemente Award, a
2001 recipient of the community-leader accolade th
Payton Sweetness Award.
down the Mississippi River – filmmaker District’s Distinguished Try your hand at this by-the-numbers Ozzie Smi
Phillip Hullquist says that the movie Speakers Series for 2010-11, matching the blank with the appropriate number:
follows him and fellow traveler Ryan when baseball great Ozzie
Jeanes “from black bears in the north “The Wizard” Smith takes the 1) Smith finished his baseball career with ___ hit
to gators in the south.” He also says that stage – or rather, home plate 2) Smith is the all-time assist leader at shortstop,
his films “tend to be about things people – at Davenport’s Modern assists.
would love to do, but are letting some month journey in which Hullquist and Woodmen Park on August 3) Smith is the all-time leader at turning double p
reason, real or imaginary, hold them Jeanes contended with such obstacles 22. ___.
back.” as waterfalls, rapids, boat wakes, In an event titled “Ozzie 4) Number of at-bats during Smith’s career: ___.
For my part, black bears and gators are unpredictable weather changes, and the
aforementioned bears and gators – with

exactly the reasons I’d never kayak down
the Mississippi, but Hullquist is clearly little protection from the elements and now ruined it for the rest
made of stronger stuff than I. wildlife. As The River Is Life’s press of you.
This point will no doubt be evident on materials state, the men were armed only Fear not, though; I’m
August 28, when Hullquist and Jeanes with “a high-definition video camera, two River City Beer Festiv-ale guessing we’ll all still
bring The River Is Life to Bettendorf ’s paddles, two inflatable kayaks, and their Rock Island Brewing Company get plenty of bang for
Veterans Memorial Park for a special wits. Or lack thereof.” Saturday, August 28, 2-6 p.m. our bucks. With dozens
presentation of their latest travelogue. Yet the film also promises to be an upon dozens of specialty

The 14th stop on a 42-city tour – with inspiring and moving testament to n August 28, the Rock Island Brewing beers, ales, and malt
a screening in Moline’s Riverside Park American can-do spirit, and a frequently Company will host a craft-beer- and beverages to choose
scheduled for September 10 – the outdoor amusing one, as well. “You’ll meet quite micro-brew-tasting event called the River from, the outdoor River
event will also feature an introduction a funny cast of characters in this movie,” City Beer Festiv-ale, and during a recent City Beer Festiv-ale
by and post-show discussion with the says Hullquist, “from an over-size conversation, RIBCO bar manager Ryan McKee – the first public tasting
travelers, whose previous cinematic Kentuckian sporting his duck call to a explains why attendees will be issued drink event RIBCO has hosted
collaboration involved the pair trekking racy Minnesota woman threatening to tickets as opposed to paying for an all-you-can- – will feature unique
cross-country in 2009’s The Hitchhiking kill us in our sleep.” Wow. I had no idea imbibe afternoon. “At the end of the day,” he beverages from such
Movie. my Aunt Ruth was even in a movie. says, “I wanted people to think about what they breweries as the Bent
Their 2010 outing, however, finds Veterans Memorial Park is located were sampling, and not just run from tent to River Brewing Company,
the duo taking a more vertical look at 1645 23rd Street, and more tent saying, ‘Fill me up! Fill me up!’” Clearly, he’s Rogue, New Holland
at the American landscape. The 90- information on the movie is available at seen me at tastings in the past. I apologize if I’ve Brewing, Unibroue, Bell’s,
minute film traces a three-and-a-half- and
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

by Mike Schulz

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

at last one,
ved, I’m guessing
5) Number yousteals:
of career don’t a lot of baseball.
6) Number on Smith’s St. Louis Cardinals jersey: ___.
Event What Else
s his
ge. They’re
A) 1
B) 580 Floatzilla Challenge and Is Happenin’
d off, as he C) 1,590 Quad Cities Paddlesports MUSIC
me, but was D) 2,460
pient of the E) 8,375 Festival Friday, August 20 – Scorpions.
and the F) 9,396 Sunset Marina German rockers on their “Get Your Sting
he Walter Saturday, August 21 & Blackout” world tour, performing with
Events at “Ozzie Smith: A Day at the Park with the Wizard” heavy-metal openers Dokken. i wireless

ith quiz, will also include children’s activities and a 2:30 p.m. youth -R-R-A-A-A-A-A-A-R-R- Center (1201 River Drive, Moline). 7:30
sports clinic at which Smith will serve as honorary coach; “And you also know that there p.m. $39.50-58.50. For tickets, call
admission to the park is $15 for adults and $10 for students are themed activities scheduled (800)745-3000 or visit iwirelessCenter.
“What the hell are you doing,
ts. and military personnel. For more information, call (563)324- throughout the day at Sunset com.
with ___ 3000 or visit Marina, including group field trips Friday, August 20, and Saturday,
“You like the costume, Jeff?
to Quad Cities water trails starting August 21 – River Roots Live. Annual
I received a press release about
plays, with
don’t watch a lot of baseball. at 9 a.m., and beginner-friendly outdoor concert performances and
the upcoming community event
answered anything but “A” for that last one, I’m guessing you paddling lessons taking place up rib festival, with performers including
Floatzilla at Rock Island’s Sunset
Answers: 1 – D, 2 – E, 3 – C, 4 – F, 5 – B, 6 – A. If you until the 2 p.m. record-breaking the Marshall Tucker Band, Creedence
Marina, and I thought maybe I
attempt.” Clearwater Revisited, Cory Chisel &
could audition to be its mascot! R-R-
“Hmm. I see.” the Wandering Sons, and Grace Potter
and Capital Brewery. around trying high-end beers in plastic cups.” R-A-A-A-A – !!!!!”
“So why are you dressed as an & the Nocturnals. LeClaire Park (River
The $15 admittance He adds that a sizable portion of the event’s “I get it, I get it. But you do know
enormous mug of root beer with a Drive and Ripley Street, Davenport).
fee will entitle patrons proceeds (“pretty much everything after cost”) what Floatzilla is, don’t you?”
scoop of vanilla ice cream on your 11 a.m.-midnight. Free admission. For
to 15 drink tickets, will be donated to the area not-for-profit Living “Um ... .”
hea – ?” information, call (563)322-1706 or visit
with additional tickets Lands & Waters, and that in addition to a good “Floatzilla is the name of the
“ ... ”
available for purchase; buzz, RIBCO visitors might even walk away floating object that’ll be created on
“You didn’t think ... .” Thursday, August 26 – Toby Keith.
festiv-ale-goers will from the afternoon with a fair degree of new August 21, during the area’s attempt
“Yup.” Country superstar in concert, with
also receive free beer knowledge. “There’ll be reps from my to break the world record for the
“Do you even read those press opener Trace Adkins. i wireless Center
admission to the club’s purveyors here,” says McKee, “and people from largest raft of canoes and kayaks.
releases any more?” (1201 River Drive, Moline). 7:17 p.m.
evening performance Bent River and the Blue Cat [Brew Pub] and The event is taking place at the
“Man, I get like a hundred of $47.25-62.50. For tickets, call (800)745-
by musician Dave Great River [Brewing Company] to talk about marina’s Potter Lake, and it’s being
those things a day!” 3000 or visit
Bess, and the first their products. People that know a lot more sanctioned by the Guinness Book
of World Records, and sponsors at Friday, August 27 – William Elliott
600 through the about beer than I do. I mean, I can’t put Jon Registration for the Floatzilla Whitmore. Acoustic folk musician in
gates will be able to Horvath” – the annual Best Bartender in the River Action are hoping to demolish
challenge is $10 for one vessel and a concert sponsored by Daytrotter,
take home their own Reader’s Best of the Quad Cities poll – “at every the previous record by having
one paddler – though you’re welcome with openers the Old Scratch Revival
commemorative single table.” Ah, but if wishing made it so ... . participants in 2,010 canoes and
to witness the spectacle for free – and Singers and Nathaniel Rateliff. Rock
sampling glasses. As The River Ciy Beer Festivale runs from 2 to kayaks link arms and hands – or
more information is available by Island Brewing Company (1815 Second
McKee says, “I didn’t 6 p.m., and more information is available by hold on to adjacent boats – for 30
calling River Action at (563)322-2969 Avenue, Rock Island). 9 p.m. $10-12. For
want people to go calling (309)793-1999 or visiting seconds. It’s been in the news for
or visiting
months.” Continued On Page 27

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

 
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River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010



24, Fri ment for The World Series of tion, tours of the school, brunch, and more; for information,
Continued From Page 21 Aug 27 thru Sun Aug 29.
Events Bpong, Uptown Neighborhood contact Joan Frank at 563-320-4858 or JFrank@visitquadci-

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

4th Friday Dinner, $7; Bar and Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills, Davenport West High School, 3505 W Locust St,
featuring Hot Roast Beef Dr., Bettendorf, IA, http://www. Davenport, IA,, Thu Sep
Sandwiches; for information, Englert Theatre, 9pm Sun 9 thru Sun Sep 12.
call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post August through Aug 29. 2nd Friday Dinner, $6; featuring Whole Deep Fried Cat-
9128, 2902 State St, Betten- Ringling Bros. and Barnum fish; for information, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128,
Living Lands & Waters, the River Music Experience, and the
dorf, IA, http://home.mchsi. November and Bailey presents Zing Zang 2902 State St, Bettendorf, IA,
com/~vfwpost9128/, 5:30pm Zoom, the 139th edition of The ~vfwpost9128/, 5:30pm Fri Sep 10.
Downtown Partnership; 10am-noon registration, last bike in

Fri Aug 27. Greatest Show On Earth; $11- St. Ambrose University Star Party - Night Sky Viewing,
at 5pm; the ride takes participants through 60 miles of scene-
ic river roads, with stops at Blueport Junction, Biscuit’s Bar &
3rd Annual Neighborhood fter looking $65; for tickets, call 800-745- on-site 12- and 14-inch telescopes will be available at the St.
Ice Cream Party, ice cream, 3000, i wireless Center, 1201 Ambrose S. G. Menke Observatory for sky viewing; visitors
Grill, The Button Factory, Ducky’s Lagoon, and ending at River
hot dogs, chili dogs, popcorn,
over the River Dr, Moline, IL, http://www. are welcome to bring smaller telescopes; for information,
Roots Live in LeClaire Park; $15 per hand, $5 for a passenger;
50/50 raffle, cash prizes for the winner; for information, call
iced tea, and lemonade, live lengthy list, 7pm Thu contact Dr. Robert Mitchell at 563-333-6141, Wapsi River En-
music with the band Smile, Sep 2 thru Sun Sep 5. vironmental Center, 31555 52nd Ave., Dixon, IL, http://www.
Tammy at 309-236-0725 or Nora at 309-236-0728, or e-mail
games, children’s activities, and
of autumnal Friends of the Rock Island, 7pm Sat Sep 11. or nora@livinglandsand-
more; for information, call 563- happenings at Public Library Big Book Sale, Viva Quad Cities Celebration, annual celebration of His-, Wieblers Harley-Davidson, 5320 Corporate Park
324-6431, Immanuel Lutheran Paula Cole big bargains on used books panic culture, featuring food booths, arts and crafts, live en-
Dr, Davenport, IA, 10am Sat Aug 21.
Church - Davenport, 3834 Iowa City’s Englert and more; proceeds benefit the tertainment by Mariachi Jalisco, Grupo Realidad, Los Mocam-
Riverine Walk: Rock Island Hydropower Plant, led by
Timothy Ridder, City of Rock Island; learn how Rock Island
Rockingham Rd, Davenport, IA, Theatre, I thought about starting this piece library; for information, call 309- bos, QC Ballet Folklorico, Sonido Estrella, Zumba, Orquesta
3pm Sat Aug 28. 732-7323, Rock Island Public Li- Alto Maiz, and Banda de GTO, and more; $5/adult, ages 12 &
successfully restored the hydro-electric plant on the Rock
Riverine Walk: Davenport’s with a one-word sentence: “Damn.” But then I brary - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th under free;, Bass Street Landing Plaza, Moline, IL, http://www.
River, its history, & how it benefits residents now; $5, free for
River Action members; for information, call 563-322-2969 or
River Vision 2010, led by Steve remembered that my parents get embarrassed St., Rock Island, IL, http://www., 12pm Sat Sep 11.
Ahrens, Levee Improvement, 9am Thu 2nd Saturday Breakfast, $6; 2 Eggs (any way), Pancakes,
e-mail, Centennial Skate Park,
Commission; see Davenport’s whenever I swear in print, so what say we just Sep 2. Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, Toast, Juice, Coffee; for in-
corner of River Dr. & Warren St., Davenport, IA, http://www., 9am Sat Aug 21.
RiverVision Plan firsthand; get on to the many, many promising events Habitat ReStore 25% Off formation, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, 2902 State
hear about the latest riverfront Sale, everything in the store will St, Bettendorf, IA,,
Running Wild Trail Race, annual event takes place on
projects from Centennial Park on the Englert’s fall calendar. Movie lovers be 25% off; for information, call 7:30am Sat Sep 11.
the scenic route through Port Louisa National Wildlife Ref-
uge; the gravel road winds through wetlands and grasslands
to the East Industrial Area and can enjoy a bevy of independent features and 563-359-9066, Habitat ReStore, Oakdale Memorial Cemetery Pet Memorial Day, for
how you can be involved in the 3629 Mississippi Avenue, Daven- information, call 563-324-5121, Oakdale Memorial Cemetery,
providing plenty of wildlife viewing opportunities; family-
planning; for information, call shorts at this year’s Landlocked Film Festival port, IA, http://www.restoreqc. 2501 Eastern Avenue, Davenport, IA, Sun Sep 12.
oriented event features 3 and 5-mile run/walks, as well as
a 1/2-mile and 1-mile Farm Bureau Kids’ Fun Run; entry fees
563-322-2969 or e-mail riverac- (August 26 through 29), while comedy fans org, Fri Sep 3. The 2010 U.S. Army Soldier Show, music and patriotism, Centen- Habitat ReStore Volunteer in this annual touring presentation; free admission; for infor-
for the 3 and 5-mile races are $15 through Aug. 7 and $20
nial Skate Park, corner of River can get a kick out of the satirical tunes of The Orientation, get a tour of the mation, call 309-782-5890, Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd St., Dav-
afterward; the Farm Bureau Fun Run is free but t-shirts for
Fun Run participants are $8 and must be ordered by Aug. 7;
Dr. & Warren St., Davenport, Water Coolers (September 12) and, in his latest building and an orientation to enport, IA,, 7pm Tue Sep 14.
IA,, see how everything works; for Talk of the Town, with a pizza lunch served at 11:15am,
registrations will be accepted through race day; for informa-
9am Sat Aug 28. tour, the stand-up of Pauly Shore (November information, call 563-359-9066, and Bill Wundrum, Quad Cities Times newspaper columnist
tion, call 319-523-8381, Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge,
F Avenue, Wapello, IA,,
Augustana Public Radio 14). There’ll be big fun for the kids with the Habitat ReStore, 3629 Missis- and author, speaking at 11:45am; free for CASI members; for
Open House, celebrating 30 sippi Avenue, Davenport, IA, information and to reserve, call 563-386-7477, ext. 0, CASI
8:30am Sat Aug 21.
years in the Quad Cities; sta- children’s rock of Justin Robert & the Not-, 5pm (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Daven-
Village of East Davenport Wine Walk, sample over 14
different types of local wines while discovering the Village of
tion tours, live music, brats, a
special edition of Don Wooten’s
Ready-for-Naptime Players (September 12), and Fri Sep 3.
6th Annual Labor Day Ride
port, IA,, 11am Wed Sep 15.
Bunco, open to all ages and skill levels; for information,
East Davenport, with each retailer offering a different wine
“Saturday Morning Live,” and the giant puppets and scientific experiments of for Non-Hodgkin’s Lympho- contact Bev Skelton at 309-523-2516, River Valley Library, 214
to sample; for information, e-mail Aimee at aimeewinslow@, Village of East Davenport, Davenport, IA, 3pm
birthday cake; for information,
contact Frank Sundram at 309-
the stage show Look Out, Galileo! (September ma, 11:30am-1pm sign-in, last
bike in by 6pm; proceeds ben-
S. Main St., Port Byron, IL,,
1pm Wed Sep 15.
Sat Aug 21.
Garden Celebration, for information, call 309-756-9978,
794-7554 or franksundram@ 25). Plus, is there ever some music on tap for efit the American Cancer Society Fall Bingo, with special prizes and apple pie a la mode for, WVIK 90.3 FM, Au- for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma dessert; sponsored by Grand Haven Retirement Community;
ext 13, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan,
gustana College, Rock Island,
the Englert this fall. There’ll be classical tunes Research in Rock Island; pizza, $2 plus cards; for information, call 563.386.7477 ext. 0, CASI
IL,, Wed Aug 25.
Upper Mississippi River Conference, participate in
IL,, 10am with guitar masters Eric Johnson, Andy McKee, 50/50 chances, basket chances, (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Daven-
Sat Aug 28. and a chance to win cash for port, IA,, 12:30pm Fri Sep 17.
roundtable discussions addressing river communities’ needs,
Old-Fashioned Family
and Peppino D’Agostino (October 7), blues the best card hand; $10; for a Our Big Fat Greek Festival, St. George Greek Orthodox
facilitated by Ed Freer of JJR, Madison, Wisconsin, with as-
sistance from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the U.S. Coast
Fun Day, fundraiser for Ann’s tunes with Little Feat guitarists Paul Barrere and $15 donation, you can be trans- Church, 2930 31st Avenue, Rock Island, IL, http://www.down-
Helping Hands Inc.; live music, ported to 6 stops; for informa-, Fri Sep 17.
Guard and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; special pro-
games, balloon toss, tug-o-
Fred Tackett (November 11), and folk tunes tion, call 309-944-5531 or e-mail 3rd Friday Dinner, $7; featuring Grilled Ham Steak; for
grams on environmental education, celebratory events, and
more; $99-$149; Wed 2pm, Thu & Fri 7:30am; for information,
war, three-legged races, face- with guitarist Jason Reeves (October 8). More, Daiquiri information, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, 2902 State
fainting, watermelon-seed Factory, 1809 2nd Ave., Rock St, Bettendorf, IA,,
call 563-322-2969, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline, IL,
spitting contest, Best Pie Con- folk will be on hand with the indie crooners Island, IL, http://www.ridistrict. Fri Sep 17., 2pm Wed Aug 25 thru Fri Aug
test, food & drinks, and more; of The Weepies (October 26), while Southern- com, 11:30am Sat Sep 4. Celtic Festival and Highland Games, featuring Scottish
bring lawn chairs, no coolers Rock Island Grand Prix, 16th athletics, Highland dance, bagpipe bands, kids’ games, liv-
Bettendorf Patio Crawl, Uptown Neighborhood Bar and
allowed; $5/person, $20/fam- based alt-country is showcased with Drive-By annual independent kart-racing ing history, animals, education, workshops, culture, food &
Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr., Bettendorf, IA, http://www.up-, 9pm Wed Aug 25.
ily; for information, call Ann at Truckers (September 29). Progressive-rock event which draws hundreds beverages, and more; with musical entertainment by Laura
309-314-5226 or Elaine at 309- of entries from throughout the MacKenzie & the Lads, Highland Reign, and New Grass News;
Riverine Walk: Davenport’s River Vision 2010, led by
631-3824, Cordova 3M Barn, drummer Carl Palmer shows off his virtuosity United States and Canada, com- free daytime admission, evening bands $5; for information,
Steve Ahrens, Levee Improvement Commission; see Daven-
port’s RiverVision Plan firsthand; hear about the latest river-
two miles north of the drag in “An Evening of Emerson, Lake, & Palmer peting for a minimum purse of call 309-794-0449 or e-mail infocelt@celtichighlandgames.
strip, Cordova, IL, http://www. $25,000; 8:30am-6:30pm; for org, Centennial Park, Beiderbecke Dr. & Marquette, Daven-
front projects from Centennial Park to the East Industrial Area, 12pm Music” (October 30), while independent rock information, call 309-788-6311, port, IA,, Sat Sep 18.
and how you can be involved in the planning; for informa-
tion, call 563-322-2969 or e-mail,
Sat Aug 28. is represented by Montreal’s Wolf Parade The District of Rock Island, 16 Guided Bird Walk, Dennis Carter of the Upper Iowa Chap-
River City Beer Festiv- 1/2 St., Rock Island, IL, http:// ter of the National Audubon Society will lead a 2-hour walk
Centennial Skate Park, corner of River Dr. & Warren St., Daven-
ale, craft beer & micro-brew (November 18). And there will be female artists, around the park grounds; view a colorful display of warblers,
port, IA,, 6:30pm Wed Aug 25.
Friday Martini Madness, a featured martini and appetiz-
tasting, live music, and more; aplenty at the Englert this fall, including living Sat Sep 4 and Sun Sep 5. vireos, and thrushes; wear sturdy shoes and bring binoculars,
$15; for information, call 309- Senior Citizen Golf Cart a pencil (checklists will be provided), and water for the hike;
er for $6.95 each; today - a White Cosmo and the Fresh Sheet
793-1999, The District of Rock legend Joan Baez (October 6), Grammy Award Tour, a guided, narrated river- beginning to expert birders welcome; for information, call
Appetizer; for information, call 309-762-4700, Bass Street
Chop House, 1601 River Dr, Moline, IL, Fri Aug 27.
Island, 16 1/2 St., Rock Island, winner Paula Cole (November 19), indie darling front tour on trails on both sides 563-873-3491, Effigy Mounds National Monument, 151 Hwy
IL,, 2pm of the Mississippi; for informa- 76, Harpers Ferry, IA,, 8am Sat Sep
St. Ambrose University Intercultural Dessert Recep-
Sat Aug 28. Michelle Shocked (September 22), and the tion and to register, call 563-322- 18.
tion, a welcome back social event featuring treats from vari-
ous countries; free and open to the public; for information,
St. Ambrose Blast Party, musicians playing the Iowa Women’s Musical 2969, River Action, 822 E. River Popular Astronomy Club: View the Night Sky, look for
with music by John Wasem; for Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www. Neptune, Uranus, Gamma Andromedae, and the “E.T.” Cluster,
contact Michael Dixon at 563-333-6264 or interculturallife@
information, call 563-322-8584, Fest Kick-Off concert (September 16): Leslie, Thu Sep 9. with the portable observatory; free, Niabi Zoo, Niabi Zoo Rd.,, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Lo-
cust St., Davenport, IA,, 4pm Fri Aug 27.
Kilkenny’s, 300 W. 3rd St., Dav-
enport, IA, 9pm Sat Aug 28.
& the LY’s, Caroline Smith & the Goodnight Davenport West
School - 50th Graduation
High Coal Valley, IL, 6pm Sat Sep 18.
Taming of the Slough Adventure Race, for information,
Cubby Bear Night with Trash Martini, Uptown Neigh-
UFC 118, Uptown Neigh- Sleeps, and Bitch. That one’s not my fault, Mom Class Celebration, taking place call 563-322-2969, River Action, 822 E. River Dr., Davenport,
borhood Bar and Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr., Bettendorf, IA,
borhood Bar and Grill, 2340 and Dad. More on the Englert’s fall lineup is during Homecoming Weekend; IA,, Sat Sep 18., 9pm Fri Aug 27.
Spruce Hills Dr., Bettendorf, IA, activities include homecom- WQPT Brew Ha Ha, samples of hundreds of local, nation-
Princeton Days, annual festival featuring live music, available by visiting – Mike Schulz

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

http://www.uptownbargrill. ing bonfire and crowning of al, and international brews, live music, comedy, and more;
games, children’s activities, street art, a parade, and much
com, 9pm Sat Aug 28. the queen, a car rally, a Falcons for information, call 309-796-2424, LeClaire Park, River Dr &
more, Downtown Princeton, Princeton, IL, http://www.princ-
Bpong Satellite Tourna- football game, an alumni recep- Ripley St, Davenport, IA,, Sat

Anne Prinz and the Zither Outreach Ensemble, a pro- participants may bring beer, wine, snacks, and soda; water ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www.
gram in the library’s “Artoberfest,” celebrating the 200th an- and snacks for sale; for information, contact Chris Cournoyer, 8pm Fri Aug 20 thru Sat Aug 21.
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
niversary of German October Fest; free; for information, call at or 563-505-6703, LeClaire Civic Center, 127 S “The Fourth City” Comedy Group, comedy-troupe
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, Cody Rd, LeClaire, IA, 7pm Sat Oct 16. performance in the style of the Second City of Chicago and, 6:30pm Mon Oct 4. Bunco, open to all ages and skill levels; for information, “Saturday Night Live”; for information, call 309-788-5433, The
ASHHS German Chorus with Henry Storyjohann, a pro- contact Bev Skelton at 309-523-2516, River Valley Library, 214 Center for Living Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock Island, IL, http://
Sep 18.
gram in the library’s “Artoberfest,” celebrating the 200th an- S. Main St., Port Byron, IL,,, Fri Aug 20.
Zoofari: Splendors of Asia, annual fundraiser for the
niversary of German October Fest; free; for information, call 1pm Wed Oct 20. ComedySportz Quad Cities Fundrasing Tour: Heritage
Niabi Zoo; featuring dinner, unique auction items, animal
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, 4th Friday Dinner, $7; featuring Hot Roast Beef Sand- Church Bettendorf, a full ComedySportz match complete
encounters, and entertainment; $150; for information, call, 6:30pm Tue Oct 5. wiches; for information, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, with two teams, a referee, and the area’s famed improv come-
309-799-3482, Niabi Zoo, Niabi Zoo Rd., Coal Valley, IL, http://
Ye Olde Country Store Bazaar, with crafts, baked goods, 2902 State St, Bettendorf, IA, dians; suggested donation $10; for information, call 309-721-, 6pm Sat Sep 18.
and a raffle; crafts open 11am-6pm, food served 11am-7pm; ~vfwpost9128/, 5:30pm Fri Oct 22. 1598 or e-mail, Heritage Church
LeClaire Trivia Night, benefits local non-profit organiza-
proceeds benefit the church; for information, call 563-263- Fright Night in the District, features a children’s costume - Bettendorf, 2700 Middle Rd., Bettendorf, IA, http://www.
tions such as the library, Little League, and Civic Center; up
8648, New Era Lutheran Church, 3455 New Era Rd, near Wild contest, treasure hunt, scary stories, make-and-take activi-, 7:30pm Fri Aug 27.
to 8 per table, $10/person with a $50 table minimum; all par-
Cat Den State Park’s south entrance, Muscatine, IA, 11am ties, and more; free; for information, call 309-788-6311, The ComedySportz Quad Cities Fundrasing Tour: Playcraft-
ticipants entered for door prizes; 6:30pm doors, 7pm trivia;
Wed Oct 6. District of Rock Island, 16 1/2 St., Rock Island, IL, http://www. ers Barn Theatre, a full ComedySportz match complete with
participants may bring beer, wine, snacks, and soda; water
Schernschnitte Demonstrationby Keith Bonnstetter, a, 5pm Thu Oct 28. two teams, a referee, and the area’s famed improv comedi-
and snacks for sale; for information, contact Chris Cournoyer
program in the library’s “Artoberfest,” celebrating the 200th 2010 Women’s Lifestyle Show, in the Exhibit Hall; $8- ans; suggested donation $10; for information, call 309-721-
at or 563-505-6703, LeClaire Civic Center, 127 S
anniversary of German October Fest; free; for information, $10; for information, call 309-673-8900, Peoria Civic Center, 1598 or e-mail, Playcrafters Barn
Cody Rd, LeClaire, IA, 7pm Sat Sep 180.
call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Mo- 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL, http://www.peoriaciviccen- Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www.ComedyS-
2011 Sicily Trip Informational Meeting, information on
line, IL,, 6:30pm Thu Oct 7., 9am Sat Oct 30., 7:30pm Sat Aug 28.
spring trip sponsored by Black Hawk College; this Smithson-
2nd Friday Dinner, $6; featuring Whole Deep Fried Cat- Boneyard Boogie, the Halloween party for adults; for Vicki Lawrence & Mama: A Two-Woman Show, Emmy-
ian Journeys Travel Adventure will feature Palermo, Siracusa
fish; for information, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, information, call 309-788-6311, The District of Rock Island, and Grammy-winning star in concert; $32-$49; at 2 & 7:30pm;
and Taormina; through enriching lectures, travelers will learn
2902 State St, Bettendorf, IA, 16 1/2 St., Rock Island, IL,, 7pm Sat for tickets, call 800-THE-ISLE, Quad-Cities Waterfront Conven-
about Palermo’s history and various cultural influences, Sici-
~vfwpost9128/, 5:30pm Fri Oct 8. Oct 30. tion Center, 1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf, IA, http://betten-
ly’s importance as a Greek colony, and the prevalent Baroque
2nd Saturday Breakfast, $6; 2 Eggs (any way), Pancakes, Friends of the Rock Island Public Library Big Book Sale,, Fri Sep 10.
architecture throughout the island; for a brochure or more
Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, Toast, Juice, Coffee; for in- big bargains on used books and more; proceeds benefit the “The Fourth City” Comedy Group, comedy-troupe
information, call 309-796-8223, Black Hawk College Outreach
formation, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, 2902 State library; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public performance in the style of the Second City of Chicago and
Center, 301 Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, IL, http://www.
St, Bettendorf, IA,, Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island, IL, http:// “Saturday Night Live”; for information, call 309-788-5433, The, 7pm Wed Sep 22.
7:30am Sat Oct 9., 9am Thu Nov 4. Center for Living Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock Island, IL, http://
Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild Quilt Show, the judged
Fairmount Fall Festival, featuring live music by Coup Friends of the Bettendorf Public Library Holiday Ba-, Fri Sep 17.
show will display over 400 quilts in two buildings, with a cer-
de Ville, fire truck rides, Civil War memorabilia, visitors from zaar, for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Neil Hamburger, comedian performs with openers The
tified quilt appraiser available for the appraisal of family and
the MacBride Raptor Center, and more; for information, call Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www. Kenny “K-Strass” Strasser Yo-Yo Extravaganza and Major En-
heirloom quilts; the show also features a Merchant Mall, Gift
563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount, 9am Sat Nov 6. tertainer Mike H; $10; for information, call 319-351-9529, The
Basket Raffle, Raffle Quilt, and an Auction of Quilted Items;
St., Davenport, IA,, 12pm National Philanthropy Day Awards Ceremony and Mill, 120 E Burlington, Iowa City, IA,,
concessions and free parking; $5, ages 12 & under free; for
Sat Oct 9. Luncheon, sponsored by the Association of Fundraising Pro- 9pm Thu Sep 23.
information, e-mail, Mississippi Valley
German American Heritage Center Living History Per- fessionals, in celebration of individuals and groups who have Bill Cosby, legendary film, TV, and standup star in con-
Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, Davenport, IA, 9am Fri Sep
formers, a program in the library’s “Artoberfest,” celebrat- demonstrated outstanding service through volunteerism or cert; $50-$65; at 6 & 8:30pm; for tickets, call 877-677-3456,
24 and Sat Sep 25.
ing the 200th anniversary of German October Fest; free; for philanthropic giving; for information, call 309-277-0167, Al- Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside,
4th Friday Dinner, $7; featuring Hot Roast Beef Sand-
information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 ternatives for the Older Adult, 1518 5th Avenue, Moline, IL, IA,, Fri Oct 8.
wiches; for information, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128,
41st St, Moline, IL,, 10am Sat, Wed Nov 10. Louis C.K., Emmy-nominated standup star in concert;
2902 State St, Bettendorf, IA,
Oct 9. 2nd Friday Dinner, $6; featuring Whole Deep Fried Cat- $40-$50; for tickets, call 877-677-3456, Riverside Casino and
~vfwpost9128/, 5:30pm Fri Sep 24.
12th Annual Noogiefest, a free Halloween party for fish; for information, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside, IA, http://www.river-
Quad City Prayer Breakfast, annual event held in the
children and their families, as you move through different 2902 State St, Bettendorf, IA,, 8pm Sat Oct 9.
Great Hall; $12/person, $75/table of 8,, RiverCenter, 136 E.
themed rooms with crafts, games, activities and fun; children ~vfwpost9128/, 5:30pm Fri Nov 12. Gallagher, legendary standup comedian and his Sledge-
3rd St, Davenport, IA,, 8am Sat
must be accompanied by an adult; costumes encouraged; 2nd Saturday Breakfast, $6; 2 Eggs (any way), Pancakes, O-Matic in concert; $15-$20; for tickets, call 877-677-3456,
Sep 25.
followed by an outdoor screening of “How to Train Your Drag- Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, Toast, Juice, Coffee; for in- Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, River-
QC Family Fun & Kite Festival, Centennial Park, Beider-
on” (bring lawn chairs and blankets); free; for information, call formation, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, 2902 State side, IA,, 5pm Sun
becke Dr. & Marquette, Davenport, IA, http://www.down-
563-326-7504, Gilda’s Club Quad Cities, 1234 E River Dr., Dav- St, Bettendorf, IA,, Oct 10., Sat Sep 25.
enport, IA,, 4pm Tue Oct 12. 7:30am Sat Nov 13. Tammy Pescatelli, comedienne from “Last Comic Stand-
St. Mary’s Catholic Church Oktoberfest, with a raffle,
March of Dimes 19th Annual 2010 Signature Chefs Quad City Arts Festival of Trees, annual holiday festival ing” and Comedy central in concert; $20-$25; for tickets and
bingo, games, a bake sale, brats & hot dogs, beer & pop, Ger-
Auction, event will raise dollars to support programs of re- featuring displays, miniatures, vendors, and more; for infor- information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, Circa ‘21 Dinner
man & American potato salad, a silent auction, and music
search, education, community service and advocacy, and pay mation, call 563-324-3378, RiverCenter, 136 E. 3rd St, Dav- Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www.circa21.
by John & Kay Retzl; for information, call 309-788-3322, St.
tribute to the culinary excellence of the area’s leading Chefs, enport, IA,, Fri com, 7pm Thu Oct 14.
Mary’s Catholic Church - Rock Island, 2208 4th Ave, Rock Is-
restaurants, and community Leaders of Excellence Chair Nov 19 thru Sun Nov 28. “The Fourth City” Comedy Group, comedy-troupe
land, IL, 11am Sun Sep 26.
Andy Sallee; $80/Ticket; $600/Table; $800-$2,000/Corporate 3rd Friday Dinner, $7; featuring Grilled Ham Steak; for performance in the style of the Second City of Chicago and
Cards for the Troops, sponsored by the Rock Island Ar-
Sponsor; for information, contact Deena Bradford at dbrad- information, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, 2902 State “Saturday Night Live”; for information, call 309-788-5433, The
senal Women’s Club; help make greeting cards to send to, 563-323-6378, or 800-530-5456, St, Bettendorf, IA,, Center for Living Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock Island, IL, http://
the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq; bring one roll of Scotch
Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center, 1777 Isle Park- 5:30pm Fri Nov 19., Fri Oct 15.
double-sided tape; RSVP to Mary Sue Sipple at mssipple1@
way, Bettendorf, IA, 6pm Wed Oct 13. LeClaire Trivia Night, benefits local non-profit organiza- Gabriel Iglesias, storytelling, parodies, characters, and or 563-332-5707; 5pm limited-menu dinner offered
Doodle Day, bi-annual fundraiser for the library, featur- tions such as the library, Little League, and Civic Center; up sound effects with Comedy Central veteran; $36.50; for tick-
- RSVP at 309-793-1601, Rock Island Arsenal Golf Clubhouse,
ing an auction of doodles donated by celebrities; for infor- to 8 per table, $10/person with a $50 table minimum; all par- ets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd St., Daven-
1838 Gillespie, Arsenal Island, Rock Island, IL, 6:30pm Tue
mation, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 ticipants entered for door prizes; 6:30pm doors, 7pm trivia; port, IA,, 8pm Sat Nov 13.
Sep 28.
Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorfli- participants may bring beer, wine, snacks, and soda; water Pauly Shore, standup with TV and film comedian; $20-
Teen Challenge – Peoria Annual Fall Fundraising Ban-, 7pm Thu Oct 14. and snacks for sale; for information, contact Chris Cournoyer $25; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert
quet, in the Ballroom; for information, call 309-673-3716,
Food For Thought: Rock Island Library Fundraiser, fea- at or 563-505-6703, LeClaire Civic Center, 127 S Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, http://www.
Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL, http://
turing fine dining and a silent auction of signed books and Cody Rd, LeClaire, IA, 7pm Sat Nov 20., 8pm Sun Nov 14., 6:30pm Thu Sep 30.
other valuable packages; library programs; tickets available 4th Friday Dinner, $7; featuring Hot Roast Beef Sand- “The Fourth City” Comedy Group, comedy-troupe
Friends of the Bettendorf Public Library Book Sale,
at the door; for information, call Amy Penry at 309-732-7302, wiches; for information, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, performance in the style of the Second City of Chicago and
books, CDs, videos, and much more, with proceeds benefit-
Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Is- 2902 State St, Bettendorf, IA, “Saturday Night Live”; for information, call 309-788-5433, The
ing the library; Fri members-only preview 5pm, Sat 9am, Sun
land, IL,, 5pm Thu Oct 14. ~vfwpost9128/, 5:30pm Fri Nov 26. Center for Living Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock Island, IL, http://
noon; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Church Rummage Sale, for information, call Churches, Fri Nov 19.
Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.
United at 563-332-5002, St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran, 5pm Fri Oct 1 thru Sun Oct 3.
Church, 2363 W. 3rd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.cuqca.
The Black Hawk College International Festival, annual
org, Thu Oct 14 thru Sat Oct 16.
event featuring music, food, shopping, and an international
Oakdale Memorial Cemetery Fall Clean-up, for informa-
fashion show; $3/adults, free for ages 11 & under; for infor-
tion, call 563-324-5121, Oakdale Memorial Cemetery, 2501 ComedySportz Quad Cities Fundrasing Tour: Heritage
mation, call 309-796-5186, Black Hawk College - Quad City
Eastern Avenue, Davenport, IA, Fri Oct 15. Church Rock Island, a full ComedySportz match complete Inception, Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi mind-bender in IMAX
Campus, 6600 34th Ave., Moline, IL,,
3rd Friday Dinner, $7; featuring Grilled Ham Steak; for with two teams, a referee, and the area’s famed improv come- format; for information and showtimes, call 563-324-1933,
11am Sat Oct 2.
information, call 563-355-8528, V.F.W. Post 9128, 2902 State dians; suggested donation $10; for information, call 309-721- Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport,
Crop Walk 2010, sponsored by Churches United; help
St, Bettendorf, IA,, 1598 or e-mail, Heritage Church IA,, thru Thu Sep 2.
raise $50,000 towards hunger relief in the Quad Cities and
5:30pm Fri Oct 15. - Rock Island, 4801 44th St, Rock Island, IL, http://www.Com- Call for Entry: The Wild Rose Independent Film Fes-
around the world; with a pre-walk concert by Loho Russo at
LeClaire Trivia Night, benefits local non-profit organiza-, 7:30pm Fri Aug 20. tival, thru Sept. 15; accepting entries for 8th annual inde-
12:45pm; for information, call 563-332-5002, Modern Wood-
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

tions such as the library, Little League, and Civic Center; up Chris Schlichting - James Draper - Andrew King, stand- pendent-film festival, held Nov. 4-7; accepting features and
men Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://www.cuqca.
to 8 per table, $10/person with a $50 table minimum; all par- up comedians in concert; 7:30pm doors, 8pm show; $10; for shorts by professionals, novices, and students; for informa-
org, Sun Oct 3.
ticipants entered for door prizes; 6:30pm doors, 7pm trivia; tickets and information, call 309-786-7733, ext. 2, The Circa tion, call 515-707-1533 or e-mail, Iowa

State Historical Building, 600 E. Locust St. #2007, Des Moines, days; films shown and discussed by Black Hawk College pro-
IA,, thru Wed Sep 15. fessor, Erskine Carter and Western Illinois University profes- Continued From Page 23

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Hubble 3-D, a space adventure in IMAX format, narrated sor Everett Hamner; free; for information, call 309-524-2470,

What Else Is Happenin’

by Leonardo DiCaprio; for information and showtimes, call Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.
563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th, Wed Oct 6 thru Wed Oct 27.
St, Davenport, IA,, thru Thu Sep 30. Troubled Water, Norwegian and Swedish collaboration
Legends of Flight, aerial IMAX adventure held in con- drama about a man recently released from prison after serv-
junction with the exhibit “Take Flight!”; for information, call ing time for the murder of a child; includes popcorn, bever-
563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th ages, and discussion; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, information, e-mail support@daytrotter. photographs from the 1960s. Catich
St, Davenport, IA,, thru Sun Oct 17. Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Is-
The Extra Man, 2010 comedy by directors Shari Springer land, IL,, 6pm Thu Oct 7. com or visit For a 2009 Gallery – Galvin Fine Arts Center, St.
Berman and Robert Pulcini, in a presentation by the Backdoor Margie, 1946 drama about teen life in the 1920s; with interview with Whitmore, visit RCReader. Ambrose University (2101 Gaines Street,
Independent Film Cafe; $7; at 6 & 8pm; for information, call Classic Images Editor Bob King discussing Davenport’s con-
563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, tributions to film history; presented by the Classic Film Soci- com/y/whitmore. Davenport). Noon-5 p.m., Tuesdays
IA,, Fri Aug 20. ety; $3 donation; for information, call 563-391-3502, Upham
Dalai Lama Renaissance, a Unity Church Spiritual Cin- Hall, 1607 W. 12th St., Davenport, IA, 7pm Sat Oct 9.
Saturday, August 28 – Kool & the through Fridays. Free admission. For
ema Evening; feature-length documentary narrated Harrison How to Train Your Dragon, a screening of the animated Gang. Grammy Award-winning jazz and information, call (563)333-6444 or visit
Ford, documenting the Dalai Lama’s meeting with self-titled hit in conjunction with the 12th annual Noogiefest; bring
“Synthesis” group, made up of 40 Western “renaissance” lawn chairs and blankets; free; for information, call, Gilda’s
R&B performers in concert. Riverside
thinkers who hope to use the meeting to change the world Club Quad Cities, 1234 E River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www. Casino & Golf Resort (3184 Highway 22,
and resolve many of the world’s problems; love donations ap-
preciated; for information, call 309-762-1066, Unity Church of, 6pm Tue Oct 12.
The Rock Island Trail, for information, call 563-326-7804, Riverside). 8 p.m. $20-65. For tickets and EVENTS
Christianity, 5102 47th Ave, Moline, IL, http://www.unityqc. Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www. information, call (877)677-3456 or visit Friday, August 20, through Sunday,
org, 6:45pm Fri Aug 20 and Sat Aug 21., 7pm Thu Oct 14.
Lemon Tree, a presentation in the 8th annual Jewish Film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, refresher screen- August 29 – “Discover the Pinta & the
Series, hosted by the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities; $5, ing before the release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hal- Sunday, August 29 – Candye Kane. Nina.” Self-guided tours on replicas of
free for students; for information, contact Alan Ross at 309- lows, Part I”; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
793-1300 or, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, 2010 Blues Music Award nominee and Christopher Columbus’ famed ships.
Davenport, IA,, 4pm Sun Aug 22., 2pm Sat Oct 16. her band, in a concert sponsored by Oneida Landing (at the foot of Bridge
Landlocked Film Festival, competitive and international Munyurangabo, a screening and discussion in the Off-
festival of independent cinema, with categories including Beat Independent Film Series; free popcorn; for information, the Mississippi Valley Blues Society. Street, Davenport). 9 a.m.-6 p.m. $5-7. For
Narrative Feature, Narrative Short, Documentary Feature, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. The Muddy Waters (1708 State information, call (787)672-2152 or visit
Documentary Short, Animation, Script, Music Video, and Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-
Student; for information, e-mail info@landlockedfilmfestival., 6pm Wed Oct 20. Street, Bettendorf ). 7 p.m. $8-10. For
org, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa City, IA, Welcome, French drama about a European immigrant information, call (563)322-5837 or visit, Thu Aug 26 thru who decides to swim across the English channel; includes
Wednesday, August 25, through
Sun Aug 29. popcorn, beverages, and discussion; free; for information, Friday, August 27 – Upper Mississippi
The River Is Life, a modern-day Huck Finn odyssey pre- call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library,
sented by 11 Visions; free, Veterans Memorial Park Bandshell, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,,
Monday, August 30 – Nick Curran & River Conference. Annual conference
Bettendorf, IA,, 6pm Thu Nov 4. the Lowlifes. Rock, blues, and rockabilly co-sponsored by River Action, featuring
8pm Sat Aug 28. 8th Annual Wild Rose Independent Film Festival, fea-
A Matter of Size, a presentation in the 8th annual Jew- tures and shorts by professional, novice, and student film-
musician in concert, with openers programs on environmental education,
ish Film Series, hosted by the Jewish Federation of the Quad makers; for information, call 515-707-1533 or e-mail bobbus- the One Night Standards. Rock Island celebratory events, and roundtable
Cities; $5, free for students; for information, contact Alan, Iowa State Historical Building, 600 E. Locust
Ross at 309-793-1300 or, Figge Art Museum, St. #2007, Des Moines, IA,, Thu Brewing Company (1815 Second Avenue, discussions addressing the needs of river
225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA,, 4pm Sun Nov 4 thru Sun Nov 7. Rock Island). 8 p.m. $10. For information, communities. i wireless Center (1201
Aug 29. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, refresher
Dare Not Walk Alone, a screening in the Civil Rights Proj- screening before the release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly call (309)793-1999 or visit River Drive, Davenport). Wednesday
ect Film Series, introduced by St. Ambrose professor Sandra Hallows, Part I”; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock 2-10 p.m., Thursday 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.,
Quinn; film documents the little-known demonstrations held
in St. Augustine, Florida, the site of prolonged inter-racial
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,, 1:30pm Fri Nov 5. EXHIBIT Friday 7:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m. $99-149. For
tension and protests by the NAACP and the SCLC; includes Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, Tuesday, August 24, through information and to register, call (563)322-
rarely seen footage of Martin Luther King, Jr.; for information, screening in the LitFlix matinee series, designed to inspire
call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning kids to read the books on which movies are based; free pop- Friday, October 8 – Chicago Street 2969 or visit
Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
6:30pm Tue Aug 31.
corn and admission; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fair-
mount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,
Photography. Exhibit of Edward Sturr
The Wind Journeys, Colombian drama about a nomadic, 1pm Sat Nov 6.
musicians recovering from the loss of his wife; free; for infor- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, refresher screening
mation, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main before the release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Continued From Page 6 by Mike Schulz
Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandli- Part I”; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island

Travelin’ Band, 6pm Thu Sep 2. Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, screening in the LitFlix matinee Island, IL,, 2:30pm Thu Nov
series, designed to inspire kids to read the books on which 11.
movies are based; free popcorn and admission; for informa- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, refresher
tion, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. screening before the release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly want. And they do. And we’re one of ’em.” River Roots Live Band Schedule
Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportlibrary. Hallows, Part I”; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
com, 1pm Sat Sep 4. Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, Unlike the original CCR, with its relentless
Hey, Hey, It’s Esther Blueburger, a presentation in the, 6pm Thu Nov 11. touring schedule, Cook says, “we now do about Friday, August 20
8th annual Jewish Film Series, hosted by the Jewish Federa- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, refresher
tion of the Quad Cities; $5, free for students; for information, screening before the release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly 75 shows a year, on average. That’s enough, I Main Stage
contact Alan Ross at 309-793-1300 or, Figge Hallows, Part I”; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock think. It leaves us time to have family and other Lojo Russo: 5:30-6:20 p.m.
Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.jfqc. Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,
org, 4pm Sun Sep 5., 10:30am Thu Nov 11. interests. Some years we’ve played more, and The Right Now: 7:30-8:20 p.m.
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, 1974 drama with Cliff Robert- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, refresher one year we played less, but right now we think The Marshall Tucker Band: 9:30-10:45 p.m.
son and Diane Baker; with Classic Images Editor Bob King dis- screening before the release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly
cussing Davenport’s contributions to film history; presented Hallows, Part I”; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock 75 is a workable number.” B Stage
by the Classic Film Society; $3 donation; for information, call Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, And Cook adds that, unlike the original 500 Miles to Memphis: 6:30-7:20 p.m.
563-391-3502, Upham Hall, 1607 W. 12th St., Davenport, IA,, 2pm Sat Nov 13.
7pm Sat Sep 11. Brian’s Song, a screening and discussion in the Off-Beat CCR, his and Clifford’s latest outfit allows them Cory Chisel & the Wandering Sons: 8:30-
Hairspray, a screening in the Civil Rights Project Film Se-
ries; local author and film buff Michael Thomas Masters will
Independent Film Series; free popcorn; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave.
to travel to American sites – such as Davenport 9:20 p.m.
provide a short introduction for John Waters’ 1988 film ver- Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.daven- – that they couldn’t in the late ’60s and early Backyard Tire Fire: 10:50 p.m.-midnight
sion; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public, 6pm Wed Nov 17.
’70s. “We only could go to the big cities, and if

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www. Cary Grant Film Showing, St. Ambrose professor Sandra, 6:30pm Tue Sep 14. Quinn will introduce the film, shown in commemoration of our fans couldn’t get there ... . Now, though, we Saturday, August 21
In Love We Trust, a presentation and discussion with the the 24th anniversary of Grant’s death in the Quad Cities; title
Off-Beat Independent Film Series; group; free popcorn; for to be announced; for information, call 563-344-4175, Betten-
get to go to places where our fans are, and we Main Stage
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - dorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, find that there’s way more of those places than Milltown: 1-1:50 p.m.
Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://, 6:30pm Tue Nov 30., 6pm Wed Sep 15. there are big cities. Mondo Drag: 3-3:50 p.m.
Film Interpretation of “Fahrenheit 451”, library patrons “Not to sound New Age or corny,” says Cook Buffalo Clover: 5-5:50 p.m.
are asked to create their own short videos sharing what
“Fahrenheit 451” and intellectual freedom mean to them; of Creedence Clearwater Revisited’s trajectory The Diplomats of Solid Sound: 7-7:50 p.m.
films will be screened at the library date and time TBA; for since its 1994 beginnings, “but it’s all been Creedence Clearwater Revisited: 9-10:20
information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 Take Flight!, aerial exhibit running in conjunction with
41st St, Moline, IL,, Mon Sep the IMAX adventure “Legends of Flight”; for information, call organic. Everything we’ve done has been sort p.m.
27 thru Sat Oct 30. 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th of, ‘Well, how does this feel?’ So we’ve just sort B Stage
Ray Bradbury: An American Icon, for information, call St, Davenport, IA,, thru Tue Aug 31.
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, Prehistoric Playground, hands-on exhibit in which of let the band go on its own, and try to nurture Jimmy Riches: noon-12:50 p.m., 7pm Tue Sep 28. visitors can create their own dinosaurs in the Design-A-Dino
area, experience family development in Nest Side Story, learn
it. And that’s sort of how we got here. Sixteen Bumper Crop: 2-2:50 p.m.
Coraline, screening in the LitFlix matinee series, designed
to inspire kids to read the books on which movies are based; about proper nutrition with the help of Pteranodons in Food years later. Amazing.” Tim Stop Trio: 4-4:50 p.m.
for Thought, control a life-sized baby T-Rex, dig for fossils,
free popcorn and admission; for information, call 563-326-
7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Daven- create dinosaur tracks, and more; free with $4-$6 museum
56 Hope Road: 6-6:50 p.m.
port, IA,, 1pm Sat Oct 2. admission; for information, call 563-344-4106, Family Mu- Creedence Clearwater Revisited plays River Jonathan Tyler & the Northern Lights: 8-
German American Day Film Showing, featuring the seum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.
screening of a film from Germany, title to be announced; for, thru Sun Sep 5.
Roots Live’s Main Stage at 9 p.m. on Saturday, 8:50 p.m.
information, call 563-344-4179 or 563-344-5705, Bettendorf Exploring Hoover’s Attic: Treasures, Keepsakes, Sur- August 21. Admission to the LeClaire Park Grace Potter & the Nocturnals: 10:30 p.m.-
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http:// prises, large and small items and memorabilia belonging to, 6:30pm Wed Oct 6. the late Herbert and Lou Henry Hoover; free with museum ad- music festival is free, and more information is midnight
Fahrenheit 451 and Other Dystopian Films, on Satur- mission; for information, call 319-643-5301, Herbert Hoover available by visiting
Presidential Museum, Off I-80 at exit 254, West Branch, IA, 27
Adult Drop-in Hockey, on Mondays; $10; all drop-in ses-

sions require full hockey equipment; for information, call
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
563-322-5220, Quad City Sports Center, 700 W. River Dr., Dav-
enport, IA,, 11:15am thru Mon
Dec 27.
OneGoal Youth Hockey, on Mondays at 6:15 & 7pm; for, thru Sun Oct 31.
ages 4-8; $55 + $45 equipment deposit; for information, call
Cruisin’ the Fossil Freeway, investigate the world of ear-
563-322-5220, Quad City Sports Center, 700 W. River Dr., Dav-
ly jawless and armored fish, see remains of plants that lived
enport, IA,, 6:15pm thru Mon

Advice Goddess
before, during, and after the age of the dinosaurs, find out
Dec 27.
the about critters that lived in the ancient oceans that covered
Iowa and Illinois millions of years ago, and more; free with
museum admission; for information, call 563-324-1933, Put-
Family Skate Night, on Tuesdays; $3 admission, $2.50
skate rental; for information, call 563-322-5220, Quad City

BY AMY ALKON nam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport, IA,, thru Fri Dec 31.
Sports Center, 700 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www., 7pm thru Tue Dec 28.
Beginner & Intermediate Instructional Hockey, on
German American Heritage Center Interactive, 4,000

Not Wanton Any

Wednesdays; for ages 12 & under; $60 or drop-in for $12 per
square feet of state-of-the-art interactive exhibits including
class; for information, call 563-322-5220, Quad City Sports
a new trivia video game, wired antique party line phones, pe-
Center, 700 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www.qcscs-
riod clothing that can be tried on, and the audio-visual expe-, 5:30pm thru Wed Dec 29.
rience “Step into my Shoes”; free with $3-$5 museum admis-
I started seeing this amazing guy, but had on the fritz, or maybe he’s less interested in sex sion, for information, call 563-322-8844, German American
Peoria Chiefs, vs the Burlington Bees; $6-$10; for tickets
and information, call 866-698-4253, O’Brien Field, 730 SW Jef-
to initiate most of the making out. He soon than in being slowly eaten alive by fire ants. The Heritage Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, http://www.
ferson, Peoria, IL,, Thu Aug 19., thru Fri Dec 31.
dumped me, saying he has little experience and “Why?” of this is unimportant; what matters is Ocean Experience, permanent, hands-on installation
Quad Cities River Bandits, vs the Clinton LumberKings;
$7-$12; for tickets, call (563)324-3000, Modern Woodmen
was freaking out. (He’s 40, and has only had that you want something that he can’t provide. featuring different underwater habitats from kelp forests to
coral reefs to tidal pools to deep seas; for information, call
Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://quadcities.river-, 7pm Fri Aug 20.
three girlfriends.) We got back together, but he Great, he likes the same weird artwork, but 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th
Clinton LumberKings, vs the Peoria Chiefs; for tickets
St, Davenport, IA,, thru Fri Dec 31.
still wasn’t initiating, and six months in, still don’t be looking to him for anything racier than Let’s Pretend!, on Fridays; for ages 3-5; act out favorite
and information, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, 537
Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://clinton.lumberkings.milb.
hadn’t had sex with me. After a perfect date, an afternoon of fully clothed collage-making. childhood stories complete with props and silly costumes; for
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Sat Aug 21.
information, call 563-344-4106, Family Museum, 2900 Learn-
I told him I wanted to make love to him. He (“Want the glue stick?” being a euphemism for ing Campus Dr, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.familymuseum.
Uptown Open Golf Outing, Uptown Neighborhood Bar
and Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr., Bettendorf, IA, 9pm Sun Aug
said he wasn’t up for that kind of attachment, “Want the glue stick?”). org, 11:15am thru Fri Dec 31.
Under the Big Tree with Buzz and Honey, on Fridays; for
hightailed it out of my place, and ended it Come on, you know that continuing to ages 5 & under; Join Ms. Kim, Buzz, and Honey for stories and
Clinton LumberKings, vs the Peoria Chiefs; for tickets
and information, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, 537
again. We’re friends now, but I’ve fallen totally demand sex and commitment from this guy songs under the Big Tree; for information, call 563-344-4106,
Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://clinton.lumberkings.milb.
Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf, IA,
in love with him. I can tell he’s attracted to is dumb – dumb like sitting yourself down in, 9:30am thru Fri Dec 31.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 2pm Sun Aug 22.
Clinton LumberKings, vs the Peoria Chiefs; for tickets
me, but my friends think he’s gay or sexually a vegan restaurant and refusing to leave until Martinis to the Max: Forces of Nature, cocktails, hors
d’oeuvres, and an IMAX presentation at 6 & 7pm; $15-$20; for
and information, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, 537
dysfunctional. I told him I wouldn’t care about they bring you barbequed ribs with a side of information or to reserve, call 563-324-1054, ext. 219, or e-
Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://clinton.lumberkings.milb.
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Mon Aug 23.
mail, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre,
the latter. He’s too great to walk away from. He hog cracklin’s. You’ve latched onto the common 1717 W 12th St, Davenport, IA,
Clinton LumberKings, vs the Peoria Chiefs; for tickets
and information, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, 537
gets my weird artwork and disturbing humor, excuse for this sort of self-destructive behavior: tinis, 5pm Thu Aug 19.
Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://clinton.lumberkings.milb.
Monarch Butterfly Workshop, register by Aug. 20 for
and we work great together on art projects. “Help, I’ve fallen in love, and I can’t get up!” Aug,. 28 workshops at 10:30am, 11:30am, and 1pm; annual
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Tue Aug 24.
Clinton LumberKings, vs the Quad Cities River Bandits;
I’m considering making my upcoming 40th There’s a good chance you are in love – with event demonstrating caterpillar care, a special slideshow
for tickets and information, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy
presentation, and Monarch tagging; watch as your own Mon-
birthday my deadline and telling him what I the chase. You avoid admitting that this is a lost arch caterpillar transforms from chrysalis to butterfly, then
Field, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://clinton.lumberk-, 6:30pm Wed Aug 25.
really want. If he cannot commit or initiate cause by clinging to “This would be so perfect, set it free; led by naturalists Sally Patterson, Bob Motz, and
Peoria Chiefs, vs the Cedar Rapids Kernels; $6-$10; for
Greg Wolf; $3/person, $3/caterpillar; for information and to
sex, I’m leaving! Right? if only... .” Yes, if only he were somebody totally register, call 563-324-1054, ext. 266, Putnam Museum & IMAX
tickets and information, call 866-698-4253, O’Brien Field, 730
SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL,, Wed
– Frustrated different – a man who can’t wait to have sex with Theatre, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport, IA, http://www.putnam.
Aug 25.
org/monarchs, Fri Aug 20.
you, instead of a man who probably redresses you Clinton LumberKings, vs the Quad Cities River Bandits;
Hoover Museum Free Admission, see the permanent
for tickets and information, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy
There are some subtle signs that somebody’s galleries that document the life and times of Herbert Hoover
with his eyes. Show cleavage, and he’ll mentally and also to tour the museum’s current special exhibit, “Ex-
Field, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://clinton.lumberk-, 6:30pm Thu Aug 26.
attracted to you: dilated pupils, flushed face, put you in a poncho. ploring Hoover’s Attic: Treasures, Keepsakes, Surprises”; see
Peoria Chiefs, vs the Cedar Rapids Kernels; $6-$10; for
the new PBS film “Landslide: A Portrait of President Herbert
heavier breathing, taking off out the back door For your birthday, give yourself the gift of Hoover,” (July 7, August 18 & 25) or the original stage produc-
tickets and information, call 866-698-4253, O’Brien Field, 730
SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL,, Thu
like somebody fired the gun at the beginning of living while fully conscious. Identify men who tion “Treasured Memories of the Great Humanitarian” (July
Aug 26.
14, 21, 28 and August 4 and 11) - one performance of either
a track meet... . are broken, pat them on the head, and send them the film or the stage production each Wednesday evening
Peoria Chiefs, vs the Cedar Rapids Kernels; $6-$10; for
tickets and information, call 866-698-4253, O’Brien Field, 730
It is possible that you mumbled when on their way. The weirder your sensibilities, the starting at 6:30pm; for information, call 319-643-5301, Her-
SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL,, Fri
bert Hoover Presidential Museum, Off I-80 at exit 254, West
propositioning the guy, and your “I want to harder it’ll be to find a boyfriend who shares Branch, IA, 5pm Wed Aug 25.
Aug 27.
Clinton LumberKings, vs the Quad Cities River Bandits;
make love to you!” sounded exactly like “Did I them. Maybe you can’t, but maybe you can make Martinis to the Max: Jane Goodall’s Wild Chimpan-
for tickets and information, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy
zees, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and an IMAX presentation at
mention that terrorists planted a bomb under my a bunch of friends who do. Relationships always 6 & 7pm; $15-$20; for information or to reserve, call 563-324-
Field, 537 Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://clinton.lumberk-, 6:30pm Fri Aug 27.
couch, and it’s timed to go off at any moment?” require compromise, but there’s trying to make 1054, ext. 219, or e-mail, Putnam Mu-
seum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport, IA, http://
Peoria Chiefs, vs the Clinton LumberKings; $6-$10; for
But chances are, the truth is exactly as it seems: it work with a guy who likes sex in the morning, 5pm Thu Sep 16.
tickets and information, call 866-698-4253, O’Brien Field, 730
SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL,, Sat
Infection Prevention and Health Fair/Microbes Exhibit,
While you’re dying to get him into bed, he’d when you like it in evening – and there’s trying to sponsored by Trinity Medical Center; an interactive, infection
Aug 28.
Quad Cities River Bandits, vs the Cedar Rapids Kernels;
rather get into a cannon with a lit fuse. make it work with one who likes it on February prevention health fair for families in conjunction with the “In-
$7-$12; for tickets, call (563)324-3000, Modern Woodmen
visible Invaders, Amazing Allies” exhibit; visit informational
Yes, maybe he’s gay, maybe his man parts are 30th. stations and complete a health quiz to be eligible for a prize;
Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://quadcities.river-, 6pm Sat Aug 28.
for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & IMAX

Lens Crafty
Peoria Chiefs, vs the Clinton LumberKings; $6-$10; for
Theatre, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport, IA, http://www.putnam.
tickets and information, call 866-698-4253, O’Brien Field, 730
org, 9am Sat Sep 25.
SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL,, Sun
Putnam Museum Microbes: Invisible Invaders, Amaz-
Aug 29.
ing Allies, sponsored by Trinity Medical Center; exhibit
I’m putting up my online dating profile, versus holding the teller up at gunpoint. After teaches children about microbes, what they are, what they
Quad Cities River Bandits, vs the Cedar Rapids Kernels;
$7-$12; for tickets, call (563)324-3000, Modern Woodmen
and wonder if I’m being deceitful by posting all, you can take glasses off, unlike somebody’s look like, the history of infectious disease, emerging diseases,
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://quadcities.river-

and how researches and individuals fight infectious diseases
a picture of myself without glasses. (I un-pictured 80 extra pounds, as in, “I basically worldwide; for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Mu-, 1pm Sun Aug 29.
Quad Cities River Bandits, vs the Cedar Rapids Kernels;
photograph better without them, but basically wear these 80 pounds everywhere but in bed!” seum & IMAX Theatre, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport, IA, http://, Sat Sep 25 thru Tue Nov 30.
$7-$12; for tickets, call (563)324-3000, Modern Woodmen
wear them everywhere but in bed.) To be more honest, post a secondary picture of Martinis to the Max: Dolphins, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres,
Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://quadcities.river-, 7pm Mon Aug 30.
and an IMAX presentation at 6 & 7pm; $15-$20; for informa-
– Miss Four Eyes your bespectacled self, and be sure to include a tion or to reserve, call 563-324-1054, ext. 219, or e-mail ar-
Peoria Chiefs, vs the Clinton LumberKings; $6-$10; for
tickets and information, call 866-698-4253, O’Brien Field, 730
full body shot to show guys that you aren’t built, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717
SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL,, Mon
W 12th St, Davenport, IA,,
Internet daters posting photos to their like a manatee (a.k.a. the “sea cow”). Keep in 5pm Thu Oct 21.
Aug 30.
Peoria Chiefs, vs the Clinton LumberKings; $6-$10; for
profiles are intent on putting their best foot mind that online daters probably assume their Martinis to the Max: Everest, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres,
tickets and information, call 866-698-4253, O’Brien Field, 730
and an IMAX presentation at 6 & 7pm; $15-$20; for informa-
forward – and all too often, it’s a foot attached to prospects are lying about essential details until tion or to reserve, call 563-324-1054, ext. 219, or e-mail ar-
SW Jefferson, Peoria, IL,, Tue
Aug 31.
another person’s body. So, on the online dating proven otherwise. It should come as something, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre, 1717
Quad Cities River Bandits, vs the Cedar Rapids Kernels;
W 12th St, Davenport, IA,,
ethics spectrum, posting a photo sans your of a relief to your dates when they find out your 5pm Thu Nov 18.
$7-$12; for tickets, call (563)324-3000, Modern Woodmen
Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://quadcities.river-
glasses is like taking an extra mint at the bank big secret, and it’s that you have an astigmatism,, 7pm Tue Aug 31.
not an Adam’s apple. Clinton LumberKings, vs the Beloit Snappers; for tickets
and information, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, 537
Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://clinton.lumberkings.milb.

Got A Problem? Ask Amy Alkon. com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Wed Sep 1.

Clinton LumberKings, vs the Beloit Snappers; for tickets
171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 Saturday Night Late Skate, on Saturdays; $5 adults,
$3.50 students/seniors, $2.50 skate rental; for information,
and information, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, 537
Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://clinton.lumberkings.milb.
or e-mail ( call 563-322-5220, Quad City Sports Center, 700 W. River Dr., com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Thu Sep 2.
Clinton LumberKings, vs the Beloit Snappers; for tickets
Davenport, IA,, 8pm thru Sat
28 ©2009, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. Dec 18. and information, call 563-242-0727, Alliant Energy Field, 537

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

now being at the Re@der
accepted for
Voss Brothers • Design
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River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

formation, call 563-441-4015, Scott Community College, 500 story time activities such as fingerplays and reading; free; prepare your fruits and vegetables; free with paid admission;
Belmont Rd., Bettendorf, IA, for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, for information, call 309-794-0991 or e-mail Gary at edu@qc-
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
tion, 9am Sat Aug 21. 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock
Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Seminar for, 2pm Tue Sep 7 thru Tue Sep 28. Island, IL,, 1pm Sun Sep 19.
Owners of Historic Buildings, classroom-style seminar will Business Xchange, share your “commercial” with a differ- Grant Writing Workshop, topics of discussion include
Ballpark Drive, Clinton, IA, http://clinton.lumberkings.milb. provide timely information about how to balance the unique ent guest every 6 minutes, allowing you to meet 10 new con- developing sustainable grants, finding grant making organi-
com/index.jsp?sid=t500, 6:30pm Fri Sep 3. features of a structure with the needs to be energy efficient tacts at each event; at the end of each event, each attendee zations, telling your story through an effective mission, and
Quad Cities River Bandits, vs the Peoria Chiefs; $7-$12; and cost-effective; self-guided Quarters One tours following; will receive a networking list, which will allow them to follow putting it all together to make a strong case; $199; for infor-
for tickets, call (563)324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S $16.35; for information and to register, call 309-732-2900 or up on all contacts made at the event; $15-$25; to register, call mation, contact Jennifer Prinz at 563-441-9950 or PrinzJen-
Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://quadcities.riverbandits.milb. e-mail, Arsenal Island, Rock Island, IL, 309-757-5416, Hampton Inn & Suites, 5290 Utica Ridge Rd,, St. Ambrose University College for Profes-
com/index.jsp?sid=t565, 6pm Sat Sep 4., 9am Sat Aug 21. Davenport, IA,, 11:30am sional Studies, 1950 E 54th St, Davenport, IA, http://www.sau.
Quad Cities River Bandits, vs the Peoria Chiefs; $7-$12; Taste of Training Informational Career Night, event Wed Sep 8. edu/pdc, 9am Tue Sep 21.
for tickets, call (563)324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S highlighting Black Hawk College’s expansive buffet of short- Basic Dog Grooming, Thursdays thru Oct. 14; class will Master of Education in Teaching Information Webinar,
Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://quadcities.riverbandits.milb. term training programs; for information, call 309-796-8223 or cover animal safety and handling, bathing, nail and ear care, online information session for the Master of Education in
com/index.jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Sun Sep 5. 888-749-6887, ext. 8223, Hy-Vee brushing techniques, face Teaching program at SAU; speak to faculty and staff from the
Quad Cities River Bandits, vs the Peoria Chiefs; $7-$12; Club Room - John Deere Rd. & trimming and feathering, basic comfort of your own home or office; free; for information, call
for tickets, call (563)324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S
Gaines St, Davenport, IA, http://quadcities.riverbandits.milb.
com/index.jsp?sid=t565, 1pm Mon Sep 6.
7th Street, Moline, IL, http://, 6:30pm Tue
Events patterns, shavedowns and the
proper use of tools and equip-
563-388-7660, St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust, Daven-
port, IA,, 4:30pm Wed Sep 22.
Trinity Golf Classic, proceeds will be awarded to Trinity
Aug 24. i wireless Center ment; $224; for information 39th Annual College Night, high school students and
Black Hawk College Travel, and to register, call 309-796- parents can visit with representatives from more than 80
Medical Center’s Cardiac Stepdown Unit to purchase por- Tourism & Hospitality Pro- August through November 8223, 3305 67th Ave., Moline, colleges and universities, and receive information on ad-
table bedside monitors; for information, call 309-779-2232 or gram Information Session, IL,, 6pm mission requirements, how to apply, tuition costs, financial
563-355-0746, TPC at Deere Run, 3100 Heather Knoll, Silvis, IL,

information about the BHC cer- Thu Sep 9. aid, housing options, majors, and transfer options; free; for, 7:30am Thu Sep 9. tificate program that takes only o quote the Secrets of a Johnny’s Chef: information, call 309-796-5153, Black Hawk College - Quad
Cedar Rapids Rollergirls, a roller-derby competition vs. Ace Autumn Harvest, chef
Bloomington, IL in the “Trauma in the CR”; $10-$13; for tick-
12 weeks and the many career
opportunities available in this
late, great wit Steve Hall will reveal concise,
City Campus, 6600 34th Ave., Moline, IL,,
6pm Thu Sep 23.
ets, call 800-745-3000, U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, growing field; for information, Dorothy Parker: easy-to-master techniques in Master of Education in Teaching Info Session, for work-
Cedar Rapids, IA,, 7pm Sat Sep call 309-796-8244, Black Hawk a fun and relaxed atmosphere; ing teachers; earn your master of education in teaching de-
18. College Outreach Center, 301
“Summer makes menu includes Zucchini Fries, gree in two years; graduates will also complete the portfolio
QC Rollers vs. OCCRG, flat-track roller derby in the Great Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, me drowsy. Tortellini Portabella, and Turtle requirements to become Nationally Board Certified; free; for
Hall; $9-$12, ages 12 & under free; for information, e-mail IL,, Cheesecake; $40; for informa- information, call 563-388-7660, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose or visit http://www.myspace. 7pm Thu Aug 26.
Autumn makes tion, call 309-736-0100, John- University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA, http://www.sau.
com/quadcityrollers, RiverCenter, 136 E. 3rd St, Davenport, Cooking and Culinary Ex- me sing. Winter’s ny’s Italian Steak House, 1300 edu/medt, 4pm Thu Sep 23.
IA,, 7pm Sat Sep 18. plorations with Chef Spencer River Dr, Moline, IL, 6:30pm St. Ambrose Admissions Overnight Visit, high school
St. Ambrose University Student Physical Therapy Blake, Delectable tastings will
pretty lousy, but Tue Sep 14. seniors who have been accepted to St. Ambrose are invited
Organization Annual Golf Tournament, tournament is a be served and sample portions I hate spring.” St.Ambrose University to spend the night in a residence hall with a student host;
four-person scramble, with check-in beginning at 11am, and will be provided for you to take Supervisory Certificate Pro- free; to reserve, call 563-333-6300 or 800-383-2627, St. Am-
first tee time at noon; entry fee includes 18 holes of golf, a home. Topics include barbecue
Well, considering Carrie Underwood gram, learn practical super- brose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www.
golf cart, and dinner in the St. Ambrose Cosgrove Dining methods such as smoking, spit- it’s Parker, I guess visory skills that will enable, 6pm Sun Sep 26 and Mon Sep 27.
Hall; $65/person, $250/team; for information, contact Ryan roasting and grilling; methods of you to analyze, prioritize and Cooking and Culinary Explorations with Chef Spencer
Williams at 402-984-0633 or, Emily cooking fish, methods of cook- one out of four ain’t bad, and there’ll certainly delegate, and play a key role in Blake, Delectable tastings will be served and sample por-
Denner at 563-676-3190 or, or the ing eggs, and more. Please sign be plenty of singing going on at Moline’s i enhancing the overall produc- tions will be provided for you to take home. Topics include
St. Ambrose University Physical Therapy Department at 563- up at the library or call (309) tivity and performance of your barbecue methods such as smoking, spit-roasting and grill-
333-6403, Emeis Golf Course, 4500 West Central Park Ave., 523-3440 for more information., wireless Center this autumn. The venue’ s fall organization; $995; for infor- ing; methods of cooking fish, methods of cooking eggs, and
Davenport, IA,, 12pm Sat Sep 25. River Valley Library, 214 S. Main lineup kicks off with the legendary German mation, contact Jennifer Prinz more. Please sign up at the library or call (309) 523-3440 for
Pastor’s Masters Golf Tournament, sponsored by the St., Port Byron, IL, http://www. at 563-441-9950 or PrinzJen- more information., River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port
Quad Cities Prayer Center; put together a team of four golf-, 5pm Mon rockers of the Scorpions – appearing with, St. Ambrose Byron, IL,, 5pm Mon Sep
ers, with the stipulation that one of them has to be a senior
or associate pastor; $255/team ($85/each for the three non-
Aug 30. special guests Dokken – on August 20, and University College for Profes- 27.
St. Ambrose University sional Studies, 1950 E 54th St, St. Ambrose University “Project Management: Tools,
pastoral players on the team and the pastor is free); registra- Leadership Experience, or- continues less than a week later when country- Davenport, IA, http://www.sau. Principles and Practices”, Sept. 28-30; learn proven tools
tion includes greens fees, carts, awards banquet, and prizes; ganize a project in your orga- music superstars Toby Keith and Trace Adkins edu/pdc, 8:30am Tue Sep 14 and techniques used by world-class companies to make their
for information, contact Tom Hurt at 309-737-2853 or Scott nization and receive monthly and Wed Sep 15. projects sizzle; with these methods, your projects will come
Schaefer at 309-314-0369, Emeis Golf Course, 4500 West Cen- coaching while gaining the electrify the Quad Cities crowd on August 26. Master of Education in in on time, on budget, and at the right level of performance;
tral Park Ave., Davenport, IA,, skills necessary to increase your More country hits will be heard when the venue Teaching Info Session, for $1,395; for information, contact Jennifer Prinz at 563-441-
7am Fri Oct 1. bottom line and your level of working teachers; earn your 9950 or, St. Ambrose University Col-
confidence as a leader; $2,995; hosts five-time Grammy Award winner Carrie master of education in teach- lege for Professional Studies, 1950 E 54th St, Davenport, IA,
for information, contact Jen- Underwood on October 15, performing with ing degree in two years;, 8:30am Tue Sep 28.
nifer Prinz at 563-441-9950 or graduates will also complete St. Ambrose University Presents “Leadership Through, St. Am- openers Billy Currington and Sons of Sylvia, the portfolio requirements People Skills”, Oct. 5-7; an intensive, three-day learning ex-
brose University College for Pro- and 25 years of favorites will be highlighted to become Nationally Board perience that transforms managers into leaders by creating
Seeking Applicants for Auto Technology Scholar-
fessional Studies, 1950 E 54th St, Certified; free; for information, the skills necessary to meet today’s business challenges, and
ship at Scott Community College, This scholarship will
Davenport, IA, http://www.sau. on November 28, when a beloved duo graces call 563-388-7660, Rock Island turn vision into reality; $1,295; for information, contact Jenni-
be awarded each spring to two Scott Community College
edu/pdc, 8am Wed Sep 1. the Moline stage in the touring event The Regional Office of Education, fer Prinz at 563-441-9950 or, St. Am-
students who meet the following criteria: Demonstrate aca-
Pesticide Testing, for infor- 3430 23rd Ave, Rock Island, brose University College for Professional Studies, 1950 E 54th
mation, call 563-359-7577, Scott Judds: The Last Encore. The i wireless Center’s
demic promise; Student has unmet financial need; Must be
IL,, St, Davenport, IA,, 8am Tue Oct 5.
enrolled full-time; Enrolled in the Auto Technology program
County Extension, 875 Tangle- 4pm Wed Sep 15. St. Ambrose University Open House Visit Day, for high
at Scott Community College; Student must submit one refer-
foot Lane, Suite B, Bettendorf,
Grammy-lauded roster continues with the Computer Tutor at East- school juniors and seniors; receive important admissions and
ence from at least one Scott Community College Auto Tech
IA, http://dbs.extension.iastate. exhilarating gospel of November 5’s Bill Gaither ern, on the 3rd and 4th financial aid info, take a campus tour, and enjoy lunch with
instructor. Each of the two students will receive $750 in the
edu/calendar, 10am Fri Sep 3. Wednesdays of the month; faculty and staff; free; to reserve, call 563-333-6300 or 800-
spring and $750 in the fall for tuition and books, providing
Emotional Freedom Tech-
Homecoming Tour, boasting performances by bring your computer ques- 383-2627, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W.
the established criteria continue to be met., http://www.eicc.
nique (EFT) Workshop, class will Grammy winner Gaither, Wes Hampton, David tions to the library and a staff Locust St., Davenport, IA,, 9:15am
edu/sccfoundation, thru Mon Nov 1.
give you a lifelong, holistic mo- person will provide one-on- Mon Oct 11.
Computer Tutor at Fairmount, on the 1st and 2nd Thurs-
dality for better health; learn to
Phelps, Michael English, and Mark Lowry. one help; learn about Internet Mastering IT Project Management, this advanced
days of the month; bring your computer questions to the li-
release subconscious blocks as- Disney tunes will likely be filling your heads searching, e-mailing, library course will help you select the best life cycle for your proj-
brary and a staff person will provide one-on-one help; learn
sociated with painful memories, databases, the library catalog, ect, identify requirements, manage risk and complexity, track
about Internet searching, e-mailing, library databases, the
and achieve wonderful results,
when animated princesses Jasmine, Belle, and and Microsoft Word; free; for progress, and communicate with sponsors and team mem-
library catalog, and Microsoft Word; free; for information, call
both emotional & physical, with- Snow White – plus many other family-film information, call 563-326-7832, bers; $1,395; for information, contact Jennifer Prinz at 563-
563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount
out voicing anything out loud; Fairmount Street Library, 3000 441-9950 or, St. Ambrose University
learn meridian energy therapy favorites – appear in the flesh for the all-new
St., Davenport, IA,, 7pm
N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, College for Professional Studies, 1950 E 54th St, Davenport,
thru Thu Dec 9.
using a simple EFT (Emotional Disney Live! Mickey’s Magic Show on October http://www.davenportlibrary. IA,, 8:30am Tue Oct 12 thru Thu
Basic Internet Class, on Wednesdays; walk-in course
Freedom Techniques) procedure com, 7pm Wed Sep 15 thru Oct 14.
for those seeking basic computer skills; for information, call
and be introduced to muscle 22. And while it might not be music, there will Wed Dec 15. Secrets of a Johnny’s Chef: Hollywood at Home, chef
309-732-7303, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401
testing; for information, call 309- definitely be a happy hum in the air when the Creating Sustainable Steve Hall will reveal concise, easy-to-master techniques in a
19th, Rock Island, IL,, 9am thru Wed
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

762-1066 or 708-955-3634, Unity Funding For Your Nonprofit, fun and relaxed atmosphere; menu includes Lobster Frangel-
Dec 29.
Church of Christianity, 5102 47th i wireless Center hosts the yearly return of the presented by Terry Axelrod, Be- ico Salad, Chanel No. 5, and Gran Marnier Mousse; $40; for
Creating a Resume in Word, on Wednesdays; no ap-
Ave, Moline, IL, http://www.uni- Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, nevon Founder & CEO; seminar information, call 309-736-0100, Johnny’s Italian Steak House,
pointment needed; in the Computer Lab, ground-floor level;, 1pm Sun Sep 5. on how to create sustainable 1300 River Dr, Moline, IL, 6:30pm Tue Oct 12.
Home Wiring Class, Tues- which brings its Zing Zang Zoom show to the
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library
funding for your nonprofit; Business Xchange, share your “commercial” with a differ-
- Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.ripl.lib.
days thru Oct. 12; class covers Quad Cities September 2 through 5. All told, learn a system for fundraising ent guest every 6 minutes, allowing you to meet 10 new con-, 11am thru Wed Dec 29.
house wiring, telephone wiring you can start to implement tacts at each event; at the end of each event, each attendee
and cable systems. Participants it’s a fall roster guaranteed to make even the
Aqua Combo, on Tuesdays & Thursdays; a moderate- to
right away, and how to get will receive a networking list, which will allow them to follow
high-intensity class performed in shallow and deep water
get hands-on experience us- notoriously dour Dorothy Parker stand up and your organization off the an- up on all contacts made at the event; $15-$25; to register, call
with flotation belts used in deep water portion; $5 per class
ing meters and tools to safely nual fundraising treadmill 309-757-5416, Hampton Inn & Suites, 5290 Utica Ridge Rd,
or $60 for a 20-visit pass for the general public; $56 for senior
troubleshoot, maintain or make cheer. At least if you kept her martini glass full. forever; bring at least two key Davenport, IA,, 11:30am
citizens; for information, call 309-796-5601, Black Hawk Col-
minor revisions; $51; for infor- For more on the i wireless Center’s fall events, leaders, including Board Mem- Wed Oct 13.
lege - Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th Avenue, Moline,
mation and to register, call 309- bers, CEO, and Development Your Business - in Motion!, presented by AT&T and the
796-8223, Black Hawk College visit – Mike Schulz
IL, 6pm thru Thu Dec 30.
Director; free; for information Greater Quad Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; busi-
Aqua Motion, on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays; a
Outreach Center, 301 Avenue of and to register, contact Loren ness owners learn to create and manage wireless forms, track
moderate-intensity class performed entirely in shallow wa-
the Cities, East Moline, IL, http:// Alexanian at 206-428-2150 or and manage mobile assets, and increase revenues and con-
ter; $5 per class or $60 for a 20-visit pass for the general pub-, 6:30pm Tue Sep 7., American Red Cross of the trol costs; free; to RSVP, call 309-749-7183 or e-mail km1815@
lic; $56 for senior citizens; for information, call 309-796-5601,
Reflexology Therapy Training Program, Tuesdays & Quad Cities Area, 1100 River Dr, Moline, IL,, AT&T Retail Store, South Park Mall, Moline, IL, http://
Black Hawk College - Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th
Thursdays thru Dec. 9; hands-on program will cover a vari-, 8:30am Fri Sep 17., 7:30am Wed Oct 13.
Avenue, Moline, IL, 11:15am thru Fri Dec 31.
ety of therapeutic techniques for the feet, hands and ears. Optical Training: Skills and Procedures, Tuesdays thru St. Ambrose University Open House Visit Day, for high
Pressure Canner Gauge Testing, for information, call
Basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology will Nov. 30; practical, hands-on course provides entry-level school juniors and seniors; receive important admissions and
563-359-7577, Scott County Extension, 875 Tanglefoot Lane,
be emphasized along with body mechanics for injury preven- working knowledge of optics and office procedures; $595; financial aid info, take a campus tour, and enjoy lunch with
Suite B, Bettendorf, IA,
tion, ethics and clinicals; $847; for information and to regis- for information and to register, call 309-796-8223, Black faculty and staff; free; to reserve, call 563-333-6300 or 800-
endar, 10am Thu Aug 19.
ter, call 309-796-8223, Black Hawk College Outreach Center, Hawk College - Quad City Campus, 6600 34th Ave., Moline, IL, 383-2627, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W.
“Beat the Rush” Student Open House, for all current
301 Avenue of the Cities, East Moline, IL, http://www.bhc., 7pm Fri Sep 17. Locust St., Davenport, IA,, 9:15am
and potential students at the Belmont Campus; learn more
edu, 5:15pm Tue Sep 7. Back Yard Gardening Class: Harvest, join the Botanical Sat Oct 23.
about financial aid, scholarships, career programs, activities,
Baby Sign, on Tuesdays; learn simple signs to encourage center staff in a cooking demo; your harvested produce takes St. Ambrose Admissions Overnight Visit, high school
and more; campus tours will be given; new students can reg-
communication between you and your pre-verbal child; with center stage as you learn some creative, nutritious ways to seniors who have been accepted to St. Ambrose are invited
30 ister for classes; free food, kids activities’, and more; for in-
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

at Lujack’s!


River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

2010 VW

?JHI $
199 PER MO.
Just South of the Northpark Mall
zations, telling your story through an effective mission, and
putting it all together to make a strong case; $199; for infor-
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
mation, contact Jennifer Prinz at 563-441-9950 or PrinzJen-, St. Ambrose University College for Profes-
sional Studies, 1950 E 54th St, Davenport, IA, http://www.sau.
to spend the night in a residence hall with a student host; edu/pdc, 9am Tue Nov 30.
free; to reserve, call 563-333-6300 or 800-383-2627, St. Am- St. Ambrose University Presents “Managing Capital
brose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www. Projects”, learn to maximize your return on investment by, 6pm Sun Oct 24 and Mon Oct 25. assembling the right project team, developing a communica-
Cooking and Culinary Explorations with Chef Spencer tion plan, selecting the appropriate project delivery system,
Blake, Delectable tastings will be served and sample por- improving the delivery of capital projects, and creating a
tions will be provided for you to take home. Topics include predictable project-management system; $1,395; for infor-
barbecue methods such as smoking, spit-roasting and grill- mation, contact Jennifer Prinz at 563-441-9950 or PrinzJen-
ing; methods of cooking fish, methods of cooking eggs, and, St. Ambrose University College for Profes-
more. Please sign up at the library or call (309) 523-3440 for sional Studies, 1950 E 54th St, Davenport, IA, http://www.sau.
more information., River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port edu/pdc, 8:30am Tue Nov 30 thru Thu Dec 2.
Byron, IL,, 5pm Mon Oct
St. Ambrose University Presents “eXtreme Project
Management”, learn how to address the unique challenges
of eXtreme projects and how to manage both the mechanics
and the dynamics; $1,395; for information, contact Jennifer
Prinz at 563/441-9950 or, St. Am- Classes, Lectures & Events
brose University College for Professional Studies, 1950 E 54th Yoga Burn, on Thursdays; a yoga class that incorporates
St, Davenport, IA,, 8:30am Tue Oct strength conditioning, led by Daina Lewis; for information,
26 thru Thu Oct 28. call 309-764-YOGA, Indigo, A Creative Approach to Fitness &
Graduate Education Programs Open House, for li- Wellness, LLC, 1621 5th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www.indigow-
censed teachers and those pursuing a teaching degree;, 8:30am thru Thu Aug 26.
faculty and students will be in attendance to answer your Shamanic Journey, on Thursdays; go to your power-
questions; refreshments provided; free; for information, call animal and spiritual teachers directly to ask for wisdom and
563-388-7660, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 guidance; $75; for information, call 309-764-9642, Indigo, A
W. Locust St., Davenport, IA,, 5pm Creative Approach to Fitness & Wellness, LLC, 1621 5th Ave.,
Thu Oct 28. Moline, IL,, 3pm thru Sat
Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, for work- Aug 28.
ing teachers; come hear more about the LSACEL principal Shake & Sway, on Saturdays; with certified zumba instruc-
preparation program and the Master of Education in Teach- tor Dominic Nache; learn a variety of dance styles including
ing program at a special open house event; free; for informa- Bollywood, country, the jive, stomping, stepping, and disco;
tion or to register, contact Susan Jameson at 563-388-7660 $12/class, $40/4-weeks starting Aug. 21; for information, call
or, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose 563-764-9642, Indigo, A Creative Approach to Fitness & Well-
University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA, http://www.sau. ness, LLC, 1621 5th Ave., Moline, IL, http://www.indigowell-
edu/visit, 5pm Thu Oct 28., 3pm thru Sat Sep 11.
St. Ambrose University Open House Visit Day, for high Yoga: Mind and Body, on Mondays, no class Sept. 6; Ha-
school juniors and seniors; receive important admissions and tha Yoga emphasizes the development of strength, stamina
financial aid info, take a campus tour, and enjoy lunch with and flexibility by utilizing the body’s postures and breathing
faculty and staff; free; to reserve, call 563-333-6300 or 800- techniques essential to your mental and overall wellness; ex-
383-2627, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. ercise mat required; $35; for information and to register, call
Locust St., Davenport, IA,, 9:15am 309-779-2000, Trinity Enrichment Center, 5510 Utica Ridge
Fri Oct 29. Rd, Davenport, IA,,
Helping Your Aging Parents, four-week program on 6pm thru Mon Sep 27.
Mondays, in the Norman J. Kelinson Room; for information, Meditation for Balanced Living, on Wednesdays; learn
call 563-344-4187, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning to transform stress into healthy vitality and calm the mind
Campus, Bettendorf, IA,, through the ancient practice of meditation and breathing
7pm Mon Nov 1. exercises; $42; for information and to register, call 309-779-
Secrets of a Johnny’s Chef: Dinner Party 101, chef 2000, Trinity Enrichment Center, 5510 Utica Ridge Rd, Dav-
Steve Hall will reveal concise, easy-to-master techniques in enport, IA,, 5pm thru
a fun and relaxed atmosphere; menu includes Crab Stuffed Wed Sep 29.
Shrimp, Sausage Bread, and Steak Toppers; $40; for informa- Yoga: Mind and Body, on Thursdays; Hatha Yoga empha-
tion, call 309-736-0100, Johnny’s Italian Steak House, 1300 sizes the development of strength, stamina and flexibility
River Dr, Moline, IL, 6:30pm Tue Nov 9. by utilizing the body’s postures and breathing techniques
St. Ambrose University Presents “Project Manage- essential to your mental and overall wellness; exercise mat
ment: Tools, Principles and Practices”, learn proven tools required; $42; for information and to register, call 309-779-
and techniques used by world-class companies to get results 2000, Trinity Enrichment Center, 5510 Utica Ridge Rd, Dav-
on time, on budget, and at the right level of performance; enport, IA,, 6pm thru
$1,395; for information, contact Jennifer Prinz at 563-441- Thu Sep 30.
9950 or, St. Ambrose University Col- More Core Yoga with Shannon, Mon 10:15am, Wed
lege for Professional Studies, 1950 E 54th St, Davenport, IA, 6:30pm, Thu 1:15pm; an exciting all levels yoga class with, 8:30am Tue Nov 9 thru Thu Nov a focus on developing core/abdominal strength, which will
11. combine conventional yoga with a specific focus on the core
Business Xchange, share your “commercial” with a differ- muscles of the body; 8-week sessions - $64 for one day sign-
ent guest every 6 minutes, allowing you to meet 10 new con- up or $128 for 2-day sign-up; drop-in rates also available for
tacts at each event; at the end of each event, each attendee $12 per class; for information, call 309-764-9642, Indigo, A
will receive a networking list, which will allow them to follow Creative Approach to Fitness & Wellness, LLC, 1621 5th Ave.,
up on all contacts made at the event; $15-$25; to register, call Moline, IL,, thru Thu Oct 7.
309-757-5416, Hampton Inn & Suites, 5290 Utica Ridge Rd, OH WOW (Optimum Health, WorkOuts for Women), on
Davenport, IA,, 11:30am Mondays; a 45-minute, results-based workout led by expe-
Wed Nov 10. rienced trainers; for information, call 563-370-2359 o e-mail
St. Ambrose University Open House Visit Day, for high, Body and Soul Personal Train-
school juniors and seniors; receive important admissions and ing, 2806 Eastern Ave, Cottage #7, Davenport, IA, 5:30pm
financial aid info, take a campus tour, and enjoy lunch with thru Mon Dec 27.
faculty and staff; free; to reserve, call 563-333-6300 or 800- Prenatal Yoga, on Tuesdays; $6-$9; for information and to
383-2627, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. register, contact Marcie Nithang at 563-499-2261, The Reiki
Locust St., Davenport, IA,, 9:15am Studio, 2212 E. 12th St., Suite #301, Davenport, IA, http://
Fri Nov 12, 5:30pm thru Tue Dec 28.
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

St. Ambrose Admissions Overnight Visit, high school T’ai Chi, on Tuesdays; led by instructor Steve Cravens, this
seniors who have been accepted to St. Ambrose are invited class utilizes an ancient Chinese soft form of martial arts that
to spend the night in a residence hall with a student host; increases balance, promotes relaxation and improves overall
free; to reserve, call 563-333-6300 or 800-383-2627, St. Am- health and wellbeing. All skill levels are welcome. The cost is
brose University, 518 W. Locust, Davenport, IA, http://www. $7.00 per class. Please sign up at the library or call (309) 523-, 6pm Sun Nov 14 and Mon Nov 15. 3440 for more information., River Valley Library, 214 S. Main
St. Ambrose University Open House Visit Day, for high St., Port Byron, IL,, 6:30pm
school juniors and seniors; receive important admissions and thru Tue Dec 28.
financial aid info, take a campus tour, and enjoy lunch with Yoga, on Tuesdays; led by instructor Rebecca Licandro,
faculty and staff; free; to reserve, call 563-333-6300 or 800- this class uses the ancient art of yoga to relieve stress, in-
383-2627, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. crease flexibility and improve health. All skill levels are wel-
Locust St., Davenport, IA,, 9:15am come. The cost is $8.00 per class. The cost is $7.00 per class.
Fri Nov 19. Please sign up at the library or call (309) 523-3440 for more
Back Yard Gardening Class: And Rest!, Botanical Center information., River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron,
staff will be on hand to offer advice on removing and com- IL,, 5:30pm thru Tue Dec
posting dead plant material, storing winter vegetables and 28.
putting your garden to rest; free with paid admission; for Anusara Yoga, every Wednesday, upstairs in the Banquet
information, call 309-794-0991 or e-mail Gary at edu@qcgar- Room; $10, Bettendorf Community Center, 2204 Grant St.,, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Bettendorf, IA, 5:15pm thru Wed Dec 29.
Island, IL,, 1pm Sun Nov 21. Yoga with Daina, on Wednesdays; drop-in class for all skill
Cooking and Culinary Explorations with Chef Spencer levels; for information, call 309-764-YOGA, Indigo, A Creative
Blake, topics include barbecue methods such as smoking, Approach to Fitness & Wellness, LLC, 1621 5th Ave., Moline, IL,
spit-roasting and grilling; methods of cooking fish, methods, 9:30am thru Wed Dec 29.
of cooking eggs, and more; call 563-523-3440 for more infor- Gentle Yoga, on Thursdays; $6-$9; for information and to
mation., River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, register, contact Marcie Nithang at 563-499-2261, The Reiki, 5pm Mon Nov 29. Studio, 2212 E. 12th St., Suite #301, Davenport, IA, http://
Grant Writing Workshop, topics of discussion include:, 5:30pm; thru Thu Dec 30.
32 developing sustainable grants, finding grant making organi- Senior Health Insurance Information Program, bring
your Medicare and Medicaid questions and a SHIIP represen-, Credit Island, Davenport, IA, http://www.
tative will help you; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,, 10am Sat Oct 2.

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, Staying on Top of Medicare Coverage, information and
IA,, 1pm Wed Aug 25. answers to your Medicare questions from SHIIP counselor
Cancer in the Workplace: Employment Rights of Peo- Darrell Lietz; for information, call 563-344-4175; individual
ple with Cancer Under the Americans with Disabilities appointments can also be scheduled by calling the SHIIP of-
Act, Topics include: What is illegal employment discrimina- fice at 563-421-1096, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn-
tion under federal laws? When is cancer a disability under the ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Americans with Disabilities Act? When may an employer ask com, 9am Wed Oct 6.
applicant or employee questions about cancer? What types Step Out to Fight Diabetes, routes include a 3.2- mile
of reasonable accommodation may be needed by employ- walk and 5K run, and are accessible to people of all ages and
ees with cancer? Are caregivers and/or family members pro- levels of mobility; 1pm registration, 2pm start time; for infor-
tected from discrimination? And how can the EEOC help if mation, call 888-DIABETES, LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley St,
I believe I am a victim of employment discrimination?; free; Davenport, IA,, 2pm Sun
for information, call 563-326-7504 or e-mail melissa@gildas- Oct 10., Gilda’s Club Quad Cities, 1234 E River Dr., Daven- Servin’ Up Style: Friends of Trinity Style Show, reserve
port, IA,, 3pm Thu Aug 26. by Oct. 11 for Oct. 21 event; socializing and shopping, fol-
Gilda’s Club Diamonds and Divas, Quad-City women are lowed by a celebrity luncheon, style show, silent auction, and
invited to join Trinity and Gilda’s Club for an evening of pam- raffle at noon; proceeds will be used to purchase telemedi-
pering, a silent auction, and hors d’oeuvres; proceeds sup- cine equipment to benefit pediatrics Shriners’ patients in the
port Gilda’s club; for information, call 563-326-7504, Rogalski Quad Cities; $30; for information, call 309-779-2343, Radisson
Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, Quad City Plaza Hotel, 421 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://
IA,, 6pm Fri Aug 27., 10am Mon Oct 11.
Rehabilitation Stroke Camp, Trinity Rehabilitation Ser- 12th Annual Noogiefest, a free Halloween party for
vices, through funding from the Trinity Health Foundation, is children and their families, as you move through different
giving stroke survivors, their caregivers, and family members themed rooms with crafts, games, activities and fun; children
the opportunity to be surrounded by others who are going must be accompanied by an adult; costumes encouraged;
through the same thing in a fun setting; $100/person; schol- followed by an outdoor screening of “How to Train Your Drag-
arships available, but space is limited; for information, call on” (bring lawn chairs and blankets); free; for information, call
309-779-2009, Trinity Regional Health System, http://www. 563-326-7504, Gilda’s Club Quad Cities, 1234 E River Dr., Dav-, Fri Aug 27 thru Sun Aug 29. enport, IA,, 4pm Tue Oct 12.
Car-Fit Class, health professionals will work with older Beauty & the Breast: A “wecancervive” Series Event,
drivers and review 12 key areas to ensure they “fit” their ve- event designed to inspire and educate through informa-
hicle properly for maximum safety; takes approximately 20 tional break-out sessions, a breast cancer survivor reception,
minutes; for information, call 563-421-1480, Genesis Medical and keynote motivational speaker; with Jan Ping, Emmy
Center, 1230 E Rusholme St, Davenport, IA, http://www.gen- award-winning makeup artist and breast cancer survivor;, 12pm Tue Aug 31. $15, Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center, 1777 Isle
Staying on Top of Medicare Coverage, information and Parkway, Bettendorf, IA,,
answers to your Medicare questions from SHIIP counselor 3:30pm Tue Oct 12.
Darrell Lietz; for information, call 563-344-4175; individual March of Dimes Chef’s Auction, co-sponsored by Trinity
appointments can also be scheduled by calling the SHIIP of- Medical Center and Tri-State Windows; silent and live auction
fice at 563-421-1096, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn- packages and dishes featuring regional and international
ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. flavors; for information, contact Deena Bradford at 563-323-
com, 9am Wed Sep 1. 6378 or, Quad-Cities Water-
Bettendorf Rotary’s Annual “Run with Carl” Event, front Convention Center, 1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf, IA,
the annual funding source for the Carl D. Schilling Memorial, 6pm Wed Oct 13.
Fund, providing scholarships to graduates of Pleasant Valley Yoga for Everyone, five-week class on Wednesdays; taught
High School; 7:30am 1/2-Mile and 1-Mile Fun Run, 8:15am by Johanna Hilliard; the precision and alignment of Hatha Yoga
5-Mile Run, 8:30am 5K-Run/Walk; $10-$20; packet pickup combined with the continuity and creativity of Vinyassa Yoga; $50;
& registration will be at the center’s parking lot on Sept. 3 for information and to register, call 563-326-7529 or e-mail Chris
from 4-6pm, Sept. 4 from noon-3pm, and on race day from Jansen at, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St,
6:30-7:30am; awards program for 1st-3rd place at 9:30am; for Village of East Davenport, IA,,
information, call 563-332-2200 or 563-726-2238, Bettendorf 5pm Wed Oct 13.
Life Fitness Center, 2222 Middle Rd., Bettendorf, IA, http:// Staying On Top of Medicare Coverage, information and, 7:30am Mon Sep 6. answers to your Medicare questions from SHIIP counselor Darrell
Narcolepsy, presented by Stephen Rasmus, M.D.; free; Lietz; for information, call 563-344-4175; individual appointments
for information, call 563-421-1523, Genesis Heart Institute, can also be scheduled by calling the SHIIP office at 563-421-1096,
1236 East Rusholme Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.gen- Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,, 6pm Tue Sep 7., 9am Wed Oct 20.
Yoga for Everyone, five-week class on Wednesdays; Senior Health Insurance Information Program, bring your
taught by Johanna Hilliard; the precision and alignment of Medicare and Medicaid questions and a SHIIP representative
Hatha Yoga combined with the continuity and creativity of will help you; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Vinyassa Yoga; $50; for information and to register, call 563- Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.
326-7529 or e-mail Chris Jansen at,, 1pm Wed Oct 27.
Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Village of East Davenport, IA,, 5pm Wed Sep 8.
SHIIP Presentation, representatives on hand to answer ques-
tions; Thu 2pm, Tue 7pm; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Valid now through 9/21/10.
Zumba Class, Thursdays thru Oct. 14; combines moti- Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
vating music and high energy with unique moves; $25; to, Thu Oct 28 and Tue Nov 2.
register, call 309-796-8223, Black Hawk College - Quad City Sleep Apnea and Diabetes, presented by Gary Hamilton, RRT,
Campus, 6600 34th Ave., Moline, IL,, ResMed; free; for information, call 563-421-1523, Genesis Heart
7pm Thu Sep 9. Institute, 1236 East Rusholme Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.
ScaleDown Weight-Control Program & Support, 6pm Tue Nov 2.
Group, Mondays thru Nov. 8 (no class Oct. 4); led by a Trin- Staying on Top of Medicare Coverage, information and an-
ity dietitian, this program emphasizes nutrition, fitness, and swers to your Medicare questions from SHIIP counselor Darrell
behavioral changes that will lead participants to a healthier Lietz; for information, call 563-344-4175; individual appointments
lifestyle; $100; for information and to register, call 309-779- can also be scheduled by calling the SHIIP office at 563-421-1096,
2000, Trinity Regional Health System, http://www.trinityqc. Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
com, 4:30pm Mon Sep 13., 9am Wed Nov 3.
Staying On Top of Medicare Coverage, information and Go Red for Women Luncheon, presented by Trinity Medical
answers to your Medicare questions from SHIIP counselor Center, and part of a movement of the American Heart Associa-
Darrell Lietz; for information, call 563-344-4175; individual tion that seeks to inform about the risk of heart disease in women;
appointments can also be scheduled by calling the SHIIP of- $35; for information and to reserve, contact Kate Cuellar at kate.
fice at 563-421-1096, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn- cuellar@heart,org or 563-323-4321, Quad-Cities Waterfront Con-

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. vention Center, 1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.
com, 9am Wed Sep 15., 10:30am Thu Nov 4.
Senior Health Insurance Information Program, bring SHIIP Medicare Sign-Up, representatives on hand to answer
your Medicare and Medicaid questions and a SHIIP represen- questions; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
tative will help you; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, 101 West River Drive, Davenport, IA 52801
Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport,
IA,, 1pm Wed Sep 22., 10am Mon Nov 15.
Staying On Top of Medicare Coverage, information and
12th Annual Quad Cities Marathon Pre-Race Party, answers to your Medicare questions from SHIIP counselor Darrell
events include a race expo, kids’ micro marathon, and pasta Lietz; for information, call 563-344-4175; individual appointments
party; for information, call 309-751-9800, Downtown Moline, can also be scheduled by calling the SHIIP office at 563-421-1096,
Moline, IL,, Sat Sep 25. Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
12th Annual Quad Cities Marathon, participants have, 9am Wed Nov 17.
the option of completing a marathon, half marathon, 5- Senior Health Insurance Information Program, bring your
person relay, 5k run/walk, or 1-mile walk; sponsored by Medicare and Medicaid questions and a SHIIP representative © 2010 Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Must be 21 or older. Management reserves the right to cancel
Trinity Medical Center; for information, call 309-751-9800, will help you; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount or change the promotion at any time without prior notification. Limit one per person per day.
Downtown Moline, Moline, IL,, Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www. Not valid with any other offer. Gambling a problem? There is help. And hope. Call 1-800-BETS-OFF.
7:30am Sun Sep 26., 1pm Wed Nov 24. Reader 8/19
Nutrition Before, During, and After Cancer Therapy,
a Trinity dietitian will discuss nutrient needs before, during, Groups
and after cancer; information on common herbal and vitamin Kewanee Caregiver Support Group, on the first Tuesday
supplements and antioxidants; free; for information, call 309- of the month. provides counseling and resource information for
779-2000 or 877-242-8899, Trinity Regional Health System, those who are caring for a senior loved one, and for grandparents
5pm Thu Sep 30. currently raising grandchildren; coffee and cookies provided,
NAMI Walks for the Minds of America, benefit event lunch available; for information, call 309-277-0167 or 800-798-
to raise money and awareness about the need for a world- 0988, Kewanee Senior Center, 219 W 2nd St, Kewanee, IL, 1pm
class treatment and recovery system for people with mental thru Tue Dec 7.
illness; for information, contact Ametra Carrol at 309-373- Aledo Caregiver Support Group, on the second Thursday
1202 or, or Kelly Harry at namiwalks@na- of the month; provides counseling and resource information for
33, thru Mon Aug 30.
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Wii Free Play, on the first Monday of the month; free; for infor-
mation, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn-
ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
those who are caring for a senior loved one, and for grandparents 3:30pm thru Mon Dec 6.
currently raising grandchildren; coffee and cookies provided; for Horse Bowl, on Saturdays, for ages 8-18; a contest team that
information, call 309-277-0167 or 800-798-0988, Mercer County studies horses and practices quizzes for competing at local, state
Senior Center, 137 W. Main Street, Aledo, IL, 1:30pm thru Thu and even national horse bowl events; learn about horses, hippol-
Dec 9. ogy and even how to become a horse judge; you don’t have to
Geneseo Caregiver Support Group, on the second Thursday own a horse to participate; for information, contact Teri Carls at
of the month; provides counseling and resource information for 309-654-2838, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Mi-
those who are caring for a senior loved one, and for grandparents lan, IL,, 2pm thru Sat Dec 18.
currently raising grandchildren; held in the conference room by Role Playing Club, on Saturdays; for ages 12 & up; play D20-
the lunch room; for information, call 309-277-0167 or 800-798- system role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons; join a
0988, Hammond Henry Hospital, 600 N. College Ave., Geneseo, IL, game already in progress or bring your own group to play with;
12pm thru Thu Dec 9. experience preferred but not required; free; for information, call
Scott County/CASI Caregiver Support Group, on the second 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,
Monday of the month; provides counseling and resource infor- Bettendorf, IA,, 1pm thru Sat
mation for those who are caring for a senior loved one, and for Dec 18.
grandparents currently raising grandchildren; $3 lunch available; Anime Club, on Mondays; hang out and watch selected an-
for information, call 309-277-0167 or 800-798-0988, CASI (Center ime DVDs and discuss manga; come with suggestions; free; for
for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, 11am information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
thru Mon Dec 13. Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
Moline/Sage Center “After-work” Caregiver Support com, 3:30pm thru Mon Dec 20.
Group, on the third Thursday Of the month; provides counseling Tummy Time, on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the
and resource information for those who are caring for a senior month; for ages 0-3 and their caregivers; stories, songs, fingerplays,
loved one, and for grandparents currently raising grandchildren; and action rhymes; for information, call 563-344-5704, Bettendorf
coffee and light dessert provided; for information, call 309-277- Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.
0167 or 800-798-0988, Alternatives for the Older Adult, 1518 5th, 6:30pm thru Wed Dec 22.
Avenue, Moline, IL, 6:30pm thru Thu Dec 16. Get Your Game On!, on Wednesdays; teens can play video
Moline/InTouch Caregiver Support Group, on the third Tues- games on the Wii and Playstation2, featuring Rock Band, Gui-
day of the month; provides counseling and resource information tar Hero, DDR, and Super Smash Bros.; free; for information, call
for those who are caring for a senior loved one, and for grandpar- 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
ents currently raising grandchildren; lunch provided; for informa- Davenport, IA,, 3pm thru Wed
tion, call 309-277-0167 or 800-798-0988, In Touch Adult Day Care, Dec 22.
4011 Avenue of the Cities, Moline, IL, 12pm thru Tue Dec 21. Kids Boot Camp, Tuesdays and Thursdays; free for members’
General MDA Support Group, on the fourth Wednesday of kids ages 8 - 13; for information, call 563-355-4741 or e-mail Info@
the month; for individuals and families affected by muscular dys-, Ultimate Fitness - Bettendorf, 810 Golden
trophy; for information, call 319-393-8905, Trinity 7th Street Cam- Valley Dr., Bettendorf, IA,,
pus, 500 John Deere Rd, Moline, IL, thru Wed Dec 22. 4pm thru Thu Dec 30.
Moline Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Scott County 4-H Seeks New Members, students in grades
Group, on the fourth Thursday of the month; provides counsel- 4-12 can learn by doing, in areas such as sewing, livestock, fashion,
ing and resource information for grandparents currently raising woodworking, photography, and more; for information, call 563-
grandchildren; childcare available for $2; scholarships available; 359-7577, thru Fri Dec 31.
children need to wear socks; for information, call 309-277-0167 Hola 4-H and Hispanic Teen Leaders Spanish-Speaking
or 800-798-0988, Moline YMCA, 2040 53rd St, Moline, IL, 6:30pm Clubs, on Fridays; for ages 5-18; a new 4-H opportunity especially
thru Thu Dec 23. designed for Hispanic families or students interested in advancing
their Spanish; activities focus on citizenship, leadership and life
Services skills; activities, games and snacks, community service opportu-
Trinity VNHA Foot Care Clinic, on the second Wednesday of nities and more at each meeting; $20/year for new members, or
the month; $25 foot treatments; for an appointment, call 309-779- free for existing 4-H club members; for information, contact Jaime
7600, Trinity Enrichment Center, 5510 Utica Ridge Rd, Davenport, Aguilera at 309-756-9978 Ext 16, Rock Island County Extension,
IA,, 1pm thru Wed Dec 8. 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL,
Shamanic Counseling, power animal discovery, soul retrieval, land, 5:30pm thru Fri Dec 31.
and spiritual counseling; services free to veterans of war; for infor- Mad Hatter Tea Party, for teens; tea-party treats and a screen-
mation, call Kathleen Collins at 563-332-4361 or e-mail ostrichkc@ ing of 2010’s “Alice in Wonderland”; for information, call 309-732-

We’re moving, thru Fri Dec 31. 7330, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock
House Clearings and House Blessings, move out stagnant, Island, IL,, 6pm Thu Aug 19.
old energy and feel safe, comfortable, and at ease; for informa- The Great Sunflower Project, for ages 10-14. explorers will
tion, call Debra at 608-279-4319 or e-mail debramorrill@charter. plant sunflowers, observe our sunflower garden, and document
net, The Healing Heart Center, 3481 Utica Ridge Rd., Bettendorf, their findings; led by local beekeepers, students will be introduced

to a larger location in Bettendorf! IA, thru Fri Dec 31.

Shamanic Healing Appointments, specializing in soul re-
trieval, ancestral healing, and releasing patterns from the energy
to pollinators and their importance; $15; for information and to
register, call 309-794-0991, ext. 25, or e-mail,
Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://, 1pm Thu Aug 19.
field; for information, call Debra at 608-279-4319 or e-mail deb-
Move your education ahead with, The Healing Heart Center, 3481 Utica Ridge Gamer’s Afternoon, play favorite board and card games such
Rd., Bettendorf, IA, thru Fri Dec 31. as Monopoly, Munchkin, Magic, and Pokemon, or do Nintendo DS
Brown Mackie College - Quad Cities. Toning and Chanting, on Fridays; for information, call Colleen battle with Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum; free; for infor-
at 563-340-4453, 11am thru Fri Dec 31. mation, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn-
Trinity VNHA Foot Care Clinic, on Thursdays, Fridays, & Tues- ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
OUR NEW LOCATION days; $25 foot treatments; for an appointment, call 309-779-7600, 3:30pm Thu Aug 19.
Let’s Go Duplo Club, for grades pre-K through kindergarten;
(.LPEHUO\5RDG Trinity VNHA, 106 19th Ave., Ste. 101, Moline, IL, http://www.trini-, thru Fri Dec 31. for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th
%HWWHQGRUI,$ Community Health Partners Diabetes Screenings, free Ave., Eldridge, IA,, 10am Thu
Aug 19.
screenings; 12-hour fast required; sponsored by Trinity Medical
/AS 6RPHRIWKHLPSURYHPHQWV Center; for information, call 309-779-2000 or 877-242-8899, Trin- Preschool Storytimes, for ages 0 - 5; free; for information, call
ity Bettendorf, 4500 Utica Ridge Road, Bettendorf, IA, http://www., 7am Mon Sep 13 thru Fri Sep 17.
309-732-7360, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th,
Rock Island, IL,, 10:30am Fri Aug
 UHQRYDWLRQQHZPHGLFDO Community Health Partners Diabetes Screenings, free
screenings; 12-hour fast required; sponsored by Trinity Medical Children’s Karaoke Contest: Preliminary Rounds, with em-
 ODEVQHZFRPSXWHUODEV Center; for information, call 309-779-2000 or 877-242-8899, Trin- cee Sunshine Ramsey; for ages 13-17; trophies and cash prizes;
$10 registration fee, $3/guest; for information, call 309-786-7733,
DQGH[SDQGHG ity VNHA, 106 19th Ave., Ste. 101, Moline, IL, http://www.trinityqc.
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

com, 7am Mon Sep 13 thru Fri Sep 17. ext. 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://
SURJUDPRIIHULQJV Operation Medical Cabinet, area residents can safely dispose, 2pm Sat Aug 21.
of old medications, exchange mercury thermometers for a digital, Children’s Karaoke Contest: Preliminary Rounds, with em-

pick up and drop off sharps containers, and have data-sensitive cee Sunshine Ramsey; for ages 8-12; trophies and cash prizes; $10
&ODVVHVLQWKHQHZORFDWLRQ documents shredded free of charge; for information, call 563-381- registration fee, $3/guest; for information, call 309-786-7733, ext.
$ I
= VWDUW$XJXVWWK 1300, Medic EMS Facility - Eldridge, LeClaire Rd. & Highway 61,
Eldridge, IA,, 9am Thu Sep 23.
2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://, 10am Sat Aug 21.
Operation Medical Cabinet, area residents can safely dispose Junior Ranger Program, for ages 6-12; activities and hikes,
of old medications, exchange mercury thermometers for a digital, and the chance to learn something different about our natural
Call for more information! pick up and drop off sharps containers, and have data-sensitive
documents shredded free of charge; for information, call 563-381-
world, American Indian culture, and the National Parks; for infor-
mation, call 563-873-3491, Effigy Mounds National Monument,

1300, Bettendorf Fire Station, 5002 Crow Creek Rd., Bettendorf, IA, 151 Hwy 76, Harpers Ferry, IA,, 1pm, 9am Fri Sep 24. Sat Aug 21.

Operation Medical Cabinet, area residents can safely dispose Kids’ Experience, for information, call 563-344-4175, Betten- of old medications, exchange mercury thermometers for a digital,
pick up and drop off sharps containers, and have data-sensitive
dorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://, Sat Aug 21.
documents shredded free of charge; for information, call 563-381- Kidz Days at RME, musical program for youth, with Native
Expanded Program 1300, Scott Area Recycling Center, 5640 Carey Ave., Davenport, IA,, 9am Sat Sep 25.
American Drums & Dance presented by Larry Lockwood; $5 for
parent/adult and accompanied children are free; for information,
Offerings Coming Soon! call 877-326-1333, River Music Experience, 129 Main St, Davenport,
IA,, 10:30am Sat Aug 21.
Family Story Time & Crafts, for information, call 563-326-
7832, Davenport Public Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Daven-
1527 47th Ave. • Moline, IL 61265 Our convenient port, IA,, 10pm Sat Aug 21.
Wee Wiggler Toddler Time, on Mondays at 9:30 or 10:45am; Children’s Karaoke Contest: Finalist Rounds, with emcee
ONE COURSE A MONTH Sunshine Ramsey; for ages 13-17; trophies and cash prizes; $5;
Accredited Member, ACICS stories, finger plays and hands-on activities for children 18-36
©2010 Brown Mackie College 2386-08/10 schedule fits your life. months with an adult; free; for information, call 309-524-2480, for information, call 309-786-7733, ext. 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy,
34 Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 3pm Sun
Aug 22. Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL,,
Children’s Karaoke Contest: Finalist Rounds, with emcee 10:30am Wed Sep 1 thru Wed Sep 29.

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Sunshine Ramsey; for ages 8-12; trophies and cash prizes; $5; for Lego Club, on the first Wednesday of the month; for grades
information, call 309-786-7733, ext. 2, The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, K-6; design a piece of Lego art to be displayed at the library; for
1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL,, 12pm Sun information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main
Aug 22. Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,,
Pajama Story Time, for ages 4-8; bring your favorite stuffed 4:30pm Wed Sep 1 thru Wed Dec 1.
animal and hear new stories; free; for information, call 309-524- Once Upon a Time..., on the first Wednesday of the month;
2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www. stories, songs, fingerplays, movies, and crafts centered around, 7pm Mon Aug 23. fairy tales and folk tales; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Teen Library Bash, treats and highlights of everything that’s Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
going on this fall; free; for information, call 309-732-7360, Rock Davenport, IA,, 10am Wed Sep
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http:// 1 thru Wed Dec 1., 6pm Baby Story Time, on Wednes-
Tue Aug 24. days; a fun program of singing,
Read to a Dog, allow children bouncing, playing, and reading,
an opportunity to read to dogs, with social time offered for ba-
giving new, shy, or inexperienced bies and their parents immedi-
readers a friendly and non-judg- ately following story time; free; for
mental audience that will increase information, call 563-326-7832,
the child’s confidence and growth Fairmount Street Library, 3000
in reading; register the night of N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,
the program for a 10-minute time http://www.davenportlibrary.
slot to read to one of the three com, 10am Wed Sep 1 thru Wed
dogs: Amber, Abel, or Connor; for Dec 22.
information, call 563-326-7832, Theatre Club, for ages 9-12;
Fairmount Street Library, 3000 open casting for the October
N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, Destino 28 performance; the group will

Music, then meet every Thursday at 4pm
6:30pm Tue Aug 24. through October 21 to rehearse
Lego Club, for grades K-6; free; the autumn play; for children
for information, call 309-732-7360, Quad City Arts Visiting Artists wanting to hone their acting
Rock Island Public Library - South- skills or for children new to acting;
west Branch, 9010 Ridgewood September through November free; for information, call 563-326-
Rd., Rock Island, IL, http://www. 7832, Davenport Public Library

F, 4:30pm Wed (Main), 321 Main Street, Daven-
Aug 25. or Quad City Arts’ 2010-11 season of port, IA, http://www.davenportli-
Books Alive! Reader’s Theater, Visiting Artists, the Rock Island-based, 4pm Thu Sep 2.
fast-paced reading of fun stories for Baby Time, on the first Thurs-
children of all ages; free; for infor- organization will be wowing the public with an day of the month; geared for non
mation, call 309-736-5739, Moline intimidating group of musical talents that have walkers and their care givers;
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, includes puppets, songs, stories,
IL,, sung on National Public Radio and NBC, that and age-appropriate activities
7pm Wed Aug 25. have appeared at such noted festivals as Ravinia for babies and care givers to en-
Hug-a-Book, early-learning joy together; for information, call
program for ages 2-5 and their and Massachusetts’ Tanglewood Music Festival, Kathrine Rogers at 563-344-5704,
families; meet costumed charac- that have presented master classes at such Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
ters, hear stories, make crafts, and Learning Campus, Bettendorf,
get a free book; for information, prestigious institutions as Northwestern and the IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Pub- University of California at Los Angeles, and that com, 9:15am Thu Sep 2 thru Thu
lic Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Dec 2.
Rock Island, IL, http://rockislandli- average nearly 300 national and international TAG (Teen Advisory Group),, 5:30pm Thu Aug 26. on the first Thursday of the month;
August Dog Days Program, for
tour stops per year. And that’ s just the first of all teens and tweens welcome; for
grades 3-6; make puppy chow and Quad City Arts’ Visiting Artists: the acclaimed information, call 309-524-2470,
watch the movie “Hotel for Dogs”; Moline Public Library, 3210 41st
free; for information, call 309-732-
chamber musicians of the Synergy Brass St, Moline, IL,
7360, Rock Island Public Library - Quintet, who play St. Ambrose University’s, 3:30pm Thu Sep
Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, 2 thru Thu Dec 2.
IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary.
Galvin Fine Arts Center on September 25. Family Story Time, on Thurs-
org, 1:30pm Fri Aug 27. The rest of the fall’s lineup, however, is no days; bring your favorite pillow
Doodlebugs Preschool Pro- and blanket, wear your comfy
gram: The Leonardo Code, learn less impressive. Norwegian jazz musician p.j.�s, and relax while you listen to
to turn science into art; sponsored par excellence Lage Lund – called “a young your favorite stories, followed by a
by the Cedar Rapids Museum of short video; free; for information,
Art; free; for information, call 319- guitar virtuoso” by the New Yorker magazine call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
366-7503, Hiawatha Public Library, – brings his unique sound to Rock Island’s St. Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount
150 West Willman, Hiawatha, IA, St., Davenport, IA, http://www., 10:30am Fri John’ s Lutheran Church on October 23. Multi-, 6pm Thu
Aug 27. instrumentalist Todd Green, a Berklee College Sep 2 thru Thu Dec 23.
Fairies in the Garden, For ages Preschool Story Time, on
4 & up.Come experience our beau- of Music graduate whose acoustic stylings have Thursdays; stories, songs, and fin-
tiful gardens hosted by your very led to tours in the U.S., Cananda, and Europe, gerplays; free; for information, call
own fairy guide. Come dressed 563-326-7832, Davenport Public
as a fairy, and we will have a lun- presents his original blend of jazz, new age, Library (Main), 321 Main Street,
cheon, play games, read fairy tales, and world music at Bettendorf’s Redeemer Davenport, IA, http://www.dav-
and complete several fairy crafts., 10am Thu
$20.00 per child and adults who Lutheran Church on November 13. And on Sep 2 thru Thu Dec 23.
wish to complete the activities; November 21, Davenport’s First Presbyterian Toddler Story Time, on
$5.00 for accompanying adults not Thursdays; with a social time for
wishing to complete fairy crafts. Church will host the classical crossover trio kids and parents following the
For information and to register, call Destino, who enjoyed an exclusive performance program; free; for information, call
309-794-0991, ext. 25, or e-mail 563-326-7832, Davenport Pub-, Quad City engagement at the 2008 Beijing Summer

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

lic Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Olympics, and whose blend of modern and 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport,
Rock Island, IL, http://www.qcgar- IA, http://www.davenportlibrary., 12pm Sat Aug 28. classical works inspired their one-of-a-kind com, 10am Thu Sep 2 thru Thu
Family Story Time & Crafts, sound to be described as “popera.” I guess Dec 23.
for information, call 563-326-7832, Doodlebugs Preschool
Davenport Public Library (Main), that makes those who photograph the trio Program: Dancing with Degas,
321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, learn to draw dancers with pas-,
“poperazzi.” Hey, just because this piece isn’t tels; sponsored by the Cedar Rap-
10pm Sat Aug 28. on the What’s Happenin’ pages doesn’t mean ids Museum of Art; free; for infor-
Messy Monday, for grades K-3; mation, call 319-366-7503, Cedar
free; for information, call 309-732-
I can’t crack dumb jokes. For more on Quad Rapids Public Library, 500 1st St
7360, Rock Island Public Library City Arts’ 2010-11 Visiting Artist Series, visit SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, http://www.
- Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridge-, 10:30am Fri Sep 3.
wood Rd., Rock Island, IL, http:// – Mike Schulz Preschool Storytimes, on, 5:30pm Fridays; stories, songs, and fin-
Mon Aug 30. gerplays for ages 0 - 5; free; for
Baby to Preschooler Storytimes, storytime and play activi- information, call 309-732-7360, Rock Island Public Library - Main
ties for ages 0 - 5; free; for information, call 309-732-7360, Rock Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,,
Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island, IL, 10:30am Fri Sep 3 thru Fri Sep 24., 10:30am Tue Aug 31. Baby Story Time, on Fridays; a fun program of singing, bounc-
Teen Writers Group, for ages 12-18; bounce writing ideas off ing, playing, and reading, with social time offered for babies and
other teens; free; for information, call 309-732-7360, Rock Island their parents immediately following story time; free; for informa-
Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www. tion, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave., 6pm Tue Aug 31. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-
Baby to Preschooler Storytimes, on Wednesdays; stories,, 10am Fri Sep 3 thru Fri Dec 17.
songs, and fingerplays for ages 0 - 5; free; for information, call 309- Toddler Story Time, on Fridays; with a social time for kids and
732-7360, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •


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August 5 Crossword Answers

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Sep 7 thru Tue Dec 7. month; for teens; laugh, judge books by their covers, eat snacks, 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock
Homework Help Desk, Mondays thru Fridays; staff will help and talk about things that have nothing to do with the books; Island, IL,, 6pm Tue Sep 21.

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

you find answers to your questions and give you instruction on free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Inside Outloud, on the third Tuesday of the month; teens, an online resource that hooks you up with a free pro- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www. perform poetry, rap, monologue, dance, play, comedy, music,
fessional tutor; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport, 5:30pm Mon Sep 13 thru Mon Dec 13. and more; the best performers receive a $10 gift card; free; for
parents following the program; free; for information, call 563-326- Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, TWIG: Teen Writer’s Group, on the second Monday of the information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N.
7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, 3:30pm Tue Sep 7 thru Fri month; learn new skills, get feedback, and share your writing; free; Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,,
IA,, 10am Fri Sep 3 thru Fri Dec 17. to register, call 309-524-2440; Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, 5:30pm Tue Sep 21 thru Tue Dec 21.
Dec 17. Preschool Story Time, on Tuesdays; stories, songs, crafts, and Moline, IL,, 7pm Mon Sep 13 thru Guardians of Ga’Hoole, a discussion of Kathryn Lasky’s book
SmArt Saturday, includes a Creative Connections presenta- fingerplays; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Mon Dec 13. with the Coming Attractions Book Club; free; for information, call
tion by a local artist beginning at 10:30 am, and an afternoon of Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, Tummy Time, on the second and fourth Mondays of the 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th,
fun activities for the whole family; free; for information, call 319- IA,, 10am Tue Sep 7 thru Tue month; for ages 0-3; songs, rhymes, movement activities, and Rock Island, IL,, 5:30pm Wed
366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave., Cedar Dec 21. simple stories; free; for information, call 563-344-4178, Bettendorf Sep 22.
Rapids, IA, http://www.crma. Preschool Storytimes, for ages 3-5; stories, songs, fingerplays, Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www. Waggin’ Tales, on the fourth Wednesday of the month; kids
org, 10:30am Sat Sep 4. and rhymes; Tue-Thu 10am, Mon, 10am Mon Sep 13 thru Mon Dec 27. will have an opportunity to read, one-on-one, with service dogs,

Handybuds Special Needs 6:30pm; for information, call 563-344- Preschool Story Time, on Mondays; for ages 2-5; free; for in- and families can watch old movies showcasing Lassie and Rin
4-H Club, on the 1st Saturday of 4178, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 formation, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Tin Tin; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Pub-
the month; a monthly group for Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, lic Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport,
anyone with special needs to
Adler Theatre, 10am Mon Sep 13 thru Mon Dec 20. IA,, 6:30pm Wed Sep 22 thru
enjoy programs in art, cooking, September through November 10am Tue Sep 7 thru Thu Dec 23. Rhyme Time Story Time, Mondays at 11am & Thursdays at Wed Dec 22.
computers, science and more; Recycled Crafternoon, on Tues- 10am; stories, songs, and crafts based on a central theme for ages Stuffed Animal Camp, drop off your favorite stuffed animal
days; for grade-schoolers; create pre-K; free; for information, call 309-523-3440, River Valley Library, for a free two-night camp, make a scrapbook of your animal, and

families encouraged to stay
something fun and exciting out of old 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL,, hear a bedtime story; come back on Saturday morning for break-
and assist in the programs; for his fall, clothes, used technology equipment, 11am Mon Sep 13 thru Thu Dec 30. fast with your stuffed animal and others and discover what they
information and to register, call
Rachel Rock at 309-756-9978, the Adler cardboard, and more; for informa- B’Tweens: Amazing Frames!, for ages 10-12; frame your fam- did at camp; to register, call 309-524-2480, Moline Public Library,
ext 28, Rock Island County Ex- Theatre will tion, call 563-326-7832, Davenport ily and friends with a really sweet creation; all supplies provided; 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,, 6:30pm
tension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, for information, call 563-344-4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Thu Sep 23.
IL, http://www.yourextension. house an octet 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary. Doodlebugs Preschool Program: Drawing with Scissors,
org, 9am Sat Sep 4 thru Sat of special,, com, 4pm Tue Sep 14. learn to draw like Matisse, and learn more about shapes and col-
Dec 4. 4pm Tue Sep 7 thru Tue Dec 21. Teen Game Night, free; for information, call 309-732-7323, ors; sponsored by the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art; free; for infor-
Family Story Time, on Sat- one-night-only Greyhounds Dig Books, on the Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood mation, call 319-366-7503, Hiawatha Public Library, 150 West Will-
urdays; hear great family sto- events of both second Wednesday of the month; Rd., Rock Island, IL,, Tue Sep 14. man, Hiawatha, IA,, 10:30am Fri Sep 24.
ries, sing songs, and meet new have your child practice skills by Teen Volunteer Council, on the second Tuesday of the month; Look Out, Galileo!, children’s performance with the Ohio-
friends; free; for information, musical and reading to a canine from the Quad help raise funds, network, and assist library directors in provid- based Madcap Puppet Theatre; $5-$10; for tickets and informa-
call 563-326-7832, Davenport non-musical City Greyhound Adoption Agency; ing quality teen programs and exceptional teen materials; for tion, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St.,
Public Library - Eastern Ave. free; for information, call 563-326- information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Iowa City, IA,, 2pm Sat Sep 25.
Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Dav- varieties. Starting
Gabriel Iglesias 7832, Davenport Public Library Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,, Hansel and Gretel, a Theatre for Young Audiences presenta-
enport, IA, http://www.daven- with the latter category, the Davenport venue - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern 5:30pm Tue Sep 14 thru Tue Dec 14. tion; $7.50; for tickets, call 319-622-6194 or 800-35AMANA, Old, 10am Sat Sep Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.dav- Lego Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art to be Creamery Theatre, 39 38th Ave., Amana, IA, http://www.oldcream-
4 thru Sat Dec 18. presents popular Comedy Central stand-up, 6:30pm Wed Sep displayed at the library; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock, Sat Sep 25 thru Sat Oct 9.
Ultimate Card Gaming, on 8 thru Wed Dec 8. Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island, IL, Stuffed Animal Camp Breakfast, have breakfast with your
Saturdays; bring your own card
Gabriel Iglesias and his “Fluffy Shop Tour” on Preschool Story Time, on Thurs-, 3pm Wed Sep 15. stuffed animal and discover what they did at camp; free; for in-
games, or join in on a game of November 13, and then ... . Well, that pretty days; stories, finger plays and hands- Walk on the Wild Side, on the third Wednesday of the month; formation, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
“Magic: The Gathering” and “Yu- on activities for children ages 3-5 and fun, simple experiments and activities geared toward teaching Moline, IL,, 10:30am Sat Sep 25.
Gi-Oh” strategy games; free; for
much does it for the non-musical variety. not yet in kindergarten; free; for in- kids and families about nature; the program explores the natural Game-a-palooza, on the fourth Saturday of the month; a
information, call 563-326-7832, Now hold on to your hats for the Adler’s formation, call 309-524-2470, Moline world, encourages exploration, and strengthens the power of board-gaming afternoon for families; free; for information, call
Fairmount Street Library, 3000 Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, observation; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA,
musical treats this fall. September 14 brings, 10am Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, Davenport, IA,, 1pm Sat Sep
http://www.davenportlibrary. with it the singing and dancing (and free) Thu Sep 9 thru Thu Sep 30. IA,, 6:30pm Wed Sep 15 thru 25 thru Sat Nov 27.
com, 3pm Sat Sep 4 thru Sat Nerdposium, on the second Wed Dec 15. Pajama Story Time, for ages 4-8; bring your favorite stuffed
Dec 18.
entertainment of the 2010 U.S. Army Soldier Thursday of the month; talk about Mommy and Me Story Time, on Wednesdays; music and animal and hear new stories; free; for information, call 309-524-
4-H in the City, on the 1st Show, and follows that event, on September everything from “Star Wars” to You- movement for ages 0-pre-K; free; for information, call 309-523- 2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.
Sunday of the month; activi- Tube to “Twilight” to LEGOs; free; for 3440, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://, 7pm Mon Sep 27.
ties focus on citizenship, lead- 25, with the Bethany for Children & Families information, call 563-344-4175, Bet-, 9:15am Wed Sep 15 thru Wed Dec “What Book Would You Save from the Fire of Censorship?”
ership and life skills; activities, benefit concert Doo-Wop ’n’ Rock!, featuring tendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning 22. Essay Contest, for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public
games and snacks, community Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www. Building with Books Lego Club, kids build with Legos while Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,,
service ideas, and more at each a trio of chart-toppers from the ’50s and, 3:30pm Thu listening to stories; free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Mon Sep 27 thru Sat Oct 30.
monthly meeting; $20/year ’60s: Jay & the Americans, Johnny Tillotson, Sep 9 thru Thu Dec 9. Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.molinelibrary. Messy Monday, for grades K-3; hear a story while doing
for new members, free for ex- Preschool Storytime, on Thurs- com, 6:30pm Thu Sep 16. a messy craft; dress for messiness; for information, call 309-
isting 4-H club members; for and the Shirelles’ Shirley Alston Reeves. The days; stories, finger plays, and hands- Gamer’s Afternoon, play favorite board and card games such 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
information and to register, Quad City Symphony Orchestra embarks on activities for children ages 3-5 and as Monopoly, Munchkin, Magic, and Pokemon, or do Nintendo DS Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL,,
call 309-756-9978, ext 10, Rock not yet in kindergarten; free; for in- battle with Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum; free; for infor- 5:30pm Mon Sep 27.
Island County Extension, 321 W on its – if you can believe it – 96th season of formation, call 309-524-2470, Moline mation, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn- Ninja Academy, on the fourth Monday of the month; for
2nd Ave, Milan, IL, http://www. professional performance with Masterworks Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,, teens; do problem solving activities, help plan programs, give, 2pm Sun, 10am 3:30pm Thu Sep 16 suggestions for the library’s collection, learn about fun volunteer
Sep 5 thru Sun Dec 5. concerts on October 2 (in a celebration Thu Sep 9 thru Thu Sep 30. Ler’s Go Duplo Club, for grades pre-K through kindergarten; opportunities for teen ninjas at the library, and more; free; for in-
ScrapClub, on the 1st of Frédéric Chopin’s 200th birthday) and 2nd Saturday: Star 1 Search & for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th formation, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Sunday of the month; mem- Rescue K-9 Unit, learn more about Ave., Eldridge, IA,, 10am Thu Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-
bers create fun and creative November 6 (with magic and fantasy as the the agency that provides Iowa with Sep 16., 5:30pm Mon Sep 27 thru Mon Nov 22.
scrapbook projects and pages; evening’s themes). Contemporary Christian qualified Search Managers for lost Kidz Days at RME, on the third Saturday of the month; mu- Read to a Dog, on the fourth Tuesday of the month; allow
$40/year for kids enrolled in a person incidents, Ground Searchers sical programs for youths; $5 for parent/adult and accompanied childrens an opportunity to read to dogs, giving new, shy, or in-
4H club and $60/year for new artist Steven Curtis Chapman performs and K9 Search Teams; demonstra- children are free; for information, call 877-326-1333, River Music experienced readers a friendly and non-judgmental audience that
members. fee includes most his award-winning light rock and pop in tions on how specially trained dogs Experience, 129 Main St, Davenport, IA, http://www.rivermusicex- will increase the child’s confidence and growth in reading; regis-
scrapbooking supplies; for in- can recover missing people from the, 10:30am Sat Sep 18 thru Sat Dec 18. ter the night of the program for a 10-minute time slot to read to
formation and to register, call Davenport on October 24. And this year’s wilderness, water, collapsed struc- Walk on the Wild Side, on the third Saturday of the month; one of the three dogs: Amber, Abel, or Connor; for information,
309-756-9978, ext 10, Rock Is- Broadway at the Adler series gets underway tures, and urban trails; free; for infor- fun, simple experiments and activities geared toward teaching call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount
land County Extension, 321 W mation, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount kids and families about nature; the program explores the natural St., Davenport, IA,, 6:30pm Tue
2nd Ave, Milan, IL, http://www. with two of the Great White Way’s most Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., world, encourages exploration, and strengthens the power of Aug 24 thru Tue Nov 23., 3:30pm Sun Davenport, IA, http://www.daven- observation; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Express Yourself, on the fourth Tuesday of the month; pro-
Sep 5 thru Sun Dec 5.
adored recent hits: the supremely, joyously, 1pm Sat Sep 11. Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www. gram for teens; explore writing, art, photography, or other creative
Book Bunch Club, for ages goofy Monty Python’s Spamalot (November Paper Craft Creation with Lon, 1pm Sat Sep 18 thru Sat Dec 18. pursuits that may interest you; free; for information, call 563-326-
7-9, Tuesdays thru Sept. 28; Clark, for ages 9-12; learn folding and Babysitting Club, on the 3rd Monday of the month, for ages 7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport,
book-club activities; children
21), and the multiple Tony Award nominee scoring techniques, make two sculp- 11 & up; share your experiences and learn new things to help IA,, 5:30pm Tue Sep 28 thru

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

receive their book on the first Legally Blonde: The Musical (October 9). tures in class, and take two home to with your babysitting business; $20/year for new members, free Tue Nov 23.
night; registration required; for make; free; for information, call 309- for existing 4-H club members; for information and to register, call Teen Writers’ Group, free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
information, call 309-524-2470,
That show, by the way, is about a cheerful, 524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 309-756-9978, ext 10, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood
Moline Public Library, 3210 funny blonde who wins over adversaries with 41st St, Moline, IL, Ave, Milan, IL,, 7pm Mon Sep 20 Rd., Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Tue
41st St, Moline, IL, http://www., 1pm Sat Sep 11. thru Mon Dec 20. Sep 28., 6:30pm Tue
humor, intellect, and pluck, and while I know Operation Family Time Out, Cosplay Workshop, on the third Monday of the month; sew- Lego Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art to be dis-
for ages birth-6 and their families; ing, gluing, crafting, and designing awesome cosplay costumes played at the library; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Is-
Sep 7. what you’re thinking, the answer is no: The free activities for children in military and epic accessories so you’ll be ready to participate in future land Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock
Teen Craft Night, make
something creative out of duct character is not based on me. Sweet of you families include include swimming, Anime cons and events; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Island, IL,, 4:30pm Wed Sep 29.
tape; directions will be provided to think so, though. For more information games, snacks and crafts, Two Riv- Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, Books Alive! Reader’s Theater, fast-paced reading of fun
to make wallets and bags out a ers YMCA, 2040 53rd St, Moline, IL,, 5:30pm Mon Sep 20 thru stories for children of all ages; free; for information, call 309-736-
variety of fun duct-tape colors; on this autumn’s Adler Theatre events, visit Mon Dec 20. 5739, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.
free; for information, call 309- – Mike Schulz istration, 1:30pm Sat Sep 11. Family Storytime, on the third Monday of the month; sto-, 7pm Wed Sep 29.
732-7323, Rock Island Public Messy Monday, for grades K-3; ries for the family to enjoy with family-related themes; free; for Yeah Write, on the first Monday of the month; wacky writing
Library - Main Library, 401 19th, hear a story while doing a messy information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main group for teens; write everything from poetry to shopping lists,
Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Tue Sep 7. craft; dress for messiness; for infor- Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,, love notes to long stories, songs to journaling; free; for informa-
Baby to Preschooler Storytimes, on Tuesdays; stories, songs, mation, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Li- 5pm Mon Sep 20 thru Mon Dec 20. tion, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave.
and fingerplays for ages 0 - 5; free; for information, call 309-732- brary, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,, Hispanic Teen Leadership Group, on the third Monday of Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-
7360, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock 5:30pm Mon Sep 13. the month; open to all teens in junior high and high school; the, 5:30pm Mon Oct 4 thru Mon Dec 7.
Island, IL,, 10:30am Tue Sep 7 Animal Discovery Club, on the second Monday of the month; group will help teens expand their leadership skills as they help Wee Wiggler Toddler Time, on Mondays at 9:30 or 10:45am;
thruTue Sep 28. explore a different animal each month, see live animals, take tours plan community events, perform community service projects; stories, finger plays and hands-on activities for children 18-36
Teen Anime Club, on the first Tuesday of the month; cosplay to the zoo, and help out at local animal shelters; field trips, activi- the experience helps them build their college and work resumes months with an adult; free; for information, call 309-524-2480,
activities, drawing workshops, and exploration of other aspects of ties and animal explorations; $20/year for new members, free for as well as helps them network and meet other teens with similar Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,
Japanese language and culture; monthly showings of anime films existing 4-H club members; for information and to register, call interests; for information, call 309-756-9978, East Moline Public, Mon Oct 4 thru Mon Oct 25.
and television, graphic novel discussions, and selection advisory 309-756-9978, ext 10, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Library, 740 16th Ave., East Moline, IL, http://www.extension.uiuc. Messy Monday, for grades K-3; hear a story while doing a
for the library’s teen anime collection; free; for information, call Ave, Milan, IL,, 7pm Mon Sep 13 edu/rockisland, 5pm Mon Sep 20 thru Mon Dec 20. messy craft; dress for messiness; for information, call 309-732-
563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., thru Mon Dec 13. Teen & Tween Pirate Night, pirate games, costumes, make- 7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Is-
Not Your Mama’s Book Club, on the second Monday of the up, and learn how to talk like a pirate; free; for information, call 309- land, IL,, 5:30pm Mon Oct 4.
Davenport, IA,, 5:30pm Tue
animal and hear new stories; free; for information, call 309-524-
2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •, 7pm Mon Oct 25.
Teen Masked Costume Party, food, music, and mask-making
before the party begins; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Teen Craft Night, free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood
Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, Rd., Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Tue, 6pm Tue Oct 5. Oct 26.
“Artoberfest”: German Fairytales, geared for ages 6-12, but Read to a Dog, allow childrens an opportunity to read to
all welcome; hear a German fairytale told in both English and Ger- dogs, giving new, shy, or inexperienced readers a friendly and
man, learn some German words and look for cognates between non-judgmental audience that will increase the child’s confidence
the English and German languages, discover some cultural dif- and growth in reading; register the night of the program for a 10-
ferences and similarities between Americans and Germans, eat minute time slot to read to one of the three dogs: Amber, Abel,
a German snack, and make a craft; free; for information, call 309- or Connor; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street
524-2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http:// Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-, 3:30pm Wed Oct 6., 6:30pm Tue Oct 26.
Special Needs Story Time, on Thursdays; for children who are Books Alive! Reader’s Theater, fast-paced reading of fun
developmentally at the preschool or early elementary age and stories for children of all ages; free; for information, call 309-736-
their parents; designed to encourage participation through activi- 5739, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.
ties, including themed stories, music and movement, and a craft;, 7pm Wed Oct 27.
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, Davenport Public Library Halloween Party, members of the
3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportli- Theatre Club perform their autumn play; snacks, games, crafts,, 4pm Thu Oct 7 thru Thu Oct 28. and fun; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public
Max Reader Mouse Storytime, hosted by the new library Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-
mascot; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public, 4pm Thu Oct 28.
Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockis- American Red Cross Babysitting Class, for ages 11-14; regis-, 10:30am Fri Oct 8. tration is required and must be completed through the Red Cross
2nd Saturday: Macbride Raptor Project, family event with office; call 309-743-2166 to sign up, Bettendorf Public Library,
members of the organization devoted to the preservation of 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorfli-
Iowa’s raptors and their natural habitats, the rehabilitation of sick, 9:30am Fri Oct 29.
and injured raptors, educational programs for the public, and field Halloween Howl, hear scary stories, have fun with Halloween
research of Iowa’s native birds of prey; free; for information, call caroling, create creepy crafts, and trick-or-treat around the library;
563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., with special appearances by “Vampire” Libby and Snow White;
Davenport, IA,, 1pm Sat Oct 9. free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
Operation Family Time Out, for ages birth-6 and their 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportli-
families; free activities for children in military families include, 1pm Sat Oct 30.
include swimming, games, snacks and crafts, YMCA Davenport, Messy Monday, for grades K-3; hear a story while doing a
606 W. 2nd St., Davenport, IA, messy craft; dress for messiness; for information, call 309-732-
registration/?RegistrationID=4105, 1:30pm Sat Oct 9. 7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Is-
Max Reader Mouse Storytime, hosted by the new library land, IL,, 5:30pm Mon Nov 1.
mascot; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Teen Craft Night, free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island, IL, http://www. Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL,, 5pm Mon Oct 11., 6pm Tue Nov 2.
B’Tweens: Trailer Talk, for ages 10-12; watch a few new book B’Tweens: Wii Bowling, for ages 10-12; challenge your friends
trailers and try to record one of our own; for information, call 563- to a game, with prizes for the top three bowlers; for information,
344-4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bet- call 563-344-4194, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Cam-
tendorf, IA,, 4pm Tue Oct 12. pus, Bettendorf, IA,, 4pm Tue
Teen Gaming Night, play games on the new Wii or try out Nov 9.
a variety of board or card games; free; for information, call 309- Teen Gaming Night, play Wii games, board games and cards;
732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL,, - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL, http://
6pm Tue Oct 12., 6pm Tue Nov 9.
Lego Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art to be Lego Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art to be
displayed at the library; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock displayed at the library; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island, IL, Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island, IL,, 3pm Wed Oct 13., 3pm Wed Nov 10.
Max Reader Mouse Storytime, hosted by the new library Second Saturday: Wapsi Environmental Center, family
mascot; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public presentation; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL, Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www., 11am Sat Oct 16., 1pm Sat Nov 13.
The Adventures of Stuart Little, stage adventure with E.B. Operation Family Time Out, for ages birth-6 and their fami-
White’s famed mouse; $5 for ages 3 & up; Sat 1 & 4pm, Sun 2pm; lies; free activities for children in military families include include
for information, call 563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, swimming, games, snacks and crafts, Two Rivers YMCA, 2040
2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA, http://www.davenportjuniorth- 53rd St, Moline, IL,, Sat Oct 16 thru Sun Oct 24. ?RegistrationID=4105, 1:30pm Sat Nov 13.
Messy Monday, for grades K-3; hear a story while doing Harry Potter Day, talk about the series before “Deathly Hal-
a messy craft; dress for messiness; for information, call 309- lows, Part I” opens on Friday; featuring trivia and treats for tweens
732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 and teens; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL,, Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.
5:30pm Mon Oct 18., 6pm Tue Nov 16.
Tween Books with a Beat, for grades 4-6; free; for information, Lego Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art to be dis-
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 played at the library; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Is-
19th, Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Tue land Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock
Oct 19. Island, IL,, 4:30pm Wed Nov 17.
Lego Club, for grades K-6; design a piece of Lego art to be dis- Gamer’s Afternoon, play favorite board and card games such
played at the library; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Is- as Monopoly, Munchkin, Magic, and Pokemon, or do Nintendo DS
land Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock battle with Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum; free; for infor-
Island, IL,, 4:30pm Wed Oct 20. mation, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn-
Gamer’s Afternoon, play favorite board and card games such ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
as Monopoly, Munchkin, Magic, and Pokemon, or do Nintendo DS 3:30pm Thu Nov 18.
battle with Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum; free; for infor- Let’s Go Duplo Club, for grades pre-K through kindergarten;
mation, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn- for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th
ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,, Ave., Eldridge, IA,, 10am Thu
3:30pm Thu Oct 21.
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Nov 18.
Let’s Go Duplo Club, for grades pre-K through kindergarten; Disney Live! - Mickey’s Rockin’ Road Show, a new stage
for information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th spectacular featuring all your favorite characters; $16.75-$53.75;
Ave., Eldridge, IA,, 10am Thu for tickets, call 800-745-3000, U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE,
Oct 21. Cedar Rapids, IA,, 7pm Fri Nov 19.
Preschool Storytime, on Thursdays (no session on Nov. 11); Pajama Story Time, for ages 4-8; bring your favorite stuffed
stories, finger plays, and hands-on activities for children ages 3-5 animal and hear new stories; free; for information, call 309-524-
and not yet in kindergarten; free; for information, call 309-524- 2480, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.
2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www., 7pm Mon Nov 22., 10am Thu Oct 21 thru Nov 18. Messy Monday, for grades K-3; hear a story while doing
Disney Live! - Mickey’s Magic Show, featuring grand illu- a messy craft; dress for messiness; for information, call 309-
sions and favorite Disney characters, including Donald and Goofy, 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Cinderella and her Fairy Godmother, Alice in Wonderland and Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island, IL,,
the Mad Hatter, and Disney princesses Jasmine, Belle, and Snow 5:30pm Mon Nov 22.
White; $15.75-$45.75; at 3:30 & 6:30pm; for tickets, call 800-745- Teen Writers’ Group, free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline, IL, http://www.iwire- Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood, Fri Oct 22. Rd., Rock Island, IL,, 6pm Tue
Banned Books Royale and Edible Art Program, teens will Nov 23.
defend one title from a list of banned books in a single, Moline Read to a Dog, allow children an opportunity to read to dogs,
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, http://www.molinelibrary. giving new, shy, or inexperienced readers a friendly and non-
com, 2:30pm Sat Oct 23. judgmental audience that will increase the child’s confidence
Get Animated! 3rd Annual Teen Anime Day, manga artists and growth in reading; register the night of the program for a 10-
and anime enthusiasts ages 12 and older will enjoy cos-play and minute time slot to read to one of the three dogs: Amber, Abel,
People’s Choice awards for best costume, a library anime club art or Connor; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street
show with Artists’ Pick awards, a comic/art swap, refreshments, Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-
and more; $5; for information, call 563-326-7804, ext. 2006, Figge, 6:30pm Tue Nov 23.
Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA, http://www.figgeart- Jack Frost Saves Christmas, holiday-themed family musical, 12pm Sat Oct 23. comedy; days and times vary; $18-$20; for tickets, call 309-786-
38 Pajama Story Time, for ages 4-8; bring your favorite stuffed
7733, extension 2, Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave., Rock 7pm Tue Sep 14.
Island, IL,, 12pm Fri Nov 26 thru Sun Dec Corinne Gregory, information on how young people can de-

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Advertise here now.
26. velop key social skills that are critical to success in learning, involv-
Wee Wiggler Toddler Time, on Mondays at 9:30 or 10:45am; ing a fully integrated, skills based program addressing behavioral
stories, finger plays and hands-on activities for children 18-36 issues that inhibit success in education; for information, call 309-
months with an adult; free; for information, call 309-524-2480, 794-9194 or e-mail, Moline Public Library, 3210
Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL, 41st St, Moline, IL, 7pm Wed Sep 15., Mon Nov 29 thru Mon Dec 20. Racialism in the Media, presentation will explore the medi-
Teen Gaming Night, play Wii games, board games, and cards; ated ideology of African-American culture in five areas of media:
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library film, television, radio, newspapers, and music; major contempo-
- Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandli- rary issues will be discussed such as modern racism in news, sex, 6pm Tue Nov 30. and violence in rap music, black male and female stereotypes in
film, and problems in advertising; free; information, contact Mi-
chael Dixon at 563/333-6264 or, Rogalski
Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA,, 4:30pm Wed Sep 15.
Corinne Gregory, information on how young people can
River Folk Tales & Music, with Dale Whiteside; storyteller, folk develop key social skills that are critical to success in learning,
musician, folklorist will impart talk and songs of the times relat- involving a fully integrated, skills based program addressing be-
ing to life on the river, a potpourri of lore and custom from the havioral issues that inhibit success in education; for information,
early days; a River Action Channel Cat Talk; $12; for information, call 309-794-9194 or e-mail; for reservations,
call 563-322-2969 or e-mail, Celebra- contact Judy Hutchinson at 309-799-3155, ext. 3150 or e-mail ju-
tion Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, IA, http://www.riveraction., Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,
org, 9am Thu Aug 19. 9am Thu Sep 16.
A Healing Attitude, service on how to heal our physical bod- Senior Day: Songs of the Civil War, for information, call 563-
ies, our relationships, our finances, and all areas of our lives; for 344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bet-
information, call 309-762-1066, Unity Church of Christianity, 5102 tendorf, IA,, 1:30am Thu Sep
47th Ave, Moline, IL,, 10:30am Sun Aug 23.
22. Terrorism: A Topic in German Film, Therese Grisham, from
Ozzie Smith: A Day at the Park with the Wizard, St. Louis the Columbia College Chicago Film & Video Department, will
Cardinal Hall of Famer, speaking as part of an event in the East- explore how this unsettling topic has been dealt with by German
ern Iowa Community College District’s Viewpoint Distinguished filmmakers; clips will be shown from selected films; for informa-
Speakers Series; with concessions stands and kids’ activities - in- tion, call 563-322-8844, German American Heritage Center, 712 W.
cluding a youth sports clinic - beginning at 2:30pm; $15 for adults, 2nd St., Davenport, IA,, 2pm Sat Sep 25.
$10 for students and military personnel, and ages five & under World Affairs Council / World Community Institute, with
free; for information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, Judy Morrison, Cherokee/Osage, Native American spiritual and
209 S Gaines St, Davenport, IA, cultural consultant on “Sacred Spirit and Respectful Living”; for
events/viewpoint/smith.html, 5pm Sun Aug 22. information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Connection Generations: The Power of Millennials, register Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, http://www.bettendorflibrary.
by Aug. 23 for Aug. 26 event; the Women’s Connection presents an com, 7pm Tue Sep 28.
Emerging Women Leaders business panel discussion with Cassie Specifically for Seniors: German American Heritage Cen-
Boorn, Tanisha Briley, Kristin Glass, Tasha Reisz-Serrano, and Aleeza ter, Executive Director Angela Osborn talks about the newly ex-
Singh; moderated by Molly Foley; $20-$25; for information and to panded center; free; for information, call 563-888-3371, Fairmount
register, call Colleen Rafferty at 309-631-0167, Radisson Quad City Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.
Plaza Hotel, 421 W. River Dr., Davenport, IA, http://www.AskTWC., 1pm Wed Sep 29.
com, 5:30pm Mon Aug 23. Concert Conversations w/ Kai Swanson, a quick tour of high-
The Arab-Israeli Conflict Part IV: 1967 to Present, professor lights from the evening’s Quad City Symphony Orchestra concert,
and historian Dr. Art Pitz will discuss the tumultuous history of with conductor/director Mark Russell Smith and guest artists; free;
the Middle East, providing a balanced, in-depth portrayal of the for information, call 563-322-0931, ext 16, Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd
region; sponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities, St., Davenport, IA,, 7pm Sat Oct 2.
the Rock Island Public Library, and Friends of the Moline Public Concert Conversations w/ Kai Swanson, a quick tour of high-
Library; free; for information, call Jennifer at 309-524-2475, Kris at lights from the evening’s Quad City Symphony Orchestra concert,
309-732-7341, or the Jewish Federation at 309-793-1300, Moline with conductor/director Mark Russell Smith and guest artists; free;
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline, IL,, 6pm for information, call 563-322-0931, ext 16, Centennial Hall, Augus-
Mon Aug 23. tana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www.qcsym-
This Is It!: Finding Inner Peace Through a Course in Mira-, 1pm Sun Oct 3.
cles, Jon Mundy, PhD on the 10 laws of happiness & listening to Senior Day: Gladys Black: Iowa’s Bird Lady, Larry Stone pres-
your inner guide; $15-$20 suggested donation, no one who can’t ents stories of Gladys and her place among Iowa conservation
pay will be turned away; for in formation, call 309-762-1066, Unity legends; refreshments served; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Church of Christianity, 5102 47th Ave, Moline, IL, http://www.uni- Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,, 7pm Mon Aug 23., 1:30am Thu Oct 7.
Rafting Logs to QC Mills, with Gayle Rein, Historian: explore Senorita Extraviada, Arizona State University’s Dr. David
the history of QC lumber industry through stories about mill own- Foster delivers a lecture about the kidnapping, rape and murder
ers, lumber camps, and the rafting crews; a River Action Channel of hundreds of women of Juarez, Mexico, that first came to light
Cat Talk; $12; for information, call 563-322-2969 or e-mail riverac- in 1993; part of the university’s yearlong series, “The Ubiquity of, Celebration Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, Work”; free, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust
IA,, 9am Tue Aug 24. St., Davenport, IA,, 7pm Wed Oct 13.
Black History Series: The Murder of Emmett Till, hosted by Home Childcare Association, for information, call 563-344-
the library and the Afro-American Heritage Center; observation 4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Betten-
of the 55th anniversary of teenager Till’s murder, a discussion of dorf, IA,, 6:30pm Tue Oct 19.
the events that followed, and a screening of the PBS documentary Get to Work: The Rights and Wrongs of Women’s Attitudes
“The Murder of Emmett Till”; free; for information, call 309-732- Toward Paid Work in the Market Economy, author and feminist
7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Is- Dr. Linda Hirshmann delivers a lecture challenging the assertion
land, IL,, 6pm Wed Aug 25. that children, and ultimately society, benefit when mom stays
Specifically for Seniors: Disaster Preparedness, the Ameri- home; part of the university’s yearlong series, “The Ubiquity of
can Red Cross will teach seniors various techniques for staying Work”; free, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust
safe during disasters, highlighting the three most important ac- St., Davenport, IA,, 7pm Wed Oct 20.
tions: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, and Be Informed; free; for information, Ethical Boundaries in Multi-Stressed Families: Recommen-
call 563-888-3371, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., dations for Social Workers, presented by Dr. Katherine Van Blair,
Davenport, IA,, 1pm Wed Aug director, St. Ambrose School of Social Work; $20; for information
25. or to register, contact Jeannine Yeager at 563-333-3911 or Yeager-
Rafting Logs to QC Mills, with Gayle Rein, Historian: explore, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518
the history of QC lumber industry through stories about mill own- W. Locust St., Davenport, IA,, 1pm Thu

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

ers, lumber camps, and the rafting crews; a River Action Channel Oct 21.
Cat Talk; $12; for information, call 563-322-2969 or e-mail riverac- 13th Annual Frieze Lecture Series: Celebrating 150 Great, Celebration Belle, 2501 River Dr, Davenport, Years at Augustana College, on Thursdays; lecturers include
IA,, 9am Thu Aug 26. Thomas Tredway, 7th president of the college, speaking on the
The Truth about Healing and Wholeness, service on how to history of Augustana from 1935-1975; Sherry C. Maurer, direc-
heal our physical bodies, our relationships, our finances, and all tor of the Augustana Art Museum, speaking on treasures from
areas of our lives; for information, call 309-762-1066, Unity Church the college’s art collection; Dr. Dr. James Lambrecht, professor
of Christianity, 5102 47th Ave, Moline, IL,, of trumpet and director of bands at Augustana, speaking on the
10:30am Sun Aug 29. college’s oldest musical ensemble, the Augustana Symphonic
Workers of the World, Duke University Professor Dr. David Band and Dr. Roald Tweet, emeritus professor of English, speaking
Brady will examine cross-national differences of work, comparing on the historic relationship between Augustana and Rock Island;
the United States to other affluent democracies regarding costs coffee and conversation following, free; for information, call 309-
and benefits, rights and political mobilization for workers; part of 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock
the university’s yearlong series, “The Ubiquity of Work”; free, Ro- Island, IL,, 2pm Thu Oct 21 thru
galski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Daven- Thu Nov 11.
port, IA,, 7pm Thu Sep 9. Transformation of Identity: Becoming a Welfare Mother,
Travelogue at CASI: Spectacular Lands & Wondrous Waters Rutgers University Professor Dr. Mary Gatta will give the second
– A Series of Journeys with Us, Melanie Hill on the Sesquicen- lecture of the Ambrose Women for Social Justice lecture series,
tennial Oregon Trail Celebration; free for CASI members; for infor- offering insights on the experiences of women as they navigate
mation and to reserve, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active the workforce system during the economic recession; part of the
Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, university’s yearlong series, “The Ubiquity of Work”; free, Rogalski, 1pm Mon Sep 13. Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA,
Social Smarts, with Corinne Gregory; information on how, 7pm Tue Oct 26.
young people can develop key social skills that are critical to suc- What Martin Luther King Might Say about War and Terror-
cess in learning, involving a fully integrated, skills based program ism, a presentation by the World Affairs Council/World Commu-
addressing behavioral issues that inhibit success in education; nity Institute, led by Rufus Burrow Jr., author of “Martin Luther King
for information, call 309-794-9194 or e-mail, Jr. for Armchair Theologians”; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
Bill of Rights Discussion, on the last Monday of the month;
open discussion on the Bill of Rights and other parts of the Consti-
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •
tution, on the last Monday of every month; free; for information,
call 309-786-0252, Mojo’s (River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St,
Davenport, IA, 7pm Mon Aug 30 thru Mon Dec 27., 7pm Tue Oct 26. Stamping Club, on the first Friday of the month; meet other
Specifically for Seniors: Quad Cities Convention & Visitors’ ladies who enjoy stamping and get some great ideas on card
fRENCH CONNECTION August 19, 2010 Bureau, learn about upcoming events in the area that are exciting,
handicap accessible, and fun for the whole family; tips on where
making! Share your own creations and learn new techniques.
Contact Bev Skelton at (309) 523-2516 for more information.,
Edited by Justin Lynn Morris August 5 Answers: Page 36 to take visiting guests when they come into town for the holidays; River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://www.
free brochures and publications; free; for information, call 563-888-, 9am Fri Sep 3 thru Fri Dec 3.
3371, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, Library Knits Group, on the first Saturday of the month; for
IA,, 1pm Wed Oct 27. knitters of all ages; no registration or prior knowledge required;
Concert Conversations w/ Kai Swanson, a quick tour of high- bring projects to work on or work on the group’s practice yarn; for
lights from the evening’s Quad City Symphony Orchestra concert, information, call 563-285-4794, Eldridge Library, 200 N. 6th Ave.,
with conductor/director Mark Russell Smith and guest artists; free; Eldridge, IA,, 12pm Sat Sep 4
for information, call 563-322-0931, ext 16, Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd thru Sat Dec 4.
St., Davenport, IA,, 7pm Sat Nov 6. Friends of the Bettendorf Public Library Meeting, in the
Concert Conversations w/ Kai Swanson, a quick tour of high- Elizabeth R. Malmros Room; for information, call 563-344-4175,
lights from the evening’s Quad City Symphony Orchestra concert, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
with conductor/director Mark Russell Smith and guest artists; free;, 7pm Tue Sep 7.
for information, call 563-322-0931, ext 16, Centennial Hall, Augus- IONS-QC: Quad Cities Institute of Noetic Sciences Commu-
tana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island, IL, http://www.qcsym- nity Group Meeting, with a presentation by Howard Vandersluis;, 1pm Sun Nov 7. free; for information, contact Christine at or
The Marvel of Plant 4: Bandag’s Journey to Self-Direction, 563-332-7259, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,
Dean of the College of Business David O’Connell will talk about Bettendorf, IA,, 6:30pm Thu Sep 9.
how Bandag’s Muscatine, Iowa, plant made the transition from a Quilting by the River, bring your current project and join
union to a non-union, all-salary workforce; part of the university’s this group of quilters as they swap quilting stories, favorite tech-
yearlong series, “The Ubiquity of Work”; free, Rogalski Center - St. niques, and more; for information, contact Pat Biskie at 309-523-
Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA, http://www. 2171, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://, 7pm Wed Nov 10., Thu Sep 9.
African Americans in the Military, co-presented with the Af- Bettendorf Library Board of Trustees Meeting, for informa-
rican American Museum of Iowa; presentation, Davenport Public tion, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn-
Library (Main), 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA, http://www.daven- ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,, 6pm Mon Nov 15. 4:30pm Thu Sep 9.
The Three Faces of Jerusalem, a presentation by the World Friends of the Rock Island Library Program Meeting, on
Affairs Council/World Community Institute; for information, call the second Monday of the month; $6 for lunch; to reserve, call
563-344-4191, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Sue Bjorkman at 309-786-5909, First Baptist Church of Rock Is-
Bettendorf, IA,, 7pm Tue Nov land, 3020 30th St, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary.
16. org, 11:30am Mon Sep 13 thru Mon Dec 13.
Senior Day: Illegal Immigration Throughout History, led Knit/Crochet for Peace, on the second Tuesday of the month;
by Art Pitz; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public bring your needles or crochet hooks and make projects for char-
Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, ity; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public, 1:30pm Thu Nov 18. Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rock-
Specifically for Seniors: Vintage Voices, educational and, 6pm Tue Sep 14 thru Tue Dec 14.
entertainment program for senior citizens; free; for information, Let’s Talk About: Local Foods Salon, on the second Tuesday
call 563-888-3371, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount of the month; explore the movement locally as well as nationally,
St., Davenport, IA,, 1pm Wed with a sampling of such texts as “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by
Nov 24. Barbara Kingsolver; $5 per session includes refreshments and
handouts for information, 309-756-8879, ext 12, Rock Island
County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan, IL, http://www.exten-, 6:30pm Tue Sep 14 thru Tue Dec 14.
Eagle View of the Sierra Club Monthly Meeting, for infor-
mation, call Jerry Neff at 563-332 5373, Bettendorf Public Library,
The Gourd Patch Meeting, learn the art of carving and deco- 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA, 7pm Mon Sep 20 thru
rating gourds; share your creations and get new tips and tricks to Mon Nov 15.
ACROSS 84. _ vera 37. Social grace: hyph. help you hone your skills; for information, call 309-523-3440, River Rock Island Library Board of Trustees Meeting, on the third
1. Dinner item 85. Examine 38. Roseanne of “Roseanne” Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://www.riverval- Tuesday of the month; time provided for public comment; for
5. Skirmish 86. Remains in bed: 2 wds. 39. Leafy veggies, 5pm Thu Aug 19. information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main
Beth Moore Bible Study, on Mondays; unveil the reality of Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://www.rockislandlibrary.
10. Sycophant 88. Expert 40. Decisive act: 3 wds. your destiny through God’s word; for information, call 309-781-
15. Out of shape 90. Matures 41. Miscalculated org, 11:30am thru Tue Dec 21.
5262, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http:// Rock Island Public Library Board Meeting, on the 3rd Tue. of
19. One of the Olympians 92. Darn it! 42. Disreputable, 1pm Mon Aug 23 thru Mon Dec 27. each month; the public may address the board at the beginning
20. River horse 93. Wounds with horns 44. Gawk Walk Through the Bible, on Mondays; for information, call of each meeting; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
21. Debate 94. Brain membrane 45. Building pier 309-523-3440, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th, Rock Island, IL, http://rock-
22. Mad scientist’s gofer 95. Under way 48. Ill will, 2pm Mon Aug 23 thru Mon, 11:30am Tue Sep 21 thru Tue Dec 21.
23. Belle Epoque movement: 2 wds. 98. Burdened 49. Calls for Dec 27. Quilting by the River, bring your current project and join
Labyrinths International Leadership Circle Meeting, held this group of quilters as they swap quilting stories, favorite tech-
25. Place in town: hyph. 99. After-hours joints 50. Pieplant on the 4th Tue. of the month; seeking qualified and dedicated
27. Took umbrage 103. Variety of alias: 3 wds. 51. Moves carefully niques, and more; for information, contact Pat Biskie at 309-523-
individuals to help the organization fulfill its mission; for informa- 2171, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://
28. Flavor 106. The latest thing: 2 wds. 52. Kitchen utensil tion, call 309-269-4213 or e-mail, Quad City, Thu Sep 23.
30. Foeman 108. Eat 56. Contemporary of Thackeray Labyrinth Community Room, 2920 24th St., Rock Island, IL, http:// Bettendorf Optimist Club Meeting, for information, call
31. Villainous look 109. Leporids 58. Posts, 7pm Tue Aug 24 thru Tue Dec 28. 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus,
32. World-wonders count 110. Fill with joy 59. Feminine garment Fireside Knitters, on Tuesdays; knit and crochet items for Bettendorf, IA,, 12pm Fri Sep
various social organizations throughout the Quad Cities; supplies 24.
33. Custard 111. “_ go bragh!” 60. Insolent
provided; for information, call 563-888-3371, Fairmount Street Bettendorf Library Foundation Board Meeting, for infor-
35. Be preoccupied 112. Coasted 62. “Bewitched” husband Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport, IA, http://www.daven-
38. With _ breath 113. That is: 2 wds. 65. Moment mation, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn-, 6:30pm Tue Aug 24 thru Tue Dec 28. ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
39. Makes a face 114. Ceremonies 66. Some wounds River’s Edge Homeschool Friends Meeting, on Tuesdays; 12pm Mon Sep 27.
43. Interpret 115. Batman and Robin, and others 67. Mrs. Fred Mertz call Carrie Homann 309-496-3330 for more information, River Citizens Academy Meeting, for information, call 563-344-
44. Palm starch 69. Marley or Rudner Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://www.riverval- 4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Betten-
45. Neighborhoods DOWN 71. Hawke the actor, 12pm Tue Aug 24 thru Tue Dec 28. dorf, IA,, 7pm Thu Sep 30.
Library Knits, on Wednesdays; the Quad City Knitter’s Guild Bettendorf Library Board of Trustees Meeting, for informa-
46. Mine_s output 1. Blacken with heat 72. College heads
invites experienced knitters and those who want to learn to the
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

47. Abbr. in grammar 2. Where the buck stops 74. The City of Light tion, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn-
area near the Reading Garden each week for knitting talk and tu- ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
48. New-business CEO 3. Scraps 75. Prince of _ toring; free; for information, call 563-285-4794, ext. 223, Eldridge 4:30pm Thu Oct 7.
52. Secure 4. Wainscoted 76. Shortly Library, 200 N. 6th Ave., Eldridge, IA, http://www.scottcountyli- Friends of the Bettendorf Public Library Meeting, for infor-
53. Common papal name 5. Landing gear, for short 79. Wen, 12:30pm Wed Aug 25 thru Wed Dec 29. mation, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn-
54. Gains on 6. Pate ingredient 80. Sachet scent Quad City SnB, on Wednesdays; knitting and crocheting ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
55. Like a bete noire 7. Copied 83. Outpouring group; free lessons available; for information, e-mail quadcitys- 7pm Tue Oct 5., Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Cam- IONS-QC: Quad Cities Institute of Noetic Sciences Com-
56. Homo sapiens, e.g. 8. Spring 85. Boxed
pus, Bettendorf, IA,, 7pm Wed Aug munity Group Meeting, with a presentation by Denise Poole
57. Bather 9. Shingled area 87. Destroyed by degrees 25 thru Wed Dec 29.
59. Boyle or Sarandon 10. Danced a certain way 88. Small scale on “The New Stone Age: Earth Mother’s Soliloquy”; free; for infor-
Stitching & More, every Wednesday (except the second mation, contact Christine at or 563-332-7259,
60. Krueger of horror films 11. Mythical hunter 89. Exist Wed.) of the month; put your creativity to work and share your fa- Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,
61. Attacked 12. Golden _ 90. Beautiful stones vorite tips and tricks with this fun group of ladies; for information,, 6:30pm Thu Oct 14.
63. Honest _ 13. Flop 91. Dies _ contact Bev Skelton at 309-523-2516 for more information., River Friends of the Bettendorf Public Library Meeting, for infor-
64. Tried 14. An affirmative 93. Plays for stakes Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http://www.riverval- mation, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn-, 5pm Wed Aug 25 thru Wed Dec 31. ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
66. Comports with 15. Earthy pigment 94. Great poet
Sunday 4 Meditation Workshops, on the second and fourth 10am Tue Nov 2.
68. Tapestry 16. Brute 95. Connectives Sundays of the month; for information, call 309-762-1066, Unity IONS-QC: Quad Cities Institute of Noetic Sciences Com-
70. Broke a promise 17. Create 96. Baffle Church of Christianity, 5102 47th Ave, Moline, IL, http://www.uni- munity Group Meeting, with a presentation by Dr. Alta Price on
73. Alps nation 18. Card with three pips 97. Hotel chain, 9:45am Wed Aug 25 thru Sun Dec 26. “Symbols of an Alien Sky”; free; for information, contact Christine
74. Nosy one 24. Greenbacks 98. Decoy Quilting by the River, bring your current project and join at or 563-332-7259, Bettendorf Public Library,
75. Middle 26. Cooperative units 99. Ending for auto or pluto this group of quilters as they swap quilting stories, favorite tech- 2950 Learning Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
77. Abbr. on a map 29. _ Maria 100. Beige niques, and more; for information, contact Pat Biskie at 309-523- 6:30pm Thu Nov 11.
2171, River Valley Library, 214 S. Main St., Port Byron, IL, http:// Bettendorf Library Board of Trustees Meeting, for informa-
78. A pronoun 32. Learned ones 101. Performing group, Thu Aug 26.
79. Free rein: 2 wds. 33. Id-ego-superego thinker 102. Goes wrong tion, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learn-
Davenport Horticultural Society, meets the 4th Thursday of ing Campus, Bettendorf, IA,,
81. Gotcha! 34. Deceiver 104. After upsilon the month; visitors and new members welcome; for information, 4:30pm Thu Nov 11.
82. Ending for profit or puppet 35. Examinations 105. Youth call Ed at 563-441-9884, Duck Creek Park Lodge, Davenport, IA,
40 83. Where Aleppo is 36. Moisten 107. Yale student 6:30pm Thu Aug 26 thru Thu Dec 30.
Live Music Live Music Live

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Email all listings to • Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

St. Blue Grass, IA
thursday House Arrest -Uncle Harley’s Bar & Grill, 202 W. The Wheelers - Nebula Was - The Post Mortems
2010/08/19 (Thu) DJ Scott Keller & Karaoke (weather permitting) Mayne St. Blue Grass, IA -Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St. Iowa City, IA
-Greenbriar Restaurant and Lounge, 4506 John Resch and Detroit Blues -The Muddy Theresa Gibbs Benefit: Wicked Liz & the
Hamell on Trial - The Lonelyhearts -The Mill, 27th St Moline, IL Waters, 1708 State St. Bettendorf, IA Bellyswirls - Lonnie & Ray - Ryan & Gibbs
120 E Burlington Iowa City, IA Ed Franks’ Frank Sinatra Tribute -Icons Martini, Justin Morrissey -Martini’s on the Rock, 4619 - Larry Boyd - Gray Wolf Band (4pm) -Len
Hart to Hart DJ Service -Beer Bellies, 1704 2nd 124 18th St Rock Island, IL 34th St Rock Island, IL Brown’s North Shore Inn, 7th Street and the
Ave. Rock Island, IL Fat Dawgs Productions Karaoke & DJ Service Karaoke Night -Moe’s Pizza, 1312 Camanche Rock River Moline, IL
Irie Soundsystem w/ DJ THC -QC Zone, 1516 -Shannon’s Bar and Grill, 252 S State Ave Ave Clinton, IA uneXpected -Gambino’s Place, 1500 13th St.
5th Ave Moline, IL Hampton, IL NINE-1-1 -Uptown Neighborhood Bar and Grill, East Moline, IL
Jam Session w/ Alan Sweet -The Muddy Waters, Funk Syndicate -Riverside Casino and Golf 2340 Spruce Hills Dr. Bettendorf, IA
1708 State St. Bettendorf, IA
Jason Carl -Creekside Bar and Grill, 3303 Brady
Resort, 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA
Golden Tones (6:30pm) -CASI (Center for
Nitrix -City Limits Pay Station, 1303 10th Ave.
Viola, IL
2010/08/22 (Sun) 22
St. Davenport, IA Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road Open Mic Night -Coffee Dive, 226 W. 3rd St. Breille -The Hat Eatery & Pub, 1618 W. Locust St.
Jazz Jam w/ the North Scott Jazz Combo Davenport, IA Davenport, IA
Davenport, IA
-Mojo’s (River Music Experience), 130 W Gray Wolf Band -Len Brown’s North Shore Inn, Joe & Vicki Price (1pm) -Timber D.O.M.E. Lodge,
Open Mic Night -One Library, 230 W. 3rd Street
2nd St Davenport, IA 7th Street and the Rock River Moline, IL Solon, IA
Davenport, IA
Karaoke w/ DJ Cash -Molly’s Pub, 311 3rd St. Just Chords -Kilkenny’s, 300 W. 3rd St. Dav- Karaoke Night -The Muddy Waters, 1708 State
Pappa-Razzi -Beer Belly’s, 112 N College Ave
Sherrard, IL enport, IA St. Bettendorf, IA
Aledo, IL
Live Lunch w/ Rose ‘n’ Thorns (noon) -Mojo’s Karaoke Night -Sneaky Pete’s, 207 Cody Rd. N. PB & the Jam - Smashing Pumpkins Tribute w/ Riverias (2pm) -Riverside Casino and Golf Resort,
(River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St
Davenport, IA
LeClaire, IA Birds & Batteries @ The Mill – August 28 Smashed Pumpkins -Iowa City Yacht Club, 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA
Karaoke Night -The Dam View Inn, 410 2nd St 13 S Linn St Iowa City, IA Rude Punch (4pm) -Blueport Junction, 6605 W
Open Mic Night -The Dam View Inn, 410 2nd St Davenport, IA (5:30pm) - The Right Now (7:30pm) - The Mill, 120 E Burlington Iowa City, IA River Roots Live B Stage: Jimmy Riches (noon) River Dr Davenport, IA
Davenport, IA Lee Blackmon & The Gamblers (6:30pm) Marshall Tucker Band (9:30pm) -LeClaire The Shawn Kellerman Band -Rascals Rock - Milltown (1pm) - Mondo Drag (3pm) Russ Reyman, Pianist (10am-2pm brunch
Seth Bradley -Kilkenny’s, 300 W. 3rd St. Dav- -Mojo’s (River Music Experience), 130 W Park, River Dr & Ripley St Davenport, IA Memorabilia Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL - Treologic (5pm) - The Diplomats of Solid performance) -The Lodge Hotel, Spruce Hills
enport, IA 2nd St Davenport, IA Rotate the DJ w/ Chronik Solutionz -M.D. & Utica Ridge Bettendorf, IA
Sound (7pm) - Jonathan Tyler & the North-
Sexy Delicious - Red Daughters - Purple As-
teroid Cadillac -Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington
Live Lunch w/ Ren Estrand (noon) -Mojo’s
(River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St
Green’s, 1808 2nd Ave. Rock Island, IL
Russ Reyman Trio (5pm) -The Rusty Nail, 2606
2010/08/21 (Sat) ern Lights (9:30pm) - -LeClaire Park, River Dr
& Ripley St Davenport, IA
Sunday Afternoon Social Dance w/ the Ken
Paulsen Quartet (3pm) -Viking Club of
St. Iowa City, IA Davenport, IA W Locust Davenport, IA A.J. Haut -Downtown East Moline, East Moline, IL River Roots Live Main Stage: Bumper Crop Moline, 1450 41st Street Moline, IL
Shaggy Wonda -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock Nashville Songwriters Association (6pm) Scorpions - Dokken -i wireless Center, 1201 Bee All U Can Bee Karaoke & DJ -Crabby’s, 826 (2pm) - Tim Stop Trio (4pm) - 56 Hope Road The Anthony Catalfano Trio (10am) -Brady
Island, IL -Cool Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St. River Dr Moline, IL W. 1st Ave. Coal Valley, IL (6pm) - Creedence Clearwater Revisited Street Chop House, Radisson QC Plaza Hotel
The Steady Rollin’ Blues Band featuring Jim- Rock Island, IL Shame Train - Old Man -Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 Caught in the Act -Jimmie Lee’s, Port Byron, IL (8pm) - Grace Potter & the Nocturnals Davenport, IA
mie Lee Adams -Rascals Rock Memorabilia Neutral Uke Hotel - Golden Bloom - The S Linn St Iowa City, IA Con Queso - The Blood Beats -The Mill, 120 E (10:30pm) -LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley The Avey Brothers -Rascals Rock Memorabilia
Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL Motion Sick -Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St. Smooth Groove -Brucer’s Dawg House, East Burlington Iowa City, IA St Davenport, IA Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL
Troy Harris, Pianist (6pm) -Red Crow Grille, 2504 Iowa City, IA Moline, IL DJ Night -Uncle Harley’s Bar & Grill, 202 W. Mayne Salsa and Cumbia DJ Night -La Primavera, 601 Troy Harris, Pianist (11:30am) -Bass Street Chop
53rd St. Bettendorf, IA NINE-1-1 -Edje Nightclub at Jumer’s Casino and Spatterdash -Uptown Neighborhood Bar and St. Blue Grass, IA 15th St. Moline, IL House, 1601 River Dr Moline, IL
Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr. Bettendorf, IA Ed Franks’ Frank Sinatra Tribute -Icons Martini,
2010/08/20 (Fri) 20 Hotel, I-280 & Hwy 92 Rock Island, IL
Open Mic Coffeehouse -First Lutheran Church Steady Rollin’ Blues Band -The Muddy Waters,
1708 State St. Bettendorf, IA
124 18th St Rock Island, IL
FlatTop -Fireworks, 2139 16th St. Moline, IL
Salsa Dancing -Club Boulevard, 1801 10th St.
Moline, IL monday
2010/08/23 (Mon) 23
- Rock Island, 1600 20th St. Rock Island, IL Smooth Groove -River House, 1510 River Dr.
ABC Karaoke -Circle Tap, 1345 Locust St. Sweet Country (6pm) -Toucan’s Cantina / Skinny Funk Syndicate -Riverside Casino and Golf Karaoke Night -The Old Stardust Sports Bar, 1191
Phyllis & the Sharks -Martini’s on the Rock, 4619 Moline, IL
Davenport, IA Legs BBQ, 2020 1st Street Milan, IL Resort, 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA The Afterdarks -Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, 19th Street Moline, IL
34th St Rock Island, IL
Bee All U Can Bee Karaoke & DJ -Commodore The Funnies -Jesse’s Saloon, 803 1st Ave. Funktastic Five -Rascals Rock Memorabilia Bar, Live Lunch w/ Ellis Kell (noon) -Mojo’s (River Mu-
River Roots Live B Stage: 500 Miles to Mem- 2815 W. Locust St Davenport, IA
Tap, 2202 W. 3rd St. Davenport, IA Silvis, IL 1414 15th St. Moline, IL The Karry Outz -Greenbriar Restaurant and sic Experience), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA
phis (6:30pm) - Cory Chisel & the Wander-
Cosmic -11th Street Precinct, 2108 E 11th St The Goddamn Gallows - The Afterdarks Gray Wolf Band -Len Brown’s North Shore Inn, Open Mic w/ J. Knight -The Mill, 120 E Burlington
ing Sons (8:30pm) - Backyard Tire Fire Lounge, 4506 27th St Moline, IL
Davenport, IA - The Krank Daddies -RIBCO, 1815 2nd 7th Street and the Rock River Moline, IL The Old 57’s -Molly’s Pub, 311 3rd St. Sher- Iowa City, IA
(10:50pm) -LeClaire Park, River Dr & Ripley
DJ Night -Uncle Harley’s Bar & Grill, 202 W. Mayne St Davenport, IA Ave. Rock Island, IL HI-FI -Edje Nightclub at Jumer’s Casino and rard, IL
River Roots Live Main Stage: Lojo Russo The Lower Dens featuring Jana Hunter -The Hotel, I-280 & Hwy 92 Rock Island, IL The Warmth - Chico Fellini -RIBCO, 1815
2nd Ave. Rock Island, IL
Continued On Page 42

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Live Music Live Music Liv
Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

Email all listings to • Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

The Mercury Brothers -The Muddy Waters, 1708 John Wasem -Kilkenny’s, 300 W. 3rd St. Dav-
Continued From Page 41
2010/08/26 (Thu)
26 State St. Bettendorf, IA enport, IA

2010/08/24 (Tue) 24 After the Crash -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock
Tony Hoeppner (noon) -Mojo’s (River Music
Experience), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA
Justin Morrissey & Friends -Bent River Brewing
Company, 1413 5th Ave. Moline, IL
Island, IL Trash Martini -Uptown Neighborhood Bar and Karaoke Night -Moe’s Pizza, 1312 Camanche
Glenn Hickson (5:30pm) -O’Melia’s Supper Club, Ave Clinton, IA
Andy Jess -Kilkenny’s, 300 W. 3rd St. Daven- Grill, 2340 Spruce Hills Dr. Bettendorf, IA
2900 Blackhawk Rd. Rock Island, IL Kool & The Gang -Riverside Casino and Golf
port, IA Tronicity -11th Street Precinct, 2108 E 11th St
Live Lunch w/ Jonathan Turner (noon) Davenport, IA Resort, 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA
DJ Johnny O -Greenbriar Restaurant and Lounge,
-Mojo’s (River Music Experience), 130 W Laura & the Long Hair -Molly’s Pub, 311 3rd
4506 27th St Moline, IL
2nd St Davenport, IA
Open Mic Night w/ Steve McFate (6:30pm)
Hart to Hart DJ Service -Beer Bellies, 1704 2nd
Ave. Rock Island, IL
2010/08/28 (Sat) 28 St. Sherrard, IL
NINE-1-1 -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W Locust Dav-
-Cool Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St. enport, IA
Irie Soundsystem w/ DJ THC -QC Zone, 1516 Amanda Miller & the Smoking Sextion - Dustin
Rock Island, IL Open Mic Night -Coffee Dive, 226 W. 3rd St.
5th Ave Moline, IL Thomas -Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St
Open Mic w/ Jordan Danielsen -Bier Stube Dav- Davenport, IA
Jam Session w/ Alan Sweet -The Muddy Waters, Iowa City, IA
enport, 2228 E 11th St Davenport, IA Open Mic Night -One Library, 230 W. 3rd Street
1708 State St. Bettendorf, IA B2A DJ -Circle Tap, 1345 Locust St. Davenport, IA
Open Mic w/ the Pena Brothers -Racer’s Edge, Davenport, IA
James Edel - The Wise Fools -Iowa City Yacht Barlowe & James (1pm) - The Black Stones
936 15th Ave East Moline, IL Quad Cities Irish Festival: Paddy O’Furniture
Pete Balestieri - Colloquialisms -The Mill, 120 E
Club, 13 S Linn St Iowa City, IA
Jason Carl -Creekside Bar and Grill, 3303 Brady
Toby Keith @ i wireless Center – August 26 (4pm) -Downtown Princeton, Princeton, IL
Bee All U Can Bee Karaoke & DJ -Crabby’s, 826 - The Beggarmen - Kathleen Murphy
Burlington Iowa City, IA Davenport, IA John Wasem -Kilkenny’s, 300 W. 3rd St. Dav- Conrad (1pm) -The District of Rock Island,
St. Davenport, IA Bee All U Can Bee Karaoke & DJ -Commodore W. 1st Ave. Coal Valley, IL
The Chris & Wes Show -Rascals Rock Memora- enport, IA 16 1/2 St. Rock Island, IL
Karaoke w/ DJ Cash -Molly’s Pub, 311 3rd St. Tap, 2202 W. 3rd St. Davenport, IA Bluegrass @The Beanz featuringThe Leftovers
bilia Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL Karaoke Night -Sneaky Pete’s, 207 Cody Rd. N. Salsa and Cumbia DJ Night -La Primavera, 601
Sherrard, IL Burlesque Le’ Moustache -The Circa ‘21 -Cool Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St.
Tuesday Patio Party w/ Buddy Olson (6pm) LeClaire, IA 15th St. Moline, IL
Live Lunch w/ Paige Popejoy (noon) -Mojo’s Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave. Rock Island, IL Rock Island, IL
-Greenbriar Restaurant and Lounge, 4506 Karaoke Night -The Dam View Inn, 410 2nd St Salsa Dancing -Club Boulevard, 1801 10th St.
27th St Moline, IL
(River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St Daytrotter Presents: Nathaniel Rateliff -Bor- Burlesque Le’ Moustache -The Circa ‘21
Davenport, IA Davenport, IA Moline, IL
ders Books, Music & Cafe, 4000 E. 53rd St. Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave. Rock Island, IL
Smooth Groove -Brucer’s Dawg House, East
Kevin Seconds - Lipstick Homicide - The
2010/08/25 (Wed)
Open Mic Night -The Dam View Inn, 410 2nd St
Davenport, IA
Davenport, IA
Daytrotter Presents: William Elliott Whitmore
Transgressions -The Mill, 120 E Burlington
Iowa City, IA
Caught in the Act -The Rockin’Ham, 1334 W 2nd
St Davenport, IA
Moline, IL
Sugar Nipples & Halo of Flies -Rascals Rock
Rock U: A Study of Tom Petty - Sad Iron Music - Old Scratch Revival Singers - Nathaniel Community Drum Circle (10:30am) -Mojo’s
Dave Ellis -Circle Tap, 1345 Locust St. Daven- Mr. Whoopie -Martini’s on the Rock, 4619 34th Memorabilia Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL
- Alexis Stevens -The Mill, 120 E Burlington Rateliff -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock Island, IL (River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St
port, IA St Rock Island, IL Tapes ‘n’ Tapes - Birds & Batteries - The
Iowa City, IA DJ Night -Uncle Harley’s Bar & Grill, 202 W. Mayne Davenport, IA
Jason Ray Brown -Molly’s Pub, 311 3rd St. Western Front -The Mill, 120 E Burlington
The Steady Rollin’ Blues Band featuring Jim- NINE-1-1 -The Rusty Nail, 2606 W Locust Dav- Cosmic -Mound Street Landing, 1029 Mound
Sherrard, IL St. Blue Grass, IA Iowa City, IA
mie Lee Adams -Rascals Rock Memorabilia enport, IA St. Davenport, IA
Open Mic Night -The Old Stardust Sports Bar, Emily Jawoisz (6pm) -Bucktown Center for the Tapped Out -Parker’s, 635 15th St Moline, IL
Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL Orquesta Alto Maiz (6:30pm) -Pedestrian Plaza, David Ball & The Pioneer Playboys Band
1191 19th Street Moline, IL Arts, 225 E. 2nd St. Davenport, IA Tear Down the Tower (6pm) -Wicked Nature
Toby Keith - Trace Adkins -i wireless Center, 1201 Fat Dawgs Productions Karaoke & DJ Service Downtown Iowa City Iowa City, IA -Mooney Hollow Barn, 12471 Highway 52
Social Dancing, Listening, & Fellowship (1pm) (8:30) -Greenbriar Restaurant and Lounge
-CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W.
River Dr Moline, IL -Shannon’s Bar and Grill, 252 S State Ave Retro Ron (6pm) -Mojo’s (River Music Experi- Green Island, IA
Troy Harris, Pianist (6pm) -Red Crow Grille, 2504 outdoor party, 4506 27th St Moline, IL
Kimberly Road Davenport, IA Hampton, IL ence), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA DJ Night -Uncle Harley’s Bar & Grill, 202 W. Mayne
53rd St. Bettendorf, IA The Premium $ellouts -Martini’s on the Rock,
“Tennessee,”That Nashville Cat (noon) - Open FlatTop (5:30pm) -Downtown Coal Valley, Coal Rotate the DJ w/ Chronik Solutionz -M.D. St. Blue Grass, IA
Whoozdads -Woodfire Grill, 131 W. 2nd St. 4619 34th St Rock Island, IL
Mic Night (7pm) -Mojo’s (River Music Experi- Valley, IA Green’s, 1808 2nd Ave. Rock Island, IL Eddie Butts -Riverside Casino and Golf Resort,
Davenport, IA Tronicity -11th Street Precinct, 2108 E 11th St
ence), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA Friday Live @ 5: Smooth Groove w/ The Russ Reyman Trio (5pm) -The Rusty Nail, 2606 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA Davenport, IA
Meyers Brothers (5pm) -RME (River Mu- W Locust Davenport, IA Gray Wolf Band -Edje Nightclub at Jumer’s Casino
The Burlington Street Bluegrass Band -The Mill,
120 E Burlington Iowa City, IA FRIDAY
2010/08/27 (Fri)
27 sic Experience) Courtyard, Davenport, IA Sin City Orchestra -Rascals Rock Memorabilia
Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL
and Hotel, I-280 & Hwy 92 Rock Island, IL
House Arrest -One More Round, 209-211 E. 2nd
Wild Oatz -Go Fish Marina and Bar, 411 River Dr.
Princeton, IA
The Chris & Wes Show -Mound Street Landing, Funk Stop -Riverside Casino and Golf Resort,
1029 Mound St. Davenport, IA
The Craig Bentley Trio -Rascals Rock Memora-
5 in a Hand - Dan Hubbard & the Humidors
-Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St Iowa
3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA
Gray Wolf Band -Edje Nightclub at Jumer’s
The Fry Daddies (6pm) -Toucan’s Cantina /
Skinny Legs BBQ, 2020 1st Street Milan, IL
St Muscatine, IA
Identity Crisis -Toucan’s Cantina / Skinny Legs
2010/08/29 (Sun) 29
City, IA BBQ, 2020 1st Street Milan, IL
bilia Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL Casino and Hotel, I-280 & Hwy 92 Rock The Lovedogs -Go Fish Marina and Bar, 411 River A.J. Haut -Racer’s Edge, 936 15th Ave East
ABC Karaoke -Circle Tap, 1345 Locust St. Illth - Dark Adaptation - Midwest Avengers
Island, IL Dr. Princeton, IA Moline, IL
-Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St. Iowa City, IA Breille -The Hat Eatery & Pub, 1618 W. Locust St.
River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

ve Music Live Music
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Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

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Call 563-324-0049
Davenport, IA 936 15th Ave East Moline, IL Three Years Hollow - Eleven Fifty Two - Tear Tronicity -Go Fish Marina and Bar, 411 River Dr.
Candye Kane -The Muddy Waters, 1708 State The Chris & Wes Show -Rascals Rock Memora- Down the Tower -Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington Princeton, IA
St. Bettendorf, IA bilia Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL St. Iowa City, IA
Dani Lynn Howe Band -The Captain’s Table, 4801
River Dr. Moline, IL
Tuesday Patio Party w/ Buddy Olson (6pm)
-Greenbriar Restaurant and Lounge, 4506 Saturday
2010/09/04 (Sat) 4 SUNday
2010/09/05 (Sun) 5
Hitman (4pm) -Blueport Junction, 6605 W River 27th St Moline, IL 38th Annual Barnes Family Bluegrass Fes-
Dr Davenport, IA 38th Annual Barnes Family Bluegrass Festival: tival: Bankester Family (11am) - Blue
Jim Ryan (2pm) -Len Brown’s North Shore Inn,
7th Street and the Rock River Moline, IL
2010/09/01 (Wed)
1 Art Stevenson & Highwater (noon & 7pm)
- Redwine (12:45 & 7:45pm) - Jerry Butler
Moon Rising (11:45am) - Art Stevenson
& Highwater(12:30pm) - Bluegrass Red-
Karaoke Night -The Muddy Waters, 1708 State Dave Ellis -Circle Tap, 1345 Locust St. Daven- & the Blu-J’s (1:30 & 8:30pm) - Rarely heads (1:15pm) -Mercer County Fairgrounds,
St. Bettendorf, IA port, IA Herd (2:15 & 9:15pm) - Blue Moon Rising Aledo, IL
Polyester Band (2pm) -Riverside Casino and Golf Open Mic Night -The Old Stardust Sports Bar, (3 & 9pm) - Daily & Vincent (4pm) -Mercer Battle of the Praise Bands for Hunger Relief
Resort, 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA 1191 19th Street Moline, IL County Fairgrounds, Aledo, IL (2pm) -New Hope Presbyterian Church, 4209
Russ Reyman, Pianist (10am-2pm brunch Sarah Jaffe -The Mill, 120 E Burlington Iowa Bee All U Can Bee Karaoke & DJ -Crabby’s, 826 W Locust St Davenport, IA
performance) -The Lodge Hotel, Spruce Hills City, IA W. 1st Ave. Coal Valley, IL Breille -The Hat Eatery & Pub, 1618 W. Locust St.
& Utica Ridge Bettendorf, IA Social Dancing, Listening & Fellowship (1pm) Dennis McMurrin & the Demolition Band -Iowa Davenport, IA
The Avey Brothers -Rascals Rock Memorabilia -CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. After the Crash @ RIBCO – August 26 City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St Iowa City, IA Caught in the Act -The Captain’s Table, 4801
Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL Kimberly Road Davenport, IA Davenport, IA -Greenbriar Restaurant and Lounge, 4506 DJ Night -Uncle Harley’s Bar & Grill, 202 W. Mayne River Dr. Moline, IL
The Whoozdads featuring Ellis Kell (10am) Stephens Green -Kilkenny’s, 300 W. 3rd St. The Steady Rollin’ Blues Band featuring Jim- 27th St Moline, IL St. Blue Grass, IA Karaoke Night -The Muddy Waters, 1708 State
-Brady Street Chop House, Radisson QC Plaza Davenport, IA mie Lee Adams -Rascals Rock Memorabilia Fat Dawgs Productions Karaoke & DJ Service Funktastic Five -Martini’s on the Rock, 4619 34th St. Bettendorf, IA
Hotel Davenport, IA “Tennessee,”That Nashville Cat (noon) - Open Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL -Shannon’s Bar and Grill, 252 S State Ave St Rock Island, IL RiverCity 6 (2pm) -Riverside Casino and Golf
Troy Harris, Pianist (11:30am) -Bass Street Chop Mic Night (7pm) -Mojo’s (River Music Expe- Troy Harris, Pianist (6pm) -Red Crow Grille, 2504 Hampton, IL Gryphyns - Trash Gods - Id Noir -Sound and Resort, 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA
House, 1601 River Dr Moline, IL rience), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA 53rd St. Bettendorf, IA First Friday Coffeehouse (5pm) -Beadology Vision Art Gallery, 1316 4th Ave Suite #1 Russ Reyman, Pianist (10am-2pm brunch
The Craig Bentley Trio -Rascals Rock Memora- Iowa, 220 E Washington St Iowa City, IA Moline, IL performance) -The Lodge Hotel, Spruce Hills

2010/08/30 (Mon) 30 bilia Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL
2010/09/03 (Fri) 3 Joe and Vicki Price -The Muddy Waters, 1708
State St. Bettendorf, IA
Karaoke Night -Moe’s Pizza, 1312 Camanche & Utica Ridge Bettendorf, IA
The Avey Brothers -Rascals Rock Memorabilia
Karaoke Night -The Old Stardust Sports Bar, 1191
19th Street Moline, IL
2010/09/02 (Thu) 2 38th Annual Barnes Family Bluegrass Festival:
Bankester Family (7pm) - Art Stevenson &
Justin Morrissey & Friends -11th Street Precinct,
2108 E 11th St Davenport, IA
Ave Clinton, IA
Meet the Press -Poopy’s Pub & Grub, 1030
Bar, 1414 15th St. Moline, IL
The Creepin’ Charlies (10am) -Brady Street
Viaduct Rd Savanna, IL
Live Lunch w/ Ellis Kell (noon) -Mojo’s (River Mu- Big Boi - Super Smash Brothers (6pm) -Hub- Highwater (7:45pm) - Redwine (8:30pm) Karaoke Night -Sneaky Pete’s, 207 Cody Rd. N. Chop House, Radisson QC Plaza Hotel
Open Mic Night -Coffee Dive, 226 W. 3rd St.
sic Experience), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA bard Park, 51 N Madison St Iowa City, IA - Rarely Herd (9:30pm) - Jerry Butler & the LeClaire, IA Davenport, IA
Davenport, IA
Nick Curran & the Lowlifes - The One Night Stan- Black Thursday -Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn Blu-J’s (10pm) -Mercer County Fairgrounds, Karaoke Night -The Dam View Inn, 410 2nd St The Tailfins (4pm) -Blueport Junction, 6605 W
Open Mic Night -One Library, 230 W. 3rd Street
dards -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock Island, IL St Iowa City, IA Aledo, IL Davenport, IA River Dr Davenport, IA
Davenport, IA
Open Mic w/ J. Knight -The Mill, 120 E Burlington Ed Gray - Ember Schrag - Ron Wax -The Mill, 120 A.J. Haut -Bier Stube Moline, 417 15th St Live Lunch w/ Ren Estrand (noon) -Mojo’s The Travoltas -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock
River Prairie Minstrels (6pm) -Mojo’s (River Mu-
Iowa City, IA E Burlington Iowa City, IA Moline, IL (River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St Island, IL
sic Experience), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA Troy Harris, Pianist (11:30am) -Bass Street Chop
Hart to Hart DJ Service -Beer Bellies, 1704 2nd Abalone Dots - Jordan Danielsen -The Red- Davenport, IA
2010/08/31 (Tue) 31 Ave. Rock Island, IL
Irie Soundsystem w/ DJ THC -QC Zone, 1516
stone Room, 129 Main St Davenport, IA
ABC Karaoke -Circle Tap, 1345 Locust St.
Rotate the DJ w/ Chronik Solutionz -M.D.
Green’s, 1808 2nd Ave. Rock Island, IL
Salsa and Cumbia DJ Night -La Primavera, 601
15th St. Moline, IL
House, 1601 River Dr Moline, IL

Glenn Hickson (5:30pm) -O’Melia’s Supper Club,

2900 Blackhawk Rd. Rock Island, IL
5th Ave Moline, IL
Jam Session w/ Alan Sweet -The Muddy Waters,
Davenport, IA
Bee All U Can Bee Karaoke & DJ -Commodore
Russ Reyman Trio (5pm) -The Rusty Nail, 2606
W Locust Davenport, IA
Salsa Dancing -Club Boulevard, 1801 10th St.
Moline, IL monday
2010/09/06 (Mon)
Section7 (6pm) -Toucan’s Cantina / Skinny Legs Karaoke Night -The Old Stardust Sports Bar, 1191
Live Lunch w/ Steve Couch (noon) -Mojo’s 1708 State St. Bettendorf, IA Tap, 2202 W. 3rd St. Davenport, IA Section7 (6pm) -Toucan’s Cantina / Skinny Legs BBQ, 2020 1st Street Milan, IL 19th Street Moline, IL
(River Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St Jason Carl -Creekside Bar and Grill, 3303 Brady Dead Larry - Useful Jenkins -Iowa City Yacht BBQ, 2020 1st Street Milan, IL Smooth Groove -Racer’s Edge, 936 15th Ave Live Lunch w/ Ellis Kell (noon) -Mojo’s (River Mu-
Davenport, IA St. Davenport, IA Club, 13 S Linn St Iowa City, IA Smooth Groove -Martini’s on the Rock, 4619
East Moline, IL sic Experience), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA
Open Mic w/ Jordan Danielsen -Bier Stube Dav- Live Lunch w/ Chris Dunn (noon) -Mojo’s (River DJ Night -Uncle Harley’s Bar & Grill, 202 W. Mayne 34th St Rock Island, IL
The Travoltas -RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave. Rock Open Mic w/ J. Knight -The Mill, 120 E Burlington
enport, 2228 E 11th St Davenport, IA Music Experience), 130 W 2nd St Davenport, IA St. Blue Grass, IA The Beaker Brothers -The Mill, 120 E Burlington
Open Mic Night -The Dam View Inn, 410 2nd St DJ Scott Keller & Karaoke (weather permitting) Island, IL Iowa City, IA
Open Mic w/ the Pena Brothers -Racer’s Edge, Iowa City, IA

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Business • Politics • Arts • Culture • Now You Know •

River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 17 No. 759 • August 19 - September 1, 2010

Not only do I get reliable transportation

to work, I keep all that money that used
to go into my gas tank.
And THAT improves MY bottom line.


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