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Article  in  International Journal of Scientific Research · September 2020

DOI: 10.4172 /2162-6359.1000441


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2 authors, including:

Kanaga Murugesan
Alagappa University


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ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2019 | ISSN No 2277 - 8179 | IF : 4.758 | IC Value : 93.98



Dr. K. Professor & Head, Department of International Business, Alagappa University,
Uthayasuriyan Karaikudi-04.
Ph.D (Full-Time) Research Scholar, International Business, Alagappa University,
Ms. M. Kanaga* Karaikudi-04. *Corresponding Author
Inclusive leadership differs from management on some aspects the deep commitment and passion each individual leader must have to increasing
levels of responsibility and performance. Ultimately the counselors being their relationship with their leaders by interpreting individualized
measuring leadership journey series of assessments in order to plan of each tier leader to ensure highly leaders interpret strengths and opportunities
and focus specific action counselors ensure that the context in which very senior leaders integrated into inclusive leader development efforts.
Leadership Management, Inclusive Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Priority, inclusive education.

INTRODUCTION leadership best practices can be sorted into six categories, or zones:
Internationally, inclusive education has aims towards the broader Reflection, Society, Diversity, Ingenuity, People, and Business. These
sense and defined as a reform that supports and welcomes diversity six zones became topics for focus groups of organizational leaders that
among all learners. However, organizations are becoming global with tentatively supported the six‐zone structure and provided qualitative
the rapid and have diverse cultures due to workforce with various data used to create a 42‐item measure, the Achieve Global Leadership
cultural backgrounds and Leadership and management are related bye Scale (AGLS). The AGLS was then employed to examine the degree to
they are not the same. A person can be an effective manager, a leader, which 899 leaders in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the USA felt
both, or either. This is due to the fact that leadership differs from that each zone was important in meeting their organizational
management on some aspects. They have concluded that leadership challenges. The data from the 42 items were analyzed using a
differs from management in terms of the emphasis that is put on four confirmatory factor analysis, which suggested that the six zones all
activities- creating an agenda, developing a human network for triangulated on and comprised the larger construct, Leadership in the
achieving the agenda executing plans, and outcomes of activities. One
twenty‐first century. Regional differences emerged in the importance
way of doing so is by focusing on employees Productivity.
Traditionally organization aim to increase employee performance by that leaders attributed to the zones, in the degree to which leaders
identifying and correcting employee's weaknesses. Challenge this effectively demonstrated the zones, and in the order in which leaders
notion with the positive psychological movement, which studies ranked their organizations ' top business challenges. (Craig Perrin,
human strengths, and promotes factors that enable individuals to thrive Paul B. Perrin, Chris Blauth, East Apthorp, Ryan D. Duffy, Michelle
and prosper every individual possesses strengths. strengths are defined Bonterre, Sharon Daniels, 2012). Leadership involves catalyzing the
as the characteristics of a person that allow them to perform well or at learning process among followers as well as creating an environment
their personal best Organizations can, and perhaps should, stimulate that contributes to improving performance. The leader is an important
their employees to use their strengths the extent to which employee source of knowledge about tasks the organization and HRM polices,
perceive organizational support for their strength use they perform programmers and goods the experience and style of a leader will
better. In - role and extra -role behaviors. Extra –role performance in influence employees performance also, a leader maintains an effective
focused on behavior that is not directly recognized by the formal relationship with individual and team as a whole. (Chitra. K, 2013).
reward system because its action are not described in the formal job The requirements of leading in a global environment as perceived by
description. the leaders participating in this study as well as the way these leaders
learn and develop their global mindset. Transcendence, plasticity of
Leadership management the mind (flexibility, thinking differently, rebalancing, openness,
A leader is expected to perform creative function of following of laying having multiple frames of reference), mindfulness, curiosity, and
out goals and polices persuade the subordinates to work with zeal and humility emerged as requirements of leading in the global
confidence the function of a leader is to create and shape the environment. The global leaders' learning journeys were characterized
organization on scientific lines and assigning the roles appropriate to by informal learning during everyday work and life experiences
individual abilities with the view to make its various components of including learning from mistakes, and from and with others. Self-
operate sensitively towards the achievement of enterprise goals. A reflection leading to the “self-awareness of otherness” as well as
leader is to take the initiative in all matters of interest to potentially reflection with others was at the core of learning and developing the
leverage of the group. He should not depend upon others for decision global mindset of these leaders. The framework for this research was
and judgment new ideas and his decision should reflect original guided by the Global Leadership Mindset (GLM) model developed by
thinking leaders has to reconcile the interests of the individual the authors and their colleagues. (B.Davis Elizabeth, E.Khiliji Shaista,
members of the group with of the common objectives. A new capability 2013) The leadership development matters it is hard to find a company
leader attributes to the guide and direct group and motivates people to which has survived many economic cycles that does not have
do their best in the achievement of desired goals builds up confidence sophisticated leadership development strategy in place. Investment of
and zeal in the work group. A necessary link between the management the companies with highest scores in human capitals that delivered the
and the workers interprets the policies and program of the management stock market returns and were five times highest scores with less
to his subordinates and represents the interests before the management emphasis than that of companies on human capital. The development
effective only the Inclusive leadership starts with attitudes, traits, and of leadership can create a magnet for the high and fast performance of
behavior that define and support leader's openness and awareness. an organization. The programs of Careers Talent- learning that
Personal leadership traits are founded to inclusive leadership, and facilitate such workforce flexibility. (Mary Beth Farrell - EVP, Service
these driving include self-awareness, self-control, motivation, Delivery - AXA Equitable 2007).
empathy, and other interpersonal skills that is constitute of emotional
intelligence. OBJECTIVES
1. To overview the inclusive leadership management.
Review of literature 2. To study the inclusive leaders performance towards
A literature review of recent scholarly articles suggested that today's organizational growth.
International Journal of Scientific Research 401
Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2019 ISSN No 2277 - 8179 | IF : 4.758 | IC Value : 93.98

Inclusive Leadership The inclusive leaders embrace, value, and provide a sense of belonging
Inclusive leadership is about treating people and groups fairly based on to all people. Leading organizations and forward thinking leaders
their unique are characteristics rather than acting on biases derived understand that diversity and inclusion is much the people believe
from stereotypes. Leadership is that process in which one person sets diversity and inclusion is a competitive advantage, according to
the purpose or direction and one more other person and gets them to diversity and inclusion an important issue indicate inclusion is
move along together with him or her and with the other in that direction important an employers. Indicate inclusion is important when
with competence and full commitment. A positive impact on choosing an employer and diversity result in the most innovation ideas
individuals and organizations they encourage everyone to engage due to diverse team is better equipped to approach a problem from
within the organization. Facilitate and mediate situation to take various angles time it take to arrive at a suitable solution to be a more
account of differing views and ideas. Inclusive leadership approach innovative an the reduce recruiting on emerging innovation diversity.
but within organizations whether large or small managers need to be
responsible for the effective operation of the organizations. Inclusive CONCLUSION
in their management style because this enhance outputs increase Organizations can capture a competitive advantage from changing
motivation and engagement of employees involving everyone in demographics across the workplace and in the market place an
taking sometimes difficult or unpopular decision being inclusive must organization with a reputation for inclusiveness becomes a magnet,
not be a barrier to management and should not be used as an excuse for attracting top dives talent can better tab market potential whether in
management inaction. Inclusive leadership is beneficial to effective emerging economies or among a border set of consumers at home. A
management but is not replacement for managing people. Inclusive diverse talent mix also can spark grater creativity and propel innovate
leadership does not occur automatically. Individuals fare better when that can help organizations distance themselves form their competition
their competences include building collaborative relationship, in recent times have improved their recruiting and hiring of more
optimizing diverse talent, and influencing diverse stakeholders and diverse talent. Organization struggle to keep that talent and advance it
inclusive leaders are effective advocates for diversity, fully embracing to positions of leadership and influence specific focus on the traits and
the business case and championing initiatives that make inclusion an abilities necessary to become an inclusive leader are self – aware
organizational priority. advocates for diversity and possess the skills to leverage the difference
within the diverse team to achieve better performance than world occur
with homogeneous.

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4. Reguraman, M., Ganapathy, S., & Skylark, M. G. F. (2018). OMNI-CHANNEL
for Workforce Education and Development Volume 6 Issue 1 – Spring 2013
6. Deschamps, J. P. (2005). Different leadership skills for different innovation strategies.
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Figure 1: Inclusive Leadership: The business case

The increased heterogeneity can result in discord. The reality that

diverse teams can be hard to mange sets in and the people fail to come
together, there is a risk of exclusion. While the mainstream often those
whom the organization desired because of the business imperative for
diversity. Often, the inclusive leadership process commits a point of
struggle for leaders of organizations.

Figure.2: Factors to be an Inclusive Leaders

402 International Journal of Scientific Research

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