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World Review of Business Research

Vol. 3. No. 4. November 2013 Issue. Pp. 40 52

Leadership Framework: A Preliminary Qualitative Research

Using the Critical Incident Method
Jacinto C. Gavino* and Edwin J. Portugal**
A myriad of definitions and conceptual models has been developed to
understand the concept of leadership. To further contribute in broadening the
knowledge, the authors proposed a leadership framework consisting of the four
Ps, namely person, participant, performance, and perspective. A content analysis
of critical incidents that were retrospectively self-reported by 58 MBA and
Masters of Management students in an Asian business school was discussed.
More than 200 incidents were collected and independently clustered into the four
Ps. Examples of critical incidents were presented. There is preliminary support
for the proposed model and the authors recommended a follow-up research
using deeper interviews with leaders to capture the essence of the clusters
representing the dimensions in the proposed leadership framework.

Field of Research: Management

1. Introduction
Leadership has been among the most researched concepts in behavioral science. Many
definitions and conceptual models have been developed to understand this concept.
Despite the great volume of literature on leadership the challenge of preparing for
leadership remains. While past leadership studies present various descriptions and
prescriptions of how to be an effective leader, there is still a dearth of studies that could
help a learner discern the dimensions of leadership. If these dimensions were identified,
these could serve as handles for learning about leadership and changing ones
leadership style.
A starting point for learning and changing can be facilitated through reflection and selfevaluation. Critical incident analysis is one such useful learning intervention for
organizational development (Davis 2006), for raising cultural awareness (Collins 2007)
and for empowerment in project settings (Tuuli 2010).
To further contribute in broadening the knowledge, we propose a leadership framework
that summarizes dimensions of leadership consisting of four Ps, namely person,
participant, performance, and perspective, while using a tool that would help learners
introspect and analyze events and how these turned life-changing for themselves. Taken
together, the framework and tool could help learners relate their personal experiences to
leadership theories.
The paper is organized starting with a literature review, followed by a proposed four Ps
framework of leadership. The research method is explained, the results are presented,
and conclusions and recommendations for future research are given.
*Dr. Jacinto C. Gavino, Graduate School of Business, Asian Institute of Management,123 Paseo de
Roxas, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Email:
**Dr. Edwin J. Portugal, Department of Business Administration, State University of New York at Potsdam,
44 Pierrepont Avenue, Potsdam, NY 13676, USA. Email:

Gavino & Portugal

2. Literature Review
There is a plethora of literature on leadership in psychology, sociology, political science,
and management. The focus of leadership theories has shifted from individual
personality characteristics to outputs generated, relationships with subordinates and
external parties, or a combination of these factors.
Leadership is viewed as: (1) group processes; (2) set of personality characteristics; (3)
act of inducing compliance; (4) exercise of influence; (5) act or behavior; (6) form of
persuasion; (7) power relation; and (8) effect of interaction (Barrow, 1977; Stogdill, 1974;
Yukl, 2012). There is a distinction between leadership and management. Rost (1991)
points out that management is an authority between the manager and the subordinate in
the process of production of goods and services for sale in the market and leadership as
a multidirectional influence process between a leader and the followers to achieve
change in the organization. In this paper, we focus on the concept of leadership as a
social influence process, similar to Yukls (2012, p.7) definition that leadership is the
process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and
how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish
shared objectives.
Early theories, such as the Great Man and Trait theories, were based on the notion that
leaders are born and not made. Persons suited for leadership possess certain innate
qualities. McCall and Lombardo (1983) cite emotional stability and composure, admitting
error, good interpersonal skills, and intellectual breadth as factors that determine the
success and failure of leaders. An individual with these qualities will arise when a great
need compels him to do so.1 Responding to the call for him to lead is a fulfilment of his
In contrast, behaviorist theories espouse the idea that leadership can be learned. Focus
has been on the leaders actions as a barometer for success. Defined roles, perceptions,
and contextual factors shape both the behaviors and expectations. Studies conducted in
the 1950s2 have generated task-people models, wherein leadership style is a function of
the leaders priority between accomplishing the task and establishing good relations with
Participative leadership expands the scope of leadership. It entails managing at the
group and individual levels, and involves subordinates and other team members in
decision-making. Emphasis has shifted from the attributes, potentials, and capabilities of
the individual designated as leader, to the process of decision-making where the leader
shares the stage (responsibility, commitment, and power) with subordinates and other
parties in decision-making.
Lewin (1939) and Likert (1967) differentiate styles of leadership based on the extent of
people involvement. Both identify participative or democratic leadership, wherein the
leader engages more people in the decision-making process, as the most effective form
of leadership.
Situational and contingency theories bring to the forefront the context and environment
as influencing factors in leadership. Both assert that a leaders style is a function of the
leaders perception, relationship with subordinates, and motivation and capability of the

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followers. Leadership style effectiveness is contingent on external variables and leaders
interaction and relationship with subordinates.
More recent concepts are transactional and transformational forms of leadership.
Described as management and relationship theories, respectively, the former focuses on
the supervision, organization, and group performance while the latter highlights the
connections between leaders and followers. Transactional leadership is based on a
system of reward and punishment, while transformational leadership puts a premium on
inspiring others to work towards a common vision and purpose.
A study conducted by Bolden et al. (2003) of leadership styles in private and public
sector companies, including multinationals like Shell, FedEx, and Vodafone, showed that
factors converge, in varying degrees, to intellectual capacity, task-orientedness, and
people skills as critical in leadership effectiveness. These three broad elements
encompass key personal characteristics that produce desired results.
Leadership has evolved from its beginnings as a psychological concept based on
individual personality traits and behavior to that of a social process that influence
leadership styles, relationships, and outcomes. Leadership roles have likewise changed
from a director to a manager, facilitator, or co-leader to accommodate shifting
contexts and expectations. Today, much is expected of an individual who rises to the
occasion to address a compelling and urgent need. Our current understanding of
leadership underscores the idea that the leader is not alone in the leadership process.
The sheer volume of leadership literature could be overwhelming and confusing to the
novice. There is a need to organize information about leadership and make it a
practicable tool for leadership development and self-improvement.
This paper proposes a leadership framework we call the Four Ps of Leadership. that
captures four dimensions, namely person (leader), participant (follower), performance
(effectiveness), and perspective (context). Each dimension is discussed in the next

3. The Model: Four Ps of Leadership

This section aims to broaden the notion of leadership beyond the leader as a person to
the performance demanded of leadership, the leaders relationship with all participants in
the leadership process, and the environment or context the leader is in. With a broader
view of the leadership factors comes the challenge of understanding the dynamic
interplay between the factors in order to achieve an integrative, holistic view.
Beyond the leaders characteristics and competencies is the leaders underlying
motivation or source of inspiration (the why and wherefore of the leaders actions). This
affects outcomes as well as the leaders ability to lead and inspire others to achieve a
common vision. Hierarchy, authority, and power are insufficient conditions for a leader in
a mission-driven organization to compel others to move and share the vision.
The burden and responsibility of leadership ceases to become solely the leaders
burden, as followers become partners and the envisioned change is shared by, and
therefore becomes the responsibility, of all. As the notion of leadership is expanded, its
performance is broadened, consequently affecting the larger community.

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Cutting across the three factors of person, participant, and performance is perspective.
Leadership is situated in a particular context of history, culture, purpose, and situation
that informs and influences the very process of leadership. Figure 1 depicts the proposed
Figure 1: The Four Ps of Leadership

3.1 The Person as the Agent of Change: From Who to Why

The person of the leader has long been emphasized in much of the literature, including
the early theories like the Great Man Theory that built on leaders with exceptional
talents, skills, and personalities and Trait Theories that highlighted individual attributes,
knowledge, and capabilities necessary to succeed in a leadership role.
Leaders, legitimized by their position in the hierarchy, make their followers do their
bidding. Decisions were made at the top and cascaded to followers for implementation.
As leadership theories evolved, this is no longer the most effective style, as other factors
such as the environment (situational leadership) and stakeholders (participatory
leadership) entered in the leadership equation.
Leadership in the context of hierarchy, authority, and power is expanded to include
partnership, credibility, and the ability to inspire and gain the trust of others towards
loftier ideals. In the private sector, this means going beyond profit margins and including
issues of stakeholder engagement and sustainability of operations. Thus, leaders need
to acquire a new set of skills, such as convening, collaborating, dialoguing with
stakeholders, and negotiating, as they engage with other individuals and groups whose
interests may be entirely different from that of their organization. Leaders are expected to
have the ability to situate their organizations vision and mission in a larger context.
Recent literature has highlighted the capacity of the leader to develop a greater sense of
self-awareness that leads to increased self-mastery. Major proponents, Senge (2008)
and Scharmer (2009), emphasize that regular reflection on ones (personal) sense of
mission and vision of change desired will enable leaders to be more effective.

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Connecting to ones personal motivation and reason for being allows the leader to focus
on the important activities that facilitate achieving the desired change.
Moreover, constant reflection enables the leader not to lose sight of the goal given the
busyness and urgency of the day-to-day. This allows the leader to better articulate the
goal or vision in a manner that will inspire others and move them to the cause. It also
leads to recognition of the leaders default leadership style developed from upbringing,
education, and significant experiences. The simple question, Why do I do what I do?
has triggered deep reflection among leaders.
3.2 Participants in Leadership: From Followers to Partners
The time when the leader is alone at the top, shouldering all the responsibilities, is long
gone. The notion of followers has evolved from agents executing decisions made at
the top to stakeholders affected by decisions, participants involved in the change
process, and partners in decision-making contributing to achieve the desired change.
Participants in the private sector have gone beyond being mere followers, stakeholders
affected by the organizations decisions, and the general public consuming the products
or services. This is confirmed by the Triple Bottom Line concept (Savitz and Weber
2006), which asserts that the business sector should include in its economic bottom line,
the impact of the activities on the community as well as the environment. This requires a
better understanding of external stakeholders who are not part of the organizations
authority and hierarchical structure. Authority cannot simply be enforced; the leader must
use other leadership styles to move people outside the organization to action.
For mission-driven organizations, realizing and feeling social impact often takes a long
time. Therefore, stakeholders and actors need to be analyzed and segmented so that
strategies more appropriate for engagement at different stages of the change process
can be undertaken.
The extent and nature of participation or involvement of groups and/or stakeholders
involved likewise affect how the shared goal is achieved. Although different groups and
individuals may work together towards a common goal, motivations between and across
groups and individuals may not be the same. Different interests intersect and lead
towards the realization of a shared vision. The critical question that needs to be
answered is, What is in it for each participant?
3.3 Performance: Achieving Desired Outcomes
Similar to the modified concept of participants in the leadership process, performance
must be categorized for the appropriate leadership style to emerge. Short-term and forprofit objectives and outputs require a different set of strategies and leadership style from
that of long-term, social goals and outcomes.
A private corporation operating primarily for profit requires different strategies and
incentives to ensure that targets are met or exceeded. On the other hand, a business
that observes the Triple Bottom Line concept requires a different leadership approach for
the organization to achieve optimum performance level. The leader needs to balance
conflicting economic, sustainability, and participatory goals. Favoring one goal may
impinge on the other two and the overall performance of the organization.

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A mission-driven organization also necessitates a different leadership style, owing to the
differences in its products and services and the type of followers (employees and
volunteers) and stakeholders it mobilizes and deals with. The leader is tasked not only to
ensure that targets are met (goods and services provided) but also to guard against
volunteer fatigue and burnout.
In all cases, the process of determining desired outcomes, especially when there are
conflicting interests, affect performance. It also influences perceived validity, salience,
and significance of the outcome to the participants.
3.4 Perspective: Context of Change
The change agents (leaders, followers, and partners), the manner or process by which
change is realized, and the leadership performance, are situated in a macro context
affected by a confluence of external, historical, and cultural factors. Responding to the
urgency of a disaster is executed differently by a mission-driven organization compared
to that of a purely for-profit company or a business espousing the Triple Bottom Line.
Based on each organizations core thrust and the leadership style used, the nature and
extent of involvement will differ across these organizations.
A crisis situation (e.g., calamity) may require a more authoritative form of leadership for
greatest efficiency in responding to the needs. This type of leadership may be
unnecessary, or even ineffective, in addressing a developmental challenge (e.g.,
meeting the MDGs) in a more democratic setting.
Certain conditions that are combinations of these situations necessitate a different
approach or execution of conventional leadership styles. States in transition, such as
Myanmar, require a mix of authority that does not border on military rule, safe spaces
that encourage democratic processes, and short-term leadership results that promote
trust in the government and confidence among the citizenry. While it is no longer in a
crisis situation, its institutions and its people, are not yet prepared (or have the capacity)
to more actively participate in decision-making processes and contribute to realizing
The prevailing perspective, determined primarily by historical or cultural factors, affects
the process by which desired outcomes are determined and carried out. In a context that
places high premium on individuality, eliciting and ensuring participation in decisionmaking may not prove to be as critical or as effective as in an environment that values
collective interests above all others.
Imposing one leadership approach across all contexts will not always result in superior
performance. Leaders must have a clear understanding of the situation the participants
are in and the challenges they face. This means backing up initiatives with data and
factoring these in formulating effective strategies towards the envisioned change.
Increased awareness of the existing perspective will also provide the leader deeper
knowledge of the problem and sense of purpose and greater passion to want to solve it.


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4. Methodology
Leadership research has mostly been dyadic, asking subordinates to rate their leaders
using questionnaires (Yukl 2012). For this exploratory research, we utilized a different
approach, critical incident reporting where respondents self-reported actual events that
happened in their lives in response to open-ended questions within relevant research
domains. This technique obtains a record of specific behaviors from those in the best
position to make the necessary observations and evaluation (Flanagan 1954).
The researchers used convenience sampling for this preliminary study to test the
proposed leadership framework. Two sections of MBA students, for a total of 58
respondents in a prominent MBA program in Asia, were administered the instrument. For
this research utilizing critical incident methodology, the n or sample size, is the number
of critical incident points that were collected. There were 232 critical incidents that were
collected in total. Due to responses that were unreadable or unintelligible, the
researchers did not include those in the analysis, thus, a final total of 187 useable critical
incidents (81%) were utilized.
Four steps were used. The first was the development of an instrument that went through
three iterations to determine face-validity. The instrument was also pilot-tested prior to
actual administration. The main sections included demographic information and openended items:
1. Describe an event when someone in your current organization helped you make
sense of your new work environment.
2. Describe a critical event when you proposed something different that you valued
as important in your new organization.
3. Describe an experience when you were involved in a visioning process for your
4. Describe an event when others worked with you to complete a difficult project and
you took a strong stance and fought for that project through to completion.
Based on our judgment, the items coincided with parts of the proposed model as follows:

Participant-centered critical incident (participants, followers, colleagues)

Perspective-centered critical incident (important value)
Person-centered critical incident (leader as visionary, future orientation)
Performance-centered critical incident (project completion)

The second step was the actual administration of the instrument. Students were asked to
complete the instrument and return the questionnaire. The third step included our
separate analyses of the critical incident narratives. And, the final step involved each of
us independently clustering the responses and subsequently combining the clusters to
ascertain face validity of the final groupings of the critical incidents.
To avoid researcher bias, neither of us was present in the room when the instrument was
administered and we reviewed the responses independently. Furthermore, we did
independent clustering of similar responses, and then in tandem, qualitatively clustered
the responses into meaningful groupings. These groupings were in line with the
proposed four Ps framework. Unexpectedly, we found a fifth cluster that streams across

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the four Ps we labeled it philosophy cluster. The person or the leader, participants,
perspective, and performance had their own underlying philosophies.
To assure internal validity, we adhered to several recommendations by Butterfield et al.
(2005) including extracting the critical incidents using independent coders; crosschecking by participants; and having independent judges place incidents into categories.
In addition, we were blinded as we clustered the critical incidents since the research
assistants were the only ones who knew the identity of the respondents and the
responses to the questions. Only after the clusters were identified that we were able to
identify the demographics of the respondents.
There were 58 respondents who reported a total of 232 critical incidents. Due to lack of
response to certain domains, unreadable/unintelligible responses, only 187 critical
incidents were deemed useable. Demographic data of the respondents are shown in
Figure 2.
It appears that the typical respondent is male, from the Philippines, between the ages of
41 and 50 years, with 16 to 20 years of total work experience, and 1 to 5 years in the
current position in the general management area of a service provider organization with
500 or more total employees.
From the 187 useable critical incidents, we proceeded to the next step of independently
selecting 3 representative samples to capture the essence of the domain. The results are
presented in the next section.


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Figure 2: Respondent Demographics


Years in Current Position

Type of Organization


Work Experience

Functional Area

Size of Organization


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5. Results
The incidents were randomized so that we read the incidents without prior knowledge of
their domain. Without consulting each other, we proceeded to cluster the incidents. We
obtained real-life confirmation of the frameworks conceptual domains. The critical
incidents provided some glimpse of the models applicability.
We utilized 85 (37%) critical incidents that we independently categorized into the four
domains. The other 147 incidents either did not fit into any domain or could be classified
into two or more domains. In summary, we independently agreed on 15 incidents that fit
the person domain, 40 in the performance domain, 19 in the participant domain, and
11 in the perspective domain.
Below are the 3 representative samples of critical incidents for each domain, presented
5.1 Person Domain
Two years ago, I had a 1-on-1 coaching with my group leader when she discussed with
me the companys plans for my progression. More the requirements [sic] of my day-today job, she explained what are the skills and attributes that I should acquire and/or train
for, for me to move to the next level.
The position I am [sic] right now was created only a few years ago with me being the
first person to hold the said position. Given that, and to a certain extent, the activities &
job objective is still quite vague not only for myself but for my colleagues as well. I
always refer to my boss, our president and CEO for guidance and reference of the
position along with, and more importantly, my responsibilities.
I joined my current organization already as a manager (I had a 7 years [sic] experience
from a competitor). My current superiors made me sense my new work environment
quickly. There was a culture shock the moment I stepped in the office. Leadership is
more engaged and more direct compared to my previous job. Any good or bad
performance is immediately raised and remedial actions have to be taken. I changed
overnight, painfully adopting the new culture since I have to.
5.2 Participant Domain
The most recent implementation of the cost standards involved the formation of a group
composed of different departments to address questions from our customers (internal
product lines) on changes in the product cost. This formerly involved finance tally but
looking at the process it shows involve [sic] operations and engineering to facilitate
analysis. I formed the group, invited the other department and sold them the process.
There were resistance at first as this would entail additional work for all but upon
presenting the whole process and the benefits of putting up the process everyone
agreed. The customer appreciated the effort as this meant being able to deliver the
analysis they required in time.
There was this project with a very tight deadline assigned to me. I had to work with four
people; two of them were audit seniors who also had other projects with other manager
[sic]. It was difficult to manage because the seniors were not able to attend to my project

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because of other projects they had. It was a challenge because I have to manage new
hires which didnt have enough experience yet. I had to step up for them because they
rely on me to manage/lead them. In the end, we were able to finish the project and I was
able to provide them with valuable learning experience.
There was a meeting with all the most important people from the country in our
organization and I was proposing new projects and the written down new formula of
project management process. People had different backgrounds so it was hard to
convince them that it is something very important for the organization.
5.3 Performance Domain
The university was having a problem with the subsidiary not making profit for the [sic]
present. After studying the subsidiary financial performance [sic]. I suggested to the CEO
to restructure the subsidiary. At first there were resistance due to they have used [sic] to
the culture whereby those who were their buddies will lead the subsidiary. After
meeting and dialogue will the subsidiary have manage to [sic] restructure subsidiary and
include academia, industry & administrator to the subsidiary. Now, with the collaborative
effort from various backgrounds, academia, industry & administrative, the subsidiary
works better & improve.
In training and education, I noticed and observed that the way a course was planned,
started or implemented varies and is always a tedious process. My idea and proposal is
that since these are recurrent system [sic] and plans can be boxed so that whenever
we need to carry out these tasks, we just pull them from that box.
The aim of going for rebranding of the institution and ties [sic] it to be a research
intensified university gives opportunity for my department to come up with ideas in
constructing more residential [sic] for post graduate students especially married
couple/family [sic]. The idea to go for alternatives e.g. build new hostels or via public
finance initiatives or find developer (rental) was quite a good proposal to evaluate for
long term agenda.
5.4 Perspective Domain
When putting up a business plan and implementing the back-office offshore set-up in
Africa region, the main challenge is the cultural diversity and the laws that emanate from
that region. In the end, I studied how things work and behave by putting my skills and
experience to come up with a successful project and offshore back office which is
currently functional.
The company was the first to adapt an opportunity-cost basis for pricing one of its core
services. The concept was so different from what the industry practice is at that time
that pricing levels are difficult to arrive at. However, the concept resulted in very
profitable results.
The overseas assignments helped me fully understand the inter-relationships not only
cross-functionally but also cross-culturally across the regions and in different offices
around the world. This makes me learn and prepare for to become a global leader,
challenges me to put up a business model both organic and new acquisition initiatives

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6. Conclusion and Future Research
The twin ideas of globalization and market based societies are increasing their
dominance as the preferred solutions to modern day social challenges. A consequence
of these ideas is the notion of a single solution or approach that works best regardless of
where you are. The hidden implication is that some will know better than others.
Our proposed leadership framework reminds us that bringing people to a higher level
entails a deeper understanding of the different dimensions of the leadership process.
The four Ps of leadership challenges those involved in the act of leadership to analyze
deeply and to reflect on the person of the leader, participants, and performance, all
within a unique perspective or context.
After we appreciate the four Ps separately, the next challenge is to see how the different
dimensions influence and interact with each other as the desired changes happen over
time. This will hopefully allow leadership to be more discerning and more relevant, and
consequently, more effective in its impact to society.
This study is a preliminary qualitative research using critical incidents to find support for
the proposed four Ps leadership model. While the results are indicative of the four
domains of the model, we suggest future research along the lines of a more randomized
sampling compared to the convenience sample of graduate students. In addition, oneon-one interviews from a randomized sample may be conducted to improve the depth of
the incidents. This task would require more careful selection of potential respondents to
clearly get samples from segments in various industries, multiple layers in the
organization, and varying degrees of experience. Lastly, it might be worthwhile to ask
participants in the study to reflect upon and write down the meaning of the critical
incidents, not just discuss them in a research interview (Butterfield et al. 2005). Deep
one-on-one interviews and group/panel interviews with probing questions about the
recalled incidents could provide better understanding beyond retrospective recall.
Nevertheless, the critical incident method provided preliminary support of the four
domains in the proposed leadership model. Further, the testing and additional research
using interviews could shed better light on the four domains.


Gender sensitivity issues were not as stark then as it is now. A leader was assumed to be male, military,
and Western.

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