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Mărginimea Sibiului Își Spune Povestea Durabilitate, Patrimoniu Cultural Și Turism Rural - o Perspectivă Din Partea Ofertei

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Mărginimea Sibiului Tells Its Story: Sustainability, Cultural
Heritage and Rural Tourism—A Supply-Side Perspective
Monica Maria Coros, 1 , Donatella Privitera 2, * , Loredana Maria Păunescu 3 , Adrian Nedelcu 4 ,
Cristina Lupu 5 and Alexandru Ganus, ceac 6

1 Department of Hospitality Services, Faculty of Business, Babes-Bolyai University,

400174 Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
2 Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania, 95124 Catania, Italy
3 Department of Cybernetics, Economic Informatics, Finance and Accounting, Faculty of Economic Sciences,
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploies, ti, 100680 Ploies, ti, Romania;
4 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploies, ti,
100680 Ploies, ti, Romania;
5 Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi,
700506 Iasi, Romania;
6 Department of Human and Economic Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest,
010041 Bucharest, Romania;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-368-785-7650

Abstract: Territorial development and rural tourism are linked. Rural tourism involves tourists in
rural areas who are attracted by the distinctive character of the landscape, recreation such as local and
food resources, and the potential for spiritual, environmental, and cultural growth. The aim of the
present paper is to investigate the economic, sustainable, and social role of tourism in the development
 of the rural area of Mărginimea Sibiului in Romania. It highlights the role of local entrepreneurs in
 developing new practices and sustainable approaches. Drawing on the literature review on the topic
Citation: Coros, , M.M.; Privitera, D.; of sustainable rural tourism, this paper uses the case study as a methodological approach. We have
Păunescu, L.M.; Nedelcu, A.; Lupu, developed consistent desk research relying on the processing of official governmental data and of
C.; Ganus, ceac, A. Mărginimea national statistics, supported by analytical strategies involving induction and deduction. The main
Sibiului Tells Its Story: Sustainability, findings lead towards the conclusion that Mărginimea Sibiului has managed to gain both national
Cultural Heritage and Rural and international notoriety while developing coherently, capitalizing on its natural and cultural
Tourism—A Supply-Side Perspective. heritage, and providing services in successful agritourist boarding houses and rural guesthouses,
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309. https://
which have continuously developed both numerically and in terms of comfort levels. Because more
than two thirds of the initially established lodgings in the early 2000s continue to function today,
these facilities have proven to be sustainable and attractive businesses.
Received: 31 March 2021
Accepted: 28 April 2021
Keywords: Romania; case study; territorial valorization; sustainable development; rural hospitality
Published: 10 May 2021
services; Transylvania
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
iations. 1. Introduction
The tourist phenomenon represents one of the most efficient segments of the world
economy, characterized by its dynamics, multiple motivations, as well as the great diversity
of forms of manifestation [1]. During 2008–2018, the contribution of tourism to total
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. GDP increased in 43 of the 70 countries that reported data. This highlights the growing
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. importance of tourism in the global economy as well as its potential for contributing
This article is an open access article to inclusive and sustainable economic growth [2]. Tourism also has a leading role in
distributed under the terms and promoting the perception of the destination internationally [3].
conditions of the Creative Commons Tourism is an indicator of development and can make a significant contribution to
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// economic growth, diversification of sociocultural activities and sustainable and territorial development if it is methodologically planned and limited to the imperative purpose of

Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309.

Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 2 of 24

humanity in which defending and improving the quality of the environment becomes
vital [2,4].
Territorial development is a complex phenomenon that affects the entire economic,
social, political, and cultural life of a territory. Among the internal factors with an important
role in prioritizing future investments in agriculture, within a region, are the following:
agricultural resources; geographic position; human resources; agricultural capacity and
structure; the image of the region in the world; dynamics and level of modernization
reached; the level of competitiveness of important agricultural products and, last but not
least, the development of tourism, as an important factor in inducing demand for domestic
agricultural products [5,6].
The major objective of territorial development, according to Benedek [7], is to cover
local and regional human needs, the most important of which are to provide access to
employment, economic growth, the formation of production networks and services strongly
integrated in the context, local and regional development, and the creation of a regional
environment conducive to development [8,9]. The territorial approach aims to make places
more competitive and attractive in a national context and in a globalized environment. The
territory is considered the place with its own histories and identities, where local heritage
and assets are used as elements and motives for regional construction and sustainable
development. It is relevant in the rural areas.
Rural areas are vital for the European Union (EU) because they cover almost 88% of
the territory and account for 59% of the population [10]. In Ireland, Slovenia and Romania,
more than half of the people live in rural area.
The adoption of a code outlining the guiding principles of balanced rural development—
as well as sustainable development of the agricultural sector and also of the rural area at
continental level, such as the European Charter for Rural Areas (April 1996)—was based on
the multifunctional and sustained development of the rural environment and the sustainable
exploitation of the available natural resources, taking into account the fact that most of
the food for the population of Europe, especially important raw material resources, comes
from these areas [11]. Rural areas are currently undergoing significant economic and social
changes, largely driven by the liberalization of international trade, the development of
communication technologies and the strengthening of rural development policies [12,13]. It
is widely accepted that agriculture is no longer the “backbone” of the rural economy, and its
contribution to GDP and employment in most rural areas is in relative decline [14].
Most EU rural areas undergo significant economic and social changes. There is a
growing awareness of the need to accompany change in rural areas by diversifying their
economic base which seems to be the only answer to their socioeconomic survival [12].
Improving the competitiveness of rural areas means supporting the quality of life of the
rural community and encouraging the diversification of economic activity in rural areas [13].
The measures found in the new EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the 2021–2027
timeframe highlight the establishment of a more intuitive and innovative policy, ensuring
that the CAP is able to continue to support European agriculture, facilitating the creation
of prosperous rural areas and ensuring production of high-quality food in the coming
year [14].
The rural environment is the repository of resources for a new beginning of new eco-
nomic thinking. One of the most popular rural development strategies has, of course, been
to develop rural tourism and to capitalize on its associated entrepreneurial opportunities
aiming at generating money, creating jobs, and supporting the growth of retail trade [15].
Rural tourism—based on three coordinates: space, people and products—attracts
large numbers of tourists, triggered by the distinctive features of the landscape and the
richness of local resources, in rural areas that constitute recreational features and ensure
spiritual, environmental and cultural growth [16]. The tourist is also preferentially polar-
ized by the places of production that are typical for a certain area to learn about food, to
understand local production systems and techniques, to discover material testimonies (old
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 3 of 24

cars, buildings, etc.), to immerse in the local culture (folk art, crafts, etc.), resources that
define the concept of territorial identity [17].
Similar to other regions of Europe, rural areas in Romania have experienced a decline
in agricultural activities, the restructuring of rural society and increased abandonment
of agricultural land due to the aging of the rural population and to the migration of
young adults to urban areas or abroad, to countries in the center or the west end of the
continent [18]. From among all of these consequences, the aging of the rural population
endangers the sustainability of rural areas.
In this context, it is relevant to remind the health emergency triggered by the COVID-
19 pandemic. Moreover, one cannot but consider its dramatic impact upon the tourism and
hospitality industry. It is producing new rules and determines the adoption of innovative
ways for providing and carrying out activities in tourism and hospitality. The worldwide
economic damages caused by the impossibility of travel due to the pandemic are truly
enormous for almost all countries, with rural destinations being affected even worse.
Despite the many restrictions and the impossibility of travel due to the pandemic
situation, people are still eager to return to their previous habits. Furthermore, in the current
context, tourists tend to lean towards small lodgings, in remote destinations, considering
opting for self-catering services. This orientation clearly favorites rural destinations [19].
The objective of this paper is to investigate the economic, sustainable, and social
roles of tourism in the development of the rural area Mărginimea Sibiului, in Romania.
This study aims at identifying the role played by the rural cultural heritage as a tool in
promoting rural tourism and as a means of increasing the competitiveness and resilience
of the destination, to increase tourism efficiency and to contribute to the development
of more sustainable forms of economic development. In addition, the current growth
of rural tourism, as well as its forms of organization, are explored to clarify a paradigm
specific to territorial development. The paper continues with a section comprising the
literature review dedicated to rural tourism, sustainability, and resilience. Further, the
most consistent part of the article consists of a case study on Mărginimea Sibiului, which
debuts with an argumentation of the chosen research methodology, which also includes
the research aims of the paper. The findings of the analyses are discussed throughout the
dedicated section. The final part of the paper summarizes the main conclusions, points out
the limitations of the research and highlights the future development perspectives.

2. Rural Tourism as a Form of Resilience

Economic growth is one of the most well-known positive overall effects of tourism,
and, particularly in rural settlements, it increases income, thus, improving the local stake-
holders’ quality of life by providing diversified employment opportunities, in order to
reduce poverty in rural settlements [20]. Furthermore, tourism development also has social
impacts, improves social welfare, and enhances cultural centers and local pride [21].
The development of tourism in developing countries is seen as an economic generator
capable of reducing poverty and of increasing income, achieved through the organizations’
awareness to preserve their cultural heritage and the stakeholders’ networking with the
surrounding environment [22]; in developed countries, the empowerment of the local
stakeholders has been achieved by enhancing responsibility and participation in sustainable
tourism development.
Rural tourism is considered a small-scale form, controlled by local people who run
small family-owned businesses and strong connected by cooperation and integration in
order to gain benefits for the stakeholders involved, having traditional character and
determining a low impact on both nature and rural society. It is also closely linked to
sustainable tourism and seen as a win–win situation for local residents, tourists and the
environment [23].
Woods [24] defines rural tourism as “touristic activities that are focused on the con-
sumption of rural landscapes, artefacts, cultures and experiences”. A significant importance
is granted to the sensory impressions in the rural tourism experience [25,26], and because
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 4 of 24

these are place-related [26], they are referred to as rural sensescapes. Important links
exist between developing sustainable food experiences for tourists and policies for agri-
culture, food production [27], tourism, cultural and creative industries [28,29], especially
country branding
Haven-Tang and Jones [28], as well as Privitera et al. [30,31], emphasize the strong
relationship between agricultural products, culinary heritage and tourism allowing the vis-
itors to participate in the local food and drink supply chains, enhancing their involvement
in the “rural experience” and their contribution to local development. It is often argued
that local food, perceived as authentic and linked to local culture, works as an effective tool
to sustain rural tourism and rural communities [16,32]. Additionally, it has been observed
that rural tourism can be a catalyst for socioeconomic development and regeneration [33],
especially valuable in places where traditional agricultural activities are in decline [34].
Rural regions with many heritage sites became more visible to visitors if accompanied
by interpretative centers that offer good infrastructure and service facilities. Studies as
Butler et al. (1999) [34] emphasize the need to distinguish sustainable tourism and the
development of tourism on the principles of sustainable development, while Leeuwis
(2000) [35] reconceptualizes participation for sustainable rural development towards a
negotiation approach, revealing that the implication of the actors in sustainable tourism
development is considered a process of learning, decision making and social learning.
Generally, rural accommodation facilities are small units, locally owned, which allow
a differentiation of the rural tourism product and a personal contact with hosts, represent-
ing the key reason why people choose rural holiday [36]. Sustainable accommodation
and lodging represent an important aspect in sustainable tourism development. Hall
et al. (2016) [37] present the results of a systematic analysis of articles on attitudes, behav-
iors and practices of consumers related to the provision of accommodation with respect
to sustainability.
The European Commission launched in 2013 the “European Tourism Indicators Sys-
tem” (ETIS) as an integrated tool for the sustainable development of destinations across
Europe; its main goal is to provide a practical tool for destinations to manage and im-
prove sustainable tourism at local level. This system comprises 27 core indicators and,
additionally, 40 optional indicators [38].
Agritourism “represents a sustainable on-farm connected, complementary and diversi-
fied activity for family conducted working farms with predominating agricultural activities,
which are producing for the market to generate additional agricultural income” [39]. It
is considered a key factor for local development [40–43], mostly for marginal rural areas
where the possibilities of developing alternative job options are restricted. Moreover, agri-
tourism participates in maintaining the sustainability of the rural localities, considering that
the depopulation phenomenon is clearly manifested by the migration of young people to
urban regions and abandonment of their houses. The uniqueness of agritourism products
includes specific identities, such as landscape, traditions, traditional food, art and culture,
the farm life and life in nature. It is seen also as an activity that can be considered an
ally of agriculture, mainly from the point of view of the conservation and protection of
the rural landscape. Usually, tourists involved in agritourism are taught the way organic
foods are produced and directly participate in certain processes related to cultivation or
harvesting [44]. The stakeholders’ involvement is agreed to be critical [45,46]; moreover,
a number of studies explore sustainability imperatives from the point of view of rural
communities [47].
Aronsson [46] outlines in his study that locals will generally accept and back-up
tourism if it yields sociocultural and socioeconomic benefits and if the environment is pro-
tected. Local community participation remains vital in the process of pursuing sustainable
tourism [48]. Bramwell [49] also revealed that the participation of destination communities
is a key element for attaining sustainability through their involvement in tourism planning
and governance.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 5 of 24

Small tourism entrepreneurs have a significant importance in rural development be-

cause they contribute to the revitalization of the social and economic life of a community by
generating income that can improve the environment and landscape through a higher level
of general business activity [50]. Lee and Jan [51] indicated that managers of community-
based tourism (CBT) may provide educational services and farming experiences that will
increase tourists’ satisfaction and create new income sources in agricultural communities,
which will promote economic sustainability.
The sustainable development in tourism is a dynamic concept, which has direct
effects on competitiveness [52], and its principles focus on three essential issues: the
environment, economy, and sociocultural development. In order to generate sustainability
at the destination level, a coalition of independent tourism partners and organizations,
annually awarding worldwide sustainable-oriented destinations from around the globe,
named Sustainable Destination Top 100 was created [52].
Jugănaru et al. [53] suggested a list of sustainable tourism types including ecotourism,
green tourism, rural tourism, equitable tourism, and responsible tourism. Sustainability
in tourism represents the future of the sector and outlines a variety of practices such as
ecotourism, nature-based tourism, heritage tourism, community-based tourism, and rural
tourism [54].
Sustainable rural tourism aims to increase destination sustainability, concerning the
long-term improvement of living standards, by maintaining the balance between environ-
mental protection, the promotion of economic benefits, the establishment of social justice,
and the maintenance of cultural integrity [55].
According to Javier and Dulce [56] (p.2), “sustainable tourism development refers
to the management of all resources that meets the needs of tourists and host regions
while protecting the opportunities for the future, in such a way that economic, social, and
aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological
processes, biological diversity and life support systems”. Another study [57] describes three
principles of sustainable tourism, namely the quality experience for visitors, improvement
of the quality of life of the host community, continuity of natural resources and equilibrium
between the needs of hosts and of the environment. Further, other researchers [57] deal with
sustainable tourism in terms of economic, environmental and sociocultural principles as the
“triple bottom line”. Some scholars carried out studies related to aspects such as tourism
environmental carrying capacity [58], tourism environmental quality assessment [59],
tourist ecological footprint [60], and satisfaction in sustainable tourism [61].

3. Rural Tourism in Romania and the Case of Mărginimea Sibiului: An Overview

3.1. Rural Tourism in Romania
In Romania, rural tourism has been practiced sporadically since the 1940s [13,15]. For
the organization and promotion of tourist villages in the area between the Carpathians, the
Danube and the Black Sea, the Research Center for the Promotion of International Tourism
(RCPIT) conducted a study in 1972, which led to the identification and selection from
among all the ethnographic areas of the country, of a number of 118 rural localities (further
considered as tourist villages). In 1973, only 13 localities were declared experimentally
tourist villages (out of which two villages from the microregion Mărginimea Sibiului—
Răs, inari and Sibiel). Of these localities, nominated as tourist villages, only two rural
settlements were truly operational for tourism (Sibiel and Leres, ti, Arges, County), along
with the framework for organizing, operating and guiding tourism and promoting tourism
in these localities [15].
The promotion in the 1970s by the Carpathian National Tourism Office of the tourist
program “Wedding in the Carpathians” in the villages of Bogdan Voda (Maramures,
County), Sibiel (Sibiu County) and Leres, ti (Arges County) was a favorable premise for the
development of rural tourism in regions with a more accentuated ruralism (Maramures,
Depression, Mărginimea Sibiului or Arges, Subcarpathians).
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 6 of 24

After 1990, the interest for the affirmation and development of tourism in rural
areas was revived with the establishment of several associative forms: Opération Villages
Roumains Association, Romanian Federation for Mountain Development, National Agency
for Rural, Ecological and Cultural Tourism, founded in 1994 and member of the Federation
European Agency for Rural Tourism (EUROGÎTES), especially the Romanian Agency for
Agritourism (1995) [11].
At the end of the 1990s, David Turnock made a pertinent radiograph of Romanian
rural tourism where 45 tourist villages are mentioned (especially viable tourist villages
from 1973, villages with registered tourist activity in 1992; pilot tourist villages proposed by
Opération Villages Roumains in 1995, and the villages with more than 10 tourist reception
structures with accommodation functions, included in the first PHARE Program for rural
tourism in Romania, at the level of 1996, a program that aimed at ensuring the mechanisms
for an interconnected computer system at the European Central EUROGÎTES reservation
systems) [62]. The main regions, counties and localities with intense tourist activity are
located in the Carpathian, sub-Carpathian areas, the Hilly Depression of Transylvania, the
Suceava Plateau, the Mehedint, i Plateau and in the Danube Delta.
Previous studies [63] show that Sibiu County attracts a large flow of tourists through
the localities belonging to the five microregions with a pronounced multicultural char-
acter (Mărginimea Sibiului, T, ara Secas, elor, T, ara Oltului, Valea Hârtibaciului and Valea
Târnavelor), to which is added the cultural personality of the city of Sibiu [64]. The older
antecedents of rural tourism in Mărginimea Sibiului are complemented by other significant
events, which led to a renewed interest in rural tourism as a factor of socioeconomic devel-
opment and regeneration of rural areas, such as designation of Sibiu as European Cultural
Capital in 2007, next to the capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; the recognition
in 2015 of the Mărginimea Sibiului microregion as a European Destination of Excellence
for Tourism and Gastronomy; the designation of Sibiu County in 2019 as European Gas-
tronomic Region along with the South Greece region (Greece); and, last but not least, the
most recent statute of Sibiu County, that of Europe’s Hiking Capital, as the host destination
of Eurorando.

3.2. Research Methodology

Due to the fact that this paper focuses on establishing whether the destination under
scrutiny has managed to develop a successful form of rural tourism and what determines its
success, the case study method has been identified as the most appropriate research method
for this purpose. Therefore, the authors have opted to employ the case study method for
a better understanding of the development of sustainable tourism and sustainable rural
lodgings in Mărginimea Sibiului.
The authors have opted to employ the case study as qualitative inquiry method [65–69],
bearing in mind that qualitative studies represent a large area and can consist of exploratory,
explanatory, interpretive, or descriptive purposes. They can be carried out as narrative
research [67] responding to the researchers’ needs to illuminate understanding of com-
plex phenomena [65,70,71] and situations. The case study method has been considered
appropriate for the purpose of the current analysis due to the fact that it is exploratory
and explanatory in nature and it enables the comprehension of real life contexts, primarily
providing answers to research questions such as how? and why? and sometimes, also,
what? [65,66,70–74]. Furthermore, Stake [75] emphasizes that the focus of the researcher
falls on what is studied (the case) rather than how it is studied (the method).
The authors aim at establishing and evaluating the context of rural tourism develop-
ment in Mărginimea Sibiului and the perspectives of its sustainable development, relying
on induction and deduction, inter-related processes that have had a significant contribution
to the assessment, analysis, interpretation, and understanding of the past and current state
of the hospitality services provided in the investigated area. The authors considered the
past and present-day situation as registered by the Romanian Ministry of Tourism (MT),
especially by the National Authority for Tourism (NAT) (governmental operational struc-
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 7 of 24

ture subordinated to various ministers over the timeframe of the study); throughout the
paper, the institution is going to be referred to as MT/ NAT. The second important source
of secondary data was the National Institute of Statistics, based on which data regarding
the destination’s demographics, socioeconomic development and tourism supply-side
statistical data were collected and processed with the purpose of assessing the destination’s
sustainable development. In order to achieve this goal, the authors formulated several
research questions. Thus, the paper aims at the following:
• establishing whether tourism contributes to the wellbeing of the destination’s inhabitants;
• establishing how the destination’s supply has developed and how it performs com-
pared to the county of Sibiu to which it belongs;
• identifying the type of ownership and operation of the hospitality services in the area;
• assessing the dimension of women-entrepreneurship.
This is the first stage of a series of studies that are dedicated to the same destination.
These shall further address both the demand and the supply sides. Thus, the next research
stage will include in-depth interviews with the entrepreneur-managers of the providers of
hospitality services (mainly lodging and foodservices) in the area and interviews with the
destination’s stakeholders, aiming at comprehending what triggers them to invest and to
operate businesses providing lodging and foodservices as well as a better understanding
of how they perceive the future of the destination, especially how they adapt to the new
situation. Given the difficulties encountered by the sector at this moment, generated by the
pandemic situation, it was decided not to postpone the interviews. Moreover, the future
research directions shall address the demand-side as well, having in mind the fact that
the destination features many relatively small accommodation facilities that, in the new
COVID-19 context, seem to be more attractive for both domestic and international tourists.

3.3. The Case of Mărginimea Sibiului

In this study, the ethnographic area, Mărginimea Sibiului, from Sibiu County of
Transylvania (located in the Center Development Region of Romania) represents the ‘case’
selected for this research that proposes to highlight the sustainable development of the
destination and to analyze it from the supply-side perspective. The case study has been
elaborated using desk research methods and employing national statistics and databases
of lodging, food and travel services provided by The National Authority for Tourism
under the coordination of the ministry in charge of tourism activities or by the Ministry
of Tourism. The selection of these sources of data was determined by the fact that the
National Statistics Institute does not collect data from lodgings with less than 10 beds;
therefore, small lodgings are missing from the national statistics, while they are typical for
Romania’s rural destination and have become extremely attractive in the current COVID-
19 context. The first available database was published by the National Authority for
Tourism in 2005, covering lodgings established between 2000 and 2005. Further, it has been
established to work with the databases of 2010, 2015, 2016, 2020 and 2021. Lodging and
foodservices have been analyzed both at the level of the microdestination and in terms of
their contribution to the lodging supply of Sibiu County. Travel services have been cached
in all available databases.
Mărginimea Sibiului is a unique ethnographic area, located in Southern Transylvania,
in Sibiu County, Central Region (Figure 1). It belongs to the contact area between the hilly
depression of Transylvania and the Cindrel Mountains, in the longitudinal submontane
depression Sibiu-Sălis, te, which has a sedimentary basin located in the immediate vicinity
of the mountain [63].
To the north and south, the depression is bounded by high hills of 450–500 m and
mountain ranges that rise to 900–980 m. Between these altitudes, the combination of natural
ecosystems—forests, agriculture, and human cultural system—forms a unique relationship
of perfect integration and of major importance for the region’s sustainable development.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 8 of 24

Figure 1. Geographic location of Mărginimea Sibiului in Sibiu County. Adapted with permission
from ref. [30].

From a climatic point of view, tourist activity is possible throughout the entire year.
The average annual temperatures are of 8–9 ◦ C, with 18–19 ◦ C during the summer season,
and of −4, −5 ◦ C in the winter. The average annual rainfall is of 650–700 mm, with
maximum values in June and February [76]. During the winter there are temperature
reversals in the depression, while in the spring the foehn manifestations of the Great Wind
from the Cindrel Mountains are registered [76]. The conditions offered by the relief and
the cool climate have imprinted the soil cover with particularities that make them usable
by grazing for shepherding or for various agricultural crops (cereals, technical plants,
fruit growing).
The good sheltering conditions of the mountain with its wood and grazing resources,
as well as the agricultural space in the depression, have contributed to the constant increase
in the number of inhabitants and the formation of viable human settlements. Of these,
18 localities are comprised by the Mărginimea Sibiului microregion: Boiţa, Sadu, Râu
Sadului, Tălmaciu, Tălmăcel, Răşinari, Poplaca, Gura Râului, Orlat, Fântânele, Sibiel, Vale,
Sălişte, Galeş, Tilişca, Rod, Poiana Sibiului, and Jina [63]. These localities belong to 12 ad-
ministrative territorial units (ATUs), of which two are towns (Sălis, te and Tălmaciu) and the
remaining 10 are communes. Sălis, te comprises three of the villages: Fântânele, Sibiel, and
Vale, while Tălmăcel belongs to Tălmaciu town [77]. The localities have developed a mixed
economy, based on agriculture, zootechnics, and traditional crafts, with a special weight on
shepherding. Most of the villages in the area have kept strong spiritual and ethno-folkloric
traditions, continuing to stay alive as they depended on each other, according to Cristian
Cismaru, co-founder of My Transylvania Association [78]. Crafts inherited from ances-
tral times are still practiced successfully today. Since ancient times, these populations of
shepherds have been and still are master artisans in wool and leather processing.
The gastronomy of the Mărginimea Sibiului area is widely appreciated and recognized,
due to the traditional agricultural products and through the Saxon or Hungarian influences
in the Romanian cuisine. The gastronomic profile is shaped by ancestral practices such as
the large and small transhumance of sheep herds; old traditions in the production of telemea
(a fresh, feta-type cheese), bellows cheese (a hard, salty and kneaded cheese kept in the
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 9 of 24

stomach/skin of sheep), kneaded cheese or urdă, and the cottage cheese, too; the presence
of the bread oven and the cultivation of vegetables and herbs in the traditional household;
food preservation in community spaces; the cultural interaction of Romanians, Saxons,
Hungarians, Armenians and the more recent influences of European or Asian cuisines [63].
Like in other Transylvanian spaces, the Gypsies also contributed to the development of
multiculturalism in Mărginimea Sibiului [79]. Therefore, the anthropic tourist heritage also
has an important intangible component; its potential is beginning to be explored.
Mărginimea Sibiului provides the landmarks necessary for community definition,
but also for stimulating energies and initiatives capable of contributing to the strength-
ening and affirmation of local identity in a multicultural Europe and in an increasingly
globalized society.
Over time, Mărginimea Sibiului has become an important destination in Romanian
rural tourism, developing many agritourist and rural tourist boarding houses and where
the typical peasant atmosphere is preserved, the local traditions and customs are kept
intact, and where the hospitality of its inhabitants also increases the attractiveness for
these places.

3.3.1. Economic Development and Wellbeing in Mărginimea Sibiului

Not in line with the national decreasing trend of the population, over the nearly past
three decades, Mărginimea Sibiului has had a relatively stable population, accounting for,
on average, 8.94% of the county’s total population, but it has not followed the slightly
increasing demographic trend of Sibiu County. While in 1992 the total population of this
microregion gathered 42,396 persons, the number slightly diminished to 41,341 people,
dropping by 2.5%, while the county’s overall population increased by 2.3%. Most localities
lost a part of their population, except for four communes: Gura Râului, Orlat, Poplaca, and
Sadu, which gained in terms of inhabitants (Figure 2a).
From the point of view of gender distribution (Figure 2b), the population of Mărginimea
Sibiului is practically equally split, with a slightly higher presence of women (+0.58% in
average, over the entire time span). Furthermore, the overall trend reveals an aging popu-
lation for the investigated region (Figure 2c), with a higher life expectancy among women
(Figure 2d). One ought to notice that over the past few recent years, younger generations
tend to orient towards their home destination, but this trend has not yet been adopted by
the generation of active adults.
In the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, it becomes obvious that
an analysis of the evolution of employment and unemployment rates at the county level
and in Mărginimea Sibiului is necessary. With less than 15% of the region’s population
employed (full- and/or part-time), while the county-level percentage is double, the desti-
nation’s sustainability becomes questionable (Figure 3a). Unemployment can and should
be regarded in correlation with the increasing number of young people who opt to stay in
their home region. Over the entire timeframe, the average unemployment rates registered
in Mărginimea Sibiului (with Jina excluded due to its very high unemployment rates, in
average of 7.3%) have been very close to the ones at the county level. In fact, the overall
unemployment rates of the microregion have been and continue to be lower than those of
Sibiu County (Figure 3b). Perhaps, a logical explanation can be provided by the intense
tourism activity in the area. Regarding the situation of the employed and unemployed
persons in tourism and hospitality services due to the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, Mr.
Ros, u, the public manager of the Sibiu County Agency for Employment, estimated that
more than 40% of the employees in businesses that provide tourism and hospitality ser-
vices are seasonal workers (mainly university students and high-school pupils) who do
not have any permanent/long-term contracts; thus, due to their flexible relation with their
employers, they would return to their job positions once tourism activities restarted [81]. A
monthly analysis of the number of unemployed persons in Mărginimea Sibiului reveals
that there is no seasonality influence, with the figures remaining constant both in the case
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 10 of 24

of females and males, following the trend of Sibiu County; in fact, during the summer there
are slight decreases in terms of numbers of employed persons (Figure 3c).

Figure 2. Cont.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 11 of 24

Figure 2. Population by permanent residence, as of January 1st (a); population by gender, as of

January 1st (b); population, by age groups, as of July 1st (c); and gender distribution, by age groups,
as of July 1st (d). Source: Authors’ processing based on NIS data [80].

Figure 3. Cont.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 12 of 24

Figure 3. Employees in total population (a); unemployment rates (b); unemployed persons, by month
(c); and population migration (d) in Sibiu County and in Mărginimea Sibiului. Source: Authors’
processing based on NIS data [80].

A positive aspect worth highlighting is the fact that the microregion Mărginimea
Sibiului seems to manage to retain its population to a much higher degree compared to other
destinations from Sibiu County, performing better than Saxon destinations, wherefrom
many persons have migrated internationally over the past more than 30 years (Figure 3d).

3.3.2. Mărginimea Sibiului: An Analysis as Tourist Destination

For a better understanding of the context of rural tourism development in Mărginimea
Sibiului, both the demand and the supply sides will be investigated. Furthermore, sustain-
ability issues will be addressed.
As a rural tourism destination, Mărginimea Sibiului has known a quick development
somewhat later than other Romanian rural destinations (Rucăr-Bran corridor, Bucovina and
Maramures, ); thus, the first agritourist and rural guest houses were open here only in 2001,
according to NIS data. In terms of numbers of accommodation units, Mărginimea Sibiului
has registered an overall growth, following the trend of Sibiu County, with a decrease
between 2011 and 2014, perhaps due to the economic crisis of 2008–2010. While in the early
years after the fall of communism (1990–1996), Mărginimea Sibiului accounted for less than
15% of the lodgings in Sibiu County, beginning with 1997, and until 2004, Mărginimea
Sibiului provided on average nearly 45% of the accommodation units in Sibiu County, to
later drop to approximately 33% in average for the 2005–2010, and to eventually stabilize
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 13 of 24

around a quarter of the total available units between 2011 and 2020 (Figure 4a). In terms of
types of units, it is obvious that in Mărginimea Sibiului, the supply of lodging services is
mainly ensured by agritourist boarding houses and by some rural and urban guest houses.
Unlike in other very popular and successful rural destinations, in both Sibiu County and
Mărginimea Sibiului, according to NIS data (2021) the development of agritourist boarding
houses and of urban and rural guesthouses only began in 2001. The rural tourism profile of
the destination is clear. While at the beginning (in 2001) Mărginimea Sibiului concentrated
over 75% of the lodgings in Sibiu County, indicating the fact that the microregion was
among the initiators of rural tourism in the area, over the years, other destinations also
developed and today it only accounts for a third of the county’s supply (Figure 4b). The
orientation of the locals towards developing facilities for rural and agritourism led to the
emergence of a stable supply covering constantly around 15% of the county’s available
bed-places in all lodgings and initially (in 2001) of nearly 60% of the beds in agritourist
boarding houses and rural and urban guesthouses, to account nowadays for a little more
than a quarter of these structures’ capacity (Figure 4c).
As expected, the functioning lodging capacity of Mărginimea Sibiului is dominated
by agritourist boarding houses and rural and urban guesthouses. In terms of available
functioning capacity, it accounts for less than 25% of the county’s available beds in boarding
houses and for a little more than 10% of the total functioning bed-places in the case of
all lodgings from Sibiu County. A low seasonality can be observed, but overall, the
provided available capacity is relatively stable throughout the entire year both for all
types of lodgings and for boarding houses over the entire analyzed timeframe (2010–2021)
(Figure 4d,e).
For a better assessment of sustainability issues, an in-depth analysis of the accommo-
dation services is needed. Thus, relying on the collection of Authorized Lodgings provided
by de Ministry of Tourism/National Authority for Tourism, the authors draw several
concluding remarks concerning the supply side. Given the large volume of data, it has
been decided to take the first available database (for 2000–2005) and to cross it with the
ones published in 2010, 2015, 2016, 2020, and 2021.
The same procedure has been adopted for foodservices; the first available database, in
this case, is that from 2010. The last year has been selected in order to evaluate the impact
of the first year of the COVID-19 pandemics upon the activity of hospitality players in
Mărginimea Sibiului.
The reality of the lodging market reveals a significant number of small structures
that are not taken into consideration by the National Institute of Statistic, which collects
data only from lodgings with at least 10 beds. Thus, a very important market sector
is completely ignored both in terms of assessing its size and in what regards tourist
activity. Moreover, especially today, when both hosts and tourists face the challenges of
the COVID-19 pandemic, small structures are very attractive and prove to be preferred
by tourists. A synthetic situation of the development of lodging facilities in Sibiu County
and in Mărginimea Sibiului is presented in Table 1, above, highlighting the fact that the
investigated destination concentrates a large quota of the county’s specific rural tourism
supply (agritourist boarding houses, rural and urban (from small towns) guesthouses,
and more recently of villas and rooms to let). Despite the worrisome times, investments
in hospitality services continue to grow, entrepreneurs proving their positive thinking
capacity. Furthermore, their attitude can be associated with their understanding of the
great potential of community-based tourism development [82,83] and of the attractiveness
of small lodgings in this context as well.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 14 of 24

Figure 4. Cont.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 15 of 24

Figure 4. Development of accommodation services in Sibiu County and in Mărginimea Sibiului;

number of lodgings (a); number of lodgings by type (b); total existing lodging capacity (c); total
functioning lodging capacity (d); and monthly functioning lodging capacity (e). Source: Authors’
processing based on NIS data [80].

As anticipated, the supply of accommodation services from Mărginimea Sibiului is

clearly dominated by agritourist boarding houses cumulated with rural and urban (from
the small towns included in the microregion) guesthouses. Overall, the development
of lodging services in the area indicates an orientation of the owners and/or managers
towards relatively small structures that capitalize on the destination’s potential. The more
recent development of chalets, villas and rooms to let and/or apartments is consistent with
the destination’s profile but also reveals a lack of understanding, among investors, that
guesthouses have proven to be the region’s key to success (Figure 5a). The growth trend
has been registered both in terms of rooms and of available beds, knowing an alert pace
(Figure 5b). A significant change in terms of size can be observed over the first 10 years
of activity. This indicates a constantly growing demand and, therefore, a higher interest
towards hospitality business development among the local population. No other significant
size changes have been registered after 2015 (Figure 5b,c).
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 16 of 24

Table 1. Authorized Lodgings in Mărginimea Sibiului and Sibiu County.

Agritourist and Rural & Rooms to Let &

Year Total Lodgings Chalets Villas Other Rooms Beds
Urban Guesthouses Appartements
Mărginimea Sibiului
2000–2005 114 110 1 1 0 2 357 766
2010 62 56 1 1 2 2 377 811
2015 138 109 12 1 13 3 1054 2203
2016 149 115 12 4 14 4 1109 2310
2020 168 114 13 21 12 8 1208 2587
2021 182 121 13 28 12 8 1296 2777
Sibiu County
2000–2005 265 202 4 11 8 40 2379 4908
2010 254 166 7 17 8 55 3523 7255
2015 454 276 22 44 34 78 5587 11,998
2016 485 295 22 54 35 79 5784 12,394
2020 600 314 23 134 40 89 6584 14,165
2021 705 337 25 210 43 90 6866 14,925
Source: Authors’ processing based on National Authority for Tourism (NAT) data [80].

Concerning the provided accommodation services’ quality and level of comfort, one
ought to notice the significant shift from a predominantly low ranking (of one and, mainly,
two stars and daisies, with very few units ranked at three stars/daisies), to a supply
consisting of mainly three-star/daisies units, followed by two-star ones but also with
developing four- and five-star segments (Figure 5d). The providers of accommodation
services undertook changes in their facilities’ structures as well. While the supply was
initially dominated by two-room structures—followed by units with three or four rooms,
respectively, even one room—beginning with 2010 they began to extend their properties.
Still, even today, the offer of lodging services in Mărginimea Sibiului is dominated by
relatively small units, being equally split between facilities with one to five rooms and 6 to
10 rooms, which can still provide intimacy and a nice interaction with the host, not losing
in terms of hospitality spirit (Figure 5e).
Regarding the foodservices provided in the investigated microregion, one can easily
notice several aspects. While in the case of accommodation services entrepreneurs seem to
have understood that their decision of investing in specific facilities (agritourist boarding
houses and rural and urban guesthouses) has contributed to the destination’s success, they
seem to have failed to assess the potential of providing foodservices through specialized
restaurants and through locally specific restaurants (Figure 6a). Their option to open almost
exclusively relatively large classic restaurants instead of orienting towards smaller scale
but diversified units indicates that they rather count on the local population, trying to
capitalize on the locals’ needs to also organize large events (such as weddings, baptisms
and other private or public events), failing to understand that today’s tourists are extremely
attracted by gastronomic experiences (Figure 6b). A discrete but very slow diversification
of the provided foodservices seems to take place. The presence of coffee-bars and of a
wine cellars suggests the beginnings of change, but the destination must continue to work
in this direction. Furthermore, an improvement of the provided services’ quality is also
needed because the domination of two-star structures is not satisfactory for a Gastronomic
Destination of Europe (Figure 6c).
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 17 of 24

Figure 5. Accommodation units, by type (a); accommodation capacity (b,c); lodgings, by level of classification (d); and size
of lodging, by number of rooms (e). Source: Authors’ processing based on National Authority for Tourism (NAT) data [80].

As expected, the large majority of the enterprises are family businesses (Figure 7).
A pleasant surprise was to learn that more than half of the individual entrepreneurs are
women. Moreover, when analyzing the units’ names, the quota of businesses operated
by women increases to more than two thirds. The same is valid for foodservice units, too.
In fact, most of these ones are actually associated to lodging services. There are very few
independent or self-established restaurants in the area. Another positive aspect is that
over the analyzed time span, more than two thirds of the lodgings open between 2000 and
2005 continue to function today, most of them being operated by their initial owners. Most
of those that have disappeared have done so before 2010. Furthermore, only six of the
lodgings established in 2010 seized to function.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 18 of 24

Figure 6. Development of Foodservices in Mărginimea Sibiului: foodservices, by type (a); food-serving capacity (b); and
foodservices level of classification (c). Source: Authors’ processing based on National Authority for Tourism (NAT) data [80].

Figure 7. Entrepreneurial profile. Source: Authors’ processing based on National Authority for
Tourism (NAT) data [80].

Another positive aspect is the fact that the development of both lodgings and food-
services has meant not only a growth in terms of numbers and available places but also a
spread-out on the destination’s territory. Thus, today, 16 of the 18 localities comprised by
Mărginimea Sibiului provide accommodation services (Figure 8a), but only eight of these
localities can also serve their visitors with food (Figure 8b). It is clear that from an investor’s
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 19 of 24

point of view, there is space for capitalizing on the destination’s gastronomic heritage.

Figure 8. Entrepreneurial profile: lodgings (a), and foodservices (b) per destinations (number).
Source: Authors’ processing based on National Authority for Tourism (NAT) data [80].

4. Conclusions
The study outlines Mărginimea Sibiului as a distinct tourism destination in Romania
in what regards rural tourism and agritourism as components of sustainable tourism in this
region. The diversity of tourism potential given by the gastronomy and cultural traditions
in this area emphasize the destination’s uniqueness and the tourist identity that has been
shaped over time, hence being also known for its natural resources. The endowment of
territory with many accommodation facilities ascertains the attractiveness of the region
and the increasing number of domestic and foreign tourists.
The research limits must be outlined as deriving from the fact that the present paper
does not benefit from the increased added-value of field research and of interviews with
the destination’s stakeholders, especially of a quantitative research of the demand-side. As
the authors have explained, these shortages are going to be compensated in the coming
papers that will address the missing aspects based on the findings of the present paper.
The analysis of the economic development of the destination places Mărginimea
Sibiului in a relatively good position, with a stable population that is equally divided
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 20 of 24

between gender. The trend reveals a somewhat aging population but also a good presence
of youth. Still, at the same time, a diminishing tendency among young active adults is
visible. Sustainable development seems to be challenged by the low quota of the (full-
or part-time) employed persons, corroborated with the migration trend of the young
generations. On the other hand, unemployment is at normal levels, perhaps due to the
intense tourism activity in the area. Although present, migration from the destination’s
communities is not as high as in the case of Sibiu county.
The tourist destination has developed a bit later than other important Romanian
destinations (Rucăr-Bran corridor, Bucovina and Maramures, ). Initially it was Sibiu county’s
most significant contributor in terms of lodging services (accounting for nearly 45% of the
lodgings), while today it provides a quarter of the total numerical supply. With more than
two thirds of the initially established lodgings in the early 2000s continuing to function
today, these facilities have proven to be sustainable and attractive businesses, contributing
to the locals’ employment and wellbeing. Another fact worth mentioning is the consistency
in terms of lodging facilities’ development and destination profile. Thus, the destination’s
supply is clearly dominated by agritourist boarding houses and rural guesthouses, which
account for a quarter of Sibiu county’s total bed-places-offer and of only a tenth of its
functioning capacity. The latter aspect can be regarded as a threat for the destination’s
sustainable development, but, at the same time, it should be regarded as a clear sign that a
diversification of leisure services is needed, which would eventually provide more business
opportunities because seasonality does not seem to negatively affect the destination. The
analyses of the lodging supply revealed that the authorized facilities (not entirely caught
in the national statistics) comprise a significant quota of small structures, which are in fact
gaining popularity in today’s epidemiologic context. Furthermore, these structures are
attractive for entrepreneurs, who, despite the pandemic situation, continue to establish and
open new facilities. Overall, the evolution of the lodging services in the area points towards
the preference of the owners and/or managers for relatively small structures that truly
capitalize on the destination’s potential, like agritourist guesthouses and rural boarding
houses, with improved rankings. There are some exceptions, namely the cases of some
investors who do not seem to understand that diversification is not needed in the supply
of lodging services—agritourism and rural tourism specific facilities being the winning
card—but in that of the supply of food and leisure services.
From the point of view of the hospitality services provided in the area, the main
findings indicate an overall growth of small lodgings and the improvement of the services
they provide by upgrading the lodgings to superior ranking levels. While the beginnings
of agritourism and rural tourism in the destination are associated with timid initiatives,
ranked low, the 2010 database comprises more than three fourths of the initial lodgings,
of which more than a half had be reauthorized and registered at a higher ranking. This
suggests, in fact, that locals have assessed the potential of tourism related businesses and
that they have understood that the provision of decent services from a qualitative point
of view increases their destination’s attractiveness; thus, their main focus seems to be the
provision of lodgings services with good value-for-money. A highly encouraging fact is
that despite the difficulties determined by the COVID-19 pandemic, this year indicates
the maintenance of the investors’ interest towards the hospitality sector, with a growing
trend of small lodgings, particularly rooms to let and apartments for rent. This novel
orientation suggests the desire of the entrepreneurs to capitalize on the tourists’ current
needs, namely, to travel and accommodate, under safe conditions, thus turning towards
smaller scale lodgings, in the countryside, where they are provided intimacy and sufficient
social distance.
On the other hand, the analyses also indicated that two areas are not yet properly
covered by the local business-persons, namely foodservices and travel services. Thus, the
authorized supply of foodservices is still very underdeveloped, not diversified, and fails to
contribute to the region’s differentiation as a tourist destination. Specialized restaurants
and restaurants with local and national specificity are practically missing from the local
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5309 21 of 24

market’s offer. The situation is very odd as long as Mărginimea Sibiului seems to fail to
capitalize on its statute of gastronomic destination of Europe.
Furthermore, travel agencies are practically absent from the region. Despite its pos-
itive image both in Romania and abroad, Mărginimea Sibiului does not benefit from an
appropriate destination management. There has not yet been established a destination
management organization (DMO) for the area, nor has one been developed for Sibiu
County. Only three localities have tourist information centers (TICs): Răs, inari (since 2010),
Sălis, te (since 2013), and Tălmaciu (since 2020). Many things can and should be done in the
region in this respect.
Another interesting finding of the desk analyses is the entrepreneurial profile of the
players in the hospitality sector of the destination under scrutiny. Thus, from the point of
view of sustainable development, it may be considered that having largely opted for the
opening and management of lodgings but also of foodservices under sole entrepreneurship
solutions as well as having massively chosen legal forms, such as authorized person,
family association, individual enterprise, or family enterprise, indicates the entrepreneur’s
desire to provide for his/her family and to increase their wellbeing. The promotion of
agritourism and rural tourism in Mărginimea Sibiului creates opportunities for local and
regional economic growth; it also helps create new jobs through harnessing the specific
cultural and natural heritage. Moreover, the diversity of accommodation services creates
new opportunities for the employment of youth from the region and has proven to be a
female-coordinated activity.
This is another sector worth exploring for local entrepreneurs because the region
presents a large variety of attractions and very diversified leisure opportunities which have
great potential to be integrated into successful travel packages. Given the high notoriety of
the area at the international level, there are plenty of business opportunities for incoming
travel services.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, D.P., A.N., M.M.C., C.L.; methodology, D.P., M.M.C.;
figures, A.N., M.M.C., L.M.P., A.G.; data curation, M.M.C., C.L., L.M.P., A.N., A.G.; writing—original
draft preparation, M.M.C., C.L., D.P., A.N.; writing—review and editing, D.P., C.L., M.M.C., L.M.P.,
A.G., A.N.; visualization, M.M.C., C.L.; supervision, D.P. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data is contained in the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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