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11th Symposium On Foreign Language Research

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Symposium on Foreign Language Research


1. Importance of the event

2. Symposium agenda ..


3. Keynote speakers ..


4. Conferences ...



Multiliteracies: Reconciling Communicative Competence and Text-Centered

Instruction in the Elementary and Intermediate Foreign Language Classroom.

Teaching English to Deaf People: A Challenging Task .

4.3. Intercultural Manifestations in the Bilingual Oral Practices of Students from

the English Degree Program at a Public.

4.4. Impacto del Programa de Lengua Extranjera Institucional Interlingua en el
Desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en lengua extranjera ingls de
los estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad Surcolombiana.

4.5. TEFL Using Cellphones in Class .

4.6. The Empowerment of English Teaching and Learning Processes and the Use
of ICTs in Neivas Public Schools

4.7. Global Tendencies in the Teaching of Academic Writing

4.8. The Development of Listening Comprehension Skills through VLEs for Second
Graders in Aspaen Gimnasio La Fragua School

4.9. Locus of Control and its Implications on Foreign Language Teaching ..

4.10. Plenary 02 - Examining the Research Trajectories of Computer Mediated
Communication in English Language Development

4.11. La Intersubjetividad o el Componente Fenomenolgico de la
Interculturalidad en la Didctica de las Lenguas-Culturas





11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

4.12. English and Bilingualism Teaching Students: Ideal Expectations vs Reality


4.13. School English Project: Teen Pregnancy Prevention


4.14. Exploring Parents and Students Roles in EFL Literacy Learning .


4.15. The Stoa in the EFL Classroom: Human Beauty Standards and their Influences.


4.16. Plenary 03 - Im Missing Something: (Non) Nativeness in Colombian

Prospective English Teachers

4.17. Promoting EFL Oral Skills in Content-Subject Teachers through the
Implementation of a Blended Learning Approach in a Teacher Development Course

4.18. Exploring Social Discourses about Bullying in the EFL Classroom ..

4.19. Enhancing Language while Producing Digital Stories .

4.20. Incidencia del Bilingismo en el Desempeo Psicosocial de Nios de 5
de Primaria en una Institucin Educativa Pblica del Quindo

4.21. The Role of University English Teachers and the EFL/Bilingual Curriculum

4.22. Promotion of Differentiated Instruction Through an EFL Virtual Learning

4.23. Plenary 04 Issues and Options in Contemporary ELT Education: Reflections ...
for the Colombian Context

5. Poster session




11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Aware of the need to
strengthen the area of
foreign language training in
Colombian South region in
this process; In 2016, the
APRENAP, in association
ILEUSCO, as well as the
Masters in Teaching


English, decided to
develop the eleventh
Symposium on Foreign
Language Research held on
May 19th and 20th, 2016
This academic meeting is
an initiative to provide
spaces that allow the
experiences and likewise
contribute to the challenge
of training teachers and
researchers in the area of

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

10:50 am
Teaching English to Deaf People: A Challenging Task
Catalina Molina Ramrez- Universidad del Bosque


DAY 01
Thursday - May 19th, 2016

7:00 am

Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

8:30 am
Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

9:00 am
Multiliteracies: Reconciling Communicative Competence and
Text-Centered Instruction in the Elementary and Intermediate
Foreign Language Classroom

Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

Intercultural Manifestations in the Bilingual Oral Practices of

Students from the English Degree Program at a Public
University in Colombia
Anglica Mara Rojas Isaza- Universidad de la Amazona
Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

11:25 am
Impacto del Programa de Lengua Extranjera Institucional
Interlingua en el Desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en
lengua extranjera ingls de los estudiantes de pregrado de la
Universidad Surcolombiana.
Marco Tulio Artunduaga- Universidad Surcolombiana
Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

TEFL Using Cellphones in Class

Maggie Rafet- Universidad Santiago de Cali
Jorge David Snchez- Universidad San Buenaventura
Saln Centro de Recursos

Beatrice Dupuy - University of Arizona

Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

2:00 pm

The Empowerment of English Teaching and Learning

Processes and the Use of ICTs in Neivas Public Schools
Carlos A. Muoz Hernndez and Research Assistants-
Universidad Surcolombiana

Plenary 02 - Examining the Research Trajectories of

Computer Mediated Communication in English Language
Jos Aldemar lvarez Valencia- Universidad del Valle

Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

Global Tendencies in the Teaching of Academic Writing

Carol Yadira Pimiento Jaimes- Aldair Daz Gmez-
Universidad Industrial de Santander

4:50 pm

La Intersubjetividad o el Componente Fenomenolgico de la
Interculturalidad en la Didctica de las Lenguas-Culturas
Jorge Hernn Herrera Pineda- Universidad del Quindo

Sala Antonio Iriarte

2:45 pm

The Development of Listening Comprehension Skills
through VLEs for Second Graders in Aspaen Gimnasio La
Fragua School
Arthur Tovar Cruz- Universidad Surcolombiana

Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

DAY 02
Friday - May 20th, 2016

Locus of Control and its Implications on Foreign Language

Carlos Alberto Mayora- Universidad del Valle

8:00 am

English and Bilingualism Teaching Students: Ideal
Expectations vs Reality
Gabriel Contreras- Luis Miguel Martnez- Fundacin

Sala Antonio Iriarte

Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales


3:45 pm

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

School English Project: Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Rosario Valenzuela Vidal
Sala Biblioteca Central 3er piso

8:40 am
Exploring Parents and Students Roles in EFL Literacy
Sergio Aldemar Hurtado Torres- Universidad Surcolombiana
Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

The Stoa in the EFL Classroom: Human Beauty Standards

and their Influences.
Yuranny Marcela Romero Archila- Daniel Elas Prez Daz-
Universidad Pedaggica y Tecnolgica de Colombia
Sala Biblioteca Central 3er piso

9:35 am

Plenary 03 - Im Missing Something: (Non) Nativeness in
Colombian Prospective English Teachers
Jhon Vifara Gonzlez- Universidad Pedaggica y Tecnolgica
de Colombia

10:35 am
Promoting EFL Oral Skills in Content-Subject Teachers
through the Implementation of a Blended Learning
Approach in a Teacher Development Course
Natalia Snchez Narvez- Sergio Alberto Chavarro Vargas-
Universidad Surcolombiana
Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

Exploring Social Discourses about Bullying in the EFL

Blanca Inhirida Trujillo Gonzlez- Noryda Len Cordoba-
Universidad Surcolombiana

Saln centro de Recursos

11:10 am

Enhancing Language while Producing Digital Stories
Mara Teresa Esteban Nez- Aura Mara Huertas-
Universidad Pedaggica y Tecnolgica de Colombia
Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

Incidencia del Bilingismo en el Desempeo Psicosocial de
Nios de 5 de Primaria en una Institucin Educativa
Pblica del Quindo
Clara Patricia Vargas Jamioy- Universidad del Quindo

Saln centro de Recursos


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

2:00 pm

Poster Session
Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

3:30 pm

The Role of University English Teachers and the
EFL/Bilingual Curriculum Development
Alexander Saray- Luis Miguel Martnez- Universidad ECCI

Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

Promotion of Differentiated Instruction Through an EFL

Virtual Learning Environment
Javier Armando Rodrguez Orejuela- Marolly Andrea Vargas
Parra- Universidad Surcolombiana
Sala Biblioteca Central 3er piso

4:25 pm

Plenary 04 Issues and Options in Contemporary ELT
Education: Reflections for the Colombian Context
Harold Castaeda- Universidad Distrital

Auditorio Olga Tony Vidales

5:25 pm

Closing Ceremony Certificates


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research




11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research



11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Communicative Competence
and Text-Centered Instruction
Language Classroom

and language-centered approaches and embrace more

comprehensive and integrated ones, which teach
learners FL literacies and guide them to become
effective producers of a range of multimodal texts.
In this keynote, I will consider a pedagogy of
multiliteracies as a framework which can

Beatrice Dupuy, Ph.D.
University of Arizona
Literacy-based approaches to FL teaching and learning
represent an important paradigm shift from the predominant
approach of communicative language teaching (CLT).
While communicative competence focuses on interpersonal
interactions through the linguistic mode with an emphasis on
accuracy, literacy- based approaches foreground an ability to
engage in meaning construction not only through linguistic
interactions, but also across a range of semiotic modes and
genres and call on students to engage critically with the
subjective dimensions of texts which are constructed, circulated,
and negotiated through particular social roles. Consequently,
foreign language teaching need to move beyond communicative


1) the link between content and language and allow students to
not only develop the ability to produce and interpret multimodal
texts but also a critical awareness of the relationship between
modes of meaning, discourse conventions, and social and
cultural contexts that our times demand ;
2) an organizing principle for instructors that potentially promotes
more principled curricular and pedagogical decision making and

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

3) a way to overcome the pedagogical dichotomies often found

between elementary/intermediate and advanced courses.
Accordingly, I will begin by briefly reviewing key aspects of a
pedagogy of multiliteracies framework. Drawing from my own
work and from that of peers, I will next focus my attention on how
it translates in the concrete realities of the language classroom.
Finally, I will examine the implications that adopting such a
framework has for teacher education.

Teaching English to Deaf

People: a Challenging
Catalina Molina Ramrez
Universidad el Bosque

opportunities to learn English, most
schools avoid this topic and some
English teachers consider this process
unviable. I am developing my research
project for my doctoral program on this
I am going to recount my experience as a Deaf English teacher.
In this presentation I am going to explain the reasons why I
decided to teach English to deaf people, reactions in the
educational community, deaf students responses, and the
process I followed to develop my classes.
Likewise, I am going to provide a brief historical background of
hearing impaired people education in Colombia. The main goal is


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

to encourage teachers to focus their educational projects on
population with different disabilities, I would also like to show
some of the ideas I have been developing for my thesis project.

Intercultural Manifestations in
Practices of Students
Degree Program at a
Public University in
Anglica Mara Rojas Isaza
Universidad de la Amazonia
Cultural Conceptualizations is a multidisciplinary concept
proposed by Farzad Sharifian (2000), on which this study has
been based. This concept has aroused different types of
research and discussions around the globe, especially in relation
to the concept of World Englishes.
In this vain, and thanks to the insertion of Colombian degrees
(licenciaturas) into the new tendencies and demands both from
Globalization and the governmental rules, the researchers
interest has been directed towards the analysis of the different
imageries pertaining to students and teachers of an English
Degree program in relation to their teaching-learning practices.
Besides, intercultural competence and intercultural relations are
also current topics and tendencies that have been of the interest


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

of many researchers, given that the respect and tolerance
towards other cultures without losing the proper roots of the
language user is a demand from todays globalized world.
This project was presented and approved to obtain the title of
Masters at Universidad del Quindo, Colombia.

Impacto del Programa de

Institucional Interlingua en
en Lengua Extranjera Ingls
Pregrado de la Universidad
Marco Tulio Artunduaga
Universidad Surcolombiana
El presente informe del trabajo investigativo llevado a cabo el
ao anterior por el grupo de investigacin APRENAP tiene como
propsito fundamental presentar el diagnstico de las fortalezas
y debilidades de los Cursos de Ingls Institucional de la
Universidad Surcolombiana (INTERLINGUA) teniendo en cuenta
aspectos como el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa de
los estudiantes y las percepciones de los docentes y estudiantes
respecto al impacto de dicho programa.


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

TELF Using Cellphones in

Maggie Rafet
Universidad Santiago de Cali
Jorge David Snchez
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Our country does not have infrastructure that allows students
and teachers to take advantage of technology; many schools do
not have Wi-Fi connections in every classroom, nor several
students have tablets or touch phones.
However, the trend in education is towards tech-based training in
almost any field and institutions, organizations and nations are
investing resources in order to provide proper conditions to
educate new generations through technology, especially apps
from mobile devices.
Currently, students lack of attention in class, whether it is at
school or university level, and regardless the subject, has
become in a major concern for many educators.


The presentation intends through

positive experiences with the
MOODLE platform and Apps to
turn mobile devices into useful
and interesting tools, so that
learning becomes a more
productive and positive
teachers and students
when using ICT.

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

The Empowerment of English

Processes and the Use of

specialists planned and designed a website for each school in

which they regularly posted the work that they had done
their schools as evidence of their progress in the
This macro project contributed to both the
practices for English teaching and an efficient
incorporation of ICT tools to get all the school
community fully involved.

Carlos A. Muoz Hernndez, Ph. D.
Research Assistant
Universidad Surcolombiana

The active role of all members of the

school community including students,
parents, school administrators and teachers
was crucial to the success of the project. This project
hopes that the empowerment generated throughout the
process will be long lasting and sustained.

This paper will report on an outreach macro project whose main

objective was to empower the teaching and learning processes
of English as a foreign language and the use of ICTs of the
school communities of ten public schools in Neiva. Faculty,
students and members of the alumni from the Universidad
Surcolombiana accompanied the process acting as mentors for
the teachers and the students at the schools.
On one hand, English teachers and students with support from
their mentors planned, prepared, and presented some projectbased works in which they used English for real communication.
On the other hand, the school administrators assisted by media


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Global Tendencies in the

Teaching of Academic Writing

The main target of this study was to find out those leading
tendencies with respect to the teaching of AW; that is, the
content, methodology, assessment and learning
objectives of the subject so to understand what,
how, and why to teach it.

Carol Yadira Pimiento Jaimes
Aldair Daz Gmez
Universidad Industrial de Santander

English academic writing (AW) is an

issue that has been studied and
adopted by many universities all around
the world since the fact that the vast
majority of written publications require
of written academic skills in all the
disciplines there exist in the world.


For this purpose, it was conducted this mixedmethod descriptive study which focused
specifically on the discipline of ESL and EFL. 45
AW syllabi from different worldwide universities
were gathered and analyzed in a detailed
matrix made out of the information the
syllabi showed, and then the main
tendencies taken from this tool were
sorted out; 10 online questionnaires were
applied to have AW teachers perspectives into
account and match them to the tendencies.

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

The Development of Listening

through VLEs for Second
Graders in Aspaen Gimnasio
La Fragua

In a subsequent section, the methodological design and the

research mechanics will be explained as well as the
pedagogical-instructional design. Then, a qualitative
description of the findings and is made so to
continue with the discussion section.
Finally, the main conclusions and pedagogical
implications are presented.

Arthur Tovar Cruz
Aspaen Gimnasio La Fragua School
This research project was aimed at exploring the use of a Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE) to develop listening skills in
elementary school students.
It was developed at Aspaen Gimnasio La Fragua School, which
is located in Neiva - Colombia, with nine elementary second
grade students. The sections of this research study will provide
an organized presentation of the problem and the research
questions that emerged from it, then the literature review with the
main tenets and constructs that were selected to support this
project such the communicative competence, the major listening
skills and subsequent skills second graders should develop, and
the characteristics and benefits of the VLE chosen to develop
this project will be outlined.


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Locus of Control
Language Teaching
Carlos Alberto Mayora
Universidad del Valle

and its

People differ on their perceptions of the degree of control they

exert over the events in their lives. Some people believe that
external forces such as fate, luck or other people
exert determine the degree of success of failure they
have; others, conversely, believe they themselves
determine such events.
In psychology, these perceptions are labeled
locus of control (LOC) and it is usually
considered a personality trait. Although
research on the impact of individual
differences and personality traits on
foreign/second language (L2) learning is
extensive, few studies have investigated
the relationship of LOC in this area.
The current paper discusses the implication of LOC in L2
learning and why more research in this field should be
conducted. The process of learning an L2 is related to learners
beliefs and attitudes in many ways. A better understanding of
LOC will enable teachers and administrators design pedagogical
strategies in order to empower L2 learners by assuming a more
self-regulated stance towards the learning process.


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Mediated Communication in
Jos Aldemar lvarez Valencia Ph.D.
Universidad del Valle

The field of English Language Teaching

has witnessed the development
of Computer Assisted Language
Learning (CALL) as a way to
account for the different
challenges and opportunities
created by the interface
between technology, in
special computers, and
language teaching and
language development.
Recently, CALL has expanded its horizons and several authors
situate their inquiries within the area of Computer Mediated
Communication (CMC). This talk will look at this transition,
focusing on the research trajectories of CALL/CMC.
The discussion will include a description of three main
approaches in CALL/CMC: The psychological, the sociocultural
and the ecological approach. Besides providing examples to
illustrate tenets and themes within these approaches, I will
present part of the research that I have been conducting on
social networking sites for language learning. The talk will
conclude with a discussion of areas, themes, and perspectives of
CALL/CMC that require further exploration.


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

La Intersubjetividad o el
Componente Fenomenolgico
de la Interculturalidad en la
Didctica de las LenguasCulturas
Jorge Hernn Herrera Pineda
Universidad del Quindo
La ponencia condensa el informe final de la investigacin La
hermenutica crtica y el aprendizaje colaborativo en el
desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa intercultural en
estudiantes de francs de la Universidad del Quindo.
La implementacin multidisciplinaria de la hermenutica crtica
como fundamento epistemolgico y el aprendizaje colaborativo
como fundamento metodolgico conduce a encontrarse con la
intersubjetividad como un elemento esencial en la didctica de
las lenguas-culturas, concretamente en la perspectiva accional
que otorga al sujeto (estudiante, usuario de la lengua) el rol de
actor social.
La didactizacin de la intersubjetividad se hace desde la
fenomenologa husserliana, Merleau-pontiana y heideggeriana a
travs de siete avatares que corresponden a siete metforas de
mundo que se constituyen mediante el aprendizaje colaborativo.


Cada equipo decide libremente darle una identidad

fenomenolgica a su avatar de nacionalidad colombiana
para que posteriormente se adentre por un tiempo
determinado en una cultura francfona vindose
obligado a establecer relaciones intersubjetivas en
esa metfora de mundo.

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Expectations vs Reality
Gabriel Contreras
Luis Miguel Martnez

Recent thinking on teachers in advanced; it is relevant to point

out some aspects in which this case study is being adapted. First
of all we would like to state that the learners desires
had a clear tendency on the real context of their
professions and the expectations they have had
through all the process.
Nevertheless, universities face the request of
preparing students for opportunities that we
have not considered at the moment. It is well
noticed they look forward to finishing the
profession in order to start their labor
activities since they are challenge and
participating people.
Fundacin Universitaria UNIPANAMERICANA
This research is conducted to the undergraduate program
Unipanamericana Compensar. This case study means to answer
the relation between the learning content of students with their
former performance as professionals of English teaching.
Students were interviewed in focus groups covering the whole
population: morning and night shifts and participants of all the
semesters; labor options published during a week span, and
interviews with human resources directors or coordinators in
charge of hiring teachers from institutions. The categories
considered to be analyzed were teaching competences, teacher
performances, class environment and language skills (language


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

School English Project: Teen

Pregnancy Prevention
Rosario Valenzuela Vidal
Atanasio Girardot High School
In spite of the fact that teenagers being provided with large
amounts of information regarding "Sexual Education" given to
them by their schools and through the media, as teachers
however, we continue to face an increasing number of teen
pregnancy each year.
As part of the program in 11th grade "INTENSIFICACIN en
INGLS", it was proposed that the topic should be Teen
Pregnancy Prevention in order to raise awareness among the


students about not just the risks, but the number of

consequences this would have on their futures.

With the slogan No yet!, the

11 graders will study, analyze,
discuss, present findings,
learn, role play and evaluate
the topic, warning others
about the high challenge of
being parents at an early
age, using English as a
mean of communication.

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Students Roles in
Literacy Learning


(2) to explore parents and students feelings and thoughts

(perceptions) about themselves working together in EFL literacy
tasks at home
(3) to identify ways in which parents contribute to students EFL
learning. 16 ninth grade students of a state school and their
parents or relatives in charge carried out a series of EFL literacy
tasks in their respective homes.

Sergio Aldemar Hurtado Torres
Universidad Surcolombiana

There is little scholarly information

about parents involvement in their
childrens EFL literacy learning in the
Colombian context. This exploratoryqualitative study looks into possible
roles of parents and children in EFL
literacy learning at home with an
especial emphasis on parents roles and

Video recordings, field notes, qualitative interviews, and surveys

were implemented as data collection tools. Partial results
demonstrate that even though parents do not have a command
of the English language, they have proven to have the potential
to help in EFL learning from a non-linguistic focus (e.g.
monitoring children's homework, providing learning conditions,
advising for EFL success, giving feedback on organization,
coherency and presentation, and shaping their minds toward
EFL by giving advice).

The research study has a three-fold purpose:

(1) to describe parents and students behavior when developing
EFL literacy tasks at home


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research


Human Beauty

Yuranny Marcela Romero Archila

Daniel Elias Prez Daz
Universidad Pedaggica y Tecnolgica de Colombia (UPTC)
In the ancient Greek some philosophers used to make debates
with pupils for making them reflect. The Agora was a popular
location for these debates, but there was another place called
the Stoa. It was a suitable place for the social life and for

The purpose of the Stoa project is to

enhance first semester students to use
the argumentative competence in
English through discussions where the
participants reflect, analyze, have a
position regarding the topic and
express it in English.


Social networks and its effects; Oscar Wilde and the sexual
intolerance; the beauty stereotypes in South Korea and
Colombia are some of the controversial topics used
for this project. Authors such as Paul and Elder
(2006) and Anderson & Krathwohl (2001) were
some of the references taken for the development
of this project.

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Im Missing Something:
English Teachers
Jhon Vifara Gonzlez, Ph.D.

method approach, the study found that participants perceived

themselves as over-empowered in their being native
Spanish speakers.
Conversely, though they did not regard their
nonnativeness as a potential problem in their
future careers, they perceived themselves to be
in an unfavorable position compared to native
speaker teachers concerning their non-ideal
language ability and cultural knowledge.
Pedagogical implications regarding the

Universidad Pedaggica y Tecnolgica de Colombia

Studies in the field of critical applied linguistics, emerging
perspectives about the teaching of English, namely, English as
an International Language, English as a Lingua Franca and
World Englishes, as well as research on non-native English
speaker teachers, have revealed the influence that the myth of
the native speaker, the native speaker fallacy and associated
ideologies have on EFL teachers professional and personal
Rooted in the need to confront the harmful effect of the
aforementioned pervasive language ideologies, this plenary
session shares the findings of a research study conducted in two
public Colombian universities.

education of non-native English speaker teachers will also be

addressed in the end of the talk.

The study examined prospective English teachers self-perceived

(non) nativeness. Using surveys and interviews within a mixed


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Promoting EFL Oral Skills in

through the Implementation
Approach in a Teacher
Development Course
Natalia Snchez Narvez

This qualitative action research project

seeks to identify the EFL oral
skills that are promoted when a
blended learning approach is
implemented in a professional
development course.
The participants were seven content- subject
teachers from a private school in Huila,
Colombia. Data were gathered during the
implementation of an English blended
course in which twelve lessons were divided into
six face-to-face session and six online meetings.

Colombus American School

Sergio Alberto Chavarro Vargas
SED Huila
Todays world demands the use of the English language in
different areas of knowledge. Besides, the increasing use of
technology in educational settings (Zandi, Thang, & Krish, 2014)
encourages teachers to restate their professional development
(Chen, Chen, & Tsai, 2009).


Via in-depth interviews, class observations, video recording

analysis, teachers reflection, students artifacts and a survey the
data were collected. The provisional findings suggest that the
EFL oral skills promoted are connected with use of vocabulary,
use of body language, pronunciation and intonation patterns,
motivation and engagement, production of chunks of language
and monitoring oral production.

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Exploring Social Discourses

about Bullying in the EFL
Blanca Inhirida Trujillo Gonzlez

Overall, the findings point to students reflection through the

exploration of social discourses on the issue of bullying in
the classroom, such as social awareness, recognition
of the conflict, recognition of singularities and
building social relationships. Such discourses make
foreign language learning more meaningful
through the use of themes that are attractive to
them, facilitating the development of reading
and writing skills as well.

Angel Mara Paredes School

Noryda Len Cordoba
San Antonio de Anaconia School
This presentation intends to give an account of the impact of a
qualitative research on EFL learning at a local context. This
action research study aimed to explore the social discourses that
students from Angel Mara Paredes school had about conflicts
(bullying), as well as the reflection on this social issue that
improved the school climate that contributed to develop EFL
reading and writing skills.
This study involved 32 eighth graders, who took part in a project
called "bringing my thoughts to paper" which lasted four months.
During that time, data were collected through the application of
tools such as: students artifacts, survey, interviews and class


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Enhancing Language while

Producing Digital Stories
Mara Teresa Esteban Nez
Mara Huertas
Universidad Pedaggica y Tecnolgica de Colombia
Nowadays, it is mandatory to take into account our students
world into the teaching and learning practices. Due to the
information revolution, our learners are more exposed to
technological devices and most of the times those devices are
not approached into the language classroom.
One rich field to be explored in the language classroom is digital
storytelling. This strategy has been used across the world as well
as in Colombia. We, as second level language teachers wanted
to explore this new field with our students in order to see if our
students could benefit from that experience and how they
perceived this teaching strategy in their learning process.
Some preliminary findings have shown that these students
considered that digital storytelling was a very useful experience
to improve not only their language skills but also their


technological skills.

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Incidencia del Bilingismo en

el Desarrollo Psicosocial de
Nios de 5 de Primaria en
una Institucin Educativa
Pblica del Quindo

Por lo que, segn nuestros resultados parciales se puede

evidenciar que los estudiantes de quinto grado de
primaria inmersos en un programa de educacin
bilinge pblica en comparacin con sus
homlogos en contexto convencional, presentan
mejores resultados en las pruebas de medicin
en cuanto a su desempeo psicosocial.

Clara Patricia Vargas Jamioy
Universidad del Quindo
En el presente proyecto de investigacin se analiza la incidencia
del bilingismo en el desempeo psicosocial de nios de 5 de
primaria en una Institucin Educativa Pblica de Departamento
del Quindo.
Por tanto, se examina el desempeo de variables
psicosociales tales como la motivacin, la actitud hacia el
ingls como lengua extranjera, el auto concepto, la actitud de
la familia y los pares hacia ingls en sujetos de 5 de primaria
en un programa de educacin bilinge pblica y sus
homlogos escolarizados convencionalmente con el fin de
determinar las diferencias y similitudes que existen entre dos
grupos de estudiantes.


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

English Teachers and the
Alexander Saray
Luis Miguel Martnez
Universidad ECCI
This research presents some characteristics of effective English
language teachers based on four categories:
English proficiency, pedagogical knowledge, organization
and communication skills, and socio-affective skills and to
get some characteristics of effective English language teachers
viewed by different groups of students e.g. groups with different
genders, English courses taken, fields of study, and levels of
English proficiency.


Also, apart from the content in the text, we as University English

Teachers want to provide many more activities or
exercises in order to improve students learning
process. One of the most powerful skills that is set
on universities is reading. For this, we would like to
express the importance of Reading strategies at
University level, we keep in mind the students
level and we have identified plenty of issues to
clear up this skill at academic process.

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Promotion of Differentiated
Instruction Through an EFL
Virtual Learning
Javier Armando Rodrguez Orjuela

Findings avowed DI through a VLE had a positive impact on

students learning process, meeting their needs and increasing
their motivation.
This study suggests that teachers should have
computer skills to fix technical problems and that
DI requires time to adapt the different activities
according to the students learning needs.
Marolly Andrea Vargas Parra
Universidad Surcolombiana
As traditional instruction has been equated with teachers who
teach to the middle or use the one-size-fits-all approach, this
qualitative action research tries to have a complete view of the
effects of differentiated instruction (DI) through an EFL virtual
learning environment (VLE).
Differentiated instruction was understood as an approach that
aims to foster every students potential by taking into account
their level of readiness, learning styles, multiple intelligences and
interests. A group of 29 students from a private school
participated in this research study. The process of data analysis
was carried out following the content analysis techniques. Data
was gathered through surveys, tests, field notes, group
interviews and teachers journals.


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Education: Reflections for the
Colombian context
Harold Castaeda, Ph.D.
Universidad Distrital

In the last decade, Colombian scholars have claimed that for preservice and in-service English language teachers initial


education and professional development to become relevant,

they should be based on in situ research and
In that sense, there seems to be an emergent
understanding of an applied pragmatics of
pedagogy in L2 teacher education gearing
towards a post-method perspective. Whilst
there is great acknowledgement to this
principled social turn in our local
scholarship, a systematic approach to
establish a shared research agenda is
needed. This talk introduces themes that might
be missing in such agenda and that could potentially
contribute to strengthening pre-service English language
teachers base knowledge and in-service teachers research
capacity. Implications for policy making will be addressed within
this framework.

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research



11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research


Learning English through Customized EFL Materials

with Cultural Content
Hans Humberto Oviedo Gmez
Henry Alberto lvarez Guayara
Universidad Surcolombiana
Cultural Conceptualizations in Oral and Written Practices
among Bilingual Students from Upper Courses of the ELT
Program at Universidad de la Amazonia

Adriana Sofa Rodriguez Sotelo
Yury Alexandra Silva Robis
Universidad de la Amazonia
El Aprendizaje por Proyectos basado en el Enfoque
Comunicativo en el Desarrollo de la Produccin Oral en
Briam Steven Rojas Cardona
Jhonatan Correa Molina
Universidad Central del Valle
Authentic materials in English Language Teaching in the
School of Foreign Languages at Universidad Surcolombiana
(ILEUSCO): Assessing Alternative Ways to Enhance the
Communicative Competence
Diego Fernando Quintero Peralta
Valentina Perdomo Osorio
Universidad Surcolombiana


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Breaching the Limits Creative and Innovative Mentality: A
Report from the British Council's Event on Innovation and
Creativity in ELT
Jetzelly Pastrana
Edwin Santos
Edison Marles
Universidad Surcolombiana

Designing Contextualized Didactic Material for Teaching

English as a Third Language to First Grade Huitoto Children
Community from High School Campo Elias Marulanda
(Solano, Caquet)
Jhon Fredy Bolvar Cantillo
Universidad de la Amazonia
Creation of English Training Material for Basic Music
Initiation in the Embera-Cham Community in San Antonio
de Canelo - Caquet.

Developing Learners Oral English Language Performance

through Games in an EFL Setting
Mara Goretti Daz
Angela Roco Jaramillo
Universidad Surcolombiana
Didactic Proposal in order to Consolidate the Reading
Competence of Undergraduate Students from the Spanish
Program (Spanish Degree) of the Surcolombiana University.
Laura Molina Martnez
Universidad Surcolombiana
Video Games as Language Learning Environments for
Enhancing Reading in Low EFL Learners
Mauro Gustavo Suarez
Universidad Surcolombiana

Ricardo Orlando Hernndez Caldern
Universidad de la Amazonia


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Impact of Implementing a Virtual Learning Environment on
Students Perceptions, Attitudes and Language Learning
Awareness in Surcolombiana University Institutional
English Courses

Video Games in the EFL Classroom: A view into Students

Perceptions towards Video Game Based Instructions
Practices in Neiva
Miller Zamora Puentes
Elihana del Pilar Muoz Roa
Universidad Surcolombiana
Task Based Approach: A Pedagogical Proposal to Develop
Oral Production
Liliana Paola Calderon Ortiz
Leidy Diana Gutirrez
Universidad Surcolombiana

Andrea Gonzlez Collazos
Osmar David Gonzalez Melndez
Jesica Lorena Rubiano Medina
Universidad Surcolombiana


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Using Role-Plays to Promote Spontaneous Oral Interaction
in Third Semester Students in English Education Program of
University of Amazonia

Using Skype to Promote the Significant Use of the Language

out of the Classroom and its Effects on Oral Production
Sergio Ramiro Garca Trejos
Rolney Leonardo Daz Pascuas
Universidad Surcolombiana
Desarrollo de la Habilidad Oral a travs del Juego en
Estudiantes de Cuarto Grado de Educacin Bsica Primaria

Rubn Daro Olaya

Edgar Mauricio Murcia Bolaos
Universidad de la Amazonia

Yudier Morales Gutierrez
Alexandra Quintero Gutierrez
Diana Carolina Franco Lozano
Lina Alejandra Cubillos Ibaez
Linda Vanessa Tovar Gutierrez
Universidad Surcolombiana

Implementation of Extensive Listening Exercises in the ELT
Program at the University of Amazonia
Leidy Vanessa Jimnez
Eulices Crdoba Ziga
Universidad de la Amazonia


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Impacto de los Materiales del Programa de Ingls
Surcolombiana para el Desarrollo de la Competencia Oral en
los Estudiantes de Pregrado

Tatiana Snchez Garca
Cristian Fernando Perdomo Parra
Universidad Surcolombiana
Analysis of the Development of investigative competences
in the Pedagogical practice of seven academic programs in
the Faculty of Education

Yuri Vanessa Tovar Labrador
Carlos Eduardo Verjan Obando
Universidad Surcolombiana
The Impact on the Learning of Contextual Vocabulary
through the Use of ICT Activities in 4th Grade Students
Emily Dayany Hernandez Varona
Francisco Javier Gonzlez Castaeda
Sandy Lorey Tovar Gutierrez


Juan Camilo Ramirez Sanchez
Ana Maria de Aranza Trivio Chimbaco
Juan Fernando Garca Perdomo
Juan Camilo Rojas Vasquez
Carlos Hernn Cuesta Melo
Laura Mara Salomn Ariza
Universidad Surcolombiana

11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research

Characterization of ICT Skills of Student Teachers from

Preschool, Elementary, Secondary and University Cycles of
the 7 Degree Programs of the Faculty of Education at
Surcolombiana University
Ludy Alejandra Rengifo Rodrguez
Saidy Vanessa Moreno Garrido
Universidad Surcolombiana
Exploring the Skills of Non-EFL Primary School Teachers
Ana Milena Rojas Silva
Ana Cecilia Ziga Monje
Universidad Surcolombiana


11th Symposium on Foreign Language Research


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