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Smile 3..1 Blerina

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Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
1. What’s smiles
- First day at school
2. My alphabet book
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student spells basic letters
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student:
At the end of the lesson student will Number, colors, letters of
alphabet, telephone number,
 Identifies and mention different letters of the Alphabet
addresses etc.
 Mentions number from one up to twenty
 Asks friends about addresses and their telephone numbers
 Identifies and writes down colors.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write spelling on the board. Students recall
letters. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories related to the


 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim for gist, and then allow them to make
predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. They will work in pairs. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is
the key to the success of this activity.. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
 Post- reading activity
I invite students to think about the question in exercise1.a.. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.

After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises 3, 4). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the right
answers to the class.


Before starting the explanation of the the new lesson I am going to ask students if they can identify some of the
letters of the Alphabet. They should also try to mention some of the number that they have learned in the previous
After this students will introduce themselves to their friends by trying to spell their names correctly and by telling
how old they are ex: Elvis - E (i) L (el) V (vi) I (ai) S (es). They will also form short dialogues by asking each
other about their addresses and their telephone numbers ex: What is your address? 15 Apple Street. What is your
telephone number? 0679588338 etc.
Students revise the grammar use of definite and indefinite articles A, An, The and complete the exercise. They
will also revise different colours. They will learn different greetings.

After revising colours they will present different objects by mentioning what their colour is. Ex. This book is blue
etc. Students will also form a dialogue using greetings learned.

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook –Form a
dialogue using
greetings learnt and
other words revised

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
2. Possessive adjectives
Teaching grammar
3. Birthday card
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: My brother, your pen, their class,
At the end of the lesson student will his school, her mum, your dad, our
 Identifies some of the possessive adjectives. teacher
 Forms sentences using some of the possessive adjectives.
 Completes the exercises in the textbook using words learnt.
 Sings the song Happy Birthday.
 Talks about birthdays.
 Develops pupils listening skills through the song
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
Before starting to teach grammar rules about the "Possessive adjectives" I am going to ask students to mention some
of the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson like members of the family: mother, father, brother, sister,
Then I am going to explain to the students which are the possessive adjectives and when we use them. We have
different possessive adjectives like: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. We use possessive adjectives to show
to whom something belongs to. "Whose is this pen? " It is my pen. It is Lily's pen.
Then in exercise 3 students have to look at the pictures, read the sentences and write the correct possessive
In order to practice the use of those possessive adjectives students are going to point an object in the class and ask
students questions using Whose and answering with a possessive adjective.

Lesson 2
At the beginning of the lesson I am going to ask students to say some of the possessive adjectives that they have
learnt in the previous lesson. Look at the picture and say what this lesson might be about.
I will start the lesson by explaining what the title mean and what the lesson is going to be about.
In this lesson our characters are celebrating a birthday. Students have to listen to the song and try to read the
memorize it.
Pupils will listen to the dialogue once more and will try to role play it with each other. Later I will explain them
any of the new vocabulary like : Happy, wishes, birthday etc.
They will learn to sing the song: Happy Birthday.
To reflect on the comprehension of the song students have to complete ex 2 page 28 textbook


To reflect on the use of possessive adjectives students complete exercise 4
I will evaluate them, based on her participation.
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)


Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time
Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
4. What’s smiles
- First day at school
2. My alphabet book
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student spells basic letters
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student:
At the end of the lesson student will Number, colors, letters of
alphabet, telephone number,
 Identify and mention different letters of the Alphabet
addresses etc.
 Mention number from one up to twenty
 Ask friends about addresses and their telephone numbers
 Identify and write down colors.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write spelling on the board. Students recall
letters. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories related to the


 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim for gist, and then allow them to make
predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. They will work in pairs. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is
the key to the success of this activity.. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
 Post- reading activity
I invite students to think about the question in exercise1.a.. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.

After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises 3, 4). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the right
answers to the class.

Before starting the explanation of the the new lesson I am going to ask students if they can identify some of the
letters of the Alphabet. They should also try to mention some of the number that they have learned in the previous

After this students will introduce themselves to their friends by trying to spell their names correctly and by telling
how old they are ex: Elvis - E (i) L (el) V (vi) I (ai) S (es). They will also form short dialogues by asking each
other about their addresses and their telephone numbers ex: What is your address? 15 Apple Street. What is your
telephone number? 0679588338 etc.
Students revise the grammar use of definite and indefinite articles A, An, The and complete the exercise. They
will also revise different colours. They will learn different greetings.

After revising colours they will present different objects by mentioning what their colour is. Ex. This book is blue
etc. Students will also form a dialogue using greetings learned.

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Workbook –Form a
dialogue using
greetings learnt and
other words revised

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
5. My alphabet book
- First day at school
6. My alphabet book
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student spells basic letters
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student:
At the end of the lesson student will Number, colors, letters of
alphabet, telephone number,
 Identify and mention different letters of the Alphabet
addresses etc.
 Mention number from one up to twenty
 Ask friends about addresses and their telephone numbers
 Identify and write down colors.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write spelling on the board. Students recall
letters. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories related to the


 Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim for gist, and then allow them to make
predictions on the content of the text.
 While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. They will work in pairs. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is
the key to the success of this activity.. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
 Post- reading activity
I invite students to think about the question in exercise1.a.. After explaining the task, I allow students time to write a few
sentences. Various students read their sentences out to the class.
I explain any new words/ phrases or concepts.

After the 5 min break between the classes, I refer students to the list of new words. I elicit their meaning through
definitions. I explain the task student will complete (Exercises 3, 4). I allow them some time to do the exercises. I check
students’ answers around the class.
Then, I explain the other task. I play the recording. Students listen and choose the correct answers. Students report the right
answers to the class.


Before starting the explanation of the the new lesson I am going to ask students if they can identify some of the
letters of the Alphabet. They should also try to mention some of the number that they have learned in the previous

After this students will introduce themselves to their friends by trying to spell their names correctly and by telling
how old they are ex: Elvis - E (i) L (el) V (vi) I (ai) S (es). They will also form short dialogues by asking each
other about their addresses and their telephone numbers ex: What is your address? 15 Apple Street. What is your
telephone number? 0679588338 etc.
Students revise the grammar use of definite and indefinite articles A, An, The and complete the exercise. They
will also revise different colours. They will learn different greetings.

After revising colours they will present different objects by mentioning what their colour is. Ex. This book is blue
etc. Students will also form a dialogue using greetings learned.

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment spelling
first name

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
7. Alphabet review
- hello hello again
8. Starter unit Hello.My ABC
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student spells basic letters
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student:
At the end of the lesson student will Number, colors, letters of
alphabet, telephone number,
 Identify and mention different letters of the Alphabet
addresses etc.
 Mention number from one up to twenty
 Ask friends about addresses and their telephone numbers
 Identify and write down colors.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write greetings on the board. Students recall
letters. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories related to the
topic. greetings

Students will see at the pictures given and identifies the numbers.
What numbers are in the picture? Which is your favourite colour?

Teacher explains the greetings.
Hello How are you Thank you

1-one 2-two 3-three 4-four 5-five 6-six 7-seven 8-eight 9-nine 10-ten

Colours: blue,red,yellow ,orange,green,purple

After explaining these words I will let them to think again and let them to repeat again the new
words of the lesson.
In pais they will write down the colours of their clothes

Before starting the explanation of the the new lesson I am going to ask students if they can identify some of the
letters of the Alphabet. They should also try to mention some of the number that they have learned in the previous

After this students will introduce themselves to their friends by trying to spell their names correctly and by telling
how old they are ex: Elvis - E (i) L (el) V (vi) I (ai) S (es). They will also form short dialogues by asking each
other about their addresses and their telephone numbers ex: What is your address? 15 Apple Street. What is your
telephone number? 0679588338 etc.
Students revise the grammar use of definite and indefinite articles A, An, The and complete the exercise. They
will also revise different colours. They will learn different greetings.

After revising colours they will present different objects by mentioning what their colour is. Ex. This book is blue
etc. Students will also form a dialogue using greetings learned.

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment spelling
first name

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
9. Starter Colours /Numbers
- hello hello again
10. Starter. Letters Blends
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies color words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Black, yellow, red, blue, green, white,
At the end of the lesson student will orange, pink, grey, What colour is it?
 Identifies word colors etc.
 Mentions basic colors
 Ask friends about favourite colors
 Writes down colors.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write colors on the board. Students recall
letters. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories related to the
topic. colors

Students will see at the pictures given and identifies the colors.
What colors are in the picture? Which is your favourite colour?
Teacher explains the colors.
Colours: blue,red,yellow ,orange,green,purple

I will ask the students to color the numbers based on their preferences
1-one 2-two 3-three 4-four 5-five 6-six 7-seven 8-eight 9-nine 10-ten
Colours: blue,red,yellow ,orange,green,purple
I will explain them how to say the numbers in English language correctly ex:
One (uan) two (tu) three (thrii) four (for) etc. Students have to listen, point the numbers and repeat them after me.
Then they will do some sums and colour the numbers by using the code in the textbook ex 10-3= 7 (blue).
Later I will play a game. I will write three numbers on the blackboard and ask pupils to look at the numbers
carefully and memorise them.
Then I will ask them to say those numbers I have written by heart.

After explaining these words I will let them to think again and let them to repeat again the new
words of the lesson.
In pairs they will write down the colors of their clothes
First of all, I will explain them how to say the colors in English language correctly ex:
Blue, red, green, yellow, black etc. Students have to listen, point the color and repeat them after me. Then they
will look at the colors and complete the song and compare it with their partner. Later they will try to sing the song
and learn it by heart.


In the end I will play a game asking students to point an object and ask their friends: What colour is it? Black,
white etc. I am going to ask students to spread out their color pencils and say the colour for each pencil.
To reflect on the colors learnt students get in front of their friends in the class and mention some of the colours
that they can remember.

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment Draw and colour some items and name their colours.

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
11. School again - hello hello again
12. Article a/an +activity book
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies color words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: School items, pencil, pen, book,
At the end of the lesson student will schoolbag, elephant, name, pet etc
 Identifies some of the school items.
 Mentions the main characters in the dialogue.
 Listens to and read the story.
 Explains the uses of a and an.
 Uses a and an to complete sentences.
 Completes some of the exercises of activity book.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write school on the board. Students recall
letters. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories related to the
topic. school

At the beginning of the lesson I am going to ask students to say some numbers that they have learnt in the previous
lesson. Look at the picture and say what this lesson might be about.
I will start the lesson by explaining what the title mean and what the lesson is going to be about.
In this lesson our characters are back to school. Students have to listen to the dialogue and identify the main
characters ex: Lilly, Liam, Charlie, Daisy.
Pupils will listen to the dialogue once more and will try to role play it with each other. Later I will explain them
some of the new vocabulary like pet, schoolbag, elephant, bye etc.
They will learn some school items like: pencil case, pen, pencil, book, schoolbag.

I will explain the meaning of the grammatical use of articles a / an. ex: A is used before nouns beginning with a
consonant ex: a book, a pen etc.
An is used before nouns beginning with a vowel ex: an elephant, an umbrella.
Later students complete exercise 3 using correctly articles a and an. I will check if they have completed them
Then in exercise 4 students have to circle articles a and an and then try to sing the son. They will also listen and
colour the picture on exercise 5. Students take some time and complete some of the exercises of activity book


To reflect on the comprehension of the dialogue students have to complete ex 2 page 8 textbook.

To reflect on the uses of articles a and an I will write some words in the blackboard and students will put a or an.

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment Exercise 4, workbook.

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
13. Ready for school
At school
14. The verb ‚to be‘
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies color words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire new
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions that differ
from their own

Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:

The student:
At the end of the lesson student will School items, pencil, pen, book,
schoolbag, red, blue desk, red pen, yellow
 Identifies some of the school items. pencil, Verb "to be", complete, is, are,
 Conjugates verb to be in affirmative and negative form. sharpener, boy, girl, desk. isn't, friend,
 Uses the short of verb "to be" to write sentences ruler etc.
 - Ask and answer questions using verb to be.
 Writes about their school things.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects Native
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.

Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities

Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work

Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)


I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.

In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write school on the board. Students recall letters. Students
may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories related to the topic.

. At the beginning of the lesson I am going to point at a school bag, book, pencil case, pen, and I will ask students to tell the corresponding

I will start the lesson by explaining what the title mean and what the lesson is going to be about.
In this lesson our character Liam is back to school with his school item. . Students have to listen to text that Liam
is telling about some of the school items that he has with him: Hello. My name is Liam. This is my schoolbag. It is
blue and green. etc.
Pupils will listen to this text and try to colour the school items and later listen, point and repeat some of those
I will explain them some of the new vocabulary like schoolbag, ruler, favourite etc.

Before starting to teach the conjugations of verb "to be" I am going to read the table and I am going to give time to
the student to study it and see how it is formed.
Then I am going to teach to the students how to conjugate this verb in its affirmative and negative form ex: I am,
you are, he is, she is, it, we are, you are, they are.
Students then have to underline the correct form of the verb "to be" to complete the sentences in exercise 4. In the
fifth exercise students have to complete the sentences using the verb "to be" and then read the sentences and match
them to the pictures.
In exercise 6 students have to complete the questions using the verb "to be" and answer the questions.


To reflect on the comprehension of this text students will play a game in exercise 2.

In order to reflect on the use of the verb "to be" students are going to form some sentences using this verb trying
to introduce themselves to the other students.
My name is_________. I am 10 years old. I am from Albania etc.
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment Exercise 6 page 5 workbook

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
15. My Portfolio 1 Fun Time
16. Come and play
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies color words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student:
At the end of the lesson student will School items, pencil, pen, book,
 Identifies some of the school items. schoolbag, elephant, name, pet
 Sings the song that is on the textbook etc.
 Listens to and read the song and try to translate it.
 Introduces themselves to each other.
 Reads the introductions of Andrew, Ania and Carlos
 Listens and repeat the introductions of the children in the text
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write numbers on the board. Students recall
letters. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories related to the
topic. Numbers


At the beginning of the lesson I am going to ask students to say some numbers and colours that they have learnt in
the previous lesson. Look at the picture and say what this lesson might be about.
I will start the lesson by explaining what the title mean and what the lesson is going to be about.
In this lesson our characters are back to school. Students have to listen to the dialogue and identify the main
characters ex: Lilly, Liam, Charlie, Daisy.
Pupils will listen to the dialogue once more and will try to role play it with each other. Later I will explain them
some of the new vocabulary like pet, schoolbag, elephant, bye etc.
They will learn some school items like: pencil case, pen, pencil, book, schoolbag.
I am going to ask students to say me some of the introductions that they have learnt in Unit 1 like: hello, hi, my
name is etc.
Lesson 2
I will start the lesson by explaining what the title mean and what the lesson is going to be about.
In this lesson our characters are going to introduce themselves. There are 3 characters that are going to introduce
themselves: Andrew, Ania, Carlos.
Andrew is from England, Ania is from Poland and Carlos is from Mexico.
Pupils will listen to the dialogue once more and will try to role play it with each other. Later I will explain them
some of the new vocabulary like flag, years, Mexico, Poland etc.
They will learn how to read and say those 3 texts.


To reflect on the comprehension of the dialogue students have to complete ex 2 page 8 textbook

To reflect on the texts they read students are going to complete the sentences of exercise 4.

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment Exercise 2, workbook.

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
17. My Portfolio 1 Fun Time
18. Come and play
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Lovely toys, play, rocking horse
At the end of the lesson student will School items, pencil, pen, book,
 Identifies and describes some of the toys. schoolbag, elephant, name, pet
 Sings the song that is on the textbook etc.
 Listens to and read the song and try to translate it.
 Listens and repeat the introductions of the children in the text
 - Answer questions about the text.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write greetings from on the board. Students
recall letters. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts and stories related to
the topic. Greetings


At the beginning of the lesson I am going to offer a model to the students about the portfolio section.
I will introduce a list of vocabulary and ask the students to present their meaning through picture
dictionaries or flashcards

Based on the model provided and the vocabulary perceived the students will go through writing section. I will
facilitate their task by providing useful structures and the vocabulary needed.

To reflect on the comprehension the students have to complete the portfolio section.
The students will be encouraged to draw pictures and other illustrations that correspond to the content of the
written sentences.
Evaluation for each writing task

Lesson 2. Come and play

Before starting to explain the new lesson I am going to ask students what can they see in the pictures. Where do
you think our characters are. I will also revise some of the school items by pointing at them and asking students:
What is this?

Then I am going to read the dialogue aloud and explain the new vocabulary to the students ex: toys - lodra,
rocking horse - kal lekundes, nanny - gjyshe etc.
Then students will try with my help to read the text again and mention some of the vocabulary learnt. In this text
students are going to learn about the visit that our characters have done to their grandma's house. There they have
a lot of toys like elpephants, cars, rocking horse, teddy bears etc. After reading it students will try to complete the
missing letters in exercise 2 ex: The t..ea is Lily's etc.

In order to reflect on the words learnt today students are going to tell aloud some of the vocabulary learnt like:
toys, bike, train, ball etc.


To reflect on the comprehension the students have to complete the portfolio section.

To reflect on the texts they read students are going to complete the sentences of exercise 3

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment Exercise 2, workbook.

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
19. Whose/‘s At home
20. My lovely toys
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Whose, car, ball, balls, cars, bike,
At the end of the lesson student will pen, pens, Lilly, Daisy etc.
Gets the meaning of the question word "Whose is..." Lovely toys, play, rocking horse
Forms sentences using this question word. School items, pencil, pen, book,
Completes the exercises in the textbook using word learnt. schoolbag, elephant, name, pet
Forms the plural of different nouns. etc.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
Before starting to teach grammar rules about the question word "Whose" I am going to ask students to mention some
of the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson like: toys, car, train, elephant etc

Then I am going to teach to the students what does this question word "Whose " mean. This word in Albanian
means I /E kujt and it is used to ask for possessions ex: Whose is this bike? It is Lilly's.
Then I am going to explain to the students the grammar rule of how to form the plural form of different nouns
using -s. ex: Book - books, car - cars, bike - bikes etc.
In order to practice the use of Whose students are going to complete exercise 3 by asking questions about different
object in the textbook ex: Whose is this rocking horse? It is Lilly's.
To reflect on the use of plural learnt in today's lesson students have to complete ex 4, textbook
Lesson 2. My lovely toys
Before starting to explain the new lesson I am going to ask students what can they see in the pictures. Where do
you think our character Lily is. I will also revise some of the toys that they learnt in the previous lesson.
Then I am going to read the text aloud and explain the new vocabulary to the students ex: Radio, computer, robot,
music box, doll. Students are going to complete the text using the words that I am going to explain to them.
Then students will try with my help to read the text again and mention some of the vocabulary they learnt. In this
text students are going to learn about Lily's toys at home. She has a lot of toys at home like: robot, doll, music box
tc. After reading it students will try to answer some questions I am going to ask them ex: What colour is Lily's
radio? In exercise 2 we are going to play a game using some of the items in the box

In order to reflect on the words learnt today students are going to tell aloud some of the vocabulary learnt like:
doll, robot, music box, computer etc

To reflect on the comprehension the students have to complete the portfolio section.

To reflect on the texts they read students are going to complete the sentences of exercise 3

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment Exercise 2, workbook.


Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
21. Demonstrative pronouns Grammar review
22. Colours song
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: This, that, these, those, robot,
At the end of the lesson student will computer, ball, doll, radio, plural,
 Gets the meaning and use of this, that, these , those. singular etc.
 Forms sentences using this, that, these, those. Black elephant, yellow bike, red
 Completes the exercises in the textbook using word learnt. cap, blue radio, green rocking
 Revises vocabulary related to colors and toys. horse, white, orange, pink, grey etc
 Develops pupils listening skills.
 Reads the text and color some of the pictures.
 Sings the song aloud.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
Before starting to teach grammar rules about the words this, that, these, those, I am going to ask students to mention
some of the new vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson. They will read the text and translate some of the words
learnt like: music box, TV, doll etc.

Then I am going to teach to the students what do these words mean and how they are used:
This - Ky kjo, (Singular for objects which are near) ex: This is a book.
That - Ai, Ajo (Sigular for object which are far away) ex: That is a computer.
These - Keta, Keto (Plural for objects which are near) ex: These are dolls.
Those - Ata, Ato (Plural for objects which are far away) ex: Those are radios.
In order to practice the use of this, that, these, those students are going to complete exercise 4 by completing the
sentences by use those words.
In exercise 5 students are going to listen to the dialogue and number the pictures.
To reflect on the use this, that, these, those students are going to form some sentences using some of the
vocabulary learnt

Lesson 2. My lovely toys

At the beginning of the lesson I am going to ask students to mention some of the colours that they have learnt up
to now. They will mention colours like: blue, red, pink, yellow, green, brown, white, black
First of all, I will revise with them how to say the colours in English language correctly ex:
Blue, red, green, yellow, black etc. Students have to listen, point the colour and repeat them after me. Then they
will look at the colours in the textbook and sing the song aloud. Later they will try to learn it by heart.
Then I will play a game asking students to point an object and ask their friends: What colour is it? Black, white
etc. I am going to ask students to spread out their colour pencils and say the colour for each pencil.
To reflect on the colours once again I am going to ask students to read the text in exercise 2 and colour Ben's toys.

To reflect on the colours once again I am going to ask students to read the text in exercise 2 and colour Ben's toys.

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment Draw and colour some items and name their colours

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
23. Happy chat Out and about
24. My portfolio 2
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Excuse me, sorry, thanks, please,
At the end of the lesson student will goodmorning, hello, hi, goodye
 Explores other subject areas. ice-cream etc.
 Raises pupils’ awareness of everyday expressions.
 Reads the phrases and translate them in Albanian.
 Acts out the dialogues.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
Write the following words on the board: Hello, goodbye. Explain to the pupils the meaning of these words. ex We
use some expressions every day for different reasons ex: to greet out family, to ask for help, to say goodbye etc.
Then I am going to read the dialogue aloud and explain the new expressions to the students ex: Excuse me - Me
falni mua, Sorry - Me fal, Please - Te lutem, Thanks - Faleminderit. etc.
Then students will try with my help to read the dialogues again and mention some of the vocabulary learnt. In this
text students are going to learn about everyday expressions used in different situations.
Students are going to look at the pictures, read the sentences and circle the correct answers. They will try to
identify the main characters taking part in this text. In the end I am going to ask students to come to the board and
try to act out a similar situation like the ones in the textbook.
Writing My Portfolio
Based on a given model the students will have to write a similar description
Facilitating with useful language and accurate vocabulary time after time.


In order to reflect on the words learnt today students are going to write a similar dialogue on their notebooks.

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
25. The rainbow At grandma's house.
26. Checkpoint 1
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Paint, paint brush, grass, river,
At the end of the lesson student will bird, rainbow, pretty, flowers, how,
 Identifies and read some of the objects in the textbook. where? etc.
 Listens to and read the story about the rainbow.
 Translates the text in Albanian language.
 Answers questions about the text.
 Revises some of the vocabulary learnt in this Unit1 and 2.
 Uses correctly this, that, these, those and form sentences.
 Writes about some of the school things learnt.
 Forms the plural of different nouns.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
Before starting to explain the new lesson I am going to ask students what can they see in the pictures. Where do you
think our characters are. I will also revise some of the colours they have learnt by asking them different questions:
ex: What colour is the hat?
Then I am going to read the dialogue aloud and explain the new vocabulary to the students ex: paint - boje,
paintbrush -furce, grass - bar, river -lumi, bird - zogu etc.
Then students will try with my help to read the text again and mention some of the vocabulary learnt. In this text
students are going to learn about how the rainbow is formed and what colours we use to create the rainbow. Here
they will revise different colours like: yellow, blue, red, brown, purple, green etc After reading it students will try
to complete the missing letters in exercise 2 ex: Green _________. How pretty.
Then I am going to start the Check Point 1. First of all I am going to explain to the studentes what they have to do
in each exercise. In today’s lessons students are going to revise some of the vocabulary they have learnt in Unit 1
and 2. In exercise 1 students have to look at the pictures, read the sentences and match the sentences to the
In exercise 2 students have to read the sentences and circle the correct answer. ex: I am / is six. Then in exercise
three students have to read the given noun and write down their plurals ex: ball - ball, doll - dolls, book - books
In exercise 4 students will read the sentences and underline the correct use of this, that, there those. In oxercise 5
students have to read the questions and choose the correct answer ex: What's this? It is a school bag.


In order to reflect on the words learnt today students are going to tell aloud some of the vocabulary learnt like:
river, grass, rainbow, bird, paint etc.
To reflect on the vocabulary learnt students will look at the pictures, read the text and identify the objects in
exercise 7
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
27. My Green passport A In the classrrom
28. Fun time
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Rocket, teddy bear, dolls house,
At the end of the lesson student will puzzle, train, computer, music box,
 Raises student's awareness of the environmental benefits of green toys. electricity, batteries, plastic etc.
 Revises some of the vocabulary related to toys. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,
 Matches the words to the pictures. fifteen, sixteen, Happy Birthday,
 Identify and say aloud numbers from eleven up to twenty. today, toy cars, only etc.
 Develops pupils listening skills.
 Reads the text and get the meaning of the new words. .
 Completes sentences about the text.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
At the beginning of the lesson ask students to tell you their favorite toys. Then ask them to tell you what materials
these toys are made ex: Plastic, wood, aluminum.
Then I am going to explain today's lesson. In this lesson students are going to the students that some of the toys
that they use are bad for the environment. I will ask them to tell me in what ways they are bad to the environment
ex: They use electricity of batteries. They are not from recyclable materials.
Have a discussion with the students for the concept of green toys. I will explain to them that they are
environmentally friendly toys and they don’t harm the environment. They are made of recycle materils such as
plastic, aluminum, wood etc. They don't waste energy as they don't use electricity or batteries.
Lesson 2 Fun time
At the beginning of the lesson I am going to ask students to mention some of the numbers that they have learnt up
to now ex: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten etc.
Then, I will revise with them once more how to say the numbers up to ten in English language correctly ex:
One (uan) two (tu), three (thri), four (fo:r) etc. Students have to listen and lean the numbers from eleven up to
twenty. I am going to write down the numbers on the blackboard and read them aloud so students can try to learn
them. Then they will look at dialogues on the textbook and try to read them with my help. In Unit 3 Jake is
celebrating his birthday and his grandma has prepared him a birthday cake but she has put twenty candeles instead
of eight.
Students will try to translate text with my help.
To reflect on the text they have read students are going to complete the sentences in exercise 2


To reflect of the vocabulary learn I will ask students to mention some of the recycled materials such as wood,
aluminum etc. .

Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
29. Numbers 11/20 At home
30. My family
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Mother, father, sister, brother,
At the end of the lesson student will grandmother, grandfather, son,
 Identifies and say aloud numbers from eleven up to twenty. daughter, crazy etc
 Develops pupils listening skills. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,
 Conjugates correctly verb "to be " in first and second person plural. fifteen, sixteen, Happy Birthday,
 Completes sentences about the text. today, toy cars, only etc.
 Identifies different members of the family.
 Raises pupils awareness of everyday expressions.
 Reads text and translate it in Albanian
 Acts out the dialogues.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
At the beginning of the lesson I am going to ask students to mention some of the numbers that they have learnt up to
now ex: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten etc.
Then, I will revise with them once more how to say the numbers up to ten in English language correctly ex:
One (uan) two (tu), three (thri), four (fo:r) etc. Students have to listen and lean the numbers from eleven up to
twenty. I am going to write down the numbers on the blackboard and read them aloud so students can try to learn
them. Then they will look at the grammar box describing the forming and conjugation of verb "to be" in first and
second and third person plural: We are, you are and they are. They will also learn the question and negative form.
Students will complete some of the exercises using my help.

Lesson 2

Then I am going to read the dialogue aloud and explain the new expressions to the students ex: In today's lesson
students are going to learn new words related to family members. Students are going to learn now words like:
Mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter etc.
Students are going to look at the pictures, read the sentences and circle the correct answers. They will try to
identify the main characters taking part in this text. In the end I am going to ask students to come to the board and
try to say some of the words related


To reflect on the text they have read students are going to complete the sentences in exercise 4.
In order to reflect on the words learnt today students are going to write a similar dialogue using the members of
the family learnt.
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
31. Possessive adjectives Teaching grammar
32. Birthday card
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: My brother, your pen, their class,
At the end of the lesson student will his school, her mum, your dad, our
 Identifies some of the possessive adjectives. teacher
 Forms sentences using some of the possessive adjectives.
 Completes the exercises in the textbook using words learnt.
 Sings the song Happy Birthday.
 Talks about birthdays.
 Develops pupils listening skills through the song
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
Before starting to teach grammar rules about the "Possessive adjectives" I am going to ask students to mention some
of the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson like members of the family: mother, father, brother, sister,
Then I am going to explain to the students which are the possessive adjectives and when we use them. We have
different possessive adjectives like: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. We use possessive adjectives to show
to whom something belongs to. "Whose is this pen? " It is my pen. It is Lily's pen.
Then in exercise 3 students have to look at the pictures, read the sentences and write the correct possessive
In order to practice the use of those possessive adjectives students are going to point an object in the class and ask
students questions using Whose and answering with a possessive adjective.

Lesson 2
At the beginning of the lesson I am going to ask students to say some of the possessive adjectives that they have
learnt in the previous lesson. Look at the picture and say what this lesson might be about.
I will start the lesson by explaining what the title mean and what the lesson is going to be about.
In this lesson our characters are celebrating a birthday. Students have to listen to the song and try to read the
memorize it.
Pupils will listen to the dialogue once more and will try to role play it with each other. Later I will explain them
any of the new vocabulary like : Happy, wishes, birthday etc.
They will learn to sing the song: Happy Birthday.
To reflect on the comprehension of the song students have to complete ex 2 page 28 textbook


To reflect on the use of possessive adjectives students complete exercise 4
I will evaluate them, based on her participation.
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)


Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time
Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
33. My portfolio 3 In the classroom
34. Round up 1
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Cartoon, character, children, baby,
At the end of the lesson student will spaghetti, twins, funny
 Learns some new information about cartoon characters from Italy and Grandpa, grandma, mother, father,
America. sister, my, your, his, her, our,
 Talks about the characters leant. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,
 Reads the text and get the meaning of the new words explained. happy birthday
 Revises some of the vocabulary learnt in this Unit 3 .
 Uses correctly possessive adjectives learnt.
 Mentions some of the family members learnt up to now.
 Counts from 1 to 20.
 Conjugates verb "to be"
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
At the beginning of the lesson I am going to ask students to mention some of the words that they learnt the previous
lesson. They will mention words like:

I will start the lesson by explaining what the title mean and what the lesson is going to be about.
In this lesson students are going to learn some new information about two cartoon families around the world.
Those cartoon families are: The Griffins and The Spaghetti family.
The Griffins are a cartoon family from USA. They have got two children and a dog.
The Spaghetti family is a cartoon family from Italy. They have got 4 children. Two of them are twins. They are a
very happy family.
While reading the texts I will explain the new words. In exercise 3 students have to look at the picture, read at the
tile and listen to the text

Lesson 2

Then I am going to start the language review. In today’s lessons students are going to revise some of the
vocabulary they have learnt in the second Unit 3. They are going to revise new vocabulary like: grandma,
grandpa, sister, father, mother etc.
Students are going to revise the use of possessive adjectives and the verb "to be". They will mention the
possessive adjectives like: my, your, his, her, our, your, their.
They will also conjugate verb "to be" I am, your are, he is, she is, it is, we are, your are, they are. Question form:
Am I? Are you? etc
They will also revise some of the numbers from eleven to twenty ex: Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
sixteen etc.


To reflect on plurals students possessive adjectives students will try to form some sentences using them: ex: My
brother, your mum,
To reflect on the texts they read students are going to complete the sentences
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
35. A nice bed Teaching grammar
36. Plurals
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Watch, glass, chair, box, baby,
At the end of the lesson student will tomato, bus, teddy bear, sofa,
 Talks about things in a house. bookcase
 Listens and read a story talking about character's house. Bed, box, clock, bookcase, glasses,
 Reads text and translate it in Albanian. armchair, sofa, bath, chair
 Acts out the dialogues
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
First of all I am going to ask the students to look at the pictures and read the title. What do you think the lesson might
be about? Where are our characters?
Then I am going to read the dialogue aloud and explain the new expressions to the students ex: In today's lesson
students are going to learn new words related to house furniture. Students are going to learn now words like:
Chair, bed, bookcase, box, sofa, armchair, clock, bath etc.
Students are going to look at the pictures, read the sentences and write yes or no for each of the questions in
exercise. They will try to identify the main characters taking part in this text. In the end I am going to ask students
to come to the board and try to say some of the words related to furniture that they learnt in today's lesson.
Lesson 2
Before starting to teach grammar rules about plurals I am going to ask students to mention some of the
vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson like furniture that they leant: Armchair, bookcase, sofa, chair
Then I am going to explain to the students how to form the plural of different nouns by adding -es. Nouns ending
in s, ss,sh, ch, x, o add -es in plural ex:
Bus - buses, glass - glasses, watch - watches etc
Then in exercise 3 students have to look at the pictures, read the sentences and circle the correct answer.
In order to practice the use of plurals students are going to point an object in the class and ask students to form the
plural of that object ex: chair - chairs, pen - pens.
In exercise 4 students have to complete the sentences by writing the plural of the noun in the brackets ex: There
are 2 (beds)


In order to reflect on the words learnt today students will take turns trying to translate my text with teachers help
To reflect on the use of plurals students complete exercise 5
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment Exercise 4 , workbook.

Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and communication English II 3 90 minutes

Learning situations
37. Portfolio assessment 1 In the classroom
38. First term test
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: 1. The student identifies new words
2. The student participates in class interaction
 Thinking competence: The student justifies steps towards the completion of a task
 Learning to learn competence: The student makes use of effective techniques in order to classify information and acquire
new knowledge
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: The student prepares a plan for the successful completion
of a task
 Interpersonal competence: The student understands and expresses his/ her ideas about his/ her field of interest
 Social and civic competence: The student transmits social values and respects others’ right to hold and express opinions
that differ from their own
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Watch, glass, chair, box, baby,
At the end of the lesson student will tomato, bus, teddy bear, sofa,
 Completes the exercises of the test paper using the vocabulary learn. bookcase
 Uses plurals to complete the exercises. Bed, box, clock, bookcase, glasses,
 Uses this, that, these, those to complete the sentences. armchair, sofa, bath, chair
 Writes number from one up to twenty.
 Completes the sentences using the possessive adjectives.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular subjects
Student’s book, IWB, laptop, video projector, pictures,
Native language /ICT
notebooks,previous videos from ECLM competitions.
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization
PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
First of all I am going to inform the students about the portfolio evaluation. I will ask them to deliver all the
materials that they have put in the portfolio including here: homework, class activities, assignments, project
materials and self evaluation.
Then, I will check and evaluate their materials based on the table provided at the beginning of the year.
Each student will be evaluated based on the number of points gathered in each of the assignments.

Lesson 2
First of all I am going to enter in the class and inform the students about the written test. Then I will divide the
class into two groups and explain the rules of the written test.
Later on I will hand out the test papers and explain what is required in each of the exercises included in the test.
Finally I wish students good luck and students work independently to complete the test in quietness.


In order to reflect on the words learnt today students will take turns trying to translate my text with teachers help
To reflect on the use of plurals students complete exercise 5
Formative evaluation ( I provide feedback and assess students based on their performance throughout the lesson)
Assignment Exercise 4 , workbook.

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