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Official Game Faq: Includes Aftermath, Carnomorphs and Voidseeders

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official game FAq

Includes Aftermath, Carnomorphs And voidseeders

v2 . 1 08.08.2020
rules  11) What happens if a Character is attacked by a Larva
and they already have a Larva on their board?
The attacking Larva disappears. The Larva on Character board stays
intact. The Character just gets a Contamination card.
1) When a Character is in Escape pod and decided not to launch
immediately, they need to pass current turn. If in Event Phase,
an Adult token is drawn from the bag, do they roll for Noise? 12) If Characters hibernate and the Room catches
fire afterward, do they take any damage?
The Character is treated like present in the Room, so they perform
Noise roll in such case. No, they are treated as out of the game already. Nothing may happen
to them, except for the destruction of the ship, in which case they die.
2) How does waiting in the Escape Pod work? If a player
decides to wait, they can launch the pod in their next 13) Does an Event “Coolant Leak” starts the Self-Destruct
turn or leave the pod without taking Action? countdown when there are already hibernated Characters?
Basically, when a player waits, they pass their current turn. At the Yes. They need to take the risks into consideration before hibernating.
start of their first Round in the NEXT turn, the player has 3 options:
1. Stay in the pod and keep waiting–the player passes their turn. 14) If a Character sends a Signal does it affect other players?
2. Launch the pod–the pod gets launched immediately, and Each Character has a slot on their Character sheet for marking the
Character in this pod is no longer taking part in the further signal so it should be clear that its an individual action. This is also
game (although will do a Victory check at the end). true for the full-coop mode, but the objective gets fulfilled for everyone,
3. Leave the pod without spending Action–which means that the even though only one player gets the token (mind that if there are
Character is placed back in the corresponding Evacuation Section more than one Objectives which require sending the signal, according
and may play a full round consisting of 2 Actions. number of Characters need to do that).

3) What happens if there are no Intruders in nearby 15) Does the “Leg” Serious Wound effect
Rooms, all Corridors have Noise markers in them last until the end of the game?
and the player rolls Danger during a Noise roll? This effect applies as long as leg wound is not dressed.
If there are no Corridors you can put Noise markers in, nothing happens.
16) When a Character dies in a Cooperative mode,
4) When a character makes a Move to escape from a Room does he lose his items and objects?
with more than one Intruder, how many of them attack? The heavy objects are dropped, but items stay in the inventory (starting
You draw one Intruder Attack card for each Intruder, starting from weapons too).
the larger ones (Queen, Breeder, Adult, and Larva).
17) When a Character dies in a Cooperative mode, can other
5) If you draw an Event that says “Remove this Event players scan his body in the Lab and then Revive him?
from the game” but you can’t resolve its other They can use this body in Laboratory and then revive it.
content, do you still remove it from the game?
You always remove in such case. You got lucky on this one, that’s all. 18) When you discard Intruder tokens (when you discards them from
the Intruder bag or an Intruder dies), do you remove them from
6) Do you put an Adult Intruder token from Intruder bag the game or add them to supply of unused Intruder tokens?
development phase immediately back into the bag Just add them to the token pool, they are usable in the game all the
or do you put it back after resolving Noise rolls? time. Token is in the token pool all the time, so it can be put in the
It goes back in immediately so you can draw the same token when bag when another intruder appears for some reason or when any
triggering an Encounter. Intruder (of the same type) go into Technical Corridors.

7) What happens if the Intruder retreats from combat, and 19) What happens if you start the Self-destruct
Event card directs it to the Corridor with Doors? sequence during turn 5 or less?
The door gets destroyed and Intruder stays in the room. If there is If the Autodestruction track is active and nobody stops it, the ship
“The way of moving” weakness, and affected Intruder is not Breeder is gonna explode when it’s about to perform the jump (or when the
nor Queen, nothing happens at all. game ends because the last player escaped/hibernated/died).

8) If you have a “Hand” Serious Wound, does it also take 20) Are you allowed to play an Interruption card
an additional Action to perform a Shoot Action? AFTER you have Passed your round?
No, because Shoot is a Basic action, not an Item action. Yes.

9) Can Intruders move into unexplored Rooms? 21) Can you put Malfunction markers and Fire
Yes. markers in unrevealed Rooms?
You cannot put Malfunction markers on unexplored Rooms.
10) Does Intruder Weakness “Vulnerability to fire” You can put Fire markers on unexplored Rooms.
deals additional Injury for every Injury dealt? How
many Injuries an Intruder suffers when you roll two 22) What happens if you receive 2 Light Wounds
“crosshairs” while shooting Flamethrower? and you already have 2 Light Wounds?
Intruders suffer one additional Injury for each damage instance, so Get 1 serious wound and place status marker on 1 light wound space.
it’s always “x + 1”, meaning that in this case it suffers 3 Injuries.
23) Character Death: If a Character dies, their Heavy Objects are
dropped. What happens to their normal Items and Objects?
They disappear from the game. By Heavy Object, we only mean
Character’s Corpse, Intruder Carcass, or Intruder Egg.

24) Self destruct. When the marker reaches the first yellow space Noise roll and Danger and Silence on exploration tokens are automatic
(ie. space nr. 3), the escape pods unlock automatically. Noise roll results. Reconnaissance also cancels out both Silence and
Then someone locks them again. Then the marker reaches Danger effects.
the next yellow space (ie. space 2). What happens? Do
the escape pods unlock automatically again, or the only 11) Can you use an Order Action card to trigger the Escape rule?
way to unlock them is to unlock them manually? Order cannot be used when Captain is in Combat. However, you can
The only way to unlock them is to do it manually. force someone else to Move out of Combat using Intercom (Escape
rule applies normally).
25) Does blowing up the ship fulfill the Objectives
for killing the Queen/destroying the Nest? 12) Which players can draw an Action card when Captain uses
Yes. his Motivation card while having an active Intercom?
All players in all rooms with Computer, as well as in room with
Captain are affected.
13) What happens when you use the Technical Corridors
Action card or the Technical Corridors Plans Item card
1) If there are multiple players in the same Room and one of and reveal an Exploration token with Doors?
them performs a Trade action, who can trade with whom? In such case you ignore the token’s effect because it’s impossible to
All character in the Room can trade with each other, so an exchange determine the direction you came from.
between two Characters who didn’t pay for the Action may occur.
14) If a Character performs Search Action in a white Room
2) What kind of Action is Quest item activation? can he draw Item cards of two different colors?
This is a Basic action printed on the Quest item cards. It cannot be As in example below the main rule–when searching through a white
used when in Combat. room, you draw 2 cards from any ONE deck (so 2 cards from yellow,
red or green decks, without mixing the colours).
3) Which Basic actions can be used in Combat?
As for Basic actions, you can ONLY fight (ie. Shoot or Melee) or 15) Can an Interruption card be played to stop
escape (ie. Basic Movement). Other than that, you can use all actions an Action of the Intruder player?
and items which don’t have “not in combat” icon. No Room actions No, it can be used only against other Characters.
allowed. No Quest item activation either.
16) Can I Interrupt an Order Action played by Captain via Intercom?
4) Character Escape: Can a player escape by any You need to be in the same Room as Character performing the Action
Movement action (such as Careful Movement)? in order to use Interruption, therefore, no.
No, the player may escape only using basic Movement Action (which
becomes Escape Action), or Action from cards/items without “not
in combat” icon.

5) When you perform the Search action, do you shuffle

the card that was not chosen back into the deck?
You put the discarded card on the bottom of the deck.

6) If you use a Covering Fire Action card to move yourself

and other Character, can they move into different
Rooms? Can a Soldier use this Action for himself?
Both of you move in the direction of your choice and you perform one
Noise roll. If you trigger an Encounter this way, surprise attack check
goes for Soldier. And yes, Soldier can use this card only for himself.

7) How exactly works the Full Auto Action card?

You remove all of the ammo, then you perform a single Shoot action.
You add the number of Injuries from Shoot and from discarded
ammo/2 (rounded down) and +1 for Assault Rifle’s bonus.

8) Can I see the Intruder Attack card before

using the Nerves of Steel card?
Yes, you can check if the attack is going to hurt you.

9) Can I use the Nerves of Steel card when someone else

in the same Room triggers a Surprise Attack?
Yes, but you are the only one to benefit from it (eg. when the “Frenzy”
attack is drawn, the Soldier doesn’t take damage, but the rest of the
Characters do).

10) What happens if you use Careful Movement or

the Reconnaissance Action card and reveal an
exploration token with Danger result?
You apply the careful movement result because it cancels out the
Rooms  Items 

1) When you use Surgery, do you keep non- 1) Smoke Grenade : Does “lose 1 action card each”
infected Contamination cards? mean that the target player choose 1 Action
Yes, they keep not-Infected Contamination cards. card from their hand and discard it?
2) When you throw a grenade/Molotov cocktail in the
Nest from a neighboring room, will your noise roll 2) Can you use Medkit on other players? What about Bandages?
be from your own Room or from the Nest? Yes, for both.
In such case, you need to perform the Noise roll in the Room you are in.
3) Can I use Energy Charge to reload someone else’s weapon?
3) Can a Scientist use Intranet to use Laboratory to discover No. In such case, you need to trade Energy Charge and the Character
Intruder Weakness while carrying the Intruder Carcass token? who owns the weapon must use it in their Round.
Carcass has to be in the Laboratory room. Same for every other
Heavy Object. 4) When you use an Alcohol Item card and the Contamination card
was INFECTED, do you put Larva on your character board?
4) What does Research mean in the Laboratory No, having an INFECTED Contamination card means only taking a
rules? Why shouldn’t I discard the analysed object new Contamination card in this case.
after discovering Intruder Weakness?
Research is equal to Analyse. Objects may be required for 5) If your Energy Weapon has been used, or even empty,
some Objectives. and you add an Extended Magazine or an Auto Loader,
do you immediately get some extra Ammo with it?
5) Will Nemesis explode when the Time Track moves Yes.
into the red space and there are Malfunction markers
on the Cockpit or on the Engine Rooms? 6) When you craft a Flamethrower is it fully loaded?
No. The state of Engines has nothing to do with condition of the Yes.
room itself. Same for coordinates. Malfunction only prevents from
checking/changing Engine states and Coordinates.
7) Does a “Hand” Serious Wound affect Scout’s Motion Scanner?
6) Can you use the Storage Room when its Item Counter is at zero? No, it is not an Item Action, as it is a unique reaction ability.
Yes, the Item Counter is important for the sake of using Search Action.
8) Where are dropped Items discarded? (p. 22)
Search is an Action card. It has different rules than Storage’s Room
action. So when using action from the Search card, you treat it like They go to the same discard pile as used Items.
any other room. You can use the Room Action as many times as you
want as long as you pay the cost of that Action. 9) I find it confusing to use Antidote/Surgery Room.
When you use Antidote, you scan all possible cards you have. From the
7) Are Eggs on Intruder Board considered to be in hand, from discard, and from action deck. You REMOVE all INFECTED
the Nest Room? What if the Nest is on fire? Contamination cards for good. Then you take 1 Contamination card
Yes, egg pile on the Intruder board represents eggs in the Nest. They and reshuffle everything (the just-drawn Contamination card, all non-
are somewhat like the Nest’s HP, so when it is on fire, one of them Infected Contamination cards that you scanned and all Action cards,
is discarded in each Fire damage phase. If “Vulnerability to fire” but except cards left in your hand) to create a new Action deck and
weakness is discovered, 2 eggs die each turn. you pass. The difference between this and Surgery is that in Surgery
you need to discard all cards from your hand and reshuffle them with
8) Can you use the Fire Control System Room on the Room all the other ones to create a new deck + you don’t draw additional
where is a Character and Intruder in Combat? What happens Contamination card from Contamination cards pile. Using the Antidote
if the Intruder retreats into the Corridor with closed Door? you still need to pass, but you can pass with cards in your hand.
Yes, it can be used to make Intruders run from the combat. Door
10) Is it possible to activate a Quest Item in a
rules are always applied, so if retreating Intruder bumps into a door
Room with a Malfunction marker?
on his way out, it destroys those and stays in the room.
9) The eggs in the Nest issue–are eggs on the
Intruder Board in the Nest Room or not?
You can look at it in this way: eggs on Intruder Board are the eggs
glued to the Room’s surface, therefore picking them up is hard.
Once you get such an egg out and drop it in the Nest, it is dropped
as a normal Heavy Object. It is technically IN the Nest Room, but it
doesn’t count to the Nest ‘Hit Points’ anymore

AFTERMATH  15) Convict: Who and where can use Cuffs Key item?
Basically anyone, anywhere. There is no range restriction, the item
may be as well traded to Convict and then be used by himself.
1) Does the Lucrative Offer allow to ignore the “all
Exploration Tokens must be revealed” requirement? 16) Can I use the Alarm Room in an unexplored Room?
Yes Yes. Basic Rulebook describes that Intruders may enter unexplored
2) Does the Lucrative Offer allow to ignore the
Alert status at the end of the game?

3) Are there any rules for being able to play Epilogue 1) If a Metagorger attacks a Character who already has
without needing to play a regular game first? a Mutation card, is the Metagorger removed after the
There are no such rules, but you can always write down some attack and a Shambler token is added to the bag?
interesting endings of your games, and then use them to set up the Yes.
Epilogue mode.
2) What happens to the Blank token after being
4) Oculobe drone: Do I get to see the Inventory of the spied drawn from the bag during Encounter?
player? Can I see their cards when they Search a room?
It comes back to the bag immediately.
This Item works with all of the secret checks that affect the board.
Checking engines, unexplored Rooms/exploration tokens. No inventory 3) Rules in Intruder Bag Development say “Return the
checking is allowed, nor the effect of a Search action. Blank token to the bag” after resolving the rest, while
the Help card says the opposite. Which is correct?
5) Eggs Hatching Event: Do Larvae spawn in
The Help card version is correct. The blank token must be in the bag
Rooms with Characters who carry Eggs?
when rolling for noise.
4) Does the effect of an Adaptation card apply to all
6) Adaptability Event: Does the discarded weakness still count Carnomorph types or just to one of the corresponding
towards objectives (Extreme Field Biology/Ab Ovo/Necroscopy)? miniatures on the Carnomorph board?
No. These objectives get harder with this event and some of them It applies to all Carnomorph types.
may become impossible to fulfill.
5) What happens if there is “Agile” Adaptation and I attack with a
7) Royal Ceremony Event: Do I place a Queen Flamethrower/Prototype Shotgun and roll a Creeper symbol?
on the board if she was killed before?
You miss because the Adaptation rule takes precedence.
No. Once dead, Queen cannot come back into the game in any way.
6) Mimicry Mutation - What happens in the “Not
8) Bounty Hunter: Aggro Override seems to be useless Infected” version if nobody else is in the Room?
because “Go Girl!” Action cannot be played in Combat. Does the character get attacked anyway?
It is possible to use your Trait in order to activate the Aggro Override Yes.

9) Bounty Hunter: Laika Trait: how often can I use it? voID SEEDERS 
As referred on the Trait card - the only moment to move Laika using
(consisting of Player and Event phases). 1) Surprise Attack description: The effect described on
page 5 of the rulebook differs from the description
10) Bounty Hunter: Laika: does the dog prevent other Characters in the rules summary. Which one is correct?
from rolling for Noise when they enter the Room containing it? The rule described on Page 5 of the Rulebook is correct; the player
Yes, Laika counts as a Character in the Room. gets a Contamination card and resolves a Panic card.

11) Bounty Hunter: Can Laika get slimed? 2) What happens when Laika triggers a Void Seeder Encounter?
No. The dog is immediately Called back, like in a normal Encounter.
Spawned Void Seeder is on a level according to Bounty Hunter’s
12) Medic: Field Dressing/Pharmacist. What kind of Insanity level. Surprise Attack is not resolved.
card do I draw when I am in the green Room?
3) What happens when Laika triggers an Encounter
Action card from your Action deck.
and draws a Character Insanity token?
13) Medic: ER card gives a feeling of Medic being severely Noise markers are placed in all corridors adjacent to the Room Laika
overpowered because of drawing so many cards. is in. The Panic card, however, is resolved by Bounty Hunter. Laika
stays in the Room.
Remember that you ALWAYS have to spend 1 ammo from your Needle
Gun, no matter which part of the ER card you use.
4) Does finding a Lair force players to choose their Objectives?
14) CEO: Can I recharge the Robot in Armory Room? Same as in the case of discovering the Nest before the first Encounter
- no.
No. It is not a Weapon.

5) Entering Escape Pod/Hibernating: Does resolving
an Encounter with Panic card prevent a Character
from accomplishing these actions?
If the Panic card doesn’t kill the Character or force them to move out
of the Room, it does not interrupt these actions.

6) Is there a way the Lair can harm a Character?

Not besides the Noise rolls. When a Character misses the melee
attack against a Lair, they get the Serious Wound normally. Escape
from a Room with a Lair doesn’t trigger any kind of attack, though.
The same goes for the Void Seeder attack phase - the Lair doesn’t
attack in any way.

7) Using Turret exploration tokens with Void Seeders expansion.

You can add 3 tokens normally and place them on all Rooms. However,
if you discover all of them and there are no Lairs, exchange last
undiscovered exploration tokens to Lair tokens in the moment you
explore them (e.g. when you have discovered 1 Lair and there are 2
Rooms to explore left, if the next Exp token is not a Lair, you need
to exchange it for the Lair token).

8) Can I use Melted Serious wounds in a Void Seeder game?

Technically, if you want to make the game a little easier, you can add
these Serious wounds, however, they will only count into Serious
wounds limit, having no active effect in the game, because Void
Seeders don’t use Slime markers.

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