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Official FAQ: (Last Updated, 2-3-16)

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Official FAQ

(last updated, 2-3-16)

General Rules & Gameplay

Is there is an error in the example on p. 17, "Combat involving Unique Units"? Specifically, the last
sentence doesn't make sense.
Yes, there is a slight error in this last sentence. It should read, "Ada keeps 1 of her units, choosing the
Hunter, who now controls the Village."

When using the Spymaster action Counter-Intel," do you tell each other player the discipline they
must lose 1 IP in? Can it be different for each opponent?
No and no. The original intent of this action was that your opponents lose 1 IP in the same discipline
you chose to gain 1 IP in. If an opponent doesn't have any IP in that discipline, then Counter-Intel
does not affect them.

The rules state (p. 8) that once all players have written down their deployment orders, they need to
"drop their play screens and reveal their deployment orders." Do players actually need to drop their
play screens? Shouldn't remaining workers (from the recruitment pool) and IP tokens remain secret
Players do not need to drop their play screens and may keep their workers and IP tokens consistently
hidden. This sentence should read more simply, "Once all players have finished, they reveal their
respective deployment orders."

When exactly does the spymaster action, Tactical Ops, trigger?

During the Battle stage. This means, for example, that if two players had 3 soldiers each in a territory
(3 vs. 3 Army Strength), one of them would not be able to play the Desertion espionage card even if
he had chosen Tactical Ops for that turn. Desertion is played during the Reinforcement stage, and at
that time, the battle is tied.

Can a discovery token be placed on an Observatory (from the Sentience expansion)?


Since Attrition is part of the Combat Phase, are you affected by attrition even if you did not (or if
nobody) participated in combat?
Yes. The Attrition stage is basically a "map-check". You always check to see whether any territories
are out of supply and then remove 1 unit from each of those territories.

Do you have to be participating in a battle to reinforce it?

Are there any official rules for using the bonus hex tiles (Gulag, Academy, Dynamo, and Volcano)? The
expansion has rules for adding the Nexus and Observatories but I haven't seen anything for the 4
bonus tiles.
There are no official rules for the bonus tiles - use them however you want! Here's how I see the
Academy = Village
Gulag = Citadel
Dynamo = Forest/Lake
Volcano = Barrens

What do you do when a person writes down an illegal deployment? Do you just have the person lose
all the illegal workers or does he get to keep them in his recruitment pool for use later on?
While there are no specific rules for illegal deployment orders, what I usually do is let people keep
those workers in their pool to be either sacrificed for IP or used on a subsequent turn. If you wanted
to be meaner about it, you could institute a 1 worker penalty for illegal orders (worker placed back
into their reserve).

Unique Units & Generals

Can the Hunter, if he wants to reinforce a battle 2 tiles away, move through enemy controlled areas?
Or through other contested areas?
Yes, the Hunter can "move" through any territory when reinforcing. Consider it more like a teleport,
where any tile that is 1 or 2 distant from the Hunter is a legal move.

Can the Engineer be deployed by himself? And if he can be alone, does he still produce 2 IP?
Yes, the Engineer can be deployed by himself. He controls the territory, he produces 2 IP. He just
does not contribute to Army Strength, so when he is by himself, you have an Army of "0" strength in
that territory.

Regarding the Crashers, is their activation/sacrifice mandatory on the turn they deploy, or can you
activate on later turns if they survive?
Crashers must be activated/sacrificed on the turn that they are deployed. This means that a Crasher
should never be on the map once the Combat Phase is completed.

The rules for the Operative (p. 17) state that "During the Reinforcement stage, if the Operative is in
contested territory with just a single enemy Soldier, you may have the Operative kill the opposing
Soldier as one of your reinforcement orders." Can the Operative still use her ability if she is in
contested territory with a single enemy Soldier paired with an enemy Unique Unit (like the Troglodyte
No. The Operative can use her ability only if she is alone with a single enemy Soldier.

Can the Operative use her special ability if there are Purebreed soldiers in the territory with her (the
enemy soldier is still alone)?
No, she must be alone in the territory with the enemy soldier.

With the Operative, turn order matters, correct? If I'm another player, but can reinforce from a Citadel
before it is the Purebreed player's reinforcement phase, I can add units to the tile and take away the
Operative's special ability?
Does the Operative become a "spy" in the court? Does the Assassin espionage card let me kill the
Operative when she is in court? If "Yes" and the Purebreed player has multiple spies and the
Operative, can I state that the Operative has to be one of the spies killed?
Yes, the Operative becomes a spy when in the court. Yes, the Assassin card can kill her. Yes, you get
to choose which spies are killed and may choose their Operative as one of the targets. This makes
placing the Operative in the court somewhat risky!

Can you deploy soldiers to a hex controlled by the Operative (even if she is being re-deployed)? Is the
Operative's tile controlled by the Purebreeds, even if she is being redeployed?
Yes and yes.

If I control a territory with a discovery token with the Steamtank or Operative and then move that unit
elsewhere, what happens to the discovery?
When the Operative is re-deployed elsewhere, she abandons the discovery token. If another player
deploys troops into that territory and the tile is not contested, that player will immediately gain control
of the discovery. If no player places units in that territory, no one controls the discovery and the card
is placed to the side of the map. The Steamtank moves at the beginning of the Deployment Phase,
before players make their deployment decisions. If the Steamtank leaves a territory containing a
discovery (and it was the only unit there), then it is also abandoning that discovery. The discovery is
owned by no one, and the card is immediately placed to the side of the map.

Let's say I control the Steamtank and I move it into a new territory at the start of the deployment
phase. Can I deploy units to the territory the Steamtank just left? Or to the one it just entered?
Once the Steamtank moves, it no longer controls that previous tile (this is assuming it was alone and
the previous tile is now empty). So, no you cannot deploy to that "abandoned" territory. If the
Steamtank controls the territory it moves into (i.e., it is not contested), you may deploy units to that
new territory since you now control it.

Specific Discovery Cards

Harvester lets you double your VP for forests, but I was wondering if the note in parenthesis
(Maximum VPs earned =6) refers to per tile, or per turn.
This is the maximum you can earn from each Forest hex.

Does Soul Drain combo with the Operatives ability to assassinate soldiers during the Reinforcement
Yes! [Further clarification: if the Operative assassinates an enemy Soldier during the reinforcement
stage, and no other reinforcement orders affect that battle, the Operative will go on to "win" that
battle during the Battle stage - 1 vs. 0 Army Strengths. At that point, Soul Drain would trigger and
you would gain 1 VP and add a worker to your recruitment pool.]

Can you use the Djinnis bonus multiple times for the same battle?

When using Ritual of Blood, can I target more than one enemy tile if I control 2 or more towers? For
example: if I control 2 towers, can I kill 2 enemy soldiers each on two different tiles (for a total of 4
soldiers killed and 4 VP gained)?

Both Catapult (Sentience expansion) and Juggernaut can be activated during the Reinforcement stage
to kill enemy soldiers. Can you activate these during reinforcement to affect battles that you're not
personally involved in? Or simply to kill enemy soldiers within range that are not involved in battles?
No, you may not. Activating these discoveries during the Reinforcement stage count as reinforcement
orders - and you can only conduct reinforcement orders for battles in which you have an army

Specific Espionage Cards

Assassin reads, "Choose an opponent. Remove 2 of their Spies from a Court in play. If they no longer
have any Spies on that Court, you gain 2 VPs." Does this card check if the opponent has no spies
*after* you remove 1-2 of them? Or is it an either/or thing (i.e., either gain an advantage in the court
or outright score 2 points)?
You conduct the check after removing the spies, so both effects take place. This also means that if the
opponent didn't have any spies to remove (they started with 0 in the court), you still get the 2 VP

Mole reads, "Choose an opponent. They do not get to choose a Spymaster Action this turn, and you
may choose two." Does this card break turn order for your choice of Spymaster action, or do you wait
until your turn to choose two actions?
You get to take the additional action when it is that target opponent's turn. So, yes, you break turn
order with this card.

Can you play Treason when there is a single enemy soldier (in a Citadel) currently engaged in combat
against you?
No. The enemy solider must be the only unit occupying the territory at the beginning of the Combat

The espionage card Decoy lets you move a discovery to another territory you control or your capital. It
doesn't specify that the territory you move your discovery to has to be a matching research territory,
or even a research territory at all; could I use this to move Elemental Storm or Warrior Saint to more
pivotal positions?
Yes, you can move the Discovery token to any territory you control that doesn't already have one - it
does not need to be a research territory.


Official Card Errata

(new or changed text in red)

Sabotage (Espionage card):

Target a territory controlled by an opponent that also contains a Discovery token. You cannot target
their Capital. All units on that territory are killed (and the Discovery is no longer controlled by any

Miracle (Late Age Religion discovery from Sentience expansion):

After the Late Age Scoring Phase is over, you may choose to extend the game by 1 additional turn.
You recruit +2 workers for this final turn. At the end of this final turn, conduct another Scoring Phase.
If you use Miracle, players add their end-game VP bonus for IPs at the end of the final turn.

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