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On Targeted Killings in Kashmir: July 2022

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On Targeted Killings in Kashmir

Article · July 2022


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1 author:

Rekha Chowdhary
University of Jammu


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Jammu and Kashmir, 1990 and Beyond: Competitive Politics Under the Shadow of Separatism View project

Politics of Jammu and Kashmir after its Reorganisation View project

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On Targeted Killings in Kashmir

The violence against minority communities in Kashmir requires a multipronged solution.
Rekha Chowdhary writes:

he recent target killings by militants have highlighted In a situation where the militants are clearly targeting the
the vulnerability of minorities in Kashmir. Though the minorities along with other vulnerable targets, the Pandits are
range of target killings that have been taking place during expressing their disillusionment with the BJP government. They
the last two and a half years has included a number of Kashmiri feel that they are sitting ducks and can be targeted at any time.
Muslims, it is the killing of people belonging to the minority They have even petitioned to the Chief Justice of the Supreme
communities, including the Kashmiri Pandits and non-Kashmiri Court. Invoking the right to life under Article 21 of the Constitu-
Hindus, that has unnerved the members of these communities. tion, the Kashmiri Pandit Sangharsh Committee has sought the
Although there were some target killings months after the relocation of Kashmiri Pandit employees outside Kashmir.
abrogation of the special constitutional status of the state, Ironically, the issue of targeted killings has arisen at a time
including those of two prominent non-Kashmiri Hindus, it was when the government was projecting its achievements follow-
in October 2021 that the impact of target killings was felt when, ing the abrogation of the special constitutional status of Jammu
within a matter of days, there were a series of gruesome killings and Kashmir. It had been pointing out the success of its decision
(for example, of a well-known Kashmiri Pandit pharmacist who with no local retaliation in any manner and almost a near total
had stayed on in Kashmir throughout the period of militancy; a absence of protests and stone-pelting incidents. With separa-
street vendor from Bihar and a native Sikh female teacher; and tism handled with a tough approach, it was proclaiming a nor-
a teacher from Jammu and four non-local labourers). It was, malcy in the valley. The record tourist presence in Kashmir was
however, with the killing of Rahul Bhat, a revenue employee, in highlighted as the biggest symbol of normalcy.
his office in May 2022 that target killings came to be highlighted The phenomenon of targeted killings not only seems to have
once again. From 1 May to 2 June, a total of nine target killings punctured this claim but has also raised questions about the re-
took place. (If one counts from March 2022, then the number of vival of militancy and the dangerous form that it has acquired.
such killings adds up to 19.) Though small in number, the Pakistan-based foreign militants
It is the reverberation such targeted killings have been gener- and the local recruits have kept the militancy alive, and with
ating that the situation in Kashmir is being compared to that of targeted killings, they have succeeded in creating a fear psycho-
1990 when the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits took place. The sis. What is worrying is not only the fact that the new militants
Kashmiri Pandit employees (numbering as many as 4,000) who are anonymous, having no prior history or criminal record and
have been located in Kashmir under the Prime Minister’s reha- therefore difficult to trace before committing a militant act, but
bilitation and return schemes and have been living there for as also the fact that even when they are being eliminated almost
many as 10 to 12 years are now protesting—demanding their on an everyday basis, they are being replaced by new militants
relocation outside the valley or alternatively threatening mass instantly. The continued availability of these militants clearly
migration. Apart from these, there are Dalit employees (num- shows that despite the political silence of Kashmiris and the
bering around 3,000)—who have been employed under the 8% near total absence of protests, not everything is fine in Kashmir.
reservation of Scheduled Caste quota in each district of Kash- The revival of militancy and continued local recruitment as
mir—who are also protesting and demanding their relocation. well as the target killings indicate the disenchantment and radi-
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government, which has calisation at some level.
been questioning the 1990 exodus of Kashmiri Pandits and The present situation has exposed the faultiness in the gov-
blaming the Congress government and local politicians like ernment’s approach to deal with the Kashmir situation. With only
Farooq Abdullah for failing to protect the Hindu minorities in security and administrative apparatuses being functional and
the face of “Islamic jihad,” finds itself in a bind in this situation. the political forces being marginalised, doubts are being expressed
While making it as a big issue on its agenda, the government if the security approach to deal with this intricate situation is
has been reiterating its commitment to provide justice to the sufficient. The veteran security experts who have dealt with the
Pandits in Kashmir. It has not only been talking of rehabilitating situation in the field like Lieutenant Generals Syed Ata Hasnain
the Pandits to the valley but also of redressing their property- and D S Hooda, while accepting the need of hard security
related issues linked with distress sale and encroachment. measures, have suggested going beyond the security perspective.
In no way, therefore, it can agree to relocate the protesting While Hasnain has suggested activating the social and political
Pandits outside the valley. In its own perspective, posting them domains, Hooda has argued for a holistic approach involving
out of Kashmir would amount to accepting failure of the policy addressing a sense of alienation, youth engagement, and streng-
of rehabilitation and also contribute to “ethnic cleansing.” It is thening civil society and political empowerment.
therefore responding by promising more security and surveil-
lance, intensifying counter-insurgency operations, and relocat- Rekha Chowdhary ( is a fellow at the Indian
ing the employees to safer places within Kashmir. Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla.

8 JUNE 11, 2022 vol lViI no 24 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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