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Bodaster's KDM Player Aid v1.6

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*All survivor

Accuracy, etc.)
can be negative,
but survivor
always is able to
move 1 space and
perform 1 attack.

1. Roll dice | Roll following amount of dice: Weapon Speed +

Survivor Speed. Roll result of 1 is always a failure, 10 is
always a success.
2. Determine Hits | Attack Roll Result + Survivor Accuracy ≥
Weapon Accuracy + Monster Evasion.
3. Draw HL cards for each successful hit
4. Trap drawn | Knocked down monster(s) stands up. Resolve
trap. Cancel remaining hits. End the attack (not the turn!).
Discard trap and shuffle discarded HL cards back into the
5. Select HL card | First Strike must be selected first. Perform
special rules, if any.
6. Wound attempt | Wound Roll Result + Weapon Strength +
Survivor Strength ≥ Monster Toughness + Monster
Toughness modifiers.
Roll result of 1 is always a failure, 10 is always a success.
Luck attribute of the monster modifies the roll needed for
critical (=roll 10 always cause wound, but may not be critical)
7. Check for Critical Wounds | If hit is critical, then apply
critical ( ) effect and cancel reactions ( ) on the card.
 If there is no on the card, critical wound abilities does
not trigger (e.g. savage). Wound is still applied.
8. Wound the monster | Discard AI first from deck, then from
9. Fellow Survivors React | Optional. Survival actions only
10. Perform Reactions ( ) | Wound, Failure, Reflex
11. Discard the HL card Repeat this for each HL cards
12. End of attack
 Attacking survivors cannot perform survival actions (including dodge).
A survivor is attacking only while they...
 uses an to attack
 perform a surge survival action
 Current survival action must be fully resolved, before performing
another survival action (by any survivors)
 A survivor may perform each survival action once per round (round =
monster’s turn + every survivor’s act, see glossary)
 Knocked down survivors may only dodge

Survival Survival opportunity Effect


Dodge When a survivor is hit, after hit The dodged hit becomes
locations rolled, but still before a failed attack. Additional
any severe injury rolls. hits resolve normally.

Encourage Any time. Dead survivors may not Encouraged survivor

be encouraged. may stand up.

Endure Before severe injury rolls. Spend 7 survival –

survivor’s Luck. Ignore
the severe injury.

Dash  Before, after or between or Gain +1 which must be

actions of a survivor. spent immediately

Surge  During flows on monster AI Gain +1 which must be

cards. spent immediately. This
allows them to activate a
 When a monster is knocked weapon, interact with
down (during monster’s turn terrain, use gear, and
or survivors’ turn, see glossary) anything else spending
an allows them to do.
 During a fellow survivor attack, Resolve the results of the
after attacker rolls to wound, surge (including any
but before any reactions ( ) monster reactions)
are resolved. If a HL card has before resuming the
no reaction ( ), survival cannot turn.
be spent.
Embolden Gain a +1 strength token,
(Sunstalker)  During a fellow survivor attack, if you have none of them
when attacker causes a critical yet. You lose the tokens,
wound, after any critical wound if you get knocked down.
effects are applied, but before
Overcharge the HL card is discarded. Next attack this round
(Sunstalker) gains devastating 1.
Usable only if survivor
has any at least one +1
strength token
 A monster moves through/ends its movement on a space
occupied by a survivor

 A survivor moves through/ends their movement on a space

occupied by another survivor (only possible due to

 A survivor is knocked back/placed onto an impassable terrain

tile. Knockback does not cause knockdown in itself.

 A Collide/Collision results in knockdown (Bash also results in

knockdown, but it is not the same as Collision)

When a... …monster… …survivor…

…moves Collide Collide (both

through a survivors)

…stops on a Collide + Knockback 5 Collide (both

survivor survivors) and place
moved survivor on
closest free space.

...moved to Monster move Collide + stop on last

impassable through impassable free space
terrain terrain unimpeded.

…moved to Monster move Collide + Stop

destructible through destructible movement. Archive
terrain terrain unimpeded. terrain. 1 damage to
Archive terrain, when random hit location
this happens.

…moved to Started at board edge: survivor/monster

board edge move along the edge
Otherwise: survivor/monster move until edge
of the board and stop there.
 Stands up…

 At the end of next monster turn

 When encouraged (survival action)

 Cannot spend or

 If knocked down in middle of attack, unresolved

hits are cancelled

 May spend survival only to dodge

 If knocked down, cannot be knocked down again

 While knocked down, survivor is not a threat

 Stands up…

 At the start of next monster or survivor turn

(reminder: all 4 survivor’s act belong to same
survivor’s turn!)

 When the monster draws an AI card (basic

action is not an AI!)

 When a trap is played.

 Attack rolls against the monster hits on 3+

 All reactions ( ) are cancelled (even if positive to


 If knocked down during a flow, remaining actions

are cancelled
 Moods, traits remain in play
1. Survivors Return | Remove all tokens & Heal any
existing light or heavy injuries.

2. Gain Endeavor | Each returning Survivor generates

1 . Innovations, abilities may modify the amount.

3. Settlement Event | Play a random Settlement

Event card.

4. Update Timeline | Update Lantern Year & trigger

any Story Events.

5. Update Death Count | Update Death Count on the

Settlement sheet.

6. Check Milestones | Trigger any Settlement

Milestone Story Events, if their conditions are

7. Develop | Survivors may spend , Craft Gear,

Innovate & Build

8. Prepare Departing Survivors

 Choose a Monster from the Quarry List
 Each Survivor chooses Gear & updates Stats

9. Special Showdown | Start special showdown

immediately, if there’s any on the settlement sheet.
After this step, if Special Showdown occured,
return to Update Death Count step

10. Record & Archive | Resources Record unspent

Resources & unworn Gear

11. End Settlement Phase

1. Setup | At the beginning of the Hunt Phase:
 Shuffle the Monster’s Hunt Event cards; place one Monster
Hunt Event facedown on each space indicated with an “E”
on the Hunt Board diagram
 Place one Basic Hunt Event in every open, empty space
except for the Start space, Overwhelming Darkness, and
 Place any Hunt Event cards triggered by Gear in your Gear
 Place the Monster & Survivor miniatures on the board where
2. Reveal Hunt Events | If any Hunt Event cards are in your current
space, reveal the top card and follow its directions. Continue until
all Hunt Event cards in your space are exhausted (It is possible to
have more cards on a single space).
 Gained gear may be added to the gear grid. If full, either that
or an existing gear on the gear grid must be archived. Grid
cannot be rearranged and gained gear may not be passed to
other survivor.
 Event damage does not cause severe injuries.
 Any tokens gained remains until end of
showdown/beginning of next settlement phase.
 If survivor retires on hunt, he still participates in showdown
and retires after that.
 If survivor/party perishes, all gear returns to settlement
3. Movement
 If no Hunt Events are left on your current space, move one
space and Reveal Hunt Events.
 If you move and there is no Hunt Event cards at the next
location, roll once on the Hunt Event Table.
4. Showdown
 If the Survivors move into the same space as the Monster on
their Hunt turn, begin the Showdown phase immediately. Do
not resolve any Hunt Events
 If the Monster moves into the Survivors’ space, begin the
Showdown phase: the Survivors are Ambushed and they
must skip their first survivors’ turn. In this case monster
draws 2 AI cards before survivors are able to act.
Acid Palms | An ability. Add ldlO strength to wound attempts when attacking with
Fist & Tooth.

Act | The part of the survivor’s turn, when an individual survivor gains movement
and activation. One act must be completed, before another survivor’s is started.

Ageless | An ability. You may hunt if you are retired. When you gain Hunt XP. you
may decide not to gain it.

Ambush (Monster) | If the monster moves into the survivor’s hunt board space, it
ambushes the survivors. End any current hunt events and start the showdown
immediately. Survivors skip their first survivors’ turn. In most cases, this means that
the monster will take two turns in a row.

Ambush (Survivors) | Some hunt events allow the survivors to ambush the
monster. If they do, survivors may go first in the showdown. Do not follow the setup
rules on the monster's story event. Instead, place the listed showdown terrain, the
monster, and survivors on the showdown board as the players decide (setup rules
on terrain cards must still be followed}.

Analyze | An ability. At the start of the survivor’s turn, if you are adjacent to the
monster. reveal the top AI card. then place it back on top of the deck.

Bash | Causes survivors to be knocked down

Bitter Frenzy | An ability. You may spend survival and use fighting arts, weapon
specialization, and weapon mastery while Frenzied.

Blind Spot | Usually the spaces behind the monster. Survivors attacking from the
blind spot gain +1 accuracy.

Block X | A gear special rule. Spend activation to ignore X hits the next time you are
attacked. Lasts until your next act. A survivor may not use block more than once per

Body Blow | An attack that always hits a survivor's body location. Do not roll hit
location dice for this attack.

Burnt Nerves | An ability. You are immune to bash.

Caratosis | An ability. Before making an attack roll, you may declare „Caratosis X” in
a loud booming vouce. If you do, that attack gains X automatic hits. X cannot be
more than your total red affinities. When the attack ends, gain +X hunt XP. When
you trigger Age 2, gain the Beast of Caratosis secret fighting art.

Charge | A gear special rule. survivors spend and to move the maximum
available spaces in a straight line in one direction. At the end of movement, if in
range, perform an attack using a melee weapon, adding the number of spaces
moved in this way to your strength for the attack. Charge does not impact any
further attacks this turn.

Concentrate | Declare at the start of the Act and immediately end the Act. To
concentrate successfully survivor cannot perform actions, move, get knocked down,
suffer damage or bleeding, receive negative attribute tokens.

Crystal Skin | An ability. You cannot place armor in your gear grid. When you
depart, gain 3 armor points to all hit locations. Suffer -2 to the result of all severe
injury rolls. When you participate in Intimacy, newborns gain Crystal Skin in
addition to any other roll results.

Cumbersome | A gear special rule. Survivors must spend both and to activate
cumbersome gear

Cursed | A gear special rule. This gear cannot be removed from the gear grid for any
reason. If the survivor dies, archive this gear.
Dash | A survival action. When opportunity permits, A survivor may spend 1 survival
to dash. They gain +1 which must be spent immediately. Each survivor may only
Dash once per round and only after the settlement has innovated the Paint

Deadly | A gear special rule. Gain +1 luck while attacking with this weapon. This
increases the odds of inflicting critical wounds.

Deaf | The survivor cannot hear, or be impacted by encourage and other audible

Devastating X | A gear special rule. When a devastating weapon wounds a

monster, it will inflict X additional wounds.

Dodge | A survival action. When a survivor is hit. after rolling hit location dice but
before damage, they may spend 1 survival to dodge, canceling one hit. The dodged
hit becomes a failed attack roll and does not cause damage. Any additional un-
dodged hits resolve normally. Dodge is the only survival action that knocked down
survivors can perform. Each survivor may only Dodge once per round.

Doomed | When a survivor is doomed, they cannot perform any actions or spend
survival. If a survivor is doomed by a monster’s AI or Hit Location card, they are
doomed until all actions on the card are performed and the card is resolved.

Dormenatus | An ability. When you suffer damage, you may declare „Dormenatus
X” in a loud, booming voice. If you do, gain X to each hit location. X cannot be more
than your total green affinities. After damage is resolved, gain +X hunt XP. When
you trigger Age 2, gain the Grace of Dormenatus secret fighting art.

Early Iron | A gear special rule. When any of your attack roll results are a 1, cancel
your attack.

Encourage | A survival action. A standing survivor may spend 1 survival ar any time
to encourage a knocked down survivor, letting them stand. Deaf survivors may not
be encouraged. Each survivor may only Encourage once per round, and only if the
settlement has the Language innovation.

Endless Babble | An impairment. When you depart, departing survivors gain +1

insanity. You cannot encourage.

Fated Battle | An ability. At the start of a showdown with the picked monster, gain
+1 speed token.

First Strike | A type of monster hit location. This hit location must be resolved
before any others, except Traps. If multiple First Strike locations are drawn, the
player decides the order in which to resolve them. Traps still precede and cancel all
other hits.

Flammable | A gear keyword. Fire can destroy this gear.

Frail | A gear keyword. This gear is easily broken.

Horning Insticts | An ability. Add +5 to your rolls on the Run Away story event.

Impervious | A type of monster hit location. Impervious hit locations cannot be

wounded, even with a Lantern 10 wound roll. Wound attempts will never remove AI
cards. However, critical effects may still occur.

Iron Will | An ability. You cannot be knocked down. Reduce all knockback you
suffer to knockback 1.

Irreplaceable | A gear special rule. If a survivor dies. archive all irreplaceable gear
in their gear grids.
Legendcaller | An ability. Once a lifetime. on a hunt board space after
Overwhelming Darkness, in place of rolling a random hunt event, use "53" as your

Leyline Walker | An ability. While there is no armor or accessory gear in your gear
grid. gain +3 evasion.

Life Exchange | In the aftermath, gain 1 additional Hunt XP. You may not wear other
gear. If you trigger the White Secret story event, you cease to exist. When you retire,
you cease to exist.

Lucernae | An ability. Before making a wound attempt, you may declare „Lucernae
X” in a loud, booming voice. If you do, that wound attempt gain X luck. X cannot be
more than your total blue affinities. When you trigger Age 2, gain the Lucernae’s
Lantern secret fighting art.

Mad Oracle | An ability. Once per showdown. as a monster draws an AI, name a
card. If the AI card drawn is the named card. gain + 1 evasion token.

Metal Maw | An ability. Your Fist & Tooth attacks gain Sharp (add ldlO strength to
each wound attempt).

Paired | A gear special rule. Paired weapons are two identical weapons that can be
used as one. Add the speed of the second weapon when attacking with the first.
These weapons must have the same name. and both must be in your gear grid.

Peerless | An ability. When you gain insanity. you may gain an equal amount of

Possessed | An ability. The survivor cannot use weapon specialization, weapon

mastery, or fighting arts.

Pounce | A gear special rule. Spend and to move 3 spaces forward In a straight
line and activate a melee weapon. This attack gains +1 strength.

Prepared | An ability. When rolling to determine a straggler, add your hunt

experience to your roll result.

Priority Target | When a survivor gains the priority target token, it signifies that the
survivor has captured the monster's attention. Only 1 survivor may have the priority
target token at a time. Whenever a monster picks a target, the survivor with the
priority target token will always be the target of an AI card. The priority target token
is removed only when: another survivor gains the priority target token, an effect
causes the priority target token to be removed, or at the end of the next monster

Provoke | A gear special rule. When you wound with this weapon, gain the priority
target token.

Reach | A gear special rule. Reach weapons are long enough to attack monsters
when the survivor is not adjacent. Reach specifies the maximum number of spaces
away that a survivor can attack with this weapon.

Round | A Showdown round consist’s of monster’s turn, followed by survivors turn.

Savage | A gear special rule. After the first critical wound in an attack, savage
weapons cause 1 additional wound. This rule does not trigger on Impervious hit

Selfish | A gear special rule. A gear with this rule may not be in a same gear grid
with any gear with the "other" keyword.

Sentient | A gear special rule. A survivor must be insane to activate this gear.
Sharp | A gear special rule. Add ld10 strength to each wound attempt using this
gear. This d10 is not a wound roll, and cannot cause critical wounds.

Slam | A gear special rule. Spend and full move forward in a straight line. If you
move 4+ spaces and stop adjacent to a monster, it suffers knockback 1 and -1
toughness until the end of the round.

Slow | A gear special rule. Slow weapons always have an attack speed of 1. Do not
add speed modifiers.

Sour Death | An ability. When you are knocked down, you may encourage yourself.
If you do. gain +1 strength token.

Stalwart | An ability. Ignore knocked down effects of brain trauma, disorders, and
intimidation actions.

Story of the Forsaker | An ability. You cannot be knocked down during a

showdown with a nemesis monster.

Story of the Goblin | An ability. Once per showdown, you may roll d10. On a 3+,
gain the priority target token and the monster gains +1 damage token.

Story of the Young Hero | An ability. At the start of each of your acts, you may
choose to gain 1 survival and 2 bleeding tokens.

Super Dense | A type of hit location. This hit location is unusually hard. If a survivor
attempts to wound one of these locations with a frail weapon, it is destroyed and
archived at the end of the attack.

Surge | A type of survival action. When opportunity permits, a survivor may spend 1
survival to surge. Gain +1 which must be spent immediately. This allows them to
activate a weapon, interact with terrain, use gear, and anything else spending an
allows them to do. Resolve the results of the surge (including any monster
reactions) before resuming the turn. Each survivor may only surge once per round,
and only if the settlement has the Inner Lantern innovation.

Sweet Battle | An ability. You may surge without spending survival. If you do, the
must be used to activate a weapon.

Tinker | An ability. When you are a returning survivor. gain +1

Turn (Monster) | First part of a round, when the monster acts.

Turn (Survivors’) | Second part of a round, when every survivor perform their act,
one at a time. Survivors may act in any order within the survivor’s turn.

Two-handed | A gear keyword. This weapon requires two hands to use. Some gear
and rules do not work with two-handed weapons.

Undeathable | A gear special rule. If the survivor dies. roll 1d10. On a result of 6+,
the survivor lives. If this roll occurs from the survivor having a lethal amount of
bleeding tokens, the survivor will not die until they gain another bleeding token.

Unshakeable | A gear special rule. When this survivor draws a trap card, roll 1d10.
On a result of 6+, ignore the trap. Discard it and shuffle the hit location deck.

Unstoppable | A gear special rule. Replace all wound rolls with a ld1O roll. On 1-5,
fail to wound, on 6+ wound. You cannot cause a critical wound while using this rule.

Unwieldy | A gear special rule. If any attack dice roll results are 1, the weapon
causes I random damage to the survivor for each 1 rolled. Continue the attack as

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