Bit International College - Talibon: Guidance Development Plan
Bit International College - Talibon: Guidance Development Plan
Bit International College - Talibon: Guidance Development Plan
Department of Education
Region VII
Division of Bohol
1.Admission a.To screen and to Conduct interviews of Test School Registrar Students were
prepare students students during the Materials Guidance placed in
about school life. enrolment period. Students’ Counselor accordance to
Academic their capabilities
b.To assess the Record and interest they
capabilities of belong for two
students based on Admission Test consecutive
scholastic records and years.
test results.
Failure to make
c. To ensure that all Group of Interviewer Interview Teacher-in- a one on one
students are classified should be plan ahead of Questioner Charge thorough
based on their time interview but
learning capabilities nevertheless
and potentials. short interviews
were done to
d. to be able to assess their
revisit/revise the capabilities.
admission policies
and post a copy of it
at the vicinity of the
e. To be able to
established a website
for the dissemination
of information about
the admission policy
f. To be able to
acquire/purchase a
good program or
system forautomation
for an easy enrolment
g. To update or
research or purchase
another means of
achievement test,
mental ability tests or
interviews that may
suit in selecting new
Guidance a. To able to
Organization revisit and Revising the Guidance
and Revise the Development Plan
Administration Guidance
b. Acquiring
License by the Further studies and
guidance acquiring license
c. Conduct
teachers Seminars and training
training for for teacher assistance
guidance assist
d. Established
agencies for Come up with MOA for
referrals some psychological
specialist or clinics
e. Produce a
location map of
the building
where the
guidance office
is located
f. To be able to
draft an
evaluation tool
for the
Orientation a. Draft an
Program orientation
D. Group Dynamics
activity and Special Certificates
Classroom activities: management
Activities vary and stress
depending on the management
needs of students by classroom
means of regular activities are still
monitoring specially in on the process.
the adjustment of new
students. Revision of
• TIME student
MANAGEMENT handbook that
• STRESS includes SHS
MANAGEMENT rules and
regulations was
Discussion of the not yet
student’s handbook accomplished or
even started.
additional cabinets for
the storage of records
And arrange by Constructing
school year and year Cabinets/purchase
Still encouraging
teachers to go
for a home
visitation if there
is need and
kindly inform the
office for any
4.Placement To assist students Career Orientation AVR Guidance NGO November is the
and Career and help them make (Career Guidance materials Guidance tentative date for
Guidance wise decision Week) Counselor Career
Senior Students Orientation and
Administrator started Career
To acquaint students Tie-up/Partnerships Counseling and
with the different with various universities Different speaker still
career paths and from different accomplishing
employable courses. Universities Recommendatio
n Forms.
5.Research Encourage teachers Discuss the importance Evaluation Guidance Unaccomplished
and Evaluation to refer students for of home visitation to Materials Counselor
Service home visitation teachers.
To assess the
relevance and Prepare reports on the
effectiveness of the results of:
guidance programs 1. Students needs and
and services. study habits
2. Exit interview
To determine the 3. Evaluation of
concerns of students Guidance Services.
and to gather 4. Evaluation for
feedback from them Teacher
regarding their level 5.Recommendation on
of satisfaction with the various activities
schools Services. conducted.
Referral and To ascertain the Coordination and Guidance Parents are
Follow-up progress of students follow-up with Counselor encouraged to
Services while in school or after previously assisted Counselee visit the office
they have left schools. client. Faculty and even held
School several
Referral from Faculty personnel conference with
and other school regards to
personnel. behavior,
personal, family,
problem of their
Other Services
Peer To cultivate potential Seminar/Training Guidance Needs further
Facilitators leaders that will workshop Counselor training to
Program facilitate a helping Resource cultivate
attitude toward fellow Speaker potential Peer
students and assists Selected HS Counselors.
the Guidance Staff students Peer Counselors
with it’s program and are trained
activities. students.
Prepared by: