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Educational Philosophy

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P-1 Poblacion Nabunturan, Compostela Valley 8800

Mobile Number: (+63) 907-223-8085

I. Direction: Fill in the table. Choose 5 Modern Educational Philosophies
and Identify its proponent, principle, application in the classroom. (25
Proponent/s Goals in Education Application in your classroom
1. Existentialism Soren Existence precedes Let students decide on what way
Kierkegaard essence. they will do the activities in
(Learner-centered) accordance to their will and
2. Perennialism Mortimer Teach students to think Provide student activities that will
Adler rationally and develop improve their reading, writing,
minds that can think speaking, and listening skills.
critically. Provide them situational activities
(Teacher-centered) that will let them think critically.
3. Behaviorism Ivan Pavlov Let students perform the Conduct activities to let students
John desired behavior through improve the required behaviour
Watson repetition, discipline, and like time management by constant
B.F Skinner reinforcement repetition, and giving rewards.
4. Constructivism Jean Piaget Let students gain their Ask the students on their
own conclusions through understanding,opinion,conclusion
the creative aid of the and moral to specific text or
teacher as a facilitator. scenario.
5. Idealism Plato The aim of education The teacher passes knowledge to
should be directed toward the students, and the students
the search for true ideas, gain and adapt knowledge. In the
self-realization, and classroom set up, the teacher
character development. must act as a role model towards
his/her students.

II. Identify 1 influence of Spanish, American and Japanese occupation in

the Philippines that contributed to the issues of our education system
today. (15 pts)
Spanish Occupation

Spanish education played a major role in the transformation of Philippines

educational system. Spaniard focused mainly on spreading religion so that
Filipinos became submissive and unquestioning. Education was offered to the
rich Filipino families or what we called illustrados. The native Filipinos
became their slaves and only religion/Catholicism was taught them

It was on the second part of colonization where education was opened to

Filipinos but only selective for the few. There was no formal education given
to the Filipino natives.

American Occupation

During the American occupation equal opportunity towards education

were flourished and given to Filipinos. Their main goal is to educate and train
the Filipino in the science of self-government. Educational system was
established. Various schools were built including the Philippine Normal
College now PNU. It was in the American government were teachers sent
and they called it “Thomasites” to help Filipinos become educated. During
American occupation education was open to all and it is mandatory. They
taught Filipino the English language. American government helped and
prepared the Filipinos to become independent to run the country.

Japanese Occupation

It was on the Japanese occupation that the Japanese culture and

language were offered as compulsory courses in the school. In terms of
curriculum the Japanese taught us the Nihonggo as a means of introducing
and cultivating love for Japanese culture. Deleted anti-asian opinions, banned
the singing ofamerican songs and deleted American symbols as well as gthe
class size increase to 60. The Japanese occupation last for about four years
but they failed to succeed in transforming the values and attitudes of the
people inline with their vision of new order.

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