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Composite Structures: Zhao Liu, Jiahai Lu, Ping Zhu

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Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643

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Lightweight design of automotive composite bumper system using

modified particle swarm optimizer
Zhao Liu, Jiahai Lu, Ping Zhu ⇑
State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, PR China
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacture for Thin-walled Structures, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Considering the crashworthiness and lightweight requirements in automotive industry, composite mate-
Available online 4 January 2016 rials have been gaining increasingly more attention for their high specific strength, high specific stiffness
and high energy absorption capability. Bumper system is one of the main structures which protect cars
Keywords: from the front and rear collisions. It is an effective way to develop the bumper system using composite
Composite bumper beam materials to meet the crash safety and lightweight demands simultaneously. However, the application of
Particle swarm optimization composite material also introduces great challenges into the optimization design process, such as com-
plex non-linear material behavior, multi-working conditions and large amount of design variables. In this
Structure optimization
Finite element simulation
paper, a structure design and optimization method is proposed for a commercial front bumper system
made by carbon fiber woven composite. An integrated bumper system structure is presented considering
the manufacturing process of composite material. Then, an optimization procedure incorporating the
Kriging modeling technique and a modified PSO algorithm is proposed to find the optimal combination
of design variables. The real vehicle experiment proves that the optimized bumper system meets all the
requirements on strength and crashworthiness while with 31.5% weight reduction. The results reveal that
the proposed design method is an efficient and effective way for composite structure design.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction gaining increasingly more attention for their high specific strength,
high specific stiffness and high energy absorption capability. As a
Automotive crashworthiness is regarded as one of the most class of typical composites, fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) has been
important design considerations [1–4]. In most of the collision widely adopted to reduce the weight of the vehicle structure [7].
accidents, bumper system is the first vehicle component involved However, the application of composite materials also intro-
in the impact and protects the car body and passengers to a certain duces a great challenge into the optimization design process, such
extent. It is expected to be deformable enough to absorb the as complex non-linear material behavior, multi-working condi-
impact energy while possessing sufficient strength and stiffness tions and large amount of design variables. Hosseinzadeh et al.
to protect its nearby components [5]. Furthermore, with increasing [8] investigated a bumper beam system made of glass mat thermo-
need for energy conservation and environmental protection, light- plastic. The structure of the bumper beam was designed and veri-
weight design of vehicle structure has gained more and more fied based on the finite element analysis method considering the
attention in automotive industry [6]. Generally, material replace- low-velocity impact performance. Davoodi et al. [9] focused their
ment, structural optimization method and advanced manufactur- attention on improving the performance of a car bumper system
ing technology can be employed during the lightweight design using a hybrid kenaf/glass fiber composite. The results showed
process, in which material replacement is regarded as the most the benefits of using hybrid natural fiber in structural components
effective approach. When incorporating weight saving and crash- of a car. Davoodi et al. [10] and Belingardi et al. [11] paid their
worthiness requirements for developing automotive safety compo- attentions on selecting the best geometrical parameters of bumper
nents, such as the bumper system, composite materials have been structure to fulfill design requirements. Belingardi et al. [5] devel-
oped an integrated crash box and bumper beam system which had
⇑ Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and better crashworthiness. Major parameters, such as impact energy,
Vibration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, PR China. Tel./fax: +86 peak load, energy absorption and so on were employed as
21 34206787. evaluation criteria. The effectiveness of the proposed structure
E-mail address: (P. Zhu).
0263-8223/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643 631

was interpreted by finite element simulations. Although previous D3410 for quasi-static test, cubic specimen was most frequently
researchers have put forward some effective composite bumper applied for both quasi-static and dynamic tests [15,16]. In the pre-
versions, the optimization concept has not been incorporated into sent study, the cubic specimen was designed according to the
the design process because of large amount of design variables, requirement of test equipment. Configurations of specimens were
multi-working conditions and high computational cost. shown in Fig. 1. Due to the reinforcement type, the transverse
For a composite bumper system, both geometrical parameters direction properties are considered to be identical to the longitudi-
and material parameters can be included as design variables. The nal ones. Thus, experiments were only conducted at 0° direction.
geometry parameters can be decomposed into shape variables, From the results, it can be seen that the in-plane mechanical
for instance the size of the cross-section, and thickness variables. properties of the studied carbon fiber woven composite show
The material parameters consist of laminate stacking sequence, apparent tension/compression asymmetry and anisotropic charac-
types of the fiber, reinforcement percentage, and so on. It is too teristics. The strain rate also has an effect on the in-plane mechan-
complicated and difficult to consider all the parameters concur- ical properties of the composite. The large difference of mechanical
rently in the optimization procedure. Multi-load cases and associ- properties between tension and compression may be caused by
ated high computational cost also restrain the proceeding of the tension/compression asymmetry characteristics of the carbon fiber
structural optimization design, especially for crash conditions with and different failure patterns under the tensile and compressive
high-nonlinearity performance and fragmentation absorption loading conditions [15,17].
mechanism. In contrast to metallic materials, laminated compos- In order to predict the material strength under different strain
ites possess more distinctive failure modes than metals [12–14], rates, the following two phenomenological models are applied to
which result in high complexity of structural optimization design quantify the strength property within the considered strain rate
of CFRP components. range:
In this paper, experimental work is firstly conducted to obtain
the mechanical properties of the studied carbon fiber plain weave rd ¼ rs ð1 þ C 1 expðlog10 ðe_ ÞÞ þ C 2 ðexpðlog10 ðe_ ÞÞÞ2
þ C 3 ðexpðlog10 ðe_ ÞÞÞ Þ
composite. Based on the tested results, constitutive model consid- ð1Þ
ering tension/compression asymmetry and anisotropy is proposed
with experimental verification. Then, considering the characteristic     2   3 !
e_ e_ e_
of the studied composite material and manufacturing process, an rd ¼ rs 1 þ C 1 ln _ þ C 2 ln _ þ C 3 ln ð2Þ
integrated bumper system structure is presented. After that, an
e0 e0 e_ 0
optimization procedure incorporating the Kriging modeling tech- in which e_ is the corresponding strain rate, and e_ 0 is the referential
nique and a modified PSO algorithm is proposed to find the optimal strain rate, which is defined as 0.001 s1 here. Eq. (1) is used to fit
combination of both the shape and thickness variables. Real vehi- the strength property of tension in the axial direction, while
cle experiments are conducted to verify the optimal design of the Eq. (2) is applied to the other two cases. Table 3 gives the fitted
bumper system. parameters. The precision of the fitted results is validated by the
determination coefficient, R2 . Remarkable consistency can be
2. Material characterization tests observed between the fitted and experimental results.

2.1. Material properties 2.2. Material constitutive model

The material used in the present study is carbon fiber plain In order to consider the effect of strain rate, tension/compres-
weave composite. Its fiber is TC33 carbon fiber made by Tairyfil sion asymmetry and anisotropic characteristics, a user defined
Corporation. The matrix material is LY1564 SP/Aradur3486 from material model was established in this study.
Huntsman, in which LY1564 SP is implemented as the resin and For elastic condition, the stress–strain relationship is expressed
Aradur3486 as the hardener. The fabric is prepared as plain weave in the anisotropic form as,
pattern with 3 k fibers in a tow. The basic properties of the carbon 8 98 9
8 9
> 1
 mE21 >> r1 >
< e1 >
fiber and the matrix are presented in Table 1. > > 0 >
= < E11 22 =< =
Composite sheets are manufactured by vacuum infusion pro- e2 ¼  mE1211 1
0 r2 ð3Þ
: > > E22
>: >
cess with a curing time of 5 h at 80 °C. The weight fraction of car-
e4 ; >
: 0 0 1 ; r4 ;
bon fiber is 55%. The mechanical properties of the composite G12

material under both quasi-static and high strain rate are given in
in which E1 ¼ Eþ
when direction 1 is under tension, and E1 ¼ E
1 1
Table 2. Quasi-static tensile test at the axial direction was con-
when under compression; E2 ¼ Eþ 2 when direction 2 is under ten-
ducted according to ASTM D638, and shear test according to ASTM
sion, and E2 ¼ E 2 when under compression.
D3518. For there are no consistent standards on dynamic tensile
In order to predict the loading capacity of composite structure, a
and shear tests, specimens for dynamic tensile and shear tests
strength criterion should be implemented to describe the failure of
were conducted according to the requirement of testing equip-
composite material. The World-Wide Failure Exercise [18] has
ments and recommendations of literatures [15]. For compression
tested the predictability of the most commonly used failure criteria
tests, even though standard specimen was recommended in ASTM
based on identical experimental data and shown that all the tested
failure criteria illustrated limited predictive accuracy for all the
experimental results. Moreover, the experimental results are basi-
Table 1
Basic properties of the carbon fiber and the matrix. cally from unidirectional composite materials, which demonstrate
much different mechanical performance from woven composites.
Constituent Type Tensile Elongation Tensile Density
Karkkainen et al. [19] and Mallikarachchi et al. [20] proved that
strength [%] modulus [g/cm3]
[MPa] [GPa] under in-plane loading conditions, Tsai–Wu failure criterion can
properly describe the failure of the woven composite. Thus,
Carbon TC33 3450 1.5 230 1.8
fiber Tsai–Wu failure criterion is implemented in the present study.
Matrix LY1564/ 70–80 4.0–5.0 3.0–3.2 1.0–1.1 The quadratic polynomial Tsai–Wu failure criterion under
Aradur3486 in-plane loading in stress form can be described as [21],
632 Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643

Table 2
Mechanical properties of the carbon fiber woven composite.

Loading condition Mechanical properties Strain rate

Quasi-static 200 s1 600 s1 1000 s1
0° tension Modulus (GPa) 60.89 ± 1.71 59.23 ± 2.58 61.49 ± 5.83 61.35 ± 3.39
Strength (MPa) 588.73 ± 52.18 609.20 ± 65.37 652.30 ± 85.49 723.63 ± 80.15
In-plane shear Modulus (GPa) 3.14 ± 0.42 6.45 ± 0.68 6.07 ± 0.32 6.16 ± 0.75
Strength (MPa) 48.43 ± 1.86 99.21 ± 2.31 117.05 ± 3.74 119.31 ± 5.86
0° compression Modulus (GPa) 24.09 ± 0.15 39.83 ± 0.38 41.49 ± 0.27 40.49 ± 0.43
Strength (MPa) 214.86 ± 4.37 490.76 ± 3.52 554.52 ± 3.07 564.43 ± 3.95

rectangular composite tubes. The size of the tube for three-points

bending is with 500 mm as the length, 100 mm and 50 mm as
the width and height of the cross section, and 3 mm as the thick-
ness. The size of the tube for drop weight test is with 180 mm as
the length, 85 mm as the width of the cross section, and 2.5 mm
as the thickness. The three-point bending test is carried out on
the SANS test machine, and the impact test is carried out on the
drop weight test machine at room temperature.
Numerical simulation of the three-points bending is performed
in ABAQUS with the input material parameters given in Table 2.
The material constitutive model described above is realized by
the user subroutine UMAT of ABAQUS. The tube was meshed by
shell element with 5 mm size. The contact between the tube
and the support and compressor was defined by surface-to-
Fig. 1. Configurations of specimens for different loading conditions: (a) quasi-static
tension; (b) high strain rate tension; (c) compression; (all dimensions are in mm). surface algorithm with a friction coefficient of 0.2 [22]. Test and
numerical simulation results of the three-points bending are illus-
trated in Fig. 2. Their force–displacement curves are compared in
Table 3 Fig. 3.
Fitted parameters of strain rate effect on strength property. Numerical simulation of the drop weight impact test was per-
Loading condition C1 C2 C3 R2 formed in Ls-Dyna with the input material parameters given in
0° tension 9.77E04 0 2.30E05 0.9819
Table 2. The material constitutive model described above was real-
In-plane shear 4.74E04 2.14E03 4.11E04 0.9957 ized by the user subroutine VUMAT of Ls-Dyna. The tube was
0° compression 1.22E04 7.78E03 2.01E05 0.9982 meshed by shell element with 5 mm size. The contact between
the tube and rigid panel was defined by node-to-surface algorithm,
and self contact was defined for the tube itself with the friction
f 1 ðr1 þ r2 Þ þ f 11 ðr21 þ r22 Þ þ f 44 r24 þ f 12 r1 r2 ¼ 1 ð4Þ coefficient of 0.2. The element was deleted when all the integration
points reach the failure criteria. Generally, considering the defor-
in which f i and f ij represent failure coefficients such that Eq. (4)
mation pattern and energy dissipation mechanism as shown in
defines a failure condition when the equation is valid. The parame-
Fig. 4a, multi-layer model is more accurate for composite material
ters f i and the diagonal terms correspond to individual loading impact test than single-layer model [22,23]. However, the single-
conditions in which only one stress resultant is non-zero; the layer model is frequently adopted in structural performance simu-
non-diagonal terms deal with coupling effect between different lations for efficiency consideration [24,25]. Thus, the single-layer
stress resultants. The parameters can be obtained from properly simulation model is built for impact analysis. The test and numer-
designed experimental results. Thus, the parameters at the studied ical simulation results are illustrated in Fig. 4. Their deceleration–
strain rates are illustrated in Table 4. The parameter f 12 is based on time curves are compared in Fig. 5.
approximation value [19,20]. Based on the fitted parameters in From the results, it can be seen that for quasi-static loading con-
Table 3, Eqs. (1) and (2), the parameters used to describe the ditions, the force–displacement curves of the three-points bending
Tsai–Wu criteria under different strain rate can be calculated test and numerical simulation are very close. For impact test, the
accordingly. single-layer model underestimates the impact force to some extent
as shown in Fig. 5. The error between the test and numerical
2.3. Experimental verification results might be caused by applying the single-layer model instead
of the multi-layer model for the former is impossible to model the
In order to verify the accuracy of the material constitutive inside frond as shown in Fig. 4a and b, thus, the energy dissipated
model, three-point bending and impact tests are conducted on by friction between the fronds and rigid panel is underestimated.
The error may also be caused by the difference of the fiber volume
fraction between the material for mechanical property tests and
Table 4
structure performance tests, which is introduced during the man-
Strength parameters of the studied composite material.
ufacturing process. However, the trends of the tested and predicted
Strain rate f1 f11 f12 f44 deceleration–time curves are close. Thus, the single-layer simula-
Quasi-static 2.96E03 7.91E06 3.95E06 4.26E04 tion method and the material constitutive considering the strain
200 s1 3.96E04 3.34E06 1.67E06 1.02E04 rate effect and tension/compression asymmetry can describe the
600 s1 2.70E04 2.76E06 1.38E06 7.30E05 material behavior of the carbon fiber plain weave composite prop-
1000 s1 3.90E04 2.45E06 1.22E06 7.02E05
erly, and can be applied to the finite element simulation.
Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643 633

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of experimental and numerical results of three point bending test.

Fig. 3. Comparison of force–displacement curves between three point bending test

and numerical simulation. Fig. 5. Comparison of deceleration–time curves between impact test and numerical

(a) Drop weight impact test (b) Numerical simulation Fig. 6. The profile of the original bumper.

Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of experimental and numerical results of drop weight

impact test: (a) drop weight impact test; (b) numerical simulation. to the brittle failure modes of composite material [5]. New design
conceptions should be developed for the purpose of maximizing
the advantages derived from the composite material. In this paper,
3. Definition of the frontal bumper beam and numerical an integrated bumper system as illustrated in Fig. 7 is studied in
modeling consideration of the features of the composite material. There are
mainly three parts, bumper beam, tow hook block and foam absor-
3.1. Geometrical design of the bumper beam system ber. The bumper beam assembled with crash box is an enclosed
construction with foam inside. The tow hook block is required to
The original bumper system is manufactured by aluminum amount the hook to assist the trapped car going out of the predica-
material with weight as 2.66 kg. Its main components are bumper ment. In this research, it is designed using aluminum alloy material
beam, crash box, back panel and tow hook block which are assem- and is pre-embedded into the bumper beam. For structure inte-
bled with each other by welding (see Fig. 6). grality, the external surfaces of the tow hook component are
The bumper beam and crash box are integrated by mechanical wrapped by carbon fiber composite material. Foam EPP30 is
fastening methods (welding, bolting etc.) in conventional bumper employed as the absorber and its density is 30 kg/m3. Fig. 8
system with metallic material, but for composite bumper system, demonstrates the hard point constraints which are involved in
the application of mechanical fastening schemes will trigger an the bumper system assembly. A, auto-body mounting points; B,
early detachment between the bumper beam and crash box due towing hook mounting points; C, assembly hole; D, buckle hole.
634 Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643

(b) Bumper beam

(c) Towing hook component

(a) Bumper beam system

(d) Foam
Fig. 7. The integrated bumper system: (a) bumper beam system; (b) bumper beam; (c) towing hook component; (d) foam.

Fig. 8. The hard points constraints during the geometric design.

Five thickness variables and four shape variables are selected as parts of the tow hook component are modeled by shell element
optimization inputs shown in Fig. 9. Variables X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5 except the socket with hexahedral element and all the element
are the thickness of the corresponding areas and will be considered sizes are 5 mm. Different components are tied together in a static
in the optimization procedure. For the impact process, energy simulation. While in impact simulation, surface to surface tiebreak
absorption is the area under the force displacement curve, which contact is defined to simulate the detachment behavior between
is proportional to the force and the crush length. Therefore, shape the foam and the bumper.
variables X6 and X7, which represent the crush length, are consid- The detailed material properties have been characterized in
ered in the optimization design procedure. It is widely recognized Section 2, and the simulation model is established based on classi-
that the transition fillets illustrate relatively strong effect on the cal lamination theory. Each of the ply is 0.25 mm. In the present
energy absorption process and deformation pattern of the bumper study, the stacking sequence has not been taken into account in
beam. Hence, radius variables X8 and X9 are brought into the the optimization problem, and 45° plies have been added into
design procedure. the laminates to balance the mechanical performance. The lami-
nates are assumed to be symmetric and the sequence is
3.2. Finite element modeling [02/452/0n/452/02]. Fig. 11 is the schematic diagram of an 11-plys
carbon fiber composite material.
The geometry modification procedure is conducted in the com-
mercial code CATIA. HyperWoks is applied to generate the finite 3.3. Finite element simulation
element model of the bumper system due to its excellent perfor-
mance in mesh generation (see Fig. 10). Since the average thick- In this research, strength analyses of the tow hook block, low
ness of the bumper beam is much smaller than the other velocity impact simulations and noise vibration and harshness
dimensions, shell element is the best modeling type and its size (NVH) are taken into consideration.
is chosen as 5 mm. Considering the anisotropic properties of the The strength analysis is performed using implicit computing in
carbon fiber composite, the bumper beam is divided into 25 parts ABAQUS. The simulation model is shown in Fig. 12. A part of the
for attaching local coordinate systems. The foam is simulated by front rail is included in the model, which is fully constrained at
tetrahedron elements with 5 mm mesh size, and MAT57 (⁄MAT_L the end during the static analysis. The loading force applied on
OW_DENSITY_FOAM) is used to model its material behavior. The the tow hook is 50% of the gross vehicle weight (GVW). There
Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643 635

Fig. 9. The design variables of the bumper system.

(a) Bumper beam system

(b) Foam (c) Towing hook component

Fig. 10. The finite element model of the bumper beam system: (a) bumper beam system; (b) foam; (c) towing hook component.

are six load cases as shown in Table 5. Load cases 1 and 4 simu- and the barrier should not be deformable. Fig. 14 illustrates the
late the tension and compression conditions of the tow hook. simulation model.
Load cases 2, 3, 5 and 6 represent the conditions when the tow The bumper’s NVH property is computed in ABAQUS and the
hook is loaded at certain angles. Stress results must not exceed value of the first-order mode frequency must be more than 25 Hz.
the strength limit of the composite material with predefined
safety factor. 4. Optimization procedure and results verification
The impact behavior of the bumper system is checked according
to the conditions stated in E.C.E., Regulation No. 42, 1994 [26] and As mentioned above, many load cases should be considered in
RCAR (Research Council For Automobile Repairs) regulation [27]. the design process of the bumper system. In this research, static
Low velocity impact simulations are conducted using Ls-Dyna. strength analyses and dynamic impact simulations are combined
For E.C.E. standard, the impactor is a steel structure modeled by together to conduct the structural optimization procedure. A tech-
rigid solid elements. The impact velocity is 4.25 km/h and Fig. 13 nological methodology for the design of composite bumper beam
shows the straight (perpendicular) impact situation. from geometrical modification to structural optimization is pro-
Impact point is located in the 40% width of the vehicle frontal posed with the application of Kriging modeling technique and a
structure at the driver’s side. The test velocity is set to 15 km/h modified PSO optimizer, which will be clarified thereinafter.
636 Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643

Fig. 11. Microstructure of the carbon fiber composite material.

X-Z Plane

Fig. 12. Strength analysis models of the towing hook component.

in the Kriging model and sample points are interpolated to esti-

Table 5
Strength analysis cases of the towing hook component.
mate the trend of it by a Gaussian random function. The Kriging
technique has been proved to be applicable to represent multi-
Load cases Loading force Loading direction
modal and nonlinear functions. Also, the Kriging is able to provide
Load case 1 50% GVW X axis positive the estimation of prediction error which is necessary in sequential
Load case 2 50% GVW 5° to horizontal (down) and +25° to X–Z plane sampling approach adopted in this paper.
Load case 3 50% GVW 5° to horizontal (down) and 25° to X–Z plane
Load case 4 50% GVW X axis negative
The global approximation model is expressed as Eq. (5) in the
Load case 5 50% GVW 5° to horizontal (down) and +25° to X–Z plane Kriging model.
Load case 6 50% GVW 5° to horizontal (down) and 25° to X–Z plane
YðxÞ ¼ l þ ZðxÞ ð5Þ
where l is a constant global model, vector x represents the design
variable, YðxÞ stands for the corresponding response and ZðxÞ is a
4.1. Kriging modeling technique with sequential sampling method stochastic process with mean zero and variance r2 . ZðxÞ creates
localized deviations to assist Kriging Model generating interpola-
Design optimization of an auto-body structure, especially under tion among sample points. The covariance matrix of ZðxÞ is
crashworthiness, is a very time consuming work. Surrogate mod- expressed as:
els, also called as metamodels or approximations, are often used
Cov ½Zðxi Þ; Zðx j Þ ¼ r2 R; i; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; ns ð6Þ
in place of actual simulation models [28]. Kriging is one of the most
common used modeling techniques and is developed for the spa- where ns stands for the number of sample points, R is the correla-
tial statistics and geostatistics [29,30]. Stochastic process is utilized tion matrix of sample points.
Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643 637

^ ¼ ðF T R1 FÞ1 ðF T R1 YÞ

b ð9Þ
Correlation parameters pk and hk can be determined by the
Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE) method.

Maximize : ½ns lnðr^ 2 Þ þ ln jRj=2

hk P 0; ð10Þ
Subject to : k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; nd
0 < pk 6 2;

where r
^ 2 is a function of hk and pk :

^ R1 ðY  F bÞ=n
r^ 2 ¼ ðY  F bÞ
^ s ð11Þ
The R criterion is used to assess the accuracy of metamodels
shown in Eq. (12). Where y i is the mean response value of test
^i is the predicted response value and yi is the real test
points, y
response value.
^i  y
ðy  i Þ2
R2 ¼ Pi¼1 ð12Þ
i¼1 ðyi  yi Þ

The objective-oriented sequential sampling method is imple-

mented to improve the precision of the constructed metamodels
[31]. It adopts an infilling sampling criterion by defining an
Fig. 13. Straight impact of the bumper beam system based on E.C.E. Regulation.
expected improvement (EI) function written as:
y y ^ðxÞ y y ^ðxÞ
^ðxÞÞU min
E½IðxÞ ¼ ðymin  y þ s/ min ð13Þ
s s

where ymin is the current best function value of the obtained

samples, y^ and s represent the predicted mean and Standard
Deviation of the Kriging model at any un-sampled point, /ðxÞ and
UðxÞ represent the probability density function and cumulative
density function of a standard normal distribution, respectively.
The next sampling point of x will be the point with maximum
EI value.

4.2. Modified PSO optimizer

PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization), introduced by Kennedy and

Eberhart [32], is a population-based optimization algorithm. The
motivation of this method is derived from the imitation of cooper-
ative behaviors among species such as fish schooling, bird flocking,
etc. Potential solutions of an optimization problem are regarded as
points (particles) in the design space. The PSO algorithm works on
social cooperative behaviors among particles. Each particle
updates its position iteratively based on its own best location
and the entire swarm’s best position at each generation [32–34].
Benefited from its simplicity of implementation and strong
Fig. 14. RCAR test model of the bumper system. capacity of quickly finding a reasonably good solution, the PSO
algorithm is becoming very popular and has been widely used in
The general form of R is: many fields.
  In the standard PSO version, for a problem with D-dimensions, a
Rði; jÞ ¼ Rðxi ; x j Þ ¼ Pk¼1 exp hk jxik  xkj jpk ð7Þ potential solution can be expressed as the velocity and position of a
particle. xik and v ik represent the position and velocity of ith particle
where Rðxi ; x j Þ (i; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; ns ) represents the correlation function respectively. pik represents the best previously visited position of
between sample xi and x j ; nd is the dimension number of the design each particle and pkg is the global best position found by the whole
space; hk jxik  xkj jpk is the kernel function. hk P 0 is the unknown particle swarm. Every particle moves toward its previous best loca-
coefficient of correlation which is used to fit surrogate model and tion and the global best position iteratively. The whole swarm is
0 < pk 6 2 is defined by the type of kernel functions. Gaussian func- controlled by Eqs. (14) and (15).
tion is usually used as the kernel function and pk ¼ 2.
For given correlation hk and pk , Y is predicated at an point x as: v ikþ1 ¼ xv ik þ c1  r1  ðpik  xik Þ þ c2  r2  ðpkg  xik Þ ð14Þ

^ ^ þ rðxÞT R1 ðY  F bÞ
YðxÞ ¼b ð8Þ xikþ1 ¼ xik þ v ikþ1 ð15Þ
where Y is the exact system responses; F is a unit matrix; elements
^ is estimated ðiter max  iterÞ
in rðxÞ are correlation function Rðx; xi Þði ¼ 1; . . . ; ns Þ; b xðiterÞ ¼  ðxmax  xmin Þ þ xmin ð16Þ
using least squares regression: itermax
638 Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643

(b) Sequential sampling


(a) Flowchart of the optimization procedure

(c) Modified PSO optimizer

Fig. 15. The flowchart of the proposal optimization procedure: (a) flowchart of the optimization procedure; (b) sequential sampling methodology; (c) modified PSO

Table 6
Load cases description of the bumper system.

Load cases Design variables Performance indicators Constraints

Strength simulations Load cases 1 9 Strength factor 60.5
Load cases 2
Load cases 3
Load cases 4
Load cases 5
Load cases 6
RCAR 9 Plastic strain 60.07
Impact force 6180 kN
ECE R42 9 Intrusion 625 mm
Impact force 635 kN
Mode 9 First-order torsion mode P25 Hz

Eq. (14) is the velocity update equation. Its first part is the initial cognitive scaling parameter and c2 is social scaling parameter
velocity with inertia factor x which provides momentum for par- [38]. r 1 and r 2 are two uniformly distributed random numbers
ticles moving across the design space and is also used to balance within the range [0, 1].
the global and local search abilities during the optimization pro- The movement of particles in the PSO algorithm can result in a
cess [35]. Shi and Eberhart [36] have proposed a linearly varying fast convergence rate, but it will lead to premature convergence
inertia weight which had a significant improvement in the perfor- problem because of a quick loss of diversity, which interprets the
mance of the standard PSO, as shown in Eq. (16), in which iter rep- degree of dispersion among particles [39–41]. At the beginning of
resents the current generation and itermax is the maximum the optimization procedure using PSO, the diversity of the particle
generation number. The second part of Eq. (14) is named cognition swarm is high after initialization. Along with the proceeding of
component which represents the personal behavior of a particle evolution, the diversity is declined for the convergence of particles,
and encourages each particle to move toward its own best previous which strengthens exploitation (local search) ability but weakens
position. The third part is called social component which stands for exploration (global search) capacity of the algorithm. This process
the cooperation behaviors among particles [37]. c1 is named as is necessary at the early or middle stage of the optimization
Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643 639

Table 7
Kriging modeling details of multi-working conditions.

Load cases Initial sampling points R2 Sequential sampling points Improved R2

Strength simulations Load cases 1 70 0.9639 – 0.9639
Load cases 2 0.9123 – 0.9123
Load cases 3 0.7396 13 0.9315
Load cases 4 0.9769 – 0.9769
Load cases 5 0.9154 – 0.9154
Load cases 6 0.7046 17 0.9163
RCAR Plastic strain 70 0.1960 36 0.9004
Impact force 0.7050 13 0.9127
ECE R42 Intrusion 70 0.7848 11 0.9015
Impact force 0.8753 9 0.9214
Mode First-order torsion mode 70 0.9973 – 0.9973

working on velocity is developed to improve particle diversity in

Table 8
The comparison of the optimization results.
the OLRPSO algorithm. The velocity of particles will be reset by
our proposed operator if the predefined probability is satisfied,
PSO Modified_PSO when the optimization procedure is trapped into stagnation for
Problem dimension 9 9 several generations. Then the particles could have a chance to
Swarm size 20 20 jump out from the local optimum and continue the search process.
Cognitive scaling parameter 2 2
Social scaling parameter 2 2
The reset operator working on the velocity update equation is
Inertia weight 0.9–0.4 0.9–0.4 shown as Eq. (17)
Generations 100 100
Optimization results (kg) 1.937 1.686
V reset ¼ l  rw  V rand
ðitermax  itercurrent Þ
l¼ ð17Þ
procedure for searching effectively. However, the particles con- ðitermax  itercurrent Þ
rw ¼ ðrwmax  rwmin Þ  þ rwmin
verge into a small region which leads to a very low diversity at iter max
the later stage, and that will block the further search process. Con- V rand is a randomly generated velocity matrix of particles under pre-
sequently, the premature convergence may occur at that time. defined range [V max , V max ]. l is a generation correlation coefficient
It is generally recognized that the lack of diversity is the domi- which is linearly decreased along with generation. itermax is the max
nant factor for the premature convergence problem. Mutation generation number and itercurrent represents the current. rw is a
operators are widely used in most evolutionary optimization algo- velocity correlation coefficient which is derived from the inertia
rithms to prevent loss of diversity during searching process, and weight factor x and its boundary is [rwmin , rwmax ]. Following the
enable one algorithm to search a greater region of the design space. searching process, the left generation number (iter max  itercurrent )
Mutation operators create variants based on current individuals, is decreased and the value of l is diminished, so that the algorithm
thus adding diversity to the population and avoiding stagnation convergence property can be guaranteed by shrinking the ampli-
of the optimization procedure in the local optima. tude of V reset , meanwhile rw improves the distribution of reset par-
Through experiments with numerical benchmarks, it has been ticles with respect to the global and local searching ability. The
observed that PSO quickly finds a relatively good local solution particles are scattered away from the stagnation position by Eq.
but sometimes stagnates in the local optimum for a considerable (18) after the adaptive reset operator activated.
number of generations without any improvement. Therefore, a
modified PSO algorithm, namely OLRPSO (Optimal Latin hypercube Pp ¼ P stagnation þ V reset ð18Þ
design and an adaptive Reset operator are used to improve the There are mainly five steps during OLRPSO program:
standard PSO), is developed to enhance the searching capacity of
the standard PSO. The OLRPSO is initialized by OLHD (Optimal (1) In order to guarantee a full coverage of the design space,
Latin Hypercube Design) technique, which is one of the DOE OLRPSO is initialized by OLHD technique which is different
(Design Of Experiments) techniques. DOE can be regarded as a pro- from the standard PSO algorithm.
cess of identifying sampling locations in an input variable space. (2) Compute fitness values of all the particles and update their
Mckay et al. [42] and Iman et al. [43] have proposed a widely used positions and velocities based on Eqs. (14) and (15).
DOE technique, named Latin Hypercube Design (LHD) technique. (3) Check the predefined stagnation criterion Gstagnation and turn
Initialization stage of the PSO can be regarded as a sampling proce- into the mutation procedure conducted by the proposed
dure, so the OLHD technique can be used to generate an initial velocity reset operator if the requirement is met. The stagna-
swarm in view of its space filling property which guarantees a full tion criterion Gstagnation controls the searching procedure of
coverage of a design space. After the initialization stage, a stagna- the algorithm. A large value of Gstagnation will invalidate the
tion judgment criterion is employed and an adaptive reset operator

Table 9
Values of variables after the optimization procedure.

X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
Mathematical values 4.78 5.91 3.54 2.89 2.41 36.60 52.20 50.00 22.00
Practical values 5.00 6.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 36.60 52.20 50.00 22.00
640 Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643

Table 10
Finite element analysis verification.

Load cases Performance indicators Constraints Results

Strength simulations Load cases 1 Strength factor 60.50 0.41
Load cases 2 0.34
Load cases 3 0.37
Load cases 4 0.38
Load cases 5 0.26
Load cases 6 0.41
RCAR Plastic strain 60.07 0.04
Impact force 6180 kN 177 kN
ECE R42 Intrusion 625 mm 21 mm
Impact force 635 kN 33 kN
Mode First-order torsion mode P25 Hz 240 Hz

(a) Load case 1 (b) Load case 2

(c) Load case 3 (d) Load case 4

(e) Load case 5 (f) Load case 6

Fig. 16. The strength factor of each load case: (a) load case 1; (b) load case 2; (c) load case 3; (d) load case 4; (e) load case 5; (f) load case 6.

adaptive reset operator while a small value will reduce the (4) In this step, the adaptive reset operator is activated. A prob-
computational efficiency. According to empirical observa- ability P is given here to decide when the velocities and posi-
tions, Gstagnation is set to 5 in this article [44]. tions of particles shall be reset. It is similar to the mutation
Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643 641

rate used in other evolutionary algorithms and the value of X

HðxÞ ¼ hðqi ðxÞÞqi ðxÞcðqi ðxÞÞ ð23Þ
0.1 is used in this article base on empirical experiments. If
the probability judgment P achieved, all the velocities and
positions of particles will be reset based on Eqs. (17) and where qi ðxÞ ¼ maxf0; g i ðxÞg; i ¼ 1; . . . ; m. hðqi ðxÞÞ is a multi-stage
(18). So the progress stagnation can be broken up and all assignment function. cðqi ðxÞÞ is the power of the penalty function
the particles possess the chance to find better optimization and g i ðxÞ is the constrains.
solutions. From mathematical experiments, the values of In the present work, the parameters of the penalty function are
rwmin and rwmax are set to 0.1 and 0.9 respectively. From set as Yang et al. [46]. If qi ðxÞ < 1 then cðqi ðxÞÞ ¼ 1, otherwise
Eq. (18), the positions update of particles are based on cðqi ðxÞÞ ¼ 2. If qi ðxÞ < 0:001 then hðqi ðxÞÞ ¼ 10, else, if qi ðxÞ 6 0:1
the stagnation position, so there may have a chance that the then hðqi ðxÞÞ ¼ 20, else, if qi ðxÞ 6 1 then hðqi ðxÞÞ ¼ 100, otherwise
updating particles exceed the problem boundary. From the hðqi ðxÞÞ ¼ 300. hðkÞ ¼ k k for our optimization problem.
analysis made above, boundary check program should
be conducted after the reset procedure. 4.3. The optimization procedure of the bumper system
(5) Compute fitness values of the particles generated from step
4 and repeatedly conduct steps (2)–(4) till the termination For the lightweight optimization process of the bumper system,
conditions reached. The termination criterion is the prede- mass minimization is the objective; constraints are constituted by
fined maximum generations in this article. the performance indicators of strength cases, low velocity impact
cases and mode case. The ranges of five thickness variables are
The flowchart of modified PSO method is shown in Fig. 13(c). set from 1.5 mm to 6 mm, and the shape variables are designed
In order to solve the boundary of a problem, ‘‘bounce method” is based on the geometry constraint, shown as Eq. (24). There are
used in this article [45]. If a particle moves out of the boundary, its eight steps to achieve the lightweight design program.
position will be set onto the boundary and its velocity will be
min M
reversed, at each dimension i:
s:t: Strength cases constraints
If xi;tþ1 > xi;max ; then x0i;tþ1 ¼ xi;max ð19Þ
Low v elocity impact cases constraints
If xi;tþ1 < xi;min ; then x0i;tþ1 ¼ xi;min ð20Þ Mode constraint ð24Þ
XL 6 X 6 XU
v i;tþ1 ¼ v i;tþ1 ð21Þ XL ¼ ½1:5; 1:5; 1:5; 1:5; 1:5; 30; 40; 20; 10T
For solving constrains in optimization problems, penalty func- XU ¼ ½6; 6; 6; 6; 6; 70; 80; 80; 30T
tion technique is very popular which transforms constrains into a
(1) Generate sampling points based on a OLHD (Optimal Latin
sequence of unconstrained optimization problems. The non-
hypercube design) technique developed by Jin et al. [47].
stationary penalty functions, which is widely used, is employed
(2) Modify shape variables introduced in Section 3 by the CATIA
in the present work to handle constrain functions [46].
commercial software based on the DOE sampling results.
A penalty function is generally defined as Eq. (22):
(3) Import geometric models achieved in step (2), and generate
FðxÞ ¼ f ðxÞ þ hðkÞHðxÞ; x2S ð22Þ high-quality mesh elements. Based on the DOE results
obtained in step (1), set the corresponding thickness values
where f ðxÞ is the original objective function of the constrained prob-
and define the CFRP material.
lem; hðkÞ is a modified penalty value, and k is the current iteration
(4) Compute the strength properties and NVH properties of the
number; HðxÞ is a penalty factor, represented as:
bumper system in ABAQUS and the low-velocity impact sim-
ulations in Ls-Dyna.
(5) Define inputs (DOE) and outputs (computing results from
step (4)) to constitute the data structure demanded by the
Kriging technique, and build the surrogate model corre-
sponding to each load case.

Fig. 17. The plastic strain of RCAR. Fig. 18. The impact force of RCAR.
642 Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643

Fig. 19. The impact force of ECE R42.

Fig. 22. The RCAR experiment of the bumper system.

The modified PSO algorithm mentioned in Section 4.2 is

employed as the optimizer. In order to clarify its efficiency, a com-
parison case is designed between the basic and modified version.
Mathematical experiments are conducted 30 times to reduce the
randomness; the weight obtained from the basic version is
1.937 kg while from the modified approach is 1.686 kg which
demonstrates the advantage and effectiveness of the latter (see
Table 8).
Each layer is 0.25 mm, so the thickness results obtained from
the mathematical searching procedure should be rounded up. In
order to achieve a conservative design, the values of variables X1,
X2, X4 and X5 are rounded larger than the original, shown in Table 9
Fig. 20. The first order torsion mode. and verified by finite element analysis presented in Table 10.
Figs. 15–20 are the finite element analysis results of the opti-
mized bumper structure. The mass of the modified structure after
(6) Check the accuracy of each surrogate model, and shift to rounded up is 1.823 kg, which is 31.5% lighter than the original
sequential sampling methodology if the models dissatisfy structure.
the accuracy requirements. The optimized bumper system was manufactured and both
(7) Search optimal solutions by modified PSO optimizer. strength and RCAR performances have been checked. The left pic-
(8) Verify the mathematical results of finite element simula- ture of Fig. 21 is the details of strength experiment, and it is
tions and output optimization solutions which satisfy all observed that no failure happens in the composite material. The
requirements. RCAR experiment is shown in Fig. 22. The optimized bumper sys-
tem is mounted on a test car and the right picture of Fig. 22 is
The flowchart of the proposal optimization procedure is illus- the deformation diagram after the impact process. The results of
trated in Fig. 15. the experiment demonstrate that the optimized bumper structure
After the finite element models established, the Kriging model- satisfied the RCAR requirements.
ing procedure is activated. As shown in Table 6, surrogate models
corresponding to the performance indicators are built and the 5. Conclusions
sequential sampling methodology is conducted based on the R2
results illustrated in Table 7. In general, the Kriging model is con- In this paper, a structure design and optimization method con-
firmed as accurate when the value of R2 is higher than 0.9. Then, sidering the static strength conditions and dynamic impact cases
the optimization searching process will be proceeded based on was proposed for a commercial front bumper system made by car-
the relatively accurate mathematical models. bon fiber plain weave composite. Two core techniques, the Kriging

Fig. 21. The strength experiment of the bumper system.

Z. Liu et al. / Composite Structures 140 (2016) 630–643 643

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