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Composite material: A review over current development and

automotive application
Puran Singh a, V. Raghavender b, Sudhir Joshi c, Nikale Pooja Vasant d, Ankita Awasthi e, *,
Amandeep Nagpal f, Alaa jasim Abd al-saheb g
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, AIT, Amity University, Noida, India
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Mechanical Engineering, Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Department of Physics, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s, S.S.G.M. College Kopargaon Distt, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, IILM University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, India
College of Engineering Technology, National University of Science and Technology, Dhi Qar, Iraq


Keywords: The quantity and quality of studies undertaken to find new applications for the material indicate its importance
Automobile sector in the modern world. It used to be accepted wisdom that a design engineer would only employ tried-and-true
Composite materials components, but times have changed. The field of current material engineering would be severely lacking
Latest developments
without using composites. Designers of all stripes now have better options for utilizing cheaper, less labour-
Drive shaft
intensive materials thanks to advancements in composite technology. Composites have several potential appli­
cations and are currently employed in some of them. This research describes the process for creating composite
propeller shafts and examines their vibrational qualities. This research will look into the results of switching out
steel drive shafts for composite ones. Two of the most crucial parts of a composite drive shaft’s construction are
the shaft itself and the couplings. Critical speed, static torque, and nonlinear isotropic material behaviour are
assumed for adhesive joints, but these assumptions are disregarded for metal and a composite shaft. For the
design and accompanying analysis, finite element software is used (ANSYS). As a result, the research provides
crucial information for developing a composite drive shaft.

1. Introduction [2]. Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) is a multipurpose thermoset poly­

ester matrix reinforced with glass fibres.
Modern technologies rely heavily on composite materials, including Modern composites are perfect for demanding applications like space
aeroplanes, automobiles, boats, sporting goods, bridges, and buildings. flight because of their performance and cost features. However, het­
Composites are widely used due to their high strength-to-weight and erogeneous materials have long been used in nature because of their
hardness-to-weight ratios [1]. Increases in these characteristics, made benefits. Modern composites utilize stiffer and stronger fibres than
attainable by new technologies and production processes, have sub­ common bulk materials [3]. Unlike polymeric aramid fibre, which gets
stantially broadened the materials’ potential uses. Initially utilized in most of its strength and stiffness from the nearly perfect alignment of its
the 1970 s by the aerospace industry, composites are now ubiquitous. molecular chains, high-strength glass fibres benefit from a
Increased capabilities and qualities of these innovative materials have manufacturing procedure that decreases the chance of internal or
benefited the automotive sector, frequently called the “maternal in­ exterior flaws that could impair their longevity. Before their usage as
dustry.” Due to technological advancements, composites are replacing fibres, these materials are frequently injected with matrix components to
metals and other traditional materials in car manufacturing. Since every increase load transfer and protect the fibres from abrasion and envi­
material has its distinct chemical composition, the term “composite” can ronmental stress [4]. Although the matrix may dampen the materials’
describe various things. However, in modern materials engineering, the intensity, their individual (weight-adjusted) values remain high. While
term “matrix” is commonly used to refer to a fibre-reinforced material metal and Glass should be very affordable to produce, their high

* Corresponding author.
Received 7 June 2023; Received in revised form 28 October 2023; Accepted 2 November 2023
2214-7853/Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 14th International
Conference on Materials, Processing & Characterization – ICMPC 2023.

Please cite this article as: Puran Singh et al., Materials Today: Proceedings,
P. Singh et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

production costs have kept them in the domain of R&D so far. Unsatu­ in R&D because of their high costs.
rated styrene-hardened polyesters are typically utilized for lower and Epoxy or other modern thermosets are frequently used in the pre­
medium performance levels, whereas epoxy or more complex thermo­ mium market, while unsaturated styrene-hardened polyesters are used
sets are employed for higher performance levels. These days, polymers in the low- to medium-performance markets. The difficulty in effectively
may be found in practically every industry. Concerns about processing treating thermoplastic matrix composites is a potential drawback to
difficulties threaten the expansion of the thermoplastic matrix com­ their expanding use.Contemporary composite materials (CMs) have
posites business [5]. grabbed the interest of researchers due to their lightweight uses in the
Reinforcement in continuous-fibre reinforced composites primarily automobile industry [13]. Thanks to their innovative replacements,
increases mechanical characteristics and bear the structural load. The scientists have discovered a way to improve fuel efficiency by switching
matrix protects the fibre’s structural and chemical integrity, and the to more modern materials and methods. Although composites have a
uniform stress distribution enhances the fibre’s strength and durability. long and storied history in the auto industry, this talk will focus on the
Matrix helps composite resist deformation when subjected to high loads. material’s innovative new applications. We also delve into what com­
Chemical vapour deposition onto a tungsten or carbon substrate, drag­ posites must offer to replace metal successfully in automobile applica­
ging molten metal, and spinning solid metal rods are all methods for tions. Modern composite variations significantly enhance weight, cost,
making fibres, also known as filaments [6]. For further usage in durability, and crashworthiness when used in automobiles [14]. Com­
weaving, textile manufacture, and even spatial performances, these posites improved passenger security and vehicle performance because of
hanks of fabric can be disassembled into their constituent fibres and their superior mechanical properties compared to conventional mate­
spun into yarns. Multiple strands are braided together to make a tow; rials. Bio-composites have been a great addition to the automobile in­
each strand can have up to 300,000 filaments. When fabric or fibre is cut dustry since they are environmentally friendly while delivering the high-
into little pieces, it produces squares of chopped cloth or fibre. Plain- quality materials needed. Bio-composites comprise various recycled and
weave fabrics have threads intertwined over and beneath one another natural materials,metals and polymers.Composites combine two or
in an alternating pattern to prevent the yarn from slipping through the more materials with distinctly different physical and chemical proper­
weave and to make the fabric more durable and robust [7]. Blended ties. Composites’ meteoric popularity in the automotive sector can be
fibres are also easier to find in retail outlets. Textron Specialty Materials, attributed to their superior strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resis­
a market leader in the composites industry, has begun mass production tance, and design versatility [15]. This article will discuss the latest
of a continuous-fibre epoxy resin prepreg tape made of large boron fibres advances in composite materials and their practical use in automobiles.
and smaller carbon fibres of varying sizes (TSM). The tape has between Years of study have substantially improved our knowledge of composite
78 % and 82 % fibres per square inch. When stretched, carbon’s prop­ materials. Just a few of the numerous significant developments in
erties are at their peak, but it suffers under pressure. Boron fibres, which composite materials are:
get more durable the more you squeeze them, are being examined for
use. The composite’s high flexural properties are necessary for its use in • Carbon fibre composites: Carbon fibre composites are unrivalled in
various applications, including shipbuilding, athletic gear, and medical strength and stiffness for their weight. The automotive and aerospace
devices [8]. Natural fillers in composites have recently gained popu­ industries rely heavily on them because of their high quality.
larity since these materials often exhibit enhanced characteristics • Glass fibre composites: They are widely used in the automotive
compared to neat polymers. Nano-fibrillated cellulose (NFC), cellulose industry due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, low cost, and
nanocrystals (CNC), and natural fibres are the most widely used fillers. simple production process.
It’s common practice to use natural fibres to strengthen several polymer • Natural fibre composites: Natural fibre composites can be made
matrices. The scientific community has recently begun to consider self- from various renewable materials, including hemp, jute, and flax.
bonded natural fibre material (SNFM) as a viable option for producing They are replacing traditional composites in many automotive uses
high-performance composites. Water, cellulose, hemicellulose, and because of their environmental benefits.
lignin are the building blocks of plant fibres, with some pectin, grease, • Nanocomposites: Composite materials, often known as nano­
and inorganic compounds thrown in for good measure [9]. composites, are made by entrapping nanoscale fillers within a matrix
In contrast to synthetics, natural fibres can vary in chemical material. They are used in various vehicle applications due to their
composition between species, which might impact the fibres’ function­ superior mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties.
ality. Cellulose is the main component of natural fibres, followed by • Automotive Applications of Composite Materials: Over the past
hemicellulose and lignin in decreasing proportions. Percentages of few decades, the auto industry’s adoption of composite materials has
reinforcing fibres in composites determined via compositional analysis. skyrocketed. Composites see heavy use in the following areas of the
And mixed fibres are easily accessible these days [10]. Production of automotive industry.
high-tech composites by Textron Specialty Materials (TSM) has resulted • Body panels: The excellent strength-to-weight ratio and low weight
in the development of a continuous-fibre epoxy resin prepreg tape with a of composite materials make them popular for vehicle body panels.
70–80 % fibre density. The carbon and boron fibres in the tape range Less money spent on gas directly results from losing weight and
from very fine to very thick. Carbon is well-intentioned, but its increasing efficiency.
compressive qualities are subpar. The use of boron fibres, which are • Chassis and suspension components: Components of the chassis
particularly effective when compressed, could be one solution to this and suspension systems that use composite materials benefit from
problem. The composite material’s flexural properties are crucial in their high stiffness and low weight. Their addition enhances the
producing leisure and healthcare gadgets and submerged constructions. vehicle’s handling and steadiness.
Composite fibres of today are much stiffer and more robust than their • Interior components: Composites create various interior fixtures,
flimsy ancestors were [11]. Polymeric aramid fibres are solid and stiff including dashboards, door panels, and seats. We improved their
because their molecular chains are virtually perfectly aligned with the durability, mobility, and aesthetics as shown in Fig. 1.
fibre axis. In contrast, glass fibres get their high strengths by processing • Battery enclosures: Composite materials are used for battery en­
out internal or surface flaws that would usually damage Glass. Typically, closures in EVs because of their high thermal and electrical con­
a matrix material is injected into these substances to function as a pro­ ductivity. Because of their superior performance, lightweight, and
tective coating against wear and a pressure carrier for the fibres [12]. A design flexibility, composite materials have revolutionized the
few aspects are lost in translation due to the matrix, but some automotive industry. The automotive sector is predicted to boost its
outstanding specific (weighted) traits are still doable. Metals and glasses adoption of composite materials due to the increased need for
are two possible matrices; however, they are currently exclusively used lightweight and fuel-efficient automobiles. More and more

P. Singh et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

can be made from composites. Technology created for use with fibre-
reinforced thermoplastics allows for developmentof lightweight com­
posite constructions. The development and widespread use of light­
weight materials is motivated by the potential for weight savings and
financial benefits. Propelling a smaller, lighter vehicle over the same
distance takes less energy [17]. Companies in the transportation in­
dustry must respond to customer demands for cheaper costs and cleaner
emissions. It would be to everyone’s advantage if the auto industry
switched to using cheaper, more reliable materials that are also envi­
ronmentally friendly.

2.1. Obstacles to using composites in automotive

Primary barriers to the widespread use of composites in the auto­

motive industry include a lack of industry experience with polymer- and
aluminium-based composite materials, low production rates due to un­
derdeveloped processes, the need for new joining techniques, ignorance
of material responses in automotive environments, a lack of recycling
technologies, a lack of suppliers, and a lack of crash models [18]. The
high cost of carbon fibrecompared to other structural materials for ve­
hicles is another barrier to its widespread adoption. In modern auto­
mobiles, composites are employed for many different components.
Lightweight composites have a lot of potential in the automobile busi­
ness, but additional research is needed. Costs are inversely proportional
to a vehicle’s mass.

2.2. Polymer matrix composites for automotive

Most car composites consist of a polymer matrix reinforced with fi­

bres or whiskers. Fiberglass was first used in a production automobile,
the 1953 Chevrolet Corvette. Polymer materials can weigh 20–40 % less
than conventional metallic materials due to their lower thermal
expansion qualities, quick production cycles, ability to meet demanding
dimensional stability criteria, and more significant fatigue and fracture
resistance. Approximately 25 % of thermosets and 50 % of thermoplastic
composites are used in the automotive industry [19]. As a lightweight
material, glass fibre-reinforced thermoplastic polymer shows promise
because of its inexpensive cost, short production time, and a high po­
tential for part consolidation. Another potentially lucrative composite is
carbon fibre-reinforced polymer, but only if a significant effort is made
to cut production costs. There would be financial and environmental
benefits to increasing the usage of high-tech composites in the car

2.2.1. Reinforcement of polymer matrix with carbon fibers (CF)

Graphite fibres, often called carbon fibres, can be made from various
resources (PAN technique, which Japanese manufacturers dominate).
PAN is needed for nearly the production process when working with
carbon fibre. Sometimes in the middle of production, corporations
radically alter the substances they used previously. Pitch fibres are
preferable to PAN-based fibres for structural applications due to their
greater modulus values and lower coefficients of thermal expansion
Fig. 1. Types of Fiber used in composite fabrication. [20]. Despite their low price and lightweight, carbon fibre’s tensile and
flexural strengths more than makeup for them. Its primary drawbacks
composites will be used in the automotive sector as their potential is are its high price and relative weakness compared to different fibres.
uncovered through research and development. Engineers may save a lot of time and money by using composites from
the beginning of the design process through analysis and production.
2. Composites for automotive
2.2.2. Reinforcement of polymer matrix with glass fibers (GF)
Composites are the subject of an ongoing study in the hopes that they Glass fiber is often made from a combination of alumina, lime, and
can be used to make lighter, safer, and more fuel-efficient automobiles borosilicate. Glass comes in a variety of forms, including those with
[16]. Fibre-reinforced composites are a type of high-performance ma­ specific electrical properties (called “E-glass”), chemical properties
terials that gain their improved properties from the insertion of a high- (called “C-glass”), optical properties (called “R-glass”), physical prop­
strength fibre into their structure. Seats, roofs, steering wheels, hatches, erties (called “S-glass”), and transparency (T-glass). Because of its
dashboards, floor mats, energy absorbers, external and interior panels, increased mechanical strength, electrical insulation, and moisture
wheels, leaf springs, engine covers, and many more vehicle components resistance when paired with a polyester matrix, E-glass is employed in

P. Singh et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

most GF products [21]. The modulus and strength of S-glass fibres are lined blocks than on coated-bore blocks [27–29]. Through die-casting
higher, but the chemical resistance of C-glass fibres is higher. While non-metallic cylinder performances, Honda created a metal-matrix
carbon fibre (CF) has superior electrical conductivity, thermal conduc­ composite (MMC) cylinder. To cut down on weight even more, engi­
tivity, and transparency, glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) is neers are developing a new aluminium engine block with a cylinder bore
heavier and requires careful design when rigidity is critical. Glass fibre is surface strengthened by short hybrid fibres of alumina and carbon.
not as thick, stiff, or strong as carbon fibre. Hence parts reinforced with
it are often bulkier and heavier. Carbon fibre can cost five to ten times as 3.2. Main bearings
much as glass fibre. The relative strength of various materials, such as
steel, Glass, and carbon fibre, can vary greatly [22]. Aluminium or copper matrix composites with graphite particles can
replace copper-lead coverings on main crankshaft bearings. Composite
2.3. Metal matrix composites for automotive bearings reinforced with Al or Cu can be employed as an alternative to
heavier lead copper. Gr-reinforced MMC bearings may self-lubricate,
Researchers are creating new MMCs with self-healing, self-cleaning, last longer, and have enhanced wear characteristics due to the Gr par­
and self-lubricating properties to increase the durability and function­ ticles being bent into a continuous graphite layer.
ality of automotive systems and components [23]. Most MMCs have
labels that specify the matrix metal alloy, matrix material, matrix type, 3.3. Connecting rods
matrix material weight or volume percent, and the ceramic reinforce­
ment type used. MMCs offer many benefits over ceramic or polymer Utilizing nanostructured materials, considered superior to either
matrix composites. traditional monolithic alloys or composites with micron-scale re­
inforcements, has led to the developmentof new materials with excep­
a) Al or Al alloy metal matrix composite tional properties. Carbon nanotube-reinforced composites, for instance,
feature unprecedented rigidity and tensile strength.
Many “engineered materials,” such as aluminium-based metal matrix
composites, are employed in producing modern automobiles (MMCs). 3.4. Accessories
These composites comprise 95 % metal and 5 % non-metallic (usually
ceramic) fibres or particles [24]. Adding or removing non-metallic Coal power plant by-product fly ash can be reinforced in a metal
components from a base alloy’s composition can profoundly affect its matrix to decrease costs and weight for components not subject to heavy
mechanical and tribological properties. Gains in tensile, yield and even loads (such as aluminium, magnesium, lead, and zinc). Several auto
fatigue strength can occur throughout a wide temperature range. Al parts, such as the air conditioner pump bracket, alternator housing,
MMCs have more hardness, durability, and tribological characteristics timing belt/chain cover, valve cover, gearbox housing, and intake
than standard aluminium. Researchers have spent the last decade manifold, can employ Al reinforced with fly ash composites in place of
developing low-cost particle reinforcements like silicon carbide (SiC), steel. Flying ash-reinforced Al MMCs may reduce emissions and increase
aluminium nitride (Al2O3), fly ash (FA), and graphite (Gr) to lower the energy efficiency when integrated into a more extensive system. The
cost of MMC materials. Finding more cost-effective processing technol­ material’s wear resistance is improved, its cost is cut, and its thermal
ogies has also yielded promising results [25]. expansion coefficient is lowered.

b) Magnesium Alloy Metal Matrix Composite 3.5. Chassis

Magnesium stands out as one of the lightest metals that can be A deteriorating chassis can negatively impact any vehicle’s perfor­
employed for structural purposes. Using magnesium to reduce a car’s mance. Syntactic foam results when ceramic microspheres are mixed
weight is associated with improved fuel economy [26]. Magnesium parts with a metal matrix. While its density is only about half that of the
already tuned to the correct frequencies are used to lessen vibration, matrix, it can absorb substantially more impact energy per unit weight
noise, and surface roughness. The Mg alloys’ inflexibility at room tem­ than monolithic alloys and open-cell foams. Syntactic foams produced at
perature rules them out for many contemporary applications as shown in UWM out of al-fly ash and chemosphere greatly complement crumple
Fig. 2. zones because of their improved torsional rigidity and energy absorp­
tion. Syntactic foam is commonly utilized as a core material in modern
3. Parts of automotive fabricated bycomposite materials vehicles. It strengthens the rigidity of sandwich constructions made of
thin gauge sheet metal. High-powered and high-efficiency materials,
3.1. Engine block cylinder liners such as Kevlar honeycomb core material, are unworkable because of
their high price.
Grey cast iron cylinder liners are frequently used to shield aluminium
engine blocks from damage. Lower engine knock caused by Al MMC 3.6. Bumper
liners means better performance (heat transfer from the cylinder to the
water jacket is improved due to increased thermal conductivity). There The bumper is the heaviest single part of a car. The metal bumper
may be less engine wear and a smoother cylinder wall finish on MMC- does not require replacement with composite materials. The auto

Fig. 2. Perception and reality is the combination of asumptions.

P. Singh et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

industry has used polymer composites for years, but technological and complex components in less than a minute, eliminating the need for
financial constraints have hampered widespread acceptance. Automo­ expensive and time-consuming traditional fabrication techniques. Ac­
bile bumpers manufactured nowadays are often made of polymer com­ cording to research, consumers can choose from various resins, low-
posites reinforced with carbon or glass fibre. performance options and less prevalent polymers like PEEK. Fabrics
and unidirectional or non-woven systems consisting of materials
3.7. Leaf spring including Glass, Kevlar, carbon, and hybrids are available to them as
continuous fibre system alternatives. There has been a rise in the regu­
Current Corvette models feature leaf springs made of a glass fibre- larity of the introduction of new performance polymer grades [36].
reinforced epoxy polymer composite, with a fatigue life of more than Polycyclohexylene-dimethyl terephthalate (PCT) is a novel polymer; it is
five times that of steel. Though steel leaf springs are standard, composite a semi-crystalline thermoplastic polyester with a service temperature
ones are preferable because of how well they respond to stresses brought range of 170 degrees Celsius and a melting point of 285 degrees Celsius.
on by road shock, resulting in a much smoother ride. Composite leaf
springs are highly corrosion-resistant and significantly less prone to 4.2. Composites with metal matrix
break under stress than their metal counterparts.
The international research and development community is currently
4. Composite systems and developments fixated on metal-matrix composites. Casting, squeezing, vacuum infil­
tration, and compo casting are only some liquid-infiltration processes
4.1. Composites with polymer matrix used to create these parts [37]. Physicalvapour deposition, hot pressing,
self-propagating high-temperature or reactive synthesis, powder met­
PMCs are typically woven textiles that incorporate polyester and allurgy, and plasma spraying of matrix material over properly organized
glass fibre into the matrix due to these polymers’ thermoplastic and fibres are some more ways of production. MMCs can provide higher
thermosetting properties [30]. Pipelines, valves, pressure vessels, and oxidation resistance at high-temperature operating limits, in addition to
reactors are only a few of the many uses that require resistance to enhanced strength, stiffness, abrasion resistance, and lower density
chemicals and temperatures up to 200 ◦ C. They are used in commercial, [38]. Carbon graphite/copper, graphite/aluminium, SiC/aluminium,
industrial, and transportation environments. Due to the great diversity SiC/magnesium, and SiC/magnesium matrices with fibre re­
of resin compositions, curing agents, and fillers, the possible outcomes inforcements are absorbing. Reinforced ordered intermetallic compos­
span a broad spectrum. Because of their high resistance to moisture and ites (MMCs) like titanium and nickel aluminides are notable due to their
improved mechanical properties, epoxies have long been the preferred peculiar property of increased yield strength with temperature. Still,
thermosetting matrix material for the most demanding applications. they are not typically recognized as such.Brake callipers, pump hous­
While epoxies may only resist temperatures up to 180 degrees Celsius, ings, gears, valves, pulleys, drive shafts, brake rotors, engine blocks,
bismaleimide resins (BMIs) can endure temperatures up to 250 degrees connecting rods, and pistons are some of the many automotive parts that
Celsius, making them a more versatile material [31]. Thermosets’ have benefited from MMCs’ unique qualities and been mass-produced
exceptional heat resistance continues to grow as more and better raw (wear resistance, strength, and stiffness) [39]. Some examples of
materials enter the market. One of the more modern resins, polyimide commercially available continuous fibre-reinforced systems employed
(PI), is stable up to 500 degrees Celsius. The problem is that as these for structural purposes are SiC fibre-reinforced sheets and aluminium
polymers harden, they leak volatile material, leaving unsightly gaps in tubing. Fibre preforms and other processes have allowed the manufac­
the final product. Even though this problem has been fixed, polyimides ture of solid and wear-resistant composites. Still, there is also interest in
are still inappropriate for uses that demand high endurance. Despite this generating rigid metal-matrix composites based on particulate iron with
disadvantage, phenolic resins are useddaily because of their excellent remarkable wear resistance and cutting capability[40] as shown in
temperature resistance [32]. Burning phenolics pose less danger than Fig. 3.
other materials since they produce less smoke and are harder to ignite.
As a result of combustion, aircraft cabin panels will have to make up 5. Conclusions
with less desirable attributes in critical areas. Together with the recently
developed thermoplastic polyether sulphone, these polymers have ad­ Due to their high mechanical and physical properties, composites are
ditives that respond to the fire by venting trapped water as vapour and widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries. Different fibres,
extinguishing the blaze. Researchers are working to improve the impact polymers and processing methods must be used whenever a new com­
resistance and performance of hot-wet thermosetting resins, including posite is created. Current studies also aim to understand better and
epoxies and BMls [33]. Due to thermoplastic matrices’ high strain to improve material durability, recycling, and fibre–matrix bonding. With
failure, composites are made with high-strain, high-strength carbon fi­ the development of novel fire-retardant components, the accessibility of
bres. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), poly polymers with higher temperature ratings, the simplicity of manufac­
etherified (PEI), polyamide-imide (PAl), and polyether sulphone are all ture, and reasonable pricing, PMCs have found widespread use in
examples of resins with melting temperatures above 334 ◦ C (PES). structural and wear-resistant applications in the mining and industrial
Because they can be reshaped under heat and pressure, they have an sectors. The case study shows that if production costs were significantly
unlimited shelf life and low cost for composite processing. Composite reduced, MMCs and CMCs would be widely adopted in applications
thermoplastics have unique properties, unlike polyethene, polyvinyl requiring lightweight materials with excellent toughness and wear- and
chloride, and polystyrene, all widely used in commercial applications. abrasion-resistance. CMCs are becoming increasingly popular due to
These thermoplastics are more robust and can endure higher tempera­ their many beneficial properties, including resistance to high tempera­
tures than their predecessors [34]. tures, oxidation, wear, abrasion, and corrosion. Progress in lowering
When burned with a blowtorch, aluminium and the carbon fiber- processing and manufacturing costs is evidenced by the consistent
PEEK composite were damaged, but the latter material suffered far reporting of firm investments and new initiatives into manufacturing
less. When choosing a polymer for a particular application, it is essential MMC and CMC components, as well as the nearly daily discovery of
to consider the cost and expected service temperatures and loads [35]. novel uses. When working with composites, it’s crucial to coordinate
Epoxies, polyimides, bismaleimides, thermoplastic systems, and high- closely with the product’s developer or manufacturer to avoid any hic­
temperature polymers have been the subject of several scholarly cups. Fabrication, assembly, maintenance requirements, structural effi­
works that detail their unique features. According to a recent press ciency, isotropic or anisotropic behaviour, and environmental effects
release, thermoplastic-engineered preforms can be moulded into must be comprehended.The many desirable characteristics of CMCs,

P. Singh et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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