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An avant garde study on design and analysis of honey comb structured

P.R. Jeyakrishnan a, K. Balasubramanian b,⇑, Manoram R. Balasubramaniyan b, G.K. Sudharson b,
Sreeram V. Panicker b
Kovilpatti, TamilNadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Weight reduction of the engine is one of the methods that affect lower fuel consumption reduction. The
Received 18 May 2020 piston is one of the primary parts in an automobile engine and the performance of the piston has a direct
Accepted 24 May 2020 impact on performance of the engine. It is also subjected to high thermal load, mechanical load and cyclic
Available online xxxx
variation which affect the fatigue life of the piston. Honeycomb structure is artificial structure having
similar geometry of natural honeycomb. This particular structure enables minimization of material con-
Keywords: sumption there by reducing the weight and also the cost. The honeycomb structure will be a hexagonal in
Honeycomb structure
shape and provides relatively higher compression properties and load bearing capacity. To reduce the fuel
IC engine
consumption by means of weight reduction and to achieve the same level of loading capacity, the hon-
Piston head eycomb structure is very opt one. In this paper, the geometric model and analysis of piston was devel-
Structural analysis oped using Dassault systems solid works corporation by considering generative structural analysis. In
the present work aims an avant garde study on design and analysis of honeycomb structured piston
for commercial vehicle TVS scooty pep model of Indian automotive vehicle.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Newer Trends and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering: Materials Science.

1. Introduction A piston is a component of reciprocating engines, reciprocating

pumps, gas compressors and pneumatic cylinders, among other
Motor vehicle emissions contribute to air pollution and are a similar mechanisms. It is the moving component that is contained
major ingredient in the creation of smog in some large cities. A by a cylinder and is made gas-tight by piston rings. In an engine,
study by MIT (2013) indicates that 53,000 early deaths occur per its purpose is to transfer force from expanding gas in the cylinder
year in the United States alone because of vehicle emissions. Effi- to the crankshaft via a piston rod and/or connecting rod. In a pump,
ciency has always been an important factor of consideration for the function is reversed and force is transferred from the crankshaft
an engineer and a common man. Every new system or machine to the piston for the purpose of compressing or ejecting the fluid in
is judged by the improvement in its efficiency value compared to the cylinder. In some engines, the piston also acts as a valve by cov-
the existing system and the goal to achieve maximum efficiency ering and uncovering ports in the cylinder wall. This honey comb
has continued for decades. This drives in the motive to develop structure is widely used in flat or curved surfaces where specific
an engine with appreciable efficiency by varying certain parame- strength plays a vital role and as a result it is widely used in aero-
ters. Our study deals with the incorporation of honeycomb struc- space industry, automobile industry and packaging industry.
ture on piston, which forms the combustion chamber with Kesarapu Sandeep Reddy et al. [1] made an avant-garde study
cylinder liner and cylinder head, to with stand the explosion pres- to optimize the inertia force in the piston of an internal combus-
sure created by burning of fuel and to transfer the energy to crank- tion engine by optimizing design and weight of the piston head
shaft through connecting rod. and concluded that the honey comb structure has good strength
when compared with other structures. As the weight of piston is
⇑ Corresponding author. reduced the inertial force in piston is also reduced. For obtained
E-mail address: (K. Balasubramanian). weight reduction the inertial force is reduced by 21% in piston.
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Newer Trends and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering:
Materials Science.

Please cite this article as: P. R. Jeyakrishnan, K. Balasubramanian, M. R. Balasubramaniyan et al., An avant garde study on design and analysis of honey
comb structured piston, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 P.R. Jeyakrishnan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

As inertial force has indirect impact on mechanical efficiency of the the allowable range. The value of thermal stress was about 50%
engine by reducing it efficiency can be improved and hence better of the thermal- mechanical coupling stress.
break power can be obtained. Floweday et al. [2] provided a clear The strength characteristics of aluminum sandwich panel with
cut view of the thermal performance of the piston and also the fail- aluminum honeycomb theoretically and practically are investi-
ure modes that arises. Their research has concluded that mechan- gated. A series of strength tests were carried out on aluminum
ical loading can be caused by two reasons, viz, the use of neutral honeycomb cored sandwich panel for finding the structural failure.
injector codes and poorly controlled post intercooler air tempera- The total weight of the component can be reduced due less mate-
ture. Daniel Vaczko [3] made a detailed study on the selection of rial consumption and there by reduces cost of production. Core
material for piston head. In their study, the attempt was made to height is not an influential parameter on the crushing behavior
use of ceramic material to decrease the thermal waste in future of honeycomb core instead wall thickness plays a crucial role
vehicles. During the very first phases of the development, the affecting the crushing strength of sandwich panel subjected to lat-
usage and application of the ceramics piston seemed to be promis- eral pressure loads. Simplified methods were used to analyze
ing according to the calculations. Their research met the specifica- deformation and strength behavior of aluminum honeycomb sand-
tions and manufacturing methods of the technical ceramics during wich panel [8–11].
the designing process. While the research elaborated new calcula- From the above mentioned review it is observed that introducing
tion methods, found new simulation processes during the develop- honeycomb cells in the piston design provides high load bearing
ment process, there were plenty of signs, which showed that the capacity and low deformation and maximum weight reduction can
result of this development is going to be positive. After completing be obtained. In the present paper, an avant garde study on design
the first experimental ceramics piston, the tests have shown that and analysis of honeycomb piston are carried out by introducing
the preliminary calculations were successful. It can be declared – honeycomb structures on the surface of piston as per MIL standard.
based on the measurement results – that the efficiency of the
engine has become better with the same adjustments. More exper- 2. Design and modeling of piston with honeycomb structure
iments have been carried out besides the application of the ceram-
ics piston – to optimize the adjustment of the parameters of the The general nomenclature of the piston is shown in Fig. 1. The
engine, so it can be finalized that how better the parameters of following few points to be considered while designing a piston
the ceramics piston engine will be with the best adjustments, than for internal combustion engine. The piston should have an enor-
the engine assembled with the aluminum piston also with the best mous strength in order to withstand the high pressure and inertia
adjustments. X.F Liu et al. [4] examined the study with the theoret- forces. The piston should have minimum mass to minimize the
ical investigation on thermal–mechanical condition inside the pis- inertia forces. The piston should provide sufficient bearing area
ton of diesel engine. Using Finite Element Analysis, stress loading to prevent excessive wear. The piston should be capable of dispers-
and fatigue life of the piston were calculated and the results were ing the heat quickly to the cylinder walls. Also, the piston should
verified using accelerated life testing. The study revealed that the be of sufficient rigid construction to withstand thermal and
maximum stress appears at the top of the piston, inner chamber mechanical distortion. The functional design requirements are (i)
when piston suffers thermal stress. Piston under mechanical stress the piston should be capable of moving inside the cylinder easily
and thermal mechanical coupling, the maximum stress acts at the (ii) it should be capable of reducing friction between the connect-
upper portion of the piston pin seat. The result showed that Inverse ing rod and piston pin (iii) the piston should move even at mini-
power law model fits well with accelerated life of piston only suf- mum pressure. Similarly, there are some structural design
fering mechanical stress. Emil Wroblewski et al. [5] confirmed pis- requirements, viz, cylindrical shape to move up and down easily,
ton rings are responsible for the formation of mechanical losses. It compact size, piston head geometry shape to give maximum
is often better to reduce the friction losses in piston cylinder group efficiency.
lead to an increase in overall efficiency of engine and reduces fuel
consumption. They had a simulation of stepped micro geometry
2.1. Technical specification of the engine
piston bearing surface and their results revealed that stepped
shape of piston skirt helped achieve 10% reduction in friction losses
In the present study, TVS scooty Pep four stroke single cylinder
and replacement of barrel like piston skirt with a cylindrical one
air cooled engine piston is considered. The specification of the
reduces cost of piston machining. Sroka and Dziedzioch [6] studied
engine is presented in the Table 1.
about downsizing of the engine which is very interesting trend in
automotive engineering. Their study dealt with downsizing meth-
ods in case of piston to lower fuel consumption and smoke to
attain the same level of performance of engine. Various parameters
namely Huber-Mises stress and transitional vector displacement in
piston before and after downsizing were studied using Finite Ele-
ment Analysis and results showed maximum value of Huber-
Mises stress was recorded due to downsizing. Before downsizing
the stress level was 114 MPa and after downsizing the value was
155 MPa. Yaohui Lu [7] presented a new calculation method for
theoretical design of piston and found that maximum temperature
fluctuation of piston temperature field is less than 20 °C. Steady
state temperature field was used as boundary condition for ther-
mal stress calculation and thermal mechanical coupling method
was used to calculate the thermal stress caused only by the uneven
temperature distribution. The result showed that maximum tem-
perature 354 °C which appears at the edge of combustion chamber.
Steady state temperature field of finite element simulation showed
a good agreement with the expected result. Thermal stress
obtained from thermal- mechanical coupling method was within Fig. 1. Nomenclature of piston.

Please cite this article as: P. R. Jeyakrishnan, K. Balasubramanian, M. R. Balasubramaniyan et al., An avant garde study on design and analysis of honey
comb structured piston, Materials Today: Proceedings,
P.R. Jeyakrishnan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

The following theoretical calculations for piston dimensions 0:235x1000

th ¼
and stress were made using the engine technical specifications. 12:56x174:15x75
The piston is designed as per the procedure given in the machine th = 1.43 mm
design book [12,13]. Design point of view, the maximum thickness will be consid-
ered and hence, the thickness of the piston head is approximately
2.1.1. Diameter of the piston 4.86 mm and equal to 5 mm.
The piston diameter can be found from the concept state that
the volume of the piston is equal to displacement. The displace-
2.1.3. Radial thickness of the ring (t1)
ment of the engine is given as 87.8 cc.
The following formula is used to find the radial thickness of the
Volume of the cylinder = displacement
Area of cylinder  height (stroke) = 87.8 cc
pr2  43 = 87.8  103 p 3pw
t1 ¼ D
r = 25.5 mm and hence d = 51 mm rt
The piston head is calculated based on the strength to with- Where,
stand the straining action and dissipate the heat of combustion. t1 = radial thickness of the ring
D = cylinder bore = 51 mm
2.1.2. Thickness of the piston (th) pw = pressure of fuel on cylinder wall in N/mm2 (0.025 N/mm2
The Grashoff’s formula is most widely used to find the thickness to 0.042 N/mm2).
of the piston according to strength to withstand the straining rt = permissible tensile stress for aluminum piston.
action. (122.7 N/mm2, by considering maximum tensile yield strength =
p 3p 276 N/mm2 and factor of safety = 2.25)
th ¼ D
16rt p 3x0:042
t1 ¼ 51
Where, 122:7
th = thickness of the piston
t1 = 1.64 mm. say 2 mm.
D = cylinder bore = 51 mm
p = maximum pressure in N/mm2 (maximum pressure the alu-
2.1.4. Axial thickness of ring (t2)
minum can withstand is 6 N/mm2).
The thickness of the rings may be taken as t2 = 0.7 t1 to
rt = permissible tensile stress for aluminum piston. (122.7 N/
t1 = 0.7  2 = 1.4 mm. Say 1.5 mm
mm2, by considering maximum tensile yield strength = 276 N/
mm2 and factor of safety = 2.25)
2.1.5. Number of rings (nr)
p 3x6 nr = D/(10  t2) = 51 / (10  1.5) = 3.4 . Say 3 rings
th ¼ 51
th = 4.86 mm 2.1.6. Width of the top land (b1)
The thickness of the piston can also be measured according to The width of the top land varies from b1 = th to 1.2 th = 1.2
dissipation of combustion. th = 1.2  5 = 6 mm.

th ¼ 2.1.7. Width of other lands (b2):
12:56kðTc  TeÞ
Width of other ring lands varies from b2 = 0.75 t2 to t2 -
Where, = 0.75 t2 = 0.75  1.5 = 1.125 mm. say 1 mm.
th = thickness of the piston
k = thermal conductivity = 174.15(W/m C) 2.1.8. Maximum thickness of barrel at the top end (t3):
Tc-Te = 75 °C for Aluminium alloy t3 = 0.03  D + b + 4.5 mm
H = [C  HCV  m  BP] in KJ/s but, radial depth of the piston ring grooves (b) is about 0.4 mm
C = ratio of heat absorbed by the piston to the total heat devel- more than radial thickness of the piston rings(t1),therefore
oped in the cylinder = 5% or 0.05 b = 0.4 + t1 = 0.4 + 2 = 2.4 mm
HCV = Higher Calorific Value of fuel (KJ/Kg) = 47000 KJ/Kg t3 = 0.03  51 + 2.4 + 4.5 = 8.43 say 8 mm.
m = mass of the fuel used in kg/BP/Sec = 0.15 KJ/BP/Hr 2.1.9. Thickness of piston barrel at the open end (t4):
BP = Brake power in KW = 2pNT/60 = 2  p  4000  5.8 t4 = 0.25 t3 to 0.35 t3
/60 = 2.4 KW t4 = 0.25  8 = 2 mm
H = 0.05  47000  0.15  2.4 / 3600 = 0.235 KJ/s
2.1.10. Theoretical stress Calculation:
Aluminum alloy is used to make the piston crown which is
designed to meet out the requirements of maximum gas forces
(Pmax) as loaded uniformly round plate freely supported by a
Table 1
Technical specification of the engine. cylinder.
The stress acting on piston crown: rb = Mb/Wb in MPa
Engine Description 4-Stroke, Single Cylinder, Air-Cooled
Where ,
Displacement 87.8 cc Mb = Pmax r3i / 3 is the bending moment caused by gas in MN m
Maximum Power 3.68 kW @ 6500 rpm
Wb = rid2/ 3 is the moment of resistance given by flat crown in
Maximum Torque 5.8 Nm @ 4000 rpm
Number of Cylinders 1 m3
Emission Standard BS4 Hence, rb = Mb/Wb = Pmax(ri/d)2 : Pmax = maximum combustion
Bore 51 mm pressure = 6 MPa.
Stroke 43 mm
Where, ri = D2  ð0:05D þ t1 þ dtÞ

Please cite this article as: P. R. Jeyakrishnan, K. Balasubramanian, M. R. Balasubramaniyan et al., An avant garde study on design and analysis of honey
comb structured piston, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 P.R. Jeyakrishnan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

ri = 0:0255  ð0:0025 þ 0:002 þ 0:0008Þ = 0.020 m structured piston are shown in Fig. 3. A solid 3D model is devel-
d = 0.08 – 0.1D; say 0.09D = 0.09  0.051 = 0.0046 m oped using the Dassault systems SOLIDWORKS Corp software from
Hence, rb = Pmax(ri/d)2 = 6 (0.020/0.0046)2 = 113.5 MPa = 113.5 the obtained dimensions.
N/mm2 The cross section of the honeycomb (Hexagon) is provided in
Finally, the calculated theoretical stress is 113.5 N/mm2. It is the Fig. 4. The thickness of the hexogen is about 0.5 mm. The Hon-
very clear that the design will be safe when the calculated theoret- eycomb panel is placed on both piston and piston groove.
ical stress should be less than the allowable stress. The permissible
allowed stress for aluminum alloy is 122.7 N/mm2 which is greater
than calculated stress (113.5 N/mm2). Therefore, the piston design 2.3. Structural analysis
is safe.
ANSYS is used to examine the stress and strain of the piston.
After designing the piston model in solidworks it is imported to
2.2. Modeling of the piston ANSYS software to start the analysis. First, the material namely
aluminum alloy is applied to the model and hence the model will
2.2.1. Ordinary piston: have same properties of aluminum alloy viz, density, young’s mod-
The modeling of the piston is done by using solidworks. The two
dimensions (2D) and three dimensions (3D) of the piston are
shown in Fig. 2. A solid 3D model is developed using the Dassault
systems SOLIDWORKS Corp software from the obtained

2.2.2. Honeycomb structured piston:

Weight reduction of the engine is one of the methods that affect
lower fuel consumption reduction. To reduce the fuel consumption
by means of weight reduction and to achieve the same level of
loading capacity, the honeycomb structure is very opt one. The
Fig. 4. Dimensions of honeycomb.
two dimensions (2D) and three dimensions (3D) of the honeycomb

Fig. 2. Original piston model.

Fig. 3. Honeycomb structured piston model.

Please cite this article as: P. R. Jeyakrishnan, K. Balasubramanian, M. R. Balasubramaniyan et al., An avant garde study on design and analysis of honey
comb structured piston, Materials Today: Proceedings,
P.R. Jeyakrishnan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

ulus, yield strength, tensile strength, poisson’s ratio etc., Then the by Emil Wroblewski et al [5] and 21% reduction by Kesarapu San-
model is subdivided in to mesh of finite sized elements. Then, deep Reddy et al [1].
the equations are developed to find out the stress and strains.

3.2. Von-mises stress

3. Results and discussions
Static structural analysis carried out by means of pressure
3.1. Reduction in weight applied on the piston head. Pressure of 5 MPa (5 N/mm2) is applied
on the piston head. The stress developed on piston with and with-
The weight of the piston with and without honeycomb struc- out honeycomb structure is shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 respectively.
ture was calculated using the software and these values are pre- Also these values are tabulated in Table 3.
sented in the Table 2. When 5 MPa (5 N/mm2) pressure is applied on the piston head
The weight of piston is reduced to 30%, from 0.5 kg of base pis- the stress value was found to be 36.5 N/mm2 for a piston without
ton model to 0.35 kg of honey comb structured piston which is honeycomb structure whereas the piston with honeycomb struc-
optimum reduction of weight when compared to 10% reduction ture the stress value was 770 N/mm2. Hence, the honeycomb struc-
ture found to be increased the stress level greater.

Table 2 3.3. Strain

Weight of the piston.

Weight of piston without Weight of piston with % of weight

When the pressure of 5 MPa (5 N/mm2) is applied on the piston
honeycomb structure honeycomb structure reduction head, the strain induced on piston with and without honeycomb
0.5 Kg 0.35 Kg 30%
structure is shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 respectively. Also these val-
ues are tabulated in Table 4.

Fig. 5. Stress on piston without honeycomb structure.

Fig. 6. Stress on piston with honeycomb structure.

Please cite this article as: P. R. Jeyakrishnan, K. Balasubramanian, M. R. Balasubramaniyan et al., An avant garde study on design and analysis of honey
comb structured piston, Materials Today: Proceedings,
6 P.R. Jeyakrishnan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Von-mises stress values.

Sl.No Parameter Piston without honeycomb Piston with honeycomb structure

Min. Max. Min. Max.
1 Von-mises stress in N/mm2 0.24 36.5 8.48  10-6 770

Fig. 7. Strain on piston without honeycomb structure.

Fig. 8. Strain on piston without honeycomb structure.

Table 4
Strain values.

Sl.No Parameter Piston without honeycomb structure Piston with honeycomb structure
Min. Max. Min. Max.
1 Strain 2.769x10-5 1.834x10-4 5.16x10-7 4.20x10-3

When 5 MPa (5 N/mm2) pressure is applied on the piston head 3.4. Total deformation
the strain value was found to be maximum of 1.83  10-4 for a pis-
ton without honeycomb structure whereas the piston with honey- When the piston head is subjected to a pressure of 5 MPa
comb structure the strain was 4.2  10-3. Hence, the piston with (5 N/mm2), the total deformation takes place on piston with and
honeycomb structure is strained less compare to piston without without honeycomb structure is shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10
honeycomb structure. respectively. Also these values are tabulated in Table 5.

Please cite this article as: P. R. Jeyakrishnan, K. Balasubramanian, M. R. Balasubramaniyan et al., An avant garde study on design and analysis of honey
comb structured piston, Materials Today: Proceedings,
P.R. Jeyakrishnan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Fig. 9. Total deformation on piston without honeycomb structure.

Fig. 10. Strain on piston without honeycomb structure.

Table 5
Total deformation.

Sl.No Parameter Piston without honeycomb Piston with honeycomb structure

Min. Max. Min. Max.
1 Total deformation in m 0 4.66X10-6 0 2.595X10-5

When 5 MPa (5 N/mm2) pressure is applied on the piston head  The piston can withstand safely the induced stress. The calcu-
the total deformation was 4.66  10-6 for a piston without honey- lated stress for aluminum alloy is 113.5 N/mm2 which is less
comb structure whereas the piston with honeycomb structure the than the permissible allowed stress (122.7 N/mm2) and also
total deformation was 2.595  10-5. Hence, the piston with honey- the analysis found to be even less stress value.
comb structure is deformed less compare to piston without honey-  The introduction of honeycomb structure in the piston
comb structure. Therefore, the piston with honeycomb structure head reduced the weight of piston by 30%, from 0.5 kg of
has enough stiffness to reduce the deformation. base piston model to 0.35 kg of honey comb structured
4. Conclusion  Inertia force will also be reduced due to reduction of piston
In this present work, fundamental design concepts related to  The von-mises stress value was 36.5 N/mm2 for a normal piston
the single cylinder air cooled petrol engine piston have been stud- but the piston with honeycomb structure the stress value was
ied. Based on the studies it is concluded that 770 N/mm2.

Please cite this article as: P. R. Jeyakrishnan, K. Balasubramanian, M. R. Balasubramaniyan et al., An avant garde study on design and analysis of honey
comb structured piston, Materials Today: Proceedings,
8 P.R. Jeyakrishnan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Please cite this article as: P. R. Jeyakrishnan, K. Balasubramanian, M. R. Balasubramaniyan et al., An avant garde study on design and analysis of honey
comb structured piston, Materials Today: Proceedings,

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