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The Witcher Lords Amp Lands GM Screen Front Oef2019pdf Compress

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Social standing can impact attributes in social and leadership skills. Different standings also impact intimidation. Weapon skills and unarmed combat are also affected by attributes.

Social standing can impact attributes for skills like charisma and leadership. Different standings have numerical penalties or bonuses to attributes. Weapon damage and accuracy in combat is also affected by attributes.

Weapons can have special effects like bleeding, armor piercing, stun, etc. These effects are explained on pages 1-3 with mechanics for how they function in combat. Meteorite weapons do extra damage against certain monsters.

Social Standings

Standing Effect
Equal No Penalties.
-1 to Seduction, Charisma, Persuasion, and
Tolerated Leadership.
-1 to Charisma.
Feared +1 to Intimidation.
-2 to Seduction, Charisma, Persuasion, and
Hated Leadership.

Bonus Melee Damage & Unarmed

Body Punch Kick
1-2 -4 1d6-4 1d6
3-4 -2 1d6-2 1d6+2
5-6 +0 1d6 1d6+4
7-8 +2 1d6+2 1d6+6 Effect Table
9-10 +4 1d6+4 1d6+8
Name Effect
11-12 +6 1d6+6 1d6+10
You are now engulfed in flames. Every turn you take 5 points of damage
13 +8 1d6+8 1d6+12 to every body location. Armor soaks the damage, but fire does 1 point of
Fire damage to armor and weapons every turn. To put out the fire you must take
a turn to either pour water on yourself or stop, drop, and roll.
Weapon Effects
You are stunned, your head reeling and vision swimming. You can’t take
Name Effect any actions while stunned and anyone attacking you only has to beat DC:10
This weapon can be easily hidden. You
Stun to hit you. To end this effect you must make a Stun save. This roll takes your
Concealment gain a +2 when concealing this weapon. whole turn. If you are struck while stunned, you snap out of it immediately.
This weapon has a chance to cause bleed-
ing if it deals damage to a target. The Poison or venom courses through your body, doing 3 points of damage
Bleeding (x) bleeding chance is written in the paren- Poison every turn that armor does not negate. To shake off the poison, you must
theses. See pg.161 for Bleeding Effects. make a DC:15 Endurance check, which takes one action.
The weapon negates the damage resist-
Armor ance of any armor. Improved Armor Your wound opens a vein, causing horrible bleeding. You take 2 points of
Piercing Piercing weapons also halve the SP value damage each turn until the bleeding is stopped. You can end the bleeding
of the armor they hit. Bleed by either casting a Healing spell on it or making a successful First Aid check
at a DC:15, which takes one action.
When this weapon hits an opponent in
the head or torso the target must make a You’re not literally frozen in a block of ice, but your whole body is stiff and
Stun (x) Stun save minus the value shown in the an icy glaze has formed on your clothes. Until you break the ice you have
parentheses. Freeze a -3 to your SPD and a -1 to Reflex. You can break free with a DC:16 Phy-
This weapon does full damage against sique check, which takes one action.
Meteorite monsters that are vulnerable to meteorite
and has 5 points of extra reliability. You are thrown off balance and take a -2 to your attack and defense. At
Stagger the beginning of your next turn, you recover your balance and this penalty
This weapon can be used against enemies ends.
Long Reach that are up to 2m away.
When casting magic with this weapon, You’re stumbling drunk. Your REF, DEX, and INT are at a -2 and you are at
Focus (x) subtract its Focus value from the STA Intoxication a -3 for Verbal Combat. There’s a 25% chance you won’t clearly remember
cost. everything you did while you were intoxicated.
When casting through this weapon, your
Greater Focus spell DCs are considered 2 points higher. You are seeing visions and images that aren’t really there. The GM has free
Hallucination rein to make any false sensory experience they want appear to you. It takes
This weapon can be used to grapple and a DC:15 Deduction check to recognize each false image.
Grappling to trip opponents within range.
Slow Reload This weapon takes 1 action to reload. Your stomach is churning and you have to concentrate not to vomit. Every
Nausea 3 rounds you must roll under your BODY or spend the round vomiting or
This weapon can be used for non-lethal dry-heaving.
Non-Lethal damage without penalty.
Your access to air has been cut off and you are choking to death. Every
When a critical wound is scored with this round you take 3 damage, which armor does not negate. Depending on
weapon, roll 2d6+2 for the critical. If the
Suffocation your situation, there are different ways to end this suffocation. Restoring
Balanced attack was aimed, roll 1d6+1 instead of your air supply (surfacing from water, escaping a chokehold, etc.) ends this
1d6 to determine the severity of the crit- effect.
This weapon does 1d6/2 damage to the Your eyes have been blocked or damaged. Until you take a turn to clear
Ablating stopping power of armor it if it pene- Blinded your eyes, you are at a -3 to all Attack and Defense and a -5 to sight-based
trates. Awareness.
Actions Extra Attacks & Defense Ranges & Target DC
In one round, you have enough time to move a dis- You can spend three points of STA to take one extra
tance equal to your SPD in meters and perform one action (at a -3) at any point during your turn. Similar- Target Mod
action. Speaking is never considered an action except ly, if you are forced to take more than one defensive DC
during Verbal Combat. action during a round (repositioning, blocking, etc.),
each action costs one STA. However, if you chose to Point Blank
use your action to actively dodge, you do not suffer The weapon is within half a
10 +5
Actions STA drain for defending. meter or physically touch-
ing the target.
Attack Close
You can make an attack Difficulty Checks 1/4 the listed range of the 15 +0
(see In-depth Combat). weapon
Difficulty Example
Initiate Verbal Combat Medium
You can begin Verbal Combat with an opponent Easy Breaking down a rotten door 1/2 the listed range of the 20 -2
(see Verbal Combat). (10) weapon
Cast Magic Average Sneaking past a town guard Long
Depending on the casting time, you can cast or be-
(14) The listed range of the 25 -4
gin casting any form of magic Challenging weapon
Picking a well-made lock
(see Magic Resolution). (18) Extreme
Use a Skill to do Something Difficult Hitting a chain with a throwing 2x the listed range of the 30 -6
You can use a skill (see Skill Resolution). (20) axe at 10m weapon

Pick Up/Draw an Item or Weapon Nearly Forcing open a fortress gate

You can pick up or draw a weapon or item. Impossible barehanded Human Damage Location
Location Roll Penalty DMG
Full Round Actions
Example Modifiers Head 1 -6 x3
You can move up to your (SPDx3) by taking your Situation Modifier Torso 2-4 -1 x1
whole turn to run.
Don’t have the right parts +2 R. Arm 5 -3 x1/2
Actively Dodge
By taking your turn to actively dodge, you impose Don’t have the right tools +3 L. Arm 6 -3 x1/2
a -2 penalty on anyone trying to strike you in me-
Distracting environment +3 R. Leg 7-8 -2 x1/2
lee range for that round.
Under attack +5 L. Leg 9-10 -2 x1/2
By taking a full turn to aim, you can raise your Drunk +3
ranged attack by +1. You can aim for up to three
Sleep-deprived +3
Common Cover Table
turns in a row, giving you a +3 to your attack.
Hostile environment +4
Take a Recovery Action Cover SP
By taking your turn to catch your breath, you can
gain back an amount of STA equal to your REC Stone wall 30
stat. Light Level Modifiers Large tree 30
Light Level Modifier Brick wall 25
Fast Draw
By declaring a Fast Draw at the start of the round, Glaring Light +2 Wooden wall 10
you raise your initiative by +3 for that round by Daylight 0
taking a -3 to your attack. However, you must make Heavy wooden door 15
an attack and you cannot benefit from aiming or Dim Light +2
any other aim-related ability. If your weapon is not
Steel door 20
Darkness +5
drawn, you may draw it as part of this action. Cart 10

Tent 5

Thatch roof 7

Wooden barrel 10

Brambles 7

When you fall from a height, you divide the number
of meters you fall by two and roll that many d6s to
determine damage. Falling damage is done to the tor-
so and it can be soaked by armor. If you collide with
anything, that thing also takes the damage you suffer.
You fall at a rate of approximately 30 meters per
round. If you are near a ledge or something similar
that can be grabbed, you can make an Athletics check
(at a DC decided by the GM) to grab the edge. If you
succeed, you take damage to your arm equivalent to
how far you have fallen.
Stabilizing Criticals Vigor
Your Vigor represents how much chaos you can chan-
Critical Level DC nel safely. If the total Stamina Cost of all the magic
you cast in one round is greater than this value, you
take 5 damage for every point by which it exceeds
Simple 12
your Vigor Threshold and suffer Elemental Fumble
Complex 14 Effects.

Difficult 16
Magic Fumble Table
Deadly 18
Roll Type Result
1-6: Magic sparks and crackles
and you take 1 point of damage
Healing Over Time for every point by which you fum-
Characters begin healing Health Points naturally bled, but the spell still goes off.
over time if someone makes either a Healing Hands 7-9: The magic that is already par-
or a First Aid roll for them. They regain a number of tially through you ignites inside
HP equal to their REC stat per day of rest. While rest- you. Not only does the spell fail
ing, you must not do anything too strenuous. If you Will but you suffer an elemental fum-
spend a lot of time running around, doing work, or (Magic) ble effect as noted below.
fighting, you only heal half of your Recovery per day. >9: Your magic explodes with a
If healed with a Healing Hands check, you gain an catastrophic effect. Not only do
extra 3 HP per day. Critical wounds heal differently. you suffer an elemental fumble
effect but any focusing item you
are carrying explodes as if it were
a bomb (doing 1d10 damage)
Healing Critical Wounds with a two-meter radius.
Critical wounds require time and medical attention.
A doctor can heal a critical wound by taking a num-
ber of rounds (specified by the Healing Hands table)
and then making a Healing Hands roll that beats the
Elemental Fumble Effects
DC specified for the severity of the wound. A mage
must use the Healing spell a number of times (spec- Element Effect
ified by the Healing Spell table) to heal a critical
wound. The mage’s Healing spell does not regenerate Magic sparks out of your body. You
Health Points and their Spell Casting roll must beat not only take 1 point of damage for
the DC listed for the severity of critical wound to Mixed every point by which you fumbled
count toward the number of uses. but also suffer one of the effects be-
low, chosen randomly by the GM.
The earth around you rocks. You
Critical Wounds Table Earth
take 1 point of damage for every
Healing Hands or point by which you fumbled and
Beat Critical Bonus are also stunned.
Healing Spells
Defense By... Level DMG The air rushes around you. You take
Critical Rounds/ Roll DC Air
1 point of damage for every point
7 Simple 3 by which you fumbled and are
Level Spell Uses Skill/Spell thrown back two meters.
10 Complex 5 2 Rounds
Simple 4 Uses
12/14 Your body bursts into flames. You
13 Difficult 8 take 1 point of damage for every
4 Rounds
Fire point by which you fumbled and
15 Deadly 10 Complex 6 Uses
are also set on fire.
6 Rounds Frost crackles and hardens around
Difficult 8 Uses
your body. You take 1 point of dam-
Death Saves 8 Rounds
Water age for every point by which you
When you have been knocked below zero Health Deadly 10 Uses
18/20 fumbled and are also frozen.
Points you are put into Death State. In Death State, all
your stats (both primary & derived) fall to 1/3 normal
and you must make a Death save at the same value as
your unmodified Stun save. If you fail this save, you
die and no amount of magic can bring you back. If
you succeed, you survive for that round.
Learning Magic
Each round you must make another Death save Time To Learning
at a cumulative -1. On a successful roll, you survive. Magic Level I.P. Required Learning DC
On a failure, you die. A tough player can survive for Learn Checks
quite a while, but eventually you’re gonna cash out. Novice
Every time you are injured in Death State, you must 10 4 Days 14 2
make another Death save at a cumulative -1.
Journeyman 20 1 Week 18 4
Stabilization High
30 3 Weeks 22 6
To stop someone from dying, you must stabilize
them. To stabilize a character, make a First Aid roll Arch Priest 40 5 Weeks 24 8
at a DC equal to how far the character is below zero
Health Points. If you fail, the patient continues to
die, but if you succeed, they are brought back to one
Health Point and leave Death State.
Fixing Broken Weapons & I.P. Rewards Lodging
Armor I.P. Achievement Quality Cost
When a weapon or armor is broken, the weapon or
armor ceases to function. Any weapon or armor can 1 Participated often Straw On the Floor (Per Night) 2
be fixed with a Crafting roll. The process of fixing a
weapon or armor is simple and similar to crafting a 2 Participated effectively Sketchy Inn Room (Per Night) 4
weapon or armor of the same type. You must: 3 Used skills effectively
•Salvage: You don’t necessarily need all of the Cheap Inn Room (Per Night) 8
pieces but you need to have the base weapon or 4 Did something impressive Average Inn Room (Per Night) 16
•Obtain the Materials: To fix a weapon or 5 Did something out of the box Quality Inn Room (Per Night) 36
armor, gather 1 unit of each material listed in the 6 Did something incredibly clever High-Class Inn Room (Per Night) 72
original diagram.
•Tools: Repairing a weapon or armor requires 7 Was critical to the party’s success Stabling (Per Night) 2
all the same tools needed to make it initially. 8 Saved the entire party
•Roll: When fixing a weapon or armor, you
must make a Crafting roll at a DC equal to the Did something that blew the GM’s
crafting DC of the item minus five. Every rune/ 9
glyph/enhancement raises the DC by two.
mind Food & Drink
Name Weight Cost
Encounters Currency A Simple Meal 1 10
When setting up an encounter in the Witcher TRPG, 1 Redanian Crown is equal to
A Good Meal 2.5 30
always remember: More is better. Rarely will you ever
be attacked by one monster. Usually they swarm. If 1 Temerian Oren A Feast 5 100
you’re lucky, you’ll only be attacked by three mon- 1/3 Nilfgaardian Floren Beer 1 5
sters, but most times it’s five or six. So here’s an equa-
tion to remember when sending enemies (monster, 3 Kaedweni Ducats Spirits 1 10
humanoid, or otherwise) after your players:
1/4 Koviri Bizant Wine 1 8
Number of Monsters = 1/2 Hengefor Lintar
Players + 2
For every medium monster you put into Selling Goods Services
your encounter take out three easy monsters. The prices listed here represent the inflated wartime
Unless your players are proven bad-asses, don’t price of goods. These are the price at which you’ll
Name Cost
put a hard monster in with any other monsters. A purchase items. If you want to sell goods on the mar-
party of five or fewer can take one hard monster. Bath, Cold 8
ket, the base price you can get for them is half the
You can scale monster encounters more using listed price. This can be haggled up by using the Busi- Bath, Hot 16
the complex or difficult monsters from each threat ness skill against the merchant’s Resist Coercion (or a
category. Carriage Ride 85
DC set by the GM).
Chronicler 25
Success Percentage of Market
Craftsman (Per Piece) 35
Curses: Penance & Suffering At DC 100%
Doctor (Per Patient) 50
No two curses are lifted the same way. Three peo-
4 Above 125%
ple afflicted with lycanthropy may find three entirely Entertainment (Per Hour) 10
separate ways to lift their curses. When someone gets 6 Above 150%
cursed in your game, take a moment to figure out 1/4 of the
Fence “Take”
how they’re going to undo the curse. You don’t have 8 Above 175%
to tell them but you should know, just in case they Hireling (Per Day) 15
10 Above 200%
stumble upon it.
Investigator 45
Laundry 8
Lawyer 50
Messenger 10
Prostitute (Per Hour) 12
Rented Horse (Per Day) 50
Sea Voyage 85
Toll Gate 10

THE WITCHER® is a registered trademark of

CD PROJEKT S. A. All rights reserved. THE
WITCHER game is based on the prose of
Andrzej Sapkowski. PRINTED IN GERMANY

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