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Beginner Box - Pregen Rogue

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About Merisiel

Merisiel is an elf who grew up as an orphan among humans. She is a master at stowing
away on ships, and has called dozens of cities home, leaving one for another after her
human companions grew up and she stayed young. Merisiel isnt exactly the sharpest knife
in the drawer, but she makes up for this by being incredibly agile and skilled with small
objects, such as daggers and lockpicks. So far, Merisiel hasnt met a problem that cant, in
one way or another, be solved with daggers.
Merisiels life experiences have taught her to enjoy things to their fullest as they occur
its impossible to tell when the good times might end. Shes open and expressive with her
thoughts and emotions, and while shes always on the move and working on her latest
batch of plots for easy money, in the end all her schemes come down to being faster than
everyone elseeither on her feet, or with her beloved blades.
She wouldnt have it any other way. Play this rogue character
if youd like to be good at:


Doing Acrobatics

Being a Swashbuckler

Picking locks

Finding traps

Discovering secrets

Stabbing monsters when

theyre distracted

A Your Character Sheet Rogue Character Sheet

F Saving Throws
This character sheet gives you all the information you need to make You make saving throws to resist special attacks like spells,

A Elf
dice rolls for your rogue character. It also gives you places to keep poison, fear, traps, and dragon breath.
track of your equipment and treasure.
Character Name Race
You make a saving throw by rolling 1d20 and adding the

Alignment CN O
XP 20 Total for the kind of save you're making. For example,
Gender Female Class Level 1
B Ability Scores and Ability Modifiers your Reflex save is 1d20+5. Rolling a 20 on the die always
Ability Scores represent your raw physical and mental talent. Higher
numbers are better. The better an Ability Score is, the better its Ability
B Ability scores Ability Modifiers F Class Features Hit
Points 9 succeeds. Rolling a 1 on the die always fails.

Modifier is. Strength 12 +1 Str Modifier Fortitude save


0 +

1 +


+1 Rogue Class Features

dexterity +3 Dex Modifier + + = Add +1 to your Perception skill checks (Section D) when looking
CLASS dex Mod MISC ToTal

Sometimes you have to make an ability check to do something

17 Reflex save 2 3 +5 for traps.
20 simple, like break open a door or remember the name of an constitution 12 +1 Con Modifier Will save

0 +
wis Mod

1 +


Add +1d6 damage to Valeros and
innkeeper. You make an ability check by rolling 1d20 and adding Intelligence 1O +O Int Modifier Attack bonus 0 skill Ranks 8 Merisiel are not
the ability modifier (not the ability score). For example, to make your weapon damage if: flanking the ogre.
Wisdom 13 +1 Wis Modifier
a STR check you roll 1d20+1 (because your STR Mod is +1). Trapfinding +1 (1) your target hasn't
Charisma 1O +O Cha Modifier
Sneak Attack +1d6 acted yet in
combat, or
C Racial Traits Kyra and
C Elf Racial Traits Speed 3O Feet (6 Squares)
(2) your target is
paralyzed or
Valeros are
Your speed is how many feet or squares you can move as a move action. the ogre.
You can see twice as far as a human in dim light. Low-Light Vision helpless, or The goblin
and ogre are
Your Perception skill (Section D) includes a +2 bonus for being an elf. Keen Senses (3) you and an ally flanking Ezren.
are flanking (on

Making Skill Checks D Skills Class Ability Misc. opposite sides of)
Skill? Ranks MOD MOD TOTAL
your target (see
Skills are things that anyone can do, like climb or swim. Acrobatics 1 +

3 + 3 = +7 G Weapons And Attacks the diagram).

As a rogue, you're talented at athletics, observation, sneaking, and cha Mod

+ + =
Improved initiative DEX Mod TOTAL

working with locks and traps.

Bluff 1 O 3 = +4 Initiative O + 3 +3
str Mod

1 + 1 + 3 = +5
+ =
Attack bonus STR MOD TOTAL

Melee Attack O 1 +1
G Combat
You make a skill check when you try to use a skill. Higher numbers
20 cha Mod

are better. Roll 1d20 and add the Total (the last column) for that Diplomacy 0 + 0 + 0 = +0
Attack bonus DEX MOD TOTAL

Ranged Attack O 3 +3 You make an initiative check (1d20+3) at the start of combat. The
skill. For example, to make a Stealth check you roll 1d20+7. Youre DEX Mod

trying to equal or exceed the Difficulty Class (DC) number for the Disable Device* 1 + 3 + 3 = +7 Weapon Rapier highest roll goes first, second-highest goes second, and so on.
wis Mod
skill. You can use a skill only if there is a number in its Total box. Attack Critical Damage Range
Heal 0 + 1 + 0 = +1 Bonus
Threat TYPE Increment Ammunition
You can make one attack once per round on your turn.
+3 1d6+1 18-2O P To attack, roll 1d20 and add your Attack Bonus for that
Knowledge Arcana* + + = weapon. For example, your rapier attack is 1d20+3. If your
What You Can Do On Your Turn Knowledge Dungeoneering* +

+ =
Weapon Dagger (thrown) total is equal to or higher than your enemys Armor Class, you
INT Mod Attack Damage Critical Damage Range Ammunition hit and roll damage! Rolling a 20 always hits. Rolling a 1 always
Bonus Threat
HIT TYPE Increment
You can do one standard action: Knowledge Geography* + + = misses. If you roll the critical threat number, the blow may be a
+3 1d4+1 19-2O P 1O Feet 8
Attack with a weapon (youre allowed to attack diagonally)
critical hit! The Game Master has more information on critical hits.
Knowledge History* + + =
Move up to 30 feet
H Armor and Armor Class

Use a magic item (like a potion) Knowledge Local* + + =

Start picking a lock
int Mod

+ H Armor and Defense

Knowledge Nature*
+ + 10 =

Move up to 15 feet with Stealth = AC 3 + O + 3 O 16 Your Armor Class represents how hard it is for enemies to hit you.

Knowledge Religion* + + = Higher numbers mean you're harder to hit.

And one move action:

Take an item from your pack

Perception 1 + 1 + 5 = +7
i Feats

Draw a weapon Ride 0 + 3 + 0 = +3 Weapon Finesse

Open or close a door WIS Mod Weapon Finesse: Your attacks use agility rather than brute
Finish picking a lock Sense motive 1 + 1 + 3 = +5 strength. Your attack rolls include your +3 DEX Mod rather than
Move up to 30 feet Spellcraft* + + your +1 STR Mod.
Move up to 15 feet with Stealth

SteALTh 1 + 3 + 3 = +7 Equipment
Pick up an item from the ground
Reload your crossbow
*Trained Only Swim 1 +

1 + 3 = +5
j EQuipment
Your equipment is on the studded leather armor sack
And one free action: right side of this page daggers (8) set of clothes
Drop an item
E Armor and weapon Proficiencies rapier
thieves tools
torches (10)

Drop prone in your square

lIght Armor
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor
Simple Weapons
Martial weapons
K Spells
belt pouch
trail rations (5 days)
Move 5 feet (if you dont use your standard or move action to move) chalk 28 gp
rapier short sword longsword Rogues do not cast spells
2011 Paizo Publishing, LLC. shortbow longbow

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