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Endemic Woody Plants

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© 2017 Navendu Page

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without the prior written permission of the author.

ISBN- 978-93-5279-072-2

Book designed by ochre revival design studio

ambawadi, ahmedabad, india. |

Printed and bound in India by

Trail Blazer Printers and Publishers
#205, 4th Cross, Lalbagh Road, Bangalore - 560027

This booklet is an outcome of a project that was funded by Rufford Small Grant Foundation
(Grant 10801-1). I am grateful to Rufford foundation for their patience and continued support
for the duration of the project and also long after. I am also grateful to Kartik Shanker for
guiding me through this project and to the Indian Institute of Science for providing logistic
support. The publication of this booklet was also supported by Nature Conservation
Foundation, Mysore.
I am thankful to the state Forest Departments of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and
Tamil Nadu for granting us research permits to carry out fieldwork across the Western Ghats.
I thank S P Vijaykumar, Pavithra Sankaran, Kalyan Varma and Viraj Torsekar for their inputs on
an earlier design of this booklet. Many thanks to Ajith Asokan for writing many of the species
descriptions. I am extremely grateful to Divya Mudappa for painstakingly proofreading the
entire manuscript and for her suggestions on the layout, text and other contents of the book.
A great many friends, field assistants and forest staff accompanied me at various points
during my fieldwork, and made my job of exploring and photographing plants so much
easier and more enjoyable. It would be impossible to name all these people but I am deeply
indebted to all of them. Many thanks to my ever supportive mother and sister without whose
encouragement I would have not been able to pursue my passion for plants, and to Devathi
for persistently reminding me to complete the task of publishing this booklet.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Dipani Sutaria for her time and enthusiasm
in putting this booklet together, and for all the useful suggestions on its design, layout and
organization. I am very grateful to Manini Sutaria and Ashok Vaghela at ochre revival for
designing this booklet on a very short notice.
The Western Ghats of India is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is one of the eight most bio-diverse
regions in the world. The 160,000 sq km of the Ghats harbor several species of woody plants that are
endemic to its narrow strip of rainforest. Many of these species are poorly documented in the botanical
literature and our understanding of their distribution and population status is far from complete. The
conservation status of a majority of these endemic species of woody plants is yet to be assessed, or many
have been assigned a conservation status based on incomplete information.

The lack of scientifically robust information on diversity, distribution and intensity of threats to these
species is a major impediment in carrying out reliable and objective evaluations. The purpose of this
booklet is to address some of these shortfalls. A 100 species of endemic woody plants are pictorially
showcased here, along with their distribution maps and conservation status based on systematic surveys
carried out in more than 40 locations across the Western Ghats. This booklet is primarily targeted at the
State Forest Departments, students, researchers and plant enthusiasts, to make them familiar with and
aware of some of the endemic and threatened tree species of the Western Ghats.

Species Pages
This booklet features 100 out of the 350 odd species of woody plants that are endemic to the Western
Ghats (or in some cases also distributed in other parts of south India and Sri Lanka). There were no
definite criteria used for short-listing these species, but the list is representative of common, widely
distributed species as well as those that have very small geographic distributions. They are arranged in
order of their conservation status, starting with those that are not of immediate conservation concern
(Least Concern), to species that are at risk to becoming Threatened (Vulnerable), to those that are most
threatened with extinction (Endangered and Critically Endangered). Each page has been given a color
code (top margin) that represents the conservation status of the species and follows the same color
scheme as suggested by the IUCN.

Information on every species includes the current accepted scientific name, family (following the
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group) and common or vernacular names, if available. Also featured are
photographs of the vegetative and reproductive stages, depicting peculiar or diagnostic characters.
Species descriptions have been kept brief and their purpose is primarily to provide details of dimensions
of leaf, flowers and fruits, which cannot be inferred from the images. Additional information on characters
that can be used to distinguish morphologically similar species is also given for certain species.

Geographic Distribution
Information on species’ geographic distribution includes elevational limits as well as latitudinal and
longitudinal extent. The total area of geographic distribution was quantified using two measures -
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO).EOO was estimated by projecting all the
known distributional records of a species on a map and then calculating the minimum convex polygon
(MCP) i.e. the area bounded by connecting outermost occurrence locations of a species.

The AOO is a measure of suitable habitat within the limits of EOO. The AOO presented in this book
was estimated by carrying out ecological niche modeling using the Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt)
software. The predicted distribution of a species along with the occurrence locations recorded as a
result of this study is presented on the AOO distribution maps. Green color represents areas that are
less suitable to a species in terms of its climatic niche while red areas represent areas of relatively high
suitability and high probability of occurrence. Distribution maps and AOO values could not be derived
for data deficient species and hence have not been provided.

Conservation Status
The most important outcome of my four years of extensive fieldwork in the Western Ghats has been
the assessment of species’ conservation status based on comprehensive data on their geographic
distribution. I have assigned a conservation status based on the estimates of the geographic range
size (i.e. EOO and AOO), by primarily following the criterion B outlined in the IUCN Status Assessment
Guidelines, referred to here as ‘Current Assessment’. Many species were assessed for the first time.
In other cases, there was a re-assessment of previously assigned conservation status by the IUCN
(2000). In cases where both assessments differed, the Current Assessment is provided alongside IUCN’s
‘Previous Assessment’. The code that appears after the status in case of threatened species refers to
the criteria used (e.g. Endangered B1ab). Certain rare or narrowly endemic species for which sufficient
data on species distribution could not be collected were categorized as ‘Data Deficient’.

Information on species vernacular names, morphological description and IUCN status has been
acquired from the following sources. These are excellent resources for acquiring further information on
identification, distribution, ecology and conservation status of evergreen woody plants of the Western
Ghats. The meaning and explanation of the botanical terms used in this book can be found in reference
number 6.

1. BIOTIK – Online application on identification and ecology of the evergreen woody plants of the
Western Ghats. The French Institute, Pondicherry.
2. Flowering Plants of Kerala ver 2.0 – N Shashidharan. DVD published by Kerala Forest Research
Institute, Peechi.
3. Endemic Tree Species the Western Ghats – Online application on spatial distribution and ecology of
endemic woody plants of the Western Ghats. The French Institute, Pondicherry. http://www.ifpindia.
4. Digital Flora of Karnataka – Online database on the flora of Karnataka. Herbarium JCB, Center for
Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
5. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
6. Plant Identification Terminology: An iIllstrated Glossory

Least Concern Near Threatened Endangered
Artocarpus hirsutus 02 Aglaia simplicifolia 70 Actinodaphne salicina 134
Diospyros candolleana 04 Baccaurea courtallensis 72 Agasthiyamalaia pauciflora 136
Diospyros paniculata 06 Capparis rheedei 74 Ardisia blatteri 138
Diospyros sylvatica 08 Hopea parviflora 76 Atuna indica 140
Dipterocarpus indicus 10 Otonephelium stipulaceum 78 Chionanthus courtallensis 142
Drypetes elata 12 Cleistanthus malabaricus 144
Dysoxylum malabaricum 14 Vulnerable Cynometra travancorica 146
Euonymus indicus 16 Dipterocarpus bourdilloni 148
Flacourtia montana 18 Arenga wightii 80 Eugenia macrosepala 150
Garcinia gummi-gutta 20 Casearia wynadensis 82 Gluta travancorica 152
Garcinia talbotii 22 Cullenia exarillata 84 Goniothalamus wightii 154
Holigarna arnottiana 24 Dillenia bracteata 86 Humboldtia brunonis 156
Holigarna grahamii 26 Drypetes confertiflora 88 Humboldtia vahliana 158
Hopea ponga 28 Drypetes oblongifolia 90 Memecylon gracile 160
Hydnocarpus pentandrus 30 Garcinia travancorica 92 Memecylon subramanii 162
Ixora brachiata 32 Garcinia wightii 94 Miliusa gokhalaei 164
Knema attenuata 34 Goniothalamus cardiopetalus 96 Miliusa nilagirica 166
Litsea floribunda 36 Hydnocarpus alpina 98 Nothopegia aureofulva 168
Mastixia arborea 38 Ixora elongata 100 Orophea shivarajanii 170
Meiogyne pannosa 40 Kingiodendron pinnatum 102 Orophea thomsonii 172
Melicope lunu-ankenda 42 Lasianthus jackianus 104 Syzygium tamilnadensis 174
Memecylon talbotianum 44 Leptonychia caudata 106 Thottea shivarajanii 176
Myristica dactyloides 46 Mallotus aureo-punctatus 108 Tabernaemontana gamblei 178
Myristica malabarica 48 Mallotus stenanthus 110
Nothopegia racemosa 50 Memecylon umbellatum 112 Critically Endangered
Olea dioica 52 Phaeanthus malabaricus 114
Pinanga dicksonii 116 Elaeocarpus gaussenii 180
Palaquium ellipticum 54
Pterospermum reticulatum 56 Poeciloneuron indicum 118
Psychotria anamallayana 120 Data Deficient
Syzygium gardneri 58
Reinwardtiodendron anamalaiense 60 Sarcandra chloranthoides 122
Aporosa bourdillonii 182
Syzygium hemisphericum 62 Symplocos rosea 124
Cinnamomum heyneanum 184
Syzygium laetum 64 Syzygium mundagam 126
Elaeocarpus munroii 186
Vateria indica 66 Syzygium munronii 128
Eugenia argentea 188
Vepris bilocularis 68 Turpinia malabarica 130
Glyptopetalum grandiflorum 190
Xanthophyllum arnottianum 132
Helicia nilagirica 192
Hopea erosa 194
Orophea malabarica 196
Popowia beddomeana 198
Syzygium stocksii 200
Artocarpus hirsutus
Description: Trees with milky latex, up to 38 m tall, girth up to 3.3 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, elliptic or ovate, 10-25 × 5-14 cm, densely hirsute
beneath when young, apex sub-acute or shortly acuminate, base rounded
or sub-acute, margins undulate, secondary nerves 10-12 pairs, hirsute,
petiole 1.5-3 cm long. Flowers unisexual, male flowers in axillary spikes, up
to 15 cm long, female flowers in axillary, ovoid spikes. Fruit sub-globose or
ellipsoid, echinate.

Distribution: Fairly common in evergreen and semi-evergreen forests

from south Maharashtra to Kanyakumari. Elevation 80-900 m. EOO/AOO –
55564/14465 sq km.

Look-alikes: Dipterocarpus indicus and D. bourdilloni. Can be

distinguished by milky latex, presence of annular scars at the base of each
leaf formed by caduceus stipules.
Current assessment: Least Concern
Diospyros candolleana Kan: Kare-mara
Mal: Kari
EBENACEAE Tam: Karimaram
Description: Trees up to 20 m tall, girth up to 1 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, oblong or elliptic-oblong, 6-18 × 3-5 cm, apex

acuminate, secondary nerves not prominent, 15-18 pairs, petiole 0.5-1 cm.
Flowers dioecious, in axillary clusters, calyx in female flowers much larger
than male. Fruit globose, 2.5 cm across with persistent enlarged calyx.

Distribution: Fairly common in evergreen and semi-evergreen forests from

South Maharashtra (Kolhapur) to Trivandrum. Elevation 50-1200 m.
EOO/AOO – 32157/3672 sq km.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Diospyros paniculata Mal: Illekatta, Karivella
Tam: Karunthuvarei
Description: Trees up to 25 m tall, girth up to 1.5 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, ovate or elliptic-oblong, lanceolate, 12-20 × 4-8

cm, margins yellow translucent, secondary nerves 6-9 pairs, petiole 0.5-1 cm.
Flowers dioecious, male in paniculate cymes, female solitary, axillary with
large calyx lobes. Fruit ovoid covered with sooty hairs and enlarged calyx

Distribution: Occasional in evergreen forests from South Maharashtra

(Kolhapur) to Trivandrum. Elevation 150-900 m. EOO/AOO – 24111/3184 sq

Look-alikes: Diospyros pyrocarpoides. Can be distinguished based on

translucent secondary nerves and leaf margin.

Proposed Status: Least Concern

Diospyros sylvatica
Description: Canopy trees up to 35 m tall, girth 2.5 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, elliptic, 5-12 × 3-6 cm, apex acuminate, secondary
nerves 7-10 pairs, petiole 0.3-1.2 cm. Flowers dioecious, male in cymes,
female generally solitary. Fruit globose, 2 cm across with enlarged and
reflexed calyx lobes.

Distribution: Fairly common in evergreen forests from Bhimashankar to

Kanyakumari. Elevation 200-1300 m. EOO/AOO – 68766/7841 sq km.

Look-alikes: Diospyros assimilis. Can be distinguished based on the leaf

lamina which is concave in between the secondary nerves.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Dipterocarpus indicus Mal: Arayangili, Kalpayin, Vella-ayani
Description: Emergent trees, up to 50 m tall, girth up to 2 m, young branches
and stipules pubescent.
Leaves simple, alternate, clustered towards the end of branches, pubescent
when young, glabrous when mature, 8-20 × 6-10 cm, bradly elliptic or ovate,
apex shortly acuminate, secondary nerves strong, parallel, 10-13 pairs,
petiole 3 cm long. Flowers white in axillary racemes. Fruit smooth with 3
short and 2 long, enlarged, wing like, persistent calyx lobes.

Distribution: Rare in low and mid-elevation evergreen forests from north

Karnataka to Trivandrum. Elevation 400-900 m. EOO/AOO – 24988/2834 sq

Look-alikes: Dipterocarpus bourdilloni. Can be distinguished based on

mature leaves which are smaller and glabrous and based on the fruit.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Drypetes elata Mal: Choota, Enikomban,
Konamaram, Palakani
Description: Trees with smooth, straight, white trunk and horizontal
branches, up to 35 m tall, girth up to 3 m.
Leaves simple, alternate, elliptic or elliptic oblong, 5-12 × 2-5 cm, base
oblique, apex acute or shortly acuminate, secondary nerves 8-12 pairs,
petiole 0.4-1 cm. Flowers dioecious, greenish yellow, male flowers in axillary
clusters, pedicel 1-1.5 cm; female flowers, axillary, solitary or in pairs, pedicels
up to 6 cm. Fruit ellipsoid or obovoid, green, drooping.

Distribution: Common in low and mid elevation evergreen forests from

Lonavala to Trivandrum. Elevation 200-1200 m. EOO/AOO – 60455/4065 sq

Look-alikes: Drypetes wightii. Can be distinguished only based on the

length of the fruiting pedicel which is less than 3 cm in D. wightii and more
than 4 cm in D. elata

Current assessment: Least Concern

Dysoxylum malabaricum Kan: Bili agilu
Mal: Akil, Kanu mulla,Vellakil
MELIACEAE Tam: Vellaiyagil, Purippa
domatia in the axils of secondary nerves

Photo credit: Sascha Ismail Photo credit: Sascha Ismail

Description: Canopy trees upto 37m tall, girth upto 4.5 m.

Leaves compound, alternate, paripinnate (rarely otherwise), 25-35 cm long,

no. of leaflets 10-12; leaflets sub-opposite, 9-15 × 4-7 cm, elliptic lanceolate,
apex acuminate, base oblique, secondary nerves 10-15 pairs. Flowers
in axillary panicled racemes, greenish colored. Fruit woody, spherical,
verrucose, 5-7 cm across, opening into 4 valves, seeds reddish-black.

Distribution: Uncommon in evergreen forest from Poona to Kanyakumari.

Elevation 50- 1200 m. EOO/AOO – 48218/13428 sq km.

Look-alikes: Aglaia spp, Dysoxylum spp. Distinguished by the presence

of strong inter-secondary nerves, three angled leaf rachis and glandular
domatia in the axils of secondary nerves.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Euonymus indicus
Description: Small trees, up to 13 m tall, girth up to 1 m.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 0.5-0.8 cm; lamina 5-10 × 2-4.5 cm, elliptic,
apex acuminate, secondary nerves 4-6 pairs. Flowers in three flowered
axillary cymes. Fruit pear shaped, 2.5 cm long, three valved, scarlet when

Distribution: Evergreen forests from Amboli to Trivandrum. Elevation 150-

1100 m. EOO/AOO – 21982/3788 sq km.

Look-alikes: Other species of Euonymus. Can be distinguished based on

flowers which have fimbriate petals.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Flacourtia montana Kan: Attak, Hannu Sampige
Mar: Vruksha-tambat
SALICACEAE Mal: Chalirpazham, Muripacha
Description: Trees, up to 25 m tall, girth up to 1.7 m, trunk with sharp stout
thorns at its base, young parts hirsute, young leaves reddish.
Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 0.3-0.8 cm, pubescent; lamina 7-15 × 4-8
cm, elliptic-oblong, apex acuminate, margin crenate, 3-nerved at the base,
secondary nerves 4-7 pairs. Flowers dioecious in axillary cymes. Fruits
spherical, smooth, scarlet red, 1-1.5 cm across.

Distribution: Common in evergreen and semi-evergreen forests from

Matheran to Kanyakumari. Elevation 150-1100 m. EOO/AOO – 72926/13413
sq km.

Look-alikes: Scolopia crenata. Can be distinguished based on the presence

of hairy petiole and leaf midrib.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Garcinia gummi-gutta Kan: Manda huli, Upage mara
Mal: Gorakapulli, Kodapuli, Meenpuli
CLUSIACEAE Tam: Heela, Panampuli
Description: Trees with yellow latex, up to 25 m tall, girth up to 1.7 m, young
leaves have a sour taste.
Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 1-2 cm; lamina 5-12 × 2-6 cm, elliptic or
obovate, base cuneate, secondary nerves not prominent. Flowers yellow,
polygamous in axillary and terminal clusters. Fruit globose, grooved, 5 cm
in diameter.

Distribution: Western Ghats and Sri Lanka. Common in evergreen and semi-
evergreen forests from Goa to Kanyakumari. Elevation 200-1200 m. EOO/
AOO – 27937/4823 sq km.

Look-alikes: Garcinia indica and Garcniia morella. Differs from former in

having horizontal branches (drooping in G. indica) and from latter in having
elliptic leaves (relatively more orbicular in G. morella), and young leaves
which taste sour.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Garcinia talbotii Mal: Phansada
Description: Trees with yellow latex, up to 25 m tall, girth up to 2.2 m.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 0.5-2 cm; lamina 7-15 × 3-7 cm, elliptic
or ovate, secondary nerves nearly parallel, 12-15 pairs. Flowers yellow,
dioecious, in axillary clusters. Fruit globose, smooth, 5 cm in diameter.

Distribution: Frequent, throughout the low and mid elevation evergreen

forest. Elevation 250-1100 m. EOO/AOO – 62864/3169 sq km.

Look-alikes: Garcinia pushpangadaniana. Differs in having cream or yellow

colored flowers and smooth fruit.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Holigarna arnottiana Eng: black varnish tree
Kan: Holigeru
Mal: Chari, Kattucher, Naicheru
Description: : Trees, upto 25m tall, girth up to 2.4 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, clustered towards the ends of branches; petiole

1-2.5 cm, with a pair of appendages; lamina 10-25 × 3-7 cm, oblanceolate,
apex obtuse or acuminate, secondary nerves 10-20 pairs. Flowers
polygamous, white in axillary or terminal, yellow pubescent panicles. Fruit
ovoid, 3 cm long, purple when mature.

Distribution: Common in evergreen and semi-evergreen forests from south

Maharashtra to Kanyakumari. Elevation 400- 1200 m. EOO/AOO – 52379/7874
sq km.

Look-alikes: Holigarna nigra. Can be distinguished based on the shape of

the leaves. Holigarna nigra has spatulate leaves with an obtuse or rounded

Current assessment: Least Concern

Holigarna grahamii Mal: Dongri
Description: Trees, upto 35m tall, girth up to 3.2 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, clustered towards the ends of branches, tomentose

on lower surface, rhomboidal, 15-45 × 10-20 cm, secondary nerves 25-35
pairs, petiole 2 cm, stout, tomentose, with a 2 pairs of appendages. Flowers
white, polygamous in terminal tomentose panicles. Fruit ellipsoid, 2.5 cm,
seed partially exerted from fleshy torus.

Distribution: Frequent in evergreen forests from Lonavla to Kanyakumari.

Elevation 200-850 m. EOO/AOO – 64781/5504 sq km.

Look-alikes: Holigarna arnottiana which has only one pair of appendages on

the petiole; H. beddomei which has hirsute appendages while appendages
in H. grahamii are tomentose.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Hopea ponga Kan: Haiga
Mal: Kambakam, Pongu
DIPTEROCARPACEAE Tam: Kambakam, Ila-Pongu
Description: Trees, up to 24 m tall, girth up to 1.5 m.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole very stout, tomentose, finely velvety, 1.3 cm;
lamina 11-30 × 3-7 cm, narrowly oblong to oblong, apex acute, acuminate or
rounded, base rounded or sub-cordate; secondary nerves 7-12 pairs. Flowers
whitish to pink, in axillary panicles. Fruit with 2 long enlarged wing like
calyx lobes.

Distribution: Common in the Goa and Karnataka parts of the Western Ghats,
Abundant along streams. Elevation 400-700 m. EOO/AOO – 34713/3396 sq

Look-alikes: Other species of Hopea. Can be distinguished based on the

petiole which is very stout and with velvety texture.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Hydnocarpus pentandrus Kan: Suranti, Toratti,
Chalmogra yenne mara
Mar: Kadu-kavath
ACHARIACEAE Mal/Tam: Kodi, Maravatty, Nirvetti
Description: Trees, up to 26m tall, girth up to 3m.

Leaves simple, alternate, serrate, elliptic-oblong, 8-20 × 4-8 cm, apex

acuminate, base slightly oblique, petiole 0.7- 2.2 cm, swollen at both ends,
secondary nerves 5-7 pairs. Flowers unisexual, monoecious, male in axillary
cymes, female solitary. Fruit woody, spherical, up to 8 cm across, brown
powdery tomentose.

Distribution: Common in evergreen, semi-evergreen and occasionally in

moist-deciduous forest along streams, Goa to Kanyakumari. Elevation 40-
900 m. EOO/AOO – 41286/15859 sq km.

Look-alikes: Drypetes confertiflora and Drypetes malabarica. Can be

distinguished based on the presence of long acuminate leaf apex.

Current assessment: Least concern

Ixora brachiata Mal: Marachethi
Description: Under-storey trees, up to 15 m tall, girth up to 0.8 m.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 0.5-1.2 cm; lamina 8-18 × 4-7 cm, elliptic-
oblong, apex obtuse, base acute, margins undulate; secondary nerves 10-13
pairs. Flowers white, fragrant in terminal panicles. Fruit globose, 0.6 cm
long, reddish or black when ripe.

Distribution: In evergreen and semi-evergreen forests from Central

Maharashtra to Kanyakumari. Elevation 150-800 m. EOO/AOO – 99798/8427
sq km.

Look-alikes: Other species of Ixora. Can be distinguished based on the leaf

shape and obtuse leaf apex.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Knema attenuata Mar: Jangli-jaiphal
Kan: Rakhtamara
Mal: Chorapam, Chorapali
MYRISTICACEAE Tam: Chora-pathiri
Description: Trees, up to 30 m tall, girth up to 2.5 m.

Young parts rusty tomentose. Leaves simple, alternate, 12-23 × 3-7 cm,
elliptic, lanceolate, glaucous beneath, secondary nerves ca. 20 pairs,
prominently raised beneath. Flowers maroon, unisexual, dioecious. Fruits
elliptic, 4cm long,dehiscing into 2 valves, seed covered in scarlet red aril.

Distribution: Common, throughout the evergreen forests from Matheran to

Kanyakumari. Elevation 40-1000m. EOO/AOO – 61334/8232 sq km.

Look-alikes: Litsea spp, Myristica spp. Can be distinguished based on the

number of secondary nerves, horizontal whorled branches emerging from
the trunk and the red sap.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Litsea floribunda Mal: Puttuthali
Description: Trees, up to 22 m tall, girth up to 2.1 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; petiole up to 2 cm long, rusty tomentose;

lamina 6-25 × 3-9 cm, elliptic; secondary nerves 8-15 pairs. Flowers in
axillary tomentose umbellules. Umbellules consisting of up to 7 flowers. Fruit
oblong, up to 2 cm long.

Distribution: Elevation 500-1610 m. EOO/AOO – 30654/3024 sq km.

Look-alikes: Litsea bourdillonii, Litsea wightiana. Can be distinguished from

prior based on shape of the lamina (elliptic in L. floribunda and obovate in L.
bourdillonii) and from later based on the number of secondary nerves (> 8 in
L. floribunda and < 7 in L. wightiana).

Current assessment: Least Concern

Mastixia arborea Mal: Mattipal
Tam: Velichi
Description: Trees, up to 32 m tall, girth up to 3.2 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; petiole 1-4 cm long; lamina 7-16 × 2-10 cm,
elliptic or obovate, apex caudate- acuminate, above green and below pale
when dried; secondary nerves 4-8 pairs. Flowers yellowish green in terminal
panicles. Fruit ellipsoid, 1.5-4 × 2 cm.

Distribution: Elevation 20-1610 m. EOO/AOO – 28261/3697 sq km.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Meiogyne pannosa
Description: Trees, up to 10 m tall, girth up to 1 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; petiole up to 1 cm long, covered with

short hairs when young and mature ones glabrous; lamina 4-12 × 1-4 cm,
lanceolate to slightly ovate, apex caudate- acuminate; secondary nerves 5-9
pairs. Flowers yellowish green, tomentose. Fruit elliptic, covered with hairs.

Distribution: Elevation 420-1230 m. EOO/AOO – 64036/4117 sq km.

Look-alikes: Meiogyne ramarowii. Can be distinguished based on the nature

of young branches which are glabrous in M. pannosa and soft pubescent in
M. ramarowii.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Melicope lunu-ankenda Mal: Kaneli, Kattu-shanbagam
Tam: Kattushanbagam,
RUTACEAE Kattuchampakam
Description: Trees, up to 25 m tall, girth up to 2 m.

Leaves compound, trifoliate, opposite, decussate; rachis 4-11 cm long; petiolule 0.5-1 cm long;
leaflets 7-20 × 3-9 cm, elliptic to obovate, apex acuminate, gland-dotted; secondary nerves 7-16
pairs. Flowers greenish white in panicled cyme. Fruit four valved, blackish.

Distribution: Elevation 60-1610 m. EOO/AOO – 43740/15581 sq km.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Memecylon talbotianum Kan: Chappalu
Tam: Kancan
Description: Trees, up to 20 m tall, girth up to 1.6 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole up to 1 cm long; lamina 5-10

× 2-5 cm, elliptic-lanceolate, apex slightly acuminate; secondary nerves
inconspicuous. Flowers blue in axillary bundles. Fruit globose, yellow, 0.8
cm in diameter.

Distribution: Elevation 240-1640 m. EOO/AOO – 63930/8027 sq km.

Look-alikes: Memecylon umbellatum. Can be distinguished based on leaf

shape which is ovate, lanceolate in M. talbotianum while elliptic in M.
umbellatum. These two species can also be distinguished base on fruit color
which is yellow in M. talbotianum while blue-purple in M. umbellatum.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Myristica dactyloides Tam: Katujathika
Mal: Adakkapayin, Chithirapoovu,
Kattujathi, Panthapayin, Pasupathi,
MYRISTICACEAE Pattapannu, Pathiripoovu
Kan: Kadu jajikai
Description: Trees, up to 32 m tall, girth up to 2.1 m; stilt roots seldom

Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; petiole 1.5-4 cm; lamina 12-25 × 4-12
cm, oblong, elliptic or lanceolate, apex acute, shining green above, glaucous
beneath; secondary nerves 13-18 pairs. Flowers yellowish white, male in
umbels, female in fascicles. Fruit ovoid, brownish yellow, 6 × 3 cm; seed
covered with orange-red aril.

Distribution: Elevation 200-1330 m. EOO/AOO – 76902/5215 sq km.

Look-alikes: Myristica malabarica. Can be distinguished based on secondary

nerves. M. dactyloides has more than 13 pairs of secondary nerves while M.
malabarica has less than 11.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Myristica malabarica Kan: Kanage; Doddajajikai
Mal: Kattujathi, Kattujathikka, Kottappannu,
Panampalka, Pathiripoovu, Ponnampu,
MYRISTICACEAE Ponnampannu, Ponnampayin

leaf undersurface
Description: Trees, up to 34 m tall, girth up to 2.5 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; petiole 1-1.5 cm long; lamina 9-22 ×

3-10 cm, elliptic or elliptic oblong, apex acute, glabrous above, glossy glaucous
below; secondary nerves 8-11 pairs. Flowers white (male) numerous in
axillary cymes, (female) larger in umbels, 5 or 6. Fruit oblong, 5-8 × 2-4 cm,
pubescent; seed covered with yellow aril.

Distribution: Elevation 40-240 m. EOO/AOO – 62077/4074 sq km.

Look-alikes: Myristica dactyloides. Can be distinguished based on secondary

nerves. M. dactyloides has more than 13 pairs of secondary nerves while M.
malabarica has less than 11.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Previous assessment: Vulnerable B1+2c
Nothopegia racemosa Mar: Amberi
Description: Trees, up to 17 m tall, girth up to 1.5 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; petiole 1-2.5 cm long, often twisted; lamina
8-23 × 3-7 cm, oblanceolate, apex acuminate; secondary nerves 9-25 pairs,
parallel. Flowers white in axillary racemes. Fruit elliptic, red, 1 cm diameter.

Distribution: Elevation 420-1630 m. EOO/AOO – 71283/4426 sq km.

Look-alikes: Nothopegia beddomei. Can be distinguished based on the

nature of outgrowths on the young branches. N. racemosa has young
branches with brown tomentum while young branches of N. beddomei are

Current assessment: Least Concern

Olea dioica Mar: Par-jambhul
Kan: Tadale, Kalluthodli
Mal: Edana, Etala, Irippa, Karivetti,
OLEACEAE Palarana, Valiya vetila, Vayala, Vidna
Description: Trees, up to 20 m tall, girth up to 3.5 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 0.5-1.5 cm; lamina 7-18 × 2-8
cm, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, apex acuminate to subacute, margin entire
or often strongly serrated; secondary nerves 8-12 pairs. Flowers white in
axillary panicles. Fruit ellipsoid, blue when ripe.

Distribution: Elevation 150-1350 m. EOO/AOO – 71252/4533 sq km.

Look-alikes: Species of genus Chionanthus. Can be distinguished based on

the petiole and leaf margin. Chionanthus spp have petioles that are swollen
at the base and leaf margins always entire, unlike O. dioica which show
uniformly thick petiole and serrated margin.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Palaquium ellipticum Eng: Palai
Kan: Panchonta
Mal: Choppala, Pachendi, Pali, Panchendi
SAPOTACEAE Tam: Palvadinthan, Pali, Palai
Description: Large trees, up to 41 m tall, girth up to 3.5 m, often buttressed.

Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipule small, leaves a scar when fall off;
petiole 1.5-3 cm long; lamina 7-15 × 3-5 cm, apex caudate-acuminate,
elliptic-obovate, undulating margin; secondary nerves 8-12 pairs. Flowers
white in axillary bundles. Fruit ellipsoid, smooth, green, 3-4 × 1.5 cm, filled
with white sap.

Distribution: Elevation 490-1330 m. EOO/AOO – 27714/4907 sq km.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Pterospermum reticulatum Mal: Malayuram,
Description: Trees up to 11 m tall, girth up to 0.3 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; petiole 0.6-0.8 cm long; lamina 5-15 × 2-8 cm oblong, obovate
or fiddle-shaped, irregularly toothed towards the tip, lower surface white tomentose and hairy, apex
acuminate; secondary nerves 5 or 6 pairs. Flowers white in terminal or axillary bundles. Fruit brown,
pubescent, 5-angled; seed winged at one side.

Distribution: Elevation 180-800 m. EOO/AOO – 34492/5450 sq km.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Syzygium gardneri Kan: Bilitirup
Mal: Aattunjaval, Kattunjaval, Karinjaval
MYRTACEAE Tam: Nir-naval
Description: Emergent trees, up to 45 m tall, girth up to 4 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic-oblong, 5-8 × 3-4 cm, apex acuminate,

petiole 0.5-1.5 cm, margins undulate, secondary nerves numerous, closely
parallel. Flowers white in terminal paniculate cymes. Fruit ellipsoid, purple,
with a crown of persistent calyx.

Distribution: Common in evergreen forests from Bhimashankar to

Kanyakumari. Elevation 150-1400m. EOO/AOO – 78766/5155 sq km.

Look-alikes: Other species of Syzygium. Can be distinguished based on

large, buttressed, unbranched, white trunk, caudate acuminate leaves with
undulate margins.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Reinwardtiodendron anamalaiense
MELIACEAE Kan: Santhana beeja Mal: Chinna akil, Thevathali, Vandakamin
Tam: Santhanaviri

domatia in the axils of secondary nerves

Description: Trees up to 27m tall, girth up to 1.4 m.

Leaves compound, alternate, mostly imparipinnate, 20-25 cm long, no. of

leaflets 5-7; leaflets alternate, elliptic-lanceolate, apex acuminate, secondary
nerves 5-8 pairs having hairy domatia in their axils. Flowers cream colored,
in axillary racemes or panicles. Fruit elliptic, 1.5 cm long.

Distribution: Common in evergreen forests from Sirsi to Kanyakumari.

Elevation 200-1100 m. EOO/AOO – 30069/4549 sq km.

Look-alikes: Aglaia spp. Distinguished by the presence of hairy domatia in

the axils of the secondary nerves.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Syzygium hemisphericum Kan: Bennerale, Pannerale
Mal: Payanjaval, Tholnjaval,
MYRTACEAE Tam: Vellainyaral, Vellainaval
Description: Large trees, up to 35 m tall, girth up to 4 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole up to 1.5 cm long; lamina 7-19

x 2-8 cm, elliptic, oblanceolate, pellucid gland dotted, apex acuminate and
slightly twisted, intra-marginal nerve present; secondary nerves 8-12 pairs.
Flowers white in terminal cymes. Fruit globose, pinkish-green, up to 3 cm

Distribution: Elevation 170-1610 m. EOO/AOO – 43841/6967 sq km.

Look-alikes: Syzygium laetum. Can be distinguished based on number of

secondary nerves (6-8 in S. laetum and 9-12 in S. hemisphericum).

Current assessment: Least Concern

Syzygium laetum Mal: Kollinjaval, Kuttuchamba,
Description: Understorey trees, up to 18 m tall (but usually smaller), girth
up to 0.9 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, 6-12 × 3.5-5 cm, apex shortly acuminate,
petiole 0.5-1 cm, secondary nerves 6-8 pairs. Flowers solitary or 2-5 together,
4-5 cm across, crimson, lemon yellow or white with intermediate shades.
Fruit ellipsoid, purple, with a crown of persistent calyx.

Distribution: Common in evergreen forests. Elevation 200-1250 m. EOO/

AOO – 31986/5951 sq km.

Look-alikes: Syzygium hemisphericum. Can be distinguished based on

number of secondary nerves (6-8 in S. laetum and 8-10 in S. hemisphericum).

Current assessment: Least Concern

Vateria indica Eng: Indian copal tree, Piney varnish tree, White dhamar
Tam: Dhupa maram, Painimaram, Vellaikundrikam
Mal: Baine, Kunturukkam, Paenoe, Paine, Payan
DIPTEROCARPACEAE Kan: Bilagaggala, Bilidhoopa, Dhupa mara,
Photo credit: Sascha Ismail

Description: Large Trees, up to 33 m tall, girth up to 2.7 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; petiole 2.0-3.5 cm, swollen at the top; lamina
8-27 × 4-10 cm, elliptic-oblong, apex acuminate or obtuse; secondary nerves
13-20 pairs. Flowers white in axillary panicles, yellow anthers. Fruit oblong,
pale brown, 6.4 × 3.8 cm, calyx persistent.

Distribution: Elevation 40-840 m. EOO/AOO – 34253/7202 sq km.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Previous assessment: Critically Endangered A1cd
Vepris bilocularis
Description: Trees, up to 25 m tall, girth up to 2.5 m.

Leaves three foliolate, alternate, petiole 8-10 cm; leaflets elliptic, apex
lanceolate, 7-25 × 4-10 cm, secondary nerves more than 30 pairs, not very
prominent. Flowers white in terminal or axillary panicles. Fruit globose,
fleshy, gland dotted, 1 cm across.

Distribution: Elevation 200-1300 m. EOO/AOO – 34062/7115 sq km.

Look-alikes: Melicope lunu-ankenda. Can be distinguished based on

numerous closely parallel secondary nerves and alternate leaves.

Current assessment: Least Concern

Aglaia simplicifolia
young parts with lepidote scales

Description: Understorey trees, up to 11 m tall, girth up to 0.4 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, 10-20 × 5-11 cm, elliptic or obovate, apex shortly
acuminate with blunt tip, petiole 1.5-4 cm long, swollen at both ends,
covered with brown lepidote scales, secondary nerves 10-14 pairs. Flowers
brown in axillary racemes or panicles. Fruit woody, oblong, ovoid, beaked,
ribbed, rusty-tomentose.

Distribution: In evergreen forests from Kodagu to Kanyakumari. Elevation

600-1600 m. EOO/AOO – 20656/2084 sq km.

Look-alikes: Paracroton integrifolius, Epiprinus mallotiformes. Distinguished

by the presence of lepidote scales on the petiole, midrib of the lamina.

Current assessment: Near Threatened

Baccaurea courtallensis Kan: Koli kuki
Mal: Mutta thuri
Description: Trees, up to 18m tall, girth up to 1.3 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, clustered towards the ends of the branches, 7-15
× 6-8 cm, oblanceolate, apex acuminate, petiole 2-4 cm, swollen at both
ends, secondary nerves 4-8 pairs. Flowers scarlet, cauliflorous, unisexual,
dioecious, males inflorescences produced through-out the trunk and
branches, female appearing only towards the base of the trunk. Fruits
globose, crimson, ribbed.

Distribution: Frequent throughout the low and mid-elevation evergreen

forest from Kodagu to Kanyakumari. Elevation 40-100m.
EOO/AOO – 21564/4404 sq km.

Look-alikes: Elaeocarpus oblongus, Cleidion spiciflorum. Can be

distinguished based on the leaf arrangement and cauliflorous inflorescences.

Current assessment: Near threatened

Capparis rheedei Kan: Kakkamullu
Description: Shrubs, up to 8 m tall, girth up to 0.4 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, elliptic-oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, 8-12 × 4-6

cm, apex acuminate, secondary nerves 3-4 pairs, petiole 1.5-2.5 cm. Flowers
large, up to 8 cm across, pale blue or white, in axillary or terminal racemes.
Fruit ovoid up to 5 cm long.

Distribution: Rare, along the margins of the evergreen and semi-evergreen

forests, from Goa to Kanyakumari. Elevation 150-800 m.
EOO/AOO – 20344/12884 sq km.

Current assessment: Least Concern/Near threatened

Hopea parviflora Mal: Kambagam, Irupu, Irumbagam
Tam: Pongu
Description: Lofty trees, up to 35 m tall.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole up to 1.3 cm long, tomentose; lamina

8-11 × 3-5 cm, ovate - lanceolate, domatia in the axils of secondary nerves;
secondary nerves 6-8 pairs. Flowers cream yellow in tomentose panicles.
Fruit ellipsoid, 5-6 mm long with two enlarged calyx lobes.

Distribution: Low and mid-elevation evergreen forests in central and

southern Western Ghats, often gregarious along rivers. Elevation 50-1000 m.
EOO/AOO – 20623/5230 sq km.

Current assessment: Near Threatened

Previous assessment: Endangered A1cd+2cd
Otonephelium stipulaceum Mal: Pooripoovam,

stipule like leaflets

Description: Trees up to 28 m tall, girth up to 2.5 m.

Leaves compound, alternate, paripinnate 25-40 cm long, number of leaflets

4-6 + 2 tiny, reniform at the base of the petiole; leaflets sub-opposite,
elliptic, milky-glaucous beneath, apex acuminate, secondary nerves 9-12
pairs. Flowers polygamous, in axillary and terminal panicles. Fruit brown,
ellipsoid, covered with soft prickles.

Distribution: Elevation 150-1000 m. EOO/AOO – 21019/2763 sq km.

Look-alikes: Dimocarpus longan. Can be distinguished by its reduced stipule

like first pair of leaflets.

Current assessment: Near threatened

Arenga wightii Eng: Wild coconut
Kan: Dhadashi
Mal: Alathil thenga, Karampanai,
AREACACEAE Tam: Alam panei
Description: Palm, trunk up to 8 m tall.

Leaves compound, pinnate, 4-8 m long; leaflets more than 50 pairs, 30-100 ×
2-2.5 cm, linear, glaucous beneath, apex unequally two lobed, base unequal
with one of lobes often extending over the rachis. Flowers cream colored
unisexual, male and female born on separate inflorescences on the same
plant. Fruit green, globose, hard, 2.5 cm across.

Distribution: Frequent in evergreen forests mostly along the Ghats on steep

slopes from Uttar Kanada to Kanyakumari. Elevation 400-800 m. EOO/AOO
– 10660/2264 sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)

Casearia wynadensis Mal: Kari-kunnan
young branches and petiole pubescent

Description:Understory trees, up to 15 m tall, girth up to 0.35 m, young

branches and petiole fulvous pubescent.

Leaves simple, alternate, elliptic-oblong, 5-15 × 3-5 cm, apex acuminate,

margin serrate, secondary nerves 8-12 pairs, petiole 0.5-1.2 cm. Flowers
in axillary clusters. Fruit ellipsoid, yellow when mature, dehiscing open to
expose the red arillate seeds.

Distribution: Occasional in wet evergreen forests from Agumbe to Pallakad.

Elevation 600-1200 m. EOO/AOO – 7445/1892 sq km.

Look-alikes: Other species of Casearia. Can be distinguished by the presence

of pubescence on young parts.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B2ab(i,ii)

Cullenia exarillata Eng: Indian durian
Mal: Vediplavu, Mullenpali
Tam: Ani pla, Karanai, Karavi, Malai
MALVACEAE kongi, Polavu.
undersurface covered with bronze colored scales

Description: Giant canopy trees with buttresses, up to 40 m tall, girth up to

3.8 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, narrow oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 7-16 × 3-6

cm, under surface covered shining peltate scales, secondary nerves and
reticulation obscure, petiole 1.5-2.5 cm long. Flowers bisexual, borne in
clusters on the old branches, up to 3.5 cm long, cover with golden-brown
scales. Fruit large, spherical, echinate, upto 13 cm in diameter, dehiscing
into 5 valves.

Distribution: Frequent in mid to high elevation evergreen forests from

Kodagu to Kanyakumari. Elevation 500-1400 m. EOO/AOO – 15865/3318 sq

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i,ii)

Dillenia bracteata Kan: Kattupunna
petiole sheathing at the base

Description: Trees up to 27 m tall, girth up to 2.6 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, obovate to elliptic-obovate, 20-45 × 10-20 cm, apex

acuminate or obtuse, secondary nerves prominent, 30-35 pairs, uniformly
parallel, petiole 2-4 cm. Flowers white, 3.5 cm across, in supra-axillary or
leaf-opposed racemes or clusters of 2-4. Fruit globose, enclosed in orange
sepals, 2.5 cm across.

Distribution: Uncommon in mid elevation evergreen forest from Kodagu to

Kollam. Elevation 600-1000 m. EOO/AOO – 2737/1270 sq km.

Look-alikes: Dillenia pentagyna. This species however, is found widely

distributed in semi-evergreen to dry deciduous forests of central and south
India while D. bracteata is found only in mid-high elevation wet evergreen
forests of the Western Ghats

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i,ii)

Drypetes confertiflora Mal: Kaduvapidukkan
Description: Trees up to 25 m tall, girth 1.8 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, oblong or elliptic-oblong, 6-20 × 3-7 cm, base

oblique, apex obtusely acuminate, margin distantly serrate, secondary
nerves 7-10 pairs, petiole 0.5-1.2 cm. Flowers cream colored, unisexual, in
clusters on old wood, male flowers with shortly pediceled, female flowers
sessile. Fruit 4-5 cm across, yellow, sub-globose, 2 lobed, pubescent, fleshy.

Distribution: Elevation 150-850 m. EOO/AOO – 16924/6708 sq km.

Look-alikes: Drypetes malabarica. Can be distinguished based on lack on

wagon-wheel like branching pattern, leaves which are more distantly and
deeply serrate and based on leaf base which is more oblique.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i,ii)

Drypetes oblongifolia Mal: Malampayin
Description: Trees up to 20 m tall, girth up to 1.2 m.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 0.3-1cm; lamina 10-25 × 5-10 cm, oblong
or elliptic oblong, base oblique, apex acuminate, margins distantly serrate,
secondary nerves 7-10 pairs. Flowers dioecious, axillary or cauliflorous,
sessile, cream colored. Fruit ellipsoid, densely pubescent, yellow.

Distribution: Uncommon in mid elevation evergreen forests from Kodagu to

Kanyakumari. Elevation 200-1300 m. EOO/AOO – 19729/2990 sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i,ii)

Garcinia travancorica Mal: Malampongu
Description: Trees with yellow latex, up to 12 m tall.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 1-1.8 cm; lamina 5-11 × 1.5-2.5 cm, narrow oblong, apex rounded, base
acute, margins recurved; secondary nerves 25-30 pairs, reticulation prominent. Flowers dioecious, male
flowers in terminal cymes, female flowers axillary. Fruit oblong or sub-globose with persistent stigma.

Distribution: Restricted to the Agastyamalai and Megamalai hills in the southern Western Ghats
Elevation 1000-1400 m. EOO/AOO – 27937/4823 sq km.

Look-alikes: Restricted to the Agastyamalai and Megamalai hills in the southern Western Ghats.

Previous assessment: Vulnerable B2ab(i,ii); D2

Garcinia wightii Mal: Attukaruka, Kolivala,Pulimaranga
Description: Trees with yellow latex, up to 10 m tall.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 0.5-0.8 cm; lamina 7.5-14 × 1-3 cm, narrow lanceolate; secondary
nerves 9-12 pairs, not prominent. Flowers dioecious, male flowers in axillary clusters, female solitary
axillary. Fruit globose, 2 cm in diameter.

Distribution: Rare, along low elevation riverine habitats of Kerala. Elevation 50-700 m.

Previous assessment: Vulnerable B2ab(i,ii); D2

Goniothalamus cardiopetalus
Description: Shrubs, up to 4 m tall, girth up to 0.17 m.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 1-1.8 cm; lamina 10-23 × 3-7 cm, oblong
lanceolate, base cuneate, apex acuminate, margins undulating; secondary
nerves 10-14 pairs, looping near the margins. Flowers greenish, cream or
pink, axillary, solitary or rarely in clusters, having a strong fruity odor when
mature. Fruit a cluster of fruitlets, each up to 1.5 cm long, ellipsoid.

Distribution: Occasional in evergreen forests from North Karnataka to

Wayanad district of Kerala. Elevation 400-1150 m. EOO/AOO – 15816/2303
sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i,ii)

Hydnocarpus alpina Kan: Sanuasotti, Torathi
Mal: Malmurutti, Maravetii, Pinervett
ACHARIACEAE Tam: Attuchankala, Koranguthalai
Description: Trees, up to 20 m tall, girth up to 1.7 m.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 0.7-1.5 cm, swollen at both ends, more so
in the upper half; lamina 9-25 × 3-8 cm, ovate-lanceolate or narrow elliptic-
lanceolate, apex acute, base slightly asymmetric; secondary nerves 7-10
pairs. Flowers unisexual, white, solitary or in axillary clusters. Fruit globose,
up to 7 cm across, woody, brown tomentose.

Distribution: In evergreen forests from South Karnataka to Kanyakumari.

Elevation 200-1600 m. EOO/AOO – 17263/3762 sq km.

Look-alikes: Hopea ponga, Hopea utilis, Hopea canarensis. Can be

distinguished based on the petiole which is swollen at both ends and slightly
bent in the middle.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i,ii)

Ixora elongata
Description: Small trees, up to 5 m tall, girth up to 0.2 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; interpetiolar stipules present; petiole

about 1 cm long; lamina 7-27 × 3-10 cm, elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate;
secondary nerves 12-15 pairs. Flowers white or pink, in terminal dense
congested corymbs, penducle up to 15 cm long. Fruit globose.

Distribution: Elevation 750-1200 m. EOO/AOO – 17117/1577 sq km.

Look-alikes: None within its geographic range

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Kingiodendron pinnatum Kan: Chou paini, Enne mara.
Mal: Chukennappayin, Churali,
Ennappayin, Kiyavu, Kulavu.
FABACEAE Tam: Madayan samprani, Koda palai.
Description: Trees up to 30 m tall.

Leaves pinnately compound, alternate; leaflets 5-9 alternate, leaflet petiole

5-10 mm long, grooved; lamina 4.5-10.5 × 2-4.5 cm, ovate-lanceolate, falcate
or oblique, apex acuminate, margins entire; secondary nerves 8-13 pairs.
Flowers white, 2-3 mm across, in axillary and terminal panicled racemes.
Fruit ovate-ellipsoid, compressed, up to 5 cm long, single seeded.

Distribution: Low and mid-elevation evergreen forests in central and

southern Western Ghats. Elevation 200-900 m. EOO/AOO – 17261/2334 sq

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i,ii)

Previous assessment: Endangered A1cd
Lasianthus jackianus
Description: Shrubs, up to 3 m tall, girth up to 0.15 m, all parts densely

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 0.2-0.5 cm; lamina 6-16 × 2-4 cm, elliptic-
oblong, apex sharply acuminate; secondary nerves 7-8 pairs. Flowers white,
in axillary cymes. Fruit globose with persistent calyx.

Distribution: Occasional in evergreen forests from Kodagu to Kollam.

Elevation 800-1200 m. EOO/AOO – 8933/1231 sq km.

Look-alikes: Other species of Lasianthus. Can be distinguished based on

densely hirsute nature of the entire plant.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Leptonychia caudata
Description: Under-storey trees, up to 7 m tall, girth up to 0.4 m.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 0.7-1.3 cm, swollen in the upper half; lamina
8-16 × 3-7 cm, narrow elliptic or elliptic-oblong, apex caudate acuminate,
base 3-nerved; secondary nerves 5-6 pairs. Flowers greenish in short axillary
cymes. Fruit obovoid, 1.8 cm long, seeds with scarlet aril.

Distribution: Indo-Malaysia. Rare in evergreen forests of Western Ghats

Kodagu to Kanyakumari. Elevation 500-1000 m. EOO/AOO – 17418/1575 sq

Look-alikes: Strombosia ceylanica, Antidesma menasu. Can be distinguished

based on 3-nerved leaf base.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Mallotus aureopunctatus

undersurface with yellow gland-dots

Description: Dioecious trees, up to 8 m tall, girth up to 0.5 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole up to 1.5 cm long; lamina 9-20 ×

2-7 cm, elliptic-lanceolate, apex acuminate, margin dentate, yellow glands
below; secondary nerves 7-10 pairs. Flowers in racemes. Fruit trilobed,
echinous, about 1 cm diameter.

Distribution: Elevation 420-870 m. EOO/AOO –9251/2733 sq km.

Look-alikes: Mallotus stenanthus. Can be distinguished bases on the spines

on the fruit which are soft, long and dense in M. aureopunctatus while few,
stout and conical in M. stenanthus.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i,ii)

Mallotus stenanthus Tam: Karuvalichi
Description: Small trees, up to 4 m tall, girth up to 0.3 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole about 2 cm long, both ends

swollen; lamina 5-14 × 2-6 cm, elliptic-rhomboid, apex caudate, yellow
glands below, margin dentate; secondary nerves 5-10 pairs. Flowers
yellowish white in terminal or axillary racemes. Fruit trilobed with conical

Distribution: Elevation 670-870 m. EOO/AOO – 56790/837 sq km.

Look-alikes: Mallotus aureopunctatus. Can be distinguished bases on the

spines on the fruit stout and conical in M. stenanthus while soft, long and
dense in M. aureopunctatus.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B2ab(i,ii)

Memecylon umbellatum Kan: Alle, Archana, Arachare,
Mal: Anakkayavu, Kalyam, Kanila,
Tam: Alli, Anjani, Kasai
Description: Trees, up to 18 m tall, girth up to 2 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 1 cm long; lamina 2-9 × 1-4 cm,
elliptic-ovate, apex acuminate; secondary nerves inconspicuous. Flowers
bluish violet in axillary peduncled cymes. Fruit globose, purple, 0.5 cm

Distribution: Elevation 450-1210 m. EOO/AOO – 49122/1832 sq km.

Look-alikes: Memecylon talbotianum. Can be distinguished based on leaf

shape which is ovate, lanceolate in M. talbotianum while elliptic in
M. umbellatum. These two species can also be distinguished base on fruit
color which is yellow in M. talbotianum while blue-purple in M. umbellatum.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B2ab(i,ii)

Phaeanthus malabaricus
Description: Small trees, up to 2 m tall, branchlets sparsely tomentose.

Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; petiole 0.1-0.3 cm long; lamina 10-20 ×

3-6 cm, margin undulate, pubescent below and glabrous above; secondary
nerves 8-10 pairs. Flowers creamy-white, solitary or in fascicles. Fruit red,

Distribution: Elevation 40-720 m. EOO/AOO – 7908/1823 sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)

Pinanga dicksonii Kan: Kangu, Katadike
Mal: Kanakamugu, Kattukavungu
ARECACEAE Tam: Kaanakamugu
Description: Palms, up to 5 m tall, stems clustered.

Leaves pinnately compound, 1.5 m long; leaflets 50 × 3 cm, linear-lanceolate,

opposite. Flowers in drooping deflexed inflorescences below the leaves,
unisexual, in groups of three. Fruit ellipsoid, 0.8 × 0.3 cm.

Distribution: Elevation 490-980 m. EOO/AOO – 18477/1153 sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)

Poeciloneuron indicum Kan: Balige, Kirballi
Mal: Poothamkolli
Tam: Puthangkolli, Vadinaangu,
Description: Trees, up to 30 m tall, girth up to 3 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 1-2 cm long; lamina 10-29 ×

3-9 cm, elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, apex caudate-acuminate; secondary
nerves numerous. Flowers fragrant in terminal panicle, petals white. Fruit
globose, beaked, 4 cm across, grey-brown when ripe.

Distribution: Elevation 490-1200 m. EOO/AOO – 22026/1005 sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B2ab(i,ii)

Psychotria anamallayana
Description: Trees, up to 12 m tall, girth up to 0.3 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; narrow stipules; petiole 1.5-4 cm long;

lamina 15-25 × 4-8 cm, oblanceolate, apex acuminate; secondary nerves 8-13
pairs. Flowers green in terminal corymbose cymes. Fruit oblong, purple,
about 3 cm long.

Distribution: Elevation 630-1200 m. EOO/AOO – 5035/909 sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Sarcandra chloranthoides
Description: Shrubs, up to 1.5 m tall.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole up to 0.6 cm long; lamina 13-17 × 4-7 cm,
elliptic, apex acute, margin serrate; secondary nerves 7 or 8 pairs. Flowers
yellow in long spike. Fruit ovoid, 1 × 0.5 cm, purplish-black.

Distribution: Elevation 650-1250 m. EOO/AOO – 9509/1401 sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)

Symplocos rosea Mal: Malankuruvi
Description: Trees, up to 13 m tall, girth up to 0.4 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; petiole up to 1.5 cm long; lamina 7-20 × 3-6
cm, elliptic to narrow elliptic-oblanceolate, apex caudate-acuminate, margin
serrate; secondary nerves 5-10 pairs. Flowers pink in racemes, up to 4 cm
long. Fruit oval-shaped, dark pink, 1-2 × 0.5 cm.

Distribution: Elevation 170-810 m. EOO/AOO – 13535/3878 sq km.

Look-alikes: Other species of Symplocos.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)

Syzygium mundagam Mal: Kattuchamba; Mundagam
Tam: Kotta samba
Description: Trees up to 26 m tall, girth up to 3 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 0.4-1 cm long; lamina 14-31 ×

4-12 cm, oblong or elliptic-oblong, pellucid gland dotted, apex obtuse to
acuminate; secondary nerves 15-22 pairs. Flowers large, white in terminal
corymbs. Fruit ovoid, greenish-pink, 2.5 cm long, calyx persistent.

Distribution: Elevation 180-1330 m. EOO/AOO – 12915/1544 sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Syzygium munronii Mal: Njara, Njaral
Tam: Ilambili
Description: Trees, up to 21 m tall, girth up to 1.7 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 0.4-1 cm long; lamina 15-28 ×

3-7 cm, lanceolate, pellucid gland dotted, apex acuminate, intra-marginal
nerves present; secondary nerves 16-22 pairs. Flowers whitish pink in
terminal cymes. Fruit ellipsoid, greenish pink, 4 cm across, calyx persistent.

Distribution: Elevation 750-1250 m. EOO/AOO – 10451/996 sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Turpinia malabarica Mal: Alunkumaram, Kanakkappalam, Marali
Description: Trees up to 33 m tall, girth up to 2.2 m.

Leaves compound, opposite, imparipinnate, 17-40 cm long, number of

leaflets 7-9; leaflets opposite, elliptic, margin serrate, apex acuminate,
secondary nerves 5-7 pairs. Flowers in terminal and axillary panicles, cream
colored. Fruit woody, globose, 2.5 cm across, mottled with white.

Distribution: Occasional in evergreen forests from Sirsi to Kanyakumari and

Sri Lanka. Elevation 50-1100m. EOO/AOO – 14069/3702 sq km.

Look-alikes: Turpinia cochin-chinensis which is found at elevations above

1600 m.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i) (status only for Western Ghats,

excluding Sri Lanka)
Xanthophyllum arnottianum Mal: Madukka,
Madakka, Mottal
POLYGALACEAE Tam: Muttainarathai
Description: Trees, up to 12 m tall, girth up to 1.0 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; petiole up to 0.7 cm long, glabrous;

lamina 5-15 × 2-6 cm, narrow elliptic to elliptic-oblong or oblong-lanceolate,
apex acuminate; secondary nerves 5-9 pairs. Flowers white-yellowish in
terminal or axillary panicles. Fruit globose, dark green, 1 cm diameter, rough.

Distribution: Elevation 40-1100 m. EOO/AOO – 17402/4728 sq km.

Current assessment: Vulnerable B1ab(i)

Actinodaphne salicina
Description: Large shrubs or small trees, up to 6 m tall.

Leaves simple, clustered in (pseudo) whorls; petiole up to 1 cm long;

lamina 8.5 × 2.5 cm, narrowly elliptic, lanceolate, glaucous beneath, apex
acuminate; secondary nerves 8-12 pairs. Flowers unisexual, yellowish on
short axillary inflorescences. Fruit globose, orange, 0.8 cm diameter.

Distribution: Central Western Ghats from Kodagu to Pallakad district.

Elevation: 700-1100m. EOO – 4488 sq km.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i)

Agasthiyamalaia pauciflora Mal: Poothakkali,
CLUSIACEAE Tam: Puthangkolli
Description: Trees, up to 20 m tall, girth up to 1 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, oblong-elliptic, lanceolate, 6-15 × 1.5-4 cm, apex

caudate-acuminate, margins undulating, secondary nerves and reticulation
obscure, petiole 0.7-1.2 cm. Flowers white, up to 4 together in axillary
fascicles, 1.2 cm across. Fruit ovoid, 1.3 cm across, with a beak, dehiscent
when mature.

Distribution: A monotypic genus, narrowly distributed only in Agastyamalai

and Ashambu hills of Trivandrum, Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari district.
Elevation 700-1200 m. AOO – 147 sq km.

Look-alikes: Poeciloneuron indicum, Mesua ferrea, Hunteria zeylanica. Can

be distinguished based on obscure secondary nerves on the undersurface of
the leaves.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Ardisia blatterii
Description: Large shrubs or small trees, up to 5 m tall.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole up to 1 cm long; lamina 8 × 2.5 cm, elliptic, acuminate at both ends,
margin crenate; secondary nerves 12-16 pairs, depressed above. Flowers white in axillary umbells.
Fruit globose, 0.5 cm diameter, purplish black.

Distribution: Restricted to Megamalai and Agastyamalai hills in the shola forests at elevations above
1500 m.

Look-alikes: Other species of Ardisia. It can be distinguished based on the depressed nature of the
secondary nerves which gives the leaf lamina its peculiar undulating character.

Previous assessment: Endangered B2ab(i,ii)

Atuna indica
Description: Trees, up to 22m tall, girth up to 0.8 m.

Leaves simple, alternate; stipules present; petiole 0.5-1.5 cm; lamina 17-21
× 5-8 cm, oblong, elliptic-lanceolate, elliptic-oblong or elliptic-ovate, apex
acuminate or obtusely acuminate; secondary nerves 12-18 pairs. Flowers
white, in axillary or terminal corymbose racemes. Fruit oval-shaped, 4 × 3

Distribution: Elevation 400-700 m. EOO/AOO – 1464/775 sq km.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i)

Chionanthus courtallensis Tam: Kal idalei
Description: Understory trees, up to 20 m high, girth up to 0.5 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic-oblong, 8-12 × 3-5 cm, apex acuminate,

secondary nerves 6-10 pairs, petiole 0.5-0.8 cm long. Flowers white in short
axilliary racemes. Fruit ovoid, 1 cm across.

Distribution: Rare in evergreen forests of Agastyamalai hills. Elevation 600-

800 m. EOO/AOO – 2737/632 sq km.

Look-alikes: Chionanthus spp. Can be distinguished by its oblong-elliptic


Current assessment: Endangered B2ab(i,ii)

Cleistanthus malabaricus
Description: Large shrub or a small tree, young parts, petiole and nerves

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 0.2-0.5 cm; lamina oblong-obovate to

oblanceolate, 4-13 × 2-4.5 cm, glaucous beneath, apex acuminate, secondary
nerves 6-9 pairs. Flowers monoecious in axillary clusters or spikes. Fruit
three lobed, fulvous hairy, 1 cm in diameter.

Distribution: Rare along streams in low-mid elevation evergreen forests of

Karnataka from Uttar-kanada to Hasan district. Elevation 400-800 m. EOO/
AOO – 3201/1524 sq km.

Look-alikes: Litsea spp. Can be distinguished by the presence of stipules.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Cynometra travancorica Mal: Koori
Description: Trees up to 30 m tall.

Leaves compound, alternate, bi-foliate, rachis/petiole 0.7 cm; leaflets

oblique/asymmetric, lanceolate, 4-14 × 2-14 cm, secondary nerves 12-
14 pairs. Flowers white or rosy in short axillary racemes. Fruit flat, semi-
circular, smooth, up to 3.5 cm long.

Distribution: Rare in low elevation evergreen forest from Hassan to

Trivandrum. Elevation 200-700m. EOO/AOO – 6181/518 sq km.

Look-alikes: Humboldtia unijuga, from which it can be distinguished based

on lack of foliaceous stipules

Current assessment: Endangered B2ab(i,ii)

Dipterocarpus bourdilloni Mal: Karannili
Tam: Karanjili
branches hairy with ring like stipular
scars above the petiole

Description: Emergent trees up to 50 m tall, girth up to 5 m, young parts and

stipules densely hirsute.

Leaves simple, alternate, broadly elliptic or ovate, 20-25 × 15 cm, stellate

pubescent beneath, apex shortly acuminate, secondary nerves strong,
uniformly parallel, 13-16 pairs, petiole 4.5 cm. Flowers in axillary racemes,
pink or cream colored. Fruit 2 cm across, 5 ribbed/winged, with two enlarged
wing like calyx lobes.

Distribution: Rare in low elevation evergreen forests from Coorg to Kollam.

Elevation 40-250 m. EOO/AOO – 2502/1103 sq km.

Look-alikes: Dipterocarpus indicus and Artocarpus hirsutus. Can be

distinguished based on the presence of pubescence on the undersurface of
mature leaves from prior and absence of latex from later.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)

Eugenia macrosepala
Description: Shrubs or small trees, up to 10 m tall, girth up to 0.4 m, young
parts pubescent, young leaves reddish.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 0.5-0.8 cm; lamina 6-12 × 2.5-4 cm, elliptic or
elliptic-ovate, apex shortly acuminate, secondary nerves 6-10 pairs. Flowers
sessile, white, axillary, solitary or in pairs.

Distribution: Uncommon in evergreen and semi-evergreen forests from Goa

to Chikmangalur district of Karnataka. Elevation 300-700 m. EOO/AOO –
4893/1699 sq km.

Look-alikes: Eugenia spp., Syzygium laetum, Euonymus indicus. Large

green calyx lobes separated this species from other species of Eugenia and

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)

Gluta travancorica Eng: Tinnelvelli red wood
Mal: Thodappai
ANACARDIACEAE Tam: Senkurinji, Shencurani
Description: Large trees, up to 30 m tall.

Leaves simple, alternate, crowded towards the ends of branches; petiole 1-2
cm long, glabrous; lamina 8-18 × 4-7 cm, obovate-spathulate, apex obtuse;
secondary nerves 13-18 pairs. Flowers cream colored in terminal or axillary
panicles. Fruit globose, brown, 3-4 cm diameter.

Distribution: Elevation 600-1400 m. EOO/AOO – 289/267 sq km.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Goniothalamus wightii Mal: Malamthelli
Description: Shrubs or small trees, up to 5 m tall, girth up to 0.3 m.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 0.7-1 cm; lamina 10-15 × 3-4 cm, narrowly
ovate-lanceolate; secondary nerves 10-13 pairs, not very prominent. Flowers
pinkish, axillary, solitary, having a strong fruity odor when mature. Fruit a
cluster of fruitlets, each up to 2 cm long, ellipsoid.

Distribution: Rare in high elevation evergreen forests from Periyar to

Kanyakumari. Elevation 1000-1400 m. EOO/AOO – 2276/606 sq km.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)

Humboldtia brunonis Kan: Hasige Maraa, Kaat-ashoka
stipules large with leafy appendages

Description: Understory trees, up to 15 m tall, girth up to 1.4 m.

Leaves compound, alternate, pari-pinnate, reddish when young, with a

pair of large leafy conspicuous stipules; petiole very stout; leaflets 2 pairs,
sub-sessile, lamina 8-25 × 3-7 cm, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, apex
acuminate, base oblique/asymmetric; secondary nerves 10-12 pairs. Flowers
whitish-pink, in axillary racemes. Fruit 7 × 3 cm, flattened.

Distribution: Common in low and mid elevation evergreen forest from

Agumbe to Wayanad. Elevation 400-1000 m. EOO/AOO – 4392/816 sq km.

Look-alikes: Other species of Humboldtia, Saraca asoka, Cynometra spp and

Kingiodendron pinnatum. Can be distinguished based on 2 pairs of leaflets
and peculiar shape of the stipules.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)

Humboldtia vahliana Mal: Aattuvanchi, Karappongu, Korathi,
stipules large with leafy appendages

Description: Trees, up to 18 m tall.

Leaves pinnately compound, alternate; leaflets 4-8 pairs, petiole of the leaflets up to 1 cm long,
tomentose; lamina 10-25 × 3-6 cm, oblong-lanceolate, glabrous, apex acuminate; secondary nerves 8-14
pairs. Flowers white in axillary velvety racemes. Fruit elliptic, flat, up to 20 cm long, brown-villous.

Distribution: South of Palghat in low elevation riverine forests from 100 to 700 m.

Previous assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)

Memecylon gracile
Description: Small Trees, up to 4 m tall, girth up to 0.3 m.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole up to 0.4 cm long; lamina 3-7 × 1-2 cm,
ovate-lanceolate, apex caudate; secondary nerves inconspicuous. Flowers
pale blue in axillary cymes. Fruit globose, black when ripe, 0.6 cm diameter.

Distribution: Elevation 150-1150 m. EOO/AOO – 652/406 sq km.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Memecylon subramanii
Description: Large shrubs, up to 4 m tall, young branches four angled.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole sessile or subsessile; lamina 20-40 x 6-14 cm, lanceolate, acuminate at
apex, rounded at base, intramarginal nerve present; secondary nerves about 24 pairs. Flowers bluish
violet in axillary, long peduncled cymes. Fruit globose, purple, 1 cm diameter with persistent calyx cup.

Distribution: Elevation 900-1100 m. EOO < 500 sq km. Restricted to the Agastyamalai region of the
southern Western Ghats.

Look-alikes: Memecylon lawsonii, Syzygium munronii. Can be distinguished from prior based on the
size of the leaves (less than 20 cm in M. lawsonii) and from later based on the absence of translucent
gland dots on the leaf lamina. Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)
Miliusa gokhalaei
Description: Small trees, up to 5 m tall, girth up to 0.4 m.

Leaves simple, alternate; lamina 6–12 × 2–4 cm, oblong or obovate, apex
caudate acuminate, rounded at base; secondary nerves 10–14 pairs. Flowers
greenish-yellow, solitary. Fruit obovoid, beaked, deep pink to white, glabrous.

Distribution: Elevation 520-1160 m. EOO/AOO – 1733/1449 sq km. Central

western Ghats in Kodagu and Waynad districts.

Look-alikes: Miliusa indica. The distributions of these two species do not

overlap with M. gokhalaei distribution restricted to north of the Palghat gap
(Waynad district) while that of M. indica to the south (Anamalai hill ranges).

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)

Miliusa nilagirica
Description: Small trees, up to 7m tall, girth up to 0.3 m;

Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; petioles up to 0.7 cm long; lamina 5-10

× 2-4 cm, ovate, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, apex caudate-acuminate;
secondary nerves 6 pairs. Flowers, exaillary, solitary, purplish-brown. Fruit
globose, clustered.

Distribution: Elevation 670-1220 m. EOO/AOO – 3982/1094 sq km.

Look-alikes: Miliusa malnadensis which is found at elevations above 1200 m

while M. nilagirica is found below 1200 m elevation.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)

Nothopegia Aureofulva

young branches and petiole rusty pubescent

Description: Shrubs or small trees, up to 5 m tall, young branches and
petiole rusty pubescent.

Leaves simple, opposite or sub-opposite; lamina 12-20 × 2-5cm, linear oblong

to lanceolate, apex acuminate; secondary nerves 20-30 pairs. Flowers brown
in short axillary racemes. Fruit globose, 0.5 cm diameter.

Distribution: Elevation 650-720 m. EOO/AOO – 147/370 sq km.

Look-alikes: Other species of Nothopegia. This is the only species of the

genus with opposite, sub-opposite leaves and fulvous pubescent branches.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Orophea sivarajanii
Description: Large shrubs, up to 3 m tall.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 0.3 cm long; lamina 7-15 × 3-6 cm, oblong
or elliptic-oblong, apex acuminate; secondary nerves 7-11 pairs. Flowers
greenish white, solitary or in axillary racemes. Fruit globose in clusters of
up to 6.

Distribution: Elevation 500-700 m. AOO – 354 sq km. Restricted to Central

western Ghats in Kodagu and Waynad districts.

Look-alikes: Other species of Orophea. Can be distinguished based on its

large leaf size.

Current assessment: Endangered B2ab(i,ii)

Orophea thomsonii
Description: Small trees, up to 10 m tall, girth up to 0.4 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; petiole up to 0.5 cm long; lamina 5-7 ×

2-4 cm, ovate-elliptic, apex acuminate; secondary nerves 6 pairs. Flowers
creamy white, solitary or paired, covered with short hairs. Fruit in clusters of
up to 6, globose, 1 cm across, purple when ripe.

Distribution: Elevation 240-1240 m. EOO/AOO – 2128/577 sq km.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)

Syzygium tamilnadensis Mal: Kallunjaval, Kalmoni, Poriyil
Description: Trees, up to 24 m tall, girth up to 1.5 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole up to 1.5 cm long; lamina 6-13

× 3-8cm, elliptic-lanceolate or obovate, pellucid gland dotted, apex obtuse;
secondary nerves about 12 pairs. Flowers white, small in terminal corymbose
cyme. Fruit globose, brownish red, 1 cm diameter, calyx persistent.

Distribution: Elevation 770-2000 m. EOO – 4210 sq km.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)

Note: This species seems to exhibit two leaf forms. The low elevation form
shows oblong elliptic lanceolate leaves and is seen at elevations of up to 1200
m in Kodagu and Wayand. The high elevation form is seen at 1500-2200 m
elevation in shola forests of Nilgiris and Megamalai hills and shows more
elliptic orbicular and glaucous leaves.
Thottea sivarajanii
Description: Shrubs, tall up to 2 m, swollen nodes more than 20.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole up to 0.5 cm; lamina 13-22 × 3-6 cm, narrow
elliptic-lanceolate, apex acuminate, base tri-nerved; secondary nerves 2-3
pairs. Flowers dark purple in axillary cymes. Fruit green, 5-7 cm long.

Distribution: Elevation 840-1210 m. EOO/AOO – 2588/1161 sq km.

Look-alikes: Other species of Thottea. Can be distinguished based on flowers

and four angled fruit.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)

Tabernaemontana gamblei
Description: Large shrubs, up to 3 m tall, girth up to 0.1 m.

Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 1 cm with a short clasping

sheath at base; lamina 6-12 × 2-5 cm, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, apex
caudate-acuminate; secondary nerves 7-9 pairs. Flowers white in terminal
corymbose cymes. Fruit oblong, greenish yellow, 4 × 1 cm.

Distribution: Elevation 650-1250 m. EOO/AOO – 4125/1382 sq km.

Current assessment: Endangered B1ab(i,ii)

Elaeocarpus gaussenii
large domatia in the axils of secondary nerves

Description: Trees up to 20 m tall.

Leaves simple, alternate, 6-8 × 2.5-4 cm long, elliptic to elliptic-obovate, margin serrate, secondary
nerves 4-6 pairs with domatia in the axils. Flowers in axillary racemes, calyx red, petals white. Fruit
spherical, 2.5 cm across, one seeded.

Distribution: Restricted only to the montane evergreen forests of Megamalai hills. Elevation 1400-
1600 m. EOO < 500 sq km.

Look-alikes: Elaeocarpus serratus and Elaeocarpus variabilis. Can be distinguished based on smaller,
obovate leaves and flowers with less than 15 stamens.

Previous assessment: Critically Endangered B1ab(i)+2ab(ii)

Aporosa bourdillonii Mal: Malamvetti
Description: Understory trees, up to 8 m tall, girth up to 0.3 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, oblong or elliptic-oblong, 10-17 × 4-6 cm, apex caudate-acuminate, secondary
nerves 7-10 pairs, petiole 1-2 cm long, swollen at both ends. Flowers unisexual, dioecious, male flowers
in axillary spikes, female 3-4 flowered axillary racemes. Fruit ovoid or spherical with echinate processes,
up to 2 cm long, stigma persistent.

Distribution: Rare, in low elevation evergreen and semi-evergreen forests. Elevation 40-200 m.

Look-alikes: Aporosa lindleyana. Can be distinguished based on the caudate-acuminate leaf apex.

Current assessment: Data deficient

Cinnamomum heyneanum
Description: Small trees.

Leaves opposite or sub-opposite, narrow-ovate, linear-lanceolate, 4-10 × 1-2 cm, three-nerved at the
base, apex narrowly acute to acuminate, petiole 0.5-1 cm. Flowers cream colored, in axillary panicles.
Fruit ellipsoid, 1 cm long, calyx lobes persistent.

Distribution: Rare, in low elevation evergreen forests along streams.

Look-alikes: Cinnamomum riparium.

Current assessment: Data deficient

Elaeocarpus munroii Kan: Nari bikki, Kal bikki
Mal: Pungeri, Punkara

old leaves turn scarlet red before falling

Description: Trees up to 20 m tall, girth up to 1.5 m.

Leaves simple, alternate, clustered at the end of branches; petiole 2-4.5 cm; lamina 4-9 × 2-4.5 cm,
ovate or narrow ovate, lanceolate, base rounded, apex acuminate, margins crenate, secondary nerves
4-7 pairs with domatia in their axils. Flowers white in axillary racemes. Fruit elliptic, 2 cm long.

Distribution: Occasional; at high elevations, often along the margins of the Shola forests. Elevation
800-1800 m.

Look-alikes: Other species of Elaeocarpus. Can be distinguished based on ovate to narrow ovate leaves
and the presence of domatia in the axils of the secondary nerves.

Current assessment: Data Deficient

Eugenia argentea
Description: Shrubs or small trees, up to 4 m tall, girth up to 0.2 m, young parts silvery tomentose.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 0.3-0.5 cm; lamina 8-12 × 1.5-3 cm, oblong, lanceolate, base rounded,
apex acuminate, silvery tomentose beneath, secondary nerves 17-20 pairs, their ends connected by
an intra-marginal nerve running parallel to the leaf margin. Flowers white in axillary clusters. Fruit
globose, 1.5 cm in diameter.

Distribution: Restricted to mid elevation forests, often along streams in Waynad region of Kerala.
Elevation 600-1300 m.

Look-alikes: Meteoromyrtus waynadensis, Eugenia thwaitesii. Can be distinguished based on oblong

leaflets and silvery tomentose young parts and under surface of leaves .

Current assessment: Data Deficient. Data suggests that this species is likely to be Critically Endangered.
Glyptopetalum grandiflorum
Description: Shrubs up to 1 m tall, young branches angled.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 0.4-0.9 cm; lamina 10-15 × 5-7 cm, elliptic oblong, apex shortly
acuminate; secondary nerves 7-9 pairs. Flowers yellow, in long, filiform, three flowered peduncles.
Fruit globose, 2 cm in diameter, dehiscent, seeds covered with scarlet red aril.

Distribution: Rare; in Kodagu and Wayanad districts. Elevation 600-900 m.

Look-alikes: Euonymus spp. Can be distinguished based on reproductive characters and size of the

Current assessment: Data Deficient

Helicia nilagirica
Description: Trees, up to 12 m tall, girth up to 0.5 m.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 0.5-1.5 cm, swollen at base; lamina 6-9 × 3-5 cm, elliptic or elliptic-
obovate, base cuneate, apex acuminate, margins distantly serrate or dentate; secondary nerves 7-9
pairs. Flowers pink in drooping axillary racemes. Fruit globose, 1.5 cm across.

Distribution: Rare; often along streams from Agumbe to Kanyakumari.

Look-alikes: Symplocos spp. Distinguished based on distantly serrate leaves and short petiole with a
swollen base.

Current assessment: Data Deficient

Hopea erosa Tam: Karunkongu
semi-cordate leaf base

Description: Trees, up to 18 m tall, girth up to 1 m, young twigs and petiole minutely hairy when young.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole stout, 0.5 cm; lamina 10-25 × 3-6 cm, elliptic-oblong to oblong-
lanceolate, base rounded or sub-cordate, apex acute, secondary nerves 12-14 pairs. Flowers in axillary
panicles. Fruit ovoid, apiculate with persistent calyx, 2 cm long.

Distribution: Rare; in mid-elevation evergreen forests. Recorded from Anamalai and Agastyamalai hill
range. A small disjunct population also exists in the Kodagu district of Karnataka.

Look-alikes: Hopea spp. Can be distinguished based on the semi-cordate leaf base and fruiting calyx
which is not modified into wing like structures

Current assessment: Data Deficient

Orophea malabarica
Description: Shrubs, up to 2 m tall.

Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 0.2 cm long; lamina 6-9 × 2-4 cm, oblong or elliptic-oblong, apex
acute, acuminate or obtuse, base obtuse or cuneate; secondary nerves 4 or 5 pairs. Flowers white
with pinkish tinge in axillary or extra-axillary peduncles. Fruit globose, in clusters of three, about 1 cm
across, light yellow with a pink shade.

Distribution: Low elevation forests of central Western Ghats from north Karnataka to Trissur district of
Kerala. Elevation 100 - 700 m.

Look-alikes: Orophea zeylanica.

Current assessment: Data Deficient

Popowia beddomeana
Description: Small trees, up to 2 m tall.

Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; petiole 0.2 cm long; lamina 4-8 × 1-3 cm, oblong lanceolate,
apex acuminate; secondary nerves 4-6 pairs. Flowers leaf opposed either solitary or in pairs. Fruit
ovoid, red, 1 cm across.

Current assessment: Data Deficient

Syzygium stocksii
young branches four angled

Description: Lofty trees, up to 25 m tall, branches four angled.

Leaves simple, opposite; petiole 1-2 cm long; lamina 8-17 × 4-8 cm, elliptic, elliptic-oblong or elliptic-
obovate, apex rounded or obtusely acuminate; secondary nerves 12-16 pairs. Flowers white, small, in
axillary cymes. Fruit pink-purple, 0.8 × 0.6 cm.

Distribution: Rare; along forest streams and swamps. Elevation 40-80m.

Look-alikes: Syzygium travancoricum. The differences between the two species are not clear. These
two names might very well belong to the same species.

Current assessment: Data Deficient


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