Taxonomic Nomenclature2
Taxonomic Nomenclature2
Taxonomic Nomenclature2
1. Objectives:
At the end of the module the students will be able to:
describe the Linnaean system of classification;
classify organisms into a hierarchy; and
construct and use dichotomous keys for identification.
2. Topic Outline
Some Early Taxonomists
Linnaean Systems of Classification
Binomial Nomenclature
Classifying Organisms Based on Similar and Distinct Characters
The Dichotomous Key
3. Pre-Assessment
Direction: Choose the letter that corresponds to the word or phrase that best
completes the sentence.
3. The various taxonomic levels (namely, genera, classes, etc.) of the hierarchical
classification system differ from each other on the basis of
a. how widely the organisms assigned to each are distributed throughout the
b. their inclusiveness.
c. the relative genome sizes of the organisms assigned to each.
d. morphological characters that are applicable to all organisms.
4. If organisms A, B, and C belong to the same class but to different orders and if
organisms D, E, and F belong to the same order but to different families, which of the
following pairs of organisms would be expected to show the greatest degree of
structural homology?
a. A and B
b. A and C
c. B and D
d. D and F
5. Linnaeus was a "fixist" who believed that species remained fixed in the form in
which they had been created. Linnaeus would have been uncomfortable with
a. classifying organisms using the morphospecies concept.
b. the scientific discipline known as taxonomy.
c. phylogenies.
d. nested, ever-more inclusive categories of organisms.
e. a hierarchical classification scheme.
7. Which of the following pairs are the best examples of homologous structures?
a. bones in the bat wing and bones in the human forelimb
b. owl wing and hornet wing
c. bat wing and bird wing
d. eyelessness in the Australian mole and eyelessness in the North American
8. When using a cladistic approach to systematics, which of the following is
considered most important for classification?
a. shared primitive characters
b. analogous primitive characters
c. shared derived characters
d. the number of homoplasies
e. overall phenotypic similarity
Which extinct species should be the best candidate to serve as the outgroup
for the clade whose common ancestor occurs at position 2 in Figure 26.1?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
4. Content
His other innovation was binomial definition. "Binomial" means "two names," and
according to this system each kind of organism can be defined by the two names of its
"genus and difference." The word "genus" comes from the Greek root for "birth," and
among its meanings are "family" and "race." Aristotle's notion of definition was to place
every object in a family and then to differentiate it from the other members of that family
by some unique characteristic. He defined humans, for example, as the "rational animal."
This, according to Aristotelian thought, defines the essence of what it is to be human, as
opposed to such pseudo-definitions as "featherless biped."
But what Aristotle did not do was methodically use binomial definition in his system
of biological classification. This innovation had to await the development of modern
science after the Rennaissance.
Aristotle's influence was profound and long-lasting. Much of his work has not
survived to the present day, so that we don't know the details of his study of plants, but
his student Theophrastus(372-287 BC) continued it, becoming known as the "father of
botany." He is believed to have planted the first botanical garden on the grounds of
Aristotle's Lyceum. Most of the text of his two botanical works, On Plants (De Historia
Plantarum) and The Causes of Plants (De Causis Plantarum) still exists, although only in
Latin translations. The first describes the anatomy of plants and classifies them into trees,
shrubs, herbaceous perennials, and herbs. The second work discusses their propagation
and growth and served in part as a practical guide to farmers and gardeners. However,
he introduced no new principles of classification.
After Aristotle, there was little innovation in the fields of the biological sciences until
the 16th century AD. At this time, voyages of exploration were beginning to discover
plants and animals new to Europeans, which excited the interest of natural philosophers,
as scientists were then called. There was great interest in naming these new species and
fitting them into the existing classifications, and this in turn led to new systems of
classification. Many of the botanists of this period were also physicians, who were
interested in the use of plants for producing medicines.
One botanist who was influenced by Cesalpino was Gaspard Bauhin (1560-1620), a
Swiss physician and anatomist. In his 1623 Illustrated Exposition of Plants (Pinax Theatri
Botanica), he described about six thousand species and gave them names based on their
"natural affinities," grouping them into genus and species. He was thus the first scientist
to use binomial nomenclature in classification of species, anticipating the work of
more influential through his students, whom he sent around the world to gather
His major works went through a great deal of revision in his lifetime, eliminating
errors and coming closer to the system that was eventually adopted by taxonomists
worldwide. His methods of classifying plants have been completely superseded by a
deeper scientific understanding. Originally, Linnaeus had only used binomial nomenclature
to classify plants, but he later extended this system to include animals and even minerals.
There were also errors, subsequently corrected. At first, for example, he had placed the
whales among the fishes, but later moved them into the mammals. He was also the first
taxonomist to place humans among the primates (or Anthropomorpha) and to give them
the binomen Homo sapiens.
If Linnaeus is now considered the father of taxonomy, his success rested on the
work of his predecessors. He was the first, in his System of Nature, to combine a
hierarchical system of classification from kingdom to species with the method of binomial
nomenclature, using it consistently to identify every species of both plants and animals
then known to him.
While he continued throughout his lifetime to revise and expand this great work, so
his successors have continued to revise the principles of taxonomy, now according to
genetic principles, informed by the analysis of DNA. So it always is with science: we stand
on the shoulders of our predecessors, always reaching higher.
The evolution of life on Earth over the past 4 billion years has resulted in a huge
variety of species. For more than 2,000 years, humans have been trying to classify the
great diversity of life. The science of classifying organisms is called taxonomy.
Classification is an important step in understanding the present diversity and past
evolutionary history of life on Earth.
All modern classification systems have their roots in the Linnaean classification system. It
was developed by Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus in the 1700s. He tried to classify all
living things that were known at his time. He grouped together organisms that shared
obvious physical traits, such as number of legs or shape of leaves. For his contribution,
Linnaeus is known as the “father of taxonomy.”
similar enough to produce fertile offspring together. Closely related species are grouped
together in a genus.
Binomial Nomenclature
In modern usage, the first letter of the first part of the name, the genus, is always
capitalized in writing, while that of the second part is not, even when derived from a
proper noun such as the name of a person or place. Similarly, both parts are italicized
when a binomial name occurs in normal text (or underlined in handwriting). Thus the
binomial name of the annual phlox (named after botanist Thomas Drummond) is now
written as Phlox drummondii.
In scientific works, the "authority" for a binomial name is usually given, at least
when it is first mentioned, and the date of publication may be specified.
Linnaeus published his classification system in the 1700s. Since then, many new
species have been discovered. The biochemistry of many organisms has also become
known. Eventually, scientists realized that Linnaeus’s system of classification needed
A major change to the Linnaean system was the addition of a new taxon called the
domain. Adomain is a taxon that is larger and more inclusive than the kingdom. Most
biologists agree there are three domains of life on Earth: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota
(see Figure below). Both Bacteria and Archaea consist of single-celled prokaryotes.
Eukaryota consists of all eukaryotes, from single-celled protists to humans. This domain
includes the Animalia (animals), Plantae (plants), Fungi (fungi), and Protista (protists)
Classifying Organisms Based on Similar and Distinct Characters
Not surprisingly, biologists also classify organisms into different categories mostly
by judging degrees of apparent similarity and difference that they can see. The
assumption is that the greater the degree of physical similarity, the closer the biological
Human arm bones (common bird, mammal, and reptile forelimb configuration)
Parallelism or parallel evolution, is a similar evolutionary development in different
species lines after divergence from a common ancestor that did not have the characteristic
but did have an initial anatomical feature that led to it. For instance, some South American
and African monkeys evolved relatively large body sizes independently of each other.
Their common ancestor was a much smaller monkey but was otherwise reminiscent of
the later descendant species. Apparently, nature selected for larger monkey bodies on
both continents during the last 30 million years.
Analogies are anatomical features that have the same form or function in different
species that have no known common ancestor. For instance, the wings of a bird and a
butterfly are analogous structures because they are superficially similar in shape and
function. Both of these very distinct species lines solved the problem of getting off of the
ground in essentially the same way. However, their wings are quite different on the inside.
Bird wings have an internal framework consisting of bones, while butterfly wings do not
have any bones at all and are kept rigid mostly through fluid pressure. Analogies may be
due to homologies or homoplasies, but the common ancestor, if any, is unknown.
Problems in Classifying Organisms
Listing characteristics that distinguish one species from another has the effect of
making it appear that the species and their distinctive attributes are fixed and eternal.
We must always keep in mind that they were brought about by evolutionary processes
that operated not merely at some time in the distant past, but which continue to operate
in the present and can be expected to give rise to new forms in the future. Species are
always changing. As a consequence, they are essentially only a somewhat arbitrarily
defined point along an evolutionary line.
It is also important to realize that most species are physically and genetically diverse.
Many are far more varied than humans. When you think of an animal, such as the jaguar
shown on the right, and describe it in terms of its specific traits (fur color patterns, body
shape, etc.), it is natural to generalize and to think of all jaguars that way. To do so,
however, is to ignore the reality of diversity in nature.
donkeys are in the same species? Whatever the answer may be, it is clear that species
are not absolutely distinct entities, though by naming them, we implicitly convey the idea
that they are.
The Linnaean scheme for classification of living things lumps organisms together
based on presumed homologies. The assumption is that the more homologies two
organisms share, the closer they must be in terms of evolutionary distance. Higher, more
inclusive divisions of the Linnaean system (e.g., phylum and class) are created by including
together closely related clusters of the immediately lower divisions. The result is a
hierarchical system of classification with the highest category consisting of all living things.
The lowest category consists of a single species. Each of the categories above species
can have numerous subcategories. In the example below, only two genera (plural of
genus) are listed per family but there could be many more or only one.
archaea. Classification of these living things helps us see similarities and differences that
exist among these diverse organisms. Scientists have classified many millions of living
species based on their physical characteristics and they have given a unique name to each
unique species. The scientists who classify living things record their classifications so that
later, others who encounter a certain species will be able to identify it in the same way.
Making sure that two scientists are referring to the same thing when using a certain name
is important for clear communication. Dichotomous keys help guide scientists toward
identification, so classifications can be shared and used mutually. A dichotomous key is a
guide for classification and identification, somewhat like a map through a classification
system that was developed previously. Dichotomous comes from the Greek root dich-,
meaning "two" and -tomy, meaning, "to cut." By asking a series of questions to which
there are only two possible answers with respect to the object to be identified, the key
leads users toward the proper identification. Many parts of the natural world that have
been classified, categorized, and grouped can be identified using a dichotomous key.
Dichotomous keys can be developed to identify anything in any sort of classification.
5. Related/Suggested/Activities
Constructing a Cladogram:
1. Use the data below to arrange the groups of organisms based on their shared
derived traits. This time you will be using distantly related organisms or a taxon
termed an outgroup.
2. For each group, the traits or characters are already listed. For each character,
determine which state is ancestral or primitive and which is derived. This is usually
done by comparing with the outgroup. Traits found in the outgroup are likely to
be ancestral or primitive. Similarly, traits not found in the outgroup are considered
as derived. In cladistics, it is the derived trait shared among taxa that should be
placed in the cladogram.
3. Group taxa according to their shared derived character(s).
4. Once you have evaluated all the characters, you may start constructing your
cladogram. Where do you place the outgroup? (An outgroup is always placed at
the base of the cladogram)
Expected Cladogram:
5. Post Assessment
Direction: Choose the letter that corresponds to the word or phrase that best
completes the sentence.
3. The various taxonomic levels (namely, genera, classes, etc.) of the hierarchical
classification system differ from each other on the basis of
a. how widely the organisms assigned to each are distributed throughout the
b. their inclusiveness.
c. the relative genome sizes of the organisms assigned to each.
d. morphological characters that are applicable to all organisms.
4. If organisms A, B, and C belong to the same class but to different orders and if
organisms D, E, and F belong to the same order but to different families, which of
the following pairs of organisms would be expected to show the greatest degree
of structural homology?
a. A and B
b. A and C
c. B and D
d. D and F
5. Linnaeus was a "fixist" who believed that species remained fixed in the form in
which they had been created. Linnaeus would have been uncomfortable with
a. classifying organisms using the morphospecies concept.
b. the scientific discipline known as taxonomy.
c. phylogenies.
d. nested, ever-more inclusive categories of organisms.
e. a hierarchical classification scheme.
7. Which of the following pairs are the best examples of homologous structures?
a. bones in the bat wing and bones in the human forelimb
b. owl wing and hornet wing
c. bat wing and bird wing
d. eyelessness in the Australian mole and eyelessness in the North American
b. analogous primitive characters
c. shared derived characters
d. the number of homoplasies
e. overall phenotypic similarity
Which extinct species should be the best candidate to serve as the outgroup
for the clade whose common ancestor occurs at position 2 in Figure 26.1?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
6. References: