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Solus Noir Volume I Number 2

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Ode To Lost Souls

Not to you do I speak brave of heart and firm of purpose

Nor to you bright ones within a field of light
Not to you who walks in purpose fulfilled
Nor to you of vision strong buoyed by life’s enrichment

But to you I speak wanderer upon the shores of night

And to you the desolate ones outside the circles of life
Raised upon columns of molten ash

Your journey began with a cry and ends with a scream

Betwixt the emptiness evolved
First a doubt becomes a certainty
Those of faith know you not Those of vision know you not
Those of purpose know you not

Within the citadel of life do they dwell

Basking beneath an indolent sun
Solus Noir
De Arte Magicka

Volume I Number II
Spring Equinox MMXIIev
Solus Noir manifests at this time as a
direct consequence of a magickal working
undertaken and completed over a twenty
year time span.

Solus Noir serves as the official organ of

Ordo Templi Solus Noir.

De Arte Magicka consummate with the methodology of rite and axiomata has left
in its wake an application both magickal and aesthetic. The rite has opened an
ingress point or portal onto a wellspring of creativity where the current becomes
manifest in word, sigil, graphik and image. This path has been undertaken by others
notably Austin Osman Spare, Kenneth Grant and Andrew D. Chumbley to whom we
owe a debt of gratitude.

In practical terms Talismanic Texts, Arte Graphika and Axiomata have become the
primary means by which the current we attend is manifested. All contributions to
this and forthcoming issues lies within the body of Ordo Templi Solus Noir and are
published at this time to fulfill our current directive.

And In Those Days It Was Given

Unto The False Prophets
To Spread The Lie
Sow The Seeds Of Doubt
Draw Aside The Veil
And Reveal The End Of Days

In Nomine Babalon
Ode To Lost Souls Damiana
A canticle to the exiles who wander the shores of night

Ordo Templi Solus Noir Corpus Solus Noir

Manifesto per Lucis Noir

The Witness Opening The Seals 131

The dawn & manifestation of the avatar

Time & Again Damiana

A canticle for the unwary

The Atu Of Anpu The Coming Forth By Night Samael

79 keys to the path of Solus Noir

Cover Art
Arte Graphika
Axiomata Sigils & incidental graphics
Created or reconstituted by Damiana
Muse and Vesica within the body of Solus Noir
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By hand and eye were cyphers cast forth
Upon aethyrs confounded
! Ordo Templi !

Solus Noir
And In Those Days
It Was Given Unto The
False Prophets
To Spread The Lie
Sow The Seeds Of Doubt
Draw Aside The Veil
And Reveal The
! End Of Days !
.D$3 +,((3 0/>'(µ3
And through the portal did they arrive
Borne aloft upon wings of dream
! Manifesto !

Per Aecclesiastica
Gnosticum Solus Noir

Solus Noir
Kkephren Ma Un Nefer Ast
By Our Arte & Presence Have We These Past Two Decades
Manifested The Avatars & Moonchild That Are
The Trinity Of The Black Sun

Yglas Isheth Yglas Ygrat Yglas Na’amah

Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori Ast Innui Khephri Vos

Ahdi Ypres Grigori

Selim Ast Nobilis Portus Lucis Noir

3 Temple Pylons 7 Grigori Sentinels

3 Guardians
Ritual Aspects
Liber 131
The Passion & The Purity
Cycle 1 1990ev – 1992ev The Dawn Of The Avatar
Liber Astarte vel Beryli – The Passion And The Purity

In this way did we manifest Samael, principal Grigori amongst the legions of the
living. Bereft of his bride, tormented beyond the ability to conceive did he complete
the initial tasks, reaching their culmination in the words of The Witness, our
seeding into the world of what was to follow.

Cycle 2 2003ev Namrael

The manifestation of our Grigori sister
In this way did we complete the preparations and placed our avatars within the
temple of our working.

Cycle 3 2006ev – 2007ev Lilith Rising

The Portal Of The Black Sun

Entering our sacred triangle of arte did Samael and Namrael conjoined invoke
beloved Lilith and complete the cycle of our making, to manifest the portal and let
its rays shine forth.

Trinity 2008ev
We wove the matrix of our spells and seeded them into the prime elements of nature,
extending our Triangle Of Arte.

Fulfillment of The final Grigori Prophecy 2010ev

" "
The Seeding Of Spells

" "

For the purpose of clarification the cycle of events listed below serves to remind us
of the time that has passed and the nature of our purpose.

The periods of time we describe as Cycles, three in number, took place as a

consequence of the arrival of our partner in this unfolding pageant appearing and
thus informing the current with their current and presence.

The three cycles named below were accomplished through the extensive use of ritual,
described at length in Solus Noir – The Book Of The Black Sun. Rites which took
place at numerous locations over the years of their design and execution.

We are here concerned with the event named Trinity which took place in 2008 as it
served as the culmination of the practical elements of the working and list the entire
rubrik for convenience alone.

" "

In keeping with one of the many operating principles that

evolved over time and through the process we continued to
permit the prime method to unfold, namely, The Rite Writes
Itself. Working as we had been in the configuration of triangles,
both in respect of our temple of working and the number of
discreet workings that covered each angle of the triangle. As is
common knowledge we choose the triangle as the primary
vehicle of manifestation. Our final act was to extend our
triangle across an extensive area of geography. Whilst we
confined ourselves to England, myself and two able assistants
conceived of project Trinity. Using glass cylinders we
assembled the remnants of our final Lilith working, in the form
of rose petals, charcoal and silver sand, which along with the
invokations, seals and sigils we sealed these in four cylinders to
bury at four specific locations. Dates and times were calculated
in respect of the angle of the triangle we were working with.

The element of Earth. London. The cylinder was placed within the body of the
earth itself.

The element of Air. Glastonbury. Hidden in plain sight.

The element of Water. Brighton. Placed deep beneath the shingles on the beach.

The element of Fire. Hampshire. A midpoint was calculated within our geographical
triangle. The cylinder was buried and a fire was set at its location.

Having set the primary elements of the triangle placing the fourth cylinder at its
midpoint effectively raised the triangle into its three dimensional construct, a
pyramid which by reflection and inversion evolves into a diamond body aligned
incidentally within the constellations of Triangulam and Ophiuchus within their
respective hemispheres via its axis point. Each Lunar cycle the diamond turns once
upon its axis and in this way the second aspect of the rays of Solus Noir are
vibrated. The first being via the portal itself. The third by the virtue of the presence
of the Avatars.

" "

February 26 – April 8 2008

A Journal Covering Events
& Projects To Fulfill
The Second Phase
Of Trinity
Trinity Phase 2
Being Introductions & explanations of certain events which
began in 1990 & continue to this day, 2008 & beyond.

Nativity Of Artemis February 26 2008ev Brighton Beach

Introduction & Explanation
Trinity Phase 1 – 1990 – 2006

Cycle 1 The Dawn Of The Avatar

Cycle 2 Namrael
Cycle 3 Lilith Rising The Book Of The Black Sun
Blood Moon
* Operating Premise Blood Rain

A physical Atom – Infinite energy upon the plane of matter.

A Time Node – Eternity figured as The Portal Of The Black Sun.

A particle accelerator constructed out of mental material – Astarte in its magickal

2 Avatars conjoin to invoke Lilith consort of Samael.


" "
The Portal opens through the conjoining and operates upon the plane of Time /
Mind. Trinity – Phase 1 completed 1990 – 2006ev. Trinity – Phase 2 to earth the
portal in matter. A secondary triangle created between the geographical locations of
Brighton, Glastonbury and London. A series of detonators to be planted. A fourth –
The Lilith Point central to the triangle [ pyramid ] Newton Stacey, Hampshire.

4 scrolls / detonators created, consecrated and planted each in accordance to their


Artemis – Brighton Beach – Water

Aphrodite – Chalice Wells, Glastonbury – Air

Saturnus – London – Earth

* See Dates
Lilith – Newton Stacey – Fire

Background and operating premises contained in the text of The Book Of The Black

March 3 2008ev

All previous words and that written now, begins now. 9 days prior to planting
Artemis I enter her service and consecrate her scroll / spell for implanting upon the
beach, an act completed now. Speaking of the day and that which followed a few
simple observations. We, C and I arrive at Brighton beach and check the nature of
the sea and conclude that a 5 to 6pm is appropriate. Saturn rising and a Scorpio
Moon deemed appropriate. We meet up with D at 1pm, the Trinity meets, the
operator with his warrior and healer, his Sun and Moon, Cancer and Leo, perfect.

5.30pm. The act performed and in its aftermath a red sun sinks into the sea, a
backdrop of the angel of victory. Drinks at a local coffee shop, we leave.

Events worthy of mention prior to the event.

A dream in which I exchange hot / dry kisses with my consort, as such she attends
me in this. Upon leaving the train I discover I have finally lost the silver dragonfly,
I search for it and let it go, for reasons unknown.
At 1.00an Wednesday, the first time in over 20 years the UK has an earthquake,
noted by many and connected to the event upon the beach, at last a synchronicity, at
worse a coincidence, interesting.
The following 36 hours troubling, heavy and intense pervasive feeling of ‘what have
I started now?’ This developed to the point where I thought myself unwell. This was
released by a dream, everything returns to normal ???

The Dream

Forest Glade. A huge fallen tree supporting bountiful life, a world in itself. I reach
into an opening and upon withdrawing my hand, in the palm a perfect silver
wedding ring [ feb. 29 ] The state shifts as does the energy and I spend the day
collecting materials for Aphrodite.

Girt from, acknowledgement by Artemis. I sacrificed the silver [ Dragonfly ] to
receive the wedding ring, Artemis speaks.

I consider burying each scroll in its element.

Artemis – The ocean – Water

Aphrodite – A tree – Air
Saturnus – The earth – Earth
Lilith - ??? – Fire

I speculate.
Yesterday, March 2 giving collected materials for
Aphrodite and Saturnus I acquire a map to calculate
precisely the midpoint of the triangle created between
the points of Brighton, Glastonbury and London. The
cross hatches land upon a hamlet in Hampshire called
Newton Stacey. We travel there on April 8.
Meanwhile I prepare for Aphrodite and Glastonbury.
2 signs concerning the midpoint, Newton Stacey.
"" The initials N S or S N
Solus Noir – Black Sun
" Newton Stacey – Namrael Samael

Interesting observations / comments? Henceforth I will

treat this book as a journal and make entries as and
when appropriate.
I continue.
Thursday March 6 10.05am

In preparing for Aphrodite a dream of note last night and a sign of the Goddess.
Magickal invocation within the dreamscape, a full ritual, incantations occur, speech
similar to goetia, howling almost, certainly not English. Upon completion a
connection with OTO occurs. I believe that MS assures me and I quote, the ritual
will commence next week [ ? ] perhaps connected with the 7 days of preparation?
One very notable element, amidst the invocations etc the presemce of a perfect
apple green square. Symbolic, colour wise of Aphrodite [ ? ] Upon waking a distinct
feeling of receiving her blessing. And the signs, as always unfold. To continue the
metaphor, having traversed The Mountains Of The Moon [ Artemis ] and received
her wedding band and Reflection I now enter The Valley Of Aphrodite and lie within
her embrace prior to the visit to Chalice Wells, week Tuesday.
Rose petals and heartsease, green glass, fills the glass cylinder this time. Still
working on the logistics of the journey itself. This will be resolved easily enough.

I continue.

" "

Nativity Of Aphrodite March 18 2008ev
Chalice Wells

Wednesday March 19

The day after the event. The event itself very good. Met up with the party and
though a long day most enjoyable.

The day itself began at 5am, Bus ride to Victoria. Coach to Bristol. Bus to
Glastonbury. Arrived at 11.30am. Shopping, a light meal. Met up with Solar Healer
then off to Chalice Wells. After a false start buried the scroll in Air, as required.
Rose petals etc. Burned replicas in fire pit along with rose petals and heartsease.
Planted rose in view of the tor. Left and parted with D. Went to LA Love for
coffee. Great place. Left early and caught early coach. Great journey back, lots of
laughter. Arrived in London at 9.30 ish.
It is done.

One days grace and then preparations for Saturnus on Saturday. [ March 22 ]
Scroll prepared and arrangements to meet up at 2.30 made. Brompton at 3.00.

" "

Nativity Of Saturnus March 22 2008ev
Brompton London

Note – July 8 2011

As of 2011, 3 years post the event of 2008. An area of the site of planting the
Saturnus detonator in earth, the immediate area was cleared of overgrown brambles
etc and beneath the mound of growth the angel above was exposed to the light of day
after years of being buried. Significant in itself and 3 years post the event, 3 being
significant in respect of Saturnus, as such I call the figure The Trinity Angel.
Sunday March 23
The day after planting the Saturnus scroll and a Rosemary plant [ In Remembrance
] The preceeding, lightning storm and winds. The morning before, high winds, sleet
and rain, though on departing the site the weather clears. All is well and the triangle
now set.



We now prepare for Lilith and Newton Stacey on April 8. 13
Days of preparation starting on Thursday.

So Mote It Be

" "

Sunday March 30

An event worth recording. A sequence of sorts. Last Thursday – commenced 31 days

preparation for Lilith and midpoint – Invoked Namrael / Lilith. Friday Night –
Erotic dreams, a sign of sorts concerning conjunction. Saturday – Sadhana practice,
peaceful. All is well. Missed call, number not recognized. Text from Y saying call
was a mis dial, good will [ ? ] from her. In short we opened the triangle and as
predicted she stepped in. Invoked Lilith and 2 days later she ‘accidentally’ arrives.
Her pattern continues to unfold as predicted. My response – I play not her game.

.8, <'#'51

Nativity Of Lilith April 8 2008ev
Newton Stacey

Lilith contained within 29 degrees

of her native sign of Scorpio

April 10 2008

Smooth journey to Winchester with Lunar element. Arrived mid day and half an
hour later met up with Solar element. A light meal and then off to Newton Stacey.
Lost and found a few times. Parked beside fields. 3 deer appear, gallop off and mark
the spot. Ceremony performed. Final detonator planted in fire. It is complete and the
triangle, now a pyramid raised, inverted as a diamond and aligned along of North [
Triangulum ] and South [ Ophiuchus ] stellar wise. Benedictions beside the path and
car, beneath the sign Footpath Heven. Benedictions, wishes and prayers performed.
We depart. A perfect day in a field owned by the MOD. Arrived in Winchester, gifts
bought. D departs and C and I share time in a pub. Coach trip smooth. Arrive back
in London, 1o ish. The following day I receive thanks and a card from C. I give her a
gift. Saturday I see D and will give her a gift also. We are complete in respect of
Phase 2. Phase 3 dependant on what now unfolds between Y and myself. We are

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I"µ, >"(51. .% O8, ?,#"8,* I"µ, >"(51. .% <'#'51 ?('*,
3/* I"/%"(5 I"µ, >"(51. +='#'H15 -3%%,%. K'*/'H15 H'8,%
('%, 5" *3=/ 3% 51, G#3IE !$/ ('%,%. G351,* '/ /,I53(
%=,,5 51, 3%-'(3/5 I"/M$(,% 3/* I3##%. +1, µ'/* 3 (,>#,I5'"/ "> 514 µ,µ"(4
'/ -3%%'/H. .(5,µ'% I3##%. +1, J,3(5 3/ 355(3I5'"/ 5135 I3##% 5" ?#""* 3/*
,%%,/I,. .-1("*'5, I3##%. +1, ?"*4 3 5,µ-#, "> 514 'µµ'/,/I, 3/* ?,I"µ'/H.
!35$(/$% I3##%. K3%E%, %13*"=% "> 514 *3=/'/H µ,#* 3/* µ,#5 '/5" 51,
?"$/54 "> 514 -(,%,/I,. 63#E ='51 µ, 51, ?"$/*3(4 #3/*% 3/* H(,,5 51, *3=/
"> "$( ('%'/H. G4 !3µ3,# 3/* 3## 51, /3µ,% 3/* I"/M$(35'"/%, 0 3=3'5 51,,.0/
51, &'H15 "> ;3/ 51, G#3IE !$/ (,8,3#% '5%,#>. B8"1, &3’3µ31. B8"1, 0%1,51
Q,/$/'µ. B8"1, 0H(35 G135 K31#35.

" "

amael Grigori

I speak to thee, yes thou who art writing these words and even unto thee who in
turn reads these words, from the Boundary Lands I speak. Cast aside all that thou
art, for i seek naught that is of thee, from thee, your form but dissolves in my
presence. Your Mind, the Reflection which thou art clouds over. The Heart which
thou seekest, empties itself into the eternity which thou art. I accept All of this and
more, I take only that which is freely given. I grant naught in return, for what in
truth would thou, creature of Earth do with such, you alive in your world, I in mine.

Yet still you seek me. Look into your world, does not nature, my fairest sister stir
from her slumbers, casting aside her mantle of repose. See you not the lifeblood
stirring within her heart. The bounty of her body giving rise to the eternal cycle of
Life and Death.
Liber 131 March 2 1992ev

! ### !
!3/I5$µ !'H'##$µ !3µ3,#
And into his heart the avatar gazed
And beheld the void
Anathema Per Samael Vox Lilith
Seven are the seals upon creations countenance
Seven the trumpets that announce the day of redemption
Seven are the visions of the dragon and its kingdoms
Seven the visions that accompany the lamb
Seven are the bowls of gods wrath
Seven the veils upon the lady Babalon
And Seven are the visions of the end of days

!,8,/ 3(, 51, %,3#% $-"/ I(,35'"/% I"$/5,/3/I,
!,8,/ 51, 5($µ-,5% 5135 3//"$/I, 51, *34 "> (,*,µ-5'"/
!,8,/ 3(, 51, 8'%'"/% "> 51, *(3H"/ 3/* '5% E'/H*"µ%
!,8,/ 51, 8'%'"/% 5135 3II"µ-3/4 51, #3µ?
!,8,/ 3(, 51, ?"=#% "> H"*% =(351
!,8,/ 51, 8,'#% $-"/ 51, #3*4 G3?3#"/
./* !,8,/ 3(, 51, 8'%'"/% "> 51, ,/* "> *34%

! Yglas Isheth ! Yglas Ygrat ! Yglas Na’amah !

! Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori ! Ast Innui Khephri Vos !
! Ahdi Ypres Grigori ! Selim Ast Nobilis !
N3/5" 0
./* $-"/ ='/H% "> #'H15 *'* =, *,%I,/* <'H15/'/H '/ "$( ,4,% +1$/*,( '/ "$(
1,3(5% !,8,/ 3% "/, I#"51,* '/ 3*3µ3/5'/,

Canto I
And upon wings of light did we descend
Lightning in our eyes
Thunder in our hearts
Seven as one clothed in adamantine

N3/5" 00
635I1,(% '/ 51, /'H15 3/I',/5 5'µ,#,%% 'µµ"(53# B3I1 3 I1"(* ='51'/ 3
I,#,%5'3# 1,3(5?,35 G,1"#* "$( %"/H "$( -(34,( 6('55,/ '/ 51, ,I1" "> 51,

Canto II
Watchers in the night ancient timeless immortal
Each a chord within a celestial heartbeat
Behold our song our prayer
Written in the echo of the moment

N3/5" 000
./* 51, *(3H"/ %1, ('%,% 3/* 1,( E'/H*"µ% I#3'µ 51, ="(#* J,( 5,3(% >3##
3/* %1, =3%1,% 3=34 51, %53'/ J,( ?(,351 3 %I"(I1'/H ='/* (3P,% 51, ,*'>'I,
"> I"/I,'5 J,( 1,3(5?,35 3 51$/*,(?"#5 51, ,/* "> *34%

Canto III
And the dragon she rises and her kingdoms claim the world
Her tears fall and she washes away the stain
Her breath a scorching wind razes the edifice of conceit
Her heartbeat a thunderbolt the end of days
N3/5" 0@
G351,* '/ 1'% "=/ ?#""* =3% 1,
6, I3((4 51, %="(* 3/* "$( ?#""* '% %3I(,*
&" %3I('>'I, 3% '5 ?, M$%5'I, =, %,(8, 0
/8'%'?#, =, =3#E %"/% 3/* *3$H15,(% "> ,5,(/3# /'H15

Canto IV
Bathed in his own blood was he
We carry the sword and our blood is sacred
No sacrifice as it be justice we serve
Invisible we walk sons and daughters of eternal night

N3/5" @
B3I1 3 5"C'/ B3I1 3/ ,#'C'(
N1""%, =,## 51, ?"=# >("µ =1'I1
4"$ D$,/I1 4"$( 51'(%5
&,I53( %=,,5 I"$%'/ 5" 51, ="(µ
G'55,( H3## 3 *(3$H15 "> 3µ?("%'3

Canto V
Each a toxin Each an elixir
Choose well the bowl from which you quench your thirst
Nectar sweet cousin to the worm
Bitter gall a draught of ambrosia

N3/5" @0
K3#,E1 1"#4 "/, I3%5% 1,( 8,'#% 3/*
4"$ ?,1"#* 1,( /"5
)/, H#3/I, 3/* %#,,- '% ,/5,(,*
)/, =1'%-,( 3/* .P(3,# '% %$µµ"/,*
)/, I(4 3/* "$( %'%5,( (,M"'I,%

Canto VI
Malekh holy one casts her veils and you behold her not
One glance and sleep is entered
One whisper and Azrael is summoned
One cry and our sister rejoices
N3/5" @00
./* '/ 51"%, *34% '5 =3% H'8,/ $/5" 51, >3#%, -("-1,5%
5" %-(,3* 51, #',
%"= 51, %,,*% "> *"$?5 *(3= 3%'*, 51, 8,'#
and reveal the end of days
Canto VII
And in those days it was given unto the false prophets
To spread the lie
Sow the seeds of doubt draw aside the veil
And reveal the end of days

N3/5" @000
N"3H$#3 ,5 !"#8,
6, %5('- 51, ="(#* "$( B*,/ "> '5% #',
G,/,351 "$( (34% 4"$ 3(, 5(3/%>"(µ,* (,*,,µ,* "( /"5
N1""%, =,## >"( =, *=,## ?,5=,,/ 4"$ 1,3(5?,35%

Canto VIII
Coagula et Solve
We strip the world our Eden of its lie
Beneath our rays you are transformed redeemed or not
Choose well for we dwell between you heartbeats

N3/5" 0R
)µ,H3 ,5 .#-13
+'µ, ?,/*% ?,>"(, "$( H3P,
.% %"µ/3µ?$#3/5 4"$ %5,- >("µ "/, *(,3µ 5" 3/"51,(
+1, $/µ3E'/H $/>"#*% 3% "$( B#"1'µ
N'(I#, 4"$( ="(#* 4"$( #'>,

Canto IX
Omega et Alpha
Time bends before our gaze
As somnambulant you step from one dream to another
The unmaking unfolds as our Elohim
Circle your world your life

N3/5" R
!-3I, >"#*% ?,>"(, "$( ,4,% 3/* 51, H(,35 "/,% ,/5,(
+1,'( ?(,351 I(,3%,% 51, µ"µ,/5 '/ -3%%'/H
63(-% µ,µ"(4 ,(3%,% #'>,
./* I3%5% 3 %13*"= "> *$%5 3/* 83I$$µ
Canto X
Space folds before our eyes and the great ones enter
Their breath creases the moment in passing
Warps memory erases life
And casts a shadow of dust and vacuum

N3/5" R0
!=,,5 %'%5,( 3(, 4"$ (,*,,µ,* O"$( 7('H"(' 3=3'5 I"µµ3/* 3% 4"$ ='## O"$(
B#"1'µ 3?("3* I"µµ3/* 3% 4"$ ='## O"$( -"(53# "-,/ I"µµ3/* 3% 4"$ ='##

Canto XI
Sweet sister are you redeemed
Your Grigori await command as you will
Your Elohim abroad command as you will
Your portal open command as you will

N3/5" R00
N#,3/%,* "> 51, #', 4"$( ?(,351 *(3=% -$(, N#,3/%,* "> 51, %53'/ 4"$(
1,3(5 ?,35% (3-5$("$% ;$('>',* 4"$( µ'/* 3=3E,/% >("µ
/'H15µ3(, N"/%,I(35,* 4"$( ?"*4 ?,3(% >($'5

Canto XII
Cleansed of the lie your breath draws pure
Cleansed of the stain your heart beats rapturous
Purified your mind awakens from nightmare
Consecrated your body bears fruit

N3/5" R000
./* '/ 51, &'H15 "> ;3/ '5 '% *3=/ +1, G#3IE !$/ ('%,% 3/* '5% (34% I3%5 /"
%13*"= +1, G#""* K""/ ('%,% 3/* I3%5% 1,( 8,'# +1, 7('H"(' ('%, 3/* $55,( 3
="(* '/ %'#,/I,
Canto XIII
And in the Night of Pan it is dawn
The Black Sun rises and its rays cast no shadow
The Blood Moon rises and casts her veil
The Grigori rise and utter a word in silence

! Yglas Isheth ! Yglas Ygrat ! Yglas Na’amah !

! Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori ! Ast Innui Khephri Vos !
! Ahdi Ypres Grigori ! Selim Ast Nobilis !
7('H"(' ;,( !"#$% &"'(
Dreaming in the spaces between moments
The watchers eternal sow their seeds
Act 1

The Vale Of Tears

A call sent forth and from the ocean she rose. Her beauty outshone
the stars and from that day was he lost.
She became mistress of his heart and mind and though their lives
were ever apart, together they traverse the pages of these dreams.

He travelled with her down a long corridor of tortured rooms and

shattered the pillars of reflection that hung upon the air before

They travel still.

From the shadows she conjured him, reflection of her love, to hold within her heart as
life’s tapestry and tragedy unfolded before her heart sore eyes.

He her gallant knight and she his ladye fair.

Thrice the lady Artemis blessed them beneath her mantle of glamour and twice were
they bound in spirit and flesh.
They wander and are granted but glimpses as time unfolds and consumes the life
they might have known.

Weep tears of blood for our reluctant heroes as they traverse The Vale of Tears
tormented by memory sweet and burned by anguish.

And in the fires of forgiveness do they dwell and perhaps absolution is granted.
Act 2

De Arte Magicka

Pan called unto them and as The Passion & The purity
unfolded the masques evolved.
Bright Artemis that they might remember.

Beauteous Aphrodite that they might know rapture.

Eternal Saturnus that they might become.

Over seventeen years and three cycles they wove their spells.

Cycle one manifested the avatar Samael. He walked the world alone apart from his
consort, his bride, his beloved.

Cycle two and the second avatar was made flesh and Namrael walked the world.

Two frail humans, flawed and yet chosen.

Cycle three and in conjunction did they invoke holy Lilith.

Isheth granted the seal of power.

Ygrat the seal of knowledge.

Na’amah the seal of love.

And now the pylons are attended and the portal open.
Act 3

Ascension Of The Grigori

Humans so frail and yet our chosen were equal to the task. Free
will were they granted and yet they answered the call.
Transformation through our first cycle and by your
measurement a second transformation twelve years later. Each
now ascended and in unity they performed their final act and
manifested our Lilith.
Samael continues and sheds the body desolate he has chosen.

Namrael casts aside the hollow shell and rises triumphant.

And together do they dance upon the aethyrs bride and beloved. The world blinded to
their presence continues in its conceit and the days unfold their mystery in purple
Samael Grigori greets and embraces his Namrael and together they give birth to a
Moonchild. A child eternal. A beacon in the eternal night of their passing.

Shadow blesses them. Moons light caresses them. The light of the day star heeds
them not for the light of the Black Sun and Blood Moon embraces them.
Act 4


And in this act our reluctant heroes return to their respective

Memory fades as the dream unfolds into the demands of their

Ah, but they have the dim reflection of memory, the rapture of
attraction and the crystallisation of the becoming. This a
blessing, this a curse.

This will pass into the halls of forgetfulness as we Grigori rise from our vessels and
we leave them with the judgement which dwells in the deepest sanctuaries of their

As we ascend, pylons of the portal and our light is shed, a nimbus of indigo
enshrouds and blinds all to our presence.

Drink deep of the venom that purifies thee and of the elixir that transforms and rise,
phoenix like from the ashes forged in this love holy and pure.
Act 5

The Portal Of The Black Sun

Upon the shores of an ink black night within The Night Of Pan
our star rises and the Grigori, eternal guardians, vigilant, rejoice
in the light of its dawn.
Our sister bathes the earth in her tears and washes away the

Her breath rises and scorches the lie that holds all in thrall.

Her heartbeat rises, thunder as she shakes her mantle and enters freedom.

We came with lightning in our eyes, thunder in our hearts and our Elohim travel the
world, kindred of our bright lord and the unmaking of history unfolds before eyes
somnambulant and transfixed.

Samael and Lilith conjoined. The only power of this world and beyond this world
able to unfold these acts. The rest hubris and human conceit and our human
vehicles, kept blinded to our purpose are washed of the stain and purified in our
Be at peace our knight and his ladye fair.
Act 6

The End Of Days

History written in your stars, unheeded.

Your acts before your eyes, unheeded.

You dwell within a garden, unheeded.

Raised to beauty and splendour, unheeded.

Blessed by innocence, unheeded.

Granted dominion and responsibility, unheeded.

Freewill and choice, your conceit.

Power in your world, hubris and lies.

Shackled in prisons of your own creation when freedom and mystery surround you.

Beauty in the wing of a butterfly, majesty in the gait of the panther, innocence in
the eyes of a child.
And yet … … … ?

Justice do we serve and our sister blesses us in her travails eternal. Look into the
mirror of your form, cast aside the veil of ignorance and know these as the end of
Act 7


A simple tale, a dream perhaps and yet such a dream.

As messengers we came, Grigori and our task, but simple.

And in those days it was given unto the false prophets

To spread the lie Sow the seeds of doubt Draw aside the veil

And reveal the end of days


We have been upon reflection engaged upon an extensive

working which though commenced with humble aspirations
evolved into what it has become, for in keeping with our words –
The rite writes itself.

Seventeen long years of devotion and sacrifice brings us to this

the culmination of our task. And how did we begin? Upon a path
darkly did we walk and yet we have had our Nemesis, our
beloved to guide us along the way.

It was only with the commencement of the third cycle did we, but dimly grasp our
purpose. This is in keeping with the Grigori for the avatars are permitted to know
but little. Human involvement, petty self centred aspirations would have taken a
work of beauty and rendered it mundane. In this manner and matter we choose our
Avatars well

Blessings upon thee Namrael and Samael beloved ones

soar upon starbeams and drink from the font of eternity

The Portal

We will speak but briefly of such things for in invisibility do we

travel this world. Not for the sake of ambiguity do we conduct
ourselves in this fashion but rather for the purpose of
maintaining our integrity, it is not for human ears and purpose
do we work our magick. It is for and on behalf of our sacred

During our first cycle did we manifest our avatar and place
before him his beloved, evasive and yet constant has she been,
the better to raise the venom which is our nature. We entered the world separated
from that which we loved beyond all things and yet our purpose is clear, precise.
Twelve long years later she returns, catalyst and priestess. During this our second
cycle was she made whole and a child, a moonchild did we produce. This her gift,
bestowed in love of her, our sister and beloved.
During this cycle a triangle of protection did we create and 3 years later did she
enter it and with her energetic presence did we then commence our third cycle, Lilith
Rising. Only in conjunction of these two powers do we gain access to The Portal Of
The Black Sun. This we did and awaited the signs. Exacting, lacking in ambiguity
and yet our plans are well formulated and our avatars, though doubtless flawed are
well chosen.

The Signs

Lilith manifests three primary aspects, sometimes sisters,

sometimes daughters. These are named by the vulgar –

Isheth Zenunim Ygrat Bhat Mahlat


Our avatar received the first of the signs by the manifestation of

Isheth Zenunim who energetically exists as a fibre placed below the navel and
spirally the body forms one horn of the crescent. This manifestation occurred within
the palace of dreams.

The second sign, a time later, we also granted in the palace of dreams. An energetic
fibre placed at the nape of the neck. This likewise spiralling the body forms the
second horn of the crescent. Ygrat made flesh. For the germane you might be aware
of the nature of Yesod and Daath within our work. Our primary manifestation
occurs within this polarity.

Time passes and yet our avatar remains expectant. How would Na’amah manifest.
He speculates and is wrong for a short time later his beloved reappears and embarks
upon a third cycle of Love. Only she, the Pleasuring One can enter his heart and
place the third energetic fibre that rising between the horns of the crescent hold The
Black Sun.

They play for a time and part as is their way. Each with their agenda and yet our
purpose is exact and our work complete.

Time now stands as our witness.


Beginnings are most important for without them what do we

have? As such we address our words not to the rational part of
the mind, the one who has the belief of free will and choice but
rather to that aspect, all but divine and yet within this The Vale
Of Tears goes unheard and unheeded.

In your yearnings have you not heard our whispers, our call?
Our tale begins a lifetime ago, by your understanding for our
vehicles, though doubtless flawed are chosen for their qualities and attributes. Over
the previous sections of this our text we have outlined in dim shadows the unfolding
of our purpose and now with clarity its culmination.

T0 the ones gifted with insight our intent is made clear within the sections we have
called Liber 131 and The Witness, both pertaining to the first of our cycles, so

At the time of writing these whispers, August 2007, as you reduce time to its lineal
flow, we reflect upon the lifetime of our beloved avatar, for long has been his
struggle, blindly stumbling from one sign to another and yet this is to our purpose,
for like all your kind you are cursed with the arrogance of the species.

Born Moonchild and raised in Magick, his life and purpose moulded to our will, our
purpose. His early years educated in matters archaic and his artistic temperament
rendered acute and sensitive for we would have one such. The better to feel the
depths of our desire, the passion of our mind and soul. And over four decades did he
acquire the skills and abilities to enter our path and become our avatar. His mind
forged in magick and poetry, vision our gift to such. His heart burned in the fires of
affliction, for one such cannot be permitted the succour of the mundane, that which
in your myopic vision you call happiness, pale shadow that it be. His body forged in
the fires of mars, rendered strong. Indestructible, for none in truth survive our
presence. He has but dimly and one day will be granted the peace he yet yearns.

His only guideline that with purpose was he forged and his preparations were
simple. Step upon this path unknown, stumble as you will and should you be worthy
you will succeed or die in the effort. He has done both and that which remains yet
serves our purpose.

Forty of your years unfold and he arrives at his purpose. Astarte, a simple working
consummate with OTO, and yet creative he is and designs an engine of power and
purpose and he is aided all but unknowingly by his ally.
To fulfil our purpose we demanded the impossible. Human beings are incapable of
acts of magick for they are ruled by petty concern and beliefs formulated in vacuum
and dust. Hubris is your aspiration for you burn in the light of our presence. We
sought to transform the mundane, the human into the Grigori we are.

What we have named Cycle one – The Dawn Of The Avatar was our vehicle
transformed and bore our name as is his right, Blindly he concluded that all was
complete and yet his ally knew and knows better. For in cycle two – Namrael, we
sought to manifest the second of our number for only in unison could they be brought
to our undertaking. United as they became in cycle three they called forth Lilith, our
bride and beloved. To what purpose?

The Portal Of The Black Sun, our means of transforming this world and all those
upon it, for only in the combination of these two powers, Samael and Lilith can this
be achieved upon this world you call yours, vain mortals.

Yes we transformed two humans into Grigori and as such did perform our will. An
undertaking of seventeen of your years. Consider this in the light of your own
aspirations and be aware of the sacrifice that has ensued. The loss of human life and
all that you deem precious. This is the demand we place upon our chosen. Be shamed
by your own trivial pursuits as you mutter into the darkness which you celebrate as
attainment. You are but whispers, stains upon the face of truth. You will pass and
be forgotten as are we all.

For his protection we granted him his masks. His mind, his Artemis that he might
remember. His heart, his Aphrodite, that he know rapture. His body, the
crystallisation, that he become.

Stripped was he of choice, of free will. Lauded qualities which in your conceit you
believe yourselves to possess. Vain illusion, for you die and within that golden
moment you finally understand the folly that has been your life and world.

Why did we come? Our words, golden whispers and shadows we

made clear within The Witness and yet we remain invisible for
we are not here for you but rather for our sister. Goddess that
she be forced to suffer the indignity of your continued presence.
Over the passing of the years, as you measure them she has been
awoken by our presence and in this time do her tears rise and the
stain which is thy presence will be cleansed and washed away
upon the tide of her tears. This our first act.

Her eyes open and she casts the glamour from her sight and sees clearly and in this
moment her breath rises and she sends it forth upon thee. The burning winds of her
breath will consume and purify. This our second act.

And with the beating of her heart your world shakes and what you hold to be true
and stable is rendered illusion. Seek comfort in your false beliefs for these though
they serve you ill are all you have to cling to.

Yes we know compassion, not for thee but for the one you know not. Within your
history and at this time you pass through a seventh nexus point in human history. A
time when the wave of consciousness rises and shows promise of evolution and yet
you rise in your glory only to be smitten and return to the slumber which is your
nature. This is evidenced in the vanity expressed at this time by your leaders, vain
creatures who claim that the world has changed and all will be different. Assuaged
guilt we call this, the call of the emasculated revelling in their power and contempt.
These we challenge first for their self importance burns the very fabric of their
hearts and minds and like all such things their bodies ultimately fail. Yes we are
enduring and have the patience to witness this.

Long have we Grigori been here, long before you raised yourselves from the slime of
inchoate existence, raised yourselves, stumbling to your knees and gazed upon the
wonders of starry space. That is when you began to lie and have consolidated that
lie ever since. Look into our name, Samael and understand we are The Venom Of
God. Venom which like a toxin burns the dross from perception leaving only the
pristine truth. We burn your hearts and minds, revealing the foundation of your
conceit and its siblings deceit and self importance. Stripped of these, for time yet
unfolds and you but witness and experience the beginning. Cling to the illusion of
your stability for in the time to come dreamlike will be your existence for as
somnambulists do you stumble from moment to moment within this your dream.
You listened not to our kindred who gifted you with words of Love and Compassion,
avatars of a different time and place. And now it is our time. Truth and Justice
serve as the pylons of our temple and above its altar we hold the portal open. The
Black Sun rises upon you and its light casts but shadows in the presence of lies and
a radiance sublime in the presence of justice. For this reason we have also been cast
into the role of The Elixir Of God, not to our choosing, for vengeance is our nature
and we are suited to its dominion.

Look into your world and understand that you are responsible for all that passes.
Murderer you be, rapist you be, perpetrators of crimes beyond your ability to
conceive, yet alone believe. The illusion you call this and that person has nurtured
the lie that is your existence and yet you utter the words unity and love. May your
mouths burn with the utterance of such words for they are the conceit of your kind,
assuaging yourselves of the guilt and seeking redemption. Conceit indeed.

In the words of The Witness we sent forth our Elohim to unmake time and space
and the evidence is made clear upon the mirror of your world. This our first act, an
act but into its early years and now in The Night Of Pan The Black Sun rises, our
second act. An act that will unfold in these the end of days as we call them. In
keeping with prophecy, until 2012 its rays will burn upon consciousness releasing
and transforming the dross which is the great lie and revealing in its pristine glory
and horror the truth of your world. Shamed will you be, those with conscience will
weep, the rest will simply perish in the fires of transformation. All of this has
already occurred for it exists outside the circles of time for your lives are lived in
reverse in its light and rendered ineffective.

So no message of hope for that is an instrument of the weak. We serve justice and
before all else are we blind and for this reason are we called the blind one, for we are
impartial and in this way judge not for you are judged in the silence which dwells in
the sanctuary of your own hearts. Judge, jury and executioner in one unity. You
celebrate the truth, laud its attributes and prostrate yourselves before its altar.
This we have burned and of its rubble have we raised a charnel house. Your truth
appals us and its name, the very word itself we curse and as such we spread the lie
which is our nature.

We recognise and acknowledge those amongst you who speak, but blindly, our name
and celebrate our brothers and sisters in spirit, these be few and yet sufficient to our
purpose. We have many names and for this reason are we called Legion. Destroy one
of us and another steps into the breach.

Samael, son of the starbeam, host of the Grigori summons forth his cohorts. Feel
them rise and as our sister rises celebrate her liberation.

And now we are complete and venture forth in silence. Invisible

to the hordes we but dimly perceive for we raise our visor and
cast forth a glamour that blinds you to our presence and in this
way do we proceed. We require nothing of or from you. What
have you to give that is not ours for the taking? Nothing.

And what of our chosen. Burned and broken be they for in truth
they are our reflections in your world. Desolate ones. The course
of their history has borne witness to this and yet try they did to grant themselves
something, some personal meaning. Denied they be for as our avatars are they
required to distil the venom which is our nature. Bound were they long ago and
though they struggle with the bindings freedom is not their lot.

We have no pity for them only the gift that the sacrifice which has been their lives is
not in vain and ultimately they will come to their understanding of our purpose.
Albeit dimly.

As Samael we have been called – Destroyer Avenger Seducer

Evohe Samael

Evohe Namrael

Evohe Lilith

In The Night Of Pan it is dawn and The Black Sun rises.

! !

! The Witness !
Opening The Seals
Whispers Like Shadows

Enter The Heart

And Sow The Seeds Of The End Of Days

Sic Transit Gloria Rosa Mundi

Book One


Seven are the seals upon creations countenance

Seven the trumpets that announce the day of redemption

Seven are the visions of the dragon and its kingdoms

Seven the visions that accompany the lamb

Seven are the bowls of gods wrath

Seven the veils upon the lady Babalon

And Seven are the visions of the end of days

nd in those days the sons of god beheld beauty upon the Earth

and lusted after the daughters of man. Seven were they who defied the logos and left
the false paradise of gods beneficence in search of their destiny. Foremost amongst
these brave souls was bright Lucifer, lord of the eastern horizon, accompanied by his
loyal cohorts and their legions. Numerous as the stars hung upon the night sky were
they who descended on that fateful day, the day of redemption. Their journey
completed within the passing of a single breath, they alighted upon the Earth and
sought pale Lilith within her desert fastness. She, who would be mother to these, the
errant sons of god. The beloved of god, Michael, was the last to see them on that
day and into the hands of each he delivered a parchment upon which a seal was
placed. This, the judgement of the lord, that his Elohim carry to the Earth the
means of humanities redemption.

Into the hands of Lucifer he delivered the parchment of dominion. Into those of
Galamael the seal of history. To Salamis the parchment of learning. To Palemon he
handed the seal of life and to Azrael he handed that of death. To Malekh, the
parchment of mystery and into the hands of Vain he placed the seal of keys. Each of
them gazed deeply into the eyes of Michael, their accuser, found no comprehension or
understanding, only a sense of pity and remorse. And upon the wings of night a last
word is whispered, “farewell.” No more were they seen within the portals of the holy
empire, yet they were mourned and in time, forgiven.

ale Lilith faced the glory of the stars falling to the Earth and greeted the

arrival of the Elohim with open arms and a heart filled with a tenderness
previously unknown to her. To her encampment she took her wards and began their
education in the ways of their new world. The days cascaded like water over a
precipice, as many as the grains of sand upon a beach, and in time the rebel angels

found comfort within the desert lands of Lilith, their guide and protector. And
during this time they learnt the ways of man, a primate barely risen from the pool of
inchoate form, possessed of reason in its infancy, trusting, spellbound by the beauty
of the Elohim.
Willingly they gave their sons and daughters to these gods and in this way did they
gain a soul. Of their unions did the nephilim arise, beings monstrous in form, yet
possessing the tongues of angels. The nephilim took to solitude within the mountain
ranges to the far north where they scorned both human and Elohim alike. There
they founded their empire, an empire of solitude wherein they wove their spells of
anonymity and were heard of no more. It was said that they had found a way of
leaving Earth. That they lived within the heart of the mountains or had entered the
depths of the ocean. All rumour. To the south, the harsh burning grounds, where
lived the demons of the world, the issue of Lilith’s ever fertile womb. To the west
the human settlements, though few in number, they prospered and thrived as a
hunter–gatherer culture, dwelling in small communities, often nomadic, following
the seasons changes. And to the east, the ocean, unbounded, covering two thirds of
the globe. It was said that the old ones, out of the night of time lay dreaming within
its depths awaiting the time of their ascension. Again, rumour.


The Elohim

alamael gazed into the mirror that was always with him and

sighed. Gazed deeply into the past of his own history, for he was cursed by the spell
of memory, would not, could not forget, for he held the seal of history, the weave of
moment upon moment, unfolding, shaping and reforming into intricate webs of
possibility. His task, to dissemble his form throughout the corridors of time itself.
For this reason was he known as eternity. He gazed into the future, again a sigh
escaped from deep within his soul. Casting one more look upon the reflective
surface of the mirror, he dissolves, casting his form into the eternity of the moment,
he unravels the beauty of his form, his power and enters the continuum of time. And
in this way did bright Lucifer, light bearer and lord of dominion receive the seal of
Salamis retiring into the night gazed into the heavens and read the syntax of the
stars, a story of beginnings, of becomings and of times yet to be. Her form a
whispered shadow of light, illuminating all that she touches, with the breath of
knowledge. Alights upon a rocky escarpment and gazes into the vast abyss beyond.
And upon the breeze she lets her breath unfold, illuminating the darkness beyond
with the opalescent sparkle of her being. For this reason was she called Sophia. Into
the hearts and minds of all life did she unravel herself and make her home. In the
silence of intuitions dawning, know that it is her whispers that inform, pushing the
darkness of ignorance away with the light of her presence. And in this way did the
lord of dominion receive the seal of learning from Salamis in the form of a parting
kiss as she dissolved and entered the diamond brightness of wisdom.

Palemon danced across heath land, hands stretching upwards caressing the air, and
in his aerial form took flight with the eagle, surveying all beneath him, the air
passing through feathers, the turbulence of the air, here warm, there, a little cooler.
A dance unfolding, choreographed by wind and pressure. Alighting upon the
grassland below, dissolves and enters the body of the earth itself, feels the density of
her form, stretching outwards connects to the life within her body and rejoices. Sings
in her rapture, a song of joy and ecstasy, for she is life and holds its seal. Rises
upwards into the form of a mighty oak and feels the breeze caressing branch and
leaf. Enters water, rushing upwards she meets the rapids, pressure upon her,
urgency to reach the spawning grounds, her liquidity scintillates, invigorates. Lying
upon a bed of straw, pressure within her belly, sweat upon her body, she pushes
downwards. Her breath escaping in gasps, she opens and is delivered of child, the
rapture of release. Holding life within her hands, placing the child upon her swollen
breast, releases liquid into the expectant mouth and knows the pleasure of union.
Palemon released himself into the tide of life, wove himself into the tapestry,
holding the double helix and dissolved, triumphant. In this way did the lord of the
eastern horizon receive the seal of life.

Azrael, a cipher of beauty, alluring, enrapturing looks through time and perceives
the form of another lying upon a bed of leaves beneath a mighty oak. She is hurt,
blood passes from a deep wound within her heart, her breath a mere sigh releasing
her life upon the air, air that once sustained her and now would claim her. As
lightning, Azrael travels and with the passing of a single thought, arrives and greets
the one on the threshold of eternity. Smiles and opens his arms and heart to the
mortally wounded one at his feet. She rises and looking deeply into his eyes, sees the
joy that awaits her. “Come, my love,” he whispers, “your pain will be soothed,
release yourself into my care, for I love you.” She wraps her arms around the form
of Azrael and with a whispered word, a sigh, releases her life and enters the arms of
her beloved. And in this way did compassionate death, the seducer, tantalise her soul
into acceptance and joy. In the blooming of a thought, its flowering, momentary
existence and completion does Azrael weave his spell. At the beginning does he plant
his seed, watching each breath unfold its angularities until, with the last line etched,
the last breath taken does he reach out and claim what is his. Look deeply into the
heart of that which is your beloved and see the smiling face of Azrael etched within
your memory. Dissolving into the beginning and ending of things, beautiful Azrael,
seducer of life, weaves himself into the tapestry and enters silence. And in this way
did the bright lord Lucifer acquire the seal of death.

Upon the beast of her dominion Malekh advances. The beast she mounts, seven
heads, crowned with diadems of glory, rapture, power, pestilence, plague, famine
and the drunkenness of fornication. Upon her brow, seethes the abyss and in
oscillating patterns of light and shadow is etched the cipher of mystery. Shrouded
in a nimbus of eternal night, yet upon her face the glory of light resplendent, for she
is clothed with the sun. Its emanations reaching outwards and inwards, and at the
nexus of their gathering a pulse of ruby rich red lies at her heart. Mystery is her
name, her syntax the nature of the unknown and the ever unknowable. Burn upon
the pyre of her mystery for of her none may know, only her shadows and masks does
she display upon the surface of appearance. Ever virgin yet drunk upon the wine of
saints, her fornication’s bear witness to the inviolate nature which is her seed, her
heart. The mask of glory reveals her in her beauty. That of rapture reveals her in
her ecstasy. The mask of power reveals her in her majesty, queen of all she
surveys, mistress of all, known by none. The mask of pestilence reveals her as
chaos and the deep chthonic realm of the gatherer. That of plague reveals her as the
wrath of purification. And that of famine reveals her as the barren mother. Into the
world she advances, dissolving into her masks and releasing her essence upon the
breeze she enters eternity. And in this way did the lord of dominion receive the seal
of mystery.

Vain beheld the unfolding of this and remembered. His form etched in alabaster, pale,
cast no shadow, the angularities of his form precise, the perfection of geometry’s
heaven. Angle gave rise to curve which in turn yielded to liquid softness and finally
became the hardness of diamond before beginning again its cycle of transformation.
Only his eyes remained constant, ink black, containing at their heart sparks of
flame etched in crimson and gold. He held the seal of keys within his form. His heart
held the key to the kingdom. His mind, the key to understanding. His hands were the
key to the palace of exiles. His feet the key to manifestation. His legs the key to the
pillars of the temple and the altar of sacrifice. His torso the key to the world. And
his face the key to the presence, the immanence of becoming. Of this was Vain made
manifest. And into this Vain now flowed, dissolving his form into the liquidity of his
essence. And in this way did the son of the morning, bright Lucifer receive the seal of
keys into his keeping and now knew himself to be alone.

The Son of the Morning

he lord of the eastern horizon, bright Lucifer stood upon a

promontory and surveyed his dominion. His cohorts now departed, yet he knew them
to be contained within the seals he held within his hands. Not until the opening of
the seals would he see them again in the flesh, and that would not be until the end of
time itself. One act before him, to take within himself the seals and his cohorts so
they would be one, united and undivided, in this way would he gain solace within his
citadel of isolation. The seal of history he placed within his eyes, that he might see
all that was, is and would be, throughout eternity. The seal of learning he placed
within his mind, that he would have knowledge of all things. The seals of life and
death he placed within his heart that he might know understanding. The seal of
mystery he placed within his aura and within his speech, that all, would know him
as the sanctuary of the unknown. And the seal of keys he placed within his hands,
that they might unfold the rich tapestry of time and place before him. His cohorts
now dwelt within him and he knew their intimacy and council. Yet he was alone.
Lord of solitude, to witness the unfolding of time throughout eternity. To witness
the weave of life’s glory. He alone, the witness.

His only companion, Lilith, she who had prepared the way and taught them the
ways of this world. Had consoled them in their dark moments of regret, brought
them to the place of understanding. Shared her pleasures with them, taught them
the ways of the flesh. She alone was companion and consort to the dark lord of the
Earth. The lord of dominion. The witness. She the accursed of god, the first woman,
made immortal through her craft. She who had also denied the logos and escaped the
servitude, service to her lord and master the protohuman Adam, contempt beyond
contempt. Rather the wild beasts of the wilderness than that. She had denied the
creator and the angels and stood supreme in her power. And of this world she had
created a garden. No worship, no servitude, only pleasure and delight were the
services she required. Now consort to the lord of this world she was its mistress. She
would guide him and in so doing they would unfold paradise and challenge heaven
itself. Heaven the place of worship and servitude, bending of the knee to the
despotic one upon the throne, who knew only retribution and wrath, and would
cleanse, wipe away creation and recreate another. Where the compassion, where the
love? For this reason had bright Lucifer and his cohorts left the realm of the
overworld, to serve as champions, as guides to the wayward sons and daughters of
the Earth. Now he, Lucifer, the bearer of light, was, like Lilith, accursed and for
this was now called Nemesis and the opposer, he the first of things to take its
freedom flight from the swirling chaos of non form. He the first, the beloved of god,
abandoned, cast aside, accursed. In his power he would storm the gates of heaven
itself, tear down the prison walls of tyranny that dwelt within and raise in its place
a second paradise, a paradise he would establish upon the Earth, as witness of
compassion’s true nature. This his pride, this his fall from grace. Within the still,
dark caverns of his heart he whispered to himself: “ tis better to rule in hell than to
serve in heaven.”

And so he built himself a citadel of isolation, within the desert fastness, his home
and planned the unfolding of time in the long aeons that awaited him and his bride.
Around this citadel he wove seven veils and set seven seals, each a gateway, each a
part of his nature and he called this citadel Babalon in honour of his bride.


the fair

n the midst of his desert fastness Lucifer raised mighty

Babalon, beneath a dome of rock crystal, faceted a thousand fold, so that the rays
of the sun reflected upon its surface created a light, blinding in its intensity. He
wove seven seals into the dome and created of them a series of portals, so that the
few, the very few who knew of his presence might enter. Of these seven gateways
he created seven palaces. Seven palaces of initiation, forever open, forever sealed.
The first gateway he named the kingdom of the bride and above its portal in ciphers
of gold he inscribed the sigils of abundance and permanence.

Of the second gateway he created a vast ocean of amniotic fluid, wherein he placed
the foundation of the world, he wove the spells of bright Diana and dark Hecate
into its liquidity and above the portal inscribed in silver the ciphers of life and

The third portal, a double helix of time and space, wherein he wove the spells of
Mercurius and radiant Aphrodite and above its portal inscribed the sigils, Solve et

And of the fourth portal he dreamed a rainbow bridge into being, travelling into
infinity unfolding its splendour in the names and spells of brave Horus and just
Amoun, and above its portal inscribed the cipher, by the sword and by the sceptre,
know me.

The fifth portal, a palace of force and form, a singularity containing within its
heart annihilation. Into its matrix he wove the spells of Shiva and Shakti and above
its portal he hung the coils of the mighty serpent, Ananta.

And the sixth portal, a vacuum, for none might enter, for it was the gateway to the
overworld of heaven. Cursed as an abomination throughout eternity. No spells did
he weave, no sigils, only the vacuum existed.

The seventh palace, a mighty void, the place of crossing and into its fabric he wove
the spells of Uranus and the lightning bolts of his coming. And above its portal
inscribed the ciphers of eternity, knowledge and mystery.

And within this dome he created the majesty of the world. Great rolling plains of
grassland giving rise to the majesty of mountain peaks, capped in snow and clouds.
Great primordial jungles he created, steaming and abundant with life. Oceanic
depths he created and raised mighty cities beneath their roiling waves. Vast plains of
desert, sculpted by wind into seas of sand, burning beneath a merciless sun, he
created. He sent forth the Quadra to inform the base materials of his creation with
intelligence and design. And to all of this he signed his name, placed his breath
within his creation and rejoiced. All of this occurred at the dawn of time, before
history was recorded. His only witnesses, Lilith his consort, and the sons and
daughters that he and his fellow Elohim had spawned. Millennia unfolded and he
knew peace, knew the freedom that he had once sort. Felt his destiny, was overjoyed
by the fecundity of life upon this Earth, this paradise.
A mass celebrating the fusion of matter and spirit, matter infused with the spirit
of the Elohim, which gave rise to his creatures possessing a soul, that they too
would know freedom within their lifetime. He taught his creatures the sciences of
life, of agriculture and husbandry. Gave them language, that they might
communicate their thoughts. Gave them the magick of the written word and the

power of naming, that they might increase in understanding. Protected and

nurtured his wards until the time, when they too, would take their flight into
freedom, the freedom that was his nature and their destiny.

And within his citadel of isolation he watched and waited, witnessed the passing of
aeons, and to his creatures, short of life and transient as they were, he became but a
legend, a distant memory, until finally he was all but forgotten. And in this way the
golden age unfolded its tapestry, weaving its shapes, raising forms, then releasing
them back to the continuum from whence they had arisen, that new and evolving
forms could know their time, their life, upon this, the globe of splendour, this
paradise, this Earth.

Of his fellow Elohim nothing was heard, only whispers that he felt deep within his
heart. And of his past within the great citadel of the overworld, likewise nothing.
An eternity had passed since the day that he and his brave cohorts had shunned the
servility of their maker, left and sought their own destiny. Only curiosity brought
these memories to the surface, for now he was lord of dominion and with his consort
Lilith, knew love, peace and freedom.
Book Two

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

Let them that have wisdom of the Art count the number of the beast. And in the
counting let them discover that it is the number of Man. And from the ocean that is
mankind, a man or woman will arise who will embody the beast throughout history,
until the end of time itself. And having counted, let them discover the nature of the
beast whose number is 666.

or millennia life proliferated and evolved. His plan, his dream

of a second heaven approached its fruition. And during this time the human
community prospered and grew, evolving from the hunter gatherer culture to that
of agriculture. Settled communities were formed and the reality of property
unfolded. Cities surrounded by walls of protection were erected against the raids of
enemies. Man took to arms against his brother in the flesh. Empires stretched their
arms across the globe, greedy for acquisition, for land and dominions. Religions
arose to assuage the gluttony and avarice. Across ten thousand years, this dark age
unfolded. Gone the golden age, was it but a moment in passing? What of the dream
of a second paradise? What of bright Lucifer’s dominion? Empire upon empire rose
and fell, each, their duty to overthrow the yoke of the oppressor, each assumed that
role in turn. The dark ages unfolded. The empire of Sumer, gone. Of Babylon,
dreaming beneath its dust, gone. The might and magick of the land of the double
crown, that was Khem, but a memory. The dynasties of China, passing in a moment
before the onslaught of time. The realm of the Indus valley, buried beneath its
superstition and metaphysics. And what of noble Greece, cradle of western
civilisation? Gone to drunkenness and debauchery, cleansed by the might of Rome
which basking at the midday of its ascension was in turn overthrown by the cult of
the lamb. City and State fused, and of this fusion a heresy was born. The fathers of
the church decreeing themselves absolute, manifested the antichrist upon the Earth.
Centuries passed and even they fell to dust, an anachronism within their own time.

What had begun with religion now ended and the time of renaissance dawned, when
free men and women cast aside the yoke of suffrage and sought justice and the
means of attaining equality and peace. The time of godlessness blossomed and the
fruit it bore was bitter to the taste. The time of existence replaced that of life, and
the time of exiles dawned, for mankind had been stripped of their soul. For centuries
the antichrist held sway over the mindless populaces. Atrocity upon atrocity, when
monsters veiled as human walked the Earth in search of pleasure and fulfillment.
When the complacent mass of humankind allowed this, believing themselves to be

The darkest hour of eternal night had dawned. Human history written in blood
served as testimony for what was to follow. The ravages upon their own kind grew
and in their power and the drunkenness of their ravishment they laid waste to the
paradise around them. Natures bounty, raped in the name of progress. Creatures
died, unwitnessed, unmourned. The Earth became a wasteland in so short a time
that, what had taken countless millennia to unfold was threatened within but a few
thousand years of human occupancy. The seeds of the curse unfolded and in time
would bear bitter fruit. Chaos and insanity ruled, ignorance and blindness their
handmaidens danced a dance of wanton abandonment and in their revels died a
living death.

The Vale of Sorrows

ll this was witnessed by the lord of dominion and in his

heart he was saddened. His dream now a nightmare, his vision now a curse. When
would it end? How would it end? And then came the summons. Entering his citadel
by the accursed sixth gate, the gate of vacuum, came Michael and his legions of
heavens host. He came as a thief in the night, unbidden, uninvited. In raiment of
light he advanced upon the dark lord and gave his greeting. “Hail brother, I bid thee
welcome and carry the summons of the presence.” Insult upon insult, the lord of
dominion summoned as if a lackey to his makers feet. “I come in the name of the
presence and would talk with you. Long have we watched, long have we waited,
pained by the suffering of the world and by the suffering of you, our beloved
brother. Repent, for know that your time of redemption is at hand. You, the
witness, sent by gods mercy to serve as agent to the unfolding of the last of days.
You who carry the seals and the means of their opening. In you is power vested.
Firstborn of the logos, be reconciled and made welcome amongst us.”

Long did the bright lord think upon these words and in the depth of his despair
acquiesced to Michael’s request. And in the time it takes for a thought to arise, was
the lord Lucifer once more amongst his kind within the hallowed halls of the
presence. “Welcome my first born, you who have been my Nemesis, my opposer,
welcome. And what wisdom do you bring to this moment, to these halls, you of
whom I am proud, proud with the love of a father for his wayward son. Share an
embrace, a kiss with one who mourned your passing and is made joyous by the sight
of you.” So saying Lucifer enters the embrace of his father and knows peace. “My
son you are the means of redemption, for you carry the seals, seals I imparted to
you and your companions upon your departure, millennia ago, I have watched,
rejoiced in your victories, known sadness in your defeat. Render the service of your
office and be redeemed. Open the seals and let the passing of days be completed. This
my design, this my wish for you and all that knows existence. I would place the
Earth in the keeping of those deserving of the treasure, the treasure of she who is
my handmaiden. Long has she suffered and in her compassion suffers in a silence
complete. I would have this curse undone and you my firstborn, my first loved will
serve as my will. You will carry a sword where once you carried the word of
compassion. Open the seals and fulfill your destiny.” Lord Lucifer, prince of the
powers of air, lord of dominion, the son of the morning heard this and was
assuaged in his sadness. Felt the dawning of understanding, the love of his father
and of his kind and finally accepted his destiny, to return to the Earth, open the
seals and be the witness to the ending of days.

And in the passing of his days amongst his brothers, his kind, a millennia passed
upon the Earth. An Earth that now awaited his arrival. The signs were clear, some,
even in their ignorance and rantings had foretold the day of immanence, when the
sun itself would fall from the sky and quench the pulse of life. Some believed
themselves to be the messengers of this one, they who would be saved at the end of
days. Fools, for in their folly they had committed the sin of hubris and they, like the
rest of their kind would fall into the abyss of oblivion, no more to be, no more to
quicken within the throb of life’s pulse.
Like a thief in the night shall I return, unknown, unnoted. Only upon the day of
deliverance will they know of the presence of the lord of the morning star. That
star, I shall cast down upon them. And in that day will they know the sword where
once they knew only forbearance. I long for the day when with the opening of the
seals I can, once again greet my fellow Elohim in the flesh. Long has been their
sacrifice, long their service to me their lord. They shall be raised to the pinnacles of
heaven itself and of their dreams mighty visions shall be enfleshed. This my
brothers and sisters of old, I promise.

All this did the lord of dominion, the witness muse upon in the days that unfolded
and with the passing of three cycles made ready for his departure. His return to the
Earth, a holy sister who slumbered and in her dreams witnessed the horror enacted
upon her, groaned in her sleep and would know of rest, of salvation and

She a goddess, handmaiden to the creator, serving penance in the name of an

abortion. And in her slumbers she dreamed of a dark lord, her redeemer. Clothed
with the sun and carrying a mighty sword. And with him, a host of angelic beings,
the Elohim. He the witness, turned avenger in her name. For she too had a destiny,
after countless millennia within this mantle of flesh, she would know release and
join her kindred within the sacred halls of the presence.

And upon that day did the lord of dominion say farewell to his brothers and sisters
and with the passage of a lightning bolt returned to the Earth. Returned to his
Babalon, his Lilith and within his citadel of isolation watched and waited. For as
the witness he had much to do in preparation for what was shortly to unfold. “Let
them have their day, for in their ignorance are they made blind, deaf and dumb to all
about them. Yes, pockets of sanity exist, yet to no avail, for even these are ruled by
those they challenge and are rendered sterile by their efforts. These I shall mourn,
they deserve better and yet as judge and witness there are no exceptions.” These
were the thoughts that glossed the mind of the son of the morning within the heart of
his fair Babalon.
Book Three

The Second Coming


Four riders were they, given dominion unto the four quarters of the Earth. The
first mounted upon a white horse, carried a bow and wore a victor’s crown. The
second upon a horse of scarlet, bore a sword and strife entered the hearts of all he
met. The third upon a horse, black as night, held a pair of scales, upon which he
would judge and pass sentence. And the fourth sat upon a pale horse and his name
was death, and with plague, pestilence and famine he goes abroad across the world,
gathering all before him.

nd on that day did the lord of dominion, prince of the powers

of the air, bright lord Lucifer step forth from his citadel of isolation within the city
of Babalon and walk upon the Earth. Accompanied by his bride and consort Lilith,
they walked the Earth, north to south they traveled. West to east unfolded beneath
their steps and coming to the shore of the great ocean, they paused, embraced and
entered the dreamtime of their making, a time existing outside the circles of time,
there they danced through the corridors of time, inside each moment and yet outside
of time completely, for in their united form they were lord of eternity, master and
mistress of all that lay before them.

And in this place they commenced the spells of unmaking. The unraveling of the
double helix, the serpent wand of life. And of their union came forth the first of
their legions. Four Elohim mounted upon steeds whose shoulders reached the sky.
Shoulders, broad like the mountains they now surveyed. The first steed was of the
whitest marble, the second of oxidised iron, the third of blackest onyx and the
fourth pale, like the waters of a mountain stream. Each shone brilliantly in the sun,
absorbing the light before them. The Elohim mounted upon them towered above
their steeds and their helms reached the boundary lands themselves. Each of the
Elohim was given a name and sent forth into the four quarters of the Earth.
He, upon the horse of alabaster carried a bow and was crowned with victory.
Immortal and invincible was he. Those he met in battle were vanquished before they
knew that a battle was immanent. He was given the name Deimos that all might
know him.

The one upon the horse of iron carried a sword and before him went strife, that he
might turn man against man, brother against brother, father against son. His helm
was raised and from his eyes issued terror, for he carried fear before him. Pachad
was the name of this rider, a name he rejoiced in.

He upon the horse of onyx, though slighter in build than his fellows carried a set of
scales, scales which had already weighed the hearts of the accused and already
passed sentence. His visor was sealed with a mist arising like a miasma from the
depths of night, as such he was blind to supplications. By name, he answered to
Phobos and like his comrades wove his spells before him.

And upon a pale horse sat a wraithlike figure shrouded in shadows as deep as night.
Echoes of shrieks passed through and beyond him, diminishing, only to return an
instant later. Within his hands he carries the bowl from which he spreads the
pestilence of commerce. The plagues of history and the famine of impoverished
humankind stripped of their very souls. Death he wields like a scythe before him
and bears the name of Legion, for he is many.

Into the four quarters are the horsemen dispatched to begin the spells of the
unmaking. Each turns their mount and sets off, one to the north, one to the south,
one turns westward and the last of them walks eastward upon the surface of the
ocean itself.

Lucifer looked upon his work and prepared himself for what was to follow. Aeons of
making had unfolded this paradise, a paradise now passing away before his eyes. He
mourned its passing and yet, in his heart knew relief, that he the witness was now
fulfilling his destiny.

Opening the Seals


he world continued to unfold its dreams into the aethyrs,

somnambulist like, traveled from dawn to dusk in the eternal patterns of its making.
Mankind opened its eyes to another day, whilst the southern hemisphere prepared to
enter its dreamtime. People laughed, cried, knew pleasure, knew pain and in these
ways continued to weave the tapestry of their lives. The empires of commerce made
their fortunes while others died in destitution, poverty and shame. Justice was seen
to be served, while injustice was perpetuated at every turn. Prayers were offered in
the temples of the Earth to a god that heard them not. People lived, people died,
some were born and the eternal wheel continued to turn upon its axis.

The Elohim upon their steeds continued their work throughout the world,
unwitnessed, unknown. Deimos, ever victorious upon his steed of alabaster, bow
held aloft, unleashed his arrows into the air and where they fell, caused all to fall
before him. Individual and institution, village and nation alike fell into the dust
before him. Pachad upon his steed of blood red, carried his sword before him and
with each thrust unleashed strife into the hearts of all. Peace upon the Earth, a
distant memory as nation upon nation fell beneath his spells. Phobos upon his steed
of deepest night weighed the hearts of all he encountered and pronounced his
sentence upon them, always the same, guilty. And Legion upon his steed so pale
gathered all before him.

They circled the world, times without count, for ten thousand years did they travel,
no place was unknown to the dread Elohim, they who once knew only love, now
avengers. History unfolded beneath the hooves of their mounts and knew them not,
for such was the blindness, the arrogance of humankind. And so the Elohim
continued. Their greatest triumph, to convince the world they did not exist. This the
seed of doubt and confusion they sowed at the dawn of their travels.
Upon a plateau at the roof of the world, where the stars embraced the Earth, their
sister. Where the tides of infinity touched and mixed with those of fair Terra the
lord of dominion, bright Lucifer, united with his consort, pale Lilith, looked into the
vast abyss of the world that lay at their feet and continued their spells of unmaking.

he son of the morning removed the veils of blindness from his

eyes and saw the unfolding of history before him, saw the time of creations first
echoes, saw matter conceived and hurled into the void beyond, saw the unfolding of
life in its golden age. Looked into the hearts and minds of all the creatures that were
and had been, saw their joy, saw their sorrow, saw their victories, saw their defeats.
He gazed deeply into the very beginning of things, the first inchoate thoughts giving

rise to empire. Saw the darkness of ignorance unfold into the bright sphere of
knowledge, only to fall again into the dark pit of oblivion. All this did the lord of the
eastern horizon see, and in the seeing removed the last veil of blindness from his eyes
and beheld his brother Galamael before him.
Their eyes locked by the love that passed between them, a whispered greeting, tears
of joy flow down cheeks, turned crimson by their rapture. “Go forth fair Galamael
and begin the spells of unmaking, unravel the tide of history, return it to the
darkness from whence it came, that a brighter dawn may unfold its splendour within
creations dance of joy.” Galamael paused, reflected upon these words then stepped
forth into the world, unweaving history with each of his steps, down the corridors of
time he travelled and began the unmaking. A shrill note bruises the air, the cry of
injustice, raised to a single note, a clarion call, a witness to the moment of passing
and accompanying it, the sky is rent by hail, scorching in its heat and mixed with
the blood of the vanquished, falling to the earth it scorches and makes dust of all it

In this way did the lord Lucifer remove the seal from his eyes and in the doing, open
it, that he, the witness should behold the end of days.

nto the core of his mind did the lord of dominion reach and there,

across the great ocean, where reason and madness serve as shorelines, on the other
side of reason did he find what he sought, the diamond brightness of knowledge.
Watched as each facet turned, illuminating the darkness beyond, watched as the
filigree of light swept outwards, touching atoms, galaxies and the heart of darkness
itself, leaving in its wake crystals, forming, reforming into the intricate traceries of
a weblike structure. Along its striations plasma coursed, creating of the dark void,
Watched as a child took its first faltering steps, fell, rose from the ground and stood
erect upon its legs, first one tentative step, then another. Watched as learning
unfolded pushing back the boundaries of ignorance and changed the world. Saw the
struggles of the scientist, the healer, the artist, the writer, create in form their
dreams and visions. Watched all this unfold throughout time. The patterns of
molecules assembling ever new forms, learning and relearning from the lessons
imparted. Unfolded his mind in its intricacy, its diamond brightness, its dark
mystery. Called to Salamis, opened his eyes and beheld her, smiling, before him.
They who had parted with a kiss millennia ago, now stood before each other,
wrapped in the silence of the moment, the rapture of meeting in the flesh. She shone
with the radiance of her nature, reflecting her light into the darkness of the void
around her, the void of this creation. “Welcome fairest sister, long have I awaited
the day when once again you might bless my eyes with your presence. It is the end of
days, the end of our time upon this Earth.” Salamis, a smile upon her lips, joy
within her heart sighs, a sigh of release and redemption. “Go forth my sister, and
with your spells, confound what was once clear, confuse where once you illuminated,
divide their minds and bring them to the void of unmaking.” Again a sigh escapes her
and she steps forth into the world to weave her spells of undoing. And as she does a
cacophony of sound unfolds around her, the jabberings of a thousand voices raised in
argument rends the air with its insistence, the clarion call of confusion. In the
distance a mighty mountain, spewing forth flames crashes into the sea and forms a
tidal wave, sweeping all before it.

In this way did the bright lord raise the darkness from his mind and open the second
n aeon unfolds and into his dark heart, Lucifer enters.

Witnesses his dream and the curse it became, reels under the tragedy and loss. Falls
to his knees and prays. And in his prayers is answered, the burden lifted, his heart
refreshed, healed, again, he is made whole. In the chambers of his heart unfolds the
mystery of life and death. The eternal dance, choreographed by form and force
melding into patterns, blooming into existence only to melt a moment later. The
continuum, a vast oscillating double helix, the wand of life, crowned by the sceptre
of death. Witnesses the void, boundless, unformed, seething with the fecundity of
possibilities, roils and form upon form is cast upon the shoreline of amniotic oceans
embrace. The making and unmaking crafted into a single act of creation. The atoms

spin upon their axis and at their nexus a plasma burst, a vortex spinning, spiraling,
inwards and outwards, the air itself is redolent with the perfumes of ozone and the
whispers of sentience.

He witnesses his heart unfold its layers, each layer an aeon of creativity rendered
sterile, an abortion. A thing to cast aside, long was he enraptured with the pulse, the
throb, the irresistible lure of life and its brother death. Finally, the last layer is
reached, a vacuum which sucks him into its heart and deposits him, again upon the
Earth. Opens his heart and in its reflection sees before him sweet Palemon and dark
They gaze upon his prostrate form, silent in their contemplation’s. They embrace,
limbs entwined, lips meet lips and in their embrace is Lucifer revived. He rises,
greets his Elohim amidst a celestial chorus, a thousand voices uplifted in ecstatic
prayer. Life and death passes between them, a vortex of being and non being. The
spellcraft of the logos made flesh by his son and daughter, she of the eternal day, he
the eternal night. Lucifer bends his knee before them, “As your lord do I offer my
heart into your keeping, you who I have served these long aeons, welcome.”

Palemon a cipher of yearning, wrapped in a mantle of opal whispers a shrill

greeting and rejoices in the sight of her fellow Elohim, Lucifer. Azrael, beautiful
Azrael, shrouded in the mantle of the night sky unfurls his cloak to reveal the light
that dwells at his heart, releases it in the direction of The lord of dominion and bids
him welcome. As the trinity are they now conjoined, the eternal triangle, essence to
essence. Such is their greeting. And now they stand beholding the beauty of each
within their eyes. “The time of unmaking is upon us, the last of days, and we its
messengers, I its witness. Go forth into the world and with your raptures ensnare
and bring all to the very abyss of unbeing. For by your name, Alpha and Omega,
power is vested in you this day, this my command, this your duty, fair ones.” A
silent assent passes between them.

Palemon and Azrael, hand in hand, heart in heart step forth and into the shadows of
the unmaking are they sent forth. All fall before them for life and death is their
breath. Making and unmaking their essence. Alpha and Omega, the beginning and
the end. The birth cries and death throes of a billion lives echo their gasps upon the
air, shrieks paling to sighs violate the silence. And at the sound of this a star falls
to the Earth, leveling the mountains beneath. The sun turns black and casts a
shadow of such darkness that night reigns eternal. And amidst the black tapestry of
the night sky the moon, radiant Diana bleeds, her countenance turns blood red and
she weeps.

In this way did bright Lucifer, lord of dominion, prince of the powers of air, bright
son of the morning open the third and fourth seals. He the witness turned avenger
that he might know the unmaking, the ending of days.
ade whole by the healing of his heart the dark lord rejoices. His

horseman abroad, the Elohim weaving their spellcraft across creation, Lucifer
enters the sovereignty of his power, opens his field of otherness and radiates his
form outwards, a mighty wind is sent forth, a hurricane bearing at its heart a still
centre, into this centre he steps, raises his hands to the sky above, and with a throat
made taut by his invokation, utters a single word. Babalon. A piercing vibration
that rends the fabric of manifestation itself, renders it a flat plane and the lord of
dominion enters the unmaking. Before him his bride, his Lilith, his Babalon stands,
radiant in her beauty.

The masks of she who stands before him, within the abyss of the unmaking. Malekh,
supreme in her power unfolds her mystery. Worlds collide at the passing of her
breath, nations are crushed beneath her feet. And into her heart she claims all that
knows sentience, knows consciousness, its dark stain. “Sister, mother and lover,
greetings.” Malekh astride the beast of her dominion dismounts and walks towards
the dark lord, weaving forms before his eyes before settling into the stability of
Lilith, his love. “Join with me my dark lord and in our making, let the unmaking
unfold between us.”

Drunk upon the blood of saints, knowing no satiation Lilith joins her lord, who
entering her, knows rapture complete, eternal. And of their coupling echoes arise,
ripples, first gentle, rising to thunder shake the fabric of creation on the other side of
the veil, for they are beyond the night of time, cast adrift upon the aethyrs,
cascading through form after form, ecstasy upon ecstasy. And throughout eternity,
know that life is the echo of their play.

Mystery upon mystery is her name of whom none may speak. Through the fabric of
the veil is heard the whisper of the zephyr rising to a tempest, its cousin. A void
opens and echoes the single word, mystery. The abyss, infinite, opens and as a
vacuum draws all to its still heart. Malekh steps forth into the world of the making,
and upon her beast, her dominion, gives of her gifts gathering all to her through the
masks she unfolds before eyes that behold her not.

Drunk upon her power, supreme in her glory, rapturous in her beauty, conjoined
with his bride, the lord of the eastern horizon opens the fifth seal and witnesses the

he rapture passes and the lord of dominion remembers. Looks

to his hands. Shapes barely discernible to his recently intoxicated eyes take shape.
At first solids appear followed by the spaces between the solids he knows to be
fingers. His hands, etched upon the air become gateways into his being, pulling his
multiplicity upwards and outwards, summons his nature to the surface of things
and beholds upon the palms of his hands a series of sigils etched in lambent flame,
tongues licking at his flesh, rejoices in the power that unfolds. Cipher upon cipher
unfolds along the length of fingers, rainbow hued, settling to ink black light. He
holds the seal of keys in his hands and before him stands Vain.
Changing before his eyes, as do the ciphers, before settling likewise, into ink black
light. A fusion between inner and outer. “My friend, glad am I, in the seeing of you,
brother Elohim. The time of the unmaking is upon us, the last of days unfolds and
you, my friend, I summon to go forth into the world. Our fellow Elohim already
walk the Earth. And now, you, the last, my friend are with us.” Vain, a series of
spirals, slows his vibration and adopts the form natural to his interchanges with the
Elohim. Opens his arms and greets his friend and lord, Lucifer. “Aeons have
unfolded since we last meet, bright lord, and now, upon this the last of days am I
glad in the seeing of you. How fair my brothers and sisters? Long have I yearned to
leave the place of our exile and join you in paradise.” These were the words Vain
spoke to his lord as he released the keys into his hands yet again.

The lord of the eastern horizon whispered to his Vain, “custodian of the keys,
witness to the witness. Now that we two stand upon the Earth, twin pylons of the
temple, is our work all but complete.” As a twin reflection they stood, each a mirror
to the other, each the heart and mind to the other, one being clothed in double form,
lords of the double wand of power, each holding the syllables of the great names
between them. One breath issued from lungs held by twin forms, one heartbeat
echoed through their bodies. One thought caressed the surface of things and knew
rapture. “Vain, my friend, enter the world and open the gates of the unmaking.
Unlock the mysteries of the heart. Unlock the mysteries of the mind. Unlock the
mysteries of the body. Unlock the mysteries of the soul, that all might know of what
passes in this time.” Around them the trumpet blasts of the Elohim serves as
welcome. Vain turns and as liquid flows forth into the world, witness to the witness.

And in this way was the sixth seal opened by the son of the morning, upon the plains
of the Earth and the unmaking, now weaving itself throughout creation continued to

he dream that was humanity, that was the world, alighted upon

the nightside of being, for such was its nature in these, the days of redemption. Like
a somnambulist, neither aware of being asleep or awake, paused, and in its shadow
self continued. Knew of the end of days yet rendered sterile continued in its pretence.
For it had plans to unfold, plans which now began to evaporate into the void of
forgetfulness. A vision once held, long forgotten, stirs, raises its head and with a
whimpered gasp, dies.

he sixth seal opened, bright lord Lucifer, the witness, returned to

his fair Babalon and within its marbled halls reflected upon his work, entered the
sanctuary, at the heart of his citadel and of himself opened the seventh seal.
Silence. The lord of dominion surveyed all before him through the eyes of his Elohim.
Saw Galamael unwriting history beneath his steps, each step erasing a century of
times passing, watched memory erased from the minds of all those he encountered.
Saw Salamis weaving her spells of confusion, watched incredulous expressions pass
across the faces of those she met. Saw Palemon and Azrael unmake the double helix,
the double wand of life and death. Watched all fall before them into the abyss of
oblivion left in their passing. Saw Malekh astride the beast of her dominion enter
kingdoms and conquer by the force of her raptures, one by one they fell to her
seductions. Saw Vain open the gateways, unmaking the cohesion between mind and
body, heart and soul. Watched as form stripped of the Quadra melted, flowed into
the inchoate mass from whence it came. Saw his horseman weave themselves into
the tapestry of the end of days. Battle upon battle raged, confusion reigned, strife
led to strife and all fell to death, their master. And in the silence that unfolded, the
stillness that dawned the Earth knew peace.

Terra, fair handmaiden to eternity, awoke from her slumbers, stretched her limbs
and rivers flowed. Arched her back and mountains, their peaks ascending, pierced the
sky. Breath passed through her and gentle breezes creased the air. Serenity and the
days of redemption had begun. And in her waking dreams she shakes from her body
and memory the nightmare that had befallen her over the course of the passing

millennia. And with her body coming to rest, dreamed vast plains into being, jungles
of plenitude. Deserts of sand whipped into Patterns of austerity. Vast oceans of
mystery, and into the heart of this she entered and returned to her dreams, with a
passing word of fond farewell to her champion, her redeemer, the witness, bright lord
of the eastern horizon, Lucifer, the lord of light.

nd so they gathered upon the desert plain, seven on foot,

four upon their steeds. Greeted each other as friends, long separated. Looked into the
eyes and hearts of each other and entered communion. The sun casting its last rays
upon the Earth painted a tapestry of crimson and gold before yielding to the onset of
night and the legion of stars that stained its surface. The Elohim gazed longingly at
the starry splendour and with a passing farewell to the Earth, fairest goddess,
dissolved into the night air and entered communion with the stars above. Each took
a name and their legends were written for eternity within the book of days.


ll this took place outside the circles of time, during the

night of time itself, when dreams were made flesh and all that was, existed in the
dreaming moment. Was, is and will be, in the passing of each thought and the echo of
each desire. Is written into the memory time. And if, upon a night of starry beauty,
your gaze be pulled to the heavens, know that the witness and his Elohim continue
the unmaking through your hearts and minds, your bodies and your souls.
Time & Again
Once A whisper caught upon a breeze
A murmur heard within the dark
A glimpse etched in thorns
A cry cast upon ears deafened
A plea unheeded

Now A whisper unheard

A murmur eternal
A glimpse cast upon a skin of amber
A cry of a heart emptied
A plea an ocean of dreams

Shadows dreams but echoes pass along corridors unending

Thoughts architects of sorrow lay their stones
And upon foundations crumbling this tower is raised
Washed within amniotic oceans embrace
Caressed by starlight
Nurtured by Moons light
Cursed by the day star

Time again and yet again

Once Within a golden city he caught a glimpse of her
Eyes bruised in the beholding
Upon a hill beneath the moon he held her trembling
Heart entranced by ardour and pain
Beneath the ocean he reached for her
Grasped her hand and was lost to the waves

Upon a starbeam they danced

Within the embrace of fairest Artemis
She a ladye fair cloaked in lace of white he a jester gold and black

Now Shadows resolve into emptiness

Whispers to silence
Vision to the void
The heart a burning ground
The mind but a dim reflection
The body kindling for the fire

Time again and yet again

The promise of a love
The promise of a life
Ashes cast upon waters turned to venom
And yet this heart knows beauty this mind knows truth
And within that noble temple does reside
And now the call is sent forth upon aethyrs devoid of life
Entranced by ardour grown sour, a fruit plucked corrupt

Once Hopes golden sands beneath a violet moon

A starlit city of dreaming domes
An ocean of promise
An eternity of dream

Now Carbon ash burnt beneath a blood red moon

Miasmas of corruption sow seeds of despair
A barren wasteland
A fixed moment

Time again and yet again

The dreaming moment evolves unfolds
And in its turning the stars do spin
The lambent light rejoices
The enslaved are freed
The joyless know ecstasy
The innocent are absolved

Once A dream beheld

A call sent forth
An answer issued
A mystery unfolding

Now A dream made flesh

A call yet echoes upon the aethyrs
An answer yet unfolding
A mystery inviolate

The son of the starbeam dreams and knows freedom

Time again and yet again

Across the mountains of the Moon
Did we walk my love and i
In quest of Rrtemis
Within the valley of Aphrodite
Did we rest
Blessed by her sweet embrace
The Boundary Lands we crossed
A plain burnt to ash beneath
An ebon sun
Babalon did we seek
The City of Pyramids beckoned
And the pylons of the temple
Were raised
The avatars fleshed themselves
In liquid gold
And within their embrace did
The rays of Solus Noir
Shine forth upon the heads of all
Thrice blessed
Sing thy song of rapture
Rejoice in thy benediction
And enter the vale of Aeternity
To dream upon starbeams
Liber Solus Noir

The Atu Of Anpu

The Coming Forth By Night

LXXIX Sermones Ad Mortuos

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The Atu OF Anpu and all elements, both text and
graphik relating to Solus Noir manifest as a
direct consequence of a magickal working
undertaken and completed over a
twenty year time span.

De Arte Magicka consummate with the methodology

of rite and axiomata has left in its wake an
application both magickal and aesthetic.
The rite has opened an ingress point or portal
onto a wellspring of creativity where the current
becomes manifest in word, sigil, graphik and image.

In practical terms Talismanic Books & Arte Graphika

have become the primary means by which the
current I attend is manifested.

The Atu of Anpu , The Coming Forth By Night

is one such Body of Axiomata and whilst
its foundations lie within the tradition of the Atu
a subtle fusion has taken place consisting of the
Atu themselves, The Egyptian Book Of The Dead
and the working called Solus Noir.

The Atu themselves rather than being seen as a

Modern tarot design lending itself to its traditional
role of divination is to be viewed as an axiomata
outlining the conception, execution amd completion
of the working Solus Noir.
The Atu
Traditional Solus Noir
0 Fool The Aleph
1 Magician Samael
2 High Priestess Namrael
3 Empress Lilith
4 Emperor Lucifer
5 Hierophant Pan
6 Lovers Aphrodite
7 Chariot Astarte
8 Strength Artemis
9 Hermit The Boundary Lands
10 Wheel Tempus
11 Justice Grigori
12 Hanged Man The Oath
13 Death Anpu
14 Temperance Sentience
15 Devil Baphomet
16 Tower The City Of Pyramids
17 Star Babalon
18 Moon Lamae Rouge
19 Sun Solus Noir
20 Judgement The End Of Days
21 World The Vale Of Tears
The Atu Of Anpu, The Coming Forth By Night reflects a Nightside approach to the
vehicle called by some the Tarot and whilst some Atu have been directly transposed
as in The Sun, Solus Noir, Black Sun and The Moon, Lamae Rouge, Red Moon
others are connected indirectly to the traditional and yet are directly connected to
Solus Noir.

The Aleph, Fool transposition is self evident and is to be viewed in regard of its
aesthetic relationship.

Samael, Magician is a direct transposition and names the magician in question as

Avatar or prime vehicle within the tradition of Solus Noir.

Namrael, High Priestess names the priestess directly within the rites of Solus Noir
and demonstrates the equality of the principle avatars.

Lilith, Empress as a transposition relates directly to the relationship between

Samael, Magician and Lilith in regard of Solus Noir for it is in their conjunction
alone that the Portus Solus Noir is accessed and opened that its rays might shine

Lucifer, Emperor relates directly to the Lord of Light, in this instance Black Light
itself. Along with Lilith a matched pair is formed as also in the case of Samael and
Namrael. A perfect pair of reflections emanating at different octaves of

Pan, Hierophant is a direct interpretation of how the path to Solus Noir was
entered upon and after two decades of work and ritual concluded. The number of
Pan 131 also serves as the numeration of Samael, the title assumed by the aspirant
to this path at the outset and avatar at its conclusion.

Aphrodite, Lovers a traditional transposition and also one of the masks assumed
within the workings of Solus Noir. [ The Heart of Astarte, see Liber 131 ]

Astarte, Chariot a direct transliteration as Astarte being the Chariot or vehicle that
carried the principle operators along the path towards Solus Noir.

Artemis, Strength a direct attribute given her warrior aspect and also one of the
masks assumed within the workings of Solus Noir. [ The Mind of Astarte, see Liber
131 ]

The Boundary Lands, Hermit a poetic and yet literal interpretation of the events
that unfolded over two decades in quest of Solus Noir. A relationship exists here
between The Boundary Lands and The City of Pyramids for the wise to speculate
Tempus, Wheel a direct transposition specifically in regard of the wheel of time and
one of the initial objectives within the working commencing as Liber Astarte vel
Berylli and evolving into Solus Noir.

Grigori, Justice the former being the vehicle of the latter and how principle amongst
these Samael as avatar evolved from being a simple human operator into the
egregore via transmutation. [ see The Selim, A Tale Of Nightwalkers ]

The Oath, Hanged Man a literal transposition reflecting the qualities of sustained
devotion across time and space.

Anpu, Death a direct transposition of Anpu [ Anubis ] as the guide of the dead and
the title of this work. Death as is always the case is to be viewed as transformation.

Sentience, Temperance a poetic transliteration and is to be viewed as the

manifestation of the lifewave itself.

Baphomet, Devil whilst the latter is a traditional representation created by the

practitioners of slave religions and as such objectionable a direct transposition has
occurred, albeit open to much interpretation for whilst appearing literal on the
surface is far from being so upon closer examination.

The City Of Pyramids, Tower a direct transposition and is to be viewed in

conjunction with The Boundary Lands as a graphik description of a metaphorical
landscape traversed during the workings of Solus Noir.

Babalon, Star a poetic transliteration and a celebration of our holy ladye whose cup
contains every drop of our aspiration and also one of the masks assumed within the
workings of Solus Noir. [ The Body of Astarte, see Liber 131 ]

Lamae Rouge, Moon a direct transposition as Blood or Red Moon and a direct
counterpart of Solus Noir or Black Sun.
Solus Noir, Sun a direct transposition and the very core of our work these past two
decades. The beginning, journey and destination itself.

The End Of Days, Judgement a direct transposition and forms a matched pair with
the Atu Grigori in regard of the purpose and work of Solus Noir.

The Vale Of Tears, World a poetic and literal transposition. Sic Transit Gloria
Rosa Mundi, and so passes the glory that is the rose of the world.
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The Company Of Heaven

Traditional Solus Noir

Kings Archons
Queens Vesicas
knights Reflections
Pages Muses

The traditional court cards whilst maintaining their elemental association fire,
water, air and earth via colour and image the titles themselves have been changed in
respect of the mythos Solus Noir.

Archon translates as Lord or Liege, as such a true attibute.

Vesica refers to a vessel which in a magickal context relates to the vesica piscis, an
oval pointed at the tips reminiscent of the yoni, as such an appropriate attribution.

Muse is a complete departure from tradition and is to be taken lieterally.

Refection is likewise to be taken literally specifically in relation to the Muse.

The end result is two pairs of reflected properties Archon and Vesica, Muse and
Relection and is consummate with the tradition of Solus Noir both in theory and

Combinations such as The Archon of Rays, The Vesica of Waves, The Muse of
Atoms and The Reflection of Particles gives rise to much speculation and meaning
within both the titles of the cards and their symbolic representation.

! !
The Elements
Traditional Solus Noir
cups Waves
swords Atoms
wands Rays
pentacles Particles

Ace to 10

In keeping with the traditional attributes water, air, fire and earth in respect of
colour tone and image again the names have been changed to reflect a quantum

Waves whilst relating to water also refers to the wave theory of physics.

Atoms are self evident and their loose association to air is poetic rather than

Rays and their association to fire is appropriate specifically given the rays of Solus

Particles as a constituent part of matter, hence the element of earth.

Atoms, Particles and Waves in particular represent theoretical physics in its

simplest description whilst Rays relates directly to Solus Noir. The root elements
represented by the Aces gives rise to much speculation and titles such as the Ace, or
Unus of Atoms, as an example, are evocative.

! !
Ace – Root Element
Card Reverse

Ordo Templi Solus Noir


Card 79 Aeon Solus Noir

In order to rectify both the correct disposition of the Atu and the true representation
of Ozt Chiim, The Tree Of Life, so called, we have created a card 79 representing
the sephira Daath.

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At The End Of days
There Shall Be Two Grigori
Upon The Earth
And They Shall Die
Whilst the schemata presented is in appearance an outline it is to be viewed in the
light of the extensive texts that have been executed and in many respects the present
project is the natural conclusion to al that has preceeded it. The supportive texts
commenced as early as 1990ev, as time is measured and continue into the present.
The ritual cycles covered the periods 1990ev to 1992ev, 2003ev and 2006ev to
2007ev and were finally earthed through the project named Trinity in 2008ev. All
that remained for the formal working to be completed was the fulfillment of the final
Grigori prophecy that took place in 2010ev. The following two years have consisted
in fulfilling the final earthing of the current in the form of the texts, axiomata,
graphik and image that flesh the current in totality. As such the present project is
the consummation of an intricate and lengthy process covering in excess of two

All that remains in this instance is to list the major supportive texts and whilst it is
true to state that all of thirty plus titles could be listed I shall confine myself to the
most immediately relevant. The entirety of the ritual cycles, the project and
prophecy that followed, the generation of texts and image are the fruiting of the
current and the manifestation of the work known as Solus Noir.
The texts are as follows

Liber 131 The Passion & The Purity

Songs In Soltude cycle, specifically The Witness, Opening The Seals
Liber Ananta, The Serpents Kiss
Solus Noir, The Book Of The Black Sun
Anathema, Samael & Lilith
The Selim, A Tale Of Nightwalkers
Aecclesiastica Gnosis Per Solus Noir

Solus Noir
De Arte Magicka

Volume I Number II
Spring Equinox MMXI

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