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Single Phase Halfwave Controlled Rectifier

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To set up a single phase halfwave gate-controlled rectifier and to observe the waveforms.

Components and equipment
1. Transformer 230V/6V
2. SCR TYN 604
3. Diodes IN 4001
4. Potentiometer 10K
5. Resistor RL 100 ohm
6. Resistor R 1 K ohm
7. Bread board
8. CRO
Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) can be used as a controlled half wave rectifier. The ac voltage
is applied to the input of the transformer. The secondary voltage i.e., The voltage to be
rectified is applied to the anode cathode circuit of the SCR through load resistor. Resistance
triggering circuit is set up to control the firing angle of the SCR. The output voltage is
controlled by varying the firing angle of SCR. resistance triggering method is used to turn on
the SCR. Potentiometer, resistor and diode form the SCR triggering circuit. The setting of the
potentiometer R2 determines the amplitude of the gate voltage. By varying the resistance
value of potentiometer firing angle can be varied between 0 degree and 90 degrees. The
output voltage is controlled by varying the firing angle of the SCR.
During the positive half cycle of the supply voltage, the anode of the SCR is positive its
cathode and until the SCR is triggered by a proper gate pulse, it blocks the flow of the load
current in the forward direction. When the SCR is fired at an angle α the supply voltage is
applied to the load and thus the load is directly connected to the ac supply. With a purely
resistive load the current wave form will be identical to the applied voltage wave form and of
a magnitude depended on the amplitude of the voltage and the value of load resistance. The
load current will flow until it is commutated by the reversal of supply voltage.
During the negative half cycle of the supply voltage, SCR blocks the flow of load current, and
no voltage is applied to the load.

Set up the circuit as shown in the figure after testing the components.
Observe the wave forms across the load and SCR on CRO.
Vary the potentiometer and observe the change in output wave form.

Half wave-controlled rectifier is set up and verify the gate control method for changing firing
angle of SCR also verify that the load voltage is proportional to the firing angle of SCR.
The wave forms across load resistor and SCR are observed on CRO.


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