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Quartz: A Bull's Eye On Optical Activity: Elise A. Skalwold William A. Bassett

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The document discusses the optical property of quartz known as optical activity which results in its distinctive 'bull's eye' pattern between crossed polarizers. It also discusses the quartz monochromator instrument.

The book discusses the optical property of quartz known as optical activity and how it manifests in the characteristic 'bull's eye' pattern when viewed between crossed polarizers.

The 'bull's eye' is the distinctive pattern seen when viewing a quartz crystal between crossed polarizers, with dark cross-shaped areas in the center surrounded by colored rings. It is indicative of the crystal's optical activity.

Quartz: a Bull’s Eye on

Optical Activity

Elise A. Skalwold
The Mineralogical Society of America William A. Bassett
Title: Quartz: a Bull’s Eye on Optical Activity

Authors: Elise Ann Skalwold & William Akers Bassett

Edition: First edition

Publisher: Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, Virginia, USA

Copyright: © 2015 by the authors, artists, and photographers.

Reproduced with permission.
All Rights Reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-939950-00-3

& Designer: Elise A. Skalwold

Front cover: Natural quartz crystal 60 x 65 x 40 mm; Hot Springs, Arkansas;

ex. Dr. R.W.M. Woodside collection.

Back cover: Lab-grown quartz cluster, 140 mm x 90 mm

(hydrothermally grown by Mila and Vladimir A. Klipov, R&D XTALS, Inc.).

Below: Natural quartz crystals and basal sections.

On-going collaboration with Cornell’s Professor Emeritus William A. Bassett
is truly priceless to me for this and other projects in the wings, as well as for those
over the past eight years of work and research together. Bill shares my enthusi-
asm for exploring the fascinating aspects of the classical science of mineralogy,
and as my co-author he sets the highest bar for accuracy. All students should
be so lucky to have such a mentor.

Elise A. Skalwold, 2015

Ithaca, New York

Mineralogical Society of America

Bull’s Eye
Optical Activity
Elise A. Skalwold

William A. Bassett

Both Authors:
Department of
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Snee Hall, Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

All photographs: Elise A. Skalwold

Figure 1. The “bull’s eye” uniaxial optic figure characteristic of quartz is indicative of its optical activity. This is the view seen looking
directly along the optic axis of the crystal when viewed between two crossed polarizing filters in transmitted white light - that is, looking
towards the light source. The N-S, E-W dark areas are the remnants of isogyres which in uniaxial minerals normally form a black cross in
the center, but which in slices thicker than 1 mm are extinguished by quartz’s strong optical activity and low birefringence, thus forming
the bull’s eye appearance. The outer rings of color are isochromes and follow those of Newton’s Rings. The central colors recombine with
increased thickness and ultimately leave only a red changing to green sequence in the center. Rotating the filter farthest from the light
source in a clockwise direction for 180 degrees cycles the bull’s eye through a series of colors and shapes that depend on thickness. For
this 3.0 mm basal slice, the left to right sequence of changing colors indicates that it is likely an optically left-handed quartz; confirmed
with observation using a quarter-wave plate as seen in Figure 5 or by direct measurement with monochromatic light as seen in Figure 11.

Prelude which results in the special optical figure affectionately

It might be overstating a bit to say that if one could known as the “bull’s eye.” In the authors’ article on
understand all there is to know about quartz, then ev- causation of blue color in minerals, mention is made
erything else in the universe would make sense. With- of the quartz monochromator, an obscure instrument
out doubt, this mineral has profoundly impacted many which makes use of optical activity in a very elegant
sciences and technologies which we rely upon today. way (Skalwold and Bassett 2016). In hopes of giving
At the very least, quartz provides one with a host of readers insights and appreciation for this ingenious
mental gymnastics and a seemingly endless variety of device and for quartz itself, the following is an explo-
puzzles to ponder. Not least among its fascinating ration into the nature of the chromatic phenomenon
properties is that of optical activity, its manifestation of which plays out within this proverbial black box.
2 Mineralogical Society of America Winter 2015
Figure 2a: The presence and orientation of several different faces
and surface features may be used to determine the handedness of
a quartz crystal (note: these are not always present in all crystals
or crystal fragments). For example, the presence of the left-leaning
trigonal pyramid s face under the positive r and negative z rhom-
bohedral faces on the large quartz crystal at right makes it easily
identifiable as having left-handed morphology (had the s face been
located under the opposite lower corner of the r face and leaning to
the right, it would have been designated a morphologically right-
handed crystal). Given this external appearance, this crystal will also
be optically left-handed, but internally it will be structurally right-
handed; a characteristic only discernible with advanced laboratory
instrumentation. Hot Springs, Arkansas; ex. R.W.M. Woodside col-
lection, 60 x 65 x 40 mm.

Figure 2b: In the absence of crystal faces, such as a fragment, a bas-

al slice or a fashioned gemstone such as the one at left, handedness
can be determined by using transmitted light to observe the bull’s
eye optic figure between crossed polarizing filters as seen in Figure
1. This Asscher cut gem is
oriented with the optic axis
exactly perpendicular to the
table facet; that is, in this im-
age it is coming directly out
of the page at the viewer. The
nature of its optical activity
indicates that it is optically
right-handed. Mt. Ida, Arkan-
sas, collected and faceted by
Peter Torraca; 1.62 carats,
(b) 7.10 x 7.10 x 5.61 mm. (a)
Note: Both specimens are from the same general locality, but are of opposite handedness. It is believed that in nature, left and right-
handed quartz occurs in equal numbers. By convention most synthetic quartz is optically right-handed, though some companies special-
ize in left-handed crystals. Either way, the handedness of the synthetic crystal is set by that of the seed crystal used to grow it.

Open any textbook on optical mineralogy and one will unknown specimen as being quartz and for orienting
find illustrations of the optic figure produced by all the c-axis/optic axis of pieces of rough in prepara-
uniaxial minerals including quartz, as well as variations tion for fashioning; though its underlying cause is very
caused by such factors as angle of viewing, twinning rarely understood in any depth as it is not needed for
and structural distortions. Less frequently, one will those tasks. In a few cases, the varying color of its cen-
find an illustration of the curious bull’s eye optic figure ter has even been cause for alarm, lest it indicate pos-
seen in relatively thick slices of quartz, so named for sible tampering with its natural condition or even that
its appearance reminiscent of a target (Fig. 1). In min- it indicates a synthetic imposter.
eralogy this is seldom encountered as study with the
petrographic microscope involves thin sections usually A word to the wise
no more than 30 microns (0.03 millimeters); well un- At different periods of time throughout the history of
der the one millimeter thickness above which the nor- optical mineralogy definitions of terms and conven-
mally seen crossed dark isogyres begin to fade in the tions have not always been consistent, either because
center due to quartz’s strong optical activity and low of changing nomenclature as understanding evolved
birefringence, thus forming the bull’s eye appearance. or because of the personal preference of the author.
This fascinating manifestation of optical activity may This can be seen across different types of publications
be overlooked entirely, though the concept may be a old and new and across different specialties – a situa-
notion stored away in the cranial filing cabinet along tion which can lead to great confusion, frustration and
with other required, but rarely used academic trivia even inadvertent misuse of terms. The favored texts
learned in the pursuit of one’s chosen geologic field. of the current authors are Wahlstrom (1969), Frondel
Gemologists and lapidaries are usually quite familiar (1962), and Tutton (1924); the conventions used in the
with the bull’s eye for it is used to instantly identify an present article are described below.
Quartz: a Bull’s Eye on Optical Activity Mineralogical Society of America 3
Figure 3: There are various ways of viewing specimens between
polarizing filters. One is to use a polariscope, such the model at
left. A fixed filter termed the polarizer is at the bottom and a
rotatable filter termed the analyzer is at the top. Transmitted
light is provided by a bulb in the base (or by an external light for
other models). A similar setup may be used in microscopes either
with provided filters or by using a portable polariscope resting on
the stage. The sphere on the end of the glass rod is strain-free
and is used to resolve the optic figure; a 10x loupe works just as
well. A number of test specimens are shown, including 3 mm
and 14.75 mm basal sections and a 10 mm sphere (all on the
stage); faceted purple, yellow and colorless quartz specimens –
the latter two optical-quality quartz were optically oriented by the
author (EAS) and custom cut by Mark Oros. The two milky white
cabochons from Sri Lanka feature multi-star networks; using the
bull’s eye to orient them makes it easy to study their fascinating
intricate networks, especially in spherical versions.

In a polariscope such as the one shown in Figure 3, the

upper filter farthest from the light source is termed the
“analyzer” and the lower one is termed the “polarizer.”
Both may be rotated, though in many instruments the
polarizer is stationary and/or should remain so.

In many publications the term “circular polarization” is

used in defining optical activity. This can be misleading.
For example: light emerging from a filter designed to
produce circularly polarized light consisting of a polar-
izing filter and ¼-wave plate continues to be circularly
polarized after leaving the plate, whereas the light leav-
ing a quartz crystal having traveled along the optic axis
When discussing handedness and optical activity, a is plane polarized after leaving the crystal. And so the
very common source of confusion is that of point two principles are fundamentally different. The cur-
of view (POV). Quartz occurs as either left or right- rent authors prefer not to use the term “circular” when
handed crystals based on several criteria, but the con- envisioning the experience of light as it travels along
vention for the type of handedness has varied over the the optic axis of quartz, but rather feel “rotatory” is a
last nearly two centuries. Unless otherwise stated, the far better descriptor for it.
current authors’ POV is that of looking along the crys-
tal’s optic axis toward the source of light (note: the optic Going down the rabbit hole
axis of quartz is parallel to its crystallographic c-axis, The simplest way to observe the bull’s eye optic figure
but is not confined to just that symmetry axis, only to is to obtain plane polarizing filters such as from a pair
the same direction of it). Here is where it gets tricky: of sunglasses, a sun visor from the auto parts store or
quartz is morphologically and optically of the same hand- dedicated filters from an optical supply catalog (do not
edness, but its structural handedness is opposite that of use circular polarizing filters designed for digital cam-
the former two (Fig. 2), a fact which was not known eras). While holding the filter very close to the eye with
until modern advanced instrumentation was available the specimen close to the other side of the filter, use
with which to explore atomic structure (Frondel 1962, polarized light such as provided by reflection off of
Wahlstrom 1969). a non-metallic surface or emanating from a computer
or smart phone screen (avoid using a screen which has
When crossed polars (polarizing filters or nicol prisms) a birefringent screen protector, such as is sometimes
are used, it is meant that polarization directions or vi- applied onto smart phones). Determine the crossed
bration directions of each are at 90 degrees to each orientation by rotating one of the filters until the view
other. The start of most observations is when they are is at the darkest point. Alternatively, hold the specimen
north-south and east-west (N-S, E-W), at which orien- further away towards the light and use a 10x loupe be-
tations the field of view (without a sample) is darkest. tween the specimen and filter to resolve the bull’s eye.
4 Mineralogical Society of America Winter 2015
By using two filters and a fiberoptic light source, the Figure 4: With the 3
mm basal slice of Figure
optic figure may also be projected onto a white surface
1 sandwiched between
thus making it easier for several people to observe at crossed polarizing filters,
the same time (Figs. 4 and 6). a fiberoptic light is used
here to project the bull’s
eye optic figure onto a
It is very convenient to have a dedicated polariscope, white surface.
either a stand-alone model as seen in Figure 3 or as
a portable type for use with a flashlight or under a
microscope (some microscopes have movable polar-
izing filters built into them). Of course, one can also
build a polariscope using the same design premise
and scavenged materials. A polariscope is very handy
for examining a variety of quartz specimens (as well
as other minerals), including various colors, basal sec-
tions, spheres and large fragments. Of particular inter-
est are quartz spheres and cabochons which manifest a
network of six-ray and four ray stars over their entire in retardation versus thickness charts found in most
surface. Being able to quickly orient both ends of the optical mineralogy texts (see chart in Dyar and Gunt-
optic axis by their bull’s eye figures helps one decipher er 2008). Two basal sections stacked together may be
the crystallographic influences dictating the networks– used to demonstrate this, but because the central color
a favorite exercise of this author (EAS). Even pristine is complicated in its origins and depends on thickness,
spheres free of any inclusions or asterism are fascinat- color sequence alone should not be used to determine handed-
ing to explore in a polariscope (for a guided optical ness. Confirmation of handedness can be made by ob-
tour of a clean quartz sphere, see page 432 of Dyar serving the figure while employing a quarter wave plate
and Gunter 2008). (or a very thin cleavage wafer of mus-
covite mica) between the crystal and
Starting with polars crossed, turning analyzer which will produce a left or
the analyzer clockwise causes the cen- right-handed spiral in the bull’s eye ac-
tral color to change sequentially (Fig. cordingly (Fig. 5). Also, two basal sec-
1). A.E. H. Tutton gives the following tions of opposite handedness stacked
rule, quoted with all his punctuation together without a quarter-wave plate
and spelling preserved: produce a combined “Airy’s spiral,”as
seen in quartz twinned on the Brazil
“…for a right-handed crystal rotation of law and commonly found in amethyst.
the analyser to the right causes the colours Figure 5: Above: a quarter-wave plate
to appear in the order of their refrangibil- with right or left-handed spiral as seen Having been so enamored with these
through its round window when placed
ity, namely, the least refrangible red first, between crystal and analyzer. Below:
observations since first encountered,
then orange, yellow, green, blue and violet Airy’s spiral in the 3 mm left-handed with the help of her coauthor, this
in their order; while for a left-handed crys- basal section of figure 1. author (EAS) long ago condensed her
tal the converse is true when the direction understanding of optical activity in
of rotation of the analyser is the same, quartz into the following summary;
that is, to the right, clockwise; obviously printed out and inserted into nearly
also the colours appear in the opposite or- every publication mentioning quartz in
der when the rotation of the analyser is to her library; it has been the keystone of
the left.” (page 190, Tutton 1924) her fascination with this mineral: The
bull’s eye optic figure results from the quartz’s
Remember that increasing thickness optical activity: as light passes through the
changes the colors seen, but not their crystal, its plane of vibration is rotated. The
sequential ordering (Fig. 6b); the colors amount of rotation (rotatory power) is
will follow a similar sequence as is seen measured in degrees per millimeter and is dif-

Quartz: a Bull’s Eye on Optical Activity Mineralogical Society of America 5

Figure 6a: A simple setup for observation of optical ac-
tivity in quartz; essentially an upside down polariscope.
Polarizing filters may be purchased from a supply cata-
log or removed from a pair of old sunglasses. Figure
6b: Thickness affects the colors seen in the center. In
contrast to Fig. 1, a 14.75 mm thick basal slice produc-
es a red > yellow > green bull’s eye color sequence when
the filter is turned clockwise, indicating that it is likely
(a) an optically right-handed crystal; confirmed with obser-
vation using a quarter-wave plate or a very thin cleavage
wafer of muscovite mica.
ferent for different wavelengths (rotatory dispersion); that The mechanism of rotation,
is, the shorter wavelengths are rotated more, longer wavelengths a form of dispersion
are rotated less (see Table 1). There is strong rotation of the When plane polarized light enters a quartz crystal and
plane of vibration of light transmitted parallel to the optic axis; travels parallel to its optic axis, the plane of polariza-
the colored center of the eye is where this effect overcomes the tion is rotated into a cork screw or more accurately a
quartz’s low birefringence, obscuring the isogyres which reappear helix and continues to rotate until it arrives at the other
further out from the center. The color seen in the center of the side of the crystal. The amount of rotation depends
bull’s eye depends on the thickness of the quartz and at what on the frequency of the light; the higher the frequency,
point in the rotation that the light emerges from the crystal; it the greater the rotation (Table 1). This phenomenon is
is not an interference color. The colors appear similar to a form of dispersion which is more commonly mani-
interference colors as both are a mixture of spectral colors, but fested as the dependence of light velocity on the fre-
for different reasons (Tutton 1924; Wahlstrom 1969). This quency of the light as it passes through a transparent
summary is expanded upon in the following section– material.
put your seatbelts on!
To understand dispersion, including rotation, the in-
teraction between light and atoms can be thought of
as taking place when the frequency of the light causes
vibration of atoms in the mineral (Jenkins and White
1957). Because the nucleus of an atom is more mas-
sive than the electron cloud around the nucleus, it is
the electron cloud that is set into vibration by the fre-
quency of the light. The electron cloud acts as if it is
bound to the nucleus by rubber bands. The electron
cloud responds more strongly to the higher frequen-
cies of light, i.e., it responds more vigorously to the
higher (bluer) frequencies. The electron cloud then
reemits light much as a radio antenna emits radio waves
as the electrons in the antenna move up and down. The
stronger the vibration of the electron cloud, the longer
it takes for it to reemit light. The newly emitted light
then joins the light that missed the atom and makes
it appear to travel more slowly when actually it only
Table 1: Note: 7600 angstroms equals 760 nanometers (Hurl- delayed it for a tiny fraction of a second. When all the
but and Rosenfeld 1952, page 159; courtesy of the Mineralogi- small delays are summed up, the effect is to make the
cal Society of America).

6 Mineralogical Society of America Winter 2015

ter-clockwise stacking as they come toward you, just as
a nut on a right handed bolt will turn counter-clockwise
as it comes toward you. And so, quartz with its right-
handed symmetry element will cause polarized light to
rotate counter-clockwise as it comes toward you.

It is rarely pointed out that the variation of light veloc-

ity as it passes through a transparent material does not
violate Einstein’s theory of relativity. Instead light can
be thought of as being delayed at each atom but travel-
Figure 7: If light coming toward you along the c-axis of quartz ing between atoms at the velocity of light in a vacuum.
is plane polarized N-S, the electron clouds of the oxygen atoms
will be set vibrating N-S. If the quartz is right-handed and nearby
silicon atoms are positioned as in the diagram, their attraction
The quartz monochromator, an elegant
causes the vibration direction to rotate clockwise. If the silicon use of the rotatory power of quartz
atoms are not positioned this way in the first layer, they will be White light can be separated into an entire visible
in the other layers. This is because the c-axis is also a screw sym-
spectrum, and specific wavelengths of light may be
metry axis (diagram by author WAB).
isolated for use in a number of applications where a
light travel more slowly. It is the dependence of veloc- monochromatic light is needed; for example, in order
ity on frequency that is responsible for the separation to identify gems and minerals an instrument called a
of colors when white light passes through a prism or is refractometer is calibrated on the basis of using yellow
reflected through facets at an angle in a faceted stone 589.3 nanometer (nm) sodium light. There are vari-
with a high dispersion such as diamond. ous methods to produce monochromatic light, such as
monochromatic filters and diffraction gratings which
In most transparent materials the electron clouds of utilize the phenomenon of interference to produce nar-
atoms continue to vibrate in the same direction. But, row band spectral color and prisms which bend light to
if all the atoms are bound in distorted sites like the separate different wavelengths (Skalwold and Bassett
oxygen atoms in quartz, the vibration of the electron 2016).
cloud is affected by the neighboring atoms (silicon in
the case of quartz) which persuade the oxygen’s elec- In the mid-1900s, Dr. Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr. of Har-
tron cloud to begin to vibrate in a new direction before vard University realized that the rotatory dispersion
it reemits light (Fig. 7). generated by quartz as described above provides yet an-
other way to produce monochromatic light, one he felt
If this effect is in the same direction for most of the was superior to other linear birefringent filters being
oxygen atoms in the crystal, summing up all the tiny developed at the time. He ingeniously isolated specific
changes in angle has the effect of rotating the polariza- wavelengths of color by using quartz’s ability to rotate
tion direction of the light, and the light has a new po- the plane of light via a series of precision-cut basal
larization direction when it emerges from the far side sections of quartz sandwiched between polarizing fil-
of the crystal. And just as in the more common disper- ters as seen in Figure 8. Together with John L. Rosen-
sion, the higher the frequency, the stronger the effect. feld, he published a fascinating paper in the American
That is why light at the blue end of the spectrum is Mineralogist entitled “Monochromator Utilizing the Ro-
rotated more than light at the red end of the spectrum. tary Power of Quartz,” freely available on the Miner-
alogical Society of America (MSA) website at http://
Quartz has two different ways of crystalizing depend-
ing on whether rows of atoms are stacked along the c- (Hurlbut and Rosenfeld 1952). While extremely well-
axis with a right-handed screw or a left-handed screw. written and in a very accessible style, given its intended
This in turn determines whether the polarization di- audience it assumes a certain advanced level of under-
rection rotates clockwise or counter-clockwise as light standing of the underlying causes and effects of opti-
travels toward you parallel to the c-axis. If the stacking cal activity, yet at the same time it also contributes to
of the rows of atoms has a right handed (clockwise) that understanding. Now armed with insights into the
screw symmetry axis, the rows of atoms have a coun- bull’s eye and having practical experience with it, one
(continued on page 10)
Quartz: a Bull’s Eye on Optical Activity Mineralogical Society of America 7
Figure 8a: The quartz monochromator is a tunable fil-
ter utilizing the rotatory power and large rotatory dis-
persion of quartz to provide monochromatic light of
a specific narrow wavelength band of approximately
150 angstroms (15 nm). Turning the knob at its low-
er right moves the dial to the desired wavelength, the
color of which then exits through the round window
shown here at the top. The small knob next to the
window adjusts the height of that end of the instru- (8b)
ment when it is lying down as shown in Figure 9b.
This hefty half pound instrument measures 15 cm “a” “b”
high x 9 cm wide and 9 cm deep.

Figure 8b: Diagram “a” represents the quartz/polarizing filter arrangement oriented just as it is inside the mono-
chromater, directly below the round window at the top of the image in Figure 8a. The first stage (lowest in the
diagram) is a good illustration of the simple principle of rotation of plane polarized light within the cylinder of
quartz from polarizing filter to polarizing filter (or polarizer to analyzer).

Diagram “a” shows the left-handed rotation (counter-clockwise) of short wavelength (high-frequency blue end
of the visible spectrum) and diagram “b” shows the long wavelength (low-frequency red end of the spectrum); it
is also blocked from going beyond the first thickest section by the position of the polarizer between the first and
second sections. The second, third, and fourth stages simply take the range of wavelengths from the previous stage
and further stretch it out until the light at the top covers a small range of wavelengths, i.e., is even more mono-
chromatic. As the knob is rotated, the large dial also turns and indicates the wavelength being transmitted. As light
passes through the system, each following stage eliminates half of the light entering it (see Fig. 9c).

The diagram’s original optical handedness labels have been changed in order to be consistent with the point of
view used in a polariscope (Fig. 3); that is, handedness is determined looking into the path of oncoming light (Hurl-
but and Rosenfeld 1952, page 162; diagram courtesy of the Mineralogical Society of America).

8 Mineralogical Society of America Winter 2015

Figure 9b: Dialing in the desired
wavelength turns the internal (9b)
quartz/polarizing filter compo-
nents simultaneously and mono-
chromatic color ultimately exits
the opposite side of the instru-
ment from the light source (in this
case a fiberoptic light), captured
here in a mirror placed at the rear
of the instrument. From top to
bottom at right: 450 nm violet ,
470 nm blue, 520 nm green, 570 450 nm
nm yellow and 650 nm red. The
(9a) plane of the emerging wavelength
is N-S so that it could be used with
Figure 9a: A 14.75 mm thick basal the polarizing microscopes in use
section of quartz similar to those in the United States at that time.
used within the monochromator;
optically oriented by the author
(EAS) and custom cut for this proj-
ect by Mark Oros.

Figure 9c: A band of nearly monochromatic light is transmitted (approxi-

mately 150 angstroms bandwidth). In this example, the external dial has 470 nm
rotated the quartz and polarizing filter components until the emitted
narrow band of color is roughly 520 nm green, as shown at right in the
central image of the monochromator in use with fiberoptic light (Hurl-
but and Rosenfeld 1952, page 163; diagram courtesy of the Mineralogi-
cal Society of America).


520 nm

570 nm

650 nm

Quartz: a Bull’s Eye on Optical Activity Mineralogical Society of America 9

Figure 10: The narrow bandwidth of
light generated by the quartz mono-
chromator is useful in a number of
applications. With the dial set to 650
nm, it is shown here selecting red light
from the white light generated by the
fiberoptic source at far right. A porta-
ble polariscope with its rear light port
lined up with the exit port of the mono-
chromator directs the beam up through
the polarizer, a 4 mm left-handed basal
section of quartz and the upper filter to
the viewer. By rotating the upper polar
(analyzer) of the polariscope one can
make refined observations of the opti-
cal activity in quartz specimens, includ-
ing illustrating the values of Table 1 by
noting how many degrees the analyzer
must be turned for each wavelength of
color listed. Pictured are the 3 mm and
14.75 mm thick basal sections shown
earlier, along with two 4 mm thick
basal slices, one each of left and right-
handed quartz.

(continued from page 7)

gains an appreciation for just how elegant the design cessive section is half that of the one previous to it; a
of the Hurlbut quartz monochromator is: a tunable filter ratio of 1:2:4:8. There is a fixed polar at each end of
utilizing the rotatory power and large rotatory disper- the instrument while the remaining ones rotate with
sion of quartz to provide monochromatic light. the quartz sections. The final polar is set in the N-S
position in order to transmit N-S plane polarized light
As explained earlier, shorter wavelengths are rotated as was the convention in the United States for polar-
more and longer wavelengths are rotated less; the spe- izing microscopes at the time (today the international
cific amount is given in Table 1. The large rotatory convention is for it to be E-W). The inner filters are
dispersion of quartz is evidenced by the difference in cemented to the quartz sections to minimize attenu-
extremes: if violet 400 nm light is rotated 49.0 degrees ation by interface reflection and mechanical gearing
per millimeter and red 700 nanometer light is rotated turns each proportionally and at the same time, all by
only 15.3 degrees per millimeter, the difference be- using the knob on the front of the instrument. As the
tween the colors is 33.7 degrees over one millimeter. knob is rotated, the large dial also turns and indicates
This is the basis on which Hurlbut constructed the the wavelength being emitted. As light passes through
monochromator; employing relatively thick basal sec- the system, each following stage eliminates half of the
tions, because the greater the thickness, the larger the separa- light entering it (Fig. 9c). It is remarkable that the emer-
tion of wavelengths. Also, they are easy to handle (much gent narrow band of monochromatic light is approxi-
thinner slices would also work, but are harder to cut mately 150 angstroms (15 nm) and that this could be
and presumably the internal mechanical gearing would halved to 75 angstroms (7.5 nm) by using five quartz
then be more difficult to implement). sections rather than the four of the present design.

What is more, since the rotatory power to separate the In the Hurlbut paper, point of view and structural
colors is the same for left and right-handed quartz, the versus optical handedness is not stated. We have taken
choice of handedness for stage 1 and for stages 2, 3, the liberty of relabeling the diagram in Figure 8b to be
and 4 in the monochromator does not matter. Given consistent with the convention which we have taken
that each handedness occurs in roughly equal amounts throughout the present paper, namely, handedness is
in nature (hence any purchased lot will contain roughly determined looking into the path of oncoming light.
equal amounts of each), it is logical to make the thick- Hurlbut’s original diagrams reproduced in Figures 8
est section (53 mm) one half of the total four quartz and 9 have expanded captions intended to illuminate
sections and the remaining three sections of opposite ideas he and Rosenfeld outlined in their American Min-
handedness than the first. The thickness of each suc- eralogist paper.

10 Mineralogical Society of America Winter 2015

Figure 11: This perfect demonstration of rotatory power and rotatory dispersion also confirms the handedness of different quartz basal sec-
tions. Using a setup similar to that in Figure 10, another confirmation test for handedness of the 3 mm basal section of quartz was made using
the monochromator. Using 650 nm light and starting with the polars in the parallel (open) position, turning the analyzer counter-clockwise makes
the quartz brightest an angle consistent with Table 1; turning the analyzer clockwise makes the quartz darker. This confirms that the crystal is
left-handed. The opposite reaction would have indicated right-handedness. Please note, the central yellowish color is an artifact of the digital
camera’s reaction to the fiberoptic light. It is actually red to the eye.

It is the hope of the present authors that “Quartz: Acknowledgments

a Bull’s Eye on Optical Activity” will bring greater Elise Skalwold would like to thank her co-author Dr.
awareness of this fine paper and fascinating instru- William A. Bassett, Dr. Mickey Gunter, and Dr. Olaf
ment. Without doubt, this monochromator is an excel- Medenbach all for years of insightful and inspirational
lent illustration of putting into action the strong rota- dialogue surrounding optical mineralogy. Additionally,
tory power and large rotatory dispersion of quartz as it we would like to thank Dr. J. Alexander Speer, Execu-
“magically” produces individual colors from colorless tive Director of the Mineralogical Society of America,
crystal (Fig. 9b). for granting permission to reproduce the essential dia-
grams from the American Mineralogist 1952 Hurlbut and
Epilogue Rosenfeld paper. Many thanks to James H. Edwards
and Betty & David N. Kobernuss, Sr. for careful copy-
The authors have recently put the monochromator’s
editing and to Dr. Carl A. Francis, Dr. John Rakovan,
ability to produce a narrow band of monochromatic
Rocks & Minerals Editor-in-Chief Marie E. Huizing
light to good use in a most appropriate manner: that
and Smithsonian National Mineral and Gem Collec-
of making direct determinations of handedness in our tion Emeritus Curator-in-charge John S. White for
basal sections of quartz by selecting an appropriate their enthusiastic encouragement to publish this paper.
wavelength from Table 1 (setup shown in Figure 10). Finally, our sincere appreciation to Dr. Olaf Meden-
We aligned the polars parallel, turned the analyzer first bach for careful review of the manuscript and for pro-
counter-clockwise, then clockwise while observing the viding suggestions for improvement.
intensity of the transmitted light (Fig. 11). Exercises
such as this also help us to understand a related, earlier
instrument which we have not yet had the opportunity
to examine first-hand: the “Rotatory Dispersion Col-
ormetric Photometer,” developed by Irwin G. Priest in
the early 1920s and constructed by O.G. Lang and H.C.
Wundar, of the Bureau of Standards Instrument Shop.
For a detailed description of this instrument, see “The
Colorimetry and Photometry of Daylight and Incan-
descent Illuminants by the Method of Rotatory Dis-
persion” (Priest 1923).

Understanding the bull’s eye of quartz offers a rigor-

ous workout for the mind and sheds light on just one
of many riddles this complex mineral has to offer.
Whether one is a collector, educator, student, lapidary
or gemologist, the opportunity should not be missed
Figure 12: Quartz basal sections and crystals. The two 4 mm thick
to explore this intriguing optical phenomenon and to slices in the foreground were a gift to the author (EAS) from min-
share it with others. eralogist Dr. Olaf Medenbach for this project. The 3 mm slice with
intact prism faces was a gift from her co-author (WAB).

Quartz: a Bull’s Eye on Optical Activity Mineralogical Society of America 11

Dyar, M. D. and M. E. Gunter. (2008) Mineralogy and
optical mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America,
Chantilly, Virginia.

Frondel, C. (1962) The System of Mineralogy, Volume III,

Silica Minerals. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.

Hurlbut, C.S. and J. L. Rosenfeld. (1952) Monochro-

mator utilizing the rotary power of quartz. American
Mineralogist, 37, 158-165.

Jenkins, F.A. and H. E. White. (1957) Fundamentals of

Optics. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York.

Priest, I.G. (1923) The Colorimetry and Photometry of

Daylight and Incandescent Illuminants by the Method
of Rotatory Dispersion. Journal of the Optical Society of
America and Review of Scientific Instruments, 7(12): 1175-

Skalwold, E.A. and W.A. Bassett. (2016) Blue minerals:

exploring cause & effect. Rocks & Minerals, 91(1):61-

Wahlstrom, E.E. (1969) Optical Crystallography, 4th edi-

tion. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Tutton, A.E.H. (1924) The Natural History of Crystals.

Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., New York.

Left: A prismatic synthetic quartz crystal, Russian, 7 x 100 mm.

12 Mineralogical Society of America Winter 2015

Elise A. Skalwold is an Accredited
Senior Gemologist and author in-
Meet the Authors William A. Bassett, PhD, is Professor
Emeritus in the Department of Earth
volved in research and curating with and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell
her co-author at her alma mater, Cor- University, where he taught courses in
nell University (B.Sc. 1982). Her pri- mineralogy and crystallography. After
mary interests are inclusions, optical receiving his PhD in Geology in 1959
mineralogy, and crystallography. Cur- at Columbia University he conducted
rently serving as Consulting Gemolog- research in geochronology in the De-
ical Curator in the Earth and Atmo- partment of Chemistry at Brookhaven
spheric Sciences Department, she is a National Laboratory. In 1961 he took
Graduate Gemologist (GG), trained in a position as Professor of Geology at
residence at the Gemological Institute The University of Rochester where he
of America (GIA) Robert Mouawad conducted research to determine the
Campus located in Carlsbad, Cali- properties of materials at high pres-
fornia. While living in Thailand she sures and temperatures to provide a
worked in the famous gem markets of means for a better understanding of
both Chanthaburi and Bangkok and the composition and physical charac-
pursued studies at the Gem & Jewel- teristics of minerals in the Earth’s in-
ry Institute of Thailand (at that time terior. In 1978 he joined the Depart-
part of Chulalongkorn University) for ment of Geological Sciences (later to
which she was subsequently elected a become the Department of Earth and
Fellow of the Gemmological Associa- Atmospheric Sciences) of Cornell Uni-
tion of Great Britain (FGA). She is an versity where he studied not only the
active member of the Society of Min- The authors prepare the teaching cart for visitors of properties of minerals, but analyzed
eral Museum Professionals (SMMP), a the Timothy N. Heasley Mineralogy Museum in the specimens brought to the surface from
world-wide network linking curators Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Department, Snee Hall, deep within the Earth’s interior.
from large and small institutions from Cornell University.
which members draw on combined expertise. As well as being one of the pioneers of diamond anvil cell
(DAC) high pressure research, in 1994 Dr. Bassett received
As well as having co-authored with Dr. Bassett the 415 the Roebling Medal for his work in mineralogy; the highest
page book The Edward Arthur Metz ger Gem Collection and award of the Mineralogical Society of America for scien-
presently working on a companion volume to it, Ms. Skal- tific eminence as represented primarily by scientific publi-
wold is an author/co-author of gemology and mineralogy cation of outstanding original research in mineralogy. He
papers featured in InColor, Gems & Gemolog y, The Journal of received the Bridgman Award, given by the International
Gemmolog y and Rocks & Minerals. The 2014 article “The Association for High Pressure Research and was awarded
Microworld of Diamonds: Images from Earth’s Mantle,” a Guggenheim fellowship for study abroad. He has been
co-authored with world-renowned photomicrographer and a visiting professor at the University of Paris, MIT, and
gemologist John I. Koivula, recently won the 2014 Best Brigham Young University.
Article of the Year Award for the prestigious publication
Rocks & Minerals. She serves as Contributing Editor for Since retirement in 2000 he continues to serve Cornell as
“G&G Micro-World” (a quarterly column exploring inclu- Curator of Geologic Collections. As one of the founding
sions found in minerals and other gem materials) which members, Board Chairman, and Advisory Board mem-
premiered in the Summer 2015 issue of Gems & Gemolog y, ber of the Sciencenter of Ithaca, he has contributed to the
the peer-reviewed scientific journal of the GIA. designing and building of exhibits and the many other
hands-on experiences offered to visitors young and old.
Passionate about gemology, she is actively involved in Today he continues his research in high-pressure studies
bringing this science into a university setting for the ben- and makes diamond anvil cells for sale to high pressure-
efit of students and non-students alike – this is the quint- temperature researches the world over.
essential theme of her paper “Scholarly Treasure: The
Role of Gems in a University Setting,” presented at the As both a witness to and a participant in the long history
2013 GIA-sponsored first-ever Gemological Session of the of the diamond anvil cell and the impact which it contin-
Geological Society of America (GSA) 125th Anniversary ues to have, Dr. Bassett was invited to share his insights
Annual Meeting. Her speaking engagements have recently into this unique instrument with his 2009 paper “The
included the New York Mineralogical Club (co-founded Diamond Anvil Cell, 50th Birthday,” published in High
by George F. Kunz in 1886), the 40th Annual Rochester Pressure Research, 29, 163-18 and freely available at: http://
Mineralogical Symposium and the 11th Annual Sinkankas
Symposium [Ruby] held at the Gemological Institute of Hist.pdf.
America in Carlsbad, California.

Mineralogical Society of America

Published by the Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, Virginia, USA

ISBN: 978-0-939950-00-3

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