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High Priest Hooded Cobra

Astarte’s Power Ritual

1. This Ritual is based on vibrating the Runes and making certain affirmations.
Raising your energies before the Ritual is advised.
2. The Sigil that is provided is the point of focus where this Ritual is upon. It is
this Sigil here.
3. The Runes that are done here, can be vibrated around the centre of the Sigil
where the Shenu Protection Ring is. You can imagine this lighting up so
much, like the Sun has a layer of light surrounding all of it.
4. Vibrate these Runes in a short version [I.e., do not draw the runic vibration
on a very big breath, especially for those who are new and can't do that
many vibrations].
5. When you affirm that the curses etc are going back to their senders, it can
help to imagine this.

Start by Vibrating the letters of the Runes and then affirming once the following:

Fehu x10

Lagur x10

Berkano x10

Then affirm:

Queen Astarte, Sanctified And Blessed is Your Name

The world and its spheres open up to your will
You are the moving power,
The union, the separation, the All in All.
I call you by your Name:

Ansuz x10

Sowilo x10

Algiz x10

Tonight we lift all curses and attacks against your Name,

We remove all sins that have falsely been sent to you,
Your Name is detached from all corrupted Notions, lies and slander,
Now and Permanently.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Odthal x10

Mannaz x10

Eihwaz x10
In Sumeria, you were known by all,
You were known to Egypt as Isis, all Powerful, Queen of Magic,
In Babylon, you were loved as Inanna,
In Hellas, you were the Holy Mother Demeter.

Your Name is blessed again in the four directions,

True is your Name and all your Names,
True is your Power and connected to the Earth,
You stand blessed again in all the Four Directions.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Kenaz x10

Sowilo x10

Wunjo x10

You are fierce and powerful,

Tender and kind,
Your Power is felt from Orion inside Earth,
Your people rejoice in your power.
Blessed be your Name eternal Queen and Mother.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Tiwaz x10
Sowilo x10

Thurisaz x10

All sins and hostile energy sent against you Astarte, is now sent to your enemies and
those who attacked you.
All hatred sent against your Name, is backfired onto the Jews and those who
alongside them have slandered your Holy Name.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Algiz x10

Sowilo x10

Berkano x10

Astarte you stand all powerful like Lord Satan,

like the eye of the galaxy, No evil can touch you.
Infinitely powerful is the Shenu around you,
bright like the Power of a thousand burning Suns.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so], THEN
--SAY: ASTARTE you are: then the following words while focusing on the Sigil, on the
sequence given. Each word said must be focused intently, then you imagine light filling
the whole sigil.
1. The Queen
2. The Birth Of All
3. The Mother
4. Harmony
5. Beautiful
6. The Serpentine Power
7. The Power of Starry Heavens
8. The Heavenly
9. The Most Powerful
10.The Queen of Time
Repeat the above sequence 3 times, then affirm once:


You stand invincible against all lies.


Then close the ritual with a HAIL SATAN

and say:

Satan’s Power And Astarte’s Power Is Supreme and Felt by All.

Ritual Notes:
सत् = SAT, real, true, truthful in Sanskrit
The Symbol that encapsulates the Sigil: The Shen Ring, Egyptian Hieroglyphic
language. The Shen also survived in Chinese tradition as a glyph for Spiritual Force,
Divine Force, and God.
The letters of the sigil inside: The Ancient Greek letters for Astarte's Name in

We are now on a pivotal moment in human history, and if you are reading this, then
you were ordained by a higher force to be a part of this.

There must be no fog and no deception at this point. Every person who has been
here, must understand the importance of this task.

We are all, as a soul group, those that belong, spiritual guardians of this world and its
people. This world has had none for centuries - the people that were keeping the
spiritual bastion for Gentiles together were always a few in history, but their power was

For centuries and centuries, this world has none. Due to this, which is a direct cause
of the enemy's work, our world experiences many more mistakes and errors than it
would do otherwise.

The New Ritual will work with Goddess Astarte. Astarte rules over war and peace,
battles and reconciliation. She will bring protection and beauty for our own in these
trying times. Our own are a top priority here.

I was asked for a few days about the "Anti-War" RTR and all this. Meanwhile, the
Gods have been consulted way long before, as the planets were very revealing. But
the situation is far more concerning here. The forces at work are not merely the well
known pollutant Hebrew spells. There is a whole other level of forces acting at this

We are talking about the enemy here in a more direct fashion. The situation is complex
on a level where "peace" is not even a solution to these world affairs, and "war" is not
a solution either. Higher wisdom is necessitated to avoid the worst.

Do not forget, on the regular "timeline", the enemy has said they have extremely
disabling plans for humanity. This is for during what we falsely call "peace". This is not
peace, the enemy is at war with humanity at large, but we are just slow boiled into the

They tried to sublimate these events through the "new normal world and war of the
Coronavirus", which was nothing less than a war against humanity, and now we have
more of the same. Deprivation and terrorism was very similar to war, shells and actual

Then, there is a whole agenda that is never ending with pestilences and other things
that are in no way "peace". The recent statements of Billy are revealing in themselves,
or Klaus's own. Yet even these creatures are really just henchmen. We must be of the
mind that we are in a spiritual war, but this is getting heated now more than at any
point in the past.

If you look at years back, 2017 looks like kindergarten stuff compared to what is
happening now. But the undertones of what was coming next were already present.
Now we hear the music of this, and it will get loud.

There hasn't been any "peace" for a while. The enemy, without any opposition,
occupies overwhelmingly the deciding posts.
For real peace to arrive, we have to have leaders, people of soul and spirit who want
to create lasting peace. The enemy is a force of tyranny and disaster.

These events, except of planned, are unavoidable given the planetary positions,
financial reality and everything else. Whether regionally or expanded, it basically
already has occurred - now we can observe how much this plague is going to spread,
but there is no preventive measure for these events.

We are not discussing about peace here, but how all of this is going to reflect to the
world. We have entered a whole new phase with this. What is happening on the back
of all this, is beyond a mere peace, and beyond a mere war, even if this involves large
scale war.

The situation is beyond what is achievable by these regional RTR's now. In previous
intervals, the forces at work we are dealing with, have to do with the enemy and their

That is one aspect of it, the foolish Rabbis and foolish TV personalities, and the other
fools of this planet. The Final RTR will press upon this bleeding wound like bandage,
but we are bandaging inside a greater climate of disaster. This is something else
entirely, and other Rituals will cover these larger events. These are related to the Gods
and these are necessary.

I have to say the facts here, this time, it is all something on another league. This is the
reason we have been doing these Rituals, to procure the powers of the Gods.

For a lessened situation, we could definitely do RTR's, but now that is very serious.
For all this time, it has not been like this. The last 2-3 years, the enemy has been
going all in.

The Final RTR is part of this, and also attacks the higher layers of this. Other RTR's
which are specific, are lower level weapons. Now, as the situation dictates, we need
specific spiritual weaponry, and yes, we need the Gods in this. As everyone here
knows, Astarte was behind and a guiding force for our people for aeons.
Below, there will be the Ritual of Lady Astarte, the Schedule, Notes and How To Do

For the JoS Protection Ritual, how we direct this with imagination is important: You
must imagine that no matter what happens, all Spiritual Satanists worldwide, do have
an aura of protection around them that is very strong. This imagination can include
those living in Russia and the Ukraine more specifically during this schedule. The
imagination here is key, imagining that all Spiritual Satanists, if this involves a war
region, are safe and protected, and that they have the ability to easily move away, be
in safety etc etc.

If you feel uncertain, just do the Ritual regularly, and ask a Demon to help with the
direction of the energy.

of this post.

This Schedule will be rather simple:

-The Rituals are to be done in this priority, from left to right

25th: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.

26th: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
27th: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
28th: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
1st: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
2nd: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
3rd: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.

Links to the Rituals


JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual -


[For Soaring's Version]

One more link -

OR the regular PDF version :'s%20Power%20Ritual.pdf

She was known to the Canaanites as ASTARTE, to the Sumerians, she was known as
INANNA, to the Babylonians, she was known as ISHTAR to the Assyrians and the
Akkadians, ASHTART, ASHTORETH, ASHERAH, and ASTORETH, to the Egyptians,
ISIS, ASHET AND ASET, to the Phoenicians, she was known as TANIT-ASHTART and
ASHTAROTH. Her Ugaritic name was ANAT.

• Zodiac Position: 10-20 degrees of Capricorn

• December 31st-January 9th
• Tarot Card: 3 of Pentacles (Azazel told me the Ace of Cups)
• Planet: Venus
• Candle Color: Brown or Green
• Animal: Cobra or Viper
• Metal: Copper
• Element of Earth
• Rank: Grand Duke of the Western Regions of Hell; Crowned Princess
• Astaroth is a Guidance Councilor for both Demons and humans. She deals in
mostly human affairs
• Astaroth rules 40 legions of spirits and is a Day Demoness
• Astaroth is also The Treasurer of Hell

Astaroth is a very ancient Goddess. She has been with humanity, as have Satan and
Beelzebub, since the beginning. Astaroth is Satan's daughter. She did not want this to be
known until recently [October 2016]. She has always been very popular, much loved and
revered in locales where she was worshiped. Because she has been with us since the
beginning, she has been known by several different names, as she has been the Chief
Goddess in many different areas and cultures. She has been known as a Goddess of fertility,
love, and war.

From High Priestess Maxine:

"My experience- Astaroth is very beautiful with light blonde hair. Though tall, she is delicately
built. Astaroth's colors are red and blue. She sometimes appears with white wings with red
and blue streaks in them. She often visits me and other JoS clergy on her own and is a friend
and guide for us."

From High Priest Hooded Cobra 666:

"Astarte is the most important Goddess of the Ancient World. She is loved globally, is the all
powerful force of what is feminine, the emotion of love, power and glory. Being one of the
most advanced Goddesses, there is no compare to her. She has been alongside Azazel one
of humanity's patron deities, leading humanity into the Magnum Opus and the mysteries of
raising the Kundalini Serpent. Her knowledge, power and beauty is beyond compare, and the
depth of her mysteries is abysmal and something humanity always seeks to comprehend - be
this in the heavens or the earth. The Queen of the Stars, Nature, Purity and Beauty, she
represents the highest elevation of the human soul but also of the female by definition ".

For advanced knowledge in regards to Astarte, allegories and more extensive information
about the Goddess, click here.

Wall of Inanna in Uruk

Astaroth’s Sigil

Astaroth's Symbols,
derived from the Egyptian Ankh

The clusters of three dots at the points of the star of her sigil are extremely ancient
and denote her high spiritual rank. Her sigil also depicts important points of the human
soul, as can be seen from the Venus glyph with the inverted cross symbolizing the all-
important solar chakra and the pillars of the soul on each side.
As the Sumerian Goddess "Inanna" she was known as a powerful warrior and her
sacred animal was the lion. Below are photos of the Lions that guarded her temple at
Her sacred city was Uruk, one of the oldest cities of Sumer where she had her temple;
in the lower right photo above are the ruins. Under her rule, the people of Sumer and
their communities prospered and thrived. She had shrines and temples in many cities
in the Ancient Middle East.
Her Sumerian title "Queen of Heaven" was stolen by Christians and used for their
fictitious "Virgin Mary" which is an imposter.

Astaroth was also the Babylonian Goddess, Ishtar. Babylonian scriptures called her
the "Light of the World," "Goddess of Goddesses," and "Bestower of Strength."
The "Ishtar Gate," built approximately 575 BCE
was the main entrance into Babylon. It was the
eighth of one of eight gates of the inner city.
King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon dedicated
the Gate to Ishtar. It was one of the most
impressive monuments in the ancient Near
East. The Ishtar Gate was decorated with
dragons, bulls, and lions. Along with Ea [Satan]
and Enlil [Beelzebub], she wound up in the
grimoires when Judeo/Christianity arrived on the
scene as one of the top Crowned Princes of
Hell. These three were the most popular and
well known deities in the Middle East. Their
reputations were destroyed; they were viciously
slandered, blasphemed, and demonized;
labeled as "evil."

"Although Sidon is respected, it could not be forgotten that her goddess was Ashtart, a
name the Israelite scribe wrote with the five consonants 'strt', and vocalized them by
the vowels of the familiar Hebrew word for "shame," making the Sidonian goddess
appear in the bastard form Astoreth."
–Excerpt from "Recovering Sarepta, A Phoenician City by James B. Pritchard, 1978

"Of the various spellings of the name, Astarte, is found the Tel Amara letters. The
Hebrew Astoreth arose when the rabbinical school of the Massoretes in the sixth
century decided to adopt a conventional system to compensate for the lack of vowels
in written Hebrew, and at the same time to insert in the names of foreign divinities the
vowels from the word 'boshet', meaning abomination."
-Excerpt from "Who's Who Non-Classical Mythology by Egerton Sykes, 1993
Above are the remains of the Temple Isis, originally on Philae Island, had to be moved
to Agilqiyya Island [above] during the construction of the Aswan dam to save them
from flooding.

Astaroth answers truly concerning past, present, and future She discovers all secrets,
and is an excellent teacher of the liberal sciences. She causes one to have prophetic
dreams and/or visions about the future and gives insight into the unknown. She also
counsels humans who are close to Satan and actively working for him. She obtains
friendship of those in power and represents luxury and ease.

Easter [originally known as "Ashtar"] was stolen from her by the Christians.

Artwork done by Marcos Macias

Astarte: Hieratic Information

The knowledge presented in this page is advanced and contains information for those
who want to get to know Lady Astarte more in depth. There is also the containing of
hieratic [deeply spiritual] knowledge such as the Divine Names of Astarte.

In regards to additional information on Divine Names, these are Names which are the
numerologically sound Divine Names to use for Summoning and Invocation:

Divine Names: Divine Symbols:

• [*]Inanna [Pronounced EEN-AHN-NAH] • Eight Pointed Star

• [*]Astarte [Pronounced AS-TAR-TEE]* • Lunar Disk
• [*]IA-ASTARHT-Y [Pronounced EE-A ASTA- • Horns
RHT-EE] • Bull's Head
• Aphrodite [APHRO-DEE-TEE] • The Yoni
• Isis/Isida [EE-SEE-DYA] • The Egg
• Lion's Head
*such as the word for Star • Green Fields, Leaves
and Pastures

Divine Numbers and Attributes:

• Numbers: 5, 55, 10, 8, 51*

Psalm of Astarte:
• Planet: Venus
• Runes: [In that order of importance]: Fehu,
Gebo, Gera, Uruz.
Psalm Astarte
• Zodiac Sign of Power: Taurus/Aries
• Divine Animal Symbol: The Lion, The Bull, The
Rabbit, The Swan

Important Titles:
Divine Forces:
• Queen Of Heaven
• Birth
• Queen Of The Stars
• Union
• Mother Of Gods And
• Beauty
• Growth
• Holy Mother
• Generation
• Mother Earth
• Procreation
• The Lady
• Harmony
• Aldebaran's Queen
Inanna [Sumerian], Aphrodite/Artemis/Demeter [Ancient Greek], Diana/Venus/Ceres
[Roman], Freya [Norse/Germanic], Astarte/Ashtart [Caanite], Isis/Aset/Ashet
[Egyptian], Ishtar [Assyrian], Tanit-Ashtart or Ashtaroth [Phoenician], Atargatis [Syriac],
Usash [Rig Veda]

Other Names:

[*]There is no problem to also casually refer to her as Astaroth, or even as Venus, or

Isis. However, the hieratic Names are above and will give the best contact for spiritual
works such as summoning.

Inanna, the Great Goddess, incarnates the highest forms of spiritual power, but also
numerous of the most important universal ideals. Astarte is such a prominent and
powerful Deity, that she has been worshiped by all Ancient Pagan religions under
many different Names, aliases and identities.

Naturally, she is a most defamed Pagan Deity that the enemy constantly is in terror
and awe against. Jewish sources perverted her Divine Name, corrupting it to mean
“Astoreth” and calling her by demeaning terminology. The defamation against her is
great, endless, and can only compare to Satan and Beelzebub, or her Twin Brother
Azazel. In Sumer, they were also brother and sister, with Azazel being Shammash/Utu
and her being his sister [Inanna]. Both were given extensive authorities by Satan and
Enlil, to guide humanity towards enlightenment.

Venus Isis Astarte



Astarte is mentioned in the enemy Bible, as a “cursed” deity that was of worldwide
renown and was of course slandered and defamed to no end by the Jews. Jews are
the only people on earth to have slandered the Goddess and all that is represented by
her. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that Astarte was the most beloved Female
Goddess there ever was in the history of mankind, with many Goddesses playing an
immortal role, but her standing clearly in the forefront.

One of the greatest attacks Astarte has received was her mere equation with external
beauty, or aspects of prostitution, all of which are rooted in Rabbinical attacks
launched against the Great Goddess. This slander is perpetuated in the Bible but also
later Rabbinical works. Astarte strongly emphasized to me when writing this page, to
explain that her symbolism is of Love in all its levels, while covering her complete
personality. Love has many levels, and is not only sexual as commonly promoted by
the enemy or people who are misguided by incomplete information.

The major factual truth behind Astarte’s major symbolism, is that she is the Goddess of
love that unites the Soul, a profound spiritual power that dominates the universe.
Included in this, Inanna/Astarte/Aphrodite also rules love in levels such as the sexual
or the reproductive level. Likewise, She has expressed that people need to be
reminded that love is, except of carnal and sexual, the love we have for family,
tradition, one another, but also, the strongest bond of love that forms between the
mother and the children. No jewish attacks could ever reach her glory. She still
remains loved worldwide, appreciated and respected.
All her powers as explained in this page, are only droplets in the eternal sea of
Astarte’s power and knowledge. The bible is chock full of these grotesque references
that demean the Great Goddess.

Even the enemy knows in full these do not represent the real character of Astarte,
which will be given in this page, but it’s all part of their propaganda against the
Greatest Goddess of Mankind.

“In biblical Hebrew the noun astarot, derived from the divine name Ashtart/Astarte,
means “increase, progeny,” an indication of Astarte’s fertility functions. Also, in Egypt
Astarte is known as a goddess of fertility, as she, along with Anath, is called one of
“the great goddesses who conceive but do not bear.”

Although they are not as well known as her fertility characteristics, Astarte also has
associations with war, shown in several Egyptian representations in which she carries
weapons of war and in descriptions in both Egyptian and Ugaritic texts that
characterize her as a warrior goddess. […]

She is labeled the “lady of heaven” in several second-millennium B.C.E. Egyptian

texts, and in the first-millennium B.C.E. inscription of Eshmunazor, she is called
“Astarte of the highest heavens.” In Phoenician Sidon, the city most associated with
the goddess’s cult (see Judg 10:6; 1 Kgs 11:5, 33; 2 Kgs 23:13), her sacred precinct is
called “highest heavens.” Phoenician sources also report Astarte’s identification with
Venus, the morning and evening star. […] In the Hebrew Bible, the worship of Astarte
is repeatedly condemned […]” [1]

The name Astarte, is etymologically close to the Ancient Greek Word “Astron” which
means “Star” [2], an allusion both to the starry beauty of Astarte herself, but also to the
fact that she has been called many epithets like the “Queen of Heaven”. Astarte’s
beauty, internal and external, has been incomprehensible in the aeons.

Words like Astro-logy are derived from her Divine Name. A common epithet given to
many Gods, relating to Astarte’s Name, was “Astroos or Astroa” [3], which means “He
or She of the Stars”. The allusion about the descent to mankind and the arrival of the
Gods from the Stars is a well known subject in all Ancient Pagan religions.

Even today in English, we unconsciously call beautiful women and men who are of
profound beauty as “A Star”, to affirm this starry quality about a person. The word
“Astreos” which means “Of the Stars” is a common Ancient Greek epithet for people
who are of starry or supreme qualities, but also used for Gods very frequently. The
Statue of Liberty, which wears the Crown of A-Star in New York, is symbolic of
Astarte’s influence into the United States. The Statue itself, was inspired from Egyptian
Artwork. [4]
Astarte’s powerful connection to Satan is a self evident reality. One of Satan’s
important epithets, “EOSFOROS”, the Ancient Greek form for the Latin “Lucifer”,
means “Bringer of the Light”. The first part of this word, the word Eos, is a code word
for Astarte. Eos is a Goddess of Ancient Greek Mythology that rules the light of the
Dawn, the soft spiritual light which is a perfect time for human beings to meditate.
Ushash, which is the Sanskrit name for Eos, is a significant time for meditation each
day, also referred to as the "Time of Worship" in spiritual code. The latter part of the
word "EOSFOROS", “Foros” translates to “bringer” [5] and symbolizes of the soft light
of the dawn. [6]

Lucifer in the Bible, Astarte’s and Azazel’s Father, was called “The son of the morning/
dawn”. The same was the title for Eos.

Statue of Liberty & Eostre/Ostara, Goddess of Spring

From the Ancient Greek Eos, in a linguistic interpretation, we also have a direct link
with the Goddess Of The Germanic People “Eostre”, whose reconstructed Name
points to the Name “Austro” which is as I explained prior, the source of the Name for
our beloved Astarte in Ancient Greek. Her name as Eostre or Ostara, reveals her
strong association and love for her Father Satan Lucifer, but also, her strong relation
with Azazel/Apollo and their light bringing and life bestowing qualities of rebirth.

Her season is Spring, the season through which nature regenerates and new life
comes into being. The stolen celebration of Easter, is even in name stolen from the
Great Goddess. An even more obvious and popular manifestation of her Name, is the
country named “Austria”, which would mean, “Land of the Astra” or “Stars”. Astarte is a
Goddess of nature, something well known in all of her history, but also admitted by the
enemy. Sacred trees, green pastures, the beauty of nature, animals and anything that
is a blessing of beauty into this planet is ruled by Her. She is a caretaker of nature,
and through her power she is a sustainer of life and existence, human and animal.
She is a Goddess of blossoming life, a symbol of eternal creative recreation, fertility,
birth and finally, rebirth after death.

Eos, strongly correlated with Selena [Goddess of the Moon], is known in Ancient
Greek mythology of being twin sister of the Sun – Helios in Greek – In the same way
Artemis is ruler of the Moon and is the Twin Sister of Apollo, the manifest power of the
Sun. Numerous stories of Astarte bestowing immortality to human beings exist, such
as Selene’s bestowal of Eternal Youth to a human named Endymeon. [7]

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans
who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this

Pictured here is one of her Temples in Ancient Greece [Temple of Artemis in Ephesus].
The Temple was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and one of the most
magnificent temples to have ever been built. In the mysterious paintings of the temple,
the Amazons and their Queen Otrera were illustrated, while the temple was rife with
spiritual allegories. In one of these allegories, Astarte takes the form of a warrior
aspect again as part of mythological allegory.
An Ancient Greek named Antipater, is quoted of the mention of her temple in his work
Greek Anthology: "I have set eyes on the wall of lofty Babylon on which is a road for
chariots, and the statue of Zeus by the Alpheus, and the hanging gardens, and the
colossus of the Sun, and the huge labour of the high pyramids, and the vast tomb of
Mausolus; but when I saw the house of Artemis that mounted to the clouds, those
other marvels lost their brilliancy, and I said, "Lo, apart from Olympus, the Sun never
looked on aught so grand."

The Aspects of Astarte

She encompasses everything that is feminine, the many faces of the feminine powers
that run both in our species and also the cosmos. The wisdom of her mysteries is in-
depth, and in Ancient Greek mysteries but also many mythologies, she is “Divided”
into many “Aspects”. The reason of these divisions is because of how complex and
how Advanced she is.

The “Aphrodite” or Love/Attraction Aspect – Astarte As Incarnation Of Maximum

Beauty & Fertility

Inanna, as a rule, represents the power of Venus, the power of Love. On this
representation, she represents the external world, the observable beauty, the beauty
of the form, external beauty and measure. There is no Goddess that is as beautiful as
she is. Yet, this connotation hides many hidden meanings except of the meanings of
pure external beauty.

In this form of the power of beauty, she is represented by Aphrodite. Falsely, and due
to the fall of consciousness of mankind, Astarte has been credited mostly as a
Goddess of external sexual beauty. Sexual attraction is very important, is related to the
procreative drive, and is necessary for human existence. Going higher, Venus also
rules love in its entirety, from the lower aspects to the higher aspects.

In the Symposium of Plato, Aphrodite in this aspect is divided in two levels: The
"Uranian Aphrodite" or Heavenly Aphrodite, and the "Pandemos Aphrodite" or "Earthly"
and "People's" Aphrodite. Each represent a different face of the Goddess, one focused
on carnal procreation, while the other represents the higher powers of the notion of

Beauty, while in its external form is arguably what makes life worth living as in art and
culture, is also a manifestation of other deeper notions such as harmony. For Plato
and other Ancient Philosophers, the manifestation of beauty is also the manifestation
of sublime ideals such as balance, harmony, equilibrium and perfection. Plato and
Socrates have expanded upon the numerous meanings of the word "Beautiful" and the
given philosophical notions of the term, which deal with the world of ideas [astral
realm] and deal with the confounding of the universe. [8]

The all encompassing importance of the notion of love and all its manifestations, falls
under her power associated with the Planet Venus. As explained in the beginning of
this page, Aphrodite and the rule of the feeling of Love is showing a hidden spiritual
procedure, that of the union of the Soul through Spiritual Alchemy.

Plato writes on Phaedro about the distinction of the two types of love: Carnal love
[called Eros from which the word “erotic” today was made] and Spiritual love [union of
the soul]. These types of love are fundamental in survival and human procreation, yet
at the same time the same spiritual force leads to enlightenment. [9]

In Spiritual Mythology, Astarte has many lovers, including makers of the first human
civilizations like Dumuzid, or the famous myth of Aphrodite and Adonis. These are only
to name a few. Behind these mythologies, there rests a very important parable, that
explains that the power of the Goddess acts directly to help humanity and mere
mortals. The idyllic love built between these two is not focused on the erotic aspect,
but on the aspect of bonding the soul. Inanna’s descent into the underworld to save
the mythical hero/god Dumuzid, is synonymous with the spiritual allegory of Demeter
and the descent of Persephone on the underworld. [10]

The story of Adonis and Aphrodite, regardless, has went down in history as one of the
most beautiful love stories to ever have existed.
Likewise, for the Germanic People, Astarte represents everything stated in this page
under her name as Freya, including love and procreation. Encyclopedia Britannica
explains further: “Like the Egyptian goddess Isis and the Greek Aphrodite, Freyja
traveled through the world seeking a lost husband and weeping tears of gold.” [11]
However, that brings us automatically into the next step in the analysis of the Goddess
of Goddesses.

The “Artemis” or Virgin Aspect – Justice And Spiritual Power

As Artemis, Astarte's symbol of power is

the Lunar Disk, but also her powerful
prowess, being the Twin Sister of Apollo
[Azazel and Astarte are twins]. Artemis
lives in the forest, in the wilderness, and
rules over the Moon and its Cycles. In that
respect, her rule of the Moon is again
representative of the feminine powers of
the Moon.

Like Azazel, she is called “Bright”

[Phoebia], a connotation to her spiritual
ranking and strength. Another common
power of Artemis, is that Artemis can exact
extraordinary punishment for violation of
spiritual edicts of the Gods, like Apollo
does. When Astarte wants to punish, one
word describes what these punishments
entail: “Terrifying”. [12]

The Ancient Spartans also worshiped

Venus in a warrior aspect, and the same is
the case with the Babylonians and
Assyrians with Inanna, for Astarte is a Warrior Goddess and a Fertility Goddess to

The Ancient Spartan war machine, known by all people of the world and even admired
worldwide today, had Aphrodite as their main city state Goddess. Under this, she was
called "Aphrodite Areia" [Arya]. Sparta was renown for treating women as the pupil and
the eye of the Spartan world. At the same time, Spartan women reciprocated to this
behavior by being deserving of the high praise and creating new life. [13]

The nature of chastity or virginity in the Artemis symbol, is because the Moon or the
inner part of the soul, does remain virgin and unadulterated. It is the part of the soul
we carry through each lifetime, which defines who we are. Adulterated and virgin not
only concerns sexual relationships, but how one must keep their soul and spirit pure
from external evil and negative influences.

In that regard, the ability to fight back against injustice and negativity becomes rather
necessary. Artemis is a Goddess of supernal wisdom and destructive prowess, and
Artemis represents the direct aspects of warfare that deal with direct destruction, no
different than an aspect of Aphrodite as explained above.

Artemis, except of a huntress, is also the protector of nature, wildlife, and was the
most venerated Goddess in Ancient Greek for the rural people. Like Azazel/Apollo, she
protects the children and the young and innocent, while she smites with death and
disease those who destroy what is sacred. She was called “Mistress of all the Animals”
as a form of a honorary title. [14]

It must be kept in mind, that animals and animal life is sacred in Spiritual Satanism,
and while Artemis is symbolic of killing livestock for consumption or for hunting, she
also establishes the balance with the living environment of life, something that
humanity must have a goal to achieve. Artemis is the protector of the wildlife.

Isis or Demeter – The Mother Of The Earth, Gods And World Aspect

Demeter is the Goddess of the Harvest,

which deals with the fertility and the
creation of mother Earth. The production of
food, the laws of life and death, but also
the deep occult mysteries of the Female
Priestesses of Ancient Greece and the
Eleusenian Mysteries, were created under
the teachings of Astarte. These were some
of the most secret mysteries in the Ancient
World, where initiates learned siddhis and
received enlightenment. [15]

In her aspect as Demeter, Astarte is the

most apocryphal and secretive of her
aspects. In the depiction of the left, we
have two hidden occult meanings on this
painting. One word writes "ΕΝΙΑΥΤΟΣ",
which means "Inner Self" or the "True Self". On the other word, we have "ΕΛΕΥΣΙΣ"
which means "The Coming" or "To Become". Demeter here shows the disciple the
secrets to bring the birth of the higher self, or the "Second Birth".

The same history is repeated in her identity as Danu, in Irish folklore and mythology.
As Danu, she precedes over the Tuatha De Danann. The Tuatha De Danann are an
Irish folklore history about the Gods and the people that existed in Ireland before the
present day Irish came to live there, who exhibited extreme powers of the mind and
soul, but were most knowledgeable in the spiritual arts of the Gods. Dana [Astarte] is
shown here also as their mother. [16]

The depth of her mysteries is extensive, and the importance of these mysteries was
the “Descent into the Underworld”, which the Goddess Demeter’s most famous
allegory is related to. The underworld, is symbolic of the astral plane and realms of the
dead, but also of the re-connection of the soul with one’s spiritual powers.

In this myth, Demeter’s daughter, Persephone, descends into the underworld to finally
get saved and brought to her mother again. The Myth of the “Descent”, also famous in
Sumerian and Ugaritic history of Astarte. This story was called “Astarte’s Descent Into
the Underworld”, and is the restoration of the Fallen Serpent Power [Fertility Power]
and re-uniting this power with the Divine Mother or Demeter [the head of the spiritual

When this spiritual process is completed, “Spring”, the Greek word of this being
“Aneksis” which means “Opening” does occur, and the person finally opens up their
spiritual faculties which allow the person to go back and forth into the “Realm of the
Dead” or the Astral Plane and the physical world. The spring and blossoming of the
soul happens, as the Chakras are also commonly in all Pagan Traditions depicted as
flowers, and then one finally blossoms and returns to the “Divine Mother” or Demeter.

Unconsciously, from the name Demeter, we today in English speak of “The Mother”
which is close to the word De- mater in its pronunciation. In modern German, “The
Mother” is still called “Die Mutter” which is another alteration of the latter aspect of the
word Demeter. Her association with the Earth, the Harvest, the family and household,
but also the earth and the soil in itself, made her over time to be entitled as “Mother
Earth”. Like Isis, she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever
they require for life.

In her Egyptian alias as Isis, Isis is portrayed as being the Mother of “Horus the
Savior”, from which “Holy Mary the Mother Of Jesus the savior” was stolen from. That
constitutes one of the greatest blasphemies and corruptions against the Goddess. [17]

Astarte’s Divine Symbols: The Power of Astarte’s Sigil

The star as an occult symbol is clearly illustrated in
Astarte’s Sigil. This Symbol is also called the
“Pythagorean Perfection Symbol”, also frequently
associated with Satan Himself, represents the unity of the
5 elements in the human being.
The elements of water, fire, air and earth represent the body and the lower functions,
while the Aether or the 5th element represents the finer substance of the soul and
connector of all the other elements.

The power of this symbol is very deep, universal, and is one of the most important
sacred geometrical shapes. The fact that one pentagram can indefinitely go inside
another pentagram, represent the infinity of the creative energy of the cosmos,
represented in human beings as the drive of procreation and life with every
succeeding generation.

Her Sigil represents a case where spiritual alchemical notions inside a sigil are
overabundant. It would not be an understatement to say that most if not all the
mysteries of the human soul are explained in her very sigil.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


1. Beware since this is an enemy source, but it just reveals plainly that the Jews know everything the
non-Jews do not: Astarte is the Greatest and only Good – everything bad about here is mere slander
created by the Jews. “Jewish Women’s Archive: Astarte: Bible” -

2. Dictionary of Ancient Greek, “Astro” word, J. Stamatakos

3. Ibid 2, “Astroos” word.

4. Ibid 2, “Feron”.

5. Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman Mythology, Luke Roman and Monica Roman

6. Ibid 5, p.343

7. Ibid 5, "Eos" section.

8. For more on this topic, refer to Plato’s and Socrate’s Symposium [a very complex text, deeply
philosophical, requires a thorough analysis to understand fully].

9. Also, Plato’s Phaedrus explains the notion of philosophical love. Be aware that due to cultural
differences and desecration of meanings [mostly caused by the church or stupid analysts who do not
know anything of spiritual alchemy], meanings have been quite perverted. The text itself is still very
valuable regardless.

10. "Descent Into the Underworld Myth" - A most famous Occult Myth of the Ancient People - For
11. Encyclopedia Britannica, "Freyja" section

12. Ibid 5, “Artemis” section

13. For further reading: “It is believed that the warlike depiction of Aphrodite belongs to her very
earliest acolytes and cults in Cyprus and Cythera, where there was a strong eastern influence during
the Orientalizing Period.[3] This depiction can trace Aphrodite's descent from older Middle Eastern
goddesses such as the Sumerian Inanna, Mesopotamian Ishtar, and Phoenician Astarte.[4][5] In
Cyprus, Aphrodite was also referred to by the epithet "Aphrodite Encheios" (Aphrodite with a spear),
and it has been suggested that the cult was brought from Cyprus to Sparta.[3] She was also known by
this name on the Areopagus and at Corinth.[6]” – From the Wikipedia Page of Aphrodite Areia

14. Ibid 5, "Artemis" section

15. The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology, “How Hades abducted Persephone as his bride,
but was finally obliged to share her with her mother”, page 125

16. Encyclopedia Britannica Online: “Tuatha De Danann” & “Goddess Dana”

17.“Christ in Egypt”: The Horus-Jesus Connection, D. M. Murdock

*From Father Satan directly to High Priest Hooded Cobra

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